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Apr 30, 2012 - Sistem Peredaran darah. 1. Letak jantung rongga dada kiri. 2. Selaput ... Peredaran darah besar : (jantun

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Senin, 30 April 2012

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Jadwal Ujian RSBI SMP (untuk Kelas IX) Words of Thanksfull Synopsis THE WATER HORSE Sistem Peredaran darah

Diposting oleh Electra di 05.31

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Label: Penawaran

Minggu, 29 April 2012

Jadwal Ujian RSBI SMP (untuk Kelas IX) Matematika Rabu, 9 Mei 2012 - 08.00 s.d 10.30 Wib, IPA Kamis, 10 Mei 2012 – 08.00 s.d 10.00 Wib Bahasa Inggris Jum’at, 11 Mei 2012 – 08.00 s.d 10.00 Wib

Diposting oleh Electra di 04.39

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Label: Words

Words of Thanksfull On today's day, let us thank God for the rain, for the sea, for the sky, for the rainbow, for the air we breathe and for the people we meet. But most of all, let us not forget to thank him for the sweet gift of life. All our lives we go about searching for miracles, to make us happy. And we forget the greatest miracle of all called 'life'. Life by itself is a gift. Everyday that comes by is a gift from above, wrapped in invisible paper. Hence it called 'present'. Take this day as an opportunity to thank all those people who have made a difference in your life. It is never too late to thank a person. You may just make their day and give them a reason to thank you. Today put all your complaints aside, close your eyes and think of all the wonderful ways you have been blessed. Now open your eyes and say thank you to God. Remember all the people who have made a difference into your life, no matter how big or small. Now make it a point to thank them. Thank God for the sky above you. Thank him for the sun, moon and stars. Thank him for the rain drops, for the birds, for the animals and the flowers. Thank him for the people in your life, both good and bad. But most of all thank him for this beautiful thing called life. If the only prayer you would say is a silent thank you to God for everything he has blessed you with, it would sum up all the other prayers. It is very important to carefully pick the words you use when you are thanking others. Especially when you want your sincere appreciation to reach their hearts. A person who can't be thankful for small blessings, will never be thankful for big blessings. Don't ever take the people in your life for granted. Thank them for what they are to do, before it is too late. If you want to live a life without regrets, never forget to thank someone who has helped you even in the tiniest way possible. Saying a simple 'thank you' is one of the effortless and least expensive thing you can do for someone. But for some reason, it is the most powerful thing. You're alive! Isn't that a reason enough to be thankful? You are luckier than millions of those ghosts wandering around you!

Diposting oleh Electra di 04.37

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Label: Words

Sabtu, 28 April 2012


Long time ago, in 1942 Scotland there was a Scottish boy called Angus MacMorrow lived in a large manor house on the shores of Loch Ness with his mother Anne, his sister, a cook, a maid, and an old game keeper. Later they were joined by Lewis Mowbray, who came to work as a handyman there. Angus loved his father so much so that he was unable to accept that his father might be dead because his ship had been sunk in the war. One sunny day, while looking for seashells he found an enchanted egg. Then he took it home, he soon found himself faced to face with an amazing creature that he called “Crusoe”. Angus kept it a secret, but eventually told his sister and then Lewis about it. Lewis explained to Angus “It is a ‘Water Horse’ and it can be a boy and a girl, that it lays one egg, then dies before it can see it hatch”. The next day troops of the 12th Medium Regiment Royal Artillery arrived at the house. They were commanded by Captain Thomas Hamilton a friend of Lord Killin, the owner of the house who was serving with the Royal Air Force. An artillery battery was set up near the lake as defense against possible attacked or hiding German U-boats and the troops set up camp on the grounds of the house. Meanwhile, Crusoe grew so fast that hiding him became impossible and eventually Angus allowed Lewis to bring it to the lake. After several days passed, Angus came to the lake where he left his friend. He rode on its back. Angus, scared of the water, loudly protested that it should stop diving, but later enjoyed himself, perhaps even overcame his phobia for the sea. The peaceful set did not last long. Crusoe suffered from shell shocked after almost getting shot by which meant to stop enemy. Angus tried to stop the firing to save Crusoe from got hurt. Hamilton and the officers got mad at him and his mother punished him for a month. Two fishermen who previously saw Crusoe while fishing attempted to take a photo of it in ordered to become rich. However, they were not able to take picture due to the bombardment test. Then they decided to create an imitation, which result in the real-life faked picture of The Loch Ness Monster, also knew as “The Surgeon’s Photo”. Then the photo was published in the newspaper. It was seen by a few soldiers then decided to kill it. Crusoe easily capsizes their boat. Angus escaped from his punishment and went to the lake. There he tried to calm Crusoe down and went into the lake where he lost his footing and sinks. Crusoe came to Angus then rescued and saved his life. After much coaxing from Angus, Crusoe decided to leave the loch for helter and safety. However, guns from the nearby Artillery battery opened fire upon Crusoe, mistaking it for a German U-Boat. Crusoe attempted to jump over the anti-submarine net but instead crushed it with its weight and escaped from the lake. It was implied that Angus finally accepted that his father might never returned home while he saw Crusoe’s departure from afar, along with Lewis and his family. Many years passed, Angus never saw it again and yet never doubted that it was real. Finally, Angus became a strong and independent man who always believed that he had a best friend that had changed his life to be more meaningful. Diposting oleh Electra di 23.53

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Label: Story

Sistem Peredaran darah 1. Letak jantung rongga dada kiri 2. Selaput jantung : perikardium 3. Otot jantung : moikardium 4. Jantung terdiri dari 4 ruang : Serambi (atrium) kanan dan kiri Bilik (ventrikel) kanan dan kiri 5. Arteri : membawa darah meninggalkan jantung Menuju seluruh tubuh : aorta à arteri

Menuju paru- paru : arteri pulmonaris 6. Vena : membawa darah menuju jantung Dari seluruh tubuh : vena

Dari paru-paru : vena pulmonaris 7. Kapiler : mengedarkan darah ke sel-sel dan jaringan yang kecil 8. Bilik kiri (paling tebal) : memompa darah ke seluruh tubuh (O2) 9. Serambi kanan : menerima darah dari seluruh tubuh, lalu memompa ke bilik kanan (CO2) 10. Bilik kanan : memompa darah ke paru-paru (O2) 11. Serambi kiri : menerima darah dari paru-paru (CO2)

Bagan peredaran darah Peredaran darah besar : (jantung – seluruh tubuh – jantung) Bilik kiri à aorta à seluruh tubuh à serambi kanan à bilik kanan Peredaran darah kecil : (jantung – paru-paru – jantung) Bilik kanan à arteri pulmonaris à paru-paru à vena pulmonaris à serambi kiri à bilik kiri

Skema peredaran darah

12. Eritrosit (sel darah merah), fungsi : mengedarkan oksigen 13. Leukosit (sel darah putih), fungsi : membunuh kuman-kuman penyakit / pertahanan tubuh 14. Plasma darah, mengakut sari-sari makanan 15. Trombosit (keping darah) : pembekuan darah à mekanismenya :

Penyakit di peredaran darah 1. Anemia : kekurangan eritrosit/ sel darah merah 2. Hemofilia : darah sukar beku, keturunan 3. Arterosklerosis : penyumbatan pembuluh darah oleh lemak 4. Arteriosklerosis : penyumbatan pembuluh darah oleh zat kapur 5. Talasemia : sel darah merah mengalami lisis/pecah 6. Varises : pelebaran pembuluh vena di kaki/betis 7. Wasir/ambien/hemoroid : pelebaran pembuluh darah di anus 8. Leukimia : kelebihan leukosit/ sel darah putih/ kanker darah 9. Leukositosis / Leukopeni : kekurangan sel darah putih 10. Perikarditis : peradangan pada selaput jantung Diposting oleh Electra di 23.32

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Label: Biologi

Sistem Pencernaan Sistem pencernaan manusia terdiri dari 2 bagian besar : 1. Terdiri atas alat-alat pencernaan : mulut à kerongkongan à lambung à usus halus à usus besar à anus 2. Terdiri dari kelenjar pencernaan : kelenjar ludah, hati pankreas Berdasarkan prosesnya, pencernaan dibagi 2 : 1. Pencernaan mekanis : proses perombakan bentuk makanan dari yang kompleks ke bentuk yang lebih sederhana dengan bantuan gerakan alat pencernaan. 2. Pencernaan kimiawi : proses perombakan bentuk makanan dari yang kompleks ke bentuk yang lebih sederhana dengan bantuan enzim pencernaan. a. Mulut - Gigi : Seri (memotong), taring (merobek), geraham (mengunyah) - Lidah b. Kerongkongan à gerakan peristaltik : gerak meremas dan mondorong makanan ke lambung c. Lambung (2 mekanisme pencernaan) - Mekanis : gerak otot-otot lambung - Kimiawi : bantuan enzim

Nahh.. biasanya nih, kalo udah denger kata enzim pencernaan apalagi kalo ditanya fungsinya juga.. electra pasti pusing tujuh keliling.. tapi sekarang uda ngga lagi, sekarang electra mau kasi tau nih caranya ngafalin enzim pencernaan yang mengasyikkan .. Enzim-enzim pencernaan d. Enzim yang ada di LAMBUNG disingkat “P E R A” a. Pepsin : Protein – Pepton b. Renin : mengendapkan kasein susu c. Asam klorida/ HCl : membunuh kuman e. Enzim yang ada di PANKREAS kita sebut “T A L I” a. Tripsin : Protein – asam amino b. Amilase : amilum – glukosa c. Lipase : lemak – asam lemak f. Enzim di USUS HALUS à “ELI MALAS” a. Erepsin : pepton – asam amino b. Lipase : lemak - asam lemak c. Maltase : maltosa – glukosa d. Laktase : laktosa – glukosa e. Sukrase : sukrosa – glukosa f. g. Usus Besar Reabsorpsi : penyerapan kembali sari-sari makanan, menyerap air Pembusukan makanan : E-coli Rektum : menyimpan feses sementara waktu h. Anus : tempat keluarnya feses Diposting oleh Electra di 23.22

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Label: Biologi

Persamaan garis SEJAJAR DAN TEGAK LURUS Cara cepat mencari persamaan garis yang sejajar melalui titik tertentu

Langsung contoh soal yaa.. (biar tambah ngerti) Persamaan garis yang sejajar dengan garis 2x + 3y + 6 = 0 dan melalui titik (-2, 5) adalah? Kalo kalian makin angkanya bener, akan seperti ini : ó 2x + 3y = 2.(-2) + 3.5 ó 2x + 3y = -4 + 15 ó 2x + 3y = 11 atau ó 2x + 3y – 11 = 0 Nahh.. gampang kan temen-temen !!

Kalo untuk persamaan garis yang tegak lurus, juga ada cara cepatnya :

Pasti masih bingung yaa?? Hhmmp.. gimana kalo kita langsung ke soalnya : Titik A(-2, -3) tegak lurus terhadap garis dengan persamaan -2x + 3y = 9 adalah? Caranya : ó 3x – (-2)y = 3.(-2) - (-2).(-3) ó 3x + 2y = - 6 + 2.(-3) ó 3x + 2y = -6 + (-6) ó 3x + 2y = -12 atau ó 3x + 2y + 12 = 0 Tuhh kan gampang !! Gimana temen-temen jadi lebih mudah buat ngerjain soal persamaan garis kan? Selamat mencoba ya !! Diposting oleh Electra di 23.20

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