22 - There are a few of [PDF]

John Holobinko, Sr. John Holobinko, sr., Keans burg, who died Apr. 23, 1957, left his savings In the Keans burg National

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Oct 2, 1988 - 3-year-old daughter, Jennifer, at his side. "I think he's very deserving (of the promotion)," said Police Com- missioner Joseph Valinoti. "He's the kind of ...... Kenneth Bur- nette, in charge of the Atlanta pre- cinct where some of the

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lor QUALITY AUTO IMPRTR. Must have thoro knowledge of current .... a fully nualiflfir margin clerk, ahi is.we said previguslv, top notch margir clerks.jarn $190'a week. That does no nclude' tfwijf fluarteriy or annu" bonuses, The~-oppty" is yours. A-

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At the suggestion of Cranford. Chapter, 3,/ American War Bads, the. Township Committee Tuesday night ptfd a resolution requesting local a I alcoholic beverages to close on V-E. Day. , Township Clerk J. . Walter. Coffee was authorized to contact the a

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FROM NICARAGUA. A Duck and Opossum Dinner Wan. Given for Him and Hla Relatives and Friends nt the Homo of His. Farcnta nt Tort Monmouth. Capt. and ...... ntci. Vdl iinl. • ,1. The nil- u tho;*" i P i r M r r e d f « r t h e last, | i r c -. ("tdii

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Jul 8, 1986 - lunchbreak from their construction jobs in Middletown yesterday. •y M M *MEEN M i .... Teddy's at the point he would like to move a little faster than his body is ready to do. That's a really good sign," Hat- zfeld said. • Ho said P

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FROM NICARAGUA. A Duck and Opossum Dinner Wan. Given for Him and Hla Relatives and Friends nt the Homo of His. Farcnta nt Tort Monmouth. Capt. and ...... ntci. Vdl iinl. • ,1. The nil- u tho;*" i P i r M r r e d f « r t h e last, | i r c -. ("tdii

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The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Chinese Proverb

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Nothing in nature is unbeautiful. Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Idea Transcript




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89th Y E A R — 8th W E E K

Uemftti NaUooai Editorial A#*oclatloD , New Jersey Presi AwociaUofl .


Coast Guard Patrol Boat Locates Submerged Plane-In'.Which Three Died

Single Copy Ten Cents

First Aid Prize Surprises First Aid

Engineer Will Not Approve Tax Map

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This picture was taken at 9:20 a.m. this morning at I*lghthouse Beach, Keansburg, right after the wreckage of the plane that crashcd Into Raritan Bay last night had been spotted under water and the first grapple hnd been put down by the

holmdel Voids Seaman’s Proviso

Uembet ., Oounly t*roai

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Coast Guardsmen. Sgt. Joseph Hall, Keyport State Polloo. (extreme left), and Chief Alphonsus McGrath, Keansburg. l ‘o lice, (second from left), supervise tlio operation white twa Coast Guardsmen and another trouper keep up a semaphore signal communication with tho patrol boat crew.

Holmdel Township Commit* tec Thursday signed.tbe con* tract with Municipal Revalua­ tions, inc., Mnplowpod, for a reassessment ond tax map for tho township without a proviso in tbe $20,000 contract that the township engineer should upprove tl)o tax map before pay­ ment Is made. Otis Seaman, Long Branch, township, engineer, had cau­ tioned the township committee that Its municipal engineer should have tho right to ro* view work dono on a tax map before it is approved, J. Frank Welgand, Keyport, township attorney, .related he h a d sought to get Municipal Re* valuations. Inc., to accept the proviso but they had refused in enter Into a contract with any such clause. ■..... • The attorney'averred the tax map would have certification in that it would have to meet the standards of tho bureau of engineers and railroad taxa­ tion of tho state division of taxation, so tho .township oould yield safely on tho point of the municipal onglnpor'a, approval. Ho was positive tho revalua­ tion firm would consider any suggestions Mr. fl e a m n ij would have to make, M a y o r Jnmes H. Aokorson saw Uio situation so tight on gottlne ft revaluations firm, of roputp to work at-tho figure tho Maplo: wood organization offered, the prudent thing wns to sign them up. IIo and Committeeman John S. VanMater, tlio t w o members of t h e govorning body present, voted to e n t o r Into the contract. . Pay Architect's Fee The committeemen voted to (continued pn page thirteen)

rrcnlddit lto.v f), Mntthcwii of llin Mutatvitn Townshlu-Jflrst Aid Hqiinil. (lrft), hHow» hla pleasure and Kuri>rlno nn Im uoccpln tlio hill or nalo for u TlumiiiMin hunt wllh a Knott Atwutor 10 liorno power outkonrd motor ami Carry Craft Trailer from Hr, nnd Mrn, John llynn, 2 West Prospect Ht„ ltlvor Onnlcni, Tho squad dlnpoxr-d nf tlio hunt on Iho oo-n|>orittlvo lilnu and It was won by Mr. anil Mrs, llyan. Thoy, howovor, wanted tho limit tinofl for rciiOUO lMirPukcs bo presented It to (ho hu^ uU lo help tho Volunloora In tliolr work. The draft U valued n( approximately $1400. ' . . .

Ambulance Crash Injures Squadmcn

Open New Store

MHS Cafeteria To Be Continued

The Matawan Bruneli of Koyport Cleaner* will move Seek P.O. Location Schools To Open. on Monday from 110 M a i n Into new and 1a i t o r A. A Vortells, N e w a r k : The . officc of the Mon­ Matawan Twp, Rig In HI. Half Sessions Will quartern at Ml Main St. Tho Real Estate Officer of tho mouth County Superinten­ new storo will fonturo mod­ Cliffwood Collision Decrease Its Use Post Olflce Department, lias dent of Schools, Freehold, ern facllitluH for miallty und announced t h a t proposals this week, open­ Mntawan Township First Aid Despite tho fact Matawnn • Wreckage In Bay Not announced name day dry cleaning wcrvOld Bridge Residents will bo rcccivcd up to. a n d ing days for all school dis­ Squad's ambulanco was In a loo. Clothing taken by 10 High Buliool will ho on h a l t tricts In the county. Parents Located Till Morning Spurn Wait For Sewer Including Sept. 15 to furnish collision at Routo 35 and Cllff­ a.m. will bo ready by 5 p.m. Bcnsloim, Uiotoby gtoivlly . de* quarters for post office pur­ who plan to register t h e i r wood Avo. Sundny and bo bad­ Koyport ClotinorM started oronuhiK tho need for pupils to Three Bergen County men children for tlio first t l m o , The State Department of poses In llaclct. ly damaged lt had to ho put out In business In Koyport In obtnln.lmiehea nwuy from tliolr mot their deaths in a p l a n e are advised to call the clerk Health. Informed the Madison . Facilities aro to lnclado of operation. Tho’ tlrlvcr, S. II. 1010 and opened a b r a n c h own homes, 1111 attempt will bo crash off Lighthouse B e a c h , pf tbe ooard of education In Township Committee by letter £500 square feet of f l o o r Dllks, 32, Clllfwood Avo,, Cllff­ Ntoro In Matawan In 1020, mndo to kuop tho hlgU school.. Keansburg, at 8:35 p.m. last their district or the school Monday that closing the An- space: a lease for a term for wood, and Edward llyan, 30, Thoy were Uio first elcanera I enfetcrln going, Mrs.’ IU t li 0 I night. The bodies of two of the where they plan to enroll houser.Busch yeast plant and five to 10 years; heat; light; Plnohuist Dr.. C l l f f w o o d In tho aroit with delivery Hoyle, chulnniui of tho oafej n e n . were recovered when their youngster^ to get regis­ the Petor J. Schweitzer Co. pa­ power; water: lavatory ra* Beach, both sustnlnod hack In­ truokn, Tho business wnn In­ torla couimlttce, Informed tho they floated ashore in a'muti- tration dates. per-making factory In Spots- cilitics; v a u l t ; plumbing; juries nnd required medical at­ corporated tn 1047 by JoHoph iMntmvmi Township Board ol lated condition l a s t sight. Opening- dates for sohools wood would be tho only way of heating a n d lighting fix­ tention. Tho driver o! tllfc auto .-Hleacl nnd Ills soiim, Hunuiel Jftduantlon Monday. ......... .. : r Keansburg Police believe Uie In the area arc as followBt ending the pollution of t h e tures* Important considera­ I Involved, A. O. Luvonocn, 40, aud WlUlnm, Thn schuol plan used t hi s-, body of the third man was pin- ' Keansburg, Sept. 4; Ke y * South River at t,hls time. The tions will bo given for a |Leonardo, did not report In­ The (deaners ftmturcN a year will permit tho t hl i - d, ncd In tho, wrecked plane. • port, Sept. 4; M a r l b o r o state body did not consldor reasonably central location, juries, He wns ablo to drlvo completo laundry service, us fourth nnd filth untdea in . There was an all night .Township, Sept. 9; Matawan, such a move either “ practi­ good daylight, and accessi­ hla car fvom tho sccno e v e n welt as dry oloanlng, luclml- MivtawftH lfl\is)wonttvty BctuoV . : bility to rear ot side cnthough It' .waa smashed.' ln lng bauhelor bundle*, Hhcets to got luniihcs at the h i g h . search; for the wrecked plapc, Sept. 4; Raritan. Township, cal” or "fair,” ln that b o t h t --.y . .•• companies ;]liave entered .Into , tranac for m a i l s * > ; 'v nlong ilts-right.nldo, Tho left anil plUoH’ cwaen nnd •which "-.apparently submerged Sept. 1C; V n l o n B e a c h , aoheol onfetoi'j»r.: Mi*. . Ilo y J*., < contracts ’With thp Middlesex ^ I n - ’A w a t t U q n ' front of the ainhiilanco , M li a , af bpinnjrlttum, “ Tifl»r»^^ttfShed.tSetti6ns or'a Sept..:4.'""' '.’'--';':".;-.... * a ii r . --o■ County Sewerage -Authorities showing- all urea* included in ’ W ith Dr. ,4 •wlHgvan;d landlnB oenr .recov­ H lm an ■ baUur0 d.-Jn, naoovdtitff [;■> Cuj’C. uro^ ttom' tf hliri;1'iu ‘O' i».nr»r the proposal, location of pro­ J , Edstli' WllklnBon nm1 Pa­ to', use the ■facilltles.-of ■ ” th o tninihintiiig tho lunch s e I \n> ered "Indicate it to have been a Dr, E . Bernhard onnouncos trolman , Rnlph Wallace, town­ Monday through Thursday) provided f 0 r them liorotuforo Bouth River extension of tho posed- building thereon a n d ; B&echcralt Bonanza. M,o a e 1 0 A.m, lo fl p.m., Frltluj’, tho start of his general. prac­ ship police, who Investigated. Raritan Valley trunk sewer to abutting streets, alleys a n d In their own school, she nutcd, ;35. The main part of the plane and H a.m. to 0 p.m. on Sat­ widths, and sidewalk widths, tice ln association with Dr. F. Mr, DlllM Informed, tho offi­ urday. 0 a r r y off their Industrial -was not located until 9:15 a.m. Hnrold Dolnn, ohnlrmnn of; ' For further Information, cer tho ambulnneo htul come wastes. The sewerage system today when'a patrol boat anthe athletlo commtttco, abUilu* contact Mr. Vertclis at t h o Into the Intersection with 11 s ts scheduled to lie open t h i s cbored by It until the equip­ ed tipproval of a plan for In* Federal Building, Room 233, siren sounding warning. Thoro ment could be brought out, 150 Madison Planners Bar fall. siirlng nililctos, The lnsurnnco was disagreement between tho "The current suffering of Federal Square, Newark 1, -—.yards offshore, to raise it. .. Is at 111 per plnyer for football Browntown Water Co. the people in the Raritan Val­ or call Mitchell 2-2020, Ext. drivers, according to tho po­ and II,US per player for ollinr One man has been identified 243. Information also may be lice report, as tp whothcr thoir ley and the Old. Bridge a r e a upprts, lie estimated tho totol positively, as A l e x a n d e r s , Madison Township Planning obtained at the Ilaxlct Post traffic lights wero grocn or particularly Is one of the con­ oobt at about 101)0, As tho Hillman, 60, ntdgewood. T h e Board voted' last night to op> Officc. amber, sequences of the long delay board paid out $1300,10 forjttli-____ Nominations Mado other two men reported as Mrs, Ann Russell, J13, of 20 pose the application of t h e flitch' seems to have been nec­ lotic injuries duilnv the piisl. .... .having been aboard on a flight Center St., Mntawnn, wns re­ For Citizons' Group essary to accomplish the coun­ school j ’onr, Mr. Dolnn believ­ from Virginia to Tetcrboro Air­ Browntown W&ter Co. to draw ported yesterday r e l e a s e d ed the new Insurance highly port in Bergen County w e r e £00,000 gallons of water daily ty project/’ the letter recited. Plana for oloctlon of officers desirable, It pays up to WSOI) from Perth Amboy aenoral The reaction of Mayor John Hans Jacob, 54, Ridgewood, from Deep Run- Joseph H, Ed­ In Soptomljor were made hy Hospital whero she was taken for liny ono Injury. and Dr. Howard Yerker, Ridge gar, Highland Park, township L. Chamberlain and the town­ by Matawan First Aid Squad oltliignn seeking to form n per­ I'ralses Athletlo lllrntitcir wood. The trio took off for attorney, was asked to appear ship committeemen :to this let­ Sunday noon aftor hor n u t o manent, Indopoiident commit­ ter wns that the "sufferings” at the public hearing on the Tho nthlotlo illreotoi', J 0 h tt the Jamestown festival yester Driver On Revoked hnd lammed a brldgo abut­ tee for bottor nuhools In t h o of the pcoplo of Old B r i d g e application in Trenton Sept. Carauulolo, draw the praise of day momlns and were return* ment on Lloyd ltd,, one.-quar- Matawan Township 8 o h o o I had gone on long onough. The List Third Time lng home when the crash took and also to . contact the Perth tor-mllc south of Churoh St, District at it meotlng li e I d Mr. Dolan for having gulttcd ; Old Bridge Fresh Air Associa­ Amboy Water Works and the plale. . The Hussoll car wan wrooked Thursday ovontnu in tho MMfi- the athletic program thi'uitgh iv Keyport'a anil-speeding cam­ Duhernal Water Co. In the' ex­ tion members at the meeting tight fhmiiolul situation 1 n 1 1 Second Plane Stopped by tho Impact, Patrolman Wal- wnn lllgli Hcliool, were ln agreement when It paign went Into high gear with pectancy they, too, will be In v There had been a s e c o n d Tho mooting was1 iirodedod your, Mr. Dolun deolnred that laco rcportod. had reached a point where the tile fining of seven drivers by plane in the parly thnt l e f t opposition. film entitled only 141)00 lind been nllowcil Cars driven by Joseph B. by a s h o r t The Browntown Water Co. cesspool-llke smell was pollut­ Borough Miiglstrato Seymour Virginia with an additional Coward, 18, of Sli West Con­ “ Schools Far Tomorrow" (liter roi nthletleu und «he school ing the air so that paint fadod R. tCletnberg Aug. 14. The three persons aboard but that would draw the water for the course, Clllfwood Ueuoll, anil whloii Ocomo llensler, tempor­ lin’d ‘ Itatl lo borrow 1100 at the and peeled on houses nnd sil­ campaign had a further result plane stopped before the time Crestwood development t w o verware tarnished; Crawford PJ, Caroji, SO, llose ary clialnnnn, oalled for re­ oulset to complete Its equip* Irrcpar of drawing n driver who was of the accident at Lakchurst mlies east o f Route 9 and a wood Dr., Cllffwood B e a n h, ports of vnrlous cominlttco ment piir'chnios, meaning It 123'Broad Bt.. able damage to the health of on the revoked list Into the po­ . Airport. The reason for I t s mtle south of Route 18. James collided on Lakeshore Dr,, olmlrmon ns follows: conntltu wns starting tlio year with tlio Koyport. A former resident of residents and a possible need lice net a third time. athletlo recclpls account n n d landing was not known t h i s Tortorlce, a former b o a r d to abandon homes near t h e Patrolman Oeorge Nndler Brooklyn, N. Y,, Dr, Bcrnhnrd Cllffwood Beach, nt Its Inter- tlon and by laws, Frank Png- tho appropriation both oxhauil.' morning, but It could account chairman, disclosed that t b e rosldcs with hlB wlfo and child seollon with Went Concourse llaio; ways and means, John cd, Mr. Dolan said that M>v for the companion plane being Perth Amboy Water Works has river was foreseen If every­ stopped Floyd Brown, 378 Tex­ Mr. Cui'c'y reported he was go Nicholson; publicity, thn ltev, thing Is to be held up until the as Rd., Morganvllle, tor going In Keyport, caruoeiolo, by thrifty uso at somewhat off course on t h e two wells tapping Deep R u n opening of the trunk sewer, Dr. Bernhard attended New Ing west oil Lakeshore Dr. and Francis Osterslock: nomina­ Hate receipts, lind mnnaged to too fast at Broadway a n d Virgfola-Teterboro. run, accord- tbat only are used ln case of York and Long Island Unlvcr wns making a left turn I n t o tions, Mrs, J, Vlobrock, All re­ liold tho overall deficit to Front St. Tho man could not "Practical’’ Bolutlon emergency for fear of provok* lng to Keansburg Police. Went Concourse whon t h e ports received will bo filed for Joseph H. Edgar, Highland produce a driver's llccnso, sltles, having graduated with I'j;i7(l, First aid squads and f i r e ing salt water Inftltratton. 'Mr. (continued on page thirteen) honors ln prc-mcdlcal Btudlcs, crash occurred. Mr, Coward future roferoncc, eaulpmcnt were called to tbe Tortorlce called Deep Run the Park, township attorney, com For the coming year Mr, was going north on West Con­ Tho nomliiiitlmis commlttco lie attended the Italian Uni' merited thero was, a “ practi­ “ sacred w a t e r Dolan wns more hopeful, . l(a scenc last night from Keyport. township's verslty lor Forelgncra at Per course through tlio Intersec­ nuhinltted the following namea West Keansburg, East Keans- m ain” «coming in out of Nine* cal” solution. Ho said lt was a Put Under Bail For nakl thnt Ills request for 110,­ ugla, Italy, receiving a diplo­ tion. No Injuries woro roport­ as candidates: President, Lou 000 for atlilutlos had been out burg and Port Monmouth, in Miie-Bog. l i e foresaw D e ^ p state order to the two plants m a in proficiency ln the Ital­ ed, Pntrolman Wallace a a l d , hi Pa/.lenza: first vice p r o s addition to Keansburg. T h e Run surely ruined by 8ftlt wa* to truck out their effluent ln Centennial Disorder to 17001) by tlio 101)007 hoard, and both cars /ero able to Ident, anorge Hensler: second ian language and In courses bodies of Ihe two victims re­ ter if pumped out dally at the tank wagons until the t r u n k Complaint was signed by of Etruscology and Italian art lcavo tho sccno under t h e i r vice president, the tlov, Wll but Hint there was 1000 on sewer ts in operation. He askproposed Browntown rate. covered were taken to the Ryown power. llnin J. Hutcheson; tmasuror liund with whlcli to start tho (continued on page thirteen) Mark Franklin, Prlmroso St., and lltoraturo. (continued or page thirteen) (contlnucd on page thirteen* Mrs. II. Lnwton: recording yenr and no heavy equipment He continued mcdical i t uCllffwood, beforo Magistrate nccrclary, Mrs. Vlobrnok; cor­ needs, as were required lost Holmdel Twp. Schools dles at the University of Bo­ (continued 011 page thirteen) Luther A. Foster, Matawan responding secretary, Mrs. Jo logna, Italy, whot'a ho receiv­ neph flmltli. Township, Tuesday alleging ed his Doctor of Mcdlctno De- To Opon Sept. 5 John Nleholson moved f o r Roady Distribution that Charles Drchcr, 40, South grco and .license to practlco Bchool* of llolmdel Town* temporary adoption of tho pro Amboy, attempted to pull the medicine In Italy after Intorn ship will opon Thursday, Bopt. posed constitution nnd by-laws Circuit For Sorvice complainant’s wife, Ann, from lng at St. Ursuln Hospital, llo &, New pupils may register at to lucllltatc holding oloctlon of an auto In Cllffwood d u r i n g also attended -tho obstetrical Centerville (jchool, Routo 31), A new, large trniiBfonnei', officers nt the next meeting. the Matawan Township C e n- courso of tho Borbonno ot the on Wednesday, Thursday and This move was approved and pint ol Jorsoy Central I'ower University of Paris, tcnnlal Celebration July 6. h Light Company's expansion Friday, Aug. 20, 20, and JO, be­ lie has been associated with tween the hours ol 10 n,m. and (continued on pngo thirteen) project nt Its Mntnwan B u ic Magistrate Foster reported the New Yorlr Polyellnlo Hos­ Otatlon, was energli'-ed recent­ township police have been 3 p m Pupils to bo rcvintrrrd Campaign Caravan ly and a third dlslilliullon cir­ watching for the license num­ pital and the Victory Mcmorlnl for kindergarten must bo five* Brooklyn. cuit to tho a l ea Is being read­ ber of the car of the offender Hospital, yearsof a«e on or h o f o r e — — i------ --------- Hen. Malcolm Forbes, Re­ ied lor service I since that time nnd spotted Nov. 1, publican candidate fnr novel , Census Report \fr. Drehcr this week. He de­ Because of increased enrollThe 1)000 kilovolt ampere nor, will tom mao) M»im milli nied tlio charge when brought William Cahill, • secretary, mentfi &ovcral clmnca will lie transformer replaced t h r e e ln and was put uinlui 11C00 reported to tho llarltan Town­ on doublo fiOHslons, Parents County cumm'inltles toils) as smnllcr units toiulllng 3730 part of "O perjt on Doorbell. ball to await hearing. ship Planning Board last nlglit will bo informed by letter con Ills rarnpslgn caravan plane kvo, The project In part of H Uoticrt J . Coley, Keyport that Iho municipal census wns ccrning tlm ffr&de ond Umo of to lio ir Mntnwan at ! p.m ♦OS,(100 expansion project at and John Jones, Third Bt., 75 per cent completed and tlio claftsea, nnd also concerning this afternoon; In Keyport ot t h e . Lake lllvil. nubslntlon Cllffwood, both were fined‘ $10 data was being turned over to the change jn bus routes neo II:U5 p m nnd 111 ICeonsbuig st lyhlcli helps serve Marlboro and IS costs for loitering while Community Planning Associ­ csffary to meet the new clfiae 4 o'clock. Township, Matawan Borough, , Madison Township, Mntawan drunk Friday on complaint of ates, Inc.. Princeton, the firm schedule. Teachers will meet Wept. X Township nnd 0 small section Patrolman Ftnlph W a l l a c e , making a Master Plan for the Rogiilor Monday township. W r. Cahill thanked and Mcpt 4 In professional ses­ township police. of Keyport, llarltan nnd Holm* del Townships. Two firms, Sheffield Whole tho 43 enumerators for tbe vol­ sions to prepare for tlie open­ 'Jin- Matawnn H i g h fjchool unteer work on tlio census. Juck Mcdnlltaid, hay dlvling of school. i sale Trucking Co., I.yndhurtt, office w i l l bo open for tho nlon inaimger for tho local util­ and Shore Dairies Inc., Loch registration of now pupils on Notice To Matawan Township ity, said, "'Hils projeet Is deB&L Director Arbor, paid IS and $1 costs for Monday, from 10 n.m. to 13 nig tied Ui help slny ahead of Taspayers operating trucks without brake At a meeting of the officers Tho lax offlco will bo cloied o'clock noon and from I P.m. the Increasing needs for elec­ lights. Keyport fltate Police and directors of tho Boroimh to 3 p.m. tricity lu tills rapidly growing were complainants. Savings and Loan Association for ths hal.inco of tho annua) J. Jobkon, Cedar Hun, paid held on Aug, M, Kenneth E. vacation period from Tuesday, New Voik Inrnplka K s p itn area, When It Is completeo. the section will be served by a “ Are Yea T le re ?" tt joa'rm ziof, Uwa r n 'r a th« m l , ono n a n l n t i the ■P#ft.cul»r *10 and ts cosU lor speeding Conklin, )r„ was elected to /Vipt. S, t h r o u g h Tuesday II #4 plui u n r o u n d trip third 4100-volt distribution line, «»le, lihown tbarel which took plnee la Jf. i . Newberry’., We»t Front Bt. Keyport, at J p.m on the (lardrn ntatc Parkway serve a i a director In place of Hept. 10. Tneulay, when five ppond bag. «f •■(»r were beLar »*M for ttc. II reminded m »nr of the and lllehard Bhepheid, Dunrl Ttta W, Hor,ell, who resigned, Frequent ssrvlce oonvenloni and the sub atatlun will be ex­ Charles 1, Kelly d»r« of rillon htf when % *t«re w .. w iling (agar without • caopon. economical Po, Urn* achedule panded lo provide additional Collector • ’ Wednesday, an rren ireater « r .» < watofcrd Mw click for Wi« »llc W » l bear . 1 1 p.m., len, t i and IS costs for follow­ due to Ui* pressure of busi­ Up-21 adv. call K«)rport 7 0JM power supply to the area," ness, ing too closely. when Maxwell II.u ie coffee could b« p w d u u e d for 17e per P«und.

Keansburg Plane Crash Kills Three

Tank Wagons For Foul Waste Asked

Dr. E. Bernhard Begins Practice

Deep Run Water Tapping Opposed

School Committee To Elect Officers

Record Traffic Fine In Keyport

“Are You There?”

S f^ - T H E

m a im

are the parents of their first child, a son. born S u n d a y , Aug. 18, 1957, ln Monmouth Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Klee­ berg is the former Miss Irene Applegate, daughter of Key­ port Mayor Charles E, Apple­ gate and Mrs. Applegate.

Couple Married At St. John’s

: JWUim jl c j .

t i.

Wedding Ferrlck-Bissarro M is* Gloria V . Blzzairo daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Se­ bastian Blzzarro, 8 Hudson Ave., East Keansburg^ be­ came the bride of Eugene. Ferrlck, Centerville, at St. Cathe­ rine’s Church, East Keansburg, at 3 o ’clock: Sunday, Aug.] 18, 1957. ^ Thp pastor, the Rev. ThadU* deus J. Wojclehowskl, officiat­ ed at the ceremony before an altar' decoraled with w b i t c gladioli. Traditional wedding music was,played and sung by Mrs. Herbert Tombs, E a s t Keansburg. organist and solo­ ist; . Given in marriage by b e r father, the bride wore an ankie-length gown of pure s i l k , fashioned in a scmi-princess .style with a round neckline and short sleeves, and a houffant skirt with lace inserts and pleats ln tbe back. H e r lingertip-length veil of French Illusion hung from a beaded crown, and she carrlcd a cas­ M R.i MBS. CHARLES If. LAMBBECIIT, JR . cade bouquet of white r o s e s with ivy and stephanotls. Miss Wilma B. Anderson, Miss Florence Anderson, Un­ Mlsa Theresa Blzzarro, East d a u g h t e r of Councilman ion Beach, niece of the bride, Keansburg, was ber sister’s Oeorge W. Anderson, sr., and maid of honor. Her ankle- Mrs. Anderson, 214 Henry St., was a Junior bridesmaid. Their length strapless sown was of Union Beach, became t h e dresses were blue, ballerinapale yellow and white eyelet bride of Charles H. L a m- length nylon over taffeta with organdy, worn with a match­ brecht, Jr.. 201 Herbert St., Un­ B e r t h a collar necklines of ing organdy stole. A picture ion Beach, son of Mrs. Fred­ white, and they wore match hat of pale yellow tulle trim erick Price, 47 Houston S t , ing picture hats, and carried med' wltb fresh cut daisies Newark, apd Charles A. Lam- baskets of yellow roses a n d completed her ensemble, a n d brccht, sr., 922 Fifth St., Un­ blue babies'-breath. she carried a bouquet of long ion Bcach, on Saturday, Aug. Oeorge W. Anderson, Union Atom majestic daisies. 17,1957, at 3 p.m. in St. John’s Beach, brother of the bride, .Edward Johnson* Middle­ Methodist Church, R a r i t a n was best man, and Frank East­ mond, Keyport, and Harry Al­ town, served as best m a n Township, Ushering were Carmine BizThe Rev. Norman R. Riley, brecht Addison, Clifton, broth­ er-in-law of the bridegroom, zarro, East Keansburg, a n d pastor, officiated before an al­ Michael Bizzarro, East Orange, tar decorated with white gladi­ ushered. For her daughter's wedding, oli and white asters. Miss June both brothers of the bride. For her daughter's wedding, Laughlin was the. soloist ac­ Mrs. Anderson wore a dress of, blue lace and net over taffeta companied at the organ by Mrs. B l s z a r r o selected a champagne color lace after* Mrs. Rhea Vaadermark, w h o with white accessories and a red rose corsage. The bride­ noon dress, with a matching also played traditional wed­ groom’s mother chosc a dress feathered hat, and dark brown ding music. Olven ln marriage by h e r of steel blue gray silk w i t h accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy bine and father, the bride wore a gown matching accessories and also white afternoon dress, a n d of white embroidered nylon net bad a red rose corsage. Following a reception at fascia accessories. Both wore over taffeta with a two-tiered bouffant skirt. Tho empress Buck 8mlth’s Restaurant, East orchid corsages. Keansburg, the couple left for Following the ceremony & bodice had a square neckline wedding trip through t h e reception was held at Crystal and puff sleeves and w a s New England States. For trav­ Brook Inn, Eatontown, after trimmed with a white velvet eling the bride wore a b I u e ■which the couple , left for a ribbon forming a bow ln t h e and white silk organza dress back. Her flngertlp-length veil wedding trip to Lake Placid, with white accessories and an of imported French illusion N; Y . Upon their return they orchid corsage. . will reside in Centerville. For fell from a Juliet cap ot pearls The bride Is a graduate of traveling the bride chose a and lace, and she carried an Union Beach Oram m ar School dark g r e e n sheath dress, Eastern Star Bible adorned and Keyport High School, and with & white orchid. bronze accessories and a corMrs. Frank Eastmond, Key­ is employed ln the test bureau tage. ot white roses. port, cousin of the bride, was ot the New Jersey Bell Tele­ Thje bride was graduated matroh of.honor. She wore a phone Co., Red Bank. She Mrs. D. Holmes Ely born in Perth Amboy Hospital. port High School and is em­ Funeral services were held ployed as a Junior supervisor Saturday at 11 a.m. at the W Griffiths with the New Jersey Bell Tele­ A son was bom Baturday, phone Co.. Keyport. Her fiance H, Freeman & Son Funeral Aug. 17, 1957, in Riverview ls a graduate of Wilmington Home, Freehold, with the Rev. Mrs. Gustave Aslund Hospital, to Mr. and M r s. High' Schijol^ and is selT-em­ Roderick N. DeYoung, pastor Mrs..Loul3e (Beck) Aslund, of the Keyport B e l o r m e d George Griffiths, 36 Telegraph ployed. - 79, of 135 Seventh St., West Church, officiating, for M r s . HiU Rd., Hazlet. ■ No date has been set for the Mary L. Ely, 7B, Keyport, for­ Keansburg, died at her home, wedding. Watson. merly of Freehold, who died Friday, Aug. 18, 1057, after f Wednesday, Aug. 14, 1057, ln long illness. First Lt. Shelley F. Watson FIslcr-Donglicrty Bom ln Newark, she had and Mrs.-v.yfatson, Fort HuaMr. and Mrs. Harry Dough Monmouth Memorial Hospital, chuca, Arla.i are the parents erty, 58 Bayview Ave., Keans­ Interment was ln Maplewood lived ln West Keansburg 14 years, moving from Kearny. of a. first child, a daughter, burg, announco t h e engage Cemetery, Freehold. boro Monday, Aug. 13, 1857, at ment of their daughter, Lor­ ' Tho widow of D. Holmes Ely, She was a member of the F o r ft Huachuca. The b a b y raine Ann, to George Flsler, she was bom ln Holmdel, the Women’s Auxiliary of William Post, VFW, weighed six pounds, f o u r son of Henry Flsler, Belford, daughter of the late William Q u g e l m a n ounces, and has been named and the lato Mrs. Margaret a n d Margaret '(DuBois) Con­ Keamy, Dennlse Michelle. Mrs. Wat­ Flsler. over. son ls the former Miss Fran­ S h e ls survived by one M i s s Dougherty attended ces Artelll, daughter of Mr. Keansburg Schools, and ls tm daughter, M r s . Andrew J. and Mrs. Michael Artelll, Sear ployed by The Bab£ Sportwear Qoosley, Keyport, with whom brook Manor; Haslet. Shops, East Keansburg. Mr, she lived: one sister, Mrs. Gar­ Fisler was graduated l i o m rett R. Conover, Colts N e o k ; Beber ono brother, Edward Conover, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Sebor. Middletown Township H i g h Box 427, Matawan, are t h e School, and is self-employed commercial fisherman at parents of a daughter, b o r n Shorefand Memorial Saturday, Aug. 17, 1957, ln Fit- Belford. A November wedding Gardens Cemetery kin Hospital. planned. Brookle Berta-Watts A son waB born Saturday, KB 7-3CM Mr. and Mrs. Georgo L, Aug. 17, 1057, in Monmouth H i b 8L * < IP Memorial Hospital to Mr. and Watts, New Smyrna B e a c h , Mrs. WUllam Brockle, 241 Van Fla., formerly of Shoro Con­ course, Cliffwood. announce Dorn St., Koyport. the engagement of t h e 1 AUGUST SPECIAL . Kleeberg daughter, Florence Roscanna, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Klee­ 1018 Raritan Ave., Highland berg; Gruslus PI., Colts Ncck, Park, to Alexander J o s e p h

Most Modern Equipped

Call: SO 1-1582


W ill Filed


Now Jersey's

Surviving are her husband, Freehold; two granddaugh­ ters, Mrs. Richard Dlsbrow, Gustave Aslund; three sons by previous marriage, Fred Victor Young, 1101 Sidney Keyport; Mrs. Robert Rolftn- Harrison, Danville; Robert Ave., Union Beach, delivered son, Matawan, and two great* Harrison, Newark; Wil­ his wife's baby in his c a r grandchildren. liam Harrison, Kearny; two Friday, Aug. 16; 1957, on Anlello Merola daughters, Mrs. G e r t r u d e R o u t e 35 In Rllddletown Funeral services were held Schramm, and Mrs. R u t h Township when he lo s t. a Saturday at 6:30 a.m. at tbe Ferndon. both of West Keans­ race to the stork on the way Day Funeral Home, Keyport, burg; two brothers, Fred to Riverview Hospital. and at 9 a.m . a solemn high Beck, Belmar; Clifford Beck, Mr. Young said he was one requiem mass was celebrated Newark; a 6ister, Miss M a y block from the Middletown at St. Joseph's Church, Key­ Beck, Newark; 12 grandchil­ Township Police S t a t i o n port, by the Rev. John Dobbyn. dren and 22 great-grandchil­ when bis wife told him to with t h e Rev. John J. Henstop tbe car. A few minutes drjeks, deacon, and the Rev. dren. Funeral services were held later be was holding.a five- Thomas Paramo, subdeacon, pound, 12-ounce baby daugh­ for Aniello Merola, 60, of Union Monday at 11 a.m. at the John D. C r a n e & Sons Funeral ter in his arms, hte said. A passerby c a l l e d ; the Ave., Raritan Township, who Home, Kearny with the; Rev. died Wednesday, Aug. 16, 1957, Robert Biz;zaro, vicar of Trin­ Fairvlcw First Aid S q u a d and Mrs. Young and tbe as tbe result of an automobile ity Episcopal Church, Cran­ accident. Interment was ln St ford, officiating. Interment baby were taken to the hos­ was In Falrmount Cemetery, pital. The baby is Mr. and Joseph’s Cemetery. Mr. Merola was born in Newark. Mrs* Young’s second child. Italy. He bad worked for the Mrs. Jesse D, Mathews Central Railroad of New Jer­ Berta, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al­ sey for the pa4t 18 years In • Mrs. Ada Mathews, 75) died exander Berta, Grove A v e ., tbe maintenance department. Monday, Aug. 19, 1957, at her Metuchen. ' Surviving are his wife, Mary home. First St., Keyport. She Miss Watts is a graduate of (Cringoli) M e r o l a ; three was born In England and had Matawan High School and afc- daughters, Mrs. Lillian Dur- lived In Keyport for 57 years. dack, Eatontown; Mrs. Antoin­ She was the widow of Jesse D / ette Lamp and Mrs. Gabriel Mathews. She was a member Yappoli, Jersey City; two sons, of the Tlalols Class of the Cal­ Anthony DIDonato, Westfield; vary Methodist Church, Key­ . P e t e r DIDonato, Cliffwood port. Beach, and nine grandchil­ Surviving are a daughter, dren. Mrs. Edna Roman, Red Bank; one son, James L., Keyport; Mrs. David Nelson one sister, Mrs. Eliza W e i s s , - Funeral services were held Bergenfleld; f i v e brothers, at 11 a.m. Saturday at t h e Charles Cole,and Alfred, New­ Mason Funeral Home, South ark; John, Union City; Frank, Amboy, with tbe Rev. William Teaneck, and Augustus, Flor­ E. Webster, pastor of t h e Laurence Harbor Community ida. Funeral services were held Church, officiating, for M r s . Signe M. Nelson, 27 Blrcbwood Wednesday at 2 p.m ..a t t h e Bedle Funeral Home, Keyport,Dr., Cllffwood Beach, who died Wednesday, Aug. 14, 1957, ln With the Rev. Dr. Hillman T. Monmouth Memorial Hospital. Williams, pastor of the Cal­ Interment was ln Cioyerleaf vary Methodist Church, offici­ ating. Interment was in Green Park Cemetery, Woodbrldge. M r s. Nelson - was b4rn ln Grove Cemetery, Keyport. Sweden, and had been a resi­ 10 to 20 % MISS FLORENCE R. WATTS dent of Cllffwood Beach for six years. Savings On AU Insuranco Ants - Fire -Home UiblUty ■Etc. tended the/Perth Amboy Busi­ Surviving are her husband, ness College. Snesis^employed David Nelson; two sons, David Casimir J. Zlydaszyk in the photographic section, G., Cedar Grove; Ronald, Cllff­ B e il Estate Broker Raritan ArsenalV Metuchen. wood Beach; one sister, Mias Notary Public M i 1 4 IM Mr. Berta, a graduate of Esther Skoglund, S w e d e n , J l . Garden PUcft • CUflwood tuchen High School, serVetL .and-three-grandchildren:--with-the^UrSTNavy/He ls elmiployed -in the fiefd printing plant, Raritan Arsenal, Me1 tuchen, and also is' attendingAndrew Waiver Newark Prep. Andrew Waiver, 73, of 508 No date has been set for the Florence Ave., Keyport, d i e d wedding. Thursday, Aug. 15, 1057,' in Qreystone State Hospital, Mor­ Swsrtz-Aarlemma ris Plains. He was born ln Mr. and Mrs. William Aur- Lithuania. lemma, 35 Summerfleld Ave., He Is survived by a son, Vic­ Laurence Harbor, announce tor, Elizabeth, and one broth­ the engagement of t h e i r er, Joseph, Keyport. Yoa Get Clean, Quick daughter, Rosalie M. to James Funeral services were held A. Swartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Monday at 8:30 a.m. at t h e Heat For Cooking James A. Swarta, 101 Morning- Day Funeral Home, Keyport. side Ave., Keansburg. At 9 a.m. a high requiem mass Prompt, Efficient T he bridegroom-elect ls was celebrated by the Rev. C. serving ln the U. S. Niivy, and J , Kane, pastor, at St. Jo ­ Service presently is stationed ln Nor­ seph's Church, Keyport. Inter­ folk, Va., aboard the U.S.S. ment w a s In St. Joseph’s Northampton. Cemetery, Keyport.

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The F rie n d ly L u m b er Y ard

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THE JETS FLY LOW (Asbury Park Press) Soil Care Fays Off THIS IS THE day, exactly 106 years ago that the yacht Green thumbers who h a v e The armed forces tend to be J. Mabel Brown Edllox - Gera! Advanc* ing their garden soil seem to complaints when the jet fight­ Isle of Wight, England. The occasion was the first of the One Veai f tbe people, soil for granted. properly, tbat since the planes ficials of the British exposition suggested to New York and foi Uie people." Iti aim ta to «ervt th* oeit interest* ol M alay an and vicinity: to preseol all oi the newa ol tbe week wtthool O lu oi prejudice •Thinking that many of y o u are our first line of defense yachtsmen that a pilot boat be sent to England to compete in lo a clean aanc cooservaUve manner rapecU nn the tnaftenible r lf b u would be looking ahead to oth­ we should be grateful to hear the yacht contests. The Americans, led by Commodore of om citizen*, and thereby mafcim itacli worthy o< tbetr confidence er dry seasons, I went to a them going over In training John C. Stevens, accepted and built the $30,000, 170 ton tuch error ' ^ vessel called the America. A good breeze was blowing at flights. tions be might have for build­ :: Entered aa tecond-clau m a lle i at tha po*1 ptflca a! Uatawan. H J., On the face of it, that argu­ the start of the "Squadron Cup” race and seven miles from ing Improvements Into y o u r under Uie act of March 8. 161ft" soil. ment can scarcely be refuted. the start, America was in fifth position. At the !ialf-way « Well, said our Wallace A. Obviously, the planes must be mark she was in front, a mile ahead of the smallest British . THURSDAY, AUG. 22, 1957 \ Fonf Mitcheltree, be ,was glad be flown if their pilots are to de­ cutter. Although becalmed on the last reach, America nosed across the finish line 24 minutes in front of the Aurora with > I ' ' * , had mulched his own garden, velop the necessary skill to especially around tbe hard-tothe rest of the racing fleet trailed out along the course. make them effective in emer­ -replace ornamentals. C l e a n gencies. Just as obviously, THIS 'N THAT . . . To many, the words Bcrkcley-Carteret cultivation plus mulch pro­ since most airports are near mean only the name of a hotel down in Asbury Park. The Editor John Fischer of Harper’s Magazine is not be­ vides a soil surface that re­ heavily populated areas, some words, in reality, are New Jersey. James, the Stuart Dukp guiled by that curious philosophy of life which deifies the ceives water much belter than military flying has to be done “Common man." Writing in his "Editor's Easy Chair” hard-baked soil. of York, early in the 1660s transferred his n.'w world hold­ over those areas. Mulch Aids Soaking column, he says: “Our whole way of life now is based on ings to two of the Stuart favorites, Lord Berkeley und Sir But there is something to be the theory that only the mediocre and ineffectual deserve Or In his words, you get said for tbe common civilian George Carteret And in honor of Carteret's defense of the " b e t t e r Infiltration” with to be especially cherishod by society . . . . . viewpoint that the noisy jets Isle of Jersey in the Parliamentary Wars, the lands were “So if a man is stupid, lazy and feckless enough, there mulch and also when your soil often fly lower than necessory called New Jersey. Berkeley and Carteret, a two-man well supplied with organic is nothing our society won't do for him—particularly if he is over cities and towns. In some chamber of commerce, advertised the place so well that matter. More about that or­ comes from a long line of stupid, lazy, and feckless ances­ ganic matter later. degree, varying according to they attracted to it men from England, Scotland, Long Is­ tors. -When he has a job, the union sees to it that he is time and place, the complaint land and New England. Later a division of property took Mr. Mitcheltree said be was is a valid one. The military place with East Jersey going to Berkeley and the western never fired for anything short of the most outrageous slop­ able to save his mulched pierwould do well to heed It, and portion to Carteret. The latter’s form of civil government piness and shirking. When he doesn’t, a relief check is Is, rhododendron, laurel a n d to do what it can about the sit­ modeled that of Virginia while Berkeley’s dominion re­ always -waiting. If he absent-mindedly begets more chil­ viburnum by taking the nozzle uation. dren than he can support, the state takes care of them. For of his hose and running a sembled that of New England. Early settlements were Such action on the part of Salem, Trenton, Gloucester, Tuckerton and Cape May. good measure, we ply him with subsidized housing, free stream about twice the thick­ the military would be wise 1medical care, ond the tender ministrations1of social workers, ness of a pencil around each even if the only objection to Items About Folks And Things We Knew In The Lons A io IT IS WRITTEN that all things must come to pass.. . . end we entertain him lavishly with free television programs for an hour or more. He sacri­ low jet flights were that t h e So it was recently with profound regret' we received1word ficed his annuals and let his , carefully tailored to his sluggish wits. planes are noisy. Actually, the lawa go, too. “His children become the darlings of the public schools, house to be erected at Tinton trouble ls compounded by the that the area chapter of the Society for the Preservation Forty-Five Yeara Ago If you use a sprinkler you which primarily are designed to keep,mediocre youngsters Falls, to replace the structure fact that Jets ai£o are danger­ and Advancement of Barber Shop Quartette Singing In have to le^ve lt ln place at (Issue Thursday. Aug. 23, 1912) America was relinquishing its rehearsal quarters at the old (and their parents) happy. Here little Willie Jukes is least two hours at a time to The Keansburg carnival bos recently destroyed by f i r e ous. If a Jet Is flying low over a populated area when some­ borough hall building in Keyport. We first became. ac­ taught ‘life adjustment’, including how to dance, play the have lt do enough good. attracted large throngs of peo­ which resulted from being thing goes wrong, there ls al­ quainted with the antics of the SPABSQSA during a getclarinet, and drive a hot-rod—but rarely does any teacher What about using dish water struck by lightning. The plans ways a chance that it will plow together with Jimmy McArdle, noted cartoonist and creator insist that he learn to read and spell properly, because the and wash w a t e r around ple Uie past week and lt will call for a one-story building end on Saturday afternoon into houses or other buildings. of “Dr. Bobbs.” Jimmy was vitally interested in the ac­ effort might bruise his fragile soul.” plants? Go right ahead, says ' . Mr. Fischer will make many people angry. And the Mr. M.. but be careful about with the baby show and baby large enough to accommodate There have been enough inci­ tivities of the vocal organization. He said it gave you a dents of this kind in various chance to sing somewhere outside the shower and that every­ reason he will make them angry is a sad and ominous one— putting all dishwater on one parade. This evening there will between 45 and 50 pupils. parts of the country to show one enjoyed singing in a barber shop quartette. The local plant to avoid possibility of be a children's grand ball ln that what he says is so largely and increasingly true. Twenty-Five Years-Ago that It ls a thing to be feared. the New Point Comfort Danegetting grease Into tlie soil. chapter is moving northward and westward a few miles to (Issue Friday, Aug. 19, 1932) Certainly the military does Detergents don't hurt plants, I J118 a 11d tomorrow St. Joseph's Church c h o i r not want such things to hap­ be closer to the main body of its membership, which is he says, but if you want to be ‘here wlU be> water sports and cautious, use half waste water*011 “ Mbit of life saving from will broadcast over Station pen. Action should be taken, drawn primarily from the Cliffwood and Madison Township possible, to change areas. And so the melodic tones of “Waitin’ fA The Gate” Freedom of the press is a basic freedom. It is the and half fresh around a n y a burning vessel, followed by W NJ at Newark, Sunday even­ wherever flight patterns so that t h e and “Sweet Adeline” no longer will echo from the ancient mardl gras parade on t h e mainstay of all the other freedoms. Yet there has been plant you’re trying to b a b y aboardwalk. ing, Aug. 21 at 9 o’clock on the chances for such tragedies will walls of the Keyport structure. May their tonsils never a growing fear that this freedom is in danger, because of along. Tbe New York and L o n g Edwin Bent Hour in honor of be cut to a minimum. Our so­ fail ’em, SPABSQSA Din. I Gypsum For Heavy Soils governmental restrictions on the movement of the press to Branch Railroad wants to fill the Eev. John P. Burke, who ciety embodies enough disturb­ Maybe you have a h e a v y sources of information both in this country and abroad, IT WILL BE standing room inly, to coin a phrase, clay soil and it’s baked as ln the salt meadow north of returned from Europe Wednes­ ing noise and accident poten­ because of the withholding of information to which- the bard as the sidewalk. tial as lt ls. without low-flying tonight at the Second Annual Monmouth County Republican the Matawan Station atd r u n day. ' pubb'o and the press which serves it has a right to know, Jets to increase both disturb­ Fund Raising dinner at the Berkeley-Carteret Hotel, Asbury The droffght has been good Its cars over a solid embank­ Thirty-three properties upon ance and hazard. and because of proposed punitive regulations aimed at news­ for such soils, sBys our soils ment Instead of on t r e s t l e Park. Herb Shriner, popular television, radio and screen assess­ papers and other publications. specialist, It has aggregated work, as at present. It will'be which taxes, sewer star, will head a long list of celebrities including Lilo and: and curb and sidewalk AIM AT SCOFFLAWS . The American Society of Newspaper Editors now has the particles, made c r a c k s very expensive to fill ln the ments meadow and make a s o l i d assesment were due were of­ (Perth Amboy Evening News) Emil Coleman and orchestra who will entertain at the din­ -Issued a Declaration of Principles, This states: “The Ameri- and crevices and such t b a t embankment, but lt will per- fered for sale at the borough Scofflaws are the constant ner. Principal speakers will be James Mitchell, Secretary ‘ people have the right to know, as the heirs of Magna maybe you don’t appreciate at mlt faster trains. hall on Monday. source of annoyance to munic­ of Labor in President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Cabinet, who Charta, the inheritors of the privileges and immunities of the moment. The annual dinner of Wash­ Shortly after 0 o’clock last ipal magistrates as well as is a resident of Little Silver and Malcolm S. Forbes, GOP. Tq help such soli further, he the English Common Law and the beneficiaries of the free­ suggests, put on gypsum at night the whistle on an engine ington Engine Company No. 1 an expense to municipal tax­ Gubernatorial Candidate in the November general election.. doms and liberties guaranteed them by the Constitution and the rate of one pound to a at tbe round house was blown of Matawan was held last payers. J. Marshall Booker, Middletown Township, chairman of the the Bill of Rights of the United States. '‘ ‘ Motorists who Ignore l u n - Monmouth County Republican finance committee, is toast­ square yard-over the lawn Incessantly for a few minutes night at Bahr's Landing, High­ monses for parking and motor master. He’ll be sure to count nioses. Tickets to the affair “lo exercise this right citizens must be able to gather and around your ornamentalB. and the unusual noise at that lands, The day of the "b ig " car is vehicle violations c a u s e a information at home or abroad, except where military There’s no danger of burning hour of the evening attracted over, went for $100 a plate. Toastmaster Booker sees tonight’s^ if reports of auto mak­ great attention and lt was but a few deal of bookkeeping Biecesslty plainly prevents; they must find lt possible to anything with gypsum. minutes when the lire bell of ers are to be taken at face work'In court clerks’ offices, annual dinner even surpassing the most1successful one hieldv Digging organic matter Into . publish or relate otherwise the information thus ncqulred last year at the Berkeley which broke, all .records .for/at-'Washington Engine Company value. And since they h a v e i -wlthout prior .restraint or censorship by government; they the soil can help plants sur­ was rung. The fire was :ln mentioned lt, motorists w i 11 consume the time of magis­ tendance. ■ trates who must issue war­ must be free to declare or print it without fear of punish­ vive a drought, but it’s not the Frank Anderson's basket fac­ probably recall seeing fewer rants, and occupy the-bours of wbole answer, according to ment not in accord with due process; they must possess the Mr. Mitcheltree. C o m p o s t , tory along the railroad track powerful machines on t h e policemen who must s e r v e ANCIENT LORE.IS full of weird and mysterious happenings means of using or acquiring implements of publication; they peat moss or whatever makes and was raging fiercely. ' highways in the past t w o these warrants, forcing the ap­ which are alleged to have occurred when the night winds Should have freedom to distribute and disseminate without a soli easier to rccharge with In various parts of the state years, or back when money pearance ot the offender. whistled across barren lands or violent storms lashed the obstruction by government or by their fellow citizens.” Many magistrates have coasts of foreign lands and threatened villagers huddled for ' moisture, and It’s certainly de­ ln tbe early part ot S u n d a y was plentlfuUflnd a lot of fel­ lows wanted to splurge. The Society has pledged itself to resist by every ap­ sirable. But you can overdo lt. evening a severe wind and struck out at scofflaws by im­ protection in simple huts. There is none so weird as the Early Friday morning, a posing heavy fines. And there occurrence reported in Union Beach several weeks ago dur­ propriate means every enchroachment upon the people’s right If pou decide to dig ln some rain storm prevailed. Hall fell cow belonging to Don Brosky, ln great quantities ln Burling­ ls no argument that such pen­ ing a recent violent electrical storm which lashed the entire organic material this fall as . to know. part of your drought Insur­ ton County, damaging c o r n Morganville, strayed from Its alties are deserved when guil­ bayshore area. A tree in the backyard of Mr. and Mrs. pen to the county road, at and other products of the land. ty motorists flaunt the v e r y ance, spread a layer not more T h e Shrewsbury Township about 3 o’clock. la>>r that ls made to protect Joseph Kolodzie, Park Ave., was struck by a lightning bolt than two Inches thick over the during the storm s height. The bark was split on both sides. While the continued dry spell them. soil surface and go to work. 1Board of Education has achas had some effect on t h e Magistrate Edward Modze- Then gradually the stripped tree began to turn crimson,' There are few poets who have not praised the gift of That will be enough. I cepted plans for the new scbool quantity of water going over lewskl of Sayrevllle has ap­ then a redder hue as if it were bleeding. And if you. ran. deep. There are few wise people who do not cherish it. the dams both at ‘ Matawan parently had his fill of the ln- your hand along the bark, you would notice how moist Just as we need food and drink, we regularly need deep. A STORY FOR Lake and'Lake Lefferts, there convcnlence and expense of it was. A week later, our informant said the red blood Without its restorative function wo would not long survive. still Is flow enough to give evi­ putting up with these offend­ color disappeared and the tree appears normal. Surelv Unbroken wakefulness is a high refinement of torture. dence that the waters of the ers. Currently it is one of the chicf weapons in the mind-and lakes are ln no Immediate dan­ 'One day after filling out 15 there must be a scientific explanation for this weird phe­ 1personality-destroying techniques of Soviet Inquisitors. Yet, ger of being lowered to a point warrants for persons who fail­ nomenon. If you know, drop a line to this column. ___ Inexplicably, some people imposo lt upon themselves. ot unsafcty as to the quantity ed to appear, I decided lt was : After certain periods of wakefulness, varying for in­ of the water to bathe in. time we did more about dis­ ; dlvlduals, the body demands tho relaxation and re-vitalizacouraging people from Ignor­ Ten Tears Ago By Uargaret & Lravy ing our summonses," the mag­ tlon which only sleep can afford. No drugs or medications (Issue Thursday, Aug. 21. 1947) istrate said. He did Just that. can supply a substitute, though sometimes, in critical need, A bond issue of $25,000 for He has prepared a f o r m a l The Beach Plum Girl : they can trigger the mechanism which Induces the magic of the extension of water mains complaint wblch ls a combina­ Q—Are cancer and leprosy Q—What does this program deep. Joanne and her sister, LaJoanno looked, then stared, to streets In Matawan P a r k of a warrant and a con­ related? cover? . ■ Scientists do not claim to understand the full nature ond verne, hurried about the boach "We're below the high t i d e and Cllffwood Heights was ap­ tion tempt ot court citation. T h i s A—T h e medical program function of sleep, but they are unanimous in proclaiming its gathering empty barrels a n d mark I Soon our picnic benches proved on first reading of the new form will charge all scoff­ A—No. Leprosy is a chronic, will be covered with water!" ordinance by the Matawan laws with contempt of court infectious disease caused by a consists of seven" parts and necessity. So ln your program for preserving your health driftwood logs, sure to allot ample time for sleep, that "sweet, oblivious "We*d better hurry if we're "W e’ll have to move them Township Commltlce Thurs­ and may result ln heavy fines germ while cancer is not in­ covers clinics and c e r t a i n contagious. Its said Layerne. day night. antidote” which speeds dull cares away and returns us to going to make these benches Magistrate Modzelewski ls fectious or Matawan police cracked to be commended for taking ca ise is still a secret, tbe an­ care of tbe cancer patient; the in time for the plcnlo Mother "We Won*t havo tim e," said wakefulness and life, refreshed and re-invigorated. promised us,*' s a i d Joanne. Joanne. “The tide soon will be down on speeders on borough the time to study this Irritat­ swer to which is being sought education program bas to do streets during the past week. ing problem and for doing by scientists. in g with the alerting of citizens to '•It’s almost time." " I brought my wagon over Four of them paid fines of $5 something about lt. We will be Q—Are there any c a n c e r cancer dangers and the serv­ As A J Ollv she was WUS pulling pUiillib a u drift­ |i w , . ■ each to Hccorder Leroy Ber­ Interested In, a report on what detection clinics in New J e r ­ ice program to tbe making of wood log across the sand, she Joanno turned ttrourld It gen last night. Publisher Tom Anderson of Farm & Ranch magazine noticed a girl sitting by a this new form will do to cut sey? dressings, providing of medi­ was the girl by the be a o li Three more American war down the high percentage of points out that “In 1914 state and local governments spent 70 beach plum tree. A—No. Every doctor's office cations, transportation of pa­ plum tree. "Oh, thank you, hero pigeons, Burma Queen. scofflaws. If lt ls successful, lt per cent of all money spent by government. Now 70 per ls a detection center ln N * w ‘‘I wonder If that girl wants sj1(. aaid before Laverne could Jungle Joe and Capt. Letter* should become a standard pro­ Jersey and some 2500 physi­ tients and Information c e ncent is. spent by Washington bureaucrats.” Then, to make to be friends?” sho said to La- sny Btlyt)-ing. man, tocent arrivals from the a bad matter worse, “A big part of our tax money never verne. “She looks lonely. Let’s Xhe girls mado three wagon Chlna-Burma-Indla war the cedure ln a l l magistrates’ cians have expressed a will­ ters. courts. ' ingness to glvo health examin­ Q—What Is one of the great­ comes back to us in services—but is lived up by the swarms ask her to help us.” trips up the beach and b c k. atre, are back at the Signal est obstacles to overcome in of bureaucrats whose hands it goes through.” “Let’s not," said Laverne. soon everything had b e e n COrps pigeon breeding a n d REFBIGE&ATOB DANGERS ations by appointment. Q—Does New Jersey h a v e the fight against cancer? President Eisenhower has proposed that the states "She’ll only get ln tho \v a y. moved except the biggest loud training center at Fort Mon­ (Asbury Park Press) any clinics for the treatment mouth. with such other w a r assume responsibility, in wholo or ln part, for many projects Let her play with her o w n of rocks, A-~Fear often causes a per­ Every so often our readers of cancer? Joanno pulled at tbo heavy bird heroes as Q. I. Joe and are shocked to learn of t h e now handled on the federal level. If the states will do that, friends.” son to neglect seeing a doctor “ Perhaps sho doesn't h o v e wagon. Laverne pushed. T h o Blackle Halligan. A—Yes. There now are 48 the taxpayers will find thnt they will get more and better until lt is too late. Tben, too, death of some youngster who any," said Joanne. But La- wagon didn’t budge. Joanne A five-day suspension of li­ played hlde-and*seek ln a dis­ clinics attached to g e n e r a 1 in the years gone by m a n y service—and for less money. vcrno had her mind mado up. pulled harder. Laverno pushec cense for iPlo's Bar and Orlll, carded refrigerator, accident­ hospitals ln this state w h i c h thought it was a disgrace to Joanno and her sister ar- harder. Still the wagon didn't Girard Ave. and Gaston St., ally locked himself ln, and suf­ examine and treat patients have cancer and so m a n y ranged the driftwood logs on move, Oak Shades, was voted by the focated. So often has t b l s who are referred to them by waited too lonff. Todoy cancer Aramaajunc tho empty barrols. "The buck wheels are stuck Matawan Township Commit­ tragedy occurred that C o n ­ doctors. lift'i Darkut Moment Is a rscognlzed disease t b a t “The benches are flnlshedi ln the sand I" cried Laverne tee Thursday night after a gress recently passed a law re­ Q—Are cancer treatments will usually respond if a diag­ "Let’s try them out,” said Jo- She had taken off her shoes, hearing on charges preferred quiring refrU'erator manufac­ expensive? nosis is made in time. . . MCIVIM, W tC N blood cells no longci respond up. • - on llie beaoh. An0 - fc M O ftfto W I WANT \bu Hotoe ALL ' companies attended the Fire­ tors wh‘ch have now reach’ d Q—Does the American Can-; to tho forces tbat normally "W e’ll have to put rocks In "Hero comcs Mother w i t h men's Night of the L i b e r t y the age for permanent retire­ » Y . we-fce- G o i n g T o w a s h regulate, their reproduction tlio barrels so they won't fall the plcnlo basket,” crlcd Jo Uoso Co. at tho fair on Thurs­ ment. They have no safety de­ cer Society do anything-to help T fte W IN D O W S AtJO BCAT and maturity. The aisease is over,” said Laverne. annc. day evening on the company's vices and, discarded ln the the patient bear this cost? Tfte RUGS, AUD,IF 7rieKcb regarded as a form of cancer A—Yes. Through tbe Service Joanne and Laverne r a n "Mother.” > a ■d Laverne lot at Route 38 and Atlantlo Junk heap, they make attrac­ ■true, CLCAt-l 1 TtC C$LU/\R of the blood-forming organs. Program of the American about t h e beach gathering "This is our now friend, May St., Keyport. tive hide-outs for venturesome Q—Why don't the *vhite cor­ heavy rocks. They fourd some sho stay for the picnic lunch? youngsters. No ofie s h o u l d Cancer Soclcty, medications puscles In the blood kill can­ by the beach plum tree. Sho put her nrm about the With big turkeys such good discard one o^^tliese outworn dressings, and transportation cer ceils? "Do you need any h e 1 p?” beach plum girl, buys now, why don't you put rcfrlgeratou^wirliotit making are furnisher4 the midlcally in A—Tbe chief functions of asked tho girl who was watchJoanne looked at Laverne ln come turkey .meat In y o u r suro that lr*to no threat to tho digcnt patient without cost in Ing them. surprise, Was tills the t m n e freezer for use ln casserole life of a child^Perhaps tho slm addition to nursing and homo wbltc blood corpuscles is to Lnvorno said quickly, "No. slater \yho hadn't wanted to dishes or imkeyburgers? Ex pleat way to\make sure the carc services where neces protect t^e body against bac­ teria or fcerms. They combat than) you.” Sho hurried oft so make friends? tension service home econom­ d 1 s c n r cl e d\box ls ron- sary. infection! but have no c f f c c t fnst Joanno had trouble catchShe hcurtl her mother fay ists suggest this recipe f o r dernd harmless\,is to remove Q —What is Uie Cancer Con­ on canccr cells. Ing her. "O f courso, Urn moro tho mci' turkcytaurgcrs: Put one cup of llio door. *’cxt best precaution trol Program of the New Jer­ Q —Is bleeding always n sign Soon they hnd enough rocks rlcr." She ran over and sat on cooked turkey and one small ls to smash tho latch so that sey division? of cancer? to fill each bnrrel halfway, one bench. onion through a meat grinder, if it ls closed It can be opened A—Tlio Canccr Control Pro A—No. However, blcedit ll WHEN rt OoV 10 A0LC ’’They won't tip over now,” "Come on, Blrlsl" Joanno aild ono beaten egg; shape In from the Inside. It will lake gram of the New Jersey Divi­ • VAce-nm opchmo ■aid Joanne. ' chllcd to Lnvmno and t h e to flnt patlles and brown In fat but n few nlnutes but lt may sion consists of three p a r t s should be promptly and care­ . ’ SCHOOL WITH A 1 Suddenly Laverno started to bench plniri girl. "Tills bench In a skillet or placo under the savo a youngster’s life a n d niddlca). cducaltori, and serv fully ^vesttgated to determine I WSOfWJffOF'Rcuep giggle, 'Look whoro wo built u junt right for the three of broiler. Serve between toasted spare the refrigerator's owner Ice phases of a year-round pro 11 It lS'due to cancer, ^ee your doctor for a physical examina­ tho plcnlo bencliesl" sho cried, tisl" buns with pickle relish. a lifetime of regret. gram. tion before lt is too late. PubiUte) m i ) rbursday at Keyport Monmouth County N J. By BBOWn PUBIJSUIMU AMD PHINTlWi CUUPANV

“If A Man Is Stupid Enough . .


lAtoking Backward

“The Right To Know”

In Praise Of Sleep



Washington Takes Over

Three Showers For Diane Dennis M a t a w a n P e r s o n a l I t e m s ’

Miss Diane Dennis, daugh­ ter of Councilman Ralph R . Dennis and Mrs. Dennis, 18 Franklin St.,-Slatawtfn, w a s honored at three showers re­ cently. She will become t h e /bride of Robert McQuarrle, AU lantieKAve., Matawan, on Sat­ urday, Aug. 31, The first shower) was given Aug. 14 by Mrs. Tfiomas Den­ nis, 156 Freneau Ave., Mata­ wan. Decorations were m a d e by Mrs. William Bradley with the gifts arranged under a large .white satin_ sprinkling can decorated with' sprays of tiny buds. The table center­ piece was a bride, her attend­ ants and a ring bearer made of cake and standing ln a pro­ cessional on a gold cloth. ' Guests' present were Mr s . Dennis, Mrs. Joseph McQuar­ rle, Miss Carol Lambertson, Miss Josephine DISanto, Miss Ann DISanto, Mrs. Clifford Reeves. Mrs. James Clifton. • Mrs. William Clifton, Mrs. P. A. Redmond, Mrs. James Red­ mond, Mrs. William M e n t z. Mrs. D. A. Schaevone, M i s s Maureen Dennis. Matawan: Mrs. Benjamin Straniero, Miss Rose DIBlase, Cllflwooti; Mrs Clarence Holf, Keyport; Mrs. Clifford Anderson,' Minnesota; Mrs. Andrew Yusoff, Freehold, and Miss Bhlrley Hertle, Haz­ let. • . Gifts were sent by M r s . James Adler, Miss Ann Hourihan, Mrs Jack Sherman, Mrs. Angelo .Scalzo, Mrs. George Meinzer, sr., Mrs. William Bradley, and Mrs. James Har­ rison. The second shower was giv­ en by Mrs. Michacl Smalley, Fords,, and Mrs. Benjamin Dennis at the tatter's h o m e , Ambpy^Ave,, Perth A m b o y , Decorations were in silver and white and the gifts were ar­ ranged under a decorated um­ brella. Thirty relatives a n d friends attended. .The third shower was given Lynn and Donna Smith, M il­ waukee, Wls., and Barbara Stelglemcn, Riverton, are vis­ iting their grandparents. Dr. Conover Burlew and Mrs. Bur­ lew. . Mrs. James O. Harrison and children, James and Sandra Ann, Midland Park, are visit­ ing Mr. and Mrs. Rensselaer L. Cartan. Mrs. Edwin H. Dominick, Miss Mary Llsk, Matawan, and Miss Mary Emma Stack, Perth Amboy, left Tuesday for a trip to Canada and tbe New England States. On Wednes­ day, they will attend a p e r ­ formance of *’Hamlet,” at tho Shakespeare Festival, Strat­ ford, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc­ Bride and son, Walter, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. J. Franklin Dom­ inick attended the Thursday evening performance of "Hell* zapoppln” at the Neptune Mus­ ic Circus. Mr. and Mrs. O e o r g e W. Clark, Broad Bt., attended the fifth annual clambake given by the boat owners. Saturday, at Mlhm'B Boat Basin, Monmouth Beach. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Staer, sr., Ravine Dr., have returned home after attending tbe Nova Scotia Festival of the Arts at Talamagouche. They also tour ed New Brunswick, Canada, and the New England States. Mr.; and Mrs. Bruce Koop* man, Caldwell, ond Mr. a n d Mrs. NlchoJas^Stranlero, 24 Edgewater nftJT attended t h e 10th annual reunion, Baturday, of the 88th Division of the U, S. Army at the Benjamin Franklin Hotel, Philadelphia. Both Mr. Koopman and Mr. Straniero served In the 88th during World War II. Mr. and Mrs. J o s e p h A. Guadagno and son, Brendan Edgemere Dj\, recently spent ii few' days at Fred Warlng’s Shawnee Inn, Shawncc-on-lhc Delaware, Pa.

Has Party Saturday l


pro tec t


b e a u t if y

n o w

FREE GALLON OFFER 5A^EHIKJEPROHTS OH ONE PAINT P m e it Tkh Covpom at A«y MARY CARTE* PAINT BRANCH A n d .R e c e iv e . Free C . n o f P .in * V ^ ilh E a c h O n a P u r c h s ie d .

• ®u * 5 — GET M BUY 1I __GET j n v rCART*-* iR T F It PAINT FACTORIES Bout*


Susan Chapman, Matawan, entertained at a party Satur* day evening when her guests were Janet Kirsop, B e I h 1 fiem. Pa.; Lola Hitchcock, New Bedford. Mass.; Ruth McDon­ ald, Kathy Flynn, Sally Prlch ard, Gladys Hyrnc. B u s a n iDomlny, Carolyn Morrell. Inga : IjOCw. Robert Mount, Walter ]Shlrbrr, Orant Bcharff. 8 c y mour Smith, Todd Fung. Ed­ ward Crawford, Karl Fisher, Nell Fitzpatrick. Nell Wilding and James Arace. ' ( O r ^ iU 's t

Carol Metzger Feted At Shower Miss Carol Metzger, P a r k Ave., Onion Beach, was the honored guest at a s h o w e r given by Mrs. Gloria Houlday, Mrs. Eva Gleason. Miss Betty Klouse, and Miss Pat Mack. Thursday at Tourlue's Restau­ rant, Matawan. Decorations were In white and gifts were placed under a white umbrella Miss Metzger will become the bride of Robert A.'Bogart, Leonardo, at the Holy, Family Church, Union Beach, Satur­ day, Sept, 7, Guests were Mrs. I r e n e Weinman, Mrs. Marie Walling, Keyport; Mrs. L il S c h o 11 c. Miss Marilyn Nlcol, Matawan; Mrs. Peggy Naughton, P o r t Monmouth; Miss Marlon Mc­ Lean, Keansburg; Mrs. Eileen Vanderbilt. Gifts were sent by Mrs. Dot Buckmaster, Mrs. Helen Po­ kallus; Miss Winny W a i t e . Miss Marcia Hushour, M i s s Pat A. Bmlth, Mrs. Harriett Ruehle, Miss Myra B r o w n. Miss Kay Emens, Miss Terry Conway, Mrs. Pat Simonson, Mrs. Florence Cammerano, Miss Pat T. Smith, Mr m :!!I:Ji‘*. ;I■ -i;t/'i.m;■ 4-.::ri.i,iimiXJ^:i


T «ddi'« 8 o i . F A , Breaded pkg. m im f





T lk l ll T l l t c W W U lls )

Bologna, O liv a , f\k\\ Pick!* & Pimtnto. Pinunto, Luiurv Luxury

i b. 4 9 1


GREEN GIANT ^ 1 7 o z . ^ | 0 ^

0 7 * ‘


All Baaf —-A Plcnla Treat


New 1957 Pack




i mm a. n tuuiijj, .i,a 1/ uun& w m


iv/MEveryday Low Prices /





EVANS TOPPINGS, fvdqt PINEAPPLE ■4JHT “ “ 39' College Inn 44 ox < TOM ATO JUICE 'S U " “ •;29‘ lib . lib . can 35* tan 95 ' FLUFFO LESTOIL S37‘ IVORY S N O W S 33* £ 7 9 * 25 oi. ^ ■»# DASH pig. i r , Builancotch 6 ' / l “ I C hoc, jjr

flnnppU" Gama

• 0 X






' ' ' ■

. '

SAVE 85c

SIZES 6 1 2


2&35* r | " 7 * 7 ir C The IniVont Soft DrinV fV 25* rlZ .^ ltO From A Tablet TOILET TISSUE --w™ 3 r°|!i38* «°nl 65* GLIM 1“ 39« giant " j y t pkg. OXYDOL qiant BLUE CHEER S 31* pkg.


$y 3k

Regular 3.9B


• "Ivy Leaguo" Buckle' A na Strap Back . • Navy, Charcoal and Drown • Perfect For School W ear





• Thickset Corduroy



Regular 2.59


6 ox.



• Paarllz'ed Buttons • Washable, Sanforized Color Fast



One Pocket



6 .1 4

• Long Sleeves • W oven Gingham Plold • Short Spread Pointed Collar,


S/IFJ£ 1.31

Girls' 100%Orion S W E A T E R S S U P ONS


*. ■




*1.87 CA R D IG A N S



fro m

w e ll- t r a in e d p e r s o n n e l f



2 9 '




*1.87 HAVE

‘ 2.77 NAVE



sw v^E« 4% A




I U .S. N O . 1— L O C A li


PASCAL CELERY 2U.Bcii.Z9c|ONIONS lb- 3 TRIPLE S BLUE STAMPS FORBEAUTIFULFREEGIFTS AH Meat, PraJuea and Fon«r oi . SouthAhbot 1-Moo , \jambstnmir-WDiiHuwm pressures of modern life. match will bo for ono fall to October. Motor Vehicles ■ ' Bunday - Monday . Tuesday Aue. *5-26-27 Today thru Saturday win wltli ft ono hour time limit. Harrison Boggs. Keyport, S V " M IG H T " Continuous Sunday — Starting 1:45 P.M. James Stewart In addition to the main bout was tho less fortunate ono. Audio Murpby Lw . ) PASSAGE' two A u s t r a l i a n tan team Tho water pump on his motor le " "Night Passage" matches featuro Friday night's failed to work, dangerously MNDUfflU'DUmmOSIB bo ug h t her (Tcchnieolor-Technlratna) wrestling show. In tho soml-fl heating his engine, at tho start la rk a ble ---lMui - sal Mtaeo ■ —i .-I. smd s h e „ (»• llnrrgtmw gfHtmfti Btk** . Janie* Whitmore nnl, tho team of Dr. J e r r y of tho regatta on Lnko George, Qrahftm-and Professor R o y N, Y,, Saturday, making his "The Young 1 W W IM Hhlres match their (trips with 185 mile trip for naught. M UiMtf, g/fl wh* ftoufA/ |i| r a 4 .. Don't Cry" Mlquol1Torres and Ramon LA pcz. This bout ls for two out t a Sun. - Mon. - Tues, or threo falls to win, Clark Oiblc Clark , yvdhne Yvonne DcCarlo «WARNEItCOlOR »«.W/UUIE^BH0J E The othor tag team match l Ga b l e d e Carlo brings togothor the VonHefls "Band O f Angefs" — Plus Selected Short SublecU Drothors, Karl and Erie,, who (WarntrColor) IMa> • Joel McCre* will mcot tho coiitblno of Cow­ N e x t W ee k W ednex day T h ro u g h S a tu rd a y A u r . V t i o 31 narbara Stanwyck boy Don Leo and Olno Oarl "Trooper Hook" balfll. Tills bout nlso will re- Rooms — with or without lEYUUXfi Ltrt-uurau STORY HE1,F1UIEI|-| Trooper H ook qulro two out of threo falls to board, c l e a n , eomfortnblo, I W O M yimu ■ convenient. B a s e s at thr win, , c n ^ H w fN C V r JE R S E Y TURMRKC I f lM i w t H M arH MetroCilw A R T I E 'S B O A T B A S IN ®MMCK Tlie opening contest pits tlie door, taStft |C*GLtt TOftOUTC 9 WINTER STORAGE — UAUMNG Molmwk Indian, Cblof D 1 tf K IR K D O U G L A S . mSSToiretfcAFKssrA ^ CMumn 123 First St., i ~it* -- -------Heart against Angolo Savoldl, West Street Union Beach LUST FOR LIFT wtocm OARD1H STATO FMRKWAY Tbe opening bout »t t b s MIPOET RAILROAD Keyport 7-0981 (r (itn « r A H io iv » iiM n 9 . wrestling s h o w g o e s on Arthur Edmonds_______ KEyport 7-0942-M (X — I •TDUr m u n t « H UNION promptlr at 0 p.m .:.......... . •'u n u i*»t Hf * ■P


Deitz Scout For Cincinnati Reds

Plan Opening Of New Boat Marina

Cleary In Final Game With Lions

LaConte, Andrews Score In Regattas


Arthur W. McFarland



Phone 7-0452

A HKffci/L ormHiuAfl


“Spy Chasers”

“Target Earth"



'Y v o n n e D e C a r l o !

Arnold Home


Union Beach Lions Lead In Title Series With Cliffwood Angels ''U nion Beacb Lions got t h e Jump on the Cllffwood Angels in their series for the M o d mouth .County Little League championship, winning, 2-0, . /Monday .at , Middlesex Rd. Held, Matawan, tbe site designatfid for the'peimjuit seTles. Danny Hourahan and Billy Trembley . shared tbe mound duties for the victors. T h e y were a notch below their best • but ftif airtight’dcjfense ^nT)Lh« ered 6very Cllffwood chance. Ken Szyarto and Whitey Bat­ son worked on the mound fpr ■the: losers. . ■ —. Cliffwood heartened their followers by making an early . • threat.. With one out in - their halt of Che first, Ed Flynn and Bill Collins bit safely aud stole - I d t o scoring position. B u t Houfah&n, on the mound for ,: the Beacners, poured it on to fan Szyarto and John Howard to retire the side without a ran. : . The Lions garnered a run ln tbe ; second when Hourahan -walloped one over the fence bis first time-at bat. They add­ ed another in the third when Butcbie Keugetter was safe on ___an-.error and Hourahan smote


a twdrbagger. • , Cllffwood never again had a t r u l y good chance. When -Trembley came on to p i t c h and Bcuraban went to catchlng, the potent Da.nny snuffed out two Cllffwood attempts to “-.--steal^ bases by a country inile < The Lions worked up to their championship series by taking on the Merchants Trust Co. - team, Red Bank, in a Boy:> . Day game Saturday. The Lions took the young bankers into camp, HJ-7. Had the Red Bank* era had a pitcher who could find -the plate, . the outcome might ha.ve been different as :— the boys from along the Navesink, slugged the oi’ferings of Hourahpn and Trembley f a r better, than could the Angels But the Beachers were In s ug. glbg~fqrm also, Tommy Walsh and Hourahan each getting a brace pt home runs on “ suck­ er'; i)itcbes>y Rea Ban* hur;ers trying to find the p l a t e during streaks of wildness. As — the bases were loaded w i t h Beacher players from w a l k s when thes^ rhlscues occurred, — the results were disastrous for the Red Bankers-. - .The Angels* .game with the . MonmoUth Beach Youth Coun­ cil.to declce tbelr series was . played ot Monmoulh B e a c h F r i d a j . it was a contest unique- in' the anbals of base* — baU-.ln. that-the~Angels. victors by a 15 0 score, were outhii ' More than that, they scored 10 runs in the''second inning with out getting a hit. John Howardsheld the opp> Sition s43e^£farougfaout,'Theort-^ . ly/time?: he had difficulty -was : ,n the'.,, second inning when teonntjnb^Beach'! filled bases with Gte out. He fanned

iS K o r r m ftH

The name Straub, stands for a s*>i *R K tn the pur­ chase of a a s e d car. Be guided by this when you buy yonr ^nr.- Qor cars are recon­ ditioned, reasonably priced, guaranteed. Easy terms. 1955 Buick Special, bard top ‘ ..two tone aynaflow. radio ^neater p o w e r steering power orates, A one own r er ja i This is tne one you nave oecn looking for . 1955 Buick Cemury. 4 f lo o r . nara top. two tone roaio healer dynaflow. w h i t e wall tires. O n e owner car. a smart car for tne smart ouyer. It is pncec io sell. 1954 B'nck auper 2 door, hard top, two wne. radio, heal er. dynaflow. white wan tires. One owner, clcan car. A lot of prestla«e jn tnis one. 1954*Ho*ck Bpecial. 4 aoor. two tone, radio heater, dym flow. 8 clean one owner car This is a very nice car for the fnmily. Its going to sell.


Choose From Several Othrrs SUp In And Loi Them Over

the next two batters to retire the side. In their half ol the second, ClUXwood sent 16 men to bat. One got on base by an error, the other on a fielder’s choice. The other 11 were walked as Monmouth B e a c h paraded four pitchers to the mound before the visitors were retired* , . The Keyport Raiders have * big post-season Merles arrang­ ed with the Sayrevllle O w l s , the first game to be played at KHS field tonight. The Raid­ ers prepared themselves f o r this chorc by taking on tbe Un> Ion Beacb Fireballs and em« erglng victors, 7-1. The oddity of this one was tbat W i n d y Clayton, Union Beach pitcher, set the Keyport batters down with one hit, but walks a n d errors were the undoing of the Fireballs, as has been the case with them all year. . The Raiders scored t w i c e tbe first time up on a walk to Frank Dowd and bad errors on grounders by Hank DuBols and Tom Gevas. The Keyport team made lt safe in the third with considerable help f r o m t h e i r opponents* miscues as they converted walks to Du­ Bois, Gevas, and Jim Carhart Into three runs. Tbe Fireballs’ only counter off Billy Geiger, Raider hurler, was Buster Tomic&’s l o n g home run belt in the fourth inning. • * ~ ...........'

Causes Of Fish Kills Are Told

Hazlet Fire Co. Little League Baseball Club

Little Bigger Racc Ends In Tic

ole pitcher, held tlie VFW safe after Uiat, THE The Orioles had no” trouhlo hitting Bill Foster, VFW start­ ing pitcher,'but tt was not un­ MAUWAN JOURNAL til tho third they were ahead. They picked up a run ln the I ’ate Nine. fl,rst on Fred Moser's triple Aug, 22,. 1857 and Don Zenl's single. In the . third they gained a 3-2 lead on u walk to Zonl, Mcndlnl’s sec­ ond hit, nnd follow-up singles '5s* ' * by Holmes and Bill Itowle. Middletown pltchors c o u 1-d not find the plate In the fourth The world premiere of I c • lmilng and walked so m a n y Cniindes of 1958 will open the Oriole batters, tho gamo lost fall season at Madison Square all trace of a contest. Oarden, New York, with a 12Keansburg Yankees (8) doy engagement fror* Sept. 4 ab r h through Sept. 15. Completely Qelslcr, 3b 2 0 0 new from ovcraturo to finale, Osnato, £b 3 1 0 the current version of the wellPerry, ss . 4 2- 3 knowtf lec extravaganza offers 3 3 3 » wldo range ot refrigerated Pletrlewlc*, p 3 0 1 entertainment, Burko, of Convery. c 3 .0 0, Producer John II, Harris hns 3 1 1 placed special emphasis t h i s Beltnm, lb QanneUo, If : 2 1 0 season oil fine music. Heading 2 1 1 tlie list of elaborate producLouche, rt , tlon sequences Is a profile vcr21 1 t s l o n of Bluet's "Carm en,” stream lined and modernized, 81. Maty'a (11 ab r h with choreography by J o s # 3 0 0 Qroco nnd Milton Cross as Foran, lb 3 0 Q narrator. Also in the musical Wcckenman, rf Collins, a ' 3 1 0 field are Walt Disney's Fantasla as Interpreted from the J , Abbes, p 3 0 1 Nutcracker Suite, fine fare for 3 0 1 c. Abbes, ot tho youngsters; a vignette of Qannon 3b 3 0 0 Puccini's "Madame Butterfly" 2 0 0 and a Salute to Qeorge Gersh­ Craig, 2b Savage, ss 1 0 0 win, • Jascott, If . 1 0 0 Rounding out tlie sequence! Is Uie precision-skating finale, 22 1 2 "Je t—300 Minutes from Holly, Boer* by Innings i wood to Broadway" and n BnSt. Mary's 0001 000—I varlan A l p , funfcst, "T ht Keansburg Y ankeu 0030 42x—0 Sohuhplattlers," B l a d e champions again Matawan Orioles (l6) make up tlie long list of star* ab r h included ln the 18th edition of Fierros, 3b 3 1 0 Ioe capadcs. Moser, ss > 2 2 1 Evening perforintaoes a r t Zenl, of,. 3 2 2 scheduled at 8:30 p.m. during Mondlnl, p 1 1 } the run, except f o r a u n d i y Holmes, o 1 3 0 0 when there li an early s h o w Bo’wle, lb 3 0 1 at 8 p.m. Matinee, have been Bsymanskl, It 3 1 1 soheduled for 2 p.m. on SatUr* L. Oarlto, 2b 1 1 0 days, Bopt, 1 and Sept. 14, and Oregory, rf .1 0 0 Sundays, Sept, 8 and Sept. 18. Staffllnger 0 1 0 Tickets (or all p e rfo rm a n c e ,*^ ' now are on sale by m all or ln '* 21 10 8 person at Lho Madison Square Oarden box office, Mlddletewn VFW til kb r h k . Truoxi 3b 3 0, 0 Ryom Spend Vacation Donatelll, lb 3 0 0 Capalbo, ss____ 2 1 0 In Catikill Mountain* Riddle, cf 2 11 Mr. and Mrs, Jolm T, Ryan, Ruby, 3b, p ’ 3 0 2 2 W « n t Prospect Avo., Cliff* Fostor.-p, rf --. 2 0 0 wood, returned hom*“ ATi*P; ia Provlnl, o 2 0 0 aftor spending a vacation visMatile, 2b, p ' TI 0 0 King t h e i r Bon-lti-law and Kerns, rf 1 0 .0 daughter. M r. and M rs, R a y . Share, 2b ' 1 0 Q W illiam s, a t their s u n i live r

Keansburg Yankees, put un­ der "got to win” pressure by the victory of the Matawan Orioles over the Middletown VFW by a 10-1 score on Thurs­ day night, rose to the occa­ sion Saturday morning at the Keansburg field, repulsing St. Mary's, New Monmouth, 8-1. to end the northern division, Monmouth County Little Big­ ger League race ln a tie. BoUi teams ended the regular sea­ son with a 16 wins, 2 losses, record. Al pjetrjewjes, tlie little left­ hander who was a star tor the Keyport Cardliinls ln the Lit­ tle League In 1OSS, wns the pitcher who delivered t h e goods for tl\o Keansburg team when they needed It, tlio inost. He held the St. Mary's team to two hits, both bunched ln The Hatlet Fire Co. team edged oat Garden Parkway Homes In the competition for second tlio fourth inning for their on­ place In the Barltan Township league. The pennant In the league was won by West Keans­ ly run. burg Fire Co., a veteran unit, but the other six team were newly*organlted this year and Jay Abbes was the starting waged a fierce battle among themselves while gaining experience ln play this season. The Hatlet Bquad (left to right): Kneeling—Douglas Longo, John Cusano, Timothy Cullen, pitcher for St. Mary's. He did Ronald Caccarlllo, Sylvester Cantrells, Richard .Stair, Joseph Nappl, Dominick Cosano* very well to the third when coach. Standing—Russell Barnes, scorer, Nicholas Marloles, Stewart Barnes, Leonard Saut- Alex Osnato got a life oil on error with two out. Wayne Fer­ er, Thomas Wohenba, Michael Brown, Anthony Infantl, manager. Charles Bove and Vincent and Joseph Allocco, team members, were absent when this pic­ ry tripled to send In tho first ture -was taken. . Yankees run. Pletrlewlc* hit safely to score Perxy. Jim m y Burke then doubled to send home tbe Keansburg pitcher. After Winkle Collins walked ln Uie fourth, Jay -Abbea and Chuck Abbes both singled to (2) Merchant* Trust Co. (7) Score by Inning*! ....... scoro tho New Monmouth run, sb r h ab r ll Cllffwood Angels 0 10 2 0 3—IB The rally might have kept go­ Ruby, 3b. 3 0 1 Buonamo, ss, p 3 2 2 Monmouth Beach 0 0 0 0 0— 0 ing had not catcher Oeorge Convery nipped 'Chuck Abbes Kengetter, cf 3 1 0 Goodman, 2b 1 2 1 Keyport Balders (7) off first. ’ Walsh, lb , 3 0 0 Davis, p, ss 3 2 1 Keansburg Insured victory ab r h Hourahan, c, p 3 1 2 Johnson, 3b 3 I 1 . Dowd, 2b ' 1 ] 0 tn the fifth when Pletrlewlcz Trembley, p, o ' 2 0 I Collo, o 3 0 1 DuBols, of Beutel, 2b 3 0 0 12 0 led off with a long homer. Buoky Beham, Tony CJonnel 3 0 2 Oevas, o 3 0 1 Procopio lb , rf GUmartln, ss , . j I 0 lo and BUI Louche all follow' Petite, If . . 2 0 0 Breslow, of..... . 2 0 0 Strang, a . ....... ^ i 1 1 ed with hits to roll up a sec, Samsel, rf 2 0 0 Ayers, If . a 0 0 Pote. 3b ' t 0 0 ure margin for the Yankees ro­ 0 P . Jones, ss Wright ,-rf, lb .... 0 0 0 and Insure t h e i r tie for the 24 2 5 French lb t 0 0 title. (0) ' . V ' ... 32 7 8 Carhn'rt, ss 1 10 Tbe Keansburg team also ab r h Geiger, p ' 3 0 0 had to defeat Atlantlo High' Olltfirood Angels (15) B. Smith, as 3 0 1 Nuss. If ..... • 10 0 l a n d s Foather Merohants sb r h Flynn, cf 3 0 2 Hallorwi, If 1 0 0 twloe during Uie week to lfr 4 1 1 Dane, rf W. Collins,- Sb 3 0 1 B, Smith sa ' 1 0 0 sure thomselves of the playoff. 4 1 0 Rapolla, rf Szyarto, p, 2b 3 0 1 Flynn, ct 1 0 0 ■3 2 1 The Orioles seoured t h e i r Howard, lb 3 0 0 W. Collins, 3b right to ^ a playoff berth by ' . •1 3 0 Medolla, o 2 0 0 Szyarto, lb . 18 1 1 3 3 d o w n 1 n g Mlddlotown VFW, Howard, p 1 2 0 0 Batson 3b, p _ Unlon Beach Fireballs-(1) • 10-2, Thursday ln a game hold 2 0 Klein, rf • 2 0 0 Batson, 3b : ab r h to four-and-one-haM Innings by : 4 2 0 Plzil, 11 2 O' 0 Medolla, o 0 0 .rain. The Mltldletown to a m Klein, rf . . ■ ,. 3 0 0 Cooney. 2b , Herman, l b ' 0 1 had had an outside ohanoe to PIzzl, If 1 0 0 23 0 s Clayton, p t 0 0 tie before going Into the gamo 1 11 (16) 23 IB 3 Tomlca, o An Oriole ervar gave Middle­ LarosM 3b 0 .0 town two unearned runs ln tho ab r Jl HonmoaUi Beach Y. 0. (0) 0 0 first. With two''outs, Sam Ca, Lewandowskl. of Ruby, 3b 4 1 1 ab x b 0 0 palbo was lilt by a pitched hnll Pash, I f .... Kengetter, cf ' 1 3 0 Curtiss, s s ' 3 0 0 Deer, j i 0 0 and Ron Riddle walked. A Walsh, lb 3 3 2 J3'Halloran,lb,-p2 -o-o0 1 passed ball advanced both and Sommer, ss Hourahan, p, c 4 3 3 Nichols, 2b v' 1 0 0 when Loon Holmes, Matawan Trembley. c, p 2 1 1 Hankins, 3b. p • .... ■3- 0 2 18 1 3 oatchor, throw low to t h 1 r d, Beutel, 2b 2 1 0 Kampf, rf, p , . ■ 3 0 0 - Score-bylnnlngsi Capalbo came ln to s c o r e Nappi rf ...... -2 2 -1 B orens, o .... ...... 2 0 0 Qllmartin, ss 1 1 0 Farrugalro, p, lb 2 0 •0 Union Beach Fireballs 000 10—1 Ken Ruby then hit satoly, Bcor1 Inir Riddle. Lou Mendlni OrtKeyport Raiders 203 2x— -7'lng Mendlni. O rt Samsel, If 1 1 1 Slaaen, cf 1 0 1 Petito, I f ' , ■ ; 1 0 0 Jones, if . , •> . a , 0 ^


Roland P. Smith, Senior Fisheries Biologist of the State Division of Fish and Game, Department of Conservation and Economic Development, has reported that pollution ls not the only cause of flshkllls this year ln New Jersey. While the state has- been plagued by Its share of flshkllls from pol­ lution, because of low water, there have been Quite a f c w flshkllls due, to natural causes, associated with tbe warm and prolonged dry spell -that New Jersey experienced this sum­ mer. . ' Mr, Smith reported t h a t many lakes and ponds are ex­ periencing heavy blooms of al­ gae or microscopic plant Uie which subsequent die a u d during tbe decomposition, by bacteria, the oxyjfin Js reauc: ed to a level that ls Insufficient to maintain fish life. ‘‘Normally, fish -will die dur­ ing: the night qr. .on . cloudy, days which Is w&cn the oxy­ gen values beco.ua most criti­ cal,” Mr. Smith explained. "In tome .instances tbe flshkill al­ so ts preceded by very calm -21 IS 9 water,' which tends' to provent much mixing of the water with the air through wave action. State Now Manages During the daytime, especially In bright sunlight, the plants Manalapan Lake return oxygen to the water by The State Division of F.l s h the process of photosynthesis. At night, or on cloudy d a y s , and Oame has reported to Jo­ they take Out more oxygen by seph E. McLean, State C o m ­ •breathing' than they return by missioner of Conservation- and photosynthesis and the ; chain Economic Development, that reaction begins. Manalapan Lake in Middlesex "Some species of algae also County, and 12 miles of sUeam give off toxic by-products dur­ ing their decomposition a n 1 and tributaries above tbe lake, these will kill fish and a 1 s o have been placed under pro­ may cause animals to become gram management by fisher­ sick if they drink the Water. ies laboratory personnel under There are many reports of cat­ the supervision of Rx) y R. tle dying ln tbe west f r o m drinking water containing cer­ Younger. Reclamation was puTt of a tain species of blue-gieen al­ gae which bave started to de­ project being financed by fed­ compose." eral funds under the DlngellMr. Smith said there is little Johnson Act, the division an­ that can be done to prevent nounced. Manalapan Lake was these flshkllls until we get ro- taken over by the Middlesex lief from heavy rains w h i c h County Park Commission last will dilute tho water and cool year and lowered ln order to the h I g h temperatures. In allow repairs to the dam. It small ponds temporary relief then was decided that Mie lake can be achieved by oxygenat­ should be made ready f o r ing the water, cither with fire management prior to Its being hoses or It racing an outboard refilled, because of the scarci­ motor through it, However, on ty of game fish present. large lakes these methods are not practical because of t h e large water volume.




’58 Ice Capadcs At Garden Soon

home In the Catsklll M o u n ­ t o i n s , . arnhnm svillB , N. V . 1... They also visited the W U llam * at their homo ln Qoslien, N ,Y , . O il Aug. 11, they traveled to t h o Westchester Airport, a t . •■Holp Wanted" ad . In thl, whloh tim e M r. W illiam s left papor wll you about ths good on a business trip to Vtrglnliv jobs open. ‘ and C alifornia; :

■ -. . 2} n Hcore by Innlnssi Middletown VFW 200 00— 2 Matawan o rtolar 102 7x—lo


28 Targets At N.F.A.A. Shoot Ten members of the Indian Hill Bowmen participated In the National Field Archery As­ sociation Shoot on Sunday at Unaml Bowne’s course at Leo­ nardo. High man for. the In ­ dian H1U group was Edward Lawton with 28 targets. Olber local bowmen turned ln credit­ able scores ln tbe all d a y tournament. Visiting bowmen and their families attended from all parts of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Plans have been made to visit the Bucklln Valley Bow­ men, near Delaware W a t e r □ap, on Sunday, Sept. 1, f o r another a 11 day N.F.A.A, Shoot. The shooting courso at Hlllcrcst will be'Increased from l i to 28 targets. When lt ls com­ pleted by the spring of 1058, the Indian Hill Bowmen w i l l offer one of the finest courses ln the state.

or Plavload

room for a holf ton of fr.IgM, ond pl.nty of V-8 "muicl." to haul It up lillli wllhovl a huff or a puff locdini I, eniy, tool Wllh one hand you a n open the llflynte and tullgatc. 'ilicn, you alio get the wmil loading area In tlio low-price field, ilmnki to l'ord • wrap-around llflpie. And, to go wllh llie Ford wngon'i lllg cain’lng capacity, yiou can get top performance from llie blggut V-fl In l'oril'i HrId I There'i room for nine big )U-foot.ri< and th.ie nsw ford wagoni carry lh.m In i.don comfort Wllh (II lliii, nlui Ihe fnr.r Oi.iI model for niodrl l'ord U the loweit prlcrd r»f the low-price three,* il*, no wonder l'ord wsgom ouliell 'em all I Wlinl't more. If you we tli while we're ctlehr.tInK nearly 3 dccadci of l ord wi^tm lro(lrr«lilp,t you'll get llie lil(jlicit trade* ...Mil sllowaiire and l»ril deal of llie ■nmuil-

rORB ,rk*t (tort

l«* ai

*1799°* hr Ihli

CUSTOM TUDOR fCOAH rmn mi «»i mihvi Il feiUf'i plui,

thl* i d hM»l ItIM.U 4was named Day Supervisor of ; Nurses at the Dr. Hazard Me­ leave tbe Eatontown Drive-In Boute 35, South Amboy. De­ the same admission require­ morial Hospital, Long Branch. Theatre aJt 10/a.m. The group fendants are George W. Mil­ ments as for the baccalaureate Bhe succeeds' Mrs. Marlon will lunch .at the Princeton ler, owner, and Hilma Dem- degrees. ............................ Newton, Eatontown, who left Inn. Buses will return to Eat­ sey, driver of the bus. Both It ls expected that approxi­ Tuesday to Join her husband ontown by 3:30 p.m. are of 105 Route 35, Laurence mately one-fourth of the pres­ ............ in Vlncenza, Italy. Those Interested In securing Harbor. ent enrollment ot more t h a n A suit filed last week by Mr. 5000 evening students In t h e Miss Sutphin Is a graduate tickets and making reservajot Monmoiith Memorial Hospi- vatlons for the trip,are asked gnd M^s, panto Barbetta, ontfr degree programs .will, be .en­ ,tal and attended Seton Hail to call D.ne of the following; wood Beach, seeks $20,000, rolled In associate degree cdif University. Prior to coming to Mrs. Walter Reade, Jr., Shady- making tbe total of the t w o ricula in the next few year*,' ;Hazard, she was a head nurse side, 7-4045; Mrs. Carl Higgins. suits $50,000. Ninety-five shopping d » y a In Blvervlew Hospital for two Middletown 5-1251; Mrs. Frank If you need printing ol any until Christmas. Plenty of time years. She served as an even­ IllO, Atlantic Highlands 1-D758, ing1 . staff nurse at Hazard be­ or Mrs. Warren Owens, Shady- kind, we are here to serve you If you don't have to spend too fore. she was appointed super­ aide 1-TI^5. The deadline for Our quick service and reason long ln a bospltal as a result of a Labor Day auto accident. able pr|ces will please you. Ireservations ls Monday, visor. '

helped preserve the buildings but it will take an estimated $2,000,000 for complete restor­ ation, he said. The committee also suggest­ ed that the trustees ask tlie State Department of Conserve tlon and ' Economlo Develop­ ment for a lease on the village so that they can run lt as a private enterprise. Mr, Heward explained lliat his committee Is Tin advisory gioup and that live trustees must approve any suggestion made by the committee before anything definite can be done. Charles Pike, executive sec­ retary of the planning board and a member of Iho commit­ tee, said that Allaire S t a t e

MATAWAN JOURNAL! Aur. t t. 1817

Page Elevea

Park signs have been ordeiij?**-’ and will be placed on county, state and municipal r o a d i shortly. Temporary signs now are displayed, he added. Mr. Heward announced that tho Shore Council Q lrl Scouts havo offered their servloes for maintenance of the park. Th» committee suggested that £v»slbly they oould acf'ttiffttnlde* at the park on weekends.

CEIL REDGATE Your Hairdresser Featuring, Hair Styling Coloring — Hair Shaping We Specialize In Silver Blondinfl

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KEyp o r t 7 - 3 5 6 5 i

fo r y o u r T O E ® Id a * B o o k

T lfE


m sm w m £ ) Page Twelve

■Aug. 23, 1951

v b o u n t y F lo a ts I n Sea Day Parade

NOTES Atoul Area ft'en and Women in iiie-

A rm e d

S e rv ic e s'

A counties division, featur.

ing floats, marching units and products ol Uie 21 units from Atlantic to Warren, will ap­ pear In th* arala "B ig B n , DayLV _p«ad«\rSaturd*y . la - greater Point Pleasant, aocording to its chairman, Free* “ T w T dertrP aul'K ingrIt wlil-be headed by_a convertible with * 14-foot replica of the hlstorIc Barnegat Lighthouse a n d "Mtss Ocean County;.” M i s s Barbara Garbarino. v , The 100th birthday of "O 1 d Barney” ls the theme of this year’s spectacle, w h 1 c h In­ cludes the crowning of t h e "Seafood Princess ol New Jer­ sey.” . . ' The Gloucester County 4-H . Qlubs will appear with a dis­ play float, representing the ag­ ricultural life of the county Cape May County Airport will be represented by a plane In the parade, of which Gov. Robeft B. Meyner is grand mar­ shal. One colorful aspect will . be the showing of unique coun­ ty flags with each unit. A doz­ en counties already bave tbelr official flags, depicting the out­ standing fact In their history. The Ocean County flag f ea"lures Barnegat Lighthouse, now an official state park of New Jersey. , Ocean County F r e e h o l d ­ er James K. Ailardlce will head the counties division of the “ Big Sea Day” parade, as host to the other 20 counties of the Garden State.

completed basic training at Sargent In Army Epes W, Sargent H I, son of Fort Dlx. He is a 1954 gradu­ M r. and Mrs. Richard V a n- ate of Middletown Township Syckle, Woodbrook Rd., Mata- High School. Phelan Completes Coarse TJ. 8. Army Pvt. Theodore A. Phelan,-23,-son—o f- M r,_a n J Mrs. Theodore A. Phelan, 44 Middlesex St., Matawan, re­ cently completed the telephone switchboard operation course at the Army's Southeastern Signal School, Fort Gordon, Ga. Pvt. Phelan entered t h e Army ln March 1057, and com­ pleted basic training at Fort Bennlng, Ga. A 1951 graduate oi St. Mary’s High S c h o o l , South Ainboy, he was employ­ ed by General Ceramics Corp. Keasbey. \ EPES W. SARGENT

Ends Summer Training U. S. Army Reserve War­ rant Officer August J, Clapham, whose w i f e , Llzzana, lives at 7 Oakwood Dr., Haz­ let, recently completed t w o weeks of active duty summer training at the Quartermaster School, Fort Lee, Va. Warrant Officer Clapham ls

By i l i i r r i e a n c ■I 'r c c a iE t if t iis Ss Civil 'Xbfcnsc, Disaster Control Hurricane piecautlons lor N e w Jerseys householder:; were released last week by Thomas S. D i’-r.an, di­ rector oPstate Civil Defense nnd Disaster Control. Because the northeastern seaboard, ln recent years, has been ln di­ rect path of tropical storms, Mr. Dignan urges that the fol­ lowing safety measures be ob­ served: C h e c k supplies of f l a s h l i g h t s and batteries, watches, candles, l a m p s , wloka and kerosene oil. Check batteries of portable radio to be sure tbat they are charged. Be sure that articles ln tbe cellar which could be damag­ ed 'by water are moved to a safe place. Check cellar win­ dows. Tie down porch, l a w n furniture and movable objects out-of-doors. Close and lock house win­ dows but leave a couple of windows open on the s i d e away from the storm to pre­ vent wind from building up pressure i n s i d e the house, pressure that could blow o u t windows and doors. If there are wooden shutters on t h e house, close them. Pull up awnings. Close the damper ln the fireplace. Fill the bathtub with water. Put your car in the garage and be sure lo leave one gar­ age window open to keep wind pressure f r o m building up there. Check car batteries, ra­ dio, water and oil. Have gas tank full ln case of an emer­ gency move. If you don’t have a gni-age, park your car away f r o m trees or poles, If car ls out­ side, close the windows tight­ ly, set the h

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