Khamir Yeast | Spesies baru Yeast yang bisa NULIS | Page 17 [PDF]

May 20, 2010 - Sumber gula yang bisa ditambahkan misalnya sukrosa (gula pasir), glukosa, laktosa, fruktosa atau laktosa

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khamir yeast Spesies baru Yeast yang bisa NULIS May 20, 2010

Perubahan granula pati selama gelatinisasi i 1 Vote Secara sensori, proses gelatinisasi bisa diamati karena akan menyebabkan meningkatnya kejernihan dan meningkatnya viskositas pati terdispersi. Hal ini terjadi karena absorbsi air oleh granula pati. Fenomena gelatinisasi pati diamati dengan menggunakan perubahan pola difraksi sinar-x, menggunakan mikroskop polarisasi cahaya dan dengan metode differential scanning calorimetry. Selama proses gelatinisasi, kristal pati akan mengalami pelelehan yang ditandai dengan menurunnya intensitas diffraksi sinar-x (Zobel et al., 1988), hilangnya sifat birefringent melalui pengukuran dengan mikroskop polarisasi cahaya (Douzals et al., 1996) dan menurunnya refleksi sinar melalui pengukuran dengan differential scanning calorimetry (Zobel et al., 1988; Douzals et al., 1996; Lim et al., 2001; Gunaratne and Hoover, 2002). Perubahan yang terjadi pada granula pati selama proses gelatinisasi, yang teramati dengan menggunakan mikroskop scanning electrone (SEM) dijelaskan pada Gambar berikut (sumber: (

( Gambar 1 Pati mentah kering (tanpa penambahan air) tidak mengalami gelatinisasi. Artinya, gelatinisasi adalah fenomena yang terjadi dengan keberadaan air dan panas. Pati mentah kering, akan mengalami dekstrinisasi jika dipanaskan. Proses ini akan mempengaruhi viskositas pasta pati dan kekuatan gel pati. Viskositas pasta dan kekuatan gel pati akan menurun. Jika air ditambahkan kedalam pati mentah dalam jumlah terbatas, akan terjadi gelatinisasi parsial. Kondisi ini terjadi pada produk-produk bakery. Gambar 2 Pati jagung konsentrasi 5% didalam 95% air akan mengalami sedikit perubahan pada awal pemanasan. Sejumlah kecil air mungkin akan di adsorbsi pada permukaan granula. Inisiasi adsorpsi pada granula pati terjadi pada suhu ruang (27oC). Gambar 3 Jika dispersi pati jagung sebesar 5% dipanaskan sampai 40oC, akan lebih banyak air yang diadsorbsi pada permukaan granula. Ikatan hidrogen antar polimer-polimer pati dalam granula mungkin mulai melemah. Pada beberapa jenis pati, air mungkin sudah di absorbsi kedalam granula. Gambar 4 Jika dispersi pati jagung konsentrasi 5% dipanaskan sampai 50oC, akan lebih banyak air yang diadsorbsi di permukaan granula dan ikatan hidrogen antar polimer-polimer pati didalam granula mulai hilang. Kondisi ini memungkinkan air berpenetrasi kedalam granula dan diabsorbsi oleh granula. Beberapa ami-losa mulai lepas dan berada di permukaan granula sehingga struktur granula menjadi lebih terbuka. Gambar 5 Jika dispersi pati jagung sebesar 5% ini dipanaskan sampai 60 – 65oC, akan lebih banyak air diadsorbsi di permukaan granula, ikatan hidrogen antar poli-mer-polimer pati dalam granula menghilang.Kondisi ini menyebabkan air yang berpenetrasi kedalam gra-nula akan diabsorbsi oleh granula. Beberapa ami-losa mulai lepas dan berada di permukaan granula sehingga struktur granula menjadi lebih terbuka. Kondisi ini menyebabkan lebih banyak air yang terabsorbsi dan makin banyak amilosa yang keluar dan membentuk dispersi koloid diluar granula Gambar 6 Ini adalah kondisi intermediet pada 60 – 70oC. Peru-bahan yang terjadi dipengaruhi oleh kecepatan pemanasan, kondisi pati dan faktor lainnya. Gambar 7 Jika dispersi pati jagung sebesar 5% dipanaskan sampai 60 – 90oC, maka proses adsorbsi, absorb-si dan keluarnya amilosa akan lebih intensif. Pada beberapa titik akan terjadi gelatinisasi yang terlihat sebagai hilangnya birefringence, mening-katnya viskositas, kejernihan dan kepekaan terha-dap aktivitas enzim, perubahan difraksi sinar-x. Pada kondisi ini, granula pati akan mengembang sebesar mungkin dan terbentuk sol pati. Gambar 8 Pada beberapa kasus, granula pati yang dipanaskan sampai 90oC akan mencapai gelatinisasi optimum dan granula membengkak maksimal. Pada kasus yang lain menyebabkan rusaknya granula sehingga isinya keluar. Kondisi ini disebabkan oleh ketidak-mampuan struktur dan ikatan hidrogen untuk mem-pertahankan polimer pati untuk tetap bersama-sama. Kondisi ini terjadi pada pemasakan pasta pati yang berlebihan, sehingga viskositas sol pasta menurun. (

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Report this ad Posted by Khamir_Yeast on May 20, 2010 in ARTIKEL ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI PANGAN GIZI DAN FARMASI and tagged gambar gelatinisasi, gambar granula pati, gelatinisasi, gelatinisasi pati, granula pati, granula pati jagung, mekanisme gelatinisasi, pati jagung, Perubahan granula pati selama gelatinisasi. Leave a comment May 20, 2010

Testimoni tentang Yoghurt dan Aspek Usahanya i 1 Vote Yoghurt adalah susu asam yang merupakan hasil fermentasi susu oleh bakteri asam laktat (BAL). Yoghurt biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan dua jenis BAL yaitu Streptococcus thermophilus dan Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp bulgaricus sebagai starter. Selain itu, ada juga yoghurt yang ditambahkan dengan BAL yang bersifat probiotik, misalnya Lactobacillus acidophillus, Lactobacillus casei, dan Bifidobacterium. Bakteri probiotik bisa hidup dan melakukan proses metabolisme didalam usus, sedangkan S. thermophilus dan L. delbrueckii ssp bulgaricus tidak bisa hidup dalam saluran pencernaan. Bagaimana prospek usaha yogurt kedepannya? Prospek usaha yoghurt kedepan akan semakin baik. Hal ini terkait nilai plus yoghurt dibandingkan dengan susu biasa dan semakin meningkatnya jumlah konsumen yang peduli dengan kesehatan. Aspek positif yoghurt bagi kesehatan adalah: Memberikan energi. Proses fermentasi hanya sedikit menurunkan kandungan energi yoghurt jika dibandingkan dengan susu segar. Menyehatkan pencernaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, yoghurt dapat mengatasi berbagai masalah pencernaan seperti diare, radang usus dan intoleransi laktosa. Minuman yoghurt yang mengandung probiotik akan memberikan efek kesehatan yang lebih baik terhadap saluran cerna. Sebenarnya yogurt itu ada berapa varian, selain berbahan utama susu , apakah ada bahan utama lain selain susu? Varian yogurt sangat banyak. Dari jenis susu, ada yogurt yang dibuat dari susu sapi (seperti yang umum ditemui di pasaran), ada yang dibuat dari susu kerbau (dadih di Sumatera Barat) dan dari susu kambing. Dari kadar lemaknya, produk yogurt tersedia mulai dari yang kadar lemaknya rendah sampai yang kadar lemaknya cukup tinggi. Dari proses pengolahannya dikenal yogurt natural dan produk olahan yogurt. Natural yogurt terbagi lagi menjadi set yogurt (tekstur yogurt berbentuk padat seperti jely) dan stirred yogurt (yogurt kental tapi masih bisa dituang). Produk olahan yogurt adalah yogurt yang diolah lebih lanjut sehingga menjadi minuman yogurt, es krim yogurt dan yogurt buah. Bahan diluar susu bisa dibuat menjadi susu fermentasi, tapi nama bahan baku harus disertakan pada nama produk (misalnya yogurt kedelai – soyghurt, yogurt ubi jalar, dan sebagainya). Bagaimana dengan susu kedelai, apakah bisa dibuat yogurt? Susu kedelai bisa dibuat soygurt. Proses pembuatan dan starter yang digunakan pada dasarnya sama dengan yogurt. Kelemahannya, jenis karbohidrat susu kedelai tidak dapat digunakan oleh starter. Sehingga, agar fermentasi susu kedelai dapat dilakukan, maka perlu penambahan sumber gula (4 – 5%) kedalam susu kedelai sebelum ditambahkan starter. Sumber gula yang bisa ditambahkan misalnya sukrosa (gula pasir), glukosa, laktosa, fruktosa atau laktosa (ada didalam susu bubuk skim). Cara pembuatan yogurt buah yang baik itu bagaimana? Yogurt buah berbentuk semipadat dengan tekstur creamy yang halus, rasa asam-manis dengan karakteristik warna dan rasa seperti buah yang ditambahkan. Buah yang akan digunakan dicuci bersih, kupas dan dihancurkan lalu dipasteurisasi (70-80°C selama 15-20 menit) dan didinginkan (sampai suhu ruang). Selanjutnya dilakukan pencampuran hancuran buah dengan yogurt (misalnya 1 bagian hancuran buah dengan 3 bagian yogurt), masukkan kedalam kemasan dan simpan di tempat dingin (lebih disukai di refrigerator) dan hindari dari sinar matahari langsung. Buah yang digunakan sebaiknya yang sudah matang, tidak rusak (lepuh, benyek, luka dan sebagainya) serta bebas dari serangan serangga ataupun pertumbuhan mikroorganisme. Sortasi, pembersihan dan pengupasan buah harus dilakukan dengan benar untuk menghilangkan bagian-bagian yang tidak diinginkan; proses pulping hendaknya menghasilkan hancuran buah dengan ukuran seragam sehingga semua potongan buah mendapat proses pasteurisasi yang seragam; suhu dan waktu pasteurisasi hancuran buah harus cukup untuk menghancurkan mikroorganisme terutama kamir yang tumbuh pada kondisi asam yogurt; pencampuran dari hancuran buah dan yogurt harus diperhatikan untuk mempertahankan konsistensi yogurt tetap berbentuk cream kental dengan rasa dan flavor yang baik. Untuk pembuatan yogurtnya sendiri, perhatikan cara pembuatan yogurt yang baik. Apakah butuh proses sterilisasi dalam pengemasan atau cukup dengan proses pasteurisasi? Untuk yoghurt natural (set maupun yang stirred) dan yogurt buah, biasanya dilakukan pasteurisasi bahan baku susu sebelum ditambahkan starter. Tujuan proses pasteurisasi disini adalah untuk membunuh mikroba patogen dan mereduksi sebagian besar mikroba pembusuk dan enzim yang dapat mengganggu proses fermentasi. Produk ini biasanya tidak diproses panas lagi setelah proses fermentasi selesai, tetapi disimpan dingin (suhu 6oC). Untuk minuman yogurt, biasanya setelah difermentasi diproses lagi dengan panas (pasteurisasi atau sterilisasi). Jika dipasteurisasi, untuk memperpanjang umur simpannya maka produk harus disimpan di refrigerator; sementara jika di sterilisasi dapat disimpan di suhu ruang. Perlu diingat, proses pasteurisasi/sterilisasi setelah fermentasi hanya dilakukan untuk produk olahan yoghurt yang tidak mengandung probiotik. Bagaimana cara pengemasan yang baik dan tahan lama? Manakah yang paling baik, apakah dikemas dengan plastic, dicup, botol plastik atau dalam botol beling? Pengemasan dapat dilakukan dengan plastik, cup, botol plastik ataupun botol kaca. Yang penting diperhatikan kemasan harus bersih, tahan panas (jika susu fermentasi yang telah dikemas akan dipasteurisasi/disterilisasi setelah proses fermentasi), dan dapat melindungi produk dari sinar matahari langsung. Untuk penyimpanan dalam jangka waktu yang lebih lama, kemasan yang sealnya baik lebih dianjurkan. Sebenarnya daya tahan yogurt itu berapa lama? Bagaimana cara penyimpanan yogurt yang baik supaya tahan lama? Disimpan pada suhu berapa? Umur simpan yogurt sangat tergantung pada proses produksi, kondisi suhu penyimpanan dan ada tidaknya kontaminasi. Pada yogurt yang tidak disterilisasi setelah fermentasi selesai, aktivitas bakteri starter biasanya tetap berlangsung sehingga semakin lama rasa asam produk akan meningkat dan selanjutnya juga terbentuk cita rasa pahit karena proses proteolisis. Kontaminasi mikroba terutama kapang dan kamir bisa memperpendek umur simpan. Penyimpangan flavor karena kontaminasi biasanya berbau seperti kamir, keju, buah, apek, pahit dan kadang-kadang seperti berbau sabun. Kondisi ini terjadi jika konsentrasi kapang kamir didalam produk sekitar 10000/ml. Pertumbuhan kontaminan ini dapat dihambat dengan meminimalkan jumlah oksigen didalam produk. Caranya dengan mengatur agar headspace didalam wadah tidak terlalu besar, dan menggunakan kemasan dengan permeabilitas terhadap oksigen yang rendah. Untuk umur simpan yang lebih lama, dianjurkan untuk menyimpan produk di suhu rendah (6 derj C). Idealnya, pada suhu rendah (4-6 derjC), yogurt bisa disimpan selama 35-40 hari. Jika produk disterilisasi setelah proses fermentasi, maka umur simpan akan lebih lama dan dapat disimpan di suhu ruang. Apakah antara yogurt buah asli dengan yogurt ber-essence memiliki daya tahan simpan yang berbeda? Berbeda. Pada yogurt dengan buah asli, penambahan buah akan berpengaruh pada kondisi tekstur yogurt buah yang dihasilkan sehingga perlu dicari formulasi yang tepat agar diperoleh yogurt buah dengan tekstur, warna dan flavor yang diinginkan. Sementara itu, penambahan essence hanya dilakukan dalam jumlah kecil untuk memberikan citarasa buah tertentu didalam buah, dan tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap tekstur produk akhir. Hanya saja perlu diingat, yogurt dengan penambahan essence bukan yogurt buah tetapi yogurt dengan rasa buah. Tips survive usaha yogurt? Karena produk ini juga banyak dibuat oleh industri besar, maka industri kecil sebaiknya berusaha mengembangkan formula sendiri dengan citarasa yang berbeda dengan yang sudah ada dipasaran. Suhu penyimpanan penting diperhatikan karena sangat mempengaruhi citarasa selama penyimpanan. Manakah yang lebih tahan lama, apakah lebih tahan lama yogurt yang dibekukan (yogurt mambo), yogurt cair atau es krim yogurt? Yogurt beku dan es krim mempunyai umur simpan yang lebih lama dari produk cair, asalkan selama pemasarannya selalu berada dalam kondisi beku. Perbedaan yogurt beku dan es krim lebih terletak pada perbedaan tekstur, karena perbedaan teknik pembekuannya. Apakah butuh bahan pengawet supaya yogurt tahan lama? Walaupun penambahan pengawet pangan untuk menghambat kapang dan kamir diijinkan, tetapi akan lebih sehat jika tidak menggunakan pengawet. Yang penting, gunakan 3 prinsip berikut untuk mempertahankan umur simpan optimum yogurt: Pasteurisasi bahan baku susu (susu segar maupun susu bubuk yang dicairkan lagi) dan hancuran buah (jika menggunakan) untuk membunuh mikroba patogen dan pembusuk. Proses fermentasi berlangsung baik sehingga kondisi didalam susu cukup asam (4.1 – 4.6) dan menghambat pertumbuhan patogen dan sebagian besar pembusuk. Simpan yogurt disuhu rendah (4-6oC) untuk menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba. ( Posted by Khamir_Yeast on May 20, 2010 in ARTIKEL ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI PANGAN GIZI DAN FARMASI, SERBA SERBI and tagged berbisnis yoghurt, cara membuat yoghurt, diagram alir pembuatan yoghurt, fermentasi yoghurt, ilmu yoghurt, keuntungan berbisnis yoghurt, peluang bisnis yoghurt, peluang usaha yoghurt, pembuatan yoghurt, pengawet yoghurt, pengolahan yoghurt, sterilisasi yoghurt, yoghurt, yogurt. Leave a comment May 20, 2010

Prophet Cartoon Contest proposer Sorry, Apologize to Muslims i Rate This Facebook Group ‘Everybody Mohammed Draw Day’ protests in different parts of the world because of insulting Muslims. Seattle cartoonist who spawned the idea that race was now regretting his actions. Molly Norris was the original cartoonist Seattle, U.S., who first published the Prophet Muhammad’s poster drawing competition was at his personal website. The goal is to defend the South Park cartoons in particular to the 201 episodes of the television station Comedy Central censored, because it shows scenes of the Prophet Muhammad wearing a bear costume. This publication and were met with a U.S. public Facebook group titled the same. The group is not known the author was later caused international protests. “I apologize to Muslims. I do not make a cartoon contest that Facebook group. What makes the other person,” said Norris in his personal site as reported by AFP on Thursday (20/05/2010). According to Norris he only made one cartoon-related ban on cartoon South Park episode. But he had no idea of cartoons published widely and even became a kind of movement on Facebook. “I was very surprised. The aim was originally associated only censorship of Comedy Central, but the effect even insulting Muslims who had nothing to do with this,” he explained. Norris believes censorship of Comedy Central believes violates human rights. But he also admitted that the cartoons were negligent violation of rights of religious people of Muslim. “It was insulting Muslims who do not even interfere with our rights to think,” he concluded. Posted by Khamir_Yeast on May 20, 2010 in Uncategorized and tagged Apologize to Muslims, Prophet Cartoon Contest proposer Sorry. Leave a comment May 20, 2010

Boycott Facebook Movement Because Facebook Page “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” i Rate This Movement of the Prophet Muhammad caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad sketch competition, social networking pages on Facebook reap the controversy. Most Muslims around the world, including Indonesia angry and humiliated. Pakistan even more advanced, the Lahore High Court ordered the Pakistan Telecommunications Council to block Facebook began Wednesday, May 19, 2010. Opposition movement also emerged in Facebook with the name of Against “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day”. This group calls for boycott Facebook on today, Thursday, May 20, 2010 – which made ‘the day drawing of the Prophet Muhammad’ group version of ‘Everybody Muhammed Draw Day’. “Who’s going to boycott Facebook on May 20, 2010? We need real action from all the Muslims and non-Muslims, who believe there is in the right,” exclaimed the group. This group strongly opposed to the loading of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad. “We ask for account ‘Everybody Draw Muhammed Day’ is closed forever.” Until Thursday, May 20th, 2010 at 10:15 pm, supporters of the page Against “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” amounted to 75 074 facebookers, while the pages’ Everybody Draw Mohammed’s Day! ” less, 68 126 facebookers. Not only that, it also appears the group ‘Everybody Who is against the “Draw Mohammed Day” on Facebook. The group has 4690 supporters also called for a boycott Facebook on this day. “We demand that Facebook closed the account ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!’. *** Movement drawing cartoons which is called by the group ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed’s Day! ” so the debate internationally, and reap the blasphemy of the Muslim world. Administrators group hastily make a clarification. They said this is not a race, but work together. “We do not intend to slander against Muslims, this is not a group that intends to insult Islam. This is only one way against the extremists who commit violence on those who described the Prophet Muhammad.” Posted by Khamir_Yeast on May 20, 2010 in Uncategorized and tagged Boycott Facebook Movement Because Facebook Page "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day", boycott facebook pakistan, controversy everybody draw muhammad day, everybody draw muhammad day, indonesia akan blokir facebook kartun nabi Muhammad, indonesia blokir facebook, indonesia boycott facebook, indonesia boycott facebook draw muhammad day, lomba kartun nabi Muhammad, pakistan boycott facebook. Leave a comment May 20, 2010

Tonight, you’re mine i Rate This by Yissa Prayogo Baby you’re mine… The sight of you with your hair down As you seem to be crying, stirs my heart Let’s put an end to looking back There’s no one else Tonight, you’re mine Hiding the loneliness and laughing I can’t take my eyes off of you, acting so tough Not yesterday, not tomorrow I don’t want to give you back, so Tonight, you’re mine In the street where we started dancing On that day we searched like mad for our “now” Say goodbye to empty passion I’ll never let you go Tonight, you’re mine In the street where we started running We found the dawning of our tomorrow, drawn in a dream I can’t count these overflowing feelings Surely we’ll find a happy ending Now, I can say it – I can be honest I’ll love you forever Tonight, you’re mine Tonight, you’re mine Tonight, you’re mine Baby you’re mine… Posted by Khamir_Yeast on May 20, 2010 in PUISI YISSA. 3 Comments May 19, 2010

Tanah untuk menciptakan Nabi Adam A.S … Land for creating Adam A.S i Rate This Para malaikat di tugaskan mengambil tanah untuk menciptakan Nabi Adam A.S Firman Allah : “Ya Izrail, pertama engkau yang Ku-tugaskan untuk mengambil tanah, dan kemudian di belakang hari kelak engkau pula yang aku tugaskan untuk mencabut roh manusia” Jika demikian hamba kuatir menjadi dibenci anak Adam karena pekerjaan hamba ini, kata Izrail. “Tidak” jawab Allah: “Mereka tidak akan memusuhi engkau.”Aku yang mengaturnya. Lalu Aku jadikan sebab-sebab untuk mendatangkan kematian mereka. Sebab terbunuh, terbakar, sakit dan sebagainya. Menurut keterangan Para Ulama bahwa tanah-tanah itu adalah sebagai berikut. 1.) Tanah tempat bakal berdirinya Baitul Muqaddis. 2.) Tanah Bukit Tursina. 3.) Tanah Iraq . 4.) Tanah Aden. 5.) Tanah Al-Kautsar. 6.) Tanah Kaabah. 7.) Tanah Paris. 8.) Tanah Khurasan. 9.) Tanah Babylon. 10.) Tanah India. 11.) Tanah Syurga Firdaus. 12.) Tanah Tha’if Sedangkan kata Ibnu Abbas:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Kepala Adam dari tanah Baitul-Muqaddis, karena disitulah otak manusia berada, dan disitulah tempat akal. Telinganya dari tanah Bukit Tursina, karena disitulah tempat menerima nasehat. Dahinya dari tanah Iraq, karena disitu tempat sujud kepada Allah. Mukanya dari tanah Aden, karena disitu tempat berhias dan tempat kecantikan. Mata dari tanah telaga Al-Kautsar tempat untuk menarik perhatian. Giginya dari tanah Al-Kautsar, tempat memanis-manis. Tangan kanannya dari tanah Kaabah, untuk mencari nafkah dan kerjasama sesama manusia. Tangan kirinya dari tanah Paris, tempat beristinjak. Perutnya dari tanah Khurasan, tempat lapar dan haus. Kemaluannya dari tanah Babylon. Karena disitulah tempat seks (birahi) dan tipudaya syaitan untuk menjerumuskan manusia ke lembah dosa. Tulang dari tanah Bukit Tursina, alat peneguh tubuh manusia. Dua kakinya dari tanah India tempat berdirinya jalan. Hatinya dari tanah Syurga Firdaus, karena disitu tempat iman, keyakinan, ilmu, kemauan dan sebagainya. Lidahnya dari tanah Tha’if tempat mengucap Syahadat bersyukur dan mendoakan kepada Tuhan.

IN ENGLISH The angels in the ground assigned to take to create the Prophet Adam, peace The Word of God: “Azrael Yes, you are my first-tasked to take the land, and then back in the days shalt thou also that I was assigned to revoke the human spirit” If so afraid to be hated by slave children of Adam because this servant jobs, said Azrael. “No,” replied God, “They will not be hostile to you.” I that govern them. Then I made to bring the causes of their deaths. Because killed, burned, sick and so forth. According to the description of the Ulema that the lands are as follows. 1.) Land where would the establishment of Baitul Muqaddis. 2.) Land Tursina Hill. 3.) Land of Iraq. 4.) Land Aden. 5.) Land Al-Kautsar. 6.) Land sanctuary. 7.) Land Paris. 8.) Land of Khorasan. 9.) Land Babylon. 10.) Land of India. 11.) Land heaven paradise. 12.) Land Ta’if While Ibn Abbas said: 1. Adam’s head from the ground-Muqaddis Bait, because that’s where the human brain is located, and places therein are reasonable. 2. Hill Tursina ear from the ground, because that’s where the place to receive advice. 3. Forehead from the land of Iraq, because there where prostration to Allah. 4. Face of the land of Aden, because there the place decorated and a place of beauty. 5. Eye of the lake lands of Al-Kautsar place to attract attention. 6. Teeth from the land of Al-Kautsar, smooth-sweet spot. 7. His right hand from the temple ground, for a living and human cooperation. 8. His left hand from the soil of Paris, where beristinjak. 9. His bowels of the land of Khurasan, where hunger and thirst. 10. Privates from the land of Babylon. Because that’s where the place of sex (lust) and tipudaya dickens to plunge into the valley of human sin. 11. The bones of the ground Tursina Hill, tools peneguh human body. 12. Two feet from the road home to the Indian soil. * Heart of heaven the land of Eden, because there the place of faith, belief, knowledge, willingness, and so forth. * Tongue of land Ta’if where Creed say thanks and to pray to the Lord. Posted by Khamir_Yeast on May 19, 2010 in Uncategorized and tagged Land for creating Adam A.S. Leave a comment May 19, 2010

Rahasia Di Balik Lukisan Monalisa yang kini Terungkap ….The Secret Behind the Mona Lisa painting that now Revealed…..Le secret derrière le tableau de la Joconde qui est maintenant révélé i 1 Vote ( misteri yang ditunjukkan Monalisa dalam lukisan potret terkenal karya Leonardo da Vinci akhirnya terungkap. Para akademisi Jerman merasa yakin mereka telah berhasil memecahkan misteri yang telah berlangsung beberapa abad di balik identitas gadis cantik yang menjadi obyek lukisan terkenal itu. Lisa Gherardini, istri seorang pengusaha kaya Florence, Francesco del Giocondo, telah lama dipandang sebagai model yang paling mungkin bagi lukisan abad 16 tersebut. Namun demikian, para sejarawan seni sering bertanya-tanya apakah mungkin wanita yang tersenyum itu sebetulnya kekasih da Vinci, ibunya atau artis itu sendiri. Kini para pakar di perpustakaan Universitas Heidelberg menyatakan berdasarkan catatan yang ditulis pemiliknya dalam sebuah buku pada Oktober 1503 diperoleh kepastian untuk selamanya bahwa Lisa del Giocondo-lah model yang sesungguhnya dalam lukisan itu, yang merupakan salah satu lukisan potret terkenal di dunia. “Semua keraguan tentang identitas Monalisa telah pupus menyusul penemuan oleh Dr. Armin Schlechter,” seorang pakar naskah kuno, kata perpustakaan itu dalam pernyataannya Senin (14/1/2009). Hingga kini, hanya diperoleh ‘bukti kurang meyakinkan’ dari berbagai dokumen abad 16. “Hal ini menciptakan ruang bagi berbagai interpretasi dan ada banyak identitas berbeda dikemukakan,” kata perpustakaan itu. Catatan itu dibuat oleh Agostino Vespucci, seorang pejabat Florence dan sahabat da Vinci, dalam koleksi surat tulisan orator Romawi, Cicero. Tulisan dalam catatan itu membandingkan Leonardo dengan artis Yunani kuno Apelles dan menyatakan ia sedang menggarap tiga lukisan, salah satunya adalah potret Lisa del Giocondo. Para pakar seni, yang sudah mengaitkan tahun pembuatan lukisan itu pada jaman abad pertengahan itu, menyatakan penemuan Heidelberg itu merupakan terobosan dan penyebutan sebelumnya menghubungkan istri saudagar itu dengan lukisan potret tersebut. “Tak ada alasan untuk terus meragukan bahwa potret ini adalah wanita yang lain,” kata sejarahwan seni Universitas Leipzig, FrankZoelner, kepada Radio Jerman. IN ENGLISH The mystery of Mona Lisa Smile as shown in the famous portrait of Leonardo da Vinci was finally revealed. German academics feel confident they have managed to solve the mystery that has lasted several centuries behind the identity of a beautiful girl who becomes the object of famous paintings. Lisa Gherardini, wife of wealthy Florentine businessman, Francesco del Giocondo, has long been viewed as the most likely model for the painting of the 16th century. However, art historians have often wondered whether the smiling woman may actually da Vinci’s lover, his mother or the artist itself. Now experts at the Heidelberg University library based on the record stating that the owner of a book written in October 1503 acquired the certainty for all that Lisa del Giocondo is the model actually in the painting, which is one of world’s famous portrait. “All doubts about the identity of Mona Lisa has disappeared following the discovery by Dr. Armin Schlechter,” an expert on ancient manuscripts, the library said in a statement Monday (1/14/2009). Until now, only obtained ‘inconclusive proof’ of various documents from 16th century. “This creates a space for different interpretations and there were many different identities put forward,” said library. The notes were made by Agostino Vespucci, a Florentine official and friend of da Vinci, a collection of letters written in the Roman orator, Cicero. Posts in the notes to compare Leonardo to the ancient Greek artist Apelles and claimed he was working on three paintings, one of them is a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo. The art expert, who has been linked in making the painting in the medieval era, stating that the Heidelberg discovery is a breakthrough and the previous mention of connecting wife the merchant with these portraits. “There’s no reason to continue to doubt that This is a portrait of another woman, “said Leipzig University art historian Frank Zoelner, told German radio. IN FRANCE Le mystère de la Mona Lisa Smile comme le montre le célèbre portrait de Léonard de Vinci a finalement été révélé. universitaires allemands confiance qu’ils ont résolu le mystère qui a duré plusieurs siècles derrière l’identité de belle jeune fille qui devient l’objet de peintures célèbres. Lisa Gherardini, épouse d’un riche homme d’affaires florentin, Francesco del Giocondo a longtemps été considérée comme le modèle le plus probable pour ces peintures du 16ème siècle. Toutefois, les historiens d’art ont souvent demandé si la femme souriante peut effectivement amant de Vinci, sa mère ou de l’artiste lui-même. Maintenant experts à la bibliothèque universitaire de Heidelberg sur le dossier que le propriétaire d’un livre écrit en Octobre 1503 acquis la certitude de tout ce que Lisa del Giocondo était le modèle Réelles dans le tableau, qui est l’un des portraits de renommée mondiale. «Tous les doutes sur l’identité de Mona Lisa a disparu après la découverte par le Dr Armin Schlechter,” un expert en manuscrits anciens, la bibliothèque a déclaré dans un communiqué lundi (14/01/2009). Jusqu’à présent, n’a obtenu que des «preuves concluantes» de divers documents du 16ème siècle. “Cela crée un espace pour des interprétations différentes et il y avait de nombreuses identités différentes avancées”, a déclaré la bibliothèque. Remarque a été faite par Agostino Vespucci, un fonctionnaire florentin et ami de Léonard de Vinci, dans une collection de lettres écrites orateur romain Cicéron. Messages dans le dossier de comparer l’ancien artiste grec Apelle avec Leonardo et dit qu’il travaillait sur trois tableaux, l’un d’eux est un portrait de Lisa del Giocondo. experts d’art, qui a été liée à rendre la peinture à l’époque médiévale, en précisant que la découverte de Heidelberg est une percée et la mention de la connexion précédente épouse le marchand de ces portraits. “Il n’ya aucune raison de continuer à douter que Il s’agit d’un portrait d’une autre femme », a déclaré Leipzig historien de l’art de l’Université Frank Zoelner, a déclaré à la radio allemande. Posted by Khamir_Yeast on May 19, 2010 in Uncategorized and tagged Le secret derrière le tableau de la Joconde qui est maintenant révélé, Rahasia Di Balik Lukisan Monalisa yang kini Terungkap, sejarah monalisa, The Secret Behind the Mona Lisa painting that now Revealed. Leave a comment May 18, 2010

How does freezing affect food quality? i Rate This Freezing will not improve inferior foods. If the food is fresh, of top quality, and frozen using proper procedures, the effect on quality will be minimized as long as the food remains solidly frozen at a constant temperature at or below 0 degrees F. While freezing keeps many foods almost like fresh, certain changes occur. Water in foods form ice crystals which will break down the cell structure of some foods. This affects the texture and causes mushiness. It is more likely to happen when food is frozen slowly at temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees F., like in the freezer section of the refrigerator, or when food partially defrosts and then refreezes. Texture depends on water content, fragility, and treatment of the food before and during freezing. Blanching and using syrup help protect the texture of some foods. If frozen food is not stored in moisture-vapor-proof materials it may lose moisture and develop a dried surface condition, e.g. freezer burn. Oxygen in the air may cause flavor and color changes if food is improperly wrapped. Pack foods to exclude as much air as possible. Protect certain fruits from browning by adding ascorbic acid. Sugar, syrup, or fruit juice protects fruit from air. Soup or sauce can be used to protect cooked meats. Foods will lose quality if stored too long or if stored at temperatures above 0 degrees F. For each 5 degrees F increase in temperature above 0 degrees F., keeping time for best quality decreases by half. Posted by Khamir_Yeast on May 18, 2010 in ARTIKEL ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI PANGAN GIZI DAN FARMASI. Leave a comment May 16, 2010

Improving the Food Pyramid i Rate This In 1992 the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) introduced the first official Food Guide. The food guide—presented in the graphic form of a “pyramid”—was an early attempt to educate the public with a simplified list of dietary recommendations thought to improve health and reduce incidence of chronic diseases. The current ubiquity of the food pyramid is a good measure of just how successful the guide has been in bamboozling the American public. In the short span of twenty years, the pyramid revolutionized the dietary habits of tens of millions of people and is the basis on which many doctors, nutritionists, laypersons and food producers alike judge the quality of the diet.

Although the pyramid appeared sound at the time it was produced, and continues to carry the ring of authority, many of its recommendations are now recognized to be flawed, based on emerging research. For the last decade, the food guide has been criticized by scientists for being outmoded and presenting recommendations that are potentially harmful.

Carb Loading and Obesity One of the most far-reaching concepts promoted by the pyramid was the notion that obesity and heart disease are linked to the consumption of fats. This concept gave rise to a nutritional orthodoxy that dictated that the majority of calories should come from complex carbohydrates—primarily breads, cereals, rice, pasta, potatoes and other starches (up to 11 servings a day!). Additionally, meats, fish, eggs, and other protein sources were relegated to relatively small portions (2 to 3 servings per day), while fats were severely restricted (the guide grouped fats and oils with sweets and recommended “use sparingly”). Many researchers have pointed out that the practice of switching dietary fats for carbohydrates—particularly those found in the food pyramid—mirrors the start of the rise in obesity that is currently at epidemic proportions.

Building a Better Pyramid In response to growing criticism, the USDA’s Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion is currently re-evaluating the food pyramid. At this same time, a group of Harvard researchers has already proposed a revised food pyramid. In the January, 2003 issue of Scientific American, Walter C. Willett and Meir J. Stampfer, professors of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, introduced a food guide incorporating improvements designed to address many of the problems in the old pyramid (see image above). In their article, “Rebuilding the Food Pyramid,” Willett and Stampfer proposed new nutritional recommendations that are based, in large part, on a recent study they co-authored in the December 2002 issue of the Journal of Clinical Nutrition (see abstract below).

Reducing Intake of Carbohydrates Willet and Stampfer point out that the USDA pyramid provides misleading guidance by “promoting the consumption of complex carbohydrates and eschewing fats and oils,” stating, “not all fats are bad for you, and by no means are all complex carbohydrates good for you.” Complex carbohydrates form the base of the current USDA food pyramid, yet scientists have found little evidence to show that high daily intake of carbohydrates provides any benefit. Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and white rice, are quickly broken down in the body, causing rapid elevation of blood glucose levels. This jump in blood sugar levels triggers a large release of insulin. Insulin subsequently clears glucose from the blood, leading to increased feelings of hunger. In short, eating carbohydrates contributes to overeating and obesity. Even eating a potato, which is mainly starch, raises blood sugar levels higher than eating the same amount of calories from table sugar. “In our epidemiological studies, we have found that a high intake of starch from refined grains and potatoes is associated with a high risk of type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease. Conversely, a greater intake of fiber is related to a lower risk of these illnesses.” To address this imbalance Willett and Stampfer redesigned their food pyramid by first moving white rice, white bread, potatoes, pasta and refined carbohydrates from the foundation (base) of the pyramid up to the top with a “use sparingly” recommendation. And they still recommend eating carbohydrates at most meals, but the list of approved carbs are derived from “healthy carbohydrates,” in the form of whole grain foods, such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal and brown rice.

New Respect for Dietary Fats As mentioned previously, the USDA pyramid radically altered the role of dietary fats in the American diet. This is because the original intent of nutritionists who designed the food guide was to convey a simple message—saturated fats (found in red meat and dairy products) raise cholesterol levels and increase risks of developing cardiovascular disease. Willett and Stampfer observe that, “The notion that fat in general is to be avoided stems mainly from observations that affluent Western countries have both high intakes of fat and high rates of coronary heart disease. They point out that this correlation, however, is limited to saturated fat. Societies in which people eat relatively large portions of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat tend to have lower rates of heart disease.” Unfortunately the “all fat is bad” message so effectively conveyed by the USDA pyramid obscured numerous studies showing that polyunsaturated fats, as found in fish —can actually reduce cholesterol levels. To correct the unbalanced view of fats codified in the old pyramid, Willett and Stampfer drew on previous research gleaned from the 1976 Nurses’ Health Study, and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study in 1986. When researchers compared fat intake of some 90,000 women and 50,000 men, they found the risk of heart disease increased substantially when eating trans-fats, and only slightly when eating saturated fats. By contrast, a diet that contained both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats was actually found to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Researchers observed that, since these two effects counterbalanced each other, “higher overall consumption of fat did not lead to higher rates of coronary heart disease.” Noting that these findings “reinforced a 1989 report by the National Academy of Sciences that concluded that total fat intake alone was not associated with heart disease risk.” Willett and Stampfer also challenge the idea, promoted by the American Heart Association and other groups, that people get no more than 30 percent of daily calories from fat. “This 30 percent limit has become so entrenched among nutritionists that even the sophisticated observer could be forgiven for thinking that many studies must show that individuals with that level of fat intake enjoyed better health than those with higher levels. But no study has demonstrated long-term health benefits that can be directly attributed to a low-fat diet. The 30 percent limit on fat was essentially drawn from thin air.” Willett and Stampfer now recommend a healthy diet that includes generous servings of unsaturated fats, including liquid vegetable oils—especially olive and fish oils. “If both the fats and carbohydrates in your diet are healthy, you probably do not have to worry too much about the percentages of total calories coming from each.” Trans fat does not appear at all in the pyramid, because “it has no place in a healthy diet.”

Eat Plenty of Vegetables, Fruit Willett and Stampfer note that high intake of fruits and vegetables is perhaps “the least controversial aspect of the food pyramid,” and recommend both should be eaten in abundance. Interestingly they note that while reductions in risk of cancer are widely promoted, evidence for this comes from case-control studies that are susceptible to numerous biases, pointing out that recent findings from large prospective studies tend to show “little relation between overall fruit and vegetable consumption and cancer incidence. (Specific nutrients in fruits and vegetables may offer benefits, though; for instance, the folic acid in green leafy vegetables may reduce the risk of colon cancer, and the lycopene found in tomatoes may lower the risk of [lung and] prostate cancer.)” Where Willett and Stampfer see a significant value in fruits and vegetables is in their ability to reduce cardiovascular disease. “Fruits and vegetables are also the primary source of many vitamins needed for good health. Thus, there are good reasons to consume the recommended five servings a day, even if doing so has little impact on cancer risk.”

New Guidelines on Protein Sources The revised pyramid addresses another flaw in the USDA pyramid by recognizing important health differences between red meats (beef, pork and lamb) and the other foods in the meat and beans group (poultry, fish, legumes, nuts and eggs). Red meats, which are high in saturated fat and cholesterol, are associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and colon cancer. By contrast, poultry and fish contain less saturated fats, and fish are a good source of essential Omega-3 fatty acids. “Not surprisingly, studies have shown that people who replace red meat with chicken and fish have a lower risk of coronary heart disease and colon cancer.” Willett and Stampfer also recommend up to three servings per day of nuts. Nuts, which were restricted in the old guide, likely due to their high fat content, are actually a good source of unsaturated fats. Research has shown that “nuts improve blood cholesterol ratios, and epidemiological studies indicate that they lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes.” They also note that people who eat nuts are “actually less likely to be obese; perhaps because nuts are more satisfying to the appetite, eating them seems to have the effect of significantly reducing the intake of other foods.”

Cut Back on Dairy Products Another issue addressed by the new food guide is the old recommendation of consuming the equivalent of two or three glasses of milk a day. This advice was based on the belief that dairy products provide calcium, which was thought to help prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures. “But the highest rates of fractures are found in countries with high dairy consumption, and large prospective studies have not shown a lower risk of fractures among those who eat plenty of dairy products. Calcium is an essential nutrient, but the requirements for bone health have probably been overstated.” Willett and Stampfer also challenge the notion that high dairy consumption is safe: “in several studies, men who consumed large amounts of dairy products experienced an increased risk of prostate cancer, and in some studies, women with high intakes had elevated rates of ovarian cancer. Although fat was initially assumed to be the responsible factor, this has not been supported in more detailed analysis. High calcium intake itself seemed most clearly related to the risk of prostate cancer. More research is needed to determine the health effects of dairy products, but at the moment it seems imprudent to recommend high consumption.”

Daily Exercise, a Multivitamin and Moderate Alcohol Use Last, but not least, Willet and Stampfer have replaced the bottom of the USDA pyramid (previously recommending up to 11 servings of complex carbohydrates) with a program of daily exercise to aid in weight control. They also recommend a daily multivitamin for most people, and allow alcohol consumption as an option (if not contraindicated by specific health conditions or medications) based on numerous studies showing moderate alcohol consumption to be of benefit to the cardiovascular system.

Proof of Concept To demonstrate that their improved pyramid is actually healthier than the current USDA model, Willett and Stampfer, along with their colleagues in the Harvard study, created the Alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI) to measure what happens when people follow their dietary recommendations. When epidemiological studies were compared to the new index the researchers discovered that men and women following the new guidelines have a lower risk of chronic diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease. They state, “This benefit resulted almost entirely from significant reductions in the risk of cardiovascular disease—up to 30 percent for women and 40 percent for men.”

Conclusion While the USDA continues to review the old food guide, Willett and Stampfer have presented a new pyramid—based on twenty years of research —that incorporates dietary strategies that are proven to improve health. Willett and Stampfer recommend eating vegetables and fruits in abundance, along with moderate amounts of healthy sources of protein (nuts, legumes, fish, poultry and eggs). They also recommend cutting back on consumption of refined grains (including white bread, white rice and white pasta), potatoes and sugar, and cutting consumption of dairy products to one or two servings a day. Studies indicate that adherence to the recommendations in the revised pyramid can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease for both men and women, and reduce incidence of diabetes. These recommendations are also more in line with the dietary recommendations of Drs. Robert Atkins, Barry Sears, and Vladimir Dilman.

References 1. Willett, W.C., Stampfer, M.J. Rebuilding the Food Pyramid, Scientific American, Jan. 2003., Vol. 288, No. 1:64-69. 2. McCullough, M.L., Feskanich, D., Stampfer, M.J., Giovannucci, E.L., Rimm, E.B., Hu, F.B., Spiegelman, D., Hunter, D.J., Colditz, G.A., Willett, W.C. Diet Quality and Major Chronic Disease Risk in Men and Women: Moving Toward Improved Dietary Guidance. Am J Clin Nutr 2002;76:1261–71. Posted by Khamir_Yeast on May 16, 2010 in ARTIKEL ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI PANGAN GIZI DAN FARMASI and tagged Improving the Food Pyramid. Leave a comment May 16, 2010

Vitamin C, Colds and Acute Induced Scurvy i Rate This Vitamin C is one of the most widely used and highly valued vitamins in the world. Vitamin C became popular in 1970, when Linus Pauling published his groundbreaking work, “Vitamin C and the Common Cold.” Vitamin C sales skyrocketed, with some impressive results, including a staggering 40% drop in the number of deaths attributed to heart disease in the next decade. Scientists now estimate that over 250,000 lives are saved every year because of the efforts of Linus Pauling and other dedicated researchers to educate the public about the benefits of vitamin C. Based on these statistics, it has been estimated that if everyone in the United States took several hundred milligrams of vitamin C a day, over 100,000 lives and $100 billion in health care costs would be saved each year. Not only can vitamin C help us feel better and live longer, but it has also been proven to support numerous functions that can help us attain optimal health, including:

Antioxidant Protection This premier antioxidant nutrient protects us from the ravages of free radicals that, if left to destroy cell membranes and damage DNA, lead to the development of degenerative diseases and accelerated aging.

Collagen Production Vitamin C helps manufacture collagen, the basic cellular ÒcementÓ that keeps muscles, tendons, bones, teeth and skin healthy and strong, and aids in the repair of blood vessels and broken bones.

Cardiovascular Support Vitamin C benefits heart conditions of all kinds, normalizes blood pressure, reduces cholesterol levels, and aids in the removal of cholesterol deposits from arterial walls. Despite these and other numerous health benefits, this basic nutrient is constantly under attack from those who argue that all good nutrition begins and ends with a fork. And is it possible to get optimal amounts of vitamin C from food alone? It has been shown that even the best diet cannot begin to provide the minimum levels of vitamin C (500 to 1,000 mg per day) that research has proven can help us fend off illness, degenerative diseases and premature aging. In fact, a recent study has shown that men who take vitamin C supplements live, on average, six years longer than those who only get their vitamin C from dietary sources.

The History of Vitamin C Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is a powerful water-soluble antioxidant vital for the growth and maintenance of all body tissues. Though easily absorbed by the intestines, vitamin C cannot be stored in the body, and is excreted in the urine within two to four hours of ingestion. Human history has been deeply influenced by vitamin C or more accurately, by a frequent and disastrous lack of this vital nutrient. In his book The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against Disease, the late biochemist Irwin Stone stated: “…the lack of this molecule [vitamin C] in humans has contributed to more deaths, sickness, and just plain misery than any other single factor in man’s long history”.

The Discovery of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) The first breakthrough in vitamin C research occurred in 1926, when the Hungarian scientist, Albert Szent-Gyšrgyi, MD, PhD, traveled to Cambridge University to conduct research on the chemical processes that caused fruits and vegetables to turn brown. Szent-Gyšrgyi first succeeded in isolating a white crystalline substance from the adrenal gland of cows, which he referred to as Cx11. Later, in 1928, Szent-Gyšrgyi isolated these same crystals from the juice of potatoes and cabbages, and renamed the substance hexuronic acid. Szent-Gyšrgyi later collaborated with the famed English chemist W. Haworth, and together they finally determined the chemical structure of hexuronic acid (C6H8O6). Finally, in 1932, after producing the first pure crystals of vitamin C, Szent-Gyšrgyi and Haworth once again renamed the substance, and, in recognition of its role in preventing scurvy, called it ascorbic acid, from the Latin word, ascorbic, which means without scurvy. Five years later, in 1937, Szent-Gyšrgyi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discoveries in connection with the biological combustion processes, with special reference to vitamin C and the catalysis of fumaric acid.

What Does Vitamin C Do? Vitamin C is utilized by virtually every part of the human body. In fact, there are few, if any, biological functions that do not require vitamin C. * Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant to protect cells from free radicals. Vitamin C also prevents oxidative damage that leads to the development of atherosclerosis. * Vitamin C is vital to the immune system, aiding white blood cells that attack and destroy cancer cells, viruses, bacteria, parasites and other pathogens. Vitamin C also promotes wound healing and acts to control the release of histamine. * Vitamin C is used by the body to produce collagen, used by connective tissues to give strength and shape to our tissues, such as muscles, blood vessels, bones and teeth. * Vitamin C helps the body utilize folic acid (required for maintaining our DNA) and regulates the uptake of iron (needed for production of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying part of blood cells). * Vitamin C is important for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, such as noradrenaline (for energy and mood) and serotonin (for sleep, well-being and pain control).

Vitamin C and the Common Cold Large doses of vitamin C (two grams or more per day) can dramatically shorten both the duration and severity of a cold if taken at first sign of symptoms. Most studies show that vitamin C therapy can result in milder symptoms while reducing the duration by about a third. More than twenty studies have found that preventive vitamin C supplementation reduces the annual number of colds in children. One study of over 600 children, between the ages of 8 and 9 years, found that 1,000 mg of vitamin C a day for three months reduced the severity and duration of colds, but not the number of colds. Based on these findings, it makes more sense to increase vitamin C intake at the onset of cold symptoms rather than as a preventive measure. To understand how vitamin C can help us recover from colds, flu and other forms of infection, we need to understand that vitamin C takes on a new role when the body is under attack.

Common Cold as Acute Induced Scurvy Often we may begin to notice that we are starting to feel ill, only to have the symptoms quickly disappear within a day or so. This is what is supposed to happen when our immune system is healthy and well supported. At the first sign of an attack, all of the components of the immune complex move quickly to identify, target and kill the invading pathogens. Just as often we don’t get better and our symptoms worsen as we are caught up in a cold or flu infection that can last for days or weeks. What has happened is that invading viruses have slipped past our first lines of defense and are damaging mitochondria, the cells that produce energy. This damage results in a flood of free radicals that quickly use up all of the vitamin C in the affected area, like the nose and throat. Dr. Robert Cathcart, a pioneer in the field of orthomolecular medicine, refers to this condition as acute induced scurvy. When vitamin C is depleted in the affected area, the body can no longer mount an effective response until it has produced enough antibodies to attack and destroy the virus. In the meantime the condition has time to spread to the sinuses, ears, lungs, etc. This also allows bacteria to take advantage of the situation, potentially causing secondary infections, such as bronchitis, pneumonia or worse.

Cathcart believes that taking moderate doses of vitamin C (200 to 2,000 mg per day) in such conditions may prevent the spread of the infection to other areas of the body, but will do little to shorten the course of the illness. On the other hand, Cathcart argues that taking massive doses of vitamin C (megadoses) can force enough electrons into the affected tissues to neutralize all the free radicals and support the white cells that come out fighting mad and destroy all the viruses. It does not matter that the disease is moderately advanced, states Cathcart, if sufficient C is used, the cold will be shortly terminated.

The Power of High Dose (Megadose) Vitamin C Building on the groundbreaking work of Linus Pauling, Irwin Stone, and other orthomolecular physicians, Cathcart has helped to shape our understanding of megadose vitamin therapy, which uses vitamin C in doses higher than those required for normal cellular functions. When taken in very high (ten to one hundred grams or more per day, depending upon the person and the illness) vitamin C works in a uniquely different way to fight off serious illness. We’ve seen that vitamin C is required to help protect the body from the ravages of free radicals and for the constant repair of our connective tissues. And, except for losses due to collagen formation, most of the time vitamin C is recycled by the body’s antioxidant system. But when the body is challenged by cancer, colds, or other diseases, vitamin C takes on a new role. Dr. Cathcart describes the process in the following way, using the term ascorbate, which is just another technical term for vitamin C: 1. Free radicals are molecules that have lost an electron and they are very reactive because they want an electron in the worst way. 2. Vitamin C (ascorbate) donates its two spare electrons to neutralize two dangerous free radicals. 3. When vitamin C (ascorbate) loses its electrons it is turned into a form of vitamin C called dehydroascorbate. 4. Dehydroascorbate has a half-life in the body of only a few minutes. 5. If dehydroascorbate does not regain its two electrons from the mitochondria within a few minutes, it is irreversibly lost (mitochondria are tiny structures in every cell that act like powerhouses that provide cellular energy and aid in recycling vitamin C). 6. White blood cells need vitamin C (ascorbate) in order to kill viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, cancer cells, etc. 7. When the mitochondria are damaged (by cancer, viruses, bacteria, etc.), they are unable to provide the electrons needed to turn dehydroascorbate back into vitamin C. 8. These damaged mitochondria produce more free radicals. 9. Free radicals turn on antibodies and increase inflammation. In essence what Cathcart and other supporters of megadose therapy are claiming is that when we become seriously ill the body is overwhelmed by a flood of free radicals that quickly use up all of the available stores of vitamin C. This impairs the immune response, which depends on vitamin C to mount an effective defense against the invading organisms (or tumor, in the case of cancer). By ingesting or infusing large amounts of vitamin C, as in the earlier cancer study by Pauling and Cameron, the aim is to saturate the body with enough electrons to destroy all of the free radicals being generated in the tissues affected by the disease. In short, the body is using the electrons donated by vitamin C, and then tossing away the dehydroascorbate.

The Controversy Surrounding Megadose Therapy Megadose vitamin C therapy continues to be a highly controversial topic. Traditional medicine tends to view vitamin C as a nutrient that is only useful for preventing scurvy. In The Third Face of Vitamin C, published in 1993, Dr. Cathcart detailed his clinical experience treating over 20,000 patients with high doses of vitamin C over a 23-year period. Cathcart found that doses of up to 200 or more grams per day were effective in treating clinical diseases involving free radicals. The list of diseases involving free radicals includes infections, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, trauma, burns (both thermal and radiation), surgeries, allergies, autoimmune diseases and aging. Megadose therapy has caught the interest and fired the imagination of many eminent researchers. The late Irwin Stone pioneered the early use of high dose vitamin C for treating diseases. His close friend, Dr. Frederick Klenner conducted much of the original clinical research on vitamin C megadose therapy, reporting that most viral diseases could be cured when patients were treated with intravenous sodium ascorbate in amounts up to 200 grams per day. Klenner is credited with bringing megadose therapy to the attention of Linus Pauling. Pauling went on to conduct research with Ewan Cameron showing that high dose vitamin C therapy doubled the life span of cancer patients. Based on their work a large number of physicians now routinely use massive doses of vitamin C in their clinical practice for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. Posted by Khamir_Yeast on May 16, 2010 in ARTIKEL ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI PANGAN GIZI DAN FARMASI and tagged Colds and Acute Induced Scurvy, Vitamin C. 1 Comment

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