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Cray's Funeral Home, 318 East;.spread upon tlie minutes of the. Broad St., is in ...... miles to a Parkway entramce ore

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Oct 2, 1988 - 3-year-old daughter, Jennifer, at his side. "I think he's very deserving (of the promotion)," said Police Com- missioner Joseph Valinoti. "He's the kind of ...... Kenneth Bur- nette, in charge of the Atlanta pre- cinct where some of the

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Jul 31, 1980 - receives gift for book fund. • • Rutgers .... Please note: Federal regulations require substantial penalty on premature withdrawal on all certificate accounts. ...... Saturdays. 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.. Visa and Master Charge graciousl

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lor QUALITY AUTO IMPRTR. Must have thoro knowledge of current .... a fully nualiflfir margin clerk, ahi is.we said previguslv, top notch margir clerks.jarn $190'a week. That does no nclude' tfwijf fluarteriy or annu" bonuses, The~-oppty" is yours. A-

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At the suggestion of Cranford. Chapter, 3,/ American War Bads, the. Township Committee Tuesday night ptfd a resolution requesting local a I alcoholic beverages to close on V-E. Day. , Township Clerk J. . Walter. Coffee was authorized to contact the a

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Jul 8, 1986 - lunchbreak from their construction jobs in Middletown yesterday. •y M M *MEEN M i .... Teddy's at the point he would like to move a little faster than his body is ready to do. That's a really good sign," Hat- zfeld said. • Ho said P

Red Bank - There are a few of [PDF]
FROM NICARAGUA. A Duck and Opossum Dinner Wan. Given for Him and Hla Relatives and Friends nt the Homo of His. Farcnta nt Tort Monmouth. Capt. and ...... ntci. Vdl iinl. • ,1. The nil- u tho;*" i P i r M r r e d f « r t h e last, | i r c -. ("tdii

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The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Chinese Proverb

[PDF] Wherever You Go, There You Are
Nothing in nature is unbeautiful. Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Idea Transcript

JfESTFIE'LD MB.K-:..-. .



r.'J - - 0 '


Happy Holidays



Incumbents Seeking New Boro Terms — Incumbents Mrs. Nicholas Bradetow and Abe Sufcno ate the only candidates who have filed for the two seals up for enabs on the Board of Bduaation, according to Jtihn McDonougii, secretary. Mrs. Bnadsihaw was appointed on July 8 to her seal which had been made vacant by the resignation of Mrs. Gtoria Johnson and Mr. Sukno is eomptotimg hie first three-year

item. Deadlioe for littac k on Friday, Jan. 2, at 4 p.m. at the dike of Mr. iMoDoamajh * the BcMmok and a vote an the school (Maajtt wU be betd on Tueeday, Fab. M, at to T W a a i School gymtmmn far a l dMridts. F o b will to «PM fnm !•# p.m. Or. Miaar C. J B M , Mauntainwde to • » Union County High Urn* Board for 31 MM, baa aaw MM for hi* asHti thraa-yaar term, L«wa> Fredericks, •acratary of the board baa maouafar tOm is (Ma Friday * 4 p.m. at the otfka of Mr. Proaid to the JwtaUwn Oaytw High B»rtiafi aad a vete on * » Heta«al HaJ» ianari bud!* wiH aa» aa'jKfci % a i «ati**a at tha Deer •"** —



a. Pwb «Uil to OBW Mwaaa to aaw* at 1 aarf •

€NItoBan nuns

lite C«*r*l RaUrosd of New Jer•ey w * revia* its auawjer bnatn iciwMM W*»7 anal Dec. » to provia> ettna traina and seating capacity for oammultors win* wiM be coming home aarMer tHm usual l l m twa oam. Taa»y, Mrae extra main line trams will bt aperatetl from Newark ta M early aflternann haun, ather regutorty-acheAiled (Mali w» Haul e«ra coaches an* T*e aatt* trainB, whidi will make m MtarmiOatB atops, wiB leave PM» Ibttiieft, Newark, at 12:36, ! : • and 2:36. T ti • H w e regu-1'arly-eeheehttod main MM INMW with extra caadie* *m aaarate as faftaws today: Train MIS, Waving Newark at 12:46, wW make regular slaps. Tram 5417, leaving Newark at 1:56 p.m., and Train 54», leaving Newark at 3:11 p.m., wUr make all stops. Oh M e . M, twe extra main late trains WtH Be aaeftftad from Newart, maMng aH Maps. It wiH leave Newark at 2:41 an* 3:36 p.m. Three attar regwtorly-sGtMaMMl mtota Ihw wains an Bee. 31 wM make aH steps ami leave Newark al 12:«, 1:96 and 3:33 p.m. The hetMajr schedule changes are faatotf at a

Second Class Poste SO Paid at Weatfleld. •J.J.


Yule Observance To Begin Tonight

Fears Spread of Sex Education pressures Members of the WeSbfieM Parents for Family Living have warned that "tihe organized pressure brought to bear on die community's sex education program could conceiv-aMly spread to include any course in the school system which may deal with ooiHroversral subjects." In testimony Wednesday before tihe special legislative commission considering i possible legislation on sex education, PF!L representatives called on the legislators to leave the entire question of sex education up to local boards. -Mrs.' Saul Harrison, a PFL member, bold the commission that she and oUher members of the group The Uiuited Fund remains $21,744 "have become increasingly concern- start of its goal of $276,512 today ad about the potentol damage this with total contribution of $254,768 controversy could do to the public reported by Arthur C. Fried, cama o a t n SAVAGE ABCHU MafciNT school system of the state . . . and paign chairman. concerned that fey people-*«arert» I h e annuail fall drive, which has with no professional credeototo— met with success for the tot five should be critaqtans our curricu- consecutive years, is now in its lum." • "cleanup" phase, according to Mr. Mr*. Harrison/»id "I have become Fried, who still hopes (Mat seasonal further concerned ttiat critiqued "good cheer and generosity" wiM should be listened bo Which are ha* provide the "tradition of response" \ ed on falsehae* and slander aad tp make it the sixth successful one. Two Westftetd Town OtundifenM, with cumulative service of seven involve haniaaanwut of public offi> • Standing at about 83 percent of its and one*»tf yean, ended their puMic duties at tat* night'a mwling of cMr. budget to aid 15 social agencies sorvthe Town Court* ' , "Our public schoU ayatem," Mn. ing this community, the United Fund They are Anker r). Sargent, councilman from the tie*, ward, and Harrison said, "atandi in seriow otfk»ls and volunteers are compietjaooiardy if this type of mticdem is ing oat's to those residents who Robert E. Sav*«a, hurUi *anJ counc*nan. Both are Rapttfcam. permuted to prevail." mjgttt have been overlooked during fleBoJutkm* hwnring their acrvic* were adapted by t h e Town She called on the aammisaion, t h » omtp^gn's active period. Anyccl OMMDU at Mi HWat 1H> tmtkon. Chaired Wedneaday by Man Wayne t t o * w^'° w^hes to mail a comitribueiilhET an they mad; •• Dwiont Jr., Waireo Qouwly Repufo t t o»» may send to Fund hwdquar"WHER|iA#, Amber D. Storgent Mean, to "tesue a repaft not only d l Budding. All « *» has laftkMV aarvad to Turn «* if^UMejf wpvorting the eHart» «f pulbfic Wtatf i*d) at CtunNlnM* al tlaj D M U> W«« f«r • perM at ftw jmm, DfcvM • a K h y a t faal^ai a m - •Vim < * • • • • • - '•" - • • " '•."• -utmitm M adriinan ta ha) aar- •*• » « « » maati« of tin neas doitsiiam f24.SK;. nwl Oaunca dutie*, he aaw M T V * «•»• »«»kl Dodge w « renamed «p- sjblon." m daunt* repre«a«aitiive t» the Hae- •Ml**** captain. Mrs. Sid Spector, one of she prprem reailui CbflUMMien in lMe, vmt, "* otaers at the admtastna- sentottves of PFL who spent eight United Fund'Leaders 1W, utt M l ; M m t of the «ve sectwa are Hay Levy, v*e- hours at the hearings on Wednesday, 1 hank Volunteers Ueetwe cMMAUlee in 19i6 IMS aad prtsMenil: John Briggs. treasurer; tinged tihe reipresentotive/3 to "make 1867; ohaMnaa af the piliee 'com- K * » Swanaon, financial secretory; recommendations to the tegfelatture Aapreeialie* Mr tae effart* *t mittee ia 1*7; chairman' of the Wiilwm Donity, receding secretory, which will stren'gHihen the Status of Jlundrtrfu tH vhiateeN * * • finance committee in 19M and 19W; *«» »•»> 6*'*"*. corres|»n*ng and educators in our comworked m the 1*S» eamaaign «f miMee in 1H», 1«§, and 1W7; •"?**"**• . the United Fund waa ewreiiaed (Continued on miltee in IMS IMS 'and 1M7' OperamoDs (tfuceru also include: today by Arthur C. Fried, eantp.iign clwirniaii. and Grant •atmember of the'public' worto com- «f» Wheter. deputy captom; John sl 1 tentive, arcsUent ef u^J*"™ S f ^ ^ ; r Fund. in 1«B, 19M. a«4 1»7; member af Korobeck, schedubng Heutenwvt, "We en the United Ta»4 are the jwlfce emmmm m l « e and W l ' ^ I i ? m ^ ^ W m e n t . h ^ t e n tremenANMly grateM far tke 1966; member of the Ovfl Defense *"Jt' a n d D - s - * join ated with the Y sirace 1956. He was Love That Trusts Us" at 8 a a i It the graduate* »• *a» they may elected to the board of directors p.m. Christmas Eve iiitliuMgH cerm«et stMtenls aew atteMUag colin 1961 and served as chairman of emoi,its lumght at the Preebytartaa leges ta whlck they may be a»the physical department committee. Oiuuch. aiyhic. They have ace* asked t» ID 19M he resigned as a director arrive « i 2:1$ e'etock, after the Two Christmas Eve services are to serve a term on the Board of graahMies have had pja-nned iui tonight at the • Education. He was elected mm to er LUthemn Churoh. The Hrat w«l |J«. v. .aaaN (a 1W). be a 7 p.m fwrtly OhrWmai vatMr, Ohaw is a graduate of Corper featunutg speciai muaic by flM nell UiTOVfrsiliy. He » pieaident of ciuuircn's clioir, with a later 11 a.ro. Ohaus goalee,, w t e * recently excamciiel:«hr. choral euchara*. panded into new quarters in FlerA special communiton a a i a m i ham Park. His cwn'munity service service has been saheduM Jar Ike includes membership on the Board Meeting House of the of Recreaibion, Undted Fund, and Churoh at 7:30 p.m. Cornell Alumni A'.5&«ciation6. Eve worship IMT. Barrett appointed Mr. Ohaus A 12-year-old Westfield ballerina will be held at 7 p.m. m i l : » a j n . to tlhe physical cominnSbtee chaired by will h»ve a leading role Saturday •at Willow G r o v e iITeilByaaiit Hei'beit A. Weltton. He will serve and Monday at Crawford H i g h (Continued on page «) ateo as oha'trnnan of the Century School when she dances the role of Club sustaining mamiberahii) effort Clara in the New Jersey Dance for the Y1MCA. Fiance in Vietnam, Theater Guild production of "The Nutcracker Suite."

Y Elects Ohaus V ice-President

Has Leading Role In "Nutcracker"

7 Local NMUMCS For Acadaues

She is Caryl van de Laar, daughter of Mr. and MTS. Kenneth van de Laar of 3 Wychview Dr., an honor student at Roosevelt Junior High Sbh'ool. 'Her leading role is much more ehan a Christmas "preserf." — she has been studying ballet F'M- almost eight years, beginning her many tours of pi-actece and discipline in Johannesburg, South Africa, when she was five years otd.

M»mi>»linMlr—A ktoad nurse, Judi4h Ann Werner, R.N., of 347 New Providence B4., will join Project CMTMI wm g. BCCCER HOPE'S land-toased program in Oaritagena, Colombia, beginning Jan. 3. Miss Werner received her nurses' iraiining »t CoKofnbiia-PresbyterJan Hospital School of Nursing m New York. Before joining HOPE she wag Under the musical direction of a staff nurse with Muhlenberg Hos•Evelyn- Bieeke, the Chowl Art SoP«*l to Project IK)PE's cinrent shore-bas- ciety of New Jersey will present LWV •» ed mieeion in Coftomhiia' is a follow- L e o n a r d Beraateim's Chklhester Mght up program to the S.S. HOPE'S vis- Psalms and Ernest Bloeh's Sawed in 1987. The medtoal train- Service on Saturday, Jan. 10 at 8:30 fmt Bmf C Stmtn treatment team is presently et the W e s t ^ d High School. A caMKdates meeting to which as- nornwri Council duties, he atoo servA M m«n rf rt» *imin™«r- cwrawnng Drogtoms in nursing edu- Featured soloist will be Don S. pirants for * e three seats «n the tive policy committee in IMS and ««*". *^'*y. « * me**e at Decker, baritone, who has held the Board of EdtteateoB wiB be invted £SJZ?Zl2r

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