ITB – So I Have a Blog [PDF]

Little coding: Analisis Kebutuhan Sistem, Keamanan Informasi, Layanan Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi, Rekayasa Sistem da

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So I Have a Blog Flipping pages, leaving trails: whatever I see through the eyes of mine


2nd Week of Studying in The UK: What ITB Can Learn I know it’s early to conclude anything since I’ve just started my study at UCL 2 weeks ago. Nevertheless, I love the education system here. It just opens my eyes how Indonesian universities are so left behind, far left behind. Here’s a few things I like about pursuing education here, and how it compares with my undergrad experience in Institut Teknologi Bandung:

1. The lecturers here are willing to spend time for their students. They list their office hours so students can come to discuss class materials and stuff. Moreover, they reply to our email! wow! almost never happen in ITB. They also always encourage us to ask questions and share our opinion in class. I never had such discussion in class during my undergrad. And oh, of course, the module’s materials are up-to-date. It seems like they put a lot of time & effort to prepare it. 2. Integrated and Single-sign-on system. I can access all the university’s services (e-mail, e-learning, printing, etc.) using one single credential. For someone like me, whose undergrad campus only have several fragmented e-learning systems, 2 different email accounts (in different platforms too!), and no integrated services at all (at least during my time there), I feel amazed by how well-planned is the IT system here. 3. Careers Service. I feel like the career team & consultants really care about us. They arranged employer engagement session so we can find out more about and network with potential employers. The companies invited are well-known and varied. We can also book a 1-on-1 session to consult about careers or ask them to review our CV, or even practice interview. I remember how I was really lost on my senior year because there was no place to go to consult about career options. But here, everything’s different; I believe we got almost everything we need to prepare for life after graduation. 4. Reading list. It’s kinda related to point #1 too, but I want to tell more about this one in particular. I know it’s silly, and sometimes I hate having too many reading list as there’s just not enough time to read everything. However, having this reading list help me to understand more about the materials and force me to come to the class fully-prepared. It helps me to be more engaged with the materials & the discussion. It makes me aware of what’s going on outside, and sort of connect the dots between the theory and the real practice. It is beyond obvious that Indonesian universities still have a lot to improve. Despite ITB being a top ranked university for engineering courses in Indonesia, having a very low acceptance rate, and whose students labeled as “putra-putri terbaik bangsa”, there are just too many flaws. I hope ITB can improve significantly in the near future. What’s the point of having the smartest students in the country if you can’t give them the best education services to help them build their future.

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MARCH 23, 2015MARCH 23, 2015 ⁄ DINDATC

Jurusan Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi ITB? Mungkin masih banyak yang belum tahu kalo di ITB ada jurusan (program studi) Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi (STI). Bahkan, jurusan ini pun masih asing di telinga masyarakat umum. Sebagai salah satu mahasiswa jurusan tersebut, saya sendiri kadang masih bingung cara menjelaskan tentang jurusan saya ke orang awam. Kebanyakan orang menganggap jurusan STI itu sama dengan IT, komputer, informatika, dll yang berbau komputer. Sebagai salah satu prodi di bawah Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika, nama STI memang belum seterkenal Teknik Informatika dan Teknik Elektro. Memang prodi STI sendiri masih terbilang baru, dimana angkatan pertamanya adalah angkatan 2007. Jadi wajar saya kalau masih banyak orang yang belum mengetahui keberadaan jurusan ini. Untuk mempromosikan STI, pada post ini saya akan menjelaskan beberapa hal yang perlu diketahui mengenai jurusan Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi di ITB. Perbedaan STI dengan Teknik Informatika ITB? Beda banget! Oke, ada satu kemiripan dimana kami sama-sama belajar mengenai komputer dan pemrograman. Tapi, fokus kami bukan pada pada pemrogramannya, tetapi pada bagaimana menyelaraskan bisnis dengan teknologi informasi. Di jurusan STI kami diajarkan untuk berpikir luas dan kritis untuk menganalisis keadaan dan menyelesaikan permasalahan bisnis dengan solusi teknologi informasi. Intinya adalah menghasilkan sistem yang tepat guna yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk mencapai keuntungan bisnis. Sementara di jurusan Teknik Informatika (IF) fokusnya lebih kepada pemrograman, coding, dan pembuatan berbagai aplikasi baik itu mobile, web, ataupun desktop. Mahasiswa IF lebih banyak menghasilkan program atau aplikasi, sementara mahasiswa STI lebih banyak menghasilkan dokumen. Perbedaan signifikan antara IF dan STI sendiri baru bisa dirasakan mahasiswa pada semester 4. Singkatnya, mahasiswa IF lebih jago pemrograman daripada mahasiswa STI yang hanya diajarkan dasar-dasarnya saja. Namun, mahasiswa STI memiliki pengetahuan bisnis dan manajemen yang lebih banyak daripada mahasiswa IF. Apa Saja yang dipelajari di STI ITB? Yang jelas ya kami belajar Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi. Tapi gak melulu berbau teknis lohh. Banyak tugas mata kuliah STI yang mengharuskan mahasiswa terjun langsung untuk melakukan studi kasus di dunia nyata. Jadi, kami benar-benar datang ke perusahaan untuk wawancara, observasi, dsb. Mata kuliah di STI sendiri sebenarnya dapat dibagi menjadi 3 jenis berdasarkan seberapa besar usaha ngoding yang diperlukan (note: hanya sebagian mata kuliah yang akan saya sebutkan). Coding to the max: Algoritma dan Struktur Data, Object-oriented Programming, Pemrograman Integratif. Little coding: Analisis Kebutuhan Sistem, Keamanan Informasi, Layanan Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi, Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi, Sistem Multimedia. No coding at all (my fav :p): Analisis Kebutuhan Enterprise, Arsitektur Enterprise, Organisasi & Manajemen Perusahaan Industri, Manajemen Sumber Daya Informasi, Manajemen Proyek, Komunikasi Interpersonal. Jurusan Sejenis di Universitas Lain? Terdapat beberapa universitas lain yang memiliki jurusan yang dapat dibilang cukup mirip bidangnya dengan STI ITB, yaitu jurusan Sistem Informasi di UI, Binus, dan ITS. Namun, setelah bertanya-tanya dan melihat kurikulum ketiga jurusan tersebut, ternyata banyak perbedaannya dengan STI ITB. Kebanyakan dari mereka tidak mendapatkan kuliah yang berhubungan dengan keilmuan elektro, sementara di STI ada beberapa kuliah seperti itu. Mata kuliah lain pun cukup banyak yang berbeda. Jadi bisa disimpulkan kalau jurusan STI cukup unik karena tidak ada yang benar-benar sejenis di universitas lain. Mengapa Saya Memilih STI ITB? Alasan saya memilih ITB sebenarnya cukup sederhana, yaitu karena saya ingin masuk jurusan teknik. Semua juga tau kalo jurusan teknik paling bagus di Indonesia ya di ITB. Nah, kalau di ITB, sistemnya agak berbeda dengan universitas lain, karena di tahun pertama kita diterima di fakultas, bukan jurusan. Saat itu saya sendiri mempertimbangkan antara STEI dan FTI. Awalnya saya lebih cenderung memilih FTI karena sepertinya jurusan teknik industri cukup menarik. Namun, entah bagaimana saya sampai ke website STEI ITB dan akhirnya melihat daftar mata kuliah STI ( Saya yang awalnya tidak tahu mengenai keberadaan jurusan STI pun menjadi sangat tertarik. Saya langsung tahu kalau jurusan inilah yang saya inginkan selama ini. Kesan Setelah Masuk STI I am extremely happy and grateful. Saya rasa keputusan untuk masuk STI adalah salah satu keputusan terbaik yang pernah saya buat dalam hidup saya. Sejak awal masuk jurusan ini, gapernah terbesit sedikitpun bahwa saya salah jurusan meski kadang-kadang ada mata kuliah yang tidak saya sukai. Teman-teman di STI juga asik banget. Di STI, kami tidak hanya dekat dengan teman-teman yang seangkatan, tetapi juga dengan angkatan sebelum dan setelah kami. Mungkin salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena jumlah kami yang relatif kecil (di STI angkatan saya ada 60 orang, sementara angkatan sebelum dan setelah saya rata-rata ada 30an orang). Kami juga punya acara gathering lintas angkatan setiap tahunnya. Saya sendiri merasa jasa kakakkakak alumni STI sangat besar bagi saya karena telah banyak membantu terutama dalam urusan perlombaan. Prestasi Mahasiswa STI Prestasi? banyak dong. Bahkan, belakangan ini anak-anak STI sering banget mendominasi final case competition yang diikuti. Pada Compfest Business-IT Case Competition yang diadakan oleh Universitas Indonesia dan Information System Case Competition yang diadakan oleh Binus International University, tim-tim dari STI berhasil menjadi 2 dari 3 finalis. Kemudian, pada Project Management Competition 2014, tim dari STI juga berhasil menjadi juara 2 di kompetisi se-Asia Tenggara tersebut. Tim dari STI juga pernah menjadi 5 besar finalis Business Plan Competition yang diadakan oleh SBM ITB. Selain itu, salah satu teman kami juga pernah jadi juara 2 di IWIC 2013 yang diadakan oleh Indosat dan ada juga yang menjadi bagian dari tim yang juara 1 Blackberry Smart City Applications Competition. Dan masih banyak lagi deh prestasinya. Setelah Lulus dari STI, Bisa Jadi Apa? Wah, kalo ini sih tergantung orangnya. Apapun jurusannya, saya sih percaya bahwa you can be anything you want. Sebenarnya setelah lulus S1 ada 2 pilihan: kerja atau lanjut S2. Mari kita bahas satu persatu. Setelah lulus S1, lulusan STI juga bisa melanjutkan untuk S2 di bidang yang sama atau di bidang lain. Kalau untuk jurusan yang sejenis, ada beberapa alumni STI yang saya kenal yang sudah atau sedang S2 di jurusan Management Information System di Carnegie Mellon University, University of Manchester, dan Warwick University. Ada juga yang lanjut S2 di ITB dengan sub-jurusan Sistem Informasi, Teknologi Informasi, atau Keamanan Informasi. Selain itu, ada juga yang lanjut S2 ke Belanda, Jepang, dan Taiwan.

Sementara itu, untuk yang mau kerja, lapangan kerja untuk lulusan STI sih sebenarnya luas banget. Hampir seluruh perusahaan saat ini butuh tenaga kerja IT. Kalo melihat alumni STI sendiri, ada yang jadi entrepreneur, konsultan, business analyst, sistem analyst, programmer, dll. Alumni-alumni STI pernah atau sedang bekerja di beberapa perusahaan besar berikut: Accenture, BCG, Electronic Arts, Schlumberger, Chonocophillips, Chevron, IBM, dll. Selain itu, berdasarkan tracer study ITB baru-baru ini, lulusan STI angkatan 2007 menempati peringkat 4 untuk gaji tertinggi per jurusan di ITB. Jadi, nampaknya sih prospek kerja untuk lulusan STI cukup menjanjikan. That’s it. Semoga tulisan saya ini memberikan gambaran yang cukup jelas mengenai prodi Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi ITB. Mudah-mudahan bisa membantu anak-anak SMA yang masih galau jurusan :3 OCTOBER 15, 2014OCTOBER 15, 2014 ⁄ DINDATC

You’ll Reap What You Sow I remember when I was having an internship, my boss said that our hard work in the past will give benefits to us in the future. After what happened to me, I couldn’t agree more with his statement. Last week was really a hectic time for me. Yet it ended very nicely by witnessing one of my greatest achievement ever. My team won a business-IT case competition held by the University of Indonesia. For the over-achievers, this may be just an ordinary achievement; but for my team, this is our very first experience. We didn’t even think we deserve it until we realize how hard and long we had worked for this. My friends and I had been having weekly case discussion session since like a year ago. We started this case study group by the initiation from our alumni who had just finished her master’s degree in the UK. She taught us how to solve a case study. She also encouraged us to reak books about business and IT. We were planning to join an international competition but eventually cancelled it since we didn’t get enough funding from our university. Months after that, we had to stop this session because she had become very busy with work and couldn’t find any regular time to visit us again. Then, last May, we got an information about a business-IT case competition held by the University of Indonesia. After we registered to that competition, we set our goal: going to the final. From more than 60 teams, 7 teams will be chosen to compete on the final. We were beyond happy when it was announced that our team was selected as one of the finalists. Our next goal then was to take something home by at least being the third winner. On the final, we were given a case which we have to solve in twelve hours. Then, each team will present their result to the judges. My team got the sixth turn (the last turn) for the presentation. It actually gave us an advantage by having more time to practice our presentation. We chose to present our solution in english, as recommended by our mentors. After we present our slide, The judges asked several questions which made us realize that we were missing some details about the case. But the very limited time given to us to solve the case drove me to think that it’s okay to miss some details. Who would expect us to solve with perfectly with such a limited time? Overall, I was satisfied with our analysis and performance. We heard from our liaison officer about some teams who present their solution extremely well. Moreover, there was a team which astonished him because of their flawless english speaking skill. When the time came for the awarding night, My team was so uptight and tired because we hadn’t had enough sleep. I kept praying we’ll be one of the lucky three top teams. Then, the hosts started announcing the team names. The third winner is a team from the UI. One spot filled, two left. Next, the runner up is… our juniors! A team which consists of our juniors from ITB. The group of ITB students on the venue went extremely noisy, including me which couldn’t hide my happiness because of their success. So, two spots filled, one left. At a second I was feeling hopeless as I thought another team would win. But what happened next was that the hosts had announced the winner. Suddenly my team’s members said: hey, go to the stage! we won the first place!. I was like: what?! Did they really said our team’s name? I couldn’t believe it. I neither heard nor notice that the hosts had spoke up again. Oh my god! we won! we did it! Then the three of us went to the stage as the winner of this competition. It was a really amazing, unbelievable, and joyful night. I couldn’t believe it. Did we really win something on our very first experience as a team? In fact, we did! We didn’t win because of nothing. We won because of our hard works in the past and the supports from people around us. Our journey from the beginning to winning this competition was decorated with the helps and supports from many people. We wouldn’t make it without them. Surprisingly, our winning doesn’t only bring joy to us, but also to them. So, before ending this post, I must admit that I am grateful to have such a great team and supporting friends. I also would like to say a lot of thanks to them. Thank you!

( FEBRUARY 22, 2014MARCH 6, 2014 ⁄ DINDATC

(Something Else) Happened Today Ever since I created this blog, I had been wondering whether I should dedicate this blog only as a place to put my college task or to express myself too. At that time I decided that I would just post whatever I need to post to fulfill my college tasks. But then I realized that everyone who doesn’t know me would think of me as a freak when they see my blog. So I finally came to a conclusion: I have to post something else; and here it is, a little story about what happened today. Well, today I attended the Edufair or ITB Day (or whatever the name of the event is :p). The point is, it was an event to introduce the majors in ITB to high school students. I volunteered to be the representative of HMIF ITB, along with some of my friends. We explained about two majors handled by HMIF ITB: Informatics Engineering and Information System and Technology (that’s my cool major!). Seeing the faces of those high school students today reminded me of the time when I was their age. No one in my family had thought I would choose engineering as my major (although the major is Information System and Technology, it is still classified as engineering major in ITB). Most of my family, including my parents, are bachelors of economics. So when I was a younger I could only imagine myself as an economist, or maybe a business woman. However, on my last year of high school, I didn’t know what I really want. I didn’t know what I want to be, I didn’t know which major or which university to choose. Actually, I was so sad about the fact that I couldn’t study abroad for college. It was such a complicated feeling. To help me decide, I made a list of majors and indonesian universities which I (probably) want to attend. Then i did some research about the names on my list. When I finally arrived at School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI ITB)’s website (, I found “Information System and Technology (often called STI in short)”, a major I barely knew before. No wonder, it was a new major. But I found it very attractive when I read the description and the list of the courses. I tried to find out if other universities had that kind of majors too. And yes, I found some. But I thought, if I want to study such major, there would be no better place than ITB. STEI ITB also had one of the highest passing grades in SNMPTN. Therefore I declared that I want to go to STEI ITB. I remembered it was less than a month to the registration of SNMPTN Undangan. Lucky me, I finally got accepted. Now, here I am, a happy STI student who have happy STI friends. I am glad I chose this major. Although sometimes we got so many college tasks, I never regret my decision. I know this is the best for me. If I had chosen another major, maybe I would not be as happy as I am now

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