1 - There are a few of [PDF]

Sep 17, 1981 - N.J Land Use Law." The future of die township, is too im- portant to be decided "by one judge who is laum

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Register - There are a few of [PDF]
Oct 2, 1988 - 3-year-old daughter, Jennifer, at his side. "I think he's very deserving (of the promotion)," said Police Com- missioner Joseph Valinoti. "He's the kind of ...... Kenneth Bur- nette, in charge of the Atlanta pre- cinct where some of the

office - There are a few of [PDF]
Jul 31, 1980 - receives gift for book fund. • • Rutgers .... Please note: Federal regulations require substantial penalty on premature withdrawal on all certificate accounts. ...... Saturdays. 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.. Visa and Master Charge graciousl

1971 - There are a few of [PDF]
lor QUALITY AUTO IMPRTR. Must have thoro knowledge of current .... a fully nualiflfir margin clerk, ahi is.we said previguslv, top notch margir clerks.jarn $190'a week. That does no nclude' tfwijf fluarteriy or annu" bonuses, The~-oppty" is yours. A-

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Mar 27, 2014 - Store,. Frank Brown's. Insurance.' :be held*rhursdny-March 16. Tonulit projects. 'jKnlibas umeri Board members;a n ( j underway in it0 witn tho ...... Seoul Cwnr.il. Tills program ts. In hminr or the founder of Girl. Scouts in the Unit

19 - There are a few of [PDF]
At the suggestion of Cranford. Chapter, 3,/ American War Bads, the. Township Committee Tuesday night ptfd a resolution requesting local a I alcoholic beverages to close on V-E. Day. , Township Clerk J. . Walter. Coffee was authorized to contact the a

Red Bank - There are a few of [PDF]
FROM NICARAGUA. A Duck and Opossum Dinner Wan. Given for Him and Hla Relatives and Friends nt the Homo of His. Farcnta nt Tort Monmouth. Capt. and ...... ntci. Vdl iinl. • ,1. The nil- u tho;*" i P i r M r r e d f « r t h e last, | i r c -. ("tdii

The Register - There are a few of [PDF]
Jul 8, 1986 - lunchbreak from their construction jobs in Middletown yesterday. •y M M *MEEN M i .... Teddy's at the point he would like to move a little faster than his body is ready to do. That's a really good sign," Hat- zfeld said. • Ho said P

Red Bank - There are a few of [PDF]
FROM NICARAGUA. A Duck and Opossum Dinner Wan. Given for Him and Hla Relatives and Friends nt the Homo of His. Farcnta nt Tort Monmouth. Capt. and ...... ntci. Vdl iinl. • ,1. The nil- u tho;*" i P i r M r r e d f « r t h e last, | i r c -. ("tdii

There are lots of resources relating to social inclusion available online. Here are a few
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Chinese Proverb

[PDF] Wherever You Go, There You Are
Nothing in nature is unbeautiful. Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Idea Transcript


Vol. tt. No. 3*

25 cents

rep praises pensionplan LT. CgPPCS also said there was a ' M i c e officers arc different than more progfar * e TOWMMB RotioHMn't Benevo-

ctation (PBA) at a public hearh d Sept. 10. ing last Thursday ThelocalPBA aswcUasthePBAin

to switch from

R M N K t M POLICE U Jamas Geckfs and local PSA President Drew R a n ana iaadng a light to change term the existing police pension plan to t i e PoJce and Rremen's Retirement System. (Rich Pipefcng photo)

Planners revamp meeting format

ON THE OTHER hand. Franklin Police Lieutenant James Geddis described the "unusual dangers and responsibtities faced by police officers" in explaining the need to change pension

tatnal run .met with nd site I a work table m |., .-,1,,,,

.. i

large cnamoer i c way that t r u i o n laMt afterward* It •nications easier when

"Our work is more hazardous. It requires quick reflexes in life-threatening The large chamber is a cumbersome situations. And it requires physical exerplace to use visual aids such as slides and tion at times and places that are not coni hut is also disliked by the chairman trotMDte and •smssna lives and nsopai

Panic Employees Retirement System to the state Police and Put Retuement System. Voters will have the finalsay on whimcr to raplste the cutsfing pension plan on Election Day. Nov. 3. If the new plan is approved, townshio, police officers will be able to retire, regardless of age. after 25 yean of service and collect a pension equivalent to 63 percent of their ananal salary. Currently, police officers may retire anqr 25 years of service, or at age 55, whichever comes later, and qualify for 50 percent oNhetr avenge salary over the past three years. Last Thursday's hearing was held to determine method of payment of the accrued liability if. the plan is approved by voters. At a later date, a debate, open lathe public, on the question of whether to switch plans will be held. Council members opted to make accrued benefit payments totaling $2 milyon over 29 years rather than paying the SI million lump sum cost of the plan by Jan. I. As Township Manager Harry Gerken put it: "To raise SI million in the 1982 budget is a fiscal impossibility." Council members are steadfastly opposed to the switchover, saying cost of die plan is prohibitive.

BQOO to oMMtatn a younger department aari to Tcmmm competitive with other dei m order to attract and retain the best five



The facilities coinwill dcaumiae how to use the

j2»-29stadeatsaad first class of 12.


Sports People's 7th Annual Ski Swap & Super Sale. ONE DAY ONLY!

At Kingston, where- small classes have been die norm, there is another onusaaUy large fast grade this year. Unless pressured to do otherwise. Dr. Whyte said he to cat that das* in two. but will as they stand Board urged that atty be aade as early as possible to

tH C O N T R A S T to


« 1 *

Let's Swap

have been triddiag in as families move into booses completed during the

PHS^^^fl™^ ^*™^ff •a*^B**^"Jia^Ba**


»— * * »

problem pareats broagfej to die is aneabon b ia i the th scheduling h d l i off first fi aad second period hatches at the high school. Widi a total of almost 1.500 students aad a catnuia capacity of 200. hatch breaks must be staggered throughout the day. This means that some students a n scheduled for lunch at 8 a.m. The school day cads after 1 p.m. hat > stay an far spans and «*-

ROUTE 202 IEDMINSTER (201) 234 2232 . ROUTE 206 ROCKY HILL (609)921 6999

The board ywfedgedmerealdtfficalty of haagry stadeats bat saw no way oat of the early-bird hatrhri this year. They hope that as high school earoilmeat deebnes in the township, as it did (his term, the problem will resolve itself


ITS A BRANIMIEW BALL GAME FOR ESTATE PLANNING! (iaaW |MB«I wM w o * #o b o w ffco MOW rvtmsl)

...Do I Still Need Estate Planning? ...What is the Best Marital Deduction? ...Are Gifts Still Advantageous?

love those Jeans love today's Prices BON JOUR —

GLORIA flu clWtys'" «t»te Md


ty AaWt C B i t t y . Jr.. Esquire, w4 te adoraey at a* exdtiikx aad TSttTE PUWIIIIG FOR IME 80s" to be held •riMetM at He F m t r i Ce«ter M October 3. fram

wM be

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The Tender Touch... $9f|


In Diamonds and Gold.. Eaningt from $350. fcv

Mon-rn Ilia m-'Jp.m Sai 10a m -6 p.m./Sun I I a.m.-4 p.m.



P*WP tm CMO i M I accents c*"uooot . the foUowng


a stady of the Aaaerkaa sysof sovcfaawat ahoald be made to

Now, therefore, be it resolved, that L, Phihp Bfarhrni, mayor of the townihfp erf FrarJdia, do hereby proclaim Sept. 17 to 23 as Coasttturion Week with special t oa f>j»Mwhip Day, Sept. 17.


(signed) Philip K. Beachem

pride IB each ciriica, aad



SHOWN-RECEIV1NG a amai donaton tor Mwir barter tfrop tinging show at Cedar Wood-Woman* d u b (CWWC) maainy are (left to right) DicfcTaytor. arwormtw dfractor. Arhe Dona, aaraatant dfraOor, and Tom jraanani. praaananQ ine cnacK is uraoa.r*aaKMint, nrst vice

'. in oharga of CWWC programs.

Barber shop singers entertain woman's club Cedar Wood Woman » CM) (CWWC) ottered m rb fall ttasoa last Wcdaeaday cvcaMf »id» a pcdpam of vocal RMMC (cjlurin; Somcrtcl Hillt-Plainrield Oiafaer «•« The Soocr> for the PiacrvajwJ rmtwrafemrat of Barber Shop Sinftof HI America. The barber %IK?PCT> 23 Mnmg. tmtg m


u( old f jxiote* m rhew barbenhop styk. fow-poci tunncwy. to me CWWC member* ami gmem. m tnrnAmrf • Knows akn » mt Hands for Har aqimrtmmy. 86 ler oi The Hovads achieved a actrwe me dmtf pmce pmWm » me annaal di«nioHl cMtcsi at Afbnry Park. This

I diem the right to go so Washington DC next monm to fomprtt in the MidAdantic District competion where they'll have #2 men on stage. Their schedme wui be lopped with thenr naanal ahow to be given on Nov. o and 7 at Somerset Couafy Vo-Tech. The Hovnds abo are actively running a ffff^fT'H'p******* «fc*y—in«[w»««fl«> than 100 men oa stage next year. They








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po/ice blotter A l6-ycar^4d h i s . (mm North Bmnvwuk. «htk xtuiiaf: h» fiiatlfrJhtr on Mai i Ida A weave oa Sept- 7, was by two armed robben. to pohec One of the voaag a kaitc m the boy * back tr mna uok the boy'% moped



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Hope for the hard-boiledegg the midwest, and. asked them w h y . since their three Tne nard-botJed (or yam prefer) egg offen t o cfcrfs d m to have (ailed k> master* t t i o have ignored practicing u e pnacipal

of Aaacncaaifoodpeotrymg to fdrtnd MS from bav(aU meat most be cooked at wen* to be safe), who have h—uatd to hetl atf thoaght of taw fish. MctttQMg oystcn; MM! who «wc i

chocolate w o w s e . bavarian cream.

fact Nbjnct the eggs to acertam period of boiling, they were so adamant in using the expression " h a r d - c o o k e d . " Their answer was that the term hard-cooked was refined and cultivated, whereas so tower class, so private eye or a dime novel. I continue to say hnvd-boiled because it


cat. aavd-tailed egg*J* 2D

stood at room

f/ctrimed eggs continue to be n v ' ot me western w o r n . ' presented m m a curryflavaeed stuffing or regally truffle <

For unueMe. nomely. family nanl boned eggs can be disk to *» wefl as to Ac thrifty For the eggscaa be sliced ••half oa a bed of leaf lettuce and garanhed * i t h Reman drevwng < homemade i aad a sprinkling of Litur allnrs Egg* a la Ruue t.gg tfcwi I » c we more nf tnac tr»iii>. pn«rtn i x h ptl\ from, the hen'* Hctauac. aMtl UM» week, there w » no -reliable »a> turnwt egg* indeed Orspttr J utacn. v n . ailed, sure-fire tips. \«u ncscr m i l s kmm »hat rv emng l«> tupfYn when >uu attack the hardhmled cpf » u h the naked hand The (mic-rina»«nf method is lo ptunye the CKJS iMu KC »aler as vrnn as they h j \ c i>*&cvl. ihrn chill them rhnmughl*. tbt* mcthuti J i v - mil always work and UILCS tune

\m«hcr icvhtuquc is hi pierce the small cad of rhe c£f *> ith J needle or egg piercer hclorc ~«.AY.SftFTIMBBt21 Senior Otaans are welcomed to use Community Room in Mandat Pubfc Ubrary - 10«.m. to 3 pjn.

no-8p.m. Ftanfctn Hgh School Bari day at Carvel. Proceeds band -4 p m an Ave.. Somerset. •ajy & team Workshop - 9 a m to 11:30 ajn. - also 1230 pjn. lo 3 Jxm. - 8 weeke. For info: eel FranUn T¥*p. Use. Oapt 217-7330. AY, SaVTImnBt 23 ng - lecture by Jerry Prok pjn. - Frankan Twp. Pubic Ubrary. 873-8700. Free eye teat far glaucoma, cataracts & other eye duaaeae - 9 ajn. to 11 ajn. • Someraet Mediol (^rmv.SonwvMa. WMMBAV. IBTTImlH U FnnMn T * y . Cound matting - 8 p.m. anmtone Bd. of Ed. meaaVig - 8 pjn.

S B l p j n . Also Frtoey 11 e.m. to 2 i Pubfc Ubrary.

p fOf



i schools - 330 to 5 pjn. • I Pubtc Ubrary.

RITE-AWAY INSTANT PRINTING CENTER COPIES 50 "We Print Everything" Open Saturdays 422 Rt. 206 South IMibo«ough,NJ. (ProfeaaonBl Center) 874-6660


Atlantic City Daily D*partur*f WT09U iWttftVlllw

$15.00 Roond Trip wtth $10 in quarters in Atlantic City

Ma aTi.fiilinniajst

.Jo«f*ofl await* a at Cartst I

* * *—It of New KJBg n fff MMVUK, n W | Hf]fC idLoret-




t l . l

Bora tai Saonervflle, Ate., hetadre- ton officiating. __ « i d e d « M i a a ^ Pta sad New Brunswick Burial was in die Friendship beibte taming to Somerset 10 years ago. . Church Cemetery, Shorterville Mr. Grabbs tod bees a funster with the CoMUuctioa Co. in New


RogrisJd MANVBJLE — 75. of Knopf FRANKLIN — Services have been t o M B t a far JOaMpB w . M B * * , en. m

Surviving are two sons. Calvin, serving with the Marine Corps, and Robert of PC B o d WCQRCMSy Miami; his parents. Issac and Willie B. t I V a v m (•BBBBMMI H Grubbs o f S h o r t e r v i l l e , s e v e n 203 S. M M St.. fbflowed by a Matt of sisters. Emma Dunkin o f ShorCWanan Banal at Saoed Heart Church. t e r v i l l e , Georgia Jackson o f Newark, Louise Fox and Virginia Burial was n the church cemetery. Thompson, both of Miami, Minnie Turman of PtamfieJd. Lela Lewis of BaltiSapt. 13 at more, Md., and Viol* McKenzie of Edison, and four brothers. Willie James of Plainfield, Ernest of Freehold, Curtis of Edison and Willie C. of Miami.

^ • ^


MeOafiy Aveaaeill

SaaedHaartR.C.ClaaxAaBdanaBnber of its Rosary Society. a> tnBaaKaal V*aaaaaT» I W W I Htthaabaad.JoaaphRogalasi.diedin «se add Sept. I I in the 1977 laadSoaramialHoaar. 152-156

(KPOF. WAWZ AM u d FM. w l

I SaaVHRaiy* 5CRJM

_• ^ a^^^^^^^^^^^^^JI ^^^^^^^^^H^^^A

RseM •


a^^^^^^^^_ a


U C M R « paaamaT 9M 3t- raHl 9

m» « Vaa Licw Coactery,


» I S . a asaster's daftae at art fraaa Priav -tdagsaekai iUamnatyial92laadaBl of Oi»i—y defs 1921-71.L kview Colege from 1947-73 and danctor of Aaaa Bibk Coflege in f Oaf PaHaaT Clf FafC

fe.Kanlcca His first wife. » W73 W 1974. h

Rev. Bertha HoUaader. m d s c r . AJHK> MB1«WVVHBJI W a K M *

M. of Newport Beach. Calif.; three lsdMf> Arkae WMe Lawrt of ZaMvkan, Coartance J. i

•dtteRev. . sccremry of the Piltar of Fire board o f i Denver, i graadson. Services sad banal were I ia Denver.-. a m Saadav at the Anna While College Chapel Local auangumau were made by me Scnrpa FMnenl Home. Norm Ptaasfickl.

TempkVBeth El, Somerset announces a new program for all Jewish children in the community, age 314-5 years old. The Shabbaton program will meet once a month for 10 months to introduce the preschoolers to Jewish customs and holiday celebrations. The class will begin on Thursday, Sept. 24. For information and registration, call the Temple office at 873-2325.

FRANKLIN — Joan Grubbs. 46 of Baier Aveaae in the Somerset section Services were Tuesday at the Anderson died Taaraday. Sept. 10. at St. Peter's Funeral Service, 201 Sandford St.. New Medical Center after a short illness. Brunswick, with the Rev. Mitchell Wal-


A Simple Course in "Home" Economics from Somerset Sayings

C l i l h Of O a t * , OffJCiaatMaf

Denver aa

•rl T i

Temple offers Shabbaton

BffJaaaal 9 C * * awwaaaB^^aYaa^ ^waaaw •aaa7 • • j a v * . aTl^^a^^^as ^^^s^Ma^ ^atf ft* Daaanl'ai


Fire. The Dry Lcgoa

John Grubbs


Mr. BaBishad bcfKCBWviagioMid-


20 He had been a ttalsoa officer for AAD Express aad Highfiade Beverage m 1955 aad was a of T e a m e n I / K * I IS3.

Surviving are his wife. Evelyn Grauhch Btflis; three cissm. Fern Hamnaaaa of AaMaavOle. Va.. Viola Nelson of BeBeview. Ha., and DeBa Gdbrmith of Virginia, and a brother, John of Florida.

Cartton Masters HORNBECK. U — Caritoa John Masters. 64. of Hombeck died Wednesday. Sept. 9. of an apparent heart an ark while during his pickup truck home. Mr. Masters was immmnred dead after the > a fence. acconfang lo Sheriff Frank E. Bore in Fnrien. Mr. Masters was a former resident of Oakland Avenue in Frankun. where he lived 30 years. He was a member of Carpenters Local 1006.

Surviving are his wife. Millie Oiivero Masters, his mother. Letitia Chance Masters of Hombeck; three sons. Robert and Carlson Jr. of frani lin and John, a member of The Home News circulation deFRANKLIN — Mary Varga. 76. of partment, in the Fords section of Woodacnaeas i^aac oaKi Moaony at Mmnsescji bridge; four daughtu*. Lisa and Angela Geaernl Hospital. New Brunswick. of Hombeck. Carol Murkowitz of Green v Stafford of PtonfieW; ajary. sac was < and Milton Ifordie past 35 years. Ray of Hombeck. and John Biilie in IBiVarsnwasa* nois; three sisters. Vera Lillian Masters of Many. L a . . Myrtle White of Dallas. Sarvhring arc-her hamband. Frank Texas, and MabteGrifftoa of Hombeck. Varga; a daughter. Blanche Del Casak of and four grandchildren.

Maty Varga

Somenct. a brother. Emil Sarvas of SayrevMe; two snsen. Grace Stewart and add at 9:30 a.m. Thars^



in St Mary's Cemetery.




Services were Saturday s* Pmietts Chapel Baptist Church, with burial at the Try 4L

p nc w S. Capitol St

with an thars new •nd lun lor youto•njoy


Mabel M. Wtiolon MANV1LLC Mabel M of Waaaiagtoa Aveaae died at


browse at

Born in iTngtown. she was a Manville Carat me King R.C. Charch. MaaviBe.

of me VFWPost **-



Qnaner Century Club. Her hnabaad. WUham Whean, died in He was a aaeaaher of the Masmlte 1955. Seaaor Otuen's Chsb and me ManvBar SuaHnvMtg aWC KMT stttcn* Mjnc ICing Efts Lodge 2219 BPO Efts. He was a of Lebaaon. N X . Helen Ingram of t of (he Christ a e King R.C. " i Knt of me Skai-






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Eari L. Morgan Jr NANVaUB — Bad L. Manea Jr..

fir tat fMI 34 TwieCto.Oa.

Fucillo & Warren Funeral Home



rin Y c k i i at all mite to

y Advertising In ill* Pockojt'

of grief. Ha is


nratUaetod "

a. __flt_.l_il

hi Cedar Haf Cemetery, by flat? RaCiBo M M

Hone. 205 S. Main


a * on you.



a nauBBcf of the Perth Amboy Y*fCA aad Temple Beth-EI. of Sarvrviag are U s wife. Laura Weia* • , N.C.. and New Servrvaas are kat wife. EBn Wild En- baum Nichnowitz: a son. Mkchett of Someraet; a sister. Gloria Hoffman of Sfiah;asoB,TiMiassir. of West Chester. Sooth Brunswick; a brother. Stanley of H B J j f D B f OTOflaVn* JCUMUBOf MaVatlOffO, Hollywood, Fla., and two grandchildren. M Dnald of SoMtotown, N.Y.. B. Shiva was observed at home of MitchWittaai of Virgiaia Beach, Va., and ell Nichnowitz, 122 Hickory Road, wficaad of Lake d o v e , N.Y.; two tit-. Somerset. M , Cafeteria* Oowery of States Ialand. N. Y.. aad HoKaoeBknmof Waukegan. WW WtaS • M H B M r Of

Charles Ntehnowitz PRANKUN — Services were held Moaday for Charles "Red" Nichnowitz. 72, of Hickory Road n the Someraet secboa who died Sunday at St. Peter's Medical Ceater. New Brunswick. Services were ia ate Frynn and Son Paneral Hone. 424 East Ave.. Perth Anboy, with Rabbi Jerry Lauterbach

Thomss Englsh

Burial was in Beth Israel Cemetery. WoodbndsjC. FRANKLIN — Taoaaa W. Bora in New Haven. Conn., he lived in 57. of Flower Road dtod Friday at St. Perth Anboy. DuneDen. and Edison beLake's Hospital. Houston. T e n s . M - fore moving to Franklin several yean afwaWaaaaT an •aVaataT aaaaaHBaaal ago. He also maintained a residence in Bora iaThe B r a n . N.Y., he had bved Del Ray Beach. Fla.

j or w^itaor n|Tf^r ia pataoa to sJJot be vorwavded to yoau •

aad the addrsss to the wasosi why yon vHP not be or forwuitled to an y appocant the forogoing intenatioii.

aUbe t in vats at yoar aaaal pottag paws. N o dvaaui aa laaaaai aaanaar a) iwfisivsa sot MSB OMUI < oarys prior

M wnbovt fiifftlMr MSUOO OO

ballot appfaeenon by tBe"COBBty dark for a s fatten eleotione in wh co they are TioctouwnnoWeipiedceuieriowritiivorbTte^JioM, -






•HILaWMtt Aha Sarviax • Philadelphia


Temple schedules holiday services Temple Beth El. Amwell Road. Somerset, has announced the following schedule of holiday services: Saturday Sept. 19 Monday Sept. 29 Tuesday Sept. 29


Slkhot midnight Ercv Rosh Hashanah 6:30 p.m. 1st day Rosh Hashanah 9 a.m. 2nd day Rosh Hashanah "" 6:30 p.m. 2nd day Rosh Hashanah 9 a.m. Kol Nidre 6:IS p.m. Yom Kippur 9 a.m.-7:l5 p.m.

Wednesday Sept, 30 Wednesday Oct. 7 Thursday Oct. 8

OPEN HOUSE SET ,» MONTGOMERY — The new addi- Road. The Sweet Adelines will sing, as oon to Montgomery Methodist Church will the church choir and the Montgomery goes oo display at an open house 3-5 p.m. High School chorus. Refreshments will Sunday, Sept. 20, at the church on Sunset Deserved.

Princeton Hadassah is selling flowers Acme Shopping Center in Princeton for Rosh Hashonah. Call Fredrika Junction or by'calling Marsha Freeman Schwerin 921-8008 to place an order for a 924-8167. fall flower table arrangement at S13.50 or a bouquet of fall flowers and wheat for $10. The florist is "Boutonniere" by Guy. LUTHERAN SERIES The proceeds of this project will benefit Youth Aliyah ~ the youth immigraWEST WINDSOR—Milt teske will tion movement in Israel that has helped lead a seven part series each Sunday at resettle and rehabilitate 175.000 Jewish 9:45 a.m. at the Prince of Peace Lutheran young people from 80 lands. Church entitled 'Stewardship as a Way of Hadassah New,Year cards are also Life.' Questions: Berat Midland, 799' available at MaHeae's Interiors, at the 1642 • ,

• Atlantic City - • Baltimore • N e w York City & NYC Piers



H1LLSBOROUGH — Stella A. DeBurial was in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Cfcco. 75. of Craix Drive died Sept. 8 at HiOsboiough.

Hadassah selling holiday bouquets

OB a^aaaaCavaaa* atBaavaaaaaaHaavap asS wL avBajBCPOatA ^SOaaaBBaarn Q g uaaav^rajuPltBjr a v *


Services were held'Sept. 11fromdie Fucillo and Warren Funeral Home, 205 S. Main St., Manville, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at Christ the King R.C. Church.


voter of tte State wb> expectstobe abase* osMdaUMStat* on Nov. 3,1961 wfaowiUbewitii«d*S««teo«No».3,1961bthiri of pananaaatand total * or oeoaaas oi usa ooasrvaDos at a rungiooB Doonay

forfatp* 11.1981.

Surviving are two sons, Thomas of IFredofHillsborough;a Louise Guess of Corona Del Mar. Calif.; a sitter, Marie Lord of MorrisviHe. Pa., and 18 gnndcMMren.

w io Fnaklin Memorial Park. North Brunswick.

wsl b* waabk to cast w a r ballot at tha poBag placaiayoar district to vote ia the general «lfiction to be Bald OB\NOV. J, 1961, kindly epeaplsts the ap-

I ortb*

Stella A. DeClcco

Her husband. Louts DeCkco. died in 1972. A »on. John M. DeCkeo, died in 1969;


Lahack of the Qukertowa Uaited

W . 1 hrtp you ovw * • phone or • tal


* *

Us Ot*.Ga.;a ofTWiaCfttv.and


late of New Votary

Services were Tuesday at the G k a o o i Hoae. 1360 Hamilton St.. RankUrn, followed by a 9:30 a.ra. Man of Chriatiaa Burial at St. Matthias R.C.


iawvitabBity, the

She w a s * communicant of Christ the King R.C. q n u d i , ManviUc.

In New Brunswick Area Call . . 201-238-7986 In Princeton Area Call . . . (Ml) I24-3MI



eke wsson w*y you are applying for an balk* by i

6*9 E. Main St.

OCA Of 4 A

Bridgowotwr (FInd.rn.)

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who's a ftatire? Call tlM editor.

at aa>

ClaKg AMD CSpPVaTTK ( mm la aw D C " r U Town QTaaavMa) D BarouoH i

Dance and Gymnastics Students DmtoCMstrectin dtJt* d m icaifalid timestortte rianindir of tnt Math. ttfBtntiM will CMHMM at tht atw stodto located at 3191 Htfhwiy 27, Franklin Paift, bftwttn 1 p.m. A 5 p.*.

5 (a as tat

, • TO)

everfoneforjfoor Nndentandtaf and coroptratkm in this




Helen Paul School of Dance 24M55I« 297-2075 3»lM(kM|Z7 FnaUaiianXILJ. I a.

City. Town

-.... .

. -


ConflctS 0>IW#©n pcoptt



CMtwMn carter ana tartuty GrtMMng |0t> frustration Tna whote «w>nt seen* na* cnangaa raoowy You I Oil a M m r pcture oi wtiat t nappanng and - wny«n*nyouraadtnrlal< Courtney Newspaperse-


eaearveesrV [ J v » » Q»*» Ww ^paign^

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weaBai sa^pae^s^aar aaaeaBr ^Bea^B^V^BeaeB^BS^p

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andCnocM Laadmg auSionl** port out me dtfannrnas and daoaiont JSkJdyaw problems ConaMlaT ina ^ o c a s ¥9u could atoo aam oov Mgac tocato


•A. to ruirfing your travel mads. She is partofan independent, professional travel agency and travel is their only business. Ask Susan or any one of the other 16 travel experts at The Happy Traveler, Inc. and theyl teflyou. They work hard for you! To assure you the best — the best wet-planned vacation or business itinerary tatored justforyour budget. When you're ready to ptan your next trip, make a professional travel agent apartoiyourp^ftvAjn'tcostapcravnioreandyoulappredate

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rhaaarlrrl to tax relief, tevsswedlhe.

The *» whole r"—/

awl found ft owstiturjanaj. but only ifE 10 ossaaos me reew jersey oagajGT. O K were fuuy funded. Because of the flaws ia Governor has cut back school aid ia the system, new lawsuits have been filed almost every year since the plan was first chaltongrag its fatness and constttuboaality. t h e Stsse faces severe budget• State law does nof ary anUems in the famre, NJEA warns. iftheconrtsaf^thatttibaBdisttictsand State school aid watt-beispeat for educaproperty-poor comnamities have 1 by the new law. inhsirlne other municipal operations;

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KPaSaVPHaVaWBB •VarJlHHeW eVVHHa^Yh- J | p •

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They caa be physical aaWv a

I. or a eryhasacModemjadBsl of i use fore of -pofiuboaframi dakPeople i daaterous stresses by i dads which do •theau for arcaswpro; in the expensively stressful caaatinsn of hate. fear, and anxiety We nan* sot aegtect me iachriioa of of a d n » . la K total body UD caae aoes a uafaMal body sfasss* A nsace at

PLAN 1: Effective October 1. For mote hi a 30% or more tax bracket



Earn up to 92,000. In Tax-Fraa interact W you fflo a Joint return or up to $1,000. H Wad ktdhriduaNy • Ona yaar maturity • $500. minimum Dapostts insured to $100,000. by FSUC

Choose from a new array of quality gifts or $20. in cash when you deposit $5,000. or more in an All-Savers Certificate or 30-Month Certificate or $10,000. or more in a 6-Month Certificate.

This chart illustrates what this certificate can mean in your tax bracket. Single Taxabta hwoaw*



S23.S01-S28.800 *28.801-«34.100 S34.1Di44t;S0O t41.501-$55.300

30% 44%

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ASSaxrs Rale

2OS7* 2242%




JoMTaubta •wome*

YMaT MsaSSaaalafn

t29.S01-t3S.200 t35.201-t4S.800 M5.801-t80.000 t80.001-M5.600

37% 43% 49% 54%

Tax Bracket

Your Taxabta EaurntentYMd •ouWba

Aa^Sawn Rale V


2002% 22.12% 24.73% 27^1%

-Taxable income baaed on 1980 return is the net amount altar deductions and exemptions. Details of this oBer are subject to final regulations FSUC requires substantial penalties on premature withdraws) of AS Savers Certificates. Certificates must be held until maturity in order to gain tax benefit. All-Severs interest rate is the highest allowed by law and is based on 70% of the most recent 52-week Treaaury Bill yield

PLAN 130-Month Certificate. Low minimum, long term, high interest

18.266L 16.55*

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NEW1NEW1 "McttrSasi Four-Shea T



WanngStt-Spsad Mixw with Bowl

tDeckef V-«neh D M KM

15B89 14907

$10,000. minimum • Insured to $100,000. by FSUC Intarest can be deferred to 1982 when new tower lax rates wM ba in effect Rate avaaabte week of September 15 through September 21

Ahmet evcrywWch is

oat ia a rash or have fte of at aae exaosoR to aa afaaadaat food. is

PLAN 3: Six-Month Money Market Certificate. Short term, high yield.

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PLAN 5:63 or 84-day Repurchase) Plan. Short terms.


per annum

CioaWant aguMity

nt imsi H I nn Ttii Mtinffi rmitlram liaaiaM mi ffii IIIIKII rwitil m ii eijnaeail mnun am which • band on a lainMsawM of both princtoM and Meraet at aia Miae mm upon maturity Ho#iala «ay ensngs at to nne of ramMeMant •»» a pmMy b* nookad

f=nD uofjn Rssoaflnon £201)622-8010

? -

Snntembwr 17.1981 i'1"

Patricia Loomis engaged to David Alan Rugg Jr.

Katherine Reed wed to wornian WGKSGI i uin a••\aUak•aaaMak4f•l•aM

'•»-.'?.. -V '-


Mr. and Mrs. James K. Loomis of County Vo-Tecn School and is empioyeQ Johanson Avenue, Hillsborough, by Raritaa Health and Extended Care. Mr. Rugg i s employed by North American Reissand is attending Somerset College. An evening ceremony is planned for October 17. >

8DD0UDCC Toff ffttffftffClWlff^* O i t u C t f QSOJEM™

ter. Patricia, to David Alan Rugg Jh, son of Mr. David Rugg of Woodtide Avenue, Princeton. , Miss Loomis is a graduate of Somerset

JoAnne Valcheck to wed Kenneth Van Nuys Mr. Joseph Valcheck of Neshanic Delaware Valley College and is selfannounces the engagement of his daugh- employed as a dairy farmer. ter, JoAnne Valcheck, to Kenneth Van Nuys, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Martin Van Nuys of Belle Mead. Miss Valcheck is the daughter of the late Lillian Valcheck. Born in Plamfteld, Miss Valcheck has been a resident of Hillsborough for 17 years. Miss Valcheck is a graduate of Hillsborough High School and Somerset County College. She is employed by Princeton Advanced Components. Mr. Van Nuys is a native of HillsborJoAnne Valcheck and ough. Mr. Van Nuys is a grauduate of Hillsborough High School. He attended Kenneth Van Nuys

Krapcho-Adams wed Udie Calif** 0** Y a k . New Yak. ( M m were Dewey Gotkn of Bvoaktya. New Yatk. awl " '


of Cambridge. M a t -


Zimmer-Orkin nuptials set

was held at

Ik Tac bride • Knpcao of Soavcnct. inc bfide i Vanar Cofleae aad ViBaaova Uawcnity School of Law. She a

Mr. Paul Zimmer and Mrs. Robert LeMoine announce the engagement of their daughter, Kristine Marie Zimmer of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Philip Luciano Orkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Saul Orkin of Somerville.' Miss Zimmer is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with a degree in Deaf Education. She is employed by St. John School for the Deaf as a teacher of the deaf/interpreter. Mr. Orkin is a graduate of Rutgers University with a Bachelor's Degree in His- . tory and a Master's Degree in LatinAmerican History. Mr. Orkin is employed by the Milwaukee Repertory Theater as media director An October 3 wedding is planned at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Appleton. Wisconsin.

QOfDaQflttaaaBaY ft dCaflQaatta^ WafLv J vtC aapOaVJOr™

abfeioaa A. Getn of the Pbttaddplua Coon of C m a m Pleat. Her father it a neuow wrih the SojaaoD laatitiiie


a the m;of Ludwig and

Boa. i a c grooai faracw a n D . A . M.A. degree* from the Uahtnatv of i aad is a gndaate of Ike ColUahenity School of Law. He is patiently employed as a trial atloraey U.S. TVpartmil of J«tice in O.C. Hk mother it a retired idhaf&dhvitactvileB-

coaate wffl reside ia Lynn Ann


Free eye tests i Week. Sept. 20-26. iae aeivioc it bemg offered to adakt over 35 who are aot already i m i i i a f aacdkal eye care. Screcaaags wifl be available at the fol-

to 6 p.m. on Scot. 23. • Si. Peaer's Medical CeMer. 254 EastoaAveaae.NewBfaBtwick.4p.in. t o 6 p.m. aad 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Sept.

Katherine Wekseknan, nee Reed

November wedding planned for Rebecca Gunsior and Phifip Worby Mr. and Mrs. John V. Gunsior of Wyoming. Pennsylvania announce the engagement of their daughter. Rebecca to Phillip Michael Worby of Camplain Road. South Somerville Mist Guntior is a graduate of Wyoming Area High School and Luzerne County Community College. She hat been employedforthe pait two yean at a Secretaryforthe Research Department at Carrier Foundation. Belle Mead. Mr. Worby n a graduate of Hillsboroagh High School and Rutgers University. He is employed as an analytical chemist at International Hydronics. Rocky Hill. The wedding date is set for Nov. 7. 1981.

Kristine Zimmer and Philip Orkin

Singles fellowship registration set

Rebecca Gunsior

The Wine Column runs every other week in | l / l L


All single adults in 20s through early 60s are invited to participate in one of three dynamic groups: (Y.E.S. SINGLES, for 20s and 30s; Prime Time Singles, for those 40 and over; New Start, for widowed men and women only. For those unable to attend the registration and information night, a special Newcomers' Inquiry Session has been scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 24, at 8 p.m., also at the Nassau Presbyterian Church. t

Singles fellowship programs, centered in Princeton, and sponsored in parity the United Presbyterian Churches of Dutch Neck, Plainsboro, Somerset. Hillsborough, Kendall Park, Lawrenceville, Hopewell, Trenton, and'Princeton, as well as the other congregations of the Presbytery of New Brunswick will hold opening registration on Saturday, Sept. 19, 8 p.m., at Nassau Presbyterian Church. There, will be an at-the-door donation. Refreshments will be served.


ORTHODONTIC OUTLOOK Q . What is the best age tor your child's first visit to the orthodontist? A . Detecfion of orthodontic problems is possible beiween the ages of 7 and 8 years. I recom mend an early examination becagse it sometimes allows me to give your child a normal, healthy smile more easily and less expensively

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a phone /record a^it complete with Wood grata or cream ads offer U-TOUCH* or rotary MBCS

You have so many places to go, things to So now aopnonocaaErs reach you n your hectic schedule often keeps you away HO0B£ pttORC

Luctirji there's a modern solution to Ms a Code-A-l>hone*(unit to amoiuaticjaly aa^a^yoiM phone airf record tnei i agr i from friendi and relatives so you won't batfaffcgaQ)de*A-PTJomunitts i record a

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Always leave the unit on. Set it to answer on the 1st or 4th ring. If you 're dose by, you can answer If not, it's got you covered. This unit holds up to twenty 30-second messages from caBers. Quickly review them when you return to the unit. Or review nwm sooner by picking up any phone, dUmg your own number and -beeping- your sraal Pocket Coder* into


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Chinese auction sponsored Tbe IramJm CoNvalcsceM Cemer wiU H W M W a ChHKK A*ctK» o« Sepi 22 from ~! p.a to 10 p.m. Maqr p u o wtB be availabletowm. t ?cctab. 5OT3O. door prate Md A SI .34 ataHMMM HKkides a ticket to pfay. RefanfemnKs will be icrved

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ica!2«M674. RUMMAGE SALE St Jdka

anl Ibea tot


far a day foodlaadfaa

Q w i . will •old its

Sept. 19. fromS:30a.m.to4p.m.ai H a l . Wianr SaaaL Boaad Brook

msrkot set

will fpoaaor a flea Seal. 19 from 9 a.m.to4 p.m m«| FcJIvwsaip HaH'bmldmc at 113

ooflae. tat i

redpe ofthe week Nfws-Rtcord by Wmmmm'sCtmb.We

PECAN ROUNDS 2 squares unsweetened chocolate 1 cup butter, softened I cup sugar 1 I. vanilla 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour V* t. baking powder V* t. baking soda •/* cup finely chopped */i \. ground cinnamon pecan halves






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consume? corner

Gubernatorial contest may be classic study coald go down as a classic

— while U s Democratic •ican s piupusais raaoer nan oner Broad programs nimacn. In >»« one day this week Mr" Kean has 1) promised to work against abduction of federal subsidies of cornmuier rail lines; 2) on record as supporting afTirmative action prog* i; 3) promised to cut business taxes; 4) vowed to revitalize r s poc K inantcfi cities, 3} urgeo greaser ponce protection^ 6) promised to work to reduce regulation of health care t. and 7) make budget g / /eap p restrictions on municipalities

by adam levin r


am a trip to England a few • Leave if to the logical Briaah. They •at the answer is to pay r for Ac aee of ass land by A* | lie. as « d as for any AMo BKy wtvc (jane nyam.

Alter a year a *


should be paid

One of the most frustrating occurrences for airline travelers is the discovery that their confirmed reservations have not provided them with a seat on their flight. Since many consumers who make airline reservations do not show up. the airlines compensate by overbooking their flights to insure a full plane. Should you be one of the unlucky people left stranded at the airport without a flight, the airline has an obligation to fSTy you a penalty fee. known as "tibnied boarding compensation." However, if you do not hold a ticket or if you have failed to follow any of the airline's other specifications, you can be bumped from your flight and receive no penalty fee.

K WHOSE 1 5 T H REUNION WILL BE IN THE YEAR aOOO.0 "the doctor says

by paul e. schenck, m.d.

How to avoid Inflation stress Schoeck is clinical associate pioof psychiatry at the New Jersey Medical School of the CoUege of Medicate and Dentistry of New Jeney and cMef of BByckiatric aervices. East Onnge Vetetaas Hospital.

SEVERAL THINGS will happen to you. very quickly, should you arrive at the airport and discover that your flihgt has been overbooked. First, the air carrier will-ask for volunteers to be bumped. These bumped passengers arc entitled to both a penalty payment of the airlines choosing and transportation to their final destination. Should yoil volunteer to be bumped, the airline will reroute you to your destination. The airline decides how much their "denied boarding compensation" to you will be. They base their decision on two things. One is the length of the delay involved, and the other is the cost of the ticket. You may be able to negotiate the amount of the penalty payment. Once you decide to accept the airline's offer, you cannot sue the carrier for any additional damages. Before you cash the check or deposit it in the bank remember that you do not have to accept the airline's offer. If you reject the compensation, you can seek additional money from the courts. • , You also do not have ta accept; the airline's offer of transportation to any airport other then the one tb which you were originally ticketed. These protection clauses may or may not be offered by foreign carriers or oh international flights. The protection will definitely not be offered on charter flights and does not apply to commuter lines.

ping*with you are the kids, especially if they're in a nagging mood. Their crankiThe economy...double-digit infla- ness will likely put you in a similar state tion...sky high interest rates. We are all and therefore make you a less careful affected by these topics, and that effect buyer, and you'll also find yourself generally involves stress, too much buying them things just to quiet them. We've all heard of the advice not to go which can be harmful. IF YOU ARE one of the bumped pasWe worry whether our incomes can see food shopping when hungry, which .leads sengers bewildered by all of the confusing us through; we continuously fret over the to impulsive buying. It's all too true; one regulations, ask the airline representative prices of food, clothing and other essen- should wait until after lunch or dinner to explain. You will be given a written tials; and we are uptight about how much before steering that shopping cart through explanation of your rights at the time of worse dungs can get. It doesn't take much the grocery aisles with all temptations. ' the boarding denial, but the legal lanby davkj moore imagination to realize what all these con- Likewise, you shouldn't go shopping for guage can sometimes make the situation cerns can mean to someone who may also anything while angry. This will end up in more difficult to understand. be suffering depression or stress for "spite shopping" by indulging yourIn the event that the airline decides to self with needless things which you'll re- substitute a smaller plane for the one it other reasons. gret later. • originally planned to use. those who arc Keeping a budget, whether for the bumped are not entitled to any compensaSTRESS AFFECTS individuals differently; some seem to thrive on it. others family or yourself, will help you steer tion at all. I also think you should note that "deaa arrrii covenant oi a cope with it and have trouble coping. clear of overspending, and credit cards This can result in loss of sleep, loss of can create havoc with that budget. That's, nied boarding compensation".does not T O MY KNOWLEDGE, this u a appetite, or more serious problems. because it's much easier to sign for things apply when your flight is canceled or de" idea n the United Stales. But Although we are not altogether sure about then actually turn over the money— layed, or experiences any irregular)operating conditions. Although these are it • wenoBB snvnegly weu ni Ojcat Bn- the physical effects of stress—for instance especially if you don't have it! Signing checks later on. as the check- annoying conditions, you can only rea similar idea is meeting the die relationship between ulcers and stress in New Zealand. One of the is still in question-1 would recommend ing account dwindles, can trigger mental ceive a penalty payment if you are left beys to its success is "having an on-fhe- dutt persons under extreme duress might anguish, stress and fits of depression. Try behind. to remember that money is not your whole benefit from a visit to the family doctor. If you want to leam more about your life. We all have a limited amount to live rights when you are bumped from a flight, MANY OF OUR mental anxieties with, and it's better to accept it than to the division's toll-free Tel-Consumer line lers inover the economy are aroused by our dai- damage your mental health. Correcting , at 800-242-5896 can supply you with the information. Ask the Tel-Consumer Mtiah system, public facili- ry shopping. And much of this unhealthy that situation, too, can cost money. operator for Tape Number 426 on "Airprivately owned but public- mental state can be alleviated if we can line Overbooking." beautifully at only a follow some rules in shopping, which This column is made possible through k costs to operate our could also save some money. parks. Foremost among these tips is to keep a grant from the Hunterdon Health Fund The Piadaads is the logical place for your emotion out of buying. Pressured on to the College of Medicine and Dentistry Adam Levin is director of the state Mr. Stewart's pilot project. Surely all sides to buy. buy. buy. we are prone to of New Jersey. Inquiries may be directed QKR s aaoac mmi wen wntcn nofsn 10 DC yield to die sudden impulse, then suffer to the column in care of this newspaper.-) Division of Consumer Affairs. pangs of guilt and regret afterwards. A pOMMyby way to avotd this is to keep a clear distincSTILL WAIT1M6 tofi SANTA . for that tion between your wants and needs. You need tit keep agriculture alive and might find thakyour "need" is actually a "want" you can do without. lent at tonal open Another way to control impulse buying ni New aosey is to practice comparison shopping, lor will 'give you the time to mink i over. By me same token, resist any > buy in a hurry. Slow down and ainJc a bit before giving in to a sales pitch nat is likely to cause anxiety later on. saKspersoas, wnetner mey are nign pressure or not. can be useful to you if you don't let mem use you. Try to ignore the . paches which play upon your imand personality traits. Use, the to yMr advantage by asking

Learning from the logical British

Mr. Stewart's nil. Be Opea Act, i and Fotcatry of a* deof ~ " (DEF) to conduct a



nWtjWC \

That b a lot of promising nil one day. especially since two of his proposals—cominuedjall subsidies and support of afljrmarjve action programs^—— go ag*i*»y* standard Reagan policies. On die same dav Mr. Fkmcvniealedhimserfwim promising to work toward ending^the g a t e ' s infamous ''senatorial and vowed to consider etfmic background aphic representation in all his appointments. That's not much for a politician to promise. It appears that the Kean strategy a to produce an image of a vital. crusading candidate who will address himself to all the ills of the state provoked by a long spell of inferior Democratic management. Mr. Florio. on die other hand, knows he has to run to soihe^ extent on the accotnplishrnents (or lack of same) of the Byrne x years and thus can't go around proclaiming all die things wrong with die state. It appears to be safer from die Florio view to let Mr. Kean put his neck out and then attempt to lop off his bead. Both candidates are probably waging the only type of campaigns open to them and it will be interesting to see which approach the voters wilt buy. In the long run. Mr. Florio has die easier task. He will not be saddled with a host of campaign promises, promises which may be more difficult to carry out than to make. But that burden would fall on him only if elected. Mr. Kean must prove that his Republican administration would do more for die state man a continuation of past policies, and therefore has to put his head out a little further. Thus far. at any rate, it has been a decently run campaign with neither candidate resorting to mud slinging. But it is a long way to-Wbvember.

the state we're in



iwajftaamobaversatioaon how the wfll benefit jrou personally. SOMETIMES A B f r of self• BITOCO wnen in oourx, you « ns

ones tb lake shop-





/effers to the edffbr —a


. SHI. 17. at • pm. at


+»••»** l

V^B^B^BBBVnVBnna^sntf 4am 4V*nnBM*a*a*ai ••^M^sas

environmental brief


( «••*»

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cmc iiioetingp

•^•"•^•^nnnn^fcf nanjnjBj^BBBBBBBBnn/ ^^UJ Bwaannnnnnnnnnj ^^^^^^Al^aate _ X . -.. .- ^ a_^_ .an.^. * _ . •


•eoMBMnYj loei Og}V9 No doe* Ms it


^ ^ . ^IBV • a) L fli •Sft^RkflABt^MMBl^BMaittnl




pnSept 10, stfemunicipal building. te djBMscB nwtiag was weU attended by



I ca




- t - -


P.B.A. pesuion plan, the Easton Avcsjne tnm-a-nMnd, and the rent control is issue madt for » very interesting meed ng.



't hdp hat fed

The council was cool, calm and attentive. The various people from die audience when speakmg of the issue that they were interested in, did so clearly, concisely y sod wim an honest opinion as to fact ththey d i e in. iin yy bbd facts AO those who spoke up, did so with sases. Council respect aad no animosity. To those who is aot cfcrtudlo office fof tail pafpoac sad did, tbaak you. prove who is good aad who is V(hat I am trying to bring out is that the various civic meetings d»t go on at the How? WeO Route # 2 7 will become the municipal building should be put to good M R QMat Will kill MM lff*f*m IHHOCBflt use by midtati of Franklin Township. MMoriatt with to overtaxed facilities. If Show Pride In Franklin Its Yours reasoB I would ran out all (S.P.I.F.Y,) by trying to attend a council. far ao of appfal lather than cany oa my conscience if I were of the other civic happenings. You will benefit and your civic leaden get a better of council tuts as to suggestions and criticism to allow oae judge imisuin>uvc one s). : to decide the next decade in the twiacouaty area. hJot so long as highMorris Levine er courts exist for this exact purpose. Somerset

IfeaMewefe a pro ReWaati-Beld bankand aot into a BMBar of maashai wdl bong. If this > a fight of the good guys guys, a snragm KSI OI

DESK SALE design your own using solid maple components 10% off through Sept. 30



SEPTEMBER 16 THRU SEPTEMBER 27 Reg. Delightful puppy print co-ordinates by Carter's* 1. Kimono or drawstring gown



2. Crib sheet, fitted bottom



3. Hooded towel, a convenient wrap-up



4. Washcloth, soft terry



5. Burp pad for over the shoulder











6. Bib keeps baby looking cute 'n clean 7. Cover up for after-bath 8. Pastel solid bassinet sheet 9. Snap-front shirts, white. 3-18 mos

Layette fashions and knitwear for boys and girls 10. Coveralls by Thomas Textiles







^3,.^|^ewea|er,.ecru, ; M-L-?(L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,00


11. Crawlers, plain or quilted by Thomas 12. Trlmfit* Stretchies. S-M-L ASyaaroU >lor nona) van no


OBilWIW POal comer desk M mm St «71M (Zti) MS-MS7 T « . U .

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2929 Khockner Rood £^i^m K^vrt^Hk aUI I

14>Ra»chel tfcoded sweater in pink, blue, yellow or white. 9-12-18 mos .*



15. 2-pc. knit jumpsuit, footed, in blue or yellow. M-L-XL



16. 2-pc. stripe jumpsuit, M-L-XL



17. Girls' jacquard leggings and hooded sweater set. White or pink. M-L-XL



18. Pram bag in ecru knit









. . . . 15.00




24. Thermal candy stripe blanket, 36x50"



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26. Solid receiving blanket



27. Baby Star blanket in yellow or white . . . . . 10.00


Noel-Joanna's yellow rosebud co-ordinates

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Country Workshop

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Save 20% on blankets and pads, the basics


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34. Infant seat, great at mealtime



35. Maxi Mite Infant Seat



36.' Folding stroller, nylon seat



32. Gingham quilt zip-top bag


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f -f •;•"

Thursday, September 17,1981

will help us to attract and retain better qualified officers," he concluded. <

That's $1 per mootn for the protection of "We were very aany to learn of the township's decision to spend taxpayer's money to caflspeign agaiftftf our proposat," me lirinrnani said. "It certainly is the coancil's irsnnmibility to take the position it reds is in the best interest of the residents. In this kind of campaign, thoagh, things will be said, as they already have, that win adversely affect morale in the department, showing a disregard for the members of the depart' meat. Plus it is somewhat intimidating, putting us in direct confrontation with our employer. "Those people who support our department should vote for the change, to show their support and maintain the quality of the men in the dcpaiuueut. Those who think we could be doing a better job should also vote for the change because it

offims who move on to ' U . Geddts said.

• to Franktan Townatnp. Aadit s only going to get more expensive ae tine goes by. As it is, our contract with the towaehipis ap at ( t e n d of the year,

ALSO AT the Bearing, Rev.- Peter Oonash of St. Peter's and Paul's CHnrch spoke in favor of switching to the "improved" pension plan. The Franklin Police Department "has been losing men • at •great njfe," he saW.-'They'rcgoiag better system. The . ^ is something of an incentive for "Total greed is not their motive," he assured the public. "These men lay thenlife on the linq day in and day out." A resident of Renfro Hpad disagreed. • T m opposed to this idea," Paid Van Nest said\ "The police department is well paid at the present time. There is an excellant pensknplan now. Do ivefiavetoadd to that in order to make then op a good, a better job? Where does it

ly be canecsmi to hare an effect on those vTU. Gedaa said. •«•

Flarat 4. and Jackie Fierst 3. enjoy peanut butter sandwiches at Ihe Fishing Derby held Soon Sa Saturday in Colonial Pant (Andrea Kane photo)


: this change will people of Franklin Township ey," be said. "By paying the accrued babinry over the allowable 29 year period, the system will cost taxpayers approximately an additonal 2.4 cents per $100 of assessed value, or $12.19 for a home assessed at $50,000.

Cofhics Thelaghritprirche ever obtained fora car was SSO fora 1957Hand Aaron m—i factared by Bowssaa. a company no lon•erial Thel ••c i n oaoHs « • » • were pat oat in Bat early 1900a ia packs of cigarettes. Mr. Tenaaj resales a story that excsn-li*~t*-assp betwwt baatball 'BaU Durham, one of -" gave cards with

backs don't — it gives yon a Repablicaa Coaacilsaea Andrew sad Robert appeal. Dr. "A "1 Judge Leahy's of a toe goby

Acconnng so spuiis c a n

place where the pitchers warmed up in one stadium. That's where me phrase "baB pen" comes from. "Basically, people like to collect cards became it's nostatigk. It sort of sets you back into your childhood." he said. In addition to comics and trading cards, vintage paperbacks, coins and other collectaUes will be traded. Future shows wiO also feature free films.

voaad in favor of an

tive. I daak. only to America—notoaJy • • » IflC M M

«nd I CM'l 9tt he said.

from page 1 A)

p •enajBrcanorantyoiiBecafii price

the end of the agenda. The wiB shoot for 10:30 as "Us much more fair to the :. People have to wotk and so does


L t





to i far M i



Remember November

Jersey to fhe only state electing a governor and an state sagsaialura «h«s year. H you want to vote on November 3. hjat come sate the form below end me* it by 5*

properties would be separated by woods. "Its the same type of application as another we just heard," commented Mr. Petit. He referred to a subdivision that created a " T " shaped tot with a road The rhanjr ihniiM be of special hdp to going to the rear of the property. apfwirationau^areconioiinuigordDnot One objection was that the board would They will be scheduled not receive any road improvements for a. iwniim- the otodet. The board advised the appliy read at that cants to split the tot in hah* into uniform a n l e e moved to parcels. The Even agreed to rework the haddn1on.aapeaal task force consist- division before dw application appears ing fit I h m board members and' the again on Oct. 14. will meet separately In other business. Microwave Corporation has set Oct. 16 as die target date Three aaectmgs a munth are pfojectedi for moving into their new building on twoof which wiO be work sessions. Reg- School house Road. The amended site ular pubbc meetings will stiU be held in plan received conditional approval prothe large chamber. If the format is viding trailers currently in front of the adopted it will be implemented in property are removed. November. ON HAMILTON STREET, a busiCOVEKED AT Wedneaday'i work ness called the Daily Delight is remodeling its buiking in brick and stucco and on Grouser Road. iLiiMj artmhf i room. described as a Throagh * The board was pleased with the plans to off extra Ilots renovate die facade, deeming it part of there appears to be a potential. "We're Hamilton Street's revitalization. Chairseeing a rash of this thing," said Mr. man Hamilton told the owner of the propPetit. erty that he would personally stop by to At the meeting. Joan Even and her offer help with the landscaping. daagaser mea en appocenon to suoarviae a five-em, tot The ptaa created a flag tot for the daaghser to betid a house on. The

Register Now

It's small, but it counts Randy Pulsinelli, 12,' of Bound Brook, unhooks his tiny catch at'the Fishing Derby held in Colonial Park Saturday. < (Andrea Kane photo)


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Warriors seek to surmount .500 mark by Pete Sports the Franklin Township Wauiun were concerned with y 1 1 * 1 ^ acrerespe«tMjhe football field. In 1979 nte team hid sufleffedttvousn amisecable •ewoo hi which it won only once. But mrougn o m w a x n o me suawgics 01 fint-year head coach Len Riven, the Wanion earned some respect last i Tncy fimshed with a 4-4 maik and were hanOy a soft spot on any team's schedule. But that was last year. This fall the Wanion face the challenges of becoming a better than .300 team and threatening seriously for the Mid-State Conference title. "It is a little early to tell bow we will do this year^said coach Riven. "The kids have worked hard in pre-season and we are starting to develop some team size from our weight program. The team attitude is good on the field and in the da* 1 sroom. "The kids realize that last year's 4-4 finish is not the type of season they want to have," he concluded. Only eight letter women return from the 1980 ftanklin squad. This year's edition is laden with senkn, but many have had no vanity experience. "Our lack of varsity experience may .hurt in the early going," coach Riven •HUHiru- twit as me season progresses we will get better. One plus is that we have an excellent freshmen class. "1 am looking forward to die season," he added. "We should be able to put together a pretty good team." THE WARRIOR OFFENSE will be protected by an offensive line consisting of four seniors and a junior. Senior Todd Ossman will play the center position, while senior Keith Anderson will be at right guard. Senior Silvan Smith will be at right tackle, senior Kevin Blocker will handle the left tackle duties, and junior Chris Marino fills the left guard, slot. Junior Scott Thompson is die Franklin tight end, while UK split end will be either * freshman Damn Roberts or junior Clark WaddeU. Senior Andrew Bradshaw had a good season at quarterback last fall and his leadership qualities made him one of Franklin's co-captains this year. Senior fullback Rod Brundidge is the other cocaptain, and coach Riven feel&his team is ruckcy to have two good leaden. "Bradshaw and Brundidge are two of the best captains in the state," praised the Warrior coach. They are excellent kids. Both on and off the field they are great people. They are involved in several sports and do well in academics."

( upwttha is

\ \

Inaiqaarianond going into Iran season, but the players are working hard ano nops so rtesp me team Dener its 4-4 snowmg or last season. (Paul Savage photo)

Warrior soccer s.quad ready to battle Hillsborough High Graver, his co-captaiaa. but may go with Bd.Muaa and Steve Genovete. a aanai gron pnu ana tacHdd be seaior Dong Ats«oepcrisMarcNitca,bat

At ^eafc^^^^^—

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^^anj ^~~^r

.while at The MikeTabiinor s t o nave

^^^nv a

ICft H 0 C I

JUNIOR SHAWN KELLEY will start at tailback for Franklin, while the wingback will be senior Tyrone Move or

John Nestyogel. On defense die Warrion will have AllLeague safety John Gardner back tor his . senior year. The Frankhn corneibacks will be sophomore Chns Abrahms and Rodney Pyus. Senior Ouade Griffin win hold down the strong safety position, and suitors Anthony Chiles and Keith Anderson wiU be the linebackers. Pitman and Ken Jacobs are Franklin's defensive ends, while Marino and Blocker make up the tarklfs. ""^ Smith plays the nose position. Freshman Dave Cortelyou or junior DeAndre Jackson wiU be the Franklin punter, and Griffin is likely to handle the kicking duties FRANKLIN LOOKED GOOD last week in a «wiimmy agmmt Plainfield. The Warrion were need with the problem of bow to replace graduated running back Phil Brown, but they moved the ball well in the scrimmage. "Our offense will have some changes in it this year," said Riven. "We have had good practices and I think we have more overall team speed.this year. In 1 to last year I would say at this point in the season we are a little more advanced. , "One big plus is that this year me players are used to die coaches," he continued. "The kids understand what our objectives are on the field and in the classroom, and the team is closer because of ... that." The Warriors have set three goals for ; this season. "First, we want to have a winning season," explained Riven. "Second, we want to win the MSC. And we also want to qualify for post-season play." Winning the MSC will be tough this season. In addition to die usual powers:' like Piscataway and Somerville, a new" giant has entered the league. The Hillsborougfi Raiders are now an MSC roent* : ber, and the defending Group III state • champions nope to add a new crown to ' their stack this season. 7 s .(

A F T E R O P E N I N G the season against Carteret on September 26, the Warrion will travel to Hillsborough for an October 3 meeting with the champs. "Hillsborough is an excellent team," ' said Franklin's Riven. "They are probably one of the best coached teams in our " Still, I have to favor SomerviUe in the MSC race,"' he continued. "After Somerville, I would look to Piscataway or Hillsborough, though I also fed the league has pretty good balance this year.'* Yet while Somerville, Piscataway, and Hillsborough are the favorites there are hopes alive in Franklin that those powernil tf aiiw fniBht nnd tbemseives su&npnsed by a rising Wank

"I don't believe in 'practice makes peP" foct,' I beheve in 'perfect practice makes perfect,*" said •Hunt, following the words of Van-Lombaidi. "We have a v a y rtptrkneed squad, and! have some very flood junkm. Some sophomores vanity Hunt stwtfri playing toccfr competinvciy HI scveant graoe. ne piayeo TOUT yean of vansty at Swlli Platnfidd, and played hb college baD at Glassboro State. He stiU pfarys in various leagues and coacn ax aouai naamesB ror mree yean

is wall ak two

• good.

* • * . » . hat ah

Last year's aoaad oaaUfied for the Hunt says simply of this

I expect to do better."

year in 1161 Iaaakwehawcashotat VawamaatMlaBaniB

ant * e Lai* Warnen am far front

hat Nat* * t

(Paul SMage photo)



f /

tt-A 17,19*1

three games

Jioa . _ i kad to the Votings taking a t>4> kad ia tie second naaner. " •" - > to start an offensive Itopaat the ball. South

series of ptays tuned With less man four minutes remaining when Gary Carroll recovered in the game. Franklin's offense drive was near own 30-yard line stalled. WhOe in punt formation. Maxicame to life with a well Beny executed a perfect fake and by Vincent passed to Vincent Douglas for the final to tie the score. score of the afternoon. '. Retarningtothe game in the third quarDefensively Franklin had outstanding ter with the score tied 6-6, South Bronswick nwaatedapaasmg attack. Two such plays such as fumble recoveries by Rus! drives deep into Franklin's territory sell Crews and Gary Carroll. where hated for no score. Using these The Jr. Pee Wees will face Parsippany two defensive stands inspired Franklin's at home next-Sunday starting at 11:30 offense. Fast play from scrimmage re- a.m. The Pee Wees and the Midgets face suted>in a 90-yard run by Derek Harris to St. Peters at home next weekend starting put the Warriors on top. at 1 p.m. '

12-0. The fat • • » aat an by a aaafbd aaat ictara by Ctf^uflaaa snWaaan^iaa^L«^b> « ^ M A ^ L . J*—^™ a? « ^ K _ J

aGaaa nnaswtcK on aaar own 3 yssu Sac, Una slowed Fraakbai Seaa Vartow to scow two plays Ister cadaaj ikt





We Sptcanit «Imported Cars


Pocket Pop«rt




W i l l hasp you ova. iha phona or a sal

_ ibotfefl snort of touchdowns. la die fear* oaartar Edward TeOis threw a Jl-ysrd cwaplrooa to Corns Ifcadrnon to set up the next aqoriag drive. WMh-in for pkys Kdvia Ltodaay scared on a 7-yardranaraaad the left and. rmana saenaseprDvcdtoDeaMseage j and key plays. Tads was IbyTenySavaae'sbtockad LflB^Baaaaiat ^ V ^ B W M *••

*- - * - *


wiBjaW VOQK uQO) nciunu

Soath Braaswkk 18-6. etoatarfthei

I ins to 2 ^ ! S J ^ i " 2 ! o r P e e W e e DortanTtwnas njns 60 yards for a touchdown against South Brunswick Sunday Franklin best South Brunswick 10-7. I'S 5 jard Une. Rising to (Andrea Kane photos) i a find ap Warrior defense

Dance classes to begin at Y Dance classes will be held at the 5:30^:30 and Wednesday 6:30-7:30. YWCA

•f •

sooab tavuligaie aew or • Tae

Cnaacil oa AlcoholOaeof naewier-

VKCSMI far local


TABLE PLANTS Boston Fern, Mini W h . Vein Rttoma, Oracenas, Zebra, Ivies, Phoo, Pothot, Grape hry &Others

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win raa Irani Sept. 16. TW canpa^a will

de" oa Moaoay. Scat. 21 The parade •*•" Man at 6 p a ia Raritaa aad proceed 206. akMM> Maia Street ta SoaaenriBe.

SamtnttCtmtjComt The cveat tt coovdaMlBd oy the Aica Jaycees Oa Tacaday. Sept 22 « aooa. the KkkorT Laacheo*" wifl be hdd aBaebycaHa«S604i3l Theicwtllabo « UK WaKtMMg 1 coane of the caa»-

Canoe trip planned tnpom the Ddsrae River, joiady spoo-


| Ehw/ •••£ yvBtCCVOB ISOMdBVO

he Skoay Brook MUbtoae Wa laociattoa » Khcdaled for ColDay «eekead. begiaaing the j of Oct. 9 *roagh Oct. 12. The 36-aale paddfe throagh the fall KBBBJa? Off I W V T O n . InCBBSyiVaBtt BBO N C V JCSBCy W u i DC BI^Bs^pMCQ WflB pfC~

yacst icetavess EPDBI IBC

tcicMific comnMiBttics.

BOSTtMf F E R N • RUFFLE FERI • S W E D I S H I V Y• P O T H O S • T A H m A N BRIDAL VEIL • TRANJNGCOLEUS • PIGGYBACK Comparable Values $1Z-$1S.417.420.425.430.-$40.

60% aaarMaaeOct. I.Fari oTacWi t mm 7T7-3735.



Comp. Values $40. NOW

$9,99 Comp. Values $40. NOW


BAMBOO PALM 3*^4' Comp. Values $50. PALM: CHAMODOREA CATERACTERUM 3*10" Pot NOW $14.99 ea.

LARGER SPECIMEN TYPES RCUS BENJAMINA 14" Pot Size 6'-7' Comp. Value $100 14" Pot Size 7-8' Comp. Value $150. 2 1 " Pot Size 7'-& Extra Full Comp. Value $295.

NOW $3^99 NOW $86. NOW $100. YUCCA

4Gallon Pot4-5' Comp. Value $60. NOW $18. Small Leaf Rubber Trees (ficus Rubiganosa) 6'-8' 14" Pot Comp. Value $100. NOW$29J0 Not All Varieties AvaUatye in Every Price Range.

' Multiple Head 14" Pots Comp. Value $150.


A Groat Numbor of Our Ptantt aro Sold to Commordat Accounts. Dolhrory AvoMobl* of Additional Cott. NoCfdli Cards for Thlt Salo.

WINDSOR PLANT MALL Just minutea from Quafcerbridge Malt



Thanday, September 17. [1981

the New Jeney Society IB W H DC CflRIBd ssssaeaimlfee

GLAUCOMA, teowa «• ' * • «ief of a i a * . " b o M d f i e lniMnj »ad»ki 33 years aai

Works* with the Medical Society are the New Jeney Academy of Opadudmology aid Ototaryagology. New Jeney State Commissioa for the Biiad aad V^aHy Impaired. New Jeney SMeDefH New Jeney Huptal MeoicaL Society of Jeney Auxiliary, and Lions Clubs of New Jeney as well as the New Jeney Society to Prevent Blindness.

is vital to coalfel lac progrcsskm of rais bUaang Atfoese A. Oastf, l fi).. lj tas Special Oaaa tioa of Vkaoa of the Medical Society of New Jeney.


MAYSTS T I M E was donated by Bally's Park Place Casino, Atlantic City, when? he is a public relations representative. HaffiMBuu-LaRochc. Inc. of Nudey. provided the television studio and profesl i i r a l assistance for taping the announceAssociated with excessive pressure ' ment. Additionsl assistance for the filming was also contributed by the Lederle VTSDttfl OfcC C V 6 * •t^Ha^OO0HI OBflMUBS 0 1 9 Laboratory Division of American Cyanaoptic serve sod impairs the visual field, mid aad A T & T . often winoat caaaaf to victims aay dif* LJadtay w i n brass Mom and woodea comfort. A a estimated 66,000 New KINGSTON — A FalL "This cooperative effort demonstrates eja^CufciwHi Show* Sate w i l be arid atae bads; Seraph Aatiques w i n aatiqae Jeney resideatt have glauroma aad half the positive things that can happen when Satardey. Scat. 19 Uaiailaw-Seaday, silver, porcctaia aad faraiture; Tucker'* of mem doa't kaow it. die medical profession, volunteer agenSept.»». oaMaia Street from 10a.m. to Treasure Trove with Victorian jeweby: Television and radio spots were done cies, and the corporate community join Alice Akeft wall Lawny*. Nmpoa aad 5 p.m. h is ajiuaaracrt by last year by Mays to publkiie the screenforces in a public service project to benefit New Jersey's citizens." said MonMargaret Coaover wab wood, tm and mfprogcam. His participation and broadicoUectt"Thedmnityof signor Harold A . munay. President of the worn objects, at well at priater's Bay. Jack oMpnbticirycoBttttytodpeadytotheSI New Jeney Society to Prevent Blindness. 1naiaan in wall • • • * • l.ui ilriai Wil WILLIE MAYS helps the New Jersey Society to Prevent Blindness orobam Weber with American Foft Art: program experieaced over the previous day." said Mary Etta Owe a. coInformation on participating hospitals mote staewide tree eye health screenings at local hospitals during the year. Oet of 10^21 people tested last Creative Collectibles with fa year. 4 J 0 5 showed evidence of eye prob- and times for the screening program is glass; aad Sieve aad Lorraine M e a w h i week of Sept. 21 through 26. KBA with toys of the 40s and 50». old H-O lems. From that figure. 471 were identi- available by calling your County Medical Society. fied as possible glaucoma victims. the cxh*tMon will be: Red iraias aad toy cars. B O B OflnKMaaal CXpCHCttOC —

Antiques show, sale on Kingston sidewalk

Sept 21 thru 26 at





tie brushed button front sweater west co-ordinated with either checked or solid semi-A-line skirt t loden green, sandlewood or dusty blue—

Shop for the best deal you can And on the new car of your choice—any make or model. Then shop for the lowest loan rate from a bank. You'll find It at Princeton Bank. Saving a point or two on the interest rate makes a big difference in your monthly payments. Check the examples in the chart below to see howmuch you can save.





























Vest sizes 34-40 Skirt sizes 6-16

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I f s agood Hmeforagood deal. Choose your new car now, and come to us for the lowest bank rate In town.


32 Nassau Street • Princeton 609-924-7100 Open Fridays 'til 8 ^ 0

| n RPar

Printing Newspapers is our

PRINCETON BANK MERCER COUNTY: Princeton Borough - Princeton Township (2) - Mercerville HopewM Borough - 1topewell Township - Lawrence Township - East Windsor - 609-924-5400 . MIDDLESEX COUNTY: Avansl - Fords - Cotonia - Woodbridgs - 201-634-7300 BURLINGTON COUNTY: Mount Laurel - 60»-234-4300 GLOUCESTER COUNTY: SsweH - 609-569-8700 PRfNCETON BANK AND TRUST COMPAIfYMswbsr HORIZON Bancorp Member FDIC

The Princeton Packet Inc. has a limited amount of press time available for top quality reproduction on newsprint or 50tt>.whhe-ofiset stock. Press capacity is up to 32 standard pages or 64 tabloid pefes. Negatives or camera ready mechanicais are recroirad. For prices a*ril Brink 6ff)M


$46. $74.

••if«wi»»»ln«» please call Jack



Crantrarg press

Eight For Central Jersey " 16-lt.lMl

Ha^p Wanted PARTTIME CA8HIER — nights,* Saturdays. Must be 19. Cat 600-790-0530.

Bowk or SAL loftieworktoroator a w h i l e ? Lacking aalf-

MtCMmlntoWk •



ADORES* Oculars' — H 1190-JU

ft •eJemnoea ax UA Ta A N N , Education • Radar Rd. Prtnoaton. M X



Mr. Grant a t W a f e i U P P. Rebart Oarm Paraoraiai 134 ftarejanCnrRd.

August 1 9 f t N o aaang. *M Irakx Rate b)$aSO par hour. Mart ba w a i ntowork aoma weekands. CaM 609-9246900, art. 313baa*aon93Oi Monday-rtfcJay. EO.E.

piece rataa. Local #169. Franbe InduaMai. He. 206 725-6100.

4V_Hfleams- , , , -Mlj.-a^

(n psfson. EMSOUUW HOUM*


«aay ni'bjiiiiiiiM A have

-onaMenaadfc. you backtoyour old atts In PART T M E — PUbac Oplnami M M aMch wVema. Ion TslspnQfts i searing . Sam* work. Ex- TOP PAY NOFK dadtoropan

HOUSEKEEPING PERSONNEL — Immediate opsrangt* IUR W W posmons wMn tMosMnttansAte.Apply l u ^ ^ ^ u u


•SELECTIVE* * TEMPS * Cal Ranaa or Nancy 60MM«470 3131 Prtnoaton Pka

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

kaapar, HHon hn. Exit 8 NJ Tpk. raghtatmm-East Wind•or. No phono csts. MANAGEMENT TRAINING — excellent income supplement up to $20,000 part time. $50,000 fuH time. Work from home or office. Call for appt. between 5-7pm. 609-7990076.

NURSE — R.N. A new concept to use your nursing sUNs. WHI train you as Social Service deaignee in a geriatric setting. Geriatric experience helpful but not necessary. Part time (20 hrs/week) to full lima as performance develops. Call Mrs. Milter. R.N. 201-821-8000 for information. LIKE PLANTS? — Like People? Earn $100-$3Q0 per week selling soil free plants. No investment. Call Ariene 201-297-3658 or 238-3233.

To$30K AUDIT ! Senior spots with Central' Jersey Fortune 200 companies. CISA preferred. Thru-the-system auditing: and system development 4 years experience. Manufacturing preferred. Top be-: naffts. Nevesa fee. Cell Irene Carter 809/896-9470,

• SELECTIVE PERSONNEL* 3131 Prtnoaton Pica Prtnoaton Pka Office Park:

it-VR aw of Canaal HJ.


. For araanriaw ca> 201 • 63S-1701 aid. 31S0. Monday tniRfday i toSpnv BRUNCH CHEF WANTED p Sundeys,



TO EMM JBMNHMI l£ft£SErlT«mrE S Call S 609-443-5764 or 201-3Sf-1535 ft


Oark/T)raW Part T H M


Exp«ri«nc«d or trainaaa. Ful urrw poaitiona avsaaolaStaady ioba, good banafHs. C a l Paraonnal Oapt. batwaan 9 a.m. and 3

rant. mature woman wWi good typing ridb. Hours 9-3. Mon. thm Fri. Rasse cal 608421-0070 or 201-297-



Witti adrnMstrative tkito to work- in arcutotioo dapt. for a veterinery publishing company, mutt be atota to work inoapenosntiT' ugnt steno, •ccuniie typing. 10 k CaM Gal Stater. (609) 7985700.


M l 4« 3400

WHOLESALE PLANT Dkssal pkvastoaorMgMy proOtaMe Unique CsV now. VR




Put them to work with Purcei. We have temporary job W Long or short term with choice companies in the local ares. We offer high rates, bonuees. weekly pay and never charge a fee. Cal for an appointment

BUS DRIVERS — N J . Bus Onver * Licanae required, S4.24 - S5.7»rtMur. East Windsor Regional School OjaWcL 384 Stockton St..

163 Nassau St Princeton

44eV3aao. art. 200. Equal noaaaae •

r^pw*^ r^^w

awar Pany Cat Hoay tor auntprovided. Company 0 1 201-457-


TRAVEL AOEMT—Work tor +. Caf Us Cohan 6001183 P. Robert D a m i9*i

For information I appt. CaUStepfcanie Farreiiy. RN. BSN (609)73

COLLECTION CLERK Position involves heavy phone contact with client accounts, update status on outstanding accounts, refer problem accounts to management for further action and maintain all corresponding documentation.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVEABLE CLERK Accounting position requires organization, accuracy and aptitude for numbers. Exposure to bookkeeping or accounting procedures in previous environment a plus.

CONTROL CLERK Three to six months experience needed to perform various clerical tasks in a computerized environment. Candidates should be number oriented. Call 60&448-4000 or apply at


NORTH AMERICAN PHILIPS LIGHTING CORPORATION Bank Street, Hightstown, NJ Equl Opportunity Envloyv M/F •

Equal Opportunity Employ* M/F

needed for Director of

program. Invaatmarit is SitiOOOajidcanba Cat 201-574-3004 or 246-



We are currently seeking a Nursing Coordinator for our innovative, progressive. Family Teaching and Primary Nursing Care Unit. MSN in Maternal/Child Health is required. We offer an excellent salary and benefits program.

Due to company expansion, we have the following positions available:

253WithenpooflSt Princeton NJ 08540



Got an idea for a photo? Call us now.

Oon't let this oaportunry PASS you by. H you need e»aa ceah. RUSH tr> lo see us. Loai of ptaaaent local fftow, IOHQ of •^•t¥t Wfn. Join our TEAM of RO-TBMPS and earn top doier for good Stop FUM8LMG your way through Ms. come in and « • us your GOALS.


lo/vn lemps orvoiOM o* rowN nnomm. ACCNCV I N O R 1 H MHINSWICK 880Geor|esRd..Rt. 1 at 130 lOlCoNajlM 201-8284200 S0945M122 mcATAWAY


2 » 0 W N l « Brunswick ROMI 204 981-0440



Howard Johnson Restaurant Rt. 1. Lawrenceville



Hay. 20S. Cat for detaai »-5 pm. 201-309-1290 IMCnO-COMPUTER A


TOWN TEMPS Help us to help you fight the battle of the shrinking doears..... Town Temps has a bundte of aieignmentt reedy for the

7-3 shift and 3-11 shift. Full Time or Part Time. Apply in person.

Send resume to Box 04018 c/o Princeton Packet.

CALL 6834)099


n » School Houaa Head

rial P-9t4 X17410 Port


Needed part tima for Princeton office. 60 wpm. Good telephone manner. Salary $5.00 per hour.


Princeton area Public Interest Environmental' Organization seeks dynamic individual for half-time position. Relaxed work environment. Hours flexible.




Of CiWaTaaf

FULL OR PART erne — coupes* 4tadMdualstorbuaw naaa of you own Trartng



TO REPLY TO A PRINCETON PACKET BOX NUMBER Address your reply to the specific Box number, c/o The Princeton Packet, P.O. Box 350, Princeton, N.J. 08540. Replies to Packet box numbers should be mailed in a letter-size envelope. Oversize envelopes and packages will be held for pick up at The Packet office. Tfi* Princeton r>ocfc»r Newspapers 300 Mflmerspoon » . , P.O. Box 350 Princeton, N.J. 0*540 (6O9j •24-3250

South Sommnat N«wspop*rx 240 S. Main Sf. MonWH*. N.J. 08S35 (201)735-3300



FVOUWOUUD k indtpendantfy, w« offer you the linimiiain i


(on* squan for uoeh luHtr, nvmbor, tpaet or punctuation)

OOTnpaViy vJawWny

Industry has two key pesafaim which have just opened W

union sieve*

mMPawS ari aVDmCKIOnS On mtCrOS ajnO ati u M

Customer Sennce aaa*«J la tit* Priaea auto

4 LINES - 1 INSERTION $6.00 3 INSERTiONS, no changes, paid before b i l l i n g . . . . $9.00 H billed odd SOC billing charge


8TATIaTICIAtaWI00nA«JMOL Oegree in > CM wall at aaal 2 warn eaeaBtane bt SAS ^pVv W a a w ejm BBjaaam a* ^raHevap ejaajpejawaeejw e i i ej^a^aiff





_ _ _ J A M O U M T PAIO

aptea. e 11s rristetM NcsM. Tb» leejv, KM Casks)tat.Mater-Mate rma,1beetaaa»m»,.iBi



tt 13

aal e*taaa>ar

am Waft* 31 at mm isdM* for eNstla; kamf. ait SIM mta per mtm sr BK oitlUIWtseeH


.1*'- - j . — i h

caalW Man at JfcM air iaca. t Mb) h iwliMi to

-• .,L JI

paM M

Tlan k a SIC bttmi cksrai if ai s ssl

Classified Advertising

Week of September 16-18,11981

Help Wanted CRANBURY MARKET — Mi irrw grocery rm in cuaeom software tor us* on APPLE KnowajBjw of APPLE BA8C isiinrjal.

EDUCATIONAL Book Ototrt•butor—needs parson took* A pack orders. Full time pannanant position. Apply

fee. Cal


Hay Press Rd., Dayton.


SALES PERSONNEL — To work in Mercer County tor NJ. Christian Yetow Pages telephone directory. Top comHAfR8TYU5T WANTED—' missions paid; fuH or partw » toKMano, M ama. Wan- lime. MuatquaMywNh Christout fotoaaw parttime.Uto Q p a» LJ^aVaaBvawtM I f O f t W (201) 255 594 < or (608) 027n y nawiyevw* i1 9196.

paraon to work 2 hours par day. 8ajn.-10a.rn., CMJoning & right maintenance work for retail store. Peniwwnt position. Cafl Mr. Beiows tar interview. 9243Z21.






One Airport! nvtcston, Nstw J r a y QBD40


pg and loajn Assoc




•pruftjunics and

Fui tints poaWont in an actfva OR Dapt in ''progressive and Bv nowatJve msdfesl cantar. mdMdual must have


PBX. orsaang auasax, and pwtawwiy routine ctoricel

working hardware qwddy. ^Suparviaa and dnci wont of in ths bueWnQ of model magnetic *>ccalarator for space

Mi Sttpkau* Fant*/ tat Ondor of Ptmmal (609)734-4882



CM Last

608-799-0071 C8L NJ.

SOB HSUK •osounao.






• ' • *

Enjoy a good career at Cartaret Savings!

Ca« (201)174-5400 CMfBET SWIMS alflMMSSDC

260USRL1 Monmouth Junction. NJ 08852 M1-32MU7


TECHNICAL POSITIONS IN ROBOTICS sxpenvnos in d ^ t o l as supervision of laboratory operation.



Csrtaret Savings can put your caraar on tha growth track you deeire. Youl earn a good salary plus one weak paid vacation in the pleasant atwdaphan of our I Msboi dl office.

Chasanging opportunity raaponaMa for nattonwkJa instatation and support of computer application* within home care agency. Communication and leadership sUNa required. Data prucaaainu. accounting, account management of home health care administrative experience preferred. Please send reaume and salary history fin confidence ««ouJpAnn Howe*. Manage*


QSo*sftQpfnsnt. SHBVV to



n% oftor an excifinr salary and benefits

this newspaper

etoo Tha ry and benefits and gra* nMea in an expi idtog new technology. Cal or sand i aauma in confidence to



To New York Cky airports. Vald N J . driver's scenes reojubad. Atoo ««• be required to perform



to «ork 1PMto9PH Monday awu Friday

Irene Carter 609/696 0 looking for experienced, accurate, highty-rnotrvetad individuals who want to grow with us. You wBl enjoy our afrnulating, congenial atniosphsre; t i e opportunity to upgrade your Saj8s« Bfljo a SBBjry fuBy commenaurate with your experience. DRAKE,

H you Hke doing physical testing of products and! have either two years of cottage or two yean of Lab experience, then you should definitely look into this job. Benefits are absolutely superb and If a $2,000 saury increase within one year doesn't appeal to you then there must be something wrong! Must write legibly and be accurate with numbers. Ideal opportunity for a current college student whose-classes end before 3:00 p.m. or who enjoys working while people are sleeping. Tuition refund so dont hesitate this time—cart TOWN today. Employer pays fee.


If you are looking for a Personnel Agency Changs in your job or seeking Princeton Forrestal Center a new position and are in- 101 Cosege Road East terested or have experience Princeton, N J . 08540 PART TIME — small com- in the processing of orders 609-452-1122 pany. Mature responsible this may be just the job you're person for general office looking for. UTILITY/DISHWASHER — work. Drversrlied duties. Light bookkeeping and typing. ADR is a growing software part time lunches/dinners. Flf xible hours. 609-890- company which has excellent 609-924-9313. 8304 for details. benefits, a very outstanding work environment and offers CLERK—to screen a variety of input documents for errors, PART TIME — mature per- promotional opportunity. ommissions, & ledgibility. son for light manufacturing work in small company. All interested applicants, Some clerical experience helpful. ExcoUentijenefits inSOITB9 soktonnQ oxpoftonco please contact: cluding dental insurance & required. Person must be tuition assistance. Interested willing to learn. Flexible PERSONNEL candidates should caH 609hours. 609-890-8304. DEPARTMENT DATA BNTRT Tr1neea/Tyjp-: iats — Here is a good oppor9 T 0 1 — MON thru FRI Gan tuarty to-join * growing asr-' office duties; neat appearvice buearu company that ance, good typing and teleCN-8 services major publishing phone skills reqd. Call for inPrinceton, New Jersey' firms. Position requires the terview apptmL ' 06540 abftty to key data, proof read WektolRealEstate, Inc. (201) 1) 874-8000 Ext: 3105 and perform other clerical (609) 921-2700 E

benefits. Cal 609-452,1660. KEY TO DISC — Princeton area company has knmed. openings on the eve. & day shifts for exp. key to disc 029 or 129 operators. Exc. benefits includhig dental insur* ance & tuition assistance. Interested candidates should cal 609-452-1300. EOE

UVE-IN FEMALE companion — needed In a private home in the Hopewett area for a slightly limited mobility woman. Must be able to drive, cxponenco preterrso. References needed. Good pay and pleasant aurroundCal for interview 215-

NEED MONEY TO keep up with the bills? We wiH help you develop- a secoiid income in your spare time. No risk. No obligation. 201-8216196. to11K

Are you ready.for ai challenge? No experience necesDIRECT MAIL—Mating List sary for candidate wiling to experience wanted. Expand- TEMPORARY POSITIONS learn the backstage aspects ing Ust Marketing Co. seeks — Sept 24 thru Oct. 3rd, of large organization as self-starter to move into Ware carriers and parking lot secretary to Operations Mansaws. Salary commensurate attendants needed 830-5 at ager. Use your steno and typw/experience. Benefits. Ex- $4/hr. Call 609-896-2800 ing skills to leam the job from the bottom up. Outstanding cesent opportunHy. Cal Mr. EOE. benefit package and comKrol. 201-874-4300. i RESTAURANT PERSON- pany fee paid! INTERIOR Designer — NEL — needed part-time. t A I * ' lak l l t ApptyGreenjine, 175 Nassau in Interior design w/abWy to SL, Princeton. eea. rieeKwnaai HHenors&or office furniture. Submit re- DENTAL ASSISTANT — 6 Colonial Lake Dri eume with salary history to part time Sat. Experienced Leonard LaPwca, 162 Nas- preferred. Princeton office. Lawreneevew, N J . sau St. Princeton, N.J. 609-924-5111. 609-883-5103 ' 08540. CLERICAL — Part time for KEYBOARD PLAYER — routine office procedures with with good vocals fortrio workProgranrnar/Anatrat T o t a O K local accounting firm. Call ing weekends. 609-393Mrs. Suchevits, 609-799- 2685. 587-1027. after 6 p.m. DATAPR0CE888IQ Cobol, tOMS Database. VM 9292. ENTRY LEVEL — Super train you for CICS. Super company. Transcribe from company aiiUDanaBls. Never tapes. Advance! Si 50, no rc PAYSTOJON a fee..Cal Dick Simon 609/ APOXaTORCE* fee. Call Ms Lee 609-8968964470. 1183 P. Robert Darm PersonJoin our A-1 Temporary work nel, 134 FranMhi Cnr Rd. force and choose a snort or long term position in your toeal area. We offer high rates BABY CARE — long term, 1 31311 and bonus SSSwhie you pol- yr. old boy. Mon-Frf, 730ish your afcas in a job that's 5:30, live in or out, light tu. right for you. Never a fee. So housekeeping, must have own transportation. EdinMATURE RESPONSIBLE stop by today. burg. Cal after 6pm 609-799Person — general office 9123. • • j sldas:peyrolUkjht bookkeepinQ, appnsxaffVBlsly 35 hrs s week. Cal 609-448-1383 beC A B L E TV Personnel tween 10 & 2 pm for appointneeded — for overhead construction. Pole climbing experience a must Additional training will be provided. SL TECHNICAL WRITER — Rapid advancement possWMajor erehitoctural firm, detu. Wies with growing company. g r e e and e x p e r i e n c e . Excellent benefits. Call Mr. 67PaaaraonSL S20K+. notoe.Cal Ms Lee Spencer, 609-448-3216. M i f aaWlaflMVMCiL i 609-896-1183 P. Robert (201) 248-8301 Derm Personnel, 134 FrankIn Cnr Rd. i & eduJOB i AIDE—Rest Home. Ful time cational couneelng — Tast- Cobot, oneptos y e a r s . ^ days/rights. Parflbne/week- ing & Reeumelnduded. Dr. ence, NCR orrifne preferred. days/weekend evenings. Un- Mtohaal L Rosenthal. 609- Super company. coln Rest Center, James- 737-2236. Cal burg. 201-521-0730. Dick Simon 170. LUNCHEONETTE — in ARY NO Kingston needs parmnw help



Here's a unique opportunity to have a perrr nent and chaBanojng poaltion with Ptaama Phyaica Laboratory, a prestigious, world involved In me oevBtopmeni or magnetic and fusion energy.

For our apply to: AL DEPARTMENT.

ATTENDANTS NEEDED — apply in person. AH [shifts. Crown Gas on Route 206 in BeBe Mead. EOE. j

NURSES AIDE — Part time evenings and day. Experience preferred. Can Sunnyfield Nursing Home. Cranbury, 609-395-0841.


Mr. Ban* Cohen. V. Praaktont


EXPERIENCED GUITARIST — seeks keyboard player, baaatot & drummer to form mostly originals band. Call Les at 609-921-0544 aft 5pm.

Position in executive sales office of Princeton based advertising research firm requires siaelent typing sMte. maturity & good telephone mannsr. No stono. Cal 609924-3434 for appointment. EOE.

Ce* In ot en* of 's


a*"rS»antiln*ia>l' ttaksmaaVvsaea:


$1*511/10 FEE Supeevieory apot. Production. Packaging area. 0-2 y n . exp. LocaL Top benefits.


Fortune 8 0 0 corporation. endpeopto. C a l 609-656- Central Jersey. Excellent 3220 or 600-065-4321 for sv move-up apot 3 veers ex•eneoj. Masvjracajnng. top

chocks. College level l



Help Wanted




M-rTioaOarn-23Opm. Sat


7«0am-230pm. Sandwich

3131 nnoaajnraal

9855 days, 682-4875




^al'aVBBaiBatBfl. lafckSaWn:


PrinoaKin oHoafar reajdaw* *•*. ocwaaMaaawcaaaT •Vjxojwrty

Cat Rkna JatoJb. 201-359201ReaHy 609-921-1806. 1512 bat b 10*3.



J_ Help Wanted

Hs&p Wmtod

Help Wanted

OFBCE CLEANERS HOOTCIMIWB* SkHnwi part erne nights. Good pay. Own tranaportatton. Must to experienced. Cal 201-4882323. ^ ^

youtoopsrassaw m g end

TICKET AGENT WANTED — mature parson. Hours 210pm. WHI train. Banafits. R09-924-7750. PUJMKfV lor wont 1R PIWICRV Phone* 0094S4*


CLERICAL HELP — Insurance agents office. F t * time, 9~5, experience preferred. Call for appointment 201359-7800 or 725-4713.

Zbr**'* *** ^SHSmKS^Ss: s ftbe «6 waft Apply to Brooke 300 RL 2068. SomarvBe, NJ. (naattoFbotftown)


T^gngandaajnaLaigB local company. Excelant benefits. Never a fee. Cal 609A969470.

• SELECTIVE PERSONNEL* 31311 NJ. WAITRESS^MIer—expfor lunchea & dkmare. Cal Over The Bridge Inn 609-448-5090






Experienced shear operators 1-2 years experience. Good working conditions benefits. Call Personnel Dept. (609) 466-3400 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

P i w p f t O o o k - NMCpnp. OffTMOMOtECUlAft

' ^


wswfMwafJwl BMSVJBVI I D llawawl *JaVl

» W » » » •ooajVW W i t

^ ^ ^ - . T S ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T V%

mm+mSm^tim- jS«2ew« P ais^ssw*5^





RGQuVwH)— BeOtf

OOUHMET COOK - for. SS 8 ,^^!^

B^Bwawatal BVBBWMSV LWawawK s^Bsfi IWBH * * " # T ^ > > " » Wa^BBJBBJB) ^WaBBBPa*' Ojfoaaaj fjpBB

*»^Pw»*e»e»«wa»wa. ^swjeawaaiewaawar m &____(•BJW_*B§ •p^fl flft ^t ^ ^ ^ • B

rTWVQVSDfi sVIIVflT N V f l l l ewbwBWaWk aWaflhPBWI aBaaBaWaW tfhBjafta: BBB*BBWaaaSi

•''^^•^•^SwaBWwl BwV ^RaTeWateTeV «J^BV*^



•J^BWjvaBWjBBB. a^BBW we* awa* wasaaBB.

gf Q ^ _ g j _ ^ Qf|BfMJBjJ«_f fc.. PflanBlnn * BBWBBBWI B% PwaMMaWnWaWawBawL


- ———•-•——-^^——

« J « i Jatv^Eiaftiiii



Near vereey ton. Cal 201-498-ai23 tor



^aWaBWat •aaWaaaWBl JWaaaSIBi

_w . BRPWfBBHwy* a v O O a W v a w V a V I *

flMMSt u & y S S y J _ ^ * * - •*• •W""ia tr—port. Call 609-924. ^MAjSitSmJ

LAUNORESS — tor Bnen.


nal Oapt 9-11 «jn.. Mon.-Thiv*. ONLY or Cal 001)874-4000

2*^* Day-

ion. NJ09910(8o.


oossn sno • • ( p p m «•>* INng tor femWy of 4, Mon. WtaS 4\ Fri moifiinQS or flMsf• noons,fceuethave own teneport Cal 609-924-4510

(eat)n«-*2St BBXOWS 210MimuSt.

Ssraor Typist SEOKTMtY woHMenjoy being pan of

^tnaason ajnn. Accunwe, experienced typist. Menuecript typing,. Graphic design and page

S ffTafNV CaVtfiwawT'lMfwt


KneMBsdjBjs of e foreign

t o h s w w o n * yo«k t \ i * | s i

ftve hours e week. Hours may be fhadbte to «t your












al .


^ - ^ I J ^ ^


Cook. Inc., en industry leader in C A D / C A M systems for the printed drcuk board industry, has

dictaphone oxparianca correspondence

e0W24-8600 Bst219

fiu loOKing

openings: 9


Tk0 PrimMon Packet,






laaae c a i Rcetyn

J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a^a\^K


systems snalysis perience helpful required.

H9if>*9 an osoonunfty so capiiafew on this talent. The Princeton Packet Inc. is looking for two people to seal subsaipwons by tawaphone tar any and a l of our\ 8 community weekly nevwapapania The work can be done at homo or at The Packet office depending is

. - - — — - tat- 9t&^t _ _


software installation, customer support, customer training. Sorna





Pleooe call



niwHifooffii ex a

psris.cs. Must be obla to swaarvtoa twa mailroom kava worklag knewl.dgs of mailing, adwaBt-ln stop van, do r.polri and mataHaia mailroom f p o r . subscriber topas and laarn postal ••atwlk «»«*4k«l Is^^a^kSlAai — — i L —••• a>««* OTim fJOOO D O W f T T S 0 0 0 X 0 0 * 9 TOT

P W O M COH Bill Banntt at 609-M4-


are looking for.

awwasadL PlBaBe'eBai 809-

Tne Prieceten Pecket ties en HMitsowte opetdnsj for o

Dept. between 9 end 3 (6091466-3400.




raiCHPtBS SET-UP OfEMTORS riU|MSSSi»f HWIIIlfll IIIIW of sheet metal products seeking experienced punch press set-up operators. Must to able to sat up unitized punches blanking and piercing dwa, and progressive dws •or dM Twding. ExcMwrtt startipg salary and DOTMntS. Ctm PttrtOfWiW

eMBHawVlinO w> n^waVWSflnQ fVJVRjPw>n tfaW ffMOVT TJnvaj



cuttomm. 40 hour «vMk, gooo tSawVy, oongcnW «nork auwotpheia. Excaasnt oompeny benefit*. Cal Mrs. Downs tar b>-

atriSsWafMe, aaaWasI aaaWaW MaaMMMMkaMl J ^ % -


tetaenat Rt. 1, Lawrenceville i

wflln '•pmUQS TQf ngisfMs



Howard Jokason

V¥s need a mature, dependable individual

••quired. 40 hr.

P e l U o l . WRf Of*W V

mechanically inclined parsons (needed. Steady work and good benefits. Cat Personnel Dapt (6091 4663400 between 9 A M - 3 PM.

7-3 a n d 3-11 shift. Full t i m e or Port time. Apply in Person.

Company seeks Piincton eres Co an articulate, pataonabta M M d u e l vt cooroTnata and ssalst whh dsmonsttations. instasstione, customer training, end manual wiMng sssocietsd with s nsw minicomputer ssrvics -product. Some minicomputer PosMon may involve as much s i half of U.S.) 5 0 * travel I

El£CTlK)HICEI»6IIIE£t Experience in Micro Computer/Electronmechenioel systems. ELECmpJIC TGOMICIMI Experience with POP/11. Seme travel required.. To explore these csreor opportui sties, pisesesend your resume to: Cogitlnc. P.O. Box 2176

ry requirements):

^incwpswS only.

An mrml opporkmftr onptovw

7700 sari

SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR McGraw-Hill Inc.. an internationally recognized leader in the communications industry has a position available for » Switchboard Operator. Responsibilities include working on a Multi 605-A switchboard in handling all calls via attended trunk, tielines. and foreign exchange lines. Other duties will involve handling information' calls. putting up night line connections for approximately 24 lines and maintaining switchboard in emergency situations.

APPPLIEO DATA RESEARCH, the world's oldest and largest computer software products company, is currency searching for a qualified attorney to assume s lesponsiois position on the Company's corporate legal staff. Applicants for this position must have a tow degree and five years experience daeHng in general porporste mattes including SEC. ADR is s public company (AMEX) and hes numerous foreign subskfieries. Some international exposure and/or French or German language facility is desirable.

To be considered you must be a High School graduate or equivalent and have experience using cord type switchboard. McGraw-Hill offers an excellent salary -and benefits package as well as a very pleasant work environment. For consideration, please call Jean Pancoast at (609) 448-1700, Ext. 5013.

To apply for this position, send comprhensive resume, including salary requirement, to: CACDhN Vinotch profeesionBl etaff • If you choose to work e minimum of 2 weekends out of 4 each

nth. we offer:

• $12 PER HOUR, the highest weekend premium pay in Central •wlawaaW

and a



I w f f f eaVfJlSBjy*




• Your choice of evening or night shift. • Your choice of units.


• Teaching afWetion wrth CMDNJ. 8L PMafp s> oonwvaaMly toeeswl w l o ^ minutes of Exit 9 of the New Jersey ^orfarwiowa^ Arms Coates to meet wwh us during the week, our be echsdwangj appelairnenss for your conversance on ris\woai9a|slLB9i pun. nvIwMfcvOJWRawPQatViasjnrBQWO^

aBieastan Ave^NaMrBrunewick. NJ 09903



Week of September 16-18,1*81

Help Wanted

Help Wanted indr-

a K a (InokiolnQ stano) A i sacratafy to president &

SOCIAL WORKER — or degnea. Position includes istons, counseling and diacharge planning in mod* indudkig dantaL ern geriatric facWy. Part time candhMaa atauM cal BH for appoMmant 8O0452-2S1O. to fuH time as performance Phyaioal Acoustics Corp.. develops. Minimum time: 20 743 Alexander Rd.. Prince- hrs/week. Call Mrs. Miller. R.N. 201-821-8000 for inton, NJ 08540. and hava an ax-

C a l Peraonnal 608-0244180 to WE'RE LOOMNQ —tor a Taaaa sound Country band to PART TME EVES — 5 to us to coma hear you. aandi)namaofyota-band.2> eorvCal2D1457-74e)46to9

band, 3)naRMaof youravaa baat numbefs* and 4) parZJ formance schedule for ™» —- and October to BOB #04022 eto Tlte Princetrain. For 516-364-0S76 between RECEfTIONfST Wantod — MODELS — an hour, on cal.


M. Haiiidav


730 pm

SKILLED TYPISTS — to laam book typesetting. Edtonal or typesetting ska* useful CLERKS — can't typa? but not anantlal. Part time SALESPERSON — M i ame ok, flexible hours, country That's OK. Vw> need youtwe * part ama poaMons avai- setting near Frenchtown. need you new. R you can aWa tor SapL tiro Apr! tor 201-006-2141. work a day. a < ' Una quality clothing atora. artonaarfiiti Mutt ba matura and rela. Prtncetoaor area cteok as ouBToppay. req. Apply in paraontoAntar.p no fas). Aim Ons) Paraonnsi, ~ Shop. Hu*eh part thna. 10am-2pm dairy. 2081 Ouakarbridaa Rd. 600rvaoocK w i , iTinceson, N J . 8004000. 009-924-1707. WAITER/WAITRESS —part WAITERAVAITReSS — ex ama etaranglmmeovr130-3. pariancad, most b» 19 OMJWExp. prat. Cat StaHon Pizza er. Fordanner, soma luntihas. 201-207-7878 rvajoooK mn, rnno&ton, N.J. 600-024-1707. CLEWCnrYPBT — typing ft ffJng akHa raqulrad. Salary RESPONSIBLE woman — naadad tor babyaWing, some once. Cal 6OO-7O0-6O26. housekeeping, 2 days per waak + aooMionai nours and RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST — overnight 600-921-6250. PrograaitvaHchiaKluialliiii is aeeMng pieaaant wal edu- TYPESETTER & PASTE UP catad paraon to act as fuJ Artist —per job basis. Your time racapttontat. back-up equipment or mine in HiHSam Start tyDiatftganaralgaVguylriday aboro. Write P.O. Box 5530. tor ofloa. Accuracy in typing Trenton. NJ 08630. (80wpm) & attention to data!


PRtNGETON in cunfeulum


and Sand





The tfUCx OrwaT.

has an opaninQ vov a driwawgaStap to of



customer. rm/»

Must ba to aarvica and


edemata Saturdays. Abovt a wags starting salary and unusual employee bandits. Cat Mis. Downs for ep-


UNIX "C"PROGRAMMER $S00KWAKD PIACE MAaTT P P U O I a i i w * pay $600* csitt to tna paraon wno flk tfts. foaXMwnQ rajQuJfafnajnti and ajocapts arnptoymant vis a w rafanaJ wilti our cBant, a dynavtac, teat growirvj aoftwaraoorp. Saajry to $3BtL F/Pd. AJbanefitaJ


able. Cal 024-7770. AIDE — Raat Cantar. Full ama. days. Lincoln Ava. Raat Cantar. Jamatburg. 201521-0730. DELI CLERK—fun time. Call 8am- 10am, 609-924-1802.

Thetl fashion touch and otftgowg ohann who can -pul k al together" tor


COMPUTER OPERATORS Due to expansion - The Wal Slraat Journal has openings tor Computer Operators with 380/370. DOS/VS. tower VS and DCS experience to join our computer fadtty on the 2nd or 3rd Shift. 1-2 yean axperiance We offer


an exceaant

including dental insurance, educational reimbursement, and a 36 hour work waak. eend resume to:

•mows 210NaaaeuSt.

darts to work der ahVts. uns poesjon m tn ma Admission* Office working 20 hours par

P.O. rriacataa, NJ.MS40

ia in the Emergency Room working 16 noun par weak. Good ctartoat and






Kcenaod or

fjspmv m ntvw jBrany.

WW work as part of health care team in active weM#quipped Uepaiaiieut of 376 bed medical center •QcacoQ one nour irorn NYC and PhiU. Excellent satary and benefits program. Sand resume to: PERSONNEL DEPT

HELEHEFULD - . M E M C M . CENTER 750 Brurwnck Aw. 1mm, N.J. 0*638

• 9 * ^ opportun«v wnptoyw


working environment. Apply to Parsonnal

Senior level apphcations programmer to function as tech support to project managers on an assignment Reports directly to VP Systems Development.

Immediate full time opening for a Medical Technologist to work evenings. Must have a BS degree and be eligible for MT 1ASCP). Experience in blood bank preferred. Good salary, excellent

3> years on large IBM maiaframe. COBOL or Assembler and CrCS required Experience wnh I0MS or other data base hatprul. Steady employment record a must.

working environment. Apply to Personnel

For more information Can Jim Forgy. Personnel Director ( » t 1464-8700



Dun&Bradstreet Meaj|M».N.J. 07*23 Equal mnrmunirv emetowei nvi'h

& iwiomyonwry B\a9^*ABiajAaiaaaia^BHBMB^aaK


TELLER — ful time position available, teaar experience pratairad but W train. Good bana8ts,9X>dwortdngconrJnons. ror more mfOrmanon cal: 201-691-2200.

-andttMraJuatlor in the paokagat to offer you caams

datteal to $13,500 raXSHTSTUDEMT? If you are, you are exactly what this corporation needs to take the position of Office Services Coordinator. Run ma! room (heavy lifting); key operator, facilities management and errands. Visible spot Occasionally o.t Afl benefits. Companypaid fee. LORRAME DAVIS

Help Wanted „ To! CONTROLLER Fortune 100. Rnandal U ning, budgeting;, coat. {2-4 years experience, MBA a phis. Exceeant benefits. Never a fee. CaH Irene Carter 600/806-0470. |

• SELECTIVE! 3131 Princeton Pke \jnKm fawn


RESEARCH ASST^Sepretary — Ful time position with U.S. Tennis Association Research Dept Must be accurate typist wtthabWy to cornpose own correspondence. Job includes some telephone contact with the public. Interesting organization. Good benefits. Send resume & references to U. S. Tennia Association, Education 4 Research Center. 729 Alexander Rd., Princeton, NJ 08540 or cal 609-452-2580. i


STUDENTS/Homemakers — responsible persons wanted to conduct person to person market research interviews. Full/pt time, 930-3/ RL 130 at Black Horse La. 3-930. Call 609-799-3217. No. Bfunawtek, NJ 06902 201-297-1230 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT — To'Directojr of WANTED GIRLS — JV Soc- Marketing at corporate headcer Coach • for Fall term at quarters of management Princeton Day School. Con- consulting firm. Requires tact Jan Baker at 609-448- high level skills and minimum 3334 aft. 6 pm. 2 years secretarial experience. Suburban Princeton Admin. Assistant location. Good company beTo $14K nefits. Please call Debbie MARKETMG Bart. 609-921-2806 for interARTOT i Excellent skills. Challenge. view. EOE. MCCC has immerJato open- Corporate environment. All ing for IndMdual with Bache- benefits. Never a fee. Call OFFICE ASSISTANT — lor's Degree^to executeIHua- 609/896-9470. Princeton University is looktrattons, graphic designs, laying for an office assistant to outs and mechanicals for type letters, reports, proposposters, flyers, brochures als, etc. for the Development and other printed & instrucCommunications Section. 3131 Princeton Pke ttonal materials. Respond in Knowledge of. or willingness Princeton Pfke Office Park writing by Sept 23to:Mercer to learn. Mag Card Mi and N.J. County Community CoHege. Word Processing equipment Personnel Services, Dept. desired. Good typing skills rePS. PO Box B. Trenton. NJ MOTHER SUBSTITUTE - quired. Excellent benefits in08600. Equal Opportunity/ live-in. Strong, loving person cluding 1 month vacation, Affirmative Action Employer. to take over household duties paid medical and life insurfor working mother. Boys ance, education assistance, SECRETARIES — shor- ages 11 & 14. Must drive. etc. Apply at or send resume thand rusty or none at afl? Good salary. Call 609-921- to: Princeton University; Personnel. Clio Hall-A. P RitterThat's OK. We need you and son. Princeton. NJ. 08544. we need you now. If you can work a day, a week, a month PM AIDES — The University EOE/AAE or longer in the Lawrencevil- NOW Day Nursery is interle, Princeton or Hights- viewing for PM aides in the RN, LPN NEEDED — for p « - part-time relief for home care town, area check us out) Top c o m b i n a t i o n pay, no fee. Aim One Person- kindergarten, kindergarten program for stroke patient in nel. 2681 QuakertxkJge Rd. class. Hrs: 1 to 4:30 pm. 5 Hkjhtstown. Some openings days/week. Call: 609-924- on all three shifts. 609-448600-800-0009. 4214 tor info. 2022.




How would you like an everincreasing set ol responsibilities as a Gal/Guy Friday Secretary? Low key, easygoing highly successful local partnership seeks candidate with accurate typing and steno skills. Word processing would be a big phis. Excellent working conditions and fringe benefits. FEE PAID. >-

Need Extra MONEY?

CONSTRUCTION WORK HANDYMAN for 3 yr. townhouse project. Must have some skills/driver's license. Salary commensurate with experience. Call between 912.201-988-4400.

Let Staff Builders help. Long and short assignments available. Temps needed in the following categories: : "Typists NIGHT CLERK — for Sperry 'Secretaries Univac Student Center. 40 •Clerk Typists hours a week. Midnight til "Word Processors 8am. tult-time. Tues & Wed •Keypunch off. Responsible for statistics, •Telex switchboard, checking in and checking out guests, preparJng occupancy lists & various duties. Accurate typing, reliability, alertness & pleasant 6 Colonial Lake Dr. attitude are essential. Good LawrancevMe, N.J. pay & benefits for the right 609-883-6103 individual. Call for appointment. Ms. Guyre, 201-329HOMEMAKERS NEEDED to 2800. Te^PORAKYPERSONNEL work in Piscataway area 20Nassau Street cafeteria. Good hours, beMECHAMCAL Princeton, N.J. nefits and working condiTECHNICIANS 609-924-0604 tions. 9 am to 11 am. Also 1 to 3 pm. 201-699-4038. 2 years training beyond high BABYSITTER NEEDED — school in the mechanical en- for 4 yr. old. Occasional BABYSIT INFANT — part gineering technology area or mornings in our home. Gentle time in our Kendall Park equivalent experience re- warm person who likes chilhome. Mature woman, must quired. Exposure to college dren. Reply To Box #04055 have tranap. & refs for flexi- physics a plus. Successful co Princeton Packet i ble day & eve. hours. 201- applicant will participate in 207-8877. testing of prototype mining SECRETARY"1 equipment & other prototype EXPERIENCED; NURSES AIDES & KITCHEN equipment. Some travel in- Diversified opening. MiniAIDES — Nurses es aides part volved. Exceasnt benefits & mum 4 years experience. and ful lima a l shifts, kitchen i h working conditions. Please Heavy technical typing, travel aides 7am-1pm.. 5 days per send a copy of your resume & meeting arrangements. Expreferred. or call Donna Vandermark, perienced with electronic week. Experie ce p Call Sunnyfield N Nursing Personnel Manager, Ing- typewriter helpful, but will Home. Cranbury. 609-395- erson-Rand Research, Inc.. train. Excellent growth oppor0642. P.O. Box 301. Princeton. NJ tunity. Full benefits. Send re06540. 609-921-9103. EOE. sume including salary reBABYSITTER needed — quirements to: 2 3 0 to 530pm. 4 to 5 days a HOUSEKEEPER WANTED P.L.PKXARD waak. In Princeton. Must — Live-in 5 days: cleaning & UMONCAMP hava car. Cal 600-924-9007 some cooking. Princeton RESEARCH & area. 609-921-0761. DEVELOPMENT! P.O. Box 412 PART TtME — cleaning help RECEPTIONIST/TYPtST — Princeton, N J . 08540 wanted at tennis dub — pre- tor growing aoter design firm. EOE (araWy early afternoon. 201" desirable: Mrawy eat 356-8730. Cal 608-921-196V EXECUTIVE HOST/Hpstess CHILD CARE—Young Cou- CHILD CARE torWant —in — Individual seeking a pto looking for a warm and my Pijncotog home. Experi- permanent position with a deloving person to caretortheir ence & references required, lightfully different coricept. S month old in our home. Be- dose to transportation. Call Experienced in service'training, scheduling & dMndroom gin Oct 5. daily. Please cal eves 600-663-0057. management. Call restaurant 600-737-2663. manager at 609-448-2' 00. TECHNICAL SECRETARY Technical Typist - PrinceTotiac — ton University has several PART-TIME — full charge through general No slano. Good typing. Pub- openings tor persons wnn bookkeeper ledger. 15-20 hrs. pen ic ralaJtom.Albana«*.Nav- good typing skWs and farra- days & hours flexible/ or a fas. Cal 609JBB6-9470. lartty with spedafaed type-, writers to typa reports, prop- commensurate with < ence. Send letter or resume xr 1 inofiBi vacation, to Mrs. H. Sands. PO Box 142. Hkjhtstown, NJ 06620 pan meoicai ano SJO





ate8andraaurna«to:PrincetonUnriwrarty. Personnel. CIO H e * * , J. Doto. Princeton, N-J 08544. EO6/AAE.

quality restaurant

INTERVIEWERS — Telephonaneaaaichuaname,on caa, wDf* won noma. rre80eV1i«3.-P. Robert D a n wioua plMoa axnarience rwfwanom^ »«^v-rtainHBn wnr


' *

" IIMSeaa at




•SELECTIVE* • TEMPS I* CalRana«orNar4y 60*flB6-9470™ 3131PitooatonPB|a

SALES — Part or tuN time.


-MB i * M — «3)llfOM 391440

SS09 WBaWflO I^Bumra TS-fl**

IBO Tf pJaA —

aNOosaorooo —awWtnaiOOHOS

Appinb 06 f t i Aq — - * l » 883UdX3 AW0NO03

'Ml wa«MM JO 9/66-99* '6192-626

-609 MQIAJM SUM*t«JBO -ioz -Jvfivai p w p i i vvm J0|8Buai|t*aU|UUB)J0 isnauaa '|anxas jno Bui uo Buajnou -auBaiU! pus BupuBqua "Bui •puai y Ajuoaaui 'Aauadiao •ftjaupdiBApuBM-piMOSuo i-jaAOoap UODUMTOO) UBUIOM ao} dounpoM >t»0M s

— Ainvnxas v

^p^na -'"•"• -MM uqfiU|UlWd - BMBdOH o S2/0-t66-609

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uo fluipuadap Aap jpwp

aoyjo puauaB op pua tuapjp noad pressure treated lumber WHOLESALE FIREWOOD tor BrooklyntoaohsrIn WOOD BURNING Stove — $4.25/ea. 609-587-3220. dtocountod pricas. — you sptt. cut in 18"to24" 2nd side +S8J00 M Rivers. Cal 800-446pieces. $90 dump truck load. Color Paper +$1.00 M Al Nkjhtor Moe model, acce410. soriee kwldftbtower. $800 or CARPETS! CARPETS — SpM wood, $100 dump truck Reply Box 4 Mercer S t Std Color Ink +$5.00 Commercial & residential. . c/o Prlneaton EXECUTIVE MASSAGE Hopewes, N J . 08525 load. 201-2974300. Packing +$1.00 M best offer. 600-443-1253. Low overhead means big 800 4868607 savings! Get my price before CALORIC Wall Oven — MASTERORAPHX SCHWINN BANTAM bike — • caa you buy. Free Snop-at-Home COMPUTER PRINTER — 600-024-0460 Route 206 counter range ft hood (cop- service. We doit aB! No mid- boys or girls. $30. 609496MALE38 - 5 V . 180 tea. TR8 80 bwpriatorVL Fol '. Rocky H * per), exc. cond, $150. DWng dle man to deal with. Save 1265 aft. 6pm. room chandelier, (Early 132 column capacity, good ROE WANTED — I money on your heat by INDIAN COTTON GARas naw. Cost $1180. ssSng VEAL — Humanely rateed, American)$60. Cal 609-790from L-vae area to $760.8004244875. 2324. carpeting your floors. And MENTS — save upto40%. quaaty veeJ. Taking orders Pa. weekdays. Cal save by calling me. Serving Visit India Discount Store. for fall "hsrvest." Spring Ed Cox 800-7714800 days. MOVMG—must sal SaarsO this area for the past 20 yrs. Meadow Farm 609-466- LENOX — Boehm bird Call Carpet Contractors of 3001 Rt. 27 ft Finnegan's ptotaa, set of I2forsato. mint cu.ft.freezer. 1 w. old. $200. Ln., FrankRn Pk., N J . 06823. 0470. TALL WOMEN: SWM. 24. conoToon, $1200. 600-024- Central Jersey. 609-585- 201421-7775. We also sell wtBhaetomeettafSWF. 9258 or 609-393-9350. 183194. C H I N O N CE -4 — with Indian Groceries. Sweets, ST* or toaar.Cal LOVE SEAT — ft Uphol- lenses: 60-205 w/macro; Saris ft Apptanoestorforeor I aavao onaiT in aHoal oond» 28mm; 2x adaptor. Cost new FIREWOOD — prime eea- OfL HEATERS — 2, lamps, ign travel (110/220V). \ ATTRfCTIVE. TALL (ST*) taht Mue daston fabric. j$oo> $550. Price negotiable for sonsd hardwoods. Cut, soft, featherbeds. bed/sofa, dssvsrad.$100peroord. Re6654363 aft f p m . wardrobes, furniture, 609quick sals. 609-924-7070. INSULATED SLIDING 4 7374297. Qaass door untts with altMmi2132. COAL OR WOOD—hot war FLYTONANTUCKET—in 8 SOUD BLACK WaJnut Cannum frames. 34*. 14'. 1-9' aaai caoai CBJSS trn iwm, tar furnace. Uaa atone or add nonbal4-poster — $550.10 SKYLIGHTS — new, a l ma- $500.609424-1882. : 7 3 FORD — garden tractor to piwMnl flMtam. 600 3aT* ahartng expanses with s jor brands such as Vetux. pc carved walnut dWng sat 42" tower deck mower. 10 hp. 3884. asaroW past $100 toabREGISTERED OR NOT —11 raaoOt vanwcama, w a n o , under $2006. 8-tt. marble oond. $1000ftrm.009- ale. Can daNvar. Diacount $146 par parson round wW buy your guns legaliy.il base hel mirror $200. Appt L5. am Kcensed and wW pay a Plywood Canters, 1 4 0 0 only 201 •276-2066. W. 16 CM. ft. good price. Call Bert 6095234707. FIREPLACE WOOD—QualHOPEWELL COMMUTER ^__J or baa] oVaT. Large oak KITCHEN CABINETS — 924-3800 days. j —nasdsridetoTemple U. or desk, under $175. or peat new. big dfcoounta on aM ma- ity seasoned, spirt, hard FOAM CUT—Any size-any WaWte. a^atfumf A fMBM^DaVl HARDY MUMS-assorted W.Tiaaton R A W S pay. Cal offer. 8004214$48 eves. jor brands such as Wodeshape. Whlle-U-Wsit. iwooa, scnenKcn, Drammer, $150/eord, $80/V4 cord. Cushions made Hka new. colors, grown in pots. $1.25 each. 201450-5243. 10 SPEED — 7 6 Homacroat, Haas. etc. DesVPrices given over phone. The er. Otacount Plywood Can- Contractor, Our 28fh year, F o a m S r n,. Gladstone, PRATTOUEZ — r 201SINGLE PEOPLE! 201447-2236 or 647-2717. tors, 1-8004834707. CRYSTAL STEMWARE— amupa. 234-1622. Thane's aa modern style, 3 l l z e s , 7-PC. MASTER BEDROOM only. 600405-4053. after CASH MASTER Cash RagleMATTRESSES — World «aaonabto. Call 600-7996^6 pm. tor "—Exc oond* Uohttmoa. set — Oak, exc. cond. Cal ; famous boddaig at dtocount 9166. aftor 5 pm, 2014264305. A steal at $i507Cal Footprices. Factory dkect to you. r PICK-UP—TMCkcap.no wonts onoWt *> \*wfmmm futy guaranteed by manufac- QUEOISIZE HEADBOARD RREWOOD—torseto.sss $40. Call St.. Princeton. 600-021turer. Cal 201-536-1784 af- - g o t o wrought iron Oftjree. eonadhan)wood.$t10raord, 8pm 6250. deNvered ft stacked. CaM tor7pm. 800-737-2011. CAMERA - Kontos TC702 KITCHENETTE — 2 electric FURNITURE CLEARANCE burners, refrigerator and TRK> TAG Sales. Inc.—"We Cantor — Tna Mytjomary ANTIQUE - SHERATON do aJ the work." Profitable Canter. Rocky IHaTspscialz _ ^ Cnerrywooo taoie, rmen$375 -brand naw. Also head* Sato of entire or partial conInj in aoas batto* DOK aprtnoj*\ oock rocking chaJr. 2 cane boards, brass, single. $50/ tents of your home. ProfesfnaBvaaaaa and oonajnipor" onojnai w v n 1001 set Btack Angus compact sionally conducted at your aryMsi " ' ' oven $ 3 5 . toon. Japanese convenience. 6004834535. CaM 800-452bamboo swWal chairs, sat of 215-403-5332 or 609482| 4 for $100. Please cat 809- ; 1864. 924-4525. EDISON FURNITURE — is OLD TOWN Wood A Canvas ass open si me same ncamodal. ROYAL ELECTRIC — typeaan. For USED FURNITURE Escc* oond. writar $25, child's atavao OI Bvary uesusjaon come see us. Rt. 611 south of RsttftaMrack. Doylastown. Pa. 9-4:da. 37 ctosad Sunday. COMPLETE S E T — N J tow MOT TUBS ft Jacuzzi Whftl •


Week of September 16-18,1981

•nstnvnonts TAO SALE — Saturday. Sapt. i t . 1 M 1 . Rain or SMaa. 10*0 UM. to 4:00


BUtCK 225, CadHac Otoa PIANO — 98, 1962-1972, Chan undar 50.000 raL. 4 door wan Hr ing. Buy beat oonoY For my U M only. 201-


WANTED I STAMP accuirbtM.TV.S7S.6O01686. SOGMALK SALE—by local

RECORDS — private

KOOAKPMT Matarisl tor

Main Stoat

RADIO SHACK — paper printer compsfJbfe w!6i baric 2. 606-921-3775.

(to continue their • • ! •

PAYMGSOs—forW Vatonzuela. Raines and other Cai 201-359-6453.

MOO. 201-446-



VENUS HkH OONKXE * * • > , a'^^e^s^^ B f c ^ 6a


875, tWIOMI H i l l ft M « N M

Minor. $100:



FREE — 210* chain Hnk fanes. 4" Ngh. 2 doors, good • Astyours. BED. DXETTE — Set Soft iDatPrtcina. OPfJI 7daya. (2iS) 7647444-**

condition. Call 609-9246246. PEREOO CARRIAGE — 130. OM M a r t seal Si 5.

pries. Gat a short »tor 5 c

Me bed. new. $125; oval WHO. 4 chairs. 6225 201267-7904. OORHAM STERLING — 56 p c Nodume pewern. 6 pc plaoe sattngs lor 6 plus 6 senringpcs. C a i

ROLUNG STONES Tickets ENGLISH PRAM — Saver Cross, exceeer Cai 600-921-3469

9»ougn Mon. Sept 26).

DELUXE TAPPANgi — sac oond. You haut $25. 1. STERLMQ SILVER — Ftol-


oond. 8128. C a i Don WANTED: BOYS BICYCLE -6798. — "DM Bate" style for* yr 1725 evenings. BOO; dM bad. new BUNOSTTTCH MACHME — r t u w y ••ywv* nfjw, mattress. 630. 609-448 W A N T E D — old wood 8729. used. $400 canoes. Any condWon. Cat FURNITURE — Custom de- 4 FLOOR LAMPS — Three 609-587-8472. and curio ere contemporary in design, cao*nai anvojua ivory wim and one is a tradwonal style. WANTEO— Exercise bicyIron cendw holders end serv- cle. Only Schwinn deluxe jFfanoh blua trim. Contsmporary sacttonfll oouoft In blua ing tray. 2 chairs, wood with XR5, good cond. payto$100. 609-4434897 valour. 3-ber brass tabie/ 6094244604 eves. temp. Gold vetour chair ml ottoman. All reasonably RADIO AMATEUR — equip BASEBALL CARDS—compriosd and In good cond. Cai Heath Mohawk (Rx-1) Hcvr ic books, top doasr paid for ' after 6 p.m., 609-448-2906. Marauder (Hx-10) Xmtr ,609448-5950. Mosley TA33. rf mt. CDE TR44 rotor. 100' Coax COLONIAL DESK A Chair WE BUY — good used A set — dark brown wood. Lafayette HE-10 revr. Ale> antique furniture. One piece W: 609-292-6405. H609 Dsek has formica top A 3 to entire estates. Cad 609drawers, isseensrty priced. 924-6179. 393-6513 Cat 609-683-1042. traeetandlng

Merchandse Wanted

SOFA — cave green, ThomasvBte. wood trim, excel. cond. $175. 609-799-3669. QUEEN-SIZE — Maaross A

WANTED — die cast and old. exceT cond.. $150 for steel toys Call 609-4434556 set 609421-1237.

"pei- box spring, high qual., 3 yrs

•aWfttW IOBVPV. O P T n W W I at,

80pcs.mel6safvlngpcs.ExgoMjW t A $1700 GOOSE DOWN — filled lROOM-7pcs.e*c I bag, mjton as- mat- cond. $300- 201-521-3240. 201297-2131 ANTARTEX — sheepskin 40R. tan. Bases Ined. custom DRESSMG TABLE $35. r» r M m 609-462-9015 chav $15. 3 temps, tebts A chair $75. Good oond. 201SNAPPER — 8744175. mowar. 7 yrs. old. 4 USED REFS — 2 gas some repair. SiOO or best oasr. 609-799-2792. dryer, port else dryar:4 TRS60-16K.Leval2MDdali B/Kbtoport 201 HARDY F6£LDON3Mn Mums —Aeat colors. Si JO and up. Also Peppers, tomatoes by t i e It. or I

SALE — storm windows, wooden

NJ. 201-

t u r e s . other a s s o r t e d Cai 609-862-0195

ONE RUST Barrel Swivel

BEDROOM SUITE — 10 , young gjrfs tumiure.

Rd.. 3S»6277.


i lamp radiator cover 2O1-359-

by y y headboards, dresser w/ • «*»*.


Can 2-9H. S L I D I N G GLASS Doors — STS/ea. i

PORTABLE ROnSSEWE— sr. gra mmmm. $60 CaH 609-

BtCYCLE — Boys Schwinn Junior Stingray $ 5 5 cash 606 624 6735.

RUG — U Q r M f t B m l shag 10x12 1 yr old. $50. ( • pea.)




GUNS A SWORDS — Military Hems. Federal A State licensed as required for New KENWOOD State Of Ths Art B B> Jersey trsnsactions. Will 009 QOO tf4V&. —car stereo KRC7iianv1m make house cats, pay highest cash. Bert. 609-924-3800 . Jensen Wax ITt in KING SIZE — bed w/trame. days, or leave tape message. .bed aids table. cabinet Fox radar detector, matching mirror. 2 king sizs dkjaal 40 channel C8 outfit pMows, king sizs bedspread, CASH FOR YOUR Antique •fl uaad kasa titan 1 monati, never used king size sheets, Furniture — we are a large coat $1000. win sacrifice. other items almost nsw, dealer specializing in Oak Tom al 609-737-9563. WSfcng to buy 1 piece to en$425. 609-799-0472. eves. tire contents. 201-329-2062 ENCYCtOPEDIA AmericaMOVING SALE — Baby na —30 vote. 9 annuals, exc. Hams! Nsw: Hsdstrom Play- POCKET WATCHES — cond. $60. 606-667-8678. pen a sold Oak hkjhchalr. wanted, atver. goto or_ any bass metet, th any condMton, EXEWCYCLE — almost lunrfnp of bjohan no probbrand new, $36. Old electric .umbraaistrot- tom.Thsokfar the better. Prihome rotary inner, used a lot vate coBsctor. Cai 609-567but not abused. Come A get 7507. Jump chair, booster chair, •.609-443-14761 portable/expanding kiddie carrel, brown wicker chang- U.S. SN.VER — doaars. also COCKTAL TABLE -r round, tnQ tebte. gresn lures ssnd- saver coins any denomlnabeautiful marble top* $90, box/pool. pink hot wheels. tton, gold ookts. copper coins, 609-446-7406. oak door gate, potty char. Al prooTA mint sets. Also foreign coins. Private cossctcr. —'-443-6307 SIGNED CALDER LITHOCai 609-587-7507. GRAPH — Large, framed. Must be seen. Best offer. KITCH04 - BRUN8. ACRES SHOTGUNS. RIFLES — — dark oak cabinats w/ handQuna wantad lor casn, 609-466-1460. formica top, L-4hapa, cook* FREE STANDNG ctoeet — top* vant, Safiki mint cond. avoaoHawV ovo OHDi i l l $950. firm. 201-297-0227 aft New guns for sale disbeveled mirror. $275. 6D9- 6. counted. We W buy, sel or 466-1460. Murphy's Sportsman s 8 CHAIRS — 6 Windsors. 2 Oan.201 801-297-3?" ladder back, a l rush aw cond. 609-737-2021. WE BUY — Stamp coHecttons, old Isaars A postcards. JOHN BOAT—11' Seers: 25 -0360 aft 5pm. speed etaokic motor, marins baaery, oars, cushions and We preservers. $475. Call ANYTHING MARKED — staring ssVsr. ssVer A gold. 201-297-9301. ilL J| t y g RINGER W A S H I N G Weddtog bands A seta. U.S. MACHINE — $50. 201-621- MaWnp oOwWOKms any M Z V , 9234 anaquatanyliM.Prtvalelrv UKE NEW Pine Case CNme Clock — w/covered glass. Battery operated. $75. Cai

SOFA-Ooi«JN*«a.6patPw torbotx Ful new. $100.609-S66-101S

SOFAS — 2 w MWs. Chest

cat em.


flU. CBMOBV. 2 D M H . $VO>. VMHf

REFRlGERATOftfreazer — aslaxakta. 1 yr.old: 10 hp S N O W T W E S - 2 Goodyear r. I T canoe. 10 « GR78-14 Radiels used 4 . Cai 201474-6643 22

LMNGROOMSET-3 good oond. $190. KEROSENE HEATER — •S. 11000 BTU at 660 691 167^

MAHOGANY — chest dres-

6 lye back chairs. Karaatan rugs, bachelor chest (Prs. A afON), QawP mm B m , Cnr nm d o i m . Oak dry tinks, TWO SMALL DOG Runs— wasn stanos, cnan, DOOK4-xS-xS* wahtop. one wsJwut ' cases end more. Suricka Anaquss. 44 Spring St. Prinlop. 8100 each. Cai evenings ceton. Open Mon-Sat 10:305.600-924-3994. O E WASHER A DRYER — 11 yrs. old. room air con- SOFA — 2 pc gresn A gold. ditioner 609-443-5126 aft gooo oano. wonangwig mlure. 609-446-7289 eves.

• ton

WINDOW SHADES - r AvailSHRUBS — Oto your own A able attowprices. Many colf Hal FsVIII. fTnS. ors, cut to 8taBe free. For more . 5pruc«, Taxus. information call 609-4486479. up. FKOVH SonwMsl Cafclo CASSETTE D E b t - Sony let at South Branch, go 1000 FX6C has D o f M C 1 month old. $295. Calk 609-663farmlsontwlsftaislgn 201 0467. CANNON NPSOOO — plain ZENITH TV — 28". wood 6300 or B.O. 201-674-4309.'


GE REFRIGERATOR — oy e o new. $195. C a i 609-448-

trays (2) 6.xit A (1) 11x17 UJdJuststosti

.liSacaf 7700 eat 27. «XXTA6JJEB—artjajMBA

••i^Bi^^tel PMMxaonPool Tabtea, RL 616,-1 topswsl. -1717.

PIANO — 197Bmodi 2674.

G A R A G E S A L E —i 2 3 Baybany Lane, off BrUge point R d i n Belle Moad. Books (many mysteries), games, toys A house lokJ asms. 9am - 6pm, Saturday, 9-19.

YARD SALE—Sept 191 nan GARAGE SALE — Sept 19 date Sept. 2 0 . Bsautiful 9 3 0 to2pm 8 Amy Dr. Brook- arched garden gate w/ MASON A HAMUN — 6 ft tree, Eaal Wtodsor Assorted handmadshin HO, i n n oonds buft nouNnon aims, DaDywms* cuatom < flfmo piwsHO, b i l 1975 fabrics. New upholstery! and In 1 9 1 1 . rebuilt 1975bby & books. Rain or SNna.. drapery materials. New SifaJ Cryde of NY. orig. owned by GARAGE SALE — 9 amrug. 12x19. (wholesale port). Bulova faniHy. Marvelous 4pm. Sat. Sapt 19 A Sun. 4' round redwood table. Prosound. $7800. Caflanyams Sept 20. TV. Yardage, cto- fessional uj Bill muss ventithng, books, jars, at sorts of lating fan. Lamps, sports things. 41 Yorkshire Dr. East equip, 20 cu. ft chest freezer. PIANOS—Bought sold, re1975 Chevy Masou Ctessfc, buHL rafMahetT Catt 2016-cyl, mechanically sound. 3564153. YARD SALE — muHMamity. And many more items. 779 Sat - Sun. Sapt 19 A 2 0 , 9 Princeton-Kingston Rd:, Prin-* LOWERY ORGAN—Mfeeam - 3 pm Madison Drive. ceton, 10-3, no checks.; wra wnn wntraa waaaana Twin Rivers (Quad 2). East player, drums, slops A 2 SAT. 9/19, 10-4, 44 Linden spiaUars. $1000. 600-395La, Plalnaboro. Antique fum, BIG YARD SALE—Sept 19. sport A camp equip; BR 1847aHarS. 9 am. 4 females! Antiques, chairs, DR table, etc. ; C H I C K E R I N G GRAND baby asms: Htah chair, crib, Piano — $3650. Wurtttzer playpen, car seat etc; Old SUNDAY 10-5 P.M. — Sept. Grand Piano, $1650. 201- dolls: Shirley Temple. 20.8 Vanovrveer Drive. LawM e d a m e Alexander, & rencevlto. Dishes, cookiifare, 356-9153. others; 2 sets of kitchen- clothing, Knens,.larger items-. chairs, A 10 metal chairs: PIANO — Baldwin spinet ctothes racks, tots of peg SATURDAY, SEPT. 19 — 1972. $800. 606-924-2874. boards w/bracket; bicycles; Raki date 9/20. 161 Texas new carpets, a l sizes. Plus Ave., Lawrenceville. Coats, MOUNTAIN DULOMERS — tots more goodies! No sales shoes, clothes, all sizes. Walnut A spruce, $147, cher- before 9 am! 159 Maxwell Mac Everything $1 or less. ry A spruce, $145 or $117. Ave, Wgrnstown. Rain date 9-4 p.m. Sept 26. C a i Jerry at 809-452-1064.

FOR SALE — Upright Piano, N n g trumpet C a i 201-3596094. YAMAHA PIANO—Contem-

porary console. Polished CHILDREN S ITEMS clothes - newborn to 10. _._. mahogany, axe. Less than 2 Prince/Lawr. area eel 609- yrs. 609-4484190. 392-6736

YARD SALE — Sept. 19, 9am-1230pm. 421 Alexander Rd., Princeton. Household Hems, collectibles inducing McCoy. WeHer. Fiesta, etc

NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE—A Flea Market Outstanding merchandise. You name it, we got it, RECORDS WANTED—Any i n c l u d i n g t h e kitchen type, any quantity. Collecsink. Sat A Sun. Sapt 19 A tions & accumulations espe20, 10-4pm. 37-40 Camden cially desired. Competitive prices paid. All Ears' Re- GRAND PIANO — Kawai, Rd, between Southwoods cords, 150 French St (Rt 27) ebony finish, 3 yrs. old, Rd. & Township Una Rd. BelNew Brunswick. 201-846- $4000. 609-882-5819 after; le Mead. 1720. 5pm. GARAGE SALE — Sat Sun. S e p t 19 A 2 0 , 10-4pm. PIANOS WANTEO Machinists tools A books, Skeet trap, clothing, china. Something for all. Rt. 206, Pels Mead, betweon Pierson Dr. A HHtoboro Rd. SELL YOUR WARES at Flea Market. All Saints' MY NEIGHBORS MOVED— Church, Princeton, October and left me their stuff. Sat 10. 9-3. To reserve a table Sept 19,9am-4pm, 179 Dor•i i i or 201- chaster Drive, East Windsor. AARON-ALL PIANO—Movers. (You buy R w e move it an^vhere). 3 0 years experience. Fully Insured. Free I. 201-560-1664.

Rea Markets & Rummage Sales

TOOLS. MOTORS — misc.. Sat A Sun.. Sept. 19 A 20.9 am, 78 Crescent Ave.. Rocky HHI. .. TWO FAMILY Yard Sate — Rain or shine. Household items, books, toys, sports equip. 25 Lake Dr. Roosevelt. Sept. 19. 9:30-4pm. MULTI FAMJLY YARD SALE Saturday, Sept 19, 10-4 p.m. (Ram date Sept 20) BRDGEWQODCT. (Take 206 to : Bridgepoint Rd. and fosow signs to one T i of Mont.. Twp. nicest


Framed prints, clothes, furniture, skis, toys, televisions, patio table and chairs, stereo, new carpeting, wicker chair, bicycles, amateur radio receiver, refrigerator, lamps, recgrds. books. Jelesojjpe. MUSICal aquarium, sporting goods t6fa£ *& GARAGE SALE — Sapt 26* atgajaVKjt 7th ANNUAL Raa Market — rain or shina, 9 a n , remains osrtett WWPHS scholarship of an astata. 38 HartinQon APARTMENT SALE — Sept 6' GRAND PIANO — com- fund. Sapt 19. 1961, 9am- Rd., BaRa MaadL 5,6.7.12 & 13. Hutch, table, pletely reconditioned and 4pm Hkjh School partdng tot ebonized, $5000. 201-534- CtarttawMa & HUtotown Rd, ONE DAY — Garage Sale. chairs, stove, rug, bookcases, books, misc. items. 2893. Princeton Jet No reh date. Everything must go. Low Beekman Garden Apis., 192 SBVapaos. For Mo. cai 609- prices. Take Rt 27toBunker Capricorn Dr.. Apt. 14, HillBALDWIN PIANO — 799-2729. 799-1400, 799- Hal Rd. to Leif Erickson Ave. sboro. atudto, wamut New. 8976, 799-3200. Grtggstown. Sat, Sept. 19. firm. 201-297-8024. Oern 4pm. Rain or shine. YARD SALE — household, OES RUMMAGE SALE — Schwinn bikes, books, horse KINSMAN ELECTRONIC Saturday Sept 19. Hopewell MULTI-FAMILY Yard Sato— collar, new A used clothing A Organ — ful upper A tower Masonic Tempts. 10 a m • 3 169 Washington Rd. Prince- snoes, mirrors, misc., sai. & ton. Penns Neck, next to Sun. 9/19 A 20. 9-4. Forrest keyboard A full pedal p m Grab Bag 2-3 p.m. Arm's Dei. Sat. Sept 19th, 9 Blend Dr.. Washington Croskeyboaid. Organ A cabinet in a.mj exc cond. Bench A music ind. sing. N J . CONSOLATA VILLAGE — $500,609-448-2625. RL 27, Somerset Sets. 10-3. BIG YARD SALE —AnMFall A Winter sweeters, OJUBS, turn, household items GARAGE SALE: Saturday. Chopin coats, suits, shoes, boots, A records. Fri A Sat. 10 am. September 19. 10-3. Rain Piano A Organ Co. date, September20.18*B& hats; scarves, etc Everything 15 No. lOAve., ManvWe. W TV. oriental rugs,; 36" for men. women A chsdren. Choose from Steinwsy, HousBwares. used furniture, round butcher-block table. 4 Sohmer, Knabe etc Rent or books, stamps. 201-297- SUN SEPT 20,9-3, Color TV, rush-seat chairs, changing buy 1001 N. Olden Ave.. 9191. Lionel trains, Isdy's golf table, bassinet, and much Trenton 609^5-7456. clubs. O'ri1* bike, dishes, more: 52 Marion Road West , household i Princeton. No aarty birds. PIANO TUNING A Repair RUMMAGE SALE — Saturguarsntsed. reasonabts free day, Sept 19, 9-4 p m , S t MULTI-FAMILY — Garage estimates M. Schmahl. 609- Barnabas Episcopal Church. Sato. Sat Sept 19.10am-?. Sand Ha Rd., Kendal Park. 452-8806. Major Road, off RL 1, Mon. Jct CERTIFIED AUCTipNEER Cel 609-967-7507. FLEA MARKET — Sat. Sept ATTENTION DRUM LOV— Appraisals. Personal, GARAGE SALE — Sept 19 19, 8:30-4, Presbyterian LICENSED GUN — dealer ERS—SeWng beautiful pearl commercial, farm, estate. Church, JFK Blvd.. off Eaaton A 2 0 . 9 a m • 4 p m Stereo, Richard S. Winthrop, 609buying A aafng envMnd of white Ludwig 5 piece drum games, toys, clothing, A Ave., Somerset Dealers wethandguns, rHIss, anotyuns, set Equipped with Camber 921-0967. come. InfoAeseivattoin 201- many household items. 98 unusual knives, daggers. high-hat ZBdjian crash cymSouth Woods Rd., Belle 2494674. swords A bayonets. Modem baVhaavy duty stand A CamMead.NJ. or antique. U S . or foreign. ber ride cymbal w/stand. also Buying redstsred or not Pri- brand new Rsmo heads, only PACKARD'S OUTDOOR NEIGHBORHOOD SALE— vate cossctor. Cat 609-587- 1 yr. old. looks A sounds FLEA Market now reopen 19tti A 20m. Flanders Dr., greet must sea. WM sacrifice under new management. 7507. HlUsboro. Turn at Burger WANTED — Sawyers view$1500. 609-466-2464. Wed., Fri.. Sat A Sun. 9 3 0 King, frat M l A Ural M l again. master reels from 1930s to BUYMQ DIAMONDS - no 1950s. 201-249-2896. WURUTZER—spinet piano. am unHdark. Space $3 per Everything incl. fireplace size too smal or too torgs. $650. % vtoan $150. Cat aft 6 day. Raa. eel Charts Stone. PJBJSS ooors a 201-369-3188. Afaw sttver. gold A dental 609-446-2185 RARE PAUL KLEE — color gsr. 9 a m gou. mvaw) mveswr. i^as tint. The Bathers". 1901. 609-667-7507. Best offer. 201-948-6043. PIANO — Whiter^ upright walnut good oondajon, bast ORIENTAL RUGS—we pay Wood crib. htohcnaJr. garden cash for antique A semi- offer. 201-521-4496 after MULTI FAMILY Garage Sale cnasB, HBrsnens, no swwnsna^jus oriental njgs. One or 6pm. — Sept 18 A 19.9-4.53 Be- pools, Hoover Lark electric many. 609-362-7337. Inmmower. floor polsher. a l ANTIQUE — Oak table 42 in HARP NEEDED—for vartyDr, BsssMead. Al condNon. New Copy- sq. + 5 leaves. $350. 4 oak ner. Rent or buy. WANTEO TO BUY — Scrap 2470 after 4pm. mate III dry copier. Easy chairs, caned seats, beaut. metal, light won, steel, batterMULTI-FAMILY — Yard chair. Fine art and old map •xxxJ. $350, oak dresser, reies, radiators, copper, brass, Sato. SatSept 19.9am• 1 reproductions, old prints. fin. $210. 201-359-1151L aluminum and used machw PIANOS A ORGANS — pm, 176 Prospect Ave., Prinery Currenlty paying the ceton, near Harrison St ate. Evan some ELIZABETH WANTED: FIESTA — Rpsehighest prices x the area. sona. Baldwin Hammond M O M A T H prints. At her vifle. Homer LaugMn, CeraMusic Center. 1911 BrunePayment at Bme of desvery ANTIQUES — hosehoid ap- house, 47 Montoomsry Rd.. mic or glass juice squeezers. wick Ava., LawianoavMa* NJ neosNwg hours 12-5 p.m. pttances, baraaJna gatorsl Rocky H i l l . 19 a n d 2 0 609-799-9410. Mon. 6 m Fri. 8 to 5 on Satur- 609-599-2700. September, 10am - 4pm. Dont IIBBB I I Sat. 19s\ 9-3. day. No quantity too large or RaMaw>27! »27 September 9am ANTIQUES primitives—Mill46VS loo emaa. Gale Industrial . E L E C T R I C G U I T A R — ton. Rain* i Sun. -6pm. house Antiques. 1007fit28, Scrap Iron and Metal Co.. w/amp A extras. Asking North Branch, 201 -725-7306. N o r t h V a l l e y R o a d . $180. Cat 600-466-2804 af- YARD SALE — 8aL 8apL Weekends A by appt j nooasxss For into. ca> 609- wjraam. 19th, 10 am. to 4 pun. Kaoh- HOUSEHOLDI 448-2679 HANKINS Antiques. 169 LESTER UPWGHT Piano— Noearlyblrdsplsaae.'41JefMercer St, Hkjhtstown, N J . iHaon Rd^ PifnOwMon. We buyAsel furniture, cbina, POOL TABLfS WANTEO— glass, jewelry.^ lovety thjngs. Coma in and browse. Cipen Friday. 8spt 18. 11 to 4 3 0 Tuas. to Sat te911am 6pm. Oassday, Sapt 443-4102 or 448^772. I t . •" BRASS BEDS—antique. fuN size. $495. A pr.of M WANTED TO BUY: Scrap YARD SALE—Sat, Sapt 19. $375/ea. 809-393-5290. 9-3. Booka (aoctotogy. ftoALLENTOWN ANTIQUE CENTER — 7 Church!St. Aflentpwn, N J . 8 dealers YARD 8ALE — Many caahpaid. S. n e t Itoata. Bapt 10 A 20. apedaizing in furniture, chi" Inc. 2166 MMpavMMiSS A27. na, gtasswara, pfimiuyas, doasAcolectt>ies.Oper,iC>5. Thurs. - Mon. Hounjby Cat 201 9214612. appt 609-2S9-395Z I -

ca — Carpet 10x11. Nschen MHs 4 chata. 609-921 -8272 eTi altspm. •Very Fresh Cigar (SAX LADY KENMORE — 32 top range. 6.5 hp 3T


•2866. 5 pm.

SOMETHMQFOR EVERYONE ^~ fnaUvwa and Apfio0* dwQinQ loom aatf many in* tareaing misc. asms. MuM famty, Sat Sapt 19. raMato Sept 20. 10-4. 241 Glenn Ave., Lawrenceville, near NghachooL

- -

• i • ai



Auctions i



A" *

r it-it, m i



Autos For Ssls

Autos For Sale

. I8urL L t e M for I S I t t . Sold $44. For I 312431-1081. eal I

P SMALL STABLE — In So. nae box stale

FOREMMCAR pita Cs*joe.eo95864134. PLYMOUTH 1973—•*

AOORABLE FLUFFY Hbm201-350-2103. .TBBB—0mo. AwMte.201421-1033. t * « sofetto*: 9«ooees



aka^ahow or lakt 600497-

atleiWtowjiaL tejatpMM. MAY A STRAW For S a t o eav deawjr. IMCtenlumenum. HaaiaaflHa dManoa or ptok* tax CM evaa. 600-468-3806. QERMAM S H E P H E R D PUPS - AKC OFA. MJ6.

* tar am I a t e sheet) Ore> 19% of price Ad w *

GOLDEN RETRIEVER PupB«i"»*afW»»»ap»pies ptoe —AKC ANC fag. n gC Champion h i ntal puppteo — cnampton bloodlines, raaaonably seed, wedtorahow, pat or priced. 600-737-2172.

rink CM


286 JUNK CARS Wanted — $20 $100,201-5464582.

1842 aft. 5pm. BOX STALL — awalatato In amafi atebte. Mont Twp. Ml tow Labrador Bom Aug. 7 bMntdatytomoAaawctes I M I . $25. Phone 600421r ^ p a a k a * . trass. 201-359- 3348,Ctork.

WANTED — VWs in need of repair. Any year. Top doHar offered. 201-297-7500. after 6. 2974721.



~~ Adopnn Conflor lof doQs

f »

1070HUSTANG UmHed PvocwOtetan bidy riotd?— VS. 4 apd. ate. A l P a n car oplone. Sunroof. 24J00 mL mdudee 1 yr. warranty. After Spm cal 6004834207. •80 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT — Air cond., am/im radto. 24000 mi. Private owner. $40X10.600-8064890.

MACKEVS Towing Service — wants your junk car. Any condition. Call 609-4436259.


Hon. ttOO. CaM 609-737-


7 2 DATSUN 510 wagon 27mpg, 794)00 ml 609-9247470anyeme. 7 3 PODGE Monaco —auto pm, pro, ate, am/fm, snows, $600.64pm. 609-924-6482. •60 VW RABBIT —ste. am/ fm radto, 2 4 A » mess, private owner. $4900.6094960990. 7 3 CAPRI—2-dr, 4 cyL economical, some rust 609-9247596, keep trying. 7 0 FORD MAVERICK — Lt blue auto., very good engine. $750. 609-799-8248 eves., 6094624967 days.

~^Evary Sat 11-6, Sun. 12-5. 201-257-7560.

7 1 DUSTER — 6 cyl, auto., p/s, a/c, am/fcn, mach good, body fa*. Cal 6094214190. 10TH C. MAWTB. — 0 1

Starting Sun. Sapt. 27. 1 CARS CORVETTE wanted — not running, damaged or "as is** jjiMttlWiiT* 201354-5607. Executive Cars with Mfrs

16*1 C


$J3J»aa2hoto, $10.70 par KTaaatat tor

bartd Horowta. I WANT Your VW. Now* (If that's okay with you) Bug Wagon or Ohia. any year or condition, prefer running Cat BW. 609-924-1165

0 6 * $3.80 oa.! •fee fence. Ateo 17 rowid GtOitW SflOW llMMM CANS

$1080 aa. 20 or moro $8-50 0 2 1 - 7 i « 4 o r M * Kana.024-

ALL JUNK CARS and trucks wanted. Freetowing$15 and REGISTERED PINTO up. ScarpaH Auto Wiaddng. PAMT MARE — 15.2 h, 7 909-396-7040.


— i6in.WeelTex- 71 BROWN OLDS Data 86 °«*et Exc. cond. 1161 •68 CAMARO — very good condMon. 201-326-6841.

GREAT SELECTON of p% cupboards, cornmf cupfta

BEAUTFU. — French gM


•MHO* S yr. oW pufotorod

stone, kiicnonware. 300 Tanter type dog, ntoe ternMMPSABMMS. Onsof MXs iofn>

•77 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbit REWARD — For return of fed •BvpftV of 8011th

young aduas OuaMy peis from Champ anas. 201-2464477. FAMR.Y — wfi gtve home to i S T l r T * * " * * Prefer Golden Retriever




BOXWOOD ARABIAN tat sale P ANTK3UE-PARLOR very OOMM). Heats Aiteng *17S Cat

Openinterns, m-

Cal 600-

70 VW BEETLE—w/73Suworn, nepacar emnueiast wekaomi. $700. M-F I I 4 3 0 cal 609-443-3300 ext 323.

H O R S E 8 BOAROED — II fei

Shots A L O S T — J > o ' d colored skH. OMtotfNf otioVivlQn In

77TOYOTAOBJCA—G.T. 5epdenv*nceeasae. snows, axe oond., $3000. 201-2977271. 1972 TR-6 — Groat oondJtJon, now top, burgundy. $3800. Cal 609 824 4630. I960 MAZDA 828 — auto, 15,000 mass, fee new, first $7000 takes ft. Days 609924-1901.


7 5 CAMARO — 350-8. 4 speed. Hurst shMer. 4 good tires, exc cond. $3200. Aft 4 pm 201-350-4480.

b«4tch A field

LOW VOLTAGE CURRENT Teeters — modal 1-42. $35 9-6. •89 FORD VAN — 6 B K H O N FRtSE — A K C



or b * . 600-7094087.



] • £ £ $ 1 » *» *



cyt. 3 I. $996

MAZDA 1070 RX7 — white custom. $3000 in extras, orig. owner. 201236-23ia •01 DATSUN 30OZXGL —


• a^Ma* e •

^.S^B^Q^^^^BF a^eM^mBjewa^axasiBs^ e^p's

— Sedan Walnut Brown terkK. Blaupunkt Stereo, Power Steering A Brakes. $$ SaveSava$$. 19B0 SAAB Automatic SMB Sedan — Dark Blue. LJght BKw Interior Sliding Roof. Heated Front Seat. Power Steering A Brakes. WHI be sold at substantial saving on Manufacturer's List Price. Used Cars traded wNh us. 12 Month 20,000 MHe Engine d DrtvetraJn Limited Warity Provided with each car.


tBBO Toyota Cotea G.T. fStiBTT

SXdbK) Roof A M /

FM Stereo Only 15.250 M P B k A SteerU .

Ua^aBBsV* CksAaxK Males*



Interior 4 Cyl Engine 5 Speed Manual Transmission. $8960.

77 TOYOTA Comas — 2 dr. 4 apd, 37,000 ml orta owner, 1979 LancteZagalo Sports AM. top cond. $3000 firm. Cfcupa—Taiga Top Special 609-666-2366 after 6. I t e c k & G o l d FWah. Black Leather Interior. Air Con"67 MUSTANG — V8 auto, dlttonlng. AM/FM Stereo. ps. 021-6Q7O before 5 pm. Re- p . fcnstereo A taps player, Powor AnlMsfis, Automsttc, d looking. k i g . Must seal Power Steering A Brakes. good *00 $1150.609-44* 5278 Mass Never Tilled or nigjaterad. Looks Bte a new 1067 CHEVROLET — 6 cyl. QQT1 A Potonttef Collectors 4 dr.. auto. P8/PB, good Item. $10499. to "QMB-. Vie. Ftombigton 6/ 22.20i-7B2-«e2.LajgaRa- oond.. $475. 201-725-6660, Oam-Spm. 600-0241 9 7 8 Renault LeCar — t 7941 after 7pm. YelowBtodclrssvfcx.Sklng LOST — DHWanjj Spantel.

0 yts- CM. 0JSB.

dard . this weak. $3400 or best 7 8 PLYMOUTH HORIZON — 37.000 mL. exc. cond.. M7 T.MrS.S37SO.'a01-297-7856 aft 4.

HORSES BOARDED — Pri- . LOST — smsl white 1 veto farm. Oatty turnout. 'i* , L. eajaJi. StBBO $m$01S9J MBJB6. TW CHBVgl I E . 4 a>^ 4 a p .

$480. 6* grading Made. 3 pL Ntoh. $390.». 3 pthtchYoifcra>a.$460.Cal 201-2974601.

I — r.

~ oa

-96 BMM/RSO—good eond. tor. S200. 6 0 6 - M 1 4 f i 2 1«$75rs-AJsaVBiBWRaa baaaallaty Mtotodl $1660 60644 *B9HONDA 400-aac eond..

U M a t kept. $1900

CO •WETTE 7 4 — P6J

T98 "NOnniO" TRAVEL — 7 6 HONDA — Moped, tow

a* «•*•*•*•• ecW. fiSOMmt 201a* aatWrtTanj 4434sS Oaf 8094»14190 snyJL'i'i'' Sam 7 2 WMNEBAGO —CNet "80 YAMAMA—860 special. Mm eond. Loodod, prtoid to aJtoa. • • > new. 8063000 i m a*aMa> vinyltop.• a * a * . 201-247-5722* 5.20162141



6 ft

1981 SUZUKI — GS06OL.

warranty, ueed 3 n o t . , $3,000 or B.O. 609-393-


7 1 NOMAD Tnwai Tiaaar— 19V a / c freezer, awning. $1600.809446-7115. T 9 COLEMAN Prandywlne — steeps 7. Ice box, stove.

FORD LTD 72 - 4dr. p/s. 74.800. -4180

MOTOBECANE i n . ooncMton. AaMng Cal after 6pm, 609- 8634122. 1978 BafW 9 0 * — Vaoar

81 HONDA—XLSOO. 639 aJLepm. 7 0 VW C A M P E R — fuNy equtot, good eond, alaapa 5, 3792.

PUCH NEWPORT — aw eond.. $275. 1974 YAMAHA ROSSO — ne 737

71 CHEVY BLA2SR — 4 C a l a * . 5. 806-737-

as^^e^^mj-^^^^~e^^^PejP8^ai^^P i

Tumey. F.A.G.O. TTc.L.

*.S1$B0 •6*4207

DISCOVER FLYING Lessons — $20. Raman Valey Flying School. NorthskJe MATH TUTORING — by Kupper Airport. Manville. PnD.NghSohoolftCoBegs 201-722-5111. level. SAT ft s i ooaage board


— oranga Exc. eond.

Entertainment EXPERIENCED Tutor —

CLOWN8I Tha NPT Troupe AKHALDAN II is a school in "More man Kids' stuff" says t h a F O U R T H W A Y . a sia rnnosvn ramai. BRin800424-3721 deys. Grand Openings etc. ——^.M—H OULTMG — t w Reeky HB uWkzing t w teachingi at G I. Cal Kan. 609421-3267. Comm. Group. Learn tha QurdjieW^PD Ousperaky. alepsol making a q u a Wwialm Reich and caiors. & MICKEY STARR Disc Jockyour own OJHM during litd by an experienced ey. Music for all occasions. 10 wk teacher 609-443-1896 The best in portable sound. Tuas 602.6-11am or Go with the Pro. 609-737SMtoroamm. 0504. ^ i. $38 for P1AN0LES80NS — OuelAdvanced, prtEXPERIENCED string musift aamvpnvato inafeuc. grsekipieno. 11 yrs leaching cians for hire. Add a pieesant For more Into, or reg. aipenanoB *~ wm m w • touchtoyour party or special Tata. 609421- agea welcome. Classical occasion from classical to 184S. nwrioton; Itoaohjazz A pop- popular music at your reular,too.My PMnoaton akRfto quest CaH 201-359-1662 or or your home. Cal Ketwyn L. 359-7876. Werner. 909421-0363. ReUefromhsp- PIA PUPPETEERS —Bookings lor children's parties and other happy occasions. 201TUTORMG — SpedeJ Ed & 251-0323. Remedial needing teacher axp in skill development. BLUEGRASS — good time Cn 609443-5719. pickin'. The Magnolia Road Band - parties, weddings, concerts. Can 609-261-1691 17 Years experience with or 201-251-1776. Behrenbunj School of Music. rreenoH, Maaa acnooi or CLOWNS FOR HIRE — JitApplegarth; Pank terbug ft Lollipop: parties, choolofMuete.Craiv greetings, promotions. 609466-1246.


DUET — Husband ft wife team. 2 guitars & vocals, varied program. Call Ed or Sue Cedar. 609-443-5163.

9244427. ADULT PARK — at least 45 yrs. okt Custom buM 24' x 60'. 3 bdrm. Ivmi. dnrm. fmrm. spacious yd. patio/ poieh. Price negoaable. 609-

instruction 809448-3690

lor Tom at

PROF PUMST—accepting students. Qraduata Rutgers Music. AM styles; sxcelsnt

VOICE BuWdkig ft Speech Corrpctton —— nu0Kt by pio* emgers 35 yeers

A UNIQUE Approach to language learning 25 languages. Native teachers and translators. Instruction for children and adults. All levels. Brush-up, conversational and Wenvy classes. Intensive courses for travelers and business people. Tutoring. Cal 609-924-2252


a l 669462-2139

H O N O A C 8 175 — e*C.


YAMAHA 1976— XS11. eond. $3000. 609-737-2927

1977 8CHULT2— 14"X70", !•A TUTOF TUTOnwO — Lain. Greek, bdrm. 2 bafw. av, * uftML ^ ^ $ CaH evenings. 609-896-


BEGINNING PIANO - instruction lor children Comprehensive program. Westminster Choir Cosege training. Your home or mine Becky 609466-1349

1974 CHEV 1/2tonpick-up ~- 8M. Haitt shsV Bad engine. $700. 809467-3220.

LARK STRING QUARTET for aN notable occasions — weddings, parties, receptions, openings—classical to light. (201) 297-4267, 4690229. 249-5460: (609) 9246037 JONJIETHE MAGIC CLOWN Magic comedy & balloon animals. Available for school, shows, birthday parties, grand openings and fund raisings. For further information cal 201-2544374.

TUTOWNB — M a s \ ins. Specializing m Comp. Ed. ft RawadtoT. C a l 609443-1886.

P.M. SOUNDS — D J . s aH accessions, e l types music, super sound ft price. Cell Matt. 201-297-3368. 6094434210.4434061.


72 ECONOLJNE Van — EXP. TUTOR—PrtncetonU. senior can tutor H.S. matt (kietaelng SAT review), phy-


12 x FT. SAILBOAT — cal: 609-734-7914 or 809621 VMsl aM^B^aW^B^iWlB^B^Bl C^BV

VAN — -96 Font 806884 8134. lo»9 body. 6 cyL. extra

DISCO — Professionals. 2 DJ.s, 6000 watt sound system. Unique light show. fog. Competitive prices. Call Dave 201-254-4968.

GUITAR — Lessons all levels, all styles, taught by Of Berklee College ol Music UaEdei- graduate CeM Ed Cedar 609ft 443-5163



TENNIS L E S S O N S - o n vate or group. Came Belcomb teaching pro. Cat 809-





POTTERY CLASS — in handbulldlng and wheel ewowing. tnatrucaon tor bedants in gbufeig Ischniquas and artng maeioda, tnckidkig 16ringa. For Mormeaon cal 809443-1696 TUTOR — Exp.Cart.


BaBaa^bfeS Mt^BfBfl


home or mine. 609^7990681.

MAKE YOUR Next Party — compxMO wnn emenaswrieni from WPST disc jockeys. Steve Trevefcse. Dave Hoeffel. Tom Cunningham, and Tan Downs, equipped with sound and sghts. Any type of music lor any type of occasion. Can 201-542-5410. TREAT YOUR — Eardrums to a Parties Unlimited Disc Jockey. Diversified or specialized programs, light shows ft professional sound equipment. 609495-5666.

WONDERFUL ONES — Catering. Let us make your special occasion memor- dJsAfti^^aa^ 6d^v ^ K ^ ^ ^ b ^ ^ ^ ^ ^— able. 2014214574 or 201- isswewe ice i a n recai or future revision and use. Turn 297-3348. around thna is 8 times factor BALLOON —your BarMta- than standard typewriter. van. weddhg, or any special Complex docuiiieiil format* occasion w/Baltoon Bou- any aiialahls. heavy revision quets & unique & creative C a p a b i l i t y , a d d r e s s e s with mastsr letter for balloon centerpieces. Call merged uMpieorig! utputi BaHoon Fantasy. Inc. 609- tfstJcal ttics) And and columnar work 446-5220. performed, mailing lists sorted acconSng to Zip Code, BABCrS PARTIES — Unli- and fats of any sort may be mited. We create successful selectively picked over to suit parties. Don't hire a caterer, your condWons of selection. H engage a complete catering you have any questions about our word processing seraarvtee. 609495-5666. vice, or tf you wish to compare our performance and FELDMAN CATERING — charges with those of your parties with your personal present in-house or outside choice of menus for a l occa- secretarial service, cal (609) skmsup to 100 people. Inti- 9214144; if no answer. caN mate settings for 2 to 92 peo- (609) 921-7123. ple. Elegant desserts sensibly priced. References available. 609482-9518. call afPRMTMG ter 6 p.m. PH0TGCOPYMG


•Resumes •Personal Stationery Invitations VIDEO PHOTOGRAPHY — •Business Cards Your wedding, baby, family, •Rubber Stamps ft Signs band or special event can be •Business Forms your favorite TV show. You •NCR Forms may not have video now. but •Many other services you wiM - so get those special •Open 6 days a week memories recorded. Call now for more information. Chris BtaRed-O" 609-9244467 after 6 p.m. CMckprMCtr. BLACK & WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY — Competently executed: reasonably priced: Phaedrus: 609-392-2688 in P.M.

Piano Tuning PIANO TUNING — Regulating & repairing. Call after 7pm. 201-359-0354. PIANO TUWNG ROBEOTHAUJEZ P.T.G. Regtstorod Crsftsiftfln

SMCE1951 609-921-7242

Furniture Restoration D I P N S T R I P — free pick up & delivery- Hand stripping, refjnishing, repair.ing. c a n i n g & r u s h ing. Our reference, your neighbors. DIPN STRIP. 49 Main St.. Kingston. NJ. 609924-5668. Open Mon-Sat 95 pm.


Erecting Selectric, for teelance aasignmantK Loci tod ' Princeton Campus. 3al after 6 pm, 609-921-2553. RESUMES UNLtMTTEpono slop oifvico

typed. Typeable for resotting avails SURISS. POFSOOL, w . ...••-.

tiai service. 609-448-0701. FICTldN MANUSCRIPTS' editedftrevised.Reasonable rates. Not a fcarary agency. 2014214499 eves. ; TRUCK ft WINDOW Lettering — show cards, paper . signs. Herbert C. Rodgers. 201-297-1648. UNLIMITED TYPING — We type cassette trans. cripts. manuscripts, letters, reswnes or anythmg^m-. votved in the worid of business. All typing is done on the I B M S e l e c t r i c II SelfCorrecting typewriter. Quality is our first orioritv. Promot service a must CaB Ms. Donna StaW anytime at 201-3592239.

252 N B M M I St.

Princeton 609-921-1573 TRAM WORD PROCESSMG 184 Nassau S t rnnceion, N J 609483-0120 Agreements, legal forms; letters, repetitive letters, mailing lists, envelopes, labels, newsletters, meeting notices, appropriate for clubs, sales & small businesses; manuscripts, term papers, theses, resumes, student projects; manuals, charts', high revision work. All done on Xerox 800. We can revise, update and retain your work. Professional trainIng 'course' offered. Notary s services. ' ••' Public! ELAINE'S TYPING Service — Experienced typist for free lance assignments. Correctibte Selectric typewriter. For more information call 6094484479. *KC ASSOCIATES T^sUlttmatelln

including: •Secretarial Services . CANED & RUSHED—Make •Telephone Answering an old chair better. Give it a •Addressing & Mailing new seat. Expertly done, •Bookkeeping 609-395-0342. •Travel Arrangements •Conference & Seminar R E S T O R A T I O N — RePlanning finishing. Repairing. Hand •Reasonably Priced stripping. Reglueing. Rushing. Caning. Reupholstering. Pick-up and Delivery. Call Quality Furniture Services. 66 Allen Lane. MANUSCRIPT TYPING — Lawrenceville. Owner. Jim Cassette transcription, envelopes, form letters, labels Upot. 609-882-4664 welcome. Reasonable rates. Call Adrienne Moore. 609C H A I R S • C A N E D - 448-7180 RUSHED — reglued. tightened. Furniture refinished. Princeton Packet, Inc. Years ol experience. Free has limited pick-up and delivery. 609Press Time Available 896-0057. ^_ RIDER FURNITURE — Repairing & refinishing. Antique r e s t o r a t i o n . Caning & Rushing. Hand stripping. Pick up ft delivery service. Location rear of 75 Main St.. Kingston. Mon-Sat. 9-5.609924-0147.

Business Services

COPIES — resumes, invitations, business cards, rubber stamps, complete typesetpBCJOC^YFORHIRE— ting, composition ft printing Waddngs, Parties, Dances, service. 7 days a week at Uve Band Sound. For low Sears Quick Copy Center. coat, any type music-Disco. Quaker Bridge Mad. SO-a, Pop. EMs. etc Barry Davison. 609-466-2709. 406-1141. COPYWRIGHT

OLDIES EXTRAVAGANZAI OttgtwL non-atop StTa ft 6tXs rock fi* IOS. Eximivo

MANIFOLD WORD PROCESSING SERVICES — oopnsacBMi ano nganiouB standalone dtoptay system used lor a* and sundry typing jobs executed by an experienced operator. Your copy may b» stored on magnetic

Web Offset Press Let us print your newspaper or in-house organ. Camera ready mechanicals or negatives required. Standard pages or tabloids can be printed on regular 30# newsprint or 50# white offset stock. Nominal extra charge for spot color.

PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE — Word processing on Xerox 800. We lean revise, retain ft update your material — letters, mattng lists, resumes, manuals, manuscripts. Also error-free automatic typing - every page an original - on IBM memory typewriter. Instant photo-copying, ipying, addrw addressing & mailing, offset printing. Carduner's Shopping Center. Rte. 130 ft Princeton/Hkjhtstown Rd.. Hightstown, ( 4484707. PRMTMG

Business Stationery' (Offset. Raised. Engraved) Wedding Invitations (15% .Discount) . Carbonless Forms (Ded. 10% from : last quoted price) \ MASTERGRAPHXj 609-924-0460 Route 206 Rocky Hill TYPING SERVICES —! Reports, manuscripts, letters, etc. 609-924-3385. A-Z ALTERATIONS —• 30 yrs. exper. Extensions, patios, roofing. No Job Too Big - No Job Too Small 201 8214915.


CaH Mr. Brink at (609) 9243244torparticulars.

Expert in a l phases of Bookkeeping and correspondence

INDIVIDUAL INCOME — Tax returns prepared. Both federal A state. Licensed CPA. Cal 6O0421-O9SO af: ter 6pm. I

Our capacity is 32 pages standard and 64 pages tabloid.

business cards,resumes,reports, brochures. Folding, COMPUTER TIME SHARBBaDajal^BV { J O B T V I ING — awaWbtaon «JM 4331 dfciy avaJL to give reports operating under VM/SP with ft presentations a profes- CMS. For FORTRAN. APL atonejy prepared look. Pro* andlntaractivegraphica.Disc faasional Typing Service, and tape storage, m-houee Cafdunar Shoppng Center. work atatena « W * t PrinR t . 1 3 0 ft P r i n c e t o n - calon or dial-up accees. Rdq HkjMatoMn. Compeaflve rates: C a l H. Reaan.ALKAiiBCla1li.609-

pnone anawenng. CaflthaDeelgnPaople.Sue''O2O9.:. ; .' ' DavM Graphics. 609448HOMEBOUND SECRET ARY —d


*& •».•-

WINDOW Cteaning —: Responsible rates. 609-3960391. '

NEED INVESTMENT — Advice? Dr. Stanley Huang, a professor of finance land author of several investment books is aregisteredinyestment advisor. He advises on stocks, bonds, and option strategies. Call 6 0 9 4 8 3 4399. |


j&iA- a,-

SMALL COMPUTER Consulting — Programs written to suit your personal or business needs. Week nights call 609-448-5861 after 6pm.

TAX ft RNANCIALptanning for individuals and small businesaes. Learn*, how to use the beat tax fliu anaj iciai strategies. Fees related to services provided. C a l for appointment. James Harttraft > . . CPA 609-4434409. Warren Plaza West Rt 130. Hkjhtstown. | PERSONAL " ' ft tax counsatling. divorcedft C a l Spat Decisions at i 821-1221.


*MtPIII> ^ T f f * f ~


PAMTMG — InVExt Also aght oarpantry. Free Estfass^Bam f*^M

ADDITIONS. ROOFING. CAPITOL PaJnang manor ft aluminum atfng.guMra.mptacamani windows. fuRy Inaurad 609-883-1537

Mat* work. Cal R. Yura. Improvamanta. 609-393 215-493-2467.



laiya do t i a Hart part


TREE SPRAY—tar your M

18lvTrATfONS .parJ L . I 1 ^•"••^S.

gaoo * e * toes). PBCUISIVE Diaas Mating


n»-» •*»»

DAY CAWE — ooBtar.Laaw-

IB 5.

«.Aaas2% HLFarasb paBaripm.

FRIGHTENED OF HIGH FaatHarT—LatQatvgelna ^ M today toaawsCitia


BBTMS J alal aMaaTT ^4_


609-921-6333 609421-2720

CARPENTER — custom


DANROMAN PaJnang — intoriorftamartor, Qualty workmanahto uaing quaaty products. Cal 609487-7290.

N.W.MAULftSON U&Hwy. 130 ft Grins Drive 201329-4656

hMI •».,.• i :



. wnsiaRm* ^yery laaaoi prices. 6094834978,

INTERIOR PAINTING — ALUMINUM skfng. gutters, neat, dean work, no jobs too roofing, SlaphanJ. DanaraM sms*, Cal Howard Kaufman. Home Irnprovamants. 609393-6940. . 609-448-4282.

TILE REPAIR ft Expert* done. Ear* 1|iia»ai«iiwiiiiluial ly repairs. C a ltortree eottmate. 809-258411&

oou£oc mscnoN *


JOES PAMTMQ - Interior/

Ybusaval C a l martial painting. Fully inanytfcne. 009-586- sured. Free eoflmates. 201297-2984.

CUSTOM WALKS. FlreptapesftPBB8S.Reteianc 201421-7286 after 3 pnt

Moving & Haulng

-AttteS. PAMTMGft W A T ¥ t *1O T ° W ? . P A W r a » 3 yrs.«psr:inKand.Pk.i saasctear Cal John — tot ft Ext ~i?** **.*. p****'** 201-2974522 or 297-1976 824-8741 201-329flutter claonlng. 808-799aJL6 W E axtarior painting w/ -4434790. Til • HOOBCPAfnHQ-


Roofing & Skfng

LIGHT HAUUNQ — cJaan oucsaamft aNcs. Exp.lum. .201-

BELLE MEAD R O O F I N G Paving over 30 years business experience in Princeton &vk*vity. Free estimates on aH JAY BEES—Pawingftlandtypes of roofing, leaders & s c a p i n g . Sand-stone- 1 g u t t e r s , a n d chimney backhoa sarvtee. All work flashing. 10% discount to guaranteed. 609-6SS-3311. Senior Citizens. Call 609924-2040 or 201-3594992 ASv^l (local cal from Princeton). aig ^^ unvawayat

Ms. etc 8eal oosf Eat 609-7584447.

S&FPIRONECO.—Drive4 "Way constructed - with asphalt, paving, crushed stone or concrete. Septic

Repair Service Electrical Power & I |n||l|.| . . | . . ^ M H » | | r t . , M

ugnang msiaiaDons Industrial Maintenance SKKUEOPAPERHANGING. mt-axt painting, ranovattona. Ratorancas. Cal Mar- ALL TYPES — of electrical or 8mco. 609-466- work. 20 years experience. 201-359-3387.



Backhoe service. C a l anyNEW SHMGUE ROOFS time. 609-924-9555 or 609CHMNEYft JOHN'S GUTTER SER — tant lumbar FLASHMGREPARS 882-4078. Free estimates. ; •Alwork Seamless Gutters 921-1277___ 924-7737 For fcaa aat C a ltorSr PROMPT M t J PAINTING — Free HALASZ ELECTRICAL ConFREE ESTaVUTES ^Br i^ifeaiBb^#^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 tractors Inc. 42 Dayton Rd.. Christensan Roofing tarior ft exterior wo work. Jamesburg. 201-297-0915 or 521-0919. Industrial, com184 Carter Rd. Princeton Paparhanglngftlgntcarpert- mercial ft residential. All ; br ay. 8084984646. S ft T EkCAVATJNQ CONT. big. carpets types of wiring &repair.No ROOFING — Free estiIMC. — Cowinarcial Rajob too large or small. repairs ft odd jobs* Altolflht BRIAN DARBEE — Painting mates. Repair or instal. all BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME hauang. Fraeeatenatas. 10% ft paperhanglng, 10-yrs. retypes of roofing ft leadaro, YEAR ROUND. Your Gardening & dteoount to santor < aliens sidenttel experience; any gutters & chimney flashing. ELECTRICAL bMt. Expsrt ExCaWaAing A No jobtooemel. Cat 609- size job; ateo home repairs, Call John Duma. 609-448LandscaoinQ O « g Saplic Systems. 888-0873 or a t 6 pm, 886- insured, 808-392-5767. 7405. Residential Stoif Driveways. Farm Commercial ORLANDO ROOFING — ponos a a n orawiaQa. i w Industrial Wiring new roofs, repairs, flat roofs, DESIGN IT Better With Our ^ DANNY'S PAINTING — Injob loo big or amaf. Cal any- FIREPLACES — gutters, slate specialists. IWp landscapingftdesign brick, concrete, swimming terior/exterior - residential/ 609-466-1644. pools & patios. William commercial - repair work. are our bmlnsas. We work 3032. Fisher Builders, Inc. 609- Water pressure wash or wa- AftAELECTRtCAL — rawith you to design a land: ter sand blast available. Free CUSTOM HOMES — re- 799-3B1S. BCKER scape around you. Strictly oommardai* Frt estimates. Fully insured. modrtnQ, ouHom vraplsos A\ professional work. Estate hie. .609487-3896. Satisfaction guaranteed. CONTRACTMG ttmftttKSfW, F f M M t S . ROCCONE BROTHERS — 6094964022. 609-921-7835. ANDROOFVsQ BuMsrs.toe201- Buaders 4 Contractors Let us ELECTRICAL CONTRAChelp you improvettwvalue of LANDSCAPING BY your home. Roofing work INTERNATIONAL Contrac- TOR — Residential. ComRoofing ft Gutter RAYMOND — Designed or W.P CONSTRUCTION — also avail. Free estimates. tor — painting, roofing, afi mercial & Industrial wiring. 24 Work, Hot Roof ft design your own; increase Comptete Bufking Conaac* Lower rates. 609-3944123, types of construction. Free hours service. Free estiShingle Roofs, the value of your property & mates. Cal Jcta CHeW. 609GENERAL MAMTENANCE 'tor.Atom. Skflng. Rooing. 215477-0166. Aluminum Skang animates, aarvice guaran- 921-3238. the beauty of your home at a MBftanaraddtabs, AddBjons, ABsrsaon, BackAluminum Overhang, teed. Cal 609-396-7696. reasonable cost. For free Jaw at 609 t86 0775 tea work and Grating Work. BUILDER — Robert NovoAluminum Window Trim estimate, call 609-771 -06061 bilsky. Interior ft Exterior 609-446-1915 aft 6pjn. PAINTING — Quality inWork. Addition. Fencing LAWN & GROUNDS MaMe* terior, exterior. Free estiIrr n a n c e - b y ^ A'tftti'a& P; prices. torftl (606)259-2816 Jasiawlcfc 609-771-0898-for uMianxMhr. EADFENCECO free estimate. MASTER CRAFTS — QuaftFor free demo.: 609-921 ty horns improvementsftn- DOMfNICK PJntlnaHi Jr. — chain Ink. vinyl & wood 1818 or ALUMINUM ft ALL types of at laaf/s year's pricas paws oone wan on laaraoneo Painting Contractor - Interior siding, roofing, carpentry, C&C LANDSCAPING lawn Calltonfree estimate: pride. Reasonable rates. ft axtarior. Residential ft decks. Free estimates and maintenance, seeding, sod201-251-1053 commercial. Free estimates. Twin Rivers 009-446-2186. ADOmONS pride in our workmanship. ding, rototUHng. fertilizing^ Cal any Hme. 609482-1631. REMODEUNG Masterworks, 201428-1994. grading, shrubbery, tree CARPENTER CRAFTSMAN FENCE INSTALLATIONS — KITCHENS work. 201-521-1721. — since 1952. OusMad tor CHEAP WORK is not good, ft repairs. Chain link, quality RESTORATIONS Why watt until the roof leaks? any size custom job. CaH good work is not cheap. I'm work. Free estimates. 201CUSTOM BARNS Plan ahead for your roofing LANDSCAPING — by coir 609455-2064. reasonable. 609-448-4819. 722-1265 eves. lege student. Inexpensive. needs 609-289-7840 Pater Wanr? AH plants guaranteed 609NEW ROOPS REPAIRS OVERHEAD GARAGE 587-4086. | Heating & ALL TYPES — of masonry "DOORS Etec. operators. COOPER ft SCHAFER SUN & SHADE Garden work. John Qmyrok Con- Factory to you. Over the 63Moran Princeton Scapes • Personal care for Air Conditioning, r>ETER HUMENERO structton Company. 201- counter or M i sarvice parti ft 609-924-2063 repairs. C a l fraa. for tree JR. your lawn ft garden - veget5214858. into. 800472-4880. Ridge PAMTMG able patchestoo.SpeciaSzDoor. W.NswRd.Mon. Jet OLD-FASHIONED — roof- ingin planning and planting ft For prompt service caU: CUSTOM CARPENTRY ft ing, slate repairs a specialty, your low maintenance garINSULATE NOW! — Cot Masonry — All phases. HOME REPAffS — Superquality work at reasonable dens. Taking grass cutting SPRAY PAMTMG REDDMG's prices. Princeton rets. Jerry contracts now. Cal Dianne tor Cianaiiianetsft. ReasonPlumbing, HaaMng ft Bensinger 215-493-2152, Leonard. 201-297-7858 able rates. "Hutoh The HandAir CondHorang Vartfley call collect 3pm. 201- yman 609-4864017. P A P E R H A N G I N G BY 609-8244166 S ft F PIRONE CO. — LandDonatd. 609-585-7598. DONT MOVE X scaping & Gardening work, Call Bob Seeds ft Son. INTERIOR ft Exterior PaintBURNING MONEY U K E Moving & Haufng residential or commerciai. s of jobs, guerarased General Cor*aatorstora l ing — fraa estimates, OJL?—vWt SidewaHcs, patios, fencing, OMurnativa fora your feiNoing needs. 609raaaonabla prices. driveways constructed, topreasonable rates, clean low cost solution to a warm work. CaR T. LasM 609-799home. We speciaMze in multt- WILL HAUL IT—Cellars, at- soil') etc. Cal anytime 6091462. fuel furnaces, wood/coal tics and garages cleaned. 924-9555 or 609482-4078. Can 609-799-1680. ConsumMASON CONTRACTOR - HANDYMAN —toraf horns repairs/Improvements, iner Bureau Registered. 1ftOMQfaanQ pTob* RELIABLE HOUSE PaWers DRMEWAYS pips, and supplies. We pro— Quality Interior/exterior STUDENT HAULERS—ExCONSTRUCTED oremneya. brickftbtook work vide complete service and injobs. Seeking your business. plus lootings. Free estiAaphat or stallation. Ask about our perienced with all kinds of mates. Cal 609496-1656 af- TWIN 8IVERS — g a t e s . Pater Waaben 609-924>Saa) money saving interior storm furniture. No. job too small. ter Qpm windows. Check our wide Local or long distance. Very paJrad. Cal608-796-2020no selection and low prices be- reasonable. Kirk 609-443KHALSA HOUSEPAINTXG fore you buy. 609466-1835, 5846. Don. 609-393-3540. GENERAL 449-4790. LANDSCAPMG -—Maaoutous work, good ra- OMumaaVe. 33 W. Broad St CONTRACTORS CARPENTRY — Renova- feranoas. fuay insured, bv (Rt. 518). Hopewell. N.J. FURNITURE, bedding, ap" • 609-799- Hours: Tuee.-Fri. 10 sm4 pm pliances, household goods. BackhoeWork ^ tions, closets, insulation. TOOK. Sat. ft Sun. 10 am-5 pm.Moving and deliveries. Our SPECIALIZING — Home price may be lass than doing CkwedMon. Cat 609-7374484 in ft rt yourself. 201-3564288 or WOODSTAM Spadatst — Cat 609-824-1735. \ ota>83JS0.Fmasimate.M201-3564871. c* aluminum proTREES CUT—Cal anytime, WASTING PRECIOUS ing«,caulMng! decks (sq.ft. FUEL? — CaH now & have COLLEGE STUDENTS — 609-392-0852. 609-3931 bid. hourty) at production .. i WMFWHER your heating system serviced experienced ft ratstto. Light 3888* 609421-1135. BUILDER'S. MC ft evaluated. Reasonable moving & heuSng. Cal PhR rates. Davison's Heating 609-9244332. 1939 Oak TteaRd. Service & wood stoves, sales ft inttalstton. 15 yrs. exp. HAULING ft Deliveries — EdteaaNJ. 08800 Landscape Designing 608-466-1141. 201448-7808 (anma) Professional equipment ft and _ NEWOONSTRUCnON—ft 201 handang — Fine furniture, ContrscttTiQ appliances, pianos, art ft s/. Trt-oabto Const Co. 609609424-1221 misa items. Local along db443-4178 or 201-297-7476. tanos — a t Sfze jobs welVXLAGE LANDSCAPESPARK ACRES PLUMBING ft come. Qualty aarvice at very lOyra. e»p. Conylsai tend• • rates. CsiBamie HEATING — InataMton ft p and fawn cars serrepair of a l your plumbing "10482.1915 or 5994448.


Uc #5648. 201-297-


Injiaaof pjURtosig. or

ft surtartor. E6

vices. Professionalism HOUSEHOLD MOVERS — guaranlaadL Sarving aH Of Maroar County. Fraa estjtef Don 609493-3540. UGHT HAUUNG ft MoMng -Aates,

TREESCAPE — Jjree care

8M4741 axtarior painting w/

7884882 or 401


Week of September 16-18,1981


GsVdMikpaA LsVidKespIno

Gay^ipng At iJaTidseiflng


COMPLETE LAWN — rnaJnasnanes, QWdsnsiu •

y Call 009-540-2876 aftvr 5pm.


$940 19 x 42* hasted GunHs

•eatlndeaWi .Hot Water

• Cooking gas • Heating gas

Cawdtnfnp & Undtciping

Wanted to Rent

Wanted to Rent

WANTED TO RENT — Responslble marrietf couple, both piofasaionaJ8. and we* behaved cat seek comfortable quiet 2 or 3 bedroom 921-3687. Eves. sosftmsnt or houss an^Pnncston. Rafarenoas availsbia. Please cal 608424^527 or PROFESSIONAL MAN — 924-6223. Wants Room 2 nUes/Wtc No Iwwy can to srangsd. 608* WMnos. Nonsmox, reap, BUS THE PERFECT Tenant — 3B»0«aB Mature professional man. 609-448^000 ext 206. nan-smoker, non-drinker, no TOP SON. — RMMnatXy pets, good housekeeper, exprtnd. 60a-395-042B. Bsst S.O.S.I — Young, mature, perienced (25 yrs) home employed couple anxiously searching for quiet, private, owner. Top local references. unfurnished one-bedroom Need quiet house or apt. ROOEBTS tAWN Strvtw— apartment witi WcDsn to be- which I wM care for as my gin renting ideasy by October own. 608-466-0715 after 6 mowing, fertilizing, yard 1st for at least one year for pm. dienup. 609-446-4328. $350 including utilities in Princeton-Hopewrell- Law- R O O M A N D B O A R D RELD « WOODS mowed— rsncsvWe-Pennington area WANTED in or mar Princebrush clasrad. 809-824- or as tar south as New Hope. ton forretiredman, 78, who is 8707. CsH Laura, 609-921-7S76, still driving. Willing to pay x27, days. $400/month, plus extra for any personal services proROTO-TILLINQ — rsas. 201-521-1160. APT. NEEDED — by prof, vided such as laundry. First couple in E. Windsor or vicin- floor room preferred. Call ity. Cars taking arrang. consi- 608-821-7655 between 9 dered. References avail. a.m. and 5 p.m. 609-393-8735 anytime. Keep SHORT TERM—(mMSeptWANTED: Room & board for trying. mid Nov.) iving> sccomods-. MOfKQv n . o . MnK> Cal 609468-0916. PROFESSIONAL COUPLE Uons wanted for responsible — looking for 2 bedroom middle aged couple. Call house with 2 car gsrsge. •09-924-6025. WHhin 20 minutes to Princston. Would Hcs to rent witti PROFESSIONAL MALE — optiontobuy, between $400- looking for 1 bedroom apt. or $600 mo. CsJ 609-799-9218 2 bdrm to share in Princeton M r t apartment eves ask for Jack, or 215- or surrounding area. Call 609-921-3276, ask for M. cartfally... 449-9329. O'DonneH. THOMASB.QOODNOW tsMngflr

2 PROF WOMEN — seek combo livtng/carstsking situation; quiet for study s must- b t a r negotiable. Cal M. Hondo 8-430 (201^8323836 or after 7 (201)-5342223.

Wanted to Rent

Office open Mon.-Fri. 10-430; Sat. 12-4 Phone 809-448-2954 or 44M663

Garden View Terrace, East Windsor ('* mMt l i t •»St. l

you'll Kvt there



Wanted to Rent TWO PROFESSIONALS — want to rent house in Lanv bertville ares. Three bedrooms or two bedrooms and a study. Two fuB bams. Noy 1 preferred. 609-466-1460 or 4^6-2570. SEMI-RETIRED — Single, white gentleman wishes to shars the house or apt of a skigle mature lady. WB fshfy share attendant responsMtiss & expenses. Active, pleasant Enjoys dandhg. Reply Box # 0 4 0 5 6 , c/ Princeton Packet

Apts./Houses to Share FEMALE — to share targe 2 bdrm apt in Lawrencevtne. $200Vrno. Can 609-896^3176 after 6:30 p.m. ! CHRISTIAN HOUSE Near Choir College — Ig. bdrm, shared kitchen, liv. rm & garden. $225/mo inckj utJIs. 609; 924-9497. ROOMMATE — to share house nr.. Hopewell with 2 man. $220 per mo. 609-4662540 after 8 pm. SINGLE PARENT — with child looking for sarr\e to share apL Call after 5. 609443^329.

MH maiijf years.

consider the finesL.

ksnascspaa wooaad

NORTHGATE APARTMENTS O n e M i l e l e a d and Prfcicetoii HlatitHewn Rood (Kt. 5 7 1 ) (opposite McGraw HM) East Windsor. N.J. M A T and cal this gracious colonial in VWndaoryour home. Osaid— its convenient location, waiting mrttntit^ JUUI ^ii^^^pL^ ^***s ft hfjtffiwHn. ? H bain center had fonnal iving room and dMng room, a large eat-in and a baautjfusy panslsd family room with a fireplace. If s far immadasta occupancy and can be yours for only

you cotao

^canniniaginew>hat1Th»riormrm»veiything wampara snaaa aowniagae and ma pnea against * oaorooms, 2 car garage, TUB patio, fireplace, central air and iHHTHon a baauotuJy landscaped lot fOTUWIQ sfWlQ fOOfil, QefaWlQ aV J s * Bv^s^a^Maai^aaRSB) • ^ • ^ ^ a M t s a s w ««ab^eB«ss>


MODEL APARTMENT OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 10 ajn. to 5 p j n . AppointmetTt



NOW T© 9Ki ML YOU PAY K M - If you want «ul ve*ue for every r. look at M a property. Chaek and compaia fha targe apacioui rich include big M n g room and formal dMng room, 2J4 bana, basement and gangs on a

Four to five bedrooms. Elegant features. Pristine condition. Best neighborhoods. One, three or five year lease. $1200 to $1800.

SHARON ARMS Sfufon Rd Kross from the CountryTtub Just east on -ftte.

Call Laura Prince (609) 924-3535 or 924-8661. Brokers will be authorized.

Mr Shedwi 25*9449

• East Windsor In the PrincetonHightstown • area. Luxury garden apartments in quiet, suburban settings. All have private balconies, spacious, well kept grounds. Wall-to-wall carpeting. Free off-street parking. Swim Club. 1 BR from $325 and up 2 BR from *380 and up

WYNBROOK WEST Dutch Neck Rd Mr (MrvWkite44S-33SS

BROOKWOOD GARDENS Hickory Corner Rd Mi PtKhMSki 448-5531

CHESTNUT WILLOW OorcpesJeiO Mi ( Mrs Elhs


NOW RENTING Princeton Arms Luxury Apartments 1 and 2 Bedrooms

Starting at $325. per month Features: Wall-to-Wall carpeting over concrete in 2nd floor apts. All utilities except Electric Individually controlled heat 2 air conditioners Private entrances Walk-in closets Individual balconies Storage room within apt. bi aad an us hate you


Exit 7A. N 1 Tpke.

Wast Windsor - Wooded lot - Vvafc to train and Thisriaa)*fiew4bedreato.o*aft«atpartt.S400.nM *'

HM8LTON TWP — Wtoodg aomaMan. 000BEAUTIFUL LUXURIOUS — townhouM In a county a*ttng.2&3BR'savail. Ranlals start from S39S.Cal 215483-1988.

ing lor congenial, non- B , fci t

606 666

PWNCrrONBoro—Quany Si 2 btooks kom pubic •>rary 2 n w n s . l M 6 \ $ 2 & 4 c M d OK. off uH 609-924-0633 or 201paftano $350 also 793-7993. oacy 3 m . heal pasi. 1st 6. SSOliicaf—Ad» subject to

4ms lo m

$70 ( — MMNVIXE-^xmi mant adi*s only. 201-725-

KENDALL PARK — 3 . 4 * 5 nit, flplv.t ooupl9« prtv* cfcwsv* way. nr. NY bus. 201-297-




KENDALL PARK. 3 & 5 rm. sots, ideal for couple, ret., driveway, park, nr NY bus. 201-297-7184. ARTIST STUDIO/LOFT — fenced yard. Pets OK. 1 aduK w/wtarsneaa. S225/mo. + 1 mo. security. Pay own ut>. 40

• Newly constructed^Iirimedlate Occupancy • Only 7 townhomes and 3 apartments remaining in our last section

RWi. nuin rnnoOTon w% Du

ington Co. 609^86-9525

Theee otttatandlng

— fnodswn 5 nn. M l * LAMBERTVXLE — 6 room on 40 scnM* danino nn, apt No pats. $420/mo. pkjs uHs. l morths sacurMy & ra- wal to wal carpets, dr. aR t t re modam apptanoaa. nswty . $328 pays all MUsI larancM. 608-737-1819. novated. 1 ear oarage. $350 STUDIO APT — hPrincaton pays all bills! Can't last! ^ ^ $70 Twp. private home avail. -rAde subject to avaflabjtty, S70 (608) Sept i.Fuayhjmishad.compteWy equipped kitchen, amPR84CETON •— nawfy reno- ple shall & storage space, privated apt. 3 rooms, large vate entrance, off-street FURNISHED — 2 bdrm., Wtohen s> oa#i. Privala partt- parking. $375 •> utH indudad. Ivgrm, ML, & bath to share *ng. No peU Rats. Avail. Single tenant preferred. with male. Wast Windsor. Appnx. 9/10. S400 mds heat Year's lease only. 609-921- Very reasonable. 609-734• water. Sacurtty. 609-924- 7375 4965. 5562 or 799-1718.

• All townhomes Include two fireplaces; apartments feature, one at no additional cost.

• G.E. Heat pumps for energyefficient air conditioning and heating • Balconies or spacious patios • Private off-street parking and much more!

Prices start at $65,000

Samples open daily 12-5 PM. (215) 862-5077 or 885-2600 In NJ call collect, Rt. 202. 1 mile south of New Hope.

\G? GMNOA P«C€ HOfnC/l SUBLET—iioami near Unw S236/mo tnc 6O9-924-5067






nioyiMManenoefceelMngatttsbsallnthis 3 bedroom Townhouse, convenienHy located In HHstaKMOti 6661900. HB-833«. Hs*boraughOfl1os) 201-874-8100

...is offered in this Manville Custom Colonial with maintenance free exterior and efficient gas heat $82,900. HB6232. HiHsborough Office 201 -874-8100



- t a n sslaWshsrtl Msliui uuultsresannancai M s 9 room 4 or S bedroom home. S0&000 H8>«317. IWsHiunnig*8T41T k«c Lotsof

M . p o a a o o d e d K ^ O T ft of Ivtng space and amenities such as 2 zone gas heat and fireplace. $ 199,500. PW8023. 'Lease-purchase option or second mortgage to qualified buyer.

Princeton Office 609-683-0300

CLASSIC COLONIAL Custom butt Salt Box is on 2 wooded acres in Montoomery Twp. and offere many outstatiding features. $199.900. PR-8064. Princeton Office 609-683-0300


* Mortgage paymentsavailaWeUnqualified buyers Mortgage


year term. The actual rate of interest charged will be adjusted eveiy six montha For more information regarding this innovative 30-year adjustable rate mortgage, call your nearest Realtors office-MOMf "Subject to change without notice"

t QUALITY _ln ewaryrsspect is evident in this. EastWndment 664.900.1


CaU Princeton Office r Square



609-683^300 OpenUntil9P.f>l





Week of September 16-18,1981


Apto. for Rent POIMjMQTOM DUPLEX — loMfly \ M o n w 2to3 OOHBS. SS7S/moMi ptus U M W N .

606-734-5757 day*. 6097373M0


BsrAcook1t2bedFURNISHED — 3 room 4 Open Mon thru Fri. room ApvCottage/House with •quipped kitchen. I O — I * t t pm. SaL 12-4 • c. indMduat heat control. TV. carpeting at Motel in Htghtstown/Wtndsof area No leaee required. From $140 par week met a* ml.




O N E ft T W O B E D R O O M APTS —torimmedMe occupancy at Windsor Caatia. E. Windsor Tw^) From Princeton take 571 to Ok) Trenton Rd . make a nght then p r o ceed to the first left beyond a couple hundred feet from Ok) Trenton Road 609-4485275

Apis, for Rant LOWER MIDDLESEX COUNTY - furnished 4 roefitf *at n0Qft opewfBSBe* off aMat pajM^p, S32Opays aa: siso cozy 3 room. S225, all extras! Call we have otherat —Ada subject to

RINGOES — Avaaabta immediately Fantastic apt. 1 bedroom. Nv. rm.» kitchen. Otfn, w w GaVpM, p hugeflreptaoa.$315. • Mcurey ospopL NO pro. Days 609-443-5200: aft. 6 p.m. 609 466 9111.



1 AND 2 RFDRflOii


Way aot j n dan.

Apis, for Rent

Apis, for Rent

CHAfWMQ t bdrm—apton country aalalawai pooL 8ep. •nay WAMKWW. sap. d n . im,

bM >tNe*town.$K>0/ mo. 215466-39341 no a m . 596-3807. DARB9IATNEW HOPE Ltd. — Villas* 2 , 1 bedroom apartments S330 par morth; Z OmmvOnwOmt WVITCJUBN SS2S per month. Plus electric. 215462-9133. TWIN RIVERS APTS. — Studtoa. 1 6 2 bedrooms, balconies, patios, central air. dishwashers, carpeting, heat & hot water included. Bast location near shopping center, bank, transportatforf. etc. One mea from NJ Turnpike. AH Twin Rivers tennis courts, pools a n d recreation included in rent. See manager. Apt. B - 1 . Abbington D r . , Mon-Fri. 10-4:30. Sat. 12-4. 609-448-7792

Apts. for Rent

LAMBERTW.LE—spacious 2 bedroom in clianiingvmcr rtobuadbig.frepejos, formal dMg room, unusual turn of the century solarium, eat-in KNCfMn, ItwQV MCOnQ HOOT sundock, 20 itiins. from Princeton. $375/mo. 609-3972800. 0 F F R T » 2 7 — furnished 5 loom, open lease, no deposit, waltowal carpets, air, $240 pays aM; alao modem 2 bedroom, Mda/psts line, a l extras. $315, cat. - A d s subject to availability. Horn* Seokera $70 (609)394-5900.

Apts. for RentT

L A N D L O R D S — free screening 6> counaaang, you choose tenants at no fee, free credR report provided for your convenience, cal the rental specialists for details! —Horn* Seekers $ 7 0 (608)394-6800. LAMBERTVILLE—3rd floor, 1 bdrm apt. Heat, water & sewers included. No pets. $375. 201-996-4965. EAST WINDSOR — Hampton Arms. Lovely garden apts, w/w carpet, heat hot water indd, a/c, 609-448-1440.

PRINCETON — 1 bdrm apt Very good cond. $305/mo plus Utas. Call 609-443-6398

1 BEDROOM Fum. Apt — 1 mHe north of Quakarbridge Mat on US#1. $250 + uM 609-924-5792. RENTAL: October 1 — June 30 or beyond, 3, bdrm Duplex garage, yard, attic, basement Mown, wale to everything. $675/mo. 609-9211702.

PRINCETON — 1-bsdrodm with off-street parking located SOMERSET COUNTY — 2 blocks from Nassau St. HK3HTSTOWN AREA — 4 near Rutgers 5 room, no , $424 per mo. 1V4 mo securrm apt Utt. ind 3 mi East of lease no deposit, furnished, 2' ity. Call 609-655-3493 or bath air, driveway, just $235; 609-655-0376. town. 609-448-3139 after 5. also spacious 4 room, furnished or not $300 pays all 3 ROOMS & bath—pvt entrTWIN RIVERS Townhouse ready now! —Ads subject to ance, carpeting, gas, hot wa— 3 bedroom, basement, ail avajlabitty, Homo Seekers ter, heat. Pay etec. 609-393appliances. $550 a month. $70(609)394-6800. 3348. 201-621-6434.



U u 4 prefesaleaal

OffiCK 609-448-4250 O p — Hou—. tMndoy S«pt. 20





Take MB l a * to Em TateS»Wtatio

WhM» Hore«*

fv tk« parpnt of sobcumj no* bmdtni menMion apetments.

Be sure to stop and see this spacious Old Colonial in the lovely village of Cranbury. 6 rooms. 1 Y> baths, enclosed rear porch. Aluminum tiding. Just reduced. Mi,000.* CLEARMOOK CONOO: 5 yr. old ranch model. Spacious living room, dfaing ares, nice kitchen w/all appliances, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, patio enclosed w/sttding glass doors and a ceramic floor. Two car attached garage. Many extras. 149.900. SPACIOUS DUTCH COLONIAL: Peddie School area of Hightstown. 9 rooms. 2 full and 2 half baths, screened porch. A truly lovely home. $110.000. TWIN RIVERS: Nicely upgraded two bedroom townhouse. Care & quality have been expended to keep this home in A-1 condition. It boasts new carpeting downstairs, stained trim, freshly painted interior walls and striking new patio. Creative financing available.





Renovated ranch home with 3 bedrooms and 2 fuB baths. On 1 * sere Aluminum

CUSTOM BUILT HOME: This lovely'Hightstown home sports an exterior of stone and aluminum siding. The living room has a fireplace with built-in book shelves and storage closets. Dining room w/picture window, modern kit. w/breakfast nook. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, enclosed breezeway w/awning type windows. Second floor is partially finished for 2 additional bedrooms. Full basement. 2 car attached garage, targe lot w/old shade trees and many shrubs. SU.500. IDEAL FAMILY LIVING: Reasonably priced Hightstown home w/4 bedrooms. 2 enclosed porches, living room w/fireplace, dining room, modem kitchen. Situated on 65 x 276 lot w/4 car garage w/toft. $64,900. COMMERCIAL


w/concrete floor, all providing sources of Income. $93,000. •OWNER ASSISTED FINANCING AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED BUYERS. CALL FOR SPECIFIC DETAILS.

Ah»r Hour* and Sunday Call: Ridtora'VaflHiMC.R.S. 44I-M42 Warr.nOls.o JwrnEtch 44S-T17I Larry Murray M a u r k * J a m « . Jr 2S9-24B2 Jan* Cox NUrvIn Krap* 44S-0426 OndyMebbury Bonni«Wham-Prutow

44 VMMaTifJ I D nOHl m •J'XO rnonyBpB

bstow current rate with 113 down. •74.966V 2 » each apfti profession say Special



IV. w4tt> wet m m teat VNaaaar aas SOB,


iiMB wMsWPilntavnsQ odofiW o n c specious corner tot has a Nrepajoa in the

. U t MpeaMgii «ar • tartan.

ilia tsialcs Vl



for Rtnt

for Rant


HOUMS for ftmt YATOIEY — 3 bedroom*. plus gas heat. oocup«wy. 215*

Houses for Rent At $$9,500 (or SMO/mo. rmni):

FURNISHED — 3 room/4 loom Apt/Cottage/House with equip'ped kitchan, «c. individual haat control, TV. carpeting at Motel in HightstowrvWindsor araa. Nn kv*xl) • Routj O'Heill • Salii I m i n • Baibjia Pmkhim • Eslhn Pogiebm • Dwothy Kumei Unto*

Horonti • E i * * VoHiwei • tlaiix Httberstadt • Mwiay Haidiman • t d n j fcons

Our competent staff can show you any and every home in the area! Members: Multiple Listing Service. Princeton Real Estate Group

brick ralonist on Pmepcu Avenue toaaMBned buyer*.

PRINCETON TWP. RtVERSIOC K A U T Y - o n V4 acre wooded lot on a cul-de-sac street with view of Lake Carnegie. This 5 B/R. 2ft bath home has L/R with fireplace, separate D/R, Family Room, FuH Basement. GAS heat, Central Air & 2 Car Garage. NOW $187,500. SPACIOUS NEW TUDOR IN WEST WINDSOR • 5 B/R's, 2ft baths, eat-in Kitchen w/pantry. Family Room, and separate D/R Excellent' condition and excellent area. $155,000. PRINCETON BORO — IMMACULATE WHITE STUCCO COLONIAL — 3 + BR-2V4 Baths • enclosed cedar paneled sun porch : fireplace modem kitchen - rear deck - 3 car garage - finished basement with wet bar - 5 minute walk to town • This beauty win go fasti $139,900. DOWNTOWN PRINCETON. YOB can » t & ewiywheie fi fci qaiat ftdt auaat. Ewdhat IMOW and yard, even a two-car g io qualified bnyers.

PROSPECT AVENUE • Easy access to University. Lg. Colonial with 4 B/R's & 3 Baths in Princeton Boro on a corner lot with many flowering shrubs. Eat-in Kitchen, kj. D/R w/french doors leading to patio, lovely L/R, Family Room w/fireptace, etc. $189,900.


MAIN HOUSE PLUS CARRIAGE HOUSE in PRINCETON BORO - 2 story w/center hall entry, kitchen, D/R, L/R, w/f/p,-4 B/R's, Study €r 1- ft Baths. Carriage house has 2 rental units and is also a 2 car garage. Just Listed $215.000.



•EAUTmJUY LANSCAPED WEST WINDSOR COLONIAL • on 3/4 wooded lot. 4 B/R's, 2- ft Baths, full basement, 2 car garage. $129,500. DELIGHTFUL RAISED RANCH in Roosevett. 4 B/R's, 2-ft Baths. Central Air. Rustic yet convenient area. Wooded lot. $72,900.


CONT. RANCH near Carnegie Lake in Princeton's Riverside area. 3 B/R's, 2 Baths, L/R w/fp, D/R, Fam. Room, eat-in Kitchen. Finished lower level w/fp. $198,500. LOVELY CONTEMPORARY on wooded corner lot in Princeton's Riverside area. Cathedral beamed ceilings, brick fireplace, flagstone patio. Up to $100,000. first mortgage avail, to qual, buyer at 12%, 5 yr. term, based on 30 yr. payout. NOW $175,000. DONT WAIT • CALL NOW to see our newest listing in Hightstown. Charming 3 B/R Colonial w/living room, separate dining room, a modem eat-in kitchen, full basement and 1 car garage. A lovely lot & quiet street. All this for $59,900. A WINNER IN WASHINGTON TWP I Custom 2 story w / 5 B/R's, L/R, D/R, eat-in ktthen. Family Rqpm w/marble fireplace & wet bar.Study, 2- ft Baths, Full Basement w/sauna, cedar closet & office. Tennis Court 120'x60's. Just Listed $179,000. LARGE. LAWRENCEVILLE HOME - on corner lot. 7 B/R's, 4-ft Baths, L/R w/fireplace, D/R, Library, Family Room w/fireplace, 61 zone GAS heat, full basement. $160,000. HARD TO FIND - a more beautiful home in West Windsor, Five Year (30 yr. payout) 1 5 % % mort to qual. buyer with low down payment. Must see to appreciate the outstanding condition, the neighborhood & the proximity to schools & trains.$138,900.

LOT • Just bated half acre lot in West Windsor. Water & Sewer on $50,000. the woods, this • SpsrkKng 4 B/R. 2-ft bath contemporary in a desirable and ssdudsd location on a wooded acre. Extra lg. Fam. Rm.. spacious UR and CMR w/beamed ceilings, beautifulfireplace,cedar psnsir)0,modsmlcitchon, brick terra* &dtt. carport $159,800.



OfARtJROOr ADULT CONDOS - Country Club Bfestyte in Cfanbury for youngsssrs 48 yrs. Er up. Golf, swimming, tennis, etc. 2B/R&3B/Rmodsl8. $7M00. «e $74,500. 5lg. B/R's. 2 f t baths, U K w/oathsdrsl csflng, famiy room. C/A, gss hast. $l§7.90i. COtOWAi. W/PfX*. ADDITION • UR, D/R. Kitchen, Den, 1 ft beths + prof, add1* wMh separate entrance. 100 year old home in sold & unique' f92.9«t. —4 B/R's, 2ft Baths, Ful Dsssmsm. Gas Heat. n $79,9#0. _ _




— * a m OOIBJO

' adult community in Cran-

ON A CUt BE SAC - 5 B/R, 2-ft Bath Colonial irv So. Brunswick, Lg. foyer, L/R, w/cathedra! ceiling, fam. rm., C/A, GAS heat. $110,000.

NEW PRINC1ION BORO USTIMGt! 4 B/R Cape Cod, L/R, fjreptace, lovsly Quaksjfmaid Kitchen, 1 - * Baths, full basement with garneroom and b|r:r>rtcedHn Yard. . „ *. $125,880. \ ' " ' ' TRANSFSRREDEXECUtTvTS. home .being offered to some kicky fwitfy. Ovorlookino Lake Carnegie in Princeton Twp. this inv/


HOME HUNTER'S GUIDE Week of September 16-18.1981


H O U M SforRent




LAWRENCE — 4 + study. F M y

en 12

LAWRJENCEVILLE — 4 bdm. ColonJsBv 2 % twins, no* •». nn* o n , rm, i s n n tSohan. Igsuden w/ i tocatwi. 21' family room, caatral «r caaddjaa. harsaad baaaiaaat. large rear deck, ant radacad ta m m wilk I2H% anrttaft. if oaaufnd

K N t O T I M - SIOP, 10M. USIOII KB excellent spW hnd witti food future potential, low priced and beaotihin> tooted. Cafltorappomtment $7fJN.

UIE SKUSMW wrth quiet country Ining but still want to •bt dose to cmSzation? Then see this pacious sx bedroom Cotaaial stuated on a hearty wooded lot onerlooking farmland in West Windsor, family room with fireplace, sitting room off master bedroom and many other special features^ a custom built home. Call for your private showing today at


• *•€•(

• « • i ^ ^ ^ ^ • » • • • • aaa^Bt f a a a a k a m




A a

.BBhaat naaawrrataaa S U M


aaartmaattenI >a»aiaw, 1 caranwc bath. Iwwuj room, eatia Mekaa aad its awa garage lots of oH street partial. Eacataat iavtslMat or Nw i* and let tke real M p with etpaase. Ca* tK-1000 lor facts and hgures.... M U M . I U fRHMNENIT * W

9 aatel aafvaM Jaf avniaaaPai S •a^a^ajjaajjet ^ 4

• 4MMa.ilii«TI

I M K H E M B I T E M l PaVZ H B B B H M t T . tais mat coadibon Mar badroom Colonial is decorated lusfah; in warm earthtone*,aad has aa added bonus of a screened in porch off the paaeM f a n * mm. Full basement with carpetJac aadtoaadryana. attached garage and beauttf ally maiataiaedtotmake this a good offerinc at the reduced price of $9Z,Mt.


aaaaaaxaka^ l i d b * aa*at aaaaa IhiaaBa* aaafjam i

MJKaaMB "MM • • • aWj • • " • * "•••• '

»tnr tzn"a*a>»

aaaj tor waad al


•aaa iplara. tBagaanaat I i awa M . to tke 4 b ae is ia oceaeat caad

MKMtkt ..CalSK-

• tar RM • U l l U »the keynote tor this 4 bedroom W bat> haiae ea atotsagMy a«ar H acre m denrabte Craabwy Manor U t OH Family Roaai aad beautiful mature laadscapwtaadujtadatafcardtofiadpriceof S72JM.



afland m a toady ratal CftntarSeld

(BBak.MibBjar Agaaalaaaa-at.

WBM alBBflBi AjaHMi « • j^g_jgpj^ g^^ "•"71 • B a B * v ajajjaaaj ( j i vB^VJaaal pVal

| aaalacratotCaltS-lOeO

a MS at,. i5 ,-jaa-/.






t a l ia goad coaditiaa,


Week of September 16-18,1981


wars a ftatait? C*tl*^ REAL ESTATC



VVflJflj) ^m|^M»|^_A_|^» BSS^flL ^ B ^ P P *


^PMMJ^MJf « , W f f W >


™P^^^™ SaPB^BS3 BW ^*J^B SjBjBjBJBflBjBJBw*







yard. A.C. No p a * . »51O


spaciou* room*. 7 bed3*

m E 3 4 bedroom, 2% bath split featuring air. wait to wall carpeting, draperies and much $93,500.



AN EXCEPTIOfUL VALUE is our 4 bedroom. 2 V, bath colonial featuring fireplace in living room, formal dining ] room, eat-in kitchen, family room and central air.


Suites in Various Sizes ExcalleHrt Location Route 571 Princeton Windsor Office Park

I n tat MBO par iw


COnVENIENT CAPE GOO with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath has "growing room" to suit your future needs. The full basement, expansion attic and insulated garage provides ample room for your remodeling ideas. $78,500.


Industrial Park •ML, Just alt

2,500 TO 35,III fcjaej office, warehouse attribution light manufacturing. \ & drtwe-Jn loadingtoreach unit, sprinklared. IMMLUIATE OCCUPANCY I charges, insurance. 12%

HIST REDUCED is our 4-5 bedroom Contemporary J featuring central air, intercom, wall to wall carpeting, large deck on a quiet cul de sac. ' $95,900.1


2.000 aq. ft. prestigious location with ample public parkino, near shopping center. Price aidudea parking, heat, central air, electnc and ianhorial service. Available NOW. For information ask for Charles Martinette.

WALTER B. HOWE, INC. REALTORS COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SMART STYLE, SMART BUY-Stately 4 bedroom, bath Colonial situated in the Mountainview area. ThisJ fine home contains many extras. $115,000. [

air conditioned office •

CALL (201) 874-8686



COMMERCIAL A N D LAND —•• * - ^ F ^ n v w •* vvSj^^r^BwSiBJSiBlaV

BPACE - 3^00 aq. ft. Sunny j t, oveatootdng Bank St. .with i offices. 1 large work area, i room. Aval. Oct. 1.

S^TBaBa^BjBjBjp• ^arwW v^aV^^B^^VSvS^wvar •

• 2 Apt*. - Good oondbJon. Alum, & atuccoatdfetg - income ia $700 par r w a i ape could be tor ow*ww occupancy fn,7tt. l or food epeojalty atota - zoned cornrnercajl I •pta. • * • ranted. TWe combination buainaaa ProP*r* tyiaanaacaBambuyat • l l s f .aaa. i dOMm payment ontfaa22J000 • f t coMnmaftial Pkincaaon praparly. 9,000 aQ. ft. for your uaa &

PRINCETON HMRESTAL VILLAGE - Contemporary townhouse features 3 bedrooms. 2% baths, central air. CUSTOM DESIGNED AND BUILT 3 bedroom Ranch with ooured concrete full basement and so many extras. | a r g e living room, family room with stone fire $139,500. huge enclosed porch and in-ground pool. $129,000.



> DupBH on main thoroughI I Houae. Warahouaaa. Bam. Uniqual . . . .


Naiad! 6 4 + . par SOBS. 2 0 + Mcraa aonad nOM am ••-

on Rome J in new B-3 aona etc.) Stone'a tntow

1S4 NASSAU ST^ 4 B0"-i O n * fJOKal lOTseWsW pay at uResss. 914.100 yearly nooma. Si 19J00. B u s h m ZOna. 4 apartment house + carriage house. O9isr i uses include: retail business or professional $166,000.

T W O INVESTMENTS In Princeton ^~ 3 bdnn. single famty house on 1 acre In me township. Also upstairs/ downstaris duplex in the borough. Each reduced to $123300, wRh about V, the rats. CaM owner 921-6612 evenings.

9127.000. PfV

space, k m , ttm ncL

OUT OF STATE OWNER— oners choice-property tor rejn cnen a s , was flMes.

.lar « « — 1790 aq. ft

11 JOOO aq. ft. one story buH-



tD rTaeWDaRpnia, 0 0

JUMOSTON - 2-3 rooai .700aq.ai.aM taddk. aR utHs.

WANTED—Princeton prime residential lot, desirable location, an utilities preferred. 609-392-0847.

GARAGE — Princeton Boro. 38 Wiggins St. Avail, for car or storage. $35. 609-9240633 or 201-793-7993.

Rt. 206. New'oMos


OFFICE FOR RENT — 250' to 1200 aq. t . aval. Modern M a h S t Penrttngton A l see plus vc included Cat r 009-737-2600.


OFFCS SPACE FOR WENT or largs aval. now. low rant

130. 295. 206 and NJ turnpike e«• many anonv roaoa* M.T. CAtLAWAV

Garages/ rrageforF Storage for Rent

Real Estate Wanted


INCOME INVESTMENT — prapsjny HI an nanonc Dwn, New Jersey. Details. 609-

Heating included 400sq. feet $290 - $310. 201


TAX SHELTER — 25% tax investment credM under new CARRIAGETiOOSE — or tax law fcV M s historic district, pcopeny oray on estate' m omce btdg. + excaasnt de- Princeton araatobuy by local predation. Good parking. executive famty. Respond to W.S. Bordan. Realtor 609- P.O. Box 6484, LawtencevH683-1900. le. NJ 06648.

to NYC. test toaee e»pired i / 3 i « i . Waal tor boat yafd. boat rnanutacajrtnQ, yacM duo, ajpat rnanutachir* atiQv atoraQa IOT ntalanaiai *n ffw yard 9. msids. Parfsfll tor ba in aia avaa tor ahort Mma.

•Jdang. 4 rooms and both

vicee avaHabie 609-9242040 13 ONE BEDROOM — unas for M!B% 9 mAw fmn Pttnoev ton on US 1. For turther Mo: 6 0 9 - 9 2 4 - 5 7 9 2 . Sale by WAREHOUSE — 4.000 to 40.000 square lest Loedrig q d 1 fr Docks. L Located career of Pnnceton on Routs i at Wairwiglont Alexander HOBOS, uong or snon ejrm lease. Pihueton Business Park. 609-921-3150 or 4521234


MakefkUChase'ji^o vwtown-YardlM Rd. (Rt. 332) Qe«MtenRt. 332«MmH*w Y M . Turn Mt to Quarry Rd. than rigln to wod«li. Op«n Sun. 12-7: S«t. 12-6; dwry 12-4. Pfcorw 21S-3S43464 or 21S441-4400.


1 «• Rt. 4 1 ) M n k . 7% mUm Si. mmy Hwp.fl) S fc! 12-7: L 12-S. Than. • Fri. to*. •T21S-441-4400.

JSENhoWER 6 room


(609) 799-2635


TIGHCIE •|Better



i»., i

8 Chambers Street, Princeton

9U_wat bi tor tun <

+ dan or.

dHn_i room,


ALL LOT* ARTSJOT C9JAT9D 9Q0AI and this ons is r i 1 i n - < ~ - j wMh woods, a brook, and an iogrouod pooL Over en acre of lend plus a custom built riNMsnance free ranch. New roof; CaKfomie stone fteptsce; central air end mom 14% MOKTGAOC AVAIIASLEI PRINCETON ADORES* - Brand new architect designed Colonial. There's a 286S eq. f t of living apace, 4 bedrooms, 2M baths, and a basement Special features include hardwood floors, fireplace in the fanwy room, sftfng glass doors from the

2M KHOOCLTANCV ip* oad, oozy IH


I «MU HOCD atOaTOAOf AT 14% for i buyer of this ataactive Country Ranch. 2 I rooms in 9is baaemsnt, large fameV room, stfktfhflBA

+ den + a' tang •









^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _

•Vwsfiv 4 O w W v a l , _f. D p n l , £r%3m ^mw^m,

^B* AlbaW A _aT9i %a^ala1sB

. Canaml air. 2 A up. Cal

BwaalHal condominium MVl OORVOl a*T|

BEAUTFULLAKEVCW- NEAR " * • TRENTONSMe ColOonaiM&SMiLaHai'nmlaa !"•". IR TateRlwam. 3 btfnaa. M uawia. naw rarpeiing. w/ baauttfttl finished bsmt, Dooroom nomo on deep lot, M m, mod* . I bedroom & pool, court. 1 btaaktoNYbufcpte baft on that floor. 2 oar garM i d i , much moro. Ownar tin EwingTwp. 9 •nanong •van. it neeoao. Principals or*/. Cal 609-448- Oooian Real Estate Agency. Realtor 609-883-5660 or 8432. COTTAGE —at Washington


2 bertRoomSa 2

p j c DQm*B»

aj*toaa1on.t8tfcSOa -Now Yartt I-model — expanded dining worn.

AVi gMat.

Yomr modal—

MtoEaaCLSJanon CENTURY2i.Bar201-297-

DREAM HOUSE — 4 brsptt many custom features: woodsdto£brick paHos. inground concrete Anthony pooi S ml Plan: 3 ml NJTP. Days call 609-44S-«M0: Eva's - 448-6335.

with 7 * acre zoing

SOUTH BRUNSWICK — 2 Imppoved rural tola, $33^000. ACA Realty. Broker. 2012*7-1844. TWO 2 ACRE ConUgvoua Lots — wooded. Wast

EASTWflw38ORTWP—10 . $11,000 per

COUNTRY SHOWPLACE p near r^nowsn ana N T commuter routes. 9 room *



DBmS, m w

•tfllc ton, offidont ol bumor, scraanad In porch, tots ol trass. Bast house for the Moat first floor unks wMh en- pries in the area $115,000. Exostsntfinancingavatable. closed patioo, some 609-452-8287.

LOVELY WOODED Lot — to exctmiva West Windsor

TWflM i Ownar

townhowee private street. • I I in mafili 6V. nag, 3 bdrms. 2Vr bat) $79JOO 609-4434781

rn—srrow — «*»%• 9 153.000

WtBtOOacsssof OrbowAgwti We aw not inonly. Top references. $1001000 taHBy — 1A SO ACRE TREE tan*, north Twp~. Princeton


13%% Dayton 2% room, tufl central aw. a full $89.500 201-329-3853 or

PfltN. ARJEA — 2 bdrm

i tor Prtn-KY.

921-8132 TOWNHOUSE — in prime iimM~5batw.fe-


IT0_ 4flWIHfclTa*l

Earty Occupancy

332towwwbuyyoumlBtove- Ownar financing on soms hr horns f you can quaMy to assuma ths 7Vfc% mtg. AaMngor*/ $49,500 to $145,000 $71,900 ALLEN ASTULTS CO 127 S u n SK Way



SOUTH BRUNSWICK — Brunswick Acres. 12% mortgage, 30 payout bast buy around can be had on custom spttt Ranch, ceramic tils throughout. 3 bedrooms.

ki onwoOdadSM

Cot *

young, offered mid Must be seen. Century 21, Ann Caiazzo Realty, : carpeting, all neaflori, 201-246-2220 or blinds, draperies and all 2384100. Each offlce ra> porch fumfluw V sate nago- pandonfly owned.

• * • S77J0O.



FMMBrTELOT-toraala hi a


— - - .-


if i .

I 5 * looms, Cotoraei.


h# td o r t -

par.«swan ianiciia-i3B.

^ ^ ^ , ^ nmm „ , „ , , Make oners ACA Realty.


!!fOltf^ to *O- S-43 Owner w *

"* " J ••«•>• tor a maflsd aMtomani ouflkv Can a l spot, 2 patos + many axing tras. Fantastic school dtot $129,000. Ownar 201-4469748.

Twp. country setting

is now a 3 PLACE. Fin. bamt and


>,900. 609-448-9215

Pennsylvania Properties

HUNTING OR VACATION cabin — near Poconos, 4 hours from Princeton. Bradford Co. 4W acres. Low down payment. Financing availWORTH BRUNSWICK — able. $13,900. 201-2979301. local call from Princustom brick tonch. 0 ims* M l bamnt. garage, gas haat 12 mltoron anal. $82.000.201 249-3891. REDUCED TO SELL!

AVALABLE Immediately^ OnMt In-law house. Assume 7% mongaga. e oeorooms, 2 % baths. $60's. Bucks County. Pa. 215-943-9599 r8pm.

ELM RfDGE —Park. 5 mass rise. $120400 a m Oayscal west of Princeton» now 5 HOPEWELL TWP — By TRENTON HARBOURTON *09 < IB MOO. Evas. 448- bdrm brick 2 story Caps Cod. owner. 3 bedroom stone Rd. — this tenderly cared for Family room wan Mropiaos, Rancher on haawty wooded 8335. professionally decorated Irving room wMh Largo boy 2.85 acre tot. Oak floors. Colonial graciously sits on window, forma) dMng room, stone fireplace, hot water HOPEWELL. TWNSHP. — almost 2 lovely acres. Fealargo kitchen with dining haat. « a ban. large picture tures: 3 bdrms. 21* baths, area. 2% bans A laundry. windows. IS mis view, aofld large tarn, rm w/fpt. Truly a Master bedroom aulto on 1st 1950's construction. fruH hometoryour family to enjoy floor. 4 bedrooms & ban on trees. 2 mMa to NY tram. Asking $132,000. Petti Confcwaflunfl. 2nd floor. Fufl baasmant 2 Asking 118.000. Cafl 609- stance Real Estate. 609-8837250. Modern eat-in kitchen, car garage, i ' * acre tot + 4884634. diningrm. dan. flagstone many ertras.. $210,000. C a l 808-737-2203 or 737-3839. Twin FOR SALE — by owner, ment. v, acre baautHuIfy Cranbury address. 26' x 15' NESHANIC STATION — 3 Bedroom Paso Ranch is landscaped teajOO.Noreel CuinpUHIj renovated 3 bed- offered to buyer wah $15,000 living room w/flrepiace, 4 bedrooms, kitchen, dining, n X n n QVUVf GOVOrHW. t t f f W down. Assume 8%% 1st 737-2078. bath, Mtctien & carpeting. mortgage plus owner to take sun porch, 2 baths, ful ceiar Taxas $740. $68,900 Cafl back ted mtg at 14% 3/20 yr w / r e c . r o o m , b r i c k maMananoo free, hardwood 201-360-3754. Owner bafloon to qusWsd buyer. floors, alum, storms^ a l apPriced to s e t . . 16&000 pflsncee. 4 car + detached HOPEWELL — new coiT Lot Size 1 5 0 x 2 7 7 strucson in proaaojlous Bm add*! ground If needed. Rktoe Park. Fabulous tour 1 BR • dan m dsatrabU bedroom Colonial lo be Principals only by* 609-655-1914. flntahad as flie houas of your aMsnowtS44JOa dreams. $185,000. J.T. Ooyernsaty. 609-821-1605 CRANBURY For sale by 2BR + 2 M h s i n ownar. Custom ranch on Vk YARDLEY—Got to go. 9Yfc% > near Lake. LMng room anty of living space low aqufty VA take over, or FNMAconven- rm. aat-m Mtohsn, 3 apactous AW 4 bdrms.. 2 bans, ful bedrooms. 2 baths, large from fl87.S0048B.S00 146 Pama. Ave. Cafl ownar 215-493-3019 STULTS REALTY CO. war-atzsd2carQarage, oanJust reduced $83£00 tral a i r , many e x t r a s . 37N.MaJnSt $125,000. 808-665-4321. rSdaSOC alOWOrS. WUMI 4B DOC*



bnmaculato 3 bdrm. 2% bam .lovely brick pi tow


brick pSatos. Gardener's psv

r 4 3 0 pm.

$30000 i 3*7-2211..

BEAUTIFUL OLDER Horns — m WOOl THnOmM, *» I M M B ) ,

YonX* Connecticut, •


aaaaaatorsals in PNnoston r*m*


Ol tova. $49^00. W & Bordan. Raaltors. 809-8831900.


LAWRENCEVILLE Townhouse — 13%% 30 year assumable mortgage. 3 bdrm, 2 ban, fufl banmint. ceramic We in bath, 1 yr. old. many extras, axe. oond. $78,000. Pdnajpan only. 64.

An axquislto stoneCape Cod residencetorthe dsciiminst* Ing buyer. This property is situated on 2 beauttfuty land-, scaped and manicured acres located at the gatewaytothe lush POCONO MOUNTAINS of Pennsylvania only minutes from Route 1-80. The focal point of the interior of this home is a magnificent., stone fireplace set in the 21 x27 foot living room. This is complemented by the solid cherry perojuet floors in the master suite and sun parlor. The 8-foot bronze and glass imported French Impressionist doors accent the entrance to the sun parlor. This loveiy room has an exit to the flagstone patio with its bordering sculptured wrought iron

GARAGE SALE — house- PARPeNTERS HELPER-^noki •Mm olc Rmn Q Harbourton RRd.. 1Vfc m wast In parson at fob ale ft. 527, of RC31. Sat. 9n». 9-6, rah C MH k for or shins. YARD SALE—Sfamt/.SaL. LAWRENCEVILLE — 3 br 9719. 9-5. 214 Undan Lane. Ranch, living- room, room area, farrwyroon ern kitchen, 114 baths, ARTISTIC — person for! nraanao DaBsmem, cant, av, sales desk; typist: for training garage, near schools, a l ap- program. $&3S/hrv + overpianoaa. $80tVmo. 809-896- time. Mr. Johnson. 6094C43388. '77 CHEV tMPALA — a/c, cruise c. roof rack. 64.500 ms. Good cond. $2500.201359-2935.

LANDSCAPE — help wanted. Peterson's Nursery, 3730 LawrencayMe Rd., Prlnceton. 609424-5770.

MINOR Alterations — or making you an outfit Cal Lou after 5pm 609-443-5245.

17th CENTURY DUTCH KAS — duplicate in Cape. Town museum. Hand ptanad panels, large bun feet. NUTRITION EDUCATION Appraised at $3400. Offers Resource Associate — to thru Oct 3,609-303-6650. plan & present nutrition ooucenon programs «> IOCSJ BARNEGATUGHT—ocean schools, operating from the ironi Deaumui nome, weeic, nutrition oducaMon 8, training weekend, month 609-494van. Nutrition or home econo- 6156. mics degree required; teaching certification prefer- 80 MUSTANG — Cobra, 2 red. AbjWy to drive a van a dr. hatchback, 4 sptt. 2^L necessity. This posWon Oct turbo, recaro bucket seats, a/ 1-Dec. 31,1981 with a possi- c, p/s. p/b, Ptonaar/darion ble extension to June 30, stereo system, glass moon 1982. Salary $13,408.14 par roof, black on black, excel, annum, pro rated. Closing cond. Asking $5795. Call date for applications Sept 609-921-9122 days, 60923, 1981. Send resumes to 7994766 eves. Nutrition. EIC Central. 3684 Rt 1. Princeton, NJ. 08540. HEAD TEACHER—tor after Equal opportunity employer. school program, grades K-4. Creatrve.flexfcielndrvidualto 2 FEMALE Professionals — develop & head newly estabseek 2 bedroom apartment in lished program in PanningKnncoion area. Hern not to ton. Experience in program exceed $500/month, utMttss development & a variety of ind. References available. enrichment areas (e.g. art Please reply Box #04060 c/o music, gym idrarna). For further information CJM 009" Princeton Packet 737-9261.

CALIFORNIA — leaving in SALES I my car around Sept 25. Per$50OAM0NTH+ son wanted to share driving. Cal evenings 609-924-0999. We need help to market a totafly new product used by LOST — female German almost everyone. UnsatuShepherd, 1V4 yrs. old, rated field, ground floor answers to "Beaver". Vic. opportunity, people now battlefield area. Friendly. Re- making $500u/mo & more. If you are ready to earn money ward. 609-921-0327. , , M a i ,,fc i M .--^^l—«1.^J— •nmeowieiy cai waamgnis Y O U N G T E A C H E R — 6-10pm, weekonda 0am 0pm Doni let this magnificent re- wishes to share loveiy cot- 609-883-8145. treat with over 3,000 square tage in Princeton with 2 feet of living space pass you young ladies. Write Box PIANO PLAYER — talents!) keyboard accompaniat buy. This property has just # 0 4 0 5 2 , do Princeton neeoeo tor me rfmceton uniPacket been reduced to $100,000. versity Camerata, chamber chorus & orchestra. Salary to Shown by appointment only MAVERICK '74 — good be arranged. F diti to qualified bujajrs. Owner .throughout, a / c p/s. only prepare a ^ 7 n 7 ) 50,000 miles, 2 owners, century piece. Call Janet anxious! ^ $1500.609-443-3451. Cat Davis at 609-924-5371 or SPADA REALTY Taylor Bodman 734-7062. ;• ROCKYHJLL—CotonjalIDu717-424-5523 piex townhouss. 3 bedroom, 717-839-8867 bath, kitchen. No Pets. Ideal TYPEWRITER — Royai ciectncomce, excesern conICE SKATE on a canal! — for married couple. Lease. dition, original cost $575; Swim in your own back yard! $460 includes heat hot wa- sacrifice $165. 201-7B8ter, available Nov. 1. 609; 924-9700 days. 609-921- 1663. This beautiful custom built 6602 evenings. French country house on FOUND — Siamese Car. CranburMU. almost 2 acres in Soiebury 7 5 DATSUN 710 Wagon — vicinity Hamplon Arms Apis. Township, Bucks County, win 609-443-3030 7am-3pm or caiFred: please the most discriminat- 72.000 miles, clean, well 448-6884 after a • II ing buyer. The center hall maintained, reg. gas, bast offer over $2000. 809-799opens into a formal livingSALE BY OWNER — S N O W T I R E S — pr 0614,1 Twin Rivers Quad IL 3 bdrm. room on one side ano a spa185x70x14 for Datsun 2802 Spflt Laval Townhouse. Up- cious family dbiingroom on 77 GRAND PRIX — mint or810. mounted. $95 pr. 8 0 > graded appflanoss, kitchen the other. There is a large cond.. 42.000 mi., asking 443-8595. faces lake, finished tarn. rm. country kitchen with eating $3900 or bo. A/C tape deck, Mid $60's. 7% assumaote area which adjoins the ample must seB. 609-921-0674. IN BEAUTIFUL Htttonia — mortgage. Call 609-448- family room. Four large bedlovely brick Tudor home. 6 f rooms and 2>& baths com- LOST: Blue Point Siamese, rooms, tie ban, aval. Oct plete the interior of this anereo maie. MMSatig smce 15. $625/mo. Dootan Rait beautifully detailed home. •8099. from vicinity SycaCLEARBROOK — Adult Outsjde the brand new, over- Sept l or 393-3201 avaC more &* Harrison, Prn. Very Community Resale Special- sizod in ground pool spsnV lovable, very vocal, but ists, Braaburna. Master-- las. Easy Irving and perfect maybe very frightened out* RESPONSIBLE Woman — Lodge, DccouJor & Timber• l o c a t i o n make this an out- doors. Please cal 609-921- to share beautiful spacious 2 trie models avail. 2*3 bdrms. standing famtty house. Listed 6569. Reward. rtmontw/same. Extras include appliances, at $195,000. Separata dining room, tor* cofpot* onci* poooo, nToptoco NURSE — Head nurse, day race, washer/dryer, large & more. AH beautifully loCOUNTRY HOMES shM onV-Competitive salary. storage. 2V4 blocksfromun> cated. Starting low 6 0 s , REAL ESTATE Apply at Baflevue Care Cen- varstty. $300 + elect 6 0 ^ Levinson Associates. Uc. : ter. 439 BeMevue Ave., Tren- 924-2203. Real Estate Broker. 201-548- Rouw202&AquetongRd. ton, NJ. Equal Opportunity 2244. Eves, a wknds 609Now Hope, PA 18038 ONE MARKHAM Condomt: Employer. 655-4519 or 609-655-0909. 215-862-9116 nium — luxurious h y bedNURSE — Part time, per room, two ban apartment OQ TWIN RIVERS — Town- FORMER T W O - S T O R Y diem nurses wanted. Pick the first floor daatgned for house, 3 bdrm, 1V* baths. lodge hafl—idealforfishing/ your shm & day. Apply at Bei- handteapped witti extra wide finished basement, central hunting club, near trout levue Care Center, 439 Befle- doors, etc uvingroom wflh air, concrete patio + many stream & state game tonwt dning area • 10 ft. csMngs* extras. Walk to schools, W h e a t good septic system, yue Ave., Trenton, NJ. Equal Contemporary tdtohsn w/dTs* shopping, NY bus & re- upstairs easfly converted to Opportunity Employer. nwasnor, ramgarBsir, e creaflonal (scflWes. Cs* 609- card roorrvbeflroom. Nestled h Erases Mts. of SuHvan NURSE —LPN-s, fufl time or 443-6411. County. 27 miles north of part time. 3 to 1130 p.m. or laundry, saJng glass doors & Btoornburg, Intarstate 80, at 11to730 a.m. Apply at BefleFOR SALE By Owner—lake Somestown, Pa.. Rt. 220. vue Care Center, 439 Befle- Carpatlng & drapes through* condo, 2 bdrm, 2 bans, Mv. $20,000. $5,000 down for vue Ave., Trenton, NJ . Equal out Security system, parking in the bidding. Avaflatxe ure rm, dm. rm, aat-tn Kacnen, o quaifled buyer ssfler wM pick Opportunity Employer. y appa. cent air. mlw carpet- up 6%% mortgage. Cal 609MORTON'S PAINTING — inonm + uaaws. uai JOBTJ ing, gas heat, must see to 587-0111. Cxcaflant quaWy. Free esti- Htoxs 609-924-1065 or RUM ^ a a ) Blf aW^^atfTltaTit mates. Interior & Exterior. Thornton 809421-8283. ! : SotaburyFarm 44»8B27. 600 443 6333. MULTIFAMLY Garage SaV W a v e gathered together O U R H O M E H A S — a Bucks County's finest bufl- BUKX74LESABRE—con- — Sat. Sept. 19. 9-4. t poictt A tats of ders to craata Soiebury vertible, beautiful original Rochelle Dr. Kend. PaJu |: Farm, a new community of condaton. Every factory op- (Bruns. Heights). S11SA0O 8004524267 tion. By original owner $4250, Mriy-one homes, each wflh tion.Byorigi 7 2 BUtCK WAGON — runf iwo acres oi • n o wi sia coun- 609-466«715 aft 6. good. 99.000 mass. Aeidna HARBOURTON. N J . — dr- VsmoMprasflgtous areas. SUBLET WANTED — re- $575. 609-921-9783 Lauri ca 1888, 8 room Colonial j_; locating executive « wife de- room 331. START homa,iBtoaoaeraa.Afl akaa^^Bi asa at^^^flaft 4^^P a^tf%s aaa^B^eaflVaafffefl a^wi B ^ a^^vSj^^^BF« v^v v s^^^a^B^wXwwaflav v^pj 10 ELEGANT ROSSMOOR-^ Mon* * Fri. Raf. avattableOOaV 924-6127. frutwood btwauw/pWimerl Ma top, 2 matchnt nigW DIRECTIONS: From Now GAUGUY FRJDAY — bright t b t 4 N . ggt t )yo y;2 s»s » . M i i RL202aouhto individual w/expertanca In bads wMprtnfljfl A faajvaiaM vaaa* of Lahaska. Turn (Baautyreat. Staamsjft toAaMatRdatt* Foster); Ig. colonial atyli a paraonaflh/, 45 complex "The tt* mirror'* ing ak»ta.8oma wpm Vto N l to SoMnry Farm. ful but not nee FOr inawviaw cal60»-»24-3770. M|||



Too Late £ TaClwtWy

TooUte Todasaify


Too Late t o Cfcusify



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Previews 1981 T W I Off /» • wmtay «Mt*m of M M

•. WMMor-MlfMs »*r«d. CoMra) «Mt. Maiwm* N»w«. FrwMclhi N«wHUeonJ. HUkbonxKft BMcon ami Crwittury Praat

In this Issue Each September on the eve of autumn. Time Off looks ahead to ihe coming season of drama, music, art and dance in central New Jersey and nearby Pennsylvania And this year, as in others, there is quite a bit to see Such as the full playbill of theater, both professional and amateur As Laura Haywood explains in the drama section, even dyed-in-the-wool New Yorkers can be satisfied with Jersey thespians Art from just about any period that's been in existence wi II be represented this year, as will tomorrow's ideas and artists Joyce Rodgers takes a look at the spectrum of artistic endeavor and shares her impressions in the art section Of course,* the season is brimming with music and dance, from opera to bluegrass and most any sound in between

Seepage 3

.Walter Russell helps the reader listen to the classical musical offerings from the region. And to keep all the information orderly, Tim* Off has compiled a calendar of what everyone's planning to do in the 1981-82 season Listed by subject — drama, musjc. art and dance — the calendar covers each organization participating in this issue of Fall Previews. Not all schedules are final and as always, double checking dates and times is advised when planning in advance. As the season unfolds, Tknt Off will continue to list the most current activities in the arts in this area in the Now Playing section But for now, you'll find the coming attractions-are coming soon

See page 13

Index Drama: The 1981 -82 Season Alt: The 1981-82 Season >: The 1981-82 Season »: The 19&-82 Season i

Arts Calendar: The 1981-82 Season



46, 47





Table Talk



New Jersey Notes




51 52-55

Now Playing 38 .38 39-42 43-45

Seeooge 2< HUE OFF

Crossword Puzzle, On Bridge


Editor: Jane Bradley Advertising Coordinator: Patricia Landmam Cover: Maodne Shore

See cage 29 WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 16 22, 1981

DRAMA: The 1981-82 Season

Tha cast o«

at tfwBucta County Ptey»xx«e gets ready to rock n r o l at the state theater through Sept. 20 and Nov. 5 through 15. Meanwhile, the boards


MX), vO* 8 IUH SOGSOn Of

Pro theaters compete with New York By LAURA W. HAYWOOD I pew up m New York City, which is aaouther way of saying I was raised on live theater. As the result of about 20 yean of regular Broadway and off-Broadway attendance (not k> meaooa side trips for MOCK DnMRKDOWK I KBQ V> fUM

nJa or oa television — a poor, pale


. no fihn ever

William Dnakb as Adams in Cj I77» Bobby Van and Raby Keekr ia Ne. or Afce McCowaa at HaaV h had never occurred to me to think of r as a hoary unlit I made dK ghastly t of moving to JacksonvnK, Rs.. I hved for a very toag year Theater HI JacksoaviBe is rather a total joke. There K> a dinarr theater that does productions of second-rate Neil Snftoa starring people whose credits seem to be TV' game *hoton. N J . 08540












So don't just sit and think about it — Do it! Ifs fun, if s convenient ifs professional entertainment at its very best. If s McCarter Theatre in Princeton, N.J. Subscribe before September 25th and save up to 20%! ' See 5 Great Plays for the price of 4!

The American Picwkw of a wickedly nanny comedy. Abut Aydcboum's, fust Between Ourselves: Tennessee Williams' powerful drama. The Njgfcf of mr Igumm. a brand new "cop* and capers" musical. Keystone: Euripides' cliff-hanging tragedy, Iphigenia at Aulis: George Bernard

ShaWsromantic comedy. Arms « * * , * • * Ticket Office hours: Noon to 6:00 p.m,

Monday through Friday Subscription Price Range: $1750 to $5200

S O g e t U p a n d Call

(609) 921-8370 For your free brochure. Mastercard, visa and American Express are we!


DRAMA (Coatiaacd from

and runs through Feb. 14. followed by TaJley's FoMy. playing Feb. 25 through March 21. A yet-to-be named musical will complete the season, running April I through April 25. Ticket information is available by calling 201-757-5888.

Coburn. which turn* from Oct. 8 through Nov I Riuuiag from Nov. 12 through Dec 6 is David Wcsmcimer s My Sweat Cherle — and if you aren't familiar with dus work. nan. do not wait, to the box office, ft M based on oae of the finest novels wnoca in this ccafury. and a inteaseiy moving.

* * * * * The Whole Theatre Company in Montclair will salute the 40th anniversary of the USO with its season open USO Cantata, running from Oct. 23 through Nov. 15. Chekov's The Cherry Orchard will be performed from Dec. 4 through Dec. 27. followed by The Karl Weal Cabaret run-

WiUiam Goldman * The U e a m WlnIcr runs from Dec 17 through Jan 10 (and dus » a amch better pby d m it was a film. despite n e briUiam work of P e w OToole •Catherine Hepburn). Lndyheese I by Kevin O'Mormon opens Jan. 21



McCarter Theatre will show Iphigenia at Feb. 24 through March 14. ning from Jan. 8 through the 31st. Marat/ Sade will open Feb. 12 and continue through March 7. and the American premier of a play not yet announced will finish the season, opening March 19 and continuing through April 11. Additional information is available by calling 201-7442989. * * * * *

McCartar's 18.

wN ptay open Sept. 30 ttvough Oct.

The Mght of the Iguana win show Oct 28 through Nov. 15.



... but the plain truth is there is so much excellent theater right here and — let's face it — at about a tenth of the cost of a night in New York, it just doesn't pay to make the trip on most occasions.

The variety these theatrical companies offer is astonishing; judging by last season, so is die quality of many of the productions. It's enough to make even an unreconstructed New Yorker forget the Amtrak timetable. Lamrn Haywood b a principal drama critic for Time Off.

performing arts


The South Jersey Region Theatre in Somers Point opens its season with the Stewart-Coleman musical, I Love My Wife on Oct. 28 (through Nov. 14). From Dec. 2 through 20, Rodgers and Hammerstein's The Sound of Musk plays, followed by Romantic Comedy by Bernard Slade (March 17 through April 3). American playwright Sam Shepards Buried Child will be presented April 15 through May 1, to be followed by a new play. The Comeback of a One-Eyed Lion by C.V. Peters (May 19 through June 5). The final play of the season is Albert Innaurato's Gemini. running from June 16 through July 13. For information, call the box office at 609-6530553.

Shaw's Arms and the Man will close McCarter's season March 24 through April 11.


BEAUX ARTS FESTIVAL 1981-82 Sarm up to 25% by subscribing now/ CMMB tfi# Ni^ht VisHocs Op«aTha«raotNJ . mi

Don Elliot Quartet

Ruth St. ! > • « * Tribute

The Bollo of Amherst

Modam Dane* Concert

stamng Natal* Rou I«S3


JauConcart r«»ra«ry *. l«aj

Tho Mikado Tranton Civx Opera March 4. l««3

ha em et •:•* pun. end wM be heW et Semertet TkkarfrVfCM



The Paper Bag Players wW be beck at McCarter Theatre on March 20 to entertain the




Broadway back on college boards Some ofdie season's best tickets will not be soM at die bigger box offices b « atlocal colleges and universities, who are planning productions of professional and amateur talent. Rider College in Lawreacevtlle has already lined up a fall toner of plays, which will begin Sept. 17 wid) Barefoot la the Park, the captivating comedy of newlyweds. directed by Dr. Patrick O n e * , chairman of the Fine Arts Department. The play, which starred Jane Fonda and Robert Redford in the'screen version, win be presented for one weekend. On Oct. 3 Rider will host a selection of numbers from die celebrated works of Gilbert and Sullivan, whose P h a t u of fesnaacr has been rtanltng New York audiences since last year Called G a t o t ami SaMvan A La Carte, die show is the' brainchild of New York producer-director Allan Lokos. who has seen it grown into a popular attraction since its beginnings in 1967. Since then, it has appealed with more dun 30 symphony orchestras, on hundreds of college campuses, and at dozens of festivals and community arts According to one reviewer, commenting on the company. "(dKy are) five talented eatertaaaen Messed with fine v< . asupCfw of the

The one-evening stow at Rider represents some of the best-loved efforts from nits famous team, which produced 13 opcras between 1875 aad 1196. Mercer County Community College will bring back its popular English Music Hall 24 through 26. Billed the weekend is invited to participate in singing and laughing along wid> die pcrformen. The production carries a "parental guidance" warning, for musk halls are known as much for the ribald humor as for their music. Trenton State College will host die always-captivating one-man show Thwber, which stars William Windom. Mr. Windom has presented his tour-de-force based on die life and writings of the comic cartoonist James Thurber in other years, and it has been a consistent critical success. The version presented by Trenton State is the original Thurber I to be given on Nov. 11. Mercer County will present a production of Shakespeare's Macbeth Nov 12 through 21. having drawn cast members during September auditions. A professional production of Shakespeare's The Teanpcst will be presented by die National Shakespeare Company at Rider on Dec. 12. Founded in 1963 S«e COLLEGES, paje 8

t and SuaVan a la Carte is a show based on the best of this famous musical team and wM be shown at Fader College on Oct. 3.

"Subscribe now to an entertaining season and save $$' V

1981-82 CIDER COLLEGE Cultural Prcarams ,1981 October 3.1981


Gebert ft SuaVan A La Carte

October 18,1981 ,1981 1Z1981 17.1982

The Chestnut Brass Company

BAREFOOT IN THE PARK September 18,19 ftOBpm September 20-2:30 pm

•The Tampaar •National Shakespeare Company


November 12.13,14.20,21

The George Sheertr* Duo featuring Brian Torfl


M a r c h H . 1 2 , 1 3 ftOSpm


January 2911982


February 13.1982 A p t 3,1982


The Baauuua Titoof AniatanJam


April29,30May 1 8 « 6 p m May 2-2:30pm

May9,1982 AN Nefcefs SS.M per person



DRAMA Colleges Ike proiescioMl acting enembie with outstanding directors and craftsmen in offering a new repctoue of * * * * * A "future shock'1 drama R.U-R. written in 1925 by Karel Clark wiU be tbown at


WWstn Wlndom wti re-create his one-man tour de force of James Thurber at Trenton Stale College on Nov. 11.

AKE YOUR CLAIM TO... Season Subscription

let MS Entertain you MOTEL



Round Trip Transportation $10.00 in Coins

7 Days a Week

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Round Trip Transportabon $5.00 Cadi andShow -

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DRAMA (C Trenton Stale Nov 4-8 by die coUcfe's duMrtimia* of speech cumiimniration and (heater The word' 'robot" was first used in this play, which has been ttft—i and will be directed by faculty member Harold Hogstrom. Black perfor Ruby Dec and CKsic Davis are scheduled for two performances m the carry pan of I9C2 On Jan 22 they will present ImcMe Out, an, event cosponsored by the James Keraey Campus SAB at Mercer County Community Col-

lives — from high school days as cheerleaders, through sorority adventures and the senior year at college, to a reunion as adults in "the real world" six years later. The cast will feature members of the original New York production.

Motherless Cattd, a new play by New Jersey playwright Rosemary McLaughlin. will run Oct. 28 - Nov. I at the Little Theater on Nichol Avenue. The drama of a mother and daughter on a lifelong collision course ends in a Maze of theatrical excitement.

la the Part, In to Rider win also present student productions of Tae Maracse Worker. Caaaaw Courts and Ceaaawhe Cafe by William 1Haunt' Lyatatrata. listings will proOfTs Now Playing dr vide details for fete and all thews as they are nailird for production.

by Fay and Michael Katun wfll be presented Nov. 18-22 at the Levin Theater. Through the mouth of a sorceress, the Japanese legend of the Samurai, die wife and^ttafroVing bandit is told with hijth scorn and humor.

Tlicn. on Feb. 10, die edeboflod cemptf will preicwt s pro|vin 01 dnMMi* stones. be co-sponsored by the college s Union Board Mwonty Program Committee

in February, the Mercer Community College Children's Theatre will offer March a college pr % Fax. Oa April 19. Pat Carrol] will re-create New Jersey fast yesr, the pafonnto be a riveting one of this b u t UBlBCBttH AfDCnCfJB

New York httwMlbe given at Rider on May 9 with the professional road production of VaaMcs. Spanning the uuiudbuwtui 1963-1974. the ptay takes a painfally faaay look at three friends at craanl stages of their in*

The new theater season at Rutgers University will be highlighted by a subscription series of seven shows, including Shakespeare's Aa Yaa U k c It and Gilbert and Sullivan's H.M.S. The productions will be presented by the theater arts department of the Stale University's Maaoa Gras School of the Arts at New Jersey's State University. Curtain time is 8 p.m. except for Sunday performances at 2 p.m. The season wiO open Oct. 2 with a prodoction of Marsha Norman's Gcttaaj Oat at the Levin Theater, an environmental theater on the Douglass College campus. A major success orT-Broadway.Gettaag Oat is a beautifully written account, both harsh sad tender, of a young woman before and after her release from prison. The drama wiH run doough Oct. 11.

Oa the Baad to UMMMCW. Marv Ethel Schmidt's happy parable about a group of New Jersey drivers and their unusual cars, stranded one September evening in a traffic jam, will run Dec. 9-13 at the Little With As You L i k e I t . William Shakespeare's lively comedy about love, fantasy, deceit and escape, the Levin Theater will be transformed into the forest of Arden. The show will run Feb. 12-21. Pandemonium prevails in Arnold Wesker' s Tfce lUtcaea running March 31 -April 4 at the Levin Theater. Set in a large London Schrafft's restaurant, where chefs, waitresses and pastry cooks cross ladles instead of swords, the play exposes the special world of restaurant professionals. The tfaeaater md music ocpaattments of tnc

Some of the season's best tickets will not be at the bigger box offices, but at the local colleges and universities. Mason Gross School of the Arts will combine talents for the first time to produce H.M.S. Pinafore, Gilbert and Sullivan's classic comic operetta, tunning April 16-25 at the Little Theater. The action takes place on shipboard, with a captain who is "hardly ever sick at sea."

***** Open auditions will be held for Marc Blitzstein's 1930s musical The Cradle Will Rock on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 14, IS, and 16, from 7 to 10 p.m. in the Princeton Inn College theater, Alexander Road. There are more than 35 roles open and a large varying age group of actors, singers, and dancers are needed to complete the cast of this musical. Any persons interested in working on the technical side of this production should also report to the theater during the above mentioned times. If these times are not convenient, please call 609924-6329.

The American Premiere of a wickedly funny comedy!

by Alan Ayckbourn - well known in London and on Broadway for such outstanding productions as Th* Norman Conquests, Bodroom Fare* and Absurd Pwrson Singular.


(609)921-8700 VISA. MASTERCARD & AMERICAN EXPRESS WELCOME Ticfcat Office Hours: Noon to 6:00 p.m., Mon. thru Fri. Drama Pries Range: $7.00 - •13.00 • 1 UntorsHy Floe* at Coffega Rood. Princeton, N J .


Pros and amateurs star in local shows When the community gets into the act. the drama takes a twist: not only! do the plays tend to be favorites, the actors are familiar, too. In New Jersey, the range of theater outside the strictly professional stage runs from companies culled from all civilians to a mix of professional and amateur players. And in many cases, it's hard to tell Which js which, because the quality is generally very good. The Bucks County Playhouse in New Hope.' for example, features local talent alongside seasoned performers in its tried and-true repertory of musical productions. This year. Grease will take center stage in both September and November, followed in late September by the venerable Fiddler oa the Roof.

hi • Creative Theatre . CTU's Fall terai Stadfo ia Tria*y at the Banat HJU en School ia East arefrwaMltaright: KateBakfcei, >, Lori W H a a m , Jimmy Katie Ashley, Soaya Ooort.

In mid-October Godtpell returns with a production of The Odd Couple running in November. The Christmas season features Jesus Christ Superstar. The Actors Cafe Theatre, regional theatre in residence at Btoomfie|d College, Franklin and Fremont Streets, Bloomfield, will open its season Sept. 25 with a six-week run of Hugh Leonard's DA, a comedy-drama about an Irish father-son relationship. It won the Tony Award-best play of 1978, the N.Y. Drama Critic's Award and Drama Desk Award. Opening Nov. 6 for another six-week run will be D. L. Cobum's winner of the 1977-78 Pulitzer Prize for drama. The Gin Game, which

concerns two older people confined to a nursing home who come together over agin game to reveal intimate details of their lives. The annual production of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens will be performed every evening except Christmas Day from Dec. 16 to Dec. 26. This adaptation of Dicken's beloved Christmas story includes a few songs but remains true to the book. Eugene O'Neill's Hughie and Luigi Pirandello's The Man with the Flower in His Mouth will open on New Year's Eve with two performances. 8 to 10 p.m. and 11:15 p.m. to I a.m. and then run for three weekends through Jan. 16. Hughie was one of O'Neill's last plays, one of a series of one-act plays. Pirandello's play concerns a man who is dying but. tries to savor every minute of life. Productions are on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. and Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. The Franklin Villagers Barn Theatre in Franklin Township will offer three distinct comedies on its 1981-82 playbill: I Never Sang for My Father, Neil Simon's bittersweet Chapter Two and the classical takeoff. Sly Fox. The Circle Players in Piscataway have selected a repertoire of recent Broadway hits and one American classic. On Golden Pond will open the season in. September, (Continued on page II)

please join us... this Saturday, September 19 from 10-5 at the

PRINCETON SHOPPING CENTER We're havihfl — The "Down to Earth" Lapidary and Mineral Clut> Show* Featuring: • demonstrations • fossils • minerals • shells • semi-precious stones • gem jewelry • supplies

mark your calendar Saturday. September 26th The Princeton Art Association and the Princeton Shopping Center present an OUTDOOR ART SHOW and SALE ON THE MALL The popular play Vanliaawffl be presented by various groups—both professional and amahwr — M a season. The touring cast pictured here features some of the original actors tor a performance at Rider Cofege on May 9. TMCOFF

WEEK Of SEPTEMBER 16-22.1981


DRAMA (Continued from page 10) followed by the Peanuts gang in Yoe're A Good M. or etnttr far the fun aflhe nmnmH.

378 Alraancirr Riwd. 1 minute fnmi Ri. 1. 921-3276 TIME OFF



McCarter offers one-night specials McCaner patrons wul be treated to a mght with Gfoncho Man, Irian musicians the Chieftans and jazz artist Pat Mctheny this faH. The shows highlight an array of one-night specials to be offered by McCaner. The Cbieftans. hailed as-tbe greatest exponents of traditional Irish music, will open the scries Wednesday. October I3at8 p.m. in McCaner Theatre. Their diverse repertoire ranges from ancient Celtic reels to the wedding serenades of the Georgian era. The CbJtftans and their instruments UiOean pipes, bodhrans. harps, and flutes, have apptaitd with such artists as Eric Clapton. Vaa Morrison, and Art Garrunkel. The group won an Oscar for writing the score for Stanley Kubrick's Barry Groucho Man — as played by Lewis J. Stadlen — w^ll light up the McCaner stage October 29 at 8 p.m. In this two-person show. Stadlen and Nancy Even (as Groucho's prrmnial foil. Emily SchmalHIMIW n). look back on the famous comcdtaa's career beginning with his vaudeville days and ending with his television show You Bet Your Life. The show will include songs such as '•Hooray for Captain Spaulding" and "Lydu. the Tattooed Lady." Stadlen drew his material from Man Brother* movies. Groucho's 1973 concert at Carnegie Hall and from private conversations with Man himself.

Jazz guitarist Pat Metheny will follow Groucho when he brings his group to Alexander Hall. Saturday. October 17 for two performances, at 7:30 and 10:30 p.m. Other one-night specials are also planned by McCarter. The New York Chamber Soloists will present Bach's Six Brandenburg Coocerti Monday. October 12. Tickets are available after October 2. A Big Praegrass Jam will begin Saturday. October 10 at 8 p.m. in Alexander Hall. The show will feature bluegrass artists Jim and Jesse andthe Virginia B«VarV«I>BVVa>V> - ~ 21ST ANNUAL ANTIQUES S H O W * SALE of t h * Hwfitardon Exdiang* benefit of the Huntardon Medical Center at the Remington Fairgrounds, Rt. 31 i

Sunday, S*pt. 27 (rain date Oct. 11) 10ajn.-6p.rn. 75 J M B M anawrs

donation $1.50

Lunch counter & free parking ANTrQUESeCRAFTS P L A N T S « H O M I 1 A K E O FOODS

MUSIC 23) sopraao Guda Cntz-Romo aad leaor Rngtertjr wffl be offered on Sunday. March 21, with Japaacae sopraao Yawko Hayasat M the tide role. Verdi's M a c h l h will be ptrtbnacdoaSuaday. April 25 with world icaowaod open star Shu ill Mdaes. The stajacriptiOB SCTICT will be pcrfonaed at Symphoay Hall ia Newark. TJae musk pnacjpal conoucsm is Alfredo


the New York Chamber Soloists in Bach's Six Brandenburg Concetti on Monday. October 12; The American String Quartet with Bert Lucardli, oboist on Monday. November 2; The JuilKard Quartet oa January 4; aad Eliot Rsk. Guitar and Carol Wiaceac, flute, in ajoiat recital on May 3. AJcoacertswillstariat8p.ro. Subacriptioas are available at Ike Concert Office, Wool worth Center. Princeton University. There are some tickets remaining, but most of the top price seals have been sold out. Telephone 609-924-0433.

call 20I-624-4&B. * * * * *

*•••* Uatverahty CeacarfK The ries in New Jersey presents its 87tn itaaoa featuring eight concerts at McCaner Theatre. The concerts will be Marital will mchMfc the St. Paul Chamber orchestra with Pint hat Zukennaa, Music Director aad violin soloist in M all-Mozart progiaai. oa Thursday. November 19; Sherill M i l n e * , baritoac on Tnesay.

i Chrtc Opera: Now in its third —*^*r the director of conductor Byron Steele. the group has mounted cretfrtaM? productions, featuring young asptr-. ing singers. The «"»tM«g« and costumes are generally lavish and visually exciting. The orchestra is composed primarily of professionals from the Greater Trenton Symphony. All performances are on Sunday at S p.m. in the Trenton War Memorial Au>a

J9UAUK^^f aCQl VlQSSC** ^haaCa^BaaBa* P U H a M OO

On November IS. Puccini's La

Tuesday. March 2: aad Nathaniel Roam, cellist oa Monday. April S.

will include

See SOUNDS, page 24

Christian Attanburoar win play his vtoan on Jan. 23 at Rktor College.

Boys of Tradttonal CHbc music beautmJ airs, and t a l tales from Ireland. Scotland, and Shetland played on traditional instruments. Enjoy a rare East Coast appearance by these touring troubadors from across the

FldDAY. SEPT. fS. 19S1 WEST WaTDSCMt CAMPUS MERCEBCOCaTfTYCOMnar Can* the Oatarai Ewafta 24 h

8 PM

Virtuosi in Recital

Chamber Masterworks

1. S t Ited Chamber Orchestra with Pfnchaa Zukc

1. Baches Six Brandenburg Concern THe New York Chamber Soloists

A t&tniii ( n u p of 26 virtuoao players with Zokarman ia the \—d

Thursday, November 19, 1981 2. Sherrifl Milnea, Baritone




The wgnififnt atar of the Met in a rare aoloradul.

Tuesday, January 26, 1982 \

Pennington, N J .

all ages and levels pre-adiool groups

2. The with Bert LucareOi, . The brilliant young quartet with a true master of the oboe.

3 . The Juilhard Quartet

itiwe artiat. a 'legend

Our old friends in a return engagement.

Monday, January 4, 1982

Tuesday, March 2,1982.

Princeton Farms Piano

Monday, October 12, 1981

Monday, November 2, 1981

3 . Russell Sherman, Pianist A daaxliii« and iahiaon

A unique ensemble of artiste in a "Bouquet of Bach*

4. Nathaniel Roaen, Violoncellist

4. Eliot Flak, Guitar and Carol Wincenc, Flute

Tht A n t American a n t * Van Cliburn to wto the Trhaiho—fcy Gold Medal.

A beautiful combination of instrumenU with two of the beat young talents.

Monday, April 5, 1982

Monday, May 3,1982



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adult beginnen welcome



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Prefct will st bsU until May 31 Satathptions a n aoailable unUI October 2.1981. Ua«»»sHyC—csrls. Mail check, this ot«« turn. s«d to: Csncert Office. *oolworth Center. Princeton University,

Sounds 23)

wii be presented. January 31 will feature a prodactioa oi Jcmne Ken s 19x7 masterpiece. « » » i | ) | t U l . t l i . by Vent. win i For MonMaUWsfiH 609-392-2433.

At Princeton Umv Frfca* «f U r i c Underthe auspices of Priacetoa University, the Friends of Music 4 series has grown to include some 40-50 % concerts per year. It offers a wide range of music wim a special emphasis on coatcmporary rwitw. While the perfonners^arc prrrionttnately Princeton University students and faculty, the scries has included outstanding artists from across the country. The program is currently in preparation for val CQQGCS1H uaasGa* OlntOC W/L Qa£ Of Q K W O O I w O O l KJCWHCt.

call 609-452-4239. or write to: Friends of Music at Princeton. Woohrarth Center. Princeton University. Princeton N.J. 08544. ***** mnlan^i*M A n W **

, ,, •„ J •- . -_v^ n- •

- J-


rvpnmoreo oy me rnctoi of Musk, aad nader the dircctkn of Kjchcnac Rokrer. the froop fowiimv of 12 sHpcn «MQ O $O 8 ts* I Of CSffy BHHIC. n fIVCS OVDC ^•naB^nmjgs ^^|E O O l a W C O f unaC ftlCniBOnv fln»

Alexander Hal. Call 609-452-4239 for further mforma-

TrwChMkiull Uaivcniljr Opera Beethoven's FMeMn will be preaenled, with the Princeton University Orchestra conducted by Michael Pratt. Ferfort willbeon April tndlO, 1982 at

TEL 201-782-4900

Creative ?itmo tenons

• at Rhtor Coanpo on Dec. 5

Alexander Hall. Gall 609-924-0453 for information. *****

Princeton University Orchestra: The opening concert on the weekend of October 15-17 will feature a performance of (Continued on page 25)

HWY. 202 and 31 FIEMINCTON, N. j . 08822

Swesbvty MA, £J.M Columbia. Mmverattt)


tember ng The Terrace Cafe will be open for lunch . in September* ^


I Murray Perahia wiM give a concert at McCarter Theatre on April 12

Princeton, NJ 609-9217500 "WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 16 2 2 , 1 9 8 1


(Costunaed from

Mozart's Piano Concerto in C-nunor. K 491. with pianist Mictuko Ueda. Also on the program are Beethoven's Leaser* Orertere No. 3 . Wagner's Siegfried Idyl, and Hmdcrmth * SyaapheeJc Meta•MrpflMns oi TSCMSS by lVetoer. Dcccmber 11-12 will feature Beethoven's VWta Caactrte. with soloist Geoffrey Michaels Michael Pratt is the conductor. Performances are at Alexander Hall. For information call 609-934-0453

Rstgcrs University Coacert Series: The series opened Monday. September 14. with famed opera star Leontyne Price. On Tuesday. October 27. the Zagreb Philharmonic »ill peifufiii. The orchestra specializes in Slavic and Croatian compostitwns. parbcuUrly those of ooaaemporary composers Israeli-born violinist Itzbak Perlman will present the final coacert on Thurs-

day. March 4. The series, now in its 65th season, is die major concert series sponsored by the Slate University. All concern will be given at 8 p.m. in the College Avenue Gymnasium at Rutgers College. New Brunswick. For ticket information telephone 201932-7591 * * * * * Rider Coftcgc: Friday Sept. 26. Natalie Hinderas. piano. On Saturday December 5. The Chestnut Brass Company. On Saturday. January 23. Christian Altenburger. violin. Saturday. April 3 will feature The „ Baroque Trio of Amsterdam. All performances take place at 8:05 at the Fine Arts Theatre at Rider College in Lawrenceville. The Amado String Quartet wW perform at Trenton State College on Oct 22. Pictured Box office number is 609-896-5303. here are (left to right, standing) Judtth Marlowe, Carol Amado (left to right, seated) Evelyn Jacobs and Deborah Reader. * * * * * Treatoa State College: Sponsored by the music department, the concerts are free

and open to the public. All will be held in Bray Recital Hall. On September 24, Robert Trent, classical guitar. October 5.

faculty recital with Donald Benedetti, See SOUNDS, page 26

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1981-1982 BSH


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Ttoefc A Loet World: A Newark EkwWn; Art in African LMng; Art and the • •a

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* ^ — '

The Batentkie House; Indhww of North America; Soft Energy Expo; You and the teries of Ight-Musions; Bird and Their Fooda

Year of the 1200 CM Trenton Road Trenton, MJ

Now 16-24

Sept 8

Mow 30 - Dec 4

Continuing exhibitions

Oct 2 - 2 4

olofNJ Oac 14-18 ^•aaaal Mil Jan. 4-6

I M I B M I on FaaPnc m d nvn

Nov. 6 - 2 6

lArtaAlunniahow Sapt 11 -Oct 2

Now M M A toe I n Now Yoor Jan. 12 - Fab. 6

Eyee on Trenton ExNblt Through Oct. 4

Feb. 19-March 13

Photographs of the New Jersey Fine Barrone Through Nov. 1

MM Society end f*i

Oct 9-30



Cka • •«mtmn Mm his - 2 6

Now vOrooy Stito Muooun. Wool Starto St. Trenton, NJ


ThelaJi Jan. as- Fab.12 Feb. 15-

Metalliferous Bifurcations: Sculptural Forme by Cheriee A* Kuneck Dec. 6 through Jan. 17


Through Nov. 29

Nov. 6 - 2 5

201 B-*J*O. NofwOK oxMbit Oct. 24 • Jan. 17 »•••••

Mamn a -Aprt2 Dec 4 - 2 3

0 M fcM"•e Aort 19- 23

MCCC Vlaual Arte FacuKy Jen. 29 - Feb. 19

Nov. 23 - Jan. 3


Sapt. 20 - Nov. 8 Decorative arts miniature* by N . J . New Jersey Aral Nov. 14 - Jan. 21 Nov. 25 trough February

Dec. 5 through Jan. 3

(Continued on page 36) TIMEofF"

35 *



Trenton State Coiege

Concert Masters, Inc. AimsncWo 201-735-5657

I •wood Lakes

Jan. 10 - Jan. 29 ana Cenvnlc FJaaMI by


Nov. 6 trough Dec 13

Feb. 21 - March 19

FacuRyShow Sept. 17 - Oct. 4

Dec t s trough Jan. 24

OfApr! 17 • April 30.

r County Photo Show Oct. 15 - Nov. 8

May 2 • May 14.

Puppet ExMbltton Nov. 19 - Dec. 18

*BM*byEn*n*fa Jan. 2 f twough March 7

Concert Masters Ens Oct. 17

Concert Masters Chamber Ensemo Nov. 21 Concert Masters String Quartet April 24 Jerome Knes May 19

12 tmugn Apr! 2S AftJ

201-632-7237 77

of Greek

Art The

F o * Music Series Hunterdon County Ubrary Route 12


609-782-1158 i Hardgrove BeBy and Geoff Bartley

Through Oct 25 1 6 - O c t 19 Oct 19-Nov. 22

Oct. 8

anUOraMrof CMV

Capttat Series • i War Memorial AudKonum Roma 29 Trenton

Nov. 1 • Dec 20 The Frcd Fields. 609-921-2781. classes. Rutgers Promanders, New Brunswick. Betsey Gotta. 201-249-2086. accelerated classes for college students. Jolly Promanaders. Lawrenceville, Winona Nach. 609-392-0825. classes. More advanced dancing is called regularly in the Hightstown area by Bruce Busch. 609-4435850 Round dancing is a cooelary to square dancing and has become quite popular. Princeton Squares wiH have a round dance cuer at all dances. And as with square dancing, classes are required for round dancing. Call 609-924-7545 for further information.

Pennington School announces new season Opening the Pennington School's 198182 concert season will be a two-piano concert featuring Paul and Janice Hofreiter with the Pennington School Chorus and the Choir from Oreland Presbyterian Church The concert will begun at 8 p.m. in the whdols Lecture Center and will feature works by Bach. Elgar. Beethoven. Saint Saem. Gershwin, and Hofreiter. The ncu concert will be the Christmas Candlelight Service at the Pennington Methodist Church, at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 14 The chom of the Pennington School will perform. In March, the musical The Made Maa will be presented in the Pennington School

Gym at 8 p.m.. March 18 to 20. A concert of original music by Paul Hofreiter will follow on April 23. at 8 p.m.. tn the Pcnnington Methodist Church, as a benefit for the school On May 7 and 8. the musical Godspeil will be performed as dinner-theater entertainment in the Pennington School's dining hall, with dinner at 6:30 p.m. and the show at 8 p.m. Also in the school's dining hall ' will be the third annual "Perspective on American Popular Music" concert, on May 18 at 8 p.m. For any further information, please call 609-737-1855.

An evening of traditional Irish music The Princeton Folk Music Society will feature CehkTnuiiderui a concert of traditional Irish music on Friday. Sept. 18 at 8 p.m. at the Princeton YMCA on Paul Robeson Place. For several yean now Celtic Thunder has been among die best Irish folk-music' bands ia the Bahimorc-Washington area, its repenoue includes a full range of Irish soags aad jaatramrwral owsic — tods, jigs. horapipCT. slides, polkas, and slow airs. Ceili dance music, along with an exhibition of Irish stepdancing. are also part of die group s penoiniam ci. Linda Hictanan. Marty Somberg. Domi-

nkk Murray. Jesse Winch, and Terry Winch together bring to the Celtic musk what Yeats called "some hidden magical breath." The band started in 1977, and its first LP ("Celtic Thunder". Green Linnet Records) was released this year to wide critkal acclaim. There are no advance ticket sales, and memberships are available at the door. For further information call 609-890-1146. The society's next conceits will be Gordon Bok on Saturday. Oct. 3. John Roberts on Fri. Oct. 16. Ed Trickett on Nov. 20. and Mary Zikas on Dec. 18.

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music on Sept. 18 at the Princeton YMCA.

mcert series

Australian org The Trinity-All Saints conceit series will commence on Sunday. Oct. 25 with an organ concert by John O'Donnell, faculty member of the Victorian College of the Arts in Australia. The performance will be in Trinity Church, 33 Mercer St.. Princeton at 8 p.m. The following concerts in the season include the Collegium Musicum of Princeton, in All Saints Church, Princeton, on Sunday. Nov. 22 and Sunday, May 16, both at 8 p.m.; a full-production opera AaaaU and the Night Visitors by Menotti in Trinity Church. Thursday, Jan. 4 through Saturday. Jan. 6. at 8:30 p.m.; an organ concert by Uwe Gross. Director of the Church Musk School in West Ger-

many, en Sunday, March 7 at 8 p.m., in Trinity Church; a memorial concert by All aunts and Trirtity Adult Choirs on Sunday, torch 28 in AH Saints Church at 8 p.m.; I spring concert by the Trinity Choif ofMen. Boys, and Girls featuring Haydn's Paukenmesse on Sunday, May 2 at 8 p.m. in Trinity Church. The Trinity-All Saints Concert scries is sponsored (but not financed) by the two Episcopal churches in Princeton. During the past 14 years, the series has brought fine performances of music played on Trinity's four manual tracker Casavant organ. For further information please call 609924-2277.




Celtic Thunder will perform t

mdudes taxEr tip

and Coffee

It The 29 films which comprise the series are unusual because, unlike Saturday morning cartoons or big science fiction

movies, they have been produced by artists. The series will acquaint children with different types of film experiences, including the personal, the avant-garde and the experimental, through animation, collage, superimposition, and other techniques. For more information please call 201733-6600.

Enjoy it all at

Lunches Tues-Fri Real Danish danish baked in our own ovens. Fresh melons in season. Golden pancakes swimming in maple syrup and creamy butter. Fluffy eggs and Danish breakfast specialties prepared to Defection. An array of seafood deushts featuring crab legs and shrimp. And there's so much more to discover.. For Brunch. Tivoli Gardens.

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Dinners Tues-Sat


Creole-Cajun cooking in Philly By MANNE WILLIAMS There » a mystique amcncd to Creole Cajua cooking that is outside die normal. American approach to food. Anyone who has ever had a chance to dine in New Orleans CM testify dm a deep and abiding rrtpect prevaib for all facets of the culinary am. It » not *•> much what is cooked as haw « tt cooked* and dm stparmei it from our other regional cutsines. Without any hokus^pokin. a haMway decent cook can duplicate a New England boiled dnnacr, a Pbundelphia pepper pot or even a Texas chili. No problem. But OK IBMH icsnoa i s o to a idtatwoi is

local food that I cannot cook at home and an audtemic jarabalaya simply defies reproduction. Therca lies fe greatest attraction to Canv Nnaa« a restanranl in Philadesphia specializing in Creole - Cajun cooking M To he gin g w i m , no y ^gfr g icMaiiiant in O l New Orleans would feature such a concentrated harvest of regional specialties. There, the diner is obliged to go to one place for gumbo, another for jambalaya and still another for ribs. Nola. being to far away from its source of inspiration, doesn t have to worry about menu cliches. One classic dish after another is offered without h had always seemed a link odd to me tnat our most distinctive regional cuisine had been ignored in a city like Phiso rich in ethnic restaurants, : could sample food from Bombay and TknUand and just about every remote province in Citina Creole (city) and

Cajun (country) food is certainly as exotic as any of these. It is an amalgam of French. Spanish. African and American Indian influences with Haitian. Italian. Albanian and even Chinese overtones. When all of these cultures get together on a dish, the results are dynamic ... and virtually impossible to describe. In reviewing Nola. the temptation to analyze each dish is strong, but it is also futile. So 1 will resist. Suffice to say dial the oysters Bienville that we had for an appetizer were fresh and plump, bathed in a creamy, slightly garlic sauce. Chunks of shrimp and mushrooms had been added but obviously imuHiMg more had been done lo make the dish so delicious. Lady Bird Johnson ribs were crisp and tender, cooked in a tantalizingly good barbeque sauce, and while the name leaves something to be desired, a rib-lover would be hard put to find be tier specimens. Perhaps rhe best entree to order is a Cajun sampler of shrimp gumbo, jambalaya. beans and rice. The selection offers a good opportunity to taste rhe difference between the two classic stews of Creole-Cajun cooking, a distinction that has always been elusive to me. There is excellent sausage and strips of smoked ham in the jambalaya: the gumbo contains quantities of oysters. Both shrimp-based dishes have an extraordinary depth of flavor as well as an assertive spiciness. Both are every bit as good as any I have in New Orleans. Another Cajun classic offered on Nola's i is redfish courtbouillon (pronounced

coobyong) a dish diat. according to its denfipuon, has been whammed around in the kitchen until it becomes a great big stew. The specialty of die evening was duckling roasted with peaches and brandy but the restaurant's major commitment is to seafood. Entrees, which fall in the $9 - SI2 price range, include an average salad served wim an above average horseradish dressing. For dessert there are three choices — bread pudding with bourbon sauce, pecan pie and a chocolate mousse cake — all perfectly nice, but not as wonderful as the rest of the meal. The wine list is at die mercy of die state store liquor system. We managed to find a good California red at a reasonable price. The special drinks are wild and potent with touristy names like Scarlett O'Han ("One drink and you're gone with the win") and give a damn"). I think it's tongue-incheek... you never can be sure, though, on South Street. Nola's storefront facade is positively demure in comparison with some of its more bizarre neighbors. The shop windows along South Street are funny and outrageous and sometimes in really poor taste. Helmut Newton would love the place. There are also some excellent galleries and antique shops in the area. At least with those, you can tell what they are selling.





Cafe Nob 328 South Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 215^27-2590 Dinner Sun-Tue 5-11 Wed-Sat 5-12 Sun brunch 1 - 4 nil major credit cards accepted.

ITALIAN DINNERS Get One for V& Price Tues. thru Sum. 5-/0 P.M. Choose From: • VemlDuhes

The in new managers of



We invite you to compare us with mny Chinese restmurmnt in themrem. ""

"Consider, for example, the preparation of a butter and flour mix. the backbone of most of the spectacular sauces. It takes up to one hour stirring over low heat before the flour and butter teach the proper maturity. If it bunts during that time, the whole process must be started all over again. . .

The inside of Cate Nola is paneled in a pink moire fabric wim two gorgeous antique nmrors facing each other in the main part of die dining room. In die front there is

Reglnlag Today (609)924-5555 Moo-Sat 11:3O-2:30 Lunch Mon-Thurs 5:30-10 Dinner FriaSat. 5:30-10:30 Dinner Sunday Brunch 12:00-3:00 Sunday Dinner 1^:30-8:30

an oyster bar with a luckxis display, of fresh seafood and salads. Green cloths line the tables, die lighting is dim and the background musk is 193O's boogey-woogey. A Bourbon Street atmosphere without tawdriness. Service was great, but then we take such a long time over dinner that Methuselah* himself could have been our waiter and we never would have noticed. Dinner with a'modest bottle of wine came to $52 (including tip). I think it was a good value, expecially considering what a shortcut Nola is to New Orleans.

•Seafood • Lasagna


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DtWftttUl'ft RESTAURANT and LOUNGE Hours: Lunch 11:30 • 2:30 Fri.ftSat. 5-10 P.M. Tuac.-Thurs. 5-9 PJM. Sun. 4-10 P.M. VcaUs our Specialty 1 N. MAIN ST.. ALLENTOWN • 609-259-9121

r New JerseyNotes

Rivera: fleeing Cuba for freedom By GENE KALBACHER Musk may have charms to soothe the savafe beast, but in totalitarian nations such as Cuba, no amount of musical charm can enabte a musician to create musk free of governmental control. . Paquito D'Rivcra, perhaps the most esteemed jazz saxophonist in Cuba during the laie '70s. knew his musk could never be free until he himself was free. As a member of the Cuban band Irakere. which mixed traditional Cuban sounds and jazz with rock and coll and classical forms, he had tasted freedom. And he wanted more of it.

In 1978 and '79. when it appeared that the United Stales and Cuba might normalize relations. Irakere toured the world, playing both Communist and nonCommunist countries. In fact. Inkers was the first Cuban group to record for an American label since Fidel Castro seized power D'Rivcra's dream of coming to America to play jazz was partly realized. But his dream turned into a nightmare in 1980 when thousands of Cuban refugees sti earned into Florida on rafts and boats as pan of "The Freedom Flotilla." When D'Rivera spoke into his flute, flugenorn or saxophone, the Cuban government applauded, but when he spoke without his horn, the government tried to silence him. Before joining Irakere, D'Riven was actually paid for two years •at to play. The government watched him carefully. He wore blue jeaas. he listened to "imperialist musk," he had too many Western friends, and when he thought something or

Paquito D'Rivera someone, even a government official, was stupid, he didn't hesitate to say so. By 1980 he had become desperate. His marriage crumbling, his nerves "com-

pletely destroyed" by what he terms Castro's lies and propaganda, his musical directions censored by the government, D" Rivera decided to defect the first time his feet touched foreign soil.

His chance came at an airport in Madrid, Spain, on May 6. 1980. For six hours he and his Irakere bandmates had waited in the airport for a connection flight to another country. Finally, his flight was announced. The plane was boarding. It was now or never, he thought. Six trips to the bathroom had not calmed his nerves. His feet might never again touch free soil, let alone Spanish-speaking free soil. Placing one bag on his left shoulder, his saxophone case on his right, he looked for an open door. Nothing. Only a set of mechanical stairs: one up. one down. He walked quickly down the up stairs. To freedom. Six months after asking for and receiving asylum in Madrid, he arrived in West New York, N.J., where he joined "his father, mother, sister and brother. Although he misses his wife and son in Cuba, he has no regrets. "There was no other way for m e . " the 33-year-old saxophonist ways. "It was my dream." His dream is captured on his debut album for Columbia Records. Bio win', a masterful blend of Caribbean rhythms and straightahead jazz. D'Rivera's playing is so passionate that he has been asked to perform with trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie and pianist McCoy Tyner. Now that he is free to perform with whomever he pleases, he finds the competition in New York both exciting and challenging. "It makes you better each day," he says, standing up and straightening his blue jeans. Paquito D'Rivera knows that he'll never be paid for not playing in America, and that should make him —• and music lovers everywhere — exceedingly happy.

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LUNCH: Monday - Saturday 11:30 • 2:30 CANOLEUCHT DMNfR Friday 4:30 - 9:00


Farewell newsman David Brinkley By JEFF WEINGRAD Round and 'round the dial goes.

GOOD NIGHT DAVID: After* 38 years with the NBC News department. David Brinkley retires and barely gets the time of day. much less a gold watch from his bosses. When Walter Cronkite said goodbye, the whole world waved back. Why not with Brinkley ? He certainly deserves it". I think it didn't materialize because of the apparent reasoas for which -Brinkiey chose to quit, and that is his total disregard for the stylish appointments which are the vogue ia the TV news industry these days. Style has. it seems, grown to be as important, if not even more so, as the journalistic substance of a broadcast, or newscaster. Brinkley wasn't marching to today's drummer, and he never hesitated to loudly make clear his feelings that it is the drum that n woefully out of tune, and not himself. His thing is the news business, not show biz. So he quit, and the network clearly didn't care for such a move, or at least far its implications. Well. I say "hip u p hooray, David, and come back soon at another news desk." TV news can illaflord the loss of so fine a journalist. When he announced his decision. Brinkley, characteristically, had link to say. He did, though, deny reports of a feud between himself aad his boss. William Small, a nxemtaHMptiflffrom CBS. "What I think I'm £000 tf, 1 vcaUy ooo t htvt an opportaaicy to do here.** was pan of his brief

FOCUS: Back • 1941. Mikoa Bertc — Mr. Television — signed a 30-year. $6 mubon contract win NBC The 1980s then were the deep dark future (as in 1984). but time does have a way of slipping by. And •o it is that a coapic of weeks back. Berk's "lifetime" pact finally came to an end. If yoa have cable, you can see the former czar of Tuesday-night TV in an upcoming (Sept. 30) special on HBO. . Dalaa starts up us 4th season October© So if you've been wondering just who mat was floating in the Southfork pool, don't make any plans to go out rhat night I won't be surpmed if we don't find out whodunit or whotsit the first episode... Where will rhe "real people" trend end?Ch. 7 now has The Pitapat's Coart airing Wednesday nights at 7:30. and each weekday morning at 10:30 The Ralph (Thai b Year Life)

Edwards production is a mock court that actually will be adjudicating real cases. How's that? They'll all be real cases in which the adversaries have agreed to take their case out of the courtroom and put it on trial in this TV show. And the decision of the TV judge (a retired "real" judge) is supposedly even legally binding, because both sides will have agreed in a contract to accept his ruling. Really now!!!

MORE NEWS NEWS: Barbara Walters, an expert at walking the tightrope between news biz and show biz — the tightrope that seems to have strangled David Brinkley's will to carry on — has re-upped for another five years with ABC. AH she got. the reports went, was a cost-of-living raise. (She'll have to get by with merely a million a year.) Miss Walters' swing seems clearly more toward the show-biz side. She'll be leaving the evening news entirely and also stop appearing on lames and Aacwcrs and Nifktttaw, all the ABC news shows, except for the show-biz infatuated 28/28. And that's where her plans call for her to do more work. Of course too there w i l l be more of her p e r i o dic interview s p e c i a l s . CBS and NBC were both panting hot and heavy after her name on a contract, but she finally chose to stay put..On the local scene. Pia Lindstrom has also decided to stay where she's been, at Ch. 4. She'll stay on as a feature reporter at the station which has been her home since 1973. She's done it all there too. including anchoring. Just a few months ago I beard her with my own little rabbit ears tell someone how absolutely certain she was that when her contract expired she would leave the station. So much for rhat...The stunning Miss Lindstrom — Ingrid B e r g m a n ' s l i t tle girl is no s l o u c h e i t h e r — w a s last s e e n at C h . 4 h o s t i n g Priaae of Yoar Life, a series aimed at the needs and interests of older viewers. Her place there has now been taken over by Arleae Francis, the long-time radio host. Miss Francis is no stranger to TV, having spent many a year as a panelist on the original version of What's My Ltae? She joined the show for its second-ever telecast in 1951 Prime of Your Life airs Saturdays, at 7 p.m. * * * * * TENNIS MICROPHONE, ANYONE?: Did you notice that when John McEnroe won the U.S. Open. CBS immediately seized the intensity of the final stroke by

If s hard to find a nice person Why not let us mcrice it easier for you?

breaking for an instructional filler, and then . about two minutes of commercials. Any other major championship and the cameras and microphones go immediately to the participants. Why not in this case? Because Johnny Mac and CBS were at odds the whole tournament over the network's use of a courtside microphone, and the quicktempered young tennis ace refused the network any interviews until the microphone was removed. In this case, I happen to agree strongly with McEnroe. I don't care that the microphone has been part of CBS' coverage for a number of years and hardly anybody, if anyone else at all, has complained before. CBS is supposed to cover (he contest, not invade it. What constitutes invasion? Anything within the field of contest which the players find intrusive. Too bad on CBS. If Johnny Mac. for whatever his reasons, finds the microphone a distraction, then it has to be removed. Microphones have been creeping closer and closer to the playing fields in recent years, and in some cases have even made it onto them. But in any situation where a lost stroke or missed ball or whatever can cost tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars, then it is incumbent upon the broadcaster to ask permission first before invading the field. And if permission's denied, then that's just the rub of the green, or the way the ball bounces, or... * * * * * COMING ATTRACTIONS: Ch. 13s Here's to Yoar Health program at 6 p.m. Wednesday (16) focuses on vitamins. Thursday it's asthma and Friday the topic is ' 'pregnancy after 35". Wednesday night at 8,, F r e d e r i c k W i s e m a n ' s l a t e s t documentary unreels on Ch. 13. It's called Model, and the focus is the modeling industry. CBS, same time, repeats 1979 version of All Ojatet on the Western Front, starring Richard Thomas and Ernest Borgnine...Thursday, at 7:30, Ch. 7 starts up new series. Where Were Yon. Hosted by John Johnson, it's a look back at the

fashions, trends, politics, sports, et al of a particular year between I9S3 and 1970. At 9, Ch. 13 works out with Pumping Iron, the 1977 documentary look, at bodybuilding featuring Arnold Schwarznegger ....Friday (18) night at midnight, a new season of Fridays starts up on ABC. The live broadcast features The Pretenders as the musical attraction. A bit later, at 1:30, Ch. 7 slips in with The Blob, the 19S8 scary movie that helped make Steve McQueen a star... At 6 p.m. Saturday, Ch. 2's The People looks at how one family copes in the face of a loved one's impending death in Living With Death. At ten, Arison (Happy Days) Williams and his wife Lome sing out in a variety special of theirown.onNBC. Ch. 13 at the same time will scare you with the original The Mummy (1932)... Sunday night, at 7, ABC offers an hour drama about child abuse. Please Don't Hit Me, Mom. Patty Duke Astin stars. Her eight-year-old son, Sean Astin, co-stars in his TV debut. At eight, ABC introduces Code Red, one of its new fall series, with a 90-minute movie. Lome Greene, Adam (Eight's Enough) Rich and Andrew Stevens star in the tale about life at the fire house. At 11:30, Ch. 9 starts up Evening at the Improv, a new weekly series focusing on the upcoming comedians, musicians and other'performers who work at the famous Hollywood club .. .Monday afternoon, Ch. 4 at 4:30 repeats the first episode in the long-running Mary Tyler Moore Show. They also repeat the classic repeat at 2 a.m. that night. Over on Ch. 7, also 4:30 in the afternoon, you can see The Planet of the Apes. In fact it'll be Apes ail week on the Ch. 7 afternoon movie. That's Incredible makes its seasonal debut Monday night at 8 on ABC... Tuesday afternoon you can see the secondever MTM episode, again 4:30 (and 2 a.m.) on Ch. 4. NBC brings on Oh God, the movie starring George Burns and John Denver, at 9 Tuesday night. At 9:30, Ch. 13 offers documentary looking at the past, present and future of the' printed word.

Presents October 23

DINNER THEATER Fruit cup. Tossed Salad Prime Rib or Broilded Filet of Flounder Vegetable, Baked Potato Coffee or Tea Jello, Rice Pudding


per person

Dinner will start at 6:30, Show at 8:30 Dancing after show 'till closing

CALL FOR RESERVATIONS (201) 526-3306 or 526-3355 Dining Room Op«n to Public N£om«rWff« Circle, 202/206. Rarttan. N. J. 08869S*

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Park, HaaarU, Sept 19. 10 a m . to 4 p m , PsVit, NVMnX Sopt- 1 201-482-6400, astanstan 308. 201-482440a astans

OeL 2. open Fridays to Saturday*. 1to6 p m . andTuaada»»owi7to9pm, 609-624-6644

, I-Han Chiang, Gfeorto, Bunny r.Ful House C l a r y . 32 Main St. Kingaton; tirough Sept 10. open Mondays to Saturdays. 10 a m to 6 p m . 609-924-4040.

by Rutti •m an epMt 5 Leigh St. Canton; through Oct 10.torImee cal 201.735-8707

Art h the Park rsaaVaL Veterans Memorial Park, Hadst Sapt 20. noon to 4 p.m.. 2017304653

Aft by MafWMM A M photographs by Margaret Morgan W w . Soho Photo Galery. 15 WWBBI 9a... M W M R W n M YQffc Gsty^ •HOUQH

no^acutoiuras and prMs by artals studying at aw PAA. MJ. Naaonal Bank. 194 Naaaau St. rnnceejn, os ana wejeroonr pejnanps oy MBdrad P M n . Rrat National Bank of Central Rooky HBL atwouQ^i Sopt. 30; wotovoo* ^a








• • * i

• .

, vOTtr lOf through Ocl IS; 608-921-9173




Comer Gafkwy. 83 N. Mam S t . Cranbury; trough Oet 15.torhours cat 60*465-9111.

.Galery at 89 Bayard St. New Brunswick; opening Sapt 22. noon to 2 pjn. and 7 to 9 p.m.. 201-249-9808.

'a peJnangs and carvlnga, EnEducation Center, 190 Lord S i t ing Rd.. Basking Ridge; Sept. 8 to Oct. 4,201766-2489.

PaMnge by Ewtrtg Art Group. Lambertville House. 32 Bridge St.. Lambertville; through September, open dairy. 11 a.m.to10 p.m.. and Sundays. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Lshow, ArtsA«anc*ol Bucks County. PedrJers Vtoge. Lahaaka. Pa.; trough Sept 30, tor limes cal 215-794-8405. i Trenton State Cotegs, Holw man Hal Galery. mawood Lakes. Trenton; Sapt 16toOct 4: opening recaption. Sept 16. 5 k>7pm FOST vPoasan artsjlBi Coryal Galery at the Porkyard. 8W Coryell St., Lambertville; ttvougfi Oct. \ opon Wodnosdvys to Sundoyt, 11 a m . to 5 p m . 809-^97-0604 works by etaiaraem.Sc at County Cotege Art Oalirj. Route 28 and Lamington Road. N o * Branch; Sept 18. 7 to 8 3 0 p m . 201-626-1200. Free To Be Me, esMM by Diana Patton. Sottierset Art Aaaociatori, Paapack Road and Prospect Skeot Far Has; Sapt 18toOct 15. tor hours cat 201-234-2340, free. Sapt 17 to Nov. 15; May " • 1f" Sapt 22 to Nov. 29: tirough Oct 4; Oa«afoa«Mnla bt a>a*e, tvough Sept Zf; Whaney i of American Art. I

7 » SlreeL New York Cty. 212-57r>3633. Bam. New Hope. Pa.: Sapt 18toOct 6: opening recapton. Sept 18. 5 to9 p m . 215462-

An Center. Old Stone MB. Center Street Canton; Sapt 18 to 20. open Fridays and Saturdays, noon to 10 p m and Sundays, noon to 6 pjn.. 201-7354415. ' an anBHft MfOHflfl BOOHBO DOy« phOaO*

graphs by Luben Aigner. Rktar Coaage 8a> dent Center Q a l i i j . off Route 206. Lawrence «•»; Sapt 19toOct 10. for hours cal 609-6965136. HAMTATt I . Monmouth Museum. Wonder Warehouse Chttdrens GaNery. Newman Springs Road. Uncroft. Sapt 19 to August 1982. tor hours cal 201-747-2266. Aft sy tfansart C* FalaC Sheraton Gardens. Gfbaon Place. Freehold: Sept 20 to Oct 18. operwig recaption. Sept 20. 4 to 7 p m . 2014624611. tree


The Greet Bronte Age of China: An E x M * fMm the People's Rapublc of Crane. Boston's Museum of Fine Arts, through Sapt 27.

a trunk featuring aniquectotvngfn 1880s to 1920s, HWaborough Pubic Library. AmweH Road. Bafts Mead; through September. 201-3693916.

f y Trenton Central Htoh School. Academy Street library. Trenton; opening Sapt 17.2to4 p.m., 609-362-7186 or 363-8153. free

one: dotting Irom iBflsto 1920s: HBsborougriPubac Library, Amweinoed.OsHMied, tirough October. 201-359-3916.

AIT Dy vBDFM •JWaVaWn I N wm / Jentra Fins Art Qalery. Route M and Mttthursl Rd., Freehold; through September, open Mondays to Saturdays, 10 a m . to 4:30 p.m., and Thursdays, 10 am. to 8 p.m., 201-431-0638.

i sponsored by thai County DomocraHc ConvnittM; ConlOfflpofaWy Club. 178 W. State St. Trenton; September 20. 3 to 6 p.m. 609-362-1360.

Facufty Show, multi-media. Trenton State Coeage. Trenton; Sept 17 to Oct. 4. for hours cal 609-771-2368. free.


. Selesnick Galery and Art School. Duram Road. Newtown, Pa.; open by appointment. 215-968-8970.

Vintage of 19th century MdrJa-Eaatam Photographs, Simon Galery, 20 Church St, MrjntcWr. tvough Oct 3, open Tuesdays to Saturdays. 11:30 a m to 530 p.m.; opening reception. Sept 12.1 to 5 p m . 201-783-5480.

Worfca by m*a»b«rs of t h e Trenton l*tOmto. HoaetW. Our House. SuMvan Way. Trenton; tvough Oct. 25. 809-396-8261 or 303-8153.


Ave., New York City; Jury 31 to Sept. 27.212860-1300.

Mustrattons by Andrew Cemiski. South Brunswick Public Library. Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction: through Sept. 30. 201-821 8224 Abstract paJnanoja by Lota Bonder, Doris reyNno sno «MMn Townsona, An Amanco Galery. 101 Monmouth St. Red Bank, througn Oct 7; opening reception. Sept. 13.5to7 p m . 201-872-0413.

by MarDts da Gygf King, Rutgers University's Douglass CoHege, Mabel Douglass Library, Chapel Drive. New Brunswick: through Sept. 18,201932-7315. Ancient Art The Development of... Greek and Roman Sculpture and George Beeows: Prints, Rutgers University Art Gallery, Voorhees Hall, New Brunswick; Sept. 13. through Oct. 25. 201-932-7084. Old Culture - New Art, Full House Gallery. 32 Main St.. Kingston; Sept. 20 to Oct. 14. open Mondays to Saturdays. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., 609'924-4040.


MCCC Akanni Snow, Mercer County Conv mun«yColege.Ubrary Qalery. West Windsor; opening Sept 11. 7 to 9 p.m., 609-566-4800. ext229. tie Northeast Natural Science League Conv peeaon. Sept 12 to Nov. 15; 1«h_oanlary alonaojanB, tirough Oct 4; Eyaa on Trsfltan. through Oct 4; 196)1 Teen Arts E x N M . throughOct25; through Nov. 1; N.J. , tirough Oct 4; tvough Oct 4; \ tvough September; N J . . —. , —at State Street Trenton,

Mad Hatter, Sept 17: The George Hackott Band, Sapt 18; County Una, Sept 19; Chat Beans, Sept 20; Bouncing Baby Boyz, Sept. 21; American Standard, Sept. 22; John & Peter's Place. 96 S. Main St.. New Hope. Pa., 215-862-9951. Otantay Jordan, Princeton Performing Arts Center, toft of 25A WNherspoon St.. Princeton; Sept. 16. 8 p.m.. 609-924-1917.

Soprano Gloria Scarano TetL Trenton City Museum, Ellarslie in Cadwalader Park. Trenton; Sept. 20. 2:45 p.m.. 609-989-3632. Victorian Engftsh Music Hal, benefit concert. Sept. 19, 8 p.m.; pianist Allan BtumenthaL Sept. 20.8 p.m.: Brookdate Community College. Performing Arts Center. Newman Springs Road. Uncroft. 201-842-3335. Jazz pianist Dardnale, Monmouth County Library. Eastern Branch, Route 35. Shrewsbury; Sept. 20, 3 p.m., 201-842-5995, free. Pianist Pater Simon, Longwood Gardens. Kennetl Square, Pa.; Sept. 20,3:30 p.m.. 215388-6741. AudMtons for The Cradle Will Rock. Princeton Inn College Theater, Alexander Road. Princeton; Sept. 14 to 16. 7 to 10 p.m., 609-9246329. Greaae, Bucks County Playhouse. Main Street, New Hope, Pa.; through Sept. 20, Wednesdays to Sundays, 215-862-2041. Lyda by Don Evans, Original Trenton Coffeehouse, basement of the First Methodist Church, Front and Broad Streets, Trenton; Sept. 18 to Oct. 10. Fridays and Saturdays. 8 p.m.. 609-989-3038 or 393-8153. Good Friends by Louis Revesz. Mill Hill Playhouse, Front Street, Trenton; through Oct. 4, Fridays and Saturdays, 8:30 p.m.. Sundays. 2.30 p.m., 609-989-3038 or 393-8153. Barefoot in the Park, Rider College Theatre, off Route 206, Lawrenceville. Sept. 18 to 19. 8:05 p.m.. Sept. 20. 2 p.m.. 609-896-5138. Engtsh Music Hal, Mercer County Community College, Kelsey Theatre, West Windsor campus: Sept 19. 23.24. 25 and 26.609-4864800. Jazz Jam Session, various artists. The Blue Ram, Rt. 532 at Taylorsville Rd., Washington's Crossing, Pa., Sundays. 3 to 7 p.m., 215-4931262. Steppbi' O u t Harrahs Marina Hotel-Casino. Broadway by the Sea Theatre. Atlantic City; daily (except Mondays), through Oct. 2 . 8 and 11 p m , 609-441-5165.

Off Nkjht Jazz, Thursdays, Original Trenton Coffeehouse. 15 South Broad St.. Trenton; 609-396-7665.


609-292-6308. free The Dalai Lamas rfatortc V M to North Jli0J0n0a\ pndoft by iMfciai KOOQOTI, wvouQn

for Exit 8 Telethon. Storer Cable Communications Studio, Lake Drive. East Windsor; Sept 17. 5 to 9 p.m.

through S#pt. 2 1 ; Amoiicano Abroad: mOtOO PTOHI TFOVOhV 10OI>100U« aTaTDUOjn

Sept 8: Wawa of Roma, tvough Sapt 8: Amartcon Art Oaaa, tvough Spring of 1982; Sapt. 21; Art VtomanK Arts Wortcahop and tvough OctS; of a BflBj Hasp? A Photoby Roboft Worth, 13: Faoeta of the Aug. 15; Newark Museum. 49 Washington St.. Newark. 201-7334600. Wobjwoolor doiRonotroJaton by nKnoro K. KaJaar of the Til-County Art AaaooMton, Gallery 100.100 Nassau St, Princeton; Aug. 15. 10 am. to noon, and 1 to 3 p m ; and FranMn State Bar*, HWn St. Kingston. Sept 26.9to1 p m ; 609 « 6 6987. free. and p j by y Pnntmaking g f C Coundt. Henry Cheuncey Conference Center. trough October 2; petraings by Vun-Po Ung of Taiwan. Conant Hal. tirough August 14: Educational Testing Service. Carter and Rosedale Roads. Princeton: open weekdays, 9to11 am. and 2 to 4 p.m., 609-734-5569. iDubuNatAI Bghty. Guggenheim Museum. 1071 Fifth

i; Sept. 18; oriby Warren Craig. Sept 19: Eatery Amutetta. Okie English Square. Ridge Road, Monmouti Junction; 8 p.m. 201-329-2777.

Pilmeton Foil Muetc Society, Irish music, Princeton YMCA, Paul Robeson Place. Princeton. Sept. 18. 8 p.m.. 201-462-3838. ext. 354. Boys Of the Lough, Celtictost.Mercer County Community College. Ketsey Theatre, West Windsor campus; Sept. 18. 8 p.m.. 609-5864695. Pitnceton Country Dancers, i85NassauSt., Princeton; Sapt 19.3to5 p.m. and 8to11:30 p.m., 609-466-3896. N.J. J a n Society featuring Jim Roberts Septet Watchung view km. Pluckemjn; Sept. 20.3 p.m., 201-658-3643.


a) pianist Lois Shaffer, Sept. 19.8 to 930 p.m.; Guy Da Roea and Ma |azz group, Sept. 23. noon to 1 p.m.: N.J. State Museum. 205 West State St. Trenton: 609-292-6464.

FoNc Concert, with-JDave Rounsaville and . Planxty Tanner. Hunterdon County Library. Meeting Room 1, Route 12, Flemington; Sept. 10. 7:30 p.m., 201-782-1158. Leontyne Price, soprano, concert. Rutgers University. Gymnasium College Avenue. New Brunswick; Sept. 14. 8 p.m., 201-932-7084. The Prisoner of Second Avenue by Neil Simon, McAteers Stony Brook of Watchung Dinner Theatre. 154 Bonnie Burn Road, Watchung; to play continuously, for times cal1 291-322-7200. Side by Side by Sondhakn, Actor's Cafe Theatre. BtoomfieM College. Franklin and Fremont Streets. Btoomfieid; Aug. 14 to Sept. 19.8 p m . 201-429-7662. Whose Life la It Anyway? Edison Valley Playhouse. 2196 Oak Tree Rd., Edison: Sept. 11 to Oct. 11, Fridays and Saturdays. 8:30 p m , Sundays. 7:30 p.m., 201-755-4654. No Place to be Somebody, Crossroads Theater, 414 George St., New Brunswick; Sept. 11 to Oct. 11, 201-249-5560. Agatha Christies Ten Utte IndNjns. Renaissance Theatre Company, 519 Garden St., Hoboken; Sept. 11. 12. 18. 19. 25 and 26. 8 p.m., and Sept. 13.20 and 27,3 pm ; 201-792-

(Continued on page 53)

Week of September 16-23 19 and 20. 8 p.m.. 809-771-2368.

(Continued from page 52)

G r * * k Sculpture, Rutgers An Gallery. Vooitisas Hel. New Brunswick: Sept. 20. 2 p m . 201-932-7084. free

2190 See How Tney nun, Huntenton Hiss PlayhouM. Route 173. Bndgeweler. Sept. 16. to plsy conenuousty. 201-758-4020




N J Sute Opera OnJieeiia. HswaA EducehoneJ and Cultural . Newertt. Sept 23. 201-623-5757

STUDY _ and •rt wortcsfiop*v Scnorsot A t Association Peapecfc Road and Prospect Street. Far HMr weekly. 201-234-2345 , w*h Joeh Watden. Pnnceton Pertornwig A m Center. 25A Wtthefspoon St. Pnnceton; Mondays, through the tat. 730 p m . 609-924-1917 or 921-6271

FILM •toS.

BUBQefiQt n00VH 134

HBwood UtffaM. Turton

I Uons, tponeored by the Trenton Haturatsl Club. Kirby Am Centre. Lawrencevise School Rt 206. Lawiencevae: Sept. 22.8 p.m., 609-924-9720


•wee Can Befiraenda,Toot activitiesforpreschoolers. Nature Center. Church Road. Washington Crossing State Park. THusvifte; Sept 23. 2 p.m.. 609-737-0609 ftfl end Winter Gardening, workshop and lecture, with Richard Walter. 4-H Center. Milltown Road. Brtdgewater Sept. 19, 10 a.m.. 201-722-1200. with Judy LangWe, Lawrence Branch of Mercer County Library, Lawrence Shoppng Center, Rt. \. Trenton; adult classes. Sept 28 and Oct. 5. 7:30 p.m.. 609882-9246

Youth Talent Expo, Slate Fair. Rt. 33. HamMon Township. Trenton; Sept. 19. finals and awards. 809-587-6300.

South Brunswick Public Library, Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction; Sept. 21, five week session for intermediates, 7:30 p.m.; Sept. 28. five week session for beginners. 8 p.m.; 201-821-8224.

Sea Ya Later Ole castor, art das*. Rutgers University Art Gallery. Voorhees HaH. New Brunswick: Sept 19. 1 0 a m and n 15a.m. 201 -932-7096

Sandy Hook Workshop In Watercokx, with Pat Lafferty. sponsored by the Guild of Creative Art: Sept. 23, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.. for location call 201-741-1441

Nature's Strangest Creatures, Spooks, AladdhVs Lamp, end The Tato of Two Wttsns. Urns, Sour. Brunswick Pubic Library, Kingston Lane. Monmouth Junction: Sept. 19. 1 p m . 201 -821 -8224. free.

Hans Christian Andersen, film, Lawrence Branch of Mercer County Library, Lawrence Shopping Center, Rt. 1. Trenton; Sept. 16. 4 p.m.. 609-882-9246. free.


29 films as art. Newark Museum. 49 Washington St. Newark; Sept. 20. Oct 17. Nov 27.28. and Dec. 26.201 -7338800. tree.


ChHdrens Chorus of the Monmouti Conservatory of Music, at Church of the NaaVNy. RUge and Hance Roade. Fair Haven: Sept 22. 7 p m . 201-741 -8880.

Israel F c * Dane* Party; Corwin Had, Princeton University: Sept 19.7:30 to 830 p.m. 609655-3841.

KaroophoHy, musical spoof, with Kaminsky International Kazoo Quartet Drew University. Madison; Sept. 21, 8 p.m., 201-377-5330. iilnrnattoml Fofc Dane Ing, instnxtion and dance, Bartlett Hail, Cook College, New Brunswick; every Wednesday. 7 p.m.. 201-9327084. Scottish Country Dancing. Murray-Dodge Hall. Princeton University campus; classes every Saturday, 8 p.m.; no experience required. 609-883-6295. Fofc dancing. Fine Hall on Washington Road: every Tuesday. 7:30 p.m., 609-924-7350.

LECTURES I Ancient A r t The Development of Greek and Roman Rgural and Animal Styles. Rutgers Art Gallery, Voorhees Hall. New Brunswick: Sept. 16.12:30 p.m.. 201 -932-7084. free. HMory of Urban Painting, with Mel Leipzig. New Jersey State Museum. 205 W. State St. Trenton; Sept. 17, 7 p.m.. 609-292-6308, free. Egypt - Tombs of Pharoahs, Thompson Park Visitor Center, Newman Springs Road, Lincroft; Sept. 22. 8 p.m.. 201-842-4000. The Effects of PoWcs and Economics on the Aesthete of Urban ArchMacture, with Jem Greenberg, Trenton City Museum at Elarsse. Caktwalader Park, Trenton; Sept. 16, 7:30 p.m., 609-393-8153. free. The Creation of an Audence for Theater. Music and Poetry in An Urban Area, symposium.-New Jersey State Museum. 205 W. State St. Trenton; Sept 19, 2 to 5 p.m.. 609-2926464. free. Edward Hopper, with Met Leipzig. Trenton City Museum at Ellarette, Cadwalader Park, Trenton; Sept. 23, 7:30 p.m., 609-989-3632. free. Creative Artists and The Law, Thompson Park Visitor Center, Newman Springs Road, Uncroft; Sept. 16. 8 p.m.. 201-842-4000.

MISCELLANY! Somerset County Photography Club. St. Johns Eoi«"onai r.hnrch, Somerville: second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, 201 -526 1186. Broadway musical. '42nd Street,' sponsored by the YWCA of Central Jersey; Oct. 17. departure time to be announced, 201-545-6622. Eyes on Trenton, two-month Arts Festival, exhibits, concerts, plays, and lectures, sponsored by TAWA {Trenton Artists Workshop Association). Trenton; through Oct. 25, 609393-2408 or 586-4800. ext 334 and 229. * Open Enrolment Weak, Hillsborough Adult, Learning Center. Rt 206, Belle Mead, and Rarttan Adult Learning Center, Washington School, First Avenue. Rarttan; Sept. 14 to 18. 201-469-2424. Open House and PuMshing Party, in honor of local author Judy Stewart's first novel .ftgv, Princeton Writer's Center. 10 Nassau St., Sept. 16. 8 p.m.. 609-924-3511.

. Route 35, Sayrevffle, Wednesday front Sept. 3d to Oct. 25. Don Brockett, , girls, skctdMsand fast action. For information call the at 20l"7Z7

Poetry Reading, with Pablo Medina and Geraldine Saunders, New Jersey State Museum. 205 W. State St. Trenton; Sept. 16; noon. 609-292-6464. free. Let1s Tafc andSktg, for senior citizens. Lawrence Branch of Mercer County Library, Lawrence Shopping Center. Rt 1. Trenton; Sept. 17. 3 p.m., 609-883-0433.

(Continued on page 54) TIME OFF


r NOW PLAYING S3) , Human** Art Canter.CM Stone Me\ Center Street CMon; Sept 18 to 20. noonto10 p m . Friday and Saturday; noon lo 6 pun.. Sunday. 201-736-8415.

n d M e , AWre Wage. •Park. AMre; Sapt 19.10ajn.lo4 fun., 2O1-936-22S3. Sale. Mam Street Kingston; Sapt 19. ramdata: Sapt 20. aOB-924-4040. B M M M . Natura Center. Church Road. t Park. TkawMa: Sapt 19.7 •737-0800. am. tour and lactura. a w . Hakna SnuRMB OiaMcl. HaknaHK Sapt 19. 10 am.to2 p m . 201-232-2804. QoW Rualt Rosd At^pa, banatt lor Th# March ot Dimes, ragMar at Ouakar Brtdga Mat. HL i.LawrencsvBe; Sapt 20.1030 ajn.. raly baglna 1i;30 ajn.. 808-443-8120 _, wfth Rod Tueoes and David Keaar.'Trenton CHy Muaaum at Btersie. Cadalartir Park. Tranlon: Sapt. 20. 2 p.m.. 609989-3632, traa. part of Eyes on Tranlon m. 204 W State St. Trenton; Sept 20. 1to5 p.m.. 609292-6464. free Maiura Caniar. Church g Stala Paik. TeusRoad.Wa g g vtfto Sapt 20 and 27. 2 p.m.. 8097370609 809-737-0609.


6:30 Garden Stale TofJght C o M u m r Una — "Hysterectomy" Dr. Cynthia Cooka talks with hoat Clare Wanaal ehout drugs. surgery and aoma mieconcepeons ralalng to » a oparaion commontomany women. Alao m be ttte psychological involvements of a hysterectomy. (Uve cat in) 7 * 0 Garden State Tonight — WMh host EM Hart. Uz Matt reports on arts and •ntertakv rrwnt in New Jeraey; a business update; Larry Stuelpnagel looks at "The State We're In"; CaptLou reports on me great Naw Jaraay outdoors.

4.-00 Croee Country SU School 4.30 M a i m s at the Bjou—A returntothe 1930"S and 40"s whan Saturday matinees featured a full-length Him, short subjects, cartoons and adventure serials. (R) 6:00 Dad*a Army — "Put That Light Out" (R) 6:30 Once Upon A CkM sic— Rebecca of Surmybrook Farms" (R) 7:00 Praaanta! — "Nicaragua: These 'Same Hands" An examination of the new Nicaragua with a focus on the priest/poet « , M ^^^^^ ^^M^^^M Mk^^^ki • ^ A ^ H M f^Wt Ernesto Cardenal and including intarviaws * v^^tv ^^^^^W ( ^ H ^ ^ r a ^W^^MW^^m ^^^^^V^P 1^%^ I Thomas Borje, minister of the interior and WalTorrance and Kent Manahan. State and reter Ferrati and Eden Pastors of the Sandlnista gional news, features and highlights, with Army. •ports by BM Pany. 7:57 NJ Lottery Pick-It Drawing — Live 7 4 7 NJ Lottery Pick-* Drawing — Uve 8 K » Doty! — Special guest: Bobby Gotd8 * 0 McLaughteYe Beat — Veteran Naw sboro. (R) Jeraey State House reporter and poMcal writer 8:30 Marty Robbina' SpoOght — Marty. Jorm McUugMntafca about currant and topicRobblns and His Western Show, with Ronnie al iaauae wlft Naw Jaraey rtewsmafcors. Robbins and Jearmie PruW and a cameo Roy 8 4 0 World War rfc A G.I. Diary — "D-Day AcufT are featured tonight —One Bad Day In June" An airborne trooper in CHANNELS 2 3 * 52 Only a gtdar. and atoughmachine-gunner in a land9 * 0 MowkM, Movies, Movies —Craahing craftteltha story of the biggest invasion in out WWam Bendix and Arthur Kennedy star in mttary history. June 6.1944 — those fighters and a hundred thousand like them satfootin this story of s break from prison by six convicts. (1956) HWafs Europe Channels SO * 58 Only 9:00 Mastsrplscs Theatre — "Sunset Song" Chris manias Ewan Tavendate. a foreM O Movies, Movtea, M o v i e s - CHy That man at a nearby farm. Tha vHagars turn out'to Never Steeps A policeman nearly strays from catebrate the event and speculate on the future the straight and narrow path because of a of t w marriage (R) , nightclub entertainer. Gig Young and Mala 1 0 * 0 Naw Jaraay Mghtty Newa (R) Powers. (1953) 10:30 The Burg: A State Of MM—ContriA l Channeie: 23, 50, 52 A 68 butestounderetamflng a asce of He from an 10:30 Movies, Movie* Movies-Playboy etwitc neighborhood in Trenton. Narrated, writOf tha Western World A young stranger beten and co-produced by Prof. Pt^tt A. Peroni. comes the idol of an Irish villaoe. A film adaptaA discussion of the Mm. "The Burg..," tofows tion of the classic play by J.M. Synge Stars the Mm. The panel includes Dr. Mtes GaMn. Siobhan McKenna and Gary Raymond. (1962) David Cohen. Romegio Pane and Prof. Peroni as moderator. (A New Jersey Committee for The Humanises Program) R 1 1 : 3 0 Captioned ABC World N e w s Tonight SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20


NJPTV i n . 5 2 , 23, 5 0 , 5 8 |

and how i v y can hefe otwrsT(Uva

;>tow To Have More Fun WMh Your ChTfcfcen" ntohanJrt. Ruopp-pfaaidantof via Bank Straat Coleae,iaCte »tiet parents can enjoy wUrt twir chMran and sghten raMtonaNpa. (Uva eal si) QP ••" VrWi host OH Hart. ThanVa a foous on MMmr Jocwy Psopto"; mom on "UtatytM" wMh Kbn MoQjIough; a d by Triih dv QaHpon*, and 4ps POWtfwMtehan of PMsr Praft. (LJva)

law Paapr Pvatt^ baat buMiin via

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"a aunta * * Jana and Mnd, and Miranda who la a •*" plan lof Haoaooa lo anlBn * a

IntteMkMfcrAvafjnlghtoffla look t o i w d lev but W n Q a b

M-randas rules and. after being acofcted, tuna ewey. (f*)


the kteaabarend Samuel Beckatfsplay, WaftIng lor Godot, wih portions of the play — IncludeTi^Eha tolaa of Dtdl and Qoyo» onQlnaly

akpjMh Mff^BaBlheB fceaT Ca*tfMfckft

a\ He^maa^BBfWft JiM

12T00 Tha Body In Question 1:00 Pissental y ~ 1:30 The Rrjmagnars Table 2KW The Shakeapaara Plays — Richard II" 5 * 0 Wai Street Weak (R) 5:30 McLaughJn'a Baat — Veteran New Jersey State House reporter and political writer John McLaughln talks with Garden State news makers. (R) ffcOO U.S. Chronicle — "Working Smarter" A look at a Japanese-owned company and both high and low production levels, with an axarmnaaon or me ornerances. fk30 VWngal 7410 You Are There — "The Torment of f i — ^jajfcak-^^ak,**











9^00 Tha ShakeepeerePlaya Henry ¥ • Taped on location at mree of Engiancfs most baauHful castles, John Strtde plays Henry VIII. Clare Bloom is Queen Katharine, Timothy Wast arCanfnai Wotoey, and Ronald Pickup r. (R)

r^aBiBHBttHBx f k H v • ^ • • B ^ B T H — ^BlTk^BBirO ^jRTr1 iBJrflr^^nB^BTi ^^*^* F^lBie^B^fH^rBABir^l

aaona « a i 1 1 : 3 0 Captlonad ABC WorW N » w a ToragM

8 * 0 The Ltoaly Arta — "August Rod*" Rettwr tien nasirtawlno Ma French sculptor. ttare la a •m-focua on the expreeeiva quatttes ha brings out of me .human body. 1V3VU WUW eJBJVWB; nByiBJ*/ VWOTV \**t


0 11:30 Captlonad ABC World News Tonight

440 430 &30


'sT jpftEOfF

for tha




PM 4 * 0 Mteter Rogers Neighborhood 4:30 Sesame Street . 5:30 Untamed World

6:00 Bkj Bkw Marble 6:30 Garden State Consumer Una — "Heart Disease" Dr. Leslie Ultan joins host Clare Wensel for a discussion of preventive medicine for healthy hearts. (Live call in) 7:00 Garden State Tonight — Hosted by Bill H a r t . Arts a n d E n t e r t a i n ment host L i z Matt ' p r o v i d e s a behind the scenes look at printmaking in New Jersey, with guest Peter Chapin of the Art Division of the Printmaking Council of New Jersey; Robert Ferguson president and chief executive officer of the First National State Bank, provides a business update. (Live) 7:30 New Jeraey Nkjhtty News — Don Torrance and Kent Manahan. State and regional news, features and highlights, with sports by Bill Perry. 7:57 NJ Lottery Ptek-tt Drawing — Live 8:00 The Duchess of Duke Street — "Plain Sailing" Louisa decides to buy a seaside cottage where she and her friends can relax. Unfortunately her new neighbors, an exclusive sailing club, have objections. (R) 9:00 Masterpiece Theatre — "Sunset Song" The village is troubled by the distant war and a fever of patriotism begins to rise. Young men are being conscripted into the army, and Rob is jailed as a conscientious objector. 1 0 * 0 New Jeraey nightly News (R) 10:30 Casanova — His desire to possess a judge's daughter, as wed as the judge's money, leads Casanova, typically, to over-reach himself. 1 1 : 3 0 Captioned ABC World N e w s Tonight

h f n

tsaaviovan wapjar oronKna rapona on now Daathovan ia upaac and lormantad by tha knoarfadga that a lovaty pupi hatefond o« wtt many a nobwnan. TM Jack Benny — "Jack Goes Back To Pictures" Jack's quest Is BHke WUder. He went* Jacktora part in a new picture, but the part is amel and JackJias arranged with his aponaor lo 0*va him a morth off. 8 * 0 CoueleauOdyaeey—"TheNsVPart I Jacques Cousteau begins traveling the woiid'a longaet rtvar, from the mountainous naaowatarstoLaica Vienna, mpanoneoions two-part series, he crosaas the vast Sudd

by members of the Whole Theatre Company of Ir. NJ. Ofympia Dukakis plays D M and atgadopteys Gogo. Loula ZBrlch la nar-

State We're In"; chef Peter Pratt cooks up another of his fast dishes,.and Capt. Lou reports on outdoor activities. (Live) t ««MI new uoreey rajgnay news —~ uon Torrance and Kent Manahan. State and regional news, features and highlights, with sports by BW Perry. 7:57 NJ Lottery Pick-It Drawing — Live 8 * 0 Upton World-of Termia— From the Sawgrass Tennis Club near Jacksonville, Fla.. the Upton World of Doubles Tennis featuring semi-finals and other matches. Features some of the best-known contemporary players. (3 hours) 1 1 * 0 New Jeraey Mghtty News (R) 1 1 : 3 0 Captloned ABC World News Tonight

21 4*0 5:30 Untamed World 6 * 0 Animal World 6:30 Garden Stale Consumer Line — "Home Video" Bin O'Brien of Video Review is Clare WanaaTs guest What beginners need to start wNh home video equipment wiR be discussed, as wo« as various available formats. (Live cat in) 7 * 0 Garden State Tonight — Host Bill Hart conducts the GARDEN STATE TONIGHT Mail Bag; Larry Stuelpnagel looks at "The


4*0 4:30 5:30 Untamed World 6 * 0 The Rkjhteoue Apptea (R) 6:30 Garden 8tateTorightfReechlng Out —Carol Seine, host The best help is self-help. Gueststonightare daaMng wtthjhejjrobtems of juvenile dUbetes "~ helping themselves and hopingtohelp others help themselves. (Live calln) 7 * 0 Garden State Tonight — Hosted by BW Hart. Ufaatylas In Naw Joraay, by Kkn McCuaough; best buys in the marketplace, by Clare Wensel; Reese Paltey from Atlantic City; fast recipes by chef Peter Pratt. (Live) 7 * 0 New Jeraey Mghtty News—Don Torrance and Kant Manahan. State and regioneJ news, features and Nghight, with sports by m Perry. 7:57 NJ Lottery Pick-It Drawing — uve 8 * 0 A l Creaturee Greet and Smal—"Be Prepared** Siegfried and James plan for an evening out while Tristan planstoentertain while on duty. (R) 9 * 0 Hamberds— The Cold Light of Day" WMam replaces his friend Sandy in a test flight and ends up with his first job as an airplane mechanic. Christina starts as a waitress in Dorothy's father's hotel. (R) 1 0 * 0 New Jeraey Mghtty Newa(R) 10:30 Coemoe—Series with Dr. Carl Sagen An exploration of the galaxies of planets and stars, with informative insights to some of-the mysteries of space. (R) 1 1 : 3 0 Captioned ABC World News Tonight

WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 16-22,1981 l

( t . •. ( i . .1 i i,<


Week of September 16-23 730. M O . Cfcwma (201-387-7300): Cat for


pmaryCki MOM0 i (000424-7444): I Sent a rtolfcU Low*, 730.9:15. Starts Friday: I BtonoMi 730,9:15.

Rufcara Plaza H: Tha Nojtt «w Out in Qaorafe Starts Friday:


I (Mfr44t-I23i): Par Y«a» Byaa 7:18. M O • : UMar flat M M O V L 730.930.

Erie I (609-882^494): On «w H|BM Itack, 730.920. Erte • : Mdara of • » Loat Art, 730. t30. Matoar Mai I (809-462-2868): Supir—< • . 1:46, 4:30, M S . B-.40. R* a^W ^^JNBOTaVb^aT* ^VvjjV^^VJfe^Vff

P a * A M . C k w w (201-468-2141): Undar 9m Pond Rd. Ckianw (201 -780-2313): • • C o a t * * . 7:30, 9 * 0 .


C l Run, 3:46.7:40. O R Mai Tbaalrai (609-7994331). Ckwma h T h * Four Saaaona, 6:15.830. Charm • : « • » ! • . 6:15.830. Ctnama • : An E M for An Em, SAS, 8. ) O 6.8:15.

I Mattum Chama (201 -359-4480) naMwwa. 730. 9:10. Starts Friday: 530. 730. 9:15. Wliltdsyi 730. 9:10

Qardanl(609-924-0263):Eyaof«wNa«da, 730.936. Qardan H: Fferat Monday In Octabar, 730. 930.

Rukjam Ptaa I (201*26-8787) An American In Lonooiu Stwts Frtd^yt Body



has ideas for your weekend

ManvWe Cinema (201-526-6999): Lov*. 730. 930. Director's Chair (201-364-6085):


BODY HEAT I w m t c t K^adan tnumphandy debuts «s director o< thn sultry movie that smacks ol such -40s Mms noin as "Oowbie Indemnity ' It drips with steamy atmospherics and Lavishly dwtlb on passion and treachery Wilkam Hurt s u n as an affable, second-rate lawyer who is lured into killing the welMwcled husband of a seductive woman (JUMeenTumer) AaamiHurt aMrly As for lunm. she strains to MHtate the style of Barbara Stanwyck, but she's not so hot



Director's Chafrl (609-586-9111): • , 7. 9:15. exactor's Chafr Ih Taraan Tha Apa Man, 7, 9:10. WE8TVMND8OR Prlnoa Budco I (609-452-2278): Arthur, 7:15. 9:10. Prince Budco II: Taaa, 8. Prince Budco III: Camfei'at Ya, 730.9:15.

snnsFMOitT Sktn 7:30,9:15 Sw. 5:45,7:30, J:

' A BRISK, CHEERY ITALIAN FARCE! 'I Hate Blondes'* the kind of fluffy. Irghthearted French romp that the French don't teem to be pfoduciflf st the moment. The Italians, or atleast those unshed in this undertakint handle the fenrejust as wed."


VICTORY Allied P O W ' j and * professional Cerman soccer team vie for athletic victory in a lam-packed Paris stadium in this World War II escape drama. The banal screenplay smacks of "Hogan'j Heroes" and the sentimental attitudes about wining the game strain credibility. However, die film, directed by the venerable John Huston, comes to life when the players take the field with legendary soccer great Pete going through his extraordinary maneuvers Michael Caine and Sylvester Stallone are in leading roles (PC)

RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK George ("Star Wars") Lucas and Steven ("laws") Spielberg join talents to make this hpsnorting, thrill-a-minute adventure Harrison Ford is Indiana 'Jones, a rough-and-ready archaeologist who races the Nazis to find a lost ark supposedly containing remnants of the Ten Commandments. The exotic, action-packed film harks back to those derring-do serials of the '3Os and '40s But this version is enhanced with magnificent technical sophistication for ultimate escapist entertainment. (PC)



Off for timely tips on whereto dine.

Children's Theatre


(1980 Oscar: Best Picture of the Year) -AND-


Children's Theatre Workshop is accepting its cast of players for the 1981-82 season. For information Coll 609-443-1567

WEEKOFSEftOliO 16-22.1981


McCARTER THEATRE FRI. & SAT. SEPT. 18-19 AIRPLANE: Nightly at 7:30 & 11:00 p.m. ANNIE HALLFri. only at 9:15 MANHATTAN: Sat. only at 9:15 Double feature admission: $3.00 For information, call McCarter: 921-8700 TIMIOFF


HlHE Off Crossword Puzzle aaaaaf .aVanvnaiai {*

49 aufeu SO Equestrian garb 54 Weather


17 Gone by 23 Dynamic force 25 Puts through the third degree 26 Of the kidneys 29 " . Pagiiaccio!" 32 Windfall 33 Courage 34 Columnist Stewart 35 Utlle Bighorn victor 36 Effective 37 Word with well or way 38 Resisting DOWN change 1 Pouches 39 German lyric 2 At the poet peak of 40 Simple 3 "Arrtvederci 41 Sceneof many Olympic 4 Apes 5 "The Cornevents pleat" man 42 Walked 6 George M of through water Broadway 43 Comedian 7 Hoops: So George 8 Well-known 46 Heaped uncle 48 Piazza del 9 Barefoot in " Florence 10 Like 2OO 50 Badger's animals cousin 11 At 51 "PeerGynt (confused) Suite" 12 Ctark's fellow composer reporter 52 Inkling 13 Swampy spot 53 Fine fiddle 14 Bound . 54 Glasses, for 15 Preminger short 16 Unique 56 Thesaurus person man

58 Lanchester and Maxwell 60 California bear 61 M.I T grads 62 " to bed ..." 63 Forego the restaurant 64 Mild oaths 65 Decrepit

97 Bridge call 98 End of an exhibition 101 Anger 102 Swtssrtver 103 Eldritch 104 Emerald isle 106 Roy's spouse 106 Forest denizen 107 Campus VIP.S 108 Moved rapidly

56 Rotated upward 57 Author Godden 56 Verse lorm 50 Famous 60 Twofold 61 Gum ream 82 on (urged)

63 64 67 68 70 71

Upright Santa identity. Nitrous omde Canine sound m (boggad down) 72 French actor

24 Pre—ihng prtoas 27 Kitchen aprenders 28 Fourth estate X Kind of card 31 Last word. 73 Com units sometimes 74 Swim and 32 -M*ado"tno slam spots 33 Hebrew liquid 75 Under the measure weather 34 WUd flower 76 Exigencies 36 MuMC giant 80 First name 37 Deed See from the town otd West 38 Haggard title 61 Eng 41 Persona non component grata 82 Bearing 42 Joe Don 83 Sally and Ayn Baker film 84 Bakery treat of 1973 85 Mail item: 44 and Abbr Sympathy" 86 Arbuckle 45 WWII landing 87 Gypsy wife craft 88 OtheHo's 46 Alto lieutenant 47 Sculls 92 Asian capital 48 Speaker's 93 Schubert place favorite

66 67 68 69 72 74 76 77 78 79 80 84 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

•atopy Formerly Secular

Hen Poor Sea demigod Medical instruments 952. in old Rome Portuguese nobleman Western alliance Lured The lair sex Conser vatives Laissez —— Gum or agar Wood unit Samoan port Order to a broker Large knife Structural girder Rail Take-— Kind of devil Gave the

onceover 98 Underworld weapon 100 Peggyof songdom

• a aa3:i ^annpi •aaa aaaa aaana uuaaH3:oEaa a^a anaaara arjann;* unraa nca nan Ba33 unr-ia a s n a unrn nan ;-jQ3ti unau nsaciraas

Last week's answers

On Bridge

Bridge: a game of problems By CHARLOTTE AND PAUL DOBIN Probtcim can be solved in many ways and. if the answer is correct, the method used is inconsequential Bridge is • game of proMenn. both in the bidding and in the pby. Moreover, if the prsuk attained brings success (btdding aad nWiag the contract) then the method used is\correct. Today's hand pumiiwl some playing problems, even though the bidding was a might enthusiastic. There was no reason for Declarer to mess-up. Its as if he had a

playing our the hand.

btMdspot in hts aapproscftt to the | sroblem of

ing this contract — Declarer had chosen

West won with the spade lead and then shifted to the diamond queen. Dummy won with the ace and now. in order to discard his losing diamond in his hand. Declarer played the ace. followed by the king of clubs from dummy. He discarded a diamond all right, but West ruffed the club king — down one. There are two obvious methods of mak-

Nero* • 5

Went * A Q 10 9 8 2 C97 0


Bridge Happening

0 A 10 • AK 10 6 5 3 2

Snath * J64

Smile Life

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile

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