26 - There are a few of [PDF]

free from nn nccumuln tion of dmrt ar.d fine straw l1y being placed i n t-he d!itch. n s nn absorbent, thereby .... terÂ

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FROM NICARAGUA. A Duck and Opossum Dinner Wan. Given for Him and Hla Relatives and Friends nt the Homo of His. Farcnta nt Tort Monmouth. Capt. and ...... ntci. Vdl iinl. • ,1. The nil- u tho;*" i P i r M r r e d f « r t h e last, | i r c -. ("tdii

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Idea Transcript


stMI � wEEKLy ·

j !


NO. 26









QRAY, !'um�_ · �Nlll to tlw rnlt•�d RtntP-S 01' to ll "� lwn \" C, then .�rc�. sonnded, nnd wn nre lwre tonlgl 1t to member whnt I hn r e said here tonight. counst'l together In tlw eausc of mornl· 1 n n't tlen,\·l thnt l hnrfl elder ls.blitnt� n ity. I.ast yenr, R8 most of rou know. ln our mora lity, !Jut \vheu yoii ndll'CJJ' cus 11iettues to ImrU . clclm•·: ,-,;hut ·:clo


l'et·y wnrru

\Ve'rt.mch r:u·ce. llut Fl'l�ncluncn c·npnl> e . f �hnmger-No, lle g-ot lml(led, '"e ache she e\'t!!' saw. nn d tlwy nre fur . mo re various tllan symIn H.!l'sons · wt l t o sonwtluws ami fired him, nnd he went oti.-Chlcngo I Y.-You oughtn't to tell t!Jings ou would lm lmn g lned nt fir•t sight-he !llllhy wltll them I ns i st U[JOll !Jei ng t algar n••\·er cat ch�s ftll's," plcktug tlH.' w l num· h�tween n clv l linn runhe n · fusS nbout thlsT So thn pro-.·orb mttkC'r wrote; rn·,�sllll'nt of the chnmbnr of ill'puties "I mnHt, str. It's my business." Anpnt·row Hlloottng be my bus in ess to ropot•t you for drink­ with n tlistol mul tt "brn.\'' gN\Qrnl'' in lng hnnr w h ilf� o n duty." DlSUOS ES'r, The IJO!lccmnn's express io n sudden· the full nrdor of h i s life whose sword w�s tho symbol of bls tn•ofosslon. Yet ly chungctl. lnforanutlon ''' h l l e- Vou ""uft, tlwy wert:' utterly mlstnlum. "You' re a lawyer, I suppose, slr l". �!r. Spellem, o f High lnndtown, writes.: I f :\1. I·"loquet was no swordsman, be "Yes." ''Deur Sur-Please te l l m e n t is h e wus full of qull't pluck nnU common ".And. n sbnrp one, too," be sntd ns h olcsomest food fer ch J l d re u ?" sense, nnd he Ilrn.ct\ceLl one stroke only bo went out nntl left the gentleman You will find d o ugh nu s nhout the tllo u l;.;ht Lcfprc the fl 9ht. A Uor.cn to coo tln u bls rlde.-Lontlon Answers. "holesomest " art i cles of Ought








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lpauy {,




: Grace-

�ng �� �ust lili:e



: G



f g

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-:··�-'Yf !�h\q�e.' o{tlu�· ( · · .






2:'.ou ft..-h ic,'l.go


ills old l lm hs stllf tlw next mt:'Il tllat ln tbowlng

�aTJnt'�s, in th\!\1· \"tdn (·ff;,rtH \Q cou�ll�te. quote wUat 1::eem Un re d lnt; to be low 1Jrlce8. yet upon !m·t>.4i)!ntlon. white tht! nrtll'ltc>�J are marked but 5 to 10 per cent. cheB.JH:c"r, they are tu real! I r ,-ery much dearer, as tber are not flparll· up to the standard ln. tlu: ucct•,.o:mi'Y p;u·tll'Uhtrs whieh go to make tlep�udahle undermutsllnl!.



t! i� �! it


foundntion for an


� ��


We Will Not Sell Trash at Any Prl".

H�tnw we qnotr

few otierlm:s aml sami•le \'&lues, the kind tbat make a sure

l'll"''iab\� bus11�e\!S: a

0:\JBIH� IJLE Sh:I H1'.;;-Bel\utlfu l cre­ atlor•� of !llle Ctl tll h r!P�, \nwu:� 111111 JnU!!• lin�. full wnlkln� wldl hs. tln lslleil ln nil

re!lJit'Ct!i likl• tLe IJt>�t ltum�·matle llltr­ ment�. }lh\iH. tW:lt or �·\aWJratcly trlm­ Dll'cl t\·itb tl£��1' bt•l!... , tnst"rtinns, prutt}· t'lllhro ifh•l"il'" 1md line tuckil•iC· abo t-uuac hem�titche(\ �tyh:�. n1l Jlrovhted. wltb extra tlll�l mtltes, Tbls Is the way ti.Jey're ttrJeel\:

Jj I

ji; 4\f

�l t1�:

The t. :ll 5 kinds at . . . . . . . , . . . -95C The 1 69 kinds at . . .. . • • , .. 1 · 4 5 The 2.50 k i n d s at , . , . , . . , , 1.98 The :z.75 klnds at . . . . . . . . . . :ll. :l! S

�f.1 ��




Better gl'l\lleso.t

The 65c kinds at . . . . . . . . . . . . 48c The t.oo klnds nt . . . . . . . . . . . ,trsc The 1.39 kinds at . . , . . . . . . . . . Sse The •·711 kinds at. , . . . , . . . . . 1 . :1 5 Bcttm· gra1lcs a t l i ke relluctlons.

l lkt• l'etluction8.


For two

From June


t8th to the 30th,

Duri n !:: wlilelt t!me llndam \·uu Hl'unt will he Jn l'Onstant attemlnnce in our 1 t t l uK KABO CORS!:';T AND EUS'l.' PEH1-"'EC1.'01tS, free of

�) ��

cor:;t•t ilt'l'llt'twcot

�� �j�!-t ��


c�;��;� �plewliU cot·fet:s are rnpitll

y coming luto descn·ed j)OJJUinrltr - due to tlu:ir mutt:hles g-t·ace of dt sign. fine nut.terlals nnd flni!h, ancl la1!k of bruss . (')'t!ll't� to �o l l tllin�o:s lUlU trr the llt\tieuc�. 'l'HE FOlDl·lH�UUC'I�G 1-\:ABO Is 11 of gnat comtnrt to wmnen of lthdJ llbiluwf:'u m· tnt} nmvlo tlg:ure. 'l'her rcadtlr retne·l)· the�� d�{eds wlthout lmrm or 1 \ ls1 om!nrt. 'l'H g 1.00, l .!!:J A�D t.r,o KABO COBSE'l'S should i n terest mnny ladles, as ()\'err coucelmblt• lengtlt model lt.llll .st3-·1u '\·lll be shown; and no enra Cllarue Illlllle for CXI:Cl't fitting, wbJcb fmures I\ JICrfect !itt lug COn:ct1 lttckiog whlcll no gown t•n l l>�t £-lllltrtlr., lh:nnemi:u�r thu_ UAIP.�

il t�



ll ��


�� ��

irl !:!! �


18th to





We are Sole Agents in Newark.


C l o ses Saturdays


o'Clock, Noon,


Keepi n g Open Friday Evenings D uri n g the :rvl o n ths of July and





�-j �··

M. N E .wv. '·' .,. R I< N J

., .









������:· 43 Somerset St., Plainfield.

Geo. f. Brown, J,



Practical plumber, Steam, Hot Water, Hot Air Heating, TINNING,






��'l!m��'M¥�)1.��'1¥1���-. HO:SE Fancy Cakes for

children -- have you T forgotten them ? J ust take a the

few home; sam p le them your­

self, and you will t hank us lot


reminding you.




anperlorlty of Lehigh Vlllley Caul lie• in th" filet


,. ,�e:��;�; ::��::�:�.��·: · ·: .:·��·· -;��:.:· ;,"��:��'tl���:::!::::;��:���.::::.:;:!�:����;�:�:.:;�::��::�:���}:::i�:',�.�·:.�,·�arn• ll lt 111/llr•

Your Money



tlm�s. though not too Iunny to m n lw

���it:�l:�Yt��t!�1�!:!::���J�!���,t:��:t�!l��,ti!V,V!'i. .S!

�j t�

�i toc\'ci-y nel\·spn- i\l



l 900.

tlmt It Is h�tr1ler. hnrn• iong. er, giveR f01th nwre hAilt

burn" up cltmner, iR th!:J ll�st:


therefore tile ohenpeat.

Fi8.rst .SD.t., W I NWedT iER, MII,

44 YAtto, PtoroN, N.

N, J,


Gayle Hardware Co. Cor.

(Pormerl,y L•lre'l,)

St. mul


I'LAINFIIlL!), l l Ll'IllJON-HA LLONCO.I(P.FI('S NEW i( F P. C TI 'fOit�, TOWNI.S.AilWNNil'SMOWllALLili(SI,OF.I(Aothtrl Oil. STOVflS, "OMil, WICKLH5S, ICIJ CIU!AM f'l(llllZIUtS, A a·o




I'V l Fc· !·,y _t,f ..... -. i . '•! 'l'J r.l t. T C H F G R � ct.. �Y = C R nC K · -�• , ..., �• D /! . ....:W��.... STARTE 5 � 0 ! T P I R C · � 3 U � R PCPUL< ����..._. ____ •,,t·' ft" nn· •�·ral \\ (·;t t .. l . 1er ' . � ... - fT L �"- �� of . ' The Sta n c � � d P u o. .: ,s n • n g C o nCP r n . . EY. N O M E H T E 3 1 !. R TO • Ht-c l'l:l�t-llrtt Hall 1 :· � 1'11• 1 1 \ C•ttllf• IJf D:£- .. ':1 · I . ....;, , .::. I '·" k '·''""' ,, .\flo '""""· i •• .,.,;�:. ;. "'"II ' :>'•·••h •I atH\ . • �!' .• .\. 1).:\:':,�':l·:r.\:' . :�p��:-:;�:,, , · ' t l t · ·· �-" l l c •l!J c_•, r:. l' •..,i�·-'.".'··. )fHto · :_"l·r. nLL L ( U ilt·ll!o !\11+1 PI"II JH'I'tY On flt'r-. \\' i l l l f t•lp I! 'lnw \\itbr)U t W(JI k. an•i (If!� ; 1 1 1 • _..,. .1 ..· - t� ��ll _ \: • tltt·i - r liriu� ., " o I' . (�' - }'J"- _\l'. • .\ 1 .i .. .: ,.. ! •· l :i :-:·-l r··a.-u:--(r, tue a l . n �•l • ElHl A ( ' •• .,,to\\ j • t., l'nrf" h .� -{' i t . _ . , ,• • of the po.·�t.·t� Df tlw la\JIJ'"i. !lg f'1'PJ11•·. fi .. J d ;., l t m cl a \' a f '.-111 •dll t" t ry tht-ir • 1 h_fo ('l�IZ�w::_of u�•� ou (: . o n nty nr�_mnted to llUftlClplltt.> lU tL� l:liza�til 'TILL DO TO 1 _ · lfer. tR YtAR . . · ehunt:: A:-�Ot'Ian,.n f-Xt llrzotou, .J nue .. . , lf.HJO. U BfiC R J FT I O N . l3• 13� •�·0° F , 1 : t h e f:O tl l l trJ 1 0:: trJ 1Jt.: J ll l l l J) t ) Ja ..\ , \ ..k l t l .lg_:tw-r t h a t t f t l a · \Yt· - t •. • .elt.l . .:-al' tl•at. if lb:·rl!?- \"' 1 F'.1n-!'" bnlh w;tp• will Uf.' (m itl -o nn tht' Elizu11fth \l,.e!'fft�'-ld trni lf\' r a STRio::�,.. · ��;z, o d t clao:;, w i t h �L1rk Il ·uJIIa at the h�a�l, A. t � 1W u- i t h a l.fJIJ� ":' of \ te�u rt ..E. au_n 3 a j1Jne�" 011 tlle wp of 1 l' n �c•Ja .. +-rs a t a nr (:� r h f••�l�wiug lJ�t iue:-_s huu t-�. • Thl:"' t·n u �ll t ,r \T l � i l : � � · · � � , : ·� t·o dt·!t"·lt· :or, t a r tln;;; �.e ,-ou. tD tht"tr . � ... 1 ror· . . , t l wh ..- r£1 t hO:.> a t lt'kt-t \vheu :r._ on ...M:'o )Otll f.tre. whtt b wtll eutltltc-_ ) ou to Ln�: h c.:-h \Tay� u ttwll t I H· ont 1 on,.: t ,ii P Office -5TA'> U A R lJ Building. ' · Oil ,;;, J • rt-f.. tJtlttinn th i-ir fii- t r u_t �.�:� 1 ' . •11 f b= ,... uf d n � tLl• at nud · ri-tli , b .. () ... .. t l Adverti-lui.! Hat•·: fund·llr:•l (J!.J ar J io?atf')n. pDo r e n o ucrh. I· · a\ f-1 a_e l l ttz; .:\ . 'll rehn.:,:. m any , of thei;e Btores a�:!-nn·� yoll a fref> ride tllrongb th pr£ttti..... I 0 • l1 a . !Ot}lt'f_ � .... l...t 1 1 : . I t l•JVkt-d . ���. l 1 WtJ-' e Wl1Wg . y.· · •�'t.._" . -::..:: -------------I_ ea11nl_.l'=" of •lo1ug :;o par t nf t� uinn co11u t r. .... . . AJ4t·nv.u t:. Pt:.\Jt"i,U.-1�, t;dJtnr, thtJr t n · l•hY bel t, a'! t hrt: \\ tte t o a duru ...,"..-:�\ ;�'�' �. { i ut t-lligently n patri - BERRY « CO. , � l?rom the huud. st:unp to tlw illt 104 Broutl S t rt>et. n.. ''· �TJCI\:t.E, J�•wat E•Htur. Jeatbe� fur �onr :-nfe h .. th e -� otic th in g o::: i s her(,> E\\'ALD BROEKEI-( Good�. ti CO. , Li tl u o r. Cigar�. 701 Elizabeth A\·�nue. �tnua�:er. rnyeterious fl('WSpu per p re s3 a aud suc('eedt:oU c. t:. Pt:.Ut"it\ 1.1., pni:b!Ug- fon r m e-u -.�.. .. .... . �: :fi� . o o ee ace p E SHOE STORE;S. th . 1 EAGL �'3 Broad_ nnU 103 First 8trePt l _ 1 r p E d, 'd·'.; · . .. " ----------�-=-:--:- 1 road long onr the ho1ue plate, but afrer tlmt rn · huntlre�s of year; ELIZA BETH CLOTHINO CO .. O utfi t te r•. 9:l Broad S�re•t . HJ� E 0G IDI)O . � J · • el. 23 1 Brmu\ , 8treet. of the earth will celebrate hi,; craft ter.; were retired m one, twu, th ree or ing a Ho.•e Wagon yery umch meJ•d L E WIS M I LLINER\" CO:, ll:J r'i rst Street. . . origi nated iu 1426 in a very feehle, Ou uets." Collin• waa a l i t tle wild t o do o l c i UNIO� BUSINESS COLLEOE, 210 BrnH1\'lug ]'•g1 I t 0f tue 0 todelrid{the.visitors i uto imaginlug the y t JNO . ... WEBER, Geuts' Furnisher, n Fi r• t Street . · 1 1 C entury upon ns. twenhet hayseed " 1" 't h e i• at thai. were playing w i th JS"o 1\lt.mUun ''" i U he t·�lcl tis umeo l e. he wnn ted the Stttntlnrd stopJ,cd Domocmts ; of cotuse they' il'o n. 't:" . ·uml l;ol d ing the- bnl l too l ong on the It \1·i11 endure nn·prise, ownetl nml operuted hy Rcpnb· us th ough he wonltl be k nocked out of u t e Stuuase, both In looks ty o1ucnot SCIVO Society. .Ju.,tive What \\rn�UluliJ. lJoy or w:lrl will he the llrst ·•I muy he n horse thiuf nml 11 and stJ lo of J>iuy. to suh�t.!rJbl'1 And thoro Ia no Justice in 11 c1111 ! II< III'd IJ re r, ILH you StLy, Bllitif•K'



-Mro. Hany B. HetwHm, of Br�oklyn. tb� gue•t of .MrR. J. S. A. Wittke -1'he

last week.

regnh1r monthly meeting of the

lloat'it. ta l/10 suhl!crJIJcr.-, uut.ler ottth ot· amrmn.thm thtJh' claim;; awl cleuuullls llKft.!nst tile eto�tate uf snl l dt!C"n.;•·•i ',\'It hlu ulna 1uouthrt tl'IHil �he srcowl da}' of June ltiUU, or tUt:r will be t•Jt·� eH!I' }JnrJcli tl'u"' Jlr'l�ceu t l n\; ot• l'l!cov�rlug the same ���ulnst tllu HUh:lcrthllr�. ,J .HO Nt.'l""l' •, \YIU���J.I·;u, FIUNct-:s \\rut:�;r.tat. IO:x:t·cu·rtcee.

Half block b elow C. R. R. Station.

agitating tho qtte,tlou of a �mud p11rade

of vL�itin,; tiramen ou LfLhor Day.

-1'he Di�trict Grnud '\Vorkwa.u will be pre•en t 111 the meeti ug of Upchurch A. 0. U. W., tbi• ov;uiug.

-�be. J ohn Crane, of East Orauge, has lJeen Bll'lltling u few dnrs w it h her


let Regt. .


NeiV lund.

Stitt llu• beeu nppoiuteu

offici •! BY $2.00 to redeem their peto.

-The nuuun\ meeting of the


lugton Associlltiou of New Je rsey will

be held nt historic Wasblugt�n Head• quart�r•, .Mol'ti&towo, to morrow.

-"Jack" Tobin ra11 into tba rear end of

a wagon while rluing bis whael on South

�bout the body bat not

avenue, Saturduy night.

l�uhUc filt•lrlhnl l'l'h'a.lfl �nt.,rttrhe.

will captme

ull uu\icensetl dogs t• nd owners will hnve

mul to

George B. Dickerson were elec ted dele· gt&tea. Bon. Chester

- Wl!ll11m


Welles in


wus urule ·

-The gentlemen recently �ppolnted to An electl'ic 2.3 c1mdl� powet' light has been so pllleecl in the n.lley t'unniug pHr&l· confer with the townohlp committee In ed

lei wit h Braud stree t as to ruuke it t>os· regard to tile new to wn




siblo for the night force to lu•pect he meetin g 1•t tlte town rooms l11st evenl ug, PremiBeN to lmt te r nilvnntnge l1 ereto · -lllios E. L. St•rr will present a paper lore. 'l'he eXJJense uf tuulutalnlng the on the snl>ject o f "No11 Alcoholic• In light will be wnt uui l v ohllred by the fol· 1\leIeee, which ortleretl Ju inte tl, will be

nml'O)IJsetl l ine lmtl withdmwu rni1rontl prope1·t_y, o�enetl ns i t is u nat· dunce nt the vesper serv i ce in th e Meth· t-heir couseut� n.ml he w ished to kuow odist church last Sunday evening. here the cowwi ttee uud citizens want­ ural Wdttr cou1'se. w F. W. Morse, of the Gn rwootl Lantl & 'Servi ces of lik� character will be held ell tim line to go aud said the COilllJauy Improvement company, wns uotitle•l to and every Bunr.lay �veulug du ring the Sum­ was williu!l tu h•ke uuy route they wlohtd rep l ace the sidewalk au Ceutml llVemu• mer mouths, under the anopicee of the hut there tvnuld be a long tlel"Y· He ••hich he removed iu cutting through tl Epwortli League, comliJeucing at 7.15 said work would commence on 24 hou r s •. new street. o 'cloclr and continuing one hour. A song notice and cars would Ue rllnuiug with· On motion Willilltu H. Stitt was np· Nothing but the best ma­ llt!rvice precudes the regular Le11gne in two wooks if the route waa llOt chllvg· pointetl official dog catcher with power terial used. I mix all my meeting, whloil is followed by a set·m on ell. to catch all unllcensetl dogs. He will be owu paint from pure white by Rev. Dr. C. 1.1. Anderson . The seats W. B. Toucoy tur ned over tG. 30, paid 50 cents for all er the terw• of their Pas•lon Play before the stt1rt for home 1:! 110 .Ju.mos Harrhlon fmnchlsa. 8npel'lnteurleut ot Ro1uls meeting the committee •tljourned b lo nuule on Angust 0. WJ 00 ,Juhu 1!". KtH'I'l' Holful!ln t·epnrte•l th11t Orchnrtl, W11l meet 011 Fr hl ny evening, JttiY u. 2:11 Ul Joltu O'lllmtls BICVCLE RIDER • lil Jl. N. 1'�tl'ior INJU RED W H I LE TRAINING, J, M, 14utlley II W ,r, A, UrJtthu.rlu�ow lli 00 IJIIVhl Lo Curtl11 l h . n Into \V111(4JU ntul 18 00 ,flunoK IJ!lWI1UA Jh•uktt 11 Uth. UO liO A, Jloltnmn "ft M Uoht, \Vumlrutr Dnvltl L. Cmtlslo uoullnetl tobls home Wm, I 'OIHl\otun m �0 on n II ur•• ''"lii!Ud� npnn Ulutliulu•. It •honh he "''!U l 'lll!l!ilort,cnrreut a few weeks ugo, thl\t the watet• was ru nning o\·er pri\�nt€ TABLE D'HOTEl DINNER, 5 to 8 growth on the left hand of Bomey Rooke to the ell'ect thnt the last iegl;lutnre had prOI>erty uud he thougl!t the street P. M., 60c, la:it eveuiug. chn ng enice, Un.l'ted o ft" lib� u n arrow out of a bow. )tr. l'erklns took out u !1·esh lnmJle of quill }JPnS nnd a quire of egul fooJs­ ca.p und hegan to "'ork in gootl ea rn ­ est, w lu..' n , u l l of a suUd c n , a htp Cume to per.r

"Open i t .


suell a hlottt>d p1ece of worli."




his office door. HCom� in," snicl· :\fr. l'erld!ls. in a ro i ce thot soun at h e r ! ' • · • Don ' t USL' �uch vulgn r ex,p re:-Riun:-, � nl,\' d�:ar/' �:tid thE' m a m m n . "She wu a pt•rt, boh!-Juct'd t h ingo, a n l WOIJlt\ han· l:'!oped w h h ,\'Oiir- denr b r·o t h e r i r .!-:l!(' l l r•t• m n i n e d i n the lw s e ::motht· r

a ,.;

1 r�d1u.�:11� Jf0�1�fJ�Jr���t���·

�t:�·n y n u r l:tcC'le F, ; i � }: ·. t.:•Jh1 \fro: 'fu1 \"l'(•U:x � h r -


pir�- ; uu t! i ,eh;r rg- was !o'O h a n dy a t runt•.\' work.'' • · _\ n tl. lw ..:itJe�:· :u1Ut>cl Ellltll Ho�:1· lJl'll�'. ''it rPol!},\· and tnt!y wu�n't ht·l fn u l t hl·enll�l:' \Y: dter chose t o mal�,

cout... n t J,f·w :t1h th8 r·han��in:: :-l->.Y


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\\'ho.-·• · > ! H l l v. uul•l -" ' " '' It ' 10< •- t!Ph• ulrl


ping the so](}s o f lH!'I' s!ippcrc dead. T l J P Uoc· tor� gan� t h e cautic aS fllli clc e(;JJ!,lll!lp· tiotl ,


rrwo lla,\'8 nftel"\\'1.1 1'1.1 t,\\'0 1111'11 1110\'t:>d ca uti o us ly tl o w n t,lw H lopt• o f t.hc conc­ shapt�-cl JnOII n t a i n. at ,t i l t· foot G•f ,-..·hich s.tooU the mission. Bo t h Wt!l'f' urmed, llltUI lJul.h c re p t e&•o ucllfn gly front lJowldcr to lJowldot•J• n n d front b u s h to bush, . u s H t·ltey ft.>otli'C'tl tl e 1 t·ct i u u . As t l ie y (lil11 t h e bells o f the m is ­ sion hl'gan to t o l l . •rite• S\\'eet-toueU. suuml. trom the l i t tle hl'om:e b e l !!;­ eas t in old Rpa i n--c a tnl! up t h e-- m o u n ­ t a i n , nndl t h e t w o m e n stopped n n d lool{ed down a t u f u nernl JH'Ocession p assi g slowl�· a l o n g t h L• countl'y road to the gra\'c,rurd, a shol't di:;tnnce aw ny . F�r one· of t h L'tn t h n t fun�m.i was a ma g e t. Followiug t h e lJen!'se ca me u. \\' tgo n in ·which !!U t 11 number of young girls clothe-d! i n '\\' h i te, beh i n d jt lll·!l liY buggies, wagons nn1l a m o t l ey description of \'ehiocles, filled witlt people.






� J•I�u� vi tlie ii'UIIII,Y•oauk

E•rlr Pru•l•e• �� "rm going t ue J>roud of that. 1mdl boy of mine o ne of tlJOsc d.nya,11 be e.s-


ct::����' ���enne����:,

u�")o. !I.e'� going t o be a bu:siDe•' m a n . I told/ him l a st week t h n t i f he'd/

be a goud ho .r I'd t a lw him to t h e clr­ cus. 1 nst t:ad1 of t .aldngm e righ l u p ha . tl1 o u g- h t thl! propus i t i u u U \'1..>1' n minute. at:U t l l etJ :u�h: cl11 m e if J t l : ou6ht it waa a gnorl circl l!-;."-\\'a!'l!iJlt;"ton Star. A

\'l cthn (If II•'uNt•cl(• rt:l l tr ...

�I issiounr.r - \\"as i t l i q u or t h a• brouglJt you to t h i s ? I m p r i r-iotH:!t.l HuJ·glur-:\'o, sir; f t wa• house clt•ani n'-spl'ing house c1eunin'• sir. )lissionnt·y-El! 1 House e!caningt' Durglur-Yc�sir. 'l'l1c womun h wl been l t Ouse clcanh1', null th' s t a i r ear­ pet wns up, un' th' folks heard me.­ !'.. Y. \\'eckly. -----

Aun l (severely)-.\s I gl a c ed Int.: the dtra,,·iug-roorn last c\·en in g 1 saw �rou with u young mu.u1s n1·m u.ro-uncl: you. Xiece (cnlmly)-Yes, auntie. I wu wai t in g fol' you to pnss the· d oo r nnd oee us. Young men nre 1·ery ssitt, Ia Thora� .... ,.•• 1uul otJ1er dhenses are rbeumntil'im 11\\.hnt? Js that �·nu ng Jlncer's ftt · •nmbere1l by the UtonsamlH, ther? "' hy, t h e old man loolis ymmgl•r The f11vorite fltmiiy cath11rtic I• Hood's thnn h is son." "Exnct ly, yo un g Pncer hus 011t· Pills. stripped him. J.�h·ud !n$lter, you know." The �leep1e,;.• · ,.even. 41'Thm'l.• Wl!l't' t-;e\'t�ll n,f thu 12," Hflht one vr tlw lll.t.'Jl in u t a low r nt al h.r_ t h e man­

p rovit1cd•


Promotes Digestion.Cheerfulness alld Rest.Contalns neither OpiUm ;t.lorphine nor Millual. NOT NAHCOTI C.


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