REGISTER - There are a few of [PDF]

--itiyo weelw, Mrs. Frl«. h»t l>con staying »t New York to IJS n«nr her daughter,. Bank school and Red high school resented. The Asbury Park high school was represented by Jack. Huhn and Frank Frey, who prom- ised to bring a large delegation from their Jttlgh' school .atlonight's-Tneet* ing!-|,(V. Present from ...

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Register - There are a few of [PDF]
Oct 2, 1988 - 3-year-old daughter, Jennifer, at his side. "I think he's very deserving (of the promotion)," said Police Com- missioner Joseph Valinoti. "He's the kind of ...... Kenneth Bur- nette, in charge of the Atlanta pre- cinct where some of the

The Register - There are a few of [PDF]
Jul 8, 1986 - lunchbreak from their construction jobs in Middletown yesterday. •y M M *MEEN M i .... Teddy's at the point he would like to move a little faster than his body is ready to do. That's a really good sign," Hat- zfeld said. • Ho said P

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Jul 31, 1980 - receives gift for book fund. • • Rutgers .... Please note: Federal regulations require substantial penalty on premature withdrawal on all certificate accounts. ...... Saturdays. 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.. Visa and Master Charge graciousl

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lor QUALITY AUTO IMPRTR. Must have thoro knowledge of current .... a fully nualiflfir margin clerk, ahi is.we said previguslv, top notch margir clerks.jarn $190'a week. That does no nclude' tfwijf fluarteriy or annu" bonuses, The~-oppty" is yours. A-

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Mar 27, 2014 - Store,. Frank Brown's. Insurance.' :be held*rhursdny-March 16. Tonulit projects. 'jKnlibas umeri Board members;a n ( j underway in it0 witn tho ...... Seoul Tills program ts. In hminr or the founder of Girl. Scouts in the Unit

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At the suggestion of Cranford. Chapter, 3,/ American War Bads, the. Township Committee Tuesday night ptfd a resolution requesting local a I alcoholic beverages to close on V-E. Day. , Township Clerk J. . Walter. Coffee was authorized to contact the a

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FROM NICARAGUA. A Duck and Opossum Dinner Wan. Given for Him and Hla Relatives and Friends nt the Homo of His. Farcnta nt Tort Monmouth. Capt. and ...... ntci. Vdl iinl. • ,1. The nil- u tho;*" i P i r M r r e d f « r t h e last, | i r c -. ("tdii

Red Bank - There are a few of [PDF]
FROM NICARAGUA. A Duck and Opossum Dinner Wan. Given for Him and Hla Relatives and Friends nt the Homo of His. Farcnta nt Tort Monmouth. Capt. and ...... ntci. Vdl iinl. • ,1. The nil- u tho;*" i P i r M r r e d f « r t h e last, | i r c -. ("tdii

There are lots of resources relating to social inclusion available online. Here are a few
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Chinese Proverb

[PDF] Wherever You Go, There You Are
Nothing in nature is unbeautiful. Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Idea Transcript



New Year Message Front RabM Local Jewish Leader ^ "Back The Attack'' Yesterday began the Jewish New i Tear or the day of atonement, one *t the moat holy of holy days of the Jewish people. Rabbi' Arthur H. Eershon, over since he has been In Rod Bank In charge of the Congrogatlon B'nal Israel, has sent to the leaders of Ttio Register an annual

Will Break Ground .

Edwin L. Best Named Foreman Of Grand Jury

Silver Star For Walter Tyluki, Wounded In Action

Justice Perakle Stresses Secrecy Among Jurors With perhaps one eye on the forthcoming trials growing out of 150 Indictments as the.result of & grand

Airplane Class Graduates At Eatontown Post

Had Previously Been Awarded Purple Heart; Brother Also Wounded

Tocca mwunpe, -rlldfa w» ha** lawn jSnasai to c o n y ts euroefausBS. TRfttiM Su&ghoirs) n u t u a n f w t&l year qppaait tatow. It 1* not ally of Itanfly hrrparianoa to tbm> c l Wi Mii^ ajre not bofidaja but holy AK{BL They a n sot dayj of rejolobag bet dxjs of solemnity. l a Hehrr* tfcir am described a s "Tomlm JUroolm," the scwe-insplring days, and are quite jmjperty spoken o( hi EngSh& aa t i e High Holiday*. They are t r o t s * , i to 'Ugh. thoughts, lofty

Walter T. Tyluki,' one, of the two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tyluki )f Headden's Corner to be wounded In action, was awarded the Stiver star during the formal dedication of the Valley Forge general hospital and chapel at Phoonixvllle, Pennsylvania, last Sunday afternoon. Tyluki Is a private first class in the United States Army and was wounded In North Africa last April. The Purple Heart award for military merit, which was awarded Private Tyluki after he had seeq action In North Africa, was received by the parents while the soldier was in an Army baso hospital on Staten island. Private Tyluki, a graduate of Red Sank Cathollo high school, entered the Army on January 16, 1940, and -was stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, untlj October, 1M2, when he was sent overseas. Before entering tha service he m employed by Hh-sch Jacobs of Jamaica, Long Island, -who operates a harao training stable. H b brother, Joseph 3. TySuJd, a private In tlie infantry, was reported wounded in Skiff on July JO last He entered the service February 2, 1942. l i k e Ms brother, he was graduated from Red Bank Catholic high school and also received a diploma from the Coyne electrical school of television In Chicago.A third brother? Private John Tyluki, who is stationed at Fort Devens, Massachusetts, recently suffered a broken arm in an accident.

Vat most exalted doctrines which tner fattl feas developed, Tbo rsdibt hi this solemn season ' baa a spedflc reoponsibUlty. His message'to bis people mrut be ex•r, olted;. h b r i s J o n reach-lU.hlghest ltrel. ' Aa one can readDy see, this task b dnnbtr difficult nowadays. CertainTo be Held Saturday ly the task would have been less •UNcolt, let tut say, SO or 40 years On the John P. Luyster ago.- Forty years ago a rabbi, scek* Ing to express the most exalted Farm moral Idealism of Judlaam, would turn In all likelihood to the Prophet A sliver spoon originally owned by (salah. Speaking to people who were Jiving at peaco with their neighbors, the first white girl born In what is who as yet knew nothing of mod- now Now York city will go over the ern total war, to whom tho world auction block- Saturday, October 2, •eemed secure, ho would find a quick In MIddlotown, understanding and a ready response Made by Jacobus Boelen, famous tt he would depict to tho congrega- Dutch Silversmith, who thrived in tion the prophet's dream of a war- Now Amsterdam around 1700, the less world where nation would not spoon was the property of Sarah D. lift up sword against nation nor Rapiljo, the settlement's first white learn war any more. He might have daughter. Her daughter, Anne, •elected as' his text in those years eventually married Peter Luythe unforgetable words of Isaiah; ster and settled with htm in what Is "They shall beat their swords Into now the MIddlotown section of Monploughshares- and spears into-prun- mouth county In 1716. Among her ing hooks." . other possessions she brought with And, furthermore, although 40 her the' Bilver spoon. In 1727 the Luystora constructed a years ago the League of Nations was not yet born, he could have easily dwelling . in. Mlddletown, and the predicted It. He would have found structure- has been In the family It natural to bellevo that "a warless since that date.. Articles of Interest world would become a united world. to antique lovers have been passed Therefore ho would describe the down from generation to generation, great Isianlo picture of world broth- but nothing has passed through the erhood, when all nations would now test of time with as much historical together like rivers toward the value as the Boelen spoon. Mount Zlon of idealism, and he A similar spoon made' by the Dutch would bind up that Islanlo picture silversmith sold for $350 some years with tbo great New Year prayer: ago, but It did not possess the ro"They shall form one brothorhood mantlo Interest of having belonged under the kingship of the Almighty." to New York's first white girl. SatThoro Is no more exalted doctrine urday's auction -will take place on the than that in all of Israel's expres- old Luyster premises. sions of social Idealism. There Is Included in the sale arc the houseno moro appropriate message than hold furniture and furnishings, this radiant vision for these high grandfather clock, two Dutch kasaes, bblldays,1 Tot there ate ' vory fow corner cupboard In pine, fine early ministers who will preach tt this candle stand, silver spoon by Jacob year. Tho text la still good, tho doc- Boolen, Steinway square piano (No. trlno Is still great, but the people 20300), FordBon tractor, Adrlanco Would no' longer take the words to mowing machine and 60 Barred Rock heart. Thoy would no longer re- cross pullets. spond, thoy would no longer believe Farm machinery and Implomonts In tho dream, Even the minister will sold from 10 to 11 a. m. Tho himself would find it almost Impas- road be from MIddlotown will be sible to ralso his volco like a trum- markod by signs, taxlcab sorvlco pet of hope over tho howling of air- may bo had from and Matawan station. - planes and tho crash of explosives. Lunchoon may be obtained on The world has changed and wo premises on day of sale. . liavo changed with It. In days such as thoso tho dream of Isaiah has, indeed, not' died but it sleeps In tho deep forosts of tho subconscious. Its day of reawakonlng Is still far away, A clambake for members and Instead, we today turn to another doctrlno, a Biblical doctrine almost friends of Fair Haven lire company - diametrically tha opposite. Wo turn and tho two flro companies of Runtlrom Isaiah to tho Prophet Jool who son will bo hold Sunday, October 10 (aid bitterly theio surprising words at the Mennen Soa Scout baso at thi "Bent your ploughshares Into foot of Battln road, Fair Haven. II swords, turn your pruning hooks in< will be a stag affair. In chargo of arrangements an to spoart," \ VanBrunt of tho Fair Haven Doos not that sombre prophet do Robert company, Btophen Cook of Oconnl icilbo our world as it really is? Al Hook & Ladder company.nnd How. our Industrial machlnory which up ard Tllton of Rumson fire company 10 yesterday had been used for male ing tho lnotrumonta of agriculture ncnilc»vou» Gift Shop, lor tho commodities of human com Anbury Park. A presentation of oxfort and human pleasure aro now cluslvo Rift nnd docoratlvo objects, oonvortofl to war u»os, War has tbo Many of tho things shown aro orlgl ' priority everywhere. • The faotorlei nnl Rendezvous creations, not to be are bunting plougHsharos Into hnd olsowhero.- Practically no prlct ohanges since Pearl Harbor.—Adver* swords. [ tisement. ______ _ The same sombre prophet Joel whi OstondorR Mmlo Studios, «ponk» of tho age when plough' " snareV nroKe&toiflnto swords alro ». .Piano ..MMl'iUuiory,,.,Art/albert Ostc-jy dorff; violin and volco, Angelica OSdcsorlbon tha nations of the world, Bogtnnors and advanced marching unhappily from all direc- tondorrf. students. Phono 620-M. 2B Wavarly tions to a bitter mooting In a dark, place, Red Bank.—Advertisement. menacing valley. This stormy re* Dr. R. II. finely will be located al , dexvoun he describes with words, ol nombre unforgettable powtr: "Mul 101 No. Clinton avenue, Trenton, Now Jersey, after Ootobtr t, UiS^-Ad .(Continued on Fact i.) . virtliemtnt

End Identification Course—"Wings" To Observers

EDWIN L. BEST ury Investigation of last November's mrrogate election contest. Supreme Court Justice Joseph B. Perskle at Freehold Tuesday warned grand and petit Jurors alike to report to one

Auction Sale Of Furnishings ,

At Motown

Bake October 10 At Fair Haven

EDWIN C. QHXiANI) or tho other of tbelr county Judges any attempt by outsiders to approach them or to "to" a case.- Then turning to the press table, Justice Perakio said: "I would also like to ask the newspapers to emphasize that this matter ol secrecy likewise extends to the petit Jurors. Any attempt to approach a Juror la to be brought to the attention of the court Immediately. Let there be no fixing of cases. Any Juror reporting such an attempt can rest assured that the whcols of Justice, will not cooso turning until such a culprit Is brought to the bar of Justice." •• The Identity of persons under in(Continued on Page 2)

Red Cross Branch Offers First Home Nursing Class 19 Enrolled In Course At "Y" House Tomorrow Tho Red Bank branch of tho Red ross will start its first class in home nursing tomorrow afternoon at .ho homo nursing classroom at the "Y" houso on Riverside avenue. Any: one wishing to join the courso may contact tho branch sponsor, Mrs. Alfred MathlaBcn, - by calling the branch omco at Red Bank 2120. Tho uso of the room at tho "Y" houso is contributed each year by ho YMCA board, Tho branch is en dcavorlng to train as many as possible In home nursing, so that Individuals will bo able to caro for tho sick In tholr own homes without calling In a nurso unless It Is nacossary. Tho courso Is of a 12 weeks' duration. Tho Instructor will be Mrs. Maria Cores, who has had many years' ex porlcnco as a public health nurse. Sho Is a graduato nurso of tho Jorsoy City hospital, and for years was a staff nurso with tha Metropolitan Llfo InBuranco company of Jorsoy City, Her work as a volunteer Instructor In Rod Cross nursing. Is hor voluntary contribution to tho war effort. Enrolled in tho courso to date aro Mrs. Arnold K. Bowen, Mrs, J, Josoph Connor, Mrs. Edmund Canzona, Mra. Mary DoLlsa, Mrs, Joseph C. Sorplco, Mrs. Irving. Rink, Sr., Mrs. James VanHlBo, Mrs. Harry Llpplncott, Mrs. Frnnk Boat, Mrs. W. S. WnlnWright Mrs, A, B. Scott, Mrs, Robor' Chorry, Mrs. J. C. Davidson, Mn Arthur Wossoll, Mrs* Thoodoro ». Parnons, Mrs. Harold 9. DoVoo, Mrs. Irwln )>. Campbol), Mrs. Burton XI romus nncl.Mrs,4 Mathlason, i Dr. O. Tlmtchor Pnrhor hns ronumod thn practlco 1of vetorln ivry'modlofno. Tiimiiorory 611166; 0! Mapio avenuo, Rod Bank, phone 3030. Ofllco hours 0 to 11 a. pi,; 5 to 0 am' 7 to 8 p. m,—Advertisement. Mabel Colnmnn Hcliool of Danolntf. Fall term' begins September 20, . ISO. Studio, It) Reotor placi, n« Bank, phon* 3011^—Advertlstmtnt.

Graduation exercises for members of the second airplane Identification class of Observation Post 168-A were held last Thursday night in tho municipal hall at'Eatontown, Members of the graduating clods were Mrs. Agnes Caffyn, Edward Caffyn, Polly ^lerk, Mrs. Emeline L. Field, Wlllam Raymond, Anthony Graham ihanley, Joseph Sanford Shanley and 'heston Simmons, Jr. "Wings" were awarded to the folowing observers; Misses Dorothy M. Irown, Betty V. Crossman, Tina J. lannella, Dorothy Gerrlty, Carolyn Hance, Daisy Loud, Ruth N. Lamarche, Elsie H. Minton, Chloe H. Maddox, Kane Mackey, Elizabeth lead, Virginia M. Roos, Abble Itrlckland, Nettie Stavola, Mildred £. Waltrip.- ' Mrs. Elizabeth Anson, Mrs. Stanley Brown, Mrs. Ruth H. Blackman, Mrs. Gordon C. Blddle, Mrs. CoraJP. laffyn, Mrs. Claire R. Connant, Mrs. era H. Crelln, Mrs. Mao E. Clay, Mrs. Ida Cherry, Mrs. Elsie Dey, Mrs. Hazel L. Gotzoff, Mrs. Helen E. Hahnock;""Mrs. Mary Ann Hasler; Mrs. Esther R. Irwin, Mrs. W. E. ilcln, Mrs. Miriam M. Krldel, Mrs. es Lagomarsino, Mrs. Eleanor M. Marko, Mrs. Agnes M. Patterson, Mrs. Ann J. Redden, Mrs. Harriet C. Read, Mrs. Loulfio B. Say re, Mrs, Lillian H. Schonck, Mrs. Howard Imlth, Mrs. Ruth.Thunn, Mrs. Enaey M, White, Mrs. Jamea Wolcott, r., Mrs. Edith H. Worth, Mrs". Mabel L. West. fey'S; Barrow, Franklin W. Balloy, John Bailey, Frank Baird, John E. Caffyn, Arthur B. Capen, William C. Caffyn, Harry Clay, Victor M. Dorn, Robert de la Reussllle,. William T. Emmbns, Harold O. Ely, Sergo R. Etlenne, John Fix, Edward M. Getioff, J, Walter Gorsuch, Osborn Harlaon, Francis .J. Marcksteln, Peter J Mlntz, Spencer M. Patterson, Loula Rlbustelll, Dudley F. Shaffer, A. T. Smith, Norman Stofflot, Harry Smock, Edward Schwartz, John Truman, Rev. Charles A. Thunn, Benjamin F. VanVllet, Sr., H. E. Werner, X J. Willey, James N. Wolcott, Jr., George Winning and Ken A. West. > "Wings" for the chief observer wore awarded to Mortimer E, VanSautor and for his assistant chief ibservers as follows: Mrs. Mary Leldner., Mrs. Eleanor V. Morris, Mrs. Emily L. Murfltt, Mra. Donald I. Oakley, Joseph E. Coddlngton, Warren DeBrown, Lester Morgan) Howard E: Morrto, Fred Phllipp, John S. Read, Sr,, and Kenneth R. Smith and to the junior assistant chlof observer, Jack Read, Jr. • The meeting Thursday was the first of the monthly meetings which will bo held througout tho""winter. At each of these meetings one of tho two hours will be devoted to airplane recognition for those who have graduated to review their work and for thoso who wish to start tho new ' recognition claBS. Full "two hours" post duty credit will ho glvon to all attending these classes. The officers of-the post were more than pleased with the splendid attendance and the hearty co-operation of all members, It was suggested by Fred Phillip that ono or two . bowling teams bo organized to represent tho post in tho aircraft warning service league of tho ground observer corps ^

i m>

Request Made For Road Funds Rumson Council Asks State Aid Tbe Rumson mayor and council adopted a resolution Thursday nlghl asking the Stato Highway Depart mont for $4,600 toward tho cost o: rebuilding Buena Vl£ta avonuo ncxi year, It Is planned to rogrado, wld en and resurface tho road. This Is a separate project from tho storm scwor on Buena.Vista avonuo, th funds for which have boon allottod Fair Havon will sharo equally In th cost of both Improvements an th road Is the djvlding lino botwoon thi two boroughs. Anothor resolution was adopto commending Joseph J. Clancy, whi recontly reslgnod as chlof air ral wardon becauflo of prcssuro of prl vato business, Mr, Clancy's ooi'Vlcc on tho dotenso council'woro praise highly by Mayor Louis M. Hague. An nppoal to tho'residents of Rum son to koop up. tho good work a ready accomplished in tho third wa loan drlvo wnq, mado by Mayo Haguoi' " . . An offer of $100 by John Rlahmom of Jorsoy City for tho former Don ahuo proporty oh First Btreot, no owned by tho, borough, was roforro to tho llmiuco committee

Junior Aeheivement Resumes Activities

New Year Greetings Through a rapidly changing world wo "still adhere to the custom of setting aside business ' problems In favor of Friendly Greetings' to our numerous Hebrew friends, at this, their Holiday Season. Wo thank you most sincerely for your Patronage, Friendship and Good Will, and extend our best wishes for a Happy Now Year and with the hope that It will bring all of us a Glorious Victory with Peaco and Lasting Happlne&a. The Red Bank Register,

Recent Riverview Hospital Campaign Goes "Over The Top The board of trustees of Riverview lospltal met Monday night to hear he report of Treasurer Seejy B. TutIII on the recent financial campaign o secure funds to build a new wing to the hospital. Mr. Tuthlll reported hat although the campaign had not et officially closed and contributions ere still coming in, enough money 'as at hand to assure the comple,on of the new wing and that work ihould begin at once. In speaking about the campaign, it /as the unanimous feeling that had hero been more time to prepare it a eater amount would have been 'eallzcd, the recent canvass "only cratching" the surface as hundreds if folks were not even contacted., 'his was principally true of the dlsrlct north of Red Bank through to. he Raritan bay shore. President Newton Doremus conratulated the workers connected diectly with the hospital and also ther civic groups and Individuals for heir earnest endeavors In the hoslital's behalf, which made the campaign so successful. Great praise was extended to Mayir Charles' R, English for having ake-n time oift from his multltudlnIUS duties and devoting so much me to the campaign. Mayor EngIsh was Instrumental in receiving overal large, contributions' through Is personal efforts. An anonymous donor, living near


Local High School Students Study Business Methods

Red Bank Soldier Gets Jap Bomber Over New Georgia Corp. Joseph DeFazio Says It Was Like Bagging a Duck Corp. Joseph DeFazio of Pearl street, who la In the Infantry engaged In battling the Japs in New Georgia, recently shot down an enemy dive bomber, according to word received this week by his sister, Miss Antoinette DeFazio, also of Pearl street. Edward P. Egan of Kiver Plaza, pressman In the mechanical de lartment of The Register,, passed iis physical examination at Newark Tuesday and was Inducted In the U. I. Navy. He will report for active luty next Tuesday at Newark. Mr. Egan has been employed on The Register seven years. Ho is marled. His wife is the former Miss Ruth McAvoy of Long' Branch.

Red Bank, promised $5,000 toward ho campaign under proviso that a oal of a certain amount be reached. Mthough the total figure has not icen announced, Mr. Tuthill stated hat this promise of $5,000 had been made good and the money was in the iank. Mrs. Ada B. Nefow of Eatontown, no of the oldest and most active members of tha group of hospital .uxlliary workers, turned in an enelope containing quite a Bum from ler endeavors as additional money Irom her district toward the hosplal'o now wing campaign. Mr. Tuthlll also submitted, a comlarlson report of the receipts and Irst eight months of this year with a imllar period for last year and figures for August of this year and last •ear. Comparison reports, whlchnre submlttod by Mr. Tuthlll monthly, repeatedly show an Increase In "business done" and that the hospital is being operated at capacity. Mr. Tuthlll stated, "It may.seem hard to iustlfy reports of 'operatig at capaity' when subsequent reports show 'lirther increases in 'business done'; however, such a record is only made losslblo by our having the good will if tho community and of tho medical staff and by tho high morale, team work, tho ever-increasing efficiency f the personnel and the able supervision which Riverview has had in recent years." ' Mr. Tuthill further stated, "Riverview Is a'better operated and better maintained hospital today than It was prior to our country's entry' Into tho war, since which time many opratlng problems have appeared and been cared for," showing that River. lew is making Its contribution to tho war effort by providing an ever-improving service, which Is essential to the best Interests of the general welfare and health of tho community. Mr. Tuthlll submitted an architect's prospectus of tho new wing as It would tie In to the present hospital, together with tentative floor plans: Theso plans show it would bo possible to add 20 beds to the hospital. Tho trustees, by unanimous motion, authorized tho hospital officials nd Its building committed to proceed at once to get estimates and have ..round broken for the now addition as soon as possible. It la expected this can be done within the next few weeks and that the foundation for tho now wing will bo completed long before tho extreme cold weather sets

Soldier Returns From The Pacific PFC Thomas Robinson Was On Guadalcanal PFC, Thomas A. Roblnaon, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Robinson, Sr., of Little Silver arrived at his homo last week on a 30-dny sick leave. Ho has boon In Konnody general hospital at Memphis, Tennessee, since roturnlng from Guadalcanal, where ho saw actlvo service . PriviUo Robinson, who enlisted In tho Army Juno. 23, 1041, was sont to Hawaii for liln basic training and was elatlonod thoro during tho nttack'on Poarl Harbor. Hov remained in the South Pacific and Borvod ,7!'j months on Guadalcanal bofore being hospitalized,

Plans Started For Halloween Party At Fair Haven Councilman Hunting Says Parade MayBe CORP. JOSEPH DEFAZIO


Details are lacking but Corp. DeFazio, in a letter to his sister, writes, "It sure made ,me feel good to see the plane come down. And the boys who saw it felt good, also. It was just like shooting down a duck." The Red Bank soldier states that he Is In good health and reports hav" ing met Monroe Marx of Shrewsbury and Walter Scott of Westslde avenue in tho South Pacific area. Accom panying the latter was a package containing bracelets made from parts of a Jap Zero, part of a Zero wing, Japanese knives, shovel- and Jap aneso coins and stamps. DeFazio was Inducted August 7, 1941, and wag stationed at Fort Dlx, Camp Croft, South Carolina, Camp Blandlng, Pensacola and Fort Barrancas, Florida, Camp Shelby, Mississippi, and Fort Ord, California, be fore going overseas. Besides iserving In New Georgia, where he took part in the assault on Munda, he has seen action in New Zealand, New Caledonia and the Russell islands. • Before entering the service, he was employed at tho Roobiing wire works at Trentoh. Ho lexcelled In bowling and In 1040 and 1941 was a member of the three-man team that won Recreation bowling league title. Three brothers are also in service Staff Sergeant Valleo DeFazio, with a Signal Corp unit in Maine, recently received a good conduct pin. Prl vate Peter DeFazio is with an ordnance company In the Hawaiian Islands. PFC. Mltty DeFazio Is sta tloned In California, in the .medlca corps.

Raritan Township Soldier Wounded o Willard O. Aumack, 25, In North Africa Pvt, Willard Oris Aumack, 25, so of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wilson Au mack of Middle road, Raritan town ship-, and nophew of W. Warren Au. mack, principal of Koansburg publl school, was reported wounded in notion by tho War Department loaf week, Fvt, Aumack, a nmchino gunne with an infantry unit In Norf Africa, was wounded in tho Sicllla: campaign August* 3,' his family wai informed. iHo was among thoflrs to land In Africa and saw much nc tlon thcro. Ho was also a momboi o( tho first forces that lnvadmJJSiclly Tho family was not Informod n to tl>i naturo or 'sorlouanoss of hi woundH, nor in what spoclflc nctlo thoy woro recolvod. Ho was aon to a North African hospital and hai boon awarded the Purple Heart. ' Pvt. Aumnclc, who la a graduate o Koyport high school, was1 indiictc into tho Army Fobruary 20, 1012, an In tU'ptombm' of thut month was sen to Englnnd. A month lutor ho wti transferred to Africa, llcfoip ontii ing tho sorvlco ho WAS omploycd b Charles Boyco, a florist, at Koypor Bofpro that ho helped his fathor o: the farm,

When ho arrived In Lotbrmnn general hospital at San Francisco last AuitUBt suffering from malaria nnd u »kln (IIBCIIBO contracted In tho tropic, ho wroto his parents, staling that ho hoped .to return homo during the latter part of Soptombor, Tho Llttlo Silver soldlor is In a ilolil artlllory unit, whloh played a lnrifo part In driving tho Japnnene from tho Inland. . ' Bnrplco's for Service Upon tho expiration of his leave, p p TypowiiUirn, milling machines gold l f l t d t " "Br\' Mr no's t' V, lleyhi'dh' wIU'resiuTii Hal)lriuoit"l»i-oxpcflt»d' to-be b t d 'i'Mbd' and" rupWftjtT' Complotinin his practice, on Monday, October 4, I to tho Memphis: hospital for further of statlonory nnd ollloo equipment lOH Monmnutli stroot, phon* 489, Rod Bank und Highlands.—Advo troutmont. Advortlaomont. tlsemont, _ : Fuel Oil Fuel Oil; Bnvo Fuel—Insulation to finlt your burner: bast grnrtes and DollvorloB subject to governman by Johns-Manvllle, Phono A, Lin prices, Untxcellsd service, Fred D. mayor, Atlantta Highlands 710-M.- wikoft Co.. .Had Bank, phont BBS regulation!. Hanco Ik Davis, phom A4v»rtlum»nt, Rid Bank 103.—Advirtlwnint. A.dvirtl»mint.

Councilman Tony Hunting, chairman .of tho community actlvltlci committee o£ the Fair Haven borough council, announced at Monda; night's meeting of the. mayor ani council that preparations are boln mado for tho annual communlt; Halloween party. . No parado wai held last year, but Mr. Hunting sail t is the intention of the commute to hold one this year. He also sale efforts will be mado to secure a band. A resolution containing a requesi for ?4, stato highway funds foi the rebuilding of Buena Vista avenue next year was adopted on motion by Councilman H. Lynnwooc Minton, chairman of tho road commlttec. A similar resolution was adopted last wook by the Rumsoi mayor and council. According to th borough engineer, Gcorgo K. Allen, tho plans call for rcgradlng, widen Ing and resurfacing tho road. Hi told tho Fair Haven omclals Monday night that'plans for tho storm sewer project on Buena Vista avenui had been tentatively approved b; highway department officials pending the signature of Stato Highway Commissioner Miller, who Is in England. Mr. Allen said work on the storm sewer could bo carried on well ihti tho winter. Tho foad chairman, Mr. Minton, reported that work on tho installatio of a catch basin under the sidewalk onRlvcr road to help drain the pom on tho western end of the Schwcn ker property had to be stopped whe: workers came In contact with'a stom culvert. Tho work was being dom by tho borough.under the supervlsio: of Oscar Becker, road superintendent. Mr. Minton said It now will b necessary to install the catch basil on the Schwcnker property. M Hunting said Councilman Harold 3, Allen of Red Bank haa promlsei that clean ashes collected by th1 Red Bank sanitation deportmen will be dumped Into the pond to holi fill it up. Much of tho water tha goes into the pond Is surface wato from streets In Red Bank. A request fronviha board of edu cation for $8,057,.wns granted. H. Edgar Smith, clerk of thi achool board, cnlled tho council's tentlon to tho signs on tho ropes uoei to shut off Willow street durln school houra. Ho said tho bloc sign's could bo seen only a short dis tnnco away nnd that tho ropes hav hpen broken several times by etirj Ho suggcitod substituting n. whit sign or a red flug. Tho mattor \vn; rcforred to the pollco committee. Just bofore tbo meeting niljournoi Mayor IMgnr v. Denlso pralBcd th thi-co advisors of tho Fair Havoi Boys' club for tho lino work tho; lmvo boon doing. Mr. Denlso sal tho organization, which rocontl; opened new quartet's on nivor roai Is nn unset to tho borough. Tho ad visors aro Wilfred Mc'Crnckon, Rob crt VanBrunt and Holinit Kroger, Anynno doslrlng to buy a homo o mulco ropiilrB enn obtain a mortgnK at a rnducad I'nto of Interest, N nreinluni.H.' Cull bo palil on month, installment:! over iv period of year' to suit nwnor, In amounts of $1,001 to $8,000. Property locntod within ton-mllo radius of Rod Hnnk. Wrli MortcnKo, box nil, Hod Bank,—Ai vdrtlsomont. w'UffH'-'P'flc* »ny CTOttm&rtffatr buy and unll mortgages. Inusrei rate no low an 411%. Doyntnn Iloyntun, R Dnimmond place, phon Hod Hank DM.—Advertlnninont,

The .seven junior Aohl«vem«nt ^ j jmpinles of Red Bank, organised ! . ' : last spring, to acquaint pupils of high '-y\ chool age with business operations, i iave resumed their weekly activities : ' their headquarters In a building .' White street, adjacent to the '<:§: mock laundry building, after a two* .: •, nd-a-half months' summer vacation. '•-',• lthough the membership of some of A; IO companies has been depleted hrough enlistments In tbe armed :•', rccs and by several of the young .- eople entering preparatory schools . nd colleges, tho quotas are being- •.' ', lalntalncd by other high school atu-< / :, enta joining the various ofganlca-> -. '.ons and much enthusiasm has been f): anlfestcd at the Fall meetings al-." 4 •eady^held. . -, W Representatives of each of.. the . ompanles next Saturday will attend • pre-conventlon conference' of thS) :yitate Junior Achievement organize- ;; Ion to be held at the offices in N e w .% rk when committees will be selected / : o conduct the annual state conven- ' ; J on, which will probably bo held In ;;; Newark hotel Saturday, October; /•<•* 0. Following the business sessions VH tt the convention a banquet will bo : erved and a Halloween dance will Ctollow. , ;_*t In the near future t i e young ' § 'eople of the Red Bonk companies -• irill conduct a display of some of heir manufactured articles -Inr*, ; i;;i vindow of the Sears-Roebuck com* , « any store on Monmouth street, the •> nanagcr of which, George E|dredgo, .' ,'. s a sales adviser of the J. A. com- ; iany of Victory Printers. Later on J| it is probable further displays will :.: >e made in.some of the Broad street J tores... ., _ ' .: ,--~V-# Former Councilman J. Daniel Tul- 1 ler, owner of the Tuller construction ' 5 ompany, engineering contractors, , and chairman of the Red Bank branch of 'Junior Achievement, was : ji host Monday night at a. dinner and •• meeting at the Molly Pitcher hotel ^S of the advlBers of • the local. com- , j i panles, at which the special guest ;§i speakers were Richard G. Boyd, fori ••.:* imr state director and now an execu- • mentj Howard Merrlck, the new state director; Dallas G. Reach, Newark advertising executive and state chairman of J. A., and William Fret* man of Newark, assistant state director. Chairman Tuller presided at the meeting and introduced the speak- "• ers. Mr. Boyd gave an interesting description of a tour.,this summer of the eastern and mid-western cities , where J. A. companies are engaged in various activities, detailing in particular visits at Verona, Jersey City, Rome and Hudson, N. T.; Middletown, Ohio; Pittsburgh, Chicago and Milwaukee. Unusual activities mentioned Included the manufacture of home dehydratora, the soliciting of advertising for a youths' supplement In department stores' circulars, a shoppers' messenger service, furnishing entertainments for parties, the mak"ng of a chemistry formula for cleaning glass, making a metal polisher and cleanser, glass blowing of articles, toy machine guns, bird feeders, clothes pin aprons, photo enlargement work, and the servicing of electrical appliances In homes. Chairman Reach asserted that the Junior Achievement movement, par* ticularly-in_theae_t!mea,--by.-.j>repatw. • Ing tho young people now for bus- r ness activities, was real post-war planning, and that business wlll'neeoV all the pre-tralncd talent it can get. • "It is a wonderful job for tho com? munlty, state and country. This war is educating the young people fast and they are no longer kids. They are young women and young mon and they are preparing to shoulder the responsibilities that wlU come later." Besides thoso mentioned, Mr. Tuller's guests included Mr, and Mrs, Raymond B. Llpplncott, Mrs. Fran- ' ces T. Backe, Miss Dorothy Schlloting, Miss Lois Asendorf, John P. Mulvlhill, Gcorgo S. Soons, W. Harrison Shnmpanore, George Eldr«dg», Charles B. Gallagher, Harry C, Barnard, Jr., Fred Zollmann, Jr., Donald Lawos, Edward Conway and Albort W. Worden, PRE-ELECTION MEETING, Tho annual pre-election mooting of tho l-S-8 Woman's Republican club of MIddlotown township will be . held Monday -night at Cherry Tree ' farm, MIddlotown, home of Mrs, Thomas Morford. All ths Republican candidates have been invited, A short program on election In-' formation will also be glvon. ANNUAL BALE TUESDAY^ ?* Tho annual rummage sale of Mary ;; Mount chapter of tho World Wide , | guild of tho Rod Bank Baptist % church will bo held Tuesday morning of next woolc in tho bunoment of th« A. M. 13. Zlon church on Shrewsbury ; nvonuo. Mrs. Ilomoi- O, Methot. Is '": chairman, . ' \"j'k .Vucclnntlon Nollc«, •".'\:M Finn .vaccination against imall po* >« will bo olTurod to all school ohllilrin /;• living within tho borough of I t l d S Xlnnlt, N, J,, on Friday, Ootobtr 1st,M and VVcdnnodny, October Oth. 10
n«d iiftnk DuRrd of ' »r. o, 0. Vour Ilnjt 8anlt»rjr t will last longtr if oitantd r«*ularlri —Adv«rll«»nnnt, Lion's, phon* 2800.—Advtrtliimint.



{Services For Men Of Jewish Faith At Fort Monmouth

The War Department: tlila week announced the promotion of John Alfred Matthews, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Matthews o{ Sycamore avenue. Little Silver, from first lieutenant to captain. He Is a flight commander at the Midland, Texas, bombafotier school.

'.] Arrangements Made | At Army Posts and %, 'Nearby Synagogues

(j0 Services for the Jewish High Holy: Baya, Including Roah Hashanah (New f'jyoar) and Yom Klppur (Day of "Atonement) have been planned by j Chaplains! at Fort Monmouth. Or- | ; tanliatlon commanders have been re- | : quested by Col. James B. - Haskell, j v boat commander, to excuse enlisted \taen of Jewish faith Insofar- as pos.,' Bible to attend at least one ceremony '.- &n each of the two days. Yom Kip; tout being the most solemn of all days v In the Jewish calendar, every man of Hhaffaltb. will ba permitted to attend Wther morning qr afternoon service Saturday, October 9, ending tho 10 Hays of penitence. j :, Eosh Hashanah began at sundown < last night and continues through 1 tundown Friday, October I. The tra- | nltlonal greeting, "May you be in- ! - Hcrlbed in the Book ot Life," has ape- ' fclal significance for membera of the ; CAPT. JOHN A, MATTHEWS Armed Forces and other millions un-j ; tier oppressors' heels. The Shofar, or • Capt, Matthews, who has not been - Iram'a horn, sounded In chapel and home since a year ago last ' July; Synagogue, Is a call to faith In the married Miss Frances Link of MidUltimate victory of rlghteoulneis. j land, June 26. He is a graduate of i"•• Working with Armed Forces, the Middletown township high school. -flTewlshwelfare board furnished praye r books and religious supplies, as Well 'as New Tear greeting cards for * taien and women in uniform, who will •'•'Join civilians in fasting on the Day fcf Atonement. *Services at Fort Monmouth, Camp ; Wood arid Camp Edison are as follows: Thursday, 3:30 to 11:30 a. m. land 7:43 p. m.; Friday, 8:30 to 11:30 fc. m; Yom Kippur, Friday, October B, 8:30 p. m. (Kol Mldrc); Saturday, More to be Signed 8:30 to 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 to 5 p. m. lien able to attend nearby synaUp At Meetings At' gogues may worship at the following j •orvlces: Red Bank, Congregation' Asbury Park Armory fe'nal Israel, '10 Riverside avenue [(Conservative); Long Branch, Tem1 The new drive for cadets for MonJilo Beth Miriam, North Bath and mouth County's Civil Air patrol squadron began auspiciously Thursday at the Asbury Park armory SndGarflold avenues (Orthodox) i As- when 29 new recruits applied or sigPark—Temple Beth-El,, 600 nified their intentions of signing up bury P arkTemp gg p F i t avenue (Conservative) and ConFirst with the squadron. Indications are

Civil Air Patrol Opens Drive With 2!

is In charge of all Holy Days' ceremonies on the post. Is handling applications of service men who desire jiome hospitality with nearby Jewish. "fasili«it."™i.«-.™m .-.<„.,.,.,,.„,.,.„, .,,„,...„,

Democratic Club Has Annual Rally Mrs. Katharine Elkus White is Hostess

Bank school and Red high school resented. The Asbury Park high school was represented by Jack Huhn and Frank Frey, who promised to bring a large delegation from their Jttlgh' school .atlonight's-Tneet* ing!-|,( V Present from Red Bank high school were Carl Hoist, Arthur Gordon, Howard Davenport, Edmund Kedzlerskl, Stanley Stilwell and Gershon ilickler, and from Red Ban'.i Catholic high school, Vincent O'Neill, Eugene Hunan, William Cotton and William Koch. ,. The ranks of the senior squadron were added to by Mr. and Mrs. William HaJloek of Matawan. . Lieut Harold Canning, squadron commander, announced he was pleased with the spirit of the organization and the way the cadet drive has started. According to Robert F. Norton, public relations officer, the cadet recruiting drive will be extended to the Kumson, Long Branch, Atlantic Highlands and Leonardo high schools the next two weeks.

Lions. Subscribe $76,000 In Bonds Hope to Reach Quota Of $80,000 With still a few members to be contacted before the War bond cam palgn e,nds Saturday njght, reports given at the meeting Tuesday of the Bed Bank Lions club at the Molly Pitcher hotel showed that' members had,purchased. Third War bonds In the amount of $76,600. Assistant Secretary-Treasurer James F. Humphleys, chairman of the club's campaign, gave the report and said he was hopeful the $80,000 mark would be passed. Lion Humphreys was In charge of the 100% attendance goal Tuesday night of last week wlion radio artist and comedian Tom Howard, of "It Pays to be Ignorant" fame, was auc-. tloneer of ten special gifts contributed for the worthy cause by Tetloy'S store, of which Mr. Humphreys Is manager. This week he was congratulated on all sides by the Lions; for his untiring, unselfish and most surcesful efforts. Superintendent Fred Fitch of the State Home for Soys at Jamesburg, member of the Jamesbug Lions club, was speaker at tho meeting following , the dinner. For nearly 20 years the Red Bank Lions have distributed each Chrustmas over 300 gifts, candy and oranges to the boys at tha State Home who otherwise would have no gifts, and they have participated in other activities for the benefit of the boys. Superintendent Fitch said he felt he had a stewardship for all the Red Bank Lions do for the State Home. "Boya are only what we adults make them," he said, "and a delinquent boy does hot vary so much from the non-delinquent. His situation is due to someone's failure to be unselfish. On the average each boy, when admitted,' has seven physical defects. It is. possible to be too lenient with them and they respect those who are strict with them. They are boys who dld! not know a good home and they cannot stand being Ignored. 'During the past summer the boys old enough earned over $7,000 working on "farms in tho vicinity of Jamesburg. Over 300 boys from the Home are now in the Armed Forces of our country and seven have made the supreme sacrifice. You men know the boys in Red Bank. Recognize their efforts and give them something to do worth while, and continue your efforts at the State Home." President Willis A. Clayton was in charge of the meeting and Spt. Fitch was Introduced by Dr. James G. VanNostraud, chairman of the speakers' committee. The club extended a cordial welcome to the noweat member, Joseph M. Johnston of Humson, a jdlo»9nd,T!eer.^Guest« welcomed by President Clayl6r^rf^^rrut/*Wn* 11am Morris, Coast Guard, a member of the Lions club at Dover; William H. Petherbridge, secretary of the Monmouth Federation of Y. M. C. A., and Gerald F. Harrington, the new secretary of the Red Bank Y. M. C. A. . Edward H. Conway, chairman of tho War Activities committee, was authorized to send suitable remembrances to the eight members' of the club,who are-in the Armed.JForces and to the sons and daughters of club members who are serving their country. George F. Apgar was heartily welcomed after enjoying a month's vacation. Tho T. M. C. A. sent a communication, giving the names of the needy boys and girls from Red Bank and vicinity who were sent to the "Y" summer camps with the $300 contributed by the Lions for this purpose. An attendance prize, presented by Harold H. Baynton, was won by Past President Herbert E. Edwards, the' correct answer to the question being It required 13 years to develop a white orchid. Lion Russell T. Hodgklss, proprietor of the Honey Bee flower shop, said the orchid was white, with a purple lip, and was grown by the Young nurseries at Bound Brook. Attendance awards and questions will be furnished next week by Past President J. Daniel Tuller, LeBter C. Lovett, Dr. Edwin S. Osten, Benjamin Crate, Jr., Dr. Clarence C. Combs and Alex Wilde.

New Year Message From Rabbi Hershon (Continued from Page 1.)

Broad & Monmouth Sts.

Ironized Yeast

Woman Struck by Bicycle. Mrs. Irving Lnngbord of Freehold suffered painful face injuries last week when Bho was knocked down by a bicycle-near her home. Several stitches were taken In a cut on tho nslde of her upper lip.


— Bandages Are A Necessity —




Won't YOU pledge 2 hour* a week to aurgical dre»»ing»7

: - • * •

' — '


t;Sll(ki1.iW/'hvi«i»i»»i-..:.-. -r-r^-~!..'« v .....

p M|*» Betty Lou FrJjiby, • mht Oapt. and Mr», Carl ID. Frlsby of j l S l W Orund avcniio, Lonjj Bronoh, has li'Htrloualy ill the loat two weeks nn operation vnt Ht. Luke's Vorfc ° " ' "h« Is ImiftylHg .now ami will probnbly be --icon staying »t New York to IJS n«nr her daughter,

continued from Page 1.)

htngei upon wjien Judgo Btonnun will"be available. Justice Perskle dealgnatod L. Best, Old Farm road, Shrewsbury, an executive, as'. foreman of the grand jury. The court accepted tho excuse of Samuel Peluso, Monmouth I drive, Seal, who came in too lato to be a member of the Jury. Mr. Poluoo explained that OPA Inspectors arrived at his place of business during the morning, to make.a periodic check on his fuel tanks and he could not get away sooner. --Member* of the panel are Joseph A. Burns, 168,Punbar avenue, Long Branch, accountant; Walter Barnman, 607 Lek« avenue, Aahur/ Park, oxeoutlvo; Herman Stickler," 1382 Locust drive, Asbury Park, photographer; Mr, Best; Charles Fy Eager, 119 Franklin avenue, Long Branch, plumber; Mrs, Eleanor Errlclison, S Monument park, Freehold, housewife; Mrs, Ethel HendrlckBon, OS) Warren street, Keyport, housewife;1

Charles Beoker, 1408 South Wanamaesa .drive, Wanunaua, teitaurat«ur, Malcolm Harris, 0 Rono,'plnco, Interl&ken, automobile dealer; Walter E. Reid, 820 Allen aVenuel Allen. hurst, real estate. Walter Stelnbach, 408 Weatra street, West Allonhurst, merchant; Arthur Naylor, 02 Third avonue, Atlantic Highlands, service station proprietor; Mr*. Estelle Hartman, 188 Broad street, Keyport, housewife; Robert O. Thlxton, Edgomoro dtlve, Matawan, automobile dealer; Mrs, Anne Munnlng, 8 Crown place, Mattiwan, housewife; a, Edwin Parslow,_ COD Fifth avenue, Belmar, automobile dealer; Edwin C. Qlllaod, 79 Harding road, Red Bank; superintendent of schools. ' ._:. ' " . ' . . ; Louis Stern, 40S Third avenue, Bradley Beach, merchant; Carroll Cook, BIT First,avenue, Asbury Park, rotlrcd; Stanley Dodd, Inlet .terrace, Belmar, real estate;,, Michael Wolnstoln. 702 Mattlson avenue, Asbury

titudes," he says, "Multitude! meet- dlctment for their part in the elecing in the valley ot decision." tion of 1942, especially as it bora on I doubt whether there la a Biblical the campaign between Surrogate sentence which so vividly depicts pur Joseph L. Donahay, De'mocnt, and E. world situation as It actually la to- Donald Sterner, Republican, still reday: Multitudes, multitudes in the mains a secret. Justice Perskle said valley ot decision. The time of do- yesterday that the conference with clsioh has come for the nations of Common Pleas Judge DanielJ. Brenthe world. History has speeded up., nan of the Esjfox county courts ha« It rushes headlong to a climax^ The been re-scheduled for this' Sat< urday multitudes of peoples are deciding afternoon. The meeting was to have their iafo today. The great German been hold last Saturday but Judge' people is definitely deciding^ 'whether Brcnaan was .not available. The it shall continue on its course of Orange Jurist has been asked by Jusconquest, turning from one destruc- tice Perskle to preside during the tion to another and piling up against trials of persons under Indictment In self for the day of inevitable reckon- the election cases. It would seem, ~rigy BO Hugo a mountalruof hatred Justice Ferskle having Indicated that list tho name "German'' will be deiplsed for generations to come. This ;lme is of the essence In the prosecus the. decision which rests heavily lon of these cases, that everything on the soul of the German people. Tho spiritual side Of this tense situation is that it involves not merely the nations, each nation, each government, but each person, each Individual. Each individual, each man and woman and even every child In our country stands at thfo appointment with history. One of the most pathetic types of lelf-deluslon, one of the most dangerous moods' of self-deception is to roassuro ourselves that the danger UGGETTS ARE HEADQUARTERS does not really exist. We are in danger. We will be in danger, not FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES merely national danger but personal Penal Pencils, Ink, Rulers, danger. It Is a personal danger in Dictionaries, Slide Rules, which health Is at stake, freedom is Erasers, Tablets, Lunch Kits at. stake, brutality dominates and Low-Priced at Liggett's Doncentratlon camps loom. Have we he courage to face that dire possibility? If we have we will have made a mental decision that will arouse our country to its one chancellor liberty.' Away with self-delusion! Away with cheap comfort. We Americans of every creed, color or race must make a decision to banish the dazzling mirage of fancied security, but face reality to accept the (burdens and deprivations of a horrible war for which we are not responsible. THE REXALl DRUG STORES | Let UB "Back the Attack" by turning our ploughshares into swords .nd pruning hooka into spears. And PHONED more than anything else, let us stop THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ibjlly-ahallying with our faith. God a our Master and It 'His will that 100 Tabs. $1.00 mankind be at peace. I am euro there 1B no room in His kingdom Cariod & Bile Salts 'or Hitlers and Tojoe; neither do wo have room for them or their philos$1.00 750 ophy. Away with them!

• •• Th« annual rally.of the Monmoutb County Women's Democratic club •was held Saturday at the home of Mrs. Katharine Elkus" White on : Harding road, state Democratic com"•' mitteewoman • and candidate for the '; board of freeholders. A: Henry Giordano of Deal and* Carl A. Bremer of Monmouth Beach, assembly candidates, were among the speakers. Mr. Giordano accused the present legislature of being "public utilities minded, railroad minded and big business minded,"-and stated that he be- Audubon Club Plans lieves them Interested only In "helpIng the big boys get along." He asked Halloween Party tho women "to see that New Jersey's The Middletown Township Junior tome rule Is again returned where : it belongs—to the people who pay Audubon club - supplemented Its meeting Monday at tho residence of the public bills In, this state." Mr. Bremer urged the women to Mrs. John Olsen, - Nutswamp road, vote at the next election, and said Middletown township, with a hike — that at future; political meetings he through the woods. Plans were diswould tell "some Interesting' facts cussed for a Halloween party Sat: about the Republican controlled leg- urday! October 30. The committee is Hans Bergey, Marshal Whltfleld, islature." Searles, Dolores Searles, Vivian Mrs. White announced that thft'an- Billy Gall Perry, Shurlee and nual dinner and rally for the.candl- Kasachau, Vivlenne Bergey and Mrs. Harold ;, dates will be held Monday night, Oc- Perry. : • tober 25, at the Bclmar-Evans at BelBilly Searles was named editor•'. mar. Mary T. Norton, state chairman of tho Democratic committee in-chief of the club's newspaper. and state representative, will be the He will ho assisted by Skipper and STAMP CLVB TO MEET. guest speaker. Mrs. White, who Is Linda Gay. "Our Winter Birds" : the first woman to run oh the Demo- will be the general topic nt tho The Monmouth County Philatelic cratic ticket for a county political October 11 meeting. Anyone desir:. post, also urged the women to get ous of becoming a member may do so society will meet in semi-monthly by getting in touch with Mr. or session tomorrow night at the Red out and vote. Bank borough hall. A short business meeting was con- Mrs. Olsen. Notices' for tho meeting were ducted by Mrs. Pauline W. Halin of mailed from Ocean Grove Thursday Bradley Beach. Five rugs, offered as New Oop nt Freehold. and bore one-cent adheslves of the special awards, were given to Mrs. Henry A. Dark has been appointed Howard Height of Sea Girt; Mrs. a member of the Freehold police-de- recent Inventors series. Margnrct Milne of Union Beach, Mrs. partment. Ho will servo the usual Tho artesian-well snlamandor lives Mabel Matthews of Ashury Park, Blx-month probationary period at a 200 feet below the earth's surfaco . George Quirk of-South Amboy and salary ot $1,800 a year. and Is blind. .' . James N. Franapo of Asbury Park. Cecil Ackerson, county committee ! chairman, and Edward W, Wise, Sr., • committee secretary, attended. Judgo ' Abram r. Elkus, Mrs. White's father I and a former U. 8. Ambassador to ; Turkey, was also present. Members present were Mrs. Henry -'-.', E. Ackerson, Jr., Mrs. Joseph L. Don, ahay, Mrs. John Johnson, Mrs. Sarah Sherwood, Mrs. Hatllo Butcher, Mrs. ,,- Catherine McVeigh, Mrs. Mae McLaughlln, MrB. Jean Btelgcr, Mrs. American men are fighting on every battlefield today. These Gertrude Lehman, Mrs. Bert Clauss, Mm. Barbara Bndnml, Mrs. Chris men are our kin, our friends, our neighbors. Wherever they '•'••• Gunsaulas, Mrs. MarRarot Milne, Mrs. Mary Fagan, Mrs. Mary Gallotley, ; fight, RED GROSS goes with them. Doctors, riurses, ambulance Mrs. Jean Brown, Mrs. Sndle Mount, Mr«. Anna Wlllklc, Mrs. Mao Mulworkers, care for the wounded. . "" . c«hy, Mr*, Harvey Devlin, Mrs. Elsie •'•: Newmeyor. •'„'•.- Mr». May Malonoy, Mrs. Lillian . Hlgglnn, Mrs. Louis Manuttl, Mrs, V Dorothy Byrne, Mrs. Jo»oph Gnrm;> brant, Mrs. Kstcllo Matz, ijlrs. Holon j•','. Bornocco, Mrs, Adeline Barton, Mrs. i; Jesslo Cook, Mrs. Margnret Corbo, i ! Mr«. Miirgnret Mount, Mr«. Anna 20,000 Folded Dressings must be done by this branch by Nov. 5 i Height and Misses Sarah Klltui, Alice •<* Hurley, Peg Mnshey and Marlon Ma-

.' ."vbon.'

Edwin L. Best Named Grand Jury Foreman

Sign up at 12 Broad St., Red Bank — Phone Red Bank 2120

The Bandages YOU Make MaySave A Life!

Doans Pills

53' 39-

Park, real estate, and Jesse O. Webster, 61* Orassmera avenue, Intertaken, retired. •The court excused Emunuel Tapper, 83 Darlington road, Deal, a merchant; and George Poek, First avonuo,'0Manaaquan, roal O t a t o . Mr. Peek naked to be excused ns an exempt fireman. J, Charles Sllbclglelt, who was on the original panel of IS drawn .earlier this month, died l i s t week. Asked by Justice Perekio how many of the panel had had previous grand jury experience, B lx persons raised their hands. -



U.S. M A P FOLDER .•..-. • , (made fo jell fOr 25c) • ^ for

ond 35-Page TABLET

Map folder includes large color-map with 5 smaller historical .maps. One shows different territories acquired.

An education in it self I New WEBSTER DICTIONARY & ATLAS


16 pages of color plate maps

Plus synonyms & antonyms, list of presidents, chief cities of U.S< and Canada, U.S. national parks, proper forms of address.

Red Bank



G E M Singlcdge BLADES


8 ounces-Reg. 50c RexallProduct

Piirelest (Rexall) 50's~ Reg. 93c

Ample Quanhfy

Soft, suede-like finish for every type of skin. Face powder favorite of more than .100,000 graduates of the DuBarry Success School.

fofTMonthi "

Klenxo Brushless __ (Rexall) Reg. 39c Jar




39c Pint Bottle Rexall MILK of MAGNESIA ond 19c Pkg. 36 Rexall MILK of MAG. TABLETS

25c Rexall Nasal Spray with Ephedrino1 and 50c REXILLANA Cough Syrup, A ounces

Veodotanti Keep underarm* dry. Save clothes from perspiration slain.,

Staving* Sondi

HUSH Cream Deodorant 49c & ODORONO Cream O f t f c Deodorant 59c & 3 « r ETIQUET Cream . _ Deodorant, ounce 3 9 ' ARRID Cream -ft* Deodorant 59c & 3 « r REXALL Cream Deodorant.. 5-DAY . . . Underarm P a d s _ 3 3 v QUEST v. Deodorant P w d r , O l v


Stamp* Sold

-flcbienne $

Heauiif Sct

1.10 VALUE

ni att

Face Powder AND Face Cream1 Reg. 55c Each — a 37c Saving/ • Your choice of powder shades and •your favorite of the five lovely Adriehne face crearhs—cleansing, cold, skin, finishing, foundation.

Get That Grand Healthy V I M M S Feeling



FOR DRY SKIN Made extra mild with milk solids and extra rich with the pure lanolin that all sensitive, dry skin ne,eds.


An oil treatment for your scalp. every time you wash your hair I Massage it Into .the scalp before ' you apply water.


96 for 169

once a day


Give Your Children MILE'S ONE-A-DAY A&D Tablets


Cod liver ,p»l vitamins in a pleasant, .easy. to take tablet.

30 For

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5 ounces in this big Jar and no empty turn-in tube required to purchase it 1


4-X No brush or lather.

For cuts and. burns. Yellow or tho White Dluc Seal.

Hair hard fo manage after a tbampoo?

Use DRENE 45c Size lar

47f Only tooth brush bristled with long life Extonl Sterile - sealed in. a glass case.

All 6 vital vitamins •+- added elements of B^complex &iron. 2 capsules

24 for 4 9 *


FITCH'S NEW PROCESS Oil Shampoo $1.00Sizo.

The 6 essential vitamins and 3 equally important minerals combined in a single tablet!

Life Begins With


not cream or soap.



Hair conditioner in special Drene makes hair easy to manage right after a shampoo. 60c Size

Get Rid of Corns! Blue Jay medicated piasters relieve-tho pain by lifting pressure, help to remove corn, core and all. They work while you walk



BED BANK.REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 30,1948 with the legislative branch ot the Applications Must Accessoriet WaittajgS government." Recognizing the danger threatening the pension system, the New Jer- Be In By October 4 sey State Patrolmen's Benevolent E. A. Rodriquez, chairman of TwlflAssociation at lt a recent convention ight Post 143 committee ot the Conoco Service Station directed its legislative committee to American, Legion sponsoring the ..' 18-1J WHITE STBEET, '• ''Pr present to the 19*4 legislature pro- visit to Highlands October 22 ot the . BED DANK, N.'jr. * posed place the pension Red Cross mobile unit for blood dosystem on a sound and unquestion- nations, is making an urgent request -• To Help In Dietary Eighteen Groups able basis." It is now Incumbent up- hat all applications be in his hands on municipalities to move toward by next Monday, October 4. Department At Christian Science : Represented at . the same goal. Watching these re- These applications, he explained, "Muddled Pensions." •*• cent developments with keen interest must be received by that date so as : Monmouth Memorial I • Woman's Club Reading, Room A major problem shaping Op for are the taxpayers who. have kept to give the Red Cross unit sufficient these local pension funds afloat for time In which to send out the neces. Church Edifice, Representatives of 18 clubs In the The first class of dietitian aides, the 1941 Legislature Is that of for- a number .ol years by making an- sary postcards to the applicants third district of the' Mow Jersey Instructed by the county Bed Cross mulating a Bound and equitable law nual deficiency .payments inaddjtlon They may be obtained at Bedle's or zoo Broad, Street, hod Banjj .Siato Fodoratlon of Women's clubi chapter/ held * graduation exercises that will insuro permanent stability to the regular annual payments re- Rowland's drugstores, Highlands Tel. Rod Bank 34SO-J, attended an all-day presidents' counlast week at the nursee' home, at of the police and fire pension systems [ulred under the present law. If the postdfflce, American Legion head in approximately cil meeting Tuesday 'at the Rod p pp Monmouth Memorial hospital, with now In operation resent rate of taxpayer deficiency quarters, Red Cross elation at Fort • OPEN DAILY 100 municipalities iip l i te i s off tho tt . tth state. Bank Woman's club. Mra. John N. 13 women receiving diplomas on 100 layments were to continue for 35 or through Mrs. Jofin D. Since the inception of police and 'ears, it would represent a contrlbu- Hancock Bayer ot Spring Lake, district proslS 2 to 4 P. H. completion of the 60-hour training Goudie, Hill road and Mount aveg p dent, presided, and Mrs, Robert H. Th ill begin begin fire pensions In New Jersey, the law "on of ?25O,OO0,00O out of the only nue, whose telephone number IB AtExcept Sunday Mid will, course. These Rogers, president of the Bed Bank • ' lockets from which such blessings lantic Highlands 828. , " Holidays. a • Woman's club, who served us hoaBlood plasma has been called "tho at Monmouth Memorial hospital eai!f ow—the already overburdened soul! beneficiaries and the amount of h pay local tax bills. Friday Evenings, 7:90 to 8:80. • tenses, greeted the gueata. lifeline between those at home and sides to the dietitians and student ilw> payments required to be made to District presidents and new disthose In the service," and we must nurses.. them, that the pension structure is trict chairmen gave report* of part keep that lifeline flowing. So don't Here the Btble, th« Worki of Vary Duties of the new corps members now too top-heavy for workable puractivities, Including work done In delay," says Chairman Rodriquez, CaUcr EMy, Discoverer and Voundtr Include helping dietitians and nurees poses. Of the 190 pension funds in of Christian Science. And all othet Bed Cross, USO and purchasing and The slogan is "give your blood to select special diets, checking food operation, a survey showed all of Christian Scltnca LiteraBelling 8f war savings stamps and the Red Cross and save some one in authorized ture may be read, borrowed or pnr> orders for quality and quantity, them to be In an unsound financial bonds. During the summer, months the service from a White Cross." chased. helping make special milk drinks, members of the Avenel Woman's condition and at least 61 funds to The Public U Welcome nourishments, salads and desserts, bo Insolvent. club, In North Jersey, through vararranging food trays on ward floors Calling public attention to the unious activities', earned $1,000 which Stamp Out the Axis. and serving in the cafeteria for the has been Invested in war savings ana serving in the caretena lor me s o u n d n e ^ - o t t h e B e m u n l c l p a l p e n B l 0 D hospital staff. Mrs. Bobert Durand L ^ bonds'. d th constantly*lr(£eaBlng I; corps chairman, and Mrs. M a u r l c » b u r d e n , • £ * District chairmen reporting were Mrs. Henry Crosbie Pollak, vice chairman. Jersey Taxpayers Association Visa Kutfi Becd of Manasquan, art; MrB. Herbert D. Wright, chairman Mrs. Mervln Pearson, Point Pleaslias urged the affected municipalities Receives Flowers On of the volunteer special services of :o organize and formulate a plan for ant, garden; Mrs. Henry y . ,Seede, the county chaper, gave diplomas emedial legislation. Point Pleasant, legislation; Mrs. O. Wedding Anniversary to the class, MIBS Katherlne Horn- Recent developments have placed H. Gordon, Mew Brunswick, literaer, supervisor of the hospital .nurs- itrong emphasis upon the need for ture; Mrs. Frank E, Barth, Avenel, ing staff, spoke on the relationship prompt action. Cpl.' James Crosbie, who is staJunior woman's dubs; Mrs. Louis J, of the volunteer to the hospital. She Trenton officials recently warned tioned with the Army in Hawaii, has Yeok, West Bclmar, drama, and Miss stated that this new-service Will citizens that the local pension fund sent to his mother, Mra. Henry CrosRuth Erb, Woodbrldge, International help the dietary department to give is nearing bankruptcy, and the Mont- bio of East Keansburg, as a wedding relations. Mrs. Carl Scbbngar of Bel better service. mar, state vice chairman of liters' clair Town Commission, in refusing anniversary gift a box of orchids, After trying for six weeks to get coal, Louis B, Albert of Newark ture, also spoke. Other speakers were Miss Lucy ;o grant basis pay Increases for po- containing a largo orchid for hli Tompkins, executive secretary of licemen- and firemen, declared that mother, and six small ones for his Other speakers were Mrs. J, Dan- returned home from a game of golf to find it delivered right to his doorstop. Tho company wouldn't carry It any farther because of an the county chapter, and Miss Martha ts pension fund was "actuarlally siBters. Tho box was mailed in iel Tuller of BeS Bank and Mrs, Hawaii Saturday, and arrived at th< OPA price dispute. Here Albert, circulation manager of the Newark Snndeen, head dietitian at the hos-bankrupt." John Sofleld of South Amboy, pasl home Tuesday In perfeel Sunday Call, prepares to shovel his way out while his niece,, June third district vice presidents, and pital. New Jersey's highest tribunal, the Crosbie v Albert, wades through, ' Mrs, Ada B. Kafew of Eatontown, Those receiving diplomas were 'ourt of Errors and Appeals, held condition. Mr. and Mrs. Crosbie celebrated who has been-active In club work Mrs. J. F. McCarthy, MrB. Philip T. that under the pension law the City 60 years. Smith and Mrs. Charlotte Wickes, of Hoboken could not prevent the their 45th wedding anniversary yesThe couple were married at Mm. Alfred Mathlasen, chairman Entertain At Apple Canning Helps Red Bank; Mrs, John W. Swanson, retirement of policemen op flrfemen terday. of the home nursing committee ot Fair Haven; Mrs. Gertrude Rltter- at the age of 60, and that the rem- Asbury Park. Mrs. Crosbie Is the former Miss Leona Casler of Franthe Bed Bank branch of the county Shore Dinner man, Highlands; Mrs. Frederick N. edy lay with the Legislature and not War Food Program els Mills. With his son, Austin Cros. Bed Cross chapter, made a plea to: Waldo, Atlantic Highlands; Mrs. the judiciary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rooko of America's health-conscious home, bie,' Mr. Crosbie has a, house moving the clubwomen present to start homi Ceclle Frankel, Sea Bright; Mrs. F. "It Is not within the judicial provnursing courses In their clubs, and Monmouth road, West Long Branch, makers were urgod today to' increase G. Wade and Miss Marie Kelly, Long ince business. to challenge the wisdom of the entertained at a shore dinner In their their homo canning of apples in the Branch; Mrk Josephine Francis, Into Join home nursing courses now. Mr. -and Mrs. Crosbie have eight economy which permits the retireMrs. Bobort O. Brown) a membei garden Sunday. George Washing- next few weeks and thus help pre- tterlaken; l k M Mrs. ''M. J. Hlgglns and ment of able-bodied policemen and children, Cpl. Crosbie, who has been of tho Bed Bank club, gave a eerie ton of Pine Brook entertained with lerve this perlHhable'fruit, assuring Mrs. Victor Johnson, Belmar, and firemen at the age of 50 years (and stationed in Hawaii a year; Austin These are not just another shipment of he family of a supply of this apof readings. Bed Bank club mem muBlo and songs. Mrs. William Young, Brielle. not Infrequently to accept employ- Croable of West Keanaburg, Mrs. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Allan letizlng food during the coming winbers who arranged tho BOBSlon wen ment In private industry at a rate of Marlon Jarvis and Mrs. Leona Hengarments . . . but a wide selection of . . Mra. Tuller, Mrs. Hermann Asondor [.Hauco.ll, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mc- :er.. ry of Keansburg, and Misses Jeanpay equal to, or nearly so, that re Although the national apple crop and Mrs. Marcus* Higglnbotham, Jr, Queen, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peyton, ette, Virginia, Irene and Gloria Crosccived in the civil service); and well tailored, and beautifully styled Clubs represented Included Bed Mr. and Mra. Gordon Wright, Mr, U 28%.amaller this year than-in 1042, thereby placing upon the taxpayers bie, who live at home, Bank, Long Branch, Asbury Park, and Mrs. Alfred Boyce, Mr. and Mrs, many growers In this locality have The couple also have five grandthe burden of pensions which bankfabrics. Just what you need for Fall ffllberon, Ocean Grove, Manasquan, Edward Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- a generous supply which Is now movrupt pension funds are. unable ti children. One grandson, Cedrlc Hen. Spring Lake, Bolmar, Farmlngdale ard Effray, Mr. an
Third Districjt Presidents Hold Session Here

Well, He Got His Fuel

Dietitian Aides Complete Course ' By Red Cross


Know Your Government


Soldier In Hawaii Sends Orchids To; His Mother Here

Clubwomen To Open Program





sunv OVERCOATS .95 Men's All Wool

THAT'S A WAR-WEAPON, TOO, SON! "You've sden out Army'* weapons on display . . . the big block-busters, the 105'* and anti-aircraft guns, the tank-killers. Quite a show, wasn't it? "But there was one thing taisaing . . . a locomotive.' It takes locomotives, thousands of 'em, to haul those big guns and bombs, the fuel to fly out planes and tail out ships, the food for our fighters.


Buy your coat now while you have % wide choice.. Tailored for wear and comfort..




'Zipper fly fronts! They are perfect complements to your Fall wardrobe. -•

"And it takes thousands of flatcars, boxcars, tankcars and gondolas to carry all those war materials where they're needed most—and on time, "Before you could talk, son, the Jersey Central was part of your life. Every day you'd stare, wide-eyed and wondering, ni those big, Jersey Central trains rolled by. And how you thrilled u you rode to the city, or to vacation, on the Railroad I

and $32.50





"Well, son, how you know that your old friend, the Jersey Central, is more than just a friend.' It's a ' vital fighting force that's helping mightily to keep war away from you, and mother, and all of us here. It's doing a lull share to help Uncle Sam win this war." .

Student's Suits BOYS'








Late Crops Will Relieve Scarcity Of Other Foods

Price And Rationing Questions & Answers

(Questions, are those most frequently aaked thta week of the TrenPHONE ton district office of OPA. Answers soo BROAD ST. Chiropractor are official OPA rulings as of SepBED BANK, tember 27. Readers may submit I By Dr. CHARLES H. CONNORS, Ample Fresh Fruits, questions for replies to Trenton Dis-1 N. J. College of Agriculture trlct qrflce. OPA; Trenton, N. J.) After, froat ha* killed the tender Vegetables, Will Aid Q. Are dollar-and-cents celling vegetable plants,. the . time Is proprices, such as apply to foods, being pitious _for cleaning up the Victory Winter Food Backlog applied to other commodities?" Garden. There will still remain," ol A. its. Tomorrow (October 15. course, cabbage and other members * Don't miu the comfort* .of a nice coicy fire. Bar Late crops of fresh fruits and veg- specific top prices become effective of this family and root crops to be etables will do much toward reliev- for retail sales of men's and boys' dug for atorage. Theae. plants will steel. Large « « . . ' ing any scarcity of other food items cotton flannel shirts, including Boy stand considerable frost, Brussels Scout shirts, and certain sanitary sprouts and. broccoli may stand up during the coming (winter. This is the view expressed by Har- articles for Infants have been simil- and produce edible material for a vey A. Baum, general manager of arly priced. Theie Include blbe, dia- month or so yet. Beets, carrots and A & P's produce-buying operations, pers, pants, diaper covers, crib winter radishes ara better stored bebased on latest reports from the U. sheets, utility bage, lap pads, mat- fore freezing. Turnips and rutabagas S.' Department of Agriculture, and tress covers, coveralls, nursery seat may be stored after they have been . , lightly frozen. Squash and pumpkin from the company's field men in all rings and pillow cases. Cups ara in again. Don't miu this chance to Q. What is the ceiling pHce of should be put away a j aooon aa frost parts of the country, threatens. "The outlook Is encouraging," cabbage? complete youriet. A. Four cents a pound. , Baum said. "The orange crop gives Q. I Use ten tons of coal annually No debris should be allowed to repromise of being ahead of last year's heavy production. The nation's for hqat and hot water. I now have main In the garden as this will be a grape supply will be a record one, five tons on hand but the alie ot harboring place of insects and diswith plenty remaining for domestic the coal Is too large for my bucket- eases. All plant tops that ara not needs after a larger proportion ot a-day h6t-water stove. May I buy obviously diseased should be placed the crop Is processed for war needs. coal for the email stove even though on the compost pile. This,will make is no more, but we have some Loom X on hand. The yield of other fruits is below I would then have on hand more valuable material for improving the that of a year ago, but of most>of than 50% of my total requirements? garden soil next year. Pile it in layApproved by fire, underwriters; E * _ A. Yes, because the S0% rule ap- ers about six inches thick when these there will be a fair supply. down, sprinkle it with lime "The vegetable situation Is good, pliee to each use of coal and not tramped No priority necessary. g0 %g ™ and Victory Garden-fertilizer if you particularly with regard, to baalo veg- to a combination of uses. have any left, and then put on about Q. May I, as a farmer, kill my etables which are. most essential an Inch of soil The pile can be built from a nutritional standpoint. The hogs and retail the meat? . — up in successive layers. Moisten it, A. You may slaughter If you have potato crop indicates a record inand be sure It Is kept moist. This crease of 00,000,000 bushels over last a permit from your county agent. material will partly rot during the In selling the meat, points are colyear. winter and next spring can bo spread No. 14 for outside use. The outlook for other major veg- lectible as shown on the current and dug under. Any badly' diseased otables la promising. Acreage and OPA" table of point valuea. Stamps material In the garden should be growing conditions point to large not yet valid for other selling may burned or disposed of In another Per Hundred Feet. yields of sweet potatoes, cabbage, let- be collected tor the reason that nanner. tuce and late carrots. Some smaller many people would not have suftruck crops and less essential • veg- ficient stamps to buy the larger cuts If the European corn borer has etables will show decreases from a farmer would sell. All stamps muet been .present or If there hog been last year's large production, but on be turned In to the local War Price much corn smut, an advisable. practice is to burn the old corn plants. the whole will approach normal and Rationing board. Q. What Is the ceiling price for It is best to pull the stalks aa someyields of the past ten years. the Insect* live over the win"Peanuts, an Important substitute frankfurters, type 1, in sheep cas- times ter In the lower part of the stem. Excellent construction. Takes 20-watt bulb. for meats in providing protein, are ings? Burn the stalks completely. This Is A. In group 1 and 2 stores 43 cents entlmajed 5 per cent larger than that only way to destroy the corn borexpected- to surpass last year's 2,- a pound and in group 3 and 4 stores the er except by burying the stalks not 41 cents a pound, 500,000,000 pound production by 260,Q. When will the new ration tok- less than six inches deep. The aches 000,000 pounds. -Th» pecan crop H will add some minerals to tho soil. estimated 25 per cent, larger than ens be placed In circulation? A. It Is not expected the tokens Remove, clean and store under that of last season. will be available before early Janu cover, if possible, all stakes and oth"Altogether," Baum concluded, "considering bad weather which ne- ary, due to the time required for er materials that were used to supcessitated late plantings and many bids, manufacturing' and diatrlbu port plants. If allowed to remain In the soil, stakes will deteriorate very replantings In various sections, also tlon. Q. A Canadian friend Is visiting rapidly. Wire Is scarce and exposure tho farm labor shortage, the growers unquestionably are coming me for a month. As her ration book to the .weather does not improve it. through, with a. splendid achievement. is useless here, how can she obtain (Sarden tools are no( plentiful and food.polnts? jvecannot afford to let anything hap"MucVwstUl depends"on. the"]abor A, Your local rationing board will pen to them;—'Shlny-toola^work—best y p a w k t situation and on allocation of foods Issue certificates of food coupons, p and we should make an effort to mainrec[uired_by war conditions. But I Similarly, a conscientious objector tain a polished surface on the operthink we~^nay feel assured that-the on furlough-or-the-lnm&te of an incivilian' population will be supplied atltutlon of involuntary confinement atlng part. Never allow them to with a wide variety of almost all temporarily released is entitled to a stand -without cleaning off all tho soil. As soon as the, garden operaseasonal vegetables, fruits and nuts." certificate. tions are over, clean all tools well. It the celling price ot Q~What in they are not badly rusted, use sandbologna, type 1, In natural casings? paper or emery paper to restore the A. In group 1 and 2 stores 36 cents shine. If they are badly rusted, rub a. pound and in group 3 and 4 stores as much of the rust off a« possible 34 cents a. pound. . ^ J h ^ n j i e ^ n v t o a t a n s t e e l parte with United Slates Bcfiator • AlberU\Vv Hawkes of New Jersey visited Fort scrapple? crankcase oil will serve the' purpose. Monmouth Friday as the guest of A-. Two points per "pound." Scrap- The coating should be sufficient to Brig. Gen. George L. VanDeusen, plo is not shown on the official table keep moist air oft the parts and commanding general of the Eastern of point values, which Is distributed thus prevent rusting. The oily coatnationally since scrapple is in scant Ing on badly rusted tcols will prevent Signal Corps Training Center. Senator Hawkes was guest of hon- demand outside a. section of the further oxidation. It 1* also a good or at a luncheon at which he met the East. practice to paint the handles. Many commanders of f o r t Monmouth and persons rub down the tool handles Its sub-posts. Following the lunchwith linseed ell. • eon, the junior Republican senator of After cleaning and oiling, hang up the state was escorted by General the tools in a place sheltered from VanDeusen on an Inspection tour of the weather such as a garage, shed Trenton, N. J., September 30.—The or a dry cellar. Hanging the tools training activities. He visited the recreational facilities, schools, hospi- 28th annual New Jeraey Agricultural tals and chapels, and observed sol- Week has beon scheduled lot Janudiers undergoing field training. Dur- ary 24 to 28 in Trenton, Secretary of ing the tour, he made informal talks Agriculture W. H. Allen announced to several groups of soldiers and today. Over thirty state agricultural pledged thathe would "do everything organizations will participate in the In his power as a member of the third wartime event. senate to Insure that the sacrifices of As In previous years, the leading American soldiers should not be In event of the week will be the State vain." The senator expressed admir- Agricultural Convention at which ation tor the communication special- two' members will be elected to the ties of Signal Corps men at Fort State Board of Agriculture, They Monmouth. • will take office the following July, Members of the inspection party, In filling the vacancies left by the readdition to Senator Hawkes and tiring members, John W, H. ThornGeneral VanDeusen, were Brig. Gen. borrow ot Millvllle, president of the William O. Keeder, Col. Carroll O. board, and Herbert Francisco of Bickelhaupt, Col, Wolcott K. Dudley, West Caldwell, vice president. Other it. Col. Howard A, Shaw arid.Capt. members of the Board of AgrloulRoger E. Lawless.. Senator Hawkes ture are Roscoe C, Clayton, Freehold; was accompanied by his secretary, Charles W. M. Hess, Mountain View; James T>. Holman, Whltesvllle; WatAlbert Lewltt. ton B. KoBtenbader, Hope; Clement' —•-— < i » • Rotenone destroys insects without B. Lewis. Blverton, and Edward H. mpalrlng the edibility of green vege- Phillips, Jr., Cold Spring. The opening event of the 1S43 tablos or fresh frulU, Agricultural Week will be the 25th annual conventlon^/of the New Jersey Farm Bureau, to be held Monday, January 24. On Monday evening, official delegates to Agricultural Week will attend a dinner and conference to precede the convention the next day. The remaining days of the week will be devoted to meetings, conferences arid discussions of farm commodity-.organizations. Programs of especial interest to women and young people will alao be held. For the third year, thero will be no Farm Show.' The event, due to wartime conditions and lack of adequate exhibition apace has been cancelled for the duration..



1* a better practice than standing them with the handle resting against a wall u this may result in warping. If it beoomes necessary to use the tool* during- the winter, the «xce>u oil or crease should first) be wiped off with a doth, After using, they should again lie, treated. . Cleanup work is best done In the fall as the soil can usually be walked on without damaging1 It and there la more time available for these chorea. With the garden cleaned up, tooliT repaired and cleaned,. we will be ready to s U r t »prlng opiratlons u soon u.'the'soil If At to handle. Next week: Fall Digging,



Acro#a Fnun High School '-••

'.'•.- ' "

Speclalirinr in

• .'

' •.

'- ' '





Fluorescent Desk Lamps


Senator Hawkes Visits Fort Monmouth

Farm Week Set For January 24-28


Last call! October 15th is the deadline for mailing Christmas gifts to soldiers overseas. Don t miss the b o a t . . . your portraits NOW !


65 Broad St.,

Phone 3096

Red Bank, N. J.

STUDIO HOURS: Bally JO o, m. to Op. m. Tuesday 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays by appointment


Girls and women to work on uniforms for our armed forces. Excellent opportunity for girls to learn use of power sewing machines. Persons in war work or essential activity not considered without statement of availability.





"Joe Palooka" At Camp Edison Bo far as millions ot readers of the dally comlo strips In the newspaper* nro concerned, Joe Palooka, the lovable athletlo character created by Ham Fisher, Is helping a guerrilla band fight the Nazis. But men of the 822d Signal Fixed Radio station company at Camp Kdtaon, a sub-post of Fort Monmouth, have a. different version. They live, eat .and work with Joe Palooka every day. To avoid contusion. It should he explained that the Joe Palooka of the 822d 1. Sgt. Willis A. aiick, a 180pounder who stands 0 feet, 2, A native of Kansas City, Missouri, Sergeant Gllok was an all-around athlote
vacywlitra our i m i d forata u * smaihk ii>0 & • •nemy back In lhe> new aggtciiWa wa» ol INVASION. ' Thtr « • font iOM, huabnnd, brothers, rweethtart, l»thA, relatives and friends. Thvf aiV only CB * thlnp—that you back lh«m up All. THE WAT.' With Violorr coming nearar, you moat not 1*11 our boy»—your soldier, tailor or xnarin*. You'r* not aiked to give a cant—only lo put

dollar TOO mn lonpo ap inl» lh» world's salost inTattraant—War Bonds. Bay «1 Usit one oalra fiaa War Bend during ihU $19,000,000,000 l i d W u Loan Drlr* In addition to jora ragolir bondbaying, ftrsryon* who pottibly emn muit InvMt at lnaat flbo. Some.oi yo« Mail Invert thousand!, lake it out ol inaom*, like it out ol Idle) and »ocumu« laied Ininda, Start "•eratahlng '"nowl



Most 'adults, need 1.8 grams of phosphorous a day, ' ,




Here And There In Monmouth County

Boatmen—Anglers Can Aid War Effort

Page ETve.

that fill nightly the 40 theaters within Americas the city limits, several Important Girl Scout Troop

By the Pan' American Union Washington.

French companies have, since the beginning of the war, made Buenos Aires their headquarters. The scores of musourns and libraries In the city are Another manifestation of its cult l activity, as is the fact that It tural can now be considered the principal publishing center of Latin America. Books and magazines are radiated fronj Argentina to all the other Spanlah-spcakln? countries of tho Hemisphere while Argentine daily papers rank with the best In the •world.' ThuB Buenns Alros, o^eomparatlvoly young city sitting regally on tho shores of'tho River Plate, is more than a wealthy Queen of the Pampas; it shares with old Paris the privilege of being a beautiful, Bmiling Minerva.

Has Initiation


Fluorescent Lighting

\t a meeting .of the Atlantic township Girl "Scout troop Monday BUENOS AIRES: THJ5 PARIS OF night Nancy Moreau, Nancy" DeTHE AMERICAS Garmo, Carolyn SIndllnger, Ivls Blanchard, Jessie Colnett and Rose SERVICE — REPAIRS — LAMPS — PARTS Surpassed In the Western HemlPersonal Notes, Sales of Property, Building Operations Furiato were initiated as new memiphere only by,New York and ChicaCALL ASBURY PARK 1218 bers. . Girls receiving checks for The, restoration o£ gasoline allot- go, Buenos Aires, the largest city In Lodge Doings, Births, Marriages, Deaths helping put out a fire while on a ments to owners of recreational mo- the world south of the equator, la picnic April 28 were Betty Wylie, tor .boats should help to alleviate a often called the Paris of, the, AmeriPeggy Now, Yvonne Wylie, Janet and Other Notes of Interest •erlout, food shortage, according to cas. Jules Romalns, the well-known Boynton, Patricia Brady and Mira statement made Saturday by Ira French writer, believes that "as one ASBURY PARK, N. J. 49 S. MAIN ST. iam. Kangas. " / _ "' .•(' WeVed ^Anny Man. bara and Ivls Blanchard, Rose Furthousands of fishermen in the east- of approaching nearer and nearer to Branch, waa married l u t week In lAto, Jessie Colnett, Carolyn and Mr. end Mrs. Andrew B. Ruf of Ule Lady's chapol oJ St. Patrick's Manasijuan have /announced the en- ern gasoline shortage area may, now France." The capital Itself, with Its Claire SIndllnger, Nancy DcGarmo, on Jewelry, Silver, Musical Instruments, Camera*, mthedral, Now York, to Leading Sea- gagement of their daughter, Rath- resume their accustomed habit of temperate climate, Its beautiful aveNancy Sue Mo'roau, Patsy ' Barls, -z-~ • Binocular*, etc. nan JoaophP, Hylton of Essex, Lon- erlne, to Sgt,. Joaeph O.'KUlian of utilizing small Inboard and outboard nues, the Interest of Its people in culYvonne Wylie, Lois Conover, Helen Ucenicd and bonded by Sut« ol N. J. lon. Tho bride 1B d graduate of the Canton, i Qa. Mist Ruf. graduated craft In catching fish to supplement tural and Intellectual subjects, la In WE FAY CASH FOB OLD GOLD AND SILVEH Reynolds, Botty Wylie and Joan Umg Branch: high school and the from the. Manasquan high school, their table. In doing so, they are many respects a replica of the great The bush-tit, an American tit- Conover. Rutgers college of pharmacy, 'New Sgt. KUllan attended the University providing an Important contribution French metropolis. mouse; builds the roof of its nest • •V Brunswick. She, la chief pharmacist of Georgia, where he was a basket- to the war effort. first, then works down. Stamp Out the Ails. Buenos Aires Is laid out on the 208 Broadway (Opp. Jacob aialsbncit'i) fjont OMnofe i t Monmouth Momorlol hospital. ball star. He la stationed at Camp checkerboard plan, the streets interThe couple will realdo at Long Wood. -, secting at right angles. At the end Branch, ' v of the 19th Century many splendid Injured In Fall, First Visit Home In Nino Yean. public- buildings were erected and Attorney Joseph E. Wenzel of narrow streets were replaced by A happy reunion IB In store Jor Freehold suffered a possible fracture parks, squares and wide tree-lined Mr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Chamberlain of the rlgh foot Sunday of last week of Neptune whon their Bon, W. O. when a stair platform In the rear ivenues not unlike Parisian bouleClarence Chamberlain, arrives home of his second floor apartment colvards, the model 'of most South today for his first visit In nine years. lapsed and ho fell 18 feet to "the American urbanists. One of these • Warrant Officer Chamberlain, a vet- concrete below. He also suffered boulevards, the Avenlda de.Mayo, Is eran of Pearl Harbor, ha« been In a cut on the nose. Mr, Wenzel had In a way. tho backbone of the great the South .Pacific several months. just gone up the stairs and was city, terminated at one end by the After his present furlough he-will about to enter the house when the National Capitol and at the other by have a post In the state of Wosh^ floor of the landing gave way. the presidential palace, called the lngton. • "Casa Rosada," the Pink House. The New Theater Manager. Avenlda Alvcar another wide avenue - Tax Board Member Dead, John McNulty of Aabury Park has lined with trees, passes through a JoBeph w . Dillon of Belmar, a been named manager of Reade's number of beautiful parks and leads RED BANK, N. J. member of the* county tax board and Strand theater at Freehold, replacing iOVtaSllEPHIIlTS) to tho polo grounds and the race assistant borough clerk and water George McOhesney, manager for nine track, whllo-the Paseo de laRecoleta , clerk at Belmar, died at his home years. The latter Is now employed Is graced with the monument to GenMonday morning following a week's at the Eastern Aircraft plant at LlnNOW! SUN RAY SENDS eral Alvear, a masterpiece by the illness,. Mr, Dillon was born in Bel- don. Mr. McNulty, lately manager of great French sculptor Bourdelle. Our experienced pharmacist! fill prescription! with finwt, frwhmar 47 years ago and had lived thero tho Savoy theater at Asbury Park, Beautiful among the gardens and e»t drug! procurable. Every Sun Raj prcuription U doubleall his life. He: was reappointed to was manager of the Freehold theater Larger Than Double She parks of Buenos AireB, the principal checked for accuracy. < • tho tax board In March, 1042, after some 13 years ago, TO OVERSEAS SERVICEMEN promenade, Palermo Park, Is a favhaving served a term previously. He orite spot for riding In early mornTakes Job • as Teacher. . Is survived by one sister. Ing or for rowing on the lagoon so Miss Marie Becker, librarian at the IRA HAND •, Expertly printed finer gnSa photo* I 1 like that of Paris' Bois de Boulogne. • O L D 0CM.D ROSB Fenton Farm Sold, Monmouth County Historical associnude on fadeleu piper from »ny pop* I The shops, too, are a constant reWalter Rcade, theater magnate, ation at Freehold for more than 11 •CHESTERFIELD • Mr, Hand's comment was occas- minder of those of Paris: French Imular list film. has purchased Ross Fenton farm, years, has resigned to teach at.Cedar •RALCIOH the famous Wanamoissa night club, Crest college, AUentown, Pa. She Is ioned by a recent announcement of ports before the war, and now a long the Office of War Information, Actradition of French Influence gives and announces that he plans to mod- a graduate of North-western uniCARTON ernize, the restaurant and hotel facil- versity and earned a degree of doc- cording vto the OWI releases, the the merchandise a style of Its own, OF 200. ities there, establishing a roadhouao tor of philosophy at Cornell univers- country's commercial fishing fleet In and if one reaches these stores eith1943 will have to provide a billion er by a subway very similar to the •All Postal* raid. >W< Mail. and rocreational center, .Rose Fen- ity. more pounds of fish and shellfish 'Metro" of Paris or by means of one ton farm was established in' 1807 by than in any other year In history to of the old one-horse "flacjes" that Sent to Prison for Nonsupport, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Kelly, fameet food production demands. Re- still linger about Buenos Aires, the William Morton, 62, of Freehold mouB actors known as Charles J. who had been on probation since quisition of fishing craft by the Illusion Is perfect. Ross and Mabel Fenton. February, 1042, for failure to support armed services, loss of manpower If not only Argentines, but all his two minor children, was sen- and limitation of materials we're the South Americans are proud-of Buen' Detective Named In Suit. Police Sgt. John J. Flood, Mata- tenced to state prison for one year principal cause necessitating this Aires as;tho second Latin city of wan detective, has been accused In last week by . Judge J. Edward superlative effort, Ordinarily, ac- the world, they are also proud of its CARTON OF 10 BOXES I ?~' a civil suit instituted In the Long Knight on recommendation of John cording to OWI, American fishermen lnte!lectualipre5tIgir,-of-theT>Uice^iton -coastal—waters, the h i g h seas; L. Montgomery, referee; In tho doBranch district court of committing lakes and rivers, catch about 1% bil- holds aa one of the liiost Important • WITH EVERY MAIL?GIFTS OVERSEASBYVOCTYK 15 assault and battery on Chris Fal- mestic relat!on s court, PURCHASE OF lion pounds annually. Last year, be- cultural centers of tho Hemisphere. mlero after he had left his Job as SCHOOL Like that of Paris, Argentine society Engllshtown Girl Engaged. cause of war handicaps, the catch g SUPPLIES .baggage master at the Matawan staMr. and Mrs. Baylor Palmer of fell to 3% billion pounds. has good taste, a 20-INCH COLLAPSIBLE "restrained'' eletion Soptembor 16. Palmlere claims Kngllshtown have announced the en"Tho catches made by non-commer- Kanco of manner." Jules Romalns lhat tho dotootlvo accuaod him of gagement of their daughter, Karjyn READY FOR MAILING 1 taking a sum of money and a coast Jean, to Karl M. Smith, son of Mr. cial fishermen can aid "materially, again "was impressed by the Interest of the middle class in cultural said Mr. Hand, "for according to a guard pass. and Mrs. Tunis, Smith of West Free- report by Dr. Ira N. Garrlelson, di- and intellectual subjects; he felt alhold. The wedding will take placs rector Fatally Injured in Grovel Pit. of the United States Fish and most as though he were in France Harry T. Cottrell, 61, of Neptune, Saturday of next week in the Eng- Wildlife Service, sports fishermen In and Indeed, ho found everywhere a was fatally Injured Saturday 1 after- IlshtownJPreabyterlan church. profound knowledge of the French t *1Wffn?l1*irrtl1I18^iragm-1H 'th6= . end' saw/ Anoited pounds "of "flsh~in"l942! It Is esti- TffigualB&tfna''6fTfcTKn=ltteffitul-e:' -^""fieaiirW8ff°KcsTaSfc" grinding wheels of a conveyor belt Like the capital of France, Buenos clttt; M i bu. mated that at leaBt two thirds of roachlno -In-the Bonnott gravel-pita Augustus Aumaek/ 87, one of the this poundage wajTtaken from boatsV Aires-is well-knownJToE Jta.good.theatin ui'simt. 7-IN. SIZE oldest residents-of Koypbrt, died m pltlft. in Wall township. When Cottrell Black bass, pickerel, pike and dozens ter. • Besides the many local theatri. Tfct Vty to. Foldl fl»L wad found by follow workmen both his home Friday, September 17. Hi of. other varieties of lake fish arc cal companies and musical ensembles 1 cooltimt. Ceokc f«it*r, legs had boon smashed and tie was was born in Keyport, the. son o caught from boatsymany of the craf • • * • • fvat. • * * 11 » Injures internally. Cottrell' .Is sur- Thomas 8.; and Permella Walling being powered. Salt water fish are vived by a widow, one sdh and a Auraaok., Mr. Aumack'was a painter almost entirely sought in boats, the and. paperhanger by trade and redaughter. • ' ' tired several years ago. He Is sur- Burf casters and pier fishermen be Tavern Faoes. Five Charges. vived by his wife and two daughters. Ing relatively few in number." The consumption * of self-caught Tho Sea Beach corporation, operFreehold Property Sold. fish' by the boat""owning amateur ators of tho Plantation restaurant at The Clayton Transportation com Sheepskin FORECASTER MIDDLETOH .Long Branch, faces flvo charges pany of Freehold has bought the for- angler and, devotees of fishing from 3-PC. EMBASSY party boats helps to provide greater 'brought by A. B. C. offlsers. Tho VARIETY KIT BRIAR PIPE WALLETS mer Statoslr Lumber company propSHAVE SET fish supplies to the armed forces. charges ale permitting a brawl on $ $ the promises, making false state- erty at that place. Tha company The particular worth of fish-as a warments In Its application, serving will use the property as its head- time food Is Indicated by figures drinks other than thoso ordered, em- quarters and part of tho property from the. OfficB of Co-ordlnator of IE5W1HRT ploying non-citizens and finally with will be offered for use as a bus ter- Fisheries, showing that men in the minal to the highest bidder. United States military training selling liquor on election day, camps eat about 18 pounds of fresh Reported Hilled In AoUon. Forced from Home By Fire, and frozen fish yearly, as compared Mrs. Stanley JohnBon 'of Southard Fire of undetermined origin gutted SKYLARK »1 « to the general civilian averago of v tho kitchen of the William H. Sut- SB received official word from tho V& pounds. These figures do not in phen home at Matawan early Mon- war i department that her husband elude canned or cured fish. ' Per REVLON VICTORY $1.50 day morning and .forced the former had died overseas on September 9 capita consumption by civilians va* Ensemble O»HP«« CHATE congressman and his 4amlly to fleo from Injuries received either In Sicily ries widely, ranging form aB much FOR or Italy. Pvt. Johnson waa 22 years STURDY MILK 1 the burning building in their night 1 SCHERK COLOGNE Jfl.10 as S O pounds in certain seacoast comVICTORY •20 Ermt.pij. clothing. Damage to the house from of age and was drafted July 9; 1042. munities to a negligible amount in o> TOIHT WATER ' •» FIBRE ALMOND fire, smoko and water, amounted to He was sent overseas last February. some interior sections. BIK ID. earrcfptndmu tkHd Drawer tn«dcl with Buy ; Clolunne, Utmx*- FOLOW ME TOILET $ 1 00 several thousand dollars. < Takes Husband's Job. i n ! BUttcbtoi ettret^M. . «ne. Art Enamel*. WATER and F»CE POWDIR. .... * . AH cnlor«. Mrs. Arthur Robblns, of English WAR BONDS Death of Avon Man. town, has replaced her husband as WED AT FORT MONMOUTH '_ And Criarlos.-E_Hetzal,J8,... prominent a Prudential—InsuranoB'~company Nowarlt manufacturer-,' died Sunday agent In that vicinity. Her husband PFC. and .Mrs. Samuel Warren DRINK RICH at his homo at Avon after an Illness was recently. Inducted into the Navy. Harbin, Jr., are being congratulated of two weeks. Mr. Hetzol headed Mrs. Robbins Is the first woman In on'their recent marriage performed C SANIFLUSH GROVE'S CREAM-TOP VITAMINS PLUS •47 tho Hotzcl roofing company founded v at the home of Army Chaplain J. R. 10-01. CAN 36 CAPSULU P-Complex. $1 65 years ago by his father, the late that section to assume such work. Smallwood at Fort Monmouth. PFC. She is the former Miss Edna Grlggs. MILK John G. Hotzol. Ho .la survived by MOTH BALLS Harbin, whoso home is in Orlando; 30o HILLS LEDERLE "B" .79 a widow, one daughtor and two sons, Wedding Trip to California. Florida, was recently transferred to COMPLIX CAPS.. SO'a . COtD T*BttT« DRAKE E Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Quirk ol another station from Fort Mon C 20cWINDEX Retired Salesman Bead. .09 I. V. C. OL'VITUM Elbnron have announced the mar mouth, where he had been on duly DOflN'S PILLS WINDOW CLUNCH . . ' Georgo Blakoley, 77, of West Long rlago of their daughter, Mrs. Mary at the - postofflce. CAPSULU, a » ' l 7 » e PACKAOt MILK COMPANY Branch, died Sunday afternoon at C. Kratntlor, to Bert'F. Fread ol C His brldo is the former Mildred GOo FLIT 30c HUMPHREY'S SQUIBB A. B. D. G. Phone Red Bank his homo, Ho had been sick several Anbury Park, a well known organ- Persson Keansburg and Is em MOMKO R I M I D U a IMIICTieiDI. Quart . HIQH POT, CAPSULE! 23'*, , years and seriously ill the past three ist. Following the wedding, the couple ployed inofthe 686 Signal Corps labora HIGH POTENOY C weeks. Mr. Blakeloy, who waB a re- left for a trip to California. SI.OOLARVEX STAMS VITAMINS torles'at Fort Monmouth. 60c FATHER tired salesman, hnd lived at West' JOHN'S MEDICINE Dill Supplitnsnt and MINERALS; H't , Long Branch 70 years and was woll TAYLOR DRY known In that section. , He. is' surVI-PENTA PERLES 100 100 = ! R O G E R S ' P E E T " . MAKERS OF FINE UNIFORMS FOR O F F i r . F B S — — CLIANIK, aallsn . . . . , vived by two sisters. 29 CAPIULIS

By Catching More Fish For Home Consumption

Heon Signs

Road-Ad Service, inc. MONEY LOANED

Broadway Loan Coi





At New Low Price!







ZB£PER BAG $2-59




Heatproof Glass














7 3-25° 13 29 A-B-D-G 79 VITAMINS


Killed In Plane Crash. Martin Dlgglnu of Marlboro has teen notified of the death'of his nephow, Ensign John J, Long, at Fort Laudordalo, Fla., on August 25 In an ,»lrplano aocldont. Ensign Long was the son of John J. Long of Ohio and tho late Sara Digging Long of Marl boro. Ho wos born at Wlckatunk about 20 years ago. Engaged to Royal Navy Man. Mr. and MrB. Harry G. Carpenter of Asbury Park have, announced the engagement of tholr daughter, Shir, ley May, to Able Soaman Gordon H, Barnes of Somerset, England. Mr, Barnes la now on active sea duty. No dato hns boon sot for tho wod. ding.


Will Wed Saturday. Miss Mario E. Trncy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Stanloy M. Tracy of . Allonhurst, and Lt. ' Rodney W. Homsworth, U. B. Marino corps re. servo, of Bt, Paul, Minn,, Will bo marrlod Saturdny In Sti Androwa, church. Lt. Homsworth, la, temporarily atationod at Fort Monmouth. '

Deal Filer a Trlionor. ' Mr, and Mrs. Samuel.Nussbaum of Deal havo boon officially notified that tholr son, Second Lt, Codrlo.L. NUBSnnunv Is a prisoner of war of the German govornmont. Ho had been reported ns missing In action since August 17.. Lt, NusBliaym was nay I... -gator».ffortr»(Ui,..Ho.was sent to England ln»t June, . Long- llranqli Dutohcr Dead. Alfred l'almlerl, OP, of. Long Branch, died In tho Hazard hospital Wodnondny of last week. He was born In ltnly. Ho enma to this country S3 years ngo and had lived lit Long Branch 18 y«ari. Mr.




' .




Military Shop at "-



right next to the Bank.


Completely stocked with .


neneftl In caiei of "Nutrltlonii , AncmU" rnultliis from dcf\clency of Iron, or whrn Illnen, operttllont, ton of blood, overwork—or Kuttden ipurtt of frowth In chit* dren—have towered the body'* r^ierva lOTAILtTIOK of vital Iron.

and accessdriesi



'Ihrriiwilnirrot Mri, Wrlli limy rn 1 tllffctenl (linn ycn»i. tut Uy thi AvJil'l«

""EatlerlNo Exvrclsel No Btaufltl

Now ynii may l(»o wlgtit anftly, have a illmmn-J •IIUWII n u i n wtt.out citfdH. witfceull _. or h*ntlve...K«t. iMtlfr, yog 1IW1 ctiieulL |w>lnturi, iravv, Ittf nil. tmtUr, you jmt cut down! tl>c tlullifi 111 and Di linn, (Vliluin nml rhoiiihoitit HIM] r * | niiii|*ni«.VniHJVfl|inchiiitrj , Monty E i c h |

59c 14c 39c

Drake A&D



25c PHILLIPS Tooth Paala


Bendix Corp. Buys National Newspaper $100,000 In Bonds Week October 1 To 8

what sort of system vr» can afford. if the Governor should die or b« re, Those who wish to fix the t a s > a t e moved from office. now at a level far above what Is re- Should Qte new effloa b« created quired to" keep the present system New Jersey would do well to take to ESTABLISHED IBIS operating would, in (Sect) commit heart the lesson Hew York learned •BIGHTS OS BBEB KRESS ABB Congress at least t o n general out- too late. When this State'* ConstiTHOMAS mVING BBOWN line of tomorrow's legislation. That tution w u rewritten.five,years ago Purchase it Made rnonam SATEQUABD" -O-O-CWMM)Editor and Publisher legislatlon would Inevitably ba ho provision was Inserted concerning to tb» Kfewpaper Publisher* ot Through Local Bank succession to th» office of Lieuten:es In the tax shaped America; (Ti« oplnlom (xpruud la th, Idltcrl*) ant-Qovernor, teone. the death of Third W a r Loan Drive * JAMES t. HOOAN, Associate Editor Vi»w« h«reuad«r da not nmuwrllr curf level now.—New York ^ Thomas Wallace last July leit In, Red Bank's purchases of bond* In National N«w»p«p«r VftX »g»ln U< maiontmtat of Tit BetrliUr) Is Unusually Successful OAMBUNQ AOAIK. , mid-air the question of naming his tho Third War l o a n drive have been afford* an opportunity for us to reAssistant Editors successor. The conclusion of the swelled by $100,000 with the an- new our faith In tha principles ot New Jersey li breaking out in « court H, HALOID KELLY CHESTER J. BEAMAN According to official sources there is less TUB MESSAGE OF THE IXAG. that an eleotlon was required nouncement that" Bendix Aviation Democracy and to re-appraise our rauti of gambling Investigation!. Themade an awkward political.Issue of corporation is buying this amount of efforts to snutaln that Democracy HAVES,7Mtt%lpug Editor than $1,000*000,000 to go to reach. the1fl5,Q0Q,- It has been proposed that )t would local law enforcement official), as be helpful for the ohurohw of Amershould Have been an ordinary government securities through sv.lo. against our enemies.: In this suusual, are* unaxed over the revela- what 000,000 goal of the; third war loan drive. Inica to emphasize at this time ,the preme war effort the daily and veelcfotutrlptlon PrtoM In Advanca: Ooo rear, 12:50: i l l ' o«JWlnlcr : tions and accusation*, and the press, "egal"" proceeaingr ~ If New :Jeraey •J"Wlnlcr * M , ll.EQ; t b n t mimtbs, 75 centa; alngla copr. 1 i i i t l , dications point to art over subscription before spiritual significance of the flag. This as usual, Is lull of honest indignation rotors act favorably iq November on Amnouncement of the purchase, ljr-iiewsp»i>ens »f ^ America', are ^ can be made an opportunity for cltithe referendum, calling for revision was made by H, A. Fool*, manager charged with great 'responsibility, the drive ends this week. zens to illumine their thoughts of tha about auoh goings-on, It Is their task to keep the people of the State Constitution, the legisMEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Well, it's* never been any aeoret lators who engage in it should hava of the Radio division plants of the flilly and wisely Informed, to record flag with the light of universal Truth. An example of the splendid response corporation located in Red Bank. Th« Associated Praia ia exclusively .ntltlod to th« me for Mthat In many places In New Jersey What is the flag's message? MliUoa of «ll n e w «.pat«h.i otcdlt.d to It'Sr act «therw a. no difficulty in displaying more for*-' "This purchase mean* that the and publleh tho»o sober facts that dlUd n tbl» vncr «nd alio t i . JOMJ new. publl.hcd th.relo. throughout the United States is the Red Bank It speaks not of Ignoble pride, sor- public officials have for many years sight than New, York State's did. corporation Is Joining Qte thousands will steady the helm and even the been accumulating comfortable com. district, which takes in Red Bank, Fair Ha- did greed, or tyrannical power. To ua petonces , —New York Times. ot men arid women worker* at Ben*! keel of a nation tossed on the »ea by privately disposing of Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. the emblem of America's, beat—dlx who are buying war bonds in of wartime uncertainty. .Today the ven, Little Silver and Shrewsbury. About itof isPilgrim aspirations, and Revolu- local gambling concessions op by the current drive, over and above war news la better: than. It was a, THE ARMY STOLE. their regular purchases through pay- year ago. We are on the offensive; Tba Bed Bank ft«ff!ater assumes no financial raivonalbtlitlea 4,600 persons in this district subscribed ?1,- tionary courage, of the Founding Ignoring the establishments > which Ipr typographical errors In fldvertlsemelita but will reprint Home Fronters, reading war dis-roll deduotlons," Mr. Poole said. the enemy has been dislodged in Fathers' wisdom and pioneer sacri- cater tp those who don't core bow T;his represents approximately 30 fices, Bat B*rt of an advertiseioent in wlilcb tho typographical error 039,685. patches dealing largely with planes, of emancipation for the slaves they loso their money, The local ; plant it flying tha many quarters. Tet the need for a Koura. Advertisers will please notify tha mannsement Imrne* per cent of the population of 15,984, which is and reruge for the oppressed. It tells Tho only new angle Is that now leeps, trucks and tanks, have asked: "Treasury sharp perspective, for a sure balance Minute Man ,Flag," iiguliUtaly of any error whlcb may occur. home and opportunity, freedom to the grafting oflclalg seem t o . b e a "What has become of the Army fylg' that mope than 00%, of the em- for an Intelligent evaluation of our high considering the fact that the census fig- of little bolder and more numerous. A mule?" It can'be stated that ha la,ployeos are buying war bonds reg- gains and a cautious weighing of our worship and to speak. It lifts our National Advertising Representative!, Barry T. Hints Co., S East Sit)) EL, N.w York, 133 West Madison St., Ohlcuo. ure of 15,984 takes in children and others who eyes to wider horizons where Amer- good part of the blame for this rest* playing an active though little pub- ularly. Bonds purchased each month future tasks is imperative, Tha on the people of New Jersey, They licized part In the current conflict, total more than $25,000, according to enemy would confuse and dlslnte. . 1) 1508 Oheitnnt St., Phlladolphia Pa. ica looms anew as the champion of are not wage earners. made a Joke of the constitutional Just as he has in all wars In which company officials. grate us with rumors and mUunoer- .' liberty and justice, Weakly, entered u Beeond-Clais Hatter at t h . PottAnother example is the fine work of aux- The flag Is the face of our best, our prohibition against gambling, by America has lieen engaged. H e had The securities are being purchased standing*. Our moat effective weapon rt Sea Bu*. W. J-, under to. A,et o< March I. int. amending It to. permit parl-mutuol a finger in driving Rommel out of through the Second National Bank against his malicious falsehood! Is iliary firemen ana women in the 11th district, ruest nationhood, a reminder of ourbetting. From this form of gamb- Africa and acquitted himself with the truth, an accurate, full, and fair & Trust Co. " need to seek God's guidance ling, the constitution specifically InTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1943. presentation ot tha news In a fres who raised more than $20,000. I t has been Nation's and express His goodness.—Christian structs the state to take a rakeolf. credit In the Sicilian campaign. Instead of being relegated to the rear press. the most extensive solicitation job ever under- Science Monitor. It Is a little difficult for a logical as a result ot the many new InstruThe rights of a free press are the taken in the history of the world due to the ments of warfare which have recent|mlnd to understand why one form of safeguards of the people; the re' William E. Mount, pioneer SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES. ly come into use, large numbers of gambling" should be legalized, while sponsibilities of a free press are tho urgency and need for the purchase of war Automobile Salesman In the search for greater tax yields 1 other forms a™ barred^ commandments of the people. ^ Or why, y, ilosgated—eared, vociferous - voiced bonds, and it has proved by far the best drive. Jt Is again being suggested that social ,'if gambling bli IIs morally ll wrong, the th 'rookies" are now undergoing boot Franklin T>. Roosevelt. The passing of William E. Mount, who training In the United Sjtates to Sgt. Elmer Hanson, 24, son of Mr. It proves conclusively that we are advanc- security taxes be raised to alphoh off state should accept a part of the evil camp and Mrs. Christopher Hansen of East part of the excess purchasing power revenue. The parl-mutuel iunen(l- fit them for military duty, in 1904 started what has turned out to be one ing on the home front with onr boys who are held by wage-earners. Two aspects m'ent has made absurd the reBt of Students of the Nation's history Keansburg, recontly wrote his par* Governor Edison. Says: of the oldest and niost successful Ford auto- fighting and dying on the world's battlefields of this proposal may bo considered: the prohibitory article. ents that while watching a baseball On the first Wednesday of March, (and they Include not a few grizzled game In North Africa ~a short time the rise to 2, per cent already sched- Either tho pari-nuituel amendment mobile agencies in the nation, will be felt keen- daily. v Spanish War veterans, ago he met Robert Fltimyer of 1789, a, new Constitution governed => . uled for n6xt January, and proposed or the whole article should be, re- campaigners, the Infant United States of America, and those who served In World War ly by all persons with whom he had business Keansburg. Both boys were over- The first amendment thereto conncreoses which might raise the rate pealed. o-o-o-o-o-o One) will welcome the word that the If gambling is wrong, all forms of Army mule is being retained, not as Joyed-at seeing each other, and re-tained these words: relations during his long career. The head of :o 6 per cent "Congress shall make no law • • • The tax levied on workers and em- it are wrOng. If one form is per- a "pensioner" because of his past called the times they played basetlie Mount-English company and other allied October 15 Is Deadline For together on a nine managed by abridging the freedom • • • of th« ployers- had been scheduled to in- missible, all should be permissible. services to the country, but because ball Sgt. Hanson's father. —Newark Sunday Gall. companies in this section, enjoyed business Xmas Packages For A r m y M e n press • • •"• crease from.l per cent to 2'per cent he cannot well be .replaced. Sgt. Hansen entered the service in' In January of this year, but this was In the pre-gasoilne era, he was April, 1941. He ie now with the This amendment through the years prosperity because he and his associates used lias been a rampart of our domocPENSION FUND IN PERIL. As the weeks go by, Christmas comes postponed until 1944 by Congressional both truck and tankj. Lightweight ] Coast Artillery.searchlight battalion, raoy; it has molded a glorious past, methods that made lasting friendships for him One argument advanced closer and the time left for sending packages action. In the growing recognition by local howitzer, carried by pack mules, and was sent overseas in February, and holds forth an even more gloragainst allowing- the Increase to beand MB companies. and played an Important part In bringing He attended Jilddletown township ious future. to our boys in service overseas gets shorter. come effective was the size of the re- governing bodies of the injusticeIn the peace to the Philippines. Huge mules, high sohool and before entering the i j - this n'erlnd of stress whan M « . Mr. Mount was a good example of Amer- These packages should be mailed before Oc- serve fund, which aggregated more over muddy was employed at the Cruolble L J J J ^ e c f f i " curbed" lomewhat of the the pulling p g army y transports p y aorvico w p y d at than 1942, .bankrupt condition of most of than $3,000000,000 $3,000,000,000 a, as of of June, June, 1942, ican sagacity, far-sightedness, courage and tober 15 for Army men to insure their reach- and figured forcefully Steel works Han- j b th exigencies d t T the ce nd roads figured forcefully In In many many of of .Steel works at at Newark Newark. JSgt JSgt Hanby the of war, it Is is now about $4,000,000,00. How- P ° " * »re pension .funds of the roads General Grant's campaigns. Tho War sen has another brother, in public and private duty of all of ua s lonesty. His life was typical of men who ing their destinations by Christmas, and be-ever, In planning the system provl- "P««fd Therefore, as governor of the state 1 '"*> , ™?\ Intimately con- the prairie schooner to Its destinathe benefits become fully offec-1 - '"*> Robert Fltzmyer, who has been In town, he came to the conclusion that the auto- war will make this impossible this year for when tlve. Because of the high level of In- corned, local officials are becoming tion and breaking the stubborn sod. the service for five years, is also with of New Jersey, It 1* my slncero hope and wish that Newspaper Week, to comes, the present time is very fav- increasingly aware that pension sys- In a day when the old-time cavalry- the Coast Artillery. mobile; which had been -introduced-a few years Tnillionsof^Americans.-— —- be observed thin year from October orable for the accumulation of such tems are approaching the crashing man rides a tank and the Infantry earlier, was to become an essential part of the 1 to October 8, will help to Inculcate point and they are'more Insistent We can help brighten this holiday im- reserves. The scheduled increase in THANKS FOR KIND WORDS. In trucks, admiration Is ineradlcabiy the noed for the presAmerican economic life, llaybe he didn't ex- measurably for them by sending a gift or gifts. the tax, therefore, should now be upon reform through proper leglsla- "marches" aroused for the Irreplaceable Army ervation of tho freedom °f the prow pennltted. The annual yield would tlon. Shrewsbury Post No. 188 press such a thought in such language; people The maximum weight of theae gift packages be mule which'tenaciously eeems to be and of all of the other great freeI Developments in Hontclalr, where approximately $1,000,000,000. • American Legion mechanization.— The doms and rights guaranteed by the who get things done as a rule do not view the is five pounds. The maximum length is 15 An increase1 beyond this amount t h e t o w n commission has taken a | withstanding 80 Riverside Avo., R e i Bank, N. J, constitutions ot the state ot Now Christian Science Monitor. fall Into a different category '.o couragedus stand against the demand September 28, 1948. future with such profundity. Let us say, rath- inches, and the. maximum total length and would Jersey and the United States of t unless it were accompanied' by a policemen and firemen for salary Mr. Thomas Irving Brown, Editor, America. er, that he felt that the horseless carriage was girth is 36 inches. These gifts will be appre- corresponding liberalization of benefit tIntte&sefl because of their effect upon THE YEAR OF THE TOMATO. Bed Bank Register, ne Charles Edison, payments. If the levy were Inalready bankrupt pension system, A goodthing"fl]i(l'tlint-in'due«tim6=tl!0«pcopl&= ciated no = doubtr whenever=>they«or© received, creased prior to.thodetermlnatiop of should Red Bank, N. J. It won't go down in the history Governor ot Mew Jersey. bring home to the members Dear Mr. Brown: jgnks _4jn«jer that name, but 1043 would want them. So, when he expanded his but it would be so much nicer if they reached the benefits, it is less Ukely that don-';"«»f. thafundhow vitally their- inter«»U would glvo an extension ol the a r 6 jeopardized by tha condition of might •Weil 1bo 'ratteoT'ttie If ear i) J'Oio' business to include the sale of: automobiles, their destination, before-Christmas. So let's gress Tomato.. Is there any gardener wlthr only a few days away from ending system sind careful, consideration It.these funds. In times of stress like the present hearing my year as Commander of Shrewspeople who had been shouting "Get a horse" not put off buying and sending Christmas gifts requires. In the absence of a slmul-1 Policemen and firemen of Mont- In alghtor sg g who hasn't ail but my Shrews hen emotions run high and JudgDuy iosi, region, himsolt under tomatoes? Of , bury Post, iNO. No. JOB, 168. American American Legion, is of ton distorted by rumor began getting low-priced Eord cars instead, to our boys. Remember the deadlines, October tanoous determination of benefits, an clalr have been demanding an ln- burled Of Red Bink. To mo, it has been a* increase in social security taxes crease of WOO a year in pay, but be- course not. They have even been misinformation,, an especially of pleasant memories; memories py and the birth of what was to become one of the 15 for the Army, and October 31 for the Navy, mlght lead prematurely to the adop- cause such an increase would place harvesting tomatoes from window year t h t ill li f i t h h t n boxes. And^s/lght now suburbanites that will live forever in my thoughts, frave reBponsiblUty rest* upon the $ , p tlon of plans which we could not nor» additional $400,000 burden upon largest automobile sales businesses in this sec- Coast Guard and Marines. To all of the officers and members of j press. Tha newspapers of tha count p ll afford. ffd the town's unsound penBion fund In frost-haunted regions are rapidly the post, I am taking this moans ot, try have the task of reporting tha. ally I the mally tion had taken place. tn t off burying themselves under green to- expressing my very sincere thanks news, interpreting it and giving it Yon can save yourself and postal employ, Moreover, " commission, at the Initiative Mr IIf there were an increase matoes while they frantically scald, __ tfor the part that they took to making its proper emphasis. Only through Continued expansion of the business came ees considerable trouble if you are sure your In tlie employer's contribution as well Public Safety Director Faulkner, has crush and strain the last high tide of-'taysternv^Bo'"«uccessfui""and ha' a free-press, conscious not only of as that of the employee, costs would denfed it. Instead, a bonus of $240 a ripe ones and fill tha ketchup and and to also request that they q yd about because Mr. Mount, once he had intro- package comes within the above weight and rise, thus adversely affecting earn-, year wilt tm given, o- lt« frandom but conscious of its- rel for f my successor, c o Com chill sauce kettles. Our own core- wlse Commander sponslblllty as wall, shall Wfl achieve duced his product to the com inanity, did not dimensional limitations before presenting it Ings and creating pressure for higher This policy Is sound and Is so eco- fully unconfirmed statistics show that Mortimer E. VanSauter, well known that public- enlightenment which is prices. The reduction in earnings, in nomically justifiable that It Is likely two of every throe Jars sold for home Red Bank postal employee. elect to sit back and let things take- their at the postoffice. to find general approval and adopturn, would maan a lower yield from Needless to say that in carrying essential in the preservation Ot course. He kept abreast of the times and was corporation taxes, which would offset tion by local governments now com- canning this jPear are now full of to- out my program so successfully la al- demoeretio Institutions. Tha pro*, matoes and looking around for a -o-o-o-o-o-oso due to the very Mud assistance mutt be free. It must be responsible, to a large extent the higher yield pelled to carry bankrupt pension fortunate in his choice of associates who had from social security taxes. In this funds. It does not .however, offer the place to park themsolvos. Maybe that 1 have received from Tho Reg- too, even more. later, especially to the very kind pub-1 Prophesies of the shape of things similar characteristics. As the automobile in- The Pigskin Spirals connection it should be noted there ideal solution of this problem, which Nobody would soy anything but tho llclty that you have given to our to come are dinned Into our ears Is a fundamental difference between Is becoming increasingly gra,ve. dustry grew, his business grew with it, and Through the Air kindest words for the tomato. It Is i Cigarette Fund for Soldlorm This daily.^ There are » thoutana blutg social security taxes and other taxes. | The Montclalr Commission Insists hfl tbl f i t W M p r o b a b l y one of my pet pro- j in liia passing we can look back and reflect that In many respects social security tax- , that the State law must be amended a friend y, healthful vgetable, or fruit. WMproba^bly one of my pet pro- p r j n t ta ff o r a p 0 B tt. w a r w o r M TO u Bed Bank high school opena its football es are similar to compulsory savings to place these pension funds on a —and lot's no while he brought success to himself he con_, bond purchases out of current in- 'sound basis. It Is In the Interests of cations. I t oi te^sVd £s ^f^ 1 tributed much to the communities in which he season at Manaaquan Saturday. With prac- or unless wo wo learn learn . b ° our reward unless comes, since they represent, liabilities the men themselves that they take more delectable things. It has flavor ant time, over .ono hundred cities ia™ |vln tically a green -team, prospects for a successand substance and color. If it doeshave lead, and mora art t° I n a k o intellootual and moral followed our lead and mora art 8 carried on. which must subsequently be met— Immediate steps through their assoIn line eaoh week. , integrity the bases for governmental ful season.are not bright, but what the boys although the "maturity" date Is long- elation to remedy the glaring defects n't help you to see at night, It ought falling Dcs3plte the very few comments, and economic procedures. A reaponeTo Mayor Charles R. English, his son-iner than that for bonds. To the ex-1 and injustices In the law.—Sunday to, for It outsells carrots on most ta- and on the Maroon and Gray squad may lack in tent VT TJ. bles. And It Certainly helps you to _ _ I emphaslzo the words, "very lble press will exert its influence In Tlmes-Advertl»er, Trenton, 1N. that higher social Bocurity taxes "— " " " — ™—'— \aw and close business associate, to his other few," that have been said in criticism , favor ot establishing morality and see on the morning after. mean a lower yield from corbusiness associates, his friends and his family, experience they will make up in spirit and would In any normal season there are of this work, it is, In the opinion of | Integrity and government and buslporation taxes or appear to obviate PLENTY OF O. O. P. MATERIAL the National Commander, one ot the fight. ' . just enough tomatoes to go around, The Eegister_oJIer^H^_heartfelt condolences, the necessity to Impose other taxes, The question most frequently asked finest things that could bo done for ness. The influence of the New Jersey generously. Somebody sees to such these boys overseas. We, of the other A^gooi deal of _ the. glnmour_aM_enthus-Jjiherefpre^the proportion of the war eB they, and we, too, have lost a reaTTriciid tne proportion oi xoo wari Presa things. But this season every- war, know what comfort we found In j " » Blassociation through its mem. el iasm of the football season this year naturally financed oilurorcurrettt-incomea-wUl -about 8r a the Republicans in 1944 has body "wltir"a-spadeblister on his o.BuuuB.0,. u...«s U.U.. «», P P Pors has been wholesome and a smoke, during.those..never-to-be-i? .£ ?' s .-™-- u - bl! b e e n be smaller o-o-o-o-o-c— than it should be. | . "Where is their man?"- Tho hand set out tomato plants, and the forgotten days over there. How , neflclal. The state of Now Jersey will be somewhat dulled by the war. Some Finally, using tho social' securityt, l a , nl>wor m ' e n t b o t h a t l l i s a r a r e season. In these parts anyway, Was many of your readers, may I ask, owes' muoh to Us press. Rutgers Newspapers Accurate And for this purpose carries R a t i o n .when any minority party ju»t right for tomato oulture. We've know the fooling of desiring a smoke, university Is proud of its construe. may contend that it is not the riglit thing to mechanism - additional -JJUI i danger. j__n.. , , the »>,„ rate ,„,„ lhaa an obvious leader a year ahead If been stuffed to the ears with them only to find out that he has none at. tlve relationship with the FreBS an. of an election campaign. , Fair Says OPA Director foster sports while others are sacrificing their an were now Increased primarily as a and no where to obtain a cigar- sociatlon. But a better answer for the Re-for two months, and now we've hand Then, suddenly, unexpectedly, fiscal measure, there would be agita- publicans lives in defense of their country. To eliminstuffed every Jar in sight with them. ette. Dr. Hobjit C. Clothier, now could be that they A newspaper in expressing its frank from nowhere, comes a full pack! tion to lower It in periods of depresPresident of have not one man but several We're about ready to call It quits. Needless to say, many of us have opinion of events of tlie day and of the nctivi- ate sports would accomplish nothing and sion. This would fit in well with the may Until along about Thanksgiving. By gone through the former, but very Rutgers University. men. In faot, there might be a pump-priming theory which has wide slight Jam at the gate right at thethat time we'll be back to our normal few ot us the latter. So, I repeat, to would have, no effect on the war itself. Footties of officials, governnient agencies and othacceptance In Washington. But if moment. The Star's Washing- vitamin deficiency and ready to say, those few critics, send a contribution FAMILY TBEE. er public bodies, usually stops on the toes of ball is one peacetime sport which puts the the tax were lowered in bad times, last ton correspondent refers to the ex-from the heart, "And'we are thank- to this fund now, and when the boys It would be politically difficult to reAmerican hoy on his mettle. I t develops char ful, too, for all those Jars of wonder- cohio home again and relate their exquite a few persons .during the of a cellent impression created by various Somewhere, Sicily. store It to the required level when G. 6 , P. governors at tho party's ful tomatoes — if they haven't porlances, and you hear them tell ot September 4,1848. the pack of cigarettes that they, reyear. The bitsis of such criticism should be acter, team piny and thnt intangible asset conditions Improved. This has been Mo/cklnaa spoiled."—New York Times. Island conference last ceived In the Jungles of Guadalcanal, Red Bank Register, by tho past reluctanco of week. Included especially were Govaccuracy and fairness. One government ngeiicy Culled "Yankee ingenuity" which the Germans Illustrated or the frozen mountains of Attu, do* Congress to permit even scheduled ernor Earl Warren of California and Red Bank, N. J. nated byaho people of Red Bank, Dear Sirs: which has been in dm pulilic eye and.Has been and Japs nre well aware of by this time. increases. The soundness of the Governor Raymond E, Baldwin ot PUIXET LOSSES. you will proudly say, "I am glad to whole social security program may This Is rather a long range request criticized probiiJily more (him any other govsay, that I contributed to that solMany a yonrigman fighting in the Solobe endangered If It it converted into Connecticut. , .'. Governor Dewey of : housing of pullets each fall dier's happiness, and to the happi- but I sincerely hope that It can pi eminent body in recent months i« the Office inons, in Alaska and in Italy and.over Europe a mechanism to Implement a fiscal New York, who has been pretty well Is The complied with. A fellow soldier ol * often followed by" losses from so- ness of others." out In the lead and Governor Brlcker mine by the name of Kldon J. Mount designed to stabilize the econ- of Ohio, who has been watched care- called "blow-outs" or prolapsls of tha of Price AdmiiuKlnitioii. has relied on thoBe faculties sharpened by hiB policy As I am writing this, I have bofore Is desirous of tracing some ot his omy.—New York Times. oviduct and pick-outs, Contrdry to mo a copy of your odltorial of July ancostry, some of whom originally fully. . . . experience on the gridjron to pull him through And what doi'H.lliL'Ol'A tliink of iliis crit1043, entitled, "Why We Should migrated from Now Jersey to Ohio, To this list could be added such goneral belief this duUculty is not 15, Support tho Amorlcan Legion CigarCART BEFORE HOBSE. iclBin. Tlie answer in in n letter from RnipU tho tough spots. This war is far from being Governors as Saltoiutall it Massa- confined to only heavy layers, but ette Fund." It Is to the critics that ffildon J. Mount lives in Mlamlsburg, Hli father Is Thomas Mount, Stasucn of Minnesota (now according to Richard O. Rico, assist- you have referred to in this editorial Ohio. W. Hnckett, district, director jof-jtlie OPA at won, say our high-ranking officers, and who Unless Congress n c t s l n the mean- chusetts, his uncle, who came from New Jertho Navy), Hlckenloopor of Iowa ant cqunty agricultural agent, may that I make tho abovo plea. The sey, one Andrew Mount, and hl« time, tho social security taxes levied in occur to pullets that have only laid Trenton, to Edvsird Knemlc, president of the knows but that the experience our high school on amounts of tho Individual donations, omployorg and employees to pro- —to mention only tho best 'known. a very f ow eggs. This would lead us New Jersey 1'resn iiKsncintion, in which ho boys acquire in conibnt on tliese sunny Satur- vide old-ago and survivors' benefits In varying dcgroeB theso state load- to beltevo that the real cause may ers have been commanding attonday afternoons niny yet come in handy in the will be doubled oh January 1 next, tlon. . . . havo occurred while tho bird was tho borough, praioed the pupetK (if this state, for "the Blip" available to anyone with .the rate for employer and emgrowing or perhaps duo to Inher' .port they have afforded to tlie war effort on greatest light of nil times. ployee 2 per cont each. This w"l in* This view of tho party's governors itance. Whatever tho causa tho poul- ling 1 docs not exclude consideration of creaso tne yield of theso taxes by trymnn will want to do all within tho borough's woll-known. citizens, tlio home front," The ncwHp.npers, Mr. ITncI am ft resident of Bolford, Middlemore than a billion dollars annually. Mr. Wlllklo aa tho titular head of tha his power to koop down losses from and their honesty and . Integrity Is town township, Monmouth county. kett stnteH, "have reported HCWH of.this abovo reproach, oven by their most Now Jersey, •There will probably bo a move by party today. nnd the uncertain fac- this source. and am a lover of geneHome Nursing Should Be tor of his power as a canndldate a bitter enemy, and my doubts are •agency's office accurately and luive shown a 'aorite members ot Congress to post- second tlmo. Nor does It excludo Chickens, particularly Loghorns, hereby expressed as to whether any ology and historical aooounts In oonfor nnother year, if for no nection with the history of tho state. pone A Popular Red Cross Course ot them can boast of an enemy. Bo •; fair attitude in their editorial comments." longer, the Increase to tho 2 por cont the Influence of Mf. Hoover and Mr. tend to bo nervous and flighty and to' tho abovo mentioned critlca, allow I have spent about sovon years tracbut thero is likely to bo an Landon and of congressional loaders. very often lossos will tako placo af- mo to say, "Instoad of hindering tills ing flvo of my own Immediate fam;'.•• * Mr. Hnckett, continues: "I should he reNext week has been officially, designated rate, —Kansas City Times. ter they have boon frightened. namely, Comptons, Wlllett, equally vigorous attempt, according which will not bring enjoy- ily trees; Bennett 1 i miss if I did not acknowledge the constant in as Red Cross home nursing week, and Redto tho Bun's Washington bureau, to Thoroforo, every precaution should program, and Johnson, and mcnt.(o any bravo soldier, boost It Walling, havo numerous records in connection bo made to maintain quiet In tho '•formation the press IUIH furniNlied the public Cross chapters tlirougluoiit the country will raise tho taxes to five times their LESSON FOB NEW JERSEY. laying house.. Generally, this means by contributing to the fund, which Any Information that will provide more enjoyment U\ one atlvo to any of thoso Although tho present primary cam- following the same routine, from cigarette than any of us hack home , i n essential matters nf-rutioninn'nnd price con mnlce special efforts to enroll men, women and present lovol. also be of great interIt van be argued—aa It surtly will paign across tho HudBon Is dull for day to day arid soolng that thtyblrds can derlvo from an entire carton." trol. ITiiderHtnmlliiB tho difficulties the; induH- Children in home nursing classes. est to mo, bo— that an Increaso In .social se- lack of Intor-porty contests for Gov- ara not unduly dlaturbod. Also, In closing allow mo again, both Your, co-operation in this matter ernor, citizens may UBO the oppori try facefi •with roBpcct to curtailed paper trapof mo tha memIt is the aim of Urn county Red 'Cross curity tnxoa of Homo six billions a tunity to'learn some Instructive facts avoid over-crowding on.that may ln- personally personally and ana In n bohnlf Donnir or mem-' .., h ~ . . i i i . ; . , k : r . i ' j " r Til would serve a useful purpose In orease nsrvouaness. \ piles and rifling'circuliitionH, I appreciate the chapter to have ouo individual in every fam- year the fight against inflation,- slnco It about their state, government In a slncorost thanks for tho abovo men' mornlo builders that wo hava had more thorpURlily the 'HiRiiiflcnnee you Imvc at- ily trained in home miming. Individuals will would drnln off Into tho Federal speech, tho other evening, for ex- It may be found advlBablo to let tloncd odltorial; also tho one In your while In North Africa and tha Sicily tho puliota run outsldo for a fow IsBua of September 23d, tho large adample, Governor xtalnon, who Is not Treasury monoy that would othorcampaign. .After bombing, strafing tached to OPA newn." b(i taught to miiinhdna liualtliy hoUlc and towlso bo available for competitive a candldato this year, rcforrod" to hours each day. This -will allow vortlsemont that you lnsorted free ot and fighting subsides ws have noth!'• Now«piiper« Imvc waved the government a glvu simple nursing care, thereby relieving spandlng. What la overlooked In th 0 Stnte'n inch of a LleutcnnnUGov- thorn a chance to pick up some green charge In another Issuo, the labels ing to fall back on but lottera and food and temporarily give them more that you so kindly donated Irco, and papers from home. The Sicilian camornor as n possible. Rource of trouble. such an argument' is that If taxes •'treinehdoiiH amount of expeiwe and extra work niuiiy. dSctom and mirnefl. thg many kind words that you have at this high level were enacted,and An emergency would put Into the room. Darkened neats may prove spoken In favor of this worthy causes paign Is over—It was a groat fight iilMUldl^ing.rat.ion point values. Thm is only lovlod Iho social «oourlty

and honest opinions against anything they consider dishonest or unnecessary or inefficient in the operation of the country's business. That is what we are fighting for.

'Editorial Views 0/Other Papers

Kean8burg Boys Meet In Africa




WantsCounty Voters To3 AMERICAN HEROES Know Who She Js BY LEFF

MM. Katharine Elkua White Submits Article To The Register

Guadalcanal Hero At Fort Monmouth

Phone Workers Buy Extra War Bonds

corner of Oakland street, And will makt Red Sank bU permanent re*» ldenea. Mr, Bberl*, retired Central Mlh John A. StraMburger ot Trenton, road engineer, who has been a, rssU a railroad mail clerk on the Pennsyl- dent of R«d Bank nearly an years, vania railroad,* has purchased O, U moved last Thursdty to hl» bunga. Eberle'* housei at U Pearl straet. low at Beachwood, near Tom* River.

Sells Home, Moves To Beachwood

More than 4,600 extra War bonds for which they paid »185,000, had been purchased at toe half-way mark In the Third War Loan drive by New Jersey Bell' Telephone company employees. The extra. War bonds are in T/Sgt. Julius B. Mayer, 28, of Fort addition to 11,400 bonds being reguMonmouth, received the soldier's larly purchased each month by emmedal for heroism on Guadalcanal ployees of the company through payin a special presentation by Brig. roll deduction.' The extra, purchases only partially Gen. William O. Reeder, commandant of the Eastern Signal Corps reflect returns from a joint employeemanagement.pffle.J»!aj[>f.tbej:orapany schools TueMay. , .'..,. „ Sgt. Mayer, whoee home is at Cin-and' heads of the employee unions, .to cinnati, Ohio, spent "live months on acquaint the 16,000 New Jersey Bell Guadalcanal as message center ohlef temployees with the need for extra of an Infantry regiment. Once dur- bond purchase!. The figures cited ing that pprtoiJie was on the fight- are for bonds'actually Issued to employees by the company's treasury ing line 22 consecutive days. The general order authorizing the department which is a designated Issuing agent for the bonds. Not yet soldier's medal award reads an folreported are many more purchases lows: rallies "Technical Sergeant Julius B. at recent departmental Mayer for heroism on February 28, throughout the state, and bonds 1943, at Guadalcan. Observing an which employees have arranged to airplane plunge into the ocean ap- purchase through payroll in one or proximately one mile oft shore, Ser- two deductions. geant Mayer and a Jellow-aoldier, Staff Sgt. John M. DiSclpId of Wor- ACXIUABY MEETING MONDAT/ cester, Ohio, quickly launched a rubber raft and by using their hands The first fall meeting of Red Btuak and a rough board for paddles, res- auxiliary of FJtkin hospital will be cued the two occupants of the air-held Monday at the home of Mrs. plane, which had sunk. Without re- Lillian VanBuskirk, Les Gertrude gard for personal safety, Sergeant apartments. Broad street. A busiMayer and his companion got into ness jneetlng will be held at 11 a. thS ehark-Infested waters after pull- m., tolbe followed by luncheon, with ing the two fliers onto the raft, which sewing to be done In the afternoon. would only accommodate two persons, and propelled the raft eufoorei" Sgt, Mayer left Guadalcanal Eas^ ter Sunday and on the samo day Japanese bombers scored three near misses on his boat. He has'been at Fort, Monmouth since June, and will resume his course at the Signal Corps officer candidate aohool ee FeolYearaYounoar.FullofVIm soon as he fully recovers from a reBoot bltto*ttfcuutBO.won-ml.rak4ownftu cent attack of malaria. on your •*•. Taouunds u u w j l « u t i l l

Medal Awarded to Julia B. Mayer


Mr«, X&tberlni Elkus Wbita of tlve committee for health! snd welBlkrldgs.-'Hardlnsr-Toaii, who- li the fare,' -v-~— — i -.—•„ Entire content* of the old Bennett mill house fa Democratic enndldato (or a member TOT two yean, In 1D33 to 1937, stag ot the board of chosen freeholder* served as a member of the Allenwpod the center of the village of Tinton ' of Monmouth county In the coming Hdapltal Board of Monagora, and fol• general election ban given the pa-lowing this appointment served for . Falls will be sold pers of the county a few paragraphs five years, 1037-1911, on 'the Stats concerning herself so that the peo-hospital at Marlboro' Board ot Manple of Monmbuth county Can better agers. .She was appointed In 1041 to know more about her, «. fill a ono-yeor term by Governor EdiThe Register Is pleased to have son on the State Board of Control of the opportunity to present Mrs. Institutions and Agencies. In 1037, at 1 p. m. Contents include Mrs. White was appointed by PresiWhite's arjlclo to our readers. Mrs. Katherlne Elkus White, vet- dent Roosevelt to serve on the eran soolal worker and much exper- Annual Assay Coin Commission. ienced in the operation of welfare ' She founded the Bed Bonk Play and olvlo organizations throughout Center, a co-oporatlvo organization The machlno gun chattered defiance of the Japi. Their batteries the state and Monmouth county, is run on a non-profit boala by tho pattried desperately to alienee I t In tho end lliey did. When FriTlto one of the first women to achieve the ents. Under her direction, the Center Peter Economopolos crept into the emplacement, the crew was dead. honor of running for a major politi- continued from 1033 to 1038. MANY OLD PIECES. He manned the gun, reiumed fire. Mortar ahells lobbed toward him. In the political field, Mrs. 'White cal post In the county. The Japi had the range t i l right. Yet h e kept firing until • (hell Seeking the post as a regular Dem- la a veteran. She served as delegatewrecked the gun and wounded him. His country has recognised t i l l ocratic nominee for the Board of at-large for the State party at the Balaan exploit, awarding him the D . S . ' C T i l l y e n recognize it Estate of Samuel Bennett. Chosen Freeholders, lira, White, at Democratic National conventions of with 'an eitrs Third War Lean Bond? TERMS: CASH. 36, la well quallflod to represent; the 1030 and 1910. She Is a member of people of Monmouth county on thetho Woman's Division of the NationWALTER B. FIELDS, Auction*** al Speakers committee, and has camFreeholder board. must be extended to 85 minutes for Educatod for a time In Turkey, paigned for that group in Boiton, pints and 120 minutes for quarts. Gibwhile her father, Abram T. Elkue Kansas, Cleveland, New York, Rhode lets in pint jars are processed'for 85 served as ambassador to that country Island, Pennsylvania, Baltimore, minutes. from 1918 to 1019. Mrs. White has Washington and many other princiIn some cases It may De necessary seen much of how a democratic and pal states and cities. She 1B New Jersey ohairman of the Eeporter to process the chicken In a boiling free people must be served. Flan, an educational program conwater . bath for three-and-a-half Active In every clvlo endeavor; oho hours Instead of using a pressure has nevor negleotod the duties of be- ducted by tho Woman's division. CprtM cooker, but remember to boll tho TKUM In 1037 to 1939, she served as presiSHELP ing a mother, and a plain housowlfe, meat for 10 minutes before tasting aa she likes best to be known despite dent of the Monmouth County By ELLA DONALDSON, serving it. the many responsible jobs conferred Branch American Association of UniBUY v Freezing Chicken. upon her by public officials In theversity Women. During, her term of Monmouth County Extension Service, Stihtaonm Beefed «li«r 40—by Do Homo Demonstration Agent, Iron, eftletum pnospbttejVlunta m. 1 office, sho served on a committee renation, state and county, ' Roasting chickens are drawn, care- Auxiliary Buys jKoV» Oginx Tonlo TstlsU H O W m o am Court House, Freehold led oMt BUR XHUW prater u dromitr,v ™ , . As head of the vital oommunlty sponsible for bettering school condifully washed inside and out, and For sale at all drug stores everywhere— War services, office of civilian defense tions by Investigating the physical frozen whole, but chickens intended $100 War Bond In B«d Bajh, mt Sun Ray Drug Storm. Chlokon donned at Home. conditionsof ths schools ot Monfor Monmouth, Ocean and part of for frying and frlcaseelng are cut inmouth, and ths qualifications of Anyone who has raised chickens to the same pieces aa for canning. ' Middlesex oounty, Mrs. White sees to Members of the auxiliary of Red AND for the first tune this year—and even The giblets and neck should bo Bank chapter of the New Jersey AsIt that tho war-busy people continue teachers. She has served as treasurer of folks who have been raising them for wrapped In a small piece of vapor- sociation of Cotter Carriers voted to to keep their homefront in order. She-directs services that consist of Vassar college, class, of 1928; and layears—will probably want to can and molsture-proof paper, and then put purchase a J100 War aavlngB bond at child care, recreation, health and a member of the Red Bank Woman's freeze some of their birds this fall In the package of cut chicken or in- a meeting lost week at the home of MOTH HOLEST con- side tho roasting bird. welfare, housing, consumers Informa- club, Mechanic Street P. T-. A., andas u. means of reducing' feed Mrs. Harold Stout on Wallace street KMTTED HOLES\ oochalrman oi of w the Monmouth County sumption and contributing1 to the Wrap thB thoroughly chilled chick- This is the second $100 bond the tion on rationing, education, salvage oocimiriaan e juumiiuuiu vuuiuy ,DU,U^UWH ami w u u i v u u u e 1 iv LUU FOR INVISIBLE and nutrition and victory gardening. War Finance committee with Mrs. Ifamlly food supply at the same time, en in molsture-vapor-proof paper group has purchased within a year. HAND WEAVINGPlans for a novelty social were alOoorgo M. Bodman- of Mlddletown. I Young cockorels may be preserved and seal. Place In your home freez' Docs, Own Canning. CALL In the latter, Mrs. White "practices She has Berved In this capacity since at culling time, but the flesh from ing cabinet at minus 10 degrees Fah- so made. Mrs, Arthur Capen and woll-fattod one or two-year old ronheit or in the quick-freezing sec- Mrs. Albert Bloom, new members, What she preaches" as the old saying May of 1042, R.B. roosters or non-laying hens has a tion at the looker plant, 21 Monmouth St. Red Bank were introduced. Others present were • goes. •- • ••• better flavor, gtates MIBB Ella Don- Noxt week: Storing for Winter; Mrs. Walter Noble, Mrs. Harold Ely, ZK9-J Her kitchen today resembles a ONION AND RAISIN aldson, county homo demonstration Mrs. John Ballley,' Mrs. Morrell . canning plant, and with the help of STUFFING agent, at Freehold. Moore, Mrs. Arthur E. Slattery, Mrs. -her-Jmsband,Arthur.. JL_Whlto,JVhQ. : To Lecture jOn___ -It-is Important -to-keep-ttie fowls Victor M. Dorn, Mrs. Daniel .Dora, % Is regional director of the Wage, "Hen~Is another tasty and'dlfferent Sr., and Mrs, Edward Ficcoli. stuffing to serve with poultry or to off feed, but with water, for 12 to 24 Hour and Publlo Contracts Division, use as a meat stretcher, hours before killing them. During Floral Arrangement V. S. Department of Labor for blow the killing great care should _he Buy More' United States Mrs. Alfred Mathlaaon, a member IVYork and New Jersey, and her two ONION AND RAISIN STUFFING taken to avoid bruising the flesh. Be 1 cup hot water or stock of the Neighborhood Garden club, Bonds and Stomps, children, Frances, 10 and Lawrence certain, too, that the blrda are com-will speak on floral arrangements at XVi cups bread crumba 12, sho has kopt her country's pledge plotely blod. Scalding In water at a meeting of the RIvor Plaza Wom1 egg to "Can for Victory.'-' 132 degrees Fahrenheit will leave the an's club Thursday night of next 1V4 teaspoons sage The White household these days Is skin In bettor condition than hotter week at the homo of Mrs. James 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning ^virtually^ in vthe canning; business— timpjratures.^ubajguent.jhllllnjt In " 6'ut Tfor vKtory"onTy.'"'Httn 4a r Qn J ,gubbar4 ;v -ay«nuo i ^JU;ra. 1 Jars of Jelly, tomato juice, catsup, 2 small onions removing plnfeathera. Singe the bird Mathlosen has won many prises for her exhibits In county flower.shows. beans, squash, rellBh and numerous H cup raisins and then wash it. Members are urged to bring guests Chopped parsley ' other health building fooda. decorate to the session. Hostesses will be Chopped colory tops .-,. Cutting and Padklnr. a crowded stock room. As well as being a good cook, Mrs. White Is a 'A cup melted shortening Cut tha chickens Into the usual Mrs. Conant Spoor, Mrs. W. Gilbert Four hot wator or stock over the pieces for frying: drumsticks, thighs, Manson. and Mrs, George Voorhls. good farmer. ' All produce oonned bread crumbs, add the beaten beaten egg m g s , back, breast, and,neck. After cams from her victory garden. and other Ingredients, Mix lightly wremoving th» "oysters" of flash from As one of the first members, of her but thoroughly. Tires wear out twice aa fast in a tho baolc, slmmor that' bony piece temperature of 90 degrees as at 60 sex to seek such an Important post, along with the nook, wing tlpa, degrees. in Monmouth county,"she becomes ...-.'. PUDDING • " skmriid feet,-arid the bones of the unlquo in that entering a. political f breast in water to cover for 30 minlife Is really second nature,, She first There k one pudding that every entered the political field immedi- housewife will want to aerve just the utes; This broth can be used as a CONSULT US ately after she was graduated from first day that she finds cranberries in foundation for soup or aa chicken broth, or It can be poured over the Vassar college with a B, A. degree, her partioular market: In 2,4 or chlokon In the packed jars. About Your when but 21 years old. -• STEAMED CRANBERRY 5 Gal. Tho poultry may be preheated boShe went on a speaking tour for PUDDING INVESTMENTS foro packing it into the jars, but - the National Demooratlo committee, 1 cup flour Cans . that does not shorten, the processing talking before huge gatherings Ub teaspoons baking powder We offer a personal Investment ' poriod, Either bako thB whole bird throughout tho Itata of Now York In % teaspoon salt counRcl service for large or small Colon and white Insure ths in tile 'over or steam It In a small 1028. Sho has campaigned as a "first y cup bread crumbs Investors by mall anywhore in of your home wltb MaJter-Mixed amount of wator in a kettle until the voter," touring the state the same Vi cup brown sugar the United States. raw moat color has disappeared. house paint. Olven you longest Trout, year with tho Woman's division of % cup flnoly chopped suet Our service Is not new—It Is the national committee, By careful packing, a dressed 1 cup chopped cranberries based on fifteen years of caregreatest spread »nd maximum hid* chicken weighing 3% to 4 pounds will ful work in security analysis 1 egg lag power and lowoet oost per your Brief Stago Career. ; and experience in advising intill one quart Jar. Place the pieces % cup milk or water of service. . ' Experienced in publlo speaking, Mix tho ingredients In the order In the jar with the Bkln next to the vestors, many of whom are from Mrs. White enjoyed a theatrical con- glvon; New Jersey. turn Into a well greased mold; container. Place the two drumsticks, nection at one time being a thember cover with wax paper and steam two large end down, In the jarflrBtand You. may have our Investment of Actors' equity. hours, never allowing- the water to fit tho two thighs.noxt to thorn. Next counsel servlco free during tho - .• ,- first year; thereafter you may lVl . In 1083 the became the Drat woman. come moro than two-thirds of the _.,„„ up tho sides of the mold. Turn ! p l a C e ' h ° t w 0 w l n S a ' w l t h choose to continue on a payto run for public office in Rod Bank, way out and serve with hard or foamjr | upward for easy removal, beside the ment basis. v and was defeated by Police Commis- sauce, __ ' i thighs. Add the pieces of breast and We shall bo pleased to send you sioner Thomas M- Gopalll by tho alim --"•-'.-:... ' :.- :~~~:rr= then small. nlSSM of_dark n e a t t o fill — our-opinion and Information on— margin of 14 votes. She was then 27 , • " Plu» F e d . T investments which you now the jars. T'WIDE' 29C yoars old. Throughout her career In hold or wish to buy. Just send Since giblets are likely to discolor —KEEPS YOUR MOTOjt SEALED-IN-OIX— SUNDAY DINNER public life, she has roprcscntod the us the names. 1 1'A" WIDE 4Sp. tho flesh, they are usually canned In -WILL, NOT BOIL OCT UNDER TOUGHTESX DRIVING— Democratic county party as state separate containers or cooked and 2" WIDE 59c —IT'S PREMIUM GRADE—THE ' WORLD'S FINEST — commlttcoowoman, and on sovoral ocusod on the table whlla fresh. casions has been called back to •Add one level teaspoon of cooking 2'/i"WIDE 89C Investment Analysts, "stump" for many New York DemoARRIVAL of brisk autumn salt to each quart and seal the jar XiO BROADWAY, ALL TYPES GRADES AND SIZES OF WlnUriu now) oratlo gubernatorial candidates. 3" WIDE $1.15 * * weather will sharpen H o fam> for processing according to the. typo Repair brok«a K, T. Judga Elkua, her father, who Is lly'fl appotltes and menus should closure. Process pint Jars for CO NEW YORK, 1, Tilndova with 3 'h" WIDE $1.55 Members now 70, has had a long and varied contain tho moro filling and energy minutes and quarts for 60 minutes Clear. Vlakjn NEW YORK STOCli EXCHANGE QUB8, cut to m$t public career. Ho reached the polltl- building foods. at 15 pounds pressure. The pro4"WIDE $2.39 •lie. At 3«an NEW rOKK CUKB EXCHANGE i cal climax of that life in 1010, when cessing tinjo for boneless chicken W* reserve tl)« B l l Smoked pork Js one of the more rJrrht to limit tho late President Woodrow Wilson . quantity. selected him to be ambassador to plentiful meats this week, according FOR THOSE WHO QCAUFY THROUGH RATION BOARDS Turkey. Talcing his family to that to thOoA & P Scrvioe for Homewarring country, Judge Elkua made makers) and this la a good cholco diplomatic history, winning for his for a oool' day. Poultry it fairly country many complicated political . plentiful and the supply ot Itunb battles with Turkey, and for his ser- and oootlo about the Bams as last 98 vice, was knighted by tho Into King week, Thoro are tower irAOkei George VI. During his atay in -meats, althongh plato and naval Turkey and Europe, Judge Elkua beet Is easily obtainable, and there Safety Tread Tiret found timo to help tho British prtson- Is a little moro veal, CLOTHES PINS CLOTHES LINE are the beat buy in town. ' ers of war, and for his sorvlce to an Eoetdrn apples are tho only roally ally, the British Commonwealth sa Use your certificate to buy this C*fl 1 0 HMi honored him. At the samo time, the abundant fruit. Molonn and Califorpremium quality tire. Ono of government of tfrance bestowed upon nia oranges remain high priced. tho safest tlrea on tho road. tho ambassador from tho United PumpklnB 'and crantorrioa are brlgbtonlng tha fruit stalls with Btatos the Loglon of Honor, Grand Got yours now! their brilliant coloring. Ofnoer. . Sttonjf, duriUt, if/ w By .government regulation anthracite orders have been Potatoes and turnlpn are again During his stay In Europe, Judge loufih, imoolti iconomlcfttl * '' Jm m Slkusisnd his family greeted Gonoral ' the boat buys In the vogetablo cut'to 5o% deliveries until December 1st. The wisdom wood, round. law TIffhtly wavM. Fershlng and tho first American market, and thoro aro still onougli nnrscnlh. U mi ted of this rule-is to provide everyone with some coal before IBS troops to land In Europe Mrs. White, tomatoos for late ennnors. Other lo 120 to oitiail. Tex Extra sash«»ird « r («&« cold weather sets in. Balance of orders will be delivered then 0, was In Paris when Gonoral 850x17, 4-ply low priced vogetablos joxo beans, tumor, ,.. • •tftl Ult. after this date. , Fershlng arrived with the Yanks, boeta, squash And yellow yams. • Judge Blltufl, woll-known New Tha folloTrlng menus may holp York attorney, who now servos as you to plan your Sunday dinner: counsel to the law firm of MoLanaNo. 1 h»n, Merrltt, Ingrahnm and Christy, INDOOR DRYER our regular coal customers at this time, for their coMITT TYPE MOP '40 Wall stroot, Now York, was ap- Lamb Patties with Cream Gravy operation in helping us to comply, w!th the government's pointed judgo In the Court of ApBrollod Carrots • peals, Now York, in 1010. He was regulation, by not demanding immediate delivery of Appln and Celery Salad also on the Leaguo of Nations com6.00x16 their full Winter', Coal is being delivered as Wliolo Whoat Broad^ IA'I Plus Tax mission which deoldod the ownership Cranberry Plo fast as it is received. There will be, we. think, a satisof the Aaland Islands In special In, Hot Toa factory amount of coal for everyone—however, we urire vestigating committee by 1920 and ttaru»|iil " « «« served as counsel to an appointment hand or - wllh you to watch your coal consumption carefully. N0.8 from the How York Legislature Inliamllt, Yitp Ualiod Smoked Lolu ot Pork hutd rtinuvatjla i vtstlgatlng factory and labor conHo •uro Hint tho furna««, tho p|j 10 , m d (J,,, Baked Sweot Fotatoas for wjuhlntf, 'dltloni in,Now York In 1011. Thnt rlilmnry mm clwui, tlio dmtU properly rfguOraeu Beans with Egg.Sauoe resulted In adoption of a corto of laws lntoil. Ooniiorvo your oool iw ranch M you can. ' Corn Dread giving bettor pay to factory workers, BiOcod Applos and Improving labor conditions, DurHot Coffee ing th(s time ho worked olosejy with Luionrast. aompors. ;.....,,,-.,... Member of MOOSS.' C'rtam ot Tomato Soup ' A monitor of the Monmouth CounOld Fashioned Boiled Clilokon ty Organisation for Social Service tho Dinner , Get Your post 10 years, Mrs, WMto has* served Visit Our MUod Fruit as a trustoo for four years, She Is Purnac« Ready llotllolls chairman of tho mental hyglono and 2 7 Monmouth St. RED BANK Phono 1 2 9 0 Catalog Order parole cammlttso, Juvonlle delinI'limpkla T«r
Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! Get Pep


Kitchen, dining room, living room, parlor and bedroom furniture.





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ANY SIZE TIRE RECAPPED IN 48 HOURS Bring Y o u r Tire Troubles t o Sears BONDS & STAMPS



Page Eight.

NOTICE OP REGJ3THY AND ELECTION. NOTICE OF REGISTHV AND ELECTION. NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION BEGINNING at t h . month of Pen', NOTICE. NOTICE. Creek Hud. In S u d y Hook ot Earitan Day, AtUntlo Tomthlp, N. J, ol Mlddletown. N. Borough of Fair Haven, N. J. NOTICE Is hereby (riven that tht fol NOTICE It htreby (fiv«a that iho to, running (II Southerly, ajong t b . lowing 1 proposed ordinances _t>*uied firs ' Notlc* of tha Una and pUc« ot holding lowing piroposed ordinance „ of the clot* and plaet of . thane* Notice of the t i n * and pltce of balding tbt Gtntrml E1«OUOD and of th* officara to the General Election and of the) offlcm to tli* General Ktotlon anil of tit* officers to bouJidary Iln. of Election Dlatrlct No. e" read IDS at a mtttiag at tht Mayor am rending at a meeting of the' Maygr. aa b« elected and^mettlngs of tha Board of be elected and meetlnga of the Boards of b* suaaud and raaatlon ot tbt Boards 0] to (he County road from New Monmoutb! Council of the Boroush of 'Eatontown' hel Council ot tbs Borough of Eatontown h to Kaypprt, known u County Road No, T" on Wednesday evening, September 22nd on Wednesday eveniajr, September 22nd Registry and Election In the Township of Registry and Election in the Borough of Registry and Election In tha Township ol Fair Haven, iu the County of Konmaotfc. Mlddlstown, In t i e County at UonmonU:. ihTOc* ( t ) Westerly, along County Beit 1943, ana w»s laid ovtr for second am 1943, and was laid over for second and Atlantic, la th* County of Monmouih. ' No. T, to Palmer Avenue; thenc* ( I ? final passage, to a wcetlnff of the M»yo final pastjafre, to a meetloc ot the M«j Notice Is hereby given that a General m Notle« 1s hsrsby gl.en that a G* Nolle* It hereby given Unit a General Northerly, down fulmar Avenue, t o T n " o i and Council of the Borough of Eatontowi and Council of tha Boroush ot Eatcmtpi Elictlon will b* held In and (or tbe Election will be held in and for the SlMllon will ba bold la and for to- ht held WednMdiy evenfnir. Qotobei to be held Wednwday evening, Octobe; TowmbJp ot AUaiilc, Iq th»- County ol Uorounh of Fair Haven, In Kit Countj of1 Township ot Mlddlatown, In tha County of Uresatlon with t h . boundary line o F tha Borough of Ks.nsburgi thence (4) tiarth* 11th. 1948, a t . t h e Borough Hall at tt;O( lath, 1943, at the Borough Hall at S: Monmouth and SUte of. Met* Jersey, on Monmouth and State, of New Jersey, on Morrmouti and State of Nsw Jannr. >a •rlroud m Eut«ry, along th* boundary line o'clock,. a t which time a public heart nj o'clock, a t which time a 'public hemrlag Tuesday,/November 2, 1S43, bitwceo the Tuesday, November 2 , , 1948, between the Tuesday, Novamber I. 104!, bstwesn t i e will b« held upon the same and all perwon: will be held upon the same and all person hour* of wrcD o'clock .A. M. and «lgbt hoars of w w i o'clock A. M. and eight hours of a*f*n o'clock A. H. and algit of t h . Townaklp of Mlddletown end t h . interested will bft given .a chance to i> o'clock T. M- (Eastern Standard Timn), at o'clock P. M, (Eastern Standard Time), at o'clock F. U, (Eastern Standard Time), at Borough of Ksansburg. to the hl B b w.tor Interested will ba riven a chance t o tha respective polling places In slid Bor the respective polling place, in ssld Town- Iln* of B u t t o n ' o r 8andy Hook B«yi. beard. ' beard. , • -., the reipeetlvB polling place la laid Town- ollEh. thence -(II Etsterly. along ' t b . said Bay. ' ship, By order of the Mayor.and Council or Said election will U held-In tha laid By order of the Mayor and Council o: • Said, election will ba bsld In' t i * said to th* point or plac* of Beginning. the Boroufth of Eatontown. ' Said election nlll be held In the said tht -,8or«wh of Eatontown. municipality for tha Durpos» of ileotlns ucIpAlUy ' ' '" for tor tlte tha purpose ol •listin electing .Dated; September 28. 1848. municipality for thej purpose) of eleetlni Dated; September 23,' 19*8, -J .„ * Governor of the StaU of New Jeriey: a Governor of thi BtaU of Niw Jerwr * • :• ~ ANDREW O.jBBCKER. • • ANDREW R. BECKER, two Menibers of tb» General Assembly'of yr Governor of the State c t New Jerieyi Borough Clerk. New Jersey, from the County of Mpn- two Members of the Omara!- Assembly of tiro Mtmbiri o l tb« Gantftl Aliembly of Borouuh Cluxk, N»w Jersey, from th* - County of MonAN pEDINANCE fiBGULATING THE A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ZONING OR- mouth; a Member of th» Board of New Jersey, from tho County of Mon. mouth; a Member of tho Board of Eighth Election District, Commonly Known DINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OP EAT- Choaen Freeholders (or tha County Qt Mon- mouth; a Member of the Board- of Choien Freeholders for t h t County of MonESTABLISHMENT AND OPEUATIQN Drfve andiHi&SSfS"' ONTOWN ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE mouth, for tbe full term of three, years; Chosen Freeholders for the County of Mon- mouth, lor thi full t«rm of three yean [ v « e the Htvenlde OP TRAILER CAMPS IN THE HOB. Corner District. LIMITING AND RESTRICTING TO and for the following municipal 'officer*, nioulli, for the full term of three j e a n ) »nd for the following municipal officans, OUGH OF EATONTOWN, and for the following • municipal officer*, SPECIFIED DISTRICTS AND REGU vfiii One Member ot the Township ComBE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor ac vls.t On* Membir of th* Township Com* ' ' " - ! ' ' -* ' " " • ' " " * * • LATINO THEREIN REAL ESTATE mittee for the Township of Atlantic/for vlii Two Coundlmen for the Borough of mlttee for tha Townihlp of Mlddletown* for Council of the Borough of Eatontown: BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES* A C the full term of three years: a Justice of Fair Haven, for tht full term of three tha full term o t three year*, and two JUKRATION REMINDER Cut Expected In Shoe Ration Section 1. No person or eorporatloi». «nd three Jojtlcee of the Peace, CORDING TO THEIR.CONSTRUCTION tlcti of the Petc« ( for tha full term of the Peace for the full term of ftve yeara, whether owner, teuee, or otherwise, *hal The new shoe stamp No. 1 on.the AND THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF and a Justice of the Peace to fill, the term' for the full term o f Ove years. GASOLINE—In 17 states of flva years. . • erect, lease, hire or permit ,the erection o; Public Oueellon. THEIR USE IN THE BOROUGH: Of of James C. O'Hnra, which term ends May "airplane" ^shett in war ration book nhortnge area, A-6 couplacing: upon any lot, tract or parcel ' Public Oukatlon. , EATONTOWN, IN THE COUNTY OF The following 1'ubllo Question Is to be Ihree, which becomes valid Novemland In the Borough of Eatontown for thi pons are now good. In states Th« ioilDwlnff Public ^Question ,lt to b» 1 MONMOUTH. AND PROVIDING FOR 1 104S voted upon by tho voters of the State of purjKJBe pf parkins trailers for human hal * Public Question. ber 1, probably will have Ip last six outside Eastern shortage area THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENgew Jersey, at U o Gemral Election voted-upon by tha voters .of th« StaU of Itatlon without obtaining a license froi The following Public Question If to be Kew Jersey, «t ihp General Election trlct N * 1, to Ull Brook] thene* / 9 i months, OPA has announced. At the FORCEMENT OF THE PROVISIONS November 2, 1D431 A-8 coupons are now good. tha Borough ol Eaton to v/n for the samp, ' <' ' guUrllr along Mill Brook, to Chanel Hlfl HEREIN CONTAINED J, AND FIXING voted upon by the voters of the State of "Shall the one1 hundred and lUtr-elghth Novfltnber 2, ltUSt sama time OPA said that stamp 18, and any trailer camp as defined herein no1 PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION New Jersey, at th* General Election LeRlelature be authorised to agree upon a • "flhalj tha.o&t hundred and sixty-eighth FUEL OIL—Period 5 coupons in existence shall .discontinue forth wit originally scheduled to expire OctoNovember 2, 19<3 THEREOF.". .' , revised Constitution for the State and to Legliiaturs be authorised to agre« upon a in old ' ' rations are good unlini they have received a llceme' for th 1 •Shall the one hundred and sixty-eighth ber 31, ia extended indefinitely and N the same as a whole end In' such revised Conttltutlon for th* Stat* -and to sxina « j provided herein. through September 90. Period 1 BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and LeslBlature be authorised to agree upon a eubmlt will overlap the next etamp. OPA'a manner as said Legislature shall prescribe •uomtt tho lams u a wbol* and In mch ^ounciljOf the Uorouch of Eatontown: revised Constitution for the State and to to the people, for their tppioval and rati- manner at stld Lcglalstura flhall preicrlbe Section 2. It Is understood. that thi coupons in new rations are good present plan is to eliminate expirasubmit the same as n whole, and in. such Section \. To the Ordinance to which to tho people, far their approval and ratU term "trailer** u«ed herein oh/til be con fication or rejection, as a whole, at the through December. tion dates on .shoe stamps and to .his Is a supplement, there shall be added manner an said Legislature shall prescribe General Election to be held In tho yesr Acatlon or rejection, as ft whole. «t tht ildered to mean any unit used for llvin »r sleeping: purposes whlch r is ee< an nJdillonal artirJe and sections reading to the people, for th'etr approval and rati- one thousand nine hundred and forty- General Election to be held In tho year SUGAR—Stamp No. 14 good make new stamps valid as soon as fication or rejection, as n whole, at the ai follows: one thousand nlno hundred and fortyvlth wheels or similar devices used for the four? ^ for Hve pounds through October, supplies warrant. This enables Cer.crn] Election to bo held In ihe year four 1" 'purpose , of transporting sold unit from ARTICLE X. Stamps Nos. 15 and 1G are good person to save shoe1 stamps until Notice o f Registration. ~ one thousand nine hundred and forty-, place to place whether by motive power or Notice of R»|iitratlon. Regulations Controlling All Zone*. for 6 pounds each for home canAnd that on Wednesday, October IS. 11)41, four?'-' ahoes are needed. other meant, or any unit used for temporAnd that on AVednesday, October 18, U 4 8 , 1. No trailer camp shall be permitted In n n tho Boards of Registry and Election the Board* of Itaslitry and Election ary Uvinr or sleeplnpr purposes temporarily any portion of the Borough of Eatontown * £* purposes through October Notice ol Registration. will meet at the place at which they will More leather For Shoe Repair located In the locality, whether the Barm except In that portion of the Borough dewill meet at tho place at which th«y will And that on Wednesday, October 38. 1943, SI, / the General Election above men- hold the General Election obovo monU upon blocks, posts'or any other type o scribed as follows: • • \ he Board of Registry and Election hold More leather will be available for between th hours of one o'clock tloned( between th« houn ot on* o'clock foundation, and the term "trailer camp' SHOES—Stamp No. 18 is good Bounded, on the North . b y Wyckoff ,111 meet at the place at which they will tioned, repair of civilian shoes as the result . the afternoon and nine o'clock In the Is defined , a» any ,place, area; or tract o In the afternoon and nln« o'clock in th* Road; bounded on the East by State High- jold the General Election above menfor one pair. Validity has been Is the «re house of Mlddi,.. land upon which' Is located any trailer. of a recent WPB order. 'ay Route No. 35; bounded on the South tioned, between the hours of one o'clock evening, tor the purpose of making the evening, for the purpose of making thi extended indefinitely. Section 3. It la hereby declared, by the >y the boundary line of Ocean Topnahip; In the afternoon and nine o'clock In the final revision and'correction of th* regis- final revision and correction of'th« u g U More Soap Provided ter for the General Ejection, ter for the General Election. Borough Council,of the Borough of Eaton- md bounded,on thu \Veot by the boundary evening, for the purpose of making *h« MEATS, FATS—Red stamps r Ninth Election D i s t r i c t , Boundaries of the Election Districts In • Consumers will have greater soap ie of Shre^vsbury Townahir. \ i . town, t h a t the location of temporary living Tho following '• A dtiorlptlon of tha final revision and correction of tho resla X, V and Z. goed through Octoho Borough of Fair Haveri, andl tho poll- Election Plstrlcti cti In the Township of Uld l o w l i ! " v l ° . , ° In nil, other portions of the'Borough of ter for the Oenernt Election. . and sleeping quarter! In any location, * * * * * " " * " "*'• " • ' • ' • nuppiies within a few weeks. The ber 2. Brown stamps A and B Ing place In each district, are as folloffai itontown, excepting the above described either one or xnoi-e of sucti uniliv create ' tho th polling l l i g place* In the th dtetown snd Tho polling place for the Township o War Food Administration has anB E a i N M I N G e t ! t h e m o u t h o f Wa™ . First Election District. ea. 'trotter cnmjia -are prohibited and haxard concerning, health, sanitation, firfl good through October 2. Brown sarcev vlc.t tlantlc Is the Township HftH, Colt's Neck %f\ "* th3«ndy Hoof or Rarltiin <&?. nounced a program to provide a 28% .here any such csmps are now established, menace. . drainage, water supply, police All that part of the Borough lying east First Election District, Commonly Known stamp C good through October WALTER D. FIELDS, kT> w gr f,nne.k «nnlng (1) Southerly . regulation, lurniihirijr school facilities and hey cannot bo enlarged by the addition increase in soap production for civil•a ths Mlddletown District. Acting Township Clerk, of a line which begins at that point where SO. Brown stamp I> becomes • IS Y, * °™ * n < i U>« boundary lirfa mnny other problems affecting: the welfare if atiy greater number ol trailers than lo« tho center line .of Cedar avenue, If exTh* boundaries of the sama ar* a* folian use. WFA emphasized that there DRted August 23, 1043. of Bilectlori District No. 3, to P « k Av. good October 3 and remains good not only of the people llvinjt In sattl tem- >ated within the Said enmp i t t h e t l m o of tended, would intersect the Ruraron Bor- lows, vli.t E t r| •will still be no excess and urged i9 adoption of thin Ordinance. • po r a r r unit or unlti, but also people living through October 30. ough Una; thence running north along tht BEGINNING at tha Kaansburg Gateway •luv, J U ' i i i ' * Avenue; " « tb«ne* i " f8) p"kNorth A : 2. It is understood that the .term n the surrounding territory, and that the •sap saving by every possible center line of Cedar avenue, to that point State Hlgbway Bout* No. 3S and from , erly. uicsiosiora along AwSuT. to ho New" rail&r" a.i used herein shall be conoid, NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION where the conter line of Cedar avenue In- on temporary dwelling of one or more people PROCESSED FOODS — Blue thence running (1) Southerly, atonoj tn* fciethod. little Sllvir Doroufh, N . J . and Atlantlo Highlands Road 1 cd to mean any unit used foi* llvlnit or In any locality create problems In the lotersects the center line of. River roadi boundary Una of tha Township of •Middle- Monmouth stamps U, V. and W expire Octo( Notice-of the time and place. oC holding thence eaat along the center line of River in j ' i "•'««'», along said road, to cality that do not arise where people are leeping pumosos which Ja equipped with and the Townihlp ot Holrodol to iho tixonsrd May Requisition Idle' Trucks ber 20. Avenuai thence • (6) Northerly residents In a permanent dwelling in the .•heela or Blmiiar devices^ used for the the General Election and of the officer!'to road to the point where the conter Iln* of town Hill Road; thence (2) Easterly, fal- along Idle used trucks may be reqiiisl' tsonsrd Avanue. to Rarltan or San.' elected and meetings of the-Board* ol Bnttln road Intersects the center ling ot Red 3Be of transporting said unit from lame locality and also impoBesrvon a d d t lowing the "Red Hill Road, to the Bam aco to place whether by motive power .jfflstry and Election In the Borough of Itivor road; thence north along'the cen- riollow Road; thence (3) Alans tn* 0am dy Hook Bay, thence (6) Wostorly. aloni lonal cost and expense to the locality %y tioned by district ODT offices or Agother means, or tiny unit used for tem* Little Silver. In the County of Monraouth. ter lln.e ot Battln road to the Shrewsbury Hoilow Road easterly to tha New York Ratltan or Sandy Hook Bay. to thi ppoint reason of additional cost and expense to ricultural County War Boards tg sales, ODT pointed out, football h« locality by b reason of additional tffer'" rnry livinff or sleeping purposes ternNotice It hereby given that & General river. and Long Branch Railroad right ot way; or place of Beginning. rarlly located rln the locality, whether Election will be held In and for the transport vital agricultural products games can be held without Increas- iae« collection and additional costs for poThe polling place for the First Elsctton thence (4) Northerly, along the New York } Game Is upon blocks, nosta or any Borough of Little Silver, In the County of District protection, school service and other DlSfct'la'^^rnunig^^ou^rApand Long Branch Railroad right of way "where such transport service is vit- ing the already heavy load on Inter: lice Is at Willow Street School. p ;her type of foundation, and the term Monmontb and State of' New Jersey, on facilities .to people whose residence In' the to Mill Brook; thence (t) Easterly, pleton avenue', Leonardo. N." J. Second Election District. ally needed. Requisitioning will be ctty buses and trains. irnilcr camp" It .defined-as any place or Tuenday, November 2, 1943. between the orallty are of a temporary nature.HOWARD W. ROBERTS, All that-part'of the Borough lying west along MI1N> Brook t o the Chlpel Hill 'ea or tract of land upon which 1A located lours of seven o'clock A. M. and" eiuht necessary only whero owners of idle . Give Soldier's Serial Number Roadi thence (6) Northerly, along the the line as laid down In tha First 171,-' Section 4. The Borough Clerk is here/clock P. H. (Eastern Standard Time), nt of Cbapel BUI Road,. to the - Mountain Bill ~ Dated Aui used trucks are unwilling lo allow . 1048. trlct abovo. Tho public is asked to use a sol- by authorized to i-iaue JicenseB for the trailer. ' ' ' thence (7) Continuing In a atralght he respective pollinsr places In said Bor the use of their vehicles in this ser- dier's Army serial number In .every •aid trailer camps, the license fee to be as Thn polling place for ths Second Elec- Hpad; Section 2. This Ordinance shall take Ine still northerly along tbe Mountain Hill gh.. " . • . follows: tion District Is Augustus M, Mlnton'a gavice. iTectUmmedfRtely upon Its pasx&ge, a p . Said election will be held In the said rage. East Slcta Park, 482 River road, near Road to Park Avenue; ttwnce (8) West- NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. case where Inquiries are made to The applicant for the license shall state roval and publication as provided, municipality erly, . along Park Avenue, to the County Borough of Rumaon. N. J. f o r t h * purpose of electing Lincoln avenue. Market Turkeys Now official agencies concerning either of- the number of pieces or spaces for trailroad running tram New Monmouth to .vM5."°* °f the time and place of holdlne ' Governor of the State of New Jersey ers shall be In the said camp, and the M. FLOYD SMITH, Farmers are urged to market their ficer or enlisted personnel. Much Keyoort known as County Road No. '/; wo Members of the General Assembly of "eo ihalt be Seventy-five ($75.00) Dollars Clerk ot Fair Haven Borough. thenco (0) still Westerly, along County tie General Election and of the offlcera tS IN CHANCERY OF. NEW-JERSEY. turkeys as soon as possible so that time ajid material Is wasted If the ew Jersey, '.from the County of Monnumber not exceeding places or Dated August 23, 1943. Road No. 7. to tbe point or placa of Be- be elected and meetings of the Boards of : LULU ANN BRIELING, EDWARD louth; a Member of the Board of the American armed forces overseas number is not given, according to spaces for five trailers; One Hundred and ginning. • BR1EL1NG, her husband; WASHING- Hhoseri Freeholders for the County of MonFifty (flGO.OO) * Dollars, for places or can have typical Thanksgiving and the War Department. TON E. CONNOR and LOUISE CONspaces for trailers over five and not exmouth, for the full term of three years; NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION Tha polling place for th* First Election Christmas, dinners, In a joint BtateNOR, his wife. ceedlnfc t e n ; and for each additional numOPA Sets Grape, Prices md for the following municipal officers, District Is tha Township Hall, Mlddletown Borough of Eatontown. N. J. ber of five places or spaces or part thereBy virtue ot an order of tho Court of Village, Mlddlatown, N, J. » Mayor for the Borough of Little ment Major Gen. B. B. Gregory, Maximum prices for Concord of the license fee thall be Seventy-five Chancery of New Jersey, made on the day vis.: ilver, for the full term of two years, and Notice of tho time and plnci of holding Second Election District, Commonly Known quartermaster general, and Marvin grapes and California juice grapes (75.00) Dollars, for each additional five of the date hereof. In a cause wherein two Councilmen for the Borough of Little tho General Election and of tba officers to Tuesday, November 2, 1043 between' the as ths Naveslnk District. —Jones,...war food administrator, -apBorough of Sea Bright, a municipal corpor. Silver, for the full term of three years. be elected and meetings of the Boards- of have been_aet_iy_jOPA atjevelsjsub- ir fraction thereof. The boundaries of the same are a* fol- boura of SBV»0 o'clock A. M. ind elibt pealed to, termers to. "go over your Registry and Election in the Borough of lows, vlz.t Public Question. The ircenBe"~«hali"lJ|-for-one-year,- and- atlon of^ the _State of^ New Jersey, in the o'clock P. M. (EastOrA-Standard Time), at atantlally lower than prices that h d tontown, In tho C County of Monmouth. turkey flocks carefully now with a The follow In B-Pabli(r Question.- Is to bo Eatontown, BEGINNING at tbe intersection of th* tald year shall run, from the date of the County 6f"Monmoulh7~is complainant, and * ""'""^ "'"" '" « « » • " Notice e " tbat"a~Cenetai Nti IIs hereby" h b " al h t b t " ~ C t the voters of the State of boundary" line of the Borough -of Atlantlo ough™ view to offering as many as possible prevailed. Meanwhile tha War Food isuance of said license, nnd expire one you and others aro defendants, you voted upon by 1 In and for tho Election will ba held quired to appear, and nndwer to the comAdministration allocated processed Mew Jersey, at the' General Election Highlands and Seventh Avenue, and from ear thereafter. I t 1» understood that for sale to the government. Send h County C Dorough off E Eatontown, IIn the otf thence running 0 ) Southerly, along Sev- municipality, for the Surp'ose of'electing B h plainant's bill on, or before the 11th day November 2, 1043: Concord grapes as follows: 60% for .hen the trailer spaces or places of each them, to your processor as early as "Shall the one huadred and sixty •eighth Monmouth. and Stato of-Now Jersey, on enth Avenue, to Hillside Avenue; thence a Governor of the State ot New Jersey; trailer camp, has been determined and-the of November next, or the eald bill will be possible. If you don't know whore jams, Jellies and-frult butters; 20% license fee paid, that no greater number taken as confessed agaitut you. Legislature be autborlied to aarreo upon a Tuesday, November 2. 1943, between tha. (2) Westerly, along Hillside Avenue, l o two Members of tho Gonoral Assembly of Tho said hill Is filed, to foreclose .two revised Constitution for the^Stato and to hours ot seven o'clock A. M. and eight South Sldo Avenuai thence (3) Southerly N«w.Jeraey, from, tho County of Mento market them, contact your near- for grapes JuIcet.Land 20% In reserve jf trrfitara ihail be stationed In «ald camp o'clock P. M., (Eastern Standard Time), at Westerly, along South Side Avenne tnotith; a Member ot tho Board off han the maximum number atated In the certain corttficateB of tax aale made by K submit the same as & whole and in such tho reapecllra polling places In said Bor.- and est war board office or quartermaster for future allocations. and Old Woman's. UIM Road, to Mountain Chosen Freeholders for the County of Mono( Sea manner as said Legislature ahull 'prescribeiceiue. and the location of one-or more W, Cline,.Collector, to the Boroughcovering V. S. Casualties to Date 105,205 Hill Road; thenea U) Southerly, along to the people, for their approval and rati- oujrh. T Joarket_center." trailers over and above the number set Bright, dated SeDtember SO,of1940, a Sail election mill be held In th* said the Whlppoorwlll Valley Road, to tha road premises In the Borough o Sen Bright, fication or rejection, as a whole, .nt the forth In.the Ilrenie shall constitute a vfo- M ' ' A ' W 1 1 ' •'"llow'ne municipal ofllcoro, More Heavy tJnofenv^y'CoTrifnjE^7 $ h ? N J s e y , known as General Election to be held In the year municipality for the purpose of electing leading from tho Mountain Bill Road to S? r Tls.i _A Mayor for tbe Borough of Bun> tMl ? 0rtlBiHkif. ltiri:ir| '''-'' 1 --=''-^^=»-^ MonmBU$,h ,?<}»nty. New Jer t t ynB'^thduBftn^ •-n!n».^bundrp41,,aRdrwifprty-; Governor of the State of Kew Jersey t Brown's Dock Road and along said road son. for tha full Um of two years; two The War Production Board has ed States armed forces from the out' liU6iVof i.dcfc dc I I , Vi&aU}&ifcFi V6i~lV*&aU'Tl}'&'ifc 1iFti 49 r Section 5. All persons or , corporations runtll .It. internets with, the Brown's Dock Map of said h Tax T M id Borough of Sea four?" • Councllmen foKthe Borough of liumson, icted to Increase production of e'er- break of the war to date (whose 1 )Ic«nied a j abqvo provided, shall keep the Now Jersey, from tao County of Uon- Road; thenca (S) Soutbefly*,'«lt>n||-tlle for "th»-full'-twm"-of'»lh«eo"yearsr'otii . : Notice -of - RefUtratlon. • laid li(tn«t on laid premises and shall BrIKht. lain types of men's and boys' heavy next of kin have been notified), tomouth; a. Member of tJio Board of Brown's Dock Road to the Shrewsbury or Councilman, for two years, to fill tho gn. And you. Lulu Ann Brlellng, are made And that on Wednesday, October 13,1943 L Chosen tal 105,205, according to War and xblbit the isme on demand, to any agent Navaslnk River: thenca (6) Following the Freeholders tor the County of Monknit underwear in which; a shortage a party defendant becauna you. are one of term ol Francis J. Nary; ono COMNavy Department reports. Thia to- if the Borough o( Eatontown for his ln- the heirs at law and next of kin of Anna tbe Board of Keslstry and Election mouth, for the full term ot threo years; Shrewabury or Kavealnk River until Its ejplred r cllmani for oneijroar to fill the unexoired will meet at the place at which they will loomed. , he Dl *ctJon. for the, following municipal officers, intersection with the boundary line of '.h* tal includes: dead, 20,104; wounded, deceased, former owner of said hold' the General eral Election above men- and Sectbit- .. The slid licensed premises Brennan, Borough of Highlands; thenc* (7) WesterGlass Cloth Prices TJp viz.; Two Counctlmen for the Borough of and may claim flomo right, title tioned, between the hoursyof one o'clock 28,226; missing, 32,905; prisoners of ball b« open a t all tlmef for Inspection premlaefl, Southerly, following tba boundary Interest therein as one of the owners In the afternoon and nine o'clock In the Eatontown, for the full term of three ly and , Prices for glass cloth, used as a war, 23,970. >y tha Health Inspector of the Boroush of and between the Borough of Atlantic of said premises; you» Edward BrieHnu, are evening; for the purpose of making the years; ono Councilman, for an unexplred line 1 ton town, Ho part of any trailer shall made Highlands and th* Township ot Mlddlssubstitute for glass in hothouses or term, and two Justices of the Peace far a party defendant because you are leas than flftten (15) feet from .the the husband of said Lutu Ann BrMing and final revision and correction-af,.the rcei* tho full terms of~ilve years. One Corporal Gets Five Japs town, to the point or place of Beginning, Jf the Poacs,. for two years to fllrHho un. *'. chicken houses, will be higher to ter for the General Election. . e>p.lrj( J. Peters,, and Dim part of any other trailer. may claim some rlsht, title and interest In The polling place for the Second Elec- Juatlc* of tho Peapc, for two yoara to.till An Army corporal who failed to consumers since a, recent OPA Public Question, Section 7. T h t said, license shall not said premises by virtue of a right of curThe polling place for Little Silver Bor. The following Fubllo Question Is to bo tion District la tha Naveslnk fire bouse, the unexplreit t«tm Bf Thomas F. Ilackott. 1 transferable. get.the order to withdraw recently oujrh Is the Little Silver Volunteer Fire tesy; you, .Washington E, Connor, are ' amendment.. ' voted upon by ths voters of th* State of- Navoslnk, N. J. Section 8. It U hereby ordained that all made a party defendant because you were Company's Houae, Churqh atiect. '/.'• Public Question. killed nve of an attacking eight-man y New Joraey, a t ths General Election Third Election District, Commonly Known ea herein Imposed are for revenue.. • FRED L. AYERS. . ' To' Issue Ration Book Four The following Publlo Question Is to be former owner of and there Is no deed of Japanese patrol, then found to hiB as the Belford District. , , , Section 9. Should any section o r part a Clerk of the Borough ot Little Silver. November 2, 1043: voted upon by.the voters of the State of record from you covering' a portion of War Ration book four, which will astonishment that he had been left I h e boundariesOof the same are aa fol- Jew Jersey, at the General Election section or provision of this Ordinance "Shall tbe one, hundred and sixty-eighth Dated August,23,1943. premises, and you, Louise Connor, last approximately two years, wilt be alone far in advance of his Marine . ' November 2, 1943: j declared Invalid or illegal by court said LefrUlaturo be authorized to agree upon a lows, viz.! are made a party defendant because you Alao Included In the said District la the . issued to more than 120 million per- companions. Cpl.' Henderson, whose ;rial, such decision shall In no way affect are tho wife of the said Washington E. NOTICE OF RECJSTHY AND ELECTION. revised Constitution for the 8tate and to "Shall ths one hundred and slxty-olghth Invalidate any other section or j r o v l Connor and may claim some right, title submit the same as a whole and'In sues t*act of land or territory known aa Bandy Legislature be authorized to agreo upon a "eonfl through schoolhouse distribu- home is in Cannonville, Utah, ex- >r Holmds). Township, N. J.. ton. ' manner as said Legislature, shall prestrlbs Hook or Fort Hancock. revised' Constitution for the Stato and to. and Interest In said premises by virtue oi tions during the last ten days of plained: "J figured they were still to the people, for their approval and ratiNotice of tbe. time and place of holding BEGINNING at the Intersection of the submit the sane ia a whole and In such Section 10, I t Is understood t h a t If any fight of dower. tbe General Election and of tbe ofikora to fication or rejection, as a whole, at ths old right of way of the New Jersey South- said.Legislature shall prescribe October, OPA has , announced, The- With me, so when the Jape came in alter camp is maintained without securing be elected and meetings'of the Board of General Election to bo held In the year ern Railroad with the Northerly line of to tho people, lor tholr approval and ratiL£ON REUSSILtE, JR., ,book combines point and unit eight I opened up with my tommy." license, the owner of the property on Registry asd Election in tbe Township of Rarltan Bay; thence running (1) SoutharSolicitor of Complainant, fication or rejection, a a ' a whotc, at the nine hundred and. fortyono thousand stamps. It has eight pages contain- After he had killed five of the Japs 'hich the said trailer Is located, the ownei ly, along the said Now Jersey Southern General Election to be held In the year —. P - O . Addrcas: 34 Broad Street, Holmdel, In. the County of Monroouth. fourl" the trailer it**)/, end the occupants of Railroad right ot way to? Compton'a ono thousand nine hundred and fortyNotice-Is hereby viven that a General ing 384 stamps, printed In blue, red, the other three ran. It was then he trailer eh all all be held responsible for Red Bank, N. J. Notice of Registration. tbenco (2) Southerly, along Comp- four!"-. Election will 'be held- i n . and for the -.-.„:._ green and black. Bated September 10, 1943. . . . Township e violation of this Ordinance. And that on Wednesday, October IS. 104!, Creek; Cpl. Henderson discovered he was tqn's Creek and Mill Brook flowing Into of Holrade), In* tbo County of Section 11. If any person or corpornBoards of Registry and Election Compton'a , Netlw of Registration. Creek, to County Road No. 7, Monmouth and State of New Jersey, on tho Pre-Inductlon Training For Boys alone. 9He spent the night in the on la convicted for the violation of this will meet nt the place at which, they will And that on Wednesday, October IS, 1»«« Tuesday, November 2, 1043, between tho hold the General Election above men- being tbe road from New Monmouth to NOTICE. More than 1,000,000 16 and 17-year- jungle and walked In for chow the. rdinance by reason of not havlnjr a lthours of seven o'clock. A., M, and eight tioned, between the. boura of one o dock Keyport; thence (C) Easterly, along tbe tbe Boanla of Registry and Election will rense for any such "trailer camp, and To: RUTH PICKENS. ROBERT W. o'clock old boys will be enrolled tiT volun- next morning, meet at; tha places at which they will said County Road No. 1. to Its intersecP. M, (Eastern Standard Time), nt PICKENS, her husband; .ATLANTIC tho respective polling place Insald Town- In tho afternoon and nine, o'clock In ths tion with Park Avenue; thence (4) along io)d the General Election above ihould any such person of corporatlo: mentary civilian pre-inductlon training HIGHLANDS BUILDING & LOAN AS- ship. ' • • :ontinue In the operation of said trailer evening, for the* purpose of making the Park Avenue, Easterly to the head water* loned, between the hour* of one o'clock: I'X Profits Equip Chapels . - • - . • . eourscs In the nation's schools this :amp, that each separate day In which SOCIATION, nnd, DILLON. ; Said election will final revision'and correction of the regisIn tha afternoon and nine o'clock'In ths ot Ware Creek; thence (5) Northerly, < ba held In the said Profits of $6,800 from Army post aid trailer camp continues without a 11By virtue of an order of the Court of (all, according to the War Departalong tbe said bead waters ot Ware Creek evening, for the purpose of making t h . for the ' purpose of elecUtie ter for tho General Election. ihnll constitute a separate and dls- Chnncery, made 14th day of September, municipality The following Is a description of the and down Ware Crock to Ita mouth in Inal revision and correction of tha regtia Governor of the* §tate of New Jersey: ment. Representing an enrollment exchanges in Africa are being, used inct violation, of thia Ordinance. 1943, in a cause pending wherein the At- two Members ot tho General Assembly of Election Districts In the Borough of Eaton- Rarltan or Sandy Rook Bay! thence (8) -r-tor tho. General Election. of more than half of .all the physical- to provide religious equipment for Investment Company 1B -complainant, New Jersey, from tbe' County of Mon- town and the polling places in same, vlt.t Westerly along the northerly line of the Boundaries of the Election Districts la Section 12. Any person or peraons or wood First Election District. Ivlns Grant and others are. defendants, mouth; a Member . of tho Board of ly able boys at these age levels, the tho Army's five permanent chapels orporatlon said Bar, to tbe point or place ot Begin- th* Borough of .Rumson and the polling violating any o t the provision" and there, the War Department has reyou are required to appear a t the office of plac* In each dlatrlct are at follows 1 Ohosen Freeholders for the County of MonHtudents are taking courses that will Election District One Is hereby deSnad ning. ' ^ thia Ordinance, upon conviction thereof ported,- The money spent by Amerijail forfeit and pay a fine of not exceed- Abraham I. Feltman, one of the Masters mouth, for tba full terni' of three years; anil described 'a« that section and territory First Election District. The polling place fur the Third Else—prepare_them_for_lnorp-effectlV6_ser^ can—fighting— men-ron—soffc-drinke,- ik._QnejHundred<'llO01O0) Dollars of «nid Court, at hla office, 175 Market and for tho followinK m'unlclpal olTicere, of tho Borough lying east of a line des- tlon Ail that portion of the Borough of RumDistrict Is the flre house of the Belford; Street.—Patera on.. Ne_w_J_erseyj-_P.n jOctober "Mernber of the Township Committee ignated as follows: rice In the armed forces. Officers at candy and cigarettes in the overseas Chemical Engine Company No. 1. Belford. son situate north ot Ridge road, bounded !6unly~"JSirf8r-a-|rerlod- 20, 1943, at ten o'clock In the forenoon? V1EL_A. iprieoned for the TownBhIp~orHbl(ndel;'for-tho-full- —BEGINNlNG-at-the-polnt whiar* cents^ on tbe east by Bingham avenue and on •rmy reception centers record all PX's, IB buying reed organs, Bibles, not more than ninety (90) dnys and the pny to complainant, the sum of tenn of three years; an Assessor, for tho lino ot tho Stato Highway Intersects" Da- FcnTrtbTEIection DlMrlcrrCommonly Known- T Buana_Vlata.avenuo. dicers before whom any person or per- and pre-induction training on (he sol- hymiials and other religious supplies JIR3.45 and interest from September 8, Township of Holrndel, for the full term of fctra's Brook; thenco along the canter Una The polling dace for Iho First Electloal aa tb* Leonardo Dlatrlct. ona or coroporatlon may be broujrht, may four yesrs: a .Collector for tho TownBhip dier's permanent record card. This for all denominations. Tbe boundaries of the-same are aa. fol- Dlstrlot la .Oceania Flro Company's House, ipose such punishment tu he may nee 1043, upon a certain tax certificate held of Holmdel; for th» full tcrjn of four of the Stato Highway to tho point when corner River road And Allen street, Hum. South street Intersects with ths Ststo High- lows, vls.i training Is taken into consideration Army Spends Million For Recreation t, hut not exceeding the maximum herein by complainant dated February 1, 1986, l; for the full term of fou anil recorded in Hook 1100 of Mortgages, years; a Cleric for the Township ,,of way; thence along center line • of Sotith BEGINNING at the Intersection of Sev- ion. led. in making assignments to further Second Election District. Section 13. Thl/i Ordinance ahull take Pane . 189, Including the taxed . coata in Holmdel, for th« full term, and two street to the point where the center Iln* of enth Avenue with the boundary Una of the The Army is spending more than training and Army jobs. All that portion of the Borough of Run. Richardson avenue Intersects tha center Borough of Atlantic Highlands, and runthlt suit, ' Justices of the Feaci for the Township of tiled upon Its psssage arid . publication $1,000,000 a month for recreational .ccordlnir to law. lino of South atreet; thence In a straight ning thence (1) Southerly, and Westerly, ion situate .north -of Ridge road, bounded, . M defendants Holmdet, /or the full term ol five years. Counties to Get WFA Awards In default thereof, the •n the aast by Navellnk nvenu* and on lino to the intersection of Bop* road and along the boundary of Election Districtand each of them do stand absolutely de.Counties in-which farmers have and athletic equipment for Its fightPublic Question. Cranberry brook. No. 2, to the Mountain Hill Roadi thence, be^wet^ by Bingham avenue. barred and foreclosed Df any equity of the following Public Question la to be Tht The polling place for tho Second Else. achieved exceptional production will ing men at home and overseas, the Place of meeting of Board of Registrar (2) Westerly, along Mountain Hill Road, IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. rijrht to redeem the property being known voted upon by the voters of the Stnte of tlon and polling place 'or tha First Elso- to an angle In said road In th* property Ion :District -Is '.Romson Flre Company's he awarded an argicultural achieve- War Department reports. Equipment 141/643. a* Lot 71 on Map of OakrIrtKe, Middle- New Jersey, at tho General Election tlon District la Borougn 5*11. ifi provided for the favorite'outdoor formerly ' known aa the Hoaford property I louse, Center stieet, near Bldge road, i ANDREW BOLTON: town Township, Monmouth County, New November 2, 1943:ment award by the War Food Ad•thane* ( 3 ) ' Northerly, along the private Rumson. Second Election District. sports of the fighting men, particuJerney. ' . . By virtue of an order of the Court' of "Shall the one hundred and sixty-eighth . Third Election District. ministration, They will .tie cited for road through Election Dlstrlot Two Is hereby defined t h r o g h the Hosford property, to th* Dated: September IS, 1943. larly baseball and football. Those lancery of New Jersey made on tho day Legislature be mitborlied to acres upon a and described as that section and terri- road All that portion of the Borough of Rumot Park Avenue and Hosfnrd Intersection o MEYER LOBSENZ. • achievement In one or more o[ the preferring less active recreation have t the date hereof in a certain cause revised Constitution for the Stato and lo tory of tho Dorough lying west ot tba tin* Avenuei ion situate south of the Rldgo road and .-.jnc* («) Northerly, along Hoathe Solicitor of Complainant, herein Townjhlr, of Shrewsbury. « Munisubmit the narno as a whole and In such following: Production record and tn& choice of cards, dominoes, darts, _ ,. ford Avenue, fd Au to th* County road running fast of .Navsslnk avenue and bounded on, 45 Church Street, Paterson, N. J. manner as said Legislature shall prescribe, as set forth above. ipal Corporation, In tho County of Monextont by which the county exceeded chess, Place of mooting of Board of Registra- from Atlantlo Highlands' to New Mon- h» west by Hafice road. chess check bk checkers, backgammon t i tho people, for '." -Ir approvol and rali- tion Tbe polling .place for the Third'Heo. or louth nnti State of New Jersey, Is Comand polling place. for tha Second mouth, being County Road No. 7i thence' 1943 goals, overcoming severe handl- bingo. ncatlon or rejection, as a whole, at (ho lainant, and . you, Andrfew Uolton, and Included among the,,' purMonmouth County Surrogats'a Offic«. (51 Easterly, along said County Road, to Ion' District la Oscar Anderson's Oarage, (ftneral Election to be held In the year Election District la tha Flre House. (her*, sre defendants, von are retitifred capB, extent of shifts to vital war Washington averfue, between Waterman Leonard Avenuei thenca (S) Northartr ANDREW BECKER, ' chases are musical it instruments. avenue and Ward avenue, Rumson, pay to the said complainant the sum of In the matter of the estate, of Flora A. one thousand nine hundred ana fortycrops, improvement in farm producClerk of the Boroujh of Eatontown, N. i. along Leonard Avenue, to Sandy Hook four V- - .. 'Morrison, dereaseil.,. toKether with the taxed routs of FurchaHc l'ennlt« 1'or Gasoline ' ALBERT A. KEnR, JR., B a n thence (7) Easterly, and Southerly, tion-efficiency, fuller use of land and Dated August 23, 1943, il* rau*e. on the eighth day of October, Notice to creditors ' to present claims along the said Bay and along ths bounNotice ol Registration. Clerk of Rumson Borough. Purchase permits instead of ration labor resources. One award may be against estate. 143, at the hour ol 11 o'clock In the dary line between the Townsmp of MldAnd that on Wednesday. October IS. 1048. Dated August 2.3, 1048. irenoon,. at the ofllce of Thomas P. made in each state with others in coupons will be iegucd for all special Pursuant to tho order of Joseph 'L. DonBoards of Registry and Election NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. dletown and the Borough of Atlantic aremun, Em., one of the Masters.of said shay, Surrogate, of the County of Mon- the Highlands, to th» point or placs of Hewill meet at the plane i t which they will proportion to the state's ration ot rut Ions of 20-gallons of gasoline or >urt. No. 13 Broad street, in the norouah mouth, mode on tho eleventh day of Sep- hold the General Election nbovo menShrewsbury Tawnahlp, N. J. ginning. NOTICE OF REQISTBY AND ELECTION. the total ' U. S. (arm -population. less, according to a new OPA. ruling, Red Hank, County of Monmouth and tember, 1943, on tho application ot The tioned, between the houra of on« o clock Tba polling plac* for tb* Fourth Elac-' Notice of the tlnte and placs of aoldlna* Shrewsbury Borough, N. J. effective September 29. Thia enables nte of New Jersey, with interest thereon Chine Nations! Bank of tbe City of New In Iho afternoon and nine o clock In 'he tho General Election and of tha officers to tlon District Is tha Bravent- Park and' Probably most of the awards will be Notice of the time and place of holding i the date last mentioned, anil' in ilclault Yurk, note executor of the- estate of Flora evening, for the purpose of making the ba elected and meetings of the Board of Leonardo flre bouse.-Center Avenue, Ijtoti'' made In November. A eimHar award boards to Issue rations according to he General Eloetlon and of the oflicora to le-reof you shall sland abjolutely debarred A. Morrison, deceased, notlr# Is hereby Ana) revlsloD.and correction of the regis- lleuistry and Election In the Township of ardo. N. J. the applicant's exact needs and will will bo made to seasonal food prond (orecloied of and from nil rlsht nnd given to the creditors of said deceased to ter for ihe General Election. / Shrewsbury, Un tb* County of Monmouth, Fifth Election Dlatrlct, Commonly Known 1* elected and meetlnga of the Board of eglstry and Election In the Borough of cessors with outstanding production be useful to servicemen on furlough lultr ol redemption of. In and io the exhibit to the tutincrlber, sola executor', as Th. polling place for Holmdel Township' ' as tba Uncroft Dlatrlct. Notice Is hereby .given that a General travel. mils and premise* and every imrt thereof Aforesaid, their debts ftnd demands against Is at the Township Hall. Holrodol. .Ne^t Election will l e held In and for tha records. • . , The boundaries of th* same artsts fot- Shrewsbury, In the County ot. Monmouth, Notic* Is hareby glvon that a General, ivered by tho clh« T1IK RHA.SK ^NATIONAL BANK respective polling plsce In laid Bor. Mnnmuulh snd Stute of New Jer«f>. to IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. Railroad out to Bam Hollow Roadi thence * Said election will bo held In th* said othy have been restored to approx- recent WPB amendment to LimitaUK THE CITY OK NEW YORK. ltl Townihlp of Hhrewabury. tinted Dc. W l l th Bam B Hll R d >UBh, along the Hollow Read, To JOHN A. d'OOmtiCH and CAROLYN municipality 'or the purpose of electing (2)) Westerly, lly: II. Hnymond Agnail. imate levels paid last spring. At tion Order Lr51. Said election will tie Held la the sold mlier in. 1(131, •|.ITectln(t Innda in »uld 1 Governor of ths State of New Jersey! along tha boundary line of Election DisCOUDIIICII, his wife: Personal Trust Officer, Iho same time OPA has (uwured protvo Members of Ihe General'Assembly of trict No. 1, to the Red Ulll Road! thence municipality for tho purpose of electing Inwnahlii o( .Shre«abury, County anil Stntf lly virtue of an order of tflo Court of IR Pine Street, Kew York. N. Y. loresald, unld certificate Ijelnjt rcrordpil Vl'l'l'liste,' Klrvpn», Foster riucer-farmiMfl somewhat higher reChancery of Now Jersey/made on the day 'Jew Jersey, from "the County of Mon- (8) Westerly and Southerly, aloni th* a Governor of the State of New Jersey, FARMER'S WAR BONDS. a the Monmouth County Clcrk'n Odlto In of the date hereof, In a catuo whoreln mouth; a MemberV/jf.,, tho Board ot Ited Ulll Itoad and along the boundary wo Members ot the General Assembly of turns than last season, reflecting i Reussllle, • loAk I0II8 of'Mortgage! for said County Thomas I). Jennings and Joan M. Jon- Chosen Freeholders for the County of Mon- line between the Township of UlddletoMm Nsw Jersey, from the County of Mon. JlKl Unnk, W. J., parity prices or better on sales of n. U*nKei 422, etc. . Recently onn of Monmouth' coiinnlngA. are complainants, and you and oth- mouth, for the full term of three years; and tha Township of nolradal, to Swim- mouth 1 a Member ot th* Board of Pructors. these seeds to them. ers are defendants, you are required' to and for thn following municipal officers', ming River: thence (4) Esstsrly, and Chosen Freeholders for tho County of Mon. i'sted September II, 194.1. ty's straight-thinking farmers gave appear, and answer to the sompltilnants' vl«! One Member of the Township Cora- fioutbarly, along Swimming River and mouth, for the full term of y.arsf APPLWJATB, STEVF.NH. KOSTKll Monmouth County SurragU'* Oflici. County Agent Clark n good analogy bill on, or before the third clay of Novem- mllteo for tho Township of Shrewsbury, along tho Shrewsbury or Navsslnk River, and for th* following municipal oirtcer., Safogunrd Government Ciicclm 4 ItKUSSILI.K, vis, 1 two Councilman for th* Borough of In the matter of the estate ot MftrJor ber next, or the said bill will be taken as for the full term of three years-, and • Ool- to tn* point or placa of Beginning. Dctiplto repeated warning, records between and war. This • Sollrltora of Complainant, lector for the Township of 1Shrewsbury, Th* polling plac* for the Fifth election Shrewsbury, for. th* full term of thrae contetseii against you. Ciuhin'nQ'Presijlnger decc deccatid »< Broad Street, Red Dank, New Jersey.' reari. for'the full term of five years. of the Bureau of Naval Porsonnul farmer fluid that'no sonniiile person Dlatrlct Is tba flre, house of th* Uncrott , The.' said nil! la flleil to foreclose a cerclaims (o priient , „• Public Question. Fir* .Company at Llnoroft* N. J. tain mortgage mttlt by Kalnerlno Good, allow a steady Increase In the num- wanta to bo In a war. Most people Public QueaMon. 'The following I'ubllo question la tb hs Sixth CJ«ctlon District, Commonly Kaowa Widow, to Freda Joerger. dated June Monmouth County Surrofate's OITic* ber of allotment and family allow- will try tQ avoid It na long ua poaThe following Fublla Question I, to be Piirmant to the1 ord«r of J o i t p h L, Don- rich. voted upon by tha voters of the Btate of as tba Port Monmoulb District. 12, 10Z6, and recorded In the Offlco of the alhlc. Onco wft^ cornea, however, wo nhny. fiiirioimie of the County of Mon- Clerk of Monmouth .County, New Jersey, voieil upon by tbe voters of the State of anco checks stolen or loBt after deTbo bouadarlae ot_ tba same art al fol- {aw Jersey, a t Uia General Election Jersey, at . the General Election th, Tmdo on the fourth day of fl«pNovember 2, 1U48: Hook 782 of Mortgagee, Vnucn 192, etc., New livery. To provent loss the following enn't avoid being hurt by it. H o sold lows, via. 1 2, l»43i (tmtter, 101S. on the application of City In lands and premises In tho Town- November "Shall the o n . hundred anil slxtyelchtl! DEGINNINa at tho nigh water line of suggestions have been offered: (1) It la Bomelhing Uko Iho cowH In the Hank Kurnicn Trust. Cumpanj', Sola Exec- covering "Shall the one hundred and alxty-otfhth ship of Mlddletown, In the County of ttarltan or Sandy lipok Bay and at th* Legislature lie nuthorlted to agree "lion 1 corn field. If you ctvn catch th'o cows utor tit the ontnte of Mnrjorl* Cuihmtn Monraouth and Slate of New Jemey, of Legislature be authorised to agree upolva bo Buro your name Is on your mall Intersection ulth tha Westerly boundary revlaed Constitution for Die Btate anil'tj 1 nl l 0 l h B 1'roNHiiiirer, dece»i*d, notlci !• htraby glvbeforo they get into tho corn field, ruvlsed Constitution for tha State anil to "' • ' " " I ' l l ' I "on . hl'»"«* " r box or door; (2) w»tch for your '"•»• ""rroBm, of Won C «n to the creditors of slid dee*a*«d to ex- which complainants are now ths holders. o t t h . County nunmlt tha s a n s as a whole and In such Una of Election District No. »l thenc* •ubmlt the same as a whole and In tuck (1) Southerly, along th* boun- nanner as said Legislature shall pr«scribs check and doposlt it promptly in a you can dt-lvo them back nnd pro- noiith, mill. ,,„ the Nlnlh dsy of Hf|> ]ill>lt io the> sutiicriber, Solo Kxieutor »• Anil you, John A. iioodrleh, are msde a manner, ns said Legislature iholl prescribe running dary Iln* of Elsetlon Dlstrlot Nt. 11 o tha people, for their approval and rati. rnl T'r, i <•' " " t l l C »"l>"'Stl,,r, of Kn|. «fotc«i»li|, their dolit* and tlcmtniU BRslnat party defendnnt because,' you me tlio own. to the people, for their approval and rail- to regular plapo; <3) If you move, not- vent damage to the corn, tb* County road laadlng from New loatlan or r.iectian, aa a whote, at' ths r t t |1 the 'ul>l rnlnte. umlrr osth, within ifx tlcutlon or rejection, a , a Whole, at the Onco thoy get .«, however, It la er of rsrnrd of the premises mentioned ,111 . ^'" ... °'V .V>' AilmlnUlralur wilt ify your postmaster and cither Iho nthi from tlis dnte tit the «frtf«««U or* and described In the said bill, and liy vir- General Election to. lie held In th* y*»r Monmouth to K*yport, known as County General Elsotlon to l e held In the yen! r Road No. 71 thence (J) Westerly, along thousand nine hundred and forty, Allotment Division or dm Fnmlly inipoflHtblo to got them out. before r, nr lh«y-wiH he lurnvtt h«rr*i] of their tu* thenof clnlm to have somo' }ltn upon mo thousand nlna ( hundred , and forty- said County Road No. 1 to th* Harmony ins four 7 . . . ' ', ' • , Allownnco Division of the Bureau of thoy hiwo.dahc a lot of him.., Ho loim thersfor* .mialnnl th« mid s u b ' or Interact In the ssld mnrtunKrd piem- lour 7" Itoad 1 thertc* (8) Northerly, along tha Nolle* ol Reklslrsllon. /H ho i« going to pay hla dobtii, Notice ol Registration. tctiUer, , Harmony Itoad, to Daniel U. llnndrlekson's p .ant! .Accountu, Navy... And that on Wednesday, Uctubor 19,1J43, Anil you, Cnrolvn (inodrlch, ate miulo a Corner 1 thenc, <4)' following th* road to Anil Hint on Wednesday, October.!!, 1«4I, Dntfl.l.Fr«!>lu)td. N, J,. B«pt, 4 t h , ' 1 9 t S . puttment, Clovolandi Ohio, i>«rl.r..(Mfrnnt,•>•>«•»• you are tho wlfr the Uoonl of Rsglstry and Elsetlon Ralph's Cornsrt. ,th*nc* (6) Northerly, the Doard Df ll.glstry and Election ho can, and then lm In going to buy l h i rt 0/ JfiiKti A" TOrfdricIi.1 tturotnur> o« n t o x l wir,l"mo!?i at "the,&.!»»*.-ft.£..sfh,ieh. ^hflF.iiyil^ "".. ".h" " " W abova < h "mer,> »«" Out Football Travel lh h a wnr bond* with -the root of hln TIIIJST COMrANY, th. •*« (iepsraP'»£? Elacllon of (he |>rald b)ll, and by virtue thereof ;loned, betwatn Ihe hours of one o clock J, »»(#»«•' thy*hilMI"ilfMV' a'cloi"!" All school, college and other foot- money. After all.. ih 0 cow* nro In down raw's Creak, to Rerltan or Sandy n tha 33 William Htrest, York, N, Y, afternoon and nine o'clock In thi claim to hav« Horns ll<» upon or Interest by n the aflarnoon and nine o'clock In the lloojij Bay; thince (7) ball tonma hnvo been asked by tho tho corn- Held, nnd tho quicker thoy 7) Easterly, along the rtijlRg, for tb* purpose of making t«« Appleirate, Htavens, l'gitsr eV way of dower, or otherwise In tha said evening lor th* purpose of making the Bay, or pltce l B i i y, to the point o off Beginning. • Inal revision and oorr.ollon of ths raglu' Offlco of Defense Transportation to enn lm gotten out, tho hotter. final nrlilon and correction of th* realsmortgaged pramlsss. Th lli i fot tha Sixth Election The polling piece fot ltoil Hank. N, J. for the n.nora! rsieetlon. confirm Ilio ealo anil distribution of ter for the General Election. M t h fl District Is tha Pott Monmouth flre hhouse irTh* Dated ttenteinlur 2, jolllng plac* for Ohrowibury Bor. ticket* to the irtihlonln of the locn Th* polling plac* for Shrewsbury town- at Von Monnotilh. N. J. Malnutrition in bnllnvnd to bo ,..„ ough if* the Ar* bouse or fihreweburl ship Is lbs fir* houi* at Tlnton Kails. Seventh Elsetlon District, ' Commonly «ie» of the citlen'ln which Mm garnet ftiiief rouflon for tho high death into hn road tu bettor and bigger buiiKnown as Ihe East Keansburf District. Hose Co.,.No. 1, Broad slrtst, nlirawsliiiry, '•• MARtinETTA U ItEED, HollrltoM of Comi)lnli'iiuitii, »r« to bf nlnyod. By «o restriction union? children la India, VAN VUET. » Tha boundaries ot the same are as fol. » leads through T»i« lW«te>r'• wlClsrk of th* Township ot Shrewsbury l \ O, Mhlttf 34 nroad Rtre«t> Iowa, vis. ( Dat^d August I I , 1O4I. , yortlvlng columns,—AavertUement, , -Rad Dunk^N, J.. 1

V r





TtUh J^ '•' * " "*""




AYBE'I'm your boy—or the boy next door. You know, Mary's sweetheart, Joan's husband, Timmy's daddy. Your son, Father! Your boy; Mother! Anyway, I've got something to say to you. I've got to make you understand. ' This is it. This is zero. This is INVASION! I'm here, with a million other boys just like me. We're your INVASION forces. And we're going to stay. It wasn't, easy getting here, and it is going to be a lot harder before we're through.

Pace N!n&


WE'RE GIVING ALL WE'VE GOT I said we were going to stay. I promise that, even ii it means the thing—well, the thing we don't like to talk about. Because 'we're giving all we've got: Our minds, our strength, our blood. e But you (fee, this isn't going to be enough. Not unless those planes we need snarl down out of the sky on the enemy just over there. Unless those tanks get here. Unless the supply ships get. through. Unless there are enough bullets for this rifle.





It's that OHka $100 War Bond, all of thorn togothor, making up the $13 billion worth they're asking you to buy in September, that will prove that you are on the INVASION front with Jifjn. Your part is at least one extra $100 Bond during the Drive—at least $100. Of course, that's in addition lo your regular bond buying. A $100 Bond is the rook bottom figure. Some of you will have to invest thousands to put this Drive across. Take it out of your pay check—or out of that nest egg you were saving for a rainy day. ; All you can epare is too little, all you've got is just going to be enough. ' look at it this way: You won't be giving anything. You will be investing in VICTORY—and your future. Things like safety for your family and money al}er the war to buy anew home, or to educate your children. You're buying a stake in VICTORY—and that means America, yours and mine! I guess that's all I've got rimo to loll you now. The enemy is waiting, just over the hill Don't keep us waiting!

World's Safest Investments United State* Wcu Saving* Bonds—-Seriei E: givos you back $4 lot every $3 -when trio bond matures. Interest • 2.9% u your, compounded iomU annually, ii htld to maturity. Denorninotionsi $25,$5O,$100, $300, $1,000. Rodemptioni any time 40 days niter issue date. Price i 75% oi maturity value. A% Tieonuy BernU. el 1884-1919: rondlly marketable, acceptable as bank oollnioro], redeemabls at par end ao-

orued interest for thepurpose of nalisiying Federal estate taxes. Dated September 15, 1943, due December 15,1969. Donominationsi $500, $1,000, $9,000, $10,000, $100,000 end $1,000,000. Prlcoi par and ncorued interest, OthunouriUe«Sories"C" Savings Nolej, 7A% Cottiik cates oi Indebtedness) S% Treasury Bonds of 1951-1953, United States Savings Bonds Series "F", United Slatos Savings Bonds Series "Q".








Page Ten;

Demand 2c COLD Farmers THREATENS Raise Per Quart of Milk ACT FAST WHEN A

At tho very first anlffle, sneeze, or any tign of a cold Just try a few drops of vfoks Va-tro-nol up each nostril. If 1 In time, Va-tro-nol's quick action a prevent many colds from deyelW....And remember tftfs; when a Scold make3 you mlseral>le,ortranticnt congestion "fills up" nose and tpoUs eleep-S-purpoie Va-tro-nol • Joes three'Important things. It (1) relieves Irritation, (3) helps • , ..yss clear clogged nasal yfr passages.Enjoy « „ _ „ _

Dealers Want One-Cent Increase Per Quart To Cover Deficit ,

State' Milk Director Arthur, F, coBts of production, testified. A. G. Foran has under advisement recom- Waller, chief economist, of the. New mendations of milk price adjust- Jersey Agricultural Experiment staments that would raise the price a tion. Quoting Federal-state reports total of three centa per quart, either ot that earlier date with current re to bo paid by the consumer, or tc portsi ho showed that the weighted therdfel It brings. VICKS average of prices paid then by farmbe provided for by subsidy. Follow directions . . . _•«•% SUMI in folder. „ VA'IRO'HOL Two centa per quart (03 cents pe era for feed, roughage, labor, equip100 pounds lor milk of standard ment and other cost of productlo quality) more than tho present farm items is up 31%, wheresas the farm price ot 8 23/100 cents' per quart price of milk has, advanced only &% An immediate price increase "wl (now $3.83 per 100) were demanded at Monday's public hearlng^at Tren keep eome producers In buslnesE ton by representatives of more than who are seriously considering abandonment ot their labors in the In3,000 organized termers. Another one cent, half of which dustry," testified T. L. Lawrence, manager of the United Milk Pro would go to mako up an alleged deficit in dealer and processor price ducers. He asked that Class II spread resulting from an OPA rul- milk (used for cream) be abolishe ing that a 23 cents per hundred- for the duration of the war'becaus weight farm price Increase could not 'no portion ot the milk produced In be passed on to 'consumers, was de- New Jersey should be utilized fo manded by dealers. The other half this luxury • product-. If, however, of the requested penny-a-quart In- cream is demanded by consumers, crease asked by dealers 1B necessary they should pay the full costs thereto meet increased costs of milk dis- of, and the loss should not be imtribution, according to the testimony posed on farmers." of representatives of ten dealers who Dealers presented testimony on handle 80?6 of the milk In North their experience under the August 9 Jersey, and of eight dealers who price increase order; which gave thi handle 70% of the milk in South farmers 23 cents per hundredweigh and Central jersey. additional, but which OPA would no Farmers and dealers alike urged permit to be added to the consumer 2Toran to determine his minimum price. Ten North Jersey dealers took pricing facto upon the basis of testi- he stand and, under examination by mony and evidence presented to him heir attorney, Edward W. Currle of and to disregard the maximum price Matawan, developed that they could restrictions placed by the Federal tot a-bsorb the August 9 farm price Office of Price Administration. Con- ncreasg as OPA required. Already Practically all the "juhk''~ siderations of whether the increased osing on their operations because of farm price should be paid by means war.increased.costs of labor, transground your house—any- of subsidy on directly by the con- ortation, fuel, containers and equipshould not be a part of the ment, the dealers held that they thing metal or rubber, rags, sumer milk director's determinations, wit- could not assume the extra burden if loss ot $2,300,000' on a . billion manila rope, burlap bags nesses said. lounds.o! milk handled if the 23"Never mind the OPA," urged :ent increase order is projected a —can be used in making Thomas Sanderson ol Glenwood, ear without, consumer prico In Essential war materials. Sussex county. "New Jersey is still crease. a sovereign state. The milk laws Typical estimates of such losses, if on our law books give the state milk director tho right to fix prices in he dealer price spread is not inWornont silk or nylon accordance with the facts adduced :reased to cover the 23-cent order, public hearing. Do that and we'll ncludo Borden Farm Product* Co. dockings are needed for at )f New Jersey, $275,000; B. R. Waldback you up all the way." making parachutes and To reporters. Sanderson said .that on Sons, Callfon, $32,000; Sunrise tho 2,200 dairy farmers in hia organ- airies, Hillside, $5,000; Durling gunpowder bags. ization, the United Milk Producers' Farms, Whitehouse, $34,600; Earltan association of New Jereey, are pre- Valley Farms, Somerville, $16,000; pared to "withhold all our milk from Hill & Dale Farms, Lebanon, $7,000; if anyone interferes with Welsh Farms, L^ong Valloy, $31,180; Give your junk collection adistribution Murray Dairy, Port Murray, price .increase order." Last month Port Foremost Dairies, Washlngto a charity, sell it to a junk tho United members purchased a i6B,000; on, $32,000, and Supreme Milk and milk processing plant at Irvington, 3ream Co., Perth Araboy, $17,000. dealer or take it to 'the near Newark, which is now fully equipped and licensed to handle a Subsequently, ntne South Jersey nearest collection point. substantial part of the milk pro- lealers, operating south of Trenton, md who distribute 70% of tho milk duced on their farms. _J3acked,J.'P .by eosta ot production lold In that area, presented their t mbinod.-proflt.and...lOBa.statement, statistics eup"plled"by tne"NSW3ei'^' ith a projection of lossesto be aussey State Department of Agriculture and the New Jersey Agricultural Ex- :ained under the 23-cent order. If periment station, the United Milk ;helr gross' sales, which totaled $9,Producers and the 600 New Jersey 41,687 this year,: remain the same of the Interstate Milk Pro- during the coming year, they wll Give thought .to safeguard- members ducers association, which operates in have' to pay an additional $263,500 milk, which will not be covere ing your health. Energy is South Jersey, placed a demand for for $4.76 per 100 pounds (10 23/100 centa by additional income from consum ers. Their total net profits Would essential to wartime work per quart) for all Class I milk of be only $67,560 on nearly $10,000,000 3:5% butter fat content. f sales, or 7/10 of one cent per doldemands. Doctors recomAccording to D. T. Pitt, State De- lar of sales. partment of Agriculture statistician, mend. 6 glassfuls of water A further cost of distribution lntho latest cost figure available for tho a day for good health. Fre- month of August waa ?4.72 por 100 rease Is impending' in the -Federal pounds, and the farmers were losing nnouncement of a three-cent per quent bathing is important, 98 cents per 100 at the average farm hundredweight fee to be charged afprleo of $3.74 paid that month. Pitt ter October 1 for administration of too. compared the conditions of New Jer- the milk quota or wholosalo rationsey dairy farmers today with those ing plan. Estimates of the total coat prevailing in 1932 "when the Indus to New Jersey dealers, bailed upon try was collapsing, when milk strikes a billion pounds of milk handled anwero a daily occurrence, when many nually, are that the plan may refarmera destroyed and dumped their quiro $300,000. "That gives you eome idea of how milk, when picketing to prevent disthe Feleral government operates," tribution oj milk was common." A recent survey by Pitt showed Director Foran said, interrupting that there are 1,800 fewer cows on this line of testimony. "They estiNew Jereey farms today than- one mate that they'll need three cents a year ago. In the first seven months 100 just to administer the dealer r&of 1943, Pitt said the loss of produc- tlonlng plan. We operate the whole Ovsr »0% of our «m- tion -was 10,832,000 quarts "which milk control set-up in New Jersey, plorei art buying U. 3. '. could have been avoided if dalry- policing the entire industry, for less War Bond! regularly 1 men had received not a profit but than half a cent a 100/ Foran revealed that the Federal through the payroll lav. [.only their costs of production.." The" New •JerTejr'dairyman-Bhould- government .had...requested.the help Ingi plan. of his department in administering' be receiving at least 31% more for his milk how than he was in Novem- the mills quota order, and. that ho ber, 1041, In order to cover mere had advised that the job could ba done for less than one-half ot the Federal estimates of cost, "New officers, new agencies and more people on tho Federal payroll are going to be enlisted to try to' keep tho New Jersey public from drinking ao much milk," Foran said. "We face dealer rationing of.milk this fall because of the stupidity of the Federal agenclej which assumed, the control of prices and of supplies. Yet, all this could have been avoided I'm a war production and our farmers could have kept up wofWr — I'm'buyios « v their herds and their milk producused Studebaker betion, it tho advice offered by practicause I want• car tbat'a cal men in the dairy, industry-had downright essy on tire* and gas these war day*. been followed." Tho milk control hearing at Tronton was practically the anniversary of Director Foran's trip to Washington to place before the Federal authorities tho problem of a developing milk shortage which ho foresaw last fall. He recalled to the hearing audience that October 14, 1042, ha personally presented to U. S. Director of Economic Stabilization James Byrnes a plan to encourage Now Jersey dairymen to continue producing milk in maximum volume. Part of I'm a builnttt roan— I'm a volunl««r worker— I'm a farmar—I'm boy- . that plan was an increase of one I ' m buying a uacd I'm buying a uied Ins a uaed fitudebaker Studebaker became I Studeltpker became I because l^want a car cent per quart to farmors last fall. want a car thal'a easy. know Studebaker mathat won't nc-cd a lot of "OPA said it wasn't nectsBary," to handle and won't terial! and crafumonmechanical attention, Foran said, "and they continued to fi ahip won'tiet me down. with manpower scarce. aay it wasn't, necessary, oven as milk production , in Now Jersey started to dtop 6,000,000 pounds a .X7OU save tircj and gasoline, month. Finally, last June, the roX when you own a used Studeglonnl ofllco of OPA said thoy would baker Champion, Commander recommend a subsidy. Throe months New 1942 or President. That's because of tor I learned In Washington that the pioneering of, Studchakcr nt> such recommendation waa made. available I Vkod OPA what had happoned. engineers in eliminating need*o eligible buyers They said thoy 'found It noccasary less excess bulk. to rk-examlno tho price and supply . You save on repair costs, too, relationship In and of other milk. because of1 the high quality of sheds.' , That's what, thoy'ro doing of motc?i.u c o £ Studebakcr materials and craftsnow, I Btipposo." obtain new car.. You mnosliip. When naked by farmer and dealbe <"«""»• Come Z or representatives at the hearing But don't1 wait too lone to what progress • hod been mado by !l! order your used Studebakcr. OPA In Its Investigation, Kenneth They're celling scarce. Resides M. Spang, regional economist for used Stuuchakeri, our stocks inOPA, replied that ho attended "6nly na an obsorver" and did not hav» popular makes, Ants.iujlhorlly, Uvtoallfy..,, ,

Fair Haven Lions Told About Japan Salvation Army Officer Speaks Colonel William F. Palmer, retffod Salvation Army officer, (lvlne at Belmar, gave a talk on "Japan" Thursday night at\ a'weeting of the Fair jBaven Lions club at -Willowbrook restaurant. , Colonel Palmer, who was stationed at Tokyo for three years and who has traveled extensively while spreading the gospel for the Salvation Army, told the Lions that tho American people have looked upon the Japanese as ignorant Imitators, which Is not so. He detailed the Japanese "family tree," giving tKe various blood breeds, pointing out that this' Intermixture of racial bloods accounted for the Japs' virility, physical stamina, etc. The officer lauded tho hardships of tho Catholic priest, Father Francis Xavler, In preaching Christianity to the Japanese. Colonel Palmer outlined about SCO years of Jap history and emphasized the fact that / it took the Japanese only 85 years to come out from obscurity to the modern nation of today. In giving the physical aspects of tho Japanese Archipelago he stated that Japan consiats of between 800 and 1,000 small' Islands, with 145,672 square miles and a population of about 72,888,000. He mentioned various facts concerning the business, city and home life of Japan and emphasized specially that Japan Is not to be laughed at. They have Intelligent engineers, architects and great minds aa well as we, and that the five main characteristics domin-

ate them-Brayery, loyalty, alertness, thoroughness and self-control. In conclusion Colonel Palmer tttated that Japan will be beaten but that it will take a long time.. "Thoae who live by the sword Khali perish by the aword," concluded the Salvation Army officer. Colonel Palmer, who. sintered U>e Salvation Army when * youth- of 17 years, was atationed for ft whlta in New Zealand arid Australia. 'Hewa» introduced by Peter"J. BJlohele, chairman of the speakers' committee, and waa, accompanied by Capt.- Man Smlt'b, i officer In charge of the Red Bank Salvation Army citadel. Wilfred H. McCracken presided and Barney T. Egeland waa acting tail twister in the absence ol Arthur B Sickles. It waa announced that Mr. Egeland was a proud father of a baby' girl, Sharon Vets Egeland, born at Rlvervlew hospital Tuesday, September 14. Lester H. England announced that Fair -Haven and Rumson are sponsoring a clambake October 10 at the Boy Scout camp on the Mennen estate, foot of Battln road. William E. Koblnson was introduced as a guest of President McCracken. " Plans are being completed by the Lions for a Halloween party and ladies' night to be held at the WillowBrook restaurant Saturday night, October 30. Details will be announced by the committee composed of McCracken, Elchele, Sickles, Egeland, James LaBau, Sr., and Harry C. F, Worden. The next dinner meeting will be he;d Thursday night, October 14, at 7:15 o'clock at.the Wlllowbrook restaurant. A contribution was made to the Red Bank Salvation Army tor the annual financial campaign being held at» the present time. Charles' W. Woodward was appointed chairman of a committee to plan for the dis-





,• a •'the gap ,;. .when they did not com





I SAVE SEEN the soldiers come down ' from, the ships and stand in long lines on the docks, their 'B' bags on their, backs and their rifles slung over, their shoulders^ "I have seen the supplies come in by the hundred shiploads, locomotives and tanks and trucks—acres of boxed food and great mounds of hams, shiploads of bombs stacked in from keel to hatch and all materials thai we need at home—steel • for. bridges' and buildings, food for our own people, material enough to make all America well fed and well housed and well clothed.;

• I have szen the supplies co,.


did not come Hack and the: empty; bunks, the blankets thrown aside as they, threw; them, and the framed photographs, pa, thej steel lockers, ^ '^Th'e men Kave gone up the gangway, again to go into action and they jump from landing barges to a beach, strewn with the bodies of their own people, and they, elavr their way. like animals into, a hostile, coast*

"I have seen the hospitals with! Ufa mauled men, the legless and blind, the fingerless hands and the burned faces—all the destruction that steel and fire can do to; a man's body, and mind* In God's name, what > it for except to get .this horrible! , ., ;"I,-Kaye,8een the men climK into the thing^over with as jmickjy and as fhoiv • Fortress in the early morning; and Ry'-away" oughly as possible?, And if this is true, it waving with elaborate nonchalance land I should not be a matter of •.Who will lend his have seen the. gap in the mess when they money?,* frit 'Who. dares not to?? "


* is



Aged Woman Fractures Hip. Minn Hannah Poling of Koyport la In tho South Amboy Memorial hospital with a fractured hip nuiTored in * fall at her home. MIOB Pollnir ob•orvod her B7tli birthday Tuesday.





. the destruction itecl and /ire can do .



lard, Robert V, VanBrunt, "Henry B. Stadler, Lester H. England, Barney T. Egeland, .George W. Curchln, John C. Herbsr and Harry O, F. Worden,


"I have seen them come down from the sfilpi



The Lions present included Wilfred H, McCracken, Peter J. Elchelo, James LaBau, Sr., Charles W, Woodward, Elwood T. Firth, John F. Wagner, Fred E. Gregg, John I. Wll-

Two to on® you'll liko Trommer's because it's

•. .>;-,%.)..:•*?*•.

Monmouth Consolidated Water Company

tribution of Christmas glfU to the two Lions In service, Andrew M. Egeland and Gustave J. Frewt, and to the eons and daughters of Fair Haven Lions in service.

•*> , v

• and tlaw Ihetr way into

• Ihey jump Jrom Jan ding garget \o a hf.ath . . ,"

iliU coait." (Sicily)




Red Bank Marine Works , HANS W.WULF, President


Thn/«econd plant in tho State to be awarded the coveted U. S. Treasury Flag, aignif yin/that every cmploy«e,U.inve»tmglQ.pqr^^ "t" emblem has been proudly flown below Qld Glory on^he plant's flagpole since October 28,



. •'•


' :..




•• . . • ' . ' '"•

Page Eleven.,




careless matches aid tire Axis






your home and property from destruction by fire. Have us make a complete check-up of your wiring this week. C A L L RED QUICK, EFFICIENT SERVICE. ' •• .


18 White St., Red Bank


Bed Bank's Leading Electric Shop ,

8 Linden Place

\ * — k

friend, hundreds of lives would not be lost and untold misery would be obliterated. But (ire respects no laws! During National Fire Prevention Week do your part to wipe out fires by preventing them. Don't; take chances. Don't do cleaning with dangerous fluids. Don't attempt amateur electrical work. See to it that your home is not a fire-trap. . Join in the drive against fire. Because every, fire is sabotage today! , •



THE FIREMAN SAYSi "Most fires/are doe to carelessness ' and neglect, and could easily have, been avoidedl"






Since time began, fire has been a constant source of comfort—and disaster. It has protected us from the cold—and it has put us out in the cold. It is a helpful thing—and it is a dangerous thing. The lesson National Fire Prevention Week strives to put across is one of respecting fire's ability to destroy. The amount of damage done by fire each year would equip our fighting men with many Bombs, Bombers and Tanks that they need to whip the Axis, If fire worked only as our



Let Us Help Xou When ^ • Fire Strides

A Careless Match... . . . a home gone up In smoke—everything lest. To protect yourself from the ravages of fire, carry adequate Insurance box. Bemember, fire never takes a vacation!





Member of Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ,


matSTOUT: Established 1906

Now it's a Heartache! Instead of a worm, comfortable home to look forward to .'this winter, this unfortunate family roust try to salvage what they. d t f r U B l N H F l r t i W I tot»*Nmd»tttrfriiUovor.BurlnjiNaHonalFlrorf*v«ntidiiWB*Itj check over your home—make'sure it Is safe from Arc. And, very.. Important, see to It that It is adequately Insured by a reputablo company.

Seal Estate and Insurance MORTGAGE LOANS Upstairs, Boom t 77 Brood S t . Plume 2141

Real Estate and Insurance in All Its Branches STATE HIGHWAY 4-N Phone Eat. 7 EATONTOWN

Protect Valuables From Fire

Phone 612

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A Home Ruined

Homeless Family


A SAFE HOME Your home is as good guarded against fire. strikes be on the safe with John T. Lawley. "the"end~yQu>U " ALL FORMS OF REAL ESTATE



There are hundred) of wayB to prevent ilrea but thore Is only'' one way to protect yourself n'galnat them . . . and'that to with Insurance. Investigate your'Insurance'completely . . . be fully covered by Insurance with Hawkins Brothers.




Upstairs Room 1



as gold when fully When and if fire side. •- Insure now You'll find that in

MIDDLETOWN Phone 410 Red Bank.

Phone 532 77 Broad St.,

Red Bank

" IN A



- ~Guard~Agairisr Fire"Losses by™ Renting a Safe Deposit Box



You can not avert tragedy but you can prepare yourr . self against the possibility of it by storing all valuables in a safe deposit box.



TIMES A DAY INSURANCE IS YOUR ONLY PROTECTION AGAINST SUCH A TRAGEDY! Another houio goes up in flames . . another family out on the street with « few pitiful belonging! that might have been saved. It's a sad story . . and the only protection you have against such* a tragedy is ample insurance. Call Joseph G. McCue Agency today . . let them explain the easiest'and most economical way for you to insure your homo. Give your family the complete security it deserves. ' ,

Whon fire strikes • homo, It usually docs a complete Job of It Full coverage Innuranco will protect you rnniplotcly from the rnviifofi of fire, and It costs vory little. InvwitlB«to-todoyl

Grossimger & Heller

0eseph Q. Rumson, N.

Ridge Road, PHONE RUMSON 444.

INSURANCE Phone 2ldO Broad &• Mechanic Stt., Red Bank ^


GEORGE 77 Br6a'd St.,


Upitairs, Room 3

BRAY Phono R. D, 004 ,

"RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 30,1943 SIDNEY, SNOW Will le Glad to Answer Any Questions on Food

Three Meals A Day Edited by WTTXMA JE. DEUTE


Vegetable Dishes Take One JEWELRY REPAIRING Forward Step And Are Prepared With Wine •»•••••»»•«•*»«»••»•••»• • Hot Off the Griddle i\ LAMB BALLS WITH PICK YOUR OWN

Food, of course, tntitt be tcell seasoned to be worthy of its piquancy

Clock, ,si Jmtrr ClMud u d palnd i t Riwonbb Print. All Weik GuarutHd (or O u YtM, ;

H. ROSIN, Jeweler

ia W«rt y^

A First Course Places A Simple Meal In The "Very Special Class

The Unrationed Oyster With Curry Powder And We Have Oysters Indienne

^tUd Bant, N. J,

There wag a time when the meal dish waa the center of attraction— but posiibly I shouldn't put it exactly . CURRANT JELLY _ that way, because If ever meat was wa t offattraction ttrti it iis at t thia SUSAN SNOW < > th the center » » • very time when each bit of meat We are aometlmei Inclined to pity •**" aerved ia eaten with relish/ and eaten the housewife who U required to do One. can keep expenses down with slowly to make It last longer. Prob- 'cooking for-.two"—of. oourie, ahe frequent defrostings, if your mechan- ably what I do mean is that the por- can't have a huge roast—but now• ical refrigerator has no automatic tlorfof meat Isn't so large as to over- adays, who can? It la just too, too easy to slip Into who has seen the pleased expressions . B y SIDNEY SNOW Here la a.dlah ju«t aufflolent for defrost control. A quarter Inch of shadow the rest of tho menu and the habit of preparing the dinner, of her family. vegetables have taken a, step for- two, but the recipe can be enlarged let on the coils in the signal to de'butting it on the table, calling tho frost. When colls are heavy with ward. Since we must oaf more vege- to serve any number; CRAB MEAT IN ROLLS . family, sitting down and eating!! In frost, the mechanism must work tables, wa have begun taking a keenLAMB BALLS WITH CURRANT 8 finger rolls Dther words, many a homemakcr forer interest In their preparation. harder to cool the box. JELLY ' •. 1M cups flaked crabmeat cets that at the dinner table, even to Well, say some, there are limita1% cups diced celery ,M pound breast or shank of lamb, per immediate family—she can be tions to what one can do with a vegeCompare soap quallltles. Price is 2 hard cooked eggs, chopped ground 'hostess" and be that graceful figure Delicious early, apples often no guide to . quality; Make table. But going back to the meat Salt and pepper fitting at the head or foot of the ta- Vi teaspoon salt your own decision on washing qual- situation agaln»-when we have a % teaspoon pepper % cup bread crumibs ble. To be a "hostess" though, the small bit of meat and want to make ity of each soap. A checkup on some ready now from the Dash tabasco sauce fat Ineal must be prepared with care and cheaper aoaps may be surprising. Use it "extra-special" we usually do so by 2%tablespoons 3 tablespoons lemon juice . cup currant jelly • •o'rved accordingly. This by no preparing it with a bit of wine—so, the kind that best suits your needs. famous Alexander ^OrVt cup salad dressing Weans required a so-called "company if this does so much for that bit of Season the ground lamb with salt Dinner" every night—the meal can be Lettuce One needs different size needles meat, why couldn't the principle be and pepper, add tho bread crumbs, chards. As simple as possible, but can be giv- Make a lengthwise cut in the cen well moistened with water. Shape putting vegetables in a very Interestfor different threads. Get a supply en a very special touch by merely ter of top of each roll, spread apart into balls and saute In the fat for 2 now, and be careful of them—for all ing light, such as these few: starting it with a canape or hors and remove soft part. Mix crab mlnutea on each side, then reduce the CARROTS A LA CASERA needles will be scarce. One should Jl'oeuvres. heat and cook slowly for 20 mlnutca, meat, celery, eggs, salt, pepper, tabasDo your canning never stick the needle into the thread turning frequently. Melt currant 6 medium sized carrofs These tempting tidbits require little co sauce, lemon juice and aatad dressspool when through mending—it jolly and pour around meat balls bo1 onion, sliced time for preparation and are worth ing together and all centers of rolls. this winter. ' may become bent and damaged, or it fore serving. 1 clove garlic, minced . their weight in gold to any housewife Place rolls on crisp lettuce to serve, may. hurt, your bands later. Put it 1 tablespoon butter back Into the needle book right away, 1 tablespoon flour where it will be protected' until you Two miles from Red FOAMY SAUCE 14 cup broth want it again. One assorted book of •A cup white wine 2 tablespoons butter needles, or a single package of each Bank 'Station. Salt X cup powdered sugar size you need, will last all through Popper • 1 teaspoon vanilla the war, if you are careful,. 1 egg yolk 2 egg whites Peel carrots and parboil for five W cup boiling water Toasters should have the crumbs minutes in boiling salted water, brushed out, or the crumb tray reCream butter and sugar In the top moved and wiped off in types with drain and slice, Prepare a sauce as of doublo boiler and beat until light. There is simply nothing In the this, attachment. Keep your toaster follows: Fry tho sliced onion slowly Add egg whites one at a time and IVt cups'railk world like a good breakfast to star clean and it will operate satisfactory in butter until it begins to he tender, continue beating. • Just before serv4 tablespoons melted butter or the day just "so." Everyone feels years.' Never clean toaster until add garlic and continue to fry until ing add boiling water and cook until A S I D E PROM THE FACT that oysters are what we call "good eat- for other shortening cheerful—there is no mad ruBh or it is cool and the cord la discon- a golden brown; add flour, blending foamy. Add vanilla and Berve Im•7* Ing," the juicy bivalve is also unrationed, and right there are two well. Add broth and wine slowly, mediately. . Sift flour once, measure, add bakUndue excitement—and, in spite of the nected. stirring continuously. • Season to fact that we possibly won't have sau- ing powder, salt and sugar and sift good, reasons why they should be served often, and fortunately, there are again. Add corn meal and mb» well. sage for, breakfast—wo can start tho ways and more ways to prepare them. -' Hot plates are excellent dinner ser- taste with salt and pepper. Place the sliced carrots in this day •well on its way with such treats Combine eggs and milk; add to dry vice, but oven heat may crack them. This being the season of tho year when thoughts turn from frozen ingredients, mixing well, Add shortas: Use a low oven flame for warming sauce and simmer until tender; If ening. Turn into greased 9-inch salads to well-seasoned dishes, what could be more suitable than to com- dishes, and rest them on asbestos the sauce is too thick, add a little BRAN DOUGHNUTS layer pan or 8x8x2 inch pan; bake In bine the oyster with that ever-popular curry powder. Then, since we pads. For oven baking USQ only pot- more broth, or some boiling water. 3 cups sifted flour i ! a d d i served ginger EGGPLANT ORIENTAL has found the answer to one foo uniform, well-defined pieces small 2 tablespoons sherry ,8,,tea5PP,onj! jtnrlcot or peach problem. We all like a large varjet enough so that they will not lose brandy ••--—«,.•..„-„<.,,„.„ Boiling milk CORN B R E A D . " * their shape in the folding process. If in, our,, salad.s, .and. a ..Xew.lngrcdienti ; 1 2 tablespoons buUeror fat" 1 tablespoon butter Hi cups Bitted flour Invert peach halves In baking pan, plus a lot of imagihati6n~can"accdni- pSft-of'tliD«e!9ryto,ho,iisp4.j3 tough, 1 tablespoons flour tmtf=, eut«fllx. 2M teaspoons double acting baking pour over each Va teaspoon melted pllsh this. Here are a few examples: cut It In fine pieceB and cut the ten-""Faro'""yellmtf—ffcitiaBh" pieces of equBl thickness and 3 inchVA cups canned tomatoes der parts in larger pieces. In this Duttor, 1 teaspoon apricot or poach, • powder 1 teaspoon grated onion CABBAGE AND PEANUT SALAD way the toughness will not bo de- es square; sot in baking dish and brandy and a sprinkling of finely 1 teaspoon salt . sprinklo with little salt and pepper. 1 teaspoon sugar tected. 1 small head cabbage chopped, preserved ginger. Bake for 2 tablespoons sugar Pile on each piece 1 tablespoon sugV\ teaspoon' salt 3i cup chopped peanuts 10 minutes in a moderate oven (350 1 cup corn meal •••-•. \ ar, being careful that no sugar falls Dash o£ pepper 1 teaspoon salt F). 2 eggs, well beaten Cut cold mush Into Bllces about on the sides or into the dish. Sprinkle Peel eggplant and cut into 1-inch & teaspoon paprika one-fourth of an inch thick, and each sugar pile with cinnamon and 1 cubes. . Boll in salted water for 5 Discard outside leaves of cabbage saute until brown and crisp In a very minutes. Melt butter and blend i and cut head in quarters, Let stand little fat; if preferred, the slices may teaspoon of sherry. Pour hot milk The ETHEL MOUNT MOZAR SCHOOL of DANCING tho flour. Strain can of tomatoes am in Ice water until crisp. Drain and be sprinkled with Hour, or dipped over the edge of tho dish until sur117 Frdspect Avenue, Red Bank Telephone Red Bank 2220 radually stir imthc juice to form a chop. Mix with peanuts and add sal first in salted beaten egg and then in face of tho milk Is just below the All Typea of Dancing for Children and AdulU. Claasea now forming'. smooth paste. Add onion, sugar and and paprika. Serve with cooked bread or cracker crumbs, before tops.of the squash. Place uncovered icasonings. When slightly thickened, salad dressln^*tmd garnish with sautelng. Hominy and other cereals in a slow oven and cook until squash The P R O S P E C T M L L DAY SCHOOL la nearly tqnder. Then put % teaadd tho drained eggplant and the to- strips of pimento. jnay be fried in the same way, -•-PLAY AND EDUCATIONAL TnAWlNC FOR PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN " spoon butter on each piece and conmato pulp. Simmer gently for 5 Morntnga.8:30-11:30. All-day seaalona will be opened If sufficient demand. tinue baking until done. ONION SALAD minutes and serve. This makes 4 Small pastry shells or cases filled JUNIOR ASSEMBLY—Ballroom Claucs Monday Evenlnia, from Sept. 27, 7-8:30 servlng3 with creamed meat or game are 3 Spanish onions called bouchees, and are very popuM cup water lar for entrees. They provide an ex- • Poultry and game, urjless they are Vi teaspoon salt n Monday thru Friday f a 9 P.M.! cellent way of- utilizing1 left-overs of in cold storage, should not bo kept Vi cup cider vinegar .. Jfurdoy a n d Sundgy,tp 5 . ? . M . ' " [ , r...»», . „.., „, „, They should be chicken, sweetbreads, fish, etc. Pa- long uncooked. 1 tablespoon sugar drawn aa soon as purchased, and .Trenfon Showroom! 137 So. Brood Sf..Op«r> Dally & Saturday, 10 A.M, to » F.KU Peel onions and slice very thin. Mix per cases, bought at tho confection Bhould be kept In a coal place. water, vinegar, sugar and salt and er's, may be used instead of the pas put the onions in the mixture. Let try sheila. atand in a covered dish in the refrigThe bread for flat sandwiches erator for 1 hour. Drain thoroughly and mix with1 French dressing *to should be a day old because it can be cut more easily than fresh bread. which has been added % teaspoon mustard, % teaspoon Worcestershire For rolled sandwiches fresh bread should be used. Bread baked In spesauce, % teaspoon onion juice and 2 cial.tins which provided slices that drops tabasco sauce. ' , are perfect squares or circles is eco• MACEDOlNE SALAD • nomical when the crus,ts are to be removed, but any loaf of compara1 small cooked cauliflower tively fine grain may be used. 6 stuffed oliveB 1 cup cooked carrots (cut in cubes) 1 cup.cooked peas ^ Separate cauliflower into1 email YAM AND GRAPEpieces. Marinate each vegetable sepFRUIT CASSEROLE arately in French dressing, and let atand in refrigerator. Arrange vegeWith cooler weather, we naturally :ables on crisp lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with sliced olives. Serve hlnk of more substantial m e a l s such as roast pork, or ham—and with French dressing.' with either of these here Is a wonderliil accompaniment: 'AN ROASTED MEAT YAM AND GRAPEFRUIT CASSEROLE LOAF WITH POTATOES 3 large yams Vt teaapoon salt In these days of hustle and bustle, H teaspoon nutmeg every homem&ker is thankful for 2 tablespoons cream what we call "quickies"—translated 1 tablespoon butter this means a dish that will-be com1 beaten egg - , pletely satisfactory to the male mem4 grapefruit sections ber of the family who still believes Tf you receive this reply from \' . 1M Candied grapefruit peel hat "tho woman's place is in the Granulated sugar home, but It's all right with him if . . i "Information" when you call her S K ^ W ^ - ' 1 she goes out provided his meal is on Wash yams, cut off ends and boll for a number, we hope you will say to Wm ^®$w ,| he table on time and quite to his until tender in salted water (1 tealiking." Well, here 'tis! spoon to 1 quart water). Peel yams mash fine with (rait, nutmeg, ... yourself, " 0 / course/ I should have \mv^%L ' 1 PAN ROASTED MEAT LOAF ' and cream and butter. Fold In the wellWITH POTATOES beaten egg and- put In a buttered looked in the directoryfirst,anyway". WEffZSn,', '' ' : « casserole. Over the top arrange the % pound ground beef ;• . grapefruit sections, free from seeds H pound ground veal - • «BHKT,?' isfj and white akin, In plnwheel design, 1 egg, beaten radiating from center. Between each Vi cup bread crumbs "'..,. Your cooperation in not" calling ' „ •^Jmjm2t$ft? ]• .1 section' lay a atrip of candled grape% cup water fuit peel. Dot with butter and Salt "Information" for numbers that are ffljRwflwl*'' ' V ^ 1 sprinkle granulated sugar over the Popper top. Bake In a moderate oven (350 3 tablespoons fat " ' F) ju»t long enough to heat thorin your telephone book is highly ^SBmm'^f^^i^m Vi cup hot water oughly and melt the sugar on top. ITHE END of September is in sight. and lives. They know, too, wlint it costs In 0 small potatoes Makes 2 servings. , important, for now all the skill of. • ^ M M P j . ' . *M And the end of September brings us equipment, munitions, supplies, that »n«f Hayo the butcher grind the beef close to tho end of the 3rd War Loan and veal togothcr. Mix with egg; reach the front in a never-ending stream. . trained workers is needed for essen' ^sSK^HraBB^ bread crumba and water. Season ORKCHOrfAND drive. And they're counting on you for the with Bait and pepper. Moid Into a POTATO CASSEROLE If you haven't bought $100 worth of money, that goes to keep that fetream compact loaf, and brown in tho fat, tial .service, and lines and equipment sHHsli^BlSlB urnlng as it browns but being careflowing. • extra War Bonds—extra, mind you—dig ful not to broak It apart. A heavy The housewife who was certain up that money and buy your shore today! cannot be increased. -. ^ B ^ ^ H B H H tewlng kottlo with a tight fitting that one poor little pork chop per N o matter what you Have to sacrifice cover Is best to UBB. Then add the member of her family would Insult Men who are fighting for you . . .bleed. . . no matter how much it pinches . . . you lot wnter and tho potatoes, which their appetites can reat assured that ing for you . . . ready to die lor you . . . cannot let them down I lave beon parboiled for 10 minutes. when prepared in this fashion will If very one looks up numbers in the tele. ' arc waiting for the news that you people -over and allow to cook slowly until irove satisfactory. This means a slzThey're calling on you to hurry, hurry, tho meat,. Is done, about SO minutes. ible chop, riot one cut wafer thin, at home are backing them up 100%. phone book before calling "Information'? hurry! Get that $100 extra into War Add more water If needed. Makes 4 but neither going to tho other exThey know what invasion costs In blood servings, treme—Juat a good substantial pork Bonds before the .drive is over. :hop, plus those delicious potatoes: several hundred experienced operators will MUSHROOM SAUCE ' • Salt and pepper ho onion In tho butter for 5 minutes, 'imh tho onion aaldo, and mix and Hi cups milk • • * pork chops . irown tho flour with.tho fst In the wajrtime telephone service. mn, -Add the hot bouillon (1 boullP«el and slice the potatoes and nn Tkcub« 1 CUJL. boiling .waterJ.. onions. Armngo In layers. In a l ? ?l , '"Bother hbout 2 minutes or gronnoiT ftrtklng dlah or in -i-lndlyiduntil thickened. unl casseroles. Sprinkle oach layer with 1 tablespoon of flour and a dash of ialt and pepper. Pour milk over• a I )l lie potatoes. Place pork chopa on t . . . . i- i U |.1 1.P—, )B WMh <)tl« . — a-.»....„ op, seasoning well. Cover and bako •™«I7.»»I. J . , *" "'red 'n a moderately hot oven (378 F) for requnntly, n n d Immediately If mold 30' to 40 minutes. Uncover durinjl • """"'' last 10 jtilnute* to brown chop*. :



• . • • • ; • " " • » » - • • ; • • • • • - • " • •

7 5 C bushel


Off To A Good StartWith A Tasty Breakfast


Phone Red Bank 3543





Hurry Hurry!


Mr W m




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v *









Boute 85, Between Mlddletown and Keyport Bring Your Own Container and Save Ten Cents,


Can be Fureluued at Xeddy'i Mfirtet» 03 Moamouth S t , R«4 Bank.

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. 10:00 A . M . Including: Household Furniture • and FurnUhlngs, Grandfather Cloclt, Two Dutch Kaaies, Cower Cupboard In Fine, Fine Early Candjesbuid, Sliver Spoon by Ja«ob Boelen, Stelnway Square . Piano (No. 30800), Foidion Tractor, AdrUnce Mowing Machine and Fifty Barred-Roclt-Croit Pullets, Farm Machinery and Implements to be sold from 10:00 to 11:00 A. M. Eo»'J from Mlddbtown wlli k» marksd b / Slsn», and Taxlcab 8«rvlc« mar i r hid from Mutnwan Station ot F«nniyHanl« «nd N«w.Jcr.ey Central H»llro«d«. LuncbMlM nmy t » oblafnld on PrimflM on Day of Sat*

WALTER L. BUSH, Auctioneer Hotel Robtrt Treat, Newark, N. J.

, ,


Phone.:—Mitchell 2-06114 MArket Z.1O00


FUEL CUSTOMERS! You may have Oil delivered as soon as you receive your new fuel oil ration coupons. These coupons must cover the entire 1943-1944 heating season. Period No. 1 coupons are valid NOW. 'Coupons left from last .year are also valid until Sept. 3p(h. ........ ' ,

SAVE OIL—Hnve your oil burner adjusted and oiled—bo sure your furnace Is clean and free from soot.


. The Heating Season Is divided In Five Periods— tho coupons are valid for a longer overlap period than last year, as follows: .'


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BEGINNING July J, IMS Nov. SO, 1018 Jan, 4, 10U Feb. 8, 10-14 Mar. 14, IBM

- ENDING Jan. 4, 1044 Feb. 8, 10« Mm. 14,194* Sept. 30,1044 Sept. 30,1044

Pfcge Thirteen.

ihlpmantl at Shrewsbury, nearly 160 appointed an army field clerk and caxoad* having: been «h!pped. The lie expected to sail shortly for farmers got $3.60 to $3.96 per barrel, France. Most ot th« potatoes were shipped In As a patriotic movement to save bulk In box cars, and motor trucks fuel, light and sugar, the proprietors were used in hauling the crop from of the drug, confectionery, cigar and the farms to the freight cars. soda stores In Red Bank agreed to Atlantic township was allotted $75,- close every night at 7 o'clock, with 000 to raise for the Liberty loan fund.' the exception of Saturday. Happenings of 50 and 25 Years Ago Culled From the Holmdel's quota waa $67,000, Lin- Atlantic Highlands opened tho new croftfa $30,000 and Tinton Falls and Liberty loan drive with a flag ralsNew* and Editorial Columns for Entertainment Navesink's $10,000 each. ng and a lot of noise. Theflagand A new ornamental Iron fence ,was pole were donated by Collector Edput up around St. Catherine's church- gar H. Cook. During the exercises .__ 1- _ „ j o f TTftd&y'j"! Readers ,-,__."J_..'. yard, at Everett. ~: Wallace Cutler of that borough,who A woman's motor corps was organ- was an aviator at Camp Vbll, flew . ." .. Fifty Years Ago. cupying. Jt for nearly three years. ized as a branch of the Red Cross over . the assemblage and '.dropped Tho Democratic county convention The property brought $10,000. Mayor met at Freehold and nominated Hen- . Robert- W. Gleason of Brooklyn with headquarters In the Newton Liberty loan literature. Doromuu building on Mechanic Charles R. Snyder made an address. ry Stafford Terhuno. for senator, sold three lots on Riverside avenue to Dr. J, C. Rush of Eatontown took Theodore Aumack for county clerk, Annie E. Edgar, wife of Joseph Ed- street. The corps was to have charge Reuben G. Strahan for sheriff and gar off Red Bank. A house was onof transportation ot wounded soldiers his first vacation in H years. He General John Sliechan of Shrews- one of the lots and Mr«. Edgar paid and'-government officials and to dowent to Belvldere. Red Cross and canteen work, civilian The Keyport Liberty loan commitbury township, jfosBph L. Oliver of $5,000. relief and any necessary service in Neptune and Benjamin L. Herbert ot The Caroline O. Reed property at connection with Camp Vail arid Fort tee was under the direction of Chairman George W. Brown, Manalapan for coroners. Uncock. .Mlas Katharine Hoagiand A new hose carriage was presented Reed's daughter, Anna Reed Parsons. -was captain, Miss Eleanor Reed adby the town to Belief Engine com- Tho price stated in the deed was jutant, Mrs. Philllpse Green, first pany and there was quite a celebra- $8,360. Tho property was one of the HeuUnant and Mrs. Harry Burrowestion by the firemen. They had a pa- handaomest along tho Mlddletown second lieutenant. rade around town, headed by Chief side of the river. A movement was started to close Aaron Smock of TInton Falls, who Corlles W. Thompson and the Onyx Fire in a station wagon, owned by Drum corps, after which refresh- occupied the Hanee farm, received all stores at Highlands at 8 o'clock. John H. Mount, which started, poments were served at the flre house. the last returns on his melon crop Ulysses Grant Johnson was the lead- lice say, from a' cigarette carelessly er In the movement. The carriage was presented by Chief and was more than satisfied. He had tossed away by someone, for a time Commissioner Curtis and accepted by 2,722 hills of muskmelons and 80 Camp Vail at Little Silver was put threatened tho Carhart automobile | hills of watermelons, from which he under quarantine to prevent the repair shop at Maple avenue and Edmund Wilson. pread of Spanish influenza. So far Eight Prohibitionists, two women cleared J220. White street early Saturday morning. The postofflce at Shrewsbury waa 150 coses had developed at the camp. Firemen, responding to a general and four reporters met a t Keyport Mrs. Elizabeth Laug, widow of moved from A. Holmes Borden's to nominate a Prohibition candidate alarm, prevented the blaze ' from for the assembly. Washington L. store' to the Southern railroad sta- Charles Laug, died at her home on spreading, but the Intense heat Hope of Shrowibury was made chair- tion. George B. Bradford was theMechanic street. She was 70 years caused a display window In the man of the meeting and Joseph Wall- new postmaster and he received {GOO old and death was due to paralysis. building to crack. Mrs. Laug and her husband had ing of Keyport was secretary. The a year. The fire was discovered at 5:36 a. founded the Laug candy business at nomination was given unanimously Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Nicman of Red Bank ' 62 years previous. She m. by Sergeant Frank Reuther, who to Aaron Morohouso ot Atlantic Rod Bank celebrated the 10th anniwas In a patrol car. Firemen, who was survived by four children, John Highlands. versary of their marriage. About 40 of Lakewood and Misses Elizabeth, arrived promptly, found tho car blazguests were present. Music was furThe October term of court opened Emma and Mary, who lived at home> ing briskly. at Freehold and tho grand jurors nished by Malchow's orchestra. William Heath, son of Douglas Miss Helen TercBa McAnerney, drawn were Thomas R. Woolley, Heath of Mlddletown, died at the All English sparrows In this counJohn M. Burtis, Holmes Wyckoff, C. daughter of Col. John McAnerney of base hospital at Camp Dix of pneu- try are descendants of eight pairs ] Holmes. Ellis, William F. Combs, Ed- New York, and Vincent Hyacinth La- monia, following an attack of Span- brought to the United States In 1850. ' ward E. Allen, Blsmarlc Hoxslo, John Marche, a summer resident Of Locust ish influenza. He was 23 years old D. Honce, William A. Close, James G. Point, were married In the Church of and had been sent to tho camp about Taylor, John VanMater, Joseph W. Our Lady at the Highlands by Arch- a month previous. Ernest King, son Johnston, Charles W. Brown, Nathan bishop Corrigan and the rector of the of Stewart King of. Highlands, also B. Gray, •William L. Tllton, C. Jo-church, Rev. Thomas A. Roche. died of pneumonia at the camp. He Mrs. Mamie Tighte of New York was 27 years old. seph Taylor, Frederick F . Coleman, James Fay, Frank McMahon, Henry was married by Rev. W. M. Staulcup Mrs. Amanda Patterson, 73, died of A. Curtis, Georgo H. Sickles, James of the Methodist church at Fair Hap! Hope and Charles P . Hendrlck- ven to Charles E. Bennett, son of the complications at the home of her son, late Holmes Bennett. The groom Harry S., of Philadelphia. She waa flon. . ' the widow of Joseph S. Patterson of William H. Vredenburgh, counsel was a well known resident of Fair Red Bank, of the Monmouth Park association, Haven. Tho ceremony was performed At the annual meeting of the Nave filed In the Supremo court the dec- at the residence of the groom. I t laration In the association's libel suit was Mr. Bennott's third matrimonial sink Library association, the librarian reported a total circulation duragainst the Now York Times and venture. New York Tribune. The suit was to Miss Annie L. Hoff and John Phln- ing the year of 6,845 volumes and recover $100,000 damages and waseas Brower of Keyport wore married 110 new members. 51 Broad Street I based onl an article published In the at the bride's home by Rev. J. K. The Red Cross'auxiliary at Little Silver reported the workers in four I paperB. The article was Blgned by Manning of Bed Bank. the executive committee of the Mon- John W. Parker died at his resi- months had made 15,107 articles, , Atlantic township was to have an. mouth County Citizens league and dence In Shrewsbury In his 68th called upon the citizens of New Jer- year. Ho was survived by his widow other political fight at the general election. James P. Desmond of sey to agitate for tho repeal of the and one son, Benjamin J. Parker, gambling laws. The article also who had been one of the surveyors Colt's Neck, who had been nominatcalled Monmouth Park a "monstrous of the highway for Shrewsbury town- ed for re-election as assessor of the gambling hell" and added that Its ship many years; a twin brother, township on the Democratic ticket, owners wero notorious characters, Benjamin C. Parker of Elizabeth, and was to •be opposed by Lewis Snyder, "fine of whom made his fortune out a sister, Mrs, Zebedee Nicholson of proprietor of the Colt's Neck hotel. of the Ignorant and foolish who ware Haddonfleld. Others in this vicinity Agnes Little of West street gave a duped by the Louisiana lottery." who died were Mrs. Anna M. King, party In celebration of her birthday. Prizes for. dancing were won by Carwife of Joseph W. King of Little SilE. C. Taylor and Joseph Mount, Jr., wer_e_new member* of Mlddletown ver, aged 73 years;. Charles Parker, olyn Wise and Anna Higgins. Prizes





Fire In Automobile Threatens Auto Shop










Experienced Stenographer, Box 511,-

Red Banlr

wanted for permanent connection with manufacture of electronic devices. Write DRAFTSMAN, Box 511, Red Bank

Be Patriotic!LET

Breslow'sNews Service SAVE YOU GASH

Have your morning, evening and Sunday papers delivered to your door. Early, and'•' efficient service by Ked Bank's largest newsdealer.

Call Red

Bank 3499 after 6 P. M.

Drags — Cosntetiss *-* Tobaeeos


Phone R. B. 3 4 9 0

Red Bank, N. J.

Hot Water Bottle & Fountain Syringe Combination Necessary Attachment. O P . A . Celling $1.35



Mechanics^ Warren Conklln, finan- Parker of Falf Haven; Forman Mary Kennedy, Margaret Clrcerally cial secretary;.Henry D . Smith, re- Sickles, a farmer living in Atlantic and Ambrose Power. Other guests cording secretary, .and G. N. Conklln township, near Colt's Neck; Lewis wero Mary Ega'n, Sarah Sheltz, Mary were Initiated at tho meeting. Rue of Tennent and Mrs. Sophie Little and Doris Jones.. Frank Merrltt, son of Walter H. The final race held for tho chal- Bowen of Shrewsbury. lenge pennant of the Nirth ShrewsThe engagement was announced of Merrltt of Spring street was- home bury was won by VanTlnl and Chad- Miss Ida Thorns to E. H. Wilbur of from "over there." He had been In wlck's Yum Yum. Fair Haven. Miss Thorns was a for-the' war zone over a year, and he was Theodore F. White sold his brick mer resident of Fair Haven. . Mr. one of a special detachment returnTEL. RED BANK 248 store on Broad street, Red Bank, to Wilbur was the local cigar maufac- ing In charge of a hospital ship. A team of horses driven by Edward Doremua brothers, who had been oc- turer and was well known In this Francis, Sr., of Everett became part of the county. . Albert Polhemus of Scobeyvllle frightened at an automobile truck started on a trip to the World fair In between Red Bank and Everett and Chicago. While there he also expect- ran away. The wagon tongue struck pole, throwing the horses and ed to visit friends. Miso Eva Taylor, eldest daughter pitching Mr. Francis in the road. One of the horses fell across Mr. of James G. Taylor of Hazlet, was married to H. B. Dcata of Fleming- Francis' body. The'timely arrival of ton by Rev. W. H. J. Parker, pastor John Schenck, his son Bertram and Cyrenlus Stlllwagon In an automobile of Mlddletown Baptist church. Extra Heavy Mr. Francis from serious inJ. Preston Bennett and Robert saved jury. He was taken to the Long Higglnson opened a grocery business Branch WAX hospital, where it was found at Eatontown In a store vacated by was badly bruised across the chest PAPER Harvey and Company, who moved to he but no bones were broken.' Long Branch. . 100 FT. ROLL Henry Coo of Port Monmouth was The Red Bank and Long Branch c bowling teams played their second having his bungalow remodelled. It game of the championship series on was to be occupied by his son Harry, John F. Pope's alleys on Front street. who was to be married soon to Miss Frank Hawkins was captain of the Leila- Pike. Bo Frank O'Brien of Shrewsbury was local team and Henry Bennett led off on-the-Long-Branch-side Ihe~RedH. B 16o Bank team won two straight gamcB while cutting corn and it was feared the injury might cause him to lose and were tied for tho series. . COUGH DROPS the sight of his eye, Among the residents of Middletown Twenty-Five Y e a n Ago. village who were patients in the Long Johnny Oakes, Jr., a former Regis- Branch hospital were Mrs. George ter employee arrived safely in Wallace, Mrs. Thomas Reynolds and France. Ho wrote he had seen lota Mrs. Bessie Johnson. of captured Germans.. The Register J. Frank Welgand of Hazlet enreceived cards from Oscar Brand and listed In tho Students' Training corps 3Bo George Roop, both of Red Bank, who at New York ^miveralty and was staworo with tho Rod Bank troop "over tioned at Unlvoralty Hoights. GROVES there." Mr. Brand, who was an en- Throe Little Silver boys wrote thusiastic ice yachtsman, wrote that home from England. They were COLD TABLETS tho weather was getting cold. He Emerson Quackcnbush, Frank Ayers I had so much spare time that he and Edward Wllby. They said they | thought he would build an ice boat had a fine trip across tho ocean and. and show the Frenchmen how they wore In tho best of health. I sailed them on the Shrewsbury. Miss Evelyn Mulligan, daughter of Thero was 'an active demand for Mrs. Sarah Mulligan, and Thomas H." 35o lots nt Falrflold Gardens on thoJennings, both of Atlantic Highlands, King's highway in Middletown town- were married at St. Agnes Catholic WITCH ship. Twenty-seven in all had been church by Rev. William P. Tighe. Bold on the tract, which was owned The attendants were. Mrs. H. H. RoHAZEL by John H. Cook of Red Bank. Al- nayno of New York, a sister of the most all tho lota so far sold had been bride, nnd William Jennings of Atbought for homes for their owners. lantic Highlands, a brother of the Several houses wero to go up as soon groom. as the war endod. Miss JOBIO A. Cowles of Hazlet and Improvomonts were under way InOtto L. Aumack of Koyport were St. James clubhouse on Monmouth married at tho parsonage of St. rrillE WAR NEWS for the past few months has $1.08 260 $3.98 Third War Loan calls for every working man 100 street. A new Btago, 30xB0 feet, was John's church nt South Koyport by ' A been mighty good for our side. and woman to put extra money into Bonds In one of the features. The work, waa Rov. A. L. Isznrd. They wcro atSeptember. And you can help keep i t good. There's a big being done by Thomas V. Dougherty: tended by Mr. and Mrs. Loroy Clark. SQUIBB 29c GROVES price tag on good news, y tlin Red' Bank Real Estate gldo of Wnllncn street wns bought by cinlly for you, ipecificationi company to.Randolph Hicks Strykcr Mrs, David I. Vandcivcor, who conUnicaps of Marlboro. Mr. BtryKor was aducted the Garrison house on Brond arrived at only after your brother of 'Franklin IMorco Strykor ntrcot. Thn prlco paid for tho propBolt I o or 100 Doctor hni examined you of Red Bunk. Hi) had made a JTor- erty wnn }7,5I)O. and dotorminod your »o> tuno In farming and decided, to ro- Flvo Koiiftratlona wcro prosontrtta quirementi. It it truly ici« tlro. Ho paid tU.MO for tho proporty. dinner given by Mrs. Otfdon Me"Mrs*•CiitllorWtA CrowMoCnrty of Clitsltoy of IIIirMonnvenuo:"Mrs, Moifi'Ul Rod Ilanlc was appointed attendance Clnakoy roprosontod tho second gonoldcor or Monmouth county, Minn oratlon. Her mother, Mm, Hitnnali . RED BANK, N. Jr Pkg. of 24 Jane S. Davis, who had hold the po- Aokorson of Oconn Grove, who was MEMBER FEDEIIAT. DErOSlT INBURANOF, CORPORATION sition four ycni's, resigned to tnlta up 8t yout'H old, wnn the hannrod guost. •pclnl welfare work In the Stolncr Joseph d. M'cCtio' of Hlunwabury, MEMBER OP FEDISUAL, KK8EU.VE SYSTEM /incto.rloii In Mfintnoiith county. who hml boon it clmlt In (tin Wnr Di>This woolf wound up the big potato ptirtniiont at Washington, D. C, was I WE REStKVK THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIMI





How to keep theGood News Good!

For Yons? Health

Park Vitamin B Complex Caps.






*3; 9 8



49 C

We Call for and Deliver All Prescriptions Tel. Red Bank 3 9 4 0


To Be Married Saturday

Taking Basic Flight Training Cadet Alfred Edward Relss, «on of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ReU» of 107 Linden place, recently reported to Greenwood Army Air field ia Mississippi as a student in basic flight training. Ho was graduated from Red Bank Catholic high schoo). . While-*ln training at the Greenwood Army air field, Cadet Relsswlll go through the transition from otudent flyer to combat pilot and will be Initiated into the mysteries of night flying In addition to learning to overcome the problems encoun tared in handling the faster basli training planes. Upon graduatloi he will proceed to an advanced train ing school for the final step prelim inary to being awarded his coveted "silver wings" and membership in the ranks of the world's finest pilots.

Checked For Tireless Wear

Stamp Out the Axis,




son, The ushere will bs Lt. Corodr. Walter Garey, Lt. (J. g.) Anson Garner Hoyt,., Lt. Comdr. Hoyt'a brother; Lt. (J. g.) Frank Blaisaell and Lt. (j. «.). Joseph McGonnell, Jr. A reception for 200 guests will follow the ceremony at the Hotel Bassert, Brooklyn." U . Comdr. Hoyt is a graduate ot William and Mary college and University of Pennsylvania dental college. He did his dental internes!)!? at tha Presbyterian hospital, Phllalolphla, and J3 a. member of Delta Sigma Delta fraternity. He has been in the Southwest Paclflo since April, 1942, and went ashore last August with, the Marines as their casualty evacuation officer. Miss Medina is a graduate of Packer Collegiate institute, Brooklyn, and 19 a jnember of Sigma Kappa Phi sorority and the Colony House club. She, is employed by the Mr. Hoyt •will be best man for his American.Sugar Heflnlng Co.

lit. Comdr. Charles Douglas Hoyt, B. S. Navy, eon o j Mr. and Mrs.Henry Norman Hoyt of Maple avenue, •will ba married Saturday evenbig to Miss DlcKsle Augustine Medina, daughter ot Mr. and lira. Rjchird Augustine Medina of Broolllyn, i t the Flatbusli-Tonipklns Congregational church, Brooklyn. The ceremony • performed by Rev. Herbert S. Craig, rector of Bed Bank Trinity church. Nuptial muaio will be played by Vaughn RamBey. The bride baa chosen her sister. Miss Marjorie Jean Medina, a s maid of honor, and' three other sisters, Mra. a. W. Danneman, Jr., of Weatoort, Connecticut, Mrs. Donald W. Boyle and Mrs. Norman Welch, Jr., both of Brooklyn, and Mra. Donald IJ. Walls of Brooklyn as bridesmaids. Cornelia. Hoyt of Princeton, Lt. Comdr, Hoyt's niece, will be flower

Theodore Wilkinson

Jewish Holiday Began Yesterday

Promoted To Captain

. Special Services At Jewish Synagogue Roah Hashono, the Jewish New l e a r , is being observed at Red Bank with special services at Congrega„ lion B'nal Israel. TJie opening service was held last night at '6:30 o'clock. Another service was held tola morning at 8 o'clock.' ' Additional services, with Rabbi Arthur Hershon in charge, will fie held this evening a t 6:30 o'clock, tomorrow at 8 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. and Saturday morning, at 9 o'clock. n W h h l ^ l M W t »«Whe>h«l5!^l»artiWMsWtif!JB »afel8Mfc down last night, continues until, sundown this evening for the Reform Jews, but continues for a second day on Friday by orthodox and conservative Jews. • The traditional greeting on this day is, "May you be inscribed tn tho 'Book of Life.'" This greeting has a special significance this year for all of {he members of the armed forces and for those thousands who are still under the heel of the oppressor. The Shofor, or ram's horn, which Is sounded in the synagogue on this festival Is a call to Jaith in the ultimate victory of righteousness. The Now Year ushers in the "ten days of penitence" which culminate In the day of Atonement of Yom Kippur, ton days later. This period l a marked by prayer, repentance, and* self-examlnr *tlon on' the part of every individual.

Announcement of the promotion of Theodore Runyon. Wilkinson of Shrewsbury drive, Rumson, from first lieutenant to captain was made by the War department last week. Capt. Wilkinson, who Is stationed at the Charleston, South Carolina, port of embarkation, was born at Rumsqn and attended.schools in that borough. He was commmissloned a second lieutenant August 31, 1912, and promoted to first lieutenant six months later.

Sable-Trimmed Dress Coat

" No awkward pause in your wardrobe with a soft suit like this one! Its neat checks are right for now . . . perfect for under-fur-coat wear. 'A warm cimbination of wool and rayon with seven-button jacket,- tucks at waistline', trouser-pleated Bkirt. Brown and white checks. Sizes 12 to 20.

....Last 2 days to get your lovely gift

There are so many reasons why this coat is ideal for shorter women . . . its easy, swagger style with side Ma . . . its Btraight box back . . . and narrow collar of mountain sable, extending to tha waistline. 100% wool with warm interlining. Blue, black and green in sizes 8314 to 41%.-. . .

photographs in time for Christmas mailing overseas Have your beautiful Jean Sardou portrait*' taken now»»,for HIMf JEAN SARDOU STUDIO



Strikingly Simple ":

Raccoon-Collared Sports Coat

McKettrick Classic _ _ _ _ _ _


Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City, N. Y. Franchisee! Bottler: Fepsl-Cola, Bottling Company, Asbury Park, N. J.

You saw it advertised in Mademoiselle and agreed it's the kind of dress you've always enjoyed . . . youthful, > with slender, direct lines. Rayon crepe, shirtwaist style with white pique collar and cuffs, flap-trimmed pockets, s e l f - b e l t . Black, blue, d a r k brown.luggage, green. Sizes 12 to 20.

A sports coat in every; sense of the word! Handsome all-wool herringbone tweed with a. pouch collar of raccoon to snuggle your face into all Winter long. Slightly flared back, slot seams, ajid slit pockets. Deep armholes leave room •for Winter suits. Beige, in Junior sizes 9 to 15."

A better hat for men who appreciate fine felt and distinguished styling. The "Stetsonian'i keep3 its smart lines because it's made by the exclusive Stetson Vita-Felt* Process. $10, *i» o i. MI. m.

Other Stetsons . . . . . . T h e "Playboy" .......S.00 The "Stratoliner"....7.50 The "Medalist" . . . 7 . 5 0

"After-Five" Sophistication

17.95 For dinner, dancing and festive occasions . . . this soft rayon crepe dress that minimizes your waist by means of a low "V" at hipline . . . and emphasizes your charm, with self-ruffles 'ncatli your chin. Self-bow unties to make "V" neckline. Bright green in misses' sizes 12 to 20. .

Boys' Coat In Wool Fleece

22.95 Made to every Juniors' specifications for. a coat that can take long, hard wear in its utrWc! Man-tailored, even to the wide lapels, vent bock and patch-pocket effect. Double - breasted with straight back, rayon satin lining and warm interlining. Natural, in sizes 9 to,15. ,FASHION FLOOR Second




Store Open Wednesday Evening Until 9 P. M. A&BURYi FARK




Jimmy Shearer Buys dolt's Neck Estate Owner Of WHBI, Newark, To Entertain Orphaned And Crippled Kiddies

Women Voters t Opposed To Equal Rights For Women




Recreation Council Gives Epjir Awards For Citizenship

Red Bank Regional League' Discusses Bill Pending In Congress

James L. Shearer, owner and man- mas toys and extras for 00,000 orager of radio station WHBI of New- phans and crippled children in;Union, ark for tha p u t 22 years, hag piir- Hudson, Essex and part of Bergen chaged Mrg. Florence L. Gogarty', 15- counties. He Is a singer himself, and acra farm estate en the Tlnton Fflls- his tenor voice Is well known to Colt'i Neck road at Colt's tyeck North Jersey radio listeners. through Paul R. Btryker, Holmdel 'The former Gogarty residence conreal estate and Insurance broker. tains ten rooms and Is In'an excelJimmy as Mr. Shearer U affection-' lent state of repair. It Is back from ately known by the many orphan the road In an attractive surroundand crippled kiddles be has befriend- ing of well landscaped grounds and ed told The Register that he hadshade treea, encircled by' a whlto three reasons for buying; the Colt's panel fence. On the property also are a large guest house, combinaNeck estate. tion horse barn and garage, small Ho will use the estate aa a hpme dairy barn, poultry house and garage, for himself: and family, as a place ot The rest of the farm Is fenced In padcountry recreation for orphans and docks. Mrs. Gogarty, who is In the exportcrippled kiddles and to entertain radio and motion picture notables Ing; business, also breeds English bull •who appear regularly over WHBI. terriers. Several of her dogs have Mr. Shearer has a home at Elizabeth won top honors at dog shows throughout the East. She' expects to and a summer,piece at Tuckerton. In the past 20 years, Jimmy has maintain a kennels at Rumson for provided without solicitation Christ- the duration of the war.

One Or More Children . To Get Free Camping Trip Next Summer

TWO-r-PAGES 1 TO 12\

Race Prejudice Scored AtBahmtfnityMeeting Speakers At Meeting In School • . ' * Plead For Tolerance

An appeal to "all Just men to dem-,for practical steps that must be tain The Red Bank Regional league of When the Red Bank playgrounds nstrate the true spirit of democ- en ln order to bring unity between Women voters, In accordance with officially closed for the season, one races. She spoke of the fact that the action of the state league, at a child from each of four playgrounds racy" by the elimination of race there are over 80,000 graduates of meeting' Tuesday went on record ofwas signally honored with an award rejudice was made'at a "raco unity" Negro colleges, all potential leaders; ficially as opposing the bill pending for best citizenship. One or more meeting held by the spiritual assem- and good citizens willing to play s> in Congress, offering equal rights.for of these four will be named at tho bly of the'Bahal's of Red Bank ln part ln bringing America to a hlgb women. Mrs. Joseph F. Hunter of next executive session of the Com- the River street school last night by level of attainment She spoke o t Fair Haven, league president, led the munity Recreation council to receive Hilton L. Mayers, boys' secretary of the education of children In th» discussion which was held at the a free camping trip next summer. the Harlem Y, M. C. A. eradication of all prejudice, and dehome of Mrs, Milton A. Vreeland at Winners were chosen on the basis of : Mr. Mayers said that there are clared that children as the coming Middletown. ' attendance, entrance into the most many leaders who are working hard citizens of the world should learn to In expressing their opposition the activities and shows, accumulation to establish justice among men and identify themselves with children all group said that equal rights for of most prize points, and above all, laid that each person, whether great over the world. She stressed tha, women would mean the abolition of continuous expression of good citiz- r "just a little fellow" had a part need for courtesy between the races. all the welfare laws now established enship, conduct, respect and care of ;o play today; Ho said that we shall "Courtesy Is the lord of all virtures/' J. RUSSELL WOOLLEY CECIL S. ACKERSON • for women ln Industry and business; equipment. ;ruly become great when we think said Miss King, "Wo are living In) County Republican Chairman County Democratic Chairman the year 1943 and the world has Inthat the passage of the bill for Best citizenship award at West rrom the lofty heights of tho spirit. deed turned over a new leaf and Isf equal rights would result In confuBergen place went to Theresa Fer- Mr. Mayers also emphasized that we on the highway to the brotherhood," sion and uncertainty since it would raro. Others who received ribbons must get down to rock bottom facts of man," she added. fall t o distinguish, between rights of merit in this category Included In our $wn community. > We need and duties; that the bill would The meeting opened with the play* Anna, Calazzo, Sanford Jones, Joan snglneering minds who will use the be very vague, expressing only a Frost, June Bradley, Jean Arlozzi, •bjectlve means of thinking through Ing of the national anthem. A pray* blanket' admendment with no recogVictoria Arlozzi, Louise Jones, Rol- Dur problems. Ho stated that we er for America was offered by Sgt« nition of state or local problems. and Wright, Emily Reeves and Rus- needed many forums and discussions Robert Mann. A prologue, "Littler Invitations have been extended to to bring out leadership, Mr. Mayers World Citizens," was presented by; sell Glover. •a local, county and state officers to atAt the athletic field Doris Wilson laid he was most hopeful about the Catherine Torman, Phoebe Bent, BII* tend the candidates' meeting planned situation, adding, "If the youth of lie and May Smack and June and won the coveted highest honors, folby the League for October. In adlowed closely by John Arlozzi, Angela both races will blend together there Shirley Sims. ThB female quartet of dition to this, the League, under the Figaro, Barbara Fischer, Nancy is indeed a great day coming for hu- the Calvary, Baptist church, directed by Mrs. Molly Givens Langford, sang direction of Mrs. Fred Hayes of MidSchucker, John Figaro, Fred To- manity." dletown, will compile a booklet conMiss Sylvia King, International "Come Unto Mo" by Jerome, Stuar, maino, Harold Herbert, Billy HerH. Sims was chairman. taining the -biography and backBahal speaker, emphasized the need bert and Lois Cook. • ground of the various local and counReglna Gibbons won the ninety candidates. Members of the Republican and Democratic com- week competition at Branch' avenue. League will gather the. Information mltteemen and women Tuesday night She was absent only two hours all on candidates ln their own vicinities re-elected their respective county summcrT~ Nariey"Ottinger~alscf~tled and the entire lot will be compiled, chairmen at Freehold and, with their Regina's attendance. Other awards printed and distributed. organizational work completed, the went to Raymond Warren, Stanley way was cleared for the forthcoming Springsteen, Billy Ottingor,, Wanda Mrs. James VanNcetrand, membercampaign. ship chairman, urged all members to Rose; Marjorie Rose, Robert WarRental Also Made send to her a list of prospective memt h e Republicans again named J. ren, Billy Anderson and Jimmy G bers, Mrs, Joseph L. Turner and Russell Woolley,, county clerk, a s bons. By Waterbury Firm . . The New Yorker Hats at 133 Broad Mrs. Fred Newman, league treastheir chairman, while the Democrats Rosemary Mustillo stole the laustreet, of which Madams Jeanne urer and budget chairman, respecre-elected Assistant Prosecutor Cecil rels at White street and was purd'Oro is proprietor, this month la An eight-room residence at 12 tively, will attend a financial conferS. Ackeroon to that position in their sued hotely by Nessan Deinmerle, celebrating the seventh anniversary ence sponsored by the state league Rector place, Red Bank, owned by party. . Kay Phillips, Patricia Wells, Stella At Its business at Red Bank. One and planned for Newark next Thurs- Miss Mabel Coleman, dancing teacher Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson, state Donato, Albert Coy, Susan Lynch, of the smartest millinery shops In day. A meeting of the local finance has been eold to Angelo and An- committee woman, told her RepubliFrances O'Brien, Bill O'Brien and this section, it has enjoyed a, large committee has been scheduled for toinette Ciaglla, it was announced can colleaguees that "Don Sterner is Virginia Donato. and select clientele, since Its estabOfficials, Citizens Tuesday at the home Of Mrs. New- this morning'by Rolston Waterbury, my leader as long as you keep me ln The Hed Bank area has s o n s over1 Complete details on a break-down t llshment here.In 1680. man. Mrs. Hunter reported on a realtor, through whose company the politics." Mrs. Thompson made her the top In the Third War loan by of tho season's attendance figures Madame d'Oro, In tallkng with a Extend Best Wishes recent meeting which she and other transaction waii negotiated. several thousands of dollars, lt waa itatement after saying that tho per- and projects completed will be pubRegister representative yesterday, shore league presidents had with announced today by the county wait, Mr. Waterbuiy also announced lon she missed most at the meeting stated that she Is greatly pleased at Congressman James Auchlncloos, that Lt. and Mrs. Thomas H. Board- was Mr. Sterner, who was succeeded lished by the council next month. finance committee. The Red Baric The clubhouse of the T'alr Haven having aeleoUd Red Bank as th B and also urged members to listen to area quota) was $1,700,000 and the. successor to the leading millinery Boys' club was formally dedicated the broadcasts, sponsored' by theman, who have been residing on this year as state committeeman by amount raised, until yesterday mornBranch avenue, Little Silver,, have George W. Bray,. Red Bank, veteran shops .which she conducted In Mew to the use of the young men of the iMy2flJfia25 gMy r*r#«lty:Th*B9«hoii»weMl(ioatetl The news was released b y Mr*. on Seventh : avenue, at Broadway od by members and friends of the each week, at which time discus- by Irving Krakqwltz on Alemeda something; of a ripple among his col—Monday Evening The gathering was sions ot Interesting legislative mat- court, Shrewsbury. L t Boardman leagues when he expressed himself Katherlna Elkus White and Mrs.'" and 80th street, and on the Grand organisation, ters aro presented. is stationed at Fort Monmouth. George M. Bodman, vice chairmen, Concourse. Some ot the furnishings presided over by frank Moynahan, as unanimously opposed to one perOfficers of the Shrewsbury post of of the war finance committee) and J», The candidates'meeting will take j.The Waterbury firm will move son holding two salaried jobs. of these, stores, which lholude' rare the newly elected president. After tho American Legion were installed Daniel Tuller, area director. Edward !: fiffe* weclc-ehd Into its new quarters It was Mr. Sterner, however, who h t l ^ n B t a l l e ^ K t ' > » h » : S e d concluding details -of -club -business -the—place- of the -regtilar*OctoDiSt' ThTs Home on Shrewsbury Monday night at a meeting_at the Conway was Bed Batik's chairman B a n X ; s h o p , r . " • / '•-.;' .{:'',. 'i: the', president culled upon several meeting for the League and the next at 16 Front street. THo new offices, was the subject for discussion at both post home on Riverside avenue by and other towns Included ln the Bed As i means • of »observing her guests present'^0 speak. Mayor Ed- session will be held ln November at a three times as spacious as the pro- meetings. At the Democratic gatherAve. .Free of Debt County Commander George Zlska, as- Bank area are Atlantic Highlands, '. seventh anniversary, Madame.d'Oro gar V. Denlse, ih pointing out the placo to bo announced. Othors pres- lent headquarters at 22 West Front Ing Carl Schroeder, Belmar, whose sisted by Vice Commanders Charles Highlands, Keansburg, Koyport, has Installed a budget department, lohg-folt noed for such a club, com- ent in addition to those already men- street, will Houso an oporating staff loyalty to-hls party was sharply atA day of joyous thanksgiving was Klem and Jacques J, Norell. The Matawan, Middletown, Rumson and from which, attractive and>smartly plimented Wilfred- H. McCracken, tioned were Mrs. Henry Qermond, of five and will. feature a realty tacked during the court proceedings new officers are: Union Beach. designed hats may be purchased a t Robert VanBrunt and Ray Van- 3d, Mrs. John MacQowan, Mrs. Les- library, .as well as a room for the last June between Sterner and Sur- observed Sunday by Elks of Rod A plea has been made by tho> Conimandor—Mortimer VanSautor. the one low price of 58.05. Further Horn for having gotten the nucleus lie D. Seely, Mrs. Hosea Chark and Watcrbury collection of nautical In- rogate Joseph L. Donahay, asked Mr. Bank, when Bates lodge, I. B. P. O. Adjutant—Robert M. Jonen. chairmen for workers to finish their struments, gadgets and literature. of the organization together last Noof W,, .located at 250 Shrewsbury the Misses .Mildred DoVesty and Ackerson, the presiding officer, the Information regarding this departSenior vice commander—Charlee Byrne*; jobs by Saturday. They are also) avenue, burned the mortgage to their Junior vice commander—Harry Smock. ment may be found from time to vember. He congratulated the mem- Alice D. V. Brown. "With three quarters of the year residence qualifications of a voter. urging people to fill the pledges and, FinimcB ofllcer1—William Gau?han. building, thua successfully concludtime In the advertising columns of bers for their excellent progress thus passed," Mr. Waterbury said, "we Mr. Schroeder first framed bis if for some reason they have not; Service office.—John E. Day, far and pledged his co-operation in ing more than five years of hard and The Register^ can feel sure that 1943 will go down question Without mentioning • any Hlntorian—Edna Phllllpi, ' tnem l n been contacted, to go to their bank; achieving The New Yorker shop' features any effort to aid as a red-letter year for Monmouth names simply Identifying Mr. Sterner sacrificing labor on tho part of the Chaplain—Archibald MacKellar. or postofflce or other Issuing agent Councilman Russell H. custom-made millinery. Here can be success.' county real estate, particularly ln aa a former Belmar resident who had officers and members of that organSergeant at arms—Reginald B. Van-and purchase their bonds. ^ found the latest In feminine, head- Mlnton pointed out some of his asthe Red Bank-Fort Monmouth' area. moved out of the borough. Later he ization. Brunt. . . Mr. Conway has expressed thanks) The Elks opened the day with a gear, many of the creations being sociations of his 'teen age days with With all tho transactions that have said: -. Commander Zlska, In presenting ' Lieut. Crowe of the Navy' land been completed there seems to be thanksgiving service at Zlon A. M. tho past commander's badge to' the to J. William Helm, principal of tha those of'Madamolselle Madlon of the building ln which the clubhouse River street school, and chairman oC "I see no point In withholding his is located and wished the boys a E. church, with music by the senior acquisition office, Freehold, warned New -York, «xpert designer, who an endless fund of material to work retiring commander, Vincent Moyes, the Red Bank teachers' committee) visits the shop regularly. The most happy future. In their now venture. all owner's of property marked for on, both from a sale and rental name. Don Sterrnr's business Is still and intermediate choirs. The lodge told of the benefits to be derived by for tho drive. I t was announced . exclusive In designs are turned out Councilman H. Lynnwood Mlnton, acquisition by the Navy in con- viewpoint. It is just a queetlon of ln Belmar, but his residence is inwas addressed by Attorney Leroy veterans through their affiliation with that the freshman class of Red Jordan of Elizabeth. and tho material and workmanship who with James Waddoll has fornection with its munitions depot suiting tho particular desires of Colt's Neck." the Legion. Morris Miller, past coun- Bank high school has purchased « William F. Lefferson of ManaThe highlight of the day's events ty commander and department Amer- $1,000 bond. are of tho highest quality. Ideas of some time been Interested ln the es- project at Leonardo, through Mid- those seeking homes here with what patrons In the design are not only tablishment of such an organization, dletown township to the Collings- there is availablo to choose from." squan, president of the county board was the ceremonies held in the rear icanization officer, discussed at some of elections, who was asked to help of the home. Hera the members of length the plan proposed by the Lesought but actually encouraged, since suggested that this dedication should wood section below Colt's Neck to Mr. Schroeder by Mr. Ackerson, said the lodge watched their exalted ruler, jlon to aid distressed veterans after Madame d'Oro feels that each cus- bo but the first step toward a larger hold on to their property until a that the law defines a man's resi- J. W. Nelson, burn the paid-off the war.. Under this proposal, the tomer presents a different problem clubhouse which could provide wider settlement was made by the Navy. dence as the place where he resides mortgage, signifying that their home Legion will maintain attorneys to aid and must be entirely satisfied before activities for tho members. He explained that arrangements or,, more specifically where he sleeps. was now owned, soley by them. Mr. McCraken, one of the advisers, the transaction Is completed. for the purchase of property by the applicants for federal aid, and ln A dramatic and patriotic touch other ways • provide assistance. At Mr. Schroeder, whose* only refer> Madame d'Oro has made many expressed his' appreciation oh behalf Navy were progressing rapidly, and • "friends since she located-here seven of the boys and-the advisers.for the that in- a comparatively short time ..Two..,public auctlon3_.wUL b e h e l d enco-.ta-.the ..courts battle... that., grew, was added to the affair when ,the the endot-World-War 1.veteran*had. The- Fair- Haven -Parent-Teacher • years ago, and looks forward to good wishes expressed by those pres- the people would be paid a fair Saturday in this vicinity. One will out of last year's contest for surro- chairman of "the board of frustecsf, ,to irely upon voluntary aid given by association ' will open Its school many more long years of friendly ent. He added that with tho sup- price for property taken. He said bo at tho old Bennett mill house, gate and the impending trial of per- W. J. Conley, turned over to thetho Legion. cafeteria Monday. Flans for run« business relations with the people port of Interested citizens and the that cases had been called to hisSycamore avenue and Freehold road, sons indicted for alleged wrong-do- exalted ruler war bonds totaling 1 The meeting was also addressed by hlng the cafeteria were discussed fine qualities of its members tho club Tlnton Falls, and tho other will be ing, was a statement that "a shadow 52,500. This brought tho accumulat- the retiring commander, who pledged of Rod Bank and vicinity. attention where Innocent property at a meeting Tuesday at the schuol. could not llvo up to the hopi on the John P. Luyster farm, Holland has been, cast over the election, ed purchases of this organization to his loyalty and support to the new owners had sold land at a decided road, Middletown township. A representative of the Federal of Its well-wishers. "pledged himself to support his ?3,3O0. Thoae who attended tho cele- commander; by Commander VanSauloss because of fear that they would Cash aid, a governmental bureau! Mr. VanBrunt, another advisor, Tho sale at the Bennett mill house, party's candidates. The Democrats, bration wero trcatod to a roast din- tcr and Vice County Commander which aids schools in the manager briefly pointed out the fact that tho not recolvo a fair price, and that conducted by tho estate .of Samuel incidentally, re-elected to office one of ner, served'at the home. Jacques Norell and Charles 'Klem. ment of cafeterias, attended' anc) thoro would bo a long dolay ln getboys aro encouraged to run the club Bcnnott, will start at 1 o'clock in tho tho central flgureB in the circuit Special guests included Frank Mitch- outlined a plan whereby the govern* without interference and that the ting the mo/iey. Ho said the Navy afternoon. Walter D. Fiolds of Colt's court proceedings when they again ell, president of the Rainbow divi- ment will pay two cents on each function of the advisors, of* whom had paid, was paying and would Neck will be auctioneer. • Kitchen, chose John S. Angcrlo, Long Branch, sion; Past Commander William bottle of milk sold arid seven cents the third Is Robert Kroger, Is ascontinue to pay fair prices, and that dining room, living room and bed- sergcant-at-arms. During the case Weinrlch of Fraternity post of New- on all hot lunches . served, thus) Also Purchase their title Indicates, purely advisory. there would be no delay in getting room furniture, including many old Angerlo was accused of stuffing the ark; Adjutant E. A. "Rod^lgue'E of bringing down the cost of runnlnfl Mr. VanBrunt paid tribute to tho the transactions through. ballot box,' pieces, will be sold. $100 War Bond A northeast wind and rain storm, Twinllght post of Highlands, Com- the cafeteria. work of tho first two presidents of mander William do la Motto of the The Luyster salo of household furStatements at both meetings indi- combined with a high tide in the the organisation, Walter Scott, who nishings and farm implements will cated that the fight for the one va- Shrewsbury river at Highlands this Vernon A. Brown post, Veterans of. New. dishes and other pieces o l The New Jersey Chapter, Rainbow la now In the Army and Richard start at 10 o'clock in the morning. cancy on the board of freeholders morning, has flooded Bay avenuB be- Foreign Wars, and Mrs. Kcnnoth equipment havo been purchased fo* Division Veterans, at a meeting Ford, who is attending Peddle school. Articles to bo sold include a silver will hold tho spotlight during tho tween Valley and North streets. The Smith, president of the local Ameri- tho project. Membors of the com** mlttce are Mrs. Edgar V, Denim, Among the other guests who concan Legion auxiliary. Sunday at the American Legion spoon, supposedly owned by the first next five weeks. Mrs. Louise M. BodMps., Arthur H. Rloman, Mrs. Law* Two war workers at the Navy mu- whlto girl born in what is now Newman, Locust, warned tho Republi- water has reached the sidewalks in home on Riverside avenue purchas- veyed grootlnga wero Mrs, H, LynnKenneth Smith, chairman of a spe- fence Schilling, lira. Henry Hurwlta this section. nitions project at Loonardo woro wood Mlnton, Mrs. Russell H. Mlned a flOO war bond, made a donaYork city. cans that tho Democrats will appeal cial committee ln charge of raising An electric wire was blown down and Mrs. Arthur Sickles, < tion of $25 to the Rlvervlew hos- ton, James VanBrunt and Flro Chief killed and a third critically Injured directly to tho women of tho Repub- at B9 Barborle avenue. funds for improving tho Legion' Friday afternoon when tho car ln pital new wing and appointed a Lester England. lican party to support Mrs, Katherino homo, reported thnt plans for tho dis- Mrs. John Howlo, president, at* The high ocean waves are coming which they were riding sldeswlped At tho conclusion of the ceretended the :tenth annual parent* Elkus White, Red Bank, on tho committee t o send Christmas gifts over tho bulkheads In some sections posal ot a War bond of $500 on the education confero'noe h'eld a t New* a Central railroad express train at ground that women should have a to eons and daughters of New Jer- monies, refreshments woro served by tho Appleton avenuo crossing, Leoof Ocean avenue between Highland co-oBeratlvo plan wero progressing nrk last week. Mra. Berkeley Catar^ members of the houso committee greater voice In running the county. sey Chapter mombors In the Armed nicely and that tho salo of tickets nardo. Tho dead aro Bernhard TorBeach and Sea Bright. In her remarks to tho Democratic forces, - Arthur E. Slattory Is chalr- comprising Frank Moynahan, Law- valdson, 50, and Julius Carlson, 42, was brisk. Tho drawing will take Mrs. -Edward Hathburv' Mr*, Flro of undetermined origin last ence Wlckman, Mrs. Howie and] . man of the gift committee, assisted rence Calllnan, Joseph Sparling, Run- Jersey City. Injured was John John- night destroyed a poultry building committee members Mrs. Whlto emplace on Armistice day. soil Marcflllus, Clayton Walton and Mrs. Schilling attended the county phasized this point by listing tho poby Reginald B, Van Brunt, Stanley son, 3T, alBo of Jersoy City. Reginald VanBrunt, chairman of and 2,300 chickens on tho farm of PTA school of Instruction also nulrt sition women.'fiold In other counties S. Barrow and Aloyslus P . Patter- William Myatt. the Legion cigarette, committee, stat- last week, The engineer of. the train was Har- Mrs. Ernest L.,.the Free- of tho state/ Abram D. Voorhees, Re,. ,, son. ed thnt n, total of 5830.05 has boon ry Brower of Red Bank, Waltor hold-Adclphln road, just outsldo of publican incumbent, thanked tho orReports of the recent reunion of raised thus far and 333,000 clgarottcs tho Froohold borough limits. Tho Voorhtes of Long Branch was fireganization for tho support given him An automobile driven by- Stanloy Bent out to men in service ovorscna, the national Rainbow organisation man and J. B. Jones of Long Branch building, which was 220 foot long, In tho primary campaign. His adat Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the acwas conductor. ' was leased,to Franklin Barkalow. versary, Alfred T. Poling, Koyport, P. Whlto ran off tho. road on East Tho commlttco wns a b l o , m i result Front street early this morning and of last week's appeal, to send out antivation of the new Rainbow division Tho blazo wa s discovered at 11:25 waa introduced. crashed Into an oloctrlo light pole In other $250 worth. at Camp Qruber In the samo. state o'clock. Froohold firemen saved a lUVERVtEW PATIENTS. The 84th annual rummage salo of wero given-by Robert J. Hayward, There was at tho Republican moot- front of tho Wordon funeral homo A contribution of $100 was received A victory garden harvest and flow* large barn nnd several other outTho driver, who skinned both knots John P. Gaul, Stanloy Barrow, the Rumson Presbyterian Ladles' aid Mrs. Doris Chernlsh • of, Sunset buildings. They remained until 3:30 Ing nn undercurrent of jubilation was taken home,by Albert W. Wor- from tho Slgmund Elgnor company. er show will be featured at a mitt* Thomas Kano and Frank Mitchell. sooiety. will bo held Tuesday ovonlng avonue Is a surgical patlont at Rlv- wotting down tho ruins. over tho cat and dbg fight between Other contributors were Albert W. Ing of the Golden Hour circle) of the) At tho rounlon' Mr.» Hay ward was and all-day Wodnosday of next weok orvlew hospital. tho Hague and Edison factions at tho den, proprietor of tho funeral home, Worden, $10; Clayton & Magoo, IB; Proubytorlan mlurch Wednesday if* Other surgical re-elected national treasurer for the In BIngham hall on Blngham ave- patlonts aro Mrs, Mary Flannagan state comrnlttoo mooting ln Tronton who heard tho crash. The car was Acmo Furnituro company, $2,'and A. tornoon of next weok. This Is th« GRANTEli BTVORCE. nue, Tuesday evening the sale will Mondny. Thin was developed by towed to Jack Domzal's garage. third term. '_ _ ' Camcroy, $1. first fall business meeting. be hold from 7:30 to 0:30 o'oloolc, of Highlands; Charles IE. Wado of Two now members, bath of whom Members have linen asktd to «x« Mrs. Cecilia Blancho Duffy Sutton tho party's cnndldatos for re-election Atlantlo Highlands, Mrs. Charlotte and Wodnesday from 10 a. m. to 8 NOW FIRST XII5UTENANT. to tho assembly, J. Stanley Herbert" havo received disability discharges hlblt home-grown fruits, vegatablul p. m. Articles left unsold will bo Grant of Leonardo and Zola Dune- of Harrison was granted a dlvorco and Merrill H. Thompson; Stato Senfrom tho Army, woro enrolled at tho and flowers, as well as canned fruit* from William Malcom Sutton of Mldman of Laurence Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Power sent for use In. the war offort. ' mooting. They constltulo the first and vogotablos. Tha exhibits) wilt bit dlotown road, New Monmouth, In an ator Haydn Proctor and U. S. SonaArticles will be received at Blngof William street received .word tor W. Wnrron Barbour. Whllo all tWo men from tho Army of the Unl Judged, and prizes awarded, Tea, will uncontcstcd action nt Froohold yos In Appreciation, warned ngalnst over confldonco they yestorday that their son-in-law, John ham halt next Monday aftor 9 a. m. Relief Engine company extin- (od States oncaBod In World War.II be, served by the hostesses Mri, l[«ni To nil relatives, friends, neighbors terday hoforo Advisory Mastor Alex- saw ln tho Democratic fight victory F. Davis, Jr., hag been promoted or may be left at tho manse, 4 East nnd guished a blazo last night in a pile to enroll nn momhers of the Legion, ry C. Tllton, Mrs. John V, Trildaiuii mombors of tho Middletown Fire ander O, Trapp, Tho charge WBB from second to first lieutenant at River road, any day boforo tho snlo. Company, we wish to extend our oxtronio cruelty. Tho coiiplo wore for former Governor Wnltor. E. Edgo. of discarded stage sconery near the Ono Df tlio men, John A. Cnnnon, al< Mrs. Ida Bheppard and Mrs, Hdwird Tho committee consists of Mrs. thanks for floral tributes and consol- married Ootobor 12, 1039. Drew field, Tampa, Florldn, He Is / \ Frank Garrlol, Long Branch, labor garago In tho roar of St. Jamos so sorvod In World War r. The othor Truax, an executive ofllcer In the Signal Charles Rico chairman, Mrs. Percy atory kindness during our recent beleader who mndo an unsuccessful church, Sparks from an Incinerator Is Donald Johneon. Also nnrollod Corps, -' , IUdford, Mrs. Elmer Fenrsall, Mrs. reavement; the Wordon Funorn) worn Joseph Layton, Frank Mitchell ' iVlvntn Hohool, campaign for tho Democratic nomnearby nro believed to have Ignited H'H li Cliuli George Reid, Mrs. Ralph Johnson Home and Rev. George Ammorman. to put Kom-Tono on yoursolf; beauti- ination for congress lnat yoar, first tho sconory, usod In plays hold In and Sidney J, llontloy. Hurton Hall, 00 Matt Front itt'Mt, Mrs. C. A. Johnson, Georgia Fl,, principal, I'tH Klcctrlo Fl«turc«. Mrs. Bonjomln Sutherland and Mrs ful soft sqtors; }2.0H gallon. Stovo blunted tho party for donylng him tho tho school hall, which had boon disCpl. Frank Johnson. mary, Intormedlatt, oollogo prt We have fixtures for every room In Frank Benson, paint 30 conts, lloor varnish .of all 0x12 Huff, HOB. platform' during Ills campaign and continued. Tha bliuo was dlscoyorod —Advertisement, tory, Tutoring. Talephone Hod Hinl 'ie homo. Come In and sen them. Hindu; radlatqr gold and silver paint. then npponled for aupport.for Mayor by Ohlof 'Harold A-.- Davlsom • • Yen,..* B
Woolley, Ackerson Renamed Chairmen

New Yorker Hat Shop Has 7th Anniversary

Republican And Democratic Committees Reorganize

Coleman House On Rector Place Sold

Madame Jeanne d'Oro Marks Event With New Features

Quota Oversubscribed In War Bond Drive

Fair Haven Boys Open Clubhouse

Sales In Red Bank Area To . Date Have Reached $1,729,550

American Legion Has New Officers

Bates^Lodge Here ~ Burns JVtortgage

Navy Warns Against Selling Property

Fair Haven PTA To Open Cafeteria

Two Auctions To Be Held Saturday

Rainbow Vets Aid Hospital

Streets Flooded At Highlands

Two Jersey Men Killed By Train

Fire Destroys 2,300 Chickens


Auto Crashes Into Pole On Front Street

Annual Runimage Sale At Ruimon

Golden Hour Plans Harvest Show

Extinguish Fire In Rear Qf St. James


. • ' ' • ' '

• I ? ? , '••


Page Two.

ed forever,; A new period of Inton altar of the Blessed Virgin) m honnational co-operation ia necessary U or bestowed On members of the paravert future world catastrophe." iah locality. The brld» waa attended by her slaIn his platform on labor and busters. Miss Violet Blenklewlcz, the iness, Edge aatd he favored'the rlghj maid of honor, wore a pink gown, of labor to organise, collective barand Miss Sally Sleokiewlcr, t h e gaining, th 0 right ot labor to strike; bridesmaid, was dressed In blue. lawfully in neace time and "to be Both gowna wero of net and taffeta, free from »amintstratlva-e.nd judlc. ried to Capt. William N. Verner of best man, and: Grover Beach Of Red ralier, .daughter of Mr. and Mra. made with full net eWrts and braceiai restraints that embarrass there, Democratic Boss ReI' Wichita Falls, Texas. The ceremony Bank, and Theodore Janacek, the Charles E. Moraller of Harvard road, let length sleeves. Their bouquets rights." was performed by Chaplain Dever bride's brother, were ushers. Red Bank, became the bride of Staff were pink roaes and blue delphinium. tains State Control Edge also outlined hia viewa on a'o, of Fort Monmouth. A reception and ^ T h e br.'fle is a Hunter college grad- Sgt. William G. Heron, U. S. Army. Johh Knochel of Leonardo waa beat clal aorvlces, education, housing, inluncheon for SO guests followed, at uate and the bridegroom from the Signal Corps, son ot Mr. and Mrs. man, and John She'ehan, also' of Of Hi» Party dustrial and potable water, state University of Pittsburgh., Both hold Officers' club Raymond G. Heron •'of Broomall,' the ^dicers c aat the Monmouth' •civil service, . aeronautics,1 stato civil service p positions, at laboratories PennoyIvanIa,-J3r...DeMarls married Leonardo, was an usher.. "V • • Cpiinty Country club a t Ed finance, women' In government ,agrl. the bride's parents 28 years ago at The bridals -mother - v a r attlrcA. In *The bride was attired In a gown In Eatontown. What the now familiar Initial!— a black'crepe'gown, and the bride- or Frank Hague Of Jersey City was culture,;"homo-rule" for municipal*They will reside at Monmouth Asbury Park. of white taffeta and laco, made with !SO—mean to servicemen In thia Ules and. pension and retirement The bride waa given In marriage groom's mother -wore royal blue. very much in evidence at both the funds. I three-quarter length sleeves and a Beach. wunty to' establJ«bed by the fact " Both had corsages of pink roaea. by her father. Her wedding gown \ net yoke. The skirt had a short Democratio and Republican annual hat more than 125,000 of them are The bride is employed by the Perth At the Democratio convention HARDING—WEI88MAN of white satin was designed with long Amboy state conventions held here Tuesday, train. Her two-tier fingertip length monthly participants In the proboard of education; In the of, veil fell from a Mary Stuart eortrams offered at the six clubs operUnanimously, re-electing Rep. Mary Mra. Norton told members of t h e Mrs. Constance Fox Harding of sleeves, a sweetheart neckline and a fice ot the superintendent of schools. \tcd in the county, as well as some | onct, and she carried a bouquet of Holmdel, daughter of Mrs.' Lyttleton long, sweeping train: Her fingertip: Lt. •Kilduff Is stationed at Fort Dlx. T. Norton of Jersey city, a veteran state committee the Brophy boom 1,500 more receiving aid through the Hague ally, aa Democratio State waa a "great surprise" to'her. 'orchids and gladioli. Fox of New York city and the late length veil fell from a Juliet cap' She oontendod Edison had "forced" USO-Travelera Aid. These facts were Chairman, the Democratic state com. Mr. Fox, and Lti George I* WeissRUBIN—ROSENBERG. revealed at a meeting" of the Mon.mlttee declared Its continued allegi- Brophy to become a candidate and man, U. S. Army Field Artillery, said the Governor had sent "Insultaouth County USO council last Announcement has been made ot ance to the mayor. The declaration Belford Retired Minister son of Mr. and Mrs. George^Weisssight at the Bed Bank club: when the marriage of Mias Edith Rubin of followed the collapse of a bid, by the Ing telegramB" to members of the man of Boston, were married Thursplans were furthered for work on day by Borough Recorder John V. Asbury Park, to Pvt. Abraham Ros- followers ot Governor Charles Edison state committee urging Brophy'a Took Up Preaching the National War fund, of which Crowell In his office at borough hail. enberg of Camp Swjtt, Texas, last to wrest control of the state chair- eleotlon, • - . , . . • : • The atate chairman, who olaahed more than 60% of the proceeds will There were no attendants. Saturday at AuBtln, Texas. Tho manship from Hague. At Age of 20. Edlaon at a U. S. Senate' comgo to USO. couple were attended by Pvt. and Meanwhile, Republican Guberna- with The USO national quota last year Mr«, William Klatsky, formerly of torial Candldato Walter B. Edge of mittee hearing in Washington nearly Rev. John Jay Messier of Beltord, two year* ago and has aided with was J125,O00,00O and, according to Re'd Bank. Pvt. Klataky la aleo Ventnor, asserting.. there was an Hague In MB war with the Governor, John-!* Montgomery, council presl- retired Methodist minister, died sudstationed at Camp Swift. "unsavory", eleotion situation in commented that no porgon had been dent, the sum U quadrupled this denly of a heart attack Saturday 1 The bride is a slater of Dr. David Hague's Hudson county Democratic as disloyal as Edlaon. • year. This county will come In for night at Ocean City, where he was Rubin of Asbury Patk, and her par- stronghold, said he would not make In his keynote address Murphy1 a goodly share of the aum, he Bald, attending the annual conference of or aponaor bipartisan deals with ents were the late Mr. and Mrs. since for comparative size, the the Methodist church. Ho was found urged New Jersey residents to vote Joseph Rubin of Asbury Park. Sho Hague. county ranks high In the number of dead in bed Sunday afternoon in the for constitutional revision' in the Is a graduate of Asbury Park High The keynote address of Mayor election referendum and promised units operating. There are clubs in rooming house at which he was stayschool, and New Jersey College for Vincent J. Murphy of Newark, Dem- that if elected he would "toko all Bed Bank, Long Branch, Asbury ing. Women. ocratic candidate, found htm taking steps necessary" t o collect In full Park and' Eatontown, tho Coast He was born at Allcnlown, a son of j Pvt. Rosenberg is the son of Mr,a middle path between Hague and from the railroads tho principal, inCanteen In West End and the Army- Francis and Harriet Haley Messier, > Edison, supporting the mayor on the terest and penalties in their multiand Mrs. Ellas Rosenberg ot ShrewsNavy Y. M. C. A. operating on the September 1, 1880. He entered the ' post at Fort Hancock. In addition ministry at the age of 20, and his ! bury avenue. He Is a graduate of railroad tax Issue and the Governor million dollar delinquent tax bill. to these clubs,, tha USO also sponRed Bank High school and John in the matter of constitutional reThe Democratio nominee called sors the USD-Traveler's Aid office first charge Was the Methodist • Marshall Law college at Jersey City. vision. Edge a "reactionary candidate who at Long Branch and the women's di- church at Chatsworlhv- He served at | Shortly before the election of Mr«. still refuses to recognize the dawn He has been with the Signal Corps Hopewell, Windsor, Trenton, Cam-1, vision, operating from the Long Norton, Secretary of State Joseph of a new social era." reserve for the past year, Branch club, which provides a pro- den, Ponnlngton, Bridgeton, West i A. Brophy withdrew as a candidate Murphy said ho would fight for gram for the women war workers in Grove, PleasantvHle, Eatontown, for state chairman, stating he was lmmod!ate : adoption by tho legislaWETJEN—ULECK. , Keyport, Belford and Hamilton. the vicinity. "getting out" in the interest of par- ture of four measures to: Miss Dorothy Wetjen of West ty hafinony. He leaves his wife, Vivian Osborn MRS. WILLIAM G. HERON MRS. WTT.T.TAM N. VERNER. An expansion of the county activi1. "Guarantee and protect the Keanshurg and First Lt. Ernest 1 Brophy, faced with certain defeat a ties was indicated at last night's Messier, of Belford, and a daughter, Uleck, U. 8. Army Signal Corps, wero if he entered tho race, was the choice right of collective bargaining, com-> Margaret of Elberon Miss Louise Mullen was her studded with seed pearls. She car•ncetlng when three other sponsormonly known aa the 'little labor remarried September. 18, at the KeyThe funeral was held yesterday af- sister's only attendant. Her powder ried a crescent shaped bouquet of port Lutheran church. The bride Is of the Edison forces. ing committees' made application for lations aot,'" The Republicans elected Lloyd B. f i e establishments of units in Man- ternoon at the Belford Methodist blue taffetn gown was trimmed with gardenias, bouvardla and white the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Wal2. "Provide a fair competitive Marsh of Paterson, stato chairman *squan. Freehold and Sea Bright, church in charge of Dr. A. C. Brady, blue velvet, and she carried a hand gladioli. ter Wetjen of West Keansburg. A to succeed : H. Alexander Smith ot basis for industry and Jabor between superintendent; Rev. J. D. ^ho unit In Manasquan has been district Miss Bette Coble of ABbury Park, bouquet of yellow'gladioli. disr p ; reception foljowed at tho West Princeton. Marsh. Is campaign man- lntra-state and interstate business by Iterating for~ the "past year in the k h t d R the bride's cousin, waa maid of Keansburg fire houae. •" Lt, Lester Heath was-best man. ..MRS....GEORGE^L. WBISSMAN adopting a wago and hours ^aw." Blair of Oakhurst and Rev. Paul J. Voman's club there, under, the fipon- Myers ager for Kdge. honor."Her~gown was-gold-colored of Belford. The church was T n e u a r i ers were Capt. Paul Schis3. Substantially increase the Lt. and Mrs. Uleck are residing in Jorahlp of a private committee. Both filled and the Sunday-school room | Mra Welssman Is . a volunteer The Republicans voted to adopt satin made with a lace top and amount and duration of unemployo l e r a n d L t , Roland Schmidt, '.he Freehold and Sea Bright units nurse's aid of the county Red Cross full skirt, She carried a bouquet of Georgia,- where ho Is stationed. Ho the principles set forth in Edge's ment compensation benefits, becauso was partially filled. A large delega-1 The bride's mother chose a purple was formerly stationed at Fort Mon- keynote convention speech aa the ofwill be designated as lounges rather "tho purchasing power ol unemclergy attended. There wore afternoon dress, with black acces- chapter, and for a time was In blue delphinium and bronze snap- mouth. than clubs, serving as centers \vhero tion offloral ficial planks of their party platform. ployed workers during depression' tributes. sories, for her costume, She wore chargo of that chapter's blood donor dragons, with a wreath of the same men waiting for buses, trains or oth- many , service department. She Is also ac- variety of flowers in her hair. In his attack on Hague, Edge said Periods muBt be sustained at a level Interment, in'charge of the H. L. >r transportation will be served light corsage of white gladioli. tively connected with the Monmouth The bridesmaids were -Miss Etoa perhaps tho Democratio chieftain aa nearly normal aa possible, ao as to Scott Funeral home^f Belford, yvas refreshments during the winter. The bride Is a ggraduate of Rod County Organization for Social Ser- Hone of Brooklyn and Ensign Laur"ovefplayod his handi.' In tho recent maintain industrial production and In Glendola cemetery. The bearers Bank high school and was employ- vice and the USO. She la the former ette Ryan, WAVES, of Washington, primary election. The programs at all clubs are fa- were Albert Richardson, Robert N. avoid relief subsidies." ed at the Signal fcorps laboratories wife of Major William Barclay Hard- D. C. Both wore blue satin gowns', miliar to most county residents, Seeley,' George Yarnall and Louis "Apparently the only machine 4. Revise the workmen's cempenat Camp,Evans, Belmar. - - ,, , Ing, U. 5. Army Air Corps, Washing- made like the maid of honor's, and many of whom are among the 5,000 Richmond, working in New Jersey Tuesday was . .. aatlon act thoroughly, increase tha Capt. Verner is an Instructor in ton, D. C. volunteers who work monthly as carried delphinium and snapdragons that of the undisputed boas of Hud- benefits "to a point comparable with ' ^*m ' the Officers' Combat Training corps Fort Monmouth to junior and senior hostesses and canLt. Wclssman Is a graduate of with wreaths of sllimar flowers in son county," Edge declared, other states," and Improve our proat Fort Monmouth. He attended Harvard university. Ho has been In thoir hair. teen committees, Dances, motion Ret erring to the large complimen- cedures to provide fuller robabilit*. the University of Texas. Observe Anniversary pictures, music and dancing classes, the Army three years and is staT/Sgf. Stephen Davis of Call tary vote which Murphy received In tlon and cover all occupational disThe couple are on a wedding trip tioned at Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn. fornia was best man. Star! Sgt, Clifort groups, card nights, community the primary from Hudaon county, eases." to New York anil upon their resings, speakers, stage shows and "Music From Monmouth," Fort Edge said: p The couple are' residing at 8 East ford Pearson of Red Bank and i • reside i Murphy reiterated a statement turn ' will athletic events are weekly activities on Little Silver 96th street, New York city. First Lt. William Howard ol Haver- Monmouth's own radio program will "Either the yotoro in tho other 20 Point. at tha clubs, with special events celebrate its flrBt, anniversary Sun- counties of the stato aro uncon- made early In hla campaign that heford, Pennsylvania, wero c would give large consideration to scheduled throughout the'season. Next Tuesday Night ROBB1NS—FARLEY. A reception followed at the Rose day at 1.-30 p. m. when the massed cerned or there is something radical party leaders In handing out patronROBERTSON—EDINGTON TwoJ of the units, at Eatontown volt tea room at Little Silver for Post and Camp Wood bands, total- ly wrong' in Hudson county. I make age. Ho declared himself completeMiss Mary Ellen Robblns and Pvt. ' ihd F M " T ¥ S J ? " ' t --A^ytflG.>Silve»w.»w,,TO«, »,-,Mls»..Jcfttt,Ife,.Rs!j.e,r$tSBf,^JJghj?Jr, •.-*4VWisrj?Soi?.^^gyiRwerfl married at members of the immediate families ing 75 pieces, will broadcast a half- no charges, but I pledge that If I am ly behind the national administrahour concert over WAAT, Newark, elected Governor, no stone will be tion in Its war effort. p,,ifiljjragjifc4!ofqre1, of Mr., and Mrs, Paul E. Roberwon' a doublo ring ~cer'emony"Tfiurfday'at"' , , d , nclude events on the Rigular'Artny' mother, wore a purple Tgool costume Ross E. King, 5 B U : i E f e % ; ^lffi--ftaeR: ; ichedule, such as trainingfilmsandtie Silver Y. ,M. C. A. board of di- Stuart Edlngton, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. "-ice'6i!*»fli8»;^i^hBj»ore -, meetings. A t Fort Hancock the rectors, announced .last night that F, T. Edlngton of Mlddletown town- son. The bride i s the daughter- of a spray, corsage- of orchids. Tho Brig. Gen, G.. L, .VanBeiisetK ComWhile stating he favored - the•', re- reform, with uniformity in all* counMr. and Mrs. Alfred RobblnB of Fair TO?? ? e W , g y m , w a B Ce t e c t l ! l 1 a w l t h the Little Silver "Y" program would ship, wero married Sunday after- Haven, and tho bridegroom is thq bridegroom's mother was dressed in manding General of the Eastern vision of the state constitution. Edge ties; readjustment of service men' Red Bank Baptist church wine-colored velvet, with a matching Signal Corps Training Center, who begin functioning with with registration took no,''definite stand on the rail- and women to civilian life with the H i * *"? teams, ! ^ ! ?gym ! ! classes " L r begin "son of MM. Thomas Farley of Ocean- hat and black accessories and a corby ^50^basketball : will, outline the work of .the. Signal road tax issue, saying he would "re- atresa and opening night at the Little Sil- by Hev, Charles A. Thunn, pastor. on employment opportunities; tor the service men, their wives and ver school next Tuesday. Mr. King A reception, followed at the) Rose- port. sage of pink roses. Corps,' both : Jn. training, and In examine" the problem. after pending legislative creation of a post-war church was decorated with * The children; boxing matches and twice- has invited all toys over nine years velt tea room, Little Sllvor. actual operations overseas. Co- litigation 'waa determined,' —-~ Following the ceremony the couple dahlias. The soloist was Miss. Anna, planning commission, with accent weekly movies. The gym is, named of age to become members of Little The bride was given In marriage "We are proud of New Jersey laleft for a wedding trip to the Po- directors of the massed bands will Gage gymnasium In honor of theSilver Gra-T, junior Hi-Y or Ht-Y by her father. She wore a gold- Mae Hughes. A reception was hefcf conos. The bride's traveling cos- be Warrant Officers Roy Darnall bor," said the G. P. P. candidate who on alum clearance; croation of a at the home of the bride's parents. commission to study the reorganizapost commandant. Gen. Philip S. clubs. colored, ensemble with brown accesThe brido wore a brocaded white tume was a gray pin-striped woolen and Thor Johnson. Among the received several thousand more votes tion of atate departments for tho Gage. Used in much the same manRegistration and Information sories and a corsage of Talisman satin gown, made princess style. Her suit with a white blouse and black selections to be heard on the broad- in the state primary than Murphy, purpose of cutting down operating g ner is the Eatontown club, which roses. :Her maid of. honor, Miss accessories. Upon their return the cast will be "Rumanian Rhapsody" who i s secretary-treasurer, of thecosts and increasing efficiency; aphouses a canteen, bowling alleys and blanks will be passed out at the Lit- Lena Fredenburg, was dressed In a shoulder-lengthvell was fastened to couple will reside at BB - Harvard and "Headline." State Federation of Labor (AFL.) pointment of a fact-finding commisother facilities. Literally "carved tle Silver school tomorrow. The grey crepe gown with green'acces- a cap of seed pearls, and she carried road, Fair Haven. "Its great membership," Eldge con sion to "bring about an, equitable It waB 52 weeks ago that Fort out ot the wilderness," the club, re- board of directors has spent time In sories and carried a corsage of yel- a nosegay bouquet of white roses and tlnued, "has always voted aa it Monmouth began its own radio proMr. Robbins gave his tax structure" and relieve the heavy The bride Is a graduate of Rumcently renovated for the second time, ferreting out Ideas to give the Little lowr. roses. Wallace Ellington, the rjbbons. son high school, ^ and Katharine gram. Arrangements were made by thought, never a s it was told. N o burden on real eatato, • is an ex-Klu Klux Klan meeting Silver boys and their parents an bridegroom's brother of Lynn, Massa- daughter in marriage. one can 'deliver' the voto of any the Public Relations Office with enjoyable and profitable winter proMiss Catherine Cprcoran of River Glbbs school, New York city. She Also votes tor lJ-ycar-olds, and the place. chusetts, was best man. WCAP In Asbury Park to broad- group of our citizen as long as there The Coast Canteen caters to in- gram. During the coming season lt The bride's mother was attired In Plaza, the maid of honor, wore a la employed In the offices of the cast the band concerts Sundays. A are free elections In New Jersey, as opportunity for anyone in tho armed Is planned that once each month the pale blue gown of satin a\id marCoca-Cola Bottling Co., New York services to vote without registering. numerable Coast Guardsmen and opa black costume with green accesfew weeks later, WAAT in Newark provided by the constitution, no ono The Democratic nominee also exerates In much the same manner aa parents and friends of. the boys will sories arid wore a corsage ot gar-quisette. Her nosegay.bouquet was city. The bridegroom is an Instruc- Joined the network. At that time, over will. Labor.-made up of free the larger clubs. At Asbuty Park be invited to take part In the ac- denias. . The bridegroom's mother of pastel colored flowers. Edward tor at Fort Monmoutft. Before en- the entire broadcast was done with men and women, especially reaenjts prossed hla views on education, state Farley of Long Branch, the bride- tering the service he was employed civil service, pension funds and opmore than half of tho participants tivities of the groups. wore black, with corsage of red The program will be under the sugroom's brother, v a s best' man. by the Pennsylvania Bell Telephone one microphone- and a single-chan- the effort to regiment lt at the polls portunity for women, in publio life. tn the program are British seamen roses. nel line amplifier. Since then, the in tho coming election." Co. Both the bride's mother and the stationed momentarily at H. M. ,,S. pervision of Gerald Harrington, exThe couple are on a wedding trip Post Signal office has provided a Charging the Roosevelt adminisA final decree declaring parts o* Asbury there. Also operating from ecutive secretary of tho Little Silver to New York atato, and upon their bridegroom's.mother, wore blue crepe modern three-channel mixer and tration with "systematic destruction" the 1041 and 1912 railroad tax "comPERRY—SMITH. the ABbury Park club Is a mobile return will reside on Rector place. ensembles, with matching accessories amplifier and four ,• microphones. ot BtatoB1 rights, Kdge said "tho right promise" passed by "tho New J e n e y and corsages of white gladioli. . USO unit which viBits spots In MonBoth the brido and bridegroom are Thursday afternoon of last week Special services-provided apace for ot the state to function as a sov- legislature unconstitutional, and reThe bride is a graduate of Rumson mouth and Ocean counties where graduates of Mlddlotown township In tho garden of her parents' home, a control room In the theater, and ereignty muBt be restored." straining tha state treasurer from the men are almost constantly on high school. The bride Is employed high school and is employed by the Mis s Helen Whlthall Perry, daughter It is now • completely equipped to He characterized a "Washington accepting tax payments under the alert and so far from populated as a secrotary at the Raritan ar- Bondix radio corppration here. P v t of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Perry of handle top-quality radio broadcasts. — senal, Cpl, Edlngton la stationed at Farley Is stationed In Florida. Be- Westerly, Rhode Island, became the Script writing and production Is Morry-Go-Round" — bureaucratic compromise, was signed this week regimentation" — "caprlciounesa and by vice Chancellor Wilfred H. Jayae, £ore..enterlng,th1o,'Berylce he was,em'(Continued from Page" 1.)'" nor Is Impossible. Fort Monmouth. bride-of Roy Barcla5r.Sm.Hh,. machin- done-by'.the.putiUc. relations pfflce. mismanagement of domestic affairs" The decree gavo legal offect to Using other facilities in the coun, o f Coleman's Business college, | ployed at Camp Coles, and Is a grail: ist's mate first class, U. S. Coast Schwark h Has —"Fantastic operational of tho,;OPA Jayne's... recent, .decision,.scr.applng_ s as warden. The spea! speakoft R ty. Red Bank Catholic Catholic hlKU high Guardrof Red Bank and Clear Lake, y such as the tennis courtss on the er characterized k" uuate at0. •o c d Bank himself as the blackand manpower Commission"—and a thoae parta of tha legislation which school. L h i h school h l grounds Long B Branchh high DEVEY—BIEDERMANN Canada, son of Mrs. Alex M. Smith. . •• | "constant effort to identify wartime waived approximately $24,000,000 In and those at the Rumson country y sheep of the trio. Mlss Lola I A double ring ceremony was perrestrictions with social reform and delinquent railroad tax Interest and - Devey, daughter of Tributes, were paid to departed i M rrS l AAda HUMBERT—SWENSON. club, the Women's has pro' Division Diii h d E formed by Rev. John R. Watt and weld tho control devices of the emer- provided for payment of tho $3*> f Hil d att both b t h meetings. ti J. VictorII • -D Devoy of Hilton Park, vide!' -n nlmoit completed recrea- leaders d he lato Miss Grace Humbert, daughter of Edgar G.Tobln of Westerly. 1 gency into a 'new order' for Amer- 000,000 principal in periods ranging Carton, county auditor, lauded the i f"_ ' -Arthur Dovey, became tl' •• - m for women war tl18 b r l d e o f s t a f f ica." ! ' . ' %'• Edward P . Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Humbert of Sea The brido was given in marriage h government and career of the latee_Joseph Mayer, dl- ™ a . ttt F o r t Monmouth. Starr With the approach-of winter, ac- urer, and Mr. Angcrio scrgcant-nt- hgt through, and wo will again." Biedermann Is stationed at tho-Hudson was best man. The tion followed at the home of the award must aubjalt a petition to'.'' tivities at all of tho clubs Increase, arms. Fort Hancock, bride's parents. Whllo lambasting the activities of ushors wero Sgt. Andro%v W. Tryens State Scorotary of Agrlculturo WllOther speakers at tho Democratic together with expenses. Trfpso extho Roosevelt administration on the lard H, Allen, stating tho accomplishand Sgt. Don Nelson, '' Tho brido's mother wore a rosepenses, as well as those for tho on meeting wore A. Henry Giordano, , KKLI.OCO— NOItTlIAM. home front, Edge said his party purplo velvet gown with a corsage of ments of its members during the past A reception for tho Immodlato Uro year throughou the on tiro coun- Deal, and Carl Bromer, Monmouth would "place every resource of yoar. roses. The bridegroom's moth. party'B candidatess f fora asty, will bo met by tho proccods so- Beach, tho py nlco KOHORB o f Kntonnh, families and a tew friends wus yellow Janlco Elwood 9. Taylor of River Plaza, money, mnterlal* and manpower at In cases whoro loss of manpower bl Surrogate Joseph L. Donahold at .the homo of tho bride's er woro acquarmnrlno crepe, with a s cured from thp National War Fund sembly; ^ Lindsay k W r J tho disposal of the Prosldent, tho black velvet hat trimmed/ with formorly of New Monmouth, has to tho armed forces has caused a alster,' Mra. Green at Long Branch; 'lic drive, which will bfi opened at Red hny, P°l ''"" OI tnam, commltteemen P "*,•, who " . . " tl'ianketl i..ii.i>,n.i< tho LUU «.vjiiiiiiiki.ut:iiit;i(, ' i c o ANOI t n a m , S Q U qf M r s , W . K and the men of our armed corresponding decreaso In producBank Monday. Clement L. Dcspard, •and Tho brido Is a groduato of iMng aquarmarino colored feathers anil a been made a master aide In tho Congress women for their help In re-elect-1 Whitman of Cross River, New York corsage of yellow roses. Army transport service. He Is sta- forces.'1 tion, the board said, crodlt will be chairman of the county fund,- rof Blanch High school and Red Bank Itifr him last yenr and pledged his »"norly of Sea Bright, WCro nurUrging New Jersey voters to back given for the potential contribution voaleil, thqt donations to tho Wnr support Tho brido will resldo In Red Bank. tioned In California. Mr». Taylor Business .Institute to this .vonr'i cnndldatcs, and r! c d Thursday, Soptombcr 10 nt e sho 1B employed py ' and son Elwood D. Taylor, a student constitutional revision In tho NovemFund cai\ bo earmarked for exclusive Mrs., Joncph Hnhn, Brndlcy of theso workers. Tho bridegroom will return to his Beach, First Mothodlm- churnh at Knto'nah. by tho Bell Tqleplmrio company. at tho River Plaza ecliool, aro main- ber referendum, Edge, who aisortod »J9O use. post at-Miami, Florida. Tho legislature passed a law last president of tho Monmouth County lho l)rldeKroom Is stntloned nt Cpl. Swonson was attending Ithlca taining tho Taylor residence. his leadership several months ogo to spring, the board, oxplalnod, whoroWomen's Domoi'rntlc ohib. collogo In New York when ho onJ'orl Sum Houston, Texas. Ho BIENKIEWICZ—KILDUFF, help the referendum bill through the by an entlro county may rocclvo the Mr. Taylor for. many yeara waa Tile Hopubllcans also hoard Free- tended' Iho Sea'BrlKht'pubiln '.cho'dl listed ,ln tlio army. i said the 09-ycnr-old doo- award through application by tha ld holders Dormftn McFnddln, Joseph C. ond Now Yo, k Military academy at Miss Wnnda Slonklcwlcz, daughter employed na an engineer at the Legislature, umont should bo brought up to date county board of agriculture. Tlila Newark-ffiasox building. Ho -was I.YON—JONES. , Invln nnd EdRnr 0. Murphy; Ed- Croton-on-tho Hudson,of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slonklowlcs ' Word has been received hero of of Perth Amboy, and Lt. John A. more rocontly employed at the Port by providing for : "(1) A moro ef- does not prohibit soparato) organizaward C. BronRC, chnlrmnn of the Quests at the wedding from Hen. ficient Judlolnl s'/otcm; (2) A four- tions within a county from making speakers committee for the cam-Bdfiht wore Postmniitnr Juno Gnr- the mnrrlfigo of Miss Botay Lyon, Kilduff, U, S. Army Signal Corps, son Newark shipyard, He is a member year term for Gpvernor, strengthened their own applications, Patricia Anne nnil Judilh Gnll Pur- paign; Undcr-Shcrlff Im 13. Wolcott, Innd and Mr«. John Linilsuy, ,,„„(» daughter of Mr. and Mis, John A. of Mri and Mrs. Francis X. 'Klldulf of the Coast Guard auxiliary. 1 veto power and responsibility over trick, daughters of Mi , nnd Mia. Eatontown, and .Courtlnmlt White, oi-tho bi'ldccruoin^.nnd Joan Llnil- Lyon of Short Hills, to Lt. Howlnnd of Leonardo, were married Sunday, administrative appointmonts; (S) Jdhn S. ParWick of River Plaza, ob- Rcd tianli; and othorn. B. Jones,-Jr., U, 8. Army Signal Soptombor Iff, at St. Stophon's Blonnlal sessions of the legislature; served thalr, birthdays ot a Joint parCorps, son of Mr» Lewis E. Wnrlng church, Perth Amboy, by Rev, Thnd. Surroftnto Joocpli L, Dorialmy told ( (i) ICxtenjIon Df tho terms of Sen.y Baturdny. Patricia wn« four yenra thn Democrats, that he will "be In •lANAC'KK— off Wlilppoorwlll l l l road, Mlddlotown dou» Wojclo^howskl. A roc'optlon for atom and Assamblymcn; (0) A more . ild and Judith one year old,' ' township, nnd Capt. Howlnnd B. 75 guesln followed tho ceremony at tho thick of thin year's election, readily avnllalilo method for tha «ubGitcnta wore Anno MflPhce, PogKl working for dm party's thrco cnndlJonco, Br. of Rumson. Tho coupln the Hotel Pacltor, Perth Amboy> Slater M. Angelica Installed.ofneora mlsslon • of constitutional amendSurglbnl dressing workers of tho M * M | """ ""ltlhir;"Jli'' tho Student Council of Rod Hnnlc montn nt itoncrnl election without various brnnclioa of tho county Rcd "Jylvlii Flood, Barbara mid Ellen Da- oncy of plnclng n wntnnn on Ilio pink.gladioli, fcriw and palms. An.Catholic hlRh school at special coro- tho cxricnso of opcclnl elections" CIOJO chapter hnvo been' aslmd bj Vl», Morion nnd Billy flrlh, Wado hoard of frechofdei-tt. She said wo- iinrry Yimnir l.lttlollolil of Wnverly 'Din brido In a graduate of Kont thony Uailzewlcz was oigunlnt and monloB held at tho school a«m»mbly ' Tlio Kepiibllcun nomliioo snld "Iho tlio national organliatlon la com.-, i'urnocli, Hobby Undllck nnd Bobby men nro lighting "Mn by glil» with 1> nee, lied Hank, took plnco fiundixy school nnd U a sophomore at Wol-Mrs. Jennie Hawlckl was soloist, Tuosdny. ffiugono Ilomaii . prealdod three essential conditions ot our wny plate 100,000 surgical .dronalnffs niK m tlio Jan Him Prcnliytorlnn oliurcli Bhoemnker. Also Mr, and Mrs. Ln- tho men. Women have Joined tho lonluy college T|io bride wa given, \n nmrrlngo nnd introduced the now president, of life" on the pbat-wtr homo front have them ready for ahfpmont by NoEugene Alvator. | Roy Tontiell, Mr. nnd Mrs, Hnroli! S. Army, Navy, Marino Corps nnd Const Now Yoi-rColty. Hov, Frank Bvabodn, Lt, Jones completed Officers Can* by licr father. Bho wore a chiffon wore I'full employment, a protected vombor 10. Womon nro urged by tin' I flhoenmltcr, Mra. llobert Kndllcli ami Guard. They Imvo-roplnccd men In II. H. Army Chnnlnln Corpn, per- dldnto Schoql nt Fort Monmouth last gown mnda d G Grecian) style, trimmed Other omcers are Ann Bole, coun- standard of llvlnit and e.Teotlve ao- county surgical dressing chairman, Mrmod tho ceremony, . i Mra, Jnmea Turnocli, vlthl homo front war plnntn, Tonnd Is stationed at Camp with need pearls at ttio wdlat. Hor cil secretary; Marilyn B«l««lg, direc- elaj security.'• Mra. Howard Straust, and Mrs, KiTho hrldo wore a snllii nnd 1H C0 day. wom«n are keeping tho whcoln Florida. Ha Is a graduate four-fold tulle veil was "attached to tor'of service; Marllyn^Tlornan, di- I eommrmtlng on the International rn er 0, Hazard, production chairman, mado with n. sweetheart ncclc- of Bt. Paul's school,. of war moving lnw»rd» Ih» ultimata gown, a coronet or orange blosaoms. She rector ot extra currlcular activities, I front, Kdgo said "American isolation to go to their branch and offer thali Du/ More United 8»t«i lln«, n flttctl Imdlco nnd R full ttlrt a His werii the late Into Mr. and aura victory." carried white white rones V.l1 rtl fwm"* So'ro'n.l"or""'}" " l « grundpiuonts K r » nd P"»n«» * « . the Mr. carried ro.ei and staphanotU, and Joseph Durstewlt*, director ot —from, the rest of th« world la «nd,- services for this project »t ones. ftocjt) activities •-•-•.• ,v.» » u irom » cpronit ot val- »ndMr». J.An.orK«
125,000 Servicemen Served Monthly By USO

W*»rMinc* rrcuuuij(«

- I ley lilies and her bouquet was of town township, and the late Mr. and Mrs. W. Strother Jones of Navealnk w h U e otchliB &ni stephanotls. Miss Bertha Cheresnkl ot NewRiver road. ' MULLEN—VEBNEB. York city was maid ot honor, and ' MORALLEB—HERON . At Chapel one at Fort Monmouth the brldemalds were Misses HenriSunday, Miss Elsie Frances Mullen, etta Purkrabek and Vlasfa Knakel, At the Methodist church Saturday daughter of Mrs. Mildred Mullen, all of New York city. Lormler P. at a .ceremony performed by Dr. F. postmaster at fcieanport, was mar- Brooks of Washington, D. C, -was A. DeMaris, Miss Dolores June Mo-

To Continue War On Hague

County USO Activities To Be Expanded In Many Sections

Rev. J, J. Messier Found Dead .In Bed At Conference

Soldiers' Radio Program Year Old

Registration For ' YMCA Program

Woolley, Ackerson Renamed Chairmen

Appeal For Dogs For War Service

River Plaza Man In Transport Service

Parjtrick Sisters Have Birthdays

Student Council Installs Officers



Surgical Dressing Workers Needed


Red CrossHome NursingWeek Will Be Observed


Brothers-In-Law, Shrewsbury Men, Meet In War Zone


Lieut. Lepera And Corp. Ellis Meet In New Guinea.

Publicity Campaign To Open Next Week On County-Wide Basis ' Next week has been officially designated an Red Cross home nursing week, and efforts , to enroll men, Women and children in homo nurs- Ing will bo-made by the nation'* Red Cross cliaptoH, Hero in Monmouth county the county chapter homo ''nurelng committee, of which Mm, Alfred DeBow of Spring Lake 1B chairman, will open an intensive publicity campaign to recruit county residents to join homo nursing C!<""7-T In varloua districts.

Page Three.


been but was conducted in a manner known only to those who know how to celebrate by other means on this God-forsaken South Pacific island. The reunion lasted for more than a week for It was shortly after that the regular army man had to go to his Australian base.. Lieut. Lepera, a graduate of West Point, was connected with . the finance office at Fort Monmouth before going overseas. While at the local post he met Miss Betty Ellis, sister of Corp. Ellis, and married her last February, leaving shortly after for foreign service. Young Ellis, who is known for his high grade of baseball, is a graduate of Red' Bank Catholic high school. He"waa Tfiducted" a"year ago"Xabdr day, reporting at 4"ort Dlx and later transferred to Sea Girt. Following his basic training there he went to teletype school at Fort Monmouth and then was Bent overseas. In addition to playing baseball at high school he was a member of the Crusaders and the Wayside Farmers of the Sunday Shore league. During his off hours at New Zealand he organized a ball club that captured the island championship. Corporal Ellis Is the son of John V. Kills, Sr., who la employed by Mrs. Ernest Fahnestock of Buttonwood drive, Rumson, formerly of Shadow brook farm, Shrewsbury. Young Ellis, before being Inducted, was em ployed by McKlm-Layton Chevrolet company at Red Bank and at Fort Monmouth, j


War Bond Sales $3,000 Daily

Fort Monmouth today was gaining momentum toward its goal of buying a twin-engined bomber during the Third War Loan drive, With cash sales averaging more than $3,000 por day, the present total Is |40,600. The bomber, which would be named for the post, Is priced at $175,000. The post's campaign is separate from that of the Signal Corps OrounaSlgnal agency, but tho grand total at the end of the drive October 3 will Include the. payroll reservations of cl. ijjllans employed by the War Department at Fort Monmouth. Indications are that the fort will bo entitled , to fly the Treasury department flag • for 10 per cent salary deductions by 00 per cent of the civilian employees. Officers and soldiers on the post alreadyhave made sizable bond purchases, several being In the $1,000 bracket, Lt. Stanford R. Espedal, war bond officer, announced. These salei were In addition to regular payroll deductions and, since the drive be» gan September 9, did not Includo th» usual payday rush for extra bonds, • A war bond rally was,held Friday, night at a War department theater, on the post, featuring band music, singing and all- around entertain* • , / It pays to advertise In Tho Register. ment.

Remenlscences of pre-war days back In the states made up most of the conversation of two Shrewsbury young men when they mot accident ally several weeks ago on the palmstudded island of New Guinea. The two men were Lieut. Dominick F. Miss Hendricksori to !S Le'para and Corporal John V. Ellis, Jr., who are brothers-in-law, the lieu' Wed Coast Guardsmen tenant being tho husband of Corp. Ellis' sister. It happened after Lieut. Lepera, Miss Mildred Hendrlckaon, daughmember of the Regular Army, who ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Hen•-•''.'..•' ' ' 2 A $ * ' '-•'*""«-,.,*— •-~«"""" drlckson of Newman Springs road, had been stationed on the island for will be married Sunday afternoon at eight months, had been ordered 2 o'clock at the Anbury Park Lutransferred to Australia. He sat When the bombs rain down on Berlin and Toklo, a medium bomber named "Monmouth Avenger" theran church, to James C. Delatush, down and wrote his brother-in-law, will bo in the swarm of planes representing the United States' Air Corps. The bomber, pictured above, U. S. Coast Guard, son of Mr. and whom he believed to be In Australia was purchased in April by residents of Red Bank and six surrounding communities with war bonds and Mrs. Rollln Delatush ot Hudson avea letter, dropping It In the mailbox stamps. The quota, amounting to the cost of the plane, was ?300,000 but the total subscribed was $401,nue. Rev. Carl Miller, the pastor, Before leaving for the continent, he 900. Towns participating In the drive were Red Bank, Shrewsbury, Fair Haven, Rumson, MIddletown, will performs the ceremony, which went to a cantonment on the Island Sea, Bright and Little Silver. The planewas named by Philip Walnwrlght of Fair Haven, son of Mr. and will be followed by a reception at on official business, and ran Into Mrs. Frank Walnwrlght, his suggestion of "Monmouth Avenger" being chosen from more than 100 names the Montauk hotel, Asbury Park. Ellis, who had been transferred to submitted. Miss Hendrlckson has chosen her New Guinea, In the office. fllflter, Mrs, Harry Webb of Asbury Since activities wero limited to Buy More United States War some extent In New Guinea the celePark, the former Madeleine Hen- here has returned to her winter home lont wero week-end visitors at the home of Mr. Slmms' parents, Mr. and londs and Stamps. drlckson, for her matron of honor. at Springfield. bration wasn't what It could have The brldeamaidB will be Miss M. Mrs. Al. Knight had as a guest Mrs. William Maack. Mrs. George Wagner returned from Elizabeth Delatusb, the prospective Friday Mrs. Bertha Hartwell of Upbridegroom's sister, of this place, per Montclahv week-end visit with her daughter ' . , .. and Miss Gertrude Faster of ValMrs. William Nester is visiting her nd son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred halla, New York. Oarlock of Jersey City. sister, who Is a resident of New York At a meeting of tho Oceanview Louis Schwlnd, U» S. Navy, of Bed city. ' : • > ' . . Bank, Miss Hendrlckson's cousin, will •Raymond Guthorn of Stewart Man- Community fire company last week it be the best man. John Hougbton or, Long Island, passed the week-end was decided to purchase a $1,000 deand Ernest Payne, members of the with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and fense bond. U, S. Coast Guard, will be ushers. Mr. and. Mrs, Harry J. Hughes, Jr;, Mrs. Charette Horster of Chapel Hill Miss Hendrlckson Is a graduate of road, nnd son of Bnyonno wore guests at Rod Bank high school and the BerkRev. and Mrs. Ellwood S. Wolf, the home of Mr. Hughes' parents, eley school/ Now York city. She Is who have been spending a month's Mr. and Mrs. Harry J, Hughes, from employed at the Camp Coles labora- vacation with relatives at Philadel- Friday through Sunday. tories. Coast Guardsman Delatush phia and Hatboro, Pennsylvania, reMrs. Al W. Cross returned from a • MRS. ALFRED DEBOW , In stationed at Perth Amboy, He Is turned home Saturday. Mr. Wolf Is 'Islt of several weeks with relatives a graduate of Red Bank high'school it Richmond, Virginia, late Friday Mm. Howard S. Hlgglnson of Fair and pastor of the Baptist church. Monmouth junior college. Haven Is In charge of the campaign. Miss Mary Star of Arlington is a evening. On Saturday she was enterPosters, stressing the need for inguest at the home of Mrs. Rose May- tained by Mr. and Mrs. Anthon O. Lund, and was. dinner guest at the' dividuals to attend homo nursing er. classes will bo distributed by oil the Harley Wyman, who was ricently home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Irving W. Tee branches of tho county Rod 'Cross ' Inducted Into the Army, has been lie Sunday. chapter. Branch homo nursing spon(Tho Bed Bank Remitter can be bought transferred to Camp Lee, Virginia. [n Leonardo from Fred W. Meyers and sors have been given special bookMrs. Wyman had as guest over the lets explaining home nursing work Wlidmann's itore) and Us need, and they will distribute At tho final card party for the win- week-end • Miss Madeline Reilly of them to all thoso Interested, During ter, given at the home of Rev. Fran- Newark. Mrs. Milton E. Decker of Wyoming, Octobor home nursing committee ces Stevenson,. Florence avenue, this members -will attend Paront-Toacher week, for'the benefit of the High- Pennsylvania, Is visiting.her sister association meetings, women's club point Spiritualist chapel, of which and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nameeting and seslons of civic organi- Mrs. Stevenson is pastor, Mrs. Thorn- than Searfoss. sations to plead tholr cause and onMrs. William Brundage and daughCrawford made high score, Mrs. Agnes Herns was awarded the door ter Jean Elizabeth, who have been •roll individuals in classes, Dr. Beattie Will be "It Is the aim of tho county chap- prize and Mrs. H. Purcell was win- visiting for the past week with Mr. ter homo nursing committee to have ner of the dark horse. Attending and Mrs. Joseph Wade, returned Friday morning to the Bronx, New Heard In Shrewsbury. one individual In every family were Mrs. William Meser, Mrs. Hanj " trained in home nursing," Mrs. De- nah Jeffas, Miss Clara Herns, Mrs. Tftrk. ' Fifteen members of the Ladles' Bow said yesterday. "A healthy Agnes Herns, Mrs. Conrad H. Rech, Presbyterian Church ^home is an Important wartime re- Jr., Mrs. Caroline Lou, Mrs. Hen- auxiliary of Brevent Park and Leonardo Fire company attended the rietta Hoffman, Mrs. Furcell, Mrs. sponsibility of ^hoao who remain beRev. Dr. Robert Browstor Beattie, hind. Red Cross home nursing will Thomas Crawford, George Lester, monthly business meeting of the aux teach individuals to maintain that Mrs. M. Meser, Mrs. Emily Lentz, lllary Friday afternoon at tholr fire retired, of Rumaon, will administer healthy home and will better equip Mr. and Mrs, Jack Donaldsen and house. Plans were cdmpleted for the the Lord's Supper at the 11 o'clock annual trip to New York with lunch- Sunday morning service in Shrewathem to give simple nursing care, Mrs. Alfred Groves. * l t M l P l M * b B b t i h h i h b l t l f t a ' •Wednesd«yv..Octobor..a0-.™ „,„„,„,,,..,... preach 1on the theme, "Self-forgetful A y Mrs. Julius Horvath and daughter Living.' "-i;cv:~-Roberlfc..Gi-.Johnaonii armed forces. At the same time it home of her daughter and son-inpastor, "will conduct tho worship serwill teach Individuals to be more ef- law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fchn, and and son-ln-Iaw, Mr. and' Mrs. Her- vice. •A • ficient homemakers In peaco as well their son, Robert Qreen, over the bert Berghof and daughter Daryl, This church with all others Is obreturned to their ,home at Newark as In war." week-end. serving World Wide Communion Mrs. DeBow pointed out that Red Mr. and Mrs." William Garvey, who Sunday evening after spending a Crass homo nursing classes are not have boen living in the Ruhnko months' vacation at their summer Sunday. The Presbyterian church in the U. S. A. has prepared the, followsolely of interest to housewives but house for two years will occupy the home here. to fathers, office .workers, teachers Mclntosh bungalow, Washington aveMrs. Jpseph Rheln, Mrs. Thomas ing article which has been printed ,6n cards and widely distributed: and many others. There, are special nue, tomorrow. Sharkey, Mrs. T. Brennan and Mrs. "In these days of war when there junior classes for school children, so Mr.'and Mrs. Frank Krantz, Wash- Joseph Wade were luncheon guests Is flO much dividing men and nations, that all groups will be Included. ington avenue, expect to move to an- at the Cottage inn, Keyport, Friday. There are no prerequisites for homo other bungalow soon. After luncheon they adjourned to the Christians must maintain an • unnursing Instruction, and anyone may home of Mrs. Brennan, where they broken and unbroakablo fellowship, After a visit of more than two On October third, World Wide take tho course. Branch home nursspent the afternoon playing bridge. ing sponsors will give full Informa- weeks with rolatives at Richmond, The firemen of the Brevent Park Communion Sunday, followers of Virginia, Mrs. Al W. Cross returned tion about classes.. hrlst everywhere, in army camps and Leonardo Fire company are givhome Friday afternoon. (oy«r« of v«7ing rvcheo* "Most of the instruction is'through Mr. and Mrs. Anthon X). Lund had ing a dinner Saturday evening for and naval bases, on shipboat, in fc/adt v e W co/ol la from* 'learn by doing' methad," Mrs, Dothe firemen and their wives and churches largo and' small, In the Bow remarked, "and the course cov- as their house guests over the week- members of the Ladles' auxiliary and homeland and overseas will bear witpompcoW. 12.95 ers 21 to SO hours. . At the com- end, Mr. Lund'a sister and husband, their husbands and exempt members ness to this fellowship. The worldpletion of a class a Red Cross home1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rydllng and nep- and their wives at the Leonardo grlU wide observance of the Lord's Suppei nursing cortiflcato "is awardad on hew, Chris Wenzel, Bay Ridge, Long In recognition of the 40th anniver- will cross frontiers of race, breaU satisfactory completion of the Island. sary of the forming of the fire com- through barriers or prejudice, and course. All the Instructors of classes Mrs. Emily Fehn will entertain the pany rlso above the clash of nations. on'October 4, 1903. are graduate nurees, and givs vol- Thursday afternoon pinochle club at "In obedience to Him who said, untarily o( their services." tier home, Washington avenue, Mrs. -Mrs. Robert DeLade has been ill This do in remembrance of me,' al the past week with an attack of who love Christ are called to gather The Red Cross home nursing Walter Halleran, Mrs. Nicholas for course originated in 1008, throe years Kaiser and. Mrs. Benjamin Hawley bronchitis. She has been confined about their Lord's table on tho first to her bed. after tho organization was charter- will be her guests. Sunday in October and rccomml George Helnlle of Lake Hunting- themselves to the unfinished task dl Mr. and Mrs. John Shane, Mr. and ed by Congress, by Miss Mabel Boardman who was then secretary Mrs. E. Herman and daughter Ann ton, New York, a guest for the past His Eternal Kingdom." of tho national Rod Cross. Home and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Albertsob month at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Beattie, who will be heard a nursing classes havo been conducted and son John spent Sunday with Robert DeLade, left Tuesday morn- thjB SJhrewsburyProsbytarlanc.hurch, nere"in •Monmouth- c o u n t y f o r r a Robert'J.'Dclany of Corona, "Long Ing*- for -Freehold,- where—he- Is- em-- served 2?" years "as" pastor". oT the number -of years by Miss Evolyn Island on the occasion of his 70th ployed. Mrs, Frank DeLade and son Munn Avonuo Presbyterian church, Frank and daughter Virginia of East Walker of tho Monmouth County birthday. ' East Orange, He is moderator o Organization for Social Service. Miss Miss Elizabeth MaoLeah of Jersey Orange are making their home at the the Synod of New Jersey, vice modWalkort classes were all Red Cross City, was a guest ovor the week-end DeLade residence. , erator of the General Assembly o sponsored, and tho county chapter of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Carl VanNess, U. S. Navy, spent the U. S. A., head of the Board o took full charge of this program in and'Mrs. Joseph P. MacLean. from Thursday until Monday with Christian Education, member of th< 1041. Mrs, Hermann I* Qrunnu was Mrs. Floronce Walker and son his mother, Mrs. Anna VanNess and Board of Foreign Missions and of the then the chairman of homo nursing, sister, Miss Marcla VanNess. Welfare Federation of churches. and the present chairman Is Mrs. Chester of Jersey City werd' Sunday guests of Claude Smith and family. Mrs. Anna May, mother of Mrs Isabel B. Bedle. Helen DeLade met with a curious acTho Delta Phi Alpha sorority held Some of tho Women who helped In semi-monthly meeting Thursday cident at her home at Brooklyn rethe cstaltahmont of the couriso on a evening at tho home of Miss Jean- cently, A piece of streot curbing natlon-wldo scale were Isabel Hamp- otto Sharkey. The October meeting broke and threw Mrs. May upon a ton Robb, and Adelaide Nutting, two will be held at the home of Mrs. Rob- milk bottle, which she had In her nursing loaders at that period, and ert Waldman. hand, breaking it when she fell and Jane A. Delano, tho first director of Mrs. George Black accompanied by cutting her face and hands badly. the Red CroBs nursing service. In Mrs, David Malr attended Friday Word was received Tuesday from October 23 Event to be 1013 Miss Delano And Isabel Mc- evening a stork shower given by Mrs. John C. Harper, Woodslde, Long IsIsaac, who: was then superintendent Raymond Farley and Miss Clalr Fnrland, that his wife had died at their Held at Old Orchards of tho |Army Nurses' corps, compiled Mrs. Howard Ayers of New- home Saturday, September. 25. Beand distributed tho llrst home nurs- loy for 1 ark," ^ tho homo of Mrs. Raymond sides her husband, she is survived by ing textbook. Since that tlmo Miss Square dancoo will bo featured n' two married daughters and a son. Delano's book has been revlaed and Farley of Newark. Mrs. Leon Alexander was hostess Mr. and Mrs, Harper have been sum the barh dance to bo glvon by th wag recently roplacod by a newor evening group of tho Rod. Bank mer residents of Leonardo for several to the Ramblors Thursday afternoon. book, "Red Cross Home Nursing." Woman's club Saturday, Octobor 23, Present were Mrs. David Malr, Mrs. years, In 1014 tho flrast home nursing William Budzlnskl, Mrs. Al. Knight, at the Old Orchard Country club at Melvln Fleming and son Dacertificates wore awardod - to 275 Mrs. George Black, Mrs. Wesley vidMrs. West Long Branch. ' Plans for th( havo returned home after a vlsl women on a nation-wide basis, and Wnkclflold and a guest, Miss Joseevent wero made at a mooting Tuo In April 1012, 38,035 certificates wcro phlno Furst of Bayonne. Miss Furst of more than two months with hei day . at tho homo of tho dance given. Hero In Monmouth county Is visiting her sister and brother-in- parents at Feorla, Illinois. Mra. Edward J. Rooh Mrs, Margaret Conwell, 111 slnci chairman, 1,008 certificates havo been lasued to at Little Sliver. • ' •' date. Teaching conters were estab- law, Mr. and Mrs. Budilnikl. Mrs. September' p, is slowly Improving. Shi A Fort Monmouth orchestra wl lished on a natlon-wldo acalo in 1016, Georga Black will entertain the Is still confined to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hesse, Jr. supply music for dancing, with and in this county thoro are 17 Ramblors this afternoon. Lester Nathan of tho Bronx passed eolobrated the eighth birthday ol caller for tho square dances. Th touching contort. the weekend with his sinter, Mies their son, Charles 3d, Sunday after- guests attending havo boon rcciues Irono Nathan, who Is visiting Mrs. noon with a^partyi wai ed to wear approprlnto clothes foi Jacob Does and Miss Emma Does. decorated In yellow as were the ta- the event which will benefit (hi Mrs. Mary Eagan accompanied by ble decorations. The children playei welfare fund, . Thorp will also bi her sons, Sergeant James Engnn and games and received souvenirs. Ic a number of sbecial pAvnrds. Frank Eagan of Newark spont cream, sandwiches and, fruit punch Committee mombortj present wcr Mrc Frank Johnson of Chapol Hill Thursday with tholr aunt and undo, worn'nerved. Those attending were Mrs. Noel J, Lartaud, group pro3l gave a surprise birthday party Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Costollo, Sat- Alfred and Ronald Yarnell, Barbara dent; Mrs. Robert (fcndmnn, Mrs day night for her husband. The party urday evening Mr. and Mrs, Cpstcllo Joyce and Roderick Schoellner an Charles Hurd, Mrs. Lnijvronco Eurdgi rooms were decorated with coriao woro among thosb who attendod a Clarenco Webster, all of Leonardo; and Mrs. H. P. Schao/Tor. . and grcon cropo paper, games wore dinner party given by Mrs. ffingun for James Waddlngton of Navoslnk, Gal played and refreshments were aarv- her son James, who Is on furlough Leonard of New Monmouth, MarW cd, Mr. Johnson received many use- from Georgia. Oswald, Jean, Margaret, Dan and Fashion Center—Third Floor ful gifts. Miss Margaret Olson' woe hostess Irving Hesso, Beverly VanBrunt, Jac'Present wero Mr. and Mrs, Frank to tho Alethola club Wednesday even- quelyn Hess of Bolford, Robert Ellli Klornan and son Frank, Floronco Ing of last week. An evening of ra- of Highlands, Doloues Hesso, Joh DogB entered by Robert F. Norto Potorson, John Boylo and John Ap- dio pinochle and a social time was and Marjorle DoMarco, Mr. arid Mr*. plegato of Hod Bank; Mrs. Holon enjoyed. High score price wnv-won Charles Hosso, Jr., Mr. and Mrs, Carl of tho Rnlston konnols at Soa Brlgli ,won four flrot nnd t h r o f nonii CofYman unil dnughtor* of Mhna- by Mrs, Al. Knight, and tho consola- VnnDrunt, Mr. and Mrs. Waltei prlzos nt the Wootbury, Long Ialnn • oquaiu Mr. and Mis. Loroy Smith of tion prlso by Mrs, John Orodeska. Schoollner and Mrs, Mnrgnrot Ellis. Atlantic Highlands! Lofferti* "Qloston Mrs, William Mueller was hostess Samuel Nolson and daughter, Mlsi kennel club show Sunday. Tlio bli of Bhrownluiry and Mr, and Mrs. Al- last night nMior Atlnntjo Highlands Cloryco Nelnon, nfter1,,spending (hi ribbon wont to Illnck Pnl of Hiilato trett Cbonay niitl' daughter - Ullodn, nhorno'.' ' summer at tholr bungalow, havo ro In 4ho Odrmiut whophcnl clttfld,''I'll * ..•..••-.- .-•.-. •. nlso wnn aooontod for war ilc Mr. and Mrs, Thomas anrvey and Mr, and Mrs. Samuel It. Fletcher of turned to their winter rosldcnco al puppy duty anil for tliln nn nwnrrt cnrtl daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Jersey City wero week-end guests of Wont Brighton, Htnten Island. cato wn» presented to Mr. Norton, Comorford anil sons Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stoln. Mrs, Honroy Fryo spont Severn Ronald and Mr. nnd Mrs. John HerDogs which wnn nwnml p,!,,,, W1,r, Mrs. Howard Day, who tins boen man1 and son Hubert of Ohapol Hill. spending a week at her bungalow days with her son at Sprlnirflold. Robblo of Hnlnton, Vnul of Riil Mr. «nd Mrs. Jack Blmms of Du- and Jean of ICnatcoto,

Red Bank Girl To Be Bride Sundays

Fort Monmouth Buying Bomber


Observing World Wide Communion Sunday, Oct. 3



nil" in the back of your head and we've concentrated on news-making headlines that flatter you like fury. We'll

Evening Group Plans Barn Dance

lure you with lace,.[dazzle you with sequins, ensnare

you with veiling — no iricks's too cunning to court your

favor. We've even beaten the Dutch at their own be* guiling bonnets, borrowed a close-clinging helmet from a Greek goddess. Every one of our disarming Fashion Center hats is a plot to back the attack on your Service

Man's heart with the surefire accuracy your War Bonds

Chapel Hill Man Has Surprise Party

back his attack on the Second Front.

Norton Dogs Win Westbury Prizes


Page Pour.


evenings at 7:50' o'clock and Sundays A buffet supper m i wr¥W In tts at 10 «. m. and 7:30 p. m, dining hall, which wM^dieorated ' The sing Sunday was thoroughly with roses and gladioli. Mill Parker (Tlu R«d Bank Keaiilir can 1M bought enjoyed by, a very large crowd. Each In Kiantburr at thefitorts of E. I* MllJe was the recipient of many fifts, In Atlantic Highland, from William LefT. week there Is something special N. SanU. Lucia, Philips-Keller. Charlea Ve Mrs. Loueda Quasi of Fourth street J. .Lamburr, A. Kata. Carulo'a atore and, gel. L. Zuckeraun and Gcorga Svrlli) Borneo'! Flllloi Station) planned by Miss Lucy Hartman and has received word ot the safe arrival Mr. and Mrs. William Jurman 61 Miss Rose Flngatarp, with Mrs. TerMIoJ Esll Morlatt has returned tof overseas of her husband, George esa McCllntock at the piano.. This Commodore avenue are the parents her former home town and has taken Quast of tho U. S. Army. ' By Mrs. H. E. Battersby week they selected all love songs. of a son barn last week in Monmouth a position in Mrs. Frank. Baldwin's Jack. Schlever of Fourth street, Mrs. McCllntock, »ang "I Love You Memorial hospital. gift shop on First avenue. She has who has been employed as a local letLooking at the auditorium and the Truly" and Miss Plngataro "Will You been employed for the last 20 years ter carrier for IB years, has resigned, Pvt. Thomas E. Smith and his lovely decorations It Is a foregone Remember" from "Maytlme." Little ln Trubln's Art Craft Shopps at Red Mrs. Alfred Schweltier Is 111 at the conclusion that the dance tonight Is five-year-old Linda Lee Marshall sang brother-in-law, Capt F. J. Brenoan, Bank and was living at Little Silver; homo or her sister in Newark. are spending a furlough with William going to bo a success ln a big way. and played her own arrangements. Miss Morlatt is occupying tho John .'John Horan' has succeeded James Smith and family, of Ramsey avenue. All that is needed now are the boys We were happy to have Sgt. Art Knight house with Mrs. Minnie War- McConnell as cleric at the. Highlands «nd g)r!s arid Jack Gerard and' his Webber back with us after his so- Both Capt. Brennan and P v t Smith den DcVesty at Third and Lincoln railroad station. Mr. McConnell has orchestra to make It an evening to journ in California, for something is are stationed at Fort Dix. ( avenues. _ ^ ••-_ . ;y resumed his teaching duties In1 LeonWord has been received here tha be remembered, for this dance Is giv- always doing, when he Is around. His • James Blumeftl, who' has beoh as- ardo high «ahool. "'"Tr—" — en In the honor of the boys from "Packn1 Pistol Pete" solo, accompan- Thomas H. Paris of 8^ Manning sociated with the Blue Vending SerTom Howard of Rumion, well overseas, to be known as the "over- ine* by Sgt. Virgil McCarthy, place, Keansburg, has been" commisvice In Jersey City many years, has known comedian on r a d i o ' a d sioned a second lieutenant ln~the seas, ball." There will be some spe- brought down the house. bought out William Left's cigar, con- screen, appeared last night at the Coast Artillery corps after successcial dances under the direction of Mary Pascal, one of. our Junior fectionery and newspaper business at auditorium and boo»t«d the sale of Tom Scheurer, who Is doing so much hostesses from Neptuno brought her fully completing the officer candidate First and Center avenues. He and War bonds. Chairman George jW. for the entertainment of the boys, Hawaiian guitar and played two Ha- course at, the anti-aircraft artillery his brother, Joseph Blumettl, are ac- Hardy reports the local campaign school a,t Camp Davis, North Carotogether with the helpjof our Junior waiian numbers, which were much tively conducting the business, Es- progressing well. '. hostesses. This dance Is the topic applauded. Mary Is to play for the lina. .. tablished many years ago as a pharWoman's auxiliary, of St. Andrew's Mildred Collett was recently acof conversation at the club, with Hawaiian dancers at the "overseas macy by the late Dr. R. S. Matthews, church -will hold a card party tomorcepted as a member of the Star of evoryone. working hard to make i ball" tonight. the store has been occupied under row night in the parish hall. There Bayslde council,; Daughters of Amerione grand succoss, lt is a gesture of many different proprietors. This has will be prizes; and refreahmonU. Geetings to the following mothers, - . our appreciation to these boys and fathers and other relatives of the ca, always been a busy corner, with tbat.we will have an unusually large service men who have visited the Mrs. Corlnne V. Knapp has been busses stopping at the Center avenue crowd out la a statement, not a club this week: Mr. and Mrs. A. D. notified that hor son, A. Horned Farentrance. Mr. Blumettl bought the guess. ioimtr summer residence of Edward Steath of Maryland; Miss Batty Jean re!!, who i« a paratrooper. Is in a Janson on Ocean boulevard, which (Thu Had Bank RtgliUr tan la bought . The decorating committee, com- Kasper of Kansas, Sophie Morgan- hospital in Sicily. Doris Balbach celebrated her birthIn Port Monmouth at Larry's Barber Shop was one of the showplaces along the and posed of Fay Coreal, Jean Wllby, stein and T. D. Naylor of Michigan. Jlri, Moun'i itor«> bay front In that section. The now Mary Clemens, Carnia Petraglia, ElHonorable mention to the following day Sunday. The next meeting of the Ladles' Jack Hennessey has received a owner has greatly Improved the" sie Wildanger, WHhelmina Vogel, Ar- Junior hostesses for their attendance large house. • • . , . • ' 'medical discharge from the Army line Lindenstruth, Betty VanSant, T. and Interest in the club: Doris Gotf, auxiliary of the West Keansburg fire Sgt. Henry Davisoc, PFC. James Wil- Gloria Maurel, Shirley Douglass, company will be held October 6 at Mrs. Harvey Gerber, the former with special commendation for good 8 p. m. Arrangements for the anllamB and Cpl. Edward Vorwald, Carolyn Sutphln, Virginia Ruhl, MarMiss Betty Collins, has moved to her character. Me was stationed at Camp transformed the ballroom Into a real garet Crosbee, Carol Zlska, Rachel nual theater party are to be made, mother's home on Valley drive. Her Ellis, Illinois, He expects, to leave Raymond Kemp left for Fort Dix ship on Sunday afternoon. Pvt DePonte, Ruth Jackson and Audrey husband is in the U. S. Navy and for California soon to do theatrical work. last week. George Chang from Camp Wood has Lovfald. stationed at Great Lakes, Illinois, A special meeting of air raid wardone an expert job on the lighting The Victory pinochle club met Another Ruth Straus news letter is Mr. and Mrs. T. -Hofacker, who for our stage show. George, prob- ready. This gay letter of news of the Monday evening at the home of Mrs. have occupiod the E. K. Camp house dens was held Thursday night at ably one of the finest In the country, club is mailed to our boys overseas Arvilla Ullmeyer of West Keansburg. on Hooper avenue for several sea- the fire house. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bryk celewas in charge of the lighting for the every month. Junior and senior hosCarol Anderson celebrated her sons, have returned to their home in brated their seVenth wedding' anni- huge San Francisco opera house be- tesses wishing copies of the letter birthday Monday, Elizabeth. \ versary Saturday. •• . fore the Army called. '"He is also a can obtain them at tho club. Group 4, C. I. A., have resumed Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mulligan of make-up expert, and .has had the The fish factory boats have comFreehold, have leased the Komatedt The meeting of the Junior council their meetings for the winter season. honor, of making up Loretta Young leaders was well attended on Sunday They met Tuesday a t the home of pleted tholr nshing season here and apartment on Hooper avenue, for the movies. , have gone South for the fall and Mrs. Katharine Elkus White of Red Bank, Democratic candidate and the plans for the coming activ- Mrs. Wanda Keller of Hudson ave-. Little Billy Crlswell, son of Mrs. winter, for the Board of Chosen Freeholders, picking grapes in the garSpecial hostesses for thedance are ities for the winter were gone over. nue, East Keansburg. The birthdays Dorothy Crlawoll of East Washington Mrs, A. Bastan visited her lister den ,of her home at Elkridge, Red Bank, as she prepares to do avenue/ was bitten by a Scotch .terthe girls on Squads 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 26 The final check-up for the big Junior of Mrs. Mabel Walling and Mrs. Rita her canning. The first woman to seek the Freeholder, post in rier last week and has been under at Jersey city last week. and 27, under their leaders, Arllne hostess rally Wednesday, October 13, (Waitt were celebrated. The fire company will meet at the f Monmouth County, Mrs. White "practices what the preaches." the care of a doctor who cauterized ' Lindenstruth, WIDielmina Vogel, was made. This rally is a get-to- '• Chief Observer Joseph Wackar o flre house Monday night. ,, ;he wound. As area director for the Office of Civilian Defense Community Alice Kennedy .and Margretta Cole. jether for the purpose of having the the Port Monmouth observation post Mr. and Mrs. John Rue have moved Leslie Joy of the U. S. Marines, from Those assisting with the dance last squad leaders meet the members of has again made an appeal for volunWar Services, she urges Monmouth, Ocean and Middlesex Comity Main street to East Keansburg. who was recently home on a furThursday were Mrs. Julius Straus, their squads for greater co-operation teers. AH shifts are of three hours, people to can for "Victory." •Pvt and Mrs, William Harvey ot lough, has been spending a few days • Mrs. Raymond Wikoff, Mrs. Herbert In their work? There will be Interest- with women filling most of the dayNewark spent last week at the hom» at Sea Girt. West, Mrs: J. Leon Schanck, Miss Ing and helpful, speakers and enter- time hours from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m., of Mrs, George Kronemeyor. 1 tomorrow at 2 p. m. as a reward for Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Boffey of Mildred Clark, Mm. Thomas Paul tainment. Full' particulars of the and the men taking over during the Naughton, Jr., celebrated rally will appear in this column next night hour. Anyone Interested is In95 per cent school attendance. Ocean boulevard are closing their hisCharlea and Mrs. K. R. Smith. ' 11th birthday Thursday at a parvited to call Mr. Wackar at KeansWednesday night will be known as week. (The RIMI Bank Register enn be bought ' The seventh and eighth grade pu- home this week and returning to ty at the. home of his aunt, Irene More than 1M Invitations have burg 218 and he will gladly explain Sen Bright nt Morris VVolaman's anrd pils have subscribed for the weekly their Jersey City residence. • "Tournament Night" for bowling, Naughton. Games were played and nnncl'a store) publication, Young America, which Howard Gaffoy, who was employed refreshments served. Attending were pocket billiards, table tennis and been sent out to service men and the dotalls of tho work. James Gravany, Jr., son of Mr. and A party was given Mrs. William Is being used one period a week in it Fort. Monmouth, la now working Joseph Shean, Vincent Qaraldl, Mary bridge. The winner for last Wednes- heir wives for the first of our Saturday was PFC. Robert Kossoy. There day night "get together" to be held Mrs. James Gravany, Is a surgical Layton Sunday night at ttiB home of a study and review of current ev.onts. m the Navy project at Leonardo. E. Naughton, Austin ' Naughton, Mr. and Mrs. Shortledge of the Charing Naughton, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. were 16 contestants with Pvt. Marvin Saturday. The LHtle Silver Women's patient in Monmouth Memorial hos- her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sarah Rock is the pupil in charge of Sazil Layton of West Park, in cele- distribution. Elmshurst Contracting company J. Naughton, Mrs. L. Geraldl and Rosner as runner-up. Pocket bil- lub will be hostesses for the even- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Montrose Hartwlck have leased through ,the Bowtell Mrs. A. Bastan, liards, the winner, Pvt.'E. Cannon, ing, with Miss Marlon Force In The first dinner meeting of the fall ratlon of nor first wedding anniand Pvt. E. Aronson, runner-up. Sgt. harge. This is going to be a real season of the Lions club was held versary. Mrs. Layton loft Monday of Surf street are parents of a soft agency the J.\C. DeLong houso in . John Madden of the Navy has reR. E. Cleaver was in charge: SDPortunlty for the many lonely ser- Monday evening at Bob's Tavern. for Norfolk, Virginia, where ahe born Sunday a^ Monmouth Memor- iconardo for the winter. Tho De- turned to Newport, Rhode Island, africe men's wives in the community Flans were mads to send a Christmas joined her husband, Sgt. Lnyton, who ial hospital. Longs have taken an apartment in ter spending a furlough with hla parThe workshop - schedule Is taking Lt, Mar>yin Bradhurst Fowler of Tudor City, New York city. 11 . gift check to all the local boys' in Is with the U. S. Marines as a.drill shape for the winter under the able :o become acquainted. ents. instructor. He was home the pretho U, S. Army, son'' of Mrs. service. John McDonnell, zone chairWelcome to these boys from EngJack McLaughlln has been released supervision of Edward Scudder, "who R. Fowler, Sr., who has 'rom the Army because of Impaired - Mrs. M. Murdock has left for Clevehas done so much to make the. shop land: W. Rudderfer of Liverpool, A. man, stated that the district officers. vious week on a brief furlough for William land to attend a ten-day convention been in South America for tho ;yo sight and is backjiome. He was a success. The schedule is as fol- 3ad1er of London and Paul Shunter will be present at the October meet- tho first time" in" IS months. Gifts past of the Daughters of Scotia lodge. She month, is believed by hla family if Liverpool. formerly employed In the borough Ing to Install the officers for the were concealed under a large paper io WE: Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Mars. was accompanied by Mrs. 8. Scott . Activities for the Week—Tonight, coming-year. i h problem bl fidi doll. d l l A buffet b f f t supper^.was * The off finding served d dur- to be in North Africa. His mother itreet department. Steele in charge; Wednesday night, Pf East KeansbUrg. ' ':~Y> letter from him In which Mrs. L. E. Parsons has been 111 at 7:30 p?rm., Mrs. Tony Hunting; Mon- iverseas ball, with floor show, 8 a caretaker for the Memorial park ing the evening. Present were Mr. received-a Pvt. C. Moller and Cpl. E. Moller enclosed a poem from the servlce- her home on Chapln avenue. . day, Tuesday nnd- Wednesday, 7:30 'clock; Friday, square dancing, Hill on Carr avenue was Turhed"ovcT~io ~and—Mrs. Bazil Layton, Mrs. Dolly he spent a five-day furlough with Mrs. Krelg, Mrs, Alvin Donaldson, Mrs. mon's hymnal by VanDyke. A fitMr. and Mrs. Robort Ralston liavo p. m., R. J.'McKean; Tuesday, 7:30 Billy band, 8 p. m.; Saturday, "get- the secretary.. . Neary of Port Monmouth, , Th« pupils of the Keansburg pub- John Kcenan. Mrs. Ellsworth West, ting tribute is paid mothors for their •acatod tho Linzmayer cottago on Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hancock of i J B s J S p W.enok. Mr. Scudder ogether\for service men and their love and tender caro, and a prayer Hillside avenue. ' !Sr^«ttSii-^£artiBa--rtYi8!!:ifWMiM180T-1 East Orange will" be'ln'' tfre"worlislioyoirTltufiF :30 p. m., sing 6:30 p. m. and inforWalsh, Mrs. Leila Reed, Mrs. Doro'year with a drive to purchase War day evenings. The Ehop is open dally aal dance 7:30 p. m.; Monday, music stamps and bonds. The goal of some thy Murphy, Mrs, Hazel Rodney, from West Virginia arrived last Frifrom 7:30 p. m. to 10:30 p. m. The Port Monmouth day for a fow weeks' visit with hor team played a tie gome Saturday The schedule for the photographic of the master 8 p. m. and dancing classes are a bond a week. The total Mrs. Dorothy Kreig, Miss Evelyn classes, 7:30 p. m.; Tuesday, dancing Rodney, Miss Adclc Rodney and Bobcollections for the flrst week were son and daughter-in-law. on Chapln with the Keansburg panthers. dark room, under the direction of H." ble Jean West. The party was ar.venue *. . .; .,....;. B. Battersby, is open at any time to 8 p. m. and woodcarvlng-modellng, $91.95. Mr. and Mrs. James Hanrahan are ranged by Sgt. Layton's cousin, Miss The board of health meeting \vaa the members of the camera group. 8 p, m., and Wednesday, card night (The Red Bank Bflglitar can be bought' postponed from last night to next parents of a daughter, born Sunday 8 p. m. and table tennis-pocket bilAdele Rodney of South street. at Rlvervlew hospital. • See Mr. Battersby for a membership In Eatontown »t tho utorcn of William A group of cedar waxwlngs will Wednesday, evening. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the flro. t. Davis and XS. Edward Smock) card If you wish to join. He will be liard tournament, 7:30 p. m. sometimes pass an insect or berry Mr. and Mrs. Walter Halleran of department re-elected officers at the at the club for consultation Monday, Rev. P. J. Jochlnke, new pastor of Quebec is the center ot- the Cany, Findlne help la easy with a Reglt- from mouth to mouth without eat- last meeting and decided to hold Td Th the Methodist church, will occupy his Center avenue will move next month adian pulp and paper Industry. ing It. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ter'Ad'.^AdVert'faement secondd annual dinner di d Wednesday new pulpit Sunday. He and his fam- to the Quackenbush .houso on South night, October 20, at tho Willow- ily are moving into the parsonage avenue. Mr. and Mrs, Van Boyco and fambrook, Fair Haven. Tho officers are from Island. Heights. Plans are beMrs. Viola Fitcher, president; Mrs. ing discussed for a reception to be ily aro moving this week from Highlands to the W. B. Connors house on Sarah Layton, vice president; Mrs. given to the pastor and wife later. • •* Fannie Renssaw, secretary, and Mrs. Rev. Jochlnke has served churches Center avenue. Eleanor Lindsay, treasurer. Reports at New Lisbon, Mcrcervllle,.AlmonBSMrs. Karl Davis has moved from HIGHLANDS, N. showed another successful year with son and Island, Heights. Rev. and the bank building to the home of about $75 in the treasury. A dona- Mrs. Edgar A. Miller moved yoster- her mother, Mrs. Hugh Merrltt of tion to the Salvation Army was day from the parsonage to Linwood. Hillside avenue. Her husband Is voted. The grriup has purchased a Mr. Miller has retired after an ac- with tho Seabees ln Alaska. war bond and wis assisted in the fire tive ministry of 40 years. The salvage chairman has received department activities. Two Sea — nt'— • Tho birthdays of Mrs. Luella Rush, an urgent call for the saving of Bright men In the service are remem- Mrs. Meta Reed and Mrs. Carrie newspapers, cartons and boxes. bered'with gifts each month and Schlck were celebrated at the Polly- Bundles of paper securely tied may those chosen this month were Clif- anna and birthday party held Mon- be left., at the booths by the police ford Olson, who is in the Army, and day night by Pride of Crescent Coun- Btatlon or can be sold to the local SUN., MON. •' . Sun. Hat, Amberse Nelson, chief machinist's cil, Sons and Daughters of Liberty. junk dealers. Shortage of cars, gasBED SKELTON) mat'e in the Coast Guard service. At- Forty-two members and guests at- oline and manpower makes lt imposLUCILLE BALL tending the meeting were Mrs: Flor- tended the affair. The celebrants re- sible to conduct a house-to-houso conTOMMY DORSET'S BAND enco Welch, Mrs. Margaret Fowler, ceived birthday cakei and other vasj. — IN —,JJ_rsi_Rita;7Joug-_ .glfta.__Mra.Jtflldrea.Magatnaa.or.thlB. Mrs. Gertrude Treadwell of Eighth las, Mrs. Fannie Renshaw, Mrs.'viola place and Mrs. Ltla Wilkinson of avanuer who—spent-the-summor-sea-- i'DUBARRY-WAaALADY!i-_ Fltchor, Mrs. Louise' Fowler, Mrs. Oceanport were obligated as new son here, returned Friday to her Now IN TECHNICOLOR Jennie Altmnn, Mrs. Grace Pcrottl, members. A penny sale will be held Y o r k h o m e . • >•-•' • TUE8., WED. Mrs. Inez Sutter and Mrs. Sarah next Monday night. Daniel McLaugrhlln has leased the Shoes! GEORGE Layton. MARGUERITE CHAPMAN Mrs. Earl Hathaway attonded the house on Third avenue occupied by Mr. and Mrs, PhlUp' M. Roy, who Miss SIgrld Nelson was guest of national convention of the Shepherds — IN- — honor, at a surprise birthday party of Bethlehem lodge In New York are moving next week to Bloomfleld. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Perkins are "Appointment in Berlin" at her homo on Beach street last last week. — ALSO — Thursday evening. Her sisters' Miss Members of the local council, Sons the parents of a daughter born SunGay, stylish,., easy to look atl ComfortValeria Nelson, Mrs. William Zorr and Daughters of Liberty, attended day at Monmouth Memorial hospital. , ROY BOQEBS Mrs. Clifford Huddleston'and.her and Mrs. Morris Kaplati, were the the annual service held Sunday In — IN — able, serviceable . . . easy to wear. These hostesses. The celebrant received Old Tennent church. Judge Robert sister, Miss Lllllo Robinson, have re"Ridin* Down the Canyon" are Selby Styl-EEZ Shoes, for ingeniously received many gifts from relative!) Carey of Jersey, City was the speaker. turned to their home 'on Center aveTHURSDAY On« D»y and friends. Present wore Mr. and A wreath was placed on tho grave of nue after a'visit with relatives ln concealed under lovely, foot-flattering lines BRENDA JOYCE Mrs. Paul Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. the unknown soldier of the Civil war. North Carolina, RICHARD FRASER Rev. R. E. Williams, Jr., who supWesley Garland, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilis the "Flare-Fit" innersole that gently Edward Emmons, U. S. Army, who — IN — liam Dovercaux, Police Lieutenant has been stationed In Newfoundland plied the church at Delalr in, 1038 I "THUMBS UP" . , supports your arch during busy days. and Mrs. William' Zcrr, Mr. and Mrs. and was recently transferred to and 193D and has been stationed at — ALSO — Morris Kaplan, Misses Mae Welch, Camp Edwards, Massachusetts, la Rnncocns since 1940, will preach his TOM CONWAY Sunday morning as the Ann Dovereaux, Pvt. Paul Newton spending a 20-day furlough with his flrst sermon 1 — IN — new pastor of the Methodist church, and Sgt. Frank Cermak. wife. • "THE FALCON DJ DANGER" •UK U. I. WAX 1ON0I AMD I M M M where he succeeds Rev. Parrls C. The fk-st birthday of Jcffery Perl, Henry Odell li ill at his home on 'reonly. son of'Mr, nnd Mrs. Otto Perl, was Throokmorton avenue. colebrated Saturday afternoon with A mooting of Woman's Society of a party at tho home of his aunt, Mrs. Christian Service la scheduled for Bert Emmons. Thoso prosont wore next Tuesday evening. Frank Farbor, Carol Emmons, Terry Mrs. Virginia Dlngman spent Sun(The.Bad Bank Itastitarcan be bought Solomon, Steven Ran, Shirley, and day with friends In Manasquan. Her Highlands from 1. Qroempan, Hadle'a .95 Charles Dillonc, Mra. William Fow- husband, Staff Sgt. William Dlngmhn, dniff ntore, Joaeph Stamen'a and Central ., FBI, SAT. Railroad, station) ler, and Mrs. Chnrlea Dlllono. ' has been transferred from Miami 8»t Mat JP.M. Malcolm C, Sawhlll, son of Dr. and Mr. nnd Mrs. Lo\i/3 Schlofer nnd Beach, Florida, to California. daughtor.Mnry Lou spent the weekERROL A game party will be held this Mrs, John Elden Sawhlll of Water end at Atlantic City nnd Capo May. evening at the Presbyterian church. Witch club has boon appointed a FLYNN A ion wns born Sundny to Sgt. Mrs. Annabe.Ho Dennis, Mrs. George member of the staff ot ushers of Mor— AND — and Mm. John Hnrtwlclt a t Mon- Whltflold and hor son, O. Lester cersburg Academy chapel, according . ANN i mouth Memorial hospital. The moth- Whltfleld, wero among those who at- to announcement made by David F. SHERIDAN er Is tho former Anna May Carlson. tondod some of the sosslons of the Chapman, history department head, Tho fnthcr la stationed In Pennsyl- New Joriey Methodist Conference" at who Is also ln charge of ushers. . — IN.— ' Chapel ushers are ohoson after exvania and ended a furlough hero a Ocean City. . few (lays before the arrival of the Charles Pla Is confined to his home tensive tryouts. They serve at all academy services In the school chaInfant. on Tlnton avenue by Illness, , , Rally day will bo observed Sunday, Mrs. Flora Knight spent Sunday pel, SON, MON» TUBS; Mrs. Grace Schleber will be hostess Octbbcr 10, In tho Mothodlst Sun- with her sister, Mrs. Blanche Harvey Sun. Cont, IP. M. tonight at the Trailers club card day-school, with Ml«s Marlon Fowlor of Long Branch. party. . Philip Lavole ' of Atlantic nnd Miss Lillian Layton In charge. BOB Highlands was first prlto winner An n'.vnnl will bo inn do to tho class Tho IdnKflnher, formerly called tho last week. HOPE with tho inrRcst turn-out of scholars. — AND — Cpl, Arthur Meads Robertson has Howard Conk hns returned to his hnlcyon, in the origin of the expresreceived a certificate of proficiency in navnl station nftor a nhort loavo sion "halcyon days." BETTY Army warfaro at the chemical warspent with hla pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. HUTTON Tills Is a Dusy Season. fare school at Ellington field, Toxns, Peter Conk of South slrcot. — IN — Owners of houses, apartments and where ho spends two hours a day Onls. DiLvlnoii, who Is In the Merchant Marino service, hns been home rooms to let aro surely busy just Instructing classes. Ho Is a aon'of now. There Is a scarcity of com' lounollman and Mrs, A, Mcndn nob-, on a fow' clnya' shoro lenvo. living quarters and a Regis- ertson of Miller street. , Loltoy Ijiyton linn returned home fortable ter'want advertisement Will brlnR WKDNE9DAY pne D»jr Staff Sgt. William J. Kanovsky, son after a wook'n stay In Now York city. you qiilcl<, renuH« and sure rentals. ' JOHN 9UTTON ' of Mr. and Mrs. Wl)llnm JCanoysky 1W; arid'Mrs.' WalterU.'Wllllfinm Thoao snino owners mad Iho bftt««t"' ""•'•'•• A N N A D E I X A ' : ' " ' • 1 '- :1 ' have returned from n. vacation dur- fled pngo of The Itogloter every Issue, of Fifth street, has boon awarded — IH — , ing wlilcli (lioy attended tho confer- and reply promptly to requests for the Army good conduct medal at his "TONIGHT W E BAID CA1AX8" ence at Ocenn City, During their liounoi and rooms to let. Want ads station with an antl-nlrcraft battalserve tho public the ordinary fellow, ion. 18 BROAD STREET, . RED BANK ahsonco thn liltclien, laundry anil' Thoy , —''ALSO — are priced low null within the Miss Elite Parker of Valley street pnntry wnio'miwly painted nnd other moans of everyone. Try them. Forty BLONDIE was tendered a party Wednesday Improvements made to tho nnrson thousand readers scan The Hfgle — JN — . night of last Week at Bohr's landing "IT'S A OKKAt U F E " rri. ii ' • i. . ... ' . . . ' " ' • w f t n t *A WH* every lusue. That Tn» entire school will b« dismissed is • W lde market,—AdvMtls.nnnt. . in celebration of hor 81st birthday.


Goings On At, The USO Club

-Freeholder Candidate at Work

Atlantic Highlands

Port Monmouth

Sea Bright



Had To Discontinue Telephone Service X' Si Ackley, Jr., of Fisher place, •' advertised in The Register last week tbat he had a «li?-roorn house ^ fog rent. M.r. Ackley stopped a Reglstsr representative yesterday to tell him that,In response to the advertisement phone calls began'comingin, »bout noon lost Thursday and contlnued with very little Interruption',, for the balance of the afternoon ana late Into the evening and again the following day, . *? a . further stated so many phone calls wofo-tecolvoa that folk* at home were just worn out answerin*them and. that no had to ask tha telephons company to. temporarily discontinue service at hta house This Is only another Incident of the tremendous reader interest Th« Register has and the thoroughness by which its want columns ars> beIf there 1B anything you want, It

Th« average soldier or Bailor -eal» about OH pounds of food dally.


At' Freehold, N. J.

Friday, ntOct. 8y 1943 m.

^ every mridoy1 thereafter tale Will begin promptly at 1, all cattle consigned to this market should be in b y l i a. m. W

Carload Fresh Cowe nnd Springers shipped to this sole

k H old "" "" ?? k ^^ t*° - H c a y y Pfo^uoem *° J" J"ssold

and hl-testera to bo sold promptly a t l p. m. These boys always ship »T«%a dairy cows and thoy. must ba •old. Two herds of. cows to be sold, iome fresh and Sprlngors, l n all »tog<* of profit, mostly Guernseys, some heifers. Siook bulls. We 1iope nil buyers and sellers will arrange to bo hore early, gala •tarts 1 p. m. Private sales ot, all

JACOB ZLOTKIN & SON Phone 9K8 Freehold, N. J.


Come on, Movie Goertt Buy War Boiid«I at any of the Reade Theater* and gee one of thete Bnt-run shows. If you cannot afford both by all meant buy .War Bonds. TODAY Thursday — Friday — Saturday





4 7



"PITTSBURG" Sunday — Monday _




'The Marines Come Through' — AND — Florence Hlc» - Jimmy Dunn

'The Ghoit and tho Guest' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY



Albert'"Sriiiaicr"'SJfi^" Co.


"GIRLS IN CHAINS" Sunday—Monday—Tuesday IION IIUOI Hirrlet HIIIUSB lllll.n CODNIll (tract MlDONAlD Ol.n OKAY a IK. t a n Una Orih. "».' — AND —


frage Phrg.


Atlantic Townchip

Two Accident Cases Settled Had Been Scheduled For Coming Seasion With the return o{ Judge Robert V, Klnkead to Freehold next Monday, trial of cases for the fall torm will begin In the Supreme. and Common Fleas courts. Judge Klnkead will preside over the trial ot Supreme and Circuit courts mattero', and Judge ,J. Edward Knight will conduct the trial of civil cased In • the Common Pleas court. . Prior to the opening of courts, aettlement of two ponding cages In the Supremo court has juat been' announced. , In one of those, Alfred H. Macoun of Neptune City, obtained a settlement of $1,760 for injuries suffered when he wae struck by a bus owned and operated by Coast Cities Coaches, of Neptune Cljy April 10. Mr. Macoun, a guard employed by the Signal Corps' laboratories at Katontown was on duty at the Shark River Hills hotel when he was hit. The collision resulted In Injuries to Mr. Macoun'a back and legs, with the result that It was claimed that he had Bustalned permanent disability to these parts. Theodore D. Parsons and Elston F. Combs of Parsons, Labrecqua & Bordon, represented Mr. -Macoun, .while the bus company was , represented by Attorneys Kelfl, Kelly & Flaherty of Newark). In another case just disposed of Charlea Hayden of Fair Haven 6b-' talned a settlement of $750 for Injuries suffered as a result of a collision July 10, with an automobile owned and operated by Leo Jacobeon of Brooklyn. "The accident occurred at the Intersection of West Bergen Place and Maple avenue Bed Bank, when the Hayden car which was traveling on West Bergen place was struck by tho defendant's car as It proceeded on Maple avenue, Mr. Hayden was represented by Mr. Parsons.

SQT. HARRY HOPKINS. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hopkins, of Locust avenue have received word that their son, Cpl. Harry Hopkins, has been promotod to the rank of sergeant, Sgt. Hopkins is stationed with the U. S. Army Air corps in England, ' .

Belford (Tho Jl«d Bank Baglstar can be bought In Bollard from H. Clay Bnir. John O'Ndl'i [tore, ^V«««man'B and Lanti newspaper 'delivery)

Next Sunday the Colt's Nick Reformed church will observ* Communion Sunday. A (Fellowship meeting will be held October 9. All young people are urged to'attend this Initial melting and every •> meeting afterward so that no session of the dgnlflcast study of church history will be mined. A consistory meeting wiu b* held October t at tbe home of Walter D. Fields. A Helping Circle meeting will be held October B, The first seasion of the mid-week Bible class was held Tuesday afternoon in the chapel. Parents1 are reminded to write to R. F. Gager to dismiss their children from the publlo school for these classes. A business and social meeting of the Fellowship will be held Tuesday evening, October 5. A Sewing club meeting will be conducted Thursday afternoon, October 7. Rally and re-dedlcatlon day for the church and church-school will be held October 10. Monmouth county's own Youth rally will be conducted October 17. Miss Bernlece VanDorn entertained FFC. William Cotee of the Signal Corps' over_lhe .week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Plotkln entertained Mrs, Fred Stern of Hlghtstown and Mrs. Zlmel Resnlck of Asbury Park Sunday afternoon. Franklin' pacher is recovering from an infected foot. The business meeting of the Ladles' auxiliary of the fire company will be held Wednesday, October 6, at the home of Mrs. Harold Gunther at 8 p. m. Anyone wishing to join this organization is cordially invited to attend. Hunter Cole-Hatchard of the U. B. Navy spent the week-end at home. He is stationed at New York.

Mljj.Jjtelen Smith has been kept Indoors with'a severe cold. At, St. Agnca' guild Tuesday the birthdays of Miss Emma Plahn and Mrs. Mildred Copeland were celebrated, Games were played and prizes wero awarded. \ Bed Bank Befflitar can be bought Mrs. John P. Euler-has returned .n (The Little Silver from Union Newsstand at from Washington, D. C, where she the depot and Georze Quacktnbush a) visited her daughter, Mrs. Neil Bluh, T h e r e will be attractions f o r old who has been a hospital patient, and y o u n g , a t t h e c o u n t r y fair to be Miss Ruth Yost of New York city s t a g e d o n E m b u r y . Methodist c h u r c h was a recent guest of Mrs.'John V. grounds a n d fellowship hall S a t u r Glass. : '. day b e g i n n i n g a t 4 o'clock. A m i n Mrs. James Bartholomew spent the iature golf c o u r s e will be s e t up a n d week-end with her mothor, Mrs. Jo- there w i l l b e m a n y booths In t h o sephine AmoreJle of Jersey City. hall, a s a l r e a d y outlined. All- those Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Bennett p l a n n i n g to exhibla In the flower and Mr.' and Mrs. T. B. Compton s h o w a r e requested to havo their d i s (Tho lied Dunk Resistor can bo loujlit wore Sunday visitors at Madison play a t t h e hall b y Saturday noon. In Hnzlct from Mrs. Edna M. W. Feseiix Square garden, where they saw the W i n o n a Missionary s o c i e t y will _ and Frank Hortle's .atore) "Ico Capades." ' hold Its a n n u a l .banquet F r i d a y e v e n The Hazlot Bed Cross auxiliary Mr. and Mrs. Myron Golden of Ro- ing o t n e x t w e e k , October 8, a t the helped to flll a quota, for "Navy selle Park spent Sunday with their R o s e v e l t t e a room. W i l l i a m H . Car. apron bags. Tho following persons parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Golden. hart, president, will be m a s t e f of donated money toward filling 16 Rev. nnd Mrs. P. J. Meyers have c e r e m o n i e s a n d Mrs. George I v l n s Is bags: Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs. J. Dolson, received word that their son Samuel chairman of the committee o n arMrs. W. Dean, Mrs. B. Nowlln, Mrff. bo'en transferred to Greensburg, r a n g e m e n t s . •*• ^R. Reya, Mr«, F. Latham, Mrs. N. has North Carolina. Mr. a n d Mrs; H a r r y P . W a y m a n of . Walling, Mrs. F. Walling, Mrs. 1 dipt,, and Mrs. John • Seeley of W h i t e Horse a r e v i s i t i n g their s o n '. Woollcy,. Mrs. E. Smalo, Miss L. Sproul, Mrs. A. Wajrnock, Mrs. R. Brooklyn spent Thursday with their Rev, H a r o l d P . W a y m a n a n d Mrs, mother, Mrs. Elwood Seeley. W a y m a n , a t t h e Methodist parsonCalt and Mrs. Bahrenburg, The auxMrs. Margaret Altkln and daughter a g e . ' iliary which has been organized Mrs.. J o s e p h Martello 'returned throe months have sewed on ladles' of Brooklyn have rented Mrs. Frank home t o d a y f r o m R l v e r v l e w hospital. blouses, children's pajamas, girls' Grant's house. R e d B a n k , w i t h her Infant son, w h o . Mrs. Laura Miller returned home blouses and boys' pants. The hand sowers have complotod a largo patch Tuesday after spending several days has b e e n n a m e d D a n i e l Severn. Y o u t h F e l l o w s h i p g r o u p will hold with her daughter, Mrs. kucle Anderwork quilt. The workora at tho tablo -•> B»w'-on>-tngs>« buttons--and'-hem' l>y' iion'day' e v e n i n g a t 7:80 o'clock' In B. Harry Kollock of I^ei hand. Hours are every Thursday from 9:30 a. m. to 12 noon and from spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs.F e l l o w s h i p hall, After the b u s i n e s s m e e t i n g a social h o u r will b e s p e n t , John O'Neil. • • , 1 p. m. to 3 o'clock. Mrs, W. Bell, during w h i c h r e f r e s h m e n t s - w i l l be Mr.1 arid Mri; Robert Lathrop and served. ' Mrs. N, Walling, Mrs. A. tJean, Mrs. s ont J. lson, M r s rF. . L a t ,M s . H.'|'am!ly | J. D Dolson, Mrs" iatham, Mrs. P *** week-end at Bay\ » Oman's S o c i e t y S f Christian Seron Pedee and Mrs. I. Woolloy have com-1 " ° ; Peter Brouwcr of New York spent vice will hnld ita quarterly n i g h pleted 60 hours In the sewing room m e eting next Wednesday at the home pioiea uu jiuuis in ino sowing ruuiu. , . .. ,„ Those,Mrs. attending lastJ. meeting Saturday with his mother, Mrs. Ber- of Mrs. I r w l n Campbell. Mrs. A l Brouwer. were W. Bell,the Mrs. Dolson, | tha Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Hofman, Sr., of bert J o n e s o f M a r k h a m place will Mrs. N. Dean, Mrs. A. Dean, Mrs. H. give a talk o n the subject, "The D o l Redee, Mrs. R. Richards, Mrs. J. Brooklyn, returned home Tuesday lars Speak." A s s i s t i n g the h o s t e s s Heath, JMrs. K. Smnle, Mrs. E. Welg- after .spending eoveral days with Will be Mrs. L e s t e r Taylor, M r s . alid, Mrs. F. Walling, Mrs. N. Wall- their son and family,; Mr. and Mrs.E v e r e t t T h o r n a n d Mrs. J a m e s P i c k Ing, Mrs. I. Woollcy, Miss I* Sproul, Dlfk Hofman. Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dlnnen and ering. T h e "gift aprons" are to be Mrs. B. Johnson, and Mrs. Oeta Vandaughter Carol of Lakewood j p e n t returned a t t h i s m e e t i n g . Bracklo. Sunday with their parents, Mr. and The V i c t o r y bells a r e h a n g i n g this Pvt. Norman Rathbone and Pvt. Mrs, Thomas Dlnnen. w e e k in Mlas Margaret Genz'B g r o u p Richard Walker have been transMiss Mae Hanley Is on the sick t w o s c h o o l room, the pupils of t h a ferred from Fort Dlx to Fort-Mc- list. grade h a v i n g a total w a r s a v i n g s Clollan, Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. John Renton of Ar- s t a m p sale of 3120.40. T h e total s a l e Pyt. Carl 'Erricftson of Camp Wood lington spent the week-end at their for S e p t e m b e r by t h e entire school w a s $498.20. upont tho wook-end with Mrs. Er-summer home here. P F C . T h o m a s H. R o b i n s o n , Jr., rlckson of Bethany road, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bade and Cpl. Ernest E. Pesoux, Jr., who Is family of Linden have returned homo former pupil In t h e local school, w a s stationed at the Xrmy air base in after spending several days with a w e l c o m e visitor Tuesday. H o i s Alliance, Nebraska,' celebrated his their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William h o m e o n a furlough, recovering f r o m tropical diseases, after spending 21st birthday Friday. Bado. about s e v e n m o n t h s o n Guadalcanal Pvt, Thomas G. Cowles, who Is BlaMr. and Mrs. John Bodtman and fighting the Japs. tloned on a hospital ship with the son are moving from tho Gibson R a y m o n d Martin, U . S. N a v y , w a s Medical Corps, is colebratlng his house on Church street to Jersey a vls|tqr_yesterday_at_the_schpol. birthday this week. City; Miss Harriot Moore's' primary Mrs. Elmor A. Bahrenburg, Mrs. Mr. and Mra. Daniel Slover and group In BChool held a tasting party Joseph R. Peseux and Mrs. Ernest E. Pesoux attended a meeting of the children of Leonardo wero Monday Tuesday. The children brought different kinds of fruit and learned th Adults in Girl' Scouting Thursday visitors of Mrs, Molvin Stewart. Miss Audrey Williamson celebrat- value of eating fruit and why it is evening at tho American Legion hall, Koyport. Mrs. James H. Ward Bpoke ed her 20th birthday Tuesday even- necessary to wash frlut beforo eat ing by ontertainlng a number of her ing vitamins. on Home Making. friends and relatives at a dinner Capt. and Mrs. H, Langdon Halter The Hazlet flro company respona- paray at her home. man and family of Wlnneld drive ed to a call Sunday afternoon about Mr. and Mrs. Frank VonNelas re- have moved to the Bry farm a 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Wil-turned to their homo at Brooklyn Shrewsbury. liam T. Walling, Rarlton township. after spending tho summer hero. The borough defense council has Chief William Urstadt was In charge. Charles Koch of Hudson, Heights resumed the collection of wasteThe company extinguished the fire In spont tho week-end with hla sister, paper and anyone desiring to donate a largo wood pllo and tho roof on Miss Ellzabcah Koch. wastepaper can phone the borough p the garage. West Koansburg fire Miss Emma S. Plahn, Mrs. Dora clerk,. Fred L. Ayors, who will ar company was nlso prosont. Tarnow and granddaughter Patty range to pick it up. .The numbc Joaeph R. L. Jackson/ local post- spent Thursday at Asbury Park. Is Red Bank 1603, master, has returned home' after beMra, Mablo Hlgglnion of EatonPFC Donald W. Wright, son o ing confined for tho past two months town was a visitor of Mlsa Emma Claude C. Wright of Little Sllve In the Veterans hospital, Now York S PJtthn Friday. • Point, road. Is a student at tho Arcity. , ' •' Mrs. Anna Whalon of Brooklyn Tho Gayety club met at the homo was a week-end guest of Miss Eliza- mament school at Lowry Field, Col orado. He attended Little Sllvo . • of Mrs. Julia Gunn tho past week. beth Koch. Sgt. Charles Seoly, Jr., of tho U. Grammar school and Red Bank Games wore, played during the even* High school, and was active in Hi S. Marines, stationed at Quantlco, Ing and refreshments sorved. Those present wore Mrs. Elthoa JohnBon, Virginia, onjoyed a three-day loavo Little Silver YMCA group. Mm. Joslo Woolley, Mrs. Mildred with his paronts here, Mr. and Mrs. Portor, Mrs. Mario Hortlb, Mrs. Charles Sooly. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richardson Hulda Helsor and Mrs. EIBIO Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Thcodoro G. Bailey spent Friday until Sunday at the Joseph Klrihafer of Holmdol spon( of Indian Hill farm visited Mr, andMothodlst conference at Ocean City. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. doorg. Mr. and Mrs. August Volkland and Mrs, Albert Turnoy of Prlncotonson iipont Friday with relatives at Thome. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, George Annabollo 0 PFC. Chcstor Dennis and Mrs, Den- Mntawan, Lois Salmon full and broke her Jersey City visited Edward Corllon nis of West Long Branch were reand family Sunday, cont guests of Mr. and Mrs, Hen-arm while playing at school Friday . Peter DoDonato Is employed In i nftornoon, She will be unabio to atdrlck L. Bennett garage at Red Bank. Staff Sgt. Harry S. Cowlos, who tend classos for at least two woeks. Sally Roberts joined the Brownlei Mrs, Melvin Leek spent Sunday at Is statlonod at Stewart Field, West at Hazlot Saturday, Point, N. Y., Is spending a few days Now York olty. Miss Cora Bennett of New Yori Tho Lodlos' auxiliary of Bolford "at his homo, Indopondont flro company will hold spent Monday with Mr. and - Mrs PFO. HudBOn P. Carhart Is a sur- a monthly luncheon Wodnosday George B, Roborts. , glcnl patlont at Fort Monmouth, Misses Nlcolotta and Viola Stranoon, October 0; at tho flro house. Pvt, Walter P. 'Doan, who is sta- Mrs. John H. Wormort and Mrs. nloro visited their sister Mrs. Thomtlonod nt Fort Hamilton, N. Y., spent David Bchhoor aro In ohnrgo. as Marlaro of Brooklyn over tin tho wook-cnij rit his homo. Mlsa Mablo Luker spent Saturday woek-ond. Mr. and,Mrs. Goorgo Emmons and at Freehold. Handicraft work and sewing ar. family of Bethany road spont tho Cpl. Crawford , Compton, Jr., re- ticles were displayed by 4-11 club week-ond with relatives In Pompton turned to Atlantlo City after spend- "Wo Weekly Willing Workers" Plnlrm. Ing a 10-day furlough with his par- Saturday at tho Hazlet school, Rov. and Mrs, aeorgo W. Hannqrs onon, iioro, Mr. and Mra. J, CrawMr. and Mrs. Frank Welgand o and' Mr, nml Mra, noollf H. Lelloy ford Compton, Hnzlot visited Mr, and Mrs. H. S, spont four daya nt Ocoan City attendMr, and Mrs, Harry Lange spent Wllloy Sunday, inff tho.nnnunl Now Jersey cohfer- Monday afternoon at Ellzaboth. Mi>. and Mrs, Jerry Allocco of Key bnoo of tlio Methodist church. Tli» Thimble olub mot nt the home port spent tho wook-ond with M , LeMoy Itogors, njro six years, son of Mlsa Mabel Lulier Monday svon- nnd Mrs. Rocco Mauro ot Mlddlo'•' iif Mr.'iind Mm. •O. nogors or Beit" towii. ' • Mlss Thoresa Cook spent Tuesday ' brook Manor, fell from a tree WodHarry Potosky, who has boon 111 nosday of lost week and broke his afternoon with Mrs' William Mulder roturnod to school Monday, " and children of Fair Haven. right arm. John Solano celebrated his blrtli Mr, nnd Mr* Lawfoiloo Arnold and Minn Alnm Tarnow la 111 with day Wednesday evening, ••'• tlnURhter Joyce of Clmmbors'lmrff, mumps, Sarah Roberts is on tho sick list 1 Pn;, Mrs, Bopliln Btutt and Mm, UorThe school yard has boon grndoi : Homo wrens build an auxiliary neat nard Htnnsnold of Mlddletown, Pa., Mrs, Antonio Qranato received her which Is used by tha m«lt whllt the are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mocltlionshlp paper* t t Frenhold Thur

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Negress Arrested On Serious Charge

name for e. novel garment Every- Nancy Joy, Nancy Letts, Jane WoodSgt. Francis Neville one hastens to get I t A minutely ward, Walter Mlckena, Robert Letts, described disease coats many a man Carolyn and Charlotte Gehlhaus and Reported Missing his earthly days of comfort" Susan Plllsbury, Bev. Donald Cor(p.196-7.) real, pastor, presided and spoke j BUS Btrgwnt Francis W. NevDle, briefly. 39, f t Headden'* Oorntr, ion of Accused of Performing EMBCBV METHODIST. Frank Neville, has been listed among FIRST PRESBYTEEIAN. IJttle Silver. the mission; bjr-tha war depurtment Illegal Operation Shrewsbury. Sgt Neville was walit gunn«r on a Rev. Harold P. Wayman, who has are urged >to be present at tho first returned to the pastorate of the Sunday school will meet at 9:45 at S t Anthony's church where a high J)omb«r attached to a South Paolfto Mm. Myrtle Williams, 83, colored, PBESBYTEBIAJf FETEB session. Tim' group In preparation mass of requiem was celebrated by Dsje. He narrowly ejeaped deatb a of West Bergen place was held unMembers of the congregation will for confirmation will begin study of church for another year, will ad- a. m. There are classes for al Peter Sneger, 8& one of the oldest th» reotOr, Bev. Salvator« DILorenio. short time ago when he and another der ball ot W.000 for action of the obsorve the Bacramenfc,of the Lords Luther's Catechism, Bible and mean- minister Holy Communion and speak ages. : A- contest is being conducted residents of this section, passed away Burial was in Mount Olivet cemetery. member of hl» bomber crew were on grand Jury^by Recorder John V. Harold Sunday morning>at the home'of his Supper Sunday morning at U o'clock ing and responsibilities of church briefly on the. subject, "The Cross by the ' superintendent, A rosary service was conducted a t another mission whan their own Crowell,' before whom she was arIn Keeping with tho World Commun- membership, leading to confirmation of Every Man," Sunday. There will ba Llndemann. The boys and the girls nephew, Julibi Duboy, PhlppoorwlU the . residence Thursday night by bomber was destroyed, and the crew raigned yesterday in polio* court. appropriate muslo by the choirs. are competing against one another ion Sunday. Eev. John A^ Hayes will on Palm Sunday. ,_ road, on the Haskell estate's OaK Hill Father DILorenzo and services of the killed In a ornsh with another, bom- Sh« was ohargedrwlth perrormtng'"ia; October 3 Is World Wide Com- In Bible research. Officiate, Gifts in amount of ?14O were refarm, between Headden's Corner and American Legion were held the same abortion on Louisa Brown, also of The young1 people's worship i •>0I>.' • '• ' (• 1'" n '' Tho monthly meeting of the board ceived at the' monthly loyalty din- munion Sunday and will be fittingCoapel Hill, Mlddletown township. evening., Bergen place. Mlaa Brown Is He has reBtWed' two awards for West of trustees was held Monday nlgbt ner last Thursday, for the debt ro- ly observed by this church with all vice will be held at 10:45 a. m. TheHe was confined-to his, room a week. in the Medical Center at Janay City. young people. will sing "Onward at tho office of Alexander D. Cooper ductlon fund. Parents arid wives of others. Mr. Sneger was born i n Russia, MBS. PHOEBE JAJJE SHEBMAN. duty in combat areas, A graduate Although her condition was repOrtsd Sunday-school convenes at 10 Christian Soldiers" and "I Love to and came to the United States 35 of Red Bank Cathollo U g h school to be lerloui Tuesday, ahe rallied at W Monmouth street, Cornelius men in the armed forces spoke G. Muyskeas presided. Mrs, Phoebe Jane Sherman of and Columbia college, Naw York city, tho following day and H I* now bebriefly of the location and doings of m. and' Youth Fellowship will irieet Tell the Story." The subject of the years a E°. B e bad lived in this secTho pastor attended the Monmouth the men in service from the congre- at 6:30 p. m. William Carhart will pastor's talk will bo'"The Surprises tion of Mlddletown township for 33Eatontown, widow of Thomas Ben- he was'employed a* a salesman tor lieved aha will recover. • be the speaker. Presbytery Tuesday at Hightstown. gation. nf Kindness." Adults are Invited to years. His wife,' Mrs. Matrons 3 . jamin Sherman, died this moraine at the Prudential Insurance company Doremus Carter, 48, colored, alto The pastor's theme, at the 7:30 Tho Monmouth Presbyterlal also attond thla service and worship with Sneger, passed away in January, her home on Broad street, following a before being called into service. The The book, "Who Walk Alone" by of West Bergen place, who police held Jte meeting there at the same Perry Burgess, Is being passed o'clock evening worship will be the }oung people. 1939. H a Is survived by three sons, Ions Illness. She had been ailing for Neville • family are former residents aay, Induced Miss Brown to visit time. ' • At the 11 o'clock morning service Stephen, of Mlddletown; Michael, of the past year and at half and wasof Everett,:. around and read by members, of the "That's Good Listening." .Mrs. Williams, waa held under ball. Members of the executive commit- congregation. The book Is an acthe church will join with other Union City. Connecticut, and Julius confined to her bed the last few of $1,000 tor the grand'Jury.. Both ST. CLEMENTS EPISCOPAL tee of the Brotherhood met at thecount of the Leonard Wood memorial groups of Christians across the Sneger, of Whitman, Massachusetts; weeks. produced bondsmen and were reLincroft church Tuesday night, Harry C. for the care of lepers. Belford world In observing World Wide a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Helen Bnagg, Mrs. Sherman was born at Headloaaed. The arrests were made by (Tho Had Binlc R««liter < n l bought Worden presiding. Members are asked to read the book Sorvlcea next Sunday morning at Communion. Miss Ella King, church and a granddaughter, Eleanor Snogs, den's Corner and was a daughter of In Llncroit from Charles loop) Capt. Charlaa Erlcksen and Police, The mid-week worship prayer ser- and mako a gift as they aro moved S t Clement's church will be morn- organist, will play "Communion," by both of Farmlngdale. the late William Henry Harrison and John Warneker is enjoying a vaca- men Lewis B. Hendrloks and Benvice waa held last night in theto do. To date five have read the ing prayer and eermon by Rev. Jo-Marchant; "I Gave My Lite For The funeral was held .Tuesday Phoebe J. Voorhees Scott She had jamin H. Glover. Investigation was church chapel, with Rev. Mr. Hayes ,book and contributions totaling $20 seph M. Brownleo at, 10 o.'clock. The Thee," by Bliss, and "Postlude in morning at the Worden funeral lived in this section, all her lite and tion from his duties on Brookdala carried out by County Detective Wilfarm,. • . • conducting. liam 8. Muatoe. have been received for the work. church-school will meet at 11 o'clock F," by Hiles. The adult choir will home with Rev. George Tatoff, was a resident of Bed Bank for sevA meeting of the Ladles', Aid so'The annual rally day observance Emily Tellefsen, daughter of the parish hall and rally day will sing "O Lamb of God," by Blair. rector of the Russian Orthodox eral years, moving t o Eatontown five ciety According, to police, Miss Brown will be held next Thursday afwas held last Sunday morning in the and Mrs. Thomas Tellefsen, Water be observed. A solo, "Communion Hymn," by church at Perth Amboy, officiating. years ago. Her husband died at Bed went to visit her titter in Jersey auditorium by the church school and street, Tinton Falls, was received Boy Scout troop 27 meets Tuesday Ople, will be sung by John A. Burial was In Mount Olivet Bank In February, 1823. Mrs. Sher- ternoon at the home of Mrs, Charles City after the operation'wai allegedmembers of the congregation. The man was an active member of theLeonard, evening of each week in the pariBh Halgh. The Communion service will cemetery. , church school meeting was conduct- last Sunday by rite of Infant bap- hall at 7:30 o.'clock. Girl Scout troop be conducted by Dr. Robert B. Cadet Sidney Sprung, who is sta- ly committed. There ehe was atrlck. Bed Bank Baptist church and a charen and was removed to the Jeraey ed at 8:45 o'clock, with W. Albert tism. Orvllle R. APgar, Sr., and.39 meets in the parish hall Wcdnos- Beattle, with the pastor leading In ter member and past councilor of tioned at Washington, D. C, spent City hospital. She told h«r atory to Adrla Apgar were sponsors. MISS HANNAH A. POLING. Doremus In charge. Tho service was Frlde of Monmouth council, Sons Sunday with his family here; day evening of each week from 7 to*worship. The subject of Dr. Beatauthorities there and Detective Joprepared and conducted by Misses Miss Hannah A. Poling, a life- and Daughters of Liberty ot EatonMrs. Harry H. Neuberger and seph Carroll of the Jersey City potie's sermon will be "Self-forgetful 9 o'clock. ." METHODIST Volery Crafts," Maydawn DeVoc, daughters have returned from Crane, lice department Waa assigned to inLiving." The congregation will sing long resident of Keyport, died Tues- town. . ' . A rally social will be held in the Martha Moore Hayes, Grace WoodRev, Roger J. Squire, the new pasHoly, Holy," "Be Still Myday on her 88th birthday in South Mrs. Sherman is survived by sixIndiana, whore they vlalted Capt vestlgate. He notified the Bed Bank head and Robert Lowry, who rep-tor of the Methodlst_church, will oc- pariah hall Friday evening, October "Holy, Soul" and "Around Thy Table Lord." Amboy hospital where . s h e w a sdaughters, Mra. Mertie, wife ot Neuberger ot the Marines. police, and following an investigaresented the church at the Presby- cupy the pulpit Sunday and preach 8, at 8 o'clock, taken September 18 after suffering Stanley Thompson and family tion by them and Detective Mustoe Lord." terian youth conferences last sum- his first sermon at the 11 o'clock a fractured hip in a fail at theJames Powers, Jersey City; Mrs.moved this week to West Long the arietta were made. METHODIST , mer. The adult Bible class and discus- home of Mr. and Mrs. Evart Sllcox Cornelia C. VanBrunt of Eatontown service. His sermon theme will be Belford Mrs. Harriet, wife of Allen H. Von- Branch. sion group will hold the first of Uswhore she had resided. The following students ot tho "Religion As a Last Resort." Special George H, Blchdale and family Sunset avenue, Bed Bank; y day y will be held in the Sun-evening meetings Sunday at 7:30 Born in Keyport, Mies Poling was derhoof, church school were promoted from music will be furnished by the sen- Rally over the week-end entertained Mr. Tinton Falls Florence Summers and Mrs. the beginners' department to theior choir, directed by Allan Carman. day-echool room at 9:30 o'clock. p. m. in the pastor's home. The a daughter of the late William and Mrs. and Mrs. Guy Blchdale and daughRed Bank RogliUr c>n ba bouaht primary department: Gal] Allen, The program will include prelude, World-Wide Communion service will subject to be discussed is "TheHannah Matthews Poling. She waaSarah Summers, both of Littler Sil- ters, Barbara, Ann and Virginia, of at (The Tinton Fall. «t Scotfi B e n s » l store) ver, and Mrs. Alice, wife of William be celebrated at 10:45 o'clock and Sermon on the Mount." Adults who an active member of Calvary Sharon Allen, Juno- Evans, Marlon "Now Thank Wo All Our God," Somervlllo; Robert Antenna of ScarsFifth, Judith Guzy, Barbara Lam- Crueger; anthem, "My Defense Is of the Youth Fellowship confirmation aro planning to join this group are Methodist church and Ladles' Aid Ford, of Leonardo. She is also I sur- dale and Mrs, Ferclval Boyd of Bed The old Bennett homestead owned ierton, Roberta, MacDonald, John God," Bruno Huhn; offertory-solo, :lass led by Mra. Claire Rauch will urged to do so at this first meet- society many years. Besides Mrs. vived by a son, Harry Sherman, of Bank,. Coleman Blchdale celebrate! by Mies Cora H. Bennett haa been rented by Gleza da Vogh of MountainEatontown; 14 grandchildren and ing. Parsons, Palmer Paton, Michael "Bo Near Me Still," Gebet, flung by meet at 6:30 o'clock. Silcox, who was a grand-niece, sev- cine great-grandchildren. his 17th birthday Monday. side, who la a chemist The rental "The Banquet Of Death" will be West and Jane Wiley. The follow- Harry Macdonald, bass; postlude, eral nieces and nephews survive ing received promotion from the The body was removed to the Wor- Charles GalU of New Tork was a was made through Ray Stlllman of SEA BRIGHT METHODIST. her. Eatontown. week-endguest of Mr. and Mra. primary to the junior classes: Jean den funeral home, where arrangeWorld Communion Sunday will be Funeral services will be held to- ments for memorial services will be Dante Daverlo. Mr. and Mr* George W. Withey of Botkin, Barbara Chameroy, Corrlne observed Sunday at 4 p. m. Rev. morrow at 2 p. 'm. at the Sllcox completed today. Mr, and Mrs. William Barlow and Tinton avenue are spending the week Emt, Barbara Hubbard, Dorothy o'clock. . Walter B. Williams will administer and Interment, in charge of Lorenzo, Peggy MacDonald, Janet son of Newark spent Sunday with with relatives at Hollyvllle,. New ?* The official board will hold its first the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. home Moods," Magee,, Janet Muyskens, Barbara Director Harvey S. Bedle, will be Mrs. Barlow's brother, William Van- York, the former home town of Mrs. JACOB JOHNSON, meeting of the new conference year , A vocal solo will be rendered by John in Green Grove cemetery, Keyport. Ann Smith, Elizabeth Sweeting, Billy them, "The Twilight Shadows Fall," Monday, October 4, at 8 o'clock. Brunt, and Mra. VanBrunt Withey. , ' . , ' • . ' Jacob Johnson, 73, a Belford pound McEllamy. ~ . Errictaon, Leland Gay, David Jan- Wood; offertory, "Aria," Tenaglla; David Hoow, Jr., of the Maritime The ladles' aid loolety wltf meet Bible study and prayer service will fisherman for many years, died Fri- school, sky, Dexter Jones, Emerson Rose, postlude, "I Will Give Thanks," be held Wednesday at 7:45 o'clock, Church school meets at 10:30 a. m. WILLIAM J. LEAHY. Sheepshead Bay, N e w York, next Thursday afternoon at the home day of a heart attack. He was a Bpent the Harold Bose and George Schcnck. week-end with hit family of Mrf, Silas F. Cronk. • Darnton. "Can Human Nature Be led by the pastor, Rev. Paul J. Myers. Mrs. Eleanor Lindsay is superintendg ent; Missionary Sunday will be ob- The funeral of William 3: Leahy of charter member of Beltord Engine here. . ' ' _ . _ will be tho sermon .subThe pot luck supper held laat Those having perfect attendance Changed?" Kearney, brother of John Leahy of company. ject in the evening. served In the school. CENTBAL BAPTIST, i Thursday at the home of Mrs. Welfor the summer months were Clara j Red Bank, who died, suddenly last Surviving are his wife, Rebecca, Sunday, October 10, at the mornCub Pack 62 meets Tuesdays at Tilton, Charles Parkell, Roberta lington Wllklns, Sr. for the benefit of Atlantic Highlands., Thursday in Wesley Memorial hos- and ten children, Lester, Thomas i Everett MacDonald, Marion ' Firth, Billy ing worship, the Sacrament of Holy the Methodist church waa enjoyed by In keeping with the World Wi'de 7:30 p. m. in the Scout room of the pital In Chicago, was held yesterday and Herbert of tho Army, Wlllard, Communion will be administered. church and Troop' 62, Boy Scouts, Firth, Bobert Daly, Gall Heyer, El- There will also be reception of mem- Communion Sunday, Rev. B. Eugene Mrs. Frank Haley was Injured last the large number attending. morning at S t Cecelia's church at Mrs. Albert Colson, Mrs. William lalne Slmmonds, Peggy MacDonald, hers at this service. • • . J Shearer will administer the Lord's holds' sessions Thursday nights un- Kearney, where a high mass of re- Smith, Mrs. Charles Angley, Albert week when, while driving her car on A daughter was born last Thursder supervision of Scoutmaster Cecil Joanne MacDonald, Warren SlmNewman Springs road, Lincroft, she day, in the Perth Amboy hospital to The W. S. C. S. will meet in the Supper and bring the Communion quiem was celebrated by Rev. James and Lorraine Johnson, all of Belford, Layton. monds, Barbara Ann Smith, Eliza- church Monday at 8 o'clock. The ' meditation at U a .m. . Leahy. Burial, In charge of John £3. and Mrs. Richard Poole of Leonardo. was involved in an accident with a Mr. and.Mrs. Allen B. Crawford of beth Sweeting, Wanda Rose, Chrls- speaker will be Mrs. Helen Straughn car driven tiy William Bal of that avenue. The Infant haa been Sunday-school will convene at 10 A meeting of the official board will Day of Red Bank, was in Holy SepThe funeral was held at the H. Tho Haloy car was'damaged Tinton , tie DeVoe, Jean Heyer, Mary Louise be held next Wednesday at 8 p. m. at named Eleanor Tilton and It the p , &, m. in the chapel. W. Harry Pos- the parsonage. Woman's Society of ulchre cemetery at East Orango, Scott funeral home, Belford, Monday considerably. King, Barbara Ann King and Grace Conover,, who will have as her topic, fifth daughter. The couple have one Madame Chiang Kai Shek,. China ten Is superintendent. Mr. Leahy, who was 74 years old, afternoon with Rev. Samuel JohnWoodhead. •' Christian Service will meet the same John B. Brady of Keyport, a for- son. Mr. Crawford Is treasurer of and Chinese War Orphans." This Tho youth meeting is at 7 p. m. in evening at the close of the other Bea- was born at Kingston, Ne^v York, ston of the New Monmouth Baptist Sewing for the Red Bank chapter, will Shrewsbury township. bi a jjoint of tthe ill b t meeting i h AfrlAfi th,e a o e | a l room of the h church h h and d slon to perfect plans for the roll call and served for "49 years as an en-church officiating. Interment was in mer resident ot this place, la a surgiAmerican Rod Cross, by all women cal patient at a New York hospital. The entire contents of the old BenMethodist and- Methodist church 'w m bo led by by Robert T gineer on the Pennsylvania railroad. Bay View cemetery, Leonardo. Tucker. connected with the church Is held can October 12. He is showing steady improvement nett mill house, including kitchen, He retlrod three years ago. women. There will be a devotional I The Glad service is held at 8 p. m. v cIoo Mrs. Katharine Honce of Maple dining and living room, parlor and ^.1g]jery_J52M? .(*Rftiernoon. M * P' ,1i Surviving, besides the brother at WILLIAMTOTH. "at "the" churchT"""NewconieTs wncT clal hour. avenue, Red Bank, Is having her bedroom furniture and many other would like to assist are urged to at- The junior choir will rehearse he on the prophecy of Amos. tt8Wi£rtr^SMa« im1^TrOTl'1Sriiblff^f1fll** LATTER-DAY SAINTS (Mormon) The voice class meets Thursday at James Leahy of Philadelphia, and a tend. Merchant Marines, died yesterday In Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock In The Sunday-school will meet at 10sister, Miss Anna Leahy of Lawr- Fitkin Memorial hospital. Ho was Stanley Stllwell, Jr., has Joined the tlon Saturday at 1 p. m, Walter D, Next Sunday will be the opening the chapel with Mlsa Emma Jane 7:30 p. m. followed by choir rehearsal Civil'Air Patrol. ' Fields Is auctioneer. i. m. and will ba followed by theenoevllla. of tho first of a series of "food, Lafetra. This choir will sing at the the son of Mrs. Mary Toth of New The first fall meeting of the Worn- sacrament service which lasts until faith, fun" programs for the "etrang- morning worship at least once a York and the late Peter Toth. The MBS. MABGABET SMITH. 12 noon. The two meetings will be er in our midst." This first gathering month, and every member Is ur^ funeral will be hold Saturday mornconducted by the branch, president, will be a picnic at the home of Kalph Mrs. Margaret Klpp of Keyport his home in New York and B. £ , »' £f . .* , , INFANT HURST. program, Tho picnic will be held nt ent to discuss important matters per- ja t u ?erected by a community of d Additional services are held each nd Ernest Smith of Bed Bank; a talalng V> the future program of the y book,"We Who Are America." 3 o'clock next Sunday afternoon. The Infant son of Lieut, and Mrs. Sunday for members of the armed sister, Mrs. John W. Weseman of war workers in the Middle church. The monthly meeting of the NAVESDfK METHODIST. fofcea and their friends at S:30 p.Kcyport, and five brothers; John and Carter Hurst of Long Branch died West You can give aa A secular concert and one-act comBrotherhood will be held Monday Thurs"Building for the Future" will be m. in Chapel No. 1 at Fort Mon- eorge Kipp of Keyport Elmer Kipp yesterday in the Oceanport station lasting a, memorial for p night, October 11, at the church. De- edy, drama will be presented mouth. The Mormon soldiers them- of Long Island, Harry Klpp of New hospital at Fort Monmouth. The funthe theme of the message Sunday at talla will be announced In the near day, October 14, in Fellowship hall your loved ones with a selves are given tho opportunity to Haven, Conn., and William Klpp of eral was held that afternoon and burby members of tho senior choir. 10:30 a. m. as Rev. Ronald M. Bowerfuture. ial, in charge of John E. Day was In beautiful Day Service. Tickets are available from choir, man returned to the pulpit Church participate in the speaking and InSouth Norwalk, Conn. members. Mr. Carman will direct school will meet at 11:40, with t;he the conducting of the services; Funeral services "were held from Fair View cemetery. BAPTIST. tho program. Miss Abble Strickland • junior class in charge of the worship the Bedle funeral parlors Saturday LUTHERAN , I service. ' afternoon and Interment was in Next Sunday will be Rally day Inis accompanist. Keyport , Green Grove cemetery. the services of the church with a Orien house to held by the So-1 The pastor will lead the youth felPlan Reception special program of promotion . and journers club each Wednesday at the , Jowship meeting at 6:45 p. m., the Tho fifteenth Sunday after TrinMBS. CLABK HOLBBOOK. awards la the church school which Presbyterian church for Army wives topic of ,whlchwlll be "Exploring the ity -will be observed as World Wide For Mayor Murphy FUNERAL HOME •will meet In tho auditorium. Chap- and women defense workers from Bible." Communion Sunday, at the chlof serServices' for Mrs. Mary E. Hollain Smith of Fort.Monmouth will out-of-town. Luncheon Is served at As a fitting close to the World vice at 10:45 a. m. The teachers and brook, 68, widow of Clark Holbrook Plans for the reception for Mayor 85 Riverside Ave., Phone 332 Red Bank he the speaker at both the church 1 o clock and reservations may be wide Communion Sunday the even- officers of the church school will be and a resident of Bed Bank and Mi- Vincent J. Murphy of Newark for 361 Maple Place Fhone 1851 Keyport school session and the morning m , , t h e hom<:-cookcd dinner at ing program at 7:30 o'clock will bo a Installed at the service and promo- ami Beach nearly all her life, who Wednesday night, October 6, at tho service at 11 o'clock, B: , °4n!?S, »y telephoning Red c a n d l e llght Communion service, to be tion of pupils will be observed in passed away Wednesday of last week Leonardo Field club are rapidly nearThe usual elngspiration service Bank 400-R, or Red Bank 191B-M.; f o , l o w e i f b y a a c 5 3 l o n o t the official the Sunday-school at 9:30 a. m. at her home, Holbrook House, on the Ing completion. Friends of Mayor __Schoql_forj>iip_lls five to Mjjneeta J Y e _ _ a L j hP_ j £ ^ j . y , Murphy along tho Bayshore area are " will" be- held- Sunday -evening" at" 7:30 .ihis, is .sponsored, by...Inter.Church board.Council of Women. planning-to-maker-this, Mayor-Muro'clock. All- friends aro cordinlly P.rayer meeting will be held tomor- every Wednesday'from 3:30 to BilE" Methodist women's day at the Red row at 8:15 p. m. at the church. The o'clock. Assisting the pastor in the•were held Saturday afternoon a n t e phjfs first visit to the Bayshore, a •welcome to attend this informal ser- ,n*n » u i i. , , mu , , r o w at o:io p. m. at me cnurcn. i n e residence. Rev. Herbert S. Craig, vice of song, and fellowship. vinM ^ £ h e l d T h u ™ d a y r o m ! choir will rehearse Saturday at 7 p. work of tho school are Miss Elsie roctorof Trinity Episcopal church banner event Labor groups active ,„ the „,„ church. „,,,„...., D. Bahronburg, Mlsa Ruth Seits and officiated. Professional escorts wore In the shore area are co-operating Saturday ovening the open house U o clock to 12 noon and 2 to -1' m. in o'clock. Workers are needed and a Mrs. John Caroll. Those desiring ln- in attendance and Interment, with with the committees in charge. activities will bo held for the serIt/* offtr lit* iervlcei of a personnel Iraintd In tht strucilon for confirmation may eri-the Worden funeral home directing, vice folks and families. Mrs. Jullnn special pica Is sent to all women to FIRSE PRESBYTERIAN, Among those who are expected to assist with thia work. New workrqll in the school. JParker will bo In charge and will .ttend are Mrs. Katharine E. White Atlantic Highlands. . .was In Fair View cemetery. era, will be gladly received, and inhighest ilanJarJt of tilts profusion. . . . . aidtd btf • be assisted by Mr. iind Mrs. Elmer structed of Bed Bank, candidate for freeEvery Wednesday evening special World Wide Communion service in the duties. Cottrell, Mrs. Frank Dlx, Mj-s. Warholder; Surrogate Joseph L. Donavill be observed Sunday at 11 a. m. services are held In the parish house GEOKCE DKAKE. lament of tht latest ren deBrown, Miss Dorothy Brown, hay of Freehold; Recorder A. Henry in this church, where there will be at 7:45 o'clock, with Inspirational tomplemen LEONARDO BAPTIST. Mrs. W. Gorman, Mrs. Donald Oaksinging, a timely message by thm pas- Tho funeral of George Drake of Giordano of Deal, Carl Brcmer of Tills evening tho High School the reception of members and bap- tor and special prayers for thoso who Shrewsbury township, who died Mon- Monmouth Beach, Theodore J. Laley, Mr. nnd Mrs Ehvood Powers, tism. Mrs. Morgan RehHf:, Mra. Clifford Christian Endeavor society will meet have entered the sorvlco. The pub-day of lost week in Allenwood hos- brecquo of Rod Bank, Assistant at tho church for weekly devotions. Sunday-school will convene at 10 lfalj was hold last Thursday after- Prosecutor Coed S. Aokerson of KeyBtllcs and Mrs. Percy Stout. a. m, with tho adult Bible class meet- lic is invited. 'The Edna Woodward chapter of noon at the John E, Day funeral port, Edward W. Wise of Bed Bank, The Mary Mount chapter, World ing in the Sunday-school room. home with Rev. Obadiah Goodwin* Prof. Harry W. Mountz of Spring Wido Guild, will hold a rummage the World Wide guild will moet at I flaunt 11 lento fiat J*ro the church tomorrow evening at fi The mid-week fellowship will begin Ten Complete pastor of the African Methodist Zlon Lake, and J. Frank Welgand of Keytome Bale nt the A. If. 33. iiion church o'clock tho fall activities next.Wcdnesday In for devotions and a business church, officiating. Burial was Inport Tuesday morning, October D. Mrs. tho manae. session. White Bldge cemetery. , J-ndtrlc wA. -SiaantS, ir/ffr. Red Cross Course Homer Methot Is chulrmnn of tlic Tho committee In clargo is hoad^ Tho senior Christian Endeavor BoRally day and promotion exercises affair. Tho Guild will hold their ed by James A. Grodcska, chairman Ten women completed the staff GUY BLANGDINO. October meeting Friday evening, ot the Sundny-school will bo held clety. will hold its first meeting Sunof tho Mlddletown Tbwnahip Dem135 W. Sront St. fcjtfanl, V.LpLn, 226 day at 6:30 P. m. in the Sunday- assistance training courno offered October S, the homo of pr. ,-mdSnnday at 9:45 a. m. The funeral of Guy Blangdlno of ocratic Executive committee. scll this 'month at West Borgen Place room. Mr», Edward Clnyton on Hi'ctor ...Sunday has been designated • as Lo.ol Oakland street, who died Monday of World Wldo Communion;Stinday. Tho I l u l l e s ' Aid Boclety y will hold a school, malting this tho eleventh last week, was hold Friday morning place. t pays to advertise In The Register. in()initi{j e worship :jylll"ibo''hoid''at"il 'n i m m n K 0 a n l c tomorrow and Satur- -claoo that tho county Rod C; ^ss 1 •.-.-.-.•.i-rr?-' dny. ' chapter has trained in this work, • • *, * *y o'clock. ,* * * * • * k *-' HITIHillAN. Lectures wero given by 10 volTho pulpit llowerg last Sunday mi <* The Sunday evening servlco will Sessions of the fall yum-lcr will feature the Men's choir nnd sermon were the gift of Mrs. William Wren. unteers representing tho county r 'OF TH6 aotDIM RUUf MCM0Eft .THE OftOER begin in Sunday-school thib Sunday by tho pastor. At the rally, day service last Sun- chapter, xtho Monmouth County Ornt 9:45 a. m. Pupils reaching rehonor buttons wore ganization for Social Bervico and Tl\o Hcd Cross production group day morning 1 quired ngea will be promoted nnd will meet Wednesday, beginning at awarded" to Janot Barker, Solyoy tho telophono company. take their places In new.'clrissos." Freldon, Carey' Mortenson, Jonn nnd iO o'clock. Completing the courso woro- Mrs? /UBO beginning this Sunday beginThe -Church choir rchenrsnl will Mnry Lou Plllshury, Lewis and Alice John Gaul, Mrs. Leo Goldberg nnd ners' Group, nges 3 to B, will IULVO tnku at. the church Wednesday Augustine, Cnll Simpson, Kenneth Mro. Snmucl Ynnko of Rod Bank; sessions from Jl »n. in. to .12- nooft evening, promptly at 7 o'clock. The Oldett Shelly nnd Grotchon Gehlhaus. ' Tho Mrs. William H. Ford and Mrs. during church hour. Miss Jnnot Pniycr meeting will bo hold Wed- elnbornto program Included recita- Charles Mueller, Kcnnsburg; Mrs. Monument Manufacturing Smith will-servo iin .secretary of theneadny tions. Scripture readings nnd diaRobert Trnsk, Rumson; Mrs. Elmer evening at 8:15 o'clock, •department. A rotating system of logues. Others taking part, besides C. Wnlnrlght, Shrewsbury; Mrs. and Retailing Company teachers will bo Instituted so us not FIIIST CHUItCII OF CHRIST, tho winners of nwarilfl, were Barbara Herbert E. Werner, Eatontown and in Monmouth County to deprive a single toucher of attendMetnert, Claudln Smith, Molvln Grim- Miss Hattio H. Cohen, Deal. Two Good SCIENTIST, oncj) at church. Tlio purpoBu of.tnjs mer, Patricia Wren, Judith Curry, department will l)o to permit parents Reasons Services In Flmt Clmrc'li of Christ, Mario Bordcn, Richard Gnrdnor, Stamp Out the Axis, with yaung children to iittend sei- Hclentist, at 200 llroad strno'tj Red Making a lolectlon in our display Vlccs w'lllo their children are In. Hun- Hank, nro held Sundays nt 11 ». m. Your Expression of day-school clllHSCfl. room Is not a difficult matter, for fiundiiWschool at 11 n. m. and DISTINCTIVE Tho church scrvlco will he hp)d ntWcdnosdny nvenini; nt 8:15 o'clock. two reasons: wo have a wide •elecTrue Remembrance 11 a, m. Tho order .of public confes"Untonllty" Is tho Lonson-Sormon tion ,to enable the family to find sion anil Holy Communion will be mihject for Sunday, October 3. No other, act of a normal ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS just what'e desired, and we mark conducted by thp puator, Itev. Wnltor Roldcn Text: "ir Cod be for u», man's life glvos him tnoro eaoh casket In plain flgurei. Cowcn. The cunirr who New Church In Amerlcn nnd Canndn, JnniM vrr.ilon of tho' nililo Include: A tolophone call to our office have gono on. chureli-wldn fnmlly communion Hun- "l''nr In niuijh wlndom In much srlofi will bring a salesman who Visit our largo display ot over Our iolcct Barr* Moraorlalf day. Fnnillleii of tlio church urn nnd lin tlint Increancth UnowlcdKr, Inwill, without any obligation, 1B0 bcnutllul memorial! . . . a t bear tho Guild mark of apUrged to attend mid communion nn crrnncth norrow." (1'oclonliiBtca' show you latest designs. proval—your guarantee of a pro-ivnr prices to I t ovory, D,ur«« ' fnmllloi, The object of tho norvlco 1:18.) CorrelhUvo pnjiWRcn froin finor Memorial at 410 oxtrn ' Only Monument Dealer* In > "Bcltiiieo hrtd Il8n1th with Key (0 tho nnd preference. ;Our oqmplote wlil' bcl to'strenii'the need of fninlly • cost -Vtall.our showroom ftnoY ....-•.••.•••"I.: . . - . I k * . B a n k . . . •;,„...,....•«,; unity In tho fnco of tho mnny din- Hiylpliircn" by Mnry'linker l'^ddy Infacilities aro at your disposal and 000 our display ot these certiIntotrradnK foicnn which mo affect- clude: consultation ts welcomed. fied Momoriols (> iiilf IIfo (nday. Mon In (ho armed "Tlio prono unwUdnKly nchda forth 1 0 DRUMMOND PL., forcm Imvn been «cmt roturn pontul mnny noiTown nr)(l illiieiioos nmonif (Opp. Uor»U|h lUID cards, explaining tlio «orvlco, mid tlio liuninn fnitilly. 11 doo» thin by Urging thorn to cumtnuno' rtt thoiMvIng nnmci to dliicnncn and liy RED BANK, N. ii t>libOej< Whole f bey'Tiro-localfld. /irlnllnsr Ion|; <](<»crl|>llun« which.mlr' N»« u> ML (Mvat Telephone R. B. 2 4 Wall Street , ,/Tefc 3567 West Long Branch , Tomorrow, n | , 8 p. •"., the jmnlor or IninitciB of dlsonno dlntlnc.tly In Phone Red Bank 319 will n>«0t v/ll)) iiindlilnlcn fiu con-thoui;hl. A now niiino for nn, Sundaya anil Send for Hltulroled Catalogue, ' R. F. D. Box 108 Red Sank "OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF DEPENDABLE. ECONOMICAL SERVICE") CALL li. 0. H ot the.


Deaths In Red 9ank and Vicinity



Thomas Manson & Son. Inc.


There Are



V fkene55?



Personals ,

Jewish Soldiers Get Leave For Holidays

Shower Given For Miss Helen Layton

Mr. and MM. John Regan of Hudeon avenue are enjoying a vacation in the Poconoa. Mr. Regan fa chief Jewish peraonnel of Fort Hanooek coatoma oflflclal at the U. 8. Customs i have been released from' their will Little Silver Girl to Wed houae at Perth Amboy. . tary duties in order to permit them The Register baa received a sou- I to observe Bosh HashanaJi, the Jew- Anthony Fiascon&ro venlr postal card from Major Frank Jsb New Year,. tyhlch began laat L. Innaoelli, who Is overseas. He night end ends tomorrow: evening, A surprise miscellaneous shower inrrote he had visited Carthage, which ' Because some soldiers, of the Jew< proved to be a very Interesting; place, Ish faith will not be able to reach wail given for Miss Helen Layton of Little Silver:Thursday night at the and that the country ha ia In certain- their homes for religious observly haa plenty of history. He exprea- ances, arrangements have been made home of Mrs. "Leonard' Bruner at nea hi* klndeat regard) to his many with Rabbi Arthur H. Hershon, of Rumson. The shower was given by frlenda at home. J ;— "—:••- ~ the B'nat Israel congregation Jn Red the - women -. employ ses- at a, laWatory office at Fort Monmouth, where Leo Snyder, who Is employed on Bank, for the men to attend services Miss Layton wta previously emthe A. L. Haakell estate In Middle- here. ployed. ^ town townahlp, Is stationed at Kort white, and the supper table was McClellan, Alabama. Ha waa recentdecorated with roses and a large ly Inducted ln the AfiBy. Rumson cake. Miss Layton will be'married George Bailey ot River road If havIn the 'near future to Anthony ing • week's vacation from his posi- (Tho lied B«nk SlggliUr can In Itunuon from the Humion M«rm»cy, Fiasconaro of Red Bank. tion at Jersey City. Finntrty'i itore, Torborg'i itore. Bover'i The guests were Miss Mary B. 0, Mulrheld and daughter, Mrs. •tore and Gilbert Duddetar) Helen Curchln, have moved Into the Mr. and Mrs. Frederick EleMer of Young and - Mrs. H. Alfred Randolph of Rumaon; Mr>. Louis Dehouse at 10 Hubbard Park which Washington avenue have returned was recently vacated by Samuel R. from a buslnem trip at Johnstown, Fazio, Long Branch; Miss Doris Matchett and family, Mr. Mulrheld Pennsylvania, and Washington, D. C, Lohsen, Keansburg; Miss Margaret la a well-known retired hotel man, Raymond McCue, Jr., was home on Jones and Mies Lee Balrs, Matawan; being a former executive director of furlough this week from the Army, Miss Marlon Hammond, Leonardo; Mrs. Henry VanNoU, Atlantlo HighMolly Pitcher hotel. spending tho time with hla parents, Thomaji A. Farley of Mount ntrcet, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCue ol lands; Mrs. Lucille Waldron, Highlands, and Mrs. Earlo Beers, Lakewho entered the Army recently, haa Lafayette street, been sent to the ordnance replace* James Clo&sey,- Jr., spent the week- wood. ment training center at the Aber- end at the home.of his parents on deen, Maryland, proving ground, Lafayette street. Fair Haven where he will receive his basic train- The World Wide Communion'will ing. bo observed at the 11 o'clock service (Tha Bod Beirlittir can t« bought ' Mrg. Walter* Cowen, wife of the at the Presbyterian church. This ob- In Fair HavenBank from Mick'i atore and thg pastor of the Lutheran church, has aorvando of the .Lord's Supper will Fair Haven Market) . returned home, from Lafayette "col- bo hold ln the' Army camps and The following is a Hat of new lege campua at Easton, PennBylvanla, Naval bases and .on shipboard ln books received at the public,' library: where ahe spent three days with her tho homeland and'overseas, A large "Under Cover," Carlson; ; '-'Burma brother, Alan Wolfe. attendance la expected. Seagrave; "The HumKenneth D. Adams of Long The Rumson USO attended a con- Surgeon," Morgan; "Mutiny In JanuBranch, a teller In the Second Na- cert at Fort Hancock Bunday even- boldt," VanDoron; "Thirty Seconds , tlonal bank and trust company, Is a Ing. George Gordon Watklns was ary," Over Toklo," Lamson; "Twenty surgical patlent'ln Presbyterian hos- piano soloist. . Years' Crlala," Carr; "War Planes of pital in New ifork city. . Erllng Monsen, Jr., la home on Nations," Winter; "I Took a War Staff Sgt. and Mrs, Harvey Rosen- furlough from the Army visiting his All Job," Mlklos; "American Fighting thai of Long Branch are parent* of parents, Mr. and Mre. Erllng Mon- Planes In Action," Klnert; "Our Ina son born Sunday at Beth Israel sen, of Washington street. Verrell; "Survival," Bottome; hospital-at Now York city. The in- Paul,and Thomas Shea have keen dians,!' "A Tree Grows In .Brooklyn," Smith; fant haB beon named Stephen Roger home on'furlough from tho Navy at "So Little Time," Marquand; "Knave Rosentbal. Mrs. Ro»enthal_ Is tha Brooklyn. They are the twin ions of Diamonds," Marks; "Windmill former Miss Esther Zuckerman, of Mr. and Mre. Daniel Shea ot Circle," Rice; "The Senator's Last •daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William North street. Hackett; "The Little Prince," Zuckerman ot Drummond place, this Fred Russell was home en fur-Night," de Saint Exupery; "The borough. Sgt. RosenUml If) stationed lough Tuesday at the home of Ids Antolne Dwelling Place," Wlnalow; "Tamat Gulf Port, Mississippi, . wife and father-in-law, John Lemlg, bourine, Trumpet and Drum," KayeMrs. Preston Herndon of New Or- of Washington street. Smtth; "Golden Aahes," Crofts; "On leans, Louisiana, formerly of Fair Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neuhauser re- Being Born," Strain; "The Bert. TerHaven, is visiting her daughters, turned Friday after a ,two weeks' va- hune I Knew," Torhiine; "The Wind Mn, Chaster E. Wllhelm and Mrs,cation spent In New York. and the Rain/? Horner; "112 Elm Arthur Gavlgan of Country Club Mre. Eliot Coleman la leaving Sun- Street," Rlpperger; "Range Rider," day to join her hUBband at San Kent; "What Dark Secret," Dudley estates, Mlddletown township; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Price of DIogo, California.' and Sheridan; "Global War: An AtPeters place are parents of a daugh- Sgt. X-C. Mlnnlx of Washington, las of the World Strategy," Mower D. C, spont the week-end with Wll, p and Rojchman; "The Inconstant ter, born Monday at Monmouth Flame," Eatea; "When Hearts Are Memorial"hospital. Mrs. Price la. liam Pazlcky. He Is a-former class- Light Agaln.V Lorlng; "Grand Croas the fofmer MIBS Mildred Hollywood, I »>ato«at.Lafayette college. ! Ing," Saxton; "The Turnbulls," CaldCo iwell;- "The Apostle," Asch; "The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice' Jack •Delator, who was . J" '. a I Trespassers," Hobaoa; "Fortress In Hollywood of this place. T" J H ? ? ! the Sky," Mendelsohn; "Lillian HarMrs. Michael Arnone of "ShrewsI ley," Cockrell;."Blde On Stranger," -bury avenue had as her week-end Tennant;: "JNo Longer Fugitive,11 guests Mr. and Mrs. Carl Apollo, Chldester; "This Waa Their Land, Mr. and Mrs. FJchard Apollo, Mrs, Frank Apollo and Nina and Frank T r n i j i L l oYou y d iCan>t "Angel of the .Navy," Angel;1 K M a n Apollo of Long Island; Mrs. Fred •£ j j <" Escape," Baldwin; "Gay has on reaaie yordyce," Hauok; "Hungrj Doga," Acorra and Josle Acerra,-' Misses Rose and Ann Verrante, and Chlccl M r a n d M r a W lnflald West of Grubor; "Hanged For a Shoop,' Accera of Long Branch. J U l m d : y i Z a i £ h 1 Ostonso, and "First Love Farwell, Lorlmer. Books on postwar planning include "Tho People Want Peace," To. Junior college, ai Bradford, benkln; "Plane For __ World Peace ^ ^ o n of Blngham benln; aohuootto. She is a senior at the avenue has been entertaining during Through Six Centuries," Hemlobqn tho past few. weeks her nophew, "A Time For Greatness," Agar; of Hoboken; ''Make Thla the Last War," Straight; Fort Custor Michigan Ia' l o r n'oce> Mrs- Mary E. Johnson, and , "Strategy For Democracy," Kingsferred cam n at Camp' friend of Mrs. Johnson's, Stephen ley and Patergoraky; "Problems of to the v , Stevens of Now York. Mrs. Nolson Lasting Peace," Hoover, and Gibson; Campbell, Kentucky. Is slowjy recovering from severe "The Price of a Free World Victory,'1 Lt. Herbert McCIoes, U. S. Navy, !tM Wallace; "Wat, Peace and Change, of New New York York city, city is is visiting visiting his Friday evening, when of nis a h e msustained l a c a I c u l a t e ( i nher e r d distance l s t a n c e l nln a t .at- Dulles; "What Is Democracy?" Mormiscalculated mother, Mrs. Malcolm Fisher; of. tempting to occupy a chair in her rlam, and "Let's Try Thinking,' Fisher place.' falling heavily to the floor. Deerlng* .Juvenile- books., include First Lt and Mrs. Stanloy Parker bedroom, Miss Anno Hlgglns of Philadelphia, "Froni Sea to Shining 1Sea," Dyett; of Salem lane, are parenta of a formerly of Red Bank, was a Sunday "We'll Meet In England, ' Barne, and guest of Miss Marya T. - Murphy of "People Who Work in the Country and tha City," Judaon. "*•• Aviation Student John R. Hulsebos, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hulsobofl of 840 River road, has entered Army Air center at NashEvelyn Poolo, daughter of Mr. and Walter Neuhauser, assist- ville, the Tennessee. At th"e center ha Mrs. George Poolo of Long Branch. ed by Howard Tllton. Howard Tilton. wlff take physical and psychological Miss Pauline Mills of Newark, examinations to determine for which Ohio, has succeeded Miss Charlotte branch of air crew service, bombardWoolley as manager of Jean Frocks lerlng, navigating or piloting: he is Union Beach store on Broad atroot. best fitted." Physical training, acaMr. and Mrs. Raymond Kennedy demic study, and military drill are of Rlvoraldo avenue are visiting The mobile unit of the Red Cross part of cadet, training at the Mrs. Konnedy's sister, Mrs. Burton blood bank will visit llatawan Sun- also cantor. This is thf first stop ln a day. Headquartors will bo in the W W t P C M,L_. training program that-wlll-eventually Kennedy recently received a medical Methodist" church anoTdonors"will- bo- graduate Hulscboa as a commissioned discharge from the Army, he was accepted between 1:45 and 6:30 p. m. officer, with wlnga, In the Army Air Mrs. Charles R. Hutcheson of Brook stationed at Fort Monmouth. Forces. Ho iB a gradual Is tho local chairman, and Is Miss Joan Wiltshire, daughter of avenue assisted by Mrs. Mary'Roslne. high school, whero he played footMrs. Ella Wiltshire of Broad street, being wishing to volunteer are ro-ball. has been elected president of the ThoBO to contact them by telephone Miss Nancy Williamson, daughter graduating class of the grammar qucfltod at Keyport or 1488. Transporta- of Mr. and Mra. George A. William school at tho Star of tho Sea Acad- tion through128tho Red Cross motor son of Glllesplo avenue, left yesteremy at' Long Branch. will bo provided for those who day for Cooperstown, New York, Sgt. Elmer W. Ralph, U. S. Marine corps, are unablo to furnjsh their own. where Bhe will enter Knox college Corps, has been transferred from Camp Lojouno, North Carolina, to A meeting of the Jolly club will bo for her junior year. held at Julian's Boathouso this ovenMr. and Mrs. Charles Brown of Camp Joseph F&ndleton, Occflnslde, Mori place are parents of a son born California. Ho Is the son of Mrs. A. Ing at 8 o'clock. G. Ralph of Brldgo avenue, and be- Tho Daughtora of Scotia will con- Friday at Monmouth Memorial hos fore enlisting in tho Marine corps, duct a card party In. Veterans' hall pltal. was employed at the Merchants at 8 o'clock. Warren K. Relnhordt haa been proTrust company. A card party for tho benefit of tho moted to private first class at KeesPvt. J. Peter Thomas of Camp local library was held at the homo of lor Field, Blloxl, Mississippi, and Is Stowart, Gporgla, is visiting his par- Mrs.'Jonn Selgor Monday afternoon. enrolled in the B-24 Liberator bpments, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Thomas Tho Union Beach library will ro- bor> mochanlca school. On compleof Branch avenue. Ho was Inducted sumo Its winter1 BChodulb starting tion of 17 weeks' rigid training ln Into tho Army last April, and this Tuesday. Tho library will bo opon on all phasos of Liberator mechanics h Is his first furlough, Tuosday and Thursday aftornoons, will bo assigned to lino duty with from 2:80 to 4 p. m., and Thursday tho Air Forces for tho Important task of servicing and maintaining th evening from 8 to 0 p. m. giant bombora, or. ho will go to a Edward Saulcklo, United Statos factory 1 Surprise Shower school. PFC. Navy, has finished hla training at tho RoinhardtorIs gunnory tho of Mr. and Mrs, Advancod Torpedo school at Wash- Oscar Roinhardt.sonHis For Mrs. Gavigan wlfo Is th ington, D. C, and Is now a torpedpMrs. Chostor E. Wllhelm of Coun- man, third class; Ho ,has been as- former Toresa Baden or thin bortry . Club estates was hostess last slgnod now to tho Naval Air baso at ough. night at a surprise stork shower for Capo May. Tho Women's Bocloty for Christian her slotor, Mrs. Arthur Gavlgan. Mrs. Mr. and Mr«. Victor Youncoaklo of Sorvlce will moot Thursday afternoon Gavlgan Is tho former Jano Herndon Maplo of next woek at 2:30 o'clock In th plao6 are tho paronts of a of Fair Haven. Gifts wero placed daughter born lust Monday In Hlvor- Mothodlst church basoment. g In. a bassinet. Tho rodocoratlng of tho Interior of l» UMCTU...WM i vlew hospital. Guests wore Mrs. William Jacquos, St. Mary's PdrlBh Is making plane tho Mothodlst parsonago Is being Mrs. Fred J. Dlotz, Jr., Mrs. Herbert for tho annual bazar which will bo completed this week by Arthur.B. Dloti, Mrs. Monto B, Jonos, Mrs. Cal- hold October 27 and 28.. Tho chair- Sickles. vln Ohlson and Mrs. Ralph Wclsman man Is W. Frodcriok Rapp, who will Tho condition of Harry .Hubbard, of .Country Club estates; Mrs. Hob-bo nssletoil by Lostor Stonoy, Hnrry proprietor of tho Atlantic hottl, wh ert O, Brown, Red Bank; Mrs. Ed-Kyor and Jaclc Ilyor.'., A dlnnor will has boon 111, continues to Improvi ward Dowd and Mrs.^ Edward Ryan bo prepared and served by tho mom- and ho now Is ablo to ha up of Fair Havan and Mrs. Preston bors of the Bonlor guild Ootobor 27, around ln his room. Herndon of Now Orleans,

On October 23 a card party will bo held by tho nion of tho parish, Booths will be managed by members FOIIT HANCOCK BOND. ot thosvarlous organizations of tho church. Mrs. John Miller, asslstod by Pvt Morrla Pollvnlok ot Broolilyn, Mrs. Jack Hyor, will be In chargo of boottad Fort Hancock's third War ' Loan drive considerably tills week decorations. when ho mmin ft cash purchase of a Tho Friendly Social club mot week at the homo of Mrs. Kllmlioth ll.OOO'wnr bond from Lewla D. Smith, Fort Hancock postmnator. Pollvnlclt, Gross. Tho folowlng oinoers vrnre • •
Norman Deacy Given County Jail Sentence Norman Deucy of Eaat From

atreot, cliargod with driving wlilli under tho' Influonco o( liquor, wai aimtoncod to serve t'i dnya In tin county Jail at If'roohold by Iloootdoi John Vi Orowoll Ih polio* oodrt ye» torday, Tho Jail term was Imposed when Doacy wnB unablo to pay flno of ?200. n i g ilcomo wos fovoko for two yoars. Arroatod by Pollcomnn Joiitp! Blvana, "Donoy plendod guilty to tl: annlvornnry nt tho next mootlnsr, irlneer'a o/Ilcn, purolmaml n 1500 bond which will I)" hold nt the homo of chnrgp/ According to ih'o polio Dontty'a our cnllklfd with two parka to awoll tha poatofllca'a cnsli imloa



WM on feaaii »uwa « «

Pace Seven.



*> f t "** <


Wi»h A«P QUalgty Baked Goods You can get a wide selection of A&P baked goods to help strkch wartime menu*. • . at thrifty prieee. Remember: only choice ingredienU are used in making these delicacies. Come today . . . tee the oven-treuures you can get without ration points. See the savings you con make every day in A&P's famous Baked Goods Department.


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RATION REMINDERS RED STAMPS X-Y-Z not good * f U r S»turd«y night, Octob.r 2nd. ' BROWN STAMPS A-B not »ood »fUr Saturday night, October 2nd. BROWN STAMP C food nntil October 30th. BLUE STAMPS U-V-W now tMi. SLUE STAMPS X-Y-Z vaKd . Frid»y, Oclobar lat.


Cnstvlew Brand-GRADE B


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large 28 oz. piece'


Point Cost

p FomatoSoup^'v 7c


each ,

RED or B R O W N J

JANE l i b . : PARKER loaf

Swiss Cheese D B o r rD»'46e


4 18 or. Mfl 5 R A I S I N B R E A D IWL-DaMrBrFnstHH» loaf Tomatoes N ,X k 1 9 «°n z 10e 18 1 WHITE HOUSE 14 I" JJILTMST "" Wax Beans 10 i EVAPORATED 1 O 14 Beans 6 I or g brown point 5 Sauerkraut Made carefully and = per can s& § skillfully from pure, 8 oz. A&P Bnnd 27 or. 1 O 19 wholesome ingredl- L NOW PM c . n .1 o = Accepted by American Medical s = ents. 9*9Corn Oil 12 or. | O 14 s = s Association Committee on Foods = me cob « i z SiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiis aillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltE

Tomato PUreB Tomato JuIce





Mel-O-Bit r c^-34^ Cream . S X 2 1 * Bleu Cheese ^ ^ 48c Gorgonzola Cheese ^ 49<= Muenster Cheese^ 36c sardines |Ooiwaon

Strained Fruits O . O Q , Strained V»gafablosW | a "«.W C 1 blue point per jar. SUNHyFIELD

c lnncc ((







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SUNNVFIELD 2001. Quick Cooking pkg.


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Rice Gems «»NMYFIELD


Sterling Salt Xt? 2Ar4c Gravy Master •'w«.b*14« Clapp's 2 is. 27c Pablum -Ilb.pk9.12o Soy Beans F|nPeTSoipirx"8SSS~S"8r

Three Minute Oats ^ 10c Maltex Cereal « - ^ 2 Bouillon GubesHERBox2 o '; n> 5 15

Brown Rice S »°^p^9c Junket Rennet Powder ^ 8c Knox Gelatine"~i»^n8^

" Scottissue

Gelatin *«HMBE io, P k 0 iOc Baking Soda
Ovaltine '.t'35c v : 65o Peanut Butter *««»•«= iibr31e Vanilla Extract ^ 32c 0

Durkee's Dressing F.mcw.' ^ 27c

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m?J.CB cO Ige. 9 Q CK Vcakes£BV




Pard Dog Food D'^rttd 8 ° ^ "f Qq.



• • * • . . • • »

• - i DailyDogFood x B Spi517«

I I t s flavor in your cup that counts!: sweetheart Soap 2-13c Sriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiijiiifi[]itiiiiiiiiiiiuitiit*iiHiHtiiitiiiiaijiii]iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiifiiiiiiMMiiiu«i]iitiiiiuiiiiiiiiiitittiiiiinttiiiia^

Elsstic Starch

i 2 or

- t^o- 8c


Salad Dressing SULTANA ?r33c Silver Bath « « " * • ! P r 2 3 c Sal Soda « « « " • 2 ^ 9« Worcestershire Sauce R*JAH5b°of9e FloorWax^nuDLEsspi 23= Kirkman's '"""lo"1011^ «k«5c French Dressing PA"BNE 8b"13c Tick Insecticide p - - 1 5 c Kirkman's 9 3 -«14c




1 Q.

3 varieties i o P k S I .

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4 l

Armour's T r e e t t 35= Margarine »m«*'.!S:22e Pure Lard • p <18c Salad Oil




X23« 7

4 red or brown points per Ib.


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FRESH-Diroct from tho garden to you.

Swoet Poiatoos V.\ 2'«»-17« Tattle GraposVrwiuV 2"-• 29c /ollowTnrnlp8 u ir3^10« Apples *£!&*•• 2»*19o Yellow Onions"^ 0 , 1 3" 19o Table Colery ^ 1 0 o


4 rod or brown points per lb.

pkg. £ ^ "

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o Points Per Lb'i



Sausage iMZ.rii. 46c Coin Lamb Chops'^,1* 49o pl l0 Corned Boof 6 r, r*p.'"' ^19c Rib Lamb Chops W ^ 3 0 « Fresh-Caught SEA FOOD I Serve fish . . . aave points . , . and economUe aa wclll

MACKEREL '•>» ^ 17c FRESH SHRIMP »33« Fresh Haddock > 17o Frosli f orgies Fresh Flounders 16c Fresh Weakfisb <»22e Fresh Whiting ^12° Jumbo Smelts *29«


Page Eight

Red Bank andRUmson Open Season Saturday

Baseball Champions Tendered Banquet

Barnet Becker, tenth BlTar, f pounai, 4


""Smalt Mouth B u i — C U r l e i A. ZekboU. FranklloVUle. I found. T o u r e . i l Charlee E. Bendorf, HiJdondeld, 4 pound! i Bobert 8 . Meredith. Oakland. > 'pwuria, *%. ouneei, Pike—Jack Morohy. W « t Trenton, 4 pounda, I • onceeat Gfiarlai S . Hoax. Brldntoa, I ponMi, J cuoeei: Peter Qlerllo, Montroie Terrace, Vtulana. • m a d e , 4 ounces. Pickerel—William MoTaxland. Pater.on, 4 poundi! Theodore M u i k y , Jerity City, 4 poundai Andrew Tanner. Neotone. I pounda. 4 otmeM. Calico Ban—Alfred P . Boone, O u n d n , 1 Wanda I Flank Duoatlno,, 1 pound, t ouncei: Peter P u d o i , North Branch, 1 poanft s ounces,' Yellow P.rch—Bill Welle. Aibury Park,

Henry's Market Wins Three At Recreation

At; the Llncroft Inn last Thursday night 66 officers and men sat down to a sumptuous roast chicken dinner on the occasion of the baseball league Timely Notes, among the various camps in this vicinity paying honor to the chamon the Great Outdoor* pions, the members of the Camp. BX STEW Wood team. The teams In the league represented the Eastern Signal Corps Baseball league and were supported : by the united efforts of the officers •• New Jersey is at last giving a good and enlisted men of the Second Sig- account of Itself In the piscatorial The Red S«nk Evan before Earl Godwin mads 1 pound, 4 auStut Tni A, Otunwooi. Two local football teams will pry field, so. far as price winning fish are our hen Henrietta famous by broad- North"Arlington. 1 poand, 4 oanceit Xt* nal Training regiment. Bowling leaguo optnort with » bring Smith. Oakhurit, 11 ouneei. tho lid off the gridiron, season in concerned. Strange as it seems the casting her over the air waves on thar Monday night at Rooroatlon hall.' The guests of honor were BrigaBlue GUI Sunnih—Earl D. Gardner, 'this section Saturday afternoon Montclalr. 15U ounces: Edwin Duraont, JDIaplaylng njl.d-waion form, Honry'n dier General George L. VanDeusen, lucky anglers are both women. a coast to coast; hook up she had a. Jr., wherl the Red Bank Buccaneers Qlendola, I t ouneaa; Jamil Quick, Last week we published the name WOMEN'S FBIDAY EVENING Market took three gamei from TotColonels James B. Haskell, Carroll O. distinctive personality. That was Princeton, 14 oaneef. meet the Manasquan Big Blue and py ley's Sports on game* of 810, 808 nnd Blckelhaupt, Lester J. Myers and Al- of Mrs. Dowstra of Red Bank, who before Godwin's pig "Florette" was Common Sunnih—Eeil D, Qartnkr, LEAGUE : tho Rmnaon Purple Bulldogs face Montclair, 1 pound, '4 cancel. 862, Two of the night'* tow 600 bert F. Hogle, Lieutenant Colonel landed a four and a half pound fresh sacrificed for the war 'effort and bethe Freehold Colonials. Both teams i f i d f th 'fft White Perch—Ralph Kntiall. OoUlnia- „ series were rolled In this match, COM COMMANDOS (3) Harlan B. Monroe, "Major Hozmer water pike which She caught In came juicy slabs of. bacon, tat rood, will play on tho opponents' grounds, 1 pound, 4 cancel. j» Molnar .. Shadow Lake. This flsh measured Nordy Aachcttlno contributing «02i .„ i18 Wright, Captains Wallace E. Ballard, Calnah—Vine neent "Judklnt. Ifaywood. I J. Brett and both will be linder the guiding smoked cured hams, .head cheese, for Tetloy's snd Charley Kowoll 802 Elmer R. Kolb and „ Joseph Zarlsh 27 inches in length and four inches scrapple, pig's knuckles and satler poundi, 12',4 euncii: S i t . Anthony Dag- >. Calindrtello _ hands 01 new mcntore. From The roit, Atlantle City, B poundi, II ouneei. in girth. It was entered In the Gov'• Bruno ...... for Henry's Market. , Honry Bcaoola Register correspondent's observation Boncores and Clothiers and Lieutenants Cornelius P. Down- ernor's New Jersoy Fishing Tourna- kraut. That was before I pre- " Soil Water DMalon. ~ Koch rolled 333 and Qurruto 228, : <. ey, George E. Hosklns, Jr., William of the encounters, the teams both formed the gory operation of exBlickOih—Edwin J. Smith.- Newark. 7 ment and according to the latest reRasaas took two games from Sal's, face difficult assignments for their Sp'echt, Jr.. William L. Carnochan tracting yards and yards of matted poundi j Gui B. Holtlohner, Eltiebeth. e Win Thrfce Games leases will tie with Jack Murphy of openers. . OrllU'a won two from, the Field Labs, and Peter E. Gallon. paper, Btrlps of highly colored cloth poundi, 10 ounce*; Paul C. Moock, Phil- lummy FLYING „.„, Fa.. 8 pounda. 4 ouneei. Trenton for first prise. Cltarella's won two from the Mor-' and strands of wool from her craw. adelphia, The Maroon Buccaneers of' Red During the evening there was a Tuesday Night Black Drum—Mn. Calvin H. Klmble. A. Curler Now comes Mrs. Margie Clark of chants, Red Bank Dairy took two >. Jaequea ..^ Bank meet an all-veteran team at During her convalesence she be- Rio Grande, 83 poundi; Frank Phlfer, W. short entertainment, with Private from Arnono's and Balrd-Davlton S8 poundi i Frank Phlfer. W. 4. VanBrunt Manasquan when the popular Frank Adrian Lay as master of ceremonies. Newark with the Grandfather "door- came a family pet and had the run Wlldwood, Wlldwood. 55 poundi: Ted Gruff. Wild- B. Parcela In the Red Bank Bowling league mat" of them all, a 14 and threewon two from Broadway Mazza's Plngltore, new coach of the Red of the house and spent most of her. wood, SB poundi, Popular songs were rendered by MiBS . Tuesday night at the Recreation hall, quarters pound fluke. This fish has Twin Diner club, Others contribute " Bank team, sends his first team since time in the parlor talking to us and Croakera—Samuel J. ^Ourran; PhiladelAnne Perry, guitar selections by CorIng scores of 200 or better were Har> 1927 into the fray. Coach Chief Boncores and Clothiers &, Insurance poral Billy Sheets, tap dancing by been entered in the Jersey and exploring every nook and crevice, phia, 7 pounda, 12 ouncei; Fred Ichloner. D. Inglli .... each won three games, but signal Philadelphia, 5 poundi, 6 ounce!} Jomel old Duncan, 238; Talbot. Travers, Newberry will have an obvious adPrivate Joseph Manariano and Ha- George .Ruppert contests where it looping behind book shelves and In Philadelphia, « • pounda, i M. Klenk .... 224; W. Aumack, 228, 201 and .203, vantage, for he will held ten of last honors for the night went to Berij- waiian dance numbers by Staff Ser- will probably walk away with all top clothes, closets, Later after she waa McGorrey, L. Bradaha ouneei. E. Oarhart honors. The largest to date In the fully recovered I put her, back with and Elmer Morris 210. Tho scores: year's regulars plus one reserve dex for high game, high.series, high geant Dorothy Kesterson. Fluke—C. B. Marter. Burllmton. « H. Braney ... Individual game and high individual poundi, 9 ouncti; Joieph Wadaworth, FhlU New Jersey contest weighs six player of last year. FIELD LABS. NO 2 (1) ' A baseball skit presented by the pounds, nine ounces. We have not her sisters in the hen house where adelphla; 6 poundi, 9 ouneei! Walter U . series. The latter two records were g; Morrll .\..._ ft a 210 l o , The Red Bank team has been she promptly challenged and licked Coatei, Camden, i, C Camp Wood ball players, with Major a e , It poundi, pouni, 714 714 ouncei nce: William Sohuoker .J> 101 142 181 MUSTANGS Harry F, busily engaged in preparing for the set by Joe Poulson, whose fine per- B. P. Mauborgne as toastmaster, was received the latest weights in tlie. every one Of them. W, Hunter 140 1SH 1B5 GUI, Rlchboro, Pa., & poundi, 3. Evans contest under-the watchful eyes of formances enabled his team to hang a very humorous affair, the principal Ruppert Contest but it will be safe R. Mori-la „...: P. Truvera While Florettes. pork haa long ( 121 1st 162 Winter Flounder—Ven Ruth Elliott, Dummy ». Caatellaclo 104 176 172 Coach Plngltore and his. assistant, up the high game and high series characters representing certain well to say will be well under 14 since been consumed by hungry PlalnAeld. l l d 2 Aoundi. ouneee. d S Truven. Sr. and three-quarters pounds. Coach Tom Phipps, former Keyport marks. Gene CoBentlno backed up Trigger FUh—Albert H. Morrll, Phil- A. ration pointers and her offspring will and others of the D. Aaehettlno high school coach. His eleven, how- hls'Bendix teammate with games of known officers Training regiment. I arrived at Shark River last Wed- soon meet the same fate, Henrlette adelphia, 8 pound* Klnnflih—Borli Blel. Helroie Park. Pa,, 1B8, 181 and 229. signal F\ Uorrli 100 198 162 Second ever, will ha,ve but lour of last seanesday evening just as Mrs. Clark still supplies us with an egg a day 750 poundi, 2 ouncei: Joseph Comptoi, H. Aichettlno ...„". Iu5 181 177 s TOMAHAWKS (1) , eon's letter winners when the open- •Poulson's high game was 255, and Corporal E. Bohan was the announc- hooked her prize fish. She was fish- and that's not all, Some day when 3Fenns Grove. Fa.. 2 pounda. 1 ounce: HowP. Bnrraiio _..... 187 Hi 147 er. The characters represented and D. Will 1«9 148 ing whistle sounds. On the line,'Red his high series was 714 ,on games of I- aava»e _ l a o 171 157 ing along the bulkhead just' weat the eggs stop being manufactured ard T. Sharer. Philadelphia, 2 poundi. 101 163 R. Striped Basi—Curtla Keufeld, Dumont, '. Bchucker...... Suoaio 142 155 184 Bank will have Oliver "Bennett at 245, 214 and 255, Nordy's salvaged those who took the parts were Col- of the Ocean Highway bridge and and :. .. 120 127 eroy she no longer supplies us with SO pounds; Michael R.'Caplto, Union, 5 M. TJellroy guard, Pat D'Alola at tackle and the' second game from Bendlx with onel Mlllbrook, Technical Sergeant using an average weight boat^rdd l a s I O .. ISO A. Traven ...... ... poundi, 12 ouneea s, William Baehrle, Philour dally vitamins we will put her in 155 P. W.-Dlleo; Colonel Byers, Sergeant . 16T P. Mallei Fred Bruno at end. In the back- an 889 count. Jimmy Acerra with adelphia:, 8 poundi. S ouneef. when she received a hard tug on her AIINONEBBOS1^)1""^ field the only Veteran will be Wal- games of 179, 223 and 221 led Bon- N. J. Tocci; Coach SUleo, Sergeant line. Thinking her hook was fast the pot and have a grand chicken Weaktih—A. A, Whltlcar, Birntuat, 10 157 193 loo875 717 788 B, Arnone pounde, 9 ouneea; Zefford. Role. Atlanticter "Babe" Jackson at halfback. cores to Its three-game win over Red C. V. Warren; Green Hornet, Ser- on a mussle bed she started to pull fricassee with dumplings. m X ? " * "••• • 108 167 I " " AVENGERS (2) City. 7 poundi, 1 ounce; Philip Greene, E. Ferneau She still talks a blue streak to Jr.. Pingltore will send several of last Bank Recreation. The Gardeners geant G. Nemchik; Colonel Bubroe, in on her line, but instead of coming 146 H I 1S4 Stdblo _ 121 10B 156 Shrewabury, 7 poundi. ' Turnock 108 IBS 134 year's reserves to the gridiron wars won two games from Pete's Chatter- Corporal G. T. McLaublln; Captain In it started to move out. First slow- me when I go down to the hen house. Tuna (imalleat)— Auzuatua B. Folk, G. Atnon m o 1(4 202 A. Shlnn :. M7 1S7 149 in the person of Davenport at end, box, while the Clothiers' victim was Sallard, Corporal L. Hirschler; Ma- ly and then very fast so-she held on She Is still Inquisitive and spends Neptune, 2 poundi, 12 ouneaa, Jeffrey ICB 102 188 P. Brown 188 H 9 182 Prominskl at center.and Riie at Boynton & Boynton. jor Fright, Staff Sergeant G. K. for dear life while every one around most of her time, running Into the M. .Francli 161 1S8 130 ' RED BANK D A 1 R Y°(2)8" . " ' halfback. Shields, and ball players, Staff Ser- offered advice. nests whero her sisters have just J. Eelman — 107 218 108 700 768 705 Bucknlew BENDIX (2) _... . iGfl igo • 148 geant York and Corporal Durkln. laid an egg to lorfk it over. SomeWILDCATS (1) Several sophomot'es will be In tho V»uGuenther iso lll-ni -208 161 For a while It began to look like times when they are still on the nest M. Jonea ...» .... 14B. UK 17.8 182 , Maroon lineup. Galassi at right- Potu'r".-..-....: a losing battle and that something she will pry underneath thorn to see L. Wilde .;.,..., 120 154 140 157 guard and Murray at right-half will Mahoney U. Soffel 167 .. ,..-. 186 The New Jersey Fish and. Game would have to give. Either the line 190 161 what progress they are making. Yes, .- - 114 147 Aumack •» probably see the most action, al- Coientlno 'would break or she would have to let Henriette is the most remarkable commission has endorsed the cam- F. 245 2 U 245 D. Meslll ....... .*.......... 188 146 though Harry Bedford is In a prom- Pouleon TW.N D1NEH ^ °301862v . loose of the rod or she would have hen which the hennery world' has paign of the International Game Fish Majja : 124 180 178 inent role for the left tackle alot. lit association to provide recreational to have some one grab hold of her ever produced. {/•h«r ^ 157 153 NORDY'S (1) • 140 SPITFIRES (2) Red Bank scrimmaged Matawan Allen liaolerlo fishing kits for men In service over' 147 keep from being yanked over146 From estimates made by Ducks, to A. Gaee «... 155 150 Tuesday afternoon and the Buc- Chasey ™...~ 156 195 F, Lafayette 177 135 seas so that "'they may enjoy this board. Mrs. Clark only weighs 120 : L. SejTeek ; _ • 141 "Old Tom" of Belmar Is one of Unlimited, and the Fish and Wild- pounds—so a girl friend put her arms 167 180 178 caneers showed to good advantage. Savaire m Duncan .....: 288 u o . M. Boncore .. .—....•........... 116 165 190 10B the most ardent striped baas fisher- sport in foreign waters during their A. e y . ....... life Service, New Jersey will soon Plngltore will miss the services of Meyer. VanVIIet 100 182her and held on for dear life men it has ever been my good for- time off from active duty. N d 1 8 7 . 187 140 witness the greatest flight of ducks around 143 John Crowell, Jr., who is still limp- Nordy Dummy ....».., 151 she cranked on the reel handle. tune to know and, strange as it may In a letter to George C. Warren, 1S1 . . 882 889 in' years due to very successful while .(2) ing badly on an injured foot Al718 . 758 768 SutherlandBAIBD-DAVISON 140 considerable time a big black seem, he Is one of the extremely few Jr. of Summit, president of the State RED BANK RECREATION (0) 167 198 though Davenport seemed to have hatches' on the breeding grounds, After shape was brought to the edge of Blaokman 136 144 198 G. lllnton -..:.... 178 201 Fish and Game commission, Michael honest fishermen—well, almost honthe Inside track for the left end po- M. Aumack the State Fish and Game CommisDavldaon " 170 177 159 l ! 0 157 WOMEN'S COCKTAU, LEAGUE. the bulkhead and as DO one had a Lerner, vice president of the associsition, Gray and Slmpnds saw, con- E. Etarlm est. So when he told me the followTravera 228 173 103 sion announces. _ ;.. 160 181 gaff, Mrs. Clark reached down and pointed, out that good fishing 181 157 802 214; siderable action there, and will prob- G. Reynoldi Word has been received from lifted him up hand over hand. For a ing story the other evening while,we ation, MANHATTAN (2) G. Colmoro-en 143 163 is available In most places where ably play Saturday. were standing on a slippery jetty In Vanlnwtnn 102 179 152 western Canada, the breeding ground time it looked as If the small hook •' 856 ' 831 soldiers are located overseas, and Halper .......: 154 154 189 the teeth of a northeast blow, with 842 859 881 of the wildfowl, that the 1943 duck JBTLEY'S (0) Newberry, on the other hand, would not be able to stand the strain. 157 158 150 Gage that many of them often try to Im- Cole ' . ...««» . . . . » . ISO. 148 132 faces no shortage of manpower or of J. Acerra BONCOKE'S (S>170 2 2 ! 221 crop has hurdled the hazards of When it was extracted it was bent rain and spray trickling down the provise fishing hooks from discard- Elll»on . 12J US . 151 Mclntoih . ..... 147 JOS back of our necks, I have every conveterans. He still has last year's K. Jeffrey predators. and wartime nearly straight. Thome 164 192 170 drought, -..-... 148 102 136 ed wire, scraps of metal and even '; fidence In its veracity: ' » ~64«~619~592 142 1(8 captain, Oliver McCJill, who will play S. Caitellscclo 212 148 181 farm operations with the result that safety pins. C. Shlnn -' : . . . 181 , 148 160 , 131 SUM COKES (1) It was promptly taken over to the "I was fishing-for strlpera last at guard this season. In Paul Cathere will be more ducks on the wing Stout ...... 123 180 lord* :. -.' 221 21 ' 2 3 4 159 18S 176 201 Belmar Fishing club where it was Vice President Lerner advlsea the poblanco and James Latlmer he will L, Acerra week near the mouth of Shark river this fall than North America has Wllllnm«on ..— 105 110 1 officially weighed and measured and when I got a terrific strike and aa members of the New Jersey Pish and Dummy . field the outstanding ends on the —_...— 1S9 120 929 888 942 seen for many long years. rs ss« no 7S1 .... 201 145 PETE'S (1) HENRY'S MAnKE1? (8) shore. Both starred In basketball. entered in the various fishing con- he was going the other way I came Game commission that a practical Klenk .... The waterfowl season, which Is 150 17! Jonry Scaccla ..'. •• 162 223 The back&eld of James Smith, Mer- H. Kuil tests. It measured 33'.i inches In back o n h l m t o o hard and about 60 fahlng.klt has been designed for the fixed by the Federal Government, 5B8' lli.4 187 irt MoFarllno:.. 117 length and 27 Inchesin girth. 176 HEATHEE DEW (8) N yards of my. line snapped off at the soldiers which is suitable fo.r. both Cltarella ." io,» 151 158* L.' Wild. Appleaate 6 fishing club, said that It is the State Fish and Game Commission mar largest fluke ever to be registered 843 801 be forced to use a reserve. Either announced. Duck hunters will again GARDENERS (21 846 803 852 Bill Wade or Jack Pearce have the t e required to carry a Coast Guard from the waters of Shark river and west of the "Inlet bridge fishing for or,, spear and • a- compact net to obEE4 S24 ' 547 1.65 144 ..TRUST.-(II, .-: B. Turner Inside track there. HIGH BALLS (») HI Identification Card in all tidal waters Is one of the largest of Its kind ever a variety of small fish,- including tain bait, All these are oncased In 214 162 Sutherland 1«8 to be taken on rod and reel. In the blackOsh, winter and be a bag which can be carried blackflsh, flounders besturdy bag lag M. Bcnton 120 102 110 12S The game will be played on the Hobko „ 174 191 under the jurisdiction of the Coast Koch 105 104 O. Bucklin .._ 140 . 178 — 18! 184 127 ManMquan high school field and will A.'Turner ....:._,.. Guard to participate in the season. .old days larger ones were often galls. They had a sorry mess of i In the pocket. W. Aumack :. ...._ 228 201 203 K. Hendrlekion'.... . 04 McDermott 180 187 misfit tackle and I doubt if any one Each kit costs $2 and will be used L. Molnar begin at 2 o'clock. 2 Allen :. 121 188 IM keeping with army regulations, caught In the pound nets. 160 142 1SE of them had ever caught a fish by many soldiers. The International 878 862 The probable lineups: hunters are also prohlbiled from usBOYNTON £ BOYNTON (0) . 441 4' ~7U Game Fish association, located In tho weighing over one pound in their Red Bank, ' •' '< Several of our fishing friends spent Manaaquan ing, or carrying, any camera, binocOITARELLA'S MARKET* <2)° : 1B1 167 Cnpobianco R. Smith E Davenport ular, field glass, or signalling device. the week-end at North Point. Wal- lives. Suddenly a shout rang out, American Museum of Natural HisG. Grob 18! 101 • 109 T. Traver — 110 158 E VICTORY LEAGUE. Latlraer Bruno A. Orob 182 u s 170 _ 201 192 A Federal duck stamp is required ter Anderson and Morrey Welsh and and every one'gathered around and tory, Central Park • West at 79th Olien B. Suona T Biancamano Zambrano . . . — . i B 4 100 1S7 162 138 Dennsr J. Brown T for all duck hunters over 16 years party fished near the inlet but re- great excitement ensued. One of the street, New York city. In an effort LIEUTENANTS (2) D'Aloin - . . . 1 4 8 150 Sp,"1"., •••• - 155 165 ' 125 Wade L. Smock C '" port that the bass have not schooled anglers waa fast to something that to place these kits in the hands of Pen M«Bel of age. 187 146 Bennett MeGUl G Cltarella. „„, 10$ 150 ISO would not come in when he pulled. every overseas serviceman who A. Travera. Sr. ...._ . . » _ . . . 185 118 Galasal 813 806 ! J.. Smith Q.n. Hunting will be allowed, according up down there as yet, although a Rue ~ ', • 188 155. R. Deimond « INSURANCE (3) 1 ' 880 7SS 820 CLOTHIERS number of small ones were caught "After awhile he managed to reel wants to go fishing, will accept all J. M. Smith. H.B. Jackson ' -. 200 Hammond _._. to the 1943 Federal migratory water. . . , 160 RASSAS BROS. (2) 169 174 1 H.B. SBKUI P. Morris during the week. A number of boats In enough line so that his own sink- contributions. Each dollar contribMurray «""°ney :..-. IBS 183 . 1BI , 142 210 fowl regulations from one-half hour IMi. Everlll T. Arnone uted, will be spent for fishing kits Pulley , 680 610 70S Ward were lishing In the inlet and one of er and hook wns visible but there 168 171 114 ;, 143 . 138 ISO before sunrise to sunset, The comR. Morris COMMAlJDEna (1) VBccArelli ......„.,.„„„„. J44 113 112 177 243 161 them held up a string of blues. wasn't any fleh on the hook. Look- only as all expenses are donated by M, Klenk ..;..... , Humson will also open the season Tuttle 110 . 184 Schofletd 116 143 14S , 210 170183 mission announced all"boats used for the organization. The American no Ing closer they could see a line Woodward C. Inslia It...., 124 158 H. Kelly .: :. ."•.:;- 164 1C0 , 188 Fred Noble and B|ll Miller fished under a new coach, Milton Nichols, actual gunning purposes must be proRed Cross has assumed complete dis- H. Braner ^ -- - , 147 190 and like Red Bank, will send a pelled by oars or paddles only. How- south of 110 Coast Guard Station tangled around' the sinker. At last tribution of the kits. 1 102 150 752 779 7S6 R, Johnaon . . _ . - . . — he was able to reach It with his green team on to the field. Nichols ever, duck hunters may use outboard and found the surf very poor SAL'S TAVERN' (1) 17£j To Btart the ball rolling among 582 627 598 M. Aumack It is a little too early for stripers hands and then hand over hand he has but three Veterans, Frank Cimotor boats to reach gunning points, Sy ,^, _. dragged In a silver and black monsGENEHAL3 (1) tanzariti, end; Monroe Dixon, back The State Fish and Game Com- at North" Point. About the 15th of ter which was attached to my own sportsmen In New Jersey, members Ell Wymba .... 128 ISO and Roy Younger, tackle, to face the Hendrlcka ......: 145 171 mission emphasized the fact there is October until It becomes too cold to hook, near the bulkhead where I was of the commission have unanimously' Brown E M W. Dr.dihaw Freehold eleven at Freehold at 2:30 . 185 184 no open season this year on snow fish Is when striped bass school up able to reach down and gaff him contributed to the good cause. Pres- SehoAeld . .... ident Warren characterized the camo'clock. ' " . 114 127 goose, Ross' goose, Wilson snipe or along that 12 miles of beach. with my long-handled gaff. paign as an excellent opportunity for Nichols faces a difficult task In By far the.finest fishing to be had jack snipe. The season is open for E67 "Now what I would liko to know," New Jersey sportsmen to do an outi fielding a Rumson team. Although COLONELS (2) the taking of other geese, brant, right now is at Belmar. There Is said „, „ 134 184 Tom," "according to law standing job for thpse boys who are t7arhart ..,_„_.. he has 38 men on his squad, he has ducks, coot (crow duck.) Regulations not a day that goes by without a whose"Old The cowbird travels about on tha . 165 124 -. fish was it? I failed to put sacrificing: so much'for their country; Jamkr no assistant coach and is forced to provide that it is unlawful to use number of stripers being caught. On in my claim Schacker ; 124 122 hide of cattle, picking off insocts for It, aa I was hope"1rhandle"the" squad-alone;—Moreover^ ~Fitting~Geremdnies—~~ R. F r i n d i .... .100 . 185 .Sunday—it_was~reported_ theyreallyfoo"d~bf "any" kind" forbait,—or-shoot-ha has a nine-game schedule to play, over baited water or land; to use :ot Into them. The fish which have lessly—outnumbered:—Anarhe"even NOTICE. my hook', Blnker and a beautione of the most difficult on the shgre. live decoys; to use any gun except been laying just out of reach came In kept CAPTAINS (0) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Held Last Week at ful little home-mado 'June bug.' The Nichols, who has been out of ........ 143 144 Selllck shotgun not larger than'ten gauge and every one caught them. Take notice-that Shrowabury TowniMp fish weighed 16 pounds." Wl 180 168 scholastic coaching since 1028, played will Malj-n, at private i»le, tha CarUflcato. and holding not more than two shells. You can bo protty euro that If you Highlands Post Room .140 160 Hauue :...._.. of Sale agalnit tho pronorty of Margaret his football at Trinity and Arnold 184 128 The dally bag limit for ducks Is want to catch a striped bass and Rcevey. Said iale ihnll include the total Bone ore n.-..»... The following are the leaders, to college In Connecticut. He played amount of municipal llena and taxei lain will devote all the time you possibly ten In the aggregate of nil kinds but 612 date, in the New Jersey Governor's three years ol prolcssional football Newly elected officers of Twinlight ngalnet laid prouertj. Catholic Daughters can to that section you will be well MAJORS (I) at New Haven, coming to New Jer- Poet, American Legion of Highlands, not more than one wood duck or repaid for your effort. These fish Fishing Tournament, as reported by Sisned, Francis , ,,.....>.. 184 ... IIS MABORBTTA U nEED. Hold Benefit sey to coach at Metuchen high and auxiliary were installed at the more than three singly or in the ag- will remain down there until about the New Jersey Council, State House, .... 160 167 Township Cleric. school. He also was the mentor of poat rooms Wednesday night of last gregate of redheads and buRle-heads. tho first of November. 118 181 Trenton. Contest will close NovemSeptember 80, 1048. . Possession limit, two. days bag (ex100 187 . Twenty-flve-cent War stamps were Pete Mlffel the Plscataway Panthers lor two week. ber 30. Entry blanks can be had at table prizes at a. card party given years. Since then he has been condrs. Fred Linden, county presi- cept wood duck, only ono allowed at Lands Striped Bass from Steam Boat the OITICB of The Register. 625 620 682 Monmoulh County Surro(ata'a) Notlct. In the matter of tho eatnte of Arthur M i » Tuesday night by Court St. James, Dock nected with the Surplus Commodities dent, assisted by the county' secre- any time.) Canada Reese and brant ENSIGNS (8) Freah Water DlvUlon. (except snow goose, Ross' goose) one donald, deceaied, ' > L. Bradlhaw 141 41 181 142 Commission, and has officiated for tary, was the Installing officer. Mrs. Last week Ralph Brown, (BrowRainbow trout—Thomaa W. florton. Al- Catholic Daughtera of America, In b l i 1185 125 181 Notice to creditor! to present clalma , Myrtle Lawrence Is the new presi- of each or two of cither kind. Pos- ncy) while fishing for weakfish from lenwobd, 2 .poundi. 12 ouneea; George F. the Red Bank Catholic high, school Chamberlain aialnit estate. Grlmei 182 198 147 session limit, two days' bag; the past 15 years. Jr.. Bolmar. 2 pounda, 9 ouncei; auditorium. Mrs. James Anderson "•attenon Purauant to the order of Joseph L. Don« a light but dent, succeeding Mra. EdwardLevy. 148 148 150 the Steamboat dock at the foot of Howard, Leon Eldridffe. EHxabeth, 2 poundi. Rumson field the three vet- All indications point to another suc<12 551 605 ahay, .Burroirate of tho County, of. Monand Mrs. Harry McCormlck were speedy team.willBesides Wharf avenue, Red Bank, hooked Brown Trout—John Boiland. Paterion, mQuth, made on the Twenty-first, i k y of ADMIRALS (0) ) chairmen. erans, Nichols will have Seattle, Me. cessful year for the post and auxand landed a 5^-pound striper. In 6 pounda, 8 ounces: Alffcr Alpauirh, 8ucJ. JohniDn. ~ 129 125 185 September, 1048, on the application (of 5 poundi. 4 ounces; Donald W. Intosh and Halllgan, who were re- iliary.' . 114 114 140 Katherlne Bmltb Macdonald, >ole oxeVulrlx Two stamps were awarded at each Travera. Jr. former years small bass havo boen cuaunna; Groover, Aabury, ft pound!, 2 ounces. serves last year. Nichols will use Woolloy . » » 184 116 of the e«tal« of Arthur Macdonald, des Twinlight post's officers were intable. There were several special caught from the dock, but this Is Brook Trout—Walter E. Boodr. Vine, 1«7 1C4 • 1 8 7 ceaied, nottco la hereby irlven t o \hm crod* the Warner double wing system, go- stalled by George Zarka, county awards, including: a five-pound bag: of L. Klenk the largest that any of the old land, 1- pound. 8 ounces. _ 488 547 BB7 ltora of laid deceased to exhibit to the subscriber, sole executrix fti aforeaaltt;" ing into a short punt when the sit-' commander, who was assisted by Lnreo Mouth Daaa—John H. Dllka. sugar and ration points. A birthday parly was held Sunday tlmcra can recall. Brown also added Fleaiantvllle. thilr debti and demands against the iald uation presents Itself. County Vice Commander Charles J for Barbara Elizabeth Ford, three" " -•"" '--—•• — . - « • • •*•-- u - « o u rieaiantvllle. 8 8 poundi, poundi, 2 2 ounce!; ouncei; Thomai Thomai Tha Date Present were Mrs. Mary. Massey, eatate*. under oath, within alx montha from . , , . , „ a pnir of nico w e a k f l s h t o hla c a t c h . Samone, Bound Brook, 7 pounda, 8 ouneei; Freehold lost its first game, 10 to Mra. Joan Flannagan, Mra. Lawrence on the addreia on 'your paper ahows the date of -the aforesaid order,' or they will be* forever barred of their" aotlona 0, to Matawan. The Colonials are Klem and -Jacques J. Norell. Ernest y c a r . o l d daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roche, Mrs. Nellie ' Normlle, Mrs. when voiu subscription ozplrea. l'hl» therefor Ralband Is the new post commander. I Eugene Ford, at the homo of the against' the aald eubaorlber. . llk« most self-respecting pubunder, the guidance of a new coach, He was recently married while at- parents on the Rlverbrook farm, Amelia Carton, Mrs. John Mertz, paper, Dated Freehold. N. J., Sept; 21, 1048. lications, Is operated < on a cash-inon a s Les Goodwin, who coached at Lin- tending the stato convention at-New- iamea wore plnyed and refresh Mrs. Patrick F. Kennedy, Mrs. John idc a t o , b l eated KATHBRINE SMITH MACDONALD, . If your finl d t e Is final date boslii If den and Springflold. He has but ark, and. with his bride was given ments were served. Barbara received .68 Wallace Street, Red Bank, N, J. Bamback, Mrs. John Ryan, Mra.'Jo- advance your ohech Appleiata, near, n e a , send In y two letter winners from last sea- a surprise reception. E. A. Rod- many protty Bids. fltovens, Foster A soph Cooper, Mrs..Barton Chamber- drawing f l t d t h t ill for renewal today so that you will Reuaallle, son,, George Ecks at tackle and Ken rlquez, who was best man at the lain, Mrs. Mary Grause, Mrs. William not miss'any Issues of your favorite Those present wero Chauncetto . Red Bank, N. J,, Frank at fullback. wedding, presented a Legion ring to Abbott, Peggy and Doris Bennett, Lake, Mrs, Joseph P. Hlntelmann, home newapoDH.—Advertisement Froctora. the new commander, a gift of his John Pitman, Poter Domidlon, Peter The probable lineups: Mrs. Kathleen Boylan, Mrs. Michael Freehold wife, and Mrs. Raiband received a nnd Shirley Stout, Mrs.. Chnuneotto Rumaon Borgln, Mra. Fred Crlne, Mra, Joseph K • II yk cocktail table and blanket from the Abbott, Mrs. Kathleen Stout, Mra Dillon, Mrs. John Flnnegsn, Mrs. Catantarlll ii K Znrriofnkl auxiliary, Clarence Dolan, Mrs. Charles HawLcola Domidlon, Mra, Mary Pitman Deattlo Eck T After an inspiring talk byy 1 the and Mrs. Ford, OP GeORSIA, UNANIMOUS ALLYounger kins, Mrs. John E. Day, Mrt, Charles ' HrMil T Bradihaw d Hube. county commander, G a feast was enLeMalstre, Mra. John M. Welch,' Mrs. AMERICA CMOfCe FOR BACK UiUr Lnmb joyed. The post received Into memG Edward M. Kelly. Boblnion CELEBKATKS BIBTIIDAY. WAS D I E OUTSTANDWS Veioalofl O bership Comrade Sprlggs, youngest Mclntoih Tlckey Q.n. Mrs. Edward W. Mulligan, Mrs. Dixon Caroxto votornn of World War 1, who was Jcanctto li.ii. Untter, daughter o Florence Bennett, Mra. H. Raymond . Jones reported to bo only 14 yoajs of ago R. Foit li.ii. Mr. nnd Mrs. Eric Untter of Port Frank Phillips, Mra. Charles dulyarde, Mrs. F.n. when he volunteered for service In Walton Ralph Kllien, M n . Mary Fix, Mrs, of the Rumson squad the A. E. F. Tho poBt also wel- Monmouth, celebrated her eighth Halllgan blrthdny at a party Monday. Sho reJacob A. Bloom, Mrs. Harry J. Qulnn, comed the post commandor and vice Members ceived many gifts. Tho guests wore and you'll know why OPA has Mrs. William Deoker, Mra. O. W. commander of Long Branch Post U. Kvolyn, Connlo and Barbnrn Yaharra follows: StefTen, Mrs. Rita Hi pouglaj, Mrs. Frank Cntnninrlll. Wlllh.n, I'.M b. M. nnd Mrs. Russoll A, Schnnck. of New boosted the ceiling price on Marvels Larry Women, Nell Whnlen l-'iank Mnn- i Harry O'Brien, Mrs. Walter F. HoMonmouth, and Jonn nnd Eric Untahan, ThomBa Morrlioh, Donnlil (Inhn, ' gan, Mrs. George Conrad, Mrs. M a r / John Malta, William Myall, licalnuM tor, Jr., Mrs. Madgo Dmlic, Doroen Ladlso, Mrs, David LeRoy, Mrs. Laylon, Kenneth Clayton, George ClayDrake, "Bubbles" Smith, Cy'ntliln, ton. Richard Caurmnella. Frank Mniza, Charles Qlblln. Mra. Joaeph Bray, Check tor quality—mildness— William Krancli, John Ornf, Jack Mrln- Pata aupplloJ I,, United Btale»>Coait anl Emmy I,ou, Grace, Guthleln and Mra. Charlea Douglas, Jr., Mrs, John toih, *'l)ud" IlrausliRw, Kuinnll Mnrcelhin, Ceodatla Survar. Mnrjarlo Mead of Port Monmouth, freihneBS—and you'll know P. Mulvlhlll, Mr* Reginald VanWilliam Kolilmon, Momin Rehrlir, Allen >lt Federal Olllct llulldlni, Church anil McCabe. William Iliallfe, Hoy Younmr, Brunt, Mra. Osborn ID. Harrlaon, Veiajr Streeti, why ifa ama'rter to switch Kineet Iteavey. Laurrnro Calllhan, WilMra. Thomaa Mead, Mra. Alfred FAREWKM. I'AHTY liam Wardtll, Dlxon I'oit, Walter White, NKW YOHK UITY Dowd. ' to Marvels Ci&arottea today. I.ouli Vlnel, Joifi.h Blia'rllnir, Itiilieit JliKh Water Low Water Toil. Harry Crooman, Robert Went, WolA.M. P.M. Mr. nnd Mrs. David Simpson • of Mrs. Walter B. Connor, Mrs. John rday H i l l T.M. HilO A.M. 2:11 9iO3 foril Hull, Kilweid Conner* Clayton Wnl- Friday Hill HilO2 1 1 Mlnnlnlnk Park recently ontertnlned Baturday 0i20 0:30 a a y 0:30 S,U 3M2 ton; Albert Wynn, Frank Daamund. nick J. Ruddy, Mra. M. J. Hynan, Mrs. B t d d H L l.(JMlLli'ile i 9i«7 .< 44 i H JJ1 Uouulity, Monroe Dixon, Harold 1UIII- Hundaj,.,„„.,.„„„ ...m\... : 9ixfKL,$l. Michael O'Hsra, .Mrs. Jackson lian. John .Uoyle* Andrew MeFarlanil, Monday ......;... luiiO 11 IO» \:ti phy,Vr.lKe%ta*, phyVri"lKenn%'i)tal*"MW.'iCa'' llltil . fiilo Dill fivroWcir "dinner' glvon \u Annum If. (Jharlea llrliter, Jncnei Jlallliran, Abram Toonlay Wednradey 0:011 12H5 Oil* 1,'1H l'Ostol of Long llnuicfi, who Joined •lull.II and Vincent DeQuhio, war/1 McDonoug»;'MrB,,Kathryn BoThundar lilO lull 7:»7 HH17 tho armed forcca last Tuosdny. • den. Mrs. Margartt Murphy, Mrs. A. The largest land salamtnander In Hlih and low wat«r at Atlantlo Illili. Mr, Tostcl roturnod from I'uerto J. Patterson and Mliaea Marls Mcthn world la the ,molo salamander of landi. Port Monmouth and Ktanaburl Hlco in June, where ho wns onKngnd aama aa Bandy Hook. Donough, Mary Morris, Roa« Ladlso, tho Puclflo coast, lOlnohoi long. for hlith and low water at Karport, «di) for a year an cnnlnoor nn n Nnvnl Eleanor CJarvey, Marianne Rlordan, 18 mlrutea to flandy Hook. project. Slncn Mr. I'oaUVt return high; anil Ilow water at Red Hank Kathryn Johnston, Kleanor Koch, The amalleit vertebrate In ' tho addFor{ bouri and S ntlnutea to Bandr Hook. ho linn been employed In thn enMary Boyla, Helen C. Lanf, MargueUnited SUtM I* the chorua frog, Tb« above time UHa la bated on Stand- gineering field on tho Leonardo N B rite Ward, Martina Hesly, Margaret »n« MPH. Add ena Lout !oj>W H Jleja, y s l project. M«fcju at »u infill long.

Buccaneers To Play At Manasquan While Runwon Fac*is Freehqld ^ ^

Many Teams Show Good Early Form In Red Bank Businessmen's League


Poulson Rolls 714 Series In Red Bank Loop

Fishing Kits For . Our Service Men

Big Year Seen For Duck Hunters


pail's. ~~::::: _i|3 JS AZ

Twinlight Legion Post, Auxiliary Installation

War Stamps Are Prizes At Party

Birthday Party For Lincroft Girl Sunday

Check the cost of the quality tobaccos /Used in Marvels Cigarettes J against-the'field'—

Tide Table






Page Nine.


r fltrlcklln, both of Freehold townrasee, John and'Deborah Hampahlp A 1826, Dec. 80 ton .—. 1828, Feb. JO By Samuel Hall, Justice These records were copied by Mon(B 227) Taylor, Charles and Rachel iouth Court House Chapter, D. A. Booklet Tells Airmen How to jjwtm Layton, Howell tnsp, 1S27, Jan. 20 ., and published through the MonThrouib Fire. Acting on instruction' from V. 8, Cook, Fennel of N. T, City and mouth Historical association, FreeIrmy. Observation Post 168-B, AlrA new booklet, entitled M 8wlnv' Sussanah Patterson of How«ll hold, N. 3, and released by (Mrs.mingr Through Fire," la being die. Other Note, of Y.M.C.A. frmft Warning Service of Red Bank, Directors Recommend ; . 1827, Oct. 24 iVIUIam R:) Laura V. Concve^ rt- ributed by the Safity Education Divlll resume monthly meetings at the Mra, .William R. Conover, .editor, Emmons, Tunas and Elizabeth ;ent. Activities and Plant feohanlo street school next Wednesvision of the Army Air Forces' Flight None For This Year hairman of the Genealogical comLewes of Howell 1828, Jan. 2 iay evening, October 6. In making To Make Its Debut Control Command to aid In taaohlnf mitted of Monmouth County HlstorlBy Samuel Hall,Justice OVERSEAS MAIL A training conference for Hl-T ihe announcement Chief Observer J; AAF personnel how to awlm.through al/ataociatlon, Freehold, N. J. The October bulletin or th» Red Patterson, Isaac and Joalah LayT . Norell atated that the Regular October 9 When boya and glrla will bo held at Oamp The alx-weck period between Sep- fire, the War Department announced, < ank Community Chamber of Comton, both of Howell 1828, Mar. IB Quetttons . Ockanlckon Saturday and Bunday. aeetlngs should serve many" Importember 15 and October 31 haa been When an airplane la forced down mad* It* appearance yesterZerjvlck, Michael and Hannah Among them he Rumson Plays Here . merce Thla ia • "co-ed" conference and la int purpose'i. —2328— designated u the time during which at sea. there U alwaya tka possibilday and Harold V, B. Voorhls, execudSpragg, both of Upper Freehold thi flnt of its kind to be held for jtressed the appearance of new that a smashed wine tank and lye secretary, has put a. lot of of- COMPTON. Wanted Information on 1828,'Jan. S all Christmas mall should be posted ity the, youth of thla part of New Jer- node! enemy aircraft wlKMe »Hfor members of the Navy, Marine engine will spread flaming oil and Red Bank high school will be rep- M Into the paragraphi contained Jacob Compton, who md. Elizabeth, By Cornelius Vanderbeek louettea will ba submitted for Idengasoline on the water. By fallowing by 1714, possibly In Mon. Co., N. J. ^orps and Coast Guard eerylng overresented by a band of 65 pieces tbla lerein. Miller, John W. and Sarah MacThe conference will bring together tification study to all observers. the splashing procedure t a t other hl> Jacob Is supposed to ba ton of "anlne gridiron season, according to Son.._. : 1828, April 27 A paragraph of (teat Interest to Villlam and Mary Bowne Compton young people ot high school age for At the meeting those members of aid Klopp, director of the organizalife-serving In the rtlpa contained Wm. C. Anderson, Mir,. ' tha purpoia ot discussing the. pertin- the Obaervatlon Po«t who did not re- on, who Is engaged' In preparing he mercbitnta la In reference; to heir 'chn. were William, who md booklet, the chances of aurvlval are ent problem» of the preaent day. The lalve wlnga and madala at the grad- he band in the musical ond: taotlcal hrlstmaa decorations. At the Bep- Mary Smith (by pddple of Mon. Co. Borden, William and Hannah SamIncreased Immeasurably. mans, both of Mon. 1828, Jan. 14 inber Meeting of the board of dl- they claimed her name was Mary dlsouaslon groups and speakers will uation exercises recently held at the etalls needed for the pigskin games 'Jumj> feet flrat up^nd of your ctors the matter of ChrlitmM dec- Salrd); Alice, who md. Legget (B. 228) Jones, William and Jane deal with a more effective way of liver Plaza school will be given the it home and away. The band will airplane," the booklet advisee as 1U Havens ot Dover township Chief -Observer youth participating in the,war effort, oveted awards. rating became the pr|nclpa| topic of imlth, 1743; Sarah md. David Baird, first lesson. "The brenst-atroke, puncmake its first appearance at'' the, ..._ _rl._ 1B28, Jan, 16 poat-war plane and boy and girl re- Ibrell announced that the fortbcom- Rumoon gamo October 9 at the West llacuaalon and every phase of the .744; ' Hannah md. John Clayton, tuated with preliminary splashing! at lationship In theae times of tenalon. ng meetlnga will hesleatured by Imubject waa thoroughly aired, By a L748; Rachel md. William Preston, Cook, John and Eliza Jones, both th0 beginning of each atroke, trill ergen field. . lortant speakers, motion pictures of Dover 1828, Jan. 16 inanlmoua vote the directors de- rr,, 1741!; Elizabeth,md. John Debow, The delegates from Red Bank md cut a path through the flames. Keep Chester Trubln will again be tbe wblcb will be not ' —2330-^ ded to dispense with any form of groups will be Misses Jean Bergman inly dlaouaslons your mouth and noae cloie to the of Interest to every observer Irum major. This is his third year ecoratlon thla year, and the reaaona 781; Richard md. 1st Lydla Wood- Clayton, Cornelius and Charity M. of the 1948 TrI-HI-V club, and Peggy JUt Important wat^r and duck your head every mansee about 1737; Ellas (never is the marching head during the Inin the l defense of the Klrby, both of Dover 1828, Feb. 16 Bergman of the 1844 Trl-HI-Y club, lommunlty, third or fourth atroke. If ther* ars rlcate maneuvers. Shirley Mason or same were outlined In the bul-knew whom he md.), and possibly Fisher, Jesse and Sarah Philips, tln. However, the board felt they both of Fisher place. several men, awlm In slingla file and The local post, which recently was has replaced Lillian Dillon as head lid not want to assume the reapon- there was a Mary who md. a Per- both of Howell 1828, March I The 1S4S Trl-HI-Y glrlo held their let the strongest awlmmer aplash a majorette. lne, at least so states David PerBy Zebylon Clayton, Justice lblllty of acting for the merchants •Ine of Freehold, N. J., that a Compfirst melting of tbe 1943-44 reason characterized by V. 6. Senator, W. path ao - the rest can follow safely Tho members of the band are as thla -week and with the eld of their Warren Barbour aa "one of the out- ollowe: Trumpet, William Pella- collectively In thla matter and with on md. a Perrlne about 1740 to 1750. Rogers, Benjamen and Sarah Pati hlB wake." terson, both ot Burl. Co. naw edvlaer, Mlaa Virginia Wyckoff standing in the nation," la deter- ;ulno, Peggy Bergmann, John Sal- he bulletin a postcard was aent for Richard was divorced from Lydla A "Swimming Through Fire" aeo1828, Feb. 3 of. Branch avenue, elected officers mined to maintain ita high plana of tlno, John Pohl, William Bliamreply from each chamber member about 1739, and whom he md. later lion will be Included, also In the Woodward, Tllton and SuBanna and laid plans for the activities of efficiency. The resumption of regu- mnore, William Barton, Lee Shat- asking for an expression of approval have been unable to ascertain. "Jungle, Arctic, Desert and Ocean Woodward, both of Mon. ' the olub for the coming year. Mlas lar meetliigs i» looked upon as an or, "Charles Faplor, Eichard Tetley, r disapproval of the board'* action, (a) Would like, to known maiden Survival" manual now belsff preJeaie Doremus was elected president Important means to this end. 1828, Feb. 28 f there la any considerable opinion name of Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Robert Kaplan) Marjorlo Framtach, pared by the AAF far Inclusion In Chief Observer Norell todaystrongot the club, Miss Barbara Bell of By William Kmley, Justice :ontrary to the action of the board Compton. We find an Elizabeth a the emergency kite of flying perLeonard Pulley, Leslie VanSant and iy Urged that all members of ObserLittle Silver, vice president; Doris (B. 228) Lee, Stacy and Rebecca his will act M an appeal to the y Gray; piccolo, Leroy Barnard; witness In the wedding held In Mldsonnel. ; liaydawn DeVoe seoretary and Mian vation Post 188-B be on hand when Cowpetthwatte, both of Mon. lpard for a reconsideration of their larineU, John Schoenlpg, Robert dletown at the home of Sarah LipElaine Roberta waa named treasurer Wednesday night's meeting Is called , 1828, March 15 eclslon and the matter will be re. pltt, Nov. 17, 1717, between John jaubcr, Stephen Noglow, Robert It pays to advertise In The Register. to order, as new business Is to be for the second consecutive year. Woodward, Sidney and Elener iiacuased. Future meetings will also iurns, Lester Kelly, Marlon RIehael ipened for discussion at the Octo- Woolley, Shrewsbury, and Patience Coward of Mon. Co. 1828,. May 11 The club made plana for Inviting >e held on the drat Wednesday of and George Darragh;. trombones, ier 13 meeting. Otherwise, the de-Llppltt of Mlddletown. (Quaker guests to their meeting at the Y. M. lach month. Foster Spinning, Rocco Montant and ilsion of the board will stand and wedding). Was this Elizabeth Comp- Reulon, James and Mary Ann Furgesoh, both of Burl. 1828, June 14 C, A. next week, win the proapeot of Frank Crclln; baritones, Thomas 10 street decoration will be made ton, the wife ot Jacob Compton? If Johnston, Joseph and Lettee Brand inviting them to become members. hlg year an a wartime necessity and not whose dau. or wife was she? Murphy and Edward Ottlnger. both of Mon. Co. . 1828, April 30 The Induction of new members will Basses, Edward Jones and Ray-economy. (b) After Richard Compton was By John Saplln Newman take place October 18. •' . . ' mond Wolf; alto, Albert Hogle; bells, Another Interesting paragraph in divorced from Lydla,' whom did ho .A The climax of a busy week at the Miriam Warden; accordion, Barbara he bulletin referred to the oonsump- marry? He had four chn.^presumed Byerm, Mahlon of Burl. Co. and MIfs. Jane Nutt of Up. Fd. Hed Bank Y. M. C. A. waa reached Kuhl; cymbals, Martin Houbkin; ;ion of gasoline In New Jersey for by his last wife: Joseph, his son, was BYlday evening with, the "co-ed bad......... 1828, March 6 >ass drum, Molvln- Davis; snare he first six months of 1941,1942 and bpt. at the Tennent church'ln 1750; minton meeting In the gymnasium. COATS FROM $14.99 to $37.50 [rums, /Janice Ryerson, William L943. It was pointed out that in the had dau. Frlscllla, who md»-,Ebene- Warner, Caleb and Elizabeth Mur- , This group' has been very active docki both of Up. Fd. 1828, April 6 Captains Elected Baybon, Herbert Swaimon, Robert list six months of thla year 31,662,140 zer Hlncston (a loyalist, and .moved throughout the past summer andwll Murdpck, Abraham and Mlfa. Lydla Sport and Fur Trimmed Farrow, Kail Bergmann and How- ;allona more gasoline were used o Ireland), and Jenney, who md. a start their winter program tomorAt Red Bank High Boker, both of Up. Fd. 1828, May 4 ard Lewis; drug major, Cheater Tru- han last year: However, the public, Ferrell, and another son whose name row. By L. G. Chapman, Justice FUR COATS. I.1:. 49.50 to 89.50 >ln; head majorette, Shirley Mason; which consumes taxable gas, used we have not been able to give. What The girls' noon-hour program of lajorettos, Helen Babbit, Ruth Out- 47,262,263 gallons less than laat year, was his name?. In Richard Comp- Hires, Joseph and Rachel Estell The first meeting of the "prep" 1827, Feb. 3 DRESSES: 4.99 to 9.99, olaas, wblqh la composed of a group Red Bank high school, under the water, Barbara Conklln, Patricia t a loss of $4,350,626 In revenue to ton'B will It states the estate was of boys between nine and 12 years direction ot Mrs, George Smith Bowcn, Sally Talerlco, Barbara Bell, the state. In other words the aale of divided into four parts for his four Machnlny, Joseph and Mary Hays 1827, Feb. 14 All new fall shades. Velvet", Wools, Cmptk, Cord tor the purpoae of playing group glrla' physical education director, has Leila Fetors, Joanne Dunbar, Oiler- gas to the U. S. army and the few children.. Vannote, Wm. H.- and Qrphah Stout games and an hour of recreation and rganited. lta soccer league for the ette Quimby, Genovievo Babbitt, ther non-taxable sources has in(c) We find John Compton, Cran...-..-..— :1827, May 2. exercises will be -held Saturday all season. Under the guidance of Jeanne Foster, Theresa Gottls and reased 178,84,403 gallons In aix bury, Middlesex Co., N. J., May 23, SKIRTS $1.99 TO $3.99 By Wade Little, Justice morning. . the dlreotor the league provides Phyllla Binaco; flags, Dirk VanNest months, which la a decreaae of 38 1757, had his dau. Ann baptized at (B. 230), Meglll, Tylee and Jane * SWEATERS 2.29 TO 4.99 healthful Individual and group com- nd Sylvia Ohl. per cent for the public and an In- Christ church (Episcopal), ShrewsEmmons -..1827, June 1 etltlon during the lunch period. Card of Thanks. rease of 'IB per cent for the.mlll- bury, Mon. Co., N. J. We want to Reynoulds, John and Rebecca^ Cook BLOUSES ..••• 1.29 TO 2.99 Each girl's homeroom has elected We dealre to ' thank our. many ary. Mr. Voorhls elates that as war know whose son "this John Is, So far _... 1827, Sept, 20 friends and neighbors who were ao a captain whose responsibility It la hipments < have been extremely as available records _ go this U the Andrews, Samuel and M,arcy Jaclckind and sympathetic during our sad to select and lead her team In the heavy from New Jersey loading sta- only Compton In N. J. belonging tq aon ^. . _... 1827, Nov. bereavement, caused by the death o: lompetltlon to decide a champion ions, It la his belief that this la an the Church of England. We know ; our father, and husband, Selected Monday were:- Room excellent showing and a credit to most Comptona of the early days of Layton, David and Phebe. Reynolds Mrs. Hannah Nloderer In a recent survey of the high he citizens ot our State who have N. J. belonged to the Baptist, Pres•. .._ ., ]827, Dec. 2: Elizabeth Hard wick; Room 6, Maria and Daughters, Manuel: Room C, Peggy Bergman chools of tho Catholic dlpceao of been restricted in the use of thla. all byterian and the Dutch Reformed Johnston, Andrew and Leah Robs —Advertisement^ bins '... 1828, Jan. Room .D, Dorothy Ely; Room 22, Trenton, covering eight .counties of Important war necessity. churches. We find no Comptons betho state, only"bne out' of every. 24 longing to the Quaker church until Keepers, Joseph and Eliza- ErlxCarry Your Stamp Book With You Margaret Borden; Room 23, Edna tudents-failed to returii- to the 11th The financial status of the chain . aon :. .:;1828, Feb v r Wllaon; Room SO, Dorothy Wollcott William Compton Came to America As Your Badge ot Honor. Room 82, Dorla Rugg; Room 8 and 12th grades of Red Bank Catb ber Is extremely satisfactory. There after the Revolutionary war, landed Macnab,. Thomas and Ezebellar • BED BANK _.. U BROAD STREET, are, however, a' few, as alwaya, who Patay Hall; Room 0, Olga ••Brand olic high school, only one, left school Robinson' • 1828, Feb: 1 In N. J. ad was a member of the Room 10, Carmella Clter'alla; Room to work, whllo none of the 61 pupils are Indebted to the chamber. The Quaker church. ' , 11, Made Pugllsl; Room 12, Hele'n TiBoliS-two grades at St. Rose's paragraph pertaining to the finan (d) John Clayton md. Hannah, cial status la headed "You can't keep Brancadora; Room 14, Betty Gray high school at Belmar left school. dau. of Jacob and Ellabeth CompToo Late for Claaiification In the entire diocese only 26 ou ahead of your bills If you let them ton,. Mon. Co., K. .J., 1743. Would Room 15, Janet Boynton and Room INSULATE nowi l a v . lull In wlnUr 16, Barbara Kuhl. of a posslblo 1,400 chose to discon do all the running." There are. 45 appreciate knowing the names of ooolar In lummar. Johni-Mtmvllli In tinue education in junior and senior members of the chamber owing dues; their chn. Whom did they marry? •ulatlon. for b e l l rtpraientattv. pboru 20 of whom owe their 1043 dues, 28 years to obtain high wages. Adam J. M, Untmayar, Atlnntlo Hluhland members owing part ot their 1943 Was Zebulon Clayton a eon of John 710-M. Eitlmitu glvin without obllia dues and two members owing two and Hannah Compton Clayton?' tlon. GRADUATE CADET. (e) Do there exist In court house yearn dues. Sp Otaft Studio, (o: IN RED RED BANK If. Span Dlctura lctura iramlnori oil oil i t l thl During tho past month 42 new re» or church records whore.a Miss u « y ^ i » n ^ J c ^tiamimtM™imiTtmiittmm ^t6"iffff ^ 6 e 85IHSltir«6aBai»fti« S U. J.7 lew manttl nrtrrori, window valanctt, l«wn ball Buccaneer* go forth to mee Mr. and Mrs. George Hurley, Sr. Immediate vicinity. Of tbla numbei about 1740 to 1755 inMoiyflo., algna, fraoad mlrror«, I t l u t Frdn the Manasquan Big Blue eleven What way did there exist 'aLrelation- {treat, two doore from Kelljr'i, bhont He Saturday on "the Manasquan field, of Occanport, Is a member of the four have moved Into Fair Haven olllp between the Comptons and Per18th class of aviation cadets t Bank IttS, ' the Red Bank followers trill be lei graduate from tho advanced twin- two Into Rumaon, one each Into Lin. rlnes of Freehold or Upper FroeFOUND, nine-foot rwrtoat, painted . . •nd whlu outrfdei blue Inildt. Call in their cheers by a veteran grout englne.Army flying school at Colum- croft, Tlnton Falls and Shrewsbury, hold, N. J., prior to, during and foltwo Into River Plaza and the balanci lowing the Revolutionary war? MlddUtown 477-J, of cheerleaders composed of regu APARTMENT, thrtt roomi, pirtly fur. lara and aubstltutes from last year'e bus, Mississippi, tomorrow. He en- into Red Bank. The new residents tered pilot training last October, nlahad, centrally located, nice neighbor- squad. are Mrs. Agnes Sylvester, Mrs. A. B. (f) Would, appreciate tho names ' hood I cold water flat; rant 181. War and attended Sylng schools at De- Knight, Mrs. Helen White, Mr*. Le, of the chn. of Alice Compton and y The group la under the direction catur, worker* or adulU onljr. ' Inquire Staldn, t A lb and d Greenwood, ter Long, Mrs. Daisy Widger, Mrs, Leggett Smith, chn. of- Elizabeth Alabama foot ef Ooop.ra brid«», Itod Bank. of Mrs. Qeorge Smith, girls' athleti Mississippi. and John DeBow; names' Mary Boyce, Misses Helen -Samuel! Compton WILLYS MUDS. Bood UrM, for t»l«. H . r . director; and for the first time In chn. of Rachel Compton and Wiland Mary L. Apgar, Bertha H. Root, of a ear that li hard to fine nowadayb several years It was found necessary liam Preston, Jr.? Price 1121 while It IuU.' Bay MoLaurt- to havo a try-out competition fo HAS SECOND BIRTHDAY. Rebecca Herron, Blanche Arlla, MarC. V. C. (Texas) lln't Service Button, ne.'r VSO club, Bed lon D: Hloks, Deborah Skolton, Mary substitutes only. Bank, Alio opin Bunday A. M. —2329—. . ' . Elmer Blumcl, Jr., oon of Mr. arid Daly, Mabel Lyle. Dor a Hicks, Mil FINE rooming houia for r«nt,.?urnlarlad -jr Many new cheers and stunts hav Monmouth County Marriages, Court unfurnlihtd t will give long-term lea*e. been added to the group's routine ti Mrs. Blumcl of Rumson, had his sec- dred E. Hendry, Ola Baskerville, Anond birthday party Saturday. Party nie Towler, Anthony Siclllano, ThomPhont Bed Bank 311 b e w n n ( and t p. spur oa the gridiron warriors. House, Freehold, N. J. Centrally located, The cheerleaders are Virginia Con- gueats played games and were served as Warke, Joseph Stavola, Sandy (B 22B) Smith, Ezeklal and Mary 8LECTRIQ rtfrlsealtor, manffl. and waati refreshments.. The child received Madison, Daniel J. Rose, Leonard J. Randolph, both of Monmouth over captain, 'Barbara Doremus, Inff machine wanted. Btaniberrlr'i 1822, Nov. 24 Nancy Abbott, Joanne Sorplco, Dor- many gifts. Present wore William Mathlaon, Samuel Webster, Michael phone Mlddletown 477-J and Mae Stanley, Janet Blumel, Nero,' Henry PlMlnskl, Andrew By Silas Crane, Justice WALNUT diUeroba $ 1 ! , irrand white othy Ely, Jennie Tomalno, Eloanoi George and Agnds Pfelffenberger, Dvoretsky, Clarence Ingram, Ray H. Johnston, Anthony and Rachel apartment i l u quality fas atova $2Si Rfordan Viola Smith and Floronc 1)lano atool II.EO. Victorian aofa, Victorian Wright. Mrs. Danlol Carroll, Capt. and Mra. Maughler, HarVy Manning; John SanCoward, both of Up. Freehold uler mlrrot. thrM-pltoe Wicker n t IS.00, 1828, April 15 Substitutes are Sally Lees, Pa Francis Fla^inelly, Mr. and, Joseph B, Thompson Spencer drop.laat aewinff maohina.120; lotl of oddi Thomas Beodell, Mr. and Mrs, Walte Heard, Alfred^ockette, Clifford A. and endf. Stanaberry'a, Ulddletown Flvi trlcia Farrelli Lorralno .Holiday an By Isaac N. Woodward, Justice Blumel and Mrs. Margaret Watson. Smith, George T. Marshall, John A. (B 226) Brown, William and ElizaCornen, Koute aC. Nancy Laurlno. Dormer, Roy Porker, Edwin A. Ooh WOMAN wanUd for part time houaawork; beth Letts, both of Dover, at no cooking, no laundry and no Bundayj. and Harry Wllaon. ,John Lettses -..-... 1828, Feb. -2 CLUB BUYS WAB BOND. Phone Eatontown 888 or call at 134 Broad Allen, Ebenezer and Ann Little, •trett, Eatontown. N. J. ANTIQUE .tov», PranHIn ityh, burn JTEW-. RESIDENT^ both-of-Shrewsbury. 1828,_March_4 __Tho.JE?oyaLAthlotic_club_of-Fal coal or woodt flnt condltlohrfor'aal Assur, Andrew of N. Y. and Lydla Haven hao bought a $500 war bon 120. Phone Keyport 187-M. . Cammlt of Shrewsbury Thomas Edgar Schultz, who wa nni has donated a bed to tho Sol- Mr. and Mrs. William Dotts o: INSTRUCTION, MALE—How loag wilt yoi U...1828, March 10 ba making bin monty T Th« war won1 four years old Monday, was given a diers' homo on Cookman avonue, Aa- Pearl street are' parents of a daugh tut ioHvtt. Whan Jt'i over, thm m birthday party that day at tho hom bury Park. ter born yesterday, at MohmoutI Job, Robert, Jr., and Sarah Wiltratnad for th. right Induitry wpari played out-of-doors, tho winners be John W. Bennett of Mlddletown GOES TO CARNEY'S^POINT. Silver is spending a two weeks' vatime all you need, Ho Interference wll Ing Florence Carloclt, Roberta Mack 1828, April 15 cation In Michigan and New York liness of the stone and on its agelessness. You can give no finer gift to praiant Job, For Information, writs I Betsy Corn and Joan Eachelboxh Lokerson, Caleb and Nelly Ann Rov. Parrls C. Greenly, who hasstale. l Oltcf, giving nama and addrcia, Addrai Mtllltl«« In.t,, box t i l . n«d Bank. N. J.* Others present wero Patricia am Just completed a pastorate at the Atone you admire above all others than this ?,em. Come in now! Daniel Dorn, Robert and John Daley lantic Highlands Methodist church FOH SALB In HerbtrUvllie, yiar-roum Hlltbrunncr; Elaine Polln has been appointed as pastor ot the fiyeal, and O. I'.rk.ll Hi. AVAILABILITY Mr'. Johns, who has boon chief In • FrMhold Initruotora—E, llokart 2Br>, spector of. tho security section Appl.itutt 271, F, Ilonhoop 252 anil Applesato 2SH, tho Signal Corps, has joined th MEN NOW WORKING AT THEI Const Guard and will report fo HIGHEST SKILL NEED notlvo ''service Ootobor 0. MKB. FIIED NOT APPLY Mra. Julia O. Gregory, 78, wife Every time he looks through the face of the watch for the hands telling IIARVKST MOON DANCE. Frod Gregory, died Sunday night n Only you can build your financial tecurity. The moat her home on Monmouth avonu the time, he will remember this Christmas and the person who gave him certain way ia to buy all the War Bonds you can, and Tho Monmouth County Office Navolnk, She waa born In No York city and had resided In Nav Stivico committee, will hold aform also to lave continently. Tbi» double program it the a marvelous gift. Make yourself the giver of a lifetime watch. sink about 18 years. One dnughto nl harvest moon (lnnco Wednomlrt; •prt of lelf-help American! like. night of next -wnok at Rumao aurvlvei. Country clul). Mrs. Monroe Ulsne Funeral services will no conducl or Here your fund*. are insured up to $6,000. And ml this afternoon at the homo b, and Minn I,aura Hnrdlng ars h Rev. Ronald M. Dowerman, paet .every dividend hai been paid promptly aince 1887. U. S. Employment Servic of Nivvoalnk Methodist ohurcli, m Interment under auporvlilon of Miming In Action.' M. Postonjind Qona will be In J)i Second I.t. Paul A. Htanibury, t.. NOTICE. View cemetery. of Mr. nnd Mm. Alfred L. Stnnabur Take notlca that frtderltk Trautwtl .of..Anbury.P'lrlc, viliwoJwrnlmliii' l ( itt»^ U w »^i U t lwf«i ^vtW »vW « f«l>!irf l«i !irl«!iA l!A a a»» « llolmiltl Town.hlp for a tranif.r ol Ui aunlc nt lonbt four Jn])anese ahlpa n«rall Oniiiumptlon U i m i e for pr.mln 00 Yeara) William Poling of Mntnwnn w tha KVmt Indies, has been report, •Ituatad on lUUts 14, Kolmdal, IIIMII treated and roloaaod at Hlvorvlo misting hi action. Lt. Htnnabur; I'ollac.V. ISAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION! Objletlon., If anr, ahoulil ba mad. Im hospital laat night Joe laceratlorli Ilia been ii hombnidlor on a Liber Red Bank 15 Broad Street, maillalaly In ' wilting to Daniel fl. My of his rltfht knee. The olilld fel ator Imiml In Auntrnlln, where h Clerk of th. Town,l,l,i ,.( llolm.l.l, N. J. lin<) boon atntloncd alnco last Maj nn broken Rlni« while jilaylng Iflljoinil), • ' He waa 20 yours old. the.yard of. JiU home, rilBDftlUCK TKAUTWEIH.

Hi-Y Conference Saturday. Sunday

Observers Resuce Monthly Meetings

ed Bank High To Shine With 5-Piece Band

Chamber Votes On Xm&8 Decorations

Army Addenda


Buy An Extra 5100 War Bond During


Start Noon-Hour Program For Girls


New Fall and Winter Merchandise

Catholic Students Prefer Education

CLEARANCE SALE of DRESSES $4.99 values NOW $2.99



Veterans to Cheer. Maroon Eleven


Birthday Party For Thomas Edgar Shultz

Plan to buy now for a Gift of Value!

Bendix Guards Win Contest

There Is No Magic Carpet To Financial Security*

Give Him a Gift hewill, know you by!






RED BANK REGISTER. SEPTEMBER 80,1048 Barb. S. sure la a cute kid. Nancy 8., freckles aura look cut Lincoln and Zephyr cars, they were Shower Given For Marie- L. and Shirley M., there Ii on you. added. Tho New Brunswick building was Prospective Bride Betty P., watch out, or you'll be no crime in smoking, BO don't look sc / shocked the next time. Roll Along erected In IBIS and the business was minus Buddy.' Incorporated as W. E. Mount Does a Friday night ever go B. J. S, you can't have you cake Mrs. Matthew Page and her sister, By HAROXJ) JACOBSEN Sons, Ine, In IMS. An addition was Miss Betty Delatush of Hudson avewithout Fat necking with Fete? and eat it, too. (Or can you?) made to the building In 1924. In nue, gave s> surprise miscellaneous Why does Flossy request "You'l Johnny E , are you on the reMr». Louisa Patterson To date this month there have the building was) remodeled and shower for Hiss Mildred Hendrlck- , For Student . Never Know" so much?**-' been over 800 requests by skaters for bound! the property In the rear purchased son Tuesday night at their home. J. O., you seem to make out O. K. Eva, come skating after work— Left Estate to Sons Loan Fund their favorite songs. It's a good In 1928. with the Leonardo girls at the rink. Hendrlckspn will marry Seathing that we receive many requests you'll.have time. FatheMn-Law of '/" The Bed Bank agenoy was started MIis Bob G., you got a good start FriB. S., we hear that you are a man First Class James C. DelatuBli, Three wills were probated In the for tho same selections, We had a Rumson high school and Its stuIn 1817, incorporated Mount-English IT. S. Coast Guard, Sunday at As- dent body sire aiding the war effort woman hater. . office of Surrogate Joseph L. Dona- request for "Come, Josephine, In My day night. Fine. Mayor English Dies company In 1921 and moved to Its bury Park.' Jimmy O., please don't be mad or Why doesn't Tom NI11 go skating : # f by actively co-operating with tb>' h s at Freehold yestcrclay. t Flying Machine, Up We Go, Down present location In the same year on Friday night (a certain gjr Guests were Mrs. Harold A, Hend- government,in Ita many war actlvE Mr*. Louisa Patterson of Bed We Go." I can remember my par- Pat will bo sad. • At Bound Brook when the building was purchased rlckson, Mrs. Harry Webb, Mrs. asks)? . ;. Bob W., "I love me, who do you Bank, who died September 11, 1M3,ents singing that one when I was and remodeled. I n Red Bank a new Fred Pagenkcff, .Mrs. Julia Perry, _' H waa brought out that th» s t u . Betty and Mel tare make a swell Jeft $1,500 to Harry H. Patterson, a only a totv. It has a catchy melody love?" William H, Mount, founder of the service station was erected In 193$, Mrs. William Toff, Mrs; Edward J. 5. v o '*d this week to purchase >. What does a uniform do to some couple. son, and directed that $5,000 be divld- and' goes swell with roller skating. Atlantlo Motors in Atlantic HighR. C, are you In the habit dl Ford automobile agencies In this sec- lands was taken "over also In 1985. Dlxon, Mrs. Rollln E. Delatush, Mrs. *500 bond.for the student loan f u n * ed equally among this son and two Another unusual request was "Take girlB? tion of the state arid one of the old• !.„ , Amory B. Oebotn, Mrs. Raymond to He-placed In the fund a ten yean? others, Aloysius and Stanley Patter- Me Out to the Ball Game," which, Our former instructress (let's hope standing girls up?" est Ford dealers In the United States, The present used car lot and show- Morris, Mra. James N. Bunell, Mrs. atjrmturlty of the bond. ' son; mi«f5»sifii«^y.,was bequeathed makes-you-feel-like doing something, It will soon be our "present" ont) Hel- •V. L.., do you give the same Una'to dlea_Tue«day night at the home of room were purchased In 1838. so nil tho g i r l s ? v——•—.-?'.. en Johnsorl has walked down the J. Irfster Frake, Mlises Alnia Harto v the three sons equally and all when you hear it. We Intended to aisle with Robert Carole, who is his son. William E. Mount, Jr., of The Matawan business was (tarted Pat A., you can try to date Pete, Bound Brook after an Illness of 12 In 1917, and Incorporated Mount-Bar- rison, Evelyn Harrison, Janet Smith en from the treasury, of each d a w . three were alBO named executors in use "Somebody's Smile" only an spo- J th Under the «o-oporattve system of i S a will dated August 13, 1935. da. o n i o n s * but we have' tad so serving g in the Coast Guard. Bob but there Is a certain D. B. who has days. He had suffered from heart rett company in 1924. The present and Betty VanSant. tlvltle. at Runwon, all activities ara the inside track. '•' • ^ _ ^ _ Isabella Davidson _.. ol East many requests • for, it you hear It » • « « • « « - » « * > • % ? trouble. . building was erected In 1020. The run on on entire tohool basis, each' P. M., why don't you and P. H. get Keana'burgv who died August 23, 1943, played quite often. This, montl 1 ao Helen had to make up- for both. Engllshtown branch was sold In 1923. Mr. Mount, who ,wna 80 years old, °'a»s, ater prontting to t h . extent left her estate to her son, John Ed- there are three songs that have top To this swell couple, we wish -you :ogether? ;You make a swell couple. resided at Sea Bright but he and Mr, Mount took i n Interest In govof their participation. ™. T. C, who will be the next one? ' ward, and daughter, Dorothy, Isa- ranking: "Paper Doll," "Sunday, great happiness In your new underMm. Mount were visiting their son ernmental affairs and served two The student council of the aohool1 N. Carlson, you seem to be getting at belle, in equal shares and designated Monday and Always" and "Pistol taking. terms In ths State Assembly from Bound Brook when he was strick1 haa. again started tho aale of war Charlotte, who is your D. M. II tho girls.' attention, how come? her son executor in a will drawn Packing Momma." I want you to en. Mr. Mount was a former resi- Monmouth county, - being elected'on etampa and bonds to students. Total R. F., we hear a certain boy with dent of Red Bank, residing at one the Democratic ticket. Later leaden February 15,1937. know that last Friday night when (dream man)? sales so far are J.37T.50 for irradei the Initials J. p . has a great interNorman Morgan, a certain girl ot the party Implored hint to run for Mrs. Ada Tllton Nieman of Red "Pistol Packing Momma" was played lme.ln the Riverside Gardens apartGift Presented from 7 to 10, Jnoluslve. »™"«. Bank, who died June 8, 1943, left all tlie skaters really sang it. Everyone thought you were swell Saturday est in you. ment*. He is the father-in-law of state senator, a position to which he Frank Welnheimer, principal of We are glad to hear Jake S. and Mayor Charles R. English of Bed would have undoubtedly been electpersonal property In trust with her who knew the words sang the entire night. To Accompanist the.flchool, in further assisting t h i Dick H., was someone trying to Fred E. both like the Navy. ' husband, Charles E. Nicman, who is song and the rest joined in when the Bank, treasurer of the Mount-Eng- ed, for Monmouth county was pre talk you into something Saturday J. C , how come H. M. goes the op- llah company, one of the firms start- domtnantly Democratic at the time, fh n V f° r T e n t ' s " ) r o 8 r a m . annoSnceJ alao executor of the estate, and di- easy part came. The piano and dance recital by puand Mr. Mount was well liked, but ,' , posite way when he sees you? that tho second Army and N a w rected that he receive tho income ed by Mr. Mount. ...••' Everyone knows why a skater re- night? he declined, owing to the pressure pils of Malchow nnd LaSalle studios qualifying teats for civilian* l U » Purple, green and orange seem to Don G., don't tell me you have a from it for life. A son, Harold E. Jquests songs like, "Old, Pal, How I Mr. Mount,J who was president of Of business. When he first sought was well received by an apprecia- Army and Navy college V o gnr a t a e the fad with some people. Nicman, was bequeathed $1,000 and Is Miss You Tonight," "My Buddy," crush on Dottle S. again . tive audience Monday night In MeMount-English of Bed Bank, MountLily T., you and your ex-rlval get Anna Mae L., did you believe us Barrett of Matawan, the Mount com- the Democratic nomination for as- ohanlo atreet school auditorium, Bev. would bo given at the school Tue£ to receive $600 yearly until he comes "You Are Always In My Heart," "He's semblyman he was opposed by Harday morning, November B, at B Into the estate upon the death of hl3 My Guy," arid when we read your along fine now that you both found ibout (you know what)? pany of Engllohtown, W. E. Mount ry G. VanNote of Oakhurst, who Walter Cowen, pastor of Red Bank o'clock. Boys who took the tett Boy, I sure am glad 1 was "la the & Sons of New Brunswick and W. father. A brother of the decedent, requests we are also looking for tho out the truth, don't you? Lutheran church, gave the invoca- A ,P'» 2 may.take U again if they are later eerved In the Assembly, but L. V., it looked good Friday night. Mood," as this Is tho IongeBt column E. Mount, Inc., of Bound Brook, reJames L. Tllton ot Brooklyn, was left day when those who are away will whom he defeated at that time by tion and Doris Smith was master of e 111 eliglbjo. The age group U IT to Buddy Molt, we miss you at the e ever had. To you who have c o n ' tired from active business In 1822.IT $500. Mrs. Nleman left tQ a friend, return. When we see a girl come in ceremonies. ' votes. 21i and those eligible are boys who Mrs. Sara VanBrackle of rtazlet, her for an evening of skating with her rink and hope you will soon be back rlbuted to it, many thanks; to all He divided his time between his Mrs. Beatrice Qulllaudeu, piano acfrom high school last Jun« /o\i others, get some in for next home In the North and his winter black caracul ftMUepd' a fox scarf. sailor boy friend and come in again with us again. Mr. Mount was an Intimate friend companlBt of the evening, received a graduated or this aumer and who are still In Upon the death 'of Chiles E. Nle- alone she fills out a request card, eek. Please use the first name in- home, Eldora, on. the East Coast of of many leading citizens of the state gift from'the pupils during the even- the Nellie C, you sure looked sweet community tbut not In the armed man the estate goes to their son. "Gobs of Love for the Navy." We Tuesday night. tead of tho Initial. Thank you. H. Florida, near New Smyrna, where he at the time. Including David Crater, Ing in honor of her 13th wedding TZ' ^ f «y mradu »•> *°hool are T u t The will was drawn August 30, 1934. know that you miss him, and we'll Until next week the F. Y. I. will Indulged In his hobby1 of raising cit- secretary of state of New Jersey; anniversary. Cecile, how., Is Dusty making out? « " at « by.March rus fruits. He was also interested Judge Built V. Lawrence and Mr. Nleman 'preceded his wife in play your number for you every Dick C., we hope your ankle gets •atch you go by "Bonds." "V." Prizes were, awarded pupils makCharles' McDonald, stats Democratic in gardening, . • . death. time. To some of you girls who have better soon. chairman. He was also a close friend ing the greatest progress and also Johnny G.,' you sure, can Btretch Arthur Macdonald, Red Bank, who a bDy friend in the service: after you G.OJP. BOARD MEETING. Mr. Mount was born January 24, ot Surrogate Joseph L. Dpnahay, and for their memorizing work. They In' . ' died AugUBt 3,1942, left.hia estate to have filled out your card and signed things. 1863, on a farm In Monroe' township, last year, despite Illness', Insisted cluded Emma Habne, June LlpplnMolvln M. and Betty M., people ushla wife, matherine Smith Macdon- it and Reliance has played it after _ The exeoutlve board of the Unite* cott, Constance Hicks, Carol VanMiddlesex county, and was. the eon upon getting to the polls so he could ald, and appointed her executrix in tho session ask him for it back with ually skateat the skating rlnk v There of the late Joseph, B. Mount, who east his vote for him, He and an- Brackle, Shirley Tallman! and Don-Woman's Republican clubs of Moa, a will drawn August 28, 1916. the date and his signature on it, and is a balcony* at' the movies. was' a farmer. He moved to Eng- other friend, the late John H. Cook, ald McCoach.',Dorothy Amundsen of mouth county will meet tomorrow Irving W. Drake, Spring Laks, who mall it to your boy friend when you Gloria Conway, what have you got ahtown at an early age and became founder ol The Register, shared a Little Silver took a bow for a new a J t O r 5 O O n $ 2 0 > o ! o c k a t «"> homi 1 died August 27,. 1943, left ?10 to Le- write to them. They sure would ap- hat girls wish they had more of? roprietor ot a general store in 1888, love for traveling. In 1925 he and song ' she recently- composed en- of Mrs. George M. Bodman or! . Hoy Suydam, a nephew, the same preciate knowing the songs you are Who wrote the poem that C. B. when he was 25 years old. Although Mrs. Mount fulfilled an ambition by titled, "That Soldier Sweetheart of iveslnk -Blver road, Middletown amount to Walter Suydam, another requesting. You can also mail them looks at when she gets blue to get Engllshtown was but a town of S00 spending six months In traveling Mine," which was sung by Glorln „ wnship. Members who are plan, nephew; $100 to Edgar Suydam, nep- to some chap with whom you are a good laugh? Mazza, around the world, spending six weeks population at that time, the store, nlng to come by train ihoulil notlf/ Dr. Alonzo Meyers of hew, and $100 to Grace Crosbee, a corresponding even though he isn't Vernte G., how Is Getrie making, >ecause ot Its . greatly.' diversified with their daughter, Mn. Bees BarkThose taking port In the program the hostess. Items pertaining to the. niece. Property at 614 St. Clair ave- your boy friend—then maybe he will out? alew, whose husband was then In election will a large clientele were Carol and Joyce VanBrackle, coming gubernatorial N.Y.U. to be Moderator; itock, attracted f nue, Spring Liake, as well as one-half be. Who Is pie face? -^ • .*'rom miles1 around, and Mr. Mount's the dlplomatlo service in ' Pekln, Arlene and Marlyn Peters, William be dlsousaed. the residuary estate, was left to Mr. A. G. Pagano requested "I'll Be Dot Shipley, lt was great to see renture into business grew rapidly. China. Smith, Rosemary Marks, Emma Teachers to Speak Drake'* "faithful housekeeper and Around," but "You'll Never Know" 'ou skating Friday night. NOTICE. . "•" Donald McCoach, Shirley One reason for Mr. Mount's sucThis trip and others taken by Mr. Hahne, friend," Bessie Martinka, Newark. Ray Martin was home on a twoTallman, Gloria Mazza, Ruth Darby, happens many times. Dorothy :ess was his disposition to plan Mount gave htm.a keen Insight Into Scaled bids on e»rt«ia tran.portatlor! of Another friend, Jessie A. Boom, East that The first fall meeting of the Mon- ihcad. He figured out that the way Billy Blddle, Constance Hicks and thinks, "Somebody Else is day leave from the Navy and will Orange, receives the rest of the es- Schultz soon be home for a nlne-aay fur- mouth County branch, American As- to beat competition was to sell at the global war situation. During hla June Llpplncott. by the .Mfddtotomr Townshln Bnarrf nt VA ? Taking My Place." We don't think tate. .. • sociation of University Women, will the lowest cost* possible . and the illness he followed with avldnefls the any one could. Dot. Ruth and Ruth lough. progress of Allied troopB everywhere, the District Clwk.on or before BiOO ™ £ In the event of the death of either think they ''Heard You Cry Last Charles C,, why you like geom- be held Monday afternoon, October way to make this low cost possible and y do y particularly the American forces Class Gives Dance At Si 1 !"!, W a p Tlm'- October 8, 194J i t residuary - legatee her share of the Night," hut "I Never Mention Your etry and typing class? 11, at 2:45 o'clock at the Asbury 'as to buy In large quantities at a In Italy. He could describe. In deread b"" °M Ui' "'" b * •«•«« arS estate (.passes to the other. The prin- Name." Cecilia MacCloud wants her Park High school auditorium. A Nettle R , why did you change resultant saving. It was no doubt tail the topography of the area surCatholic High School cipal 'Jieneflclarlea were also appolnt- "Old Pal," to know "How I Miss You our mind about J. G,? panel discussion on the topic "What this theory that Interested him In rounding the Americans' beachhead • Specifications and'Mddlnir direction! raw . ed.executrlces. The will was dated Tonight, "You'd Never Know." LilLangdon, you finally succeeded; Challenges of War and the Post- the Ford.' automobile, which was at Salerno, having been there, and The sophomore class of Bed Bank bo lejured at the oHloa of t*« SupervUlnS March 26, 1934. War World Face Monmouth County's Dr. W,Ue G. Pah, Leonardo. lian Henderson "Don't Get Around now watch your step and you'll be Catholics high .school gave a dance Principal. irought out by, Henry Ford for sale his explanations proved of great InN. J,, any day after Stpterober 80th,, 1948, , -Frank Felsttl of Union Beach left Much Any More." The pleasure driv- O. K. Schools?", will bo conducted. t a lower cost than the few other, terest and value to all who were for- yesterday afternoon In the school botweon tho hours of OiOO K m . and iiti all bla estate to his wife, Mary Ann ing ban is off now, Lillian. Snooks Dr. Alonzo F. Myers, chairman of p. rn. «• ' . Herman E., who do you call up a auditorium which was. attended by akes then in existence. Tp a great tunate to hear them. Felstel, In a will he executed May 16, says, "Somebody Loves Me" ' "Sun- lot? ° the department of higher education ctent his idea and that of Henry of the eighth, ninth, tenth, Tho Board wiuervoi the rljht to raJeot Mr. Mount married Miss LJda Hoff- pupils 1940. Mrs. Felstel was named as ex- day, Monday and Always." Frances any or all bids and to walvV immatirl.1 eleventh, and twelfth grades. Fine a t New Yorle university, will disRandy, do you ever get angry? t Ford were Identical man, a'resident of Prospect Plains, Informalities. ' . ecutrix. Osborne requested "Army Air Corps" Frances O., you and July sure cuss the.function of education In a HARM? S, OHAMBBBLAnr. ' As an example of this large quan- Middlesex county, in 1887. Surviving dance music was provided by the Charles Sommer of Howell town- and "It Can't Be Wrong." You know make a nice couple. democracy, -and will be the keynote tity buying the story Is told how Mr. besides Mrs. .Mount are two sons, Atlantlo Highlands high school or. District CUrk. ship named bis wife, Amelia Sommer, the Air Corps can't be wrong If we Pat A., your beads were tied in a speaker and moderator. Thomas B. Mount on one occasion purchased an William E. ,Mount, Jr., of Bound chestra. NOTICE. „ as sole beneficiary in a will he exe- keep buying bonds. Doris and Nor- knot Harper,. county superintendent of Friday night Are you,going Between the dances Anna Mae ntlre carload of soda crackers. The Brook, and Joseph B. Mount "6} Cocuted April 18, 1942. Mrs. Sommer ma merged and both requested "My or areJyou trying to dlscour- schools, will discuss specific prob- countryside was startled at this bold lonial Gardens; three daughters, Mrs. Hughes sank "Paper Doll," Marlon Pullln, Sal. of Rial EiUU for UnpaM was appointed executrix of the will. Buddy." We agree with you, Char- steady, lems In the county and describe venture, and few believed that he Ethel English; wife ot Mayor Eng- MoCue sang "Mr. Five by Five" and ago the wolves? Taxii. George R. Wain, a well known resThere'll Never Be An- Jack Kaney, it was swell to see changes which have taken place would be able to turn over any size- lish ot Red Bank; Mrs. Kenneth Ap- Jane Phillips-was heard in song and I. 3. M. Koough, collector of t a n s l» ident ot Allentown, made his last will lotte Benas, "There'll Never Be An- JacK. «.aney, K wao owe.. ™ =eo and for the Boronnh of Ifcd Bank. County

Wills Of County ResidenteProbated

William E. Mount, Founder Of Ford Agencies, Passes

Merrily We

Pupils Buy $500 Bond At Rumson

Pupils'Recital Well Received

Present, Post-War School Problems To Be Forum Topic



B. Long, why don't you like to/ dent of schools, will discuss specific ever, he bad disposed / of the entire and Mrs. Reea Barkalow of 'Alexthe Allentown Presbyterian church maklnjr demands these days. Norproblems in the coutaty and describe stock. skate on Friday nights? andria, Virginia; 11 grandchildren ma Colson says '-'AU Or Nothing At were left $300 to be used in the perNancy S., why don't you bring Skip changes which have taken place It was In 19M that Mr. Mount be- and a brother, George Mount of petual cure, of the family burial lots. All." - i -' L here. William Smith, superlntenskating sometime ? We have one request unsigned and gan the sale of Ford automobiles. Engllshtown, Bequests, of $1,000 each were made to We see Shirley Bischoff looking j dent of Long Branch' schools, will His general etore was handling biFuneral services will be held toJohn Satterthwalte, William Wain no doubt requested by someone who and Alice Wain, and $500 each to is left behind and I believe that it around her old school. Could she be outline problems which confront the cycles, which were very popular at morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at bis looking for Dick Cook or Bob Green? old residence in Engllshtown, with school administrator at this time. that time, and Mr. Mount readily Chester, Harriet and Bertha Wemple. tells its own story even if the person We see Helen Johnson Is back from Mrs. Henry E. Ackerson, Jr., a saw that the automobile was to take Bev. Christiansen, pastor of the Mr. Wain's farm, stock and imple- who • requested them doesn't ^wish member of the Keyport board of the place of any other form of trans- Presbyterian church at Engllshtown, ments were bequeathed to the Farm- their name in print: "I Lovo You" her Washington trip. Grace S. is on tho outs with Bob education, will present viewa and portation. ' He was very much in- officiating. Interment in charge ot ers' National bank of Allentown.for and "I Pray for You." As long as I . again. Better luck next time. problems of a school board member, terested, and in 1904, a year after the the J. Laird Hulso funeral home of am "In the Mood" I better write your the use of Frank VanHorn so long as Won't someone please give Lois P. while Mrs. Joseph F. Hunter of Ford car was' brought out, he pur- that borough will be In Old Tennent he desires, he to pay the taxes, in- F. Y. I.'s. _ and Lois J. a break and ask them to Fair,, Haven will explain the ques- chased a car for demonstration pur- cemetery. surance premiums and upkeep. Aftion from the angle' of the parent poses and took two orders. The first skate? ter tho death of Mr. VanHorn and Tho F. F. I. Bureau, We see that Ed. Llebhauser does ThB effect of war on the classroom car was delivered to Joseph M.Per- SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY. his wife the. farm is to become part will be told by- Miss Irene F. Tay- rine, a dealer in building materials of the residuary estate, which Is ^Freddio R , all we can say Is that not skate couples, wonder why? A surprise birthday party was It doesn't [take you long to forget. Better come skating,-- Betty H., lor, a member of the Asbury Park in Jameaburg. then to bo divided as follows: 20% to given for Miss Marianne Blordan Russell Plngatorc has put his four skates are getting rusty. High school faculty. Alvln and Bess Satterthwaite, 10% Mr. Mount's sales of cars grew so to the Ellltsdale Methodist church and skates away In moth balls and Is now We were pleased to see Glnny skatMiss Rosclin S. Myers of Asbury rapidly that be was forced to dispose of West Front street Friday at the 70% to tho Allentown Presbyterian wearing a new pair of bedroom slip- ing Saturday night. Please come Park, branch education chairman, of his store in order to attend tb home of Mrs. Michael O'Hara of ' . ' moire often; Glnny.' church. The Farmers' National bank pers. Is In charge, assisted by Mrs. John his new business. In the first five Worthley street. Decorations were Paul DeN., we hear from Lois D. was appointed executor of the will. Polly, whose name J o you have In C. Morresy of Long Branch, branch years be had sold 43 cars. In 1910 In pink and blue, and a large birthidt president, and Mrs. Warren A. Mr, Ford, seeking a distributor for day cake formed the table centerMrs. Annie Gough, Port Monmouth, that it seems like a year since you your locket now. Is it Jimmy? Jean T., we hear that Rutty C. Is Tyrell of Fair Haven, program this, area, selected him tor the Job, piece. The guests were Mrs. Jackwho died August 18,1943, left every- joined the Navy, but we know that son Murphy, Mrs. Kenneth Drury, . "' going to be a cadet. Will you miss chairman. and his second contract with the Mrs. Abble Whale'h and Michael thing to her son, Vincent, and ap-'It Is only two weeks. Did you ever seo a girl who smiles him? Notices of the meeting are being Ford people' wag signed. pointed him executor in a will drawn O'Hara. more than H. Long.? We hear that Adrienne broke off sent to all superintendents, school November 4, 1941. Announcement by Mr. Mount that • • i» Betty Kline, we seo something new ith Stan. What happened? principals, Parent-Teacher associa- he was In the automobile business John W. Rookafellcr, Asbury Park, ™ , J « helD Is easy with a ReelsWho made you fall, Polly? Please tions, service clubs and women's W&L made in an advertisement In tor• • UAd.—Adyertlaement. __who.dled Augdstjl, 1943, bequeathed has been added. _. ;r " xlubs~ln" tHe~cbuntyr~and~al[~iht~er the Freehold Transcript,'~~Jaaua of one-third" of his estafeTto his wife, —Congratulations—on~the—ncw-en>- ;hlfifc"ol~th'e"flbor7 ested ,are Invited to attend. The September 2, 1904, which read as Lois D., why don't you stop lt? .Annie C , with the remaining two- gagement ring, E. MacCloud. Marie B. and Ray G. are still carMae Rose, how Is Tom? Good luck school is easily accessible by train follows: "I have taken the,agency thirds to bs divided among his chil:o you. '• . and bus, being one block from tMe for the Ford, 'the car, of satisfaction.' dren. The will, made December 9, rying on their romance. Pauline, Ray loves Marie B. too It's a.shame Lois P. didn't enjoy Asbury Park railroad station. 1902, named the beneficiaries, other First In speed, safety, simplicity, much to break off, but you can try. herself Saturday night. than Mrs. Bockafeller, as Anna, comfort, durability and economy. Wonder where Bob Seeley will be John D., and Harry RockafeHer. Mrs. We see Doris Measley still has the Ten horse power. Speed up to 30 y H SIADERIA BABY BAPTIZED. thin 'Saturday night? R k f l l Rockafeller d i t d lame shape and form—In skating. to 35 miles an hour. As a runabout, was designated execuAnna Mae Applegate, now we don't trix. Johnny S. and his car sure get •Michael Crawford Maderla, son of $800; or with tonneau, $900. CataJacob Melnzer, Matawan, who died know who lt Is, the corporal or the around. Lt. and Mrs. Crawford C. Maderla, logue on request / Demonstration ' August 8, 1943, left personal prop- lieutenant. You really, are in there, Karen U. Jr., of Washington street, Bumson, free to intending purchaser." Jackie Maloney is eating his meals erty and household goods to his wife, Chick B. never misses sitting on was baptized Sunday morning at St. As compared to the 43 c a n that Christina C. Melnzer, who is also be- off the mantle piece these days—ho lomebody'a lap, George's Episcopal church, Kumson, Mr.- Mount sold In the first flv* years queathed property In Maplewood went horseback riding. V e really miss tho Belford twins by the rector Rev. H. Falrfleld of his business,he had, In 1914, a Victor Tcrwllllger is stationed at in Fridays. and any other tract to which Butt, 3d. Mlsa Jessica VanH. Des- contract for 1,265 carj, and his terridecedent held title at the time of his Norfolk, Virginia. He tcllB us that Mavis S. should come skating more pard was godmother, and Clement tory then Included* Ocean, Mondeath. Ho also made the following there is not a Bkatlng rink near if ten. L. Despard stood proxy for William mouth, Middlesex, Somerset and i other bequests: Mary L. Meinzer, a there. He also wants to be rememHelen L. and the MacCloud sisters Llpplncott, and Lt. George Wright Union counties. By 1989 th« "comdaughter, $5; James A, Mclnzer, son, bered to all his friends. really look good together; get what was proxy for Alfred D. G. Fuller. panies founded by Mr, Mount had $5; Robert P. Melnzer, son, $500; Ed- We wonder why Lola Pease can't we mean? Both godfathers were unable to be disposed d i d th 28000 new off more than 28,000 ward Melnzer, son, $500; Christina come skating. You really can rely on Reliance present. Ford c a n and had in Its employ 81 Melnzer, daughter, $300; Laura J. Mac, do you like skating or Billy 'laying your songs, can't you, Flossy persons. When the new l'»* °* B ' o r d Melnzer, $600 and a lifcrlght to Mr. Raybon? md Karen? .; * . It pays to advertise In The Register, products came out, lnoludlng the Melnzer's homo at the time of IIIB Pauline, do you' like that certain Nancy S. surely has rhythm when death. couple? sho skates. Robert P., James A. and Edward Wo saw Charles Bolln watching the Don't glrrlo ao much, Frances L.— Mclnzer -were appointed executors of coats In the chock room Friday night It gives you wrlnklos. the estate In a will drawn February —or what ivas It? Could you tell'us, Nancy M. looks good In skirts and 4, 1911, and amended' by a codicil Julio Travcrs? ' blouses. dated February ,16,1921. Bob Sccloy, you are such an "In- Flossy P., why not give the cornocent" reporter. poral a chance? OF

e appreciation of tile class to the hereby give notice that according to the members of the orchestra and the en- law rcnulrlne mo to make, the. unpaid taxes, assessments and other municipal tertainers. chnrg-ei, osBesfled on land, tenement!, here-

ditaments and real d a t e In laid Borough of Red Bank, for the year 1948, will on t i e 15th day of October, 194S, at 2|00 o'clock P. in., in t i e Borouirh Hall, tell the Jtn ot Chicago. He wrote "The Hunian to ouch persons as will purchase the sates. Adventure," which Is presented over subject to redemption at the lowest r«t» «t Interest, but In no case In excels ot WOR Thursday nights at 8:30. eight per cent per annum. Till iale ii He Is a graduate of MIddlotown mndo under the provisions of an Act oC ownship high school, Monmouth. the legislature entitled "An Act concsmlnej taxes, asfoa.monts and other mue" Junior college and tho Unlvorslty ot unpaid nlclpal chargos on real property and pro* Chicago. He has been connected vldlng for the collection, thereof by t i | crentlo'n nml enforcement of If.m thereof with the Columbia Broadcasting jsta(Revision of 1918)." tion at Chicago for the past year.

Script Writer For Radio Program



SUITS & DRESSES, 76c UNITED'DRY CLEANED Call Bed Bonk 83 DOTTED CLEANEB8, INC, Onljt Addrellt 45 Prospect Ave.

If It's PEACE you want, buy BONDS! •

Auction Sale

Keyport Resident Has 94th Birthday

Mrs. J. C. Schanck of Keyport, former Red Bank resident, observed her 04th birthday Tuesday at. the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. Palmer Armstrong of Kay port. Sho wan the recoplent of many elfts nnd cards of cbngrntulntlons. An Informal party was hpld at tlie Armstrong homo .for 'members ot Mr«. Bchanck's fnni'ly. Picncnt wcia her daughter*, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Leon Brower of Bergen place and Mr*. Abble Schnnck of IJloorrilloli). Also two granddaughters, Mm. ' Jimc« Pattern of South direct, and Mra. Jamos Humphrcyn of LnUn avenue, and ' two gront-grnndchildrcn Douglas Patton and Jan Humphreys, • SUITER J'AItTy. A covered-dish supper nnd "Pollym" parly followed the' mooting . Frldo "' Monmouth council, Hcmn night Members nluiorvlnu; blrthuava at the party were Mrs. Corn Dnwon. Mr*. Luolla Kenno, Mint Luv•t«r, Chariot Kcllum, Mr., nnd Mm, H u e l Glum. 'A "penny" snla will bn

featured at the next meeting Tuc»-j

47 Head of Cattle




Featuring a one-priced smart, original hat in our budget department


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1943 AT 1:00 O'CLOCK, THE FOLLOWING: The herd conalit* of U cows, Ilolttelni, Guernseys, and BwtM. Home frrsh, oilier* milking, all young and T.B. tested, M good a herd M there U In the County. It will be worth while for any dairy man to attend till* Mle. Ona flno HoUtoln atock bull. FARM MACHINERY: Bee ring-Grain Binder, Planet Jr. Biding Cultivator, McCormlck-Deerlng one horse Bced Drill nearly new, I'sra VP«ron, low wheel farm wagon, gravel body, Meeker Harrow, I Drag Hnnowi, S walltlnf cultivators, One J Horse Plow, Tractor Dlic-llnrrow, liana Potato Grader, s How Farrowing' Hied, Land Roller, 0 MolaMMi Drunu, Hayrato, Goa JKntjIn*.


Soft flattering felt* Any color matched Made to Head sizes, 2 0 - 2 4 LIB nitOAU ST., « K D HANK Till.,.' 830.

and Farm Machinery

Singing Wheels Arena, Inc.

00 Ton* of Alfalfa and Clover liar' baled, ZOO budiels of Wheat; •»80

h t o l n l * ' a t O u t * " T h U ' l »» t e M







•old. Holm Ualn or Rhine.




BOROUCIl OF LITTLE SILVER ' Nolle* • ! Sale • ( Praptrlr For Non-Paynunt of Taaea, Aneitmenta and Other Municipal liens < Publlo notice ll her.l)» »l»en lhali 1, Clark P. Kemp, Collector of the Tsiing District of the Borough of Ultle Bllvar, County of Monmoulh, Btateof New Jeriey. |iu»uant to tbe authority of Die BtatuUl In luch caie made and provided, wMI.eell at rubllt Auction on the 11th dey of October, 1»4«, at the jlaralwh Hall In Llttla BMvtr, at IiOO V. U., th« landa anil raal t i l a U htralnafUr daiorlbtdl Kama Di.crlptlon t«4l ,1043 Eitati of 3. Hobl. Bmlty, DIocV e. l o t 18 1 1J." » 1.J..M B. rioyd Bordan, Block ii, Lots 91 and 24 _... »,«0 '•»! The laid landa and real eitate will be aold to mate the amount of the municipal llena chargeable against the lame On the Dnt day at July, 194J. • • computed In tlie fortgolna- Hit. toiethir with the Intereit on aald amount from the n n l day to the date of late, and ooitl of n i l . ' Bald properly will be lold'ln fee to the pereon as will purohaw the same, iiihJect to rtdemntlon at th* l?w«t. rate.of _| n i.r..t, but i».»o_«M._l5_.»e«_oi < sji, ""••T O h."l, t "i. l > ™«J«'»"«'IHO'»I.I... of an Act of Ih. le.Ul.ture. .milled "An Act concerning unp«!4 taxte, ..••i.minti and other municipal charge, on "el properly, and providing lor th. collection thereof by the creation and «nfor»p)«nt of Hem «»"»"•], y ' j j ' ^ g f*^."h'Vale th. will receive of th. amount due on any prop.Hr, with Inlmrt « J H I U Inourred « * , * » $ • ^ ™ * K ^ > r n " n t ' , Collector of Taxti. — Datril September l»t*i MM. '

Tho said landed tenements, heredlta* menu and real estate to be (old and t*« names of tho perjons aialnit whom .aid taxes have been Iain on account ol eaea parcel, are ai follows i UNPAID TAXES FOR 1042. William O'Brien Est., blk. 10, buildIng and lot, No. 81-88, on th* icuth aide of Weit Front William Loddy 6 Son, blk. 4. lot 92, Building and lot. No. 58, Morford Plnco 16t.S| Harold" Gllmorer house* and -lot, -Nor—"-.-<=».. 2S8A, on the south lide of Hechanto street ..................... .. 10M"Z f Bat. Hugh Getty, blk. 2D, lot 4, ' building and lot, 18, on Ui* soutfa •Ide ot Mechanic etreet , 8I>.M| Samuel Entail, fclk. 29, let If,-house and lot, No. 20, Mount itreet. 18.14 Est. William O'Brien, bile. M. lot 11. one lot, on tho west aide) of Spring street ...................... . . . 17,91 Mn, Leo McKoe, blk. 62, lot 1A, house and lot. No. 121, on the east tide of Spring itreet llS.sf James A. Morrla, blk 29, lot 5, house and lot,1No. 28, on the east side of Spring street . tl.M Eit, Eleanor Drown, blk. 107, lot II, house and lot, No. 22, on the . _ north elds, of Brown plsce s4.0»'y Adele Ityder, Est., house and lot, ' " No. *1G, on the south side of - Harding road 71.11 Italph Janloh.n, blk. 108, lot t, one lot, on the south ilde of Harding road « ........ «.......................... SZ«f4] Anna Janlohen, bile 10S, lot 5A, ona lot, on the louth. side ol Harding road »...*......... 17,01 Loul. and llaael 8Iooum, blk, 111, . lot 18, house and lot. No. 118, on the east ilde of Branch avenue.... Burton Thomas,* blk. I l l , lot 88, house and lot. No, 18C. on the oust aide of Branch avenue . . Ip.lfl W. J. Bwannell Bit., blk 111, lot 1, house and lot, No, 77, on tit* [ . ' south .!do pf Borgen pl.ce 114.94> S W. If. lteyer, blk. 114, lot !4, house ' • and lot. No. 00, on the louth llde . of Madison avenue ^.— 1M.M W. H, Heyir. Jr., blk, 114, lot 29, one lot, on th* south >ld. ot Madison avenue I7.*1 Andrew S. White, blk. 4!, lot 17, house nnd lot, No. 20, on the '. north aldo of Oakland atreet ....... 11.11 Julia Vlttorla, blk. II, lot IDA. hoiuia nnd lot. No. 182, on the weit llde of Shrewsbury avenue.. !WB,M dula.ppl Lentlnl, blk. SO, lot 18, house and lot, No.- »08, on the wilt .Ide of Shrewsbury avenue.. 149.4>s 3 Totiy Loniio, blk 73, lot J2A, one " fi lot, on the north ilde of Illv.r . | •triet lljUf Qeorna K. Manhall, Eit., blk. 71, lot 5, house and lot. No. 99, on th* south ilil. of Itlvtr itritt ..... l l . t r Ella Carr, Eit., blk. 17, lot 28, bout* ami lot, No. 21, on Earl atreet.... 11.41 Jtnnotto Iteliicher, blk. 89, lot 4, hoURc and lot, No. 64, on the north ilde of Locust avenue ........ 81.91 Al/r«fl A. Cunnlnffham, b)]f. 84, lot 107, house and lot, No. 17. on the south nlile of nuni.t avenu. ..._\. 11,71 Mamie Bauirh, blk. 84, lot 111, house and lot, No, 71, on th* •outli nlilo of Sunset avenue fl.f'* LouU Delgroiio, blk. 84, lot SI, one tot, on the north'ilde of New. man tlprlngi road 11.80 M Fred Morrli. blk. 75, lot 108k b o m . ami lot, on Central avenue ...» - III.II Ainrlah Illmmo. Est., tilk. 75, lot "I, ri""«D »"'' lot, No, 10


Vthtn the iale takel lilac* payment of all (axe* or amilimiinti, eoilii and Intereit muit be made by th* nurchaiar befor* th* conclusion ot th* salt. otherwlM th* property will bit Immediately teiold. WltniM my hand Ihli 18th day of tember, 194B, ^ ' . • J. M. KBOUO Coll*.







USED furniture fiJr aale. Andarecn Biot.. Inc.. 800 Monmonth itraet Bed B»n>. WE BUX .and aell UMO office eguloment. Tetlari. 17 Broad atreet. tui Bank. WHO SAID we htvaa't l o t pre-war allaprlng constructed thre«-pl»ce parlor aultea at pre-war prleea, On time payment LOST AND FOUND plan, aame ai caan prMea. S*arta'a Auction Roomj, Joit acroia Ooop.r'a bridge on 18BC0ND National Bank * ' Tmit Com'- Highway 85, Mlddlatown, N. J. '• > Ban* p u s book No. 18,4... Finder £ . turn to above bunk, PIANOS—A. a Olrnan, piano maker, dial. 1 er, tuning, rlpalrlog, ranOTatlnr. Shop »>OST, pit dog. I l l reward for .(.tarn ' or tacirrsom. Drammond placa, Bed Banli . Information leading to recovery of light end * •• " •> " w stralght-halr male Irlih/iirrleri 4B 8 8 1 . brown Bound; 18 Inches high, i lli Howel WHY PAX high Plicae for ?own.hlp Hc.n4.Nc. 1,..- £ new furniture, when you cm m . oar Freehold road. JJo auction, likd*. Fui budget plan at caah pricaa on tlnj.' payment. Swatta'a Auction Roomi, juat acroaa Coopar'a Bridge on Highway 86, Middle'' -fcOBT.. Kngllfh Mttlr, Iwhlte with brown town, N, 3. 11 1 c BOUGHT Sf r\4w eer.n-plece and in! * """' ""''' *" •'"' ""''' WEthree.plece -bidroom fatat high claaa Bold wrlit watch loit Saturday etyla, From factory doling. To b* idd at half price for Quick turno»er on time payment plan or caah. Swarta'a Auction Itooma, juat aeroaa Cooper1, bridge, oq FEMALE hound don, 14 Jnchw high, brown Highway 88, Mlddletown, N. X •' and white apoU; lout In vicinity of Nave. a nk.and Hlghland«. Phone S8O.J Atlan- DON'T WAIT I 'Buy while they lajt; No tic Highland.. Bew.rd.* more to be made] 100. new Inneraprlng OUND, Beagle hound, mala. Phono Red mattreaaea with ateel prlnga. Swarta'a Auction. RooniB, juat aoroia Ooopar'a Bank H.Q-R, LOST September 28. between Shrawiburr bridge, on Highway »6,, N. J. ' poatofflce and Eatontown Signal Labora- FOUNTAIN pena repaired. Don't throw tory ,« imall blua illk change purae, conthat old pen away, W. will put It In taining money. toward. Phono Red Bank ahap. ae good aa nwn for amall charge. 8S7-M, • ' ' . .•• Specialty Printing Co., 107 Monmouth atreet. Bed Bank, phone MU. PPUOE dog loit, aniwari to nami of ..Sandy, Howard. Phono Rumion 1267. PICK jour own applii, 71 cents bushel; Dellolous early applei ready now from the-faniotla. Alexander^orchard!. Do your FOR SALE canning for* thla winter. Two mllea from Red Bank itatlon. Phone Rid Bank I1XTRA clotet apace; we have. Odora elos- 8B48, . eti I..08-up to K.tSi n«w large cheit DOTJBI_! set ot harneai tor salt, alio. one ••arith l u t t n , 12.4»; don't l«t the mothi single harness ai well ai light and •four clothe.I moth bans SO centa. heavy wagons. Telephone Harry Hauler, lonal 5 c. 10. Frown';, phone 8880.* Atlantic Highlands »ei, • 'jlSUONTlNUJliU Imperial washable wallfor every room In. your borne| CASK for your old typewriter, adding " f apir ai . m i t o 110, on u l . for f 1.88 per room machine., c u b rigliters .and cthir of,Dt- quantise! and.pattorne are limited, fice equipment* 8erplco'i, 10S Monmoutn "larln'i Paint Btor., . » Mon-outh itroet. street, Red Bank 488. ATBB fUMI-a. new and rebuilt, for tale. TIRES RES ? Y « , grade 1, pie-war piewa Ureii Fump npalri o( all klnda i plumbing and All l alaea In atock. t k We W recap reap your icatlnii. f, 0, Bunt. Ulddleto-Q. phone t!r» '•a without a certificate. W. do* vulcanIddletown 66. lalngj 24 houra' aervlce. No eertlfieat. reHid ...ISE plga and help solva your and your quired to buy uied tubei. Cbarlle'a Tire RA: ! couatry'e meat problem; pur. bred corn- Stor., 118 Welt Front itrwt. Bed Bank, fed Uuroi plgi for eale. Bred oowa and tmall plffB vaccinated. Guaranteed MOBILOIL gear lubricant for "{all ohangePlace your order, now. Shad- ' oycr" of traiiamlaalon and differential. kVh»aHny. ow Wo Cans, Bed Bank. Phon. Red No cbargft for i.rvlca—only for amount of l a n k «543. gear lubrlcanti uied, • Quality producta, friendly atrvJc. at Zlay MoLaughlln'a UoISED furniture (or sale. And.non Uroa., bll corner Broad and Maple, phone Inc., 100 Monmouth etreet. lied Bank. Redatatlon, Bank 14U,

PULLETS, Unborn and Barred Bocki, MABEL COLEMAN School of Dancing— B 5 f j » f i outdoor work} IQQ% e8Ben- ONL-ROOM apartment on but line, with MIUULETOWM tlre-proof two-itory build, . pullorem 'clean, ready to lay; $1.00 and _ F a'l Unn blglns. September 20, 1948. 8INGtlJ-and double rooms for .rent; elian and reasonable. 224 Spring street, Red tlBl; 70c to 11.00 per hour, plus overmocUrn conveniences; BUltabU for bu«i92.00 each.' Also 'roasters; about 4 Studio, 16 Rector plact, Red Bank, phone 60x130; with aevan aorei o | irounel Bank.* time. Th6se In eisential work need not iicua lad/ -or gentleman for very light onink:, pounds ..' Frank Mannlno Farm, Laurel main highway No. B(. Niar rallraad. apply; except with statement of availability ho use keep ing, Available October 1. - 3*12 builneia avenue, Mlddletown, phone US. center, etc. All Inptovetaentll FOUR rooms for rent, fornUhcd; adults OLD .-LOOM aud .talrs made Ilk. new; only; 980 per-month. 58 Bay avenue, for'change to outdoor work. . See our in- Broad Btreet, Red Bank." ready for Immediate occupancr. L i n e or USED STOVES, parts and repairs; /„]] Urvlewer'at 1 Bordcn atreet, Shrewabury, floor sanding and hand rcfjnlsfelnsi «U> Owner. Harrr Haiuer, Hit OreailN. J., between 6 and 8 p. m. Aaplundh l'OUR-ItOOM,»pttrttn«nt-in Keansburg for eale. i l l . coll springs, heavy aladia hammer, a lauare foot and up; experienced work- Highlands, N. J.' way. New tork, B r « n t » . « 0 » T ; cr tal«. brush t » , copper coll, galvanized hot manihlp. Myron B. Morion, t t M I ROOMS. Atlantic Hotel, by day or wiek. Trlvu 10 to 12 quarters of milk dally, CUSTOM plowing, dliclng, lowing, oar- '.fi'p. m. ' 43 Let-by place, Red Bank, COLLECTOIt—Permanent pbaltlori for a M i Jot 50xJJ8 • SHrewkburr avenue, flaar istlng, creo tree puinng, pulling, ground clearli clearing, phono 190-R. ' veiling, Inquire at Mlddtetown poatolnce for flam aiatlon. Phon. Ii«J Bank l'Mj.JI.-"* man -living in or near Red Bank.; similar acre. etc,; tractor work of) any kind by ae Chanovlch, Bed Hill road, Mldijlotown, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT L furnlnhed corner room. In experience and knowledge of tha territory sot. hour or contract. Clrii c l u i iQulpmeu. FIVE BUNDRBD dollars, caah. will buy h r t o pf naval oflleer andswlf«r for rent. helpful. Apply Seaboard Ice Company, 27 Ralph Ralph Maher, Holmdel, N. J . box J5 corner plot of-nvo lota a t Falrfleld OarBuslneftfl woman. 25 South etreet. Red North Bridge avenue, R«d Bank. IiAROB turkey or chlolton coop for aalo; phone lo Holmdel 6911. -F, Kennedy. List your houses for tale dina. Furtker' partlculara from Thomaa 18i2I> feet. Horster, Chapel Hill road, RED BANK Buslnees Institute': secretarial j u k ' STORE and office heltf wanted: mats' or or rentv I have many prospecta. P. F Irvine Brown, Rellitir offlei, phona Red Leonardo, phone Atlantic Highlands 818. female. Fred D. Wlkoff Co., Red Bank. Kennedy. 21 Peters place. Red Bank. UanK 13, . course. Registration, phone after 2 p. PLEASANT, comfortable twin bed and REMINGTON portapl. typiwrlter, Hemitte to. Rid Bank SSI. Florence O'Shea. prln- double bed roomn for rent; near baths; phone S52. close to town. 13!, Wallnca street. Red GIRL wanted for part time housework HOUSES and ttor-ei forVent. R. V. E. H. COMMUTERS—Idea! location for commu* model, with case) bought , 1041, used clpal. •tout, Lew la build Inn, 77-70 Broid ters; seven rooma and two bathi, with three months. Perfect. Price $SC. Write SEPTIO TANKS and ceslpooll oliamd, Bank.' morning... Call Ited Bank 3839. street (over Newberry itore), automatic hot water heat In a dlilrabla Portable, box 811, Rsd Bank.* v also dry w i l l i , dralm Installed. Eal. lolely throujh TWO children's coats, one blue Mrve, one atreet, Fair Haven, pbt,»» Red Bank 1484. Fprt Monmotith and bus line. 36 Salem also part tlms cleaning woman. Call •acond floor Register building i Immtdl- *••; Allaire A Son Agency. Inc. with hat to natch! nfie"4-t... Also crib Ruhison 6*32. -at» occupancy. Suitable for profenioaal Uttlo Silver, phone Red Bank and mattreaa for sale. 16 Petara place, GENERAL CONTRACTOR and eelipoola lane. All convenlencen, beat location, HEVEN-IiOOM houie, all ImproTiminU, ^ WHITE woman wanted for general house- WgriipiM clewed; carting and grading, too toll, 2 073-M.' R.d Bank, phon. 600-M,* Tnaulre Thomat Irving Brown. Retrliter of* hot water heat, fireplace; sleeping porch, work; one or two day* weekly; Phone flea. AgtnU protected. manure, ail dirt, cinders, graiel and land. room at 16 Dwvane »tr«t. l i a c r e s of land, two meadows, chicken WE HAVE a full line of living rooni Estimates given. Phone Red Bank U K . FURNISHED 1265 Red Bank. Oceanuort. N. J.' . .< O • furniture!' sprlnii sonstru'etlan. The Fur- 47 Second itnet. Fair HaTWO connecting office rooms for reat, sec- houBTv-toarne and garage; near bna Una ond floor front. Red Bank Register build- and good railroad connectloni. Phom Had niture Center, 20 Eait Front street, Red ven. N. I. FURNISHED room for rent. 140 Shrews- COLORED maid, general, no cooking or laundry; sleep in; attractive -wages. ing; Immediate occupancy; best location uanK zsoi Bank,* bury avenue, Eed Bank, phon« Red Phone Red Bank 1KB. ' n business center. Inquire Thomas Irv- 11,000 DOWN and tha rest easy paymenta METAL weatherstrips will aava fuel thla Bank 00B. • • CHICKENS, Barred Bocka, laying hens and . winter: metal now released by governln» Brown, Bed Bank Itegliter offlce. or to ault buyer; Six-room hoan, all Im"pulletai also new range house. Will ment. Get my estimate at once. Phone ONE of' Red Bank's most convenient loca- COOK and general houseman wanted for your own agent. provements, cool furnace, hot water heat! a gentleman; muat be neat and have sell cheap. N. R. gnydtr, Hobart avenue, Rod Bank 269B-M. tions, both single and double roomi. . good habits; Bleep In. References required. RED BANK— House facing Shrewsbury big lot; two-car garage; on Nevislnk River Keypart, phone Keyport 9fl6, filfs, H. F. Dowstra, 68 Waplt avenue. R d Nat Tenenbaum,'. The Pledges, Eatontown, river j ..three bedrooms, two bathrooms; road; near bus, one mile to railroad HOUSE painting: Inside and outaldc. Call Bank, phone 1684. • YOUNG team of draft horses for sale: also phone Eatontown 597. modern kitchen, with b r e a k W nook j din- station. Sea ownir, Charles B. Falardeau. Myron Morson, 20 Matile avenue. Red orchard of Rome Beauty and Wlncsap ap- Bank 3194-J. NEWLY furnished' rooms, near bath and Ing room, larjiB Hvinsr room with fireplace; 38 Ocean View avenue. Keenabnrg. K. J. MANAGER—dependable refined woman, plea. Martin Jensen, Vanderburg-Miitl* kitchen > privileges, Call after 6 p. m. foyer; gla&q encloned aun porch. All over 30, wanted for permanent position. large houat. with bath) GENERAL builder and contractor; special Fhorio Red Bank 23 UK. 890 Itlvcr road, boro road, Marlboro, If. J. ' • conveniences; hot and cold wator, oil hent- KUMSON—Five-room all Improvement!; two-car garage, chickEavalngs discussed at Interview. Call Red Insr on motion work, nreplsces. stonework. * • system; spacious grounds; svalJabla yard, garden ipaea. large SHBFH&RD dogs for peta; ahow or watch '352 Chelsea avenue, Long Branch, N, J., Fair Havan, N. J. Bani 3979 Friday between 10:30 a. m. and October I. Call KoannburK 519 for. ap- urounds. and Dennla K. Byrne, phona Ruroion dote*. One doar recently trained by U, phone 3608. 6 p, m. for appointment. FURNISHED room, near bath; for rent j pointment.* 576.i • 3. Coast Guards. Will <1J»P0SG of reasonprivate home; suitable for couple; near ably. Phona S«a Bright 184.* bus line. Phone 1274 Red Bank, or call SEVEN-ROOM modern houee; Bteam heat, JOB PRINTING—When you med b'usRUMSON—Real bargain; 11 rooma, all ImSITUATIONS WANTED at 278 Mechanic street. Red Bunk. hot and cold running water, bath and BABBITS—American Blues, Fiemliih Glr provementl; steam heat, oil burntr, larga ' ln.s» cards, - letterheads, envelopes, antfl,rNeMr Zealdnds, ChlnchlllaB; bucks FURNISHED room for rent, In private COUPLE, middle oged, wish position as shower; one block from railroad, store*, porch; two-car, two-atory garage. ' with billheads, bookleta, poatera, programs, nchoola and churches; $50 per month. at atud. Excess bucks reasonable. 'TropU home; preferrnbly to service man* Riv. caretakers; small estate or house; ref- Ready for occupancy November 1st. Tele- fltorngo mmce above; grounda approxiannouncementa or anything In t o . lino cat flih. Open Sundays. Helen Miller, erdlde Height*, right on bus lines for all erences. Addreaa Couple, box 511, Red phone owner, Harry Haufler, Atlantic Hl-yh mately 100x151) feet; 14,500. Dennla -K. ot printing try The Regliter. Work of Byrne, phone Rurason 576. Highway S5, near Keanshurg Gateway, campa. Fonnan B. White, b o i 91, Red Bank. I finds 961. phone Mlddletosrn .280*1." Bank. . the better kind done when promised GIRL wishes part time or day's work. An- SIX-ROOM unfurnished house, nice loca- SIX.ROOM house lacing Shrewsbury river, and at reasonable prlcea. OAKE mixer and attachments for sale; Just LOVELY furntahed room for rent; suitable well furnished; laundry, ahower, aereenecf na WattB, 194 Weat Bergen place, Red tion in Fair Haven; $75 p$r month. R. like new. Price 910. . Address 848 back and front; garagel lot ISxlSB for couple; central location. 23 Cheit- Bank.* V. H. H, Stout, 77 Broad street, Red Bank, porches Shrewsbury avenue, Itcd Dank* . t . KOH INSURANT ot all klnda see il. V. nut street, Bed Bsnk. Phone Red Bank feet. Sell as la for 13,000. A. E. Dennett, Phone 2141. MAM, with executive ability, denirea posiRtaltor, phone Highland! 1201. R, H. Stout, U w l i building, 77-79 Broad 98 after 4:30 .), m. PHILOO, late model long and short wave «trcct tion,, preferrably in vicinity of Red Bank. (over Newberry store). console radio;'excellent condition; 920, DOUBLE rooms • with private baths for Experience includes supervision of mon, FURNISHED ubc-room house, with hot 175-ACRE highway dairy farm, ten-room 1 water - heat and. all utilitiejj near bua; SHOWPH curtain* I new designs, 12.08] BUY Mobil motor oil In aealed cana and Radios repaired; fair prices. Call Eed MADELON PROAL, antiques rent; kitchen privileges If desired, or factory management, Inventory work; good authentic colonial, alts hack from road bought window ourtalna 12.10: new bathroom ' bottles, '80 centa per quart. Why pay Dank 217G.* on hill; trees; bath, hent and beamed e*U« and sold. 10] Weet Front itreet, Red after October let, part of house consisting references; draft deferred. Phone Red $55 monthly. Phone Rumaon 716. teats; bobby pln< 10 cente card; notr clas- more?? New tlrei, tubu;-cars washed and Bank. . of threo double rooms, each with private Bank 1769-J.* AVAILABLE October 1st, neven . rooms* Ings, flrcplaces; etep-up, atep-down roooiB. tic picture frames I LIB, National 5 4 10. Slmonlied. TlreB recapped, apark plug! 20 RHODE ISLAND REDS, ready to lay, living room and kitchen privileges. two batha; air conditioned heat; 22- New alx-room farm.r'a cottage. Improve92,00 each; also 9x10 foot open colony REPAIRING—Fura repaired and r e i t y l e o bath, ^rown's, phon. «fl80<* cleaned. Quality product!. Friendly serEXPERIENCED offlce girl, excellent typist acre estnte'; $60 per month. One year menta; barn, dairy barn, tool house, poul« Phono Monmouth Bench 2217. at moderate -prlcea. S t o r a g e free. V o excollont condition; |2G.0D, Call and dictaphone operator; good refer- lease, two mpnths's aeeurlty; smsll family. try houae, fertile soil, brooks, woodland I QCOUH old furniture mado better thaa'Qow, vice at Hay Mclaughlin's Mobil Station, house, gel's, 2 4 Broad atreet. Red Bank, phone SEVEN-ROOM houae in Keansburg for Deal 4853-H.* ' ences. Write Experienced, box 511, Red Van's Agency, Matawon, N. J., phone rubb»r-tlr«d tractor, plow, disk, harrow, ^.prayed or rubbed finlaheai.all branch- corner Broad atreet and Maple avenue, Red 474, ' ""Tent;~*85- per -month.-- For information 'Bonk.* . other equipment; one cow, live heifers, two w In cabinet making) oatlmatea and plan- Bank, phone 1414. MntRW 1U81 BILLY GOAT, seven wertB old for sale. calve., BU p i g , ; »Jt,ooo. . Othera. Paul ning cheerfully dona Call ua. Red Bank GREEN MOUNTAIN potatoea, extra large Can be seen at 20 George street, Klver F L O O R S — S a n d i n g and surfacing c o n t r a c t - coll Keonflburjf *519. SITUATION wanted, flrst-clasa part-time BINGHAM HILL farm, RumRon, two lovely R. Striker, Highway 34, Holmdtl, shon* Sm. Aak (or Mr. Wllma. ed. H a v e - y o u r old floors and stairs LARGE bungalow with tilo bath and kitchfirst and aocond alset large fluanttty Plaia, Bed Bank. Price right for Immedicook.- Phone Eatontown 177-J.* bungalows, just completed, each con*1 S601. made like now b y experienced w o r k m a n en : two-car garage; first-clnsi location. .WE PAY highlit pricaa for your poultry. purple turnips; heavy Black Giant hens, t e \ t ninins: five rooms and bath; coal burning - Write or phon. Long Branch 1500. 80 heavy hogi also two BOWS with plga. Call FURNITUR- valuesl Studio couch, $24.SO: ship. S a t i s f a c t i o n guaranteed. F o r e s t i - See Mra. Hance, 134 Maple .avenue, Red CAPABLE, active woman would glvo part- circulating hot air heat. •William II. Illn- FOUR AND A HALF acre country MUte. Itiato call Red Bank 6 0 ? . J. Mori, c o n - Bank." time caring for apartment of refined, North Broadway, Long Branch. Zwlckl'i nooni or evenlngi. Harry Glloly, Vander" recently built brick colonial, back from twin alia Innersprlng mattress $7.50; card tractor. ' • business couple, or other small home. Or telrrmnn, Realtor, Itutnson, K. J.. phone road fclra Poultry Market. burg, phone Holmdel 7704, "* In natural setting of trees apotted 800. CABIN for rent, all improvements; aval tB.ble.Sl.26; breakfast net $10.50; small In home of-semi-invalid; bus line, if out of WOOD—All klnda of kindling and atova PRAOTIOALIiV new WitU Deltet 'motor, flattop deik. and chair $10, bridge lamp CESSPOOLS c l e a n e d and b u l l t l septic with flowering dogwood; Jarge' living room, able October 1. DeGavre,," phone Red town. Write Active, box t i l . Red Bank* r» ;wood for ealal alao fireplace wood. PAIR HAV13N—Furnished alx-room cot fireplace, central hall, powder room,- li. t a n k s cleaned a n d i n s t a l l e d ; drains In- Bank 2263-J. with own power generator, for •*]»; 11.75, maple settee 16.00, soctiontl bookTrucking done. Hauling and amallJmov- B,000 watt with lights, 4,000 wmtt with raiLATJNDRr wanted at homo or out. 20 tBBo; larse plot, modem hot water heat brary, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, n a i « c u e $0.50, Oak rockers 82.60. pair walnut stalled. P h o n e a n y t i m e d a y o r night, (coal need); autocnatio Baa' water heater; ter bedroom, tile bath, three bedroon^a, til* tng. B. Halter, phone Red Bank 8486-W. ohlncs. Water cooling «y#tem and up* twin beda $6,50 each, SxlZ linoleum rugs Rumaon 7 4 0 - J . R a r v e y O. Tllton, I Bruce UNFURNISHED houBe, seven rooms, every Surf Btreet. Sea Bright. ImDrovement: oil burner, etc. Two-car clean, comfortable; garage; $80: Bay bath; third floor, bedroom, bath; toree-ear TIQUE3. ragl. furniture, silverware, proxlmately 125 f « t of wlrinar. Writ* F. $4.95, cheat of drawers $7.50; alio a twin plate. Rumson. Raragc; corner Brown's dock road and GIRL, experienced in all kinds of office VflnHorn, Fair Haven, phone 283 Bed garage, eervant'a room, hath, above' Unnla ..w.lry, cash registers, sowing machines, E. Howell, box 240, Karl tan, N. J.. or call bedroom suite with Slmmona coll springs court, fruits, berries,, fnuden, power mower work, stenography, typing, bookkeeping. Bank.* •ttvee, guni, bookt, pictures, colni. car- Somervllle 2292. Orifinal cent 11,800; and new Innersprlng mattn>as»a at bargain KUMSON S T U D I O S — P a i n t i n g and paper- Monmouth avenue, Nave-Bink; five miles to and heavy tooli: »!2.BO0.(l». Others. h a n g i n g ; alt interior decorations. P h o n e Red Bank. Bus; $i5. Phono Red.Bank wants steady position In Bod Bank. Write , *iagea 'and linena, etamps, luggage, daaka will i acr.flce. prices. RusclI'B Auction GallerlM, 28-27 Rumaon FURNISHED aix-room housa on Sycaworo Paul R. Stryker, Hljhway It, Ilolmd.l. 798-W. S681-H. • ' G. E.. box 611, Hed Bank. bought and cold. Town Furniture E i Baat Front Btreet. Red Bank, phono 1698. Phono 8601. avenue, near' Tin tort Falls; ?66 per Ahange. 8fi uonniouth atreet. Red Bank CERTIFIED letd barley for iale. Oonover B 3 T E L L E D e c o r a t i n g S e r v i c e : paper Hang. LARGE double room for couple; cooking YOUNG woman would like position tak- month, See Roliton Waterbury, 22 W«"t Pros., Wtc kit unit, phone Holmdel fllgl. Iphone 628. i n g ; plain add< decorative p a i n t i n g ; b e l t prlvllel!e», washing, Ironlnu, Frleldalre. ing care of children at own home; three Front atregt, phone S500.* WE BUY and Bell everything I PumlBEAUTIFUL four a/d flve-room hohieer m a t e r i a l ! and w o r k m a n s h i p a t moderate Phone Red Bank 1971-H. USED, dining room set. la very good shape, THREE large ehleken . battery - seta. . « . 68. Mocford to five years. Phone Red Bank 237.-M. oil heat, tile battttoom- and ovary conture, china and' glassware, louseRED BANK— Upper Broad atwet, rices. Phone 6 9 2 . 20 Mount atreet. Red place and Riverside avenue. 'tor isla; walnut. A special for this fait; alao team farm horaea and harness. Mrs. M. N. ceivable modern Improvement. Two blooka hold goods, paintings, bric-a-brac, etc. CAEPENTER work wanted; roofing, asblocks , to center town and station; lank. week. The Furniture Center, I t East X. Del Groaio, Fortaupmk, phone 8188 from Btorei, schools, railroad and bus Aak. bestos aiding; general repairing. Write available October 1st. Comfortable resifront atrett. Bad Bank,* When doing so aee, phone or write Purchasable Ilka rent: no down Long Branch. . ___••__ FOR MORTGAGE l o a m l i e B. V. R. H. LARGE front bedroom for rent! com- Michael Frangella, box 430, R. D. 1. Eat- dence, nix rooms, oil heatj two-car garage. center. required to proper party. Tale* *t)R INSURANCE on your car, noun or TUXHDO ault, B1I« 88; cost 100, In exRuacll's Auction Galleries, 25-27 East Stout, Lewie building, 77-76 Broad pletely furnished: hot water heat. Would onlown.- N. / . Please print your name and Price ?S0. Joseph G. McCu« Ag-enc/, payment phone owner, Harry Hauler, Atlantlo. h a s a ^ i of any kind, phont ot call Ray street (over Newborry s t o r e ) . '•' — prefer two business girls. About six minFront street, Bed Bank, phpn. 1698. Realtors, phone Rumeon 444, Red Bank cellent condition, will Mil for; 120, addreBs for. prompt service. Highlands 061. , Stlllman, State Highway, Eatontown ••- Thomaj Irving* "Browiv R*fft*t#r office, 2041.' Phone Rea I B U Y and sell second-hand c l o t h e s ; muat utes' walk to Broad street. .Twanty-fiva yean at the aame location. phone Red Danlt 18,* - _—_ In g o o d c o n d i t i o n . L. Kerber, 2 0 9 Bank 83U-R for appointment. street, choice bualn«e lot, REMINGTON pump-shot guni full choke, S h be PAIR HAVEN—On the river, furnished, 'MONMOUTH ETTINQ GOLD—Smoka pipe and elbows r e w s b u r y a v e n u e , ' Red Bank. Pbooe MISCELLANEOUS 50x150, north aldo o{ atrftet between 12-gauge; good condition. Call Rumaon FUHNISHET) hoUM, five bedrooms, two A-l SADDLE horn and saddle and. bridle from October 10 to May 20; quaint Pearl 468-W. all a i m In itockf flu. stops 10 'coats and Weat etreets. Will aacrlflce to, 1 4 9 6 W . ' • : . , • •• . r , •' for sale, 1100. Oan me seen at SOI Early American residenco, restored In exbathe, llvlns room, flre-nlac*. oil burner, Mhtetol|pi^a1 ROSEVELT Tea Eoom, Branch avenue. quisite, taste, furnished likewise. Contalna one having all cash. Partleaiara from OOTBH»l™mT*ji« W iir»Oj.*n •vrlcka, 80 cents j galvamivu auovela iSc. iiiEBTcTfoxMronV^SdranooiranJi mBfatoJ(L^0^Ul4!>!ltBlSJitllt UvltiK^-ij'ijiir^wltti:-'ilii'iilm;*j--;;ltllilrtlt=:tW?nT: ^ 0 KKmB_fatoJ(L^0^U_l4!!lt_BlS brlatled. Allen ISIectrlo Uhop, W h i t e eri iloublo unriimn near nctiooll-11 i»r seven days every week. Luncheons, iltn National 8 a 10. Prown'a, phona 8«80." 915; one wooden, double-door, 200 itreet. CLAMS and oyster.—chowder clams, AKeriiB prolectiHT* ~ ' pantry, kitchen, mnld's room and bath on phone 612. Red Bank. Frank B. Lawos, phona Red Bank 2875. PAINT direct Iron, factory and lave IV cherrystones, ateamer dams and ojstars. pounda, $25; one white enamel, chromium nera, Handw.eheH, niternoon tea, bridge flrBt floor: four moma, threo hathB. on sec- MODERN Bemt-bungalow, Ave -rooma, •;•.- per, cent on all maUilala, ' paint.' vat- Bitter, 80 Mechanic atraet. Bed Bonk.* trim, 1 GO pounds, 98C; axxellent condition. CESSPOOLSooicleaned and dug, drains, in- NAVESINK, near bus, Inrfee . plot of rarll«n and banquets. Mra. Howard G. ond floor; hot water heat (gas); two-car bath, lavatory; pine penciled walla; In* jitihei. wall tenure and wall paper. AtPhone Hunison 1264-W. n'rt 3?' T aaWlng, estimates given: ground; alx-room houee, ateam heat, oil Hoaevelt, proprietor, phono Eed Bank uarnge; $125. References requfreiT. ' J o - sulated; attached garage! oil heat. ' ExFIELD QUN, 12- nauuo, double bftrr«l| lantis Faint Co, l i t W*it Front sti all kinda of well work. Howard Tllton, aO burner: MB monthly. Charles E. Sweeney, Sfl63. .' ^ - - seph C. McCue Agency, Realtore, Rumson cellent section of Kumson, 17,750. Thompllsht weight. J3ost over $650, sell $100, PETS—Two beautiful female Cocker San- tenter atreet. Rum ion, phone Ramson Monmouth nvenue, phone Rumson H02. yRed Bank, phona M l l . W . son Agency, 81 East Front atreet, phona von KattensroU, Maple avene and FREE-tiro wood;* very-large gun.ntlty of 444, Kcd Bunk 2041." lei puppies, seven montho old'; A. K. C. 6I8-J. : . "VB HAVE levoral caw Coolerator lea Ed H.d Bank 700.• FIVE-ROOM bouBC, hot water heat: adulla Monmouth atrett, Red Bank, phone R*< registered; one red, one black. Grandslre, apple wood given away free to' any on* '*• boxes fot sail I aot quickly. Good '_ only For ront In Leonardo. Phone willing to chop It up and tak* it away, My Own Black Brucle Boy. Perfect ase FLOORS—Sanding and slrtaclng ooatrso'Kouaekieplng Shop, *6 Uonmouth itreet, Bank 218, . SIX ROOMS and hath, located In ed. Hav. your old floon and italn Atlantic Highland. S2I-J. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Sprung'a Poultry Farm, Lncrott, N. J..* training; 925 each. Phone Red Bank -Red Bank, phone 8686." bury, near bus Hoe; hot air heat; plot OKLY .New Hainpslrel—Started pullets, for made like new by experienced workmanThompeon. Hubbard Btraln—th. best. Available 1802. KT US prepare a aurvey of your inaur- FORT MONMOUTH, four-room bunnalow, 50x250; fireplace; M,000. ship. SatlafaetloD guaranteed. For estl- LITTLE SILVER, for rent, verr cheerful GB for sale, ten-weeka-old 1 lnooulated. Agency, 81 East Front atreet, phone Red now at reaaonafcl. prices', booking January !srce room with double bet), ior two __fince_regu HOUSE, five ' roomi and bath, all Imi » l Main street, Matawan. N, J. . NEW Marquett. wilding machine for eale; FRESH EGGS, broilers and roasting chick. WANTED, American antiaue furnltur.; DRIVERS and helpons wanted. Applr t t don, Shrewsbury, N. J., phone 1001 Red provements; newly decorated; two bed200'amps., 110 volts; never used'; 9276. ote silver, chlnn and glass; family por.HAN'S warm driving coat, slle 401 brown ena for sslo; also chicken manure. James HARBISOY «oya heana for sole. About Danlt. warehouse, corner Maple avenue and rooms; 13,400. Telephone Red Bank ft«ecewool,- reasonable. Good bargain. Address Bex 1012 Red Bank. John 41 Mnrlon street, Bed Bank. Bersen plact. Red Bank. Fred D. Wlknff 22<9.J.« • 00 bushels, B. A. Hlckey, Everett, phone freehold. N, J.. phone 178. Phono Red Bank 1881-M. MAPLB table, boudoir chair, rocker, ten< HOW DO they look ? Your window shade's HIVBR ROAD, Rumson: In a woodland Red-Bank 793-J-l." Company. HOUSE, two bedrooms, bath, kitchen, dinBBA. BRIGHT aea skint, 20 fact long! ' piece dining room suit.; Ilk. n.w. Will flettintr, on an aero plot, modern colonial must bo neat to round'9ut a neat room. WE WILL pay caah for your old electric InK and living, rooms, hot weter heat, wanted on horse farm; steady em- HORSE corn for Bale by the bushel. Any •residence containing threo 'muster bedmodel A Ford engines both engine and sacrifice. S. Thompson, 17 Branch ave- Bring your rollers In and we can put new refrigerator, waahlng machlm, Ironer, MEN ployment. Hop Creek Farm, Holmdel, amount. A. Kozlcky Farms, Eatontown, rdoma, two bnlho', maid's room, living enclosed norch; trarsfire: one block to busj iron or electric fan. Good House(hull In good condition. In Uie water. nue, RedBank, phone84a-R. clean shades on while you wait. Phone electric • ' , N. J. room, sun porch, dining room, pantry, ;3,OO0. Frank B. Lawes, phone Red Bank keeping Shop. 48 Uonmouth street. Red N. J. "ready for use. Price t i l l . Phone Red SMALL ilie maple crib, complete with S680. National B A 10. Prown'l.* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bank, phont 3536. "-. kitchen and breakfast' nook; SM burning 28T5. Bank 188." . • STUDENT technicians -wanted; .limited Bteel aprlng and mabtreeel- in perfect hot water heat! two-car g a r a g e ; owner FIVE-ROOM bungalow, all Improvements* high school graduates with abilREAL ESTATE WANTED {SOLID mahogany upright Batey piano condition; 96.00. Phone Hatontown TYPEWRITERS wanted by Uncl« Sim, «1- itynumber leaving - for California, will sell nt t. real excellent condition: garage; three aerea, In laboratory work, wishing training as for s t l . l origins! coat 1850. Phone lied lOt-J.l. AUTOMOBILES so adding machines bought; hlahcat • , • bargain. William If. Hfnte.miinit, Realtor, overlooking country »!d«; J4.700. Frank. .,Bank..M5S.M."...._ ... prlcee paid; any condition. Wo rebuild medical laboratory technicians; eaiary and SMALL house. In the vicinity of Red Bank, Itumson, N. J., phone Rumaon 600. B. Lawes, phone Red Bnnk: 2875. maintenance. Wrlto or telephone. J. B. yearly lease or until next spring: sturtand send them off to war. Phone jfTHE FURNITURE) CENTER takes your old LADY'S coats* dreasei, evenln» clothes^ MAURICE SCHWARTZ,.- Chryillr. P l j - them fur Jacket, knitted dresses, shoes, gold 1 g from_ December 1st. 35. Hnlbren, box mouth and International truck l a i n ana J 5 e i l o B » n k < 8 ° or 627.: "Joseph Serpico, Cordon, M._D._ Stnte Hospital, Marlboro, " -furniture. In trade. Buye and aells naw NAVESINK..KIVER rond, modtrh brick 20-ACR- farm brook nnd lake site, tan '"" 4t,"DeaT, N. J.', br""ph"oiii~Bermn"r~Tli62r and nied'furniture. 30 Eaat Front street, slippers, man's dries suit, overcoat, else service headquarters, Phone Red .Bank V. S. Treasury Department, Procurement N. J. .Telephone Holmdel 6161'." " "" minutes-tfrtve-to-Red-Bank,-wlUv cute._ and atone residence containlnir fo" 1 ' 40. Will aell cheap, 17 Branch avenue, 187. •Dlv. ag.nt, Beware of black market MAN for general work on private estate. " Oled Bank.* WANTED by couple with two children, miwt«r bedroomB, two mnlds' rooms, three little white cottage of five rooms, bath, hot Red Bank, phone 8<8«R. USBD GARS bought, sold and exchanged, operatora and fakers. Apply to Mr. Hyland at Mix M. L. Fil.JIBAIJTIFUI. trellla feno*. 80 f » t long by five or filx-room houie or bunzalow; bnthn, largo Hvins- room, den, dining water heat; combination barn-ffarage; tax1 Fontlac salai and service! Ural. G. II. let's, Ward avenue. Rumson. N. J. 8 feet htihi ajso larga atrong corn crib. CHILD'S play house, can bs uied aa Red Bank or vicinity J raaaonablc. Ncnr room, reception hall, lavatory, pnntry and es .70. Joseph O. McCui Agency. RialGRAND or Bplnet piano wantad for cash, A. C. Rauas Brothera, IS.21 Miebanlo chicken house; two windows and at floor Phone 1285 Red Bank. soon «» poiaible. Write Piano, box 511, PAINTER wanted. Phone Bumson 7S2-W. Mchool and transportation. Phone Rum- kitchen; oil Surnlnir vnpor h e a t ; two-car ors. RumBon 444. Red Bank 2041.* atraet. phone 8066. ; nttndied trnraRe. (Irounda, comprise more Red Bank. aon 593-J. i ... 'JFOUR garage doors, baby bed, three-quar- level two small doors; sectional built I M. Field.* ' than tin acre., of attractively ' landicaned RUMSON—Midway between high ichool ter bid and horse mowing- machine. Tom coat 91S0. Sell for 9>S; dismantle and CARS painted and fender work. We bave nnd grade school, In fine residential cola fully equipped shop to give fotx a sat- WASHING machine wanted; muit bo In YOUNQ man wanted to drive delivery LIST with Marie Cox, Realtor, your nounes property arid hiivo n frontajio ot 100 feet ony: Gambacorte, 212 Bhrvwsbury avenu., Red take away. Telephone Rumson 7o*0.* corner plot, well planted and landfor Balo or rent; also apartmenta tor on tlio North Shrewsbury river. Priced a t good condition. Write «tatlng mako isfactory job. Wllklm Motor Soils truck and help In store. Mount A Hnrt(Bank.* _. • Frame, Early American , COMPLETE new and attractive bar and Broad atraet. Red Bank, phone B871. S20.0DO, Wi)llnm H. Hintdmann, Rtallor. scaped, 100x140. and price to Washing Machine, box 611, mnyer, 41 llroiul street, Red Bank.' rent. Phone 1602 Long Branch. _ residence containing Beven rooms, two tiled playroom - set, dinette eat,, three deeki, Rumnori N. J., phone fiOP. Ked Bank. YOUNG business couple, no children, want bnths, oil hont; $11,800. Joioph 0. McCue ifakVOE shot gun shelli, some .22 rifle one flat topi convertible aofa bed, double IP YOU wlah to loll your automobile. GENEHAli houseworker wanted: three bring It to us. We pay cash for ser* FORD Model A car wanted. Phone Mon. small furnished house or apartment; NORTH SHREWSBURY river, niodem Agency, Realtors, Rumson 444, Rid Bank cartrfdgeof! also 18 hot bed cash for bed and twin hede for sale.' Bargains,. a(lult« In fnmlly; deep In or out;. 120 por ' within c-lirht-rollo radius of Fort Monmouth Beach 2378. Male. 8»8naw' Brjnch avenue. Red Bank.*Sim- Phone Bed Bank 1 « 1 between 10 a, m. vlciabla cars) IMS to 1»41 models. residence of stucco over tile construc- 20(1.• •week. Phone Red Bant 3261. BRAND pre-war manufactured Mount-English Co., Red Bank, mouth. Call Long Brunch 1076.* and 2 p.m.* tion containing four master bedroomi. two . x monB famoui Innersprlng mattresses; reVAN SYOKLE. 80 Wist Front GIRL'B bicycle wanted; muit,be In good ICE DELIVERY men; year round positions master baths, two mnida' rooms, malda COLONIAL house four years old, living ductions. Winter*, Inc., SI 0)1 r, itraet. SINOLE-CYLINDEB air-cooled Brlrea anil FRANK WANT to rent with option to buy & farm condition. Phona 'Atlantic Highlands room, dinette, kitchen, two bedrooms; for men over 38 or otherwise deferred. atrest, formerly Qulnn'a Garage. ttaOcean flrove, N. J. within a reasonable distance of Red bath, larffo HvifiK room, lavatory, dining steum heat; price SS.BQO. W. A. HonpInK Stratum gasoline engine, 920. Oan be palra to all makes. Bear wheel aligning BuZ, • Apply Seaboard let Company, 27 North ucann urove, « . J. Bank, N. J. Address P. O. Box. 152, Leon- room, pnntry anil kitchen. Residence has Agency, 8 Linden place, nhone Red Bankseen at 488 Wast Front street, River Plaia, and frame atralghtenlng lervlci. Dodge fTJSAM of horses for sale; work, rid. or Red just been completely icdecornted and la in WANT to buy amnll bout trailer, reaBon- Bridge aveniio. Itcil Bank. ardo, N. J., phone Atlantic Highlands Bank,* and Plymouth dealer. S37." . drive. Will work tingle or double and perfect repair- nnd order. It is equlp|»ed - nblo and In fnlrly good condition; Write WANTED hl[ih school ulrl, white, for light 39D-J..' 'will BDU one or both. Peter Farrell, Uroad STOVES—Need a pot-bellied coal itovl* GET our price, too, beforo Belling your Trnllcr, box Gil, Red Bank.* with cnnl burnlns hot wnter heat. 1 There y o u con move In this house November housework after fiehuol and all day Satur{street, Shrewsbury, phone Bed Dank 228. car. Frank VanSyckle, 30 Weat Front Wo have tha ulectlon In tho is a two-cnr KnviiKc on the premise) with WANT to rent three or four,room apurt1st; six roomi, bath; all Improvements; OAIIPET ing, BxlO, wanted; In Hood con- day. Wrlto HiBli School (Jill. Bos 511, BLE3OTIUC refrigerator, white enamel box county. Alao Warm Morning parlor1 heat- atreet, Red Bank, phone 1206. ment or bungalow, furnished, or untilr- rhauffrur'H rooms nnd lavatory. Priced ot nenr school and convenient to town; price. dition. Address W. M. A,, box Gil, Red Red Bank . with nickel trim i Frlgldalre unlti < eublc ere. Bock'a Stove Exchange, '205 Bay lUhed, In tho ylclnlty of Norwood avenue ji..0,0()0. William II, Hliiielmann, Realtor, $5,1100. W. A. Hopping Agency, 8 Linden PLYMOUTH two-door aedan for sale; Bunk. SEKVICK MAN'S wife. w|th child or with- mil Wnll sti-ci't, Lo»K Branch, for otcu- Itiimaon. N. J., nhone flftO. |?oot! Rite. Sell cheap, Phone venue.-Highlands, phone Highland. 1080. 18JD Pace, phone Hank 397.* ' tires and motor perfect; cleun throughout, to stay In-my home fur fret room Bed Bank 68 between 0 and 4.* , BAND SAW with motor, l i t ; bench eaw out. Price 8526. Call'Atlnntlc Highlands 40-CJALLON electric hot water hctit«r and board In exchange for cnrlnn for two )ancy liefofo November. Write P. O, Ilox SHREWSHURV—Attrnctlvo colonlnl real- S1X-HOOM house, all Improvsmenta, In T31 Red Bank.'JTJQUB Pino chlnn clonet, hand curved wanted i also threo-burnor oleltrlc atove, children, 3 iin<1 6 years old: one clillU «oln with % horae motor, 920; lathe, 36-Inch, 90. . donco on n plDt of nearly one iicre; con'Red Hank; I4.20O.R. V. R. II. Stout; K walnut coffee titbit with i\ removablt 916; also heavy duty grinder and Jig saw; REBUILT 1084 Chevrolet motor for sale, closed coil type, with oven: all roust lid In to achool. Mrs. J. Zilly, .Wnlllns avenue, A-l DUNIiALOW wanted, with all Im. tnina thiec litr^e Iicilnioms, two linths, llv. 77 Droatl Btreet, Red nnnk. Phone -141. i glans tray, Phona Hunmon 708. Gall all tools popular make and only slightly used a little, 935: one rebuilt Chevrolet excollent condition. Phone Deal 48&3-R Helton). N . : j . provciticnts; munt bo near bua and inK- room .vvith (.lion Ihuiiliiet,. nun porch, . used. Phone 077 Bed Bank. • cntranco hiill. JlnlnK room nnd kitchen: HOMES, farma and commercial propartlea tranamlasion 910, and one let of Helper alter 7 p. m.•hurch. Phon* MUdlotown 83-M. house hna been recently roilecornted antl for salo. C. F. Cordon, phona IUd Hank GIRL'S ZB.Inch hlcycle, balloon tirosi also springs, 96.00. Mrs. G. Dorsctt, R. D. 1, WANTED, UBOII Tnylor Tot. Write Tnylo IIOUSEWOHKKK1 wanted for care of houHi) for w" ' workerBi no Sundays; DUNfiALOW gr small houBO t " be re- is tlioriniKhly inoilorn; iittnchcil KiiniKC. 601. child's bedroom set and other furniture, ' DAIRY gdats; for all Information on Atlantlo. HlKhlnmlB. • Tot, box Ell, Bed Dank.' • moved from lot. Stntc price, nnd imvAlitnnuitlr JTHH hot water licllt. Salo price good liny, wnnll fnmlly,; H a. m. to 6 n, m. lall Entontown 187-M." dairy goata writ. Mid-Jersey Goat 1033 l'LYMOUTH sedan. conillUan fall-: ONE of Hed llnnk'i boat m»dlum-sljed cnlnr«. Address P. O. ll o x 21, Elbcron, »U,O0l). William H. lllntelmnnn, llcnltor, Cull lied Bunk ar.fiS-M.. ROOM wanted by business woman; also 50-Hallon hot wntor tank, complete excellent tlrea; 95(1 cash for quick sale VI homos; BU roinnn, contttr hall, eun porch, Breedera Association, P, O. Box 18, Rumsiin, N. J.. phono 610. | barn or shed .for pot cnta: nnywhore I X w roiMiitiiry wnnted. (live address and with'copper fitting*! mthMloa Insulation. t ICnochel'fl, S6 Grand avenue Atlantic near date roof, Insulation, double garage; 100 Mlddletown, N. J. tmnsnortnlion In Middlesex or Mon- exiirrleiicc. Wide Lnw Secretary, box FOR QUICK action In the salo or rental of •Also used coll for wnter. heating on outelde Highlands, N. J . ' Hay RUM SON—lively Cape Cnd cottaKe on a feet finntag.; ftieplacei $10,000. mouth counties. State prico. Address P of furnace, Cnll R«d Hank 1776.* your hnu^o. bungalow or farm, phono flix-arrc tract of woodlnmt nnd fnrnv Vnnllnrn Agency, Fair Haven. phon« .»".» MOUNTAIN potatoes for sale, first 1087 l'Oltl) station wagon, all ilitui win- OL Box 2011, Matnwilll, N. J,* nntei): Sundays ofT. _.' wrltn thla ofllce today. Ray Stlllman, JR1SH Bettor, pure hred. young, healthy, ORDEN am). 1'rirtil fur ijiilck -.alt- nt SH.OltO. Im-, NEAR rlvnr: acre plot) gnrden»l .evenIIOUSKKBBI'EH dows: good condition. Phons Rumson a&cond and plikoutll excellent cookera, State llliihwoy, Elltontown. Phones: Eat* (male or female);'will give ' affection, nctliatc omii'imry c»ii 1>P ulvcn. Conl WANT to buy* rubber tired surrey with 709 evenings. Diono ltd Hni room Dutch colonlnl; oxttn toilet; hot inn 7 and 8. compnnlonBhl}), for good home. Desirous Uroadmeadow Farm, phone Ited Dank lusr. CHEVROLET coach for sale reanonmi-hlnir h"t water hent. William II. lllnbond. Wrlto Surrey, bnx Ml, Heil Hunk. wator hint; panel.d ftrelilnce; double ga•of selling to person who appreciates dotra. 984J.J. 'SALKSIiAllV warned In women'* apUltnunn, Uunixon, N. J., ph»n<- BOfl. _ 3UDUUIJAN homss aim farma wanted. ible, Call 76 Herbert street. Red Dank, 'iiKe; SH.OOO. Huy Vanllorn Agency, River WANTED, front right dark green fender. *No renionnble* offer refused. Write Iriah ANUOItA rabbits for sale; two doea. one 1 Donoeon tit Donovan Sales SiicclnlUtB. SUHSTANTIALLY built i h - r o o m houie in parti nhm ! Kiewly work. Kood pay. road. Filr Haven, phone 2H».* _, with spare lire carrier Inset, for 11)37 flatlor, ho* Bl 1. 1UI\ Hjinlf. buck |. ready to and breed. Phon. after Bi80.* , !ecl fiCB Nownik avenue, Jersey City, N. J . .\ri}J]pi)t 1'fiinllllini; l\no nelithhorhoodi ATTIiACTIVE'il'-room colonlnl bom., sun 10116 PACKARD 120 four-door ilclan! one Cadillac sodun. Kculy Cadillac, P. O. Hox KiiHdil.numV, -'» »«>»il »tr«e'. ' UitN£KY cow« Rnd heifers, r*al«ter«(I) Eatontown 478-M.* IK, Koil llnnli. hent Ink' plant, wriixt-hurnltm llrcplace] owner. Phone lied Bank 287-J.* K YOU havQ n houce. aiuirtmcnt or bun< llnuk.' porch | c^i'dlent conilltlon I steam heat, TWO new storm windows, 'xBi painted, T. H, blood tflilid Btook. Phona lied snlow Tor rent, furnlflhcd or iinfurnlnhcd, KaraKo: SO.oour Kny Ynrtllnm AKe»cy( rnal fired: oak llnoia: garage I line Fair IX.50 each | two used storm doom, 7x9, 193ft T>K. SOTO sedan, good mechanical 1JM-.K!) ry« atro.w wanted; also ear corn. Bunk 1290. If. If. Boraey, mannRar, Elm ihiint L«HK Ilrnnrli 3C00. D. S. Cnstoi River I-CIIKI. Kiilr Haven, !>h»ncj«3.« and 6.10x2.9 feet, $8.00 each| also bathwnntcil, iireforrnbly mnn Haven location: M,60(l. liny Vanllorn condition anil pnlnt, 9D5O. Plccolle, 70 _ P h o n o I ) e i i l _ e 7 i y . "* F room basin, with fittings, $E). 0, Smith, 14 Westslde nvenue, Rid Bnnk. hml wile, with '"> uioio than two thll'SIV-HOOM hoime, nil Impiovomenh; In Agency, Illver ronil, r'nlr Ilavin, phoni WANTED a t once, wheel chnirTln iiood 1BL1GUTLY uaed yrtttlrohe trunk, excellent Harle avenue, Fair Haven, phone Rid condition; will rent^ or liny. Ailitrcsl ilron or IIIKII KI'1»'«I »«"•: American iind WANTED by eranloyeil ooi:»lr, two-room PII JUiitk ; M.noo. H, V. R. II. Stout, ZH3.* 1094 CMBVUOl.KT Bchnol Inn. 35 to 40 comlltlon, ulno' tmhy crib, nurlnsi and Innk 8808. ChrlBtlnn. (l.ioil ..lMii>il"lilty,. J . Miearer. nd hath niiiiitmciu, u>lfumlRlicH- W K T | A V K ~ H I O buyira—now - • Mill II :l In nits Dank I418.J. TAIMlii, Ili-nnch 31100, Btonloivn l-'nint ntid.'t: fnur roiiian and hallil nu plnif Afipnry, K I,lni|en> place, iibnnu lleil listing uf yuur |nu|ierty If It le fur "lie v nm» m • Ioe.(>till l'"cll'(lro <4 1087 DODGB »dan and two-bumer Flornr for n u t . Primipt action and . gupd ho>t Biippllnl; uowl; retmvlitrd I >!•!• vtt lOISI I'liYMOUTII seilnn, eioellrnt tires, 1IOOM tm- i n i l , wllli a double bod; one NG gnat forinlel write cr tall. Mrs, A l l a n l | r lllKlllatilla. N , J . muiilli, •nrs oil htater for «ala. Write P. O. lnli-en, I.l.t It with us, and we dn lha lliijnton nnd llnylilon, H Ilrumnnoil mnlurl flO'l. Call KPT I!-JI rinnk. Mock from dm Ims. I'liono Keil Hunk Kll'»t -fi'iiiir * Heldel, Locust Point ronil, Ncvenlnk, Box 174, llitfonl, N. >.* plnre. lleil Hunk. I'lliino Hed llmill XI'I.KNIIIII mmli'iii luli'k home wi.lli nlin it*t. The Joiieiih I*. Bfliwarta Au.nny, f ( IIOAT Imllileis »"'! '•anicnUrs wniitsd niiuim; two bnllm nnd HQIVIIIIIN' ijunrters. Mmimonth ulieet, Heil llanli, plinne fl 1 a 1 • baby carriage In BOOS It Kill enitli inlres 111I1I fur uimil nseil MANV NV ailvanluM when you irct uuallty SnGONU-IIAND ONK' HINi11 ,K" nn",r »r"i7~ifmiTTieT room for' for ilsfciKf work. Ai>|ilVca;ila must , A( l Alt'l'MKN'l r In untiil loslilentUI lyi'il »l llielr hlirliest "kill In HBA SKIFF hull, S7 fast I eahln, partly I S U N N V ronni iii'i'irTvntTfs'mlfy, nea71i*nihi phone Veil Hank 91 HO. *lt l t f Ai n H n ' V t niiiitlmr CIMIIIIII. I'IIIIIH' Hod Hunk 2H81-W llefure yolf buy 1>r , (Mimed, all mahogany and deoklng to defutlKn wink need' not apply. Hud Hoc itiiUtnii Wiitcrliiiry, Tt )Vuuiili>i|. Uiiliton Wnlirbiiry, 1 . WMt ilnreB, rllllirl|BH; llllli'iillil mill bu«. IllMHI* Afiuiac<]iiVr«rtniile~M«im "f\"r"Vw"«~wio7iI»1 in-lnlll ; IIIIIM havn pli'ilsluit liiMBiinnllly I anlei In gnuil conilltlon, 1'liune neil 'MAHit oil hurinr,"coniiilole with WcsllnitHim. for the win* fnir«hant I'i liureliaie it twin b r d s ; inlvala liiiinr. clnsn In, n will ruiwililiT lii'kllinu'l-. Km' nlipiitlltment llnte 'IIIISHCHIIII'IHI ftil'nlnheil or tilifiliiiUlieil, Ki•••it ali'HI, iiliiitio I1B0II.liemmhitiit loitittlcn tor hla huiln..', Aim, ' house inolur, theimnntnl, eiiuaslat, two Ilank 7Ja, ^iny |>lttrr, It^tl Hunk,* BUSINESS NOTICES rnll'|>ti'inn ownri', llni'iy llmmii, Altlintlu write. II. II., I n " M l . " " I I'"" 11 ' t . ____ ii fi)r nliiilia InrHlloiii nn Mnnmflnllt elrsif, .416 trsllon stnrane tanka nrul adtinl Im- n V w i i i T H laying UkTiorns. j?hn KetrlltATlVl'. Viw* foil r'llouliil IMIIIKA: I I I \ » J (WQ iiiotjtii, tile b n t h , it«nn> litAL! If yuu Intinil to lt«K mil uriiw with un, 'Vrftveincntitt all In i/ooil cntidlllon.1 A real uer, Fnnwood avenue, Oakhtlrat, off Weat TWO anil Ihrae rnomi Im rent,'fiiTnlsh'.il'l ] IA III 111M-; I'M I) U ""wiintnil; KIMIII ''« an»«'. Th« JIM * sleady |i|i nttni-liiul .KHIIIKI'I )i|n[ H D x U O i i x c i l l v h t I " ' lonii m anil talk It ever, bargain for someone. OUrk I . Kfmr. Park avenui. Call during the afternoons VACUITM dinners repaired! any m«k,, all Imfrovenieittsf hist fhot water) I im AV«IUI«, IUd riilliin i t(t«r>OII. Thorni'timi Agtflry, tl P, Arhwaila Aiitnr*, l | Honmillltll atr Ion, If. Msrlimilii - t i . n l , lluil llank, |ibnne •• , Kf»ti 140. UtUe Bllver, K. J,, fhen* 1187 IUd Dank.' o» nvtnlnge.* 1* Jink *"""' '* ^ V " U ""**'' '»j« line, II. O, Bebllohtlrf, llouU I I , lilt,' Kait Trout lUMt, jphont 11*4 JJinlt 7ud.' lUnk.*


phone Did Sank I l i l .


Page Twelve.

the community to attend 1U meating Monday, October 11, a t 8 o'clock. Rev. Robert D. Smith, rector, will (Th. Bed Bank K.jliUr can be bought In Shttweburr at Hurold K. McConnlck'l speak on "The Church'* ResponsiShrewibunr Market and at Greenwood's bility to It» Community."


Loio Quadcenbueh Joins Nuraes' Corps

Auxiliary Plans Sale And Dance

Policeman, James Egidio, 35, son of Mr*. Rose and the late Anthony A voluntary program was presentEgtdlo of AUantks. Highlands, was ed Monday morning In the school auditorium by children of the var(The Red Bank BaglaUr can be bought Inducted Into the Army Saturday, ious grades before the entire school In Oceanport at Barry' tfaua'a and K. W* and will report for active duty October 16. Mr. Egidio joined the body and many parents and friends. Worthley's) The.Oceanport Parent-Teacher a»- Atlantlo Highlands police departPlans for a rummag* sale to be The offerings were as follows: soclatlon will conduct an afternoon ment August IS, 1930. He has been held Thursday, October 21, and a Hand Solo ..... •, Lynda Ifst ManhalJ1 tUdtatlon _ _ "Uttla ta Mill M r t i t social at the church hall of the president of the Policemen's BeneYulo tea dance Sunday, December eachatn M M«war»t t U Ueachatn c h a t n Methodist church October S at *:30 volent association of Monmouth 26, -were made at & meeting "Humph "Humphj-DurnDty" Hum Recitation — p. m. Richard O. Rice of the Free- county tor the past six years. Shrewsbury auxiliary of Ifonmouth M arx Marlene Marx Marlen 5 • .• T •Tweedle-O-Tirlll" hold agrlclulture service will .be the -5 Memorial hospital Tuesday at Wlnd Son* LrndA Lee Marshall L ll guest speaker and demonstrate by rwept,.'Home of Mrs. rty Hours' devotion will begin and Mrs. Lloyd Goldborry, Is staHighlands flre department, and playdent and Jonathan Niles secretary. Sunday morning at St. Mary's ed football and baseball with1, the Meetings will be held Friday after- tioned at Camp Grant; Illinois. church with a. high mass to be sung Oceanport auxiliary to Rlverview Leonardo field club. His wife is the noons,, at which members will re"by the girls' choir. The devotions port on favorito stories and books. hospital will conduct a card party former' Mlsa Vivian Therklesen of •will close with benediction Tuesday Red Bank Kefflster-can bs bought The same grades are beginning a following the monthly meeting at the Atlantlo Hlgrilands. Inducted with evening. Sunday afternoon at 3:30 In (The East Keansbure at Isidore Wal\lng's) itudy of the weather. Several largo home of Mrs. John Hulse Thursday, him was his cousin, Charles Dato, o'clock there will be a holy hour for . son of Mrs. Antonette and the late Mr. and Mrs. M. D. stokes are the charts on weather have been com- October 14. the children of the parish with singpleted and many more activities will Mrs. Milton E, Lamb, chairman of Patsy Dato of Atlantic Highlands. ing ot devotional hymns by the boys' parents of [ a son Born Monday at be engaged in as the unit progresses. th'e Christmas project for the Oceanchoir. Confessions for children will Biverview hospital, Members of the1 "1944 graduating port Parent-Teacher association, anfollow. Rev. Joseph R. Hughes of Sgt. Warren Mayer of this place • St. Peter'a church, New Brunswick, was home recently on furlough. He ilass have begun their campaign to nounces she will now accept orders lect class officers. In meetings this for Christmas cards. will preach at the Sunday evening is stationed In Cuba, 'YThe Bed Bank Register enn bo bought service at 8 o'clock. Confessions for Chief Warrant Officer Thomas J. Walter Flnckenor Is stationed at week they chose purple and gold as Holmdel at Taylot Hanco'a store) 'heir class colora; class motto, "Ever Bly left yesterday for Fort Jackson, adults will follow. Rev. Joseph B. Newport, Khode Island, where he Mrs. C. H. Martinson Is spending Miller of St. Joseph's church, Key- will undergo a training period of Heady" and yellow tea rose as the South Carolina, after spending a fur:lass flower. Class members are lough with MB brother-in-law and two weeks at Philadelphia visiting port, will preach at the 8 o'clock ser- about eight weeks. vice Monday evening. PFC. William Hansen spent Sun- Barbara Ayers, Marilyn Berger, sister, Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. her son and daughter. Nancy Jacqueline. Iagate, Forrar. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Watt have A mission will be held at St. Mary's day with his wife and son at their ""aullne Goslau, Morgan, John O'Reilly, Edreturned to Princeton. Mr, Watt has church beginning Sunday, October homo on Ocean avenue. mund Scharff, Marjorie Strausa, Jean resumed his studies at Princeton Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Ogden are IT, and closing Sunday afternoon, Marie Tapper and Thomas UnterTheological seminary. He will jourOctober 24, at 3:30 o'clock. It will vacationing In Florida. aerg. (The Bed Bank Register can be bought ney to Holmdel. each Sunday to All be conducted by Rev.^ Leo Hudloff, Mrs. Mary Usellno left tils week Twenty-alar, pupils have applied for in Middletown Village at t h , utoro of 3. the pulpit at the Federated church. noted theologian and author of tho to spend the winter In Florida. C. Knight.) afety patrol work at tho school. A George VanWlokle spent tho Woekbook "Everyman's Theology." The Mrs. Wanda Keller entertained An all-day meeting of the Needleheld Monday was attended mission will consist of a regulated Group 4, C. I. A., at her home on meeting __ _ ork guild will be held next Tues- end visiting his son at Farmlngdalo. terles of religious exercises In which Hudson avenue Tuesday evening. '•y Helen Jeffrey, John valentine. d a a t Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Maddox have h o m e ot Mr &* >- George. closed tholr summer home at Warethe laity take active participation. They celebrated the birthdays of Mrs. Dlana"Fetter, "PeggyT Feist" Betsy i y i, Evelyn Lewis, Harold Jacob- j Bunce and Mrs. Adam Scbildge. The town and will remain in Holmdel for Services will be held morning and Mabel Walling and Mrs. Klta Waitt. annual meetingof the guild for the the winter. evening. Catholic doctrine and disMrs. -Christopher Jensen enter- sen, David Smith, Carlotta Nlles, cipline will be explained and present- tained the Ideal Beach C. I. A, a t her Mahcy Nevius, Howard Strauss, John display of garments will be held No-. The rain slowed up the potato B'eist, Gteoffrey Kalmus, Rita Menel, vember 18. ed. The services will'be open to peo- home Tuesday afternoon. • '''— Rev. William B. Spotford and son fanners somewhat but they are makKrueger returned Leah Wolcott, Rcwarla Trlfarl, Don- William leave tomorrow for Cleve- ing- good progress In getting- their ; % 3 t s f | J ^ J J S j > crops harvested. Plaza was a Monday visitor of Mrs. Connecticut , ;on Burdge, Herbert Stubbs, Donald the annual convention of Episcopal James Grlggo. Mary E. Troax and Emma Redfleld churches of America. They will be dlx corporation, and his family are Sunday, October 10, -will be rally have been chosen to serve on the Hardy, Mary Ann. Smith, Charles gone t o d a y s . Professor Hardy of making preparations to move Into and Robert Jenkins. day at the Baptist Sunday-school. their new home at Route. 34 and petit jury at Freehold. . » Newman Christmas packages for overseas Union Theological seminary. New Cemetery lane. Mrs. 'Wilbur Roberta and Mrs, Les- Mrs. Arthur Blple, celebrated b^er ervlcemon are being made up by York, will preach at Christ church ter Thome sang a duet at the .Sun- birthday Friday. Paul R. Stryker spent Tuesday at during Mr. Spofford's absence. Red Cross workers. day morning service at the Baptist Mr, and Mrs. Terrenes Cruse are local Mrs. E. W. Swackhamer left this Newark in connection with his real Ensign James VanHise, Jr., spent church. n a week's vacation in Virginia, morning for a ten-day visit with her estate and insurance business. Henrietta Taylor, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Lillian Nlcolini spent the . week-end furlough with his par- sisters in Kentucky. Miss Pearl Stern, daughter of Mr. ints, Mr. and Mrs. VanHlse, of this and Mrs,'Harry Taylor, was dedicat- week-end at Tuckahoe, N. Y. Mrs. Daniel M. Layton !« enjoy- and Mrs. Jacob Stern, has left for ed Sunday morning by Rev. Samuel New Tork, where she will enter BarThe ladles' auxiliary of the Mid- lace. ing two weeks vacation from her HIB9 Elsie Undo has moved o Red Johnston at tho Baptist church. dletown township first aid squad is duties with the telephone company, nard college. making plans to send Christmas Bank from Sycamore avenue. Miss Gladys French, daughter of The third war bond drive here un- and Mr. Layton is enjoying a vacaboxes to all the flrst aid members tion from the Brewster aircraft com- Mr, and Mrs. Lerqy French, has gone jar I t Swuns—We Have ,Ifc__ !er the chairmanship of George W. who are In the armed forces. Those pany. They are spending this week to West Virginia to enter Greenbrler who'will receive gifts are Thomas Flaccus, Is being. completed satis- at New York. college. Hanlln, Robert Veth, John Nlcolini, 'actorlly. Packs of stray dogs have been Captain and Mrs._Thomas Conrad The flrst of its fall and winter William Hansen, Robert Redfleld, prevalent in this vicinity the past few of Gamboa, Canal Zone, are vlBltlng William IJoyd, Arthur Cornelionsen, meetings will be held tomorrow at Mrs. Rose Hay. weeks, and several sheep have been Albert Jones and Michael Halleron. :30 o'clock by the Young People's killed. Benjamin Hanklns Is on the tick of the PresbyterMrs. Harriet Gorman was the Missionary society v The new students at Red Bank list. guest of honor at a stork shower in Ian church. Mlas Marilyn. Berger, Benjamin Allen has returned from high school from Kolmdel this term the flrst aid hall Tuesday evening. iresldent, will conduct the meeting the Marine hospital, Staten Island, Include Audrey Bennett and Jean The hostesses were MrB. Mary Far- .nd Chaplain Anchor of Fort Mon- where he underwent an operation, Morgan. ney and Mrs. Grace Sullivan. Dec- mouth will talk on "Missions In Miss Nancy Grccnwall, daughter: J. Marius Page, son of Mr. and Games will be orations were in blue and White. A South Dakota." Harry Page, has entered the U. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Greenwall All OUT Sea Food Fresh. Chinese dinner was served, Present ilayed and refreshments will bo Mrs. Maritime service officers' school of Tip. Top farm, left last week for No Cold Storage. were Loretta Vlsconl, Frances erved during a social period. Of- S. Fort Trumbull, Hew London, Con- Bradford Junior college at BradYoungs, Mary Hansen, May Mayer, ficers will be elected to replace Miss at necticut. He has been chief engineer ford, Massachusetts. She is a senior, Betty Schlehser, who has moved I Catherine Veth, Virginia Kelloggs, many yearB in the marine trans- at the- school. Irene Malone, Irene McCrabe, Helga :way, and Clarence Berger, Jr., who for portation department-of the Lehlgh Walllng.Clare Ijambertsonj Jean Mc- Is at Pennlngton school. _ __ The" flr6'c'ompanrwas"called--outl "Valley-railroad. • Loughlln, Carrie Hansen, Bessie Tuesday flight to extinguish a brush Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Edlngton IJoyd, Agnes Hogan and Irene Cruse. flre in a pit on property occupied by have returned to Lynn, MassachusBUTTEBFISH The winners at tha game party Loyett's nursery opposite Shadow etts, after a visit with Mrs. EdlngSPOTS . b held Monday afternoon by the " irook. ton's mother, Mrs. Ethel Steuerwald. Ladies' auxiliary of the flrst aid WEAHFISH _ A "thimble "bee" will be held FriCornell Ellison, son of Mr, and squad were Kay Knapp, Loretta Vls- day, October 8; at 2:30 o'clock by tho Mrs. Ellison of Nutswamp conl, M. Marx, Camlela Lutz, May Presbyterian women at,.the homo of road, Edward home on a nine-day furMayer, Irene Cruse, C. Ellison, Mary Mrs. C, Frank Borden ot Broad lough was BONITAS .4Ae from the Naval training staMayer and Frances Youngs. BOSTON MACKEBEL _ ^ " l b itreet. tion at, Great Lakes/Illinois, He has Mr. and Mrs. John Mayer and son Mr, and Mrs, Harry Sheppard of finished his boot .training, and Is a CODFISH :_...45o lb. Ernest were recent visitors at Radio White street are the parents of a second class seaman. FHXET OF HADDOCK 80c lb. City, New York. daughter born September 18 at Mon- Donald SpafTord, petty officer flrst Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cruse and mouh Memorial hospital. SOFT CIiAMS 56o qt. class In the Navy, spent the weekdaughter Teresa returned last week OYSTEBS 80o Ft. The Woman's auxiliary guild of with his wife here. Mr. Spafford from a visit to relatives In the Bjonx. Ihrlst Episcopal church has extend-. end , o „.„„ is stationed at Quonset Point, Rhode SCAIXOPS 80o lb. Tuesday of last week Mr,, and Mrs. Blue Point Oysters JMo dot. Cruse celebrated their second wed- ed an invitation to tho women of Island. ding anniversary. The Cruses reBUTE U S H T - S T B I P E D BASS cently accompanied Miss Jerry Molt Lunch orders taken before. of Middletown to Caldwell, where 9:00 A. M. the latter entered the Monroe School „ _ _ Dinner orden taken betor* 2:00 p. tn. for Girls.

Rummage Sale Oct. 21 Tea Dance In December

Itln Lois CJuackenbush of Rumson road, Little Silver, received he: commission as an ensign In tbi Navy Nurses' corps this week. Sb< will leave, October IS for duty a St. Alfeans, New York.

Glen Ridge and Mr, and Mrs, Richard Laiibure of Bloomfleld fy»r« th« ^ t week-end guests of Mr. and Mra, Al(The E«d Bank BegliUr can Thomu P.*Doramni •** M bert M, HeJgh. ' la NkTOitak » t t i e postoflce. . . Howard H. UwO Y ! " Him Katherln* Mawey, .daughter utll, Jr. Ernest F i « s o The food and vegetable salt sched- of Mr. and M n . George M4s»ey, baa uled toe last Saturday morning la resumed t o r »tudie» at N . J. College tabreoquo • Borden, the pastofllce was postponed to this for Women la New Brunswick M * OOtTOBBLtOOa AT LAW. " Saturday due to injuries Buffered in sophomore,' "~' ' ;• a WalUc* B t , ;•-.., R.d ->Buk r a fall by Mrs, George Gordon,'presBdward Ooldnum and MelVIn Tiwdoro 0. Ftnoni Edmund 1, Canton* ident, of the Woman's Society of : Thiodow Jf, Iribntqn* ; Christian Service, under whose aus- Westrdch have resumed their studies at the University of North Carolina, XUtea ?, Combs Thome.) J, Bmtth t pices the sale Is being held. Mrs, Hokurt a Maid. William n. Blair, ft* Gordon is recovering from severe Chapel Hlli, N. C. - Dr. Herbert 8. Cooley visited his *ohn *. Lorett, OT ^ bruises. '. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and About ISO persons attended the Mra. Harry J. FlUcll In Bronxvllle, M0ERI8 fORTNKB, ' trapper hold last Thursday evening Cirtined Publlo AceounUnt • In the parish house to mark the 7pth - AUDITS — TAX nEPORTS . Lieut, and Mrs, Frank A. Fojs of anniversary of the dedication of All i s Hoomoutb St, Rid B.oi, H. J. Tel. Red Dink ie>< Salnta Episcopal church. Mrs. WH-Avon .Park, Florida,, are visiting the :,/ llaraG, Gridley was chairman- ot the tatter's parents, Mr. .and Mrfc^udson S. Hopla, committee which Included Mrs, OliTec. Sgt, Walter Bowne, who has DR. L. W. CARLBON ver R. Hatfleld, Mra. H. C. QuaokenSDKGEON CIIIBOFODIST, • bush, Mrs. William Slocum, Mrs. been stationed at Fort Houston, Warl KoVesty, Mrs, John Moxson, Texas, is visiting hli wife. FOOT An,MENTS : Mra. Stanton- B. Whitney; Mrs. W. Miss Doris West, daughter of Mr. om'ei Bourn Dully aiDO mm. to l t t ( PJB,' Strothor Jdnoa, Mrs. Charles C. Lee, and Mrs. Herbert West; has resumed Evmlngd Taiidur u d Thnr»d»r '. Mrs. Hooker Talcott and, jkta. Charles her studies at St, Mary's hall In BurFor appointment phpne SMI Z p. Johnson, Acting a 3 waitresses lington, j were Misses Cynthia5 Lee,' Jean Miss Jennie Heyer has; returned 60 BBOAD S X , B E D DANH, N. X Zachry, Florence Ashwoll, Eleanor from a visit In Brooklyn. Hallam, Dorothy and Ethel VanDorn Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ludl will and Jean Elizabeth. Gridley, shortly make their home in Snrnla, DR. MILDRED HULSART BCKGEON CHIBOPODI8T, ; Canada. At the cnurch service Sunday Foot Orthopedics — Electro-Thcmpj morning Rev, Charles P. Johnson, Offlcej Hourai DtWrM *. « . M"B p. m. • FARM AtTOTION SALE. rector, read a short historical sketch Eveafnpll Tuiidiy, Tbvracltr, S«tur liient for ahUdroo Bod adulta. U u stood toe ent to decide a~very Important ques- ments found on a well stocked farm. II tut over 75 rcare, onir don u dnuteinu or Also to be sold is a quantity of hay, I brmtll.Gkutlon! VseonljTUdlreoteu. tion; • | n * Dr. O.«.VO0BM««» CO., wheat and oats. The postponed card party, of the Naveslnk Woman's Republican club Buy Moro United Slates War Stamp Out the Axis. was held last night at the home of Bonds and Stamps, . Mrs. Matthew Locke. , Lawrence Johnson Is leaving tomorrow for N e w Lebanon, New York, where1 ho will resume his studies in Darrow school. Thomas Fowler is taking a week's vacation from his duties at Fort Monmouth. Rev. Charles P. Johnson attended a meeting Tuesday In Trenton of tho trustees of the Cathedral Foundation. Bishop Wallace J. Gardner was the principal speaker. Richard B. Duano represented All Saints' church at a laymen's meeting held last week at the home of EdWIn Stewart/of Rumson road. Total sales of war bonds and stamps by the pupils of Naveslnk school to date amount to $863.55. The post wcok'B sale totaled $448, Mrs. William: Woodward of AtlanValues are determined 'by ezperlenoe. tic Highlands substituted In school Monday and Tuesday for Mrs. Edith That Is w h y hundreds of wise shoppers Snyder who was 111, have made Factory Stores their headquarters lor Men's,, and Boy's Clothing. Ton too, can save actual eesh by shop(Tho Ttcd Bank Raglnter enn ba bought ping hore! in Keyport from T. Fappas, .Mrs. Florence


Policeman Egidio Inducted In Army




New MonmoutK

East Keansburg


Middletown Village


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Melee, GUB Scnqon, Hra. Clara SuBsraan~

Gonover Armstrong,'son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Armstrong, Is enjoying a furlough with his parents. He is located at Lehigh university at Bethlehem, Pa., where he is studying engineering. '.'.'. Mrs. J. E. D, Sllcox was hostess at a "meeting of tho Koyport literary club held Friday afternoon at the Lutheran church house. Mrs. Ralph Leonard gave a book review on "A Sense of Humus." A display of home canning was another feature of the program and Mrs. John IJ. ^HendrlckBon and Mrs. Burton Bowno received awarda, , Harry H. Thomas will open his 6, 10 and 25c store In the •Salz building at the corner of Broad and Front streets Saturday. Mr. Thomas Is occupying the whole of tho throo-story building. He was located.for several years in the store at the corner of Main and Front streets, owned by the Rablnovltz estate. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sulzman and' son have returned from a vacation at Emmons, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mehrhof of



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