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first toll booth in operation by De- cember. It will be located between. Irvington and Union on the section now under co

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lor QUALITY AUTO IMPRTR. Must have thoro knowledge of current .... a fully nualiflfir margin clerk, ahi is.we said previguslv, top notch margir clerks.jarn $190'a week. That does no nclude' tfwijf fluarteriy or annu" bonuses, The~-oppty" is yours. A-

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FROM NICARAGUA. A Duck and Opossum Dinner Wan. Given for Him and Hla Relatives and Friends nt the Homo of His. Farcnta nt Tort Monmouth. Capt. and ...... ntci. Vdl iinl. • ,1. The nil- u tho;*" i P i r M r r e d f « r t h e last, | i r c -. ("tdii

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Jul 8, 1986 - lunchbreak from their construction jobs in Middletown yesterday. •y M M *MEEN M i .... Teddy's at the point he would like to move a little faster than his body is ready to do. That's a really good sign," Hat- zfeld said. • Ho said P

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FROM NICARAGUA. A Duck and Opossum Dinner Wan. Given for Him and Hla Relatives and Friends nt the Homo of His. Farcnta nt Tort Monmouth. Capt. and ...... ntci. Vdl iinl. • ,1. The nil- u tho;*" i P i r M r r e d f « r t h e last, | i r c -. ("tdii

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Idea Transcript


Two Road-Widening Surveys Given Approval by Local Council



Marines with 4New Jersey Company' Leave for Parris Island

For AUDepartmenls Call

RE 6-001S


First Church of Christ, Scientist, Services Sunday in New Building

The new First Church of Christ, their homes. In Feb., 1918, the Scientist, Broad st., designed by group decided to rent the lodge Tho mayor and council Mon- •fJohn T. Simpson, Red Bank archi- hall In the Eisner building at 5* day night asked foi a state surtect, and built by Robert A, Hcn- Broad st. and held their first meetvey for the proposed widening of drlckson, Red Bank, will hold its ing there in Mar., 1916. The readRiverside and Maple aves., which opening services Sunday at 11 a. ing room and Sunday-school were some officials have recommended m. and 8:15 p. m. started the following year. to ease highway traffic through town. ] The brick, New England colonial The society continued to grow and The body also decided to investistyle building is 50 feet \vids shown in ments of normal childhood—love, ilies. The'five-room house has two calling for the shorter work week until last spring when he Whew the Indian congress met residence Joseph E. Scdlar, who represented an oven and in a refri ;erator. Mem- security, understanding and train- potential rooms on' the second —it now Tuns to six days and 48 purchased the Edwin Stewart esthe company at the meeting, told after independence was gained, said tate on the corner of Rumson rd. floor, and breezeway and garage- hours—and the proposal appeared tiers worked on the "sun porch" ing. council that the price reflected the the speaker, they framed the coun- and Fair Haven rd. It is situated on nearly an acre of to receive majority support from at dressmaking and ironing. Two Although headquarters are lo- ground. the council, cost of removing banks bf earth try's constitution after that of the members, Abbie Ann Willgerodt It Includes entrance foyer, l«.rg« cated on Garfleld st, Long Branch, before curbs could be installed. United States. The feudal system, living and Rosemarie Braun, each re- the society Is by no means a Long Mr. and Mrs. Frank Curley ef Mr. Gray agreed with an estimate room with flre place, dlnint; Costs of the Installation will be which was in effect before Britain room, streamlined ceived an "excellent" award in the Branch organization. Its program Holmdel have purchased a five- by Councilman Thomas F. Oakley kitchen, powder borne by property owners on the took over tho country, has been room, and three large dressmaking project, Abbie Ann to children covers not only that room house on Monroe ave., that the reduced time of duty will bedrooms, won a prize In the f; ishion parade city, but it has placed for adop- Shrewsbury. Constructed by Car- require the hiring of four addi- A judgment of J23.435.97 for total street. -The borough will supervise abolished. England, he said, per- dressing room and two tiled baths mitted the system to exist because the project. disability was awarded to John with a dress she had made. mine Menna, the home consists of tional policemen, at the approxion the second floor. The grounds tion or care, children in Little was simpler to deal with a few Max Gould won nine "excellent' Silver, Shrewsbury, Red Bank, Fair three bedrooms, living room, dining mate total salary cost of $16,000. Vonella of Wentworth ave., West Mayor Charles Halzcnbuehler'a it comprise an acre of landscaped landlords than with the entire popLong Branch, against his former ribbons in the gardening projects, Haven, Locust and. other parts of room and kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. re-appointment of William Connell ground, Including many specimen Cited Other Examples employer, Roger Aboandandolo, at to the board of assessors, effective ulation. He pointed out there has tree and shrubs, with over 200 feet Richard Moore and Ashley Kraan Middletown township. Mrs. Raoul Curley also have taken occupancy. two and Margaret I Ring, Joyce Pietri Is president. Mrs. Leon But Mr. Gray said the change Workmen's Compensation court July 1, for R three-year term was been no purge of landlords. The frontage on Naveslnk ave. Francisco and Mary Searles one Reisner, Jr., is president of the would bring Red Bank into line here last week. confirmed by council, which took abolition of the system has meant The property Is adjacent to th» each. Cathie Ring received four Junior auxiliary, and Miss Ruth with what some'other municipali- Mr. Vonella was employed by Mr. no action on a resolution to place only that tho landlords have lost homes of Edgar W. Heller, E. B. "excellent" ribbons i|i the flower Kirby, president of the Second auxties—he named Asbury Park and Aboandandolo as a carpenter. He tho borough under provisions of a much of their land. Thorndlke, Mrs. John L. Riker and The country, Mr. Ananthanarayexhibit, George Castlcman two and iliary. Little Silver—are doing for their injured himself when he fell ten state rent control act. Federal Dr. Andrew P. Dedlck. The new Rosemarie Braun oni, feet from a scaffold,'landing on his rent controls, which expire July 31, anan said, has Instituted a system owner is now in possession and police departments. He said the venture this of universal education for children. currently enjoying a vacation on Ann Hickey won tvo "excellent" As a fund-raising shorter week is becoming a stand- back on the ground, have not been lifted here. The Although the society will hold a it is almost impossible ribbons in the coo! ting project, summer, Due to the accident Mr. Vonella ard pattern. And rather than have state act provides that municipaliCouncil was split, almost up the salad luncheon bridge and fall to educate the adult population, he ~?ape Cod. Julia Portin one. Rosemarie fashion middle, Monday, night on a pro- the voters decide the Issue he said, suffered a broken back and paraly- ties may continue rent controls by said, show Aug. 12 at Homeevery high school student, In Braund won an "excellent" ribbon stead Golf and Country club, Spring posal to put a rigid ordinance on "I favor taking the bull by Hhe sis of. his legs. As a result the adopting a resolution Indicating In the forestry grou;. court found him to be totally and their position and willingness to order to graduate, must go to a Lake. Fall clothes will be shown by the books for the control of dogs. horns" and have council do it. village and teach at least ten perOther members receiving "very Jane Engel of New York and West Mr. Gray would leave it to the permanently disabled. He was bear apportioned costs of mainEven Councilman George A. Gray, good" and merit ribbons were Bctli End. Mrs. John Osborne is general who introduced the measure, said police department's senior officers awarded the maximum allowed un- taining a county rent control office, sons the rudiments of reading and Camcnzind, Jane Holsey and Ka- benefit chairman. he did so with "deepest reluctance" to decide what emergency required der the Workmen's Compensation it was explained by Borough At- writing. li ina Camenzlnd sewing, Morgan and an appreciation of what It the services of more men on duty law of 450 weeks of compensation torney John M. Pillsbury. Reclaim Land, No Castle Mrs. Alfred Meyer was appointed Kraan, Dorothy Osprcy and BarBRADBVELT—The Initial meetat the maximum weekly rate of might mean "to'fellow dog owners." than at normal periods. Mayor Hatzenbuohlcr reported Pointing to the food situation in society treasurer. Elected to the bara Carycll gardening and flowers, of parents and teachers of the $25, which was in effect on the Council voted unanimously for Councilmen Harold Hurley and borough well is "holding up" in India, the speaker said the country Ing Marjorie Antonides, Mildred Hall board of directors were Mrs. Everett C. Baynton voted "no," with this ordinance, but set a public date of his injury, Jan. 16,1948. Mr. the 1953 school instruction face of the greatest demands put still imports ten per cent of its classessummer and Charles Wthtol cooking and Thomas McGlinchey, Mrs. P. R. explanations. Mr. Baynton said hearing at its next meeting so Vonella was also awarded compen- on was held last week at St. the municipal water system here Schlenger, Mrs. Stanley M. Tracy, total food supply. Tho now govern"Rusty" Merrill, Ge aid Hickcy, Catholic church when a Harry Malchow, who public opinion on the matter may sation for temporary disability in its history. The mayor- attrib- ment's agricultural program, he Gabriel's Charles Wihtol and Ann Hickey, Mrs. John J. Knodel, Mrs. Benja- Councilman be heard before a final vote is while he was under medical care of uted a lack of water in some areas added, won't bear fruit for about Parent-Teacher association was orforestry. Ashley Kraan won first min Elnhorn, Mrs. Harry J. Gr.een- wasn't there, also was against the taken. ganized. Rev. John Nowak, pas162 weeks, The court additionally during the week-end to a greater five years. There Is as much land place in one of the bicycle obstacle berger, Mrs. Harold Beizer, Mrs. restrictions. allowed Ml-. Vonella $8,135.87 for demand for water than the pump per capita in India as In England tor, stressed the need for parent A. Melvin Goddard and Mrs. Vanraces. co-opcratlon for the children of No Enthusiasm medical expenses and legal fees In- can produce. He said there was a Horn. he explained, but much of St. John's of Marlboro and St. Twenty members of the Lincroft curred by him, making the total demand for 750 eallons per minute itself, The vote carried three to two, it is waste land which the governGuest speaker was Miss EugeCatherine's of Everett parishes. and River Plaza Blcyc le clubs will judgment against his former em- at limes Saturday, while the pump ment is trying to reclaim. but with a-marked lack of enthusleave Monday by bus for the 4-H nia Stogdale, executive director of iasm, Officers and chairmen of the new ployer $23,435.85. can produce just 500 gallons per Mr. Ananthanarayanan said the organization appointed were Mrs. club camp at Stokes State forest the Family and Children's -society At the termination of the maxi- minute. Mr. Hurley said he was for some of, Montclatr. She diacussed some government is building thrco steel Harry Leitner, president; Mrs. in North Jersey. Plaining to take mum period of 450 weeks allowed the problems confronting her control measure to pick up stray Council directed Borough Clerk mills to supplement the one already Frank Becker, Mrs, Marcus Tremmilk prices for total disability the court will Frank tho trip are Mrs. Thimas Kraan, of society In Its program, similar to dogs here. But he said he didn't InTRENTON—Retail Bolcn to inform Chief of In operation. Other Industrial steps ble and Mrs. M. Harold Kelly, vice New Jersey will advance one enter a new judgment allowing Abbio Ann Willgorodt, Joyce Fran- the one carried on by the Mon- want the borough to prey upon its Howard Manahan, director Include the development of the presidents; Mrs. Harold Sproul, cisco, Julia Portin, Ann Hickey, mouth county group. She felt there, licensed dogs which, he insisted, cent per quart In all areas on all compensation to Mr, Vonella per- Police of Iho Civil Defense'council, that country's natural resources. treasurer; Mrs. Albert Com poly, grades, effective Aug. 1, according Evelyn Laubmelstcr, pii'arlcs Wih- should be a set of uniform state should have the right to be free manently, provided his condition Is Pointing to the danger of com- corresponding secretary; Mrs. John tol, Morgan and Ashley Kraan, licensing laws for boarding homes, on their owners' properties. Council- to C. Wesley Armstrong, Jr., direc- such that he still is totally disabled ho can authorize the contribution ot $65 to tho "Operation Skywatch" munism in India, the speaker said Collins, recording secretary; Mrs. Peter Wihtol, Dobra Jacques, Jo- homes where children are placed man Thomas F.' Oakley said only a tor of tho Office of Milk Industry. and unemployable. post at Atlantic Highlands. A letThe seasonal price rise Is In acseph Bogart, Shclia Decker, Rus until their own family problems dog ordinance which was standard Mr, Aboandandolo was a contrac- ter from Walter Wynne, district In his opinion the pcoplo have James R, Hcnslor, program; Mrs, sell Rauch, Bonnie L :e McLaugh- are straightened out, or, In >omo for all neighborhood communities cordance with the order issued in tor, doing business in Long Branch director of Civil Defense, told the fought too long and too hard for Harry Jansscn, social hygiene; Mrs. their freedom to give it up to com- Thomas McCarthy, membership; lln, Virginia Jacques, Sally Ever- cases, until the child !• adopted, would work. April when the retail price of milk in 1943, but since that time has left Civil Defense council here that the munism. The deep religious feeling Mrs. Michael Harmyk, refreshdell, Judy Osprey, Dorkhy Fox and or until he become* a ward of Mi'i. Gray said the one In mind was reduced two cents per quart Long Braneli and is now operating amount Is an apportionment of of the people is another Important ments; Mrs. Marcus Tremble, hosClttiralln. ' Ann Tonl Cttarella, tho, state and Is placed by the Is like the'one being considered and the price paid to producers was a business In Florida, $700, needed for Improvements to pitality, and Mrs. A, Lyle Leverlch, Since Mr. Vonella was Injured the Ground Observer .Corps post factor In the struggle ngaln.it com- publicity, state for adoption. and acted upon, "It's a uniform lowered 80 cents per hundred munism, ho added. pounds, he has spent time In two Veterans' ordinance," he said, But Mr, HurDaniel Edgar in Korea nt the Atlantic Highlands harbor, Both the Montclair director and Other points In India's progress The executive board will meet toTho entire Increase In price will hospital*, one In Virginia and the nmong snven communities served slncn Mrs. Dulany expressed approval of ley said he thinks it 1H too severe, It gained Independence InAs Personnel Oflicer Mr, Oakley said he also believes go lo trie producer with the dealer other on Staton Island, due to the by the post. Thbi borough also was clude the emancipation of women night at the home of Mrs, Leonard tho state legislature's passage of Lathrop In Pleasant Valloy, Holmfact that Mr. Vonella is an cxthe sr.me as at asked to provldo personnel for one Danlcl.Edgar, warrant ofllccr jun- the two new bills, 235 and 237, a dog restriction can be effective spread remaining the legal abolition of the enste del, at 8:30 o'clock. Tho next P. Under the now schodule scrvlceman, in addition to being 24-hour watch at the post, which and ior grade, husband o Mrs, Jose- which effect child adoption laws only "If It has teeth in It and I present, system, T. A, meeting, lo which all parImmediately following has maintained n 'round-the-clock phi no Edgar of 132 Shrewsbury within the state, and which they haven't seen one yet that has tho producer pride will bo advanced hospitalized ents me Invited, will be held Tueshis injury In Monmouth Memorial watch alnco July 14, 1052. to *B, 8 T per hundred pounds Aug. tftom." said provide a better safeguard ave., Is serving with llho 25th Maday at the church at 8 p, m. Monthhospital, Parish Honor* The ruling offered would require 1, an Increaso of 40 cents/ for the child's welfare. chine Records unit In Korea, ly meetings will bo held the fourth Vonella wns represented at Mr, Edgar, «on of C't pi, and Mrs, Mrs, Lewis S. Thompson of Lin- dogs to be kopt on alx-foot leaches "Historically, there Is Always A theMr, Tuesdnyj, Mn. llohcrl McKcun hy Rocoo ftavaschlcre Attended HninbtMV William S. Edgar of tho Shrews- croft, well-known for her services when taken on walks, would bar decline In production beginning dur- and hearing Father Nowak also told ot plans J. Cnnr.onn of the EATONTOWN-Members of the bui'y ave. addicts, Is a personnel In stale welfare and Institution barking dogs and would allow no ing the early part of July," com- firm Edmund tho nnnuiil cxcuralon to Rye Parsons, Labrecque, Ciin- Division Convention parUh of St, James Episcopal for ofllccr. The records ut It maintains projocts, was a guoat nt the dog lo destroy or damage anyone's mented Armstrong, "We are now tona of Ocach, N, Y., Monday, for children k Comba, private property, It would set up a experiencing such a decline, In church honored Mrs. Robert Mo- of tho school, statistical data on on met m t and mater mooting-, and matertheir frlonds and parprovision for the hiring of a pound fact, producor prices In surroundMr, and Mix Arthur E, Slattery Koun nt a birthday party at the Mrs. Howard Dulohir was «•• iiell of f all Armyy units nts 11 Korea, Ho Tho event will mark the closing markets woro advanced July 1, of WaUnco at, «nd Mr. and Mrs, roetory last week. Tho Entontown ents, entered In t d tho th Army A I ,039 9 and ar- slating hostess when tea w u master to enforce the law, ing of tho session. In another vote, council approved Anticipating this situation I am Stanley Barrow of Prospect avo, woman marked hor 80th birthday, l d In I tho th F rlvod Far E Eait In April, served, Teachers told of the substantial the exonipt firemen's applications confirming my order of Apr, 16, Llttln Hllvor, havo returned from Mrs, McKcan has been an actlvo 1982, Ho Is a 1027 graduato of of Jo MO Cook, John Allan, Cnlvln whloli calls for tho Inoreoso of 40 Chicago, whom they attended tho workor In tho church 30 years, Incrooso In attendance In tho classes] Galileo high flchnol, San Franolsoo, Shrewsbury Community this year nnd of tho spiritual n«ode conti per hundred pounds In tho Carrurt, Gordon Forbes, John 35th annual reunion of the Rain- She hns solved with many of tho of the and wan employed by Woitorn Klecchildren. Koledn, Itay Sergeant, Jr, and Let producer price," trlo thoro prior to his (jnlranca Into Club Holds Picnic RUMSON—Flank 8s.ra.ppo Of bow Division Veterans. Mr, and oi'Kanliatlon* and at present Is O'Connor, tho Army, BGAI(I|GS tho ono-cenl per quart 46 Chestnut at., Red Bank, hns Mrs, Goorge Sonnwin of Hollls, I/. 1., treasurer of tho Friendship guild, LAKEWOOD — There were 38 ndvnncr In Iho retail prloo, In- purchased the P m k Dm and Grill wore olootcd national president Shu received ninny Rifts, which Itcri Biink Man Held were piled on a table ilocoiatod mumboi's at tho annual picnic of Fox'a Gift Shop croaios of one-half cent por pint at 20 Rlvor id, from Joseph Class and national auxiliary priMldont, TWO PIUUS liXTINGUISHKM Mr. and Mm. Hrimmn me mem with .pink and while flowers nnd Vov AMIIIIU Alleni|il tho Shrewsbury Community club and onn-qiinrtH1 conL por half-pint And Fred Jordan. Mr, Sarnppo Im.i Red Bank /lromon extinguished n nt Ocimn County park hore Satur- Has living' RCOVCK of 10 Wharf *ve,, on All' gi'Adns srn offeotlvn Aug, 1, horn opoiAtlnir tho business since hers of the Wither Duffy chapter of vandloi, Hid Krldny nlRlit lit tio homo of day, Payaon W, Lymnn wuj uhalrIhn Rainbow division In New York Quoils worn Mr nnd Mrs, fled Hank, waived hcarlnir before Fox's Gift shop at 41 Monmouth Tim O.M.I, illrnrlor Also An- July 4, .Gdllh Willlnnifl, 220 Pinrl st, Tho man, nmUleil by liMmund Cniirtor, clly nnd of Ihn Now Jniupy chap' Charles K. Morris, Mr. ivml Mrs. Miiglflmli- John V, Crowd! TuesHi, In* been purchnsocl by Mr, nnd nounced 1 hut (Inponltn on hnttlM Mr, Saiapno hurt bnon employed hlnzo, pollen «IIUI, veil lied from Jacob .1 off icy and Mis, Mavsr Mrs, Donnld BreMow, Nnled for will lierRAflrr hn conflnnrt In II- hy the Hlgmund Elmer company ler nil well. Moth Mr, nml Mm. Unwind Wilkinson, Mr, and Mm. day mornlnK nml was ordered held Mil0It (ill'OUlli It was ml out In n Cnmpboll, the Ini'lje noloatlon of Hallmurlt of lied Bank from 1037 until re- Slatlciy nnd Mr. and Mra. Burrow William WHiriinan, Mr. and Mr». In 11,000 ball for Action of the row minute*. P'lrnmon woio unllect ucnlly, Ho wnii president of I.OI'BI me members of Iho New Jersey Theodore Marriott, Mr«. K, Kloyil grand Jury on a ahargt of AttemptA buffet suppor and harboou* fol- gi'oetlnjr uiucli, tho "hop's mothod out iiitiiln Snlurday night for a lowed bimolmll, swimming, cards of display IIRB boon uoplod by ninny 203, Amalgamated Clothing Work- chuplcr. Mm. Barrow In n past Wood, Mrs, Herbert P. Holmoffiir, ed ujdiuilt with a, dangerous «mnll Urn In n. kitchen •anno nt tho OWV J'AI'UK UlllVK 8UNIMV of the nation's department stores, ers of Amcrl.cn, four years, and had national auxiliary prc*WUmt. Mr, Mrs, Harold Magathnn, Mm. HUM- weapon, and OMor(«d activities, Robert H. homo of Dr. Frank J, OofT, 0 ] Dlsbrotv, president, announced that baen «, mombur of tho cxccullvo Hlattory, Mr. Harrow and Karl null Hllilworth, Mrs, John H. Ki>lir«, Tho complaint was mailo by PaTho shop al«o foatui'8$ gifts, Mouther* of Bt, Juntos pout, CutliMnnln nvo. Damage WAR Slight, llio next meeting—Saturday, AUK. ooi'ttiiilcs and costume and con- olio War VetuuiDH, will conduct board slnco 1037. Pullvormlllor of Kvarny wore Mn, Hay A, Moore, Mrs. Kdwnrd Irolnmii Franklin White, Rcovrs In police said. Lanyun, Mil* lCmmy-l.ou Morris, Mr, Hrodow a paper drive Sunday uftornoon. nllotfod to Imvo chttiod Edward V. IS—would bit ftlinrliMim «upp»r at dolence jtwalry, Mr, Barappo l/i married lo the olaotoil to the national oxcoutlve his home, Mr, Dlsbrow appointed formerly owned Droilow's ToylnnJ They uik that ))tipor» bo bundled former Mlts Anna LoBUndo ot Hod oommlUoe. Mr, Harrow was ap- llov. C, M, Burck and Mn. Mo ICnnty, Jr., of Cooper rd,, MiddleMortitit Monty K«nn'« •daughter, Mrs, Harold pointed national Irenxurer for hi lown township, with a knlfo and for nomci. r«rm», eountrj iiinli bull Molvln Ford chairman of a nom- In Nowurli, He And hit wlfu Intend tind Hod and loft at the curb, Hank, ItobeiU. ntn bullillnii, fxlulnii o n«w, I/Oni inating commutes whloh Is to m- lo movo lo this vicinity, To an- Proceeds of the drive «o to the n\o Monday nlnht after AII Working nt tho I'AIK Bar nnd fourth coimcciitlvi' luini, term «n«y inyinrnt llln il l>mn> on port nt the Aug. IS mooting, Marv- nounce oiolr piirohmc, the Bits- walfnrn fund which nldM pnllcnlA Grill Is Mr, Hsrappo's slAtcr-ln-ltw, tueni on Wharf avc, Itii • uetptKulf proptrllti, Jninih U, MeUui Plfliwol frimiit (ooH*. Th« mniltta nrrciinl hy 1'Mrolnnn \v Tdivlilon K»n«lr Man WanlH AKHIUX n«»llnti, Mnrlnin Dxurt. in ir with Mi', Ford arfl Mrs, JftfTiey lows ma Hiving sway lirldnf, mm- In VPl


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(• HtMtfUoudus AIMMNVM «r Sibil.



l»".]r," Wlde-YMi UtCT SI7E to 64" lent,' Othir tint pro. portioniUI) lew/rlctd.

Mf. l.tl )•*.««

•.•»r, This flint MIIIIIIHMIIII county IN due foe n IHIOII It Is shown that tin; federal dellclt WIIK rim of course, l« iltio to the mnchlnn.Other officers Installed were Mi/i Inn oommunlnn nnd toUIIUi'lsn Freeholders (or thai, «nd. Edward town peeping In windows md the Mildred Brown, iu«oclate councilor; nntl-comrminl'm. — The Christian D, Adams, one of the prominent women folk of the village were lions of that old tyrant, Dr. Hyngin new niiiBlnictluii Unit, iim.v •.»



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SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION. MONMOUTH ' COUNTY. Docket No. M-2S27-S2 CAROLINE ALLEN. Plaintiff vt, DONALD R. ALLEN. Defendant. Civil Action Notice ot Order for Publication. TO! DONALD R, ALLEN! By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of New Jersey, Chancery Division, Monmouth County, made on the 7th day of July, I9ii3, in a cauBe- wherein Caroline Allen, la plaintiff, and you are defendant, you aro hereby required to answer the complaint, of tho itialnttff on or before the 8th day of September, 1953, and In default thereof, such judgment shall be rendered against you ai the Court shall think equitable and Just. The object of said suit Is to obtain _ Judgment of divorce between said plaintiff and you. Dated! July 8th, l»5S. FLORENCB F, FORdOTSON, Attorney for Plaintiff, «0 Broad Street, Red Bank, New Jersey, I1I.7S SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION. MONMOUTH COUNTY, DOCKET NO, M4AO2-S2 TO CHARLES HAYMONU AYRESt fly virtue- of nntirdrr of tho Huporlnr Court of New Jersey, Chancery Division, Monmouth County, made on Juns 25th, 1053, In a certain cnuso wherein IHhclyn May Ayrri Is the FliilnlllT, anil you Charlct Jinymoml Ayrea are the Defendant, you lire hereby required to answer tho complaint of th* rialntllt on or before Auiust 21th, 1983, and In default thereof, inch Judgment ahull be rendered (gainst you as the court shall think eiiullnhle nnil Just. The nlijeot nf unlil suit Is to obtain • Judgment of divorce dlnnlvlnit the marrlom between mid Plaintiff and 1 you, AM5XANDKU THAI !1, Vi llron.l Htrtot, llril llnnk, New JcrieJi 110.112, Attorney lor I'lalntlff,

Menmenilh County Surroiati's Court Notice til Creditors to Presmt

Claims Aialnsl F.itale f ' c o l i l N N " '"

l J A m

ruriuanl in Iht nrd-p «[ DdllMAN Mer'AimiN, Humi»«|. nf Hi, l.'i lun iy nf Mnnmoulh, I Ills dny mmle, nn ilio mipli(Illon nl })* lllii|ir«l»nrrt, Wllla ||, llavli. Kill* lCkf uilli'lx nf Ihr tilnlo nf tin laid (Jnrlime L, llnvli, ilrnraipd, nntlci la hrrehy iilven In ilm iirrdltom nf nitlil ileeiauif In primnt In the milil Hnli Emculrlx Ihelr Halms umler onlh with. In ilx months, from ihli dnlt, JJttidi July 1th, IMS, WILLA II, IMV1K, It, 1', D,, Chanil I III Atlirillg llliihkndi, N, J, Rolurtl, I'llUlilimy. k.. O r i n n , Allnntli' Illnliliiid N, Alloiniyi, 11 Ml

Page Nine



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Pace Ten

Million Dollar Eatontown Interchange Plan

Stout Assigned To Guard Unit

Diane Brandt, daughter of Ur. is building a house on Pine st. in and Mrs. E. Douglas'Brandt, cel»the Lincroft estates. Mrs. William McCarron is a pa- Mrs. Stafford Thompson of Cleve- brated her ninth birthday Wednestient at Monmouth Memorial hos- land, O., is the guest of Mr, andday with a trip to Metcdeconk pital. beach. Others accompanying them Mrs. Harold Rowe. ' Michael Hopkins, son of Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris P. Whit- were Mrs. Wesley Seaman and chilMrs. C. M. Hopkins of Swimming comb have moved to Applebrook dren John, June and Sherry, and Mrs. John Franks and children River rd., celebrated his tenth farm on highway 35. Jerry, Marilyn and Joan of Oceanbirthday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Terry of port. Jeanie Jones, daughter of Mr. Rutherford spent the week-end a* Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bohn reand Mrs. Morton Jones, has re-guests of Mr, and Mrs, Gardner C. turned this week from a vacation turned from a visit with Mr. andKlein. In Connecticut. Mrs. Bernard Lawrence at Medford Miss Joyce Francisco, daughter Lakes, Beverly Lang, her cousin, of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Francisco of Brigantine, N. J., is visiting this of Marlu farm, returned this week Deaths ' from tuberculosis In from Wickatunk, Kan., after spend- Great Britain dropped. from 31,000 week. Alexander Marsella of Red Bank ing three weeks with relatives. in 1947 to 14,000 in 1952.


LONG BRANCH—First Lieut. Franklin E. Stout, a former resident of Long Branch, has joined the, 156th Transportation battalion, Long Branch's National Guard unit, it was announced today by Lieut. Col. Frank N. Kaiser, commanding officer of the local unit. Lieut. Stout, born in Long Branch in 1919, and graduating from Long Branch high school in 1937, is living with his wife and daughter at Castle Brook farm, Freehold. He will be assigned company commander to succeed Lieut. James A. Carton, adjutant, who had been acting company commander. Lieut Stout enlisted in the Army at Fort' Monmouth in 1942. He was promoted to staff sergeant in August, 1944. He was transferred to Camp Beale, Cal., in 1945. He served as sergeant major for the 754th AAA Gun battalion in Hawaii with the rating of master sergeant, He accepted a commission as a second lieutenant with the 644th Tank battalion in Red Bank n 1948. He was promoted to first lieutenant Feb. 1, 1951, and resigned from the Red Bank unit in September, 1952. He is employed as administrative TRENTON — Less than $2,000 parkway and the Intersection of cluded Louis Zimmerman, Jr., of crossing will form part of assistant in the wire branch at separated the two low bids of six the Eatontown traffic circle and Hillside, $992,297.05; Villa Con- theThis interchange that will include Camp Coles. received Monday by the New Jer-route 35. 1Grant ave, will be re- tracting Co., Inc., of Westfleld, the location of toll area 3B which sey Highway Authority for con-located to provide safer crossing $1,087,933.25; Union Building & will be built under a separate construction of a million dollar Eat- of the feeder road. Wyckoff rd. Construction Corp. of Passaic, tract. Connections between the ontown interchange and a new and Hope rd. also will connect $1,090,771.25, and Peter W. Kero, parkway and the Eatontown spur dual highway connecting the Gar-with the new highway. Inc., of Lyndhurst, $1,135,005.25. will allow motorists to enter or den State parkway in the bor- A low bid of $946,723.80 was sub- The contract also includes con- leave the scenic route in either dioughs of Eatontown and New mitted for the contract by Frank struction of a reinforced steel and rection. All formi of Shrewsbury, It was announced by Stamato & Co. of Lodl. The close concrete bridge that will carry the Commissioner dc Nooyer anOrrio de Nooyer, Authority secre- second low bid of $948,466 was of- feeder road over the northbound nounced the bids will be studied I ife - Casualty - Fire tary. fered by George M. Brewster & roadway of the parkway approxi- by engineers I of the Authority The new East-West Eatontown Son, Inc., of Bogota. mately one-half mile east of Hope prior to awarding the contract for Insurance spur will be built between the Other bidders and proposals in- rd. the work. '

SPECIAL! SUMMIR fresh fruit Your choice of Two





Although auto traffic deaths re-

Mrs. William Bird of-Newark Everett Holmdel was a week-end guest at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Stilwell Lynn Sutphln, .daughter of Mr. pedestrians by cars in the United and children David and Sharon of Mrs. Bird was a former member of RE C-4971 States has been cut from a pca,k ofRedonda Beach, Cal., are spending and Mrs. Walker Sutphln, celebrat- Dr. Gallup's church at Newark. ed her fifth birthday at her home 15,500 In 1937 to 8,600 in 1952. Holmdel Sylvan 4-H club entered a week with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sunday with a party. a > booth with a theme of a woodStilwell. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hodecker of land with pine boughs. Charles Harold Morgan has returned to have moved into their Harrison and Michael Harmyck work after a two-week vacation. Rumson home, the former Lenhardt resiwere given excellents for their bird Mrs. Charles Meyer and grandson houses; Judy Mainwaring, an exRonald of Jersey City spent last dence. Tuesday with Mrs. Charles Con- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barnes and cellent for a booklet on birds; Linson Robert have returned from a da Layton, a wild animal booklet; over. vacation to Wildwood, where they Rocco Infanti received an excellent Mrs. Richard VanPclt and sonspent a week. for a bird feeder. There were 16 Richard are recovering from injuries they received when the car Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison and exhibits shown. The committee children spent Sunday at Chad- which freparcd the booth, with the Mrs. Van Pelt was driving ran inassistance of Mrs, Helen Ackerson, to a tree near the corner of West wick with relatives. Mrs. James Campbell and chil- Holmdel teacher, included Judy Front st. and Half Mile rd when dren, Wendy and Linda, of Flint, she was blinded by an oncoming Mainwaring, Robert Neighbors, Mich., and Mrs. Gene DIGiambat- Taylor Schanck, James Harmyck car. tisti and children, Steven and GeneAirman First Class Francis Kelnd Charles Harrison. ly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kel- ann, and Mrs. Wilfred Hollander ly, has returned to Perrln Air Base, and Garry Pott of Keyport spent ARMY SALUTES SCHNEIDER Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Texas, after a leave of 17 days. CAMP DRUM, N. Y.—Cpl. HarMr. and Mrs. John Folger and Phillips. children of Matawan have pur- Members of the ladies' auxiliary vey J. Schneider of Long Branch, chased part of the Homlish prop- of the fire company and their fam- assigned to the 309th Regiment of erty on the Everett-Hazlet rd. in ilies attended a covered dish picnic the 78th (Jersey Lightning) Army Saturday on the grounds of Mr. and Reserve division, probably got the Holmdel. Virginia Mendrcs, daughter of Mrs. Joseph Phillips. Attending biggest birthday serenade in Camp Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mendrcs, is were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fromm Drum history when ho celebrated attending the Seashore Day camp and children, Binky and Ginger, his 27th birthday during a reserve Mr. and Mrs. John S. Holmes, Mr. summer field problem here. at West End for five weeks. Mrs. Goorge Farrell and children and Mrs. William Stevenson and The division band presented a Emily and Jimmy are visiting sev- son Kent, Mr.' and Mrs. George concert to the regiment in their eral' weeks with relatives in Phila- Schanck and children, Linda and itunted-pine studded bivouac area, Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Hance, pausing during its performance to delphia. If your mortgage is too big for your budget, no amount of Nancy Borden, daughter of Mr.Mrs. William Pitcher, Mr. and Mr«; musically salute Schneider, while Harry Pitcher and daughter Karen, hundreds' of his regimental comand Mrs. John Borden of Little corner cutting can put you on a found financial footing. Silver, last week visited her uncle Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ely, Mr. and Mrs. rades supplied a background of Oversize payments take a lot of the pleasure out of homeand aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. Borden. John Mount, Mr. and Mrs. Forman words of "Happy Birthday." owning. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Pelzer of Jer- A. Sutphln, Mrs. Michael Harmyck, The 78th is currently undergoing sey City visited Sunday with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Buck, Mr. and a two weeks' period of Army ReDon't bite off more than you can chew. Pull up a friendly Mrs. William Ryder, Mr. and Mrs.serve cummer training, and will and Mrs, Charles Conover. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wlhtol and son Walker Sutphln, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- return to New Jersey July 28. chair and let us show you the many advantages of a mortCharles of West Front st. have bur Hammond and daughter Betty gage tailored to fit your income. No obligation. moved to their home on Red Hill Ann, Mr. and Mrs. James Maher Many live World War II bombs and daughter Helen, Mr. and Mrs.are (till being dup in Italy, two big rd., Middietown. Mrs. George Gould entertained Robert Clausen, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ones having been found recently friends at luncheon Friday at Mon- ert Voorhees and Mrs. Carrol Hults. under mainline railroad tracks. mouth Park race track. Attending The flowcre placed at the Sunday were Miss Anna Brasch and Mrs.service at Holmdel church were •-i Julia Dodd of Middietown and given by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ely. i Mrs, Isabell Henderson of Holm- Rev. Dr. Wallace L. Gallup will del. have as his sermon topic Sunday cnAffriniojeo' Joseph Browne, Ruth Browne at 10 a. m., "The Will of God; Do and George Browne of Jersey City We Really Want To Do It?" Mrs. spent the week-end at their place Beverly De Block of Fi/ehold will to BROAD 4T. here. be soloist. RID BANK; NEW JERSEY? The cabinet of the church will hold its first meeting at the manse Tuesday at 8 p. m. to discuss plans and programs for the season.

(pints only)

You can't buy flntr shtrbet. WHY? Only fr.ih

200 River Road Red Bank, N. j . main at peak levels, the killing of

fruit ii UMd to flavor BREYERS SHERIET

An Oversize Mortgage Can Crowd You Into A Financial Corner



«nd LOAN ^She Door


THE MOUNTAIN HILL NURSERY SCHOOL approved by N. J. Dep't. of Education

begins its 5th yr. in Sept: with the opening of a NEW SCHOOL BUILDING ARCHITECTURALLY DESIGNED FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. Superior facilities inside and out. Separate class rooms and lavatories for nursery and kindergarten groups. Trained and experienced teachers. Reg. nurse* Transportation available. Inspections welcomed. Charlotte Olsen, Director, Chapel Hill—Middietown Tw p.—phone Atlantic Highlands 1-0056.





AWNINGS Ordtr Now and Havt


farther ahead thcf/7 ever.

THMt Ifl TIIIM fO Enjoy PMk Comfort






Our wtrhmmklfj mi perfect fit l i wtH ktwwa in Menmeuth County for Hit put 22

WINDOW SHADES VENETIAN BUNDS Mmiiifuolurcrt on Our prlcoi nre moderate KutlnmtM Olvon No Obligation


Rod Bonk 6-3889

Tlw tfrlhlm M W 1*1 Air C U M , With J, irMt > n NTIM, Ch.««l«l ««•" I h . wlfcrt ih.lc* .1 mtdtll III IK fold

...INPOWIRAND PIRCORMANCI Chevrolet's entirely new 115-h.p. "Blue-Flame", engine (teamed with Powcrgllde*) Is the most powerful In the low-price Odd! In gearihlft models, you get the ndvnnccd 108-h.p. "Thrift-King" engine, Roth give brilliant new performance and greater economy.

. . . I N mil AND LUXURY The ileek, low-slung beauty of this One new car provides one more reason for Chevrolet's truly amazing popularity, The new Usher Body provides roomy luxurious Interiors, modern uppolnlmenls and colorful, fine-fabric upholstery ihut can be matched only in costlier car*.

. . . IN IASI OF DRIVING Entirely new Powerglide automatic transmission, with faster getaway and greater economy< eliminates the clutch pedal completely. And Chevrolet's now Power Steering* docs 80% of the work , . . lets you squeeze In or out of tight spaces with wonderful new ease.



Chevrolet now bringi you the most Important gain In. gasoline tcoiwmy In Its history! And, you save tubstantint amounts on overall upkeep, too. Yet with all Its wonderful new things Chevrolet remains the lowest priced line In the lowprice ficldl

Again this ytar-ai la every single postwar year-more people art buying Chevrolets than any other car. In fact, latest ofliclal registration figures show Chevrolet over 25% ahead of the second-plnce car, Nenrly 2 million more peoplt now drive Chevrolet! than any other make, 'Q/Hl'Ml'/i'toWljCuii. Untile* »



i(j.A,/>. "nht-rUmi" ,».

im tl'tlUt, en "Tuif 'If" W 11,1 Al, Ml, Jem/. Ptwit snitkt I, titiUU, en til mcj'li,


Rl 6-3130

RED BANK REGISTER, JULY 23, 1953 of farm owners as 52.9 years and Average N. J. Farmer the average age of farm tenants as years. Among farm operators U Almost 52 Years Old (4.4 reporting on number of years of The average New Jersey farm- residence on. the same farm, owner la almost 52 year* of age and has ers averaged 15 years and tenants operated the same farm for 15 averaged nine years. FORT MONMOUTH—Two weeks' years, according to a report of the Almost two out of five New Jer- active duty for approximately 250 1950 Censua of Agriculture just re- sey farmers 'dt^lved income from Army reservists from throughout ceived by John B. Liovett, auper- work off the farnrj according to the the state began last week-end with vlgor of the New York district of- census bureau. Of 24,779 farm op- five units reporting to the post here fice of the U. S. Census bureau. erators enumerated in the 1950 cen- for Signal Corps training under the New Jersey farm owners, on an sus, 8,567 reported work of the Army reserve training program. average, are 8.5 older than farm farm In 1949 and 27.3 per cent of Among the units In the regional tenants, according to. the census these had worked 100 days or more encampment is the 35th Signal conreport, which states the average age off the farm. traction battalion, the only afrlllatid group scheduled for training. The outfit comprises employees of For "Well-Rentembered" GIFTS . the Jersey Bell Telephone company Anil Will «M«l»te4 H»mt»l 1 and the 68 Army reservists arriving here make up the largest unit in camp. Their headquarters Is In Newark. Other units are the 418th signal construction company and the 824th signal construction company, who 227 River Rood «td Imk 6-5233 with the 35th, are undergoing onthe-job training with post signal ofWedgwood -k Doulton ~k Sevres it Limoges # fice functions. Another unit is the 324th signal service battalion. Worcester * Minton irk English and Irish Crystal * The 800th electronic warfare American Pattern Glass k Tiffany kkkk ountermeasurcs company from Furniture • E a r l y American • 18th Century • French Red Bank is training with the electronic warfare center here. Fifty-seven reservists are in the school .staff and faculty group which includes administrative and instructor personnel, , The 1043rd army reserve army service unit from New Brunswick OVERLOOKING THE SHREWSBURY , has 80 men attending school here IV* mor« than ju»l food wh«n you din* h«r« — at Camp Wood. Set up as a counterpart of the Signal school here, it't a rwlly •njoyablt •xparitfhce • perfectly the group attends basic and ad' flavored food, expertly served in-charming lurvanced Signal officers courses. • roundingi. Training started Monday morning following orientation by the post commanding general. Earlier this month, nearly 300 reservists from New York completed similar training at Fort Monmouth. New England groups arrive for duty Aug. ».

250 Reservists

' Candidates for Marine Commissions

Train at Fort



-•ace Eleven

3 Colonels Take Final Salute

Army, Col. Allen also served as deputy president of the Signal corps board here at the post and Is the first technically qualified inspector general at this Installation. He served In. Europe. In the last war and from Aug., 1946, to Mar., 1949 in the Far East command. Prior to Col. Vitzthum's duties In Washington, hi was commanding officer of the Sacramento Signal depot. In 1018, Col. Vitzthum served here, then Camp Alfred Vail, attached to the officers training battalion.

FORT MONMOUTH-A formal garrison review, honoring three retiring Signal Corps offlccra, whose combined service totals 113 yenr.s, was held at the post Saturday morning. The three Army colonels making their final official military appearance were Col. Amory V. 'Eliot of New York city, Col. Edward A. Al' len oC Birmingham, Ala., and Col. Matirnlty Klath.l KltMt Cattrlng !• th« Harry U Vitzthum of Baltimore, Md. EXPECTANT MOTHER With a CampItU Lht« at Col. Eliot's most recent assignMATERNITY A ' P A M L ment at Fort Monmouth wns aa SPORTSWEAR — DRESSES commanding ofllccr of the Signal SUITS — LINOCRIC Corps unit survey agency, while SOT SMnd St., Aikury Park 1 . 4 t i a . j Col. Allen served ns Inspector, general on the post. Col. Vitzthum has been inspector general of the Signal Corps since Jan., 1952. The colonels reviewed the troops in a jeep,. Taking part were the post drill team and the newly orRobert J, Hoffman, Jr. • Robert W. Wlckman ganized bugle and drum corps, plus All work done on the premises the Fort Monmouth band. Candidates undergoing officer William F. King, 55 Willis ave., Col. Eliot joined the 7th Infantry training at the Marine Corps school Kcansburrg. at Quantico, Va., include Robert J, A graduate of Red Bank Catholic with the New York National Guard Hoffman, Jr., «on of Col^ and Mrs. high school, Hoffman is a student in 1912. H e served overseas In Discounts on all Jewelry at Holy Cross college. Wlckman is War 1. Transferred to the Robert J. Hoffman, U.S.A. (retired), a student at Center college, and a World Signal Corps In 1923, he served a 127 Manor dr., Red Bank; Robert 1950 graduate of Rumson high good portion of time from then to VV. Wlckman, son of Mr. and Mrs. school, Tassini, a graduate o[ Mat- 1947 with the Air Force.*. During «» - W. Wickman, 20 Washington awan high school, is a student at the ljist war he saw duty in North Rutgers university, and Hopper, St., Rumson; John T. Tassinl, son 18 W. Front St. BE &Q07Z-M Africa and Italy. of Mr. and Mrs. John Tassini, 63 who graduated from Belleville high In completing 37 years in the Broad st., Matawan and Lyman A. school, is a student at Upsala colHopper, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. lege.





BATH ROOMS...REMODELED Why wait until full when our plumbers arc busy. Ailil greater llvalillity HIM! luxury to jour home by converting your antique bathroom into a modern one now. We use JohnsManvllle l i n e n flninheil flcxbonril on walls. This material is guaranteed. We also upeclallxe in remodeling kitchens.

Free Estimates... No Obligation . si*,. Roofing Garages Plumblnf Maionry Room Addliiftni N«w Bathroomi Attic Connrilona Comb. Wlodom Forth Enclorurii


Bank Rale Interest


Jalouiiaa Dormtrs Floor Tillnt Hcatina Paintlni

American Home vonstruction v o . RE 4-3000

Newman Spring* Boad


(off Broad St.)



39. Hopkins of of E. I. DuPont de Nemours, Inc., The number of dispute* referred Biookdale farm, Lincroft, adjutant at 380 Fifth ave., New York. to arbitration rather than being of the 404th Military Government During World War II, Capt. Hopsettled on the picket line continued kins served In the Middle European to rise. The board handled an all- company, an Army reserve unit, theater. He was assigned to the time high of arbitration cases dur- explains a technical problem in ad- Taegu Military Command in the ing the past year. The board ministration to a member of the present "hostilities" in Korea from closed 193 arbitration cases during unit. The 404th is in summer Nov., 1950, to Jan., 1982.. He holds 1952-53 as compared with 166 in the the American Theater and Eurotraining at Camp Drum, N. Y. preceding year. , pean Theater ribbons, the latter Capt. Hopkins is married and has with two campaign stars. He has Wages Major iMUe Wages was again the single ma- two children, Ann and Lynn. He j the Victory, Occupation and Unijor issue In labor negotiations. attended Utah State Agricultural ted Nations medals, Korean TheaWages was closely followed by re- college, University of California and ter Ribbond (with five campaign lated economic matters as welfare New York university. He is em- stars), Korean Presidential Citabenefits and such fringe items as ployed in the Fabrics sales division tion and Good Conduct ribbons. holidays, vacations, shift differentials and call-in pay. softball last Thursday evening, Morganville the men were again winners, Those During the past year the board The Morganville first aid squad playing were Florence and Lucy handled 12 strikes in which the issue of representation was in- has"been active during July ans- Eckel, Betty and Mae Beal, Dorovolved. The question of union se- wering calls to the scene of auto thy Spurgat, Frank Rogers, Dorocurity, in former years a major Is- and farm accidents and the calls thy Howardson, Joe Kelly, John sue, appeared as a dispute item in of local citizens for transportation Ludewick, Orvin Pcrrine, Sam to hospitals. Fifteen calls have Rogers, Matt Kelly, Ralph Babrlionly 11 cases. recorded since the first of the ky, Kenny Miller, James Rogers, Labor organizations continued to been Bobby Howardson and Eddie Initiate the referral of disputes to month. the board. Labor unions referred The recent family picnic held at Smith. White Birch grove by the first aid 311 of the 428 cases closed. SixtyLeslie Woolley conducted the seven cases were jointly referred squad was attended by 600 persons Sunday-school session in the Methby management and labor; the and netted $425. The coin-savor odist church Sunday and Mrs. Bert distributed during May are Boyce was the pianist in the abboard assumed jurisdiction on its cards being collected. The money will be sence of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. own motion in 23 cases and the re- used for maining 27 were referred by man- equipment. the purchase of new Lambertson. agement. Postmaster and Mrs. Welch are . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meyers and Duiing the past year, the board children Susie, Nancy and Howparticipated in the settlement of residing in their new home In Marl- ard of Waukegan, 111., were Friday only three strikes Involving public boro Gardens. visitors of Mrs. George Beal. utilities; the telephone strike, a gas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. AntiWalter J. Lambertson is on vacompany in South Jersey and a sell entertained at a beach party cation from his position with Hansmall public transportation com- Saturday at Spring Lake followed son-VanWinkle—Munning company pany. Seventeen other labor dis- by a picnic supper at Far View in Matawan and Mrs. Lambertson putes involving public utilities farm for thqir weok-end guests, is also enjoying her vacation from were settled by the board's medi- Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Mr. the Matawan bank. * and Mrs. E. Herbert Hlbbe and ators. children Gall and Steven, all of The harvest home supper sponBogota. sored by the Women's Society for Count 4,000 Craft Christian Service of the Methodist Miss Carole Ann Becker and Miss Suzanne Becker, members of church will be held in independent Along Jersey Coast the Robcrtsville 4-H club, had fire house Thursday evening, Aug. TRENTON—More than 4,000 flslv sewing and cooking exhibits at the 6. The dinner will be served "faming and pleasure boats of various 4-H fair at Freehold last week. ily style" and the first table will sizes and types were observed Each girl received two blue rib- be ready at 6 o'clock. A fancy along New Jersey's Atlantic coast- bons and four red ribbons. table will be featured with Mrs. line, from Sandy Hook to Salem, Elizabeth Pent In charge. during an aerial survey conducted Robert Maruser spent the weekJuly 4 by the State Fisheries labor- end with his grandparents, Mr. and There are about 444,000 producatory's marine inventory personnel Mrs. Michael Weglarz, Sr., of Old ing oil wells in. the United States. under the direction of Roy Young- Bridge. er. The Division of Fish and Game, ,.Arlcne Delbert celebrated her Department of Conservation and fifth birthday Saturday with a Economic Development, pointed out party at her home. Present were that this flight was one of several Mrs. Henry Doran and daughter made In connection with the State Nancy, Mrs. L. Seber and children Fisheries laboratory'* inventory of Bobby and Jeanic, and Arleno's sismarine sport fisheries in New Jer- ter Joanne. sey, a survey financed predominate- Mrs. William E. O'Connor, Sr., ly by government fund*. and grandson, George Strate, Jr., The purpose of the inventory is of Birmingham, Ala., and Mrs. Wilto ascertain the relative importance liam E. O'Connor, Jr., and children of major game and pan species In Billy and Bobby of Fayson Lakes, the saltwater sportsmen1* creels N. J., were Monday visitors of Mr. and to determine the relative num- and Mrs. Fred Marz of Wickatunk. ber of species of fish which are Those who completed the Red caught throughout the year. The Cross swimming course at Keansinformation thus obtained will be hurg were Patty Preston, Gladys used, according to State Fisheries Pheasant, Mabel Beal, Carol WilBiologist Roland F. Smith, to help liams, Louise Williams. Adcle Wilformulate a plan for the more ef- liams, Donald Zeni, Sally Zenl, Isaficient management of New Jersey's belle Demory, Anna Mae Guerin, saltwater fisheries. Dorothy Spurgat. Carl Joseph Spurgat, Wayne Morris, Alice May Morris, William Brewer, Susan Quackenbush, Robert Quackenbush, Mary Ann Maur, Mary Marz and Fred Marz. When the men and women of th« Morganville church played


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the World-famous JAGUAR and theSmall Car Sensation the

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Another new dealer opens in New Jersey MATTHEWS BROS.

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Donald Oortey of Wheeling, Wast Vs_ spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Walling and daughter Joanne, Linda VanNortwick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter VanNortwick, celebrated her 12th birthday Saturday with her parents and a guest, Carol Krynicki of Port Monmouth, by attending the ice show at Asbury Park.



planning an AUTO TRIP? send for your FREE copy of

Starting Friday, July 2.'/, the Consul and the Zephyr-Six will be on display at Matthews Bros, showroom, Newman Springs Road,.Red Bank. You've heard all about them. Now you will Avant to see and drive the sensational new




CONSUL . and



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lasting beauty

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