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new predefined formats long , full , longTime , fullTime . the format yyy is now supported, e.g. the year 52 will be 052

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Yonge Eglinton Laser Eye Centre,,,416-545-1900,2345 Yonge Street,Toronto,ON ,M4P 2E5,eye. Fitness Studio .... Bay,ON ,P1B 1B8,physiotherapist. Sutherland-Chan School & Teaching Clinic,,,416-924-1107,330 Dup

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Yonge Eglinton Laser Eye Centre,,,416-545-1900,2345 Yonge Street,Toronto,ON ,M4P 2E5,eye. Fitness Studio .... Bay,ON ,P1B 1B8,physiotherapist. Sutherland-Chan School & Teaching Clinic,,,416-924-1107,330 Dup

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Yonge Eglinton Laser Eye Centre,,,416-545-1900,2345 Yonge Street,Toronto,ON ,M4P 2E5,eye. Fitness Studio .... Bay,ON ,P1B 1B8,physiotherapist. Sutherland-Chan School & Teaching Clinic,,,416-924-1107,330 Dup

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alexeagle docs: add changelog for 6.0.0-beta.0

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8503cc1 Jan 18, 2018

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6.0.0-beta.0 (2018-01-17) Bug Fixes animations: fix increment/decrement aliases example (#18323) (d2aa8ac) benchpress: should still support selenium_webdriver < 3.6.0 (#21477) (9b84a32) common: set correct timezone for ISO8601 dates in Safari (#21506) (05208b8), closes #21491 compiler: cache external reference resolution (#21359) (e3e2fc0) compiler: make .ngsummary.json files idempotent (#21448) (e64b1e9) core: fix chained http call (#20924) (7e3f9a4), closes #20921 ivy: Add workaround for AJD in google3 (#21488) (6af3672) language-service: Clear caches when program changes (#21337) (43e1520), closes #19405 service-worker: properly handle invalid hashes in all scenarios (#21288) (3951098)

Features bazel: allow ng_module rules to control whether type checking is enabled (#21460) (cffa0fe) core: add binding name to content changed error (#20352) (d3bf54b) forms: handle string with and without line boundary on pattern validator (#19256) (54bf179)

Performance Improvements ivy: add missing dom element in render3_function tree benchmark (#21476) (9b5a485)

5.2.1 (2018-01-17) Bug Fixes animations: fix increment/decrement aliases example (#18323) (48c1898) benchpress: should still support selenium_webdriver < 3.6.0 (#21477) (3c6a506) common: set correct timezone for ISO8601 dates in Safari (#21506) (8e9cd57), closes #21491 compiler: cache external reference resolution (#21359) (c32e833) compiler: make .ngsummary.json files idempotent (#21448) (a931a41) core: fix chained http call (#20924) (54e7576), closes #20921 language-service: Clear caches when program changes (#21337) (cc9419d), closes #19405 service-worker: properly handle invalid hashes in all scenarios (#21288) (51eb3d4)

Features core: add binding name to content changed error (#20352) (4556532) forms: handle string with and without line boundary on pattern validator (#19256) (75f8522)

5.2.0 (2018-01-10) Bug Fixes bazel: Give correct module names for ES6 output (#21320) (9728dce), closes #21022 benchpress: forward compat with selenium_webdriver 3.6.0 (#21399) (6040ee3) benchpress: work around missing events from Chrome 63 (#21396) (fa03ae1) common: export currencies via getCurrencySymbol (#20983) (fecf768) Note: Due to an animation fix back in 5.1.1 (c2b3792) which allows for nested :leave queries to work within animation sequences, all elements that are dynamically inserted (*ngIf, *ngFor, etc…) now contain the special CSS class: “ng-starinserted”. This may cause failures within unit tests if there are any assertions that match against element.className directly. (An easy fix for this is to match using a regular expression instead of asserting the className string directly.)

5.2.0-rc.0 (2018-01-04) Bug Fixes animations: avoid infinite loop with multiple blocked sub triggers (#21119) (86a36ea) animations: renaming issue with DOMAnimation. (#21125) (871ece6) common: handle JS floating point errors in percent pipe (#20329) (07b81ae), closes #20136 language-service: ignore null meta> {{ }}

Animation Package We have pulled Animations into their own package. This means that if you don’t use Animations, this extra code will not end up in your production bundles. This also allows you to more easily find documentation and to take better advantage of autocompletion. If you do need animations, libraries like Material will automatically import the module (once you install it via NPM), or you can add it yourself to your main NgModule.

TypeScript 2.1 We’ve updated Angular to a more recent version of TypeScript. This will improve the speed of ngc and you will get better type checking throughout your application.

StrictNullChecks Angular is now compliant with TypeScript’s StrictNullChecks. This means that you can enable StrictNullChecks in your project, if desired.

Universal Universal, the project that allows developers to run Angular on a server, is now up to date with Angular again, and has been adopted by the Angular team. This release now includes the results of the work from the Universal team over the last few months. The majority of the Universal code is now in platform-server. To learn more about this change, take a look the new renderModuleFactory method, or Rob Wormald’s Demo Repository. More documentation is forthcoming.

Flat ES Modules (Flat ESM / FESM) We now ship flattened versions of our modules ("rolled up" version of our code in the EcmaScript Module format, see example file). This format should help tree-shaking, help reduce the size of your generated bundles, and speed up build, transpilation, and loading in the browser in certain scenarios.

ES2015 Builds We now also ship our packages in the ES2015 Flat ESM format. This option is experimental and opt-in (configure your webpack to resolve "es2015" property in package.json over the regular "module" property).

Known Issues The following is a list of known issues that will be fixed in the next rcs. Source maps are missing in npm packages Generated bundles will be larger temporarily while we validate new code paths and remove old ones docs have not been updated to reflect API changes in 4.0 legacy UMD bundles don't have correct RxJS mappings when running in ES5 mode without a module system

Installing RC.1 We have two main ways to update. If you have an existing project, you should be able to run: On Linux/Mac: npm install @angular/{common,compiler,compiler-cli,core,forms,http,platform-browser,platformbrowser-dynamic,platform-server,router,animations}@next --save On Windows: npm install @angular/common@next @angular/compiler@next @angular/compiler-cli@next @angular/core@next @angular/forms@next @angular/http@next @angular/platform-browser@next @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@next @angular/platform-server@next @angular/router@next @angular/animations@next --save

Then run whatever ng serve or npm start command you normally use, and everything should work. Please ensure that you are using Typescript v2.1.6 or higher. If you rely on Animations you’ll also need to install the animations package @angular/animations and import the new BrowserAnimationsModule from @angular/platform-browser/animations in your root NgModule. Without this, your code will compile and run, but animations won’t activate. Imports from @angular/core were deprecated, use imports from the new package import { trigger, state, style, transition, animate } from '@angular/animations'; .

What's next? We have three more release candidates scheduled before our planned GA the week of March 22. In the meantime we'll be looking for your feedback, fixing bugs and working on docs.

Commit Summary Features compiler: Add a enableLegacyTemplate option to support (e99d721) compiler: introduce , deprecate and template attribute (bf8eb41) compiler-cli: add a locale option to ng-xi18n (234f059), closes #12303 #14537 compiler-cli: add an outFile option to ng-xi18n (39f56fa), closes #11416 #14508 #14657 core: enable new view engine (d3a98c7) core: make new Inject() optional for deps specified as InjectionToken (#14486) (d6a58f9), closes #10625 core: add a PLATFORM_ID token that provides a platform id Object. (#14647) (a1d4769) forms: add option to use browser's native validation and angular forms (#13566) (8742432), closes #13573 forms: introduce AsyncValidator interface (#13483) (551fe50), closes #13398 router: add RouteConfigLoadStart and RouteConfigLoadEnd events (78e8814) router: add an option to rerun guards and resolvers when query changes (c2e0f71), closes #14514 #14567 router: add an option to rerun guards and resolvers when query changes (#14624) (41da599), closes #14514 #14567 router: introduce RouteConfigLoaded event (7df6f46), closes #14036

Bug Fixes common: do not reference deprecated classes in providers (#14523) (#14523) (a23634d), closes #14521 core: host bindings and host listeners for animations (5049a50) http: Make ResponseOptionsArgs an interface (#14607) (fbe4b76), closes #13708 packaging: properly build the core-testing bundle (4301dce) platform-webworker: integrate review feedback (601fd3e), closes #14581 router: do not finish bootstrap until all the routes are resolved (#14608) (2a191ca), closes #12162 #14155 app ids for better style tag management for ssr (#14632) (88bc143)

Code Refactoring core: deprecate RootRenderer / Renderer (ccb636c) core: change abstract classes for interfaces (#12324) (ee747f7), closes #10083

Performance Improvements distribute smaller bundled code and include es2015 bundle (de795ea)

BREAKING CHANGES core: Because all lifecycle hooks are now interfaces the code that uses 'extends' keyword will no longer compile. Introduced by (ee747f7). To migrate the code follow the example below: Before: @Component() class SomeComponent extends OnInit {}

After: @Component() class SomeComponent implements OnInit {}

Based on our research we don't expect anyone to be affected by this change. RootRenderer cannot be used any more, use RendererFactoryV2 instead. Introduced by (ccb636c).

Note: Renderer can still be injected/used, but is deprecated. Note: the 4.0.0-rc.0 release on npm accidentally omitted one bug fix, so we cut rc.1 instead. oops :-)

4.0.0-beta.8 (2017-02-18) Features packaging: allow applications to turn on strictNullChecks mode in TypeScript (#14382) (03e855a) common: added typed overloaded for AsyncPipe.transform() (#14367) (4da7925) compiler: add support for source map generation (#14258) (7ac38aa), closes #14125 compiler: add target locale to the translation bundles (#14290) (bb4db2d) compiler: generate shallow imports compiler generated references (#14388) (8b81bb1) compiler: implement style encapsulation for new view engine (#14518) (0fa3895) compiler: integrate compiler with view engine - change detection tests work (#14412) (e4e9dbe) compiler: integrate compiler with view engine - main integration tests work (#14284) (baa654a) compiler: integrate compiler with view engine (#14487) (4e7752a) core: add isStable Observable property to ApplicationRef to indicate when it's stable and unstable (#14337) (c481798) platform-server: add API to render Module and ModuleFactory to string (#14381) (b4d444a) platform-server: Implement PlatformLocation for platformServer() (#14405) (9e28568) platform-server: support @angular/http from @angular/platform-server (9559d3e) tsc-wrapped: add an option to ngc to bundle meta ) (e5c6bb4), closes #13800 compiler-cli: add support for more than 2 levels of nested lazy routes (5d9cbd7), closes angular/angular-cli#3663 compiler-cli: avoid handling functions in loadChildren as lazy load routes paths (aeed737), closes angular/angularcli#3204 core: Add type information to differs (8c7e93b), closes #13382 i18n: translate attributes inside elements marked for translation (424e6c4), closes #13796 #13814 router: RouterLink mirrors input target as attribute (d9a22da), closes #13837 router: throw an error when navigate to null/undefined path (46cb04d), closes #10560 #13384 router: fix checking for object intersection (6d29fae)

Features animations: expose the element value within transition events (4bae4b3) animations: expose the triggerName within the transition event (3f67ab0), closes #13600 animations: support function types in transitions (9211a22), closes #13538 #13537 language-service: support TS2.2 plugin model (99aa49a) NgComponentOutlet: add NgComponentOutlet directive (8578682), closes #11168 NgTemplateOutlet: Make NgTemplateOutlet compatible with * syntax (c0178de) router: call resolver when upstream params change (#12942) (d4d3782)

BREAKING CHANGES core: - IterableChangeRecord is now an interface and parameterized on . This should not be an issue unless your code does new IterableChangeRecord which it should not have a reason to do. KeyValueChangeRecord is now an interface and parameterized on . This should not be an issue unless your code

does new KeyValueChangeRecord which it should not have a reason to do.

DEPRECATION Deprecate ngOutletContext . Use ngTemplateOutletContext instead. CollectionChangeRecord is renamed to IterableChangeRecord . CollectionChangeRecord is aliased to IterableChangeRecord and is marked as @deprecated . It will be removed in v6.x.x .

Deprecate DefaultIterableDiffer as it is private class which was erroneously exposed. Deprecate KeyValueDiffers#factories as it is private field which was erroneously exposed. Deprecate IterableDiffers#factories as it is private field which was erroneously exposed.

2.4.3 (2017-01-11) Bug Fixes compiler: avoid evaluating arguments to unknown decorators (5e9d3db), closes #13605 compiler: fix template binding parsing ( *directive="-..." ) (7dc12b9), closes #13800 compiler-cli: add support for more than 2 levels of nested lazy routes (6164eb2), closes angular/angular-cli#3663 compiler-cli: avoid handling functions in loadChildren as lazy load routes paths (313683f), closes angular/angularcli#3204 i18n: translate attributes inside elements marked for translation (d7f2a3c) router: RouterLink mirrors input target as attribute (1c82b58), closes #13837 router: throw an error when navigate to null/undefined path (61ba223), closes #10560 #13384 router: fix checking for object intersection (1692265)

2.4.2 (2017-01-06) Bug Fixes common: add link to trackBy docs from the error message (#13634) (f723437) common: do not override locale provided on bootstrap (#13654) (5f49c3e), closes #13607 common: allow null/undefined values for NgForTrackBy (6be55cc), closes #13641 compiler: don’t throw when using ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS with user classes (#13679) (230e33f), closes #13565 compiler: query elements before their children. (#13677) (1cd73c7), closes #13118 #13167 compiler: allow "." in attribute selectors (#13653) (29ffdfd), closes #13645 #13982 core: animations no longer silently exits if the element is not apart of the DOM (#13763) (f1cde43) core: animations should blend in all previously transitioned styles into next animation if interrupted (#13148) (b245b92) core: remove reference to "Angular 2" in dev mode warning (#13751) (21f5f05) core/testing: improve misleading error message when don't call compileComponents (#13543) (0e7f9f0), closes #11301 forms: Validators.required properly validate arrays (#13362) (17c5fa9), closes #12274 language-service: support TypeScript 2.1 (#13655) (56b4296) router: fix lazy loaded module with wildcard route (#13649) (5754ecc), closes #12955 router: routerLink support of null (#13380) (018865e), closes #6971 router: update route snapshot before emit new values (#13558) (9f6a647), closes #12912 upgrade: fix/improve support for lifecycle hooks (#13020) (21942a8)

4.0.0-beta.2 (2017-01-06) Features compiler: generate less code for bindings to DOM elements (db49d42) compiler: generate proper reexports in .ngfactory.ts files to not need transitive deps for compiling .ngfactory.ts files. (#13524) (9c69703), closes #12787 router: add an extra argument to CanDeactivate interface (#13560) (69fa3bb), closes #9853

Bug Fixes compiler: improve error message for undefined providers (#13546) (6b02b80), closes #10835 compiler: improve the error when template is not a string (2c0c86e), closes #8708 #13377 compiler: throw an error for invalid provider (#13544) (445ed43), closes #8870 i18n: parse ICU messages while normalizing templates (e74d8aa) Note: 4.0.0-beta.2 release also contains all the changes present in the 2.4.2 release.

BREAKING CHANGES core: SimpleChange now takes an additional argument that defines whether this is the first change or not. This is a low profile API and we don't expect anyone to be affected by this change. If you are impacted by this change please file an issue. (465516b)

4.0.0-beta.1 (2016-12-22) Features upgrade: support the $doCheck() lifecycle hook in UpgradeComponent (#13015) (9da4c25) Note: 4.0.0-beta.1 release also contains all the changes present in the 2.4.0 and the 2.4.1 releases.

2.4.1 (2016-12-21) Bug Fixes animations: always quote string map key values in AOT code (#13602) (6a5e46c) animations: always recover from a failed animation step (#13604) (d788c67) compiler: ignore @import in comments (#13368) (6316e5d), closes #12196 core: improve error message when component factory cannot be found (#13541) (b9e979e), closes #12678 router: should reset location if a navigation by location is successful (#13545) (a38f14b), closes #13491

2.4.0 stability-interjection (2016-12-20) Bug Fixes animations: allow players to be destroyed before initialized (#13346) (b36f4bc), closes #13293 build: use bash string comparison operator (#13502) (50afbe0) compiler: do not lex }} when interpolation is disabled (#13531) (9b87bb6), closes #13525 compiler-cli: produce meta] (bd012ef), closes #6249 compiler: support quoted attribute values (7395400), closes #6085 compiler: fix ctype names (7578d85), closes #12000 compiler-cli: allow ReflectorHost passed as argument to CodeGenerator#create (#11951) (826c98e) forms: properly validate empty strings with patterns (#11450) (e00de0c) http: preserve case of the first init, set() or append() (#12023) (adb17fe), closes #11624 http: remove url params if provided value is null or undefined (#11990) (9cc0a4e) router: do not reset the router state when updating the component (#11867) (cf750e1) upgrade: bind optional properties when upgrading from ng1 (#11411) (0851238), closes #10181

2.0.1 (2016-09-23) Bug Fixes common: fix ngOnChanges signature of NgTemplateOutlet directive (14ee759) compiler: [attribute~=value] selector (#11696) (734b8b8), closes #9644 compiler: safe property access expressions work in event bindings (#11724) (a95d652) compiler: throw when Component.moduleId is not a string (bd4045b), closes #11590 compiler: do not provide I18N values when they're not specified (03aedbe), closes #11643 core: ContentChild descendants should be queried by default (0dc15eb), closes #11645 forms: disable all radios with disable() (2860418) forms: make setDisabledState optional for reactive form directives (#11731) (51d73d3), closes #11719 forms: support unbound disabled in ngModel (#11736) (39e251e) upgrade: allow attribute selectors for components in ng2 which are not part of upgrade (#11808) (b81e2e7), closes #11280

2.0.0 proprioception-reinforcement (2016-09-14)

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