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"Cuckoo Song." Each of .... August 10—Humming Bird, North Fork, Henry. Couture. .... Humming Bird, 1-10 of a .•... I

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Idea Transcript



W. H. Covert's Place af the Headofthel/dley. LOADED WITH FRUIT Trees a n d Bushes B e n t to t u o Grouod U n d e r t h e W e i g h t of Their F r o d u o t . - T h e Rosmlt of H a r l Work,

Aa a r u l e 09 out of ovory 100 persons ,vho aro t u r n i n g their attontion t o Bri fish Columbia looking for investments, fire in search of an "iron-cap" or "frcomiiling proposition," and never s t o p for k m o m e n t to consider t h a t if t h o same a m o u n t of energy and half of t h o capifnl w h i c h IS being expanded in looking [or the "precious motals," t h a t aro beyond a d o u b t buried in the hills a r o u n d (iiund F o r k s , had been used in developing t h o agricultural poisiblities of b r a n d Prairie, tho tido of piosperity would bo much g r e a t e r t h a n at p r e s e n t . Che fight of all m a n n e r of fruit, vegetables and corals growing in ouch a prolific stato t h a t treos from threo to four years g r o w t h aro BO heavily loaded with fruit t h a t its necessary to p u t props under t h e limbs to assist them to stand iip undor tho b u r d e n of thoir load, to pen acres of tho linest, hicious borrios of very vtirioty Imaginable growing a n d the b u s h e s loaded to thu g r o u n d with fruit, vegetables t h a t h a v e no equals in t h e tropical climate, fields of grain thai jdar far above a m a n ' s head, is a scone (hat h a s a tendency to make ono realize l h a t n a t u r e hao done its s h a r e in asfisting to make t h i s ono of t h o most favored localities for t h e habitation of p a n , and t b a t there is money to bo made in iigricultural p u r s u i t s as woll as t h a t pf,mining. C r a n d Prnrio which licB on b o t h sidor. pf ! he K e t t l o river for tt distance of about 11 miles, is composed of a tine a body pf productive and fertile soil, t h a t only n e r d s to bo tickled to mako it produce results equalled by no other section of t b i s g r e a t domain oC ours, und which at no d i s t a n t day io bound to stand ut t h e h e a d of t h o list as an a g r i c u l t u r a l section us well as t h a t of a mineral producing territory. Owing to the mining pi aze whioh seems to have got such u hold on n i n t h - t e n t h s cf tho population pf tho went, comparatively no notice h a s been t a k e n of our great a g r i c u l t u r a l re o u r c e s and the a d v a n t a g e it oilers to all those who aro willing to embrace t h e m . T h e rapid increase in t h e population of this Bection has oreated a mari'.-A for tho products of tlio farm, which (act alono in tho future will have a ten tiuioy to stimulate more activity in this line of industry, and it will not ho many years beforo t h e fertile acres ot Grand Pralre will be ownod aud tilled by hundreds instead of a fow as ie tho cuoo at prcKont. In order to moro fully d e m o n s t r a t e w h a t can be accomplished in t h i s line, a representative of t h e Mitii'it, IUHI Sun duy, in company with his family, U. I'l. L a m b e r t and family, upon the invitation of tho owner, paid a visit tu t h e farm of W . H. Covert, situated six milca south* west of G r a n d F o r k s , at t h e h e a d of t h o prairie. Mr. Covert locuted on t h i s place In t h e spring'.!! 1885,having taken it u n d e r t h e pre-emption act of t h e province, nnii BtandB today a living m o n u m e n t of what i n d u s t r y a n d, assisted by n a t u r e , can aooompllsfl, In tho fall ol t h e samo year of tho location of the place Mr. Covert set o u t tho n u c l e u s ol his present valuable orchard and fruit (arm, w h i c h today iu undoubtedly t h e finest on tho pruirie', and .equal to uny in t h e c o u n t y of Vale, i t consisted of aboul 100 trees, divided among apple, peach, poar, cherry, apricot, prune, ote., besides an ondless variety ui' small ii aits. I n order to ascertain whioh variety would prove tho boot a d a p t e d to t h e climate uud tho moot prolific two of each of tlio well known varieties were selected: Apples—Thompson county King, Ben Davis, D u t c h e s s ot Oldeuborg, Qravlnsteln, Newton P i p p i n , Blue P e a r m a n , Golden Pippin, .lottery's, Baldwin, Wealthy, Yellow T r a n s p a r e n t , Tetopskey, Northern Spy, Wlnesap, S n o w apples, T a l m a n Sweets and alurgti n u m b e r of other varities. Pears—-Winter Nellio, i ' l ' l u i s h Beauty, Bartlott, Sickle and Columbia, Peaches—General (Irani, fJarly Crawford, a n d Early Rare Ripe. Cherries—Early R i c h m o n d , Royal A n n and Black T a r t a m and Black Republican. T h e list of p r u n e s cousiotsof only two varities t h e Italian a n d A b u n dance. Of all t h e varities planted it was found t h a t not ono proved a failure und as u r e s u l t of t h e experiment, two years ago Mr. Covert set o u t fifteen acres in orchard, eight of whloh was in prunes, Ho h a s now ubout 1000 p r u n o trees, 100 apples, and about lOOother treos of miscellaneous truits, such as poars, peaches,


quinces, cherries, apricots, c r a b apples, ilEKE HENTION. peach plums, etc. In tho apple orchard and bet.veen the rows of trees, T h e mon en are p l a n n i r g tor another which are 25 feet a p a r t both ways, aro to dance, be found long rows of small fruits conMayor Manly wont t o Rossland last sisting of strawberries, red, and black raGpborriea, blaekborrios, goose- S a t u r d a y morning. berries, c u r r a n t s of all hinds, grapes, et*:., D o n ' t go by w i t h o u t stopping anc'1 seeall of which havo thrived and tha yield ing Graham', at E d w a r d ' s ferry. from which h a s beon s o m e t h i n g wonO. C. L u t h e r is doing development derful. Mr. Covert ha? apple trees in his o r c h a r d s t h a t he will bo able fo pick worit on some of hi3 properties in IOC to 500 p o u n d s of fruit from t h i s sea- Brown's camp. son. Assessment work a s recontly WJIIV h una r u u u i i u v been vvvu In the g a r d e n can bo found all vari- dono on tho N U ties of vegetables, s u c h as potatoes, to* fork of Tass c: matos, boots, t u r n i p s , beans, onions, mado is said to be vory good cucumbers, cabbage, Stowell Evergreen J. K. J o h n s o n h a s boen appointed corn, m u s k and wator melons, and in fact everything t h a t an epicure vege general agent for tho Kettlo river distarian could desiro, all of which do will trict for tho P h o e n i x Firo Assurance and thrive with b u t very little c a r e and company of L o u d o n , England. attention. Owing to t h e absonce of t h e cily Nearly t h e entire 320 acres is so situa- clork from tho city, who was out on a ted t h a t it can bo irrigated by w a t e r ob- fishing excursion, t h e r o was no moeting tained from F o u r t h of J u l y croek, which of tho city council yostorduy. is tapped a b o u t t w o miles above Mr, Helen I n g r a h a m , t h e eight year old Covert's placo and for tho uso of which he has obtained from, tho g o v e r n m e n t d a u g h t e r of Goo. I n g r a h a m , who was thrown from her horse last W e d n e s d a y the right of t h e tirst use of 300 inches o! water. While Mr. Covert was waiting evening and supposed for somo t i m e to for his fruits to m a t u r o ho was not idle, bo badly injured ia now up and around but kept himself busy improving other j again. branches of his farm. As a result of L a R u o Perrine and Dave Wooclhcacl his work, ho h a s this year 200 acres are doing assessment w o r k on tho Bad In grain, 160 of which is in oats that I L u c k and Better T i m e s c l a i m s on Morstands over si:: feet in h e i g h t and so ilssy creek, ubout s i s miles northeast ot heavy t h a t it will average a t least SO | the city. bushels to t h e aero if nut more; 10 acres j Mr. F r e d Wollaston, P, L. S. Bnished in wheat t h a t will mako t h r e e tons of hay'to tho acre* 16 acres seeded to timo- I t h e . work of surveying the Grey Eagle thy and two to alfalfa. T h e r e is some- I claim t h i s week and steps will bo taken thing ovor five miles of fence, and three a t o n c e to obtain a drown g r a n t to the property, miles of irrigation ditches.


both furnished with all tho modern conveniences. One of tho pleasautest places in the houso is found nt tho head of tho stairs, which m a k e cuch a t u r n t h a t a t the fop is a b a l l u s t r a d e forming t h r e e sides of a square, and enclosing a lobby six feet or more iu width, from which a viow of tbo stairs, lower hall und parlor is obtained. Ono bedroom on the, lower lloor and two on the upper aro furnished in a style in keeping wilh tho rest of t h e house, and the North half of the upper story is left id One large unfurnished room which can be used for a play* T h e Location* Style uf A r o l i h a j t u r e , room or storage purposes. T h e town h a s a great acquisition in and K o t h o d of F u r n i s h i n g All the C u m i n g s ' rosi'lonco, Mr. and Mrs. C u m i n g s are to b& 'congratulated upon go t o Make it a the good t a s t o displayed in iitting ' ' " their homo. Model Home.

TRICE FIVE ( i-N r s .


Ohas Cumings Residence 3 s Completed,








T h e concert givon last Tuesday evening for t h e benefit of the Presbyterian church was a most decided success ar tisticallj, and while not so successful financially as m i g h t have beon desired still a neat sum was netted und t u r n e d over t h e c h u r c h . T h o affair was arranged and supervised by Miss Alico May H a r r a b ono oi the leading vocalists and musicians of 8] okane, who very kindly tendered her services to assist t h e church. Those who 'ailed to attend certainly niiasod a raio t r e a t as nothing of so high a standard of excellence has ever bcforS been given la Iho city,

Miss H a r r a h was in excellent voice and sang superbly, particularly in t h e M1N!XCT_R1T'0!:DS. "Cuckoo Song." E a c h of her selection? T h e residence of Chae. Cumings, on lie, oul I.I* tbe ",,.',itiniis certificates oi work was ontusittHiically encored a n d hert b c ea. For every bowling alley, or rifle gallery, the Chief of Police, or Police Constable, duly SATURDAY, AUGUST II, 1897. omy is all right in t h o m a n a g e m e n t of death of a r i c h relation, w h o h a d left authorized In that tiehalf. and any person or per- $5.00 for every six months. 10. For everv dealer in opium, crude or manutho affairs of either a city or private in- all his cash t o him, nor t h a t ho was t h e son refusing the above officers admittance, or factured, other than chemist or ;druggsit in the dividual b u t in either event thero is no lucky holder ot a Chinese l o t t e r y ticket preventing such Inspection, shall be liable to preparatiou of physicians prescription, $250.01) AlNOTHiiR H E M B E R F O R \ A L E . for every six months. the penalties of this by-law, For everv person who keeps or carries on .AcIn tho ordinary courso of ovonts t h e occasion foj splitting hairs. W h a t we but an ontirely different mission. .jf. Bach and overy person, persons or bo*1y a 11. public wn-li house or laundry, a sum of $5.00 Corporate, using or following the several trades, want in G r a n d F o r k s is a good business cording to M r Wren's story Woolery occupations) professions, or business set forth Ior everv six months. bcxt sitting of t h e Provincial Assembly 12. For every transient street fakir, or patent should bo t h e last of t h o present legisla- administration. S h e w a n t s the work, had formed too strong an a t t a c h m e n t iu the schedule hereunto annexed, and particu- medicine man,* the sum of $5.01 for the first larly described herein, shall take out a periodinecossary to bo done, to bo dono at week, ami $25.00 per week for each week therefor threo of h i s horsos—ho does n o t ac- cal license for such period as in said schedule ture, a n d thero is no reason tu doubt b u t _„ nn set forth, paying therefor, such periodical sums after, 13. For every barber, hairdresser, etc., $5.00 t h a t tho Provincial G o v e r n m e n t will onco, with fair and reasonable prices cus t h a t gontloman of stealing hiB as is therein specified, which said sum shall in all . be paid in advance, as specified in this by- for every six months, carry c u t itfl e pi eesed intent of Intoduc- paid for what s h e gets, let 4 t bo labor four-dollar cayuses, b u t merely appro- cases 11. For every contractor and builder $;>.00for law. or material. A good a d e q u a t e s e w e r - ' oriating them to his own uso. everv six months. i. Any person or persons, who simll carry on, \pg a redistribution bill. Evon if t h e 15.* Blacksmiths, paint shops, and printing use, practice or exercise any trade, occupation, age Bystem is needed badly and t h a t at Government had expressed no intentions I t appears a b o u t six or eight weeks profession or business in the said schedule, de- offices $5.00 for six months, onco. o h o should own her own w a t e r scribed or named, without first taking out and Reconsidered aud lluallv pas -ed this ItJth day at all in t b e m a t t e r it is evident t h a t ago when t h e ox-sheriff was on his way had granted to him, or her the necessary license of July, A. I)., 1897; and light plant and it should bo built Signed and Sealed that behalf, shall for each offense be liable to TL. S.l the remarkable development which t h o from t h o Slocan country t o t h e reser- in JOHN A. MANLY, MATOBi the penalties of this by-law. as soon a3 possible. L e t ail these Province has undergone d u r i n g t h o past JAMES A. AIKMAS, City Clerk. vation, t h a t bo rented from Wren, who 6. No person, persons or body corporate, shall things be done in a business like way, own within the City of Grand Korks any cal), three years a n d t h o groat increase of The above is a true copy of a by-law passed by not like tho grading of Bridge street, was then r u n n i n g a livery barn at carriage or omnibus, or other vehicle for the con- the Muneipal Corporation of the City of Grand of passengers for hire from one place population which h a s lakou placo, esNorthport, a pack outfit consioting of veyance day of June 1897, and all and tho people will bo satisfied. to another within the city, or own any trunk. Forks, on tho pecially in t h e s o u t h e r n portion would three horses and t h e necessary para- dray, cart, wagon or other vehicle used in the persons are hereby required to take notice that transportation of goods, wares or merchandise, any one dcsirious"of applying to have such byrender a redistribution bill a positive phernalia to comprise a complete pros- or other article or thing, from plnce to place law or any part thereof quashed, must make his A WOMAN named M r s . Omier was in within the city for hire, or keep teams for work application for that purpose to the supreme necessity. jail at Ottawa, charged with killing h e r pecting layout, for t h e period of one of any-kind of hire, in the said city without court within one mouth next after thc publicaIn such a bill t h e c l a i m s of E a s t Vale having lirst obtained a license to do so. No per- tion of this by-law in the British Columbia Gaweek. Since t h a t t i m e n o t h i n g h a d husband. An order camo for h e r reson holding four licenses under this section zette, or he will be too late to be heard in that to an additional representative cannot lease from jail and s h e refused to go. been heard of h i m except t h a t , ono of shall be liable at the same time to take out or behalf. JAMBS A. AIKMAN, City Clerk. bo ignored. Even a t t h e election of 1894 Well, s h e h a d a right t o hor own c h o i c e the horses h a d diod a n d Woolory h a d pay for a license in respect Lo the livery stable at which his vehicle mentioned in such license and before s e t t l e m e n t h a d made any iit t h e matter, b u t we v e n t u r e t h e opin- s j l d one, a n d becoming alarmed con- is kent, BY-LAW NO. 0. 6. No person, persons or body corporate shall headway at all in t h o s o u t h e r n p a r t of ion l h a t no man would refuse to leave cerning tho return of his property h a d .own nny cab, 'larriagc, or omnibus or other A by-law to amend thc by-law to define the condititions requirements and regulations of l h e Riding, E a s t Vale, polled d o u b l e jail. Woman, however, aro more used traced t h a t gentleman t o this city, vehicle for the conveyance of passengers for hire from any place or places outside of the city Licenses for the sale of spiritous.'fenucntcd, t h e n u m b e r Qof votos for its ono to being confined, anil this prodably ac- J where it was ascertained t h a t ho was at to any point within the City of Grand Forks intoxicating and other liquors in thc city of without having first obtained a license to do so. Grand Forks, m e m b e r t h a t ut least six o t h e r constitu- counts for h e r d e t e r m i n a t i o n , present at E u r e k a on t h e reservation, 7. Every description of vehicle except omiWHEREAS, at tho tinie of lho incorporation of street railway, or tramway ears, used in the city of Grand Forks there existed licenses encies polled in t h e s a m e election, l'i for which place t h e irate livery man buses, the conveyance Of passengers, for hire from oue fact tho voting population of t h o riding M R . O. S. D E N N I S h a s beon appoitited left oarly Tuesday morning swear- place to another within thc city, and whether to sell wine, beer, and spiritous liquors, aud by one or more horses or other animals, Whereas, by By-law No. 2 of thc said city of was only exceeded a n d t h a t by Insignfi. Gold Commissioner in Nelson; vice ing vengeance and declaring t h a t h e drawn shall be'deemed a cab within the meaning of Grand Forts it is provldtd that Hotel licenses only shall be issued, and cant figures by t h e cities of New West- Capt. F i t z s t u b b s resigned—Tho a p - would have tho return of his property this by-law. 8. Every owner of more than ono cab, dray Whereas, it was not the intention of the Muminister, Vancouver, Victoria a n d t h e pointment gives general satisfaction, or there would be trouble. or omnibus, shall take out a license for each nicipality of the City of Grand Forks to interfere cab, dray or omnibus, and each sueh vehicle shall with uny liquor licenses existing at the time of Delta. Tbe exact figures are New Westhave in a conspicuous place thereon, and sub- Its incorporation A New Eldorado. M I S T A K E S IN M A I L S E R V I C E S . ject to the approval of the Licenso Inspector, a minister 1109 tor one member, VancouBe it therefore enacted by tho Municipality of number, which number shall correspond with " E v e r y t h i n g is Klondike. Everybody the ver 1203 for each of its 3 members, Vicnumber in the record or register kept by the Grand Forks that all licenses to sell wine, beer and spiritous liquors existing at the time of thc License Inspector. is for K l o n d i k e T h o laot Alaska bound TinBOUNDARY C R E E K T I M E S T H I N K S toria 15119 for each of its four m e m b e r s , 9. The person iu whose name a lieouse is taken incorporation of the said city of Grand Forks vessel was weighted down with passen- out under the provisions of this by-law shall be shall be and remain existinglicenses upon payI T H A S A K I C K COMINO. and t h e Delta 11IJ0 for its one member. considered as the owner or proprietor of the ve- ment of the fees fixed by By-law No. '2 bf the E a s t Vales vote iu t h o some election was E v e r y t h i n g is not s m o o t h in t h o Pos- gers and freight for t h e Yukon districts, hicle or place licensed, arid shall be liable to the by-laws of the said city. Reconside.'ed aud finallv passed this 16th dav penalties in this by-law contained for any breach 1052 for one mombcr."' tal service at Greenwood, according to and everything t h a t will carry is tp-'be of the provisions thereof, whether committed of July, A. D., 1897. [ L. S. ] Blgned and Sealed weighed to t h o waters edge for weeks tq hy said owner or proprietor or by any employee Since t h a t timo t h o entire southern tlio last iseuo of the Boundary Creek JOHN A. MANLY, MAYOR. of said owner or proprietor. • J. A, AIKMAN, City Clerk. portion of Yale h a s become compara- r i m e s , which makes i t s kick as follows: come. And all the e x c i t e m e n t ' - i s T o r 10. Any person purchasing the interest of any other person in any cab, dray or omnibus,livery, gold—the greatest gold excitement tne tively well populated, Midway, Mc" F o r several m o n t h s p a s t there have sale, feed or exchange stable who sliall continue Kinney, Fairview, Osoyoos, Anaconda. been mistakes made in t h o distribution world has known. Even California in the business without having obtained a transTheosophical Society. fer of such license, shall be guilty of a breach Greenwood City, Carson, ' I r a n d F o r k s of mail at t h e P e n t i e t o n office or a t one t h e '19 days was not so fascinating as >f this by-law, and shall, on convicliou be subWELBON BUANCH:-Meets every Sunday ject to the penalties therein provided. he long and tiresome j o u r n e y to Klonevening at 8 o'clock at the residence of N. and CascadeCity have become the thriv- of , t h o distributing post-offices to t h e 11. Every owner licensed to lieep anv cab or Larson. A cordiol invitation by the society is ing center of b o t h a resident, s u b u r b a n north. Mails which Bhould bo in t h e dike, with t h o i n u m e r a U o hardships omnibus, shall keep the same continually clean, extended to all who are interested in thc study the interior thereof dry, and the harness or mining a n d a g r i c u l t u r a l population, Greenwood bag aro placed in tho G r a n d incident to it, with its prospective mar- equipments used therewith always in good re- of Theosophy. pair, aud every owner licensed to keep a livery velous wealth. B u t it eyer was as it is. F o r k s bag, a u d consequently they artT h e voting population from Pentiestable, feed or sale stables shall keep thc same ton Eouth is nor,- a t h a s t as largo as forwarded to t h e l a t t e r point. T h e re- Men aro willihg to risk life itself for t h e clean, and the vehicles, harness and stable Church Notice. equipments lu conuection therewith Clean and North Victoria or E s i ; u i m a l t s w a s in sult is t h a t business m e n of Greenwood possession of gold, t h o u g h their individ- sound, and the horses Uierein proper and suffiR E S B Y T E R I A N ' cHuiicu-services every cient to do the work, and all places, vehicles, ual clianco of possing a n y very large are often a t an inconvenience and losi1891. B u t when wo consider t h o largo Sabbath in the church at 11 a. ra, and 7:30 and horses licensed to be kept under this bynon-voting population which h a s to be becauso they do not receive important a m o u n t of it may be less t h a n one in a law shall be subject to the inspection of tho Li- p- m. in thc school room at Grand Forks. Sabcense inspector at all reasonable times. bath school 10:30 a. m. in tho schocl room. considered in additioii a n d tho i n t e r e s t s letters .until they a r o returned from thousand* a n d their c h a n c e of returning l'i,' livery driver of a cab shall, when required At Carson weekly 3 p. in, any police officer, give official information of which are no less i m p o r t a n t t h a n Grand F o r k s . We aro well awaro t h a t in less t h a n d e s t i t u t e circumstances is by iv ith reference to the add ressot'the house or place REV. Tiros, PATON, Pastor. ,those of lho voting population, we may there iB a largo amount, of mail t o be not ono It) a hundred, P e r s o n s who are to which he may have driven any passengersami any other intormation connected therewith safelv assume t h a t t b o g o v e r n m e n t will distributed from tho Pentieton office, adventurously inclined a n d havo noth- which may have come to his knowledge, and a of such information shall be deemed a need very little assistance in coming to hut tho government s h o u l d provido t h e ing to lose, a n d who are willing to en- refusal C a r s o n L o d g e I. O. O. F . No, 3 7 . breach of this by-law. t h e conclusion t h a t t h e c o u n t r y from postmaster with sufficient assistants to d u r e any hardships, m a y go Alaska13. Every driver of any cab or dray, shall T H H V 5IEETS EVERY SATURDAY when called upon to do so, assist any police ofSycamouB to t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Boun- ensure a moro careful distribution of ward, b u t those who c a n n o t afford to ficer in tho conveyance in his cab or dray of any -Li {Jt Ui J. 1 evening at 8 o'clock in their or persons lo the common gaol, or any ball at Carson, B C. A cordial invitation exdary is inadequately r e p r e s e n t e d by a mail end j r e v e h t so m a n y errors, I t risk should n o t t h i n k of it. I t will be persou station in the city, or in the conveyance tended to all sojourning brethren. is bad enough to have i"ails only t h r o e only a few m o n t h s before t h e r e t u r n i n g police K B . NELSON, R. S, to the hospital or elsewhere, If required, any single member, D. 1). MCLAHH.N-, N. G. times a woek from P e n t i e t o n , without vessels will b e bringing back crowds of person who may have met with an accident, or is III or wounded, provided such illucss is not tho additional vexation of finding t h a t gold* seekers who have neither gold nor of an iufeclious nature; and said driver shall YALE n v ' S T B E D I V I D E D . entitled to his usual fare therefor by such important l e t t e r s havo beon takon to the wherewith t o p u r c h a s e tbod,—Sll- be persons so carried, or by the city. In former issues of t h o M I N E R a n en- Grand F o r k s a n d necessarily kept 14. No cab,cart, express wagon or other vehicle verton Silvertdnian. kept for hire, shall stand upon or iti any street deavor h a s been mado to point o u t there a day beforo boing returned to — '?'"& while waiting for hire or engagement, except G R A N D F O R K S , B . C. t h e necessity of dividing the c o u n t y Greenwood. upon and on such stands as may from time to Liberals M e i t l lime be appointed by the council for that purof Yalo into a u o r t h a n d s o u t h r i d i n g , Tbo regular bi-monthly meeting of pose, E* B. S T A N L E Y S M I T H , M, D. In relation to t h e s a m e subject t h e 15. No person (not being a government officer F r o m a careful s t u d y of t h e question it the Liberal association of G r a n d F o r k s -clling by auction government propertv, or Times h i t h e r says: Rpsidont Physician & Surgeonis plain to bo Been t h a t all t h a t t e r r i •Uierilts officer or bailiff, selling lands, gooas, or and vicinity met in t h e M I N E R office chatties, taken In execution or for thc satisfac"Aftor considerable agitation a n d tory this sido s o u t h of P e n t i e t o n should last Monday evening; A m o n g the tion of reuts or taxes), shall sell or put up for sale by public auction, goods, wares, merchan- -DORBE'S M. K E R B Y , " compose tho s o u t h riding and t h a t on grumbling on t h e p a r t of tho inhabiother m a t t e r s attended to at t h e meet- dise, effects, or real estate or carry on the busitants of Kootenay t h e Postmaster-Gentho o t h e r sido tho n o r t h riding. A t ness or calling of an auctioneer within the city ing was t h e appointing of J a m e s Kerr, without having obtuined a license so to do, and present all business pertaining to eral h a s authorized t b e conveyance of paid the fee therefor, and every such license J. P . a second vice president of t h e assoshall contain the name of one person only, and land, such a s t h e t a k i n g u p a n d tiio mails daily botweon Revelstoke a n d A n d Civil Engineer. shall not he used by a partner, servant or agent ciation. After a general discussion of of such person so licensed. filing ot pre-emptions m u s t be done Trail and other K o o t e n a y points. Now OFFICE, MIDWAY, B. C. . tho political situation some half a dozen 16. No hawker; or petty chapman, or other if t h e Honorable Mr, Muloch would Associate Member Canadian t h r o u g h lhe g o v e r n m e n t agent at Vernew names were added t o t h o roll of the person who carries on ii petty trade or who goes Society of Civil Engineers. irom place to place to other mens houses on non; a n d a l t h o u g h l h a t official, M i . authorize t h o conveyance .pf mails association a n d t h e meeting adjourned foot, or with any animal bearing or draying L e o n a r d No'rris, is an exceptionally daily between P e n t i e t o n a n d B o u n d a r y goods, wares, or merchandise for sale or other- A C. 8UTTOS, till Monday evening t h e 23rd last. wise carry goods', wares, or merchandise for painstaking and p r o m p t official, his tor croek points, t h e r e s i d e n t s here would sale, other than the growth, produce, or fully appreciate t h e service. If t h a t is manufacture of the Province of British Columritory is so extensive t h a t It is impossiDissapointed. bia, shall exercise such calling within the eity impossible this s u m m e r , it would n o t be ble for him t o become thoroughly acwithout having obtained a license so to do, and Recent arrivals from E u r e k a report paid a difficult m a t t e r to a r r a n g e the conveythe fpe. therefor set Out in the schedule to NOTARY P U B L I C , E T C . , quainted with tho r e q u i r e m e n t s of by-law, ance of mails daily t o a n d from Grand t h a t some of t h o Grand F o r k s citizens this 17. Ho person either on his own behalf, or as G R A N D F O R K S , - - B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A . all parts of t h o c o u n t y , Again, there Forks. T h e r e is now a daily stage on who pulled u p stakes a n d went to that agent for another, or others, shall sell, solicit, uro matters arising h e r e daily t h a t reor lake orders lor the sale by retail for goods, this route a n d t h e e x t r a expotiBO s h o u l d place, to engage in businoss" are n o t wares, or merchandise, to be supplied or furquire t h e personal a t t e ntion of a governH. A . S H E A D S , not prove a barrier, Thoro is already a meeting with t h e succesB t h a t they an- nished by any person or firm, doing business outside of the city, without having first obtained m e n t agent, as woll as t h o other county daily mail from M a r c u s to Grand F o r k s ticipated. I n fact they find t h a t t h e a license, and paid the fee therefor, set out in officials. Those a n d m a n y other reasons ttio schedule to this by-law. and there is no good reason why this nickels and dimes are n o t rolling in 18. No person or persons shall for hire or procan bo given w h y t h e c o u n t y s h o u l d service Bhould not be extended to Green- there with a n y more rapidity t h a n they lit, directly or indirectly, keep or have, iu his, tier or there possession or on his, her or their be divided. did in t h e F o r k s , and almost evefy line premises within theeity, auy pool or bllliurd wood, GRANC FORKS, B. C. table, or havo auy such tables in any place liof business is greatly over done. T E L E P H O N E LINE. censed us a saloon, hotel, victualling house, Tins action of t h c city council iu proordinary, or place of public eutertulninent, or SAMPI.ESGIVEN PROMPT ANn CAREFUL ATTENTION viding a free convoy for all freight con- W. B . A R I S SAYS T H A T O N E W I L L B E reson within the eity, whether such tables are R i g h t Vou A r e . used or not, without having a license and paid p'WOLl.Ab'J'ON, signed to reservation points should meet BUILT H E R E . T h e Tacoma Ledger says t h a t Can- the feu therefor, set out in the schedule to this by-law. with oommendation from ovory citizen, In an interview in t h e S p o k a u e ada only owns a small portion of t h e 19. No person, persons or body corporate, fciince the wagon road h a s been com- Chronicle relativo to building a tele- V u k o n g o l d fioldo. Then why, in the except chemists or uruggists, using tho same pleted from Wilber to E u r e k a t h e re- phone lino into this section, W. B . Aris, name of common sense, do not Ameri- iu preparations of prescriptions of medical practitioner, shall within the City of Grand Civil Engineer, Etc, presentatives of t h e W a s h i n g t o n Cen- manager of t h o line, recently said; can citizens go and develop tho mines rorks sell, barter, or exchange, or in any manORAND F O R K S , B . C. ner whatsoever tratfic ju or with opium, In any tral railroad, in Spokauo, huvo been us" T h o enterprise h a s exceeded b e / o n d which C a n a d a does n o t control; and form whether crude or manufactured, without ing t h e fact t h a t a S5.00 convoy feo w a s our expectations. W e a r e now prepar- stop making an exhibition of themsel- having lirst obtaJued u license so to do, anu paid the fee therefor Bet out in the schedule to p R A N D F O R l t S H O T E L , expected from overy porson who m a d e a ing to construct an e x t e n t i o n or b r a n c h ves over t h o C a n a d i a n customs and this by-law, 2'J. Eor every retail trader in the business as s h i p m e n t of goods to reservation p o i n t s , into G r a n d Forks, B . C . T h e route h a s mining laws?—Victoria Colonist. a hardwuro, druge, stationery, boots aud BhooB, or furniture merchant, the sum of $3.UU for as a club to t u r n freight a n d travol over beon surveyed a n d t h e work will bogin each six months. t h e i r lino. Now t b a t t h o club h a s boon at once, T h c line will b r a n c h off from Freighters ulid travelers will always find th 21. For every second hand dealer and store, Centrally Looated. All Work. Gauranteed to be the sum uf fjfJ.OU, for every ,*ix months. X first-Glass iu every Keapeet. broken by t h e action of t h o city coun- our present line at Bossburg and will best of accommodations at Edwards' ferry, '22. Eor every person other than u barrister PROPRIETOR, or solicitor, who has taken out a license to PETER A, I PARE, cil in furnishing a free convoy, t h e r e is follow vory nearly tho stago until reachpractice as such, filling the occupation of, conno doubt b u t t h a t t h o bulk cf t r a v e l ing the international b o u n d a r y . .There veyancerorland agent, or both f>.lX> for every six mouths. will continue to go t h i s way, as the we connect with tho British Columbia 23. An auctioneer who unduly makes*6 noise I T S. CAYLEY, in the streets by Lhe undue ringing of bells, transportation facilities a r e m u c h m o r e Telephone company, w h i c h carries t h e shall be deemed lo have committed a breach of comfortable a n d rapid, t h a n via t h e line into G r a n d F o r k s , Greenwood a n d this by-law. Dealer in 21. Auy violation or breach of auy of the Washington Central r o u t e . Midway, Wo are also preparing t o p u t provisions of this by-law, shall subject the ofSOLICITOR, ETC., tender, upon conviction belore the Mayor, Poour wireB into B u r o k a , but. have not delice Magistrate, or any Justices of the Peace Office, Main Stieet, - GRAND FORKS, B. B, GREAT surprise is being expreBeed by having jurisdiction within the City of Grand termined w h e t h e r to r u n t h e lino from o u r cousins across tho line over t h e fact Forks to a penalty not exceeding one hundred Kettle Falls u p tho K e t t l o river or to dollars with costs. All penalties and oostB im' ' t h a t there aro othor pobblos on tho posed under this by-law shall be recoveraDle by /i L , MCDONALD, branch down acioss t h o boundaiy line Uistreas.and in case of no suinelent distress being b e a c h , " and if t h e y w a n t to hold tUe fouhd, imprisonment, with, or without hard lafrom G r a n d F o r k s . " in the discretion of the convicting Magist r a d e of tho c o u n t r y s o m e t h i n g h a s to ALL THF, LATEST NOVELTIES bour, trate may be imposed for the period not to exb e done besides s i t t i n g down a n d cryceed thirty days. OF THE ART GRAND FORKS, B. C. When in need of a n y t h i n g ih t h o line ing ovor t h o disappointing railwaySCHEDULE, of j o b work do not forgot t h a t T H E Plans and specification** drtMvn, estimates furnews. T h e furnishing of a freo convoy M I N E R can supply you a t the lowest 1. For every license undor sub section 5, $12.50 nish'.'.I on nil kimi.i.ji' 'niHaing. Work strictly lirst-ciass. for every six month',, Us t h e first invitation t h a t h a s boon e x - possible price for good work. _ ^







Contractors and Builders, Oflice, Store, and Saloon Fixtures-a Specialty, Plans aud Specifications Made and Estimates Made. OFFICE, KIVERSIDE AVE., GRAND FORKST

w, a


Physician and Surgeon,

McGILL, MONTREAL. Office In Drug Store.


A. BAUMGARTNEK. Boot and Shoe Shop; Boots and shoes made to order of tho very best material. Repairing promptly done. END OF THE BRIDGE, • GRAND FORKS.







J. W. JONES, Manufacturer oi

Spring Beds, .Mattresses} LOUNGES, ETC. DEALER IN HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL KINDS'. GRAND FORKS; B. C. £Sr-Saw Filing and all Kinds of Repairing.


Grand Forks • • • • arid Eureka Camp; Jinking Carson, Nelson, Curlew, Eureka and Sans Poll three tlniBs Weekly, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

J, N, OWENS, Prop;

Spokane Falls & Northern; Nelson & Ft. Sheppard, HOSPITAL Red Mountain R'ys. T h e only All-rail Rpute, w i t h o u t changcof cars, between S p o k a n e , Rossland Nelson.

Provincial Land Surveyor,



DAILY ElfCEi*T SUNDAY. Going North. OolngSouthi 12:12a. m JIAROTJS 2:2!*' Close connections at Nelson with steamboats for Kaslo and all Kootenay Lpke Points. Passengers for Kettle Rlucr and Boundary Creek connect iit Marcus with stage daily.

JMern Pacifia RAILWAY.

Provincial Land Surveyor, Yellowstone Park Line._->

Barber Shop.



Pine pinery,

Contractor and Builder^

Riverside Ave* Grand Forks.

The Fast Line, Superior Service, Through tickets to ull points In thc United States and Canada. Direct connection with the Spokane Falls iS Northern Railway. TRAINS DEPART: No. 1 West...,; i No. 2 Eoyt ....'

8:25 p, m T'.OOa. in.

Tickets to Japan aud China via, Tacoma and Northern Paellle Steamship Company. For inibnriation, tinle cards, maps and tick, ets apply to, agentB of the Spokane Falls .' Northern aiid Its connections, or F, t>, GIBBS, General Agent, spokano, Wash A.-l>. CHARLTON, A. G; P. A , >*. No. 266 MorrlBon St., Portland, Or. Write for new map of KootenaV country.



upon their property in a ehort time. Under the reser7Mtion lawn timber cannot be cut thereon for the purpose of selling, but the interests of Messrs. Clark NO SIGNS OF ANY LET UP IN THE PROGRESS are BO extensive in the camp as to warrant them putting in a mill for their OF THIS PLAGE. own use, building houses, flumes, tic. Other claim owners can cut timbers The Townsite to Be Platted, a Saw- from their own claims and haul the logs mill Coming In and a Large to the Clark mill to have them cut into lumber, and the greatest inconvenience Number of Properties of the camp at present, the scarcity of Being Developed. lumber, will in a measure be abated.— Reservation Record.

The Plan for the Carson

Eureka camp, that marVel of the VISITS OUR SCHOOLS. tninerul world, which wheb its news was first heralded abroad created an excite- INSPECTOR BURNS off VICTORIA, ON HIS ANNUAL TOOK OP INSPECTION. tnont second only to that occasioned by the placer strikes on the Klondyke, has William Burns, B, A., of Victoria, t-apidly passed from the prospective to one of the four school inspectors of tbe the development stage and bow begins province, was an arrival in tho city last to present the appearance of an old es- Monday, from Cascade City where he tablished camp. The floating prospec- had been arranging for the establishing tors, whose tents for a time whitened of a school in that thriving little burg, the hillBi have pushed on toward Toroda, inspector Burns is on one of his reguTrout and Meyers creeks; ahd points lar touts Of inspection of the schools of West and north of Eureka, stimulated the province and visits to this section, in their search for wealth by the suc- he expressed great surprise at the cess of the Eureka locators and by re- growth it had made and gave it aa his ports ot similar finds in Torada and else- opinion that the neit twelve months where. would see the population of this disBut while the transient prospectors trict more than doubled. Mr. Burns have been striking their tenti? a popula- spent Tuesday in inspecting our school tion of a mote substantial type has been here as Well as the Grand Prairie and accumulating, And the "city" is larger expressed himself more than pleased today, and more business is being tran- with the teachers and general managesacted than ever in its short blit event- ment of these educational institutions, ful career, and after taking a general survey of tho So miiclx.has Heeri said and written city and surrounding country left for regarding Eureka that it seetiis like re- Greenwood Via Wednesday, morning's peating history to go into details In de- stage. scribing it< it sooths that everyone During Inspector Burns short stay in must have a goodidettof, the damp from Grand Forks he made may friends the descriptions of it lhat Have been by hiB genial ahd frank manner and written, but no one ban fully appreciate on taking leave of the city spoko in flatHe importance Without paying it a visit tering terpis df the general appearance and looking over the immense mineral of the Forks, saying: "You have a deposits which have made Eureka so beautiful Bite foi' ?. City here ahd a very justly famous. fair commencement toward ..building , Since it has becoiiio established beone of the biggest towns in the Kettle yond a doubt that the dikes of quartz F*IlQSl*ECTORS River Valley." carry gold in paying d ijantltiefl and that In conversation with a representative the value not only continues but gr.*>ws of the MINER, Mr. B'ur.hs stated that he ORAND FORKS, B. C. greater with depth, extensive developtelt confident that within the next ment work will be pushed oh all the twelve mOnths a railway would be V claims through which runs any one of built froni Pentieton to Grand Forks', the great parallel leads. On a number or as far as Midway anyway; as the of claims work is progressing with all 3 time had arrived when the wholesale < G. W. WILLIAMS, manager. the men employed Who can be used, merchants of the cost cities had awak.The tvpq, qlaiajs upOn which the most ened to the importance of securing the development work h*»s been done are trade of this section',, which feat cannot . ., j CREENWliOD D1TY, ANACONDA,,BOUNDARY FALLS AND MIDWAY, b. 0, AND ALL Republic and Lone Pine. These are be accomplished without adequate — " POINTS ON THE COLVILLE RESERVATION. both working three shifts, and on both transportation facilities, and it was evi- Properties Reported on, pevelopment and ASSCBS- . Stage Leaves Marcus on tho Arrival of the northbound train, arriving at Grant; tunnels are being driven no that these dent that development of the country _ 'went Work Supervised. L B a v e e the forks at 1:00 a. m„ arriving at Marcus in time tc F o r k s at g:4g p m .properties escape the annoyance from had reached such a Btage that would water with which those who are sicking furnish sufficient tonnage to a railway, shafts have to contend, and which has In speaking of the growth Of the Recently caused suspension of work on school system of the province Mr the Black* .Tail and .Sun*. The Burns said that it had been greatly en( thtjse.claltjje, however, will put hanced during the,laBt twelve months .in-pumping machinery as poos as plants and that in many towns, where every.can be secured and^thp work of,develop-, thing Seemed to be at a stand still, the ing the property will proceed with rek growth ot these places was easily newed energy. ... j guaged by the yearly increase of the, Conveyancers ,'] - On the Bodie, the south extension of school attendance. In reference to our Records Searchedi •the San Poil, the lead was struck last school here, Mr. Burns, expressed the week in the shaft at a depth of 18 feet. HOUSE AND CARRIAGE PAINTER. belief that in the f uture the average, ,Hoisting apparatus has been put in daily attendance would warrant the emplace and work on the shaft will be conployment ot another teacher, as in these tinued. The work is being, done on thei young cities the population was in.northern boundary line of the claim, creasing Very rapidly. } •near the summit of the hill where the In reply to the tj-uestion, "What is croppings appear. There is no doubt J Estimates Furnished on All Kinds of Work, \$ •er-i..-1-BT. AT* 8H0BB8T N0TI0E "that the lead runs completely through! the political situation throughout lhe .the claim though it is covered with drift! province?'' Mr. burns replied: "That Pefsotis having mining or other Properties that Wil it was greatly mixed and it Was a hard to a depth bi twenty feet or mote, bear investigation, can have a Company promoted, or problem to Solve at this early date in V There are. about 100 men employed on sell them, by addressing ( ,. 'the Eureka properties and in addition the campaign. One thing *as certain, however, .that things, were badly to these; quite a number are developing iheir own properties. Practically every mixed to Bay the beat of it and It was 17 snd 19 Broadway, New York City. London offices:-*-Chiswell House, No .. , ,\'8na on mucli more level groiind. where thpy .located four claims which The location", of the present-. Camp is are considered the equal or anythihg Always PoUnci at the,Bar. Special attention Paid tc Transcipnt.jTrade, -seamed with gullye and grassy ridges in the Eureka camp.—Trail Creek over which and thr&iigh the tents and Miner. _J; „, . ; j. P. F'.OOD. fe — j . KEBR: houses are scattered promiscuously, and Fire Brigade tm. .' i connected with a net work of trails. The camp is a model of good order, dis-1 . The regular meeting of the Grand r Grtind Forkc, Greeinviod aiid MiB«**iy. turbances of tiny kind being unknown,' Forks fire brigade met last Monday RIVERSIDE AVE; GRAND FORKS B C and its inhabitants retiring with the evening in Victoria hall, -with Chief bun. The exclusion of intoxicantc irom J Eclilund in the chair. No business of the .reservation by the United States any importance was transacted tnote laW, effectually prevents carousing and than a general discussion ot the ottalrs All Work Ouarantfcil to Givo Satisfaction. SneciRl attention paid to Clenr £ - A , M-ATTII12B, MANAGER. of the brigade. The .meeting* then adlawlessness. Ing aud Repairing. G've mo a trial order. journed till next Monday evening, at The Clark bfotho'rs havo purchased i # - A l l kind* of MeatB Unman Sausages and Head Cheese Always oh Hand, ' ** saw tail! which will be in Operation the regular meeting time.


*£ Now on Sale Don't Miss the opportunity to get in on this deal. Its the most desirable Residence portion of Grand Forks* Easy Terms.


1 !VW " r-ifflfi

Liifii Teams, SaddlB ™ *




5&3t5EBR&E& Pack and Ladies Saddle Hor&eS. Harness Shop in Connection. Teaming of all Kinds Done. iDAILY FROM MARCUS § GRAND FORKS

Ranken & Campbell,


conD60t with northbound train

DKUUMb % _ _C.c . A.Al JONES JONES-— ii

And InvestnMt Agents* - Grand Porks, B. 0.

Borids of Electric, Steam of Horse Car Railways

r ]4anger, Sip Writer, Etc

. Grand Forks, * _


"*> iB. C .


_ M f i i _ i i ! f INVESTORS & SECURITIES CO.) Ltd

ft. A, HliNTLY,

SANS0I ft HOLBROOK, Fiilaheiai and Mining Brokers.

Groceries* Salt Meat-^Fruits, Confectioneries, Groups of Claims Bought for Stock Companies, Etc ------

in H


- • - • • •




Everything #ew tod lelt I'tirnifiM House in Town.


First-class Accommodations Good Stabling, Termiiis ol 1

Btae;e Line From MaiciiSi Washington

McAuley & McCauig,



Ai C. McKAVv^^

kerr & Mood, Butchers,

Suite Made to Order at Reasonable Prices

c a m p consists of t h e L o n e Star, [ chimney or fine otherwise than in accordance ! the some shall be kept in some convenient lie made payable in twenty years at furthest CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF GRAND FORKS. from the Bald date, in lawful monev ol Aurilla, Seattle, and Moss Rose claim-?, with rhe nrnvtpinns or the next preceding sec- j pliiee, to be taken awny by the city scavenger. Canada, at the head ofiice of tbe "Rniil-r o*J ! 21When aiiy dumb animal shall die viiiiln tion nf this by-law, and no pei-scn Phall -rise owned by Messrs. P h a r , Gouleon, LoeMontreal, in the City of Montreal. QuehetL R\"rRYi,oov on THK JUMP OVKR O^ within lhe city any chimney or flue con- I the limits of 1 he citv, the owner or person in son and Campbell. T h e work which stmoted or built otherwise than in accordance , possession oi it shnll enuee tlie carcass to be refind shall have atcaiched to'them coupons BY-LAW N O . — f"r the payment of interest, and the slcnaT O R O I U CHEEK. has just been completed consists of a with Mich provisions, und all norsons shall ' moved to «uch place as Bhall be provided by the • Hires to the Interest coupons may he elthet board of health, and there be burled or crematBALL A HAI CAMP. r»-kunn?an Co., Wash.— tunnel 7t> feet on t h e .Lone S t a r . T h e forth With'put all chimneys and fines used by i ed written, stamped, printed or lithographed, so that the same shall not be a nuisance. ' thorn in aisnfe condition fo guard uguinst Are. A Bv-law to enable the corporation oi ihe Oity K* •' *.> Kuieko camp the miningdlstiici of Ttal- last 40 feet of t h o t u n n e l h a s been 4 Tne said debentures shall bear Interest 26, If any person Shall ownj occupy, qx keep 7. l h e pipp of every stove, chimnev or flre nf Grand Forks to paiss tho sum of (20,000 for larat, or Tori"!;: i*r.-.•!;, Ui perhaps, receiving driven t h r o u g h mineral, nnd t h o ledge j-iiine within thc city shall be c.inrtnctcd into a any lot or groom, building, stable or Other nt and after tho rate of-seven per rent'per the purposes therein sot forth.' annum from the date thereof, which int pipe or stovepipe whicli is not put up iu ; the eame at nuy one time, except by permission the rateable real property of the municipality solo brokerage and all other incidental expanses. for anv works of immediate necessity which gaged lu prospecting In the adjacent hills with- is copper and iron pyrites c a r r y i n g 18 por accordance With the provisions of this section. 1 oi the board'of health. 2T. All privies that arc foul, emitting smells are within the jurisdiction of the council, such fl For the purpose of paying thc Interest S. No occupant or other persori in possession in i radius often-to fifteen miles of thia point, cent eoppor a n d r u n n i n g well in gold on tho said debentures there shall be set charge of any bouse or building within tbo.1 and odors, aro hereby declared nuisances, and debts, however, not to exceed in the whole the or in the territory embraced within the limits a n d s i l v e r values. T h e Mose Rose group br apart the sum of $1,400 annually; and for city sliall permit any stovepipe hole in the the Inspectors of streets shall have the power to sum of $20,000, without observing thc provisions lies seven miles west of Nelson, near t h e •'hlmnry of such house or building, while the ;! abate the same and order the same to be filled of section 6&, sub-section It of section vo, sub the purpose Of creating a sinking fund there Rail nil mining distrlot shall be set apart tho sum of '|720 annually same is not in actual use, to remain open, but up or closed, and if the owner or occupier of section c of section 71, sections T8,76, 77, or 7t) of On the 7th a mooting {tt miners was called at i n t e r n a t i o n a l boundary line. and thc said sums shall be a first charge l hall cause the same io be closed with a stopper the premises on which tho same may be situate the "Municipal Clauses act.lfiflfi." i F fail to do so on recicvJng notice, be or they shall Lhl_ camp for tho purposo of electing a mining of metal or other incombustible material. Ami whereas the Municipal Council of the '- *against the revenues derived from all sources be subject to tho penalties provided for In this corporation of tbe said corporation of theeity or Grand: recorder for this district at which Mr. W. \v. 9. The occupant or other person In charge of of lhe City of Orand Forks has reW I L L DRIVli A TUNNEL. by-law and the inspector of buildings and streets solved to raise the sum of $:o,000 to be used for Forks. , any house or building within tbe city, or of shall Whttbeck wns eloctcd to fill that*office. This the said privies, vaults or juts to be tho purpose of constructing, maintaining, and any loom or place therein where a stove is filled cause 7 It shall be lawful for the said Municiup. Is a Tory Important move toward estaMiRhinj? used, shall have, place and keep under sueh operating a system of water works, end for pal council from time to time to purchase s permanent oamp, resulting ns it will in n THI-; M A C H I N E R Y ON THJB W A Y AND W O K K stove, a hearth or pan of brick or metal or other 2H. Whenever any nuisance shall be found on supplying the said municipality jyith water, any of the «nid debenture-*; upon such terms incombustible material, and tlie Bides aud ends any premises within the city, contrary to this and UIHO for other nuhhc works. as may ho agreed upon with the'legal holder TO UE COMMENQED QN JXS ALIRIVAL. t cpnvenlenoo to prospectors who have in by-biw, the Inspector of buildings and streets is (hereof not less than IH inches from any or holders thereof, or any part thereof, Now therefore the MunicipalMJouncll of the .iho pn00 (five hundred dollars) County Clork, Mr. H. Davis, who te aoconv ues in E u r e k a district. Mr. S t r o n g h a d 12. No person shall, within tbe city, place. risdiction. each and that thc said debentures shall be •panted by his wife and two very interesting When ia nood of anything in tho line .HO. It shall bo unlawful for nny person or keep, or deposit ashes; in wood receptacles, or sealed with the seal of the said corporation his wife with him, and will reside in tilth' boys. They drove across country from of job work do not forgot that Tin* within twenty five feot of a house or building persons to deposit upon any of the streets, or and signed by the said mayor. upon any land or lot within the city of Grand unless tho same are contained iu somo safe de' 3 The suid debentures shall bear date the MINER can supply you at the lowest the Co. Scat, in alight wagon, and will remain E u r e k a d u r i n g ' t h o balance of t h e sumpository const rue i.e/1 of brick, stone, or other Forks, any night-soil orother filth or refuse mat21st day'of September, A. D. 1807, and shall possible price for good work. in Ihis ideal camping poiut for several days, re- mer. incombustible material, nnd all ashes DO de- ter of any kind under the penalty herein described. turnlng home by way of Eureka and Meyers D u r i n g Mr. S t r o n g ' s sojourn in Spo- posited shall be placed in the most convenient 81, No butcher, trader, grocer or other percreek. Thoy aro combining plea-sure with busl- kane h e mado extensive p u r c h a s e of m a - locality as directed by the inspector of buildson, persons or body corporate, shall sell, exfor removal by the city scavengers. -iicss, Mr, Davis taking advantage of his vaca- chinery for t h i Black O'uil, a n d upon i t s ings 13. In ease of nre, or imminent danger of pose, or offer for sale, on nny public market or lion by doing a llttlo prospecting and locating. arrival, in a b o u t ten days, t h e work of fire it shall be the duty of everv able bodied In- at any place within the limits of the city of Mr. Davis who is an old resident of tho county driving a 350 foot tunnol on thin pro- habitant within.the eity, at the request of tbe Grand Forks as food, any tainted; diseased* or chief of the police, or any ollicer of the fire damaged or unwholesome meat, poultry, fish, ind an old prospector on tiie reservation states porty will bo begun. T h e shaft h a s brigade, or any police constable, to assist to the vegetables, milk, fruit, or other articles of food, he is more favorably impressed with tlio min- been s u n k to a sufficient d e p t h to as- utmost of his power, thc said chief ol police or ir provisions or the flesh of any animal dying eral Indications of this district than any he has sure t h e value cf t h c property and other ofhcersbr police constables, or the head otherwise than by slaughter, and-the chief of the lire department, or the mayor, or alder- police may seize and destroy any sueh tainted, yel i'lslted. Mrs. Davis te enjoying the dis- moro extensive development work will of men of the cily, in preventing or suppressing diseased, damaged, or unwholesome meal, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruit or other articles of tinction of being the first lady who has visited at onco be commenced. T h e m a c h i n e r y such lire. :hii camp. 14. Tho chief Arc warden, or the city consta- food or provisions. ordered consists of p u m p i n g p l a n t air 32. Any person who sliall keep swine, dogs, ble, or building inspector, in case there is no • Mr. C. E. Bayles and Mr. Wilson, who have compressor, s t e a m hoist etc. Until chief flre warden, or tho chief of the fire bri- horses, cattle, goats, poultry, foxes, or other been prospecting nnd mining for thc past its arrival work will necessarily be sus- gade, or foremarf in charge at any Hre, in the such ahlmals on their premises shall maintain houses, buildings, or pens iu which the •a my yoars from Mexico to British Columbia, pended on t h o Black Tail owing to in- city, is hereby empowered, with the sanction ol the the mayor, police magistrate, or the chairman same shall be kept in such a clean state that have located here and are preparing to put a ability to keep t h e water o u t of t h e of the fire, water and light committee, to cause ;he neighbors or passengers may not be incomimall force of mon nl work on their chums near shaft. to be pulled down or demolished adjacent moded by lhe smell therefrom, under the pe1 houses or other erections when necessary to imlty provided for au infraction of this by-law ro, prevent the spreading of lire, but not other for each offense'. ' Mr. -James"Bernhardt representing tbe f]rm of wise. SCAVENGERS. *JL Holly, Mason & Marks of Spokane, and who 15. On all occasions of (Ire, the sile of tne 33. Tiie city council may grant a licenso to street nearest the fire for a distance of fifty • ir employ any person, company or corporation put iti the summer here making locations, has feet, on each side of the fire, and for two thirds lor cleaning or removing tbc contents of any recently returned from Cqnoonully where ho tlie width of the street in front thereof, and privy vaults, sinks, or private drains, and everv went for recording purposes and supplies. lie also the centre of the street on both sides person, company or corporation engaged in said of the space above described and also any lane business shall bo deemed a night scavenger is preparing to dp considerable development or by Wax between the public street and the tvithin the meaning of this by-law. tvork, 34. No person, company or corporation shall rear of the premises on fire, through or along i'P the south fork of Toroda creok is located which it may be necessary to run any portion within this city empty, clean or remove tho conof the fire apparatus, shall be kept clear of all tents of any' privy vault, sink o. private drain, n largo number of small camps of miners who persons who, may in a ny--obstruct the or cess pool or resovoir into which a privy vault, are staking and developing, among whom are workings of the (Ire brigade and all and water closet, stable qr sink is drained, without Tlio sitting of the County Court ot Yale will any person who shall be iir any of iiavfng first obtained a license or being employfcx-sheriff Wollory from Seattle, Mr. Dave Buy- holden us follows: .. the above places shall immediately retire there- id by theeity so to do. tier, the chirks of Eureka camp, Reoprder HarrJIimVAY ON 2ND OCTOBER, 1807, from when called upon to do so by the chief, or 85. Kvery person, company or corporation AND ington of Eureka and many others. A burro any member of thc fire brigade, or any lire applying for a license as night scavenger shull, AT OIIANO FORKS ON 'ITII OCTOOBB, 1897 , warden or any polloemqa of the eity. [rain ot ton animals has been put on between if his application be accepted, pay a license fee iit tho hour ol* 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, re- 16. No person shall in auy way impede or if $5, tor every six months, and execute a bond 'Eureka and the south fork to supply materials spectively. hinder any fli'eman or other porson ;who may n the penal sunt of two hundred dollars, with for working. By*command \Y. Q McMYNN, be assisting In extinguishing the lire, or be iu two sureties to be approved of by theeity counDown tho Toroda about two miles from this ciovommont Qflico, Mtdiw, n. c.| D. R. a, c the performance of any other duties connected cil, conditioned that the said scavenger will therewith, nor snail any person drive any .'omplv with the conditions of this by-law and point is located Camp Bodle. The Heuncssy .\ugust 1*!, 1S!)7. I vehicle over any hose while in use or about to •very by law which may hereafter be passed by prothorsand Mr. Bob't. Other, of Spokane, he eity council their said employment, and will boused at any tire. have token up a number of claims at Camp 17. The owner, aud in case Of liis default, also comply with and obey orders, directions, Just received a largo consignment oC Ladies, Misies, Boys and Youth's fide. the occupant of every building in the eity shall and regulations ot the board of health, and InBodle nnd are associated with others at present Call and seo theso goods and got make or cause to be made a good aiid substan- spector of buildings and streets of the city; pro- Oxfords and Bals, direct from Milwaukee, in developing. tial ladder of sufficient length to reach the rooi, vided that sueh license shall not be granted no- nrices, Wo have also a large consignment of the world's boat in the immediate vicinity of this camp the and a good and substantial ladder of sulllck-nt il tlie board of hcaltli is satisfied that the aplength to reach the top of the chimney thereof, plicant is provided with the necessary applimineral Ion nut ion is nlmoot identical Willi thai and such ladders sbnll be kept in a convenient mces for carrying on seaveugeriiig in accorvi Eureka distrlot, with well defined croppings u*-**~ ** — place, so as to be readily accessible in case oi lance With the provisions of this by-law. gnd ledges of porphyry and quartz, unsays on nre and for useof chimney sweep, when BO di- 86. The inspector of buildings and streets rected by the lire, light and water committee. diall have the power to enter upou any premi- Just arrived. Try our tea and you will usa no other. A full line of Choice Qrp. [op rock running frdm $8.00 to $0.60. 13. No person shall wantonly or maliciously ses and examine any vault, sink, privy or pri- caries always on hand. Also a rine assortment of Dry Goods, Oiything and YVuf, Tho White Cap and Llttlo May groups, owned OTICE Is hereby Riven that at the hist meet- injure anv fire engine, hose, bell, rope, tele- vate drains. in;; of the Provincial Board of Health, held gragh pole Or wire, ot any other apparatus or 37 The contents of privy vaults, sinks, or pripy Messrs, White, Cooper and Richardson, ure July 5th, iu Victoria, n resolution, in ac- property belonging to the city or used by the vate drains so removed by any scavenger shall paper. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call and seo us, jjolng worked by four men. corqanoe witji section 8of the "Sanitary Regula- liremen in givlntr any alarm of lire, or used in on conveyed In water tight tanks or vessels of The most prominent mountalp of the rnngo tions, is'Jti," was passed declaring the said extinguishing flees, -uch pattern and description as may from time rising directly from the forks of the creek on regulations to bo in lorec in tlie following lately 10. No person shall without reason able cause to time be approved by thc inspector of buildincorporated Cities of this Province, viz. Rossings streets and shall be disposed of lit such a by outcry, ringing bells, using tlie Hre alarm, the northwest, has been christened Mt. Hope- land, Qrand Forks, Kaslo, Nelson, Vernon. or in any other manner make or circulate, or manner, under the direction of said inspector, ful. GEORGE H. DUNCAN, M. D., cause to be made or circulated, au alarm of as to cause no Offense; and tanks and vessels -hull be kept clean and Inoffensive when not in Secretary, Provincial Board of Health, B. C. tire, Mr, Whltbeck, the newly elected recorder, 20. Thc city constables, and police officials, actual use. Messrs. Perry and Buron, of Grand Forks, and 33.. When requested the licensed scavenger and the Inspectors of buildings and streets Mr. Booth, of Spokauo, together with others, within the eity of (irand Forks, and -hall cleanse or empty any vault, sink or priNOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. havo located a group of eight claims on Mt. members of the city council shall be fire vate drain, or privy, aud remove any or all AKE NOTICE that the partnership hereto, wardens, to see that the provisions of this by-j nuisances. Hopeful and are now preparing for a two fore existing between Ezra Iiibody and Jas. law are complied with, and are hereby author- 30. No privy vault, sing or private drain shall months campaign here doing development Davidson, in the Cosmos hotel and business at ised to enter in and upon any house or lot be opened nor thc contents thereof disturbed or Grand Forks, B.C.. is this day dissolved by within the said eity at all reasonable hours to removed between tlio hours of six o'clock a. m. work, mutual consent, Tiie business will in future be see that all the requirements ot this by law arc and eleven o'clock p. rri. of any day, nor shall There is a general nir of activity in this vicin- carriedouby Ezra Inbody, who will settle al! ueii uuitens be deposited or buried within the strictly obeyed. ity and it is predicted that this camp will soon accounts and to whom all .labts shall be paid. city, Any person violatingany of the provisions NUISANCE,. EZBA INBODY, of tin's section shall be subject to the penalties become a formidable rival to Eureka. JAMES DAVIDSON, 21. No owner, tenant, or occupant of any hereinafter described. 11. S. OAYLEY, Witness. 40. Licensed night scavengers sliall receive or anv person or body corporate, within Dated at (irand Forks, B. C, this Oth day of land, I he city limits shall suffer the accumulation ior each cubic foot of tho contents removed of August, 1897. ON THE BRIMSTONE. upon his or their premises, qr permit tu be de- .my privy vault, sink or private drain, or cess uoslted upon auy lot belonging to or occupied pool by them cleaned out or removed, a sum not MINING DRILL' by him any thing which may endanger the o exceed 20 cents per cubic foot where the box \ V O ) : K TO iti. C O M M E N C E D AT ONCE ON A public health, or deposit upon or into any cbiitains over- four cubic feet and, $1 per box [.CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF CRAND FOR KS street, square, lane, highway, stream or sewer. ontainlng four cubic feet or under. O N E HfNDBEU F O O T TCNNF.L. Guaranteed Equal 41. Whenever it shall become necessary to any dead animal, flsh, dirt, rubbish, excrement, dung, manure, oilal, or other refuse or empty any privy or privies or remove any nightto JBSriBFS in T h e last issuo of tho Reservation Ro* vegetable, animal matter, or other Hith orott'eii- •-, ii from any premises within tlio city or on cleaning yards, cellars, back kitchens, or any ijive thing. cord contained t h o following relative Rock Work. other premises whatsoever, any impure or of22. Whenever it shull appear io the board oi By-law for the regulating of storage of exellluyia should exist, chloride of lime, ho celobratod B r i m s t o n e property on A plosives and Inflammable materials, tlie erec- health, the modical health officer, or the city fensive tion of buildings anrl for tho prevention of eohstablo that It ia necessary for ine preserva- nitrate of lead, or common salt shall be used by Lul'ieur mountain; tion of the public health, or whenever said • he person or persons eniplyliig suoh privy or fire ami regulating scavengers, board or said inspector shall receive a notice removing such night-soil irom such premises, Messrs, P h a r , Coulson a n d F e n n o l l signed by one or more inhabitant householders as shall'render tho ellluviaas Inoffensive as posL, The council may from time to time ap- oi the city, stating tlie condition of any biulu- sible; h a v e finished t h e i r c o n t r a c t on t h o Moss point an inspector oi buildings and streets and ing, grouuds, premises) yards, vacant lots, cel42. That the fees to be charged by duy scavenRose g r o u p in Vulcan camp, a n d a r e uy resolution fix the remuneration to him, and lur&i private drains, cess pools, sinks or privies gers for any matter or thing allowed to be dumpma duties sbftll bo to sec that tlie provisions oi ed or deposited by the scavenger or scavengers i ii tho city so filthy as to be danger* now preparing to r e s u m e work on t h e thia by-law are carried out, and all BUOi) Other ous to public health, or that upon licensed by tlie city, within the limits of the B r i m s t o n e property, t h e famous tellu- duties as may from time to lime be declared by uuy premises or vacant lot in the eii> city, shall be a sum uot to exceed 75 vents tor a resolution or by-law. mere is any foul or offensive ditch, gutter, lull baid, aud fit) cents lor a half a load, or less ride proposition on L a F l e u r m o u n t a i n 2. No person shall keep or bave in any build- drain, privy, cess pool, ash pit or cellar kept or than a hull a load, lor a double team, and half ing Within the city at any one lime more than constructed so as to be dangerous to the public •suoh rates for one horse load, and any charges from which t h o h i g h e s t assays in t h i s nuy pounds oi gun powder, and not to exhealth or that upon any such promises or vac- in excess of those so made shall be considered poction h a v e boon o b t a i n e d , T h o work coud 2oo pounds, at uny one time, ot giant pow« ant lot an accumulation oi uung, manure, tilth, a breach of tnis by-law. WHITE & KER, Proprietors. der, dynamite, or other uxplonive or oomuunt- o . il, refusOi stagnant water, or any other matLicenses oi davjand night scavengers shall already dono on t h o B r i m s t o n e cousl&tB itilo substances, or more than OUL- gallon oi gas* i*. r or tinny te kept so as to be dangerous or in- be-i3. held by them subject lo their observing uud bo deposited in a 0ro*prooi uox or safe, jurious us aforesaid, it shall be tnu amy of sueh n.ithfuily performing the conditions contained of a titty-toot t u n n e l . T h i r t y feot in oliiie uud no persou shall take a lighted candle, lan- io-pector, and he i» hereby authorized to enie. in this by-iaw, and the regulations that may occur lho Hcu'tiB of telluride oro from tern or lamp, or lire of any description near the tsuoh. building or premises for me purpose oi iioni time to time be Imposed by the board oi examining lhe same, aud ii necessary he shut: health, and in case of uoii-observance of any of .-,11110. which assays r a n g i n g bouyoen SIOIU :;. No person shall use a lighted candle or order the removal ot such matter or thing as die said conditions aud regulations, the said lis to such place as ho may direct, oi jiiso may at any time be summarily revoked lamp in auy store, building, or place within and $2000 havo been obtaiflod, Theso tno eityi wiicre hay, straw, Hemp, cotton, 11.ix, ai.foresaid Two dozen Straw Hats at a Bargain. ay orilcr the owner or lessee of sueh promises, aud cancelled by the board ol health. rich beams occur a t intervals t h r o u g h a rushes, gun powder, or other combustible ma* grounds, yards, vacant Jots, cellars, private 41. The mayor id'this city and the city contonuls are stored or kept, or in a carpenter's or uralnS) smKSt cess pools, or privies, to nil up, stable are empowered to regulate, restrain and Space of throe or four ieot, uud it is ihe cabinet maker's shop, unless the same -is well main, clear, alter, relay, or repair sueh ouiiu* burprOBS ail bawd; J.OUKCS, houses oi ill fame or logs, premises, grouials, yards, vacant lots, pri- any place or building for the practice of forniin a lantern. i n t e n t i o n to sink a shaft so as to follow BGUUfed •1. i t snail bo the duty ol the building inspec- vate uruins, Collar, sink, cess pool, or privy. tioii; and they are hereby empowered to regut h e s e seams down, i t is expected t h a t tor or lire wardens, at least once a mouth to in- And in aeiiuili ol their SO tilling up, clearing, late, restrain and suppress all or auy house, peot all yards and premises contiguous iu ....aniiig, altering, relaying or lepairing as iOoniB or place used for the purpose ol playing with d e p t h they may r u n togethor a n d dwellings, and all chimneys, hues, Ure place-;, ttioresaia, after seven (7J days notice iu wining Iteno, faro bunk, poker, sliuiile board, roulette, .stoves, boilers, or Other apparatus Which so to do, they shall be ueemed to be guilty oi wheel of fortune or oilier game or device ol form a lead of some m a g n i t u d e . T h e may IJOovens, dangerous to promote or convey tiie, aa infraction oi this by*iaw, and liable tj the chance. p r e s e n t c o n t r a c t , on w h i c h Mossrs. P h a r , and to ordei the owners, tnoir agents, contrac- p-jaaitics theroior, auu it snail be lawful for tiie 16. tfor any or every violation of the provitors, or tenants thereof, whenever in their judg- city to nil up, drain, clear, alter, relay or re- sions of tliis by-Jaw a penalty not exceeding Coulson and F e n n o l l will commonco ment they may thtok il advisable to remove the pair as aforesaid, and charge the cost or ex- one hundred dollars and costs may be imposed ana all shavings, rubbish, or other lu- pense therooi to ilie person or persons in de- ,y the mayor, poU-Jo magistrate, or justice, or work in a day or two, is for a shaft .00 same, iiammable material therefrom; and every por* n,ull as aforesaid, aud may recover the samo justices ol the peace convicting, and in default With cosls by action and distress, and in case oi payment of penalty and coats, the offender foot deep, a n d a t tine level drifting will sou so notified WitO fails within twenty lour ot uon payment tlie same may be charged may be committed, to the common goal or loekhours alter having reoloved sucn notice torebe oommonced. if tho s e a m s of tellu move tlie same shall be subject to the penalties against thu lauds ol the owner or lessee ami up-house, there to oe imprisoned for any time ol this by-law, and the building inspector 01 may be covereu in Jilte manner us municipal not exceeding thirty days. fide hold o u l t h e iirioistono will bo ono firewarden is hereby authorized to nave tiie taxes. The owner or lessee of any ground, lieau the lirst, second and third time, this 15th yards or vacant rots, or other propeuica untit- day of t h o most valuable properties in t h e same removed. of June, 1SSJ7. ling on any street shall drain tne same, un re5. Every chimney or Hue built or con- moving Reconsidered, anu finally adopted, the seal of notice irom me inspectors ot ouilalugs Btate, a n d its success meanB m u c h for structed, snail be bunt ot brick or stone or other the city attached thereto, and numbered 4, this streets so to do, it tlie occupant or proprieanil the walls thereof shall nut and , l»i)7. t h o town of Nelson, T h e main body of uuii-comOiistible tor or ins lawful agent or representative having ue less than tour inches in thickness, exclusive cnarge [SEAL.] JOHN A. MANLY, MAYOR. or control uf such building or premises t h e lead is quart!! which averages a b o u t oi plastering, and the top thereof shall be at or vacant lot, alter notice irom the chairman JAMES A. AIKMAN, City Clerk, Least four teet from any woodwork ot auy ot the board of health or irom said inspector, % 80.00 in valuo a n d , it is tigured, will pay building, or adjoining buildings, and every NO HUE. chimney snail rise at least four feet auovc to remove oc abate siieu tuiug us axoresalu, Thc above is n true copy of a by-law passed by for working t h e mino, leaving t h o such [tie ridge, ot the house or building in Which Bnail iiegttct or refuse to remove or aoute tne tiie Municipal Corpora lion of the city of Grand t e l l u r i d e for clear prolit. Some p o r t i o n s the same sliall be, and every such chimney or, he oiuiu bOSUDjCct LO uitj penalties i.:.- forks, on A. 1)., 18U7, and all persons are Hue snail not be less than iiity square inches in by mis by-law, .m.u tno aunt liutpeutoi hereby required to take notice that uny one doof t h e ledge will assay m u c h higher b u t area, aud all timber on wliion a chimney or pu&tKl oirous of applying to have Buch by-Jaw or auy may remove the same aud the cost Inclined bj rests shall beat least it inches below thu removal may be m-overeu irom ihe per- part thcreoi quashed, must make his applicait is e s t i m a t e d t h a t S0.00 will bo a fair | flue Anthing You Waut in the Hardware Lino and Can't Find it go to base of said Hue or chimney ana every sueh sucn tion for lhat purpose to tiie supreme court, with son or persons so refusing or neglecting. a v e r a g e across t h e ledge, exclusive of chimney or flue shall he so oonBtructed as to _-•*. All house or store oil'al, whether consist- iu one month ne • after the publication of this admit of its being scraped, brushed or cleaned, ing of animal or vegetable hubatanee, shall be by-law In the lirUisn Columbia Gazette, or he tbe telluride seamB. at the discretion Ol ibe budding inspector. placed ln suitable vessels and no ushes or other will be too lato to be heard iu that behalf. 0, Ho person shall bulla or construct any reiuse matter shall be mingled therewith, and JAMES A . AIKMAN, City Clerk. thb Moss Rose G r o u p in V u l c a n


Is the Oldest and Leading Hotel in the city, and Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. The house has just heen refitted and the rooms are unsurpassed for comfort in the oity, while in the Dining room can bo found the best food in the market.


esss* NOTICE.

All Stages Stop at the House* S Sf Joseph L* Wiseman, Proprietor:

Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!

Provincial Board of Health:



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Smile Life

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile

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