MlLjLEID I - There are a few of [PDF]

teacher of commercial geography, shorthand ...... Mrs. Charles F. McDonald of Eng- ...... Sophie Lang," with Gertrude Mi

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Register - There are a few of [PDF]
Oct 2, 1988 - 3-year-old daughter, Jennifer, at his side. "I think he's very deserving (of the promotion)," said Police Com- missioner Joseph Valinoti. "He's the kind of ...... Kenneth Bur- nette, in charge of the Atlanta pre- cinct where some of the

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Jul 31, 1980 - receives gift for book fund. • • Rutgers .... Please note: Federal regulations require substantial penalty on premature withdrawal on all certificate accounts. ...... Saturdays. 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.. Visa and Master Charge graciousl

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lor QUALITY AUTO IMPRTR. Must have thoro knowledge of current .... a fully nualiflfir margin clerk, ahi is.we said previguslv, top notch margir clerks.jarn $190'a week. That does no nclude' tfwijf fluarteriy or annu" bonuses, The~-oppty" is yours. A-

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Mar 27, 2014 - Store,. Frank Brown's. Insurance.' :be held*rhursdny-March 16. Tonulit projects. 'jKnlibas umeri Board members;a n ( j underway in it0 witn tho ...... Seoul Tills program ts. In hminr or the founder of Girl. Scouts in the Unit

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At the suggestion of Cranford. Chapter, 3,/ American War Bads, the. Township Committee Tuesday night ptfd a resolution requesting local a I alcoholic beverages to close on V-E. Day. , Township Clerk J. . Walter. Coffee was authorized to contact the a

Red Bank - There are a few of [PDF]
FROM NICARAGUA. A Duck and Opossum Dinner Wan. Given for Him and Hla Relatives and Friends nt the Homo of His. Farcnta nt Tort Monmouth. Capt. and ...... ntci. Vdl iinl. • ,1. The nil- u tho;*" i P i r M r r e d f « r t h e last, | i r c -. ("tdii

The Register - There are a few of [PDF]
Jul 8, 1986 - lunchbreak from their construction jobs in Middletown yesterday. •y M M *MEEN M i .... Teddy's at the point he would like to move a little faster than his body is ready to do. That's a really good sign," Hat- zfeld said. • Ho said P

Red Bank - There are a few of [PDF]
FROM NICARAGUA. A Duck and Opossum Dinner Wan. Given for Him and Hla Relatives and Friends nt the Homo of His. Farcnta nt Tort Monmouth. Capt. and ...... ntci. Vdl iinl. • ,1. The nil- u tho;*" i P i r M r r e d f « r t h e last, | i r c -. ("tdii

There are lots of resources relating to social inclusion available online. Here are a few
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Chinese Proverb

When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something

Idea Transcript


=$3All U)o Neva of BED BANK dnd Surrounding Towns Told Fearlessly and Without Mao,


Issued Weekly, Entered as Second-CIasa Matter »t tba Postofflcs at Bed Bank, N. J,, under tlto Act o( March 3, 1810.

not bo delegated in any way to come-

Flower Show Monmouth County Horticultur- Councilman James C. Atichincloas of Ruinson Declares iisb to Hold 38th Annual ExDangerous Silualion Should hibition at Rumson September 26 and 27. bo Eliminated.

William Porter of tho H. G. Atlm estate in president of tho society. Other ofllcerB arc: First vlco prcnUIoiit—Alfred GrMUlis. Soconil vlco iironidcnt—MiclmclConnorn. Secrotnry—Frnnk T. Edlnpton. Troanurcr—Llewellyn B. Jones. Financial accrotary—F. II. Kndford. Alfred Grlflltli3 13 chairman of the executive committee. His assistants aro Anthony Schumann, John Porter, Charles Byrnes, Matthew Curran, Harry Collls and Charles Rice. William Macintosh is chairman of tho (mow committee. Assisting him aro Percy Hicks, Charles Blco, Alfred Grlftltlio, Harry A. Kottcl, Llewellyn B. Jones, Joseph G. P. Kennedy, Frank T. Edington, James Kennedy, Matthow Curran, Michael Connors, P. H. Sad ford, W. H.Walto, Owen Rolf, Charles Byrnes, P. J. Mulvlhill, Anthony Schumann and William Lyons. '

Lambda Chapter .Jo Hold Card Party


ono .oAtic.

Put Under Ground

The 38th annual exhibition of flowere, fruit and vegetables of tho Monmouth county horticultural society will bo hold "Wednesday and Thursday, September 20 and 27, at General H. S. Bordon's Old Oaks riding academy on Elver road. Tho final schedule and entry form was Issued Thursday. Ono hundred and eighty-olBht claooea havo been nrranficd, 69 for tho opening day and 110 for the second day. Four orchid clasaen havo been arranged, including an exhibit ot not leBB than fifteen orchid plants In bloom, which la open to commercial growers only. Twenty-ilvo dollars in prize money will bo divided between tho winners of first nnd BCCond places. ( Tho Mary Owen Bordcn memorial trophy will bo awarded to tho winner of a special clans for six vases of outdoor (lowers, six distinct spedos, ono variety to a vnae. This class will ho open to members of tho Monmouth county horticultural society only. A special claflB han been arranged for assistant gardeners who nro members of tho Monmouth county eoclety. It In for an arrangement of flowers In any container for effect. Amateurs, Ladles' Garden club mombora and school children will nhow in special sections. Twentyflvo classes havo been Bet aside for amateurs, seven for Ladles' Garden club members and eleven for school children. All ai-tlcleo for competition must ho in position by twelve o'clock Wednesday, September 20, end can not bo removed beforo tho closo of tho exhibition except by special consent of the show committee. Tho exhibition will bo open to the public from four to ten P. M., Wednesday, and from ten A. M., to ton P. M., Thursday. All entries must be made in writing according to schedule and be In tho hands of tho secretary, William Macintosh, of tho VanR. Halsey estate, Rumson, by Friday of this week. The prlzo donors Includo Governor A. Harry Moore, General H. S. Bor(len, Senator W. Warron Barbour, Harold G. Hoffman, Alfred F. Llclitonstoln, Mrs. C. F. Schulte, Mm. J. Amory Haskell, Mrs. Samuol Hiker, Mrs. Gordon Maynard, Mrs. Harry RlUer. IT. G. Atha, Bertram H. Bordon, Edwarl W. Scuddcr, Joseph C. Hoagland, Geprpo V, Coe, Mm Ethel ••'bomliilcit Stouts 'J'. towln HnyYXouiij J. Boury, General' Qulncy A. -Gillmore, Mrs. Elizabeth B, Potts, Bernon S. Prontlco, C. Alan Hudson Mrs. J. Horace Harding, Charles B. Harding, Mrs. Marlon C. Harding, William H. Hlntelmann, Elmer Pearsail, William Porter, Jam03 McDonough, Raymond,Pullcn, John G. Anderson, A. L. Miller, Rumson Garden ciub, Muller-Sealy company, Genoral chomlcal company, Henry F. Mlchcll & Co., MorrlB B. Roado, Inc, Burnett Brothers, W. F. Marshall & Co., Andrew Wilson, Inc., Henry A Drcer, William M. Hunt company, Davey tree expert company, Boblnlt & Atkins, Sea Bright & Rumson plumbing and heating Co., Brlggo & Vonbrunt, Rtimnon pharmacy, Hondrlckson & Applogato, Balrd & Davison, Dean's roses, Robert Hanco & Rons, Mahoney & Harvey, M. F. Tetloy, Honey Bee flower shop, Turnor Brothers, D & D rose company, Mortonsen & Co., Roussilles, C. P. & S. H. Elliott and Red Bank Register.


"HIgh-powor Hneo of tho electric light companies should be put under ground," declared Councilman James C AuchineloiM at a meeting of tho mayor nnd council last Thursday night. "They arc on element of great dnngor In tho event of ctormfl," ho continued. "A regrettable Incident happened at Fair Haven a few nights ago when a man was electrocuted by a fallen livo wire. It is not proper for tho council to let this condition cjtiot. It may bo a ten-year fight but wo have got to stnrt nometlmo. Even If wo have to go to a certain amount of expense to protect our residents from tho danger of death It will bo money well spent." Mr. Aitchlncloss then made a motion that tho matter bo referred to tho public utilities committee of tho council. Ho suggested that tho committee confer wjth a similar commltteo of tho Fair Haven council to Inaugurate the movement. Councilman Bernard V. Ryan stated that two young women came In'contact. with a fallen wlro during tho recent storm, but fortunately it was a telephone wiro and they received no shocli. TJpon tho recommendation of Councilman Lowls T. Wilson the borough clerk wan Instructed to write to tho board ot freeholders for an appropriation of $12,000 for dirt road Improvements. Tho freeholders receive an appropriation for this purposo annually from tho state and this money id distributed throughout tho county. Last year Iiumson also requested $12,000 and received 54,000. This monoy was expended in resurfacing several streets with tarvla and slag. Mr. Ryan stated that an effort should bo mado again to obtain funds from tho state for relief purpooos. Becauso Rumson Is In good financial standing state aid was cut off last spring. Mr. Ryan stated that tho borough must pay its share of tho funds being expended by the state In taxes and should receive some benefit. Mayor "V^rij*lt. Halsey said he agreed with Mr.' Ryan heartily" and the matter wa3 referred to tho borough attorney to,take deflnlto action. Recordor Jero J. Carew reported ho had collected $100 In flnc3 for disorderly conduct canes nnd $35 In fines for motor vehicle violations, from 'July"i 'to September 7. Two persons wore held for the grand jury on Charges of assault and battery. Oceanic hook and ladder company Tcportcd that Seth Johnson, William Zerr and Matthow Loughlin have been appointed drivcrB of the company's apparatus until January 1. A request by Mayor Halsey that a hydrant in front of his property bo moved ninety feet, with no cost to tho.borough, was granted. Letters were received from Dennis K. Byrno and George Hallanan, InBuranco agents, requesting a portion of tho borough's insurance business. The following report was made by tho finance committee regarding tho Ir.suranco situation: "In accordance with Instructions from tho council, the finance committee ha3 been considering tho typo of insuranco carried by tho borough and tho rat03 paid. "Th(3 matter was brought to the attention of tho borough council by a letter addressed to . them under dato of July 12, 1934, and signed by Alfred P. Boyco In which various statementa were mado to the effect that tho borough was paying too high a rate on some forms of insurance and suggesting that the appointment of an insurance broker bo mado to act na advisor to tho borough in all Insuranco matters, "Tho flnanco committee held a numbor of moetinga and askod William H. Hintolnlann, who has always written tho borough insuranco, to explain tho clalni3 made by Mr. Boyco in hla letter that moro favorable rates could bo secured, particularly tho covorng'o applying to tho borough garago nnd tho borough hall. Tho committee went Into this matter thoroughly with Mr. Hlntelmann and is satisfied that ovorythlng has been dono which can properly bo done for tho bent Interests of tho borough in tho matter of tho borough garago. "In regards to tho Insuranco covering tho borough hall, Mr. Hlntolmann pointed out that through an error or oversight on the part of the schcdulo rating bureau in failing to publish a new rate upon notification from tho underwriters association, that tho borough had not been enjoying tho lower premium. This matter was taken up with tho insuranco companies by Mr. Hlntelmann and a refund of premiums to tho borough of Rumson In tho amount of $400.25 covering the period from August, 1028, to September, 1931, will bo paid.

Lambda chapter of Sigma Tau Eororlty met Thursday overling at tho homo of Miss Ella McGarity at Shrewsbury find made plana for a card party Friday night, October 10. Tho place will bo selected lator. Miss Mary Fitzgerald, president of the ehaptor, i.i In general charge of the arrangements. Otherfl present beniden those mentioned were Mlnncn Ella Hoaly.'Graco Word, Allco Conn, Kitty and Mnry "Investigation by tho committee Warneker nnd Marguerite Tnnoey'. Mlns Mary Warnekcr will bo hontoan lino further cutnblliihecl tho fnct that at the next. nientlnK at. her homo at reputable lumnnnco companion nro Everett on Thursday, September 27. loath to wrlto tho compensation line of Insurunco unless they also receives tho publln liability and propNow Hod Bnnlt Root SIiop. David M. Dliifro, who linn conduct- erty damage insuranco covering the ed ii hoot, nliop nt. Long Branch fot- motor apparatus of tho borough. tho past coventcen yenrs, has opened Tlicuo two typca of Inouranco cover a new fdiop on Hrontl utreot in the by far tho largcnt portion of tho total storo formerly occupied by Mary'o insurance carried by tho borough and, therefore, It Is nece.ifiary to bnlto Bliop. It is known no "DIIIRO'B moro or less place that lnnurnnce Hoot Shop." Tim ntnrn wnii renovated through ono company. and rep.'ilnlod before Mr. Illugo took "AH rogardn Mr. Hoyco'ii uuggositlon ornnpimoy. that, he bo appointed an n broker to «*.-t* aclvli;o tho borough In nil Jnnurnnco Href HUtik I'nrl.v, Including Knicgoi'u Uncut, on matter?, tho committee fceln that this dnuli'lit TCutnclio'ii orchnitrn, Tliurn- In not a uinrlirnl proposition lindav October 1, 11131, from 11:110 I'. M. c:\ur.e, Flr::i: Tho liiMiirnnco carileil to'12-00. AilmliiHlnii $100, • Kutndio'ii by the borough i;i not so complicated Cafe, 100 Went Front iitrcol, Red I hut It- require; any such nppiilrit]!nnU.— Advfitliicmont. ment niul, Sreniul: Tlio committee Mnlid Colonmu Holiool of Untiring. fpelii tluil. tho icii|ion!ilblllty for InOmirnn! for ohtUlren and ndultfi. MinuK'^ matter! lihould rc^t entirely JUii'iiil, bullet, trie, tup, acrobat lc. lr> nn the ; Imiiidi1!r: nf the liuunrr comRot-tor |il;icr. plinni) Hiillk 2011. mittee and iiucli wponclblllly uliould •- ArtvoiUooment.

"The committee Is in receipt of requests from varlouf) insuranco brokers who aro residents of tho borough and who represent responsible Insuranco companies for the business, but, as it lias been pointed out that the largest portion of tho business must bo concentrated, it does not seem practicable to generally distribute thin business. "Tho committee la sympathetic with this plea however and recommends that tho council authorize it. In its diijcrotinn, to havo this insurnnco written by whatever brokers it may designate and insiot on any Insurance' company it may desiro."

Play Center To Reopen October 9 Non-Profit Malting, Co-Operative Enterprise on Elkus Estate to Begin Seventh Y e a r New Class to Start This Year. Young children of the ,,/pre-school arces ranging from two to fivo years of age "will bo able to use the Red Bank play center, which will re-open Tuesday, October 9. Thin is tho seventh year that the Center Iia3 been In exlstcnco aa a non-profit mailing, co-operative enterprise. Last year tho Center outKrew Ha location nnd was generously offered the use of the Elkus estate oh Harding road, where it was removed and la continuing1 this year. The location Is ideally situated for a piny center. For their indoor work tho children have the use of several heated rooms In the annex of tho superintendent's cottage. For outdoor play the large and beautiful grounds afford many advantages in tho wiy of nature study, walking and outdoor play, for which there Id equipment, such as toys, outdoor gymnasium, swings, sandbox, seesaws, slides and other apparatus. Previous to this year the supervisora of the Center did not seek to provide instruction for tho children outside of organized play, nut this term, duo to tho fact that many of the children havo outgrown this stage, a new class haa been organized where the older children will be taught kindergarten work, For this purpose a new and more complete teaching staff has been obtained. The staff Is headed by Mi3s Isabel Chllds, a graduate of Syracuse university, who will be assisted by Miss Harriet Taylor of lied Bank, who was graduated from Miss Illman's Hchoo] of West Philadelphia. Both Miss Chlld.s and Miss Taylor have had considerable experience In child psychology and kindergarten teaching of creative art, reading and music, TheBo subjects will be taught children attending the new class. Much credit has been given to the committee whose conscientious-work baa mado the re-opening of the Center possible. Tho members of tho committee are Mrs. Lcdyard Avery, Jr., of Harrison avenue, chairman; Mr. Arthur J. White and Mrs. J. E. Miller. A meeting of the parents and teachers will bo held Tuesday morning, October 2, at half-past ton o'clock at Mrs. White's home on Harding road.

Red Bank Boy Wins Scholarship William V. B. Robertson of Red Bank, eon oj Mrs, Wilhemenla Dobbins of Maple avenue, who h&3 been a student in chemistry at the Stevens Institute of Technology, is one of 46 American students to receive awards for study abroad. Awards of 40 fellowships to American students for study in Germany next year wore announced Monday by tho Institutes of International Education at Its headquarters, 2 We3t 45th street, New York city. Forty of them will provide tho recipient with room, board and tuition, Tho remaining Blx cover tuition only. In addition, 43 German students will study In the United States under scholarships which tho institute administers. It was said by Professor Stephen P. Duggan, director of tho institute, that tho number of American students applying for fellowships In Germany was smaller than usual this year. "This gives some evidence of decreased Interest on the part of American students in attending German universities," ho Bald. "However, tho fact that there hjtfi been no decrcano In tho number of fellowships for Gorman student3 placed nt our dlsponal by American colleges and universities, would Bccm to Indicate that our Institutions havo not loat Interest In maintaining educational relations with Germany and in havinR German ntudents ns their

YOM Kirrun TODAY Tlin Moat Important of tho Hebrew Holy Diijs ICmls TVmlght. Jowlnh places of worship will observe tho conclusion of a ten-day period of "worship tonlfrht at aundnwn with tho passing of Yom Klpnur, the Day of Alonoment. Yom IKppur, tho most Important of Israel's holy days, jnarlt-i a twontyfour hour period of faatinR for hundreds of Jews In Red Bank and vicinity. The fasting which began at nundown lm,t nlfjlit la coincident, with a period of prayer and repentance Tho pon.F;ared Ui-m dhut. by the Shepherd-; of Hethleheni IUOMThn ih:tt jittiMiipt to rcib il\ty -h'nu^ ntouth Star.-; tomorrow night in Clay- Illliiu; tit:ltiitn tiuik f»larMr May I'M ml ton & MugcnV; hall on ltroati nlrec-l. thin ycnr tilM.vyilt riHrccffirul. A% IVizpj: will be awarded and refresh- that, tlmn tb" inU-lid-T dmW H. gilO



For New School Rumson Board of Education to Open Bids for New High School Building September 28—Other School News.

Following his address, Jack Diesler, chairman and toastmaslcr of the affair, introduced a speaker who turned down a major longue offer to become a clergyman and haa traveled from New York to umpire several of tho twilight baaeball game:). This was Rev. Steven McMinamum of Yorkviile, New York. He .spoke for the younger generation of baseball and Ha id lie wished to see the Rumson twilight league come through stronger next year. Father McMinamum then asked for an appreciation for Mr. Dfcsler who had made, both the recent farewell testimonial dinner for "Bill" Swecl and> tho twilight league banquet, so much of a success. The tonstmaster then introduced Robert Usley, a sponsor of the club and tho Rumson twilight league. "The kindness of such a man should be highly appreciated" said Mr. Diesler as he introduced Mr. Ilsley. A few words were heard from the manager of the winning team, Hyatt Cunningham, who complimented Ills team on their victory and wished that the opposition the following year would be as strong and as close as it was this season. A few remarks were heard from the managers of the Hilltoppers, Rumson Towncrs and West Park teams. The members of the Rumson Presbyterians victors, who are to receive gold baseballs are Arthur Kerr, John nnd Jnmns Sammon, Robert Forbes, George Martin, Gua Muegge, John Scheidt, Frank Loversidge, Alfred Fazzono, William Pazicky, Arthur Mellish, Joseph Ziegler, John Parmley and Hyatt Cunningham. A testimonial dinner is being planned by a committee who wished their names not be published, in honor of Robert Ilsley, who did so much to sponsor the banquet for the league and has made so many appreciative donations in tho past,

The Rumson board of education will meet Friday night, September 28, In the schoolhouse on Lafayette street to open bids for the construction of a new high school building on Ridge road. Bids will bd received for general construction work, steel and iron work, heating and ventilating1 work, plumbing work and electrical work. The bids will be tabulated and then submitted to PWA authorities for approval. Minimum wages to be paid on the job are $1.20 an hour for skilled labor and fifty cents an hour for unskilled labor. At last week's meeting- of the board of education Jt was decided to add mechanical drawing to the high school curriculum. The subject will be taught by Albert Mowery, manual training teacher. Miss Elizabeth Connelly, supervisor of music, -and eight pupils will take part in an all-slate concert at Atlantic City Sunday afternoon, November 11. The concert will take place in the grand ballroom of the convention hall nnd will be one of tho features 'of the state teachers' convention. Consent for the pupils to participate in the concert haa been given by the school trustees. Four of the group will take part in tho all-stato chorus. They are liithel Hillstroni, Anne Smith, Richard Ward and Louis Mellaci. The others, George Hallanan, Bill Finogan, John Lambert and Bill Boyce, will be in the all-state orchestra. Miss Connelly will direct one of the sections of the chorus. Miss Connelly, who la director of the senior orchestra, is now organizing a junior orchestra among tho pupils of the fifth and sixth grades. Rudolph Winthrop, -who is director of the Rumson school hand, will bo one of tho sectional loaders in the orchestra rehearsals at Atlantic City. This year the school band has 43 members. There are about thirty in the school orchestra, New inslruments added this year are a bassoon, viola, 'cello, two clarinet?, two trumpets and a set of orchestra bells. The Ladies' auxiliary of Rumson fire company will hold a card party nnd dance Friday evening, October 19, in Red Men's hall for tho benfifit of the Christmas fund. The card games will begin at half-past eight o'clock on the second floor. There The first fall meeting of the Red will be dancing on the first floor, be- Bank Young Men's Republican club ginning at nine o'clock. Music will will be held tonight in the organizabe provided by tho Rumsonians. tion's new headquarters at 21 Broad The committee in chargo consists street. Issues of the coining camof Mrs. John Pfeiffenborgcr chair- paign are to be di.scu.sod by .state man, Mrs. John Anderson, Mr3. and county candidates, among them Charles Tilton, Jr., Mrs. Harold J. Oliver VanCamp, Republican, candiPeters, Mr.1?. Walter Robinson - and date for congressman, and Joseph Misses Helen O'Rourke, Elsie Wil- McDormott, candidate to succeed son, Margaret Murphy, Helen Mur- himself as county clerk. E. Donald phy, Irene Porter and Mary T. Mur- Sterner, stato chairman, and Afayor phy. Van Tt. Halsey of TUirnson, county chairman, will also address the meetBROWN SUPPER AT HOLMDKL ing. Tlie> meeting will be called to orAnnual Kvent for Reformed Church der by President Morris Miller at to bo Held October 10. 8:30 o'clock, Kofre^hments will be Tho annual Brown auppor for the served after the meeting. The pubbenoilt of the Reformed church of lic ia Invited. Holmdel will bo held Wednesday evening, October 10. The first tables BUYS IIOTJSK HR RENTIU) will be served at fivo o'clock. The supper is one of the chief revenue pro- 1'roporty nt Vnlr Ha von Purchased by Kaymond J. Costcllo. ducers of tho church and it is largely attended not only by Holmdel folks Raymond J. Cost olio has bouRht but by rc3idonta of other places. The tho house where ho liven ar. Lexmenu will comprise scalloped oysters, ington avenue, Fair Haven, from Mr. ham, chicken salad, celery, pickles, and Mrs. Arthur V. Conover of Marlpot cheese, potato chips, cranberry boro. The lot Is 50x150 feet and the sauce, mince, npplo and pumpkin pie, house ha*i six rooims ;uid modern imrolls and coffoe. prove ment:'. Tho a:ilo w;r-; m.'ido Mrs. Robert It. Voorhnea is chair- by tho William A .Hopping agency. man nf tho committee in charge of Tho now owner moved inlo tho hou«:r the .'.nipper. Tho other members of about two months at;". i' f ' formerly tho committee aro MTH. Raymond lived at Jerfiey City, where he has Crawford, Mr«. Fornmn Sutphin, Mr.i, position with (ho 1't'H telephono Jonathan II. JOMPM, Mrs. Jo.seph Phil- company. XIo in a f;i»pi viil cnt 1hn flame!) with (Ire px- White, tion of Mr. nnd Mrn. II. rtaytln ul"Iin i mil tlio Unningo wn« niiincl While, nlfo of that elty. A aupfirior product with _ , , ^ _ 1 r Mayflower S'el.63 Poublc-distillcd nnd unex>!* v All tin11 of tlie men arc mem- IlathlnK ProlllH H| ); ||. fir ft $ s b N a t i a n a I Caskets tlm ill f ilcpiirtmonl. The lire i^'fine oroma. Free from GlFWo A report to tho Bradley Beach I celled in purity, Mudc'of wr» Xj »i lighted d 53c ; ©c El Corteez Wine

Here and There « m'

Contractor and Builder

3S-. ^



Woman's Club Has

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RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 19, 1933. spending several days In Matawan Dorothy and Durand Mesereau at Keansburg Man na tho ijucat of Mr. and Mra. Jacob Lake George, New York, for several You should be just as rireful weoku. Mlaa Tompklna and party R. Ixifforta. Commits Suicide to whom you 11e 11 your Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Btllwell havo made a trip to Canada, visiting Monrented tho houao on Jackson street treal anil Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Casazza William Gebliard, 51 years old, of owned by Mrs. Maty Welrt. and son, Lawrence, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Keansburg, committed suicide Thursliouis Compton Addressed 600 Mlsn Kllcn Brain of Princeton George Cauazza, Misa Betty Canazza day morning by a shot fired from a Persons at Annual Social Ser- Hpnnt from .Saturday to Wednesday and llanco, Charles Burns, all of revolver. Tim bullet lodged in his at tho homo of Mr. and Mro. George Brooklyn, were guests of Mr. andhead. When found he was In an un- an you would bo were you purvice Meeting at Mrs. Lewis S. Miller. George Bolte at their home hero conscious condition. Tho local first chasing a fine piece of jewelry Thompson's at Lincroft. Mra. William F. Lehman and Mrs. Mrs. aid squad took him to the Rivervicw Sunday. or a watch. Louia Compton, s;tat ti.

Sport OxforfT5 C

Boys' Wash Suits

Sizes 5 to 10.


Girls' Dresses Nice styles; 2 to 6 and 7 to 14; 2 to 6 are panty styles. Special (

Men's Coat Sweaters

Men's Broadcloth Pajamas

Guaranteed fast colors. , 1 Slipover or coat style; all '*;' j slzeo. Special

Ladies' Pure Silk Gowno Well mado, full cut. Flesh and tea rose. Special Mra. Fr..n' Mrs. ISISIB Stolica of Koptuno Cerlton Theater. been visiting; Jicr mother, llrs. Joseph returned to Nutley for tho white: Andrews. Strand Theater. Tho feature today and tomorrow Tho club made a gift to Mrs. Fel Hycr. William FOK of Oakwooa Height at tho Carlton theater will bo "Tho "Let's Try Again," an R. IC. O.Mrs. Brennen of New Tor-It, Mrs. ridge. Others present besido Mr£ v»'as a Sunday guest with Mr, am Dragon 1 Murder Case," Warner Radlo picture, featuring Diana Wynliuntrock and Mra. Fotrldgo werSchellen of BeUvlllo and Mrs. Ro Mrs. John Schnnck. Brothers adaptation, of tho S. S. yard and Clivo Brook, will be tho Mrs. Krnest Volkiand, Mrs. Gcorg' Mrs. Charles Patterson la slok witl VanDyno mystery thriller of that featuro attraction today and tomor- aucl daughter Diana of Orange spent Kojiperman, Mia. Norman Lindbcrry Thursday with Mr. nnd Mru. Wilbur sinus trouble. name. Warren William has the role row at the Strand theater. In tho Mrs. William Sort;, Mrs. Lester Smitl: Mr. nnd Mrs. John H, Wormert atof Phllo Vance, Eugcno Pallettc, supporting" cast"aro "iTene Harvey] } MacConncll. John Uigglng rendered a bass solo Mrs. Orvilio easier, Mrs. David Voor- tended a mooting of tho Monmoutt: who played Sergeant Heath in'-thc Helen Vlnson, Theodore Nowton am heea, and Alias Lcona Volkiand. Sunday morning at tlio Methodist county nromen's association at Boon Vance pictures .made by William Arthur Hoyt. 3Ii-sJ. Daniel JUggins and (laughter, Ion Sunday afternoon. Powell, again has that role. Others Adapted from tho Broadway stag' church. Many complimentary rein tho cast aro Margaret Lindsay, success, "Sour Grapes," by Vincen' marks aliout Ills singing were made Miss Mae HiRKlns, wero at Montclal . -«a*-g* . Lylo Talbot, Dorothy Tree, JJobcrt Lawrence, "Let's Try Again" tell by Rev. J. J. Messier and tho mem- over tlie week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robinson and bers of tlio congregation. Barrat, Helen LowcJI and Robert the story of a doctor and hla wife Mr. and Mrs. Albert Runyon havo family havo moved in the Anderson who havo been married for sovera MoWade. on Compton street. and who beliovo that they m been visiting fricnd3 and relatives nt bungalow Tho plot hinges upon tlie strange years Air. and Airs. John W. O'Nell wll Bed Bank. longer love each other. Each Reek: disappearance of a young man wlio Mr. and Mrs. John Heins and Miss >ave for Florida, tho last of Septemof romance In tho love o Plans for an Intensive campaign dives into a pool and never comes aa renewal They will havo. n fruit stand younger companion, only to dis Mabel Lulcor spent Saturday at Cal- ber. his fall were mado Ia3t Wednesday up. How Phllo Vanco solves tho over der, 111., whore they attended tho wed- liu.-.-ine^s in Florida. that It is but a hollow mocknight by tho Affiliated Young Men's mystery ia tho basis of tho exciting ery and that In reality they aro ding of Russell Hartley, who is Air. Air. and Mrs. Frank Brower arc Republican club of: Monmouth coimstory, ropleto with tiirilla and chills. deeply uovlng to Now York. Helns' nephew. in love with each other. :y at its regular monthly meeting in "Servants' Entrance," with Janet Mr. nnd Airs. Charles D. I Mr. and Airy. Markley Strceper and ho Red Bank Elka club. Tho club As an added attraction tho R. K. Gaynor and Lew Ayres in tho main uavo been entertaining Mrs. Fred family of Bristol, Pennsylvania, spent ,vill participate in Kean-Hoffmnn O. Ratflo film, "Two Alone," with roles, will bo tho main picture Fritlio week-end with Mr. und Mrs. Ed-day to bo held Wednesday, October Tephart of Passalc. day and Saturday. Produced by Pox Jean Parker, Tom Brown, Zaau Pitts Mr. and Mrs. Herman Granderath ward Adams. •I, In tho county. Recorder Harry tho picturo has in the cast Ned and Arthur Byron, will be shown. and family of Bayonnc were recent Airs. Colman of Long Branch spent idatsky is chairman of the commitTho story concerns the' gallant guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jicnry GrandSparks, Walter Connolly, Louise Sunday with Air. and Alt's. James ;ee in charge. Dresser, G. P. Huntley, Jr., and struggle for love and happiness of erath: .Bartholomew. an affection-starved little orphan and Siegfried Rumann. County Clerk Joseph McDermott Airs-. Hazel Hopkins of Brooklyn Captain and Mrs. Charlea I-Iobb;; a runaway boy, who are denied the The Glory concerns tho adventures right to marry by the girl's guard- ind Charles Hobbs, Jr. called on Fred WU3 a week-end guest of Aliss Nell iscussed issues of tho campaign nd »aid tho trend during tho past of a wealthy society girl (Miss Gay- Inn, a brutal and utterly ruthless Borden of Little Silver Sunday. Compton. ew months was definitely away nor), who, tired of her butterfly ex- farmer. Eventually tho pent-up emoJlr. and Mrs. Charles D. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Percy Donyek ami istence, secltD to earn her living, tions of the young lovers cry out for on have moved from Main street to spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. :rom tho Democratic policies. Other peakers wero Joseph Mayer of Bolwhen neivs received by her father release, and they yield to the prompt- ^ew York. Ueoige Gordon of Metuchen. nar, candidate) for freeholder, and forces a postponement of her mar-Ings of their hearts. This dramatic Air. and Airs. Wilbur MaeConnell udges Alton V. Evans of Long Mrs .Elsie Hoser and daughter rlago with Huntley. She lands a Job situation builds up into a climax of were guests of Air. and Mrs. John D. 3r'anch and Edward Knight of Nepin tho household of Ned Sparks, a terrific power, brought about by the Ernestine and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Osbourno of Asbury Park Monday. une, candidates for tho otato asgrouchy invalid, and meets Ayer3, farmer's discovery of the lovers' In- Hoser and children spent Sunday at Tho Monmouth Unit Women's Ke- cmbly. \sbury Park, accompanied by West Sparks' chauffeur. The two fall in tlmncy. publican club met at tlie home of "lew York friends. love, but complications! arise before Two features •will also be shown .Tohn Mulder of New York is visit- j Alru, Georgo Shoiman last week. they are brought together for the Steel Contract Friday and Saturday. They are ng his father, Jnhn Mulder. | AlU-r tlie meeting refreshments wore final fadeout. The picture was adapt"Fighting to Live," a Principal picMr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoser and served. Tlie "dark horse" prize was Tho contract for tlio structural ed from a novel by Sigrid Boo. won by Alia. Sheiman. Tho next ' "The Affairs of Cellini," an adap- ture, with two cantno stars In the children visited friends at Kumson meeting will be held at the homo of tool used in Judgo Thomas Brown's ne new rosldenco on Rlvorsldo drive, tation of Justus Mayer's successful main roles, and "Tho Notorious Thursday evening. Alrrf. Louis Moose. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wermert !n Middlotown township was filled by stago play, "The Firebrand," will bo Sophie Lang," with Gertrude MiAlr.s. Cathrino Patterson of Rye, "lo1 Park Steel and Iron company of shown Sunday, Monday and Tuesday chael and Arthur Byron. lave returned home after spending New York, who has been.sick at the radloy Beach. Due to an oversight of next week. Constance Bennett The story is by Robert Ivcs. In few days at Gettysburg. and Frederic March have tho leads. addition to tho two highly Intelligent Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lohson are home of her son, Charles Patterson, :iia fact was not mentioned in the is well on tlio road to recovery. The picture was produced by Twen- police docs. Captain and Lady, the ipending tills week in Connecticut. scent description of *tho house pubFritzo Weliott, 3r., and Mr. and shed in Tho Register. tieth Century. cast includes Marion Shilling, GayAir. and Mrs. Thomas Savage and lord Pendleton, Reb Russell, Eddlo Miss Betty McCoy of New York havo Airs. Fred Wcnott of Elizabeth spent March portrays the great Floren- Phillips, Ted Strohback,,, Bruce Mit- eturned home after a visit with Mr. Thursday with Airs. Dora Schnoor. Newspaper circulation that counts Aliss Evelyn Johnson and Charles tine goldsmith of the Reniassance, chell, Lloyd Ingraham and Henry nd Mrs. John H. Wermert. 1th tho advertiser is tho bonailde who wa3 as famous for his amorous Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cully and H. Angley, Jr., motored to Washing- me—the kind The Register has. No ton's Crossing Sunday. escapades as for his artistic genius. aughter Phillis of Jersey City and emiums or other inducements havo Guests at tho Koch cottage over A hot-blooded adventurer who risked .Irs. Henry Knochel of Leonardo •er been offered to secure circulahis neck countless times in the purpent, tho week-end with Mr. and-tho week-end wero Miss Sue Zaick, on.—Advertisement. Air. and Airs. I4>hlo R. ilerkowltc, blk, 113, tot ^ S l ^ l t west nlde of Wavklnffton etreat 09.80 and lot, No. 37, on Drummond l'£, huuno nnd lot. N o . 41, o n houao anil lot, No. 145, on t h a cSinrces, Assessed on land, tenement MarRtiret P a t t o n o n . blk. 27. lot ed Dance Held Last Saturday burg spent last Wednesday visiting Neubcrt bungalow n t Wickatunk. . heicdltninenta 49.20 the south nlde of iier&en place,. south elds o t Biver Btreot 103.16 and real estate la said Bor13, houeo nnd lot. No. IS, on her daughter, Mrs. Walter Arose of Mildred It. Hnywonl, blk. U s , l o t William JohnBon, blk. 8 1 , lot 6, ough of Ited Bank for the year 1033, will the west Bids of Washington Night at Atlantic High- Everett. houao and lot, No, 4*8, o n DrumI t , house and lot. N o . 10S, on houeo and lot, No. 141, on t h o on tho 17th day of October, 1931, nt 2:00 otreet ~..~31.13 tho south aldo of Barren place.. mond avenue) .. 18S.78 •outh sldo of Hirer street land*. o'clock, 1*. M.. In tho Borough Hall, sell Est. Orrln Curry, blk. 25, lot 14. S7.4B Theodore Stillwell In spending the j William W. Cook, blk. 07.' "lot" 17Tuller Conhtructlon Co., housa nnd P. & T. .Donofrio. blk. 78, lot 2. _ i tho lands, tenements, hereditaments and housa nnd lot on tho north nlde lot, No. 19G, on t h e south side lfl, two huiUliiiL-B and lot Nos. house a n d lot. No. 119, on t h e 'iL-ii! estate hereinafter described, to of Wallace street More than 125 guests attended thn week visiting his parents. Mr. and j 57.43 of Bersen i>laco , 40-51, on Dnirnmond avenue .... 157.08, 133.76 south wide of River Btreat 500 club will meet a t the home tho amount chargeable against suid lands Alonio Fields, blk, 26, Iot 14, Mrs. Edward Stillwell. He Is em| Red Bank Triad club danco held last Martin (irlffln, blk. 0 9 , lot Leon JJennett, blk, 93, l o t 0, ona Donate Trufulo, blk. 78, lot 8, 1. tho ih»t day of July, 11)34, aa com- houso and lot. No. 73, on t h e j of Mrs, John McClaln tomorrow iitcd building nnd lot on the south Saturday night In the gaily decorated ployed at the Caldwell airport. lot on Drummond nvenuo houno and lot. No. 117. on tha in tho t u x Hat, together with innorth feido of Wnliaea i t r e t t .... 130.41 47.S7 Lucy J . Voorhoca. blk. 94, l o t 11, 6.80 side of Uoi'iien pltice south BUIO of Klver etrcot Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly, Mr. afternoon. ure st on eald amount from saidfirstdnyMrs. Fred Frlelc, blk 25, lot I S , ball room of the- Atlantic Highlands Amanda J . Harden, blk. 101, l o t 85,20 Graco Torannio, bile 78, lot 10, houso and lot, No. 44, on Drum. to tho date of anlo and tho coat houne nnd Jot, No. 67, on tho Tennis Club Casino at Atlantic High- and Mrs. Thomas Kelly, Mr. and Mr?. Nettie Van WlncKle of Brook- if July 29, house and lot, N o . 198, on montl eve mi 0 building nnd lot, No, 88, on t h o nalo a t public vemlua t o such perfion OD.0G north side of Wallace street .... 118.BB the north side of Berfjen place.. lands. The ball room was decorated Mrs. Charles Rumph and son, Miss lyn spent last week with her niece, J|* " ^ * irclmno tho uaina subject to re- Kcllurn & Son, blk. 29, lot 28, south eida of Blver etraet , . •B8.62 Julian Parker, blk. 9*, lot 18,' Guaeia Goldberg, blk. 112, lot 33, 187.87 Stephen CaotollReclo. blk. 37, lot housa and lot, No. 40, on Drumat tho lowest rat© of Interest, houna and lot. No. 8 1 , on t h o In tho club colora of blue and white Helen Kelly and Frank Creavy spent Mrs. Ernest Howard. Mr?. Etta Mor-• ldemotion houna and lot. No. 40, on t h o u t in n o caao in excess of eight per cent mond avenua , 18, houaa a n d lot on tho east north eido of Wnliaca street .... SIS,86 with a number of colored stream- Sunday on a boat trip up tho Hud- ris of Keyport is spending; several • ' north ride of BerRen place Raymond Morrln, blk. 95, lot "si eldo of LolKhtoin nvenua -.— im. Thta aalo la made under the Samuel K. Sobct, blk, 48, lot 19, 43.1?. Mrs. Charles Miti.-hell, blk. 70, lot Nora, N. Long:, bile. 1 1 - , house and era coming to a circle In the center son.' The trip was for the benefit of ilay:i with Mrs. Howard, who Is ln-*r , Jlfovb"""! houno nnd lot. No. 47, on Kaat IM of an Act of tha legislature houso nnd lot, No. 76, on t h e three lots. No. 22, on the north daughter. Sunoet nvenua , 0, houES nnd lot, No. 145, on "An Act concerning unpaid taxes, Bouth Bide of Wallace street .... 184.49 •milled Fitkln hospital. 05.80 Ship of tho room from all corners, olde of liergen placo tho cast eldo ot I^Ighton nvanuo 28.71 Harry Eatelle, housa nnd l o t on nt a nnd other municipal charges Charicn Hummell, blk. 40. lot 2 1 , Two new ?tt?p ladder? havo been The M,r. and Mrs. George Harvey of 176.12 flags decorated the balcony, Alice H. l/3ddy, bik. 113, lot 45, Carolina Lucaa, lillt. 79, lot SI, tho Bouth aldo of 33nat Sunnet ptnpetty nnd providing for the houso and lot, No. 1 IS, on t h e ona lot, on tho north side of house and lot, No. 95, on tho Rvenua i thereof by t&e creation and en- went fide of Spline street committee, in charge of tho affair Brooklyn are spending the week ;>l:icpd !:i the librarav for the v.? B4, lot 88, 64, lot 10, building a n d lot on tfcusimina B. Fisher, blk. Zi, lot Louis E. Brown, hlk. 54. lot 6-7:hnrle» E. Nclman, blk. 48, lot 20, Kruse, Rosa Ladiso, James Morris, entertaining Miss Betty Kovach of hnufio and lotj No. 192, on tho tho south side of Oak!nnd street 1S8.70 T. house and lot. No, 143. on H. hniiRo nnd thtea lots on tho houso ami lot. Ho.fiG,on tho Robert Morri3, Mary Morris, Helen Chicago. went aide of luolffhton avenue.... 75.38 the fou-th side of Went Front south «l'l. o n tha north Mini rip cord. Did wo tako off! I'll quartnr:!. A» e r : i u 3 o i t in a l l e g e d t h a t you business day. 1 9 9 4 , i na c e r t a i n c a u s o wherein of a certain tax Hen eeejtint I)Ida must ba rendered separately for A u s u B t , Tho abova description belnc connlatont the Borough of Deal, a municipal corport h r 1>1 _. der.cribcd decribc Inn ttho o bill ill aand. with a survey mada by Georga D. Cooper, any or all of the following branches: a t i o n , i oc o m p l a i n a n t n n d R o n a Holding a:n,'r;d.d bill 1off complaint lit herein, hi by b vir i GENERAL CONSTRUCTION WORK, C o m p a n y Civil Engineer, dated April 24. 1031, and others aro defendants, you tue of v.iiich you mny clnim nomo right Including mnaonry, carpontry, roofing, a n d e a c h o f y o u a r o r e q u i r e d t o Tho buildinff on said premises being appear in ;-:ii,l itrcmlRRB; known and, designated na street numbers sheet metal and nnintlnfr. a n d a n o w e r t h a h i l l o fc o m p l a i n t o n o r Aivl you, Helen E. VanWacgoner Cock- 27-29 Broad Street, Red Dank, Now J e r - STEEL AND IRON WORK. before tho 23d day of October, 1934, or re!!, r.!o ini'.de a defendant becanao It Is flcy, according to official t a x map of tho HEATING AND VENTILATING WORK. H - i l d b i l l w i l l b et a k e n o a confessed iiilr -.(1 I!I;L! you hold nevernl judementn Borough of Rod Bank. PLUMBING WORK. u f ;r a i n a t y o u a n d e a c h o f y o u , airdlriiit t'fi'lifi O, It. McKenna, tho owner ELECTRICAL WORK. Being the name prcmlBos convoyed to Tho said bill was filed to foreclose thfl of thf promlBcs described in the bill nnd Btdn ah nil bo accompanied b y cash or l i o n o f t h o v a r i o u s a n d e o v e r a l tax certificertified check upon a Nation nl or Stati complainta Dank or Trust Company drawn to the c a t e s a a a e t f o r t h I n t h o b i l l o f a n d y o u , R o n a H o i d l n j r C o m p a ny, a cororder of tho,Board of Education of the 290. porate, aro mado tiefondanta becauso f tla AND TAKK FURTHER NOTICE t h a t B o o k 0 8 3 , p a s o Bornuprh* of Rumson In the varii S e i z e d aa t h e . p r o p e r t y o f M o r t i m e r V . alictredthat you are tha owner of certain the; landa nnd described an n d ppremificfl em e t Inh tho e p B c h , c t o l a . , t a k e n i n e x e c u t i o n n t t h e amounts na follows: premises described I naaid bill o f combill nnd amended b i l l a r e s i t u a t e d I n s u i t o ft h o H o w a r d S n v l n R B . I n s t i t u t i o n , GENERAL CONSTRUCTION S1.KOO.00 p l a i n t , b y v i r t u o o f w h i c h y o u m « y c l a f r a of H o o u i r h o fD e a l , i n t h o C o u n t y STF.KT. AND IRON 3B0.OO B o m o r i g h t i n s a i d promises; l o n m o u l h n n i l S t a t o o f N e w J e r s e y , b e - r i n d t o b o s Ho lO d W A hR y D H E I G H T , S h e r i f f . HEATrNG AND VENTILATING.. 750.00 And you. Helen E. VanWapgoncr Cocki;.r known a aL o t N o . 6 I n B l o c k 2 1 , a n PLUMBING .. roll, aro mado a defendant because i t I l i o w i i o n t h o T a : ; M a p o f t h o l ? o r o u g h G c Do ra Rt eo d H A. u tH n a i l Bn t o s 2. 1 , B o 1l 9' r3 . 4 . ELECTRICAL 250.00 a l l e g e d y o u a r o t h e o w n e r o n d h o l d e r o f f D e a l , t o r c o t h e rw i t h o t h e r I n n d a . ( S a m e ; (C6 1.) v $ 2 7 . 7 2 c e r t a i n j u d g m e n t s a g a i n s t t h o p r e miaaa binding tho Bucceauful bidder or bidders ,i.r>it. Nns, 1R7, 188. 183, 100, 208, 209, 210 by to cxecuto a contract if awarded, to < him d e s c r i b e d i n t h o s a i d h i l l o f c o m p l a i n t , n n d 2 1 1 d e s c r i b e d I nd e e d r e c o r d e d i n v i r t u e o fw h i c h y o u m a y claim aom« Chancery B/249. or them, Book 860, page 5.) premises; SHERIFF'S SALE. Tito nucccsBful bidder or bidders wll1 r i g h t l a e a i d A P P L E G A T E , S T E V E N S , F O S T E R A n d y o u , C h n r l e a H . W i l t s l c . s r o bo required to furnish a aatlafactory sureB y v l r t u o o f a w r i t o f fl. f a , t o m o d i & BEUSSILLE, a defendant becauao i ti s alleged! r e c t e d , i s s u e d o u t o f t h o C o u r t o f C h a n - ty bond In the full amount of tho con- m a d o Eolicltora for nnd o f Counsel you aro tho holder and own or of certain tract price. c e r y o f t h e S t a t o o f N o w J e r s e y , w i l l b o With Complainnnt. described Tho Board of Education rosorvca tho t a x l i e n s a g a i n s t t h a p r e m i s e s exposod to sale at public venduo on in the bill of complaint herein, by vlrtuo or all bids. M O N D A Y , T H E 2 4 t h D A Y O F S E P T E M - rl^ht to reject any Slsncd, of which you may claim aorao right I n I N C H A N C E R Y O F N E W J E R S E Y . BEItt ID34, said premises: THE BOARD OF EDUCATION, No. 100/72. between tho houra of 12:00 o'clock nnd A N D T A K E F U R T H E R N O T I C E t h a t Of the Borough of Rumson, Between Fred Elirenkranz &C o . , a c o r p o r - S : 0 0 o ' c l o c k ( a t 2 i O 0 o ' c l o c k Daylight tho Innda and premises described i n tho a t i o n . C o m p l a i n a n t , a n d J o h n B . H u l n o , S a v i n g T i m e ) i n t h o a f t e r n o o n o f a a l d d a y In tho County of Monmouth, Nevr Jersey. B a l d b i l l a r e s i t u a t e d I n t h o B o r o u g h of By BERTIIAM H. BORDEN, President, et ala.. Defendants. o t t h o C o u r t H o u a o , I nt h e B o r o u g h o f D e a l , i nt h e C o u n t y o fM o n m o u t h and lllvor Road, Rumson, Now Jorsoy. On Amended Bill, etc. Order of Publica- Freehold, County of Monmouth, New JcrStato o fNew Jersey, being: known a a By HARRY KETTEL. District Clerk, decree of eald court tion. Lot 4 in Block 2fl na shown on tho Tas to satisfy

Tho complainant ha.vlnfr fllod Its arnonded billherein, wherein John B. Hulao, Mm. John D. Hulse, hlfiwife, Stnto of New JorBey, and Lillian Tepel. wero mado defendantu and a Bubpoena hnvinp: been duly lsnued RKalnat John 13.HUIBC, Mrs. John B. Hulae, hla wife, nnd Lillian Tepel, and a notice havlnir been duly issued to the Stnto of New JerHey, to appenr in thlo unit as such defendants; And It having been mado to appear by a f f i d a v i t t o t h o f l a t l n f a c t l o n o ft h e Chnncellor thnt tho Raid John B. HUIHC, Mrs. John I). Ilulse, his wife, and Lillian Tepel aro out o f(his State, and thaf process cannot bo served upon them within this State; It la thereupon, on tills 6th day of September, 103-1,ordered thnt the Bald John B. Hutf-e, Mrs. John D. Hulse, hla wifo, and Lillian Tope! bo doomed and taken to bo absent defendants, and that they appear and nnswer the complainant's amcrdod bill on or beforo tho 7th day of November next, nnil thnt In cano they shall not BO appear nnd answer tlio complainant's amended ltillwithin tho time limited herclnhcforo, tho complninnnt s amended bill be taken as confessed ngnlnut tho sntd J o h n . n .H u l f i e . M r a . J o h n £ . H u l s e . h i s wife, nnd Lillian Tepel, and thnt. In cnao of RUCII default, such decrco h a made agalnnt them aa tho Chancellor shall deem just nnd C'lultablo. It in further ordered that notice of tho ordar bo nerved personally on said John B. Hulse, Mm. John D. Ilulse, hia wife, nnd Lillian Tcpol within twenty days from tho dato hereof, by tho delivery of a copy thereof to each of them, or by publishing snme ia Tho Itod Bnnk ReKister, ono of the public ncwapapero printed and published in tho County of Monmouth, In this Stato, for four tiniO3, during: four consecutive c a l e n d a r w e e k s , a tl e i m t n n c o i n e a c h week, and thnt In ease of such publication, i that a copy of niiob notico bo mailed to ! t h o B a l d J o h n B .H u U e , M r s . J o h n H . jIIUIBO, hia wife, and Lillian Tepel, prepaid, 'directed to them at tho poRtolliccG nenrcst their reiiidcnccR,or tho poatotTicoa at which hoy usually recelvo their letters, unlfiRs iunh ronidoncoa or pOBtofiiaoB bo unltnown ind cannot bo nncertninod upon mnldnjj the intjuirlca prescribed hy law and the rules of this Court. LUTHER A. CAMPBELL, C. A truo copy. EnW. L. WnELANT. Clcrlf. IN,CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. To JOHN II. HULSE. MRS. JOHN D. IIULHK, hla wife, and LILLIAN 'Ii;-

The electric hair airier, like the electric hair

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, IN CHANCERY OIJ NEW . SEALED PROPOSALS will be received 100/70. by Iba Board of Education of thg BorSOUTH TSM1KU0N tA.HD COJJPANIf. oufrb of Kuniaoii, In tlio County of Mon- To TJIK LAWYlilW T l t U S r COMPANY, • muulli, i-Jcw Jersey, for the erection nnd formerly knowsi t*.a Lawyers' 'j'Mia ln« corruption of u new hluh echool buiMlntr aurancci fz Ttiist Ooiiujiisiy, Cllhll\,~fM to bo crectftd on a plot ot land located nt H. -WIL'l'SIK. VnW.TAM W. HKYNtlm conu'r of KldIte ronrl and I-'oruttt uvcOLDS, JOilliPH T, HAltltnffSTUK* nuo ar.d lilark Point road, in thu Jiorough HAIJEL 6UIUKUT SIK! H O U J U M ' * CO., of liumsnn, New Jersey. INC.: Iiiiis shall bo mado out on tho formB I'LEASK TAKfi NO'lTCH that by virtus 'Uj>iili'jd for thnt iiuvpoiifj nnd Rhiill V.o dcivL-rcil to the District Clerk of iho Board of nn order of tlia C'nirt of Churu'.'i'ry ot .f K4ucaxUn nt hh rcBldenco. Hucna ViHta NGV/ Jcreoy bearing dut« the 22nd day Kit

CUBnccry Q/34S.

SHERIFF'S SALE. By vlrtuo of a writ of ft. in. to mo dl-

PEL: Ily virtuo of an Ordor of tho Court of ihnncery of New Jersey, mado on the 8th day of September, 1 DIM, in A CIHIBL* horoln Fred iihrenkrana & Co., a corporation, in complainant nnil John 11. ilulsa and othera aro defendants, you nro jilrcd to mu'onr and annwer'tho amended bill of paid complaint on or beforo thn 7th day of November, next, or tin- paid mended Mil -will bo taken na contented Cniiifit you. Tho nalil ntnendod bill 1P filed to forcclofln a tnx certificato bonrlntr "Into Ortobor 3D, ,lB:il. fmilled hy Julia M. ICeouirh. Collpctur of Tnxcit of tiio taxiiu: diniiicl of tho Jtoiouuh of Rod Dank, County of Monmouth, ami Stnto of Now Jernoy, (o Fred KhrcnUrnnK & Co., roverlnir lh« nilficii do scribed in tho amended hill of complaint nntl known, nn Itlork 10,1, I,ot 17, hnui'O. and lot. No. IDT,, on iho i'nst. Bide nf Jlrf>i\d ntroot, Hod Dunk. New Jertho tnx (lupilcnto .if pulity, and you, John H. Hulne, nrn mndo :1c1 feu (hint b ccnu no you aro tho icconi IILT of tho Biilit prcml'iM by vlituo of tho LnHt Will nntl Tostnnifiit nf Annio X'. 1'roy; nnd you, Mrfl. John I!, llubc, hln wife, nro mad it a dcfciuljint IKM'IIUFIO you mo tho wlfo of tho rerord owner of thu proiiilstifi; nml you, l.illlun Tepel, urti mnd« a defrndnnt becmiHc you aro tho holder of nn mt!tii;ncd judgment mcalnal Annio I». Vroy, which Jiidt{i«cnt mny rover tlio iiiibi nrcml;j£i»; nml therefore you mny rlnlm un in (crest In HI\M picinli^ii ninntloru'd in tho nmendod bill of romplnmt; nnd any interest which you imiy lwiv« In nnkl premises la subject to complainunt'u lien. Dated ficpteml'er fl, 1034. KMANUKL-.M. K1IHKNKHAN/, Solirltur for Cciimilnlnunt,

45 Broifoid 1'lace. Newark, Now Jcney.

j , ^ ; „ „ o »iiVntho

amounting to approximately $3,214.00. All that certain tract or parcel of land and premises, hereinafter particularly deacrlbcd, situate, lyinu nnd beinE i n tho S o r o u s h o fR u m a o n , I nt h o C o u n t y o f Monmouth and Stato of Now Jcre be-

ing lot No. 34 oa a mnp entitled "Map of Riverside- Park Plots, Rumson Road, nenr Son Bright, N. J,." mado by J. W. Seaman, City Engineer, Long Branch, N. J., Nov. 20, 1908, Beginning a t a point In tlio westerly aide of Monmouth road distant fivo hundred and fifty feet southerly .from tho point of latensectlon of tho southerly aide of Rumson Itond with tho westerly side of t h Road, R a , nnd n u nine thenco (1) Monmouth run thu l y uluiitt l h uuuthoily h l ld f l 1 forty feet, aid map, one hundred h l thenco (2) southerly th nlonK the enHterly lino of lot No. 33, one. hundred feet to the northerly lino o£ lot d4 on snid map, thenco (3) easterly nlong tho northerly lino of lots 43 and 44, one hundred nnd forty feet to tho west aide of Monmouth Road, thcaco (4) northerly along tiio westerly fiido of Monmouth Road, one hundred feet to tho point or iilaeo of Beginning. This being intended a3 tho sumo land nnd premises described in deed mado by Henry L. Zobcl, e t nl., to Carrio L. Howland, -wlfo of John Edward H o l l a n d , doted September SO. 1925, nnd recorded in the Monmouth County Clerk's Oilico in Book 1342 of Ueedn, pn.KO.1 1.1, etc. This mortgaKo is mado expressly oubjoct to tho Bamo covenants, conditions nnd restrictions contained in tho deed laat aforesaid. Seized as tho property of Cnrrlo T>. ITowland, et vlr., taken In execution at the milt o£ Kuto W. Morford,. and to bo sold by HOWARD HEIGHT, Sheriff. Dated July 23, 1934. Alston Heckman, Sol'r. (58 Unas) S2-l.n nlong mild Ilendrlrkfltm linn north iUty-four degreca nnd thirty inin chains and ooventy-fix linkn -to for a co n :r; theiico (a) no. h p«vcnl v-iil.x llnk-i litiimlitu: """Tw^tiM-ly t'v.-!i rlinln.i • trco; tli if I11nnd aoventy-aix linltH to tho i of nn Slnnlm;. Coiitnlnlne threc-qui ocrfl more or IORH. EXCKFTlNCi from tbc nbm o i l c i i rauclt thereof a.i by Mllinii V/. Thompson nnd lui:.b[ '1'horcHn IL I>nm:ter by deeii d n 6, lltlii and recorded in the Miuiimiutl C o u n t y Clerk'u ollii'O in I*L-I Pci-drt, [lanes 2ftG, etr. Thin belinr intended as tho nnmo land and iiremlflUM deiu'rlboil In 'l^ctl ' n ' 1 ( '« *»V Lllllnn WHHnm-i "»'l Lharlen It. TliomiiBon, wlfo nnd hii'diand. tu T.ctv«y titiana, Tninteo for Siovun.i, dated December ^7. l'JCO, iind un-ordti! in tl Monnioutli County Clerk's Oll'ico i n 1 ! o " 1 ' UtACu DHRCB 101, etc. SI'IILMI ns the property of Lovay Llt:»n Councilman at Shrewibury— they havo discarded are naked to on Leonardo School Grounds ia well edited and enables me to Dinner at the Presbyterian keep in toucli with the events of my One Huge Affair With Many National Association of Resolution for Patterson Ave- wrap it up into bundles and leave it Charles A. Friedlandcr'a Kes» Because They Want to be Paid at tho town hall for the uso of perhome town." So writes Laura F. Church. Companies Present. Chamber Secretaries. nue Improvements Read. ignation plot Accepted. ; in Cash Instead of Tickets. Bona in needy circumstances. "BunDennis of Hoboken in sending check day" in an annual event and a Plana* for the Red Bank fire de- The Mlddlctown township board of Arrangements are now fairly well to cover renewal of her cubscrlption Activities of the Red Bank ChamForty-llvo men employed ao emerg- Fred Burst of Monroo avenuo wa3 dle that it bo observed next ber of Commerce have been confined completed for the Salvation Army an- for the entming year. partment celebration were furthered education had a. lengthy meeting in ency relief workers la (Trading tho last night appointed councilman at motion waa passed by the mayor largely this week to routine work nuqj campaign ut lied Bank which Tho writer is only one of hun- last Friday night at a meeting of Its quarters In the grade cchool at Mlddlctown townnhlp high school Shrewsbury to nil tiio uncxplred Monday and council. Councilman. Jameo S. will open Monday evening at halfgrounds at Leonardo went on strike term of Michael McGarrlty, who Parkes, who made the motion, said and committee meetings. dreds of Register readers, former the joint finance committee of tho Leonardo Thursday night. It v/ua Within the next few days President past six o'clock with a dinner residents of tho vicinity who havo re department and the Chamber of almost midnight before the members yesterday. They want to get paid in •as recently appointed borough au- that Capt. Robert A. Kenendy, overWilliam A. Miller will appoint com- at the Presbyterian church, at Red taken rcaidenco elsewhere and who Commerce, and at a meeting of the and spectators left for their homes. cash Instead of food tickets. Besoor. neer of tho poor, had informed him executive council of the lire depart- Several arguments occurred, but ths Bank. It Is tho plan of tho execuHarold S. Whitney of Bed Bank, Tho treasurer's report wan read by that coal and wood stoves of tho type mittees to study such important civ- tive committee to enlist the co-opera- keep in touch with what's going on ment. meeting was much loss hectic than deputy county director for the Fed-tho borough clorlr, stating that tho formerly used in parloru were need- ic mattera as the Community Chest, tion of a larger number of workers in this section of Monmouth county Reports were mado by members others which have been held of late, eral Emergency Relief Administra- balance In tho treaeiury showed 5073.- ed to provide heat, in tho home of a tho deepening of the Shrewsbury or than haa hitherto helped In the cam- through the weokly visits of The of tho finance committee, of which Albert. Lindcnatruth was the only abtion, stated yesterday that tho men 85 and a balance of §1,018.35 In tho number of persona In need. Ho Bald Nave3lnk river and the development paign. Register. John B. Allen is chairman and Jerry sentee. wero. malting ft mlotalta In quitting collector's account. A motion waa that ouch contributions would hfj ( i f 10c, !H society netted $400, Th« money will Saturday r-. TWrJy-Sbs Make obliged to transport a number of puHome Sunday to be Held for Winter Schedule at the Homo Chrlo Mcyor, Mra. Katbryn McOuo, Shrowsbury Monthly Press, t h e ba Mod. to purohaea a now automdpils who did not live on hla route Entries. MI33 Christine Meyer and Miss Abboy of Mrs. Dewey Willianw. school newspaper; organisation of blls for tha visiting auroe. nnd that a. consequence his bus was the Benefit of the Needy. O'Hara. tho Bovonth ixnd eighth grade book Mro. JTredoriok 13. Hasler, general Mlaa Audrey Haslor, daughter of overcrowded. The committeo in charge of the Mrs. Waller Halms was receive! Tho Mary Mount chapter of tho club, nnd boys' and girls' athlotio Among tlio bills presented was one as a new member at tho meeting o World Wido guild of the Red Bank food Is composed of Mrs. Martin teams formed in tho elementary chairman of tlio event, haa extended Mr. and Mra. Frederick Haalor of her appreciation to Tho Red Banlc Rumuon road, Llttlo Silver, with her of $200 from Harry P. Stevenson of tho Women's Missionary society o Baptist church held Its first mooting Digging, Mro. Martin Collins, Mrs. grades. Leonardo for services a s foreman of Holy Trinity Lutheran church of of the Beacon Friday evening at the Peter McCuc, Mrfl. Honry Hardy, Mrs. Officers of tho Seventh-Eighth Register for tho publicity received horso "Doriu" won tho championship through Tho Roglator'a cooperation Saturday afternoon at tho Shrowsa prndlnj; job done on the hlffli school Red Bank last Wednesday. Mrs. homo of Mrs. Dewey Williams of John Hlirtrlna, Mrs. William NelberBook club lncludo Anna Lou- and also extended h e r appreciation bury Junior Riding club's second angrounds at Leonardo by ERA work- Frcil Wilman presided. Mrs, Paul Rivorsido Heights. Thirty-Jive mem- loln, Miss Sarah Gilmartln, Misa Grado isa Campbell, eighth grade presi- for tho trophloa donated, by Reuo- nual horso show, hold at tho Red ers. Mr. Stevenson was discharged J. Tritschlcr was In charge of th Halllgan and Mis3 Abbey O'Hnra. bora and four guesta woro present. dent; Francis Bordon, eighth grada Dlllca'. K. F . Wilbur's and tho Art Bank armory. Phillip Brady ot from this position several months devotional service, the topic being Thoso in chargo of tlio tables are vlco The meeting waa led by the presipresident; Claudia Rlvenburgh, ago and William J. Doyle of East "The Snlzburpet- Kxilea in Geoi-gln." dent, Mro. W. W. Kennedy. Mro. Mrs. A, J. Holland, Mra. Ed. Qulmi, seventh grade, and Ruth Francis, Kraft ehoppo, candy from Hesso'o Shrowsbury took second honors in Rev. Jesse Routtee, a colored misKennsburg was appointed to Jill the Harry Chamberlain was In charge Mrs. Thomas Maher, Miss Elizabeth eighth tirade, secretaries. Tho club and tho Rod Bank Candy Kitchen tho championship claas. job. Mr. Stevenson's bill was referred sionary pastor of !Ncw York, will enof tho devotionals, which consisted Hardy, Mrs. Georgo Creovy, Mrs. A.will hold weekly meetings o n Wed- nnd soft drinlto from Wilbur C. Kl- Mlsa Jane Guptll, daughter of M r tertain the members of the congreto tlie finance committee. of guild song3 led by Mrs. Albert J. Etsch, Misa Ma,ry McCueand Miss nosdaya from 10:30 t o 11:00 o'clock. lepn, V. P . Wilkinson and Cltarolla'd. and Mro. Walter Guptll of Sycamora gation with Negro snrltuals in OcTaylor, oentenco prayers nnd tho re- Mary Crinc. Mr. Steinlo stated Hint several conuvenuo, Shrewsbury, capturod threo This morning Woston Buchanan, citing of tho guild covenant. cerns from whom books nnd other tober. Mrs. Henry Franz 13 chairflrota nnd ono accond prlzo ribbono ' Tho helpers at tho tables will bo Claudia Hivonburgh, Anna Loutoa lady of tho committee in chargo of Mrs, Chrla Bergo, reporting for Misses Gladys Noiberleln, Gladys Con- Campboll a n d Francis Bordon presupplies had • been qrdurcd had recapturing also tho Haalor Porpotuai this event and the other membors :ho White Cross committee, stated fused to mako shipments because the Challenge trophy in tha fifth clang over, Anna Higglns, Jeunnetto Hlg- sented their book reports. :hat n box had recontly been sent to glns, Grace Maher, Jana DlBglns, board had no money to make pay- are Mrs. John Hanson, Mra. John Olwhich oho Is entitled to keep until ' Smith—BtisBcll. Tho actual publication of tho loho Phllllpplnes. Mrs. Fred Conover, Gortrudo Meyer nnd Mary Sherman. ments. He said the board was in a vlng, Mrs. John Schwind, Mrs. Walthe following year's Shrewsbury ter Malms and Mrs. Harry Asay. cal school paper will bo placed enTho Bolford Mothodlst church waa chairman of book-reading, reported sense bankrupt. Junior riding club chow. This cur> Tho committoo of men la composed A harvest home Sunday will bo good progress toward tho 100 per of Martin Collins, John Gilmartln, tirely in tho hands of tho pupils of tho ceo no o£ • a wedding Saturday, is presented by Mlaa Anne Hauler Several weeks "go Charles A. ent goal In reading, which the guild John Holland, Bartloy Collins, Ed- ho oevonth and eighth grades, as In whon Mloa Carolyn Barclay Smith, and tho Misses Audrey and Marjorlo Krlcdlnndcr of Leonardo ieslH"''d as held a t which Iho members of the groupB thero aro eleven pupils daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B, CHARLES K. ENGLISH. ilias maintained for soveral years. ward Hardy, Michael O'Hara, Charles Lhoaooporato a member of the board. No action congregation and Sunday-school will typewriters, and It will Smith of Brooklyn, bocaino tho brldo Hauler, Sho took first places in tho place canned and packaged food and JMrs. Bergo reported bouquets having Kilmartin, John' Dlgglna, Raymond who was taken on the resignation and at winter be their job t o nttond to tho typing of Loula William Russell of Blngham- two foaturo racoa, tlm noodle and vegetables at the nltar. Tho "For those who llvo in houses,, been cent to olck and bereaved mem- Manor, John Hardy, John Collins of tho necessary thread race and tho egg and spoon the meeting Thursday night the food will be given to tlio needy of mimeograph eton- ton. board was asked what they intended the congregation and to the Wart- ihose who repair and construct | bera during tho summer. Martin Dlgglns, James McCue, James cllo. Tho church wag beautifully docoratwho Invest in Mrs. Harry Chamberlain reported aouses, and those to do about it. Mrs. Moffat stated burg Orphans homo of Mount VerQulnn, Martin Digging, Sr., Edward Tho Mlaaes Marjorlo and Audrey Tho odltoral staff of tho Shrewsi with palms. Tho ceremony was having raised $30 during tho summer Qulnn, Charlesi McCuo, Roy Collins that she had hnen informed by Miss non . Flvo child members of the Bed houses . . . " bury Monthly Press follows: performed t>y Rav. J. J . Mosslor, tho Haslor woro alao among tho many Florence F. Fnrgotson, counsel for tho Bank church are cared for at the iVHEREAS tho National Housing months. Mrs. Berge reported having and A. J. Holland. Edllor-liv-cliicf—Patricia Hushes, eighth pastor. Tho brldo waa given in mar- Hrst-plnco winners, taking nrat placo board, that it would not bo good pol Act, through tho Federal Housing raised $52 by a lawn party In July. Thoro will ho dancing and othor grade. riago by h e r father. Hor wedding In Class 2, foaturlng ponies riddon uuui", ...Hi. "• .-* -.-. _. ... . home Administration, has mado it pos- The guild voted to make a gift of attractions after tho supper. Amlitant editor—David Wood, olshth gown w a s of whlto lace, with a slight by children thirteen to seventeen Icy to accept the resignation untiI af- A - ^ f r ( m M r s B r u n 0 M a z 2 a nde. sible for the owner of renl prop- $50 to tho coal fund of tho Baptist lor final diiiJuiitiim had been mnflL ofl n d h^ daughter was read to the Art editor—Weaton Buchanan, eighth train. Hor hat waa of whlta lace. years, Jumping foi- children, oovonchurch. erty to: grnrie. Sho carried a n old-fashlonod bouquet toen years and under, in tho family the charges against Mr. Rcdcay. A b f t h o s o c | e t y . Mrs. Mazza Better the living conditions of his Mrs. Allan MacLeod and Mrs. RobArt editor—Edward Boden. which was Judged on tho perig spending threo months In Sweden motion to ille tho tender of resigna• • - • ert Miller woro appointed as the visHlrla' Bports editor—Claudia Rlvon- of white roaes and llllloa of the vol- group, 'amily. ley. Mlua Adeiaido TompkWa Smith, lormanco of horsos and rider. tlon was carried by a vote of 4 to 3. visiting her mother and relatives. A burtfh, seventh grrado. iting committee- for Octobor to visit Increase the efficiency of his busiBoys' Bporta editor—Prank Quaolcenhor Biator, of Brooklyn, waa maid of Those voting In the affirmative were book of pictures was alao received. ness. E. A. Henderson of Atlantio Highor communicate with all members bunh, eoventh grade. honor. She. woro a princess gown of lands and C. Ingalla of Red Bank Mrs. Moffat, Mr. Williams, Joseph W. These pictures showed various pubHumor editor—Jnmoa Vanlllse. Protect and safeguard his invest- not present at the September meetturquolso bluo chiffon velvet, Hor Thompson and Harry Leach. Mr. lic buildings, castles nnd c a t h e d r a l IlUBlneia mtmnuer—Anna Loulae Cnmpwero glvon much credit for asalotinrt Red Bank Boy Scof^t troop, No. 8, ng. v • *>* hat, trimmed with tulle, was of tho with tho jumps. Sunday afternoon Roop, Mr. Walling and Mr. Spencer in Mrs. Mazza's former home. A ments. Mrs. Warren Minton announced at its flrBt fall meeting Friday night >c!l. llunlnesa mcinngar—Monroe Mars. Stimulate the moralo and workpicture that created much Interest voted against tho motion. They conthat sho and her committoo would in tho Rod Bank Catholic high school Publication committee—Joan Beat, Wes- name material. Sho carried tea rosea, Miss Jano guptll won tho Good tended that the resignation should bo among tho members was that of tho manship of his employees. .on Huchanan, Jsmon VanHlso, ITrancla Ruth Margaret Johnson of Ocean Hands cup at ..tho Long Branch horeo Improvo the standards and civic O'tvo a supper, open to tho public, in auditorium entertained Ralph J. Horden. Patricia HuRhen, Ueorgo Marx. City, nleco of tho brldo, was flower show, which W i t l o a hor to tako altar In the cathedral in which Mro. accepted. tho church Friday evening, a t halfSchoettlo, national commissioner of Claudia Hlvenburgh, Monroe Mars, MarClifford Gordon of Leonardo, a Mazza was conilrmed as a young irido of his neighborhood. past six o'clock. Philadelphia; S. Flaher Miller, com- iraret T-anite, Frank Quackonbush, Mar- girl. Sho woro a plnlc ruffled eropo Place In tho National Horso Show to dross and carrlod a, baskot of pink bo staged at Madison Square Garspectator at the meeting, said ho girl. Each member received ono of Now, therefore, bo it know that Mrs. Homer Methot announced mlsslonor of tho Orango Boy Scout nret Silver. plans have been perfected for launch- that sho and a large committeo council; R. S. Kitchen, commissioncould not understand how tho board the pictures. Tho two girls' athlotio teams, tho roses. Edward Dvvyor of Blngham- den, Now York, tho week of Novoming a better housing program in Red Tho Ladios' Aid society of the could refuso to accept the resignaReds and tho Groyo, that will com- ton, waa b03t man. Tho ushers woro oor.7 to aa. Phillip Brady won a would conduct a rummage sale in tion of a member who wanted to quit church met last Wednesday after- Bank beginning September 19. This tho Shrewsbury avenue flro house er from Now York; Rev. Rainer, pete for tho ollvor loving c u p won Robert A. Smith, brother of the brldo, "rot in tho novlco Jumping class a t and accept tho resignation of an- noon, with Mrs. Emanucl Robinson, date to mark tho opening of the Fed-Tuesday, October 2, at ten o'clock in pastor of tho Bay Head Mothodlst aot year by tho girls' Red team un- and Charles Simmons, both of Brook- Long Branch Sunday, whilo William' Housing Administration camchurch and Bcoutmaster of tho comother member who had not resigned. tho'presldent, in charge. Plans wero eral der tho captaincy of Helen Mars, lyn. Mrs. Russell is a graduate of Havlland took a third in tho samo >a!gn, tho purpoao of which is to tho morning. "I dont see how you can do it," ho made for tho annual Hallowo'en par- stimulate repairs, alterations and im- Mrs. Warren Fowler, chairman of munity troop at that place, and Mr. now In Red Bank high school, will Flatbush Teachors training school. clna3. William Havlland, who reand Mro. L. J. Barker. Mr. Barker reiterated. "That's one over my head. ty in October. provements to homes and business tho annual progressive Hallowe'en is commissioner of district No. 1 of again this year bo under tho direc- Mr. Rusooll is In tho photo engraving cently won tho McClay trophy at thn , Tho Luther league entertained tho properties. In this worthy and vital dinner, announced that this event business nt New York. I would like to have it explained." Eatontown horso show, has also been tion of Mrs. Mario J. Irwln. 1 "We can do as we please," respond- state officers of tho Luther league of movement, made possible by tho Na- would take place Tuesday evening, tho Monmouth Boy Scout council. entitled to bo a rcprosontntlvo of tho Tho mombora of tho two teams Following tho ceremony a . rocop- Shrowsbury Junior Riding club horsa Sixty-four ocout3 from Red Bank, aro: ed Mrs. Moffat, who also -stated that New Jersey last night in tho church tional Housing Act, wo urge that October 30, when memboro, In costlon waa hold, n t tho Molly Pitcher show at tho National Horso Show* Mr. Gordon was out of order In mak-hall. Miss Eleanor Hansen, tha every owner of real property act at tumo, will drive from homo to homo Bay Head nnd Orange werb prosont GreyB—Marsarot Silver, captain; Joan hotel a t Red Bank, which was ating his statements verbally Instead president of tho league, presided. Tho once. Every property owner who and partake of one courao of the In uniform and woro Inspected by RcGt. A. number of members of thoShrow*.; Margaret Longo, Jano Mason, Evelyn hostesses wero Misa Virginia Asay, puts men to work and creates a de- dinner a t each home, winding up a t tho commissioners mentioned abovo. Lantre. I*oia Silver. Claudia EivonburRh, tended by a largo number of frionds. bury Junior Riding club wero repof submitting them In \vrltin£. mand for building materials and serEdna Bennett, Edith Mcqueen, Dorothy resented a t tho horso show Sunday. : "I iva3 talking to Mr. Frledlandcr Mrs. Tritschler and Miss Hanoen. vices will find himself repaid many the last place with games a n d a so- Addresses woro mado nnd games Comar. Marguerite Wood, Xlolon Duckaflcolt—Kozalc wore played by tho scouts. A special low, Anna Lrouico Campbell. Just before I camo to the meeting," Tho members of tho primary and tlmea In personal as well aa com- cial time. 1 Thirty-six entries wero made in Reds—Patricia Hushoe, eaptnln; Ruth Tho wedding of Mlao Marie Mar- said Morrl3 Josephs of Leonardo, a beginners department of Holy Trin- munity benefits. Your participation After the buulnees meeting Mlso net waa p u t on by each patrol of Florence WllBon, Murlfi! Sqnborn, tho show, with a number of trophlea • spectator, "and he told me he was ity Sunday-school will bo enter- In the Better Housing Program Ida Grover gave a program entitled Troop 8. Tho Hill Billy boys enter- Francis, Peggy Ahern, Helen Powers, Helen Mer- tha Scott, daughtor of Mr. and Mra. being awarded by Mrs. R. S. Book, tained a t tho homo of Mrs. John moans better business, better surfinished." Llfo." A oo- tained. man. Mlldrod Marx, Helon Borden, Anna Arthur Scott, East Lincoln avenue, and better living for every "Orientals in American Refreshments man, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Marx, Mra,' "What did you do with his resig- Hansen of Rumson Saturday after- roundings Mr. Schoettle presented ScoutB Canzcllno, Helen Johnson, Betty May, Atlantio Highlands, and John J . Ko- Walter Gosling, Dr, Ernost F a h n o . ' citizen of this communltr- The op- clal time followed. nation—chuck it out tho window?" noon. Tho regular monthly meeting portunity and tho challenge are wore served by Mrs. Dewey Wil- William Casey and Gerard Sloyan Dorothy Jackson. zak, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John of tho Sunday-school teachoro will Tho boys' teams will bo ouporvlsed lams, Mrs. Allan MacLeod, Mloo of Troop 8 with scout sweaters. They Kozalc, Sr., of Avenue C, Atlantic stock, Mrs. Max Phillips, Mrs. Her*' asked Frank McManus, McManu another spec- bo held tomorrow evening at tho yours! I call upon you to act. Ann Schonck, Mrs. Fred Conover recently recolved Eaglo scout pins. by Fred C. England, principal, and Highlands, was solomnlzed at a nup- bert Forsch, Miss Alice Conrlod ' tator a t the meeting., aro composed of tho following pu- tial mass Saturday morning nt S t Georgo Ford Morris, Mrs, J. B. Ruo and Miss Ella Davis. Signed, Capt. Anthony Bischoff of Mlddle- homo of the pastor. Ico cream and cake woro served. Sr., Capt. H. J. Wood, tho Mloooa Tho men of Holy Trinity church Charloa R. English, Tho guests v/ero Rov. Edward W. William F. Cogan and Edward Hea- pllB: town village said ho had^ giva.%,,a Agnca'o church. Hov. Michael H. Anno, Audrey and Marjorlo HaBlor wero entertained last night a t the Groys—Stewart VanVllet, captain; Da- Callahan performed tho coremony. Mayor. Miller, Mrs. Paul H. Axtoll, Miss ly, membors of tho troop committeo communication to Mr. Steinlo i o c i i i vid Wood. Walter Comar, William Drake, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Strauss and tho homo of August Muehlhausen of read and he wanted to know -why it Ruth Scattergood and Misa Alma of Troop 8, Scoutmaster John P . William Ylvlaaker, William Reynolds, WalTho altar and chancel wero banked Davidson, George Marx, Neville Con- with c u t flowers and with vaocn filled Shrowsbury Junior Riding club. had not been read. Mr. Steinle tool: Matawan t>y tho Brotherhood of Thompson. Mulvihlll and Assistant Scoutmaster laco Gethsemano Lutheran church of nors, John Hyland, Georgo Farrell, James Mrs. Frederick Wettack was tho an envelope out of his pocket and with dahllaa. Sister Lucille played William F . , Cogan, Jr., wero in McQueen. opened It. I t contained the commun- Keyport, A BUFFET SUPPER IlcdB—James VanHise, captain; Samuel tho wedding march. Solos were ren- honorary Judgo, while Major Stophen. chargo. ication which Capt. Bischoff had Johnson, William Wllnon, Edward Soden, dered b y John J . Coughlln nnd tho H. Shorrlll of Fort Monmouth waa John HnlKh, Robert Wilson, Anthony Conring mastor. Tho committoo in handed to Mr. Steinle to read. Capt. Party at tho Homo ol Mr. nnd Mrs. zelino, Chnrlen Conzollno, WeBton Bu- groom's brother, Frank Kozak. Alexander Doughty of Fair Havon PROPOSED DEBATE, Bischoff said ho wanted everyone Samuel Putnam. chanan, Frank Quackcnbtish, Monroo Tho brldo was gownod in bluo chargo of tho affair included Mlsa l Anno Haalcr, Mra. Wnltor Guptll was fined 510 and costs and his drivpresent to note that Mr. Steinlo had Marx, Francis Borden. transparent velvet, with matching Mr. and Mra. Samuel Putnam en- Candidates F o r Governor Invited to er's license revoked for ninety dayss the letter in his pocket instead of Games in baseball, playground accessories. Sho carried white roses. Mrs. Harry Brady, Mrs. Max Phil!tertained a number of frionds at o by Recorder Harry B. Kurtls of that with tho other communications on Tall: at Holmdcl. ball, basketball, soccer, volley ball, Miss Honrlotta Scott, Bister and only lips, Mra. Bruco W. Campbell, Mrs. Considerable rescue work was per- place last week. ' Doughty was buffet supper at their homo a t Leonthe table which he had prepared to e t c , will bo played on each attendant of tho brldo, waa attired Irving Lovett and Charles W. Town, Harold G. Hoffman, tho Repub- football, formed by the Eatontown first aid charged with reckless driving after ardo Saturday evening. j read. Friday afternoon, from two t o threo in brown transparent velvet. Sho send. lican candidate for governor of New : Tho guests were Mr. and Mr0. John The letter was from Rev. Ernest squad last Friday when they revived his car had collided with a car o'clock, weather permitting, through- carrlod Talisman rosos. Jo3oph KaTho summaries: | Jersey, and William L. Dill, th C. Brodsky, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stanley Mrs. Norma 8. Zimmerman of Clinton driven by Alvin Wood of Rumson. W. Mandeville and it stated among out the school year. zak wao hla brother's beat man, and Clnus No, 1, ponies ridden by children other things that tho writer would street, Eatontown, who was uncons- Mrs. Wood, who was with her hus- Knowles and daughter Dorothy, Mr. Democratlo candidate, have been inTho two boys' teams will compete vvmi°ntcl;'i', juliKocl f o r horseman, not he present to fill his duties as a cious and near death from asthma. band, suffered a fractured shoulder. and Mrs. Spencer Plnkhatn of Leon- vltod by Assemblyman Thoron Mc- against each other, and tho two girls' the ushers wero Danlol McLnughlln i'sin •hip—Willlnm Ylvlnnker ilrot, Jnme« E, and Edward Minn. ardo, Mra. John Culbert and Mm. Campbell t o use his sylvan forum at Mount second, Itobcrt It. Cnmpboll third! Tho members of the squad worked member of the board because of a teams will do likowlso. Saturday a truclc driven by Danl ain Mo. 2. jionloi! ildilon by children A wedding breakfast was served previous engagement and because he over her five hours, using seven oxy- iel Hopltins of Red Bank, going cast Alice Irwin of Brooklyn; Mrs. B. Mc-Holmdel to debato tho issues of tho Points will bo awarded t o the thirteen to novontccn, judired for homo, was not notified of the meeting. It gen tanks. She was later removed on River road, hit an open door on Mcekan, Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Hat- election campaign. Mr. McCampbell teams as follows: Two points to the at Shingle lodge nnd afterward thoro mnnnhlp—MiirJorio Hauler first. Jano G u p . was to Mr. Mandeville that Mr. Gor- to Rivorview hospital where her con- a car parked on tho north sldo of field, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Morris, has sent the following letter to each winnor, and throo points to t h e team waa a dinner and reception at tho til nocond, Willlnm Hnvilnnd third. Clnnn No. 3. juniplnu for children bride's homo. Tho couplo are on a don referred when he said the board dition is reported to be much Im- the road. Fred H. Gregory of Nave- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Castleman, Mr. candidate: showing tho hotter sportsmanship. novontcon nnd under, juclKod for horse. and Mrs. Ralph Folks, Mr. and Mrs. "According to your statements In wedding trip to Niagara Falls and manjhlp—Mnrjorlo had accepted the resignation of a proved by hospital authorities. Ilnalor flrnt, Philip lu ' sink, owner of tho parked car, was Edward Tredwell, Dr. and Mrs. Canada. Upon tholr return thoy will man who had not resigned. Several Urndy nocond, Willlnm Hnvlland third Tho members of tho Eatontown getting in tho front seat at the time tho newspapers, both of you aro BECBNT BENTALS. llvo a t 07 Went Washington avenuo, mid Robert It. Cnmpbcll Mirth. months ago the board passed a reso- squad who responded to a call sent in and the impact pushed tho door Frederick Bullwlnekle, Mr. and Mra. ready and anxious to meet in a joint Class No. 4, ponies to bo shown on a lution to the effect that Mr. Mande- by Chief of Police Harry Kirkegard against his foot, bruising it. Ho rc- A. Gordon Jones, Mr. and Mra. debate on tho issues of tho cam- Many Changes In Town Bentals Re- Atlantlo Highlands. Mr. Kozak lo load line—Gwendolyn Boocock flint, M n r . , employed In tho Atlantio Highlands !;/Y'C, « • , l l c m l l ! n nocond, Nntnllo Titus' ville had offered a verbal resignation of Eatontown on request of Dr. Wll- ceivod medical treatment at the of- Arthur Mellen, MIES Edyth McGrlffln, paign but have not arrived at an ported By Milton Berlt Agcnoy. thlnl, NiHlIno W. ll.imphrlti fourth. B a r . ' and that the resignation be accept- lard Cottrell, Eatontown physician, flco of Dr. C. C. Perrlno and was Mr. and Mrs. Allen Busch, Dr. and agreement an to tho plaoo and faNational bank." cilities to bo used. I am euro tho bum I.ovott fifth. t ed.- Mr- Leach was appointed to fill were Ralph and Thcodoro Lewis, able to go home. Ho h a s mado a Mrs. T. D. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Several rooent rentals havo been of New Jcraey aro equally Clnnn No. r>, horaomnnnhlp for children) the place alleged to have been va- Andrew J. Reid, Irving Van Brunt chargo of reckless driving against Raymond Weller, Misa Edith Wil- cltl2en8 mado through tho Milton Berk Vottcri—Madaiur. novontoon nnd under—Juno Guptll flrnt, liams, Mr. Russell Wood, Mro. Edwin anxious to havo you speak from tho agency during tho pant week. Jacob cated. Mr. Mandeville's letter read and John Bennett. I.OUIBO Cnmnboll oocond rhllllp L , ' Hopkins. samo platform, and I bellcvo they Mloa Margarot Vottorl, daughtor Anna DuBols, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rider, would urndy third. j at Thursday night's meeting leaves heartily approve of your fol- Goldfarb, proprietor ol Goldfarb'a Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dayton, Mr. and lowing tho illustrloua example of Dress shop on Broad street, h a s of Mr. and Mro. Harry E. Votterl of Clnnn No. (1, nccilld and thrond rncoj 1 no room for doubt that tho writer Mechanic otrcot, and John W. Mu- open y to nll—J,ino Guptll nnd rhllllp Mra. Oscar Lichtenstoln, Mr. and n r Lincoln and Douglasa and speak in still considers himself a member of BELFORD SURPRISE PARTY rented a four-room apartment at tho r,1i » ' . Vlvlonno H. BploKclherir nn,l i Mrs. Stewart Unz, Mr. and Mra. A. an open woodland forum with a vast Loroy apartments and will tako oc- daux, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. "Willlnm the board. An appeal has been made noeond, Anna. Loiilia Madaux of Ohio, woro married last Cnmpliell Ylvlnnkor T. Brook, Frank Bailey, Louia Eng- crowd of pooplo gathored about In cupancy October 1. nnd Willlnm Hnvilnnd third. to the state school commissioner to Festivities at tho Home ol Mr. and Saturday afternoon in tho chapel of rapt attention. Cln»« No. 7, horaontannhln for children lish, Mra. Carl Eduardo, and Mr. mako a'^lecision to this effect. Mrs. Clarence Andorson. Tho lame agency has rented' for tho municipal building at Now York nlno ycniB ninl unilor, who Imvo novor i Douty Eduardo ol Atlantlo High"Therefore, I offer you tho froo Mr. Steinle said the ERA grading compotod In uny roi-ojrnlzod nliow—Audtho Rod Bank Holding & Developcity by Deputy City Clerk Philip A. wont me school scnooi grounds at x^eonA surpriso party was given for Mr. A luncheon party waa given Mon- lands. uso of tho eylvan forum amphi- ment company threo of their houses roy Johnson (lr»t, Charles V . CnihrnaKi work on the Leon Hineo. oecond, Pnmcla II. Hookmnn third. theater a t Holmdel. I t is an ideal ardo to all d would ld have h t bo b done d ll over ardo would have to bo done all ovei and Mrs. E. H. Wolt of Perth Amboy day for Mrs. William E . Wills of Clnnn No. H. fnmlljr group, Judirjd , „ ' Cards were played and tho prlzo placo for a joint debato, without coat in Willow Drive manor to officers of Miss Vetterl attondod the Rod again, aa one of the engineers had it the rcsidenco of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Twin Gables apartments on Riverperformnnco of horncn nnd rider—Audrey Fort Monmouth. Lloutonant Halo of or cxpenso to elthor ono of you or to. winners were, Mrs. Frederick BullBank high school and ia well known •nco Anderson of Bclford last week. side avenue In observance of her 84th Mnrjorlo llnfilcr flrnt, Mra. Druce W J ' made a a misiaKo mistake in made in preparing preparing tho tno enco ivnueiaou ui -UUIAU*« *•*** any guest. Then thero Is tho fur- Texas occupies a seven-room house about this borough by tho younger nnd wlncklo, Mrs. Ralph Folks, Mrs. SamCampbell. Annn I.oulno Cnmnlioll nnd R o b . plans. Ho said the grade would have Ifor t also served asof aMr. birthday party birthday. Mrs. Wills, who makes uel Castleman, Mrs. Allen Busch, ther advantago that a big; crowd can on Liovett avenue, Lieutenant Walsh group. Mr. Madaux waa a n account- ert W. Cnmiibel! second, B. 6. Tekram tho Jdaughter and v 1UI rw1 MMrs. r AnAn- her home with her daughter, Mrs. to be dropped three feet. He said bo accommodated In the sylvan of California, a six-room house on Orand dnunhtor Elizabeth third. to be dropped three feet He said '— "-*"" "* " ° " ~ Samuel Caatleman, Gordon Jones, A. the ERA engineers had told him this lerson, Mrs. Hazel Applcgato of Bel- Ullman Strong, is enjoying excellent forum, all being able to hear and chard placo and Lleutonant Feagln a n t at tho Long Branch Kennel club. Olnnn No. 0, vlnltoro" homomnnnhlM Following tho ceremony tho couplo CIMB for ehllilron ncvcntoon nnd undorj woulG entail no extra expense for i"ord. Tho evening was spent with health. Guests included another Stanley Knowles and Arthur Mellen. seo tho speakers. of Texa3, a sevon-room houao on who nro not members of Shrewsbury the township hut that he thought ssong and dancing. Music was furn- daughter, Mrs. Roberta M. Hartcorn, "Next Sunday afternoon, or any Brook avonue. Alfred A. Lovey has spent a few dayB In Now Yorlc Junior ltldlnK club—Vlvlonno II. SPIOBOI. they were mistaken about this be- lished by Henry Peters. A lobster din- a granddaughter, Misa Ruby Hart- CABS COUJEDE AT EATONTOWN. following Sunday afternoon, would renewed his leaoo with tho Red Bank 1 Mro. Madaux was born nt Carlton, ?-Sr? "m - v"mo''i " • 1'oolimnn secondj cause shortly afterwards they had icr was served in the decorated din- corn; a great-granddaughter, Ruby please tho public. Of tho vast throngs Holding & Developing company for Georgia, and moved t o this seotlon, Klnlno Khnnloy tblnl. told him that it would be necessary ing rooms of tho Anderson home. Ann Hartcorn, and Mrs. Edmund F. Red Bank Mnn Fined and Sentenced of citizens who will bo going to As- tho houao on Willow Drive. of Jersey about four years ago. Mr. Clnnn No. 10, ojieri jumplnr;—Troop .13. bury Park Sunday afternoons this Cnvnlry. Now .Tcrtoy National Guard* Hartcorn, ail of Atlantic Highlands, to Jail by Eatontown Justice. month, many would welcome tha op- Mrs. Hazel Crlatlanl of Llttlo Sil- Madaux waa born a t Cordole, Geor- nrat, Willlnm Hnvilnnd necond. Anno Hnnler third. portunity of stopping off at tho syl- ver, has leased a four-room apart- gia, In an accident which occurred on van Clnss No. I I . Iiornomnnnhlp for children forum on their way nnd hear H. M. LANDEMAIU3 PROMOTED. tho Neptune highway Sunday aftoroovon t o twelve—Ilrynnt Hondorson flrstj I Ilallonbako—Hullt. their candidates for govornor discuss ment In tho Loroy apartmonts. Willlnm Ylvlsiilior eccoiul. Elnlno Shnnloy. I William Goratenfeld, who la opennoon four persons were slightly Intho vital question of taxation and third. ,j Former Red Banker Now Has Posi- jured when threo cars collided. John other state issues. MIGS Arloy Hallenbako, daughter ing tho now "Surprise Store" on Clnns No. 12, connolntlon for children I of Mr. and Mrs. Obadlah Hallenbake tion as Sales Manager. Broad street, h a s leaned a three-room Smith, 24, colored, of Bank street, -Robert W. Cnmnboll first, Elnlno Frlod. ' "It is truo that tho sylvan forum "Asleep In tho Deep." Others presFair Flold gardens in Middlc- berB Bocond, Itoboct Morton third, any more and that the foreman (Mr ent besides those montloned were H. M. Landemare, formerly man- Red Bank, was fined 550 and son- Is not yot connected with WOR. apartment In tho Adelaide apart- of townehlp, a n d Jamea Hulit of tho Cln»s No. 13, championship of show—I Doyle) be discharged. Mr. Steinle Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mr. and Mrs. ager of tho Red Bank branch of tenced to thirty days In tho county However, tho newspapers aro en- ments on Broad etrcot. Ainh-cy llnnlor flrnt, I'bllllp Ilrntly oocond* said ho thought Mr. Roop might Klshncr, and Mr. and Mrs. Valuk of Philip H. Harrison & Co., has been jail by Juatlco of Peace Androw J. titled to a break and they would unHarry Melstrloh of Brown placo ffame place, formerly of Carbondale, Clnsn No. 14. ecrr nnd spoon raco—< want to word the motion differently. Perth Amboy; Mr. and Mrs, Claudo promoted to retail sales manager of Reid of Entontown. Ho failed to doubtedly print your speeches ver- has rented Amanda J. Bergon'a half Pennsylvania, woro married at seven Jnno Guptll flrnt. Annn Loulno Campboll "Let it go tho way it is. It is Richmond, Mr.'and Mrs. Ha7.el Apple- tho firm. Ho was previously con- pay the fine. His license was al3o batim in Monday's papors. And, of a duplex houso at 104 Bergen o'clock Saturday night a t tho Re- nocond, rhllllp Drncly thlnli formed clmrch parsonage by Rov. W. after all, tho printed word In a milplain enoujrh so that anyone can un gate, Stephen Hyers, Henry Peters, nected with the International Gen- revoked. lion copies of Now Jersey news- placo. Mrs. Borgon is making exten- Carmen Trembath. Tho attendants derstnnd it," responded Mr. Roop. sive decorations for tho now tenant, papers will havo more influonco on and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frisk, of eral Electric company nnd ho opont Chief of Police Harry Kirkegard woro Mies Virginia Hower and WilTho motion v,';r-; defeated 4 to .1. several years in Australia and other, of Eatontown, who was called to tho votora than all tho radios combined. liam Taylor. i S n l in O W "I nssuro you that tho speakers foreign points establishing organizaFLYING TOO LOW. nceno of tho accident, stated that M r? wIm nr Mr Rponc,, and M';' °'" ChccWuata: M . and Mrs. Wll-tions for tho distribution of olectrlwould not bo interrupted by anyone Smith had pulled out ot lino directRoop. Because of the nn, Lltllo Silver, Sea ono'""? m!ro°Zrl"i°n luttl "loom"- nophomorc year in the Junior colis the most up-to-date machine, and is used alBright and Hlvoriiidc drive in Mkl- Ilrot. Uznl II. McCartor oototo. Joseph 0 . ]ep;e. . . . I M r . a n d M r s . A l l n n W n v d n n d non most exclusively by Hollywood celebrities. dlctown tDwntihlp received prizes In I'. Kcnmjily, iraidoncji-. ul &B out of 237 chuu>e:i ;it tho 13th an- ..?'"":! i?:L v °,.uX.. nfuln bioonVl-I^Koy of Trenton Bpcnt tho weekend vlsitlnf,' Mr. nnd Mra. Henry nual flower allow of tho Klbcron Kt'fond, Mr. Jlliluey.v u daiillafl, mlnlaturo Fcnton nnd daughter Ada. SPECIAL ! For Every Day in the Week. Claim 188. " « " »° horticultural society, held Wodnt's- (Incuriili vo, ono variety, ten blooma—FirBt, Mm. Lydln Tllton has returned to dny, Thursday and Friday of Uu»l t'l'iim 1H9 ono vatio of diililliiii. mlnla- her home after spending tho last week at tho J\abury Park' cafsino. tmc.' liny typo, one or inure varieties, flt- two weeks with Mrs. Clarence WeiThe society':) gold metal for tho tci-n lili.i.mB— Second. Mr. Hiilooy. dahlias, collarotto, derholt of Eatontown, where she had mont moiltoriou:; exhibit of the show I Cla'is 1U0, ono vano tea' hlooliiB—l'lrat, licen HfrtylnK foitowinp; her relense oi' nioro marlctlc was uwnrdrd to William II. Porler, ! oim from the Rlvervlew hospltnl. Mr*. I.lclilonHtelii. ' gardener for II. O. Atha of Runu;on, : (1-u't Mil liiiut- *lnhHa. ono bloom, Ion« Mra. Marion Smith nnd family, for an exhibit of celosln. crtelntti or . iilciii—Julm A. Kemp, IJUlo Silver. have been occupiylnff Fred Permanent Waving Specialists for the C l - r i "Oil BllH-llfo plcturo to bo shown who coxcomb, nuiiiKurinf? nioro than la f'rarao two foot miunro—Fourth. Mm. Ownna'n house on the main road, thirty inches from tip to tip. The: Past 19 Years. Utlo lioctzc, Ilumnon, I'ntrick 1. Slica, have returned to their home In Geor1 came exhibit woii tho flrut day ;!( 80 BROAD STREET, BED BANK most mcrltorouH exhibit award for '*'"cin"a'207, ono VBBO elnhllnB. white, any typo livo bluouiH—second, Mr. Elkurf. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Perry and n, display of any iiizo, Tel. n. B. 2343 Cliiim ZOH, ono v » . iindlB»ominalcd Edprnr Layton npent Smiduy on a Tho oociety'a silver medal went to Bcclllin:, MoomH-FirBt.^Mr. fclku.. nail up the Hudson river on the ovu 515 Frank T. Islington, gardener for A. | Ch'i'n u u U, best 1 J J 1 Becllinit—1'lrst, liont trip for tho benefit of Fltkln 14. ono VUPO of nini'iuolihj, Guincii 'Gold, twelve MtioiiiB—aotmui. Mr. Klkim. Clfifin fiB, ono VIIHO murinDlilH, Frt-ncli (loul)lc. twelvo liltioinn~-Hcfimil. Mr. Elkun. Clnca .r)6, quo vimo of French inniiK'ildH, HiiKU-. twelve bltmiiiH—Fintt Mm. L,ichtcVintcln; Boctmd, Mr. Atlui. Clann TiB, one vusu of niiHturtlum, HIIIKIO —Second, Mr. Mr Cur tor. ClriPB 50, ono vano of zlnnlan, Ijirno floworp, ono or rnuro vnrictfen, twelve bloomB—Flint, Mr. Athca; third, Mr. ElktiH. fiO, ono VIIKO of zinnias, noiTiixinii, ono ')[• liiuns viirict icn,- twelve bloomn—

Tblrd. Mr. Athu. tiliii'H li-. uiiii vinio el nnlcrn, ono oi' mure viuii'l iti:i, hvclvo lilinimt! — l i n i t , Mrn.

Ijkhtcnutdn. Uliutn (>4, ui)o vniio of KfillhmUn, cliyhlccn lilixinm—I'iral, Mr. MrCnrlcr. Clnfiii kCi. mm viuu) iscjihloM.'i. ono or mnio vuiiclicH. twelve bloinnii—Kind, Mr. Athn. Clium 87. OIIQ vniio vorlicnn. twelve ppiKuM — l'lnit, Mr:i. Iilchtuniitcin; liccoud, Mr. JSIkiiR. Cln»» 71, ono VIIRO cif ensmoj, ono or nuno viiilotieei, 21 Moomn—l'jrat. Ml. ' Elkua. OlndB 75, ono vatio rolni'Ia lihinioaa, fivo • plkcn— Kfi-wul. Mr. Elkmi. Clnpn i n . nun %-ii^n ivliMiu rrlolnln. (lirco'nplkon—1'irat. Mr. Mini; iicrund, Mr. CInnn 77. ono vtiiui iniflmclnifiR tlalfllcn, dl.\ Hpinyii—Hccnncl, .Ml'. Hdlney. CInnn SI. Unco viinon poronnlnlit, tlueo vitrl(!tien. nK njiiliers to u VII™ — First. Hrn k Itlkor. CInKa IIV. l i n o v n i m l i l n d l u l l p r i n m l i n u s . ono viu-loly, twt-lvo iu>ikc.'i—I'lrnt, .Mrn. I l l k o r ; 1 t h l n l , M r . lOIIni^. CliiRii 1)1, o i m t w o K I H . I I O I I i : i « i < l u v r i i i i l n , yollow", nix opllioi', o r torm rottn, hvclvn liloomn--KlrM, Mr. l l n l n o y : •f.riiiiil. M m . U r l i l o m i t c l i i .

• :liu»



Leonardo News. (The lied Dank Register can ho bounht In Leonardo at tho stores of William Meyers. William Shennon nnd Albert Jercmlns.) Miss Virginia Peters is enjoying a vacation of two weeks at her home here. William A. atelnlc is tlio owner of 1 new Plymouth sedan. • Mias Mario Olvany of New York was a week-end guest of Mrs. Arthur lUpnmn. Carl Phillppi of New York spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother, Mra. Edith Plilllppl. Miss Harriet Kcefcr, who Is In training at tho Jersey City Medical Center to become a trained nurse, spent tho week-end at. her homo here. Mrs. Andrew Watts hag recovered from a heavy cold. Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis Goerlnor and family of Washington are spending a month In the Behrlo cottage. Adelhert Phillppi Is spending a vacation of two weeks with friends at Albany. Mrs. Ida House and her daughter, Miss Mary L. House, have rented the Phllippl cottage on Washington avcnuo for tho winter. John Stemis of Newark spent tho week-end with hl.'i parents here. Rev. Alonzo Btoffcl of Now York preached at tho Baptist church Sunday morning and evening. Morton Suuthall's 32-foot cruiser, was destroyed by high tides and wind during a heavy storm last week. Mr. and Mra. Arnold Bears and family havo returned to Bloomfleid after having spent tho summer In tho May cottage. O.soar Dreschel has returned from a wei'k's vacation near Port Jervln, New York. William Kcefor Is omploycd at New York. Tim Field club will hold Its second minimi barn danco at tho ..Leonardo (Will iialnrday evening. Frank Wallace nnd Joseph Pollno wll ncnM'd (he race between tho IlnlnImv/ and Kndoavour Saturday. Mr. and Mr:-, Kllnworth Conover arc driving a new Plymouth concM which Ihry bought from tho I-IorbHter agency.

Lincroft News.

(Tho Itrd II1111U llrulnter oan lio hoUftht nt l.lm-roft fi'im (ieorgo Toop; who hao on,> vnim poininuiH, v.liltp. ft delivery route.)

rlnnn 'ln*«!"'-on't^,'t?l"',-.*-. •ii'i't,l"°r''fl>rivtnrii. !•-«'•' i-Mlmli'd • rirnl Frniili Detnrdl. I.ILtlo Silver. Clasu lf)7, mis vmia gladioli iirinmlinui!,

UnhrTl Coddurd, mm of Mr. mid Mrn. l''ny fioddnrd of Plmlanx rond, hna returned homo from Uia Long

OUR merchants are here to stay. They chose-to locate here because they believe in our future. THEY are not here for a quick "clean-up," but with a desire to see a steady growth of the town. NOTHING can contribute to'the growth of any place like a s t r o n g mercantile backing. Our business men to be for themselves must be for our town. YOU can help them to help the town—you can help yourself by trading HERE. AND the best of it is, when you keep your money at home— YOU SAVE MONEY! YOU pay no more to your local laundryowner than anywhere else in the state, so why not send your laundry here? WE are equipped to render prompt and efficient service. NEVER mind the spots and stains on the c l o t h e s of active youngsters. Sanitone gently dissolves and flushes t h e m o u t , bringing out the lovely colors, restoring the feel and look of newness. At the same time Sanitone also adds vital elements to toughen the fabrics. Sanitone fabrics look brighter, last longer, keep their shape bettor, and are immeasurably cleaner than fabrics cleaned by any other process. Bridge Score Pnds and Tally Cards Given Free if Called For nt Our Plant.

Wed. Night at 9:00—Program Drawing. You may have the Lucky Number. Bring Your Program.


Butsho couldn't cook,SPV/,

bako a eako, or take ccro of babies well enough to win a poor chauffeur's heartl

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proJoclion of



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Oysters MAIN OFFICE PLANT: 70-76 Whito Street, Red Bank, New jeraeg &





Highlands Wins

tiunson Organizes Utility Takes An (Thirty Aspirant* Report on First Call for Football—Woito and Jacoubs Report Good Proa pec fs.

v *, - -

Ked Bank Team Takes SevenInning Contest from Crimmins Athletic Club of Jersey City —Pounds Out Fourteen Hits.

HHIIF.WSBURY FARMS, Pci^o l-ir, | Vnnllrunt 160 110 I'ishl-r K,2 y iao 122 Henry 1113 197 CoJmor 164 1S6 I.nriK

17 J 179 its

Kowliinil " . . . . " . . " " ! " " . " ! ! ! " " " White Iloirmnn ElKfim

17K 210

167 | 1H2 j 3G


873 BIB •

Football activities for 1034 atartei at tha Signal uchool on Monday, SepArt Ackottnan, Pitching for tember 10. Hobins, Blanks Silveritea AfChaplain Movirlco W. Reynolds who lias boon football coach for tho ter Holding Theim to Five Hits, last two yoarn and wlio has mado an —Two Double Playj. enviable record of tho soldiers' toam Tho Highlands baseball club d haa beon ordered t o Chicago. Art Aclcerman, pitching hla flrat feated tho Maplo athlotlo club nln First Uoutonant Terence J . Tully, gama for tho Pair Haven Roblnn last of Irvlngton In a double-header l Signal Corps, who haa been bunlneos Sunday afternoon a t Atlantic- High manager f o r tho team during tho Sunday aftornoon held tho Little ail. lands. Tlio first gamo wont tho nlni paat two years, ia now a student In vor athletic team scoreless and to Innings, tho Hlghlandora emergin tho Signal school a n d will bo un-iivo hits. Tho Robins mado flvo riinn victorious by tho ucoro of 8 t o 3.ablo t o guldo t h o football toam and nlno hlta. They mado nlno hlto and had but on through this Beacon. Both of theeo Tho Itoblna started tho ljall rolling error chalked up against them. Tlv ofllcors will bo rorely mlased olnco Ini tho nrat Inning when Peoano visitors wero held to four hits bj it haa beon through their tircjloua ef- doubled and camo homo on Wilson's good pitching by Healln of tho High forts under tho direction of tha ath- two-bagger. The Robins piled up landB. Tho second game, a eeven lotlo offlcor. Major Stephen H. Shor- four more runo In tho second, but Inning frame, also vvent to tho local rlll, Signal eorpo, that football has aftor that neither aide Beared. boya by tho clooo ccoro of 2 t o 1.reached Ita present high level a t tho Two doublo playa wero Holding Tho fans wero pleased to ooo Jimm army pout. hlfrhllghto of tho game. Tho box Anderson catching for tho High ccore: First Lieutenant •William M. Maclt landors again and ho played hi: usual steady gamo and wag actlv Signal Corps, who haa been a. promPAIR HAVEN. with tha bat. Poto Simpson waa a' inent niombor of tho football team; ovor the Infield around third baoi aa well as all other athletics a t this .I.:;; ' and completed somo fast plays. post, in nlso a atudont In tho Signal r«nno, 3b nchool, this year. wnSYf:'-...11::.: \° HIGHLANDS. Tho now hoad coach, Second Lieu- Smith, cf v All B II PO t .'. .". ." . . . . . a? „ f , " tenant John E. Wattora, signal corps, ^ « * l • " Hartffrovo, I t 6 0 0 14 S I " ' * - ! 'c = • • ' • • • «3 ? 2 J 5 a graduate of. the. Military academy, ItnfTerty, P. Simpson, 3b „ 5~ 3 Hosllrt, p ™ 5 claaa of 1033, assisted Chaplain Roy- Ackcrmnn, x> McLautrhlln. 2h i S4 6 0 27 12 noldu laqt year In malting tho splenAnderson, o ......... 5 did record for tho team whon only MTTLE SILVKli. llobortBon, If 5 Mohr, rf. . 8 A ono gamo wao lost out of ton atartu. A. Blocum, 2b a"J V ^ * Kondrlck, cf 2 "lieutenant Watte™ attended tho AppIo^futOi cf* «t rt A *% t\ Paul Simpson, cf 1 coaching school a t Ursinua collogo, Tauaer, 8b .'...'Z.ZZ 8 0 0 1 \ Anthony, as 4 4 0 1 ? I "olle/revlllo, Pennsylvania, whoro ho "nnarella, BH 10 0 0 27 1 < " • ' " " . •' 4 o 2 o J received Instructions under "Pop "Pnrkor, inVINQTON. rf 4 0 0 2 0 4 0 0 AB R H PO 1 Warner" a n d other famoun football Harris, p Slocum acum, o 4 0 1 7 Anthony, cf 6 0 0 2 coachea. H o will bo assisted by Soc- I>. 11. Sloicum, l b 8 0 0 0 0 Frank, 21 „ 4 1 1 2 ond Lloutonant Wondoll B. Bowman, D. Winner, If 3 1 0 2 air corps, a student In t h a Blgnat 83 0 6 24 6 Swcenay, c 4 0 1 4 Schmidt, rf.. 8b 8 0 1 2 school thla year a n d who waa tho Beora hy innings 1 Ltplert, 3b.. D 8 0 0 0 army's famous quarterback of three Llttlo Silver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—0 H. Wngnor. l b 4 0 0 9 1 Fair llavon 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 5 years ago when ho received All Kleman, es 4 1 0 1 Error.—Posnno 2, B. EKtlnnrl, AckcrEmor, p.. If 8 0 1 2 : American mention. rann. Yannrclla 2. AiiploKnto. Tivo-hnuo Several of Fort Monmouth'a play- lito—Posnno, Wllnon. Dovihlo plnyn-^ S3 4 24 1 ers of last year will bo missing on Peactno to B. Egoland t o o . Etrolnrid, Score by Innings: rvlnffton 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0—; thla ear's team duo to transfers t o Ynnnvolla t o A. Slocum to 1), Slociim, Ackcrmnn ti, by Morrlii HlBlilands I 1 10 1 I 1I other stations. However, it la ox- Btrllto-outfl—By C. Baaos on bnlla—Off Aclterrtmn S, off Errore—Anthony (Highlands), Frank looted that their places will be ably Morrio Q. llmiihc—Miicrhcroon. Jlifert, II. Wnsnor, Nlemnu 2. Two-bus filled by men who havo onllstcd since it—HeBlin. Throo-linao hits—-Andoraon, {QBlln. Stolon bniiofi—Slmnnon, Roblnnon last year's football season and who Shoot nt Llncroft Snturdny. havo alroady shown promise In (ho Nlomaj, B. Wnjrncr. Strlko-outs—By Hoa Lalrci'o Appiojack shoot will bo, Un 5, by Emor 1, by Llpfort 0. Bane practlco sessions. n bnllo—Off Honlln 8 off Emec 8. oft A notablo addition to tho nquad itagod Saturday afternoon September ,lpfort 1. Hit by pitcher—By Heill will bo Second Lieutenant Hobort B . 22, starting promptly a t ono o'clock Emer). Umplroe—AlliHton nnd Fonter. at tho Llnoroft Gun club on tho Cal Spann pitched this gamo a n Miller, signal corpa, who graduated Main road, Llncroft. Prizes will bo' had everything. A spectacular one- rrom West Point last June. Tho business manager for tho toam awarded for killing 7, 8, 9 and 10 h a n d c a t c h by N e d McLaughlln \va a groat help t o h i s t e a m a n d easily will bo First Lloutonant Haultell H . blrda straight. Ono quart of Laird'a wao t h a (oaturo play of t h o oocond Cleaves, ulgnal corps, who will follow famoun applojack will bo donated to game. Healln reported Monday t o tho samo offlclont system Inaugur- high man and woman. Tho MonVllanova college T h o box .ocoros: mouth county championship will bo ated by Lieutenant Tully. Somo vory attractive games havo run off In tho main event and a, HIGHLANDS. AB i l l i r O A icon booked which will bo played on trophy will bo awarded to tho winilnrtfirrove. l b 8 1 1 14 ho local frrlrllron on Sunday nftor- ner. Tho management will furnlah 'oto SlmpBon, 8b 3 0 0 froo beor and refreshments. Charles Henlln, cf 3 0 Hower la In charge of tho affair. McLnuBhlln. 2b 8 0

Shore Team Defeats Rfeplo Ath lelic Club of Irvtnston b Scores of 8 lo 3 and 2 to ia Two Interesting Games.

Season's Champions Have Not Been Defeated in First Six Matches of Red Bank Bowling League Schedule.

Under the new school system at Tho Utility team emerged a t tho Rumsnn athletics have been pushed top of the pile this week as tho Red to a higher extent than in past yearn. Eanlt leafruo swung Into the The Rumson high school, under the secondBowling lojr of its Ions schedule. Havsuperintendency of Charles A. Wol-ing won games and lost one, the tach, has organized a football eleven championssixof -THE i.EA0rtJ6**~j' last year are one game for tha first timo In tho history of ahead of the Clothiers Insurance tha school. Baseball has proven team, which hag five and victories and popular thore In tho past one defeat. Thirty gridiron candidates reportThe Jersey Central Power & Light ed last week at the first call for football by head coach Charles F. Waite, company a n d t h e Leonardo Field graduate of Syracuse university. club have won four and lost two. Louis Jacoubs of lied Bank, who Several teamg have two victories to win graduated from Lafayette uni- their credit and one loss chalked up versity last June with a physical edu- against them. Schneider's Market cation degree, haa had four years' ha3 made the highest score thua far, a *»aiK mark 01 of a 1,008 pins, wmie while tho •-• • ,. #^^.K^it TIT*, • " , w 5J pins, tno j|001. a r e« c o n d h i „ wlth eexperience x p e i e a t college g football, play-, c l o t h | g , ing one year as freshman and three The pt-andlngr of the teams as comyears of varsity football. He la of-piled by William Curchln, Sr., secreferiug his services as assistant foot- tary of the league, follows: bail coach. Manager Julius Yellen has dis- STANDING OF THETEAMS. IIS W L tributed uniforms, and practice Is Utility- Tesiri 961! 0 !.'.' 6 1 1,001 now under headway. Exercising and Clothiers & Insurance 994 ... 4 i Central •fundaiuentais ^vvero the routine for Jersey ... 4 2 Leonardo i'itlA clizb sm tho first week of practice. Dummy Schneider's Market _ . . ... 2 1 1,008 1 920 ecrlmmage has been started and a Commercial Chauffeur* 905 SlRmund Eisner _ " 2 1 regular scrimmage is being planned Nnvesink 882 „ > . 2 1 to take place with Coach Will Rino- ProfessionalTciim Men 868 .. 1 2 hart's grlddcrs of Red Bank either tinj-flenets ] 2 821 805 PoatoHico thla afternoon or tomorrow. \ I 2 837 .. i 2 ton town Tho Rumson eleven, having En 911 Allen Shoo .. 2 4 B. smaller group of boys than Uoynton & Uoynton 2 4 880 926 most high schools, will furnish op- Til ton Dairy ". 1 6 878 0 e position among the second-string Shrewsbury Farms elevens of tho surrounding boroughs, COMING GAMES. such a s Leonardo, Red Bank, As- Tomorow—Navcaink vs. Gardeners. Probury Park and Long Branch.' A nalonnl Men vs. Entontown. Friday—Sisround Eisnor VB. Commercial /schedule of nine games has been Chauffeurs, Schneider's Market VB. Postmade up for the Rumson griddera. office. Mondny—Post office VB. Utility, NaveTho newly organized eleven has VB. Shrewsbiiy Farms, Eatontown vn. T o fJOTfe l-F been equipped with new uniforms of sink Allen Shoes. Sigmund Eisner VB. Clothiers purple Jerseys with white lettering. & Insurance. SlOES A Coach Walte has reported that his Jordan of the Jersey Central team team will be of tho average weight has a sizeable lead In tho individual but due to tho first year of organi- averages as the first week of/the zation will not be well prepared to league's 1934-1935 existence passed meet tho varsity squads of Class B into history. Elgrim of the Eisner team rolled 1,008 to win the flr school. Tho first encounter is sched- team was second, with Penterman match from the Gardeners, ono c uled to take place at Leonardo Mon- of tho Chauffeurs a close third. Jor- the older teams, last Thursday nigh day afternoon, October 8. The high dan has made the highest ucore thua The marltetmen also won the secon school grounds a t Rumson, formerly far this season, a mark of 257. PeaBo though by reduced totals, but droppe tho grounds occupied by tho Rum-of tho Shrewsbury farms has made the third match. Scores ot 218 b son athletic baseball team, has been the greatest number of strikes, Little, 222 by Parker and 197 b turned into a gridiron which the seventeen In all, and Bchroeder of Eichelo accounted for the Schneid Humson team will use as a home the PostofTlce force hag gathered the victory in the opener. Saundera mai largest amount of spares, eighteen tho highest score In a single game, field. Possible varsity backa to be used thus far. The averages of the ten mark of 193, ior the Gardeners. Th leading plnmen, as compiled by Sec- scores: in tho opening game include Harold SCHNEIDER'S MARKET. Shea, Irving VanBrunt, Roland Mar- retary Curchln, follows: ColM 170 1C» 19 ilanl, William Finnegan, Russell Mc179 18 Perri -.._ 171 179 INDIVIDUAL Cue and John Ryan. William BradEichdo , _.._ 197 l.-.a Parker ley haa been slated to hold down the Jordan, Jersey Central 18.? 218 Little ... IBS' -center position, while in tho guard Elsrim, Eisner % positions -will probably bo Earl Marx Penterman, Chauffeurs ...... 1.008 and Carl JaUubocy. I n the tackle Shlnn, Utility GARDENKIiS, 1'caiie, Shrewsbury positions Otto Pearl, Georgo Lange Tuttle. J. Kennedy 11B JO Eianar ., Turner 177 154 or Jake Pearl and a s ends Walter Riddle, Eianer _, 130 Kcttil _.._ Parker, PoEtoffico ... . . 3 "Red" Kerr and William Boyce. -Due Malta 162 136 Dennis, Postofilce . 8 to a slight hack injury Bill Boyc? Taylor, Eatontown Sauiiders H " 156 S has been forced out of a few days' The Jersey Central Power & Light 767 7 1 7 practice. company won two out of three games i 'The commercial Chauflcurs wor Those who have signed up for this from the AUen Shoo company Mon-;t w 0 o u t o f t h r c e s l a s t Thursday year's football squad include Cor- day night. The Powermen rolled 891 jn i h t f r o m t h e P r o f c s s i o n a l Men. Th nelius Craig, Edward Johnson, Wil- to win tho first by 25 pins and 965 d r i v e r 3 lMci 9 2 0 to win th liam Eoyce, William Finnegan, Har- to take the second by 155, but they b y7 3 a n d m a d e ' a s c o r o o f 8 55 toopene tak old and Walter Keer, Pierre LyonB, drorjnpfl the third by bv 150, 150. the HVIOH H_.second_, try \ . . . the . L _ close _I : j« of ^c si? ^i. dropped tho shoe tho margin John Eyan, Irving VanBrunt, John dealers piling up 911 pins. Tomainc Swenson, Charles Wolback, Jr., John of the Power team made the high pins. The Professional Men capture, Slocum, Roland Marilani, Alfred score of 22. X). Acerra, anchor man tho third by 5D points. Penterman VanBrunt, Rusaell McCue, Earl for the Allen plnmen, rolled 220. The of the Professional Men waa high fo that team with a score of 213. Nordy Marx, Jake and Otto Pear], George , Aschettino of the Chauffeurs anc Hallannn, Harold Shea, Raymond JERSEY CENTHAL. Ward of tho Professionals each rolled McCue, Georgo Lange, Carl Jaku163 211. The scores: 212 becy, Andrew King, William Brad- PhillipB 166 1S3 189 157 COMMERCIAL CHAUFFEURS. ~ ley, Harold Patterson, Otto Stroh- McGowan 159 Aschettino 211 170 1 1 1 187 Tomaino 145 Minff and Howard Prltchard. 174 16'i 182 Jordan McDonald Ifi'j 1(13 A3 far as the Humson's schedule lloynold. 167 146 891 has been completed, seven games Penterman _ _ 199 213^ ALLEN SHOE CO. have been booked with pending Dillione 214 199 920 855 date with Metechen and Bayonne. F. Acer, 169 272 PROFESSIONAL MEN Games being booked with Leonardo, i'''\"* r " on „ 107 145 _ _ 169 211 16S Ward .. 182 161 Long Branch and Asbury Park will D. Acer™ „ _ 1H.", KUIdlo . lyo _ 131 146 bo played against second-string l.'.S Minion 11C 160 17»i elevens. However, the Rnmson eleven llurlty 866 810 911 IT. 2 133 131 1.', li Trucx . 190 "Will oppose tho resit nf their teams The Leonardo Field club Monday on their schedule with minor Class took three games from the ShrewsS17 819 868 B first teams. As yet no date has bury Farms. The Middletowners been set for the Asbury Park game won by margins of 78, 37 and 50. The Slgmund Eisner company last Friday night took two out of thrce "but it will bo played some time be- Waddell of the Field club made 224 game3 from the Eatontown team, tween October 15 and November 3. in tbj>, second match and Bctts of tho contests being the first games for the same team rolled the same scoro both teams. The Eatontowncrs won The schedule is as follows: October ft, Leonardo (fiecondd) ruvay. In tho third match. Colmorgen was tho first match by a single pin and October 15, Lulu: Bmnch nly whiff four Field club hatters Consecutive Victory for RumFREEHOLD lual event but last year the strike 'Oshen, Eblo and Hlggins wero tho son—Alerts Held Scoreless hen prevailing a t the Sigmund nly Quad players to get extra base Cianer company plant prevented the 'its. Tho box score: • Until the Sixth. icals from participating, AT FORT MONMOUTH Still going llko a. house afire, WalRED BANK. The official standing of the New Koneskl, aco Rumson hurler, won An a I I PO A TO DETEBMINE CHAMPIONSHIP ITIBEMEN'S IiE/VGUE ersey P. B. A. pistol league, wr|ich heldo n. 2b. 4 0 0 1 0 la sixteenth consecutive victory last 1 1 0 4 0 BAND W i t t PXAY. /as released this week by tho sec- IncD naltl, c 4 1 2 3 0 . Iflunday aftornoon when ho pitched GENEIIA1 ADMISSION, SSo. etary, Otto G. Dlngfleld of Jersey _ ^ B, rf, .. 1 1 0 0 uperb ball to beat tho Eatontown -ity, shows that Red Bank, which blc, [> Q J j 4 ilerts, 6 to 4. Tho Alorto nicked 4 0 0 1 nished second with twelve matches orn, 3b llm for seven hits, one less than tho 8 0 room B, rf. . . (1 2 0 /on and two lost, collected a total inj;ntoro, sa. 0 1 2 otal mado by tho RumsonltcB a f 17,339 points and made a n nver- otTar, l b . .. '. s 0 II 1 0 Rankln, Rumson shortstop, a n d 1 0 of 1,444.91 points. . In both de0 0 0 ook, Rumson first sacker, mado arlmenta they -were second only to 84 8 :wo hits each. One of Cook'n hits 5 24 z 19 EAST FRONT ST., crscy City. The latter won the LEONARDO. raa a double. Cltarella and Kettel !ague title. AB n K P A RED BANK. d in tho batting for tho Alerts, [; o 0 If Flannery of Jersey City made the Kidio [ licit. :ach getting two swats. Ono of 0 0 3 2 Phone 372. iflhtst average during (lie season, mith, "lb. . . . . I 1 2 6 0 Ccttcl'3 was also a double. 'oliceman Charles Erickaon with an 1 ,1 0 4 2 nxon , cf Koncskl hold tho visitors scoroleaa 2 2 0 3 2 verage of 291.41 was second. Po- etorn in, fin. Specials ! "Week Ending Saturday, ntll tho fifth frame, when Eaton0 1 0 2 2 us. 3b. ceman George Clayton waa seventh nnNc 4 2 2 0 I ovele flky. p . wn scored ono r u n to mako' tho -ith 28D.83, Lieutenant Harold Davl- 'Stiy.e , rf * 4 1 0 0 ount 6 t o 1 Jn Rumson's favor. Tho 3 0 1 9 0 n was ninth with 289.1C, Policeman onhen ilertfj made two more In the seventh enjnmin Pryor was fourteenth with SI s S 27 5 nd ono In tho ninth. The box score: H.33 and Sergeant James J. Kheedy Scoro by Inning HUMSON. •as 25th -with 283.1B. There were 59 od IJank 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0—2 AB R H PO A cormrdo 0 3 0 O O 6 0 0 X—9 icmbera of the seven teams.

Red Bank Marksmen To Oppose Neptune


150 if.:, The Clothiers and Insurance team „ 'I'll l r, 7 rolled a scoro of 1,001 lo talie t h e 1 ^ liiU match of the aeries of three i Co Originally scheduled to play thew l t n- t n e -•• -• -••-* v.|.,,.e rhnrt. cr _... 4 1 137 17S Erroni—MIICH, Smith, 1'eteraon, V a n Manasquan athletic club, the lied l e Tllton Dairy team Monday. | \' Tully, 2b _ 8 1 191 144 eRfl. Thrco-bar.o hit—Lniihcn. Twn-baHO Bank Towners last Sunday a f t e r - | ' ^ Clothiers' margin of victory in j ^ e r r l c k •lllng. 3b 4 ts:—^Kblo, HiKKins, Mnxon. Struck out nkln, tn . 4 )ioon took on and defeated the Crlm-| thla match wan 187 plna. The I 77^ 8 1 0 837 by Kovclcnky 0, by Ebio i. Itancn on (mill monk!, r> _ 4 Jnlnn athletic club of Jcrney City, 9 Clothiers won the .second by the ; T h o N f t v csink tram won two out —OIT Krivftlraliy 2, off Eblo 6. l i l t by mmon. If, ,_._..,_..„,._ 4 pitcher (El)lc) rctornon. to 1, after rain had forced a post- much closer margin of 35 points and n f l h i c e R a m t 3 f r o m ^the ^Pofilolllce tvecl, c. ,, 4 r : : ; ponement of tho scheduled game The the third by the rtlll closer difference | team on the fame night. Tho Mallenmond, rf Jersey City team was in thin set-tlon of sixteen plna. Helm of the men won the . .. 2 14 ok, l b . first two by margin!) One of the closest and moat heatJor a game with another team Clothiers made 225 pins for the high of seventeen and ninety and lost the lly contested races of Dickman's 8 27 16 which refused to j,lay ball in themark. k Th The scores: remaining contest by H8 pin;-. Drn.nsqulto fleet was sailed Sunday EATONTOWN. drizzle. Therefore the gamt between CLOTHIKHH & INSURANCE n 1 H of tile Po.stofllce force roiled 203, ornlng over the triangle course of AIJ It 1BR and Llnzmayer of Navcaink made 192 22 the Jersey Cily nine and the Town-'?? 0 "" itti, aii 0 Monmouth Boat club and waa 192 :'l 172 icrnrolll. rf, 0 1 crs was linsllly arranged. ' iinl™ Tho Jersey Shore KVmnnl rlnb will on by Charlea Allaire, Jr. He mined 153 1.V 117 1'OU, ' 'J'lje ."iCfjiT. ;: v n 0 irdy. l b _ Tho frame wa-s the third to be|l ' « 231 IS 19!) hold its first match fihow for memit Ralph Johnson. The two boats 0 lanilrlello, us NAVESH.'K. 20:1 18i played lir'twern these two nines and Str; !I( I.numnyer 2liO K>1 ere eo close in turning the far buoy bers tonight in the ISsplanado on tho taralln, c Stryker ... ettol, If., Sb _ each had won a game. The Town1H0 170 I:U n the final lap that Allaire's boom Anbury P a r k boardwalk. Tho chair1,001 061 Licmeck .... ndloy. ef 171 180 eiFi luid no trnnbln In taking t h e ' lerced Johnson's mainsail and thoman of the committee In charge Is TII.TON DAJRY I'finlcn orrlimin, If., tf. 171) 1S2 third match. They collected four- ''tennis Jf,t 216 iflK tter finished the race with a gap- Mrs. Joimo Carrot of Holmdcl. Other illBlcy, 2b _... Wi teen lilta nnd held tho visitors to 'll' 1 ; 1 " 1 "'" 168 iflloy, p _ 12B 1 7 M i(f hole In hia ball. Allaire':! time- memheni Include Michael Kennedy five nrnttcrfd lilivws. The box score: Wnbcr »S2 8 6 1 7 2 1 nu an hour and fifteen rnlimtcH, five of Red TSank, A. J. Schiller of Little 172 1 f,LI 1 !< i llfi 1 «6 4 1 24 7 I'OSTOI'FICK. TJUIKll!! U S IR! 11ED HANK. ?ccmds better than that of Johnson. Silver and Henry Stoeckcr of KoanoScoro by Innings: Merrill 168 1112 16 1 if r o A ! K(lwird3 Kulimnn waa third, Don- burjj, Tho publicity committoo con- atontown 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1—< 1511 me, If. S i t 026 0 0 (I \l... 0002-iOQO x—S d Hubbard fourth, Boiden Harice alota of. Mrs. Virginia Ilch of Red unison 110 The champion Utilitarians won • 1.1G Errors-—Itantdn, Cnlnndrlello. T w N. Aoclicttlno, fill nnd Donald Onborn sixth, Bank nnd Robert Shnw of Holrmlol. 114 M Ani'lii'Itlnn, i n hits—Cook. Walling. Ktttol. Strike, their second round of three framen " oorgo Worthley, calling Fred Wi- Mrfi, Florenco B. Ilch in chairman of K.'J Vnlentl. 31 to—By Kononkl 6, by Insloy H. Ildsen Monday nlfiht from the Boynton & off'n boat, upaet. on the Unit lap. tho trophy committee. Tho club'i Wiiilimm. c. balls-Off KonoBliI 0, ort Insley 2. OmUoynton team. They captured the belt Newman was forced out of vetorinariann nro Dr. H a r r y TlcoCnntnliro. if. :o—Ilrlcosa nnd Worden. 0 2 1 Hint by 37, took tho second by 68 Mill,., rf e race near the flnlHh by a broken hurnt of Shrewsbury, D r . G. Thatch0 0 1 Crnwfonl. ii. .. and won the third by CO. .Tnnca of 1 1 1 er Parker of Red Bank nnd Dr. JoTidffi for the Week-end. T H E JAH/HOUSH TOBT. .Hi. the Utility team mado tho high seph A. 8. Millar and X)r. Harry O. 11 0 14 21 mnrk nf 22S for the net nml CnstelA.M. Millar of Deal. JKHIIKY obtained from Mrs. Goorgo FrlcA bonnfido newspaper circulation hritt. —tho kind Tho Reglulor lma—!B tho Mr, nnd Mrs. Frank Keml of New- only kind that countfi with tho adark v.'oio week-end guerdg of Mr. and vertiser. No pi'timlumf! or other inducements have over been offered to Mm. Ibert Courtor,

eocura eirculatlonr-Advertlsemcnti

NO CASH DOWN 12 weeks to pay.


13-plate Anchor 45c a week

Goodyear Speedways Easy Pay Price No Money Down

Full Oversizo

4.40-21 - 42c per week 4.50-20 • 44c per week 4.50-21 - 45c per week

Port Monmouth News.

Tlie iirnmen will hold a clambake at their iirehouso^ and grounds Saturday, September 29. Tickets are now on fnlc, Tho festivities will take place during tho afternoon and ovening and will lncludo athletic events and music by a brass band of sixteen pieces. It is expected that tho now air whistle bouught by tho flremon will bo rcruly for uso this week. Mrs. Gontcry Buchanon and her daughter, Mlsg Mildred Walling, w have been spending tho summer at Port Munmouth, will return to their homo at Newark Sunday. Miss W ling is the .sister of Mrs. James Asho of Bclford.

in Suede

Shrewsbury News.

(Tfefi Red Bank Register can be bought in Shrewsbury from Richard Beako fit tha postofflco And at (Shrewsbury Market.) Tho borough of Kcyport has purchRed Bank Yacht Club Has An- ased a new Diamond T truck chains nual Election and Has a Busy from Harry Sanders of Shrewsbury, Program for the Coming In- dealer of Diamond T trucks. The newly purchased chasl3 will replace do'or Season. the old Made hook and ladder clraols. lira. Patrick Ahern of White street Till) annual meeting of tho Ked Bank Yacht club was held at tho returned home Sunda after spending clubhouse on lftipt B'ront Btreet last several days visiting her daughter, Saturday night and tho following Mrs. Edward John of St. Auburns, Long Island. Mrs. John, a former ofneeru and trustees were elected: resident of Shrewsbury, gave birth Commodore.—Joseph T. Laird, 3d. to a son September 4. It was named V l c o C o m m o d o r Q — Benjamin Barrett John. Mrs. John and her Flnclt. new born son aro spending tho week Rear Commodoro — Arthur Lam- visiting Mrs. Ahern and family. borne. Koy lilordan, Edward Callahan and Frank Lane, spent Sunday attending Secretary—Leslie Drew, the New York-St. Louis baseball Treasurer—Alfred Lipman. games at Now York where they saw Trustees—William Bruns, Jacob tho GInnta drop two games to the Slegel and Charle:; Leach, two years Cardinals. i each; ami Nell B. Wolcott, John Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morris have Warren and Harry Isaacs, Jr., one moved from Lester Scott's homo on year each. Monyoe avenue. ' The club members discussed plans Miss Helen Hughes of Broad street to make tho club exceptionally at- has had her homo repainted In yeltractive during tho coming 'Winter low with green trlmming3. Benjamin iiei^on arid the program will bo head- Lane and George Hughes did the ed by a danco Saturday night, Sep- work. tember 2!). Due to tho change back Miso Mary Riordan, who was gradto (standard tlmo that night tho danc- uated from tho Long Branch hospital er3 will havo an extra hour for en- school of training last June, is atjoyment. tending to a number of survivors of Tho club's float will he Improved tho Morro Castlo at Point Pleasant. Second Assistant Firo Chief Henry for noxt season's uso so that more hoatn can be docked at one time and Obro and Fire Commissioner Harold tile cluli aiMo proposes to operate a McCormlck have been selected as delmotor tender to bring folks ashore egates to attend the 58th annual New from larger boats anchored off in Jersey Stato Firemen's convention to bo held Friday and Saturday, Septemdeeper water. Arrangements have been made ber 21 and 22, at Atlantic City. Tho Shrewsbury school closed a with tho club steward to serve meals any time at tho clubhouse from now half ft day Monday duo to the heavy on. Tho club's large clubhouse on fall of rain "during the morning. Daniel Ahern of Whlto Btreet spent East Front street, overlooking the river, is being put in readiness for last week visiting Mr. and Mi's. Edtho winter actlvltiCB and tho recep- ward John of St. Auburns, Long Istion and social rooms are expected to land. While therheotwetnoNwe HuJ be ready for club members and their land. Whllo there he went to New York city where he heard tho testifjuopt.s by lonighl. mony of the Morro Castleoinvestigation. Roy Klordan of Whlto street enjoyed a two day'3 vacation last week from his duties at tho Mutual Groc(The HIM! Hunk Register can bo bought In l'oit Mttiimnuth at tho Btoren of Chnrlei ery store in Red Bank. Moyorn and Hftlviuioio ScnsMono and from Mr. and Mrs. John Breslin and famCharles Liclihauucr.) ily of Broad street have moved from Mif;s Anna Centanni, daughter of their homo on Broad street to New Mrs. Irene Centanni, was more se- York. verely Injured than reported In the Groorgo Croudler, Jr., of Broad automobile accident which occurred street, graduate of tho Red Bank at the corner of Main Btreet and the Catholic high school, has passed his stato highway. Her ear was hit by examination for admittance to the a Perth Amboy machine. Miss Cen- Monmouth County Junior college at tanni was a hospital patient nvo days Long Branch. He started his first as a result of her Injuries which com- session this morning. prised among other things concuaJ Joseph Billings, Joseph Congdon sion of the brain, a sprained back and and Alex Cook were employed a few nervou3 shock. Sho still makes trips days last week on Fred Nielson's esto the hospital for treatment. tate on Sycamoro avenue. They wero James Murphy, who has been a hos- making a few necessary repairs to pital nnticnt several weoltB, lo rapidly the estate. Improving and he Is expected home Shrewsbury Hose company met last in a few days. Thursday night at tho flrehouse on Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Till and their Broad street and made plans to pardaughters Lillian and Edna and Mrs. ticipate In the Columbus day parado Anna Meyer3 enjoyed an automobile to bo held in Red Bank. trip in New York state last week. H. H. "Rube" Williams of SycaThey made stoua at St. Georgo and more avenus is confined to his home •flattsburg. with rhumatlsm. Tho Shrewsbury branch of the RivMis. Lillian \villett, who is employed as a telephone operator &t New ervlew hospital will meet Thursday York, is enjoying a week's vacation. afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at tho homo Charles Gross was a week-end vis- of Mrs. Harry Ticehurst of Sycamoro avonuo at which time plans will bo itor at Newark. .Mis. Sadie McGrath has returned male to hold a card party at tho to Jersey City after having spent the Molly IPtcher hotel, Ked Bank, Monday, September 24. Mrs. Harry Tice^ summer at her house here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clay of Fair hurst is in charge of tho affair being Haven and Mrs. Carrlo Voorheea of assisted by Mrs. Edmund Nestler and Bclford spent Sunday with Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Elmer C. Wainwright. liam H. Wiliett. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mason of SycaTho first games of tho firemen's more avenue entertained Mr. Mason's pinochle and bridge tournament wero parents of South Orange over the played Friday night. Tho contest will week-end. end December 21, when a prize, of Sunday-school at tho Presbyterian 510 will bo awarded to the player church opened last Sunday for tho having tho highest averago score in fall and winter school. Rev. Robert pinochle nnd a prizo of tho same S. Womer of Montclair will bo the amount, will bo given to tho best pin- guest preacher Sunday, September 23, ochle player. Tho next games will at tho Presbyterian church. bo played Friday night, September 28. Prizes aro awarded to the higher scores at.tho conclusion of tho playing each evening nnd refreshments are served. Entries may still be (The Red Bank Hegistcr can bo boughl made. In Kcyport nt the atorca of Costa Brothers, New York longshoremen to the number of about 250 enjoyed an outing Sunday at CharJes Stava'a White Mouse restaurant and picnic grounds. With the. longshoremen wero a num her of Bremen, policemen and politicians. Everybody bad a flno time. AthU'tic events were part of the day'a doings.

* * '

Page Nineteen

4.75-19 - 48c per week 5.25-18 - 56c per week Triple Guarantee 1. Against all road hazards 2. Against defects for life 3. Our personal guarantee


Quick Road Service—Phone Red Bank 1296. 151-153 West Front St., RED BANK, N. J.



are ,e



The Federal Housing Administration — at —

St. James Auditorium BROAD STREET,


28th at 8:00 o'clock



SPEAKER-MARTIN S. LINDGROVE of Newark, N. J., Technical Advisor of The Federal Housing Administration.

Charles R. Mayor, Borough of Red Bank.

Frank McMahon Chairman, Local Advisory Board.


Page Twenty


a fireman at tho plant ot the Hexter baking company at the corner of West and Wall streets. v Besides hl3 mother, Mr. Keevey Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Margaret Ensley Reevey, nnd eight children. He also leaves two sisters, Mra. Louise Smith and Mrs. Susan Johnson, both of Fair Haven, and three brothers, Menal Reevey of Fair Haven, Alphonso Reevey of Red Bank and X,eroy Reevey of Belmont Park, Long Island. The funeral waa held last Saturday afternoon at ono o'clock at the Worden funeral home on East Front street, and at two o'clock at Fiske chapel at Fair Haven with the pastor, Rev. Joseph Hicks, and llev. Isaac Showles in charge. Burial was g White Ridge cemetery at Eatontown.

Levl Brown VanNcat of Rumson, a resident of this section for the past 65 yeara, died last Friday morning at Iits homo on LafayoUo street after an illness of three months. Ho wau 73 years old. Mr. VanNest waa born at ScobeyvJHo and waa thc son of the late Abher and Eleanor VanNost. Ho •waa a. carriage maker^and blackamitij by trade. Besides hls s wife, Mrs. Margaret HarvSy VanNe'st, he Is survived by live daughters, Mrs. William Hcyer, Mrs. Benjamin Coolt and Mrs. William Curchln of Red Banlt, Mrs. Percy Hicks ot Rumson and Mrs. Floyd Simson of Blnghamton, New York, and a son, Lee VanNest, Jr., of Rumson. Also surviving Mr. VanNest are 5Ira. Adale M. Brown two brothers and a sister, John VanNest and Mrs. Minnie Harvey of Lit- wife of Walter S. Brown, a former resident of Red Bank, died last Fritln Silver and William VanN'eat of Newark, and fifteen grandchildren, day morning at her home at New they being Graco and David Hicks Haven, Connecticut. She was born at of Kumson, Benjamin, Audrey, Elea- Red Bank and had lived hero.for nor, Gloria and Jessie Cook, Mrs. many years. Mr3. Brown was tho daughter of Joseph Evona and Dorothy and William Curehin, and Jean Heyer, all of thc late Samuel and Adn Gaunt. Hed Bank; William and Audrey She is survived by two brothers, Simson of Binghamton and William Harvey Gaunt a member of the Sradley Beach police force, nnd Thomas and Lee Clark of Lenox. Charles Gaunt of Los Angeles, CaliMr. VanNest was a member of fornia. the board of education, twenty years The funeral was held on Sunday and held the office of justice of the afternoon at two o'clock at the funpeace thirty years. He -was an ex- eral parlors of It. R. Mount & Son empt member of the fire company, on West Frnnt street with Rov. Albert chief of records of the Red Men's | L. Banse, pastor of the Methodist lodge of Roffisoa over thirty years, ] church, officiating-. Burial was In and a charier ir.err.bsr of the Pc- i cahontas lodge o! that place. Mr.! F a i r View cemetery. and Mrs. VanNest would have been Mrs. IMadclino Hoey,

2:30 o'clock at tho Worden funeral home on East Front atrcot with Rev. W. Calvin Colby, pantor of tho Rumson Presbyterian church. In charge, Burial wao In Evergreen cemetery at Little Silver. Frank 1'. Daly, Jr., son of Frank 1'. Daly of New York, a former resident of Red Bank, died recently at his home In New York. He was 35 yearn old. Ho is survived by his father, his wife, two sisters and a- brother, all of whom 31vo Jn New York. Tho funeral waa held nt his Into homo in New York and burial was mado in St. John's cemetery on Long Island.

Remains Of Liner's Captain Are Found Ouly a. Few Fragments of Bone and Ashes Left—Bodies of Two of the Morro Castle Crew Wash Ashore. Tho monger remains of Captain Robert R. Willmott of tho burned liner Morro CasUe—a few fragments of hono and some ashes—lay in an Ashury Park funeral establishment Thursday pending a chemical analy-

Daughter Is Bxcoutrlx Card of Thanlis. I wish to thank everyone who was . In a recent report of tha probate so kind and generous to mo In this of tho will of Kobert Call of Red [hour of my bereavement in thc Bank Jt was stated that hia Bister, I death of my husband. Also those Annan Patterson, waa named aa exwho donated cars, Rov. Mr. Bowcn the firemen and ail who assisted in ecutrix. Tho executrix named In tho will wan Mr. Cnlt'a daughter, Anna any way. Mrs. Elwood Smith. Patterson. —Advertisement. Card of Tlumka. Card of Tlianlts. to tlinnlt Mr. C. V. Stryker, We tnko this means of thanking 107 East Washington avenuo, Atlanour friends and neighbors for their tic Highlands, for hia honeaty in remany acts of sympathy und kindness turnlnu my pockethook, which ho in our great bereavement, caused found on tho old Atlantic Highlands by the death of our daughter and oad. slater, Mrs, Pearl Phillips. Mrs. J, H. Bird, Aaron Nucklo and Family, Eaat Keansburg. New Monmouth, N. J. —Advertisement. —Advertisement. I

Farewell Vat Stuimt,

SOMEWHERE In your homo you have useless articles of

Why not bring thorn to us today and got caah In return.



A farewell party waa held Sunday night at the homo of Mr. and Mra. John J. Knodoll of ToworhlU nvonua in honor of tholr daughter Lois, who left Monday for PJillntlolphla, whero she haa entered Miss Illman's school. Sho haa cnrplled for a tiireo-ycar teaching course. Sho graduated Irom Bed Bank high cchool In Juno. NOTICE.

Jewelers S3 Broad St.


DEATHS. Tlio analysis was ordered by Mar- DAS1IIELT*—At the Monmouth Metin Conboy, federal district attorney. morial hosjiital, Loritr Biaiuh, K. J., T u A c i p- - - The Red Men's lodge conducted j church, officiating. Burial waa In up. John Dowd, Van Chamberlain'"" " bench -nt '~~ " ~" up — on * tho Sea Girt. TIt was plig. 20o Ivory l r lake3 cemetery Kcttel services Sunday night. Mr. " " - " - Greenlawn " ' *-- nt West Long and Paul Hintlemann tied for second badly decomposed, and dressed only location, near river. I'hone Red n place, finishing all .even, troh- Branch. in shorta provided no clues for Iden- FOR KENT to respectable, rellnblo colored served as prophet and Mr, % lor 25o Ammonia, qt, family, opnrtment nt Hillside, Atlantic tification. jnenger as sachern. IllKhlmuU; iivo looma ami bnth. Miss _ 2 pkga. 19o Post's Bran Mrs. Mary C. B. Dasblell It was taken to Perd F. Leffcr- Edith Griueltc. Navesinlt, N. J., idio Dr. Boger W. Swetland son's fumral home at Manasqunn. of Battin road, Fair Haven, widow 351 Atlantic Hii;hlands._ . 2 pltgs. 23o Silver Dust COMFORTAULB furnished" room for rcntT Dr. Roger W. Swetland, 72, head, of John L. Mason Dashiell, former with boiml. 42 Harillnfr rond, corner Klrkman'a Soap . . 7 cakes 2So master, of Peddio School at HlghtB- editor of Minneapolis Tribune, died MARKET of_Hudaon avgnuo. J t e t M i a n k . yesterday morning at tho Long . 2 pkgo. 250 town for 36 years, died at his home Cigarettes SALESGIRLS wanted; applications at Hightstown Saturday after a long Branch hospital, following an operProvaiHnff Prices Kcceived nt Irre&ceived for p a r t tlmo and full tltno KI Good Brooms SBc, 400, B9o Writo Btating experience, nite, llvo nt illness. A native of Harrison Valley, ation. She died at the age of 83. Sho Leading Monmouth County Nine hold Market Yesterday. home, reference!!, etc. Address Salesgirls, Pa., he would have celebrated his 73d was born in Brooklyn, tho daughter Scedlcsa Grapes 3 IDS. OCO to Engage in Three-Game Ser- Tho following prices prevailed a t box 511, lied Jiank. birthday next week on Friday, of the late Rov, and Mrs, James PARK, Eatontown i rent Tokay Grapes _ T Robinson. Rev. Hobinson- waa the ies on Taylor Field Starting tho Freehold produce auction mar- IN S3R:ST1LLMAN September 23. cozy littlo tbree-roonl bungalow ket yesterday; iv/t.h bath. J u s t liko n littlo apartment. IJutlirlish und Flounders In. 15o Funeral services were held yester- first Presbyterian minister of LakeSunday, October 7. Ideal for young couple. UflO of tennis PoUtuea, Green Mountain, No. 1, day morning at eleven o'clock at tho wood. Surviving Is ono son, LefTerts :ourt Included. Reception ball with inrKO Silver Moon Straight M. Dashlell, of Fair Haven. 100 pound* S 1.12 ^-$1.15 Wally Koneskl, who has pitched clothes closet, 22-foot living room, open First BaptisU church at Hlghtstown Cruen Mountain, N», 2 lireplnce,' bedroom, southeast exposure, Wlilsltcy . q t $1.10 CALIFOBNIA with Bev. Powell H. Norton, pastor, Funeral services will be held to- Rumson to victory sixteen times thus Potatoes 10J i>o l id t 07 ' c 721 c closet with mirror In door; modern bath officiating. Burial was in Cedar Hill morrow noon at her home and 2:30 far this season, will face thc cream bblers, No. 1, 100 lbH..S6of)4c witfi flhower; model kitchen, SellnrK cubbot. S1.09 Good Gin Coh I'llt.H No inets, inlaid linoleum, oak Hoora throughcemetery. o'clock at First Presbyterian church, of Monmouth county batters next. lummhi I2 1 out; insulated WUIIH; metal weatheiHtrlpDuring his administration tho en- Lakcwood, with Rev. J. H. H. Darl- month when tho , Humson athletic .• ni», Nn'.'l. 100 Ilia,'!?! pinp; hot water heat: winter cofll rmpply Imported and Domestic Wineo and Liquors. rollment of Peddio grew from sixty ing, pastor of tho church, ofitciating. club takes on an nil .stnr county lifvht :!'y K Kfade fifteen years ago, when he moved to Mis3 Jcnni(! firemen !I1 Worthley, public h Chicago. Mr. Conrow served on the afternoon at two o'clock at thc fun- Rank Towner.i nnd thn local h' " " alth ~ -' i ' « under the ."niporvislon will also cavort in the field. RuckI f Atlantic Highlands mnyor and coun- eral parlor of Charles of I?lini S on - ' - Fair and Sea cil and "was a member of the Ma- Eatontown with Hcv. George Craig, loy nt Wnnamnssa will he jn shoi'teonio and American Mechanics lodgo retired pastor, ofilclating, Interment flpkl. The make-up of the rest of ' Bright Nursing association. A siml;ir will be given in tile Sea j will be made inGreenlawn cemetery, thc team will he made public shortly. *, of that place. ISrlpht school by Miss Wovthlcy. Mr. Conrnw la survived by his wife, ! West Long Branch. Funeral DirecEvery day more truly CONSERVATIVE people are findTho sixth birthday of Ilu.sHCU Martho former Beatrice Perrino of At- • tor Charles Freeze of Eatontnwn is Kcyport Personals. r.rllus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ] in charge of thc burial. ing it to the advantage of REAL ECONOMY to shop at lantic Highlands; two children, WilMis3 Betty C. Hcndrlckson is visit- Marcellus, was celebrated with a liam Conrow, Jr., nineteen ycara old, 1 party last Friday at his homo on ing Mls3 Ann Bishop of Summit. John V. Croft. and LOXIIBO, seventeen; three slater. ?, Cornelius Ackerson, son of Judge, Willow street. Games wero played Mra. J. Wilbur Huff of Ardcna, Mr;;, J T l i e funeral of John F. Croft of :uul and Mrs. Henry E. Aclic•rson, Jr., han j and awarded to Catherine and prizes aware Rulon AppU'Kiito of Farmingdalc' T J t t ! c Silver, whn dlod on Tuesday nf 1 ; u i t w c p k resumed.,his studies at Lehigh unl-' Joseph Maloney, Elizabeth Russell, and Mrs. Ira Conk of Mrtn^quan,! *t his home, was held versity, EeUilchcrn, Pa. Harriet Marcellus and Margaret and and a hrother. Charlcn K. Conrow, last Thursday afternoon at 2:30 Refreshments About three hundred pupils have Norman Cameron. who Jives on the homestead farm at o'clock at hiss late homo with Wil- been enrolled in thc Parochial school wt'rc served at a table decorated in liam H. Carhart, Sr., of Little Silver Korth FarminK'liili of St. Joseph'3 church. | yellow, with a birthday cako for a C( Tho funeral was held In tho First ofllciatlnR. Mr. Carhart was assisted S. E. Haslet of Pottstown, Pa., h M Jthos(1 " nterplecc ntorpiecc. Others present p t hesides bid Attractive Week-End Meat Specials Grocery Prices in Effect Sept. 20 - 27 Presbyterian church or Chicago, of by Rev. John D. Blair, pastor or the been rnado nssiutant manager of the I _ mentioned wcho Arietta Bowhich Mr. Contow wan an elder. Embury Methodist church of Little local J. J. Newberry store. Mcadc, John Russell, Harfi Temporary burial was nuule in a Silver. Ijomuel H. .Tones is n KUrgical pa- V t ' v Marcellus nnd Mrs. Russell The bearers were William Bennett, vault in a Chicago cemetery, iU>T pkg tient in the Long Branch hospital. Puissell received many William Hobrouffh, Gcor^o White, unlly the body will lie hroi PK Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Van Pelt have birthday gifts. Joprph Moll and Charles Hughes. FarmlnRdale for hut ial. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clay A. Plerco of Burial, In charge of tho Worden fun- been spending a vacation at Beach, Rumson recently donated a number oral homo o[ lied Rank, was In Haven. b Mrs. Patrick Martin, Mr. and Mra. John L. L. Morrell are of fiction books to tho Fair Haven of Sea Krlfrht , Y Mrn. Jl'obert Shlppen donated a Mra. William II. Mm™. en and WMH iho uon ^>f Mr.'i. fiarnh number of mystery Morion yesterday Ml.«» M l / m i l Vniirl'T'/ri. O. HfifiVry nnd the lato John ReeTho funeral of Mrfi. Kliza A. turned limn a vl-1 '• nt V',; to thn li'alr Haven library. V*y. For n mwihrr of yenrtt ho wnn Jnlincfi. wife ot Willinm H. Jnbnm i oe, V.i. CHOCKR nnd UliTCIIEH Tho . Rank Register (ravelo a driver for the Monmouth and the of HuniBon, who died on Niinrlfiy RED BANK, N. J. 'I'hi> rr,r,,l ovor every ntrcet ln town und every 123 W. FRONT STREET, Tel. 678 JBeaboard ICP companies. For the night of laat week at her hornr, w;m hnnl- rond In the county. Let it carry your |t&@t three years hu waa employed as held last Wcduciiduy afternoon at | "Supplying taMfi foods to BOIYIO of Ow most cmiBervatlvfi families In Bed Bank and Vicinity inemiagrj to thoso who Iivo on these lor more than a quarter of a century.** _ •*_. __ thorouHhfaren.—AdverUaement. -S

Spring Lamb

Rumson To Take On All Star Nine

Monmouth County Horticultural Society

Wednesday and Thursday, Sept 26-27

Fair Haven News.

Old Oaks Riding Hall Estate of Gen. H. S. Borden

Rib Lamb Chops . 29?,, Spring Legs of Lamb 23?,, Fancy Fowl, 3i - 4 lbs. 23f

Blue B a g Coffee . 21?,, Swansdown Flour - 27c u . Jersey Corn Flakes 2 pug* 13c

Chickens . . . 29f Roast Loin of Pork 25[

Armour's Corned Beef 15c

Link Sausage . Frankfurters Bologna . . . . Rump Corned Beef Plate Corned Beef .


Mother's Q u a k e j . O a t s i . 8c

DW Jeraay. ' Obioctlani. If nny. thovdd be mndn Irn. medlntcly In tfrltln B to Amy E. Shlnn lorouiih Clork of tho liorouch of Red Uanli, Now Jersey. (Signed)

JOHN JKHJAIUIUM, , . t t , v 14 WllHflm street, Loni[ Hruiich J. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notlco Is hereby nlvon that lenled bldn will bo received by tho Council of tha liorough ot Shrowtdiury, Monmouth County, N. J., for tho improvement of 1'ntteraoa aven\io, in tho ilorfnmb of Shrewsbury, with roud tirnvel, bltutnlnnnn eurfaco treated. EatlrniUeil quiintltteii of matorlala rciiuirod mo 7fift cubic ynnlo of road (Travel nnd 4,700 jrnllona of tar. Bids will bo opened nnd redd In public, at tho mn of anld Council nt ShrowHbury. N. on 'fuoHdiiy. Octobei.1 2, 19^4, at. 7:30 V. M., Stanilnrd Time. Specification!* for tho proponed work inve. been filed in tho ollice.4 of Allen & Handolph nt 00 Ilroad Ktieet, Ketl Hunk, N. J., nnd may bo iiiHpei'tcd by in'o!tpcctivo l)lilder« during lmiihiMii hours. Thn BlnndKr»HMLJ:O on tho Und ny o£ Octuljer, 193-i, nt 7:30 o'clock P. :., nt tho I'nrlnh Hall, Shrewsbury, New erHcy, nnd nil pornons who may bo Inter•steil tharein will ho k'iven nn opportunity o lio henrd concernliiK tlio provinlona of nitl Ordinance at isnid time and place, or t such further tlmo nnd plnco to whifb ;itl incolinn limy bo iidjounind. OUTKUlH'l C. VAN VL1KT, Clerk. fi ORDINANCK rilOVIDINr, FOR THI3 IMTUOVKMENT 01'' A PORTION OV 1'ATTKIiSON AVENUI-; 11Y THK CONKTRUC'flON OV l-'OUH INOHKS OF (JRAVEI^ TWENTY KKKT WIDE WITH A BITUMINOUS SURFACE TRKATMENT liKiUTKEN l-'KE'P WIDK. WJIKltEAS, It nprcnrn to tho nnllfifnctloit of tbo Wnyop nnd Council of tliB ]k rouch of RhrtswHbury that It In nccontuiry and advintiblo t h a t 1'jittcrfion Avonuo he lm[irov«d from State lUghwny No. 3ii • ti> County Hhrhwny No. 7U, n. totrO lennth of nixty-ono hnndrcdthn (.Gl) m\\eu, mid WHKItBAS. tho New Jcnsoy Stato Highway CommlHHloa aad tho Honrd of Choncrt Fjccluildnrii t>E tho County of Monmouth tinvn iiirrced with tho Mayor and Council of tht! Horoufth of HliiowHltury to contributf> to tbo IJoroujjh townni tlio cxppn»o of nnld improvement tho mini of Sixteen Hundred Pollnrn ($1,600.00), tho total rout thereof to bo Two TJioiiBflnd Dollars i$Z,n on.u()}.

THKHEFORH, IiK IT ORDAINED hf Did Mnyor nnd Council of tho Unroiiffh of Hhfcwiibury: t Patterson Avctiuo from Ktnto No. ,'Jfi to Count/ Jli^lin-ny No. 72, A to till lonjitb of idxty-mio hundreiltba (,fil) u\llon, bo loccinntrmatd with at Icnst four IJIPJIOH nf umvcl, twenty Jct>t wltlo, with a bltumlnnun nurfrico treatment clifliteen feet wide, in nl.rlet ronipllimco ivJIfj l'lnnn nnd micclilcniUwa to ho I»rolmi-cd therefor J»y thn lloroiifrh KiiRinocr and to bn approved by tlio New Jernoy ,St/il» HJfflnvny'ComrnlANlnn und tha Hoard of ChoRcn t'l-crholdcrn of tbo County of Motiniouth before nny nmlinrt. in let. Tho pHtlmntcd . 3. Vorko, drconncd. otlco io cvmtttovB to jirescnt cltilnt* mniltiHt oHtntc, J'urmmnt to tho nrdor of Joncph IJ. r»}n)iny, surrogate ol tha cntmty of MonIOUHI, inndo on ibo twenty-dmt day of tiKiipt,. I!i;i4, on thn npidlcatlon of Curl iVUJffim Voclto, «olo executor of tlio estate if Ma L. J. Vorlte, dorennpd, notlco In leroliy clven to tho crcdltoi'fl of wild cloonmii to cxhHik to tha mihftcrllier, nolo xei'iitor, fiH aforoBdld, their dobtn uud tlonttnil-t aiculnnt. ttio »a!d tiituto, mulur oatb. vithln nix mitiUhn from thn dnto of tlio .foronnld ord(>r, or they will bo forever i a r red of their net Ion a therefor nfininnt :lio (in If I imbue CUXH: Dated l^ct'liold. N. J., Aimunt 21. lOfll. CARL WILUAM VOCKE, VOCKE, _ l?nx 1*4. Locuat, N. J. Alston llneltn ... Ked Hunk, N. JJ.. IVortor.

Corned Beef H a s h . 15c Lima Beans i-»-^«-e»» 10c P e a s . . . - - **"• ' 10c Green Beans t«>- *-*•««» 10c Dutch Cleanser 2 cm, 15c Selox . . . " 10c Favorite BaSced Beans 5c Sheffield Evaporated Milk 4 ™m 25c P a r d Dog Food 3 can* 25c

Monmouth County Surrognl Offico. J» tha nutttor of tho catfito ot Ptahlo hl Wcntf

Not irn to creditors to prenont clnlma flcJif/ifit clinic. I'uifUiiiiit to tbo order of Jonoiih IJ. Donnlmy, Huri'iKnto ot tlio County of MontitJ , nwiflo on tha nlxth day of i^ptofnher. oai, on tbo ttiU'llnitluii of Ilcnjnmln John I'flikfcr, itolo (isrctitor of tlio cnlato of N«h(o Weed Moitiiy, (lerofined, notlco Is to tbo criMlltoin of fifild dahercl»y j;lv hil'lL t tliH »iJinriltuM. ""Io l nlor fif» ntovcttttUI, their deliffl find dnnrntiflu nnnintit tho unlrt eritRts, under oath, witliln tilx inonthn from {\w dnto of tliti ... ^-'Utr, o r (hey wlit b» fo rover hrtrroti of tlirlr nrtlonn therefor nnainut tho prihl MjIm.-rlliM-. Dnl I l c t o ' ' o n t h o promises was always served. Nor how each futility, which Is, I believe, a fairly nephew, Leslie LaForge, and. her It was nl:;o suggested at the meet- 11. _ _ _ _ _ _ ' u r i c ) put vtnf tto r . death flnnfh nt- once. n>1^_l T . .-It.. Inx* wan at Tuesday thread of the embassy life, however maked characteristic of any child $2,000,000 in coin and "paper in its Elcco, Helen E. Brokaw. Sho named Monmouth Bont Club to Dine Own- ing that invitations to the general Mr. a n d Mrs. "William Bedle a n d vaults. This was melted or whiffed morning an incendiary was discov- trivial, had to lead to Vllialohar's one worth saving. tho Atlantic Highlands National meeting be extetided to service clubs. ered in tho basement of, a building on available hand. He would have only i ere, Skippers and Crows. During one year In junior high Miss Anna Cowles were New York away in ashes as the building crumbank as executor of the will. and that to further tho educational bled to tho ground. Large new ho- Fourth avenue. Ho tried to escape, ono telephone In tho embassy—ho school she had tho wrong kind of art The Intcr-club race between sail- campaign, the Chamber of Com-visitors Friday. Mrs. Annio Toker of Ideal Beach, but was pursued by tho crowd and wanted to hear each message. It teacher. Sho has always been ardent Miss Lydla Latham, who la omtels, never yet occupied, were conboats of tho Monmouth Font club of merco draft a brief notice outlining Keansuurg, made her will in 1927. stonud to duuth. A huge drug iitore might be the market calling up about With pencil, crayon and brush, but She bequeathed five pieces of prop- Red Bank and the Rumson Country the plan, and give those to the school ployed a t New York, spent the week- sumed after being toppled over by was set on fire, and tarred ropes and tho cauliflower. No mutter. Tho during that year I rarely caught her erty a t Ideal Beach to her husband, club will be held on the Rumson children to take homo to their par- end a t t h e home of h e r parents, Mr. tho might of tho hurricane. The hay saturated with kerosene were Marquis ,_.„ would take_. the _.._ message. , It drawing, a w i g , nnd it t was, w , I believe, b e , be bePotter Palmer building, occupied by "William Toker, for his life time. an the South Shrewsbury ents, provided the board of educa- and Mrs. Andrew J. Latham. Capt. Richard Carney of Coconut Marshall Field and for which he was found In some of tho lumber yards mlght bo a light-o'-love calling up |causo this teacher had extinguished The shares of stock she held in the river Sunday afternoon, September ji , a p p r o v p a o f thi^' method,dwhich by tho river. Whether these atrotho young third secretary. Tho Marthe drawing impulse in her. She ash Grove, Florida, visited Hazlet rela- paying the incredible rental of $52,United Building and Loan associa- 30, at half-past two o'clock. I t ^ ; committee feels sure they 000 a year, waa'transformed to gas cious acts proceeded from hate of quis would take that, too. If a pic- signed Barbara tho Job of designing tives t h e past week. tion, of Jersey Gity were bequeathed expected that each club >vill enter; ^the Chicago, or out of insanity, no one ture postcard came for the cook, the the cover lining of the school annunl o Stanley L a t h a m is building a newund smoke and uahca. Hotela like to her sisters, Alice Geib, Julia five boats. 1 Marquis saw It before the cook did. d. ;;"nd then told her meticulously how q The foHmviny-imformation has been house on his lot adjoining his fath- tho nine-story Palmer House and the can Kay. . Downey and Agnes Murray. All the The Monmouth Boat club will It was an embassy b d l every d til B b h d Nor could investigators determine handle detail. Barbara had It ruled by a tto h rest of her estate was bequeathed tender a banquet to the owners, skip- released by the Chamber of Com-er's place. The contractor is Charles seven-story Sherman House were i her own Ideas for the design, many e . ' to her husband and he was named pers and crews of the sailboats of merce: Scott of Little Silver. Edwin R . filled with guests, and some of them how the Great Fire Itself Jiad start- crotchety bachelor. ed. A stand lamp was found in the Ono thing all the embassy staff ' "t them, I think, superior to tho on emerging into the panic-stricken as executor of the will. I Peseux is doing the mason work. its fleet at the clubhouse Friday 1. Who May Apply? O'Leary barn whereof the glass globe know was that the chief would toler- ! teacher's. If I had been that teachSeveral cash bequests were made night, October 5, at which time tho Any property owner, Individual, I H a r r y Woolley has purchased a streets lost their lives as they hur- which had contained tho oil wa3 ate no physical assistance whilo any- cr, I would have sacrificed tho wholo ried along, dragging their baggage [ Ford coupe. in the will of Willis R. Sickles of trophies won during the past season partnership or corporation with a broken. It waa a sort of parlor lamp one waa looking. If, as sometimes damned annual to give Barbara tlio Matawan, which was executed last will be presented by President Au-1 regular income from salary, Miss Hulda Latham is visiting her and possessions after them. Around such as humblo pcoplo ttso on their happened, ho fell, tho secretary who feeling that a few of her Ideas on comthem was the thunder of falling month. Christ Episcopal church at gustus M. Minton. ittlo stands where tho family album ventured to help him or even notice ; this lining were swell—and I would : mission?, businr?~ or other assured sister, Mrs. William R . Lupton, of walls. And then tho gas works South Amboy was bequeathed walls. And then the E as works ex- iH p l a c e d . n n d that waa a Rtrange the mishap would go unthanked, unil 'have said swell -not laudable. DurWhether the Monmouth Boat club j source. It is nnt necessary t o be a Long Island. 51,000 and the church cemetery was Mlss Anna Phillo of New York ploded with the detonation of anl a m p t 0 t a U e t o t h e b a r n b y w h i c h soon bo mysteriously recalled to Ma- '»tT the same year her "appreciation will carry on the annual racimr for i depositor in the financial institution.; p y left 5200 for the upkeep of Mr. Sickspent Sunday with Miss Grace H . awakened volcano. Besides these to milk the cow. At any rate, tho drld for transfer to some other capi- of music." teacher planted In hor a Jes's family plot. Bequests of $500 points for a season trophy next year consulted, terrible Bounds tho notso of tho Wcigand. li very uncertain. Two of the fleet Btory started and it hns become the tal. It is part of tho legend that on j hate of music. each were made to Louisa Wa?h2. To Whom Do I Apply? Mr. a n d Mrs. Henry L. Bennett crowds and of women screaming accepted myth that Mrs. O'Leary's the night of a wartime Christmas In contrast X recalled how "Mr. toorne, Fanny Mitchell and Liia of knorkahouts have been sold to To any nnt inn:i! bank, state bank dwindled to a mere murmur. and Mr. and Mrs. Lester V. Walling new owners, and It is understood Parslow, his nieces; to his nephews, cow kicked over the lamp whilo that party at tho British Embassy in Ma- McClynn" used to sell us tho fun of or trust, company, savings bank, 1 Michigan Avenue was jammed spent t h e week-end at Lavalette. Claude Rose and Floyd VanBrakU , that they were sold for pleasure use industrial hank, building and loan woman was milking her, nnd thnt drid, in n scuflle under the mistletoe .Shakespeare in our Bloomllold (InP. Otto Weigand went on a n ex-with drays loaded with people trying Chicago in consequence wont up Inwhlch hung from tfic chandelier, the dlana) high school English classes. $500 was also left; and to and not for racing. aspocial ion nr finance company a p to escape from the city. The side- smoke and flames. Marquis came down with a crash. Shakespeare was thero nnd ho wna CJeraldlne Morse, Elizabeth Gilirmn Delford M. Fisher, who has prob- proved by the Federal Housing Ad- cursion up the Hudson Sunday. walks were crowded with men, womTho lights were put out lest anyone ' a part of the fun of living thin-lifts, and the South Amboy Memorial hos- ably had as much experience in sailen and children, all carrying articles seo him getting to his pins. But in :"Mr. McGlynn" threw mo a t o r c h pital. His nephew, Percy Van ing boats on the North and .South ministration; or to a contractor or of furniture or personal belongings. T H E VIL1-AI_OBA11 MONSTER. Brussels, tho consciousness of him! not merely no many cold potatoes, Strango People Found, Brakle, was left $800, Chrisf church Shrewsbury rivers a s any of thebuilding supply dealer. Horses neighed and ran loose. Dogs X How Much May T Apply For? In spite of the fact that this earth raced this way und that, howling Condensed from Tho New Yorker by was so acute that onco when he was i In Indiana University Sembowox home a t South Amboy was be- ! skippers in the fleet, feels that he mounting tho grand stairway at a j loaned thcbrands to thoao who would iQUoathed $500 and Trinity Episcopal lia-!' had enough of the, sport over a From ?ino t o .?2,OO0, depending on of ours is a small place with it3 dis- their terror. Great rats left their Alexander Woolcott. tremendous post-war reception and j take. He helped mo unknowinglyynur inmrnn, fnr impVnvomont's nn tances successfully conquered by machurch a t Matawan SI,000. A be-poriod of nearly half a century, and a n n n P hole3 under the sidewalks and scamA great 'gentleman from Spain, slipped as ho was nearing tho top, a ; through that attack -or futllitloa propprty. and in connection chines it still withholds a few of its quest of $1,000 each war, made to he as about to retire from "active i v iV tI not pered along tho streets, kicked at kind of catalepsy seized the whole ns- , which ninny college students must whoso, odd, stiff little figure moved ' ninre than five properties secrets. Whilo recently passing over Elizabeth Morse nnd Sophia Haller- participation. Capt. Fisher's rraft. h 1 and stepped upon by the hurrying Jn. Rose Hill cemeteery at Matawan Seal, changed hands recently. Capt. | m i l e ^ approved by the F. H. A., the interior wilds of New Guinea, an crowds. And Hocks of pigeons, that jerkily across the stage of tho World semblagc as over and over, over and hear, made literature a lark instead war seems to me n3 near to a hero over, that llttlo figure rolled with a \ of a chore and writing a passion inAustralian exploring party was surWnshinqtnn, D. C. waa left $200 for the care of theEllwood Powers is also about, to tromendous clatter to the foot of the intend of a paper to bo handed In on prised to seo an open, level valley for BO long had tenanted the- cupola as walked tho earth In thnt time. "Uriah Sickles plot. George and Mi-iii.-i boat, the Tern, and retire from 1. n«nv Lnnir May Nntrs Run? of tho Court House, rose gracefully He was tho Marquis of VUlalobar. stairs. No one dared breathe. And Tuesday. chael Hallerin were bequeathed ar- the racing game, according to recent For any number of months from where supposedly nothing existed but into the air and circled the doomed Those nro my hints na to what I that agonized pralysls lasted while he ticles of jewelry, All the rest of bis reports. one. to three years, (7\"ot^.s extend- rugged jungles. Upon landing their city amid tho spark;;, their wings As Spanish ambassador to Belgium righted himself somehow, nnd, tap- .think nil teachers should ho, nnd, inestate w a s left to his sister, Mrs. ing from 37 months to five years surprise was increased by the discov- turned to gold by tho mounting when the rest of tho world took up tnp-tap, began again -and finished- cklenlally, all parents. I t wo nte r y t h a t t n c t h t th valley ll waa inhabited ih arms, ho shared with Brand WhitGoorginanna Ervin. Mr. Sickles apFAKFAVETX PARTY. 1 may bo submitter! (o the F . IT. A. by ' by glare. ! tempted to block Barbara In every pointed C. Randolph Hcu T execup I financial institutions fnr ^pnc.inl con- People unlike a n y of tho other nzi- The fire crossed easily to the North lock the extra burdens which the tho dililcult usc/mtThere is a photograph of him inwrong move she starts to make, wo tor of his will. war deposited on tho doorsteps of It Was Given for Miss Margaret tives of t h e Island. Besides differing Side. I t lapped up the warehouses; the lovely Spanish Embassy at Washwould soon have her as hysterical n3 - Lulgl Campanile of Asbury Park O'Dw.ver of Leonardo. in appearance they apparently were along the river It took McCormlck'a the two great neutral embassies in 5. V,!i; r tiv Is executed his will ni i(O2. His entire . the cockpit of Europe. Fastidious, ington—taken, I suppose, at tho time a greased pig at a county fair. InII farther advanced than tho coast kl nble,^ bl w> estate w a s left to his wife, Maiie' nanlo S-Uurday rvrnintr. Mi.=:i in yr ir Cii huge English car with hl3 chnuf| fcrcnt crops. Little could be learned water. Tho .North Side residents _— -s>-*^>. O'Dwyir rind her family cxpfct to «i. Wlnf A^. tinnier yved T Give? la dressed na a knight, und some- | shovo h e r where she should go. How of them because their language- was stampeded to the sands of the lake, fcur bravo in livery of red and green, in 1V0 t o T nir T K l f l many of her teachers havo tho ennON MOKUO CASTLIC. '" -" ^I durin;.; own tilproperty, entirely unintelligible to tho explor- to the prairie at the west, and to tho moves liko a thread of relieving col- thing in tho whlto capo, the he- dlepowcr to illuminate very much of O.x) Tji:if plumed helmet, and the amused, conor through the somber fabric of "Belthe income of Urn sij^n- ers. , crwuinp wcelc. The ;;u«.-st:> wnv Mi -. cemeteries whore, amid the glowing gium," Whitlock'a stirring record of temptuous curve of the sensuous lips llfo for her—or even tho desire—or f ir- nt !ea;f. five times Visitor a t Red K a n k a Fireman On •-• I ; t r '' ; n v ! O'Dwyer, Miv. Willinni 1H- ( ' l ' . i " j f I fif • ni Among the other things of Interest headstones of the dead, they watched those days. But not once in tho two malio you think of him as having tho Idea? So many of them know i i i Mnric. Kratf.n, Svn:in " h o ruinni'il" j 'tyirif n*M nn tlie nnte. tlio Charni'l found in this valley completely sur- their city vanish. torchlit concon iionlyy tto teach what's In the book. 1 girim, Kloannr Roch.-, -M-u-" Wa volumes is thero so much as a hint just como from some torchllt U-> Tii-jf yiiir mortfrngn, if nny, A man who .said ho \va:i I-ret! ' maun, At this timo there was nn ocean of the dreadful and magnificent truth splratorinll gathering In Zendn. or | To them I say: To heck with tho mrmn, KriMdvn : ;;is- n. I--!i n;Is in rond •"!inrr. and thnt there rounded by 13,000-foot mountains, KM) 1 were mortars similar to thoso used 1 Gk books, hero ia a soul on our hands— of flame over the whole city. Great about VUlalobar which mU3t have Graustark. Gtueffer of Jacksonville, Flurid; ., and j "iia:,n:i, i)o!n:!iy Shnrlcc-v and I>n .'MV no MI; ""-!' pnst duo encumbrances by ancient Egyptians to grind their egg-shaped masses of fire, looking filled Whitlock with wonder and pity who said ho was fi Jin'man1 on tiio >. {\-,y KCIILT, Ijfuvrcncf Willi" *»i " or Hop" ai'-'iin:-t ynur property. Not tin any embassy, however, but and yours. grain. Since the blacks did not know liko escaped balloons, soared here and awe every time he saw him. steamboat Morro CJS:1C: at tho time Thomas OTtwyer, Timothy only Irf-jfar cafes in moments of und\) Thnt yn\i yill use tho proceeds how to use them their origin la un- and there spreading the contagion. iho boat caught lire off Spring Lake, Williain Hagan, Jolin Khoclinn, T li When, still at hi_ post In Brussels, loachcd confidences will thoso who Getting Ills Number. solr ly [r-i j.ropcrty irnprnvomonts. j known t u t it Is thought that they Long blllow3; of firo submerged whole was a visitor at Rod Hank Sunday. Iard of firo i villalobar died in tho summer of 1920 •orked under him tell the tales that. Camp l l -.1 V . . . I I I; M F i l l , J M . I I I I 1 V, JUiTtt, I M U , EdI .f I K I * - I i f . „ . . . l _ fi V , Herbert A gentleman who recently moved .some other people who squares of b:•rick and stone buildings n n d t h o n o w o w a a c a b l o d t o A m 0 1 .|f C1920 Ho said he was still in service on thev,.-,r,l Wlmwhock, R,vmo,,,I Mn.iih, ' ' ^ ''"'/"'•'""(••n-s , W nrqniro.i? S ' ^left Vby n a, make up the living legend of Villalovessel while it wru; branded near the Arthur I.osl,,,,, Ivhvard MuoUrr, K.U -^'^n.-,f «,•,..- r,f , , , c r , n p , l 1 y owner; ! . " f o u*'C ° ",nd " then passed on or as waves run over little hills of sand; the obituary In the New York Times bar. They still talk In whispers, as into a new apartment had a private, beach a t Asbury Paik. In talking when they subsided thero was noth- next day told all the routlno facts If a HtUo afraid to this day that ho unlistecd telephone installed, but Tlio valley was visited once before ing left but ashes. Domes went in- about him—his ministry to Washing- might reach out and punish them. I discovered after the phono man left with a Itr'Rister reporter he declined Knmk nrtieling. Tho party \v;is ;:ivdividna! nnd I;; rnnr: by a German explorer hefore the to fragments like soap bubbles; mar- ton, his services In tho great war— have heard In Berlin a t second-hand that the llttlo card on tho phono : nf hu::bnml nr to state his reasons, for th« cause of j o n j i y tho rlr.l/nf which Mi"^ O'Dr'-- l i e d , a ] - n wire. Ko n | ) u , ')-pi!rnera nr en-World w a r but since few of his rec-blo wall3 curled up and fell liko Ig- but left untold thnt salient fact —and only so doea ono even begin to which should bear the subscriber's tho disaster. He said ho might bo. Io r j MQ niombor ords wore preserved little was known nited sheets of cardboard. Finally, which still shapes tho lingering leg- know how great a m a n their little number wan blank. Feeling that hlo colled as a witness in the oxarninatifiM dnrsnrs are rr-qu which w a s being comluctcd and th:ii INJrllT.l) IX AUTO ACCIDENT. S. V.ha' Is ll,e C,is( ,,f This CretS'.? of hia visit. baclc on the square, the Court House end about the man and puts up on Marquis was—tho experienco of one phone number, however prlvato, capitulated. Its great bell, which the wall of every chancellery In tho minor secretary who will remember, should bo known to himself, ho ho did not think it was right for him | Tile finanri-il inslilutinn mny not had been ringing since the tragedy world a portrait done In whispers. whilo ho lives, a wartlmo night In phoned Information, Sho told him To Make Pictures of Leaves. to divulge what he knew about the I .lolm T. O'Ncil of Holfnrd Kadly Hurt collect as intmc-it nml'or discount tho number ho nought was a prlvato began, fell with a reverberating last matter a t this time if his tcsiimuny at \\ ost r~iul Sundny. AH lovers of nature havo wished knell to tho basement; and tho lire Now surely tho full story can bo told. Brussels when ho was homing a t line ami could not be given out. nntVor fen n( nny kind, n Inrnl rhnrge was flefJirecl Inter by thf investinatdr; three In tho morning from some Now, whilo thcro ntlll bo men who they could transfer to paper and preJnhn T. O'ls'oil of Bclfonl is r.t tin! in excess oTan amount equivalent to "Can't I llnd out my own numMr, Stlleffert llnd many scars on hi clandestine mischief. Silk-hatted nnd servo tho beautiful outlines and deli- played about the precious records of might bear witness. arma and lie stated liiat they wer IJCHIK Brunch bnspiial willi severe In- R5 rliKemint per yenr p;«!"i»." phono 311D-J, nnd 110 Went Front atreet, ply _nt GO Rector place, or a t 2M West water heat;; g garage; l o t 50x1B0I roomn, hot water heat; In tho countrj, hot __ _ Rod _Bank. WOMAN" wlFhcs work by hour, day or Front ntrcet. Red Bank.* church basement. Tho Sunday-school BLUE PORCELAIN nan water heater, per- Rod Bnnlc. " " \V, A. Hopping near bua, BCIIOOIH and Btorea; $40 perS6,0On, tinder priced. Matthew fect condition; coat $31,, will coil for JUST"AIudVEI>— Largo fihiVmcn't o f c o a l SEI3D RYE. excellent quality. work* general houHeworlt, caoklnrT. board will meet -tomorrow night in month; also a. complete Hat of IIOUHCS and Apency, a Linden plac , Red Bank, phortta for rent, furnish hent; five rooms Mullln, Broolfdnlo farm, Llncrolt, N. J . , raiiffea, heatern for oil find coal. Also clenninn, etr. Call Hattio White, at W. In ond near Red Bnnk. Rol- 397^ .nil b a t h ; rcasonnblo rent. 142 Shrcwn- npnrtinr-nts tho parsonage Tho official board $5.00.^77 ^^^th__ntrcct, Red IJank.* y.nn ran Ken and combinations. Samuel phono Red Bank 3282-W. T Williamn'R, upholsterer, on River road, SFKD^UYK^Vory" nlco" re^cleaned aTcd Swnrtz, 14 West Front otrcet, Red Bnnk, aton Wratcrlniry._phono Red Bank 3501).* FOR SALE. 16 acres, $100.per acre, about y avenue, Ited Punk." met last night. WORK HORSE for salo. J . M. Wclr, Fair Hnven.- _____ ryo for Bale. Fred D. WlkafE Co., Redphono 1SS7/ SERVICE STATION—Fully equipped^ " " "for 1 Vj acres meadow, brook; sultablo foy Colt'R Neck-Vandorburs rood, Colt'u good wanting A NEAT colored girl show room; hent furnished; on high-way; Miss Catherine Matthews ]eft Mon- Bnnlc, N, J. jt:ki:iK or chicken farm; thrco mllca t o rent, four largo sunny rooms and bath; Neck. N. J,» homo In j)reference* to largo Frank li. LavcB, 47 lied flank: no butldincai Lukcr'o Reftltpj day to attend Asbury college a t Wll- FOR KALB or exchange, up-to-dato jmr- FOR SALU, dahlia blooms, Jane Cowl nnd CABBAGE for nale; nlno enrrots. Joseph furnished and heated; all Improvements. S29 tier month. ^5J Shi-cwfllniry nvenue, Red Bnnk. lor ovoratutTod net. Vlctrola, ten-foot Belford. _N. J . ' Occupancy October 1st, Telephuno Hed Jersey Beauty, wholesale nnd retail; almore, Kentucky. F o r tho pa3t threo counter, MorrlB, phono Red Batik 1318-R'l. TWO wflitresaea would llko ponltlons: ex- Bnnk 1SH1-M. nix-foot okylight, guitar, mando- no two metal model T Ford dump bodton. house, remodeled, redecop- WOULl)~you Ilka to own your own homo? vprlcnrod. Phono Atlantic HlHlilanda years sho attended Pob Jonea college lin, violin, typewriters ?6 up, lot of furni- lu HAY, slightly ovor nix ton*, vholco condition. Clnudo C. Wrlffht, Kood We havo a number of benutiful lota aS nted; all conveniences bath. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished nnnrtm ml; use ture, heaters, hiir truck, elKht-fy" 11 ^ 1 " Mark ham rond, LRtlo Stiver, phono Red _ _ _ ^ mhtcd timothy and clover hay. Holly r.Cl." in Tennessee. onc-htilf thp price on which we would b8 e o e n yard. Reasonable. Inof bath, gae and electricity; IO chil- heut. beautiful Jordan aoiian, eloctrlc lampd, very line oil Hunk 1493-J. Tree Farm, 7-Brldfto road, Littlo Silver, REFINED, conKenlal woman wanted for rlren; 12 Oak Haven, able to plnco a firat mortgago on any i O O k piinee, Fuir Fi H 5111 per month. Apply flt 101 q i ri e Owner, Rev. and Mr3. Percy K, Comer, Jr., paintings, plumberfl' and carrentern' tooln, YlOLiN, Strndlvarltia model, 158 yenrs phono Ited Bank 3509.* general housiework for tv.'o (iduitfl; onatniction. See us for further details* rhone Rod I]ank_2.J7_fl. _ old; ttultur, novelty mnke, ond banjo- FOR SALE, young freoh dairy and fnmlly plntn cooking In return good homo nnd _ _ _ _ j of Helslorvtlle, aro spending a few aasollno and CUB ran KM ; aloo two lotn VaiV;~BOO(T Colston Watorbury, ol Wy, 107 Monmouth , " ond two houses; all cheap. Moyan, SH banjolln nnd cano belonging to tho jrrent g R b M ^ a i i n r t m c n t for rent; limited. BARHEH SHOP" for"rent daya a t tho Methodist parsonage. cowa; threo and four years old; extra small salary; roforenres required. 79 AvoWent Front otrcot,-noxt to ]IaiiPcn'H Tiro John L. Sullivnn. Addresa P . O. Box 82,pood. oir.e store nnd three rooms in back; nit phone Red Bank 3500-* Caruso; newly painted. Phono 15 84-J, mio li, Atlantic Hlchlanda. William I I . Pottor, Middlt TWO very df-drnblo lots, 50x167 fesS Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flnley havo Shop." EaKt KcnnabTirff, N. J . 11 Improvements: $ 15 per month. L. DroRed Bank,* phono 278-J. ench; two minutes' walk from railroad returned from their honeymoon a t ELT3CTIUC rofilRcrntors (is low nn Sir.; HJNfi no J! jmrrot nnd engo for gale, TWO-ROOM "apartment, all" improve- bofT, Cn nip bell'3 Junction, corner Green station. Charlea Delnlngor, Middtetownj Clinrlon Mcycrn, Port Monmoiith. N. J." ments, including KM range; heat furFrigid nl res, Kolvlnntorn, Unl vernal nnii Lalto Hopatcong. They will livo a t 1UVKK location, Ked Hank, four master . H P I J E HOUSE. Kray mare, 15.3 hnndn, nished;; best location ; RnraRO. 1 7H Hudothers j 4VJ to H\_ cubic feet. Tholr Keansburg. Mrs. Flnley wns former- beauty STORJ^ biiFtness nnd residence for sale? bedrooms, two baths: modern in every iiix years; prlzo winner; well-known and\ reliability will win your a p FURNACE nnd atovo repairs; now Is tho son nvenue. Red Bnnk, phono ">l>-U.* ly Miss Doris Bvcunlngcr. Charlea Meyers, Fort Monmouth. N. J.* proval. MiiBt bo Bold quickly. No rea-"Dulorea dnl Rio," rowintry immber r> 17- WANTED TO BUY, a small rent mi rant or UNISHKn^T'unfiirnbhed heated npart- way; two-car gnrnge; renaonnblo rent for time to order the necessary rcpnirs bertcntrahla tennnt. ShrewHbnry River sonable offer rofuBcd. Seo them a t tho 01 It, nlre Liberty Peavino by Rex Peavinc; ment, threo rooni^", river locution ; inusit, Mrs. Jacob S. Hoffman and daughSALE o r exchange for a good farm o n other small business showing a profit. fore cold weather Kctn here, 1'hono KenJRof rlccrator Co., 1B and 2 0 ih\in, Bnrlmrii Bennct, Rrnnddittighter cf What havo you got. Address P. O. boxneth Jeffrey, Red Bnnk KSS, plumbing Jind bo seen to he upvrerhtci). Shreivsbury Agency, phono RedJBank 7 6. paved road, threo modern hounos, two ter Dorothy and Mrs. I09 -*__ _ _ of~nlPkimis~~on nnythinff~~anV^ Highlands resldonta drawn on thoneven-room houno; In ilrut rlaas condition. \A1U aquai-iutn, with (stand. ln- SICNS The bent of where. Amonjr tho progrensivu peojilo BOARi)~cir~"pasture ' hnrnt;s. Owner putting In oil burner; price $0fi. C. plnnta and black MOIIIOH, petit Jury aro William Worth, Fourth whito clover mendowf, with runnlnd enRago us aro Sea Bright Tennis Lcdiard, 64 Madfnon nvenuo, Ked Rector place, phono 3617-W, Ked who Walter Fielrl, Nut Swamp rond, club, Ellin lotljro, new Red Bunk poiitotlk-e, watnr. Btrcet, clcmmer; Mary Cook, Gor- W. Bnnk. Kaiacr Raclnj; ntnblcn, Kmoko Shop TavEXCHANGE -or t r a I for 1good fnrm on brach Park; William Loo, Navcslnk TIANOS, direct from factory, bin nav-FOR SA.L13, 24-foot nnilbont "Tern;" ern, mode •n homes, two MuCartcr cut ate, Rums on Inn. Sunimvu] ro;ii), thrc avonue, sign painter; and Joseph hKS. Dlrhnn's Tlano Shop, Pruminond completely equipped prlcu low. Apply nhlno Itcach club, Eisner estate, Theron PARTIES 8 nn KtWfL'. HendrickHon &. Stout, cmcntH; Kivcr I'lmn; nil mail/M-n plncc, Ilcd IJiink. d also' bc'pf cattle; highest nrwly cnsli nrlccB paid; lWlcli all nil nlzos; HUM; luurs U W I • m u ' skiui.-lcl cn tho Call «•t .17 Kiuter from Ed to SOO l.ouml,,. I'.dl ur wrllo U- „, t K | Wnr.a, or tulrlilio l i e . 'Hi Mntkjn. Frrchnlil. l'lunio I'll. _ | . . . . . . . . . . j ! SIX-ROOM houiio. fui-'nlrhfld, nil i h f i l d i Impt THE CUIlNKI.tVpKACOCK VVnivnto si'fiooi ( will i-c.oiicn Scptcmljor iiilli: KI eh IR moiiU; ^araRo: 5'.1."» irrinth. uluvnnl, ilencou licoc t l ..L h. I «vt.ry ~un«\o ltiy « rnrl«lcn Teh;phone licd^Bank :ut20 cvoniiit4:>: !l!ltl. Ki SMAI.r< ESTATE (I WE"miy"old~Fhncfl/~ine«"ny n>r yo rent Orlnlirr 1. Illl.i'.tld S i v . i ; n i l mliolil j o w o l r y . w n t o h e n , ttt-lli. e t c . Rcua- P L I > V C I ! 1 L M 1 ! S 1 l l O l W i l : iiwn 1 I"ii:il. .nl.. I i imiici a t 12 , . t i , . o t , Ko.l 11 * R t n - c t . nft,>r Ft: 0 I ' . M

thill i motlioil yoaivill 11'cnl; Hi.. l tho ntiutV cmini.-ii-liil SinuiUli. SIX H O O M S , I m t h , s u n lint iirRter U l tI l ltnUnn ench :ln ; rciifionp u i u c i ' : IliTi'lnn ; fi m l iln-ii i S60 ift 511. porlicnt.; •ilila rnton. Aildrc«'i , -1 i t;i11DW3mtiiitli. l ' l j u i k It. I fc 1-'. li Itcd Uunk." iMiry iivi'mio, i(o,l H n ^ l y ould (Die m n h u i i n i i y c u r v e d Kinplro j l y l o never a! %»m\ uraed rntnbinntlon ntovcit: Riven. Ctmrlci Fdhfe, 22 Fiiincla nfuco, C0N(iENIAt7inhl. AI HO li>t. ot Kennflmnr, phnno \'l\)-3, loom or two In rx uirn f" compnn- T H U K K I n r u o hclriHiiiH. tlio In 510. l T F 1 l7-Hrldfio l W hltrli. room mid llriM'Inu.. ill linn r n , tin winv o i k fi. rook fit oven nnd lien torn. !-tnmuct Swnrts, KIi\V~ VA U , " 11AT'if Iro"'m 5 1.uT*^TTu 1«« lonnlilp nml llnl.t liou Mttlo Hilvcr," I>h«nne lt«.l _llunk*_ on. l i r i m k r a n l m i " l . , lavu _ Imuil-mttdo imtR. Mra. Lohimmn» 2(1 tor. Phono HS2-J, I,- ' I l i i i i u - h . ' lio\v"OARRIA"OK. J--Two vmuiboiitn. nna 1-1 Wont Front ntrcet, , lltd Unnk, phono ire: $ 7 0 . F r a n k II. L o;i, 47 .Shrewsi inillut". HnrrBil nllnra Htieot, Ked llnnk, Ramodellnff WANTED t o liny, hlnh wlteoUd ttnlntni? milky; ono net " 1 llnlil. bury nvfniifl. It*"-• orna flhov/ corrtbdial ion PIIIKIH iiarnR3«: 101. Slirowslnivy, Ili)/'ks. A[l(lrc«« B omiliic, cnin. ntatlon, tower, nltv«r mminif'i Ift'ly's rhnntfi ni nml l u t h : FOH KKNT. fo N. J.i'wlti-!in«; n i n n y fcol of t r u c k , idry i.nil.llo holl, tiiinnfoi'inor, provonu'iitu ; hn I pnirlii'..; v buy rilo niul druv.iiu; from model. V.'AN'll:!)" to' "liny; ~v i , S Si r , cnmidcto i t n quick 1 a t t i r;; SI!" s r i pIe r m o n t h , l ' lllo oiice. «nd ntllclos ununHy futind In Miow iiuy oil hrator uy Al ( b t l f l ll,urcuu S uiity youus: s: nth, c rrlll.-iMii and Inat rtu-tlmi. Inl i l l i c u o r tsvuiity hon (no boontlful tnblo, Holly Tico Faun, 7-Hlldiio rtjr.d, Tluimj'Min, u liranch aveinio, phona R c l formation wrlle T. O. Woodhcad, CfttlUu of Tv.o Klvurs, c o i n o r H a p i a w o o d IMco mint bo reaEonablc, Call Hed Dunk

^iWif^ ?H^/





Wont u cook, Want u dork. Wont n partner, Want a situation, Want to sell a farm. Want to borrow money, Wont to sell Uvcutouk, Wont to rent nnj rooms, . Want to sell town property. Want to recover lost articles, Want to rent a huuso or (ami. Want to sell Bccondbiind furniture, Want to find custonioru for anything. Advertise In TIKI Unl Uank Register, Advertising will gain now customers, Advertising Iteopa old customers, Advertising nmkes succesa easy, Advertising bp(jf:ta confidence, Advertising brln^n htisincsu, ' Advertising nhowa energy, Advortlao nnd succeed, Adverting eonalateiitly, Advertltio jtidlelously, Advertljo or hunt, Atlvcrtliio weekly, AtlvortlBn now, Advorttflo In

The Red Bank Register


Six Red Bankers On Grand Jury List

Eatontown - News.

parcnto, Mr. and His. Walter Cotgreave. Sho la stationed at tho Long Branch hospital. WsHer Catgrenvo returned to hlrt 1duties at tho Gulf Ito (Ining company. after enjoying a two weeks' Vacation. Miss Eileon Wttldor of Burns I^ano is confined to her homo from herduties at tho Long Branch hospital with throat trouble. Miss Dorothy I. Wolcott of Elizabeth spent a few dayo lnst wefik visiting Mr. and Mre. Harry Dennis of Corlte.1 avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blytho of Richmond Hill spent tho week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eugeno State3 of South street. Mlaa Rath Blythe, who has been spending tho summer with her grandparents, returned home with her parents..

(Tho Rod Bunk Resistor con be bousjM in Eatontown at tha otorea o£ William G. Davis, G. Edward Smock and Yellen'a). Mra, A

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