motivasi: Mei 2012 [PDF]

May 31, 2012 - Syukurlah, berdasarkan nomor fax itu aku minta Ratna kirim fotonya dan sekaligus minta informasi tentang

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Nama: Motivasi Lihat profil lengkapku

Cerita Bokep | Adikku Sayang, Adikku Nikmat


[New post] Kebakaran & Tawuran, apa kesamaannya co... -"Kamu tahu [New post] di Indonesia bicara Global TV nggak, Yon.. (lagi) , ... kalau kamu Info Lowongan sebenarnya bukan anak [New post] Mendampingi anak hebat tunggal", kata @SMKN29 Penerban... ibuku ketika [New post] Memotret Pak @anang_iskandar kami sedang di Kompas makan siang (#9953232) Konfirmasi Penerusan Gmail bersama bapak Menerima E... baruku (ibuku Info Lowongan baru sebulan lalu menikah [tema] Cibelle Mancini - Big Wet Latin Ass lagi). Terkejut [tema] Hugdebert juga aku [tema] Special Anal Reserve mendengarnya. Hampir tak percaya. -"Kenapa baru sekarang ibu memberitahu saya?", tanyaku. Waktu itu aku berusia 22 ARSIP tahun. November 2011 -"Ya, karena ibu baru ingat saja. Kebetulan hari ini hari ulang tahunmu. Jadi, ibu akan Desember 2011 bilang kalau di dalam sebuah keluarga, tidak boleh ada kakak beradik laki-laki dan perempuan yang memiliki tanggal dan bulan kelahiran yang sama. Harus dipisah. Kamu Januari 2012 lahir 17 Juni, sedangkan adikmu juga 17 Juni. Cuma beda tahunnya. Bahkan saudara Februari 2012 kembar laki-laki dan perempuanpun harus dipisah" Maret 2012 -"Lho, apa alasannya?", aku heran. April 2012 -"Ya, itu cuma kepercayaan. Terserah, percaya atau tidak itu hak setiap orang. Kalau kamu dan adikmu tinggal serumah, akan berakibat yang tidak baik. Akan tertimpa sial Mei 2012 terus..", ibu menjelaskan. Juni 2012 -"Ha.. ha.. ha.. sudah era komputer begini ibu masih percaya begituan! Kapan bangsa Juli 2012 Indonesia bisa maju kalau masih percaya ilmu gitu-gituan..", mendadak aku tertawa. Agustus 2012 -"Terserah..", ibu pasrah. September 2012 -"Lho, memang sekarang di mana dia", aku ingin tahu. -"Lho, apa Tante Yohanna tidak cerita kalau yang studi di Kanada itu adik kandungmu?", ibuku bertanya sambil makan buah semangka. Dari cerita ibu, aku tahu adik kandungku bernama Ratna Kemalasari. Sewaktu aku ke rumah Tante Yohanna beberapa waktu yang lalu, Tante nggak pernah mengatakan hal ini. Entahlah, mungkin lupa, atau barangkali ada yang ditutup-tutupi. Posted: 31 May 2012 08:33 AM PDT

Selesai makan, tiba-tiba telepon berdering. Segera kusambar. O, ternyata dari Tante Yohanna. Dia bilang, hari Minggu nanti Ratna akan pulang dari Kanada, sedangkan Dewi (anak kandung Tante) masih berada di Swiss. Karena Tante berada di kota Yogya, dia minta tolong ke saya agar aku menjemput Ratna di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Wah, repot juga, aku belum pernah melihat rupanya Ratna. Gila.. gimana nih? Akhirnya aku tanya Tante, apakah Ratna punya nomor fax di Kanada. Syukurlah, berdasarkan nomor fax itu aku minta Ratna kirim fotonya dan sekaligus minta informasi tentang nama pesawat, memakai baju warna apa, dan ciri-ciri khas lainnya. Ketika kuamati foto adikku, wah.. lumayan. Tidak terlalu cantik, tapi juga tidak terlalu jelek. Ya.. mirip Nia Daniati-lah! Cantik adikku sedikit! Akhirnya aku telepon ke Tante bahwa aku sudah dapat foto Ratna via fax dan akan menjemput Ratna di Bandara beberapa hari lagi. Akhirnya aku berangkat ke Jakarta. Ibu tidak ikut sebab lebih suka tinggal di rumah, di Bandung. Sebelum ke Bandara aku ke rumah pemberian ibuku di Jl. Magonda Raya, Depok. Rumah yang mungil tapi punya halaman luas dan di depannya ada pohon jambu yang sedang berbuah lebat. Esok harinya aku ke Bandara. Menit demi menit aku menunggu, akhirnya pesawat yang kutunggu akhirnya tiba. Mataku tajam menatap semua penumpang satu persatu. Aku mencari seorang gadis dengan ciri-ciri: mengenakan baju warna cream, wajah mirip Nia Daniati, dan di tangan kirinya memegang tustel/kamera. Ketika pada antrian terakhir, gadis yang mempunyai ciri-ciri itu berhasil kutemukan. -"Ratna..", suaraku kuarahkan padanya. Dia menoleh.. -"Eh.., Mas Yono ya?". Aku mengangguk. Dia berlari kecil. Dijabatnya tanganku. Akupun mencium pipi kiri dan pipi kanannya. Biasa, nggak apa-apa khan? Dalam hati aku kagum, ternyata Ratna lebih cantik dibanding Nia Daniati. Umurnya waktu itu 20 tahun, sedang aku 22 tahun. Selisih dua tahun. -"Aduuh, nggak nyangka ya, adikku cantik sekali..", pujiku. Ratna cuma tersenyum sambil menarik kopor kecil yang ada rodanya. Akhinya aku dan Ratna menuju ke Depok dengan mengendarai mobil pemberian bapak baruku. Sebenarnya sih, aku ingin mengantarkan Ratna langsung ke ibuku di Bandung dan setelah itu ke Tante Yohanna di Yogya. -"Gila apa! Masih capek begini..", adikku menolak langsung ke Bandung. Akhirnya Ratna beristirahat dulu di rumahku di Depok. Langsung mandi dan setelah itu makan siang di salah satu restoran di Jl. Magonda Raya. Banyak sekali cerita Ratna selama dia di Kanada, mulai dari soal studi, obyek-obyek wisata dan ngobrol apa saja. Di rumah Depok tidak ada siapa-siapa. Pembantu tidak punya, apalagi waktu itu aku masih bujangan. Kalau butuh makan ya beli. Apalagi Ratna nggak bisa masak. Jaman sekarang memang begitu, banyak gadis cantik, tapi nggak bisa memasak. Rumah di Depok itu memang kecil. Hanya ada dua kamar tidur. Karena Ratna penakut, akhirnya malam harinya tidur di kamar tidurku. Nggak apa-apa khan? Toh Ratna adikku. Malam pertama ini nggak ada kejadian apa-apa. Barangkali Ratna masih capek, dia langsung tertidur dengan lelapnya. Aku cuma bisa melotot saja melihat kimononya tersingkap sehingga pahanya yang mulus kelihatan. Walaupun Ratna adik kandungku, diam-diam aku mengangumi keindahan tubuhnya. Nggak apa-apa, khan? Sebenarnya hari itu aku akan ke Bandung dengan Ratna, tapi Ratna menolak karena masih ingin menikmati kota Jakarta. Adikku masih berada di kamarnya, duduk di depan meja rias sementara aku berdiri di pintu kamarnya. -"Masuk, Mas.. Kayak rumah orang lain aja!", katanya sambil terus memoles bibirnya dengan lipstik. Matanya terus memandang kaca di depannya sambil duduk di kursi kecil. Akupun masuk berdiri di belakangnya. -"Mas, kebetulan nih, saya mau minta tolong..", pintanya. -"Minta tolong apa lagi?" -"Ini nih, tolong ditarik ke atas..", sambil menunjuk restluiting belakang gaunnya. -"Manja..", Meskipun demikian permintaannya kupenuhi. Kutarik pelan-pelan restluitingnya, ke atas sedikit demi sedikit sehingga punggungnya yang putih mulus tertutup. Entah setan mana, tiba-tiba aku punya niat buruk terhadap adikku. Dari belakang, kucium pipi kiri adikku. Diam saja. Kemudian yang kanan. Diam saja. Adikku masih tetap memoles bibirnya dengan lipstick warna merah jambu. Beberapa detik kemudian kucium leher belakangnya. -"Ah, geli Mas..", Ratna menggelinjang. Walaupun kami berdua saling menyadari sebagai kakak beradik kandung, namun barangkali karena sejak kecil tak pernah bertemu, maka pertemuan itu memang rasanya lain, seolah-olah kami bukan sesaudara. -"Boleh nyicipin lipsticknya yang di bibir?", godaku. -"Coba, nih..", goda adikku sambil menunjuk bibirya. Bikin aku penasaran. Akupun mencoba menciumnya, tapi adikku mengelak. Ternyata dia cuma main-main. -"Mas, jangan genit ah..", Ratna bangkit berdiri dan melepaskan pelukanku dan berlarilari kecil ke kamar tamu. -"Kamu yang genit..", akupun mengikutinya. Kulihat adikku tertawa kecil. -"Coba cium saya kalau bisa", tantangnya. Membuat aku benar-benar penasaran. Secepat kilat tangan Ratna kupegang, kupeluk erat-erat, kemudian kuangkat tubuhnya dan kubaringkan di kursi tamu yang panjang itu. -"Kalau bisa cium, nanti kukasih hadiah seratus juta rupiah..", ujarnya sambil tertawa kecil. Memang, semula niat kami memang cuma bercanda saja. Namun melihat Ratna tubuhnya terlentang dalam kondisi yang pasrah, maka akupun berhasil menaklukkannya. Kutindih tubuhnya, kemudian kucium lagi pipi kiri-kananya. Setelah itu, dengan susah payah, akhirnya Ratna berhasil kucium. Kalau semula Ratna banyak tingkahnya, begitu kucium, dia tiba-tiba menjadi diam. Akhirnya dengan leluasa aku mencium bibir Ratna bukan sebagai seorang kakak ke adiknya, tetapi seakan-akan terhadap kekasih. Lama kelamaan, Ratna pun mulai membalas ciumanku. Kami saling berpandangan penuh arti. Ada rasa aneh di antara kami berdua. Rasa yang indah. Kulihat nafas Ratna agak cepat. Nafaskupun demikian. Puas mencium bibirnya, aku cium lehernya, lantas kubelai-belai rambutnya yang pendek itu dengan penuh rasa kasih sayang. Aku mulai terangsang. Pelan, kuangkat tubuh adikku. Dia diam saja. Lantas kubawa ke kamar tidurnya yang berbau harum itu. Kuletakkan di tempat tidurnya. Kembali aku merebahkan tubuhku di sampingnya. Kucium lagi, Ratna membalasnya dengan penuh gairah. Nafsuku semakin menderu. Darahku semakin bergejolak. Sambil mencium, tangan kananku mengelus-elus pahanya. Ratna menggeliat. Tanganku semakin binal, terus keatas, keatas, keatas.. agak gemetar sedikit tanganku. Pelan.. kutarik kebawah celana dalamnya. Nggak bisa, soalnya Ratna memakai celana dalam full body, yang bentuknya seperti pakaian renang. Terpaksa, tangan kananku beralih ke belakang punggungnya. Kutarik restluitingnya ke bawah.. kebawah.. kebawah.. Sedikit demi sedikit gaunnya kutarik kebawah. Dengan susah payah akhirnya berhasil kulepas. Tahap berikutnya, membuka BH dan celana dalamnya.Tidak semudah yang Anda sangka, karena berkali-kali Ratna memasang lagi. Namun aku tak menyerah. -"Nggak diapa-apain, kok..", aku meyakinkan. -"Nggak mau ah..", ujarnya sambil memasang lagi BH-nya. Kalau yang begini-beginian sih, aku sudah hafal betul. Ratna sebenarnya ingin.. tapi masih diliputi rasa malu, takut, canggung atau rasa-rasa lainnya. Kalau sudah begini, laki-laki harus pandai memberikan rangsangan dan meyakinkan. Begitulah,.. sesudah bersusah payah, akhirnya Ratna berhasil kulucuti sehingga tidak ada sehelai benangpun yang menutupi tubuhnya. Demikian pula, aku sudah dalam kondisi bugil. Burungku tegak berdiri dengan kerasnya. Kami berdua saling berpelukan dan masih cium sana cium sini. Buah dada adikku masih rata.Meskipun demian tak mengurangi nafsuku. Kugigit kecil payudaranya. Dia melenguh. Matanya memejam. Kujilati perutnya, lantas kucium sekitar kemaluannya.Kuremas-remas bulu-bulu kemaluannya yang hitam halus itu. Kulihat Ratna mulai terangsang. Sebentar-sebentar dari mulutnya keluar ssh.. ssh.. sshh.. pertanda kalau dia mulai berkobar nafsunya. Sekitar satu dua menit kemudian, aku mengambil posisi di atas tubuhnya. Sambil terus meremas-remas tubuh Ratna, ujung burungku mulai kumasukkan ke lubang kemaluan Ratna. Kulihat Ratna meringis, seolah-olah menahan rasa sakit. Kucium pipinya dan kubisikkan bahwa apa yang akan terjadi tidak akan sakit. -"Aku belum pernah, Mas", bisiknya. -"Tahan dikit.. sakitnya sedikit.." Begitulah.. burungku mulai masuk.. 25%.. 50%.. 75%.. akhirnya 100%. Ratna memelukku kuat-kuat. Ternyata benar, Ratna ternyata masih perawan. Beberapa tetes darah merah membasahi sprei. Kulihat Ratna menangis. Namun aku tetap menggoyanggoyangkan burungku pelan-pelan. Sekitar tujuh menit kemudian.. spermaku pun mulai menyemprot keras. Kupeluk tubuh adikku keras-keras. Crut.. crut.. crut.. crut.. Setelah itu aku merebahkan tubuhku di samping tubuh Ratna. -"Maafkan aku, Ratna..", kataku. -"Nggak apa-apa, Mas..", jawab Ratna polos. Ratna mengaku, selama di Kanada tidak pernah pacaran, walaupun pergaulan di sana cukup bebas! Masalahnya, dia tidak suka dengan bule. Entah apa alasannya, Ratna tidak menjelaskan. Di Kanada, katanya, memang banyak yang naksir, tetapi nggak ada yang cocok. Bahkan dengan mahasiswa Indonesia yang berada di sana diapun tak suka. Yang agak mengejutkan,.. Ratna sering melakukan hubungan seks..d engan rekan sejenisnya! Wow.. aku terasa tersambar petir! -"Jadi, kamu lesbi..?", aku ingin tahu. -"Mungkin itu istilahnya. Tapi, itu saya lakukan semata-mata karena aku takut hamil jika kulakukan dengan pria. Jalan keluarnya, aku melakukannya dengan teman sejenis" -"Bisa orgasme?" -"Yaah.. begitulah! Kepulanganku ke Indonesia ini ingin menjadi gadis yang wajar-wajar saja.." -"Maksudmu..?", tanyaku sambil mengelus-elus pahanya. -"Ya,.. aku nggak mau melakukannya dengan sesama jenis lagi. Aku ingin menjadi gadis yang normal, seperti wanita-wanita lainnya.." -"Dengan saya tadi, kamu tidak orgasme, bukan?", kupandang mata Ratna. Ratna menggeleng. -"Belum,.. mungkin butuh waktu.." Sesudah cerita kesana-kemari, akhirnya Ratna menuju ke kamar mandi dan kubantu mengantarkannya. Maklum, Ratna baru saja keperawanannya kurenggut. Masih ada rasa sakit di kemaluannya. Malam harinya, seusai nonton TV, kami berdua segera menuju ke kamar tidur. Malam itu tak ada rasa canggung. -"Mas.. jangan marah ya. Malam ini saya ingin merasakan orgasme dengan pria.. Nggak keberatan, khan?" Aku tak menjawab, tapi langsung aku membuka baju, BH, rok dan celana dalam Ratna. Lantas kurebahkan di tempat tidur. Lagi-lagi kami berdua sudah dalam keadaan tanpa sehelai benangpun. Kalau Ratna bicaranya blak-blakan, bisa kumaklumi karena dia pernah tinggal di luar negeri yang serba terbuka. Nggak seperti sebagian gadis Indonesia yang serba malumalu (Iya khan? Aku belum pernah mendengar gadis Indonesia bilang begini: "Mas, tadi saya belum orgasme". Kalau ditanya cuma senyum-senyum melulu. Iya, khan?). Malam itupun aku berusaha memenuhi keinginan Ratna. Dengan posisi di atas, aku mulai lagi menggeluti Ratna. Rupa-rupanya Ratna suka permainan yang lembut. Akupun mengikuti irama ini. Pelan-pelan kumainkan burungku, kutarik.. kumasukkan.., kutarik.., kumasukkan. Untuk selingannya kucium seluruh tubuh Ratna, perutnya, pahanya, punggungnya. Tubuhnya memang indah sekali. Putih, langsing.. cuma sayang payudaranya rata. Nggak apa-apa.. Kugigit pelan telinga kirinya. Dia menggelinjang. Kumasukkan lagi burungku. Kugoyang pantatku ke kiri, ke kanan, ke atas, ke bawah.. Keringat kami berdua mulai mengalir. Cukup lama kami bermain. Beberapa saat kemudian: -"Mas.. Mas.. Mas..", katanya sambil menggelinjang ke kanan ke kiri. Aku tahu, Ratna hampir mencapai titik klimaks. Akupun mempercepat gerakan.. akhirnya.. kami berdua secara bersamaan bisa mengalami orgasme. Kami berdua saling berpelukan kuat sekali. Denyut-denyut kenikmatan kami rasakan. Spermaku muncrat dengan bebasnya ke kemaluan Ratna. Dalam posisi masih berpelukan, kuubah posisi, kutarik tubuh Ratna sehingga berada di atas tubuhku dan aku berada di bawahnya. Kuangkat lututku. Kugoyang-goyang pantatku ke atas ke bawah.. Sesudah itu, kami berdua berpelukan di bawah satu selimut.Capai bercumbu, kami berdua tertidur lelap sampai pagi hari. -"Mas, Yuk mandi sama-sama..", ajak Ratna. Kami berduapun mandi bersama-sama, saling menyiram, saling menyabun, sesekali sambil berciuman. Walaupun burungku dalam kondisi tegang, namun tidak ada acara khusus, meskipun Ratna memintanya. -"Nanti sore saja Ratna. Harus ada jarak waktu..", ujarku sambil mengeringkan tubuh Ratna dengan handuk berwarna kuning. Sayang, ibuku dari Bandung sudah menelepon supaya hari itu juga aku mengantarkan Ratna ke Bandung karena ibuku sudah rindu sekali. Apa boleh buat, sesudah makan pagi, dengan kereta apa Parahiyangan kami menuju ke Bandung. Ibuku menyambut kedatangan Ratna dengan penuh isak tangis karena gembira. Ratnapun demikian. Maklum, sudah belasan tahun tidak pernah bertemu. Aku cuma bisa diam membisu. Esok harinya Ratna minta ijin untuk jalan-jalan denganku melihat-lihat kota Bandung yang sudah lama tidak pernah dilihatnya. Ibu mengiyakan tanpa rasa curiga sedikitpun. Padahal, siang itu aku dan Ratna menyewa sebuah kamar di salah satu hotel yang cukup mewah. Di situlah, aku kembali menggeluti Ratna. Ternyata, siang itu Ratna bisa merasakan orgasme sampai dua kali. Katanya, betapa indahnya hubungan seks yang normal. Dulu, dia bisa orgasme dengan sesama teman wanitanya, namun orgasme dengan pria sejati ternyata jauh lebih nikmat! Esok harinya dengan menumpang kereta api, aku mengantarkan Ratna ke ibu angkatnya, yaitu Tante Yohanna yang berada di kota Yogya. Dasar kami sedang gila, sampai di Yogya bukan langsung ke rumah Tante, tetapi cari kamar lagi di hotel dan kami berdua kembali bergumul. Kali ini kami berdua melakukannya di kamar mandi, sambil berdiri, sambil menyemprotkan air hangat dari shower. Sambil saling menyabun tubuh. O, alangkah nikmatnya bersentuhan dengan tubuh dalam keadaan penuh air sabun. Rasanya benar-benar nikmat. Esok harinya aku mengantarkan Ratna ke Tante Yohanna. Tidak ada rasa curiga sedikitpun di raut wajah Tante. Biasa-biasa saja. Satu bulan kemudian, aku bagaikan tersambar petir ketika menerima fax dari Yogya, dari Ratna, yang mengatakan bahwa Ratna hamil. Inilah kebodohanku! Selama ini jika aku berhubungan seks, aku selalu menggunakan kondom. Tetapi dengan Ratna samasekali tidak pernah. Benar-benar aku bingung! Bodoh sekali aku! Akhirnya aku interlokal ke Yogya, saya mohon Ratna ke Jakarta dengan alasan mau kerja di Jakarta. Begitulah, akhirnya Ratna ke Jakarta. Tanpa buang-buang waktu, aku membawa Ratna ke salah satu klinik bersalin di Depok. Dengan imbalan Rp 5 juta, akhirnya kandungan Ratna bisa digugurkan. Agak mudah, karena usia kehamilannya baru satu bulan. Seminggu penuh, Ratna beristirahat total hingga kesehatannya kembali pulih. Sebulan kemudian, Ratna dapat panggilan kerja di salah satu perusahaan konsultan yang berdomisili di Jl. Tebet Raya. Karena kantornya cukup jauh, Ratna mengontrak sebuah pavilyun mungil di kawasan Tebet. Setiap malam Minggu aku ke pavilyunnya dan mengulangi lagi kepuasan demi kepuasan. Ratna merasa berhutang budi kepadaku karena dianggapnya aku berhasil membebaskan Ratna dari dunia lesbianisme. Ratna merasa sebagai manusia normal.. Ya, kepuasan demi kepuasan kami reguk bersama. Batas antara kakak kandung dan adik kandung terasa tidak ada. Maklum, sejak kecil kami memang tak pernah bertemu.. Nonton Videonya:

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Cerita Bokep | Keluarga yang kesepian tapi mupeng Posted: 31 May 2012 08:28 AM PDT Kejadian ini berawal dipertengahan bulan Mei yang lalu, kurang lebih setelah peristiwa yang tidak aku sangka-sangka. Cobalah baca "Tahun Baru yang Indah". Dan sekarang terjadi lagi yang aku sangat tidak diduga sama sekali. ***** Pada bulan Mei tersebut aku pergi ke Jakarta untuk mencari pekerjaan, tapi memang kata orang bahwa mencari pekerjaan itu tidak semudah yang kita duga, apalagi di kota metropolis. Pada suatu malam minggu aku tersesat pulang dan tiba-tiba saja ada mobil sedan mewah menghampiriku. Terus dia berkata, "Hey.. kok.. melamun?" katanya. Aku sangat kaget sekali ternyata yang menyapaku itu adalah seorang wanita cantik dan aku sempat terdiam beberapa detik. "Eee.. Ditanya kko masih diam sih?" wanita itu bertanya lagi. Lalu aku jawab, "Ii.. nii.. Tante aku tersesat pulang nih?" "Ooohh.. Mendingan kamu ikut Tante saja yah?" "Kemana Tante?" tanyaku. "Gimana kalau ke rumah Tante aja yah?" karena aku dalam keadaan bingung sekali dan tanpa berpikir apa-apa aku langsung mengiyakannya. Singkat cerita aku sudah berada di rumahnya, di perumahan yang super elit. Kemudian aku diperkenalkan sama anak-anaknya yang memang pada cantik dan sexynya seperti Mamanya. Oh yah, setelah aku dan mereka ngobrol panjang lebar ternyata Tante yang nolong aku itu namanya adalah Tante Mey Lin yang dipanggil akrab Tante Mey, anak pertamanya Mbak Hanny, dia masih kuliah di Universitas terkenal di Jakarta, anak yang kedua namanya Sherly kelas 1 SMU dan yang ketiga namanya Poppy kelas 1 SMP, mereka berdua di sekolahkan di sekolah yang terkenal dan favorit di Jakarta. Walaupun aku baru pertama kenal, tapi aku sama bidadari-bidadari yang pada cantik ini rasanya sudah seperti seseorang yang telah lama berpisah. Lalu kami berlima menonton acara TV yang pas pada waktu itu ada adegan panasnya, dan aku curi pandang sama Tante Mey, rasanya Tante ini enggak tenang dan merasa gelisah sepertinya dia sudah terangsang akan adegan itu, ditambah ada aku disampingnya, namun Tante rupanya malu sama anak-anaknya. Tiba-tiba Tante berkata, "Hanny, Sherly, Poppy cepat tidur sudah malam?" yang memang pada waktu itu menunjukkan jam 10.30. "Memangnya kenapa Mami, filmnya kan belum selesai", kata Mbak Hanny. Memang dia kelihatannya sudah matang betul dan apa yang akan dilakukan Maminya terhadap aku? Lalu mereka bertiga masuk ke kamarnya masing tapi Sherly dan Poppy tidur satu kamar. Dan kejadian kurang lebih tiga bulan yang lalu terulang lagi dan sungguh diluar dugaan aku. "Nah dewa sekarang tinggal kita berdua", katanya. "Mrmangnya ada apa tuh Tante?" kataku heran. "Dewa sayang, Tante enggak bisa berbuat bebas terhadap kamu karena Tante malu sama anak-anak," begitu timbalnya. "Dewa mendingan kita ke kamar Tante aja yah, please.. temanin Tante malam ini sayang, Tante sudah lama sekali enggak dijamah sama laki-laki", sambil memeluk aku dan memohon, "Yah sayang? Mau kan?" katanya lagi "Ii.. Yaa, mau.. Tante?" jawabku gugup. Karena Tante sudah mau menolongku. Tiba di kamar Tante rupanya enggak bisa nahan lagi nafsunya dia langsung mencium seluruh tubuhku, lalu kami berdua tanpa terasa sudah seperti sepasang kekasih yang sudah lama pisah. Hingga kami berdua sudah setengah bugil, aku tinggal CD saja dan tante Mey tinggal BH dan CDnya. Tante sempat menari-nari di depanku untuk membangkitkan gairahku supaya semakin nafsu. "Wahh..!! Gile benar nih Tante, kok kayak masih umur 23 tahun saja yah?" gumamku dalam hati. Itu tuh.. Kayak Mbak Hanny anaknya yang pertama. Sungguh indah tubuhnya, payudara yang besar, kencang dan sekel sekali, pinggulnya yang sexy dengan pantat yang runcing ke atas, enak kalau dientot dari belakang? Terus yang paling menggiurkan lagi vaginanya masih bagus dan bersih. Itu gerutuku dalam hati sambil melihat Tante menari-nari. Tante langsung menindihku lalu mencium bibirku dengan ganasnya lalu aku juga membalasnya, Tante menggesek-gesekkan vaginanya ke penisku yang mulai tegang, juga kedua payudaranya ke dadaku. "Ooohh.. terus.. Tante, gesek.. dan.. Goyang.. yang kerass.. aahh.. oohh.." desahku. "Dewa sayang itu penismu sudah bangun yah, rasanya ada yang menganjal di vaginaku cinta," kata Tante Mey. Lalu kami berdua tanpa ba.. bi.. bu.. langsung melakukan 69, dengan jelas terlihat vagina Tante Mey yang merah merekah dan sudah sangat basah sekali, mungkin sudah terangsang banget karena tadi habis menggesek-gesekkan vaginanya ke penisku. Lalu aku menjilat, mencium dan menghisapnya habis-habisan, kupermainan kritorisnya. Tante mengerang. "Ooohh.. Eennaakk.. Dewaa.. sayang.. terus.. makan vagina Tante yahh..?" Begitu juga dengan aku, penis rasanya sudah enggak tahan banget ingin masuk ke lobang vagina kenikmatannya. "Ooohh.. yahh.. eenaakk terus.. Tante.. yang cepet kocokkannya..?" Cclluup.. Ccluupp.. Suara penisku didalam mulutnya. "Dewa, vagina Tante sudah enggak tahan lagi sudah cepet lepasin, cepet masukin saja penis kamu cinta?" Tante Mey meringis memohon. Kemudian aku mengambil posisi diatas dengan membuka pahanya lebar lalu aku angkat ke atas dan aku mulai memasukan penisku ke dalam vaginanya. Bblless.. Bleess.. Bblleess.. "Awww.. Yeeahh.. Ssaakiitt.. De.. Waa?" "Kenapa Tante?" "Pelan-pelan sayang, vaginaku kan sudah lama enggak dientot?" "Ooohh..?" jawabku. "Tahan sebentar yah cinta, biar vagina Tante terbiasa lagi dimasukin penis," katanya. Selang beberapa menit, "Nah Dewa, sekarang kamu boleh masukin dan entot vagina Tante sampai puas yah?" "Ssiipp.. Siap..!! Tante Mey?" Memang benar vagina Tante rupanya sudah lama enggak dimasukin penis lagi, terbukti aku sampai 3 kali hentakan. Bleess.. Bless.. Bblleess.. Akhir aku masukin semuanya penisku ke vaginanya. Tiga kali juga tente Mey menjerit. "Dewa genjot dan kocok vaginaku sayang?" lalu aku mulai memasuk keluarkan penisku dari lambat sampai keras dan cepat sekali. Tante Mey mengerang dan mendesah. "Ooohh.. ahh.. enak.. sekalii.. penis kamu Dewaa.., akhirnya vagina Tante ngerasain lagi penis.. terus.. Entot vagina Taann.. tee.. Dewaa.. Sayaanngg..?" ceracaunya. "Uuuhh.. Oohh.. Aaahh.. Yeess.. Ennaakk.. vagina Tante seret sekalii.. Kaya vaginanya perawan?" timbalku. Tiba-tiba, "Dewaa.. Aku mau keluar nih? penis kamu hebatt..?" "Tunggu Tante sayang, aku juga mau keluar nih..?" Akhirnya Tante Mey orgasme duluan. Crott.. Ccroott.. Crroott.. Banyak sekali cairan yang ada dalam vaginanya, rasanya penisku hangat sekali. "Tante aku mau keluar nih..?" kataku, "Dimana nih keluarinnya..?" "Didalam vagina Tante saja Dewaa.. Please.. ingin air mani kamu yang hangat..?" Ccrett.. Ccroott.. Ccrroott.. "Aaarrgghh.. Aarrgghh.. Oohh.. Mmhh.. Nikmat vagina Tantee..?" erangku. Lalu aku dan tente tidur pulas, karena kecapaian akibat pertempuran yang sengit tadi. Sekitar jam 12 malam rasanya penisku ada yang mengulum dan mengocoknya. Ternyata Mbak Hanny, "Ada apa Mbak?" tanyaku. Wah gila dia, sambil mengocok penisku didalam mulutnya, tangan kirinya menusuknusuk vaginanya sendiri. Dia berkata, "Dewa aku ingin dong dientot kaya mami tadi, yah.. please.." Dia mempertegas, "Dewa tolong Mbak yah sayang, vagina Mbak juga sudah kangen enggak ngentot lagi, Mbak baru putus sama pacar habis enggak muasin vagina Mbak," sambil membimbing tangan kananku untuk mengelus-elus vaginanya. "Iyah deh Mbak, aku akan berusaha dengan berbagai cara untuk dapat membuat vagina Mbak jadi ketagihan sama penis aku," jawabku vulgar. "Kita entotannya dilantai karpet aja yah?" kata Mbak Hanny. Tapi masih di kamar tersebut, "Aku takut mengganggu Mami yang habis kamu entotin vaginanya, entar Mami bangun lagi kalau ngentotnya diranjang," dia mempertegas. Mbak Hanny langsung telanjang bulat. Kami pun bercumbu, saling menjilat, mencium, menghisap seperti biasa, dengan gairah yang sangat menggelora sekali. Dan sekarang aku mulai memasukkan penisku ke lubang vaginanya, karena dia sudah gatel banget lihat tadi aku ngentotin Maminya. Maka aku langsung aja, masukkan penisku. Bleess.. Bless.. Bleess.. "Aw.. Oohh.. Aahh.. Yyeess..?" erangnya. "Sakit Mbak?" tanyaku. "Enggak cinta, terusin saja enak banget kok?" Aku langsung mengkocoknya, plak.. plakk.. plokk.. plookk..? suara paha kami berdua beradu..? "Vagina Mbak enaakk.. Sekali sih..?" sambil aku menggoyangkan pinggulku, terus dia juga mengimbangi goyanganku dengan arah yang berlawanan sehigga benar-benar tenggelam seluruh penisku ke dalam vagina surga kenikmatannya. "Oohh.. ennak.. Dee.. waa.. terus.. entot.. mee.. meekk.. Mmbaakk.. sayyaanngg..?" Akhirnya akupun ngentot lagi sama vaginanya Mbak Hanny, tapi Maminya enggak sedikitpun bangun mungkin capek main sama aku, habis aku bikin tubuhnya dan vaginanya melayang-layang. Lagi asyik-asyiknya ngentotin vaginanya Kak Hanny, tibatiba terdengar suara. "Iiihh.. Kakak lagi ngapain?" mendengar suara tersebut, aku terkejut. Rupanya Shelly dan Poppy sedang asyik dan santainya melihat aku ngentot sama kakaknya. Aku langsung aja berhenti dan seketika itu juga Mbak Hanny berkata, "Dewa kenapa, kok berhenti sayang, terus dong entot vagina Mbak, sampai enak dan nikmat sekalii..?" "Ii.. ittuu.. ada..?" "Ada apa?" katanya lagi penasaran. Pas dia menggerakkan wajahnya kekanan, terlihatlah adik-adiknya yang sama-sama sudah bugil tanpa sehelai benang pun. Lalu Mbak Hanny bicara, "Eehh.. adik-adikku ini bandel sekali yah..!!" Setelah dia tahu bahwa aku berhenti karena ada adik-adiknya yang sama sudah telanjang bulat. "Heyy.. kenapa kalian ikut-ikutan telanjang?" kata Mbak Hanny. "Kak aku ingin ngerasain dientot yah?" tanya Shelly sama kakaknya. "Iyah nih Kakak kok pelit sih.. aku juga sama Kak Shelly ingin juga ngerasain penisnya Mas Dewa," timbal poppy. "Iyah kan Kak?" tanya poppy pada Shelly. "Iyah nih.. Gimana sih..?" timbal Shelly. "Please dong Kak? Rengek kedua anak tersebut?" terus mungkin sudah terlanjur mereka berdua melihat kakaknya ngentot dan sudah pada bugil semuanya, maka Kak Hanny membolehkannya. "Iyah deh kamu berdua sudah telanjur bugil dan lihat kakak lagi dientot vaginanya sama penis Dewa?" "Sini jangan ribut.." kata Kakaknya lagi, "Tunggu kakak keluar, yah.. entar kamu juga bakal kebagian adikku manis" Tanya kakaknya. "Dewa cepetan kocokannya yang lebih keras lagi.. Kasihan vagina kedua adikku ini sudah pada basah.. tuhh.." Akhirnya aku dan Mbak Hanny pun mempercepat ngentotnya kayak dikejar-kejar hantu. Dan akhirnya orgasme secara bersamaan. "Aaarrgh.. Oohh.. Mmhh.. Aarrgghh.. Enak.. Sekalii.. cintaa? Aku sudah keluar Dewa..?" erangan Mbak Hanny. "Aku juga sama Mbakk.. Rasanya penisku hangat sekali" Setelah berhenti beberapa menit, lalu kedua anak abg ini mulai membangkitkan lagi gairahku, Shelly kakaknya lagi asyik mengocok penisku dalam mulut dan bibirnya yang sexy sedangkan Poppy mencium bibirku habis-habisan sampai kedua lidah kami saling bertautan dan aku pun tak tinggal diam, aku mulai meremas-remas toketnya yang sedang seger-segernya seperti buah yang baru matang. Akhirnya kembali lagi aku ngentotin vagina adiknya yang masih perawan. Yang pertama kuentot vaginanya sherly yang kelas 1 SMU. Aku sangat kesulitan memasukan penisku karena vaginanya masih sempit dan perawan lagi. "Benar nih, vagina kamu mau aku masukin?" tanyaku dengan penuh kelembutan, perhatian dan kasih sayang. "Mau sekali Kak..?" jawabnya. "Aku dari tadi sudah kepengen banget, ingin ngerasain gimana sih kalau vagina aku dimasukin penis Mas dewa? Kelihatannya Kak Hanny enak dan nikmat banget, waktu Kakak lagi ngentotin dia?" jawab polosnya. Lalu aku suruh dia diatas aku dibawah dan akhirnya dia memasukan juga. Bles.. Bless.. Bbleess.. "Aw.. Aahh.. Ohh.. Kak.. sudah.. Masuk belumm..?" sambil dia mengedangah ke atas, bibir bawahnya digigit lalu kedua payudaranya dia remas-remas sendiri sambil dia menekan pantatnya kebawah. "Tekan lagi cinta masih kepalanya yang masuk?" Akhirnya dengan dibantu aku memegang pantatnya kebawah, akhirnya masuklah semuanya. "Aahh.. oohh.. yeeahh.. masuk semuanya yah kak?" katanya. "Iyah Shelly sayang, gimana enak kan?" tanyaku sambil aku mencoba menggenjotnya. "Enak.. sekali.. Kak Dewa.." "Ini belum seberapa Selly. Ntar kamu akan lebih nikmat lagi?" lalu aku kocok vaginanya dan akhirnya dia orgasme duluan. Creett.. Creett.. Ccroott.. "Aakk.. saayyaanngg.. aa.. kuu.. mau.. keluar nihh.." eranganya. Sambil memelukku erat-erat dan pantatnya ditahan ke belakang karena dia ada diatas, lalu aku pun sama menghentakkan pantatku ke depan, arah yang berlawanan supaya dia benar-benar menikmatinya, penisku tertekan lebih dalam lagi ke lubang vaginanya. Dia langsung lemes sementara aku belum orgasme dan kulihat Poppy sedang dioral vaginanya sama kakaknya, Mbak Hanny. "Sudah dong kak..?" kataku pada Mbak Hanny. "Kasihan tuhh.. vagina Poppy sudah ingin banget ngerasain di tusuk sama penisku ini?" kataku lagi "Iyah Kak Hanny, sudah dong kak?" kata Poppy. "Aku sudah enggak tahan sekali dari tadi lihat Kak Shelly dientot sama penisnya Dewa, sepertinya nikmat dan enak sekali?" katanya memohon agar Kak Hanny melepaskan oralnya di dalam vaginanya. Akhirnya kami berempat mulai perang lagi, aku mau masukin penisku ke vaginanya Poppy sambil nungging (doggy style) kemudian Poppy menjilat vaginanya Mbak Hanny dan Mbak Hanny menjilat vaginanya Shelly yang sudah seger lagi. "Wah.. seretnya bukan main nih vaginanya Poppy, dia masih kelas 1 SMP jadi lebih sempit dibanding kakak-kakaknya dan cengkramannya pun sangat kuat sekali." "Bleess.. Bless.. Bleess.." "Awww.. Awww.. Ooohh.. Ooohh.." Poppy menjerit lagi setiap aku mau memasukkan lagi penisku. "Sakit yah?" tanyaku sambil aku meremas-remas payudaranya. "Ii.. Iyah.. kak.., Tapi kok enak banget sih? terusin aja Kak Dewa.. Vagina poppy rasanya ada yang mengganjal dan rasanya hangat dan berdenyut-denyut," katanya. Sambil merem melek karena aku mulai menggenjot vaginanya. "Oohh.. terruuss.. aakk.. saayyaang.. p.. vaginanya Poppy yah.." ceracaunya. Dan rasanya dia mulai juga menggoyangkan pinggulnya. "Tenang cinta.. aku.. akan.. berusaha.. muasin vaginanya dik.. Poppy.. Yah.." Dan akhirnya aku ngentot vagina keempatnya. Lalu aku dengar dia berkata, "Aku mau keluar nih?" "Sabar taahann.. duu.. Luu.. Yah.." Namun baru sekali ini vaginanya dientot dia tak bisa nahan dan.. Crott.. Croott.. "Aarhhgg, eemmhh.. oohh.. yeeaass..nikmat banget aakh..?" eranganya. "Makasih.. Yah kak..?" sambil dia tersenyum. "Aku.. pipisnya kok.. enggak biasanya, tapi enak banget sih." "Aku mau keluar nih, dimana sayang?" tanyaku. "Aakkh.. didalam vaginaku aja yah.. Aku ingin ngerasain.. Gimana di siram air mani penis.." Ccrroott.. Crroott.. Crott.. Akhirnya aku tumpahkan ke dalam lobang vaginanya dan sebagian lagi kuberikan sama Kak Hanny dan Shelly. Gile.. Benerr.. sekali ngentot dapat empat vagina, yaitu vaginanya anak SMP, anak SMU, mahasiswi dan Tante-Tante. Tamat Nonton Videonya :

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diposting oleh Motivasi pada 23.09 Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Info Lowongan

Info Lowongan LOWONGAN FINANCE MANAGER Lowongan Yova Group Lowongan ACCOUNTING dan FINANCIAL LOWONGAN PT. RALIFINDO PERSADA Lowongan Kerja di RCC Mandiri Balikpapan Lowongan accounting officer ( accounting site ) LOWONGAN KERJA PT. PARASTAR ECHORINDO as ADMIN SALES & SALES EXECUTIVE Lowongan Distributor Cunsomer Goods Terkemuka PT. MITRAGROSIR ’89 Lowongan PT Momenta LOWONGAN KERJA PT. PARASTAR ECHORINDO LOWONGAN KERJA PT. JNE EXPRESS Lowongan Accounting Admin PT. Intraco Penta, Tbk LOWONGAN GURU AGAMA, MATH, TIK


Salah satu Distributor Consumer Goods Procter & Gamble (P&G) yang terbesar di Kalimantan dan berkembang pesat dengan Visi menjadi Distributor No 1. di kalimantan, membuka peluang bagi anda pada posisi untuk penempatan di Balikpapan : FINANCE MANAGER (FM) Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab : · Menyusun rencana kerja setiap tahunnya. · Melakukan perencanaan anggaran modal dan biaya perusahaan sesuai dengan tujuan yang ingin di capai perusahaan dalam periode setahun. · Melakukan pengawasan dalam hal pengeluaran dan pemasukan. · Melakukan pengelolaan dana perusahaan untuk memaksimalkan asset yang ada. · Melakukan evaluasi serta perbaikan atas kinerja keuangan dan system keuangan perusahaan untuk meningkatkan nilai perusahaan. Kualifikasi : · Pria atau wanita, Usia maksimal 35 tahun · Pendidikan minimal S1 Accounting atau Manajemen Keuangan · Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun pada posisi yang sama · Menguasai accounting dan program komputer Accounting dan perpajakan · Menguasai Bahasa Inggris, baik secara lisan dan tulisan Kirimkan Resume & CV. Dan cantumkan kode Lamaran diatas amplop kanan, tujukan ke alamat : PT. laut Timur Ardiprima JL. Soekarno Hatta KM.5,8 No.48 RT.30, Kel. Batu Ampar, Kec. Balikpapan Utara 76126 Atau email ke : [email protected] Lowongan Kerja : | Facebook : | Twitter :

Lowongan Yova Group Posted: 31 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Yova Group adalah perusahaan distributor makanan minuman terbesar di Kalimantan sejak tahun 1973. Kantor pusat kita berada di Balikpapan. Kita suppy seluruh outlet baik kecil maupun grosir hingga supermarket nasional di seluruh Balikpapan dan mengadakan pengiriman ke luar kota Grogot, Handil, Penajam. Perusahaan kita ingin memberikan service yang terbaik dari segi pengantaran barang ke outlet hingga memberikan barang dengan kualitas yang terbaik. Dengan adanya perkembangan perusahaan yang begitu pesat, kami ingin memberikan kesempatan kepada pekerja muda yang berkemampuan tinggi dan proffesional dan mau bekerja keras untuk bergabung di dalam perusahaan kami, dan saat ini kami lagi mencari pekerja di posisi sebagai berikut : 1. LOGISTIC MANAGER 2. ADMIN FINANCE 3. GENERAL AFFAIR MAINTENANCE 4. SALES SUPERVISOR REQUIREMENT: MALE / FEMALE 20 - 28 years old Min. Education D3 majoring in business or economy Min. 2 years experiences in Distribution business especially food and beverages company Expert in computer (Word, Excel, Power point) Good appearance and attitude Able to work in team or independently Good communication skill and friendly Good leadership skill (min. leader of 10 or more people) Able to work under pressure and result oriented person if u meet the qualification above, please submit your resume / cv to: Ayu [email protected] , cc : [email protected] jl. Mayjend Sutoyo Rt. 44 No.88 Gunung malang Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur

-- Best Regards, Jeffry Yova Cahyali Lowongan Kerja : | Facebook : | Twitter :

Lowongan ACCOUNTING dan FINANCIAL Posted: 31 May 2012 03:07 AM PDT

DIBUTUHKAN SEGERA Perusahaan kami adalah kontraktor, pemasok dan konsultan yang terus aktif dalam solusi lingkungan untuk bidang pertambangan dan lainnya. Untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan bisnis kami, kami mengundang professional yang dinamis dan termotivasi untuk menjadi bagian dari tim kami ACCOUNTING dan FINANCIAL Tanggung Jawab:• Mengembangkan sistem keuangan dan akuntansi• Mengembangkan dan mempersiapkan Laporan Keuangan• Mempersiapkan Laporan Pajak• Mempersiapkan rekonsiliasi akuntansi• Mengawasi dan mengembangkan prosedur kerja yang efektif• Pemantauan dan verifikasi transaksiPersyaratan:• Wanita, min 28 tahun• Sarjana di bidang Keuangan /Akuntansi atau setara• Setidaknya 5 tahun pengalaman di bidang terkait• Memahami system perpajakan.• Mampu membuat laporan keuangan • Memahami transaksi perbankan, pengendalian arus kas dan kas kecil• Mampu membuat dan mengontrol anggaran serta arus kas tahunan, bulanan, mingguan, dan harian Umum:• Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam komunikasi dan interpersonal • Independen, jujur, dan pekerja keras• Memiliki sikap dan orientasi pemecahan masalah dan keterampilan analitis • Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris minimal pasif • Memiliki motivasi diri yang tinggi

Kirimkan CV terbaru dan photo anda ke alamat email: [email protected] atau PO BOX 707 Balikpapan Lowongan Kerja : | Facebook : | Twitter :


URGENTLY REQUIRED Kami adalah salah satu Group Perusahaan yang sedang Berkembang bergerak di bidang Heavy Equipment Maintenace. Kami sedang Mencari kandidat untuk dapat bergabung bersama Team Solid kami di Seluruh Lokasi site yang ada di Kalimantan, sebagai berikut : - MEKANIK I - MEKANIK II Requirements: 1. Laki - Laki 2. Usia maksimal 30 tahun 3. Pengalaman minimal 3 - 4 tahun 4. Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan 5. Disiplin, Rajin, dan dapat bekerja sama dengan team 6. Bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh site PT. Ralifindo Persada Lamaran segera dikirim via email ke : [email protected] Sertakan CV dan No. Telp. Yang bisa dihubungi Lowongan Kerja : | Facebook : | Twitter :

Lowongan Kerja di RCC Mandiri Balikpapan Posted: 31 May 2012 03:05 AM PDT

PT. Bank Mandiri,Tbk - Regional Card Center Membutuhkan SEGERA !! karyawan untuk posisi: · Processing · CAR ( Card Account Representatif) · AMO (Assisten Marketing Officer) Dengan Kualifikasi sebagai berikut: a. Pria /Wanita b. Umur Max. 27 Thn c. Pendidikan Min. D3 (Processing dan CAR) d. Pendidikan Min. S1 (AMO) e. Sehat Jasmani & Rohani f. IPK min 2,75 Lamaran ditujukan ke alamat: Regional Card Center Mandiri JL. Jend. A. Yani No.6 RT.48 Gunung Sari - Balikpapan Up : General Affair Telp: 0542-739593 Atas Bantuan dan Kerja Samanya, Kami Ucapkan Terima Kasih Thanks & Regards, TAUFIK R N General Affair Regional Card Center Balikpapan Consumer Cards Groups PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Jl. Jend Ahmad Yani RT 48 No 6 Balikpapan 76121 Telp : 0542-739593 Fax: 0542-731077 Hp: 085247776576 Lowongan Kerja : | Facebook : | Twitter :

Lowongan accounting officer ( accounting site ) Posted: 31 May 2012 03:03 AM PDT

Kami adalah sebuah perusahaan kontraktor tambang batu bara di kalimantan timur yang sedang berkembang pesat sedang mencari beberapa kandidat untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut : Accounting Officer ( Accounting Site ) Persyaratan 1. Lulusan dari D3 / S1 Akuntansi, Keuangan 2. Pria / Wanita Maksimal 35 Tahun 3. Pengalaman 3 tahun di bidang nya 4. Bersedia ditempatkan di lokasi proyek 5. Bisa berbahasa English lebih di utamakan 6. Disiplin, jujur, tekun dalam bekerja dan loyal terhadap perusahaan Apabila berminat dan masuk kualifikasi silakan mengirimkan CV ke email [email protected] Kirim lamaran paling lambat satu minggu setelah informasi lowongan ini terbit. Lowongan Kerja : | Facebook : | Twitter :


PT.PARASTAR ECHORINDO Perusahaan kami bergerak dibidang distributor saat ini membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk ditempatkan di Balikpapan dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut : ADMIN SALES • Pria / Wanita usia max. 30 thn • Pendidikan Minimal D3 / Fresh Graduate • Pengalaman Kerja Minimal 1 Tahun sebagai Staff/admin • Mengerti program komputer (Ms Office). • Mampu bekerja secara individual dan juga bekerja dalam team • Jujur, komunikatif dan siap dibawah tekanan SALES EXECUTIVE - Pria, usia maks. 30 tahun - Pendidikan SMU - Memiliki pengalaman dibidang min. 1 tahun di bidang penjualan - Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan & menyukai target - Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim maupun bekerja secara individual - Memiliki motor & SIM C - Bersedia kontrak dengan perusahaan Outsourcing PT. PARASTAR ECHORINDO Balikpapan Super Block, Blok F 20 Jl. Jend Sudirman No. 47 Balikpapan - Kaltim UP : Vanessa S W. Worang-Coord HR Kalimantan Phone Office : [ 0542 ] 763548 / 763641 Email : [email protected] Cantumkan kode posisi di subjek email -- Warm Regards,, Vanessa Septi Worang "Segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya' Lowongan Kerja : | Facebook : | Twitter :

Lowongan Distributor Cunsomer Goods Terkemuka PT. MITRAGROSIR ’89 Posted: 31 May 2012 03:02 AM PDT

Distributor Cunsomer Goods Terkemuka PT. MITRAGROSIR '89 Membutuhkan Tenaga Keamanan Dengan Persyaratan : •Pria •Usia maximal 28 tahun •Tinggi minimal 168 cm •Ijasah SMA & Sederajat •Tidak berkacamata, bertato / Tindik telinga •Jujur dan bertanggung jawab •Diutamakan yang mempunyai sertifikat security & KTA » Diharapkan melampirkan Daftar Riwayat Hidup (CV), Copy KTP, Ijasah Pendidikan Terakhir, Surat Pengalaman Kerja, Setifikat Training atau dokumen pendukung lainnya. » Pelamar wajib memperlihatkan dokumen asli saat interview. SEGERA KIRIMKAN LAMARAN KE PT. MITRAGROSIR '89 Balikpapan JL. APT Pranoto, No. 11 Atau Email ke [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] cc. [email protected] Lowongan Kerja : | Facebook : | Twitter :

Lowongan PT Momenta Posted: 31 May 2012 03:01 AM PDT

PT Momenta Agrikultura Kami adalah perusahaan agribisnis supplier produk pertanian organic membutuhkan segera kandidat untuk posisi : 1. Head Sales Syarat : Pria/Wanita Pendidikan min.S1 semua jurusan Usia maksimal 35 thn Pengalaman min.3 thn Sales/Marketing Supervisor Memiliki jiwa leadership dan skill komunikasi yg baik Berdomisili di Balikpapan 2. Admin Sales Syarat : Wanita Pendidikan min.D3 Ekonomi Usia maksimal 27 thn Pengalaman min 1 thn sebagai admin/finance Memiliki skill komunikasi yg baik Berdomisili di Balikpapan Kirimkan CV dan lamaran Anda ke : [email protected] dan [email protected] website : Lowongan Kerja : | Facebook : | Twitter :


PT.PARASTAR ECHORINDO Perusahaan kami bergerak dibidang distributor saat ini membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk ditempatkan di Samarinda dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut : FINANCE SUPERVISOR • Pria/Wanita, usia max.30 tahun • Pendidikan min.S1 diutamakan bidang studi ekonomi • Memiliki pengalaman 2 tahun sebagai coordinator/ • Menguasai Ms.Office • Komunikatif,jujur & bisa bekerja dibawah tekanan,mampu memimpin anak buah dengan baik & multi talent SALES EXECUTIVE - Pria, usia maks. 30 tahun - Pendidikan SMU - Memiliki pengalaman dibidang min. 1 tahun di bidang penjualan - Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan & menyukai target - Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim maupun bekerja secara individual - Memiliki motor & SIM C - Bersedia kontrak dengan perusahaan Outsourcing STAFF LOGISTIK - Pria/Wanita Usia max.30 tahun - Pendidikan min.Smu - Memiliki pengalaman sebagai administrasi atau staff gudang min.1 tahun - Menguasai Ms. Office - Komunikatif,jujur, bertanggung jawab & bisa bekerja dibawah tekanan STAFF FINANCE - Perempuan - Usia max.30 tahun - Pendidikan min.smu - Memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai administrasi - Menguasai Ms. Office - Komunikatif,jujur & bisa bekerja dibawah tekanan PT. PARASTAR ECHORINDO Balikpapan Super Block, Blok F 20 Jl. Jend Sudirman No. 47 Balikpapan - Kaltim UP : Vanessa S W. Worang-Coord HR Kalimantan Phone Office : [ 0542 ] 763548 / 763641 Email : [email protected] Cantumkan kode posisi di subjek email

-- Warm Regards,, Vanessa Septi Worang "Segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya' Lowongan Kerja : | Facebook : | Twitter :


"LOWONGAN KERJA PT. JNE EXPRESS" JNE merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pengiriman dan logistik dan menjadi salah satu perusahaan kurir terbesar di Indonesia. Saat ini membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga kerja professional dalam rangka mengembangkan dan meningkatkan manajemen yang lebih baik khusus ditempatkan di Balikpapan. Untuk itu kami menawarkan kepada Anda melalui posisi sebagai berikut : 1. STAFF OPERASIONAL (Driver & Rider) 2. STAFF FINANCE a. Kasir b. Collector Dengan syarat : Pria Umur Max 29 tahun Rajin, berpenampilan menarik dan mau bekerja keras Enerjik & Dinamis Pendidikan minimal SMU atau sederajat (1) & Pendidikan Minimal D3 Jur. Akutansi (2) Mampu bekerjasama dalam team maupun individu Mempunyai Pengalaman lebih diutamakan Mempunyai SIM A. (Driver) & SIM C. (RIDER) Kirimkan lamaran lengkap & Cantumkan Kode Lamaran Ke Alamat ; PT . JNE Express Jl Jend.Sudirman No.499 Stall kuda Balikpapan Email : [email protected] Up : Ibu Dwi Agustina Lowongan Kerja : | Facebook : | Twitter :

Lowongan Accounting Admin PT. Intraco Penta, Tbk Posted: 31 May 2012 02:59 AM PDT

Accounting Admin · Wanita · single · Usia max 21 tahun · SMK jurusan Akutansi, fresh graduated · Nilai kompentensi keahlian rata-rata 7 Bagi yang berminat silahkan mengirimkan lamaran dengan melampirkan : surat lamaran, CV, fotocopy KTP, foto 4x6 1 lembar, fotocopy Ijazah, Transkip Nilai ke : Human Resource Dept. PT. Intraco Penta, Tbk Jl. Mulawarman Rt.28 No.06 kel.Manggar Balikpapan Atau melalui email : [email protected] Lamaran paling lama kami terima lengkap hari Jumat, tanggal 08 Juni 2012 Salam Ririn Sugianti Human Resource Department PT. Intraco Penta Prima Service Phone : 0542-770477 Ext :136 Fax : 0542-770462 Mobile : 0813 4647 1601 Email : [email protected] Lowongan Kerja : | Facebook : | Twitter :

LOWONGAN GURU AGAMA, MATH, TIK Posted: 30 May 2012 10:44 PM PDT

Lowongan Berkarir, Mengabdi Penuh Dedikasi SD AL AZHAR SYIFA BUDI SAMARINDA FILIAL JAKARTA Dibutuhkan Segera: GURU BIDANG STUDI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM MATEMATIKA TIK / KOMPUTER Syarat: 1. Min. S1 (sesuai bidangnya) 2. Beragama Islam (diutamakan laki-laki dan lancar membaca AlQur'an) 3. IPK min. 3.00 4. TOEFL min. 400 (sertakan copy sertifikat) 5. Mengajukan lamaran tertulis (tulis tangan), dilengkapi: Ftcpy Ijazah, Akta IV, Transkrip Nilai (mulai SD-PT) CV Pas photo 2lbr 3x4 6. Berdedikasi tinggi, memiliki keinginan untuk selalu mengupgrade diri dan berloyalitas terhadap lembaga Diantar dan dibawa langsung ke alamat: SD Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Samarinda Jl. KH. Wahid HAsyim GG, Kampus biru (belakang kampus widyagama) Samarinda tlp. 0541-768577 Cp. Soegeng Rijanto, S.Pd.I (0813 5040 6165) Lowongan Kerja : | Facebook : | Twitter :

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free porn Tim and Ben Armstrong SubspaceLand - Dark Devotion [Pacific Sun Entertainment] Hairy hunks vol2 Scene #4 Foster and Patrick R.: RAW Squirts So Good 1 Marine Ass 3 college girls. one lucky guy Asian Extreme - Young Girl Bound and Fucked Hard ManAvenue - Danny Hock Lots Of Meat Ex-boyfriends [Club light] Year 2053: Sex Education Lovely Libra - Sexual Chocolate Cocky Boys - Tagged Long, Hot Summer Part 1&2 Shemale Gangbangers 11 Bareback Gut Fuckers 2 Hotel Voyeur Jack and Chance - Dinner is served! NEW! 2012! 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Tim and Ben Armstrong Posted: 31 May 2012 03:14 PM PDT

Release Year: 2009 Studio: TimTales Cast: Tim and Ben Armstrong Genres: oral, anal, cumshot, fisting Video language: English Ben Armstrong is a cute young man from Bavaria....but also a pig In this Video you will see him get fucked hard by Tim´s Monstercock and then even Tim´s big hand found it´s place in Ben´s little ass. Wonderful cum eating at the end of the scene! Format: asf Duration: 28:56 Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 1668kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 382.9 MB

SubspaceLand - Dark Devotion Posted: 31 May 2012 03:13 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: SubspaceLand - FunnyBDSM Cast: Marylin Genres: BDSM,Spanking,Torture,Humilation,bondage Video language: English Video from the site SubspaceLand - very young hot girls are invited to the basement to learn the unprecedented pleasure of pain, all the girls have a very pleasant appearance, scoff at them all possible ways, and they love it Format: lavfpref Duration: 43:45 Video: 1280x720, MP4V, 2693kbps Audio: 147kbps

File size: 911.0 MB

[Pacific Sun Entertainment] Hairy hunks vol2 Scene #4 Posted: 31 May 2012 03:13 PM PDT

Studio: Pacific Sun Entertainment Cast: Brett Dimineo, Barry Barrett, Cameron Fox, Luciano Endino, Lance Gear, Ted Colunga Genres: Gay, DILF, Couples Video language: English This wild sandwich of tasty meat keeps twisting into new positions and the moaning gets louder throughout the woods. Format: lavfpref Duration: 23:23 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264) Audio: 125kbps

File size: 661.8 MB

Foster and Patrick R.: RAW Posted: 31 May 2012 03:12 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: ChaosMen Cast: Foster , Patrick Genres: Studs, Muscules, Duet, Oral, Anal, Cumshots Video language: English Patrick has been going through the site, looking for guys that he wanted to mess around with! Darius is his favorite, but I knew he was coming in to do a 3-way and it would be a while to get him in.Foster and Valentino were doing a scene together, and since I had the room with the mattress still setup from Darius's 3-way, I figured why not do another 3-way? Patrick was certainly happy to be banged by two big-dicked dudes.So this was supposed to be a 3-way. Valentino was all set. Tested and even the day before had me change his return flight. Then no show. Format: mp4 Duration: 24:02 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2176kbps Audio: 93kbps

File size: 400.1 MB

Squirts So Good 1 Posted: 31 May 2012 03:11 PM PDT

Release Year: 2006 Studio: DVSX Cast: Flower Tucci, Jada Fire, Lexi Love, Christian, Gianna Lynn, Derrick Pierce, Annie Cruz, Angela Stone, Keeani Lei, Savannah Stern, Alex Sanders, Nick Manning Genres: Gonzo, Squirting, Straight Video language: English Get these bitches hot enough, and their pusiies turn into free flowing fountains of fuck fluid. Watch in shock and awe as these gushing gashes get forcefully fucked and then spout streams of glorious girl goo!

File size: 692.1 MB

Marine Ass Posted: 31 May 2012 03:08 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010 Genres: Oral/Anal Sex, Twinks, Public Nudity, Amateurs Video language: English So Joey is out on South Beach looking to link up with an old friend named Kurt. They finally meet up and get right down to business searching for some beach ass. They find a handsome fellow buying some jewelry for his girlfriend. Tony is his name and he's a cutie for sure. After Joey and Kurt explain their reason for approaching him he seems intrigued and when money is in the mix who can say no right?! They sneak ti to the public bathroom for a little fun. These boys are daring to say the least. Amazingly they get right in to it and all of this for just 60 bucks! After Tony and Kurt get a little hot and bothered they decide to take it to the beach for some sexual healing by the waves of the sea. Needless to say they got along like old lovers. It all ends with a mixture of Tony and Kurt's cum all over one of their bellies. Ahh a day in the life of South Beachers. Format: flv Duration: 45:36 Video: 852x480, VP6F, 1497kbps Audio: 62kbps

File size: 524.0 MB

3 college girls. one lucky guy Posted: 31 May 2012 03:05 PM PDT

Genres: group sex teens amateur Video language: English All natural college girls attacking that cock and feeding on it with so much desire and going at each other too, I've been looking for the entire clip and its definitely a turn on getting greened and saved to enjoy over and over... lucky bastard all the cum on his cock from those horny chics,the chic with the red hair puts it down and her tongue is awesome, cum finish could have been better and the lucky bastard could have done a better job but still one of the hottest college vids I've seen. Format: lavfpref Duration: 20:53 Video: 428x228, AVC (H.264), 513kbps Audio: 59kbps

File size: 86.8 MB

Asian Extreme - Young Girl Bound and Fucked Hard Posted: 31 May 2012 03:05 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 She won't have to wait long as Mr. Dick flogs the pleading girl before sampling her goods. She will not be delivered to a new owner until the stubborn girl is fully broken. After his beating, Yoki will soon be ready... Format: avi Duration: 1:58:40 Video: 720x410, DivX 4, 976kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 969.0 MB

ManAvenue - Danny Hock Posted: 31 May 2012 03:05 PM PDT

We spotted Danny working in his yard almost a year ago. After approaching him (and getting shunned) several times about modeling with us, we finally quit asking. Needless to say, we were shocked when HE approached US and asked if the invitation was still open. How could we resist this blonde, blue-eyed specimen? Danny seems at ease exposing his tight, muscular body in front of our cameras. Watch him try to remove his shirt at the beginning of this video. His biceps are so tight, he can't get his shirt off the normal way; he has to remove it over his head. While posing and showing off in his briefs, we notice a bulge and can tell the attention is exciting him. He removes them and his huge cock flops out. After playing with his dick and fingering his hole slightly, he walks into the next room sporting a boner and gets down to some man-stroking and sperm-spewing. Catch that last bit of jizz dripping from his hard dick as he smiles one last time to the camera. Danny Hock !!! It was worth the wait. Duration : 00:17:54 Resolution : 1280x720 Video : VC-1 (WMV3), 1 492 Kbps, 29.970 fps

File size: 200.4 MB

Lots Of Meat Posted: 31 May 2012 03:04 PM PDT

Studio: EXBF This week we have an all-American, grade A certified hunk of meat. He's just hanging out enjoying his cereal when his horny boyfriend insists that he beat his meat for the camera. It takes a little convincing but he pulls out his beefy cock and jerks it. Format: mp4 Duration: 9:11 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3360kbps Audio: 104kbps

File size: 233.3 MB

Ex-boyfriends Posted: 31 May 2012 03:04 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010 Studio: Helix, 8Teenboy Cast: Tommy Anders, Skyelr Bleu, Markus Edward, Jasper Madison, Ashton Michaels, Matthew Summers, Cody Cachet, Zack Mason, Patrick Kennedy, Chad Fitch Genres: Kissing, Oral Sex, Tea Bags, Rimming, Fucking, Anal Sex, Masturbation, Facial, Group Sex, Twinks, Blonds, Brunette, Frat - Jocks, Muscular, Cum Shots Description: The grass is greener on the other side, or so we think until we realize how hot our ex-boyfriends really were. Nonetheless the make-up sex is passionate, angry, sweaty - just one big ball of sexual tension ready to be by these horny twinks. Format: avi Duration: 02:05:09 Video: 852x480, MPEG-4 Visual@ XviD, 2203 Kbps Audio: 192 Kbps

File size: 1.9 GB

[Club light] Year 2053: Sex Education Posted: 31 May 2012 03:03 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Genres: hentai, cg Video language: Japanese Date: May/2012/05/30 Introduction To "Guidelines for new education policy in our country due to the new system of International Education" Year 2051, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science was raised, the phrase "full of correct sex education" was included. "If you are just about sex without contraception marriage even though the 30s, from school , under the guidance of correct, should get to know the beauty of pregnancy and Pies" Since the beginning of the 21st century, under the influence of the Internet revolution, the idea for sex people were undergoing a big change. In addition, country-specific issues that the low birth rate, in this extremism, it was spurred ... big. And 2,053 years. Sex education - as a greeting of a new body to replace the "Hello" "Good morning", evolved further, and even those who do not know, but if there is to insert the first genital had been courtesy CG image collection depicting the daily life of a certain future. As is obvious in the future the term is it is 2 +2 = 5, in this school can have sex instead of studying, girls get pregnant, that boy will be seeding has become a matter of course . In this world, does not have any children or withdrawal ~Tsu bullied. In this world, it does not, then there is fear that because others. Remains forever pure feeling everyone. Episode 1: piss semen to women to morning glory Climbing bars: Episode 2 Pies Memorial Gold Medal book report: Episode 3 Suzuki, president of the back gate: Episode 4 Dr. Yumiko gene: Episode 5 Kun'nisuto of sunset: Episode 6

File size: 454.6 MB

Lovely Libra - Sexual Chocolate Posted: 31 May 2012 03:02 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: plumperpass Cast: Lovely Libra Genres: BBW, Big Tits, Big Butt, Interracial Video language: English Lovely Libra is a new hot BBW. Also known as Perisa, This hot plumper milf is not just a pretty face but has the most amazingly huge 38F's. A hot little shorty with great bounce on her top. Watch as she takes that huge white dick in her mouth and start to fuck him correctly. She loves it when he plays with her belly and giggle her ass. She rides that cock hard and doesn't stop, great fuck flick! Enjoy! Format: asf Duration: 37:24 Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video V8 Audio: 125kbps

File size: 849.6 MB

Cocky Boys - Tagged Posted: 31 May 2012 03:01 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: Cocky Boys Producer: Benny Morecock, Hugo Harley Two are better than one - that's what getting tagged is all about. Cocky Boys' best threeways combine in this hot movie that'll have you creaming your pants right off!

Format: Windows Media Duration: 01:22:16 Video: 848x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1960 kbps Audio: 128 kbps

File size: 1.2 GB

Long, Hot Summer Part 1&2 Posted: 31 May 2012 03:00 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: StrictRestraint Cast: Summer Brielle Genres: BDSM the Valley it's one hot series of events. This year we welcome in the yearly broil-fest with Ms. Brielle, she symbolizes Southern California in every way...the long blonde hair, the impeccable tits, the smooth, tan flesh...Holly's chained her to the bars, the dildo firmly planted in her mouth squelches her screams. Summer's never been this hot before...The whip works it's way across her back, this is an unfamiliar sensation to Summer I would guess. I would imagine she gets her way on the outside with those looks. Today however, she belongs to us, the game has changed...Her massive tits take their turn with the whip next before Holly brandishes the wand. Without the dildo inserted in her mouth, Summer's shrieks fill the air. The vibe on that tight, perfectly manicured pussy is almost too much to bear...Next, Summer disappoints when she takes the strap-on in her mouth. Holly then puts her through her paces as Summer must practice her cock sucking proficiency on a series of dildos. Eager to please, Summer laboriously crawls around the room, gobbling rubber to appease her Mistress... And now we find busty Ms. Brielle roped tightly with a vibrator between her legs. Holly greets her first with gentle strokes before she reaches for the violet wand and proceeds to give Summer a good raking over with the device. Summer meanwhile, gasps and moans and Holly breaks out another dildo, force feeding it to her new slave, while Summer literally begs to cum...These are two extremely beautiful women we are watching here. And that proves even more evident when Summer is strapped to the bench ass up. Holly lubes Summer's perfect hole and then slides in from behind to give her a sound fucking. As Summer bellows, things really sizzle as Holly barrels onward... Video: AVC at 998 kbit / s 960 x 540 (1.778) at 29.970 fps Audio: AAC at 48,0 kbit / s 1 channel, 44.1 KHz

File size: 391.2 MB

Shemale Gangbangers 11 Posted: 31 May 2012 02:57 PM PDT

Release Year: 2009 Studio: White Ghetto Cast: Carolina (TVTS), Jackie (TVTS), Dayanna (TVTS), Jenny (TVTS), Britany (TVTS), Morena (TVTS), Nahara (TVTS) Genres: SheMale, Mature, Transsexual, All Sex Video language: English Usually when you get a group of beautiful women together you eventually will end up with a cat fight. What if those ladies are packing some serious heat? Then you might have a cock fight or a sword fight. Men, women, and everything in between, these hung ladies don't care, they just want to fuck. And therein lies their advantage; they can choose to fuck either men or women … 100% cum-soaked, non-stop, hardcore tranny gangbang! Format: avi Duration: 1:30:00 Video: 640x480, XviD, 1606kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.1 GB

Bareback Gut Fuckers 2 Posted: 31 May 2012 02:55 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Dark Alley Media Cast: Ivan, Antonio Biaggi, Champ Robinson, Matthias Von Fistenberg, Brandon Hawk, Davide, Jaysen Park, Adrian R., Dusty Robinchaux, Thiago Romero Genres: Bareback, Oral, Anal, Interracial, Cumshots Video language: English No plots, no scripts, no rubber! Bareback Gut Fuckers 2 features some of the hottest bareback scenes ever shot on film! Real uninhibited sex with nothing but real, sweaty, horny men! This is the only Que Grande video. Stars also making their debut in this video-Jaysen Park, Adrian R.. Format: asf Duration: 1:54:25 Video: 848x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1915kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.7 GB

Hotel Voyeur Posted: 31 May 2012 02:55 PM PDT

Year: 2012 Country: UK Genre: Studs, Muscules, Trio, Oral, Anal, Rimming, Cumshots Time: 00:22:04 Description: Thank you for your reservation at the Hotel Voyeur. Your company associates Mr. Ben Brown, Mr. Axel Brooks and Mr. Alex Marte have already checked in. We encourage our guests to make use the many facilities we provide such as gym in the basement, restaurant on the ground floor and not to mention the serious cruising which you will find throughout the entire hotel. For example this very instant you will find Ben Brown on the second floor, down on his knees sucking Alex Marte's thick uncut cock as Axel Brooks watches from his room door before eventually joining them and turning the situation into a sweaty, muscle three-way right in the middle of the hotel corridor for all to see. We hope you enjoy your stay.

File size: 338.2 MB

Jack and Chance - Dinner is served! NEW! 2012! Posted: 31 May 2012 02:54 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Youlovejack Cast: Jack and Chance Genres: TOral sex, Big Dickl, Twinks, Studs, Masturbation, Cumshots, 720p, Video language: English Chance took one look at Jack's solo and knew he had to have that cute little twinks rock hard cock down his talented throat. We made a couple of calls and the rest is history!Chance takes his time worshipping Jack's sturdy 6 inch cock as he lovingly licks and kisses his perfect cock head. He works Jack's cock like a pro and is rewarded with a mouthful of delicious twink cum delivered fresh from the tap! He gobbles up every last drop then stands up and kisses Jack with his cum still dripping off his tongue!Jack and Chance are making out on the couch but Chance can't wait to get into Jack's sweat pants. He dives on his buddy's rock hard cock and slobbers all over the dick head before swallowing his cock all the way to the balls. He devours his buddy's shaft before pulling up and kissing his swollen cock head.Jack moans quietly as he gently pushes Chance's head back down on his cock. Guiding his buddy back and forth and he shows him how he likes to get head. Format: mp4 Duration: 15:33 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3644kbps Audio: 62kbps

File size: 422.7 MB

Use Me Part LL Kieron Ryan & Troy Collins Posted: 31 May 2012 02:52 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: ManHandled Cast: Kieron Ryan & Troy Collins Genres: Studs, Muscules, Duet, Oral, Anal, Masturbation, Cumshots Video language: English It seem that Troy wasn't too happy with his hot bottom Kieron who came too fast. Join us for part ll and see what's in store for Kieron. Format: asf Duration: 20:45 Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1757kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 275.4 MB

Belinda Lawson - End of Term - E Posted: 31 May 2012 02:52 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Firm Hand Spanking Cast: Belinda Lawson Genres: BDSM, Spanking Will 165 smacks with Mr Anderson's hand and a kitchen spatula help remind pretty Belinda Lawson that lying is a bad trait? School skirt up and panties down, she bends over a kitchen counter to learn the hard way, with a well-deserved spanking in End of Term. Awesome booty jiggle! Format: asf Duration: 6:41 Video: 720x576, Windows Media Video 9, 1835kbps Audio: 62kbps

File size: 93.4 MB

Feel The Pain (2012) Posted: 31 May 2012 02:51 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Cast: Castro Supreme, Roni Adams Genres: Anal, Black, Blowjob, Brunette, Cumshot, Facial, Handjob, Latina, Pornstar We brought in a porno virgin to see what was up. I think he shit himself when he saw that Castro was hung literally like a horse. The guys name is Roni and he gets his butt-hole pummeled by some big black dick! It had to of hurt! LOL Watch this Video! Format: mp4 Duration: 36:31 Video: 1280x768, AVC (H.264), 2929kbps Audio: 65kbps

File size: 802.7 MB

Hot House Entertainment - Fist for Hire 1 On the Prowl Posted: 31 May 2012 02:51 PM PDT

Release Year: 1999 Studio: Hot House Entertainment / Club Inferno Cast: Tom Vaccaro, Jason Anderson, Giovanni Bellini, Harrison Quaid, Kelly Smith, Chris Ward, Mark Evrett, Nick Nicaste Genres: Fetish/Kink, Muscle Men, Hairy Guys, Butt Play, Fisting, Double Anal Penetration, Anal, Oral Video language: English One simple call to the professionals at the Fist for Hire Agency solves all deep-seated problems! These men are on the prowl and fisting is what they crave! Format: asf Duration: 1:18:22 Video: 480x360, Windows Media Video 9, 1220kbps Audio: 62kbps

File size: 735.9 MB

Top Wet Girls 10 (2011) DVDRip Posted: 31 May 2012 02:50 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: Evil Angel Cast: Sasha Rose, Avril Sun, Aliz, Norah Swan, Antonya, Melanie Memphis, Lana, Amabella, Eve Angel, Brandy Smile Genres: Lesbians Video language: English Christoph Clark is a classic purveyor of European smut, and his specialty is nasty anal play among lustful lesbian beauties. "Top Wet Girls 10" continues the fine tradition of the series, showcasing amazingly gorgeous sluts who violate each other with fingers, tongues and dildos. Format: avi Duration: 2:59:06 Video: 576x320, XviD, 919kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

Graham Kenny Posted: 31 May 2012 02:50 PM PDT

Graham is a lot of fun to work with. He's very full of energy and he loves to try new things. After his last shoot, I was talking to him about getting his dick sucked by another guy. He said he was up for it, but I told him I also wanted him to try something else — getting rimmed. Now, of course he had no idea what that meant, and I could tell by the expression on his face as I explained it to him that it was something he had never even dreamed of. Kenny has become quite adventurous in the sex department recently as well. He had never eaten another guy's ass out, but he had met Graham before and seemed almost excited about the idea! I wasn't sure how well Kenny was going to do — but it was Graham who was the big surprise. At first, he reluctantly spread his legs to reveal his hole, but as Kenny started working him over (quite expertly, I might add), he liked it more and more! He told me afterward that he thought having his ass eaten was actually better than the blow job itself! Format: asf Duration: 18:15 Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video 9, 977kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 137.6 MB

Uprising Posted: 31 May 2012 02:49 PM PDT

Release Year: 2007 Studio: Falcon International Cast: Mario McGabe, Denis Reed, Richard Jordan, Adam Russo, Gabriel Thorsten, Evan Rochelle, Milan Breze, Johny Linus and Mark Zebro Genres: Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Twinks A classic story of conflict between the nobility and the peasants. Follow along as an erotic tale of intrigue and indulgence is woven through the lusty exploits of a people divided in everything but their desire. Format: avi Duration: 2:00:40 Video: 640x480, XviD, 995kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1000.0 MB

LucasEntertainment - Guy Ronen and Ron Atias Posted: 31 May 2012 02:48 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010 Studio: Lucas Entertainment Genres: Muscles, Oral / Anal Sex, Big Dick, Pissing, Masturbation, Cumshot Video language: English Sun-kissed Guy Ronen retreats to his private cabana in order to relieve himself upon the compliant and willing Ron Atias. Ron puts his mouth to work on his friends sputtering hose. Soon Guy cannot take anymore and insists on turning Ron around and ramming his rod up his rookie ass. Rons whimpers are the best accompaniment to Guys powerful thrusts. Format: mp4 Duration: 18:15 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 5445kbps Audio: 107kbps

File size: 743.1 MB

Me comen el rabo a la vez Posted: 31 May 2012 02:47 PM PDT

Cast: Yanire Bertoni El sueno de todo hombre, que dos tetonas bolleras te coman el cilindrin en estereo. Remigio ya lo ha cumplido con una morena por un lado y una rubia por el otro. Un trio con dos jacas que le dejan seco. ?No te pierdas este polvo a tres bandas! ?Las tetonas se tragan toda la leche! Format: asf Duration: 22:52 Video: 720x576, Windows Media Video 9, 2734kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 485.4 MB

Tim and André Posted: 31 May 2012 02:44 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010 Studio: TimTales Cast: Tim and André Genres: oral, anal, cumshot, big dick, interracial Video language: English André is one of our new discoveries His deep voice and killersmile are absolutely disarming. He feels so comfortable in his strong body, you can see in every moment how much he enjoys getting physical and having sex. It was fun shooting the footage and it is fun watching it. Format: mp4 Duration: 16:33 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 2331kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 298.4 MB

Sex for money - acquaintance with the handsome street waved at the anal Posted: 31 May 2012 02:43 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: czechhunter Genres: studs duet, oral,anal sex, cums, public sex Video language: English CzechHunter - a new site that spread video format "REAL". Someone is looking for guys on the streets of the Czech Republic, offering them money, so they showed a member. Well, then: more than agree, the more money you get. Format: lavfpref Duration: 24:20 Video: 848x480, AVC (H.264), 1367kbps Audio: 93kbps

File size: 261.1 MB

[Pacific Sun Entertainment] Hairy hunks vol2 Scene #2 Posted: 31 May 2012 02:43 PM PDT

Studio: Pacific Sun Entertainment Cast: Brett Dimineo, Barry Barrett, Cameron Fox, Luciano Endino, Lance Gear, Ted Colunga Genres: Gay, DILF, Couples Video language: English Bears, daddies, and a few daddy's boys. Hairy bears, and muscle daddies in hard pounding sweaty man-sex...just the way you like it. These guys are built to take it rough 'n rugged. Format: lavfpref Duration: 23:36 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264) Audio: 125kbps

File size: 661.7 MB

Explosive orgasms and Huge wads Posted: 31 May 2012 02:42 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: lucasraunch Cast: Parker London, Zach Alexander, Rafael Alencar, Junior Stellano, Spencer Reed, Genres: Anal Oral Sex, Big Dick, Cumshot, Video language: English Lucas Entertainment has no shortage of hot men and hung pornstars shooting even hotter loads, and "CUM GUZZLERS" highlights every last, dripping shot of the best the studio has to offer. Models shooting this loads include Parker London, Zach Alexander, Rafael Alencar, Junior Stellano, Spencer Reed, John Magnum, Alessio Romero, Johnny Angel, Steven Daigle, Kyle DeAnthony, Matan Shalev, and Harry Format: mp4 Duration: 32:53 Video: 854x480, AVC (H.264), 1272kbps Audio: 107kbps

File size: 333.7 MB

Squirts So Good 2 Posted: 31 May 2012 02:41 PM PDT

Release Year: 2006 Studio: DVSX Cast: Christian, Jenner, Jenna Presley, Van Damage, Nadia Styles, Cindy Crawford, Aubrey Addams, Jay Huntington, Nikki Nievez, Sindy Lange, Nick Manning Genres: Gonzo, Squirting, Straight Video language: English These sluts get so fuckin' turned on when they get their pussies pounded that they can't help but blow buckets of bush broth. Kick back and watch these wet little bitches get drilled... we just hope you're prepared for a flood.

File size: 823.2 MB

Drunkengay - Moscow forest fuck Posted: 31 May 2012 02:38 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Genres: drunken, oral, anal, dildo Two drunk trashy lowbrows in tacky 1990s-style clothes buy even more beer at a train station kiosk before wandering off into the woods of suburban Moscow. Once they find a cozy enough spot, they decide to engage in mutual cocksucking and bareback fucking, probably because the are sooooo 'insanely intoxicated.' All the action is accompanied by the sharing of yet another beer bottle, which eventually has close encounters of the second kind with both boys' buttholes. The top finally cums onto the bottom's chest. The sexual performance is relatively lackluster, and the fact that the otherwise naked guys keep holding their bruised legs and battered loafers into the camera (even while fucking!) doesn't particularly add to the aesthetical appeal of the video. But the whole thing can still be fun if you don't take it too seriously. At least the image quality is good. Format: avi Duration: 15:11 Video: 520x416, DivX 4, 1268kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 156.2 MB

Extra Big Dicks - Tommy Defendi and Krist Cummings Posted: 31 May 2012 02:35 PM PDT

"You want that cock in your ass?" Tommy teases before putting little Krist on his back and sliding ball deep into Nebraska's back woods. Krist may be a compact 5'4 but he sure can accommodate some thick dick. Tommy is moaning as he feels Krist's tight ass slowly begin to milk his meat. Krist's face says it all as Tommy begins to slowly pull his cock almost all the way out before slowly sliding it back inside. Tommy wasn't kidding when he said he likes to take his time fucking a hot ass so that his partner gets the best experience on the end of his dick. He then orders Krist to get on his stomach and once he does, Tommy lines his thick cock up with that sweet ass and lowers himself into Krist. Krist's mouth gapes open as he feels every thick inch of Tommy's cock sink even deeper inside him. Duration : 00:18:34 Resolution : 640x480 Video : WMV1 (WMV1), 1 500 Kbps

File size: 176.9 MB

Tastes Like Chicken Posted: 31 May 2012 02:35 PM PDT

Release Year: 2001 Studio: 18 Today / Tino Video / The French Connection Cast: Brandon, Bryce, Dylan, Jordan, Kyle, Luke, Tristan, Hans Kern, Mr. Lucky Genres: twinks, couples, oral, anal Aren't they cute? See them play on the playground, camping in the woods, taking showers together. Young studs doing what comes naturally. Who can resist fresh 'chicken'? Format: avi Duration: 1:26:55 Video: 720x544, XviD, 1185kbps Audio: 346kbps

File size: 981.6 MB

Lazy Day on the Couch Posted: 31 May 2012 02:34 PM PDT

Studio: EXBF So this weeks submission is from this guy who decided to film himself on the coach one lazy Saturday afternoon. Little did he know his little tape was going to end up in our hands.He gets into some weird positions and man can I say he is a pro at jerking the cock. Format: mp4 Duration: 11:14 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3386kbps Audio: 107kbps

File size: 288.0 MB

Without Borders Posted: 31 May 2012 02:34 PM PDT

Release Year: 2008 Studio: Luis Blava Productions Cast: no info Genres: Anal/Oral Sex, Bareback, Cumshot, Sucking, Twinks, Spunks Description: In a flower-papered room, a longhaired cutie and his crew cut friend are as amused by their own sex as they are by magazine pictures of other people's. Longhair, fully-dressed, jacks pants-down Crew cut's pink, pointed prick to a messy climax, then Crew cut returns the favor, both boys giggling all the way. Format: wmv Duration: 01:29:25 Video: 640x480, VC-1@ WMV3, 1975 Kbps Audio: 64.0 Kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Nikita: Miss You [HD MOVIE] Posted: 31 May 2012 02:33 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: JustTeenSite Cast: Nikita Genres: Erotic girl Video language: English Our naked girls are fresh and delicious and eager to show you their most intimate secrets. We work with only the cutest naked girls, right after they've turned legal. And loads of sweet, young, innocent naked girls discovering their bodies and sharing them with you for the very first time. If you LOVE adorable young and naked girls full of personality and sensual energy, you've come to the right place! They are just beginning to feel sexy, and you can help them learn! Format: asf Duration: 19:27 Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 4932kbps Audio: 187kbps

File size: 728.1 MB

Tattooed girl gives boyfriend a harsh handjob Posted: 31 May 2012 02:32 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Hars hHand Jobs Cast: Mai Bailey Genres: RedHead, BigTits, HandJob Video language: English My girlfriend has a bit of thing about tattoos. I do not share her enthusiasm. Imagine how pissed off I was when she came home the other day with yet another one! I asked her why didn't she ask me first and the silly woman went mad. She ripped off my trousers, yanked out my cock and started to give me a really harsh handjob. I kept trying to get her stop and do something more gentle with me, but this just seemed to annoy her even more, so she just kept on until, strangely, something started to stir down there. Format: asf Duration: 13:51 Video: 640x360, Windows Media Video 9, 1495kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 165.4 MB

Jeremy Roddick - Cumlicious 2 Posted: 31 May 2012 02:31 PM PDT

Released: 07/2011 Studio Name: Jeremy Roddick Series: Cumlicious Director: Jeremy Roddick Stars: Johan Lapointe, Ashton Hardwell, Alexi Sin, Yuri Gurganov, William Prince, Hayden Colby, Deano Valentine, Jeremy Roddick Categories: Amateur, Cumshot, Twink, Anal, Uncut, Safe Sex Warning: May Contain Cum Dripping Action! Jeremy Roddick is serving huge loads of cum to his craving friends! This is a movie that features horny, studly guys who are addicted to cum! These naughty dudes love the taste of jizz and they are looking for some other naughty guys to cum and play with!

Format: Windows Media Duration: 01:09:36 Video: 848x480, Windows Media Video V8 Audio: 64 kbps

File size: 1.0 GB

Day_of_Infamy Posted: 31 May 2012 02:30 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: StrictRestraint Cast: Joslyn James Genres: BDSM Friday the 13th...a day of infamy. What better way to celebrate than with Joslyn James? She herself no stranger to certain infamy so to speak...With her mouth taped, she's greeted by Holly who goes straight for her pussy before those massive tits from their confinements. This Joslyn...she's one fine specimen...Once Holly has her collared, she plays with those massive orbs a bit more before brandishing the whip and utilizing the leather to it's fullest across Joslyn's ripe backside. Chained to the pole however, Joslyn's not going anywhere, try as she might. And then, Joslyn moans as Holly presses the wand against her clit, she grinds down, her belly tenses, and she rattles off a memorable orgasm...Now, face down on the floor, Joslyn endures as Holly clothes-pins her pussy. Next, a plug in her tight ass and Holly crops her thoroughly. She grabs hard on her ties when Holly fingers her cunt...A little more ass play, and Joslyn takes the plug nice and deep as the wand is pressed on her clit once more giving us another orgasm that will go down in history... Raw from earlier activities, Joslyn is rigged to the bars, she whimpers at the thought of what is to come...Holly lubes her asshole. She gets it nice and wet before inserting the electrical plug. And then she cranks up the power. At first Joslyn may think that she's just got a free pass this round, she can't feel a thing. But, she's soon to catch that jolt as Holly turns the knob even higher. As she squeals, the electrical current running through her tight anus, Holly is quick to go for the vibe and Joslyn is subjected to yet another tumultuous vibe session at the hands of her Mistress... which lends itself to a good whipping. First some pleasure then some pain however, as the she then finds herself spread on the Dungeon floor on the receiving end of a nasty foot caning. Holly then turns her attentions back to Joslyn's pussy as she hammers a dildo into it viciously. One more wicked orgasm is on tap as Joslyn hangs on tight. Her eyes roll, her toes curl and then just as suddenly, she is left on her own... Video: AVC at 998 kbit / s 960 x 540 (1.778) at 29.970 fps Audio: AAC at 48,0 kbit / s 1 channel, 44.1 KHz

File size: 415.9 MB

Swimming Pool Party Posted: 31 May 2012 02:27 PM PDT

Release Year: 2009 Studio: BangBros Cast: Simony Diamond Genres: 18+ Teens, Amateur, Anal, Blowjob, Brunette, Cumshot, Handjob, Natural Tits, White Video language: English Borya is looking for a place to stay so he ends up at the home of a lovely couple renting out a room. To get Borya acquainted with the house, they gave him a tour. Once they get to the swimming pool, they start having sex and Borya captures it on camera. This guy's girlfriend is hot. She's smoking. She has beautiful eyes and a beautiful body, plus she is a freak who likes to suck cock and ride dick. And she likes to take it up the ass too. Check it out! Format: lavfpref Duration: 40:22 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2929kbps Audio: 68kbps

File size: 888.6 MB

Tipping Off The Hacker Posted: 31 May 2012 02:27 PM PDT

Studio: ( Cast: Robert Van Damme and Alexander Greene Video language: English Alexander Greene is an internet scam artist working out of his college dorm by night while he attends class by day. Robert Van Damme is head of security at the college and is tipped off about Alexander's shady dealings while using the school network. Van Damme surprises Greene before he can destroy all the evidence, Greene resorts to hiding a USB stick in his ass. This isn't Roberts first day in the park and unfortunately/fortunately for Alexander the ass is ALWAYS the first place Robert likes to search. Robert finds the USB stick and decides to show Greene what else can be put in his tight hole!

Ajay,Micky and Trent Posted: 31 May 2012 02:25 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Genres: studs, muscles, trio, oral, masturbation, cumshots Video language: English It's getting hot in the gym this week! After a few duos, Trent is ready to double down with stunning twin brothers Ajay and Micky. Fratmen Ajay and Trent know that a workout is always better when you have a committed workout buddy. They both have the tight, ripped, muscular bodies to prove that! When Ajay's twin brother Micky was in town, we couldn't resist putting them together for another amazing gym experience. Ajay, Micky, and Trent begin with a very casual workout in the nude. These guys are so comfortable around each other, they don't mind a little naked company. It isn't long though, before Mick and Ajay pounce on the opportunity to give Trent a hot rub down. Taking extra care not to miss any part of Trent's body, Ajay and Micky take turns caressing everything and sucking Trent's fat cock. Watching this, you'll wish you could take his place! Trent, being the Fratmen he is, returns the favor, and it isn't long before these studs are stroking 3 amazing cocks together. The resulting cumshots are amazing, and Trent seals the afternoon with a gentle kiss Format: lavfpref Duration: 36:33 Video: 960x544, AVC (H.264), 1952kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 557.9 MB

Harry Louis and Bentley Race Posted: 31 May 2012 02:25 PM PDT

Year: 2012 Country: Australia Genre: Muscle, Big dick, Tatoos, Masturbaion, Blow Job, Cumshots, Facial Time: 00:19:59 Description: I really didn't expect the enormous soaking of cum that Harry Louis gave me and my hotel room at the end of this video where we started to get it on. Harry's photo shoot was pretty hot, but this video is amazing. Harry holds the camera at one point while I get to work on that fat rocket cock.

File size: 203.6 MB

Sandy Skarsgard! NEW! 2012! Posted: 31 May 2012 02:24 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: SocietySM DungeonCorp Cast: Sandy Skarsgard! Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Toys Video language: English This week we find Ms. Sandy Skarsgard in Holly's grips. She starts off in a full suspension from the rafters as her flesh is walloped and worked over with a ruler, before trading off for some penetration…School is in session...Next, Sandy hovers over the ground belly down while she takes a wicked caning. All of her wriggling and writhing are to no avail however, as Holly keeps up the pace. Finally, after what seems like and eternity, Holly reaches for he vibe and plants it on Sandy's pussy. Sandy, squealing and whimpering is pushed to edge before the the ruler is brandished once again and used to it's fullest...Sandy then finds herself planted on the floor while she receives some electro-therapy. As she twitches, she's subjected to the crop and Holly does a thorough job of working it across her flesh. Worked to submission, Sandy then feels the dong shoved inside her as her Mistress toys with her making her beg for release...Next up, a little more electro-stimulation as Sandy takes the violet wand across her body. Format: mp4 Duration: 43:47 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 974kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 328.3 MB

Eric & Raphael Posted: 31 May 2012 02:22 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: Randy Blue Cast: Eric & Raphael Genres: Anal / Oral Sex, Muscules, Big Dick, Blow Job, Rimming, Cumshots, SiteRip Video language: English Raphael Cedano has been waiting to do a scene with Eric Pryor and now that he's got his chance he's gonna rim then fuck that ass with everything he's got.Raphael Cedano loves sex. It doesn't matter what kind or with who, he just loves to get off. He's even been spotted before and after video shoots off in a quiet corner jerking off, and his live shows are totally wild because he'll often log in because he's so horny he can't wait to shoot a hot load for the one on one chats and the voyeurs who are watching. Matching him up with our resident powerbottom, Eric Pryor, was an obvious choice. Eric gets so many compliments from his bottom skills and Raphael couldn't wait to tap that. Eric starts off by giving him a blowjob to get his juices flowing. Of course that pair of assless underwear, perfectly framing his hot fuckhole, already had Raphael going. He licks and rims Eric's sexy ass knowing it won't be long before he can ram his rock hard cock deep inside. And once he starts fucking Eric's sexy ass he's totally in the zone, doing exactly what he's meant to do. It's total hardcore action with two of our horniest studs. And Eric is loving each second of Raphael's wild ride. And once Raphael gets to the point of no return he shoots a huge load all over Eric's handsome face. Format: asf Duration: 28:05 Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 1976kbps Audio: 31kbps

File size: 416.1 MB

Callie Cobra - Strapped and Screwed Posted: 31 May 2012 02:22 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Dungeon Corp Cast: Callie Cobra Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Toys Video language: English Callie's strapped to the floor in position for this weeks machine fuck. We've got her restrained, she's going nowhere and she knows it. She braces herself for The Invader's barrage and we start her off with a slow grind. We slowly and inevitably pick up the pace as Callie's juices begin to flow. Her toes clench as she comes close and despite her resistance, submission is just around the corner Format: mp4 Duration: 8:15 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 975kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 62.0 MB

Renegade Studios - Extra Credit Posted: 31 May 2012 02:21 PM PDT

Release Year: 1998 Studio: Renegade Studios, Avenger Entertainment Cast: Reed Parker, David Pierre, Jacob Scott, Rob Steel, Duncan Miller, Dirk Adams, Kent Austin, Scott Mann Genres: Frat Guys, Twinks, Freshmen, Daddies, Anal, Oral, Rimming, Cumshots Video language: English Gosh, it's the end of the semester and my GPA sucks! I spent too many late nights parting with my fraternity brothers. I can't bring home these grades. My dad will kill me! I need to do something fast! I know...I'll see my professor after class for some EXTRA CREDIT. I'll do anything to get an 'A.' I will give him a hand-job, or suck his thick dick, shit_I'll even let him fuck me in the ass if it means that I pass his class... Format: asf Duration: 1:17:18 Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video V8, 2398kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Marcus Posted: 31 May 2012 02:20 PM PDT

Gyms are one of my favorite places to pick up on straight guys. I swear I have memberships all over town! One day, while working out at one my gyms, I ran into Marcus in the locker room. I had never seen him before, so I said hello. Hot straight jocks love to talk about their workout routines, so I struck up a conversation with him about protein shakes as he was changing into his workout clothes. As he changed, it was really hard to keep my eyes from wandering up and down his body. He has washboard abs, strawberry blond hair and a naturally smooth body. And, unlike most straight boys these days, he doesn't shave off all of his pubes (and yes, the carpet matches the drapes). After he left to work out, I tossed a note into his locker. After seeing him a few more times at the gym I had him in my studio rubbing one off! Format: asf Duration: 12:57 Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video 9, 977kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 97.7 MB

Underground Rascals Posted: 31 May 2012 02:19 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010 Studio: Skater-Boys Cast: Kawan Silveira, Criss Cross, Kriss Stahl, Basti Faust, Sven Falkenberg, Jeff Black, Felix Kraft, Vhictor le Grand, Domenik Genres: Piss, Boys-Fist, Group Action, Verbal Humilation, Big Uncut Dicks, Deep Throat, Sucking, Sniff&Socks, Deep Rimming, Hard Fucking, Nipple Play, Facial Cumshots, Spanking, Fingerplay If the weather is cold outside, the Berlin Skaterboys are always searching for quiet places for having hot sex. Only big hard dicks and hot holes you will find in this fantastic movie. Format: avi Duration: 1:50:03 Video: 720x480, DivX 5, 1562kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Suite703 - Jack Ryan and Mason Wyler Posted: 31 May 2012 02:18 PM PDT

Release Year: 2008 Studio: Suite703 Genres: oral, anal, big cocks Video language: English Coach caught one of his players in a strange occupation, and decided to use this. Mason Has a Crush, Which Has Turned a Fetish INTO HIS smelling of Team Mate's jockstrap When no one is around. This time, Coach Ryan catches him in the act and there is only one way out of it, so he goes to work on the coach's jock instead. Format: asf Duration: 24:30 Video: 720x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2000kbps Audio: 19kbps

File size: 337.0 MB

Nice Happy Ending Posted: 31 May 2012 02:17 PM PDT

Cast: Dianna Doll Bill pulled a muscle in his back while working out at the gym and one of the trainers there recommended that he try a Nuru massage to help with the pain. Bill made an appointment and was happy to meet his sexy masseuse Dianna when he showed up. He told her about his hurt back and she had an idea on how to make it feel better. She took him to the room, stripped naked for him then took off his clothes and led him right to a warm bath. She rubbed his body, the leaned in and started sucking his cock. She got on top of him and rubbed her tight pussy and sweet ass on his cock then once he was rock hard she led him to the air mattress and coated them both in the Nuru gel. She slid on his sore back, the rolled him over and returned to sucking on his throbbing hard dick. She slid around so he could lick her pussy in a sticky 69. She had him so turned on he couldn't hold back so he exploded, filling her mouth with his hot load. She was impressed with how big his load was and his back pain was long gone. Format: mp4 Duration: 19:47 Video: 640x480, AVC (H.264), 1449kbps Audio: 124kbps

File size: 228.6 MB

Dick in fat pussy Posted: 31 May 2012 02:17 PM PDT

Year: 2010 Country: USA Genre: Bbw, Big tits, All Sex, Anal, Masturbation Studio: XLGirls Time: 25 minutes. Description:Dick in fat pussy.No sillycone here. All-natural, succulent, big, juicy titty girls from XLGirls magazine. The tits a breast-man worships and lives for.If you are a tit fanatic, then welcome to phat paradise. Tit-play of every kind as they expose their big asses and giant jugs. Enjoy as these chubby, plump babes boff their way; doing stuff so hot they'll set your shorts on fire. Video Format: HD Video: WMV 1280x720 106kbs Audio: WMA2 48.0 Kbps 44.1 KHz 1stream 2channels

File size: 384.9 MB

Tim.Tales - Grobes Geraet & DannyD Posted: 31 May 2012 02:14 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010 Studio: TimTales Cast: Grobes Geraet and Danny D Genres: oral, anal, cumshot, bear, tattoo, Video language: English Grobes Geraet is not only the producer in the background of Timtales...he also loves to fuck A private meeting with his good old friend Danny, filmed with a tripod. Grobes´ first Video for Timtales...but definitely not the last. Format: asf Duration: 17:01 Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2928kbps Audio: 62kbps

File size: 373.8 MB

Sex for money - Brought home a guy and fucked in the ass in the bathroom Posted: 31 May 2012 02:13 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: czechhunter Genres: studs duet, oral,anal sex, cums, public sex Video language: English CzechHunter - a new site that spread video format "REAL". Someone is looking for guys on the streets of the Czech Republic, offering them money, so they showed a member. Well, then: more than agree, the more money you get. Format: lavfpref Duration: 31:16 Video: 848x480, AVC (H.264), 1313kbps Audio: 93kbps

File size: 323.0 MB

[Pacific Sun Entertainment] Hairy hunks vol2 Scene #1 Posted: 31 May 2012 02:13 PM PDT

Studio: Pacific Sun Entertainment Cast: Brett Dimineo, Barry Barrett, Cameron Fox, Luciano Endino, Lance Gear, Ted Colunga Genres: Gay, DILF, Couples Video language: English "Six hot, hardcore scenes with some of your favorite bears, daddies and a few of daddy's boyz from Pacific Sun Entertainment. Hairy bears and muscle daddies in hard-pounding, sweaty man-sex, just the way you like it!" Format: lavfpref Duration: 20:20 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264) Audio: 125kbps

File size: 575.1 MB

Bare Huge Dicks - 18 Posted: 31 May 2012 02:12 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Huge Studio, Vimpex Gay Media Cast: Garry Hanson, Jack Bloom, Frank Myers, Monti Rison and more Genres: Oral Sex, Cumshots, Anal Sex, Bareback, Masturbation, Facial, Tea Bags, Video language: English Bare Huge Dicks is back with the 18th installment of the greatest and biggest bare dicks you have ever seen. Check out the new guys that are in this film. I never knew there were so many "gifted" men in this world. So cum watch these guys fuck and suck huge dicks. Format: avi Duration: 1:37:29 Video: 720x540, XviD, 1954kbps Audio: 187kbps

File size: 1.5 GB

Squirts So Good 4 Posted: 31 May 2012 02:11 PM PDT

Release Year: 2007 Studio: DVSX Cast: Christian, Nadia Styles, Dillon, Brittney, Sara Blue, Hexe, Tomas Hyka, Vein Lewis, Valentina Rush Genres: Gonzo, Squirting, Straight Video language: English It's a slippery danger zone when these girls get hot. We have 5 girls that prove to have absolutely no control over their excitement for some deep dick action and if you push the right buttons you might just find yourself on the receiving ... Full Descriptionend of an orgasmic spray down. This is the only Hexe video.

File size: 1.3 GB

Evening Plans Interrupted (2012) Posted: 31 May 2012 02:10 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Cast: Brede, Madison Genres: BDSM, Fetish Brede and Madison are getting ready for a night out when they hear a strange noise out back. Before they know it, they find themselves bound, gagged and chained to the wall and each other. Their plans dangerously ruined, the two girls must now try and free themselves from their predicament. Format: asf Duration: 5:18 Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 2884kbps Audio: 187kbps

File size: 118.5 MB

Chris Hacker and Steve Hunt - scene from "Cruising Budapest III: Lucio Maverick" Posted: 31 May 2012 02:08 PM PDT

Release Year: 2009 Studio: Muscle, Oral/Anal Sex, Big Dick, Rimming, Masturbation, Cumshot Genres: Chris Hacker and Steve Hunt Video language: English Ever play a game of chess and end up fucking the competition? Furry favorite Steve and hard-bodied Chris do just that, tonguing each others hairy assholes until Chris tops Steve in multiple positions. The scene ends with Chris shooting his load into Steves eye (Steve then licks off the remaining cum from the dick) and Steve jacking himself off to a finish (and eating his own jizz!). Format: mp4 Duration: 17:34 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264), 5165kbps Audio: 109kbps

File size: 679.5 MB

North Pole 93 (2012) DVDRip Posted: 31 May 2012 02:05 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: North Star Associates Inc Cast: Ava Addams, Megan Monroe, Tasha Reign, Larissa Dee, Hayley Jade, Lee Stone, Peter North, Jenner, Anthony Hardwood Genres: Gonzo Video language: English Another all-out, North-style fuckstravaganza! Starring Tasha Reign! The 93th Volume Of This Incredible Series Shows Our Favorite Girls Getting Pumped And Blasted With Serious Loads! Format: avi Duration: 1:50:02 Video: 624x352, XviD, 1592kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

Gangbang in bathroom at college party Posted: 31 May 2012 02:05 PM PDT

Genres: cumshot blonde blowjob foursome gorupsex pussyfucking shower hardcore Video language: English It almost feels like they got into it and someone picked up a camera, instead of them planning to shoot this. One of these chicks can really whimper like she's cockhungry! Both women are frantic fucks and this is an intense flick. Check out the interlopers at the end. The cameraman's good, though, to be an amateur, maybe he's watchhed a lot of porn Format: lavfpref Duration: 20:08 Video: 400x304, AVC (H.264), 351kbps Audio: 37kbps

File size: 57.9 MB

Asian Extreme - Taboo Torture & Pleasure Posted: 31 May 2012 02:05 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 He gives her the extreme treatment with some hot wax followed by the old anal pincusion and a few needles in her tits just to round it out... Format: avi Duration: 1:59:53 Video: 640x480, DivX 5, 1175kbps Audio: 187kbps

File size: 1.2 GB

GayRoom - Massage Bait - Kyle's Massage Surprise Posted: 31 May 2012 02:05 PM PDT

Kyle was an attractive friend of mine. I always had a crush on him but I wasn't sure liked me in that way. I gave him my special surprise massage. I ended up fucking his tight butt hole! Duration : 00:45:56 Resolution : 1250x702 Video : VC-1 (WMV3), 2 500 Kbps, 29.970 fps

File size: 872.0 MB

Love House Posted: 31 May 2012 02:05 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010 Studio: Hammer Entertaniment / Raw Eyes Productions Cast: Terry Carter, Evan Cobb, Jerry Bloom, Cory Malone, Patrik Whitte, Rusty Lanier, Luke Hanson, Mark Franks Genres: Anal/Oral Sex, Bareback, Cumshot, Sucking, Big Balls, Big Cocks, Twinks An old Love House tells his story. Huge dicks, insatiable sexual appetites and cute boys.Love House is full of fun. Terry and a team of horny twinks who enjoy their work, and mix business with pleasure on a daily basis. Format: avi Duration: 1:54:40 Video: 720x480, DivX 5, 1969kbps Audio: 78kbps

File size: 1.7 GB

Hidden Cam Jerk Posted: 31 May 2012 02:04 PM PDT

Studio: EXBF This weeks submission comes to us from some unknown college in the mid west witch we will leave nameless since most of them are a bunch of freaking bible huggers!Well it looks like this guys were tired of their roommate jerking it all the time and leaving a mess so they set up a hidden cam to catch their rommate in the act. To bad the tape ended up in our hands....ENJOY! Format: mp4 Duration: 15:37 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3450kbps Audio: 98kbps

File size: 406.3 MB

Twin Heat Posted: 31 May 2012 02:04 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Falcon Jocks Studio Cast: Luca Rosso, Liam Rosso, Andrew Jakk, Jay Kohl, Kyle Quinn, Landon Conrad, Luke Milan, Spencer Fox, Tony Douglas Genres: Muscle, Anal/Oral Sex, Jocks, Twins, Outdoor, Threesome, Masturbation, Cumshot Description: Nine jocks have descended on a sweet rental home, and things get hot immediately. Especially between Falcon Exclusive Landon Conrad and his horny twin buddies, Luca and Liam Rosso. The "Twin Heat" generated by the Rosso brothers gets all the housemates jacked up with sexual energy, and passionate, steamy and scorching action follows. Jay Kohl's big wiener in Tony Douglas's hot buns, kitchen counter flip-flop fuck with Spencer Fox and Luke Milan, and Andrew Jakk entertains Kyle Quinn with his ass when they can't find anything to watch on TV. Somebody just turned up the heat! Format: avi Duration: 01:48:36 Video: 688x384, MPEG-4 Visual@ XviD, 2111 Kbps Audio: 128 Kbps

File size: 1.6 GB

Little Caprice & Michaela Fitchnerova: Twix [HD MOVIE] Posted: 31 May 2012 02:03 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: JustTeenSite Cast: Little Caprice, Michaela Fitchnerova Genres: Erotic girls Video language: English Our naked girls are fresh and delicious and eager to show you their most intimate secrets. We work with only the cutest naked girls, right after they've turned legal. And loads of sweet, young, innocent naked girls discovering their bodies and sharing them with you for the very first time. If you LOVE adorable young and naked girls full of personality and sensual energy, you've come to the right place! They are just beginning to feel sexy, and you can help them learn! Format: asf Duration: 25:43 Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 4932kbps Audio: 187kbps

File size: 962.4 MB

Teenage babe gives older guy a harsh handjob Posted: 31 May 2012 02:02 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Harsh Hand Jobs Cast: Jessie Lee Genres: Natural Tits, Amateur, HandJob Video language: English The other day I was feeling really horny and fancied a bit of a change from the girlfriend. So I rang an escort agency and asked them to send round a hot young babe in a short skirt and high heels. I was very happy to see the 19 year old they sent round to see me, but I was less than happy because she wasn't wearing the short skirt and heels that I wanted to see. Naturally I objected and the little madam went mad on me, tearing off my clothes and laying into my cock with the flat of her hand. It was excruciatingly painful, but my troubles were only just beginning. Format: asf Duration: 16:02 Video: 640x360, Windows Media Video 9, 1495kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 191.4 MB

Big City Video, Latin Connection - Dick of Death Posted: 31 May 2012 02:01 PM PDT

A.K.A.: Return of the Anaconda Release Year: 2005 Country: US Studio: Latin Connection, Big City Video Cast: Ricky Martinez, Berto, Dimitri Santiago, Nikki, Raymond, Simon, The Dicksman, Viper Director: Robbie Rob In Dick of Death, Superstar Ricky Mr. 12" x 9" Martinez packs a lot more fuck for your buck. Yo! This all-star mega-hung Latino cast delivers lots of dirty talk in Spanish. The extra bonus scene of Ricky and Dicksman taking a steamy sex-shower will make you sweat.

Format: avi Duration: 01:31:54 Video: 576x432, DivX 5, 762 kbps Audio: 96 kbps

File size: 583.7 MB

Office Creep - The Newb Posted: 31 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: FuckingDungeon Cast: Tegan Tate Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Hardcore Looks like Mr. Stone is taking advantage of the poor economy again. His interviewing process and job descriptions are...shall we say...questionable at best. Tegan innocently comes in as part of the rigor of searching for gainful employment. Lee breaks down what he's looking for, and he makes it abundantly clear that he's got dames literally lining up for this position. And believe me, I bet when all is said and done, he'll have "interviewed" them all. Tegan, like many desperate dames searching for a buck, proclaims that she'll do just about anything for a paycheck. But does she have any idea what this Office Creep has in mind? Format: lavfpref Duration: 22:47 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 974kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 170.9 MB

Siobhan - BritishSexFilms Posted: 31 May 2012 01:57 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: BritishSexFilms Cast: Siobhan Genres: Anal, Amateurs, Hardcore, All Sex Video language: English British Sex Films is just that! Lots of British amateurs and pro models having sex and getting fucked on camera for you to watch. Whether you like skinny blondes or middle aged chubby houswives, British Sex Films has it all. Format: asf Duration: 20:50 Video: 640x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1464kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 243.3 MB

Training Session Posted: 31 May 2012 01:57 PM PDT

Studio: ( Cast: Marc Dylan and Brian Bonds Video language: English Brian Bonds is a hot jock looking to improve his time on the track so his school sent him to an expert in getting results. In a few short sessions coach Marc Dylan has Brian improving his time by a full second making Brian very happy. Marc has also been very excited to work with Brian because he clearly doesn't wear underwear while training, something that Marc finds incredibly hot. Brian wants to thank the coach for all his help and after seeing Marc stare at his cock outline each and every day he has a pretty good idea how to....

Hill side bareback fucking Posted: 31 May 2012 01:55 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: BigDaddy Genres: Anal/Oral sex, Bareback, Big Dick,Rimming, Outdoor, Cumshots, Muscules, Public Nudity Video language: English In this weeks Out In Public update, we have our friend here by the pool and were checking out the talent and right away he spits this guy swimming so i wave him out to come talk to us and willingly he does so with no problems so right there I knew our chances were good so I threw him the gauntlet and he took it and that lead to my boy getting some ass right by the pool and did I tell you that it was packed with people? yea it was an interesting day! Format: lavfpref Duration: 14:25 Video: 852x480, AVC (H.264), 1452kbps Audio: 67kbps

File size: 161.4 MB

Timo Krupp and Tony Maya Posted: 31 May 2012 01:55 PM PDT

Year: 2009 Country: Germany Genre: oral, anal, cumshots Time: 00:12:01 Description: German Fuckstud Timo Krupp meets Tony Maya, a brazilian Power Bottom. Timo has all the attributes that qualify him for an appearance on Timtales: A big, rockhard Cock, a dirty mind and a neverending appetite for fucking hot asses. Tony is a hungry bottom and you can tell he enjoyed his time with Timo.

File size: 148.3 MB

She's A Keeper! NEW! 2012! Posted: 31 May 2012 01:54 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: SocietySM DungeonCorp Cast: Mischa Brooks, Sybil Hawthorne Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Humilation, Torture, Spanking Video language: English It's Mischa's time to be broken in. She teeters precariously on her perch as she awaits her Mistress. After a thorough groping, Sybil launches into a whipping tirade, and Mischa does her best to balance herself carefully, while she agrees that she will take all that she is given...and then some. When she's stretched out on the arch, the clamps applied to her nipples send shockwaves through her system. Still, Mischa abides, in search of whatever small reward may be buried in this day. As Sybil strokes her clit, she gets a taste of said reward and if she wants more, she shall earn it surely. After her tits are weighted, our noble Mistress proves good on her promise as she pounds the wand against Mischa's pussy before coating her body in wax..

File size: 551.2 MB

Strip Dance Posted: 31 May 2012 01:52 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: TrystanBull Cast: Dylan & Trystan Bull Cross Genres: Cumshot, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Masturbation, Facial, Muscular, Tattoos, Piercing Video language: English Trystan Bull is the hottest item on stage at Bull Ranch, a strip club frequented by a certain Dylan Cross. Dylan hasn't seen this lean stud here before, but wants to get to know him a little more intimately. As a dancer, Trystan know the look men get when they're craving a lap dance, and he can see that look in Dylan's gaze. Trystan Knows just the moment to Pounce on a Cock-hungry customer. When Dylan agrees to a lap Dance, Trystan pulls HIM WHERE Dylan on stage is Blindfolded and grinded by scantily clad Trystan. As things heat up even more, the blindfold comes off, along with Dylans shirt and pants. Soon Dylan enjoying Trystan's long, hard stripper cock in his mouth. Every inch is better than what he expected! He can't believe this incredibly sexy dancer would allow him the pleasure of sucking him off ON STAGE! Little does Dylan know, Trystan has an appetite for tight, man hole that must be quenched by pounding ass. Dylan can scarcely comprehend the extreme eroticism with which Trystan bends him over and slides his warm throbbing cock into Dylan's waiting hole. As Trystan fulfills this Patron's Fantasy, He Remembers why Bull Ranch is one hell of a Place to Dance. Enjoy! Format: mp4 Duration: 26:10 Video: 960x544, AVC (H.264), 2179kbps Audio: 147kbps

File size: 447.2 MB

Maia Davis - Bound and Fucked Posted: 31 May 2012 01:52 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Dungeon Corp Cast: Maia Davis Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Toys Video language: English Lovely, little Maia...we've run her through the ringer...pushed her through her paces and taken her to places she'd never imagined. Now, we've got the undeniably lovely task of watching her take a colossal fucking...After she gets herself off with a vibe, we tie her spread-eagle to the cube and get ready to roll. We push her even further than before as we toy with her pussy and witness her hit the promised land of orgasms. Format: mp4 Duration: 12:13 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 975kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 91.8 MB

Rascal Video - Eddie Stone's Private Screening Posted: 31 May 2012 01:51 PM PDT

Release Year: 2005 Studio: Channel 1 Releasing, Rascal Video Cast: Eddie Stone, Alex Burbon, Brad Benton, Joe Foster, Julian Pierce, Kyle Kennedy, Matt Summers, Nick Capra, Paul Johnson, Rod Barry, Troy Michaels Genres: Compilation, Freshmen, Muscle Men, Anal, Oral, Threesomes Video language: English The scrumptious Eddie Stone, 2005 GayVN Video award winner for Newcomer of the Year, hosts this compendium of hot scenes from Chi Chi LaRue and Rascal Video's delicious line of gay porn flicks. Format: avi Duration: 1:37:12 Video: 720x480, DivX 5, 2016kbps Audio: 62kbps

File size: 1.5 GB

Parker Posted: 31 May 2012 01:50 PM PDT

Parker has always wanted to do porn but never had the opportunity. He's never been approached to do films before — until now. Actually, Parker approached me. He was a valet at an restaurant I visited on a recent trip. He was so friendly and good looking and it was very easy to talk to him. I immediately wanted him to be on my site because he has everything I look for in a guy. Now, I thought he was cute with his clothes on, but I was blown away when his clothes came off. Tight, muscular frame, big dick, and loose, floppy balls. Some guys just get the whole damn package! Format: asf Duration: 14:56 Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video 9, 977kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 112.4 MB

Uncut Weekend Posted: 31 May 2012 01:49 PM PDT

Release Year: 2002 Studio: Oh Man! Studios Cast: Alex Carrington Chance Caldwell Adam Rom Matthew Anders Tom Penn Alex Powers Genres: Oral/Anal Sex, Big Dick, Muscle, Hairy, Foreskin, Rimming, Cumshot This weekend your foreskin fantasies will be fulfilled. Format: avi Duration: 1:15:24 Video: 512x352, DivX 5, 1063kbps Audio: 62kbps

File size: 629.1 MB

Perversa - Versenkte fauste Scene 1 Posted: 31 May 2012 01:49 PM PDT

Studio: Perversa Genres: Mature, Shemale, BBW Video language: German Two Charming came on a visit to a sexual guy and do not become bored. What else to do in such a romantic evening, of course arrange a sex orgy! Format: lavfpref Duration: 16:48 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264), 3713kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 472.7 MB

GayRoom - Can't Get Enough Posted: 31 May 2012 01:48 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: GayRoom Genres: Kissing, Massage, Oral Sex, Cumshot, Rimming, Anal Sex, Masturbation, Facial, Muscules, Ass, Hardcore, Tattoos, Piercing Video language: English Shane Frost is one special client. When he comes in, I always give him the best massage I can provide. I rub and massage every crevice of his body. Once I see his blissful face, I go in for the deep tissue massage. I slide my cock gently in and and out of his gaping brown-eye until he cums all over himself. He always comes back for more, he just can't get enough of what I have to offer. Format: mp4 Duration: 32:30 Video: 950x536, AVC (H.264), 2090kbps Audio: 91kbps

File size: 520.2 MB

Deep in Hole Posted: 31 May 2012 01:47 PM PDT

Cast: Leah Livingston Leah Livingston gets her juicy slot filled and wrecked by Shane Diesel. Leah jumped at the chance to ride his massive member and sinks his meat deep in her hole. Leah moans and squeals as she cums on his giant cock from all the pleasure she is receiving. Fucked to the point of passing out Leah still has enough energy to lick up every last drop of his jolly juice! Format: asf Duration: 30:37 Video: 888x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1367kbps Audio: 31kbps

File size: 313.3 MB

Rags to Riches Posted: 31 May 2012 01:45 PM PDT

Description: Hollywood Hills lovers Scott Hardman and Tyler Scott discover homeless street bum Trent Reed digging thru their trash, so they invite him in for food and a shower. Once they get a glimpse of Trent's naked body in the shower, they invite him to stay as long as he wants. The couple's horny friends Hank Hightower, Scott Baldwin, and Zak Spears all want a piece of this hunky, hung, homeless, hunk in this Chi Chi Larue early 1990's dazzler! Format: avi Duration: 1:13:55 Video: 720x480, XviD, 1146kbps Audio: 187kbps

File size: 728.6 MB

Marshall & Liev: Bareback Posted: 31 May 2012 01:44 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: SeanCody Cast: Marshall & Liev Genres: Kissing, Oral Sex, Cumshots, Anal Sex, Bareback, Rimming, Flip Flop, Masturbation, Facial, Muscules, Tattoos Video language: English Sometimes things happen that you just don't expect! "I want to give it a try," Marshall said. He had been fucking Liev's ass and was taking a quick breather. "You want to try what?" I asked. "I want to get fucked," he said. Well, my jaw just about hit the floor because that came out of nowhere. "OK," I said. "You want to get your cherry popped?" He laughed. "Yeah." So he got on his back, put his muscular legs up in the air, and spread his hairy checks open. He had a big grin on his face! Liev didn't say anything, but the smile on his face was everything. He knelt down and started licking Marshall's hole. Then, Liev stood up, slid his cock in, and started pounding away. Almost as if to show that he could fuck hard, too! "Wow!" Liev said as he drove deep into Marshall. "This feels great!" Afterward, I couldn't wait to ask Marshall about his decision. "What made you want to do it?" I asked. "He's a hot guy," he said with that smile of his. "I knew his dick would hit all the right spots!" Format: asf Duration: 20:55 Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2000kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 319.4 MB

RealTimeBondage - Dixon Mason - Zayda J Posted: 31 May 2012 01:43 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: RealTimeBondage Cast: Dixon Mason,Zayda J Genres: BDSM,Toy,Bondage, hard, Video language: English RealTimeBondage - Video from this site is very popular among fans of BDSM and bondage videos, bullying experienced by adolescent girls are often striking in their cruelty Format: lavfpref Duration: 1:03:59 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1407kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 719.7 MB

[Pacific Sun Entertainment] Lost on sex island Scene #3 Posted: 31 May 2012 01:43 PM PDT

Studio: Pacific Sun Entertainment Cast: Billy Brandt, Kirk Kelley, Damian Ford, Jason Hawke, Dane Brando, Drew Peters, Gregg Rockwell, Jay Ross Genres: Gay, DILF, Couples Video language: English The next sequence begins in Doctor Vixen's office, as bland and nondescript as any hospital examining room. He and captive Jay Ross have a slurpy sixty-nine in the reclining chair, then they abscond to the boudoir set, where they engage in rimming and fucking (the Doc's the top, naturally), while they view a live simulcast of their romping on the bedroom telly. Format: lavfpref Duration: 12:04 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264) Audio: 125kbps

File size: 335.3 MB

Tommy Defendi and Mason Star Flip-Flop Posted: 31 May 2012 01:42 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: cockyboys Cast: Tommy Defendi and Mason Star Genres: Anal Oral sex, Flip-flop, Big Dick, Rimming Video language: English Some of the most interesting actors, in my biased opinion on this site. They have already met, but now Tommy Defendi acquainted with Mason Star closer Format: asf Duration: 19:51 Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video V8 Audio: 62kbps

File size: 440.2 MB

Squirts So Good 6 Posted: 31 May 2012 01:41 PM PDT

Release Year: 2007 Studio: DVSX Cast: Jenner, Darryl Hanah, Jack Lawrence, Otto Bauer, Britney Stevens, Seth Dickens, Lyla Lei, Steven French, Laurie Vargas, Felony Genres: Gonzo, Squirting, Straight Video language: English It's wet, sticky, messy fun and the only way to make it happen is to make her cum. Stand back and watch the water show as these girls show there fellas just how excited they can get, with their complimentary spray of girl goo. *Raincoat not included.

File size: 1.4 GB

Jonathan Vargas and Jason Ridge Flip-Fuck - scene from "The Intern" Posted: 31 May 2012 01:38 PM PDT

Release Year: 2009 Genres: Muscle, Oral/Anal Sex, Big Dick, Rimming, Toy, Masturbation, Cumshot Video language: English Bennys first day on the job finds him getting coffee and assisting on a chaotic shoot between two hot models (Lucas exclusive Jonathan and hottie Jason). Alexander directs the cheesy dialogue and hot sex, which features the two models sucking each others huge dicks, flip-flop fucking, and taking on a huge black double-headed dildo. Format: mp4 Duration: 30:22 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264), 5077kbps Audio: 113kbps

File size: 1.1 GB

Maga Perversa (2010/DVDRip) Posted: 31 May 2012 01:36 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010 Studio: Lussuria Film Cast: Con attori non professionisti Genres: Anal, Oral, Lesbians, Strapon, Sex Toys , Extreme, Lingerie, Stockings, All Sex Video language: Italian Incontentabile maga dirige un'orgia senza freni, per soddisfare il suo insaziabile piacere.... Padrona con donne sottomesse fa godere sfrenatamente un idraulico e un muratore coinvolti nell'orgia!! Format: avi Duration: 1:40:08 Video: 608x448, XviD, 1832kbps Audio: 39kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Trystan Bull - Wine and Grind Posted: 31 May 2012 01:35 PM PDT

Trystan Bull is inviting you to partake in his first wine tasting. A novice when it comes to the vine & grape, he nonetheless knows what he wants. And truth be told, what Trystan wants can't really be found at the bottom of a bottle. Enter Nick Reeves, Trystan's friend and guest for the tasting. After several sips, both Nick & Trystan are feeling a little hot and tipsy. Which is just what Trystan had in mind. Soon enough, Nick will be doing some tasting of a whole other variety. Duration : 00:27:59 Resolution : 960x544 @ 968x544 Video : AVC (AVC), 2 000 Kbps, 29.970 fps

File size: 433.4 MB

Storm Chronicles 2: Hole Milk Posted: 31 May 2012 01:35 PM PDT

Release Year: 2006 Studio: Cre8tive Juices Cast: Sean Storm, Brad McGuire, Ben Archer, Austin Shadow, Alex Pitt, Devon, Steve Rocket, Troy Knight, Cody Andrews, Ian Rawlings, Erik Austin, Wayne Gray, Alec Brawley, Max Wolf, Buddy Long Genres: Bareback, Muscles, Oral/Anal Sex, GloryHole, Outdoor, Masturbation, Cumshots The plot (and cum) thickens in THE STORM CHRONICLES: EPISODE 2: HOLE MILK. SEAN STORM's part-reality/part-fiction sexual odyssey hybrid picks up directly where his cum-filled ass left off in DIRECT DEPOSIT. In HOLE MILK, Sean and his fellow barebacking bottoms take on raw cock in the classic missionary, doggie and squat fuck positions that you have spermed over in the past, yet add more positions and cre8tivity to the jism hijinks! Format: mp4 Duration: 2:10:07 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264), 1913kbps Audio: 153kbps

File size: 1.9 GB

Gym rat beats his meat Posted: 31 May 2012 01:34 PM PDT

Studio: EXBF This guy is the dominant alpha male meat head gym rat. He's the kind of guy that takes control and doesn't let go. His little boy friend charms him into jerking off and manages to get the whole thing on tape. Here is some hot guy action you don't want to miss. Format: mp4 Duration: 11:02 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3400kbps Audio: 107kbps

File size: 283.9 MB

Dads Doin' Young Tight Assholes Posted: 31 May 2012 01:34 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010 Studio: Bacchus Cast: Danko Bell, Daddy, Eric York, Andreas, Danny Lopez, Marshall O Boy, Scott Mann, Jessie, Ashten Woods, Manny Genres: Oral/Anal Sex, Big Cocks, Cum eating, Facial Cumshots, Hairy Men, Kissing, Latin Men, Dad and Son, Rimming, Uncut Cocks Description: Watch these hot dads give it to these nice tight asses young men!! These dudes just love to suck and fuck the hot younger men. Format: avi Duration: 02:10:36 Video: 640x360, MPEG-4 Visual@ DivX 4, 1858 Kbps Audio: 128 Kbps

File size: 1.7 GB

Annely Gerritsen: Miss You [HD MOVIE] Posted: 31 May 2012 01:33 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: JustTeenSite Cast: Annely Gerritsen Genres: Erotic girl Video language: English Our naked girls are fresh and delicious and eager to show you their most intimate secrets. We work with only the cutest naked girls, right after they've turned legal. And loads of sweet, young, innocent naked girls discovering their bodies and sharing them with you for the very first time. If you LOVE adorable young and naked girls full of personality and sensual energy, you've come to the right place! They are just beginning to feel sexy, and you can help them learn! Format: asf Duration: 14:04 Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 4932kbps Audio: 187kbps

File size: 520.8 MB

Gemma More Posted: 31 May 2012 01:32 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Blacks On Cougars Cast: Gemma More Genres: Interracial, MILF, Big Dick, Hardcore Video language: English Gemma more's husband has been late on the car payments. The car that her and her husband ride in is up for repo and Wesley Pipes has been given the delinquent account. Welsey is in the middle of finalizing the repo when Gemma More confronts him and offers to do anything to postpone the inevitable. Wesley, concerned about losing his job, sweats bullets until Gemma More offers to ride his big black cock so that she can have her car for another week. Gemma's a cougar that knows that the power of her pussy and ass are too great to overcome. Welsey undresses this cheating milf and reveals a booty that's minutes away from getting prodded by a huge black cock. Gemma worships Wesley's juggernaut of a black cock and sucks on it until the chrome nearly comes off. Gemma's husband is at the office trying to bring home the bacon, while his wife is at home getting her pussy stuffed with a huge black sausage. Gemma sucks her cougar juice off Welsey's black dick before taking him, one inch at a time, of course, inside a hole that's even off limits to her hubby. Gemma slowly lowers herself onto Wesley's black pole while her pussy is still throbbing from the pounding it felt moments earlier. Wesley risks filing for unemployment but not before creaming Gemma's anal cavity with his Mississippi mucous. Format: mp4 Duration: 33:49 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2929kbps Audio: 48kbps

File size: 770.2 MB

VimpeX Gay Media - Bare School Days Posted: 31 May 2012 01:31 PM PDT

Release Year: 2009 Country: Czech Republic Studio: Tainted TwinX, VimpeX Gay Media Cast: Tom Kent, Marian de Sole, Aladin, Dario Dolce, Jerry Harris Director: Daniel Bonetto Do you remember your school days? Don't you wish they had been filled with hot sex with your fit smooth Well here you can live out these fantasies as the lads strip, suck and fuck bareback! 6 scenes of raw hardcore action in the toilets, in the and in the woods.

Format: avi Duration: 01:56:21 Video: 640x352, DivX 5, 769 kbps Audio: 192 kbps

File size: 826.0 MB

Prowler Part 1&2 Posted: 31 May 2012 01:30 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: FuckingDungeon Cast: Maia Davis Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Hardcore This week DungeonCorp is excited to bring you Part One of a two part location storyline shoot: "Prowler". Enjoy!...Southern California is full of lovely, independent ladies. Such is the case with Maia, a dazzling, young blonde, out for a leisurely jog. After a nice workout, she comes home to her quiet abode for a little cool down time. Unbeknownst to her however...there's somebody else inside. A cool, refreshing drink is just the ticket on a hot day. And then maybe a shower...and as she makes her way to get freshened up, the stranger springs...What happens next is a whirlwind of events as Maia finds herself in this intruder's grip. She knows not who this madman is, but she has a feeling that she had better comply... Stunned and bewildered, Maia still isn't quite sure what's happening. She's led to the bedroom where she's tossed on the bed. Once on her back, the rough fucking resumes. Our Prowler needs a rest though, this B and E stuff is exhausting. He brandishes a vibrator and smashes it against her clit. Try as she might, Maia is no match for this ceep and the lunatic has his way. After he has had his fill, he secures her to the bed. And just as suddenly as he appeared, the Prowler is gone... Video: AVC at 999 kbit / s 960 x 540 (1.778) at 29.970 fps Audio: AAC at 48,0 kbit / s 1 channel, 44.1 KHz

File size: 494.5 MB

The Steer and The Queer (2012) Posted: 31 May 2012 01:29 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Cast: Castro Supreme, Darius Soli Genres: Anal, Blowjob, Cumshot, Interracial Okay so this guy claims he's straight. Sure Darius may have fooled around with a couple of guys. Maybe even tasted a dick or two. But he is not gay. No sir, he's even got a girlfriend to prove it. Sure, he admits he lets her put on a strap on and put it in his ass. But he is not a homosexual. Till he met Castro. This Texas boy found out the slogan everything is bigger in Texas dosen't apply to Castro's supreme. Format: mp4 Duration: 36:08 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2929kbps Audio: 69kbps

File size: 795.3 MB

Hottie Blonde Caught with Personal Trainer Posted: 31 May 2012 01:27 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: PornPros Cast: Nicole Aniston Genres: All Sex, Blowjob, Amateur, Blondes, Hardcore, Voyeur Video language: English Nicole is one beautiful girl, but she can't seem to get enough attention. Apparently, she has been fooling around with her personal trainer Mickey. I caught it all on camera. Now her husband will know exactly what kind of slut he was married to.... Format: asf Duration: 31:24 Video: 1250x702, Windows Media Video 9, 2441kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 596.0 MB

The Wrestling Challenge Posted: 31 May 2012 01:27 PM PDT

Studio: ( Cast: Tyler Saint and Kirk Cummings Video language: English Kirk Cummings is a terrible wrestler, in fact he doesn't even like wrestling, so why would Krik join the school wrestling team? Kirk signed up to the wrestling team right after he found out that training involved Tyler Saint manhandling him while wearing sweaty skin tight spandex. You see Krik has a weak spot for muscles and big cocks, two things that Tyler has clearly an abundance of according to the outline of wrestling suit. Tyler calls Kirk bright and early on Saturday morning and tells him to come over for more practice. Tyler thinks that Krik has been struggling lately with a wrestling position that he can't get out of, but little does he know that Krik doesn't want to get out. The position requires Kirt to be mounted from behind while his arms are locked. Krik especially loves when Tyler pins him, but this latest position puts Tyler's cock outline right on Kirk's hole, Tyler almost came the first time it happened and has been "struggling" with this position since. Kirk arrives to practice to find Tyler already wrestling with another student - Tyler is huge today already pumped from a morning workout. Tyler looks up to see Krik watching and tells him to wait his turn because he's next, Kirk can't wait!

My Neighbor Is A Bouncer 1 Posted: 31 May 2012 01:25 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: US Male Cast: David Sweet, Devil, James Jones, Joe Justice, Michael Troy, Win Soldier Genres: Hunks, Oral/Anal Sex, Rimming, Muscle Men, Masturbate, Big Cocks Video language: English Imagine the 1st film series "My Neighbor Is A Bouncer" from the famous, wonderful studio US Male! Well, when next door neighbor, a hefty kachek that can protect you and please! Large muscular guys with large members will deliver the maximum pleasure! Format: avi Duration: 1:57:36 Video: 712x392, XviD, 1674kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.5 GB

Tim and Alex Posted: 31 May 2012 01:25 PM PDT

Year: 2010 Country: Germany Genre: oral, anal, big cock, cumshots, tattoo, fisting Time: 00:22:16 Description: If you want to know what a real power bottom is, you just need to check out this Timtales episode. Alex is a cute Punk from Berlin, very slim-athletic, with a lot of piercings. When we started having sex, i couldn't believe what happened. Alex is a MANIAC and the camera witnessed one of the wildest scenes ever on Timtales.

File size: 409.8 MB

Jessi Palmer Posted: 31 May 2012 01:24 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: SocietySM DungeonCorp Cast: Jessi Palmer Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Toys, Spanking Video language: English Jessi drew the task of being handled by Ogre this week in his triumphant return. It's not exactly a simple task, she will be put through her paces...The crude blindfold serves it's purpose. It heightens the tension and as Ogre grasps and claws at her bosom, the lack of sight propels her mind into dark places she'd probably rather not visit...Rather clumsily she obeys his orders as he peppers her ass, and once he's torn her panties free, she's restrained with a crotch rope, keeping her firmly in place, while she begs and pleads. Even the blind can see the purpose of this lesson...She welcomes the light back eagerly, only this time her mouth is taped. This squelches the yelps as Ogre shows her the whips...Jessi trembles at the sight of the leathers. The tape proves wise as her body is wracked back to front, while her pale flesh transforms to a cherry red. Her Master is a kind one though, proven when he brutally stuffs the wand between her pussy lips while she grunts out in muffled pleasure.. Format: mp4 Duration: 49:37 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 975kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 372.3 MB

Jordan Fox Fucks Ben Armstrong Posted: 31 May 2012 01:22 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010 Studio: TimTales Cast: Jordan Fox & Ben Armstrong Genres: Anal, Oral, Rough Sex Video language: English Jordan Fox is a guy every bottom dreams of. Hung, muscular, Masculine and very dominant. In this video He made Ben Little fuckbitch HIS and HIM Showed Who is the Boss. WAS and Ben More than Happy to Take care of all of Jordan's Needs. The first BUT Definitely not the last time you Will See on Jordan Timtales! Format: mp4 Duration: 21:39 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 2143kbps Audio: 124kbps

File size: 360.5 MB

Pov Casting Couch 20 Posted: 31 May 2012 01:22 PM PDT

Release Year: 2007 Studio: Pure Filth Productions Cast: Melanie Scott, Michelle Avanti, Crissy Moon, Cherish Ley, Misty Love, Leilani Li, Eden DeGarden, Melissa Julianna, Emma Hart Genres: Gonzo, Oral,Hardcore Video language: English These young girls are showing everything they can do. They are glad you're watching. See them perform with all camera shots taken from your point of view. These hot beauties want nothing more than that spotlight few and cock sucking is a major requirement to get to that point. So, get ready to be the judge of some really hot ass. Lights, camera, and action!! Format: avi Duration: 2:57:37 Video: 512x384, XviD, 947kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

Satyr Films - Hungry Manholes Posted: 31 May 2012 01:21 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010 Studio: Satyr Films Cast: Chad Ryan, Nick Cutts Genres: Extreme Sex, Fetish/Kink, Abuse, Muscle Men, Butt Play, Anal, Oral, Gagging, Interracial, Threesomes, Straight/Closeted Men Video language: English Derek's a hot straight guy we met at a night out on the town. He was fighting with his girlfriend because she was demanding more money. We told him about a quick way to earn some hard earned cash. Because Derek had never been with a guy before, we decided it would be best if he couldn't see what was about to happen to him. We wrapped his head in duct tape and unleashed Rock, who wasted little time opening up Derek's hole for a good anal assault. Derek did the best he could to take it like a man, but Rock's thick cock compelled him to whimper like a pussy boy. Our Satyr then shoved three glow-in-the-dark balls along with a flashlight into Derek's tight fuckhole. Derek's sphincter was completely confused as to what to do--clench or relax with balls and cock up his ass. Rock then plowed Derek's throat mercilessly. Derek tried every which way to escape, but Rock wouldn't have it. Derek's nothing more than a rag doll under Rock's control. Format: asf Duration: 2:23:05 Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1904kbps Audio: 62kbps

File size: 1.7 GB

M Is For Mischief 3 (2012) DVDRip Posted: 31 May 2012 01:20 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Innocent High Cast: Mackenzee Pierce, Mckenzee Miles, Mackenzie Childs, Mocha Jay, Marissa Miles Genres: Legal Teen, Schoolgirls, Hardcore, All Sex Video language: English "A" is for ass. "B" is for boobs. "C" is for cum, and "M" is for.... Format: avi Duration: 2:19:22 Video: 640x480, XviD, 1234kbps Audio: 156kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

Mel Posted: 31 May 2012 01:20 PM PDT

Mel is only 20 years old, 5'10", and 150 pounds. He sports a BIG curved cock that (he says in the film) hits his girlfriends in all the right spots. And if that wasn't enough, he has adorable rosy-red cheeks and an infectious smile that I just couldn't get enough of. It's funny — you never know whom you're going to run into on any given day. We found Mel when he tried to pick up on one of my girlfriends at a local college bar. Turns out, he got picked up instead! Most models are camera shy at first, but Mel was more of an exhibitionist... even from the beginning. He loved being the center of attention and his massive cock was hard from the get-go. Format: asf Duration: 15:00 Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video 9, 977kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 112.8 MB

Uncut Centerfolds Posted: 31 May 2012 01:19 PM PDT

Release Year: 2001 Studio: Pacific Sun Entertainment Cast: Roberto Giorgio, Leslie Manzel, Fred Goldsmith, Renato Bellagio, Tom Jank, Enrico Benetti, Soto Donovan, Ken Spencer, Diego Sanchez, Oliver Madsen Genres: All Solo Sex, Muscle Men, Masturbation, Solos, Cumshots, Outdoors 11 of the hottest muscular uncut exhibitionists strip and stroke it--all in the wilderness. Exotic locations and muscular hunk, stunning men! All up-close and spurting solo jacking...jaw droopingly close! These men are going to make your week, if not your month! Format: asf Duration: 55:33 Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video V8, 2983kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

Daniela Marks - Sexy Schoolgirl Posted: 31 May 2012 01:18 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010 Studio: TSDolls Genres: Shemale, Solo, Masturbation Video language: English Daniela Marks is quickly becoming one of my favorite shemales, just check out this episode and you'll understand why. Watch as she slowly strips down her sexy schoolgirl outfit to nothing but heels and starts stroking that amazing tranny cock until it cums. Solo shemale action doesn't get hotter! Format: asf Duration: 12:03 Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 3125kbps Audio: 250kbps

File size: 295.4 MB

Pussy Aching to be Fucked Posted: 31 May 2012 01:17 PM PDT

Cast: Ami Jordan Ami Jordan has got some big ass titties, and a pussy aching to be fucked. We had this girl ready to go and good thing too, because we couldn't wait to slide between those great boobs. We covered ever inch of them with dripping hot cum, and we can honestly say they'd never looked better. Format: asf Duration: 33:21 Video: 888x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1367kbps Audio: 31kbps

File size: 343.4 MB

Injections of pain in the tits Posted: 31 May 2012 01:17 PM PDT

Genre: Extreme BDSM, Humiliation , Spanking, Electric Play, Pumping Studio: TortureGalaxy ; TG2club Starring: A Lot of cool babys Time: 34 min. Description: Injections of pain in the tits.The world's best BDSM cruel!Here you'll see the most violent scenes. Much blood and pain, they include flogging, play with needles and with the current game. From a fantasy from the masters of all good. Needle injected into the skin to sew her pussy and ass. Many violent scenes. For lovers of extreme BDSM ill! Video Quality: SiteRip Video: DivX 5, 400x300, 700kbps Audio: MPEG1 Audio Layer 3, 44.1 KHz

File size: 198.0 MB

Pre-Condom Mania Posted: 31 May 2012 01:15 PM PDT

Description: Compilation E Take a trip back in time as Catalina opens the raw-action archives for a glimpse of eleven gorgeous studs in five of the hottest pre-condom scenes ever shot. PRE-CONDOM MANIA feature 10 great scenes from Catalina's vast collection of precondom features! Full information pic The following review is specific to the DVD format. Catalina's "Pre-Condom Mania" is comprised of ten scenes taken from Catalina films and video made between 1981 and 1987. The box cover tag line calls this period the "golden age of all-male action" and I think you'd be hard pressed to dispute that claim. For men of a certain age, the Catalina product of the 1980's was choice stuff, and it mostly holds up twenty plus years, in some cases, later. The hook of this DVD compilation is that the scenes were filmed before condoms were de rigueur on gay porn sets, although the original tapes of which some of these scenes were a part came with safe sex announcements as preludes. Of the ten scenes, seven are from works directed by the incomparable William Higgins. Among the best of these are the pairing of Mike Gibson and Mike Ramsey who make creative use of tight white underwear in a scene from "Route 69", Kevin Williams (at his most innocent faced and totally fuckable) and Jon Vincent are scorching hot as in a clip from the "The Look," and Eric Ryan deep fucking Derrick Stanton (on roller-skates) in a bathroom segment from the classic "The Boys of Venice." Another standout scene is a patio romp featuring the stunning blond Rod Phillips and Marc Bennett in a scene from "Boys Town". Listen closely; Bennett gives an audible gasp as Phillip penetrates his ass that expresses much more joy than discomfort. Other scenes feature the hugely hung John Davenport and Tony Marino ("The Bigger They Come"); Mike Henson, Mark Donavan, and Rex ("Full Load"); lithe and sexy Jon King and Mark O'Leary ("Printer's Devils" ); Kip Noll, Mark, and Rick ("Kip Noll and the Westside Boys"); Italian stallion Tony Stefano and Brent Woods ("The Pizza Boy"); and Chaz Holderman, Jamie Wingo, and Jeff Holden ("Good Times Coming "). At more than two hours running time, "Pre-Condom Mania" is a wealth of good porn Format: avi Duration: 2:19:50 Video: 720x480, xvid, 1888kbps Audio: 250kbps

File size: 2.2 GB

Cole Markum & Spencer Jones Posted: 31 May 2012 01:14 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: RandyBlue Cast: Cole Markum & Spencer Jones Genres: Studs, Duet, Oral, Anal, Cumshots Video language: English Spencer Jones takes Cole Markum on a wild ride, fucking him with every ounce of his sexual energy and then feeding him a mouthful of hot sticky cum. Format: asf Duration: 26:23 Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 1976kbps Audio: 31kbps

File size: 390.8 MB

Sex for money - the guy invited to visit and fucked in the ass Posted: 31 May 2012 01:13 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: czechhunter Genres: studs duet, oral,anal sex, cums, public sex Video language: English CzechHunter - a new site that spread video format "REAL". Someone is looking for guys on the streets of the Czech Republic, offering them money, so they showed a member. Well, then: more than agree, the more money you get. Format: lavfpref Duration: 42:59 Video: 848x480, AVC (H.264), 1297kbps Audio: 93kbps

File size: 439.4 MB

[Pacific Sun Entertainment] Lost on sex island Scene #5 Posted: 31 May 2012 01:13 PM PDT

Studio: Pacific Sun Entertainment Cast: Billy Brandt, Kirk Kelley, Damian Ford, Jason Hawke, Dane Brando, Drew Peters, Gregg Rockwell, Jay Ross Genres: Gay, DILF, Couples Video language: English In the final scene, we find Billy enjoying his captivity, resigned to an eternity of swallowing Doctor Vixen's meat. Strangely, Billy's head is once again shaved to a bristly buzz. Yeah, the hair/no-hair thing is an obvious consistency flub but - DAMN! he looks devilishly good with a crew cut! Indeed, our cover boy Billy is looking as deviously delicious as ever. It's just too bad his acting chops aren't as developed as his bod. And let's not so quickly overlook the oddity of his flaccid first scene with Kirk. If this keeps up, it won't be long before our "strictly top" Adonis will be howling the exalted howls of a puckering, quivering, tightly packed bottom. Just you wait. Production values are generally good, though the camera loses its focus here and there and the repetition of the looping is way too obvious. To be fair, the acting and plot and production design are ludicrous, even by the dubious standards of ludicrous porn, but there's enough hot man flesh and throbbing sucking and fucking action to make any video horn-dog overlook the myriad idiocies and have a whackin'-good time. Just keep that mouth gag handy for Billy. And have a big-dicked top standing by, too. Just in case. Format: lavfpref Duration: 16:12 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264) Audio: 125kbps

File size: 459.8 MB

Max unloads on Harley Posted: 31 May 2012 01:12 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: CorbinFisher. Cast: Harley and Max Genres: Anal Oral Sex, Bareback, Big dick, Blow Job, Cumshots, Video language: English NOTICE: This video was filmed without the use of condoms. Individuals should be comfortable with such material before viewing. One of the hottest things about Harley is his enthusiasm. He has a tight lean body, and gorgeous eyes, but he's also just ready to jump into to any situation without reservation. He's taken to guy/guy action far more eagerly than I thought when I first met him – and boy, am I glad. Max is pretty adventurous, as well. From the beginning, he's always been eager for a challenge. In fact, putting him in front of the camera just makes him more animated. I suspected pairing him up with Harley would result in some super-hot chemistry - and it did! he guys kiss. Harley sinks to his knees and gives Max an awesome blow job. He takes his time, stroking Max's hard cock, deep throating it, playing with Max's balls and spitting on it to get it nice and lubed up for his ass. Format: asf Duration: 19:22 Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2088kbps Audio: 62kbps

File size: 306.2 MB

Anal Driller 02 Posted: 31 May 2012 01:11 PM PDT

Release Year: 2003 Studio: Lex Drill Productions Cast: Ariana Jollee, Manuel Ferrara, Mandy Bright, Vanessa, Steve Holmes, Billy Glide, Tera Joy, Dillion Day, Taylor Lynn, Steven French, Nikki Montana, Talon Valenti Genres: Hard Anal, Double Penetration, Ass To Mouth, Gonzo, BlowJob, Oral, Group, Orgy, Interracial Video language: English 140 minutes of absolute anal! Set of double penetrations! All types of sex. Anal Driller 2 Format: avi Duration: 2:16:46 Video: 512x384, DivX 5, 879kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.0 GB

Logan and Jarett Fox - scene from "Auditions 16" Posted: 31 May 2012 01:08 PM PDT

Release Year: 2009 Cast: Logan and Jarett Fox Genres: Muscles, Oral/Anal Sex, Big Dick, Masturbation, Cumshot Video language: English This may be "pretty boy" exclusive Jarett`s first film, but he proves he`s no stranger to hot sex! These two young studs start off with a long sucking session where Logan simply can`t hide his pleasure throwing lips to Jarett`s beautiful cock. Logan almost can`t handle it when Jarett starts plowing him, but that doesn`t stop Jarett! After enjoying the taste of his own cum, Logan gets soaked by Jarett`s creamy man-juice! Format: mp4 Duration: 44:27 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264), 4272kbps Audio: 107kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

Lost Heaven: Magic Island Series 3 (2012) Posted: 31 May 2012 01:06 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Private Cast: Mia | Sandra DeMarco | Aliz | Carla Cox | Rihanna Samuel | Kristy Lust Genres: Feature, Anal Part three of the Magik Island Series takes you to a lost heaven... the sea, the sun and endless pleasure. Heaven can't wait!

File size: 1.4 GB

How to : college threesome Posted: 31 May 2012 01:05 PM PDT

Genres: facial cumshot blowjob threesome pussylicking pussyfucking facesitting cocksuckers college hardcore Video language: English Beautiful chemistry between performers! They're having fun with it and it totally comes across. Especially love when the two girls tease each other with his cock! Format: lavfpref Duration: 34:51 Video: 528x400, VP6F, 400kbps Audio: 62kbps

File size: 117.9 MB

Japanese Torture - Death Loop Vol.2 Posted: 31 May 2012 01:05 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Enjoy a simple spread eagle crotchroping on my bed. Also enjoy a great early flogging of this hot little minx. She would toughen up as time wore on, butI brought her to tears with this first flogging. Format: avi Duration: 2:24:17 Video: 480x360, XviD, 796kbps Audio: 62kbps

File size: 919.6 MB

Bukakke Boys - Preston Drake Posted: 31 May 2012 01:05 PM PDT

When you hear the name Preston Drake the first thing that cums to mind is hunky! That's right! Because Preston Drake is a hunk indeed! What makes him even hotter is he's also into bukkake orgies! Lucky for him he met the Bukkake Boys! Finally his hardcore fantasies have been fulfilled! He sucked big cocks, got buttfucked hard bareback and received some hot facial cumshots! Duration : 00:28:26 Resolution : 1280x720 Video : AVC (AVC), 3 000 Kbps, 29.970 fps

File size: 648.8 MB

Too Big For Twinks 3 Posted: 31 May 2012 01:05 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: Mr. Male Reality Cast: David Gold, Nick Daniels, Chris Reed, Peter Bow, Daniel Black, Luke Taylor, Mark Zebro, Kenny Jacobs, Benito Moss, Nick Gill, David Nealson Genres: Oral/Anal Sex, Twinks (Young Meat), Big Dicks, International, Jocks, Rimming After a grueling practice these footballers try to find the time to relax and unwind. It's hard to find quiet time around the house. It seems there's always someone looking over your shoulder. The locker room is a place to meet and prepare for a big game. The boys sure know how to use their time wisely. Impressed with his captain's size, this footballer hope his skills will rub off on him before the big match. Format: asf Duration: 2:10:09 Video: 720x404, Windows Media Video V8 Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.9 GB

Group Sex by the Pool Posted: 31 May 2012 01:04 PM PDT

Studio: EXBF So this week we have something a little different for you guys! A group sex tape with several hot guys in it. You do not come across stellar material like this -- unless you're us, of course -- so please enjoy! Format: mp4 Duration: 25:05 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3410kbps Audio: 105kbps

File size: 646.7 MB

Blue Movie Posted: 31 May 2012 01:04 PM PDT

Release Year: 2008 Studio: Mustang Studios Cast: Zak Spears, Dillon Buck, C.J. Madison, Nick Moretti, Nick Piston, Scott Campbell, Adam Herst, Colton Steele Genres: oral, anal, cumshots, muscle bear Description: From the press notes, courtesy of Mustang: "Directors Steve Cruz and Leif Gobo pay homage to the blue movies of the past. They've captured the look, sound and attitude of those adding a sharper and more raunchy edge to make them more and exciting for today's audience. The sexual tension is high, electrifying and palpable between superhot Dillon Buck and baby-bear Colton Steele, giving this scene an authentic sense of raunchy man-love. The hirsute heroes suck cock and eat ass like champions. Both men feed on each other's manly virtues and all their pent-up energy is screaming for Dillon bests his furry buddy and screws his tower of power into Colton's ass. He is as he feverishly works his pole in the hole until both men shoot their wads. Format: avi Duration: 01:37:20 Video: 960x540, xvid, 2008 Kbps Audio: 192 Kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

Little Caprice: Lets Play [HD MOVIE] Posted: 31 May 2012 01:03 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: JustTeenSite Cast: Little Caprice Genres: Erotic girl Video language: English Our naked girls are fresh and delicious and eager to show you their most intimate secrets. We work with only the cutest naked girls, right after they've turned legal. And loads of sweet, young, innocent naked girls discovering their bodies and sharing them with you for the very first time. If you LOVE adorable young and naked girls full of personality and sensual energy, you've come to the right place! They are just beginning to feel sexy, and you can help them learn! Format: asf Duration: 16:42 Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 4932kbps Audio: 187kbps

File size: 624.1 MB

Lola Posted: 31 May 2012 01:02 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: fuckablelola Cast: Lola Genres: Teen, Small Tits, Solo Video language: English I love taking naughty pictures, but what i love most is making guys horney Format: asf Duration: 6:43 Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 5859kbps Audio: 187kbps

File size: 296.3 MB

Randy Blue - Boys Night Out - Eric Pryor, Caleb Strong, Derek Atlas & Paul Wagner Posted: 31 May 2012 01:01 PM PDT

It was a hot and steamy Halloween night when Eric Pryor set out to have a little fun. His friend Caleb Strong had invited him out to a Halloween party with his fuck buddies Derek Atlas and Paul Wagner. But they never made it to that party. Instead, they invited Eric back to Caleb's house for an all hallows' eve orgy. Deciding that group sex would be a lot more fun than a party, Eric arrived at Caleb's house with a raging hard on. But something seemed a little off. The three gorgeous hunks looked so hot, all big hard muscle and sexual heat. The next thing he knew, Eric was surrounded by roaming hands, touching and feeling every inch of his body. It must have been freezing in Caleb's house before he got there because all three of them were cold to the touch, but Eric didn't care, he had enough heat for all of them. Mouths and lips nibbled and licked their way down his body and eventually found their way around his huge rock hard dick. He was getting it from both ends and after a while he couldn't tell who was doing what and he didn't care. Still, in the few moments of clarity through the sexual haze of this hardcore gang bang he couldn't shake that there was something not quite right. And he was correct. And little did he know that he was soon to find out exactly how not right things were.

Format: Windows Media Duration: 00:33:32 Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2024 kbps Audio: 32 bps

File size: 496.3 MB

The Receiving End Part 1&2 Posted: 31 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: FuckingDungeon Cast: Holly Wood Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Hardcore We're mostly accustomed to seeing Holly dishing it out, today however, she'll be on the receiving end...And she'll definitely be taking it...Lee has a detailed plan in mind and he's going to teach Holly exactly what he wants and how. Once he has her down on her knees, she is instructed to take his dick in her mouth and she valiantly complies. Once satisfied that she will be up to the task, Holly is bent on the bed and put through a myriad of positions which has Holly proving her mettle. This bound and busty vixen finds herself taking all that Lee is going to give her... Holly now dangles, fully bound and suspended as Lee roughly rides her. Her muffled moans fill the Dungeon as she gets her justly deserved fucking. She struggles in her ties when she is bent over the box and Mr. Stone has no intention of making anything easier on her. With her head down, she obediently takes her fucking until her Master has his fill. She receives a vicious pounding as he stuffs her to the brim and then leaves her knowing who is truly in control... Video: AVC at 999 kbit / s 960 x 540 (1.778) at 29.970 fps Audio: AAC at 48,0 kbit / s 1 channel, 44.1 KHz

File size: 427.7 MB

Sweet surrender Posted: 31 May 2012 12:57 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: RealityKings Cast: Elaina Raye Genres: 1on1, Blonde, Blowjob, Doggystyle, Facial, Handjob, Pussy-licking, Straight, Teen, White Video language: English Elaina and her tiny eight teen year old body had some time to spare while her parents were gone for the afternoon. She wanted cock and wanted it badly. She begged her man to come over, so they could make up for some lost time. He tossed her tender body around like she was lighter than air. Her pink tender pussy puffed up wit excitement. He pulled out his cock which was the size of one of her arms, and she loved to fill her throat with it while she slobbered all over it. This cock was poking the back of her throat while he stuffed into her pink tender box it was so big. She took it and was loving every inch. Not only did her throat and box get filled, one of her eyes got a load of it's own. Format: lavfpref Duration: 26:04 Video: 768x432, AVC (H.264), 1467kbps Audio: 31kbps

File size: 286.9 MB

The Nude Model Posted: 31 May 2012 12:57 PM PDT

Studio: ( Cast: Jacob Durham and Devin Adams Video language: English Jacob is struggling with his school art project in the dorm common area late at night, nothing seems to be working and it's due tomorrow morning! Frustrated and tired Jacob is about to give up when in walks Devin from a late night out. Devin is extremely handsome, tall, well built with a never ending boyish charm that has always made Jacob wonder what was hiding in those pants. Devin can see that Jacob is frustrated over his art project and being the nice guy he is encourages Jacob that his project is decent and that he will be fine, Jacob disagrees and with nothing to lose he propositions Devin that if he were to pose as a nude model Jacob would without a doubt do very well on his project. Devin isn't interested at first and laughs it off, but Jacob is clearly distraught and Devin wants to help, "I'll do it for a case beer of my choice" - Jacob would have bought a brewery to see this stud naked. Devin isn't shy at all and immediately rips off his shirt and pants, leaving his briefs on - he can already taste the free case of beer. Jacob tells Devin to lose the briefs, for his class of course. Devin can't believe he has to lose the briefs, but being a good sport and a good friend they come off. Devin is curious about how to be a model and playfully poses for Jacob, flexing with his meat flopping every which way. Jacob, the ever serious artist, tells Devin to stop fooling around and that if he really wants to help out he should get hard, for the projects sake of course. Devin lets Jacob draw his naked body, but soon grows curious and wants to see the picture, flipping it around Jacob's true intentions are easy to see, Jacob has spent most of his time drawing Devin's beefy cock. Smiles between them are exchanged, shy laughs follow - Jacob might not be finishing his project tonight after all.

Trevor Knight and Ty Roderick Posted: 31 May 2012 12:55 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: CockSureMen Cast: Trevor Knight and Ty Roderick Genres: Studs, Muscules, Duet, Oral, Anal, Rimming, Cumshots Video language: English Trevor Knight and Ty Roderick are having a nap when Trevor wakes up and is feeling frisky. He reaches around and starts to rub Ty's bulge through his underwear. Ty wakes up to find Trevor kissing his chest and slowly working his way down to his thick dick. After getting his pole sucked Ty gets on his knees and works Trevor's ginormous cock. Trevor is hard as steel and ready to fuck Ty's tight ass. He gets down and gives Ty a sloppy rim-job and then slaps and hotdogs Ty's backside. Trevor eases himself in and Ty takes it like a pro. He bobs up and down, engulfing every last inch of Trevor. Ty moans ecstatically while his hole gets reamed by Trevor in various positions. Trevor blasts a HUGE cumshot all over Ty then lays down next to him while they both furiously stroke their cocks. Ty jerks out a load onto his hard abs and then Trevor follows suit with a second copious cumshot. What studs! Format: asf Duration: 27:30 Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile, 1952kbps Audio: 93kbps

File size: 411.2 MB

Arpad Miklos & Shay Michaels Posted: 31 May 2012 12:55 PM PDT

Year: 2012 Country: USA Genre: oral, anal, rimming, cumshots, bears, muscle Time: 00:26:00 Description: Arpad Miklos and Shay Michaels are two giants when it comes to muscle, cock, and hotness. Together they make for a great scene with lots of passion, kissing, sucking and hard fucking. Shay is dragged back to bed by Arpad while they are both wearing underwear. Shay pulls out Arpad's thick uncut dick and sucks. They kiss and Arpad sucks on Shays huge rod. Shay gets on all fours and Arpad's tongue licks his tasty ass. With Shay already on his knees Arpad pounds his cock deep inside. Shay loves every bit of Arpad and moans in ecstasy while getting fucked. Arpad nails Shay, now on his back, hard and fast. Shay sits on Arpad's cock, bobbing up and down. When he gets close Shay jumps off and kneels next to Arpad. Shay's huge muscles flex and bulge and he splatters Arpad's thick fur with his white cum. Shay lays his face on Arpad's belly waiting for a thick splash. Arpad strokes until he blasts Shay's face with a huge load. Shay sucks out every last drop and the two studs exchange cummy kisses.

File size: 388.0 MB

Crystal Frost! NEW! 2012! Posted: 31 May 2012 12:54 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: CumBots Dungeoncorp Cast: Crystal Frost Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Toys Video language: English Crystal made quite a splash recently with her SocietySM debut and we thought it'd be nice to have her back. This time we decided to pair her with Holly and we surely were not disappointed. First, we bound Crystal to the horse and Holly methodically went to work on her flesh. Starting off by strapping her body to a bright red, then pushing a vibe into position while cropping the daylights out of her. The end result being one bewildered slave begging for mercy in the form of a blistering orgasm...A change of position found Crystal back bent on the floor. Poked and prodded and caned into surrender. Teased and pushed through the paces...once again begging her beautiful and bold Mistress for orgasmic release. And once granted, we witness an even deeper wave of orgasm than the previous episode...At this point, it seems that Holly has a specific strategy in mind, and that is one of pushing Crystal beyond the border of sensory overload. She ropes Crystal upright, removes her top and gives Ms. Frost a mouthful of her beautiful tit. Format: mp4 Duration: 44:36 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 974kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 334.6 MB

Colt McGraw Fucks Rob Ryder Posted: 31 May 2012 12:52 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: CollegeDudes Cast: Colt McGraw & Rob Ryder Genres: Anal / Oral Sex, Blow Job, Cumshots Video language: English Colt McGraw has to be one of the cutest, baby-faced Texans we have met, but he really fucks like a man in this hot scene with Rob Ryder. These two studs exude a lot of passion from the beginning, starting out with a sexy makeout session before Colt and Rob strip down out of their pants. Rob shows Colt that he is no stranger to having a big cock down his throat, and by the looks on Colts face, he is amazed at the pleasure of it all. Colt returns the favor with an impressive blow jjob of his own. After Colt and Rob show off their oral skills, Colt bends Rob over and slowly enters Robs tight hole. After Rob is used to Colts monster, Colt begins giving it to Rob harder, and Rob loves every minute of it. Rob then straddles Colt - perhaps so he can better kiss while getting Colts dick even deeper up his ass. Colt thrusts his hips as he holds Rob by the waist - to better get his dick even deeper. Colt turns Rob over onto his back to really let loose, and soon Colt has fucked the cum right out of Rob. Colt dumps a nice load, too, and Colt and Rob resort to some kissing again to end a hot scene. Awesome Fuck! Format: asf Duration: 27:14 Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 1464kbps Audio: 19kbps

File size: 296.5 MB

Sunshyne Monroe - My Brother’s Keeper Posted: 31 May 2012 12:52 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Sunshyne Land Cast: Sunshyne Monroe Genres: Shemale, Shemale on male, Anal, Blowjob Video language: English Fresh video with Sunshyne Monroe, who loves anal sex with guys. Download and enjoy! Format: asf Duration: 20:03 Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile, 3906kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 593.6 MB

William Higgins - Duty Bound Vol. 10 Posted: 31 May 2012 12:51 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: William Higgins Cast: Lucky Taylor, Daniel Student, Rudolf Schneider, Damien Cert, Roland Riedl, Rudolf Fischer, Honza Franzi, Richard Lenk Genres: Fetish/Kink, Muscle Men, Twinks, Butt Play, Gagging, Bondage, Masturbation, Oral, Spanking Video language: English William Higgins is back with the tenth installment of his Duty Bound series, featuring four more kinky scenes. These guys are tied up and tied down, whipped and flogged, and brought to submission by their sexy masters. When released from their bondage, they're subjected to cock sucking, face fucking and anal play with dildos and plugs. They love every minute of it...and every drop of gooey cum shed on their tongues and muscular bodies! Format: asf Duration: 2:22:06 Video: 720x404, Windows Media Video 9, 1200kbps Audio: 62kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Wesley and Terry Posted: 31 May 2012 12:50 PM PDT

Wesley has certainly opened up about his sexual proclivities. He seems to enjoy fucking ass more and more each time and his latest session with Terry was no exception. They both seemed to like each other and Wesley fucked Terry hard! I loved Terry's cumshot at the end — the position was great and the ejaculations intense! In the shower afterwards, Wesley said that Terry was the hottest guy he's been with and gave rave reviews on Terry's ass… Format: lavfpref Duration: 18:14 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264)

File size: 508.1 MB

Vulcan Amateurs 73 Posted: 31 May 2012 12:49 PM PDT

Release Year: 2009 Studio: Vulcan Amateurs Cast: Ron, Carlito, Lenny Genres: Amateurs, Latino Men, Masturbation, Solos, Male on Male Vulcan gets Carlito's cock hard and jacks him off to orgasm. Then Carlito grabs his own cock and releases a second creamy load on his leg. Vulcan gets some nice cum dripping shots and we get a brief look at Carlito's ass. Lenny takes off his cloths and we got a nice look at his tattoos and his uncut cock. Vulcan plays with Lenny's foreskin, getting Lenny's cock hard. After playing with Lenny's precum, Vulcan jacks him off. Lenny then jacks off to a second orgasm and then stands up and lets his cum drip from his cock. Vulcan then gives us some nice close up ass shots of Lenny's ass, to look at. Vulcan jacks Ron's uncut cock to attention, shows off Ron's precum. Ron's cock spurts out two nice loads, one with Vulcan's help and the other by his own hand. Format: asf Duration: 1:59:55 Video: 640x480, Windows Media Video V8 Audio: 62kbps

File size: 1.8 GB

The Conditional Inheritance, Part 3 (2012) Posted: 31 May 2012 12:48 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Cast: Beckykat Genres: BDSM, Fetish To receive her eccentric aunt's inheritance, Beckykat has to submit to a series of long bondage trials. In this episode we see her tied to a tree, in a long, red satin evening dress. She has to endure long hours before moving on to her next test. Format: asf Duration: 4:41 Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 2884kbps Audio: 187kbps

File size: 102.2 MB

CockSureMen - Fuck Lift Posted: 31 May 2012 12:48 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: CockSureMen Genres: oral, anal, rimming, cumshots, bears, muscle Video language: English It's just another day at the Oxballs Sex Toy Factory. There's a lot of work to do and no time for fucking around. Ox himself gives employees Shay Michaels and Kyle King some tasks to get done while he's gone, but since he knows his staff well, he reminds them "No fucking while I'm gone." Undeterred, the two guys waste no time licking and touching each other's muscular bodies the moment they're left alone. Sucking at their work station, fucking on the work room table, in the warehouse and the stock room, these guys use every hairy square inch of each other's bodies, in every square foot of the huge factory they're in. Shay's strong ass muscles flex as he drives his rock-hard dick deep into Kyle's hairy hole, both of their loud voices echoing through the whole place. Shay blows his load all over Kyle's dick and then thrusts his cum-covered fingers into Kyle's mouth. Kyle can't take any more and blows his load right into the waiting open mouth of Shay and the two collapse in a pool of cum and sweat. Format: asf Duration: 36:32 Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile, 1952kbps Audio: 93kbps

File size: 546.8 MB

Lil Latinas Posted: 31 May 2012 12:47 PM PDT

Cast: Daisy Marie Watch sexy Daisy Marie deepthroat and deep fucks our cock! Daisy Marie says she just loves gaggin' on a cock and then getting her tight wet pussy pounded by the cock she made hard! Her reward for being such a great fuck a face full of hot sticky man juice! Format: asf Duration: 25:35 Video: 888x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1367kbps Audio: 31kbps

File size: 263.6 MB

Powertool + The Best of Jeff Stryker Movie Posted: 31 May 2012 12:45 PM PDT

Description: Jeff Stryker gets sent to jail and the other inmates just can't get enough of his 'powertool'. John Davenport fucks Michael Gere in their cell while Jeff Stryker watches and jacks off. Jeff Converse gets it good from Jeff Stryker in a store room. Gary Owen, Tom Mitchell and Tony Marino have a 3-Way in the shower. Jeff Stryker gets seduced by guard Tony Bravo. Danny Russo and Brian Estevez at home in a bed. The one, the only, the Powertool himself - Jeff Stryker. Having made a - forgive the pun - massive impact on the industry for over a decade, Catalina Video has put together a best of compilation. (To be honest, his duds are few and far between.) Here is Jeff in all his rough-talking, filthy-mouthed, ass-pounding, gag-inducing glory as the anaconda between his legs is let loose upon an unsuspecting world and legions of still-crazed fans.Gay porn (and more than a few unprepared bottoms) hasnt been the same since. Scenes included are from Powertool, In Hot Pursuit, and Portrait of Jeff Stryker. While Im no fan of compilations, all scenes here are good ones, and this is essential for Stryker-lovers.Keeneye Reeves Format: avi Duration: 1:49:42 Video: 480x360, DivX 5, 667kbps Audio: 130kbps

File size: 652.2 MB

[High Drive Productions] College Boyz Party Scene #5 Posted: 31 May 2012 12:45 PM PDT

Studio: High Drive Productions Cast: TREVOR EDGE & SEAN KINGSTON Genres: Gay, Couples

Scene 5: Trevor Edge & Sean Kingston (both 21) New-cummer Trevor Edge is jerking off in the shower when his roommate Sean Kingston barges in. They take turns giving each other head in the shower. When the hot water ends, these big-dicked roomies take the action to the bed. After wresting each other, both start sucking dick again. Sean takes his buddy to the edge and Trevor cums all over his chest! No better way to end the Miami College Boyz Party! Cum join the fun! Format: lavfpref Duration: 20:13 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264) Audio: 125kbps

File size: 557.6 MB

Porter & Trevor Posted: 31 May 2012 12:44 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: RandyBlue Cast: Porter & Trevor Genres: Studs, Duet, Oral, Anal, Cumshots Video language: English Trevor Tripp gets a hot ass fucking from the sexy Porter Wescott Format: lavfpref Duration: 20:22 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 2085kbps Audio: 29kbps

File size: 316.2 MB

SubspaceLand - Dark Conquest Posted: 31 May 2012 12:43 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: SubspaceLand - FunnyBDSM Genres: BDSM,Spanking,Torture,Humilation,bondage Video language: English Video from the site SubspaceLand - very young hot girls are invited to the basement to learn the unprecedented pleasure of pain, all the girls have a very pleasant appearance, scoff at them all possible ways, and they love it Format: lavfpref Duration: 29:58 Video: 768x432, AVC (H.264), 1384kbps Audio: 57kbps

File size: 317.7 MB

[Pacific Sun Entertainment] In your ear Scene #5 Posted: 31 May 2012 12:43 PM PDT

Studio: Pacific Sun Entertainment Cast: Steven Marks, David Thompson, Rusty Samuels, Sean Diamond, Brian Maxx Genres: Gay, DILF, Couples Video language: English This hunk loves to be on film and he loves to get his nice tight ass fucked. Format: lavfpref Duration: 11:34 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264) Audio: 125kbps

File size: 328.8 MB

Mason Star and Adrian Long Posted: 31 May 2012 12:42 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: cockyboys Cast: Mason Star , Adrian Long Genres: Anal, oral, rimming Video language: English Ever since we met, Mason Star has been begging me to hook him up with one of my uncut studs. So I figured since he's been such an good power bottom I would pair him up with Adrian's not only uncut but also HUGE dick and send that little fucker to heaven for the ride of his life. And the wait has finally paid off. Mason was so hungry ,more like starving, for Adrian's cock and could barely keep his legs together on the day of the shoot. There was so much chemistry between them - they fucked like a couple that has been together for years. Seeing Mason devour that big piece of uncut meat with each hole on his body will make anybody shoot instantly. Last but not least, please don't watch this scene unless you're absolutely sure you want to witness one of the most amazing cumshots in the history of porn! I'll let you experience that one on your own but don't say I didn't warn you!! Format: mp4 Duration: 16:30 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2439kbps Audio: 91kbps

File size: 306.1 MB

Anal Driller 05 Posted: 31 May 2012 12:41 PM PDT

Release Year: 2004 Studio: Lex Drill Productions Cast: Aurora Snow, Erik Everhard, Claudia Rossi, Evan Stone, David Perry, Chiquita Lopez, Mick Blue, Patricia, Sandra De Marco, Jay Ashley, Mark Anthony, Anthony Hardwood... Genres: Hard Anal, Double Penetration, Ass To Mouth, Gonzo, BlowJob, Oral, Group, Orgy, Interracial Video language: English 140 minutes of absolute anal! Set of double penetrations! All types of sex. Anal Driller 5 Format: avi Duration: 2:22:01 Video: 512x384, DivX 5, 878kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.0 GB

Stag Homme – Naked Space: Maikel Cash fucks Abel Pozsar Posted: 31 May 2012 12:41 PM PDT

Stag Homme takes you for quite the hot ride on a spaceship with two crazy hot fuckers. Drop-dead gorgeous and exotic Maikel Cash knows exactly how to remedy his loneliness out in space. Enter Abel Pozsar, the hunky muscle boy with a scrumptious bubble butt, and boy is he eager to serve it to Cash. ¨Naked Space¨ brings you beautiful sucking, rimming and fucking along with a good white thick splooge all over Abel´s face. Get on the spaceship now!! And know how good it is to ride Maikel´s big fat cock! Format: mp4 Duration: 23:33 Video: 640x362, AVC (H.264), 1500kbps Audio: 128kbps

File size: 275.6 MB

Drew Cutler dominates slutty wet twink Jake Lyons scene from "La Dolce Vita, Part 1" Posted: 31 May 2012 12:38 PM PDT

Release Year: 2009 Genres: Muscles, Oral/Anal Sex, Big Dick, Masturbation, Cumshot Video language: English Jack hooks up with his stubborn bodyguard, super-hung Wilson, for some hardcore sucking and fucking in a basement! Format: mp4 Duration: 27:25 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264), 4661kbps Audio: 109kbps

File size: 959.2 MB

I'm ready to drink protein Posted: 31 May 2012 12:37 PM PDT

Year: 2007 Country: USA. Genre: Cum,Bukkake,Oral,Cumshot,Swallow Duration:17 min Studio: SpermCockteill\ PSNW Starring:Pretty girls. Description:I'm ready to drink protein.hard, tough, sometimes humiliating oral sex, and only then was full of DeepThroat continue to fuck, but in other places, and at least rough form ... Liters of sperm on her face, mouth and pussy. everything as you like. Watch and enjoy. Video Quality:DVDRip Video Format: Windows Media Video 9 720x480 29.97fps 2000Kbps [Raw Video 1] Audio Codec: Windows Media Audio 44100Hz mono 32Kbps [Raw Audio 0]

File size: 255.8 MB

I'm Ready! Posted: 31 May 2012 12:37 PM PDT

Year: 2012 Country: Czech Republic Genre: Twinks, Bareback, Oral, Anal Sex, Rimming, Big Cocks, Uncut Cocks Duration: 1:21:23 Starring: Andy Ross, Mario Luna, Jordan Lopez, Mario Cax, Tom Kango, Pepi Toscani. Description: Innocent and sweet, bad and good, and as tastey as chocolate! Some of the most yummy, young twinks. Playful and willing, they will allow you any desire, or act upon their untouched bodies! Don't let those sweet faces and inocent smiles fool you - these guys are good at being bad!

File size: 1.4 GB

I'm Ready! Posted: 31 May 2012 12:36 PM PDT

Year: 2012 Country: Czech Republic Genre: Twinks, Bareback, Oral, Anal Sex, Rimming, Big Cocks, Uncut Cocks Duration: 1:21:23 Starring: Andy Ross, Mario Luna, Jordan Lopez, Mario Cax, Tom Kango, Pepi Toscani. Description: Innocent and sweet, bad and good, and as tastey as chocolate! Some of the most yummy, young twinks. Playful and willing, they will allow you any desire, or act upon their untouched bodies! Don't let those sweet faces and inocent smiles fool you - these guys are good at being bad!

File size: 1.4 GB

Teased G-cup DVDRip Posted: 31 May 2012 12:36 PM PDT

Check this girl out with her G-cup tits, nice ass and school girl uniform.Enjoy watching the ladies and gentlemen.Enjoy watching the ladies and gentlemen

File size: 456.5 MB

Swinger's Club Prive 3: Swap Till You Drop (2012/DVDRip) Posted: 31 May 2012 12:36 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Private Cast: Cindy Dollar, Daria Glower, Stracy Stone, Kristi Lust, Leony April Genres: Feature, Anal, Group An exclusive invitation is about to come your way. Watch these naked, sweaty bodies move towards you from inside this private hotspot!

File size: 1.4 GB

MILF Bound (2012) DVDRip Posted: 31 May 2012 12:35 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Mike Hunt inc. Cast: Devon Lee, Alana Evans, Nikki Sexx, Eva Notty Genres: Bondage, BDSM Video language: English Eva Notty has massive HH tits and she can swallow one huge load. Nikki Sexx baked cookies and now it's time for the frosting. Devon Lee is a naughty mom who needs to be taught a lesson. It's a good thing Alana Evans keeps her floors so clean. Format: avi Duration: 2:14:42 Video: 624x352, XviD, 1277kbps Audio: 31kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

RandyBlue - Dallas Evans and Nicco Sky Posted: 31 May 2012 12:35 PM PDT

Nicco Sky and Dallas Evans are no strangers. There was a live show last year in our gym where Nicco got his first taste of Dallas' thick cock and sexy ass. Their first video together gave Dallas more of a chance to experience Nicco's amazing cocksucking skills. And even though they didn't have sex with each other in our last movie, Text, Lies and Video, they certainly had some time to spend together behind the scenes. The chemistry between these two is electrifying and this gay hardcore video between them has been a long time coming. This was going to be Dallas' first time bottoming on Randy Blue and he specifically asked for Nicco. Dallas, who's been letting his natural curls grow out a bit is looking absolutely hot as can be with that horny muscle stud body of his. And Nicco always turns heads with his beautiful smooth honey brown skin, tight muscular chest, six-pack abs and delectable bubble butt. Nicco got Dallas so hot but engulfing his dick that he just had to tap that ass. But not before Nicco gives him what he came for, a nice long hard ass fucking. Than Dallas starts ramming his ginormous cock deep into Nicco's hole and Nicco loved every second of it. And the one thing that's more impressive than Dallas shooting tons of spunk all over Nicco's hot butt it when he massages his nipples as Nicco works his own aching hard-on, seductively coaxing him to shoot his load. Duration : 00:26:15 Resolution : 960x540 Video : VC-1 (WMV3), 2 024 Kbps, 23.976 fps

File size: 389.0 MB

Bare on Air Posted: 31 May 2012 12:35 PM PDT

Release Year: 2009 Studio: Vimpex BadLadz Tainted Twinx Cast: Alex Stevens, Nick Daniels, Thomas Dyk, Zac Powers, Jimmy Call, Marco Bill, Lucky Taylor, Timothy Nixon, Owen James, Stephen Ash, Toby Heringer, Marty Marschall, Kyle Davis Genres: Anal/Oral Sex, Bareback, Cumshot, Sucking, Group, Big Balls, Big Cocks, Twinks, Spunks 13 Boys talk with Radio Blue Line about their first sexual adventure. Massive cocks sliding in sweet holes. Kissing and sucking, rimminn, fucking, sperm eating. Format: avi Duration: 2:09:44 Video: 720x416, XviD, 1655kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.7 GB

Fresh Meat Is Sweet Posted: 31 May 2012 12:34 PM PDT

Studio: EXBF This week's update is from a young and fresh little blond guy who beats his man meat for his boyfriend. He's all to eager to stroke his cock and the camera turns him on. He ends up spilling his man goo all over himself Format: mp4 Duration: 13:23 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3403kbps Audio: 101kbps

File size: 344.2 MB

Borstal Boy Posted: 31 May 2012 12:34 PM PDT

Release Year: 2007 Studio: Eurocreme Cast: no info Genres: Oral, Anal Sex Description: Will Jamieson - the new guy in prison teen prison block. Cute and cocky, he is - a difficult teenager with a heart of gold. He is serving time in prison for juvenile offenders, where sodomy and violence - the rules of the game. But Will Die Hard, which is not going to give itself an insult, and his challenge will soon make him a leader among the prisoners! Format: avi Duration: 01:54:57 Video: 720x400, MPEG-4 Visual@ XviD, 1582 Kbps Audio: 192 Kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Leila Smith: Piaf [HD MOVIE] Posted: 31 May 2012 12:33 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: JustTeenSite Cast: Leila Smith Genres: Erotic girl Video language: English Our naked girls are fresh and delicious and eager to show you their most intimate secrets. We work with only the cutest naked girls, right after they've turned legal. And loads of sweet, young, innocent naked girls discovering their bodies and sharing them with you for the very first time. If you LOVE adorable young and naked girls full of personality and sensual energy, you've come to the right place! They are just beginning to feel sexy, and you can help them learn! Format: asf Duration: 19:22 Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 4932kbps Audio: 187kbps

File size: 725.2 MB

Leola Bell Caught On Tape Posted: 31 May 2012 12:32 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Red Light District Cast: Leola Bell Genres: Feature, Amateur, Reality, Celebrity Sex Tapes Video language: English Secret Sex Tape Of A Playboy Centerfold! Before she was a glamour centerfold, Leola Bell got naked and did a whole lot more than just get pretty pictures taken. With a hot three-way, some girl on girl action and hardcore anal, Red Light District brings to you the XXX tape 'they' don't want you to see! This is the only Leola Bell video.

File size: 1.4 GB

Mr. Male Reality - Gay Massage Posted: 31 May 2012 12:31 PM PDT

Released: 06/2011 Studio Name: Mile High Media, Mr. Male Reality Series: Gay Massage Director: KK Stars: Denis Reed, Jacob, Val Horner, Peter Bow, Jack Harrer, Xander Luck, Alex Morneti, Sebastian Stiler, Ronnie Clark, Mathew Ross Categories: Fetish, Foot, Anal, Safe Sex, High Definition, Massage When the shy guy comes in for a rub down he really learns to open up! Hot stud can't resist sucking anything that comes within an inch of his mouth!

Format: avi Duration: 01:53:51 Video: 720x560, XviD, 2046 kbps Audio: 119 kbps

File size: 1.8 GB

Do As You Wish Part 1&2 Posted: 31 May 2012 12:30 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: FuckingDungeon Cast: Reena Sky Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Hardcore Mr. Stone has put in a request and we've slightly missed the mark, what we have before him isn't exactly what he specified. After a bit of hemming and hawing, and a drop in price, Lee agrees to accept this dame to see what she's got. Once he signs on the dotted line, he gets a bit of a closer inspection. After all, he's made the journey to our lair and he will extract all the value he can out of this visit. We've given him the go ahead to do as he wishes and hopefully we can retain our loyal customer. One thing is for certain though, he's going to get his money's worth... Now that Lee's been given carte blanche, (we'll do just about anything to keep a loyal customer happy), there's no telling exactly what he may have up his sleeve. With Reena bound flat on her back, he gets to groping this fine piece of meat before getting a little foot job. He then barrels inside of her tight pussy and plows away. He can't resist tasting her pussy either and he makes sure to take the time to sample those wares. Once she's bound from the rafters, he has an even longer taste of her cunt before he mounts her from behind, banging this bound beauty into oblivion. He removes her gag and stuffs his cock deep in her mouth before one last lunge at her pussy. Meanwhile, Reena is rendered helpless, dangling from above...She serves well however and her just reward is a mouthful of cum. In the end, we kept another customer happy. And Reena? She'll be hanging around... Video: AVC at 999 kbit / s 960 x 540 (1.778) at 29.970 fps Audio: AAC at 48,0 kbit / s 1 channel, 44.1 KHz

File size: 335.8 MB

Shay Fox - Hardcore Posted: 31 May 2012 12:27 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Anilos Cast: Shay Fox Genres: Mature, Blowjob, Sex Video language: English A real bitch fucked like a pig. She squirms with delight and dancing in a wild dance of passion. Format: asf Duration: 17:22 Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 3417kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 450.5 MB

The Exchange Student Posted: 31 May 2012 12:27 PM PDT

Studio: ( Cast: Tyler Saint and James Ryder - Tory Mason (extra) Video language: English Professor Tyler Saint is expecting his students to give a good oral report tomorrow but his exchange student James Ryder is a little confused about what an "oral report" is so he starts to suck Tyler's thick meat. Tory Mason isn't about to let this exchange student have all the fun and wants to give an oral report to the professor as well. Professor Saint decides that both oral reports are needed at the same time and whosever report is better gets a reward!

Warehouse Sex Party Posted: 31 May 2012 12:25 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: Sebastian's Studios Genres: Oral/Anal Sex, Group Sex, Orgies, Tattoos, Rimming Video language: English What could be more hot than a sex party write in a warehouse? What this and find out just how sexy and talented these young men can be! Format: asf Duration: 1:12:53 Video: 848x480, Windows Media Video V8 Audio: 62kbps

File size: 1.1 GB

Harper Tops Stefan Posted: 31 May 2012 12:25 PM PDT

Year: 2012 Country: USA Genre: Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Muscle Hunks, Big Dick, Blow Job Time: 00:21:35 Description: Stellar new freshman Harper makes out with newbie Stefan. The handsome Harper and cute Stefan can't keep their hands or lips off of each other. Harper lays Stefan down and kisses his neck and chest. He pulls out Stefan's cock and sucks it. Stefan's cock stiffens in Harper's mouth. Harper strokes his own cock while he blows Stefan. Stefan returns the favor as Harper stands up. He swallows Harper's big dick, and strokes it. Harper watches Stefan suck his cock, then feeds it to him as Stefan lies down. as Stefan lies down. Harper eats out Stefan's ass, rimming it and shoving his tongue in to get Stefan's tight ass ready for his dick. He smacks Stefan's ass, then teases his hole by sliding his cock up and down along Stefan's crack. Harper thrusts his dick inside Stefan. Stefan holds his legs up so Harper can drill him even deeper. Harper pounds Stefan's ass, pulling him even closer to him. Stefan is loving it - especially when Harper pitsks him up and throws him down on the bed! Harper goes right back to work nailing Stefan. Harper fucks Stefan even harder and faster. He slows down the pace, then rams his cock back into Stefan. Stefan jerks a thick load out of his cock. Cum sprays all over his abs and his stomach. Harper keeps pounding away until he's ready to shoot. He blasts his load on top of Stefan. The guys kiss and Stefan agrees whole-heartedly with Harper about how much fun that was!

File size: 295.5 MB

Maia Davis Posted: 31 May 2012 12:24 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: CumBots Dungeoncorp Cast: Maia Davis Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Toys Video language: English Lovely, little Maia...we've run her through the ringer...pushed her through her paces and taken her to places she'd never imagined. Now, we've got the undeniably lovely task of watching her take a colossal fucking...After she gets herself off with a vibe, we tie her spread-eagle to the cube and get ready to roll. We push her even further than before as we toy with her pussy and witness her hit the promised land of orgasms.. Format: mp4 Duration: 12:13 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 975kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 91.8 MB

Military Relaxation Posted: 31 May 2012 12:22 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: GayRoom Cast: Calvin Koons Genres: Massage, Kissing, Cumshot, Oral Sex, Rimming, Anal Sex, Masturbation, Facial, Muscules, Ass, Big Cock, Hardcore, Deepthroat, Tattoo, Piercing Video language: English Calvin just wants to relax and unwind from his military stress on his day off. He was referred to this incredible masseur that he just had to try out. He's glad he made an appointment because his cock got pleasured as well! Format: mp4 Duration: 32:01 Video: 950x536, AVC (H.264), 1986kbps Audio: 91kbps

File size: 488.2 MB

Party Hardcore Vol. 70 Part 4 Posted: 31 May 2012 12:22 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Tainster Cast: Gina Killmer Vivien Genres: Amateur, CFNM, Interracial, Lesbian, Party, Public, Teen Check out all of these ladies saluting to their very buff male strippers roaming the club and wowing them onstage in navy gear! Amateur hotties love some muscles to get physical with, especially those rock hard love muscles they're putting to damn good use in one hottie after the other, all of them first-time on-camera party fuckers and learning what Party Hardcore is all about! Some of these newbies are getting doubledicked, others are trying out their first lesbo experience as the mood strikes them in this party atmosphere, and of course we've got pro babes Vanessa and Gina Killmer "helping" these chicks have a good time, basically meaning having their way with them and showing us just how easily slutty these amateur Czech chicks can get! It's the one and only Party Hardcore, where CFNM action rips through our fuck club week after week - get inside and check it out now!! Format: mp4 Duration: 30:28 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 2134kbps Audio: 120kbps

File size: 504.3 MB

All Worlds Video - Kiss-Off Posted: 31 May 2012 12:21 PM PDT

Release Year: 1992 Studio: All Worlds Video Cast: Axel Garret, B.J. Slater, Chad Knight, Danny Sommers, Johnny Rahm, Michael Brawn, Mitch Taylor, Steve Gibson Genres: Plot Based, Anal, Oral, Muscle Men, Uniforms, Outdoor Sex, Romance, Classic Video language: English Service men always know how to stand at attention. See what happens when they get a taste of Los Angeles, California . . . Let the games begin. No stone goes unturned as horny military men make their rounds. Format: avi Duration: 1:57:51 Video: 320x240, XviD, 749kbps Audio: 31kbps

File size: 756.6 MB

Stew Posted: 31 May 2012 12:20 PM PDT

I really admire Stew's dedication to surfing. He works a normal forty-hour-a-week job and somehow manages to wake up early enough to hit the waves prior to heading to work. Personally, there are really only two things that can get me up that early in the morning — 1) coffee and/or 2) a hot man in my bed... and a hot man bringing me coffee in bed, well... Now, one of my girlfriends met Stew at the mall where he was making some extra money modeling boxer shorts for one of those national clothing stores. It's amazing what retail stores will do these days to attract customers! She gave him a card and when he called her, he wasn't embarrassed at all when she asked him if he would get naked for us. In general, they are either really quick to get off the phone when asked about getting paid to rub one off, or they're totally down for it. Stew was totally down for it! Format: asf Duration: 14:45 Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video 9, 977kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 111.2 MB

Virgin Tales 2 Revenge of The Virgins Posted: 31 May 2012 12:19 PM PDT

Release Year: 2005 Studio: Just Teens / Triumvirate Group Cast: George Plozen, Aaron Hawke, Taylor Brooks, Ray Renfro, Dawson Brooks, Samuel Lee, Nathan Love, Chris Mate, Bastien Totti , Zack Jones, Miky Sem, Jay Renfro, Kip Carlton Genres: teenagers, european boys Virgin Tales 2: Revenge Of The Virgins provides a glimpse into the lives of some of our favourite former virgins as they plot to deflower other hot teens. In Virgin Tales 1, young Aaron was tricked into a game of strip poker by his friends Kip and Zack. Aaron got his first taste of ass that day and has developed an insatiable urge for virgins, so much so, that he devises a plot with his best friend Steve, to deflower a hunk named Dion. They catch him beating his meat to a porno movie and soon all three lads are wanking. One departs, leaving his two pals to finger and fuck each other's hot holes. The story continues with Taylor Brooks, who lost his virginity after delivering groceries. He relates his story to Toby who is soon on his knees gobbling his mate. Joined by a third, the three lads are soon enjoying each other, finishing by covering each other in warm boy juice. The next scene is a fiveway session of tonguing and lubing tight holes with fingers before stretching rectums with hard cock - bareback. All finished up with warm spunk sprayed over delectably smooth chests and faces. Fifteen stud-puppies discover that the allure of making it with a virgin adds a little bit of spice to condom free sex. Experience all the heat and passion that only horned up teen studs can provide. Format: avi Duration: 2:03:05 Video: 720x480, DivX 5, 1173kbps Audio: 437kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

Bryce & Eric Posted: 31 May 2012 12:18 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: Randy Blue Genres: Studs, Duet, Oral, Anal, Cumshots Video language: English Bryce Tucker and Eric Pryor Find that ass rimming, blowjobs and ass fucking are a great way to spend a rainy day. And they sure had a lot of fun! Format: lavfpref Duration: 18:46 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 2072kbps Audio: 29kbps

File size: 289.4 MB

Very Deep Throat Anal Fuck Posted: 31 May 2012 12:17 PM PDT

Cast: Cristal May Uh, this is a really hot scene chick that adores doing the wide stretch in front of the big and hard cock. As always, she starts with the very deep throat blowjob and as always, this raunchy action makes the guy feel extreme pleasure. It's no wonder he soon throws the babe on the bed and without any preparations sticks the stuff deeply in her vagina and asshole, pressing her boobs wildly, pinching her nipples and approaching to orgasm! Format: mkv Duration: 12:50 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264)

File size: 349.8 MB

Powertool 2 Breaking Out Posted: 31 May 2012 12:15 PM PDT

Description: Man of the Year Lex Baldwin, along with a superstar cast of the hottest all-male-action leading men ever assembled for a single video. See them in hard pounding butt busting lust behind bars. Lex Baldwin is sent to jail after being caught with his pants down, fucking Mike Gibson in the back of a truck. Ryan Yeager's boyfriend, Dolph Knight visits him in jail for some very hot sex. Inmates Tony DeMarco, Ted Matthews and David Rockmore fuck like mad in a jail cell. Jeff Converse gets it good from Lex Baldwin in the laundry room. Lex escapes while a huge orgy in the shower is underway Format: avi Duration: 1:54:42 Video: 720x480, DivX 5, 792kbps Audio: 187kbps

File size: 832.7 MB

[High Drive Productions] College Boyz Party Scene #4 Posted: 31 May 2012 12:15 PM PDT

Studio: High Drive Productions Cast: CHULO GARCIA & PEPE FELIPE Genres: Gay, Couples, Bareback

Houseboy Chulo Garcia was hired by Pepe Felipe to some surface cleaning, but Pepe isn't pleased with the quality of Chulo's work. In an effort to redeem his self, Chulo drops to his knees and starts sucking his boss's dick. Chulo's foreskin is quite a treat. Soon, Pepe begins to blow Chulo's dick. Chulo leads his boss to the couch and starts to ride Pepe's huge dick. The dick-slapping fun doesn't end here! Pepe bends his buddy over the couch and stuffs his butt until completion. Format: lavfpref Duration: 23:51 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264) Audio: 125kbps

File size: 664.4 MB

Fuck The Chores And Piss All Over These Whores! Posted: 31 May 2012 12:14 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: PissingInAction Cast: Chaynee Genres: Pissing, Teen, Hardcore Video language: English Chaynee and her sexy friend are looking fine and playing games with their soon-to-be fuck buddy as they claim they need his help in straightening up a painting on their wall, but really they're just out to use him as their fuck toy! Of course this guy is absolutely down to fuck two horny hotties like these Euro-cuties, and as soon as his cock is out he knows they mean business as they double attack his cock and balls with their cock-hungry mouths! That's just the appetizer, however, as Chaynee starts to get her fuck on while her friend builds up a nice piss, which after ripping up her pantyhose is going to shower down all over Chaynee! Once the piss is unleashed it's all crazy as fuck from there, with both babes getting pounded and used up like little piss sluts, of course pleasing their own pussies while they wait their turn for some cock action! These sluts aren't stopping until both of their faces are plastered in cum, and of course the best way to wash off some cum is to take some more golden showers! Pissy and hardcore as fuck, you don't want to miss these two Eurocuties in piss action!! Format: mp4 Duration: 21:17 Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 6672kbps Audio: 253kbps

File size: 1.1 GB

The Model - Slaves in Love Posted: 31 May 2012 12:13 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011 Studio: Slaves Love,MasterA Genres: BDSM, Russian, hardcore, group, young Video language: English Slaves in Love and MasterA present a series of commercials in the style of BDSM, young girls are being punished for infractions and sometimes girls do whatever they want to punish! Format: asf Duration: 53:02 Video: 640x480, Windows Media Video 9, 781kbps Audio: 93kbps

File size: 335.5 MB

[Pacific Sun Entertainment] In your ear Scene #4 Posted: 31 May 2012 12:13 PM PDT

Studio: Pacific Sun Entertainment Cast: Steven Marks, David Thompson, Rusty Samuels, Sean Diamond, Brian Maxx Genres: Gay, DILF, Couples Video language: English A hot and horny hunk spreads his legs and gets ass fucked face to face. Format: lavfpref Duration: 12:46 Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264) Audio: 125kbps

File size: 362.0 MB

Hitomi Tanaka Posted: 31 May 2012 12:12 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: moodyz Cast: Hitomi Tanaka Genres: big tits Video language: English Tits: only the best big natural boobs on the net! Fans of amazing J-Cup idol Hitomi will love this new release which is a complete remake of the Hentai Comic Beauty Boss by popular kyonyu artist Masato Yamasaki. A 150min production which places Hitomi Tanaka in a career woman role, dressed with ridiculously short and tight skirts. As team manager Chikako, Hitomi has to take responsibility for the failures of her team by offering her body to company clients. The word quickly get out inside the office and Chikako inevitably gets banged by her own team who had been drooling on her amazing body without being able to get the taste of it. Until now. A great domination movie starring Hitomi, with plenty of rough doggystyle sex scenes, facial bukkake, multiple fellatio, gang bang and more! Format: asf Duration: 2:33:40 Video: 560x316, Windows Media Video 9, 878kbps Audio: 93kbps

File size: 1.1 GB

Anal Driller 09 Posted: 31 May 2012 12:11 PM PDT

Release Year: 2006 Studio: Lex Drill Productions Cast: Sharka Blue, Sandra Parker, Cory Everson, Lucy Love, Kyra Banks Genres: Hard Anal, Double Penetration, Ass To Mouth, Gonzo, BlowJob, Oral, Group, Orgy, Interracial Video language: English 140 minutes of absolute anal! Set of double penetrations! All types of sex. Anal Driller 6 Format: avi Duration: 2:21:29 Video: 512x384, DivX 5, 879kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.0 GB

Elf beauties 3D video #7 Posted: 31 May 2012 12:09 PM PDT

Video language: English Porn video elf beauties are found in many 3D games (lineage 2 porno, world of warcraft porn) Format: avi Duration: 6:51 Video: 800x450, XviD, 1803kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 97.4 MB

Julian Smiles and Kyle Ross Posted: 31 May 2012 12:09 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Studio: HelixStudios Genres: Oral/Anal sex, Blow Job, Throat fuck, Masturbation, Cumshotsм Video language: English Kyle Ross told us he likes older guys, so we found him one. We set it up so that both of them stayed in the same hotel room when they came for their shoots. Kyle filmed this video himself as he got his way with this hunky straight older top. Format: mp4 Duration: 13:30 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 3476kbps Audio: 101kbps

File size: 354.4 MB

Bravo Delta Shows Max Ryder Who's In Charge! Posted: 31 May 2012 12:08 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Cast: Bravo Delta & Max Ryder Genres: Oral Sex, BlowJob, Twinks Video language: English Our little resident trouble-maker Max Ryder knows no limits. He saw Bravo Delta's solo scene where he fucked the hell out of a few flashjacks and he said: "I want this to be my mouth!" Here on Cockyboys, that's easier done than said. I sent Max to an unknown location and told him to wait there and I'll send someone to pick him up. He had no idea what was going to happen, who was coming to pick him up, or where he was going. He just knew his mouth was going to be used as a cum-receptacle and that's all he needed to know. He didn't ask many questions. He waited patiently outside until Bravo Delta pulled up and gave Max a sign to get in the car. As always, Max didn't wait for a second invite. He hopped right in and the look on his face said "I'm ready for an adventure!" It was about a 20 minute drive, then a gate opened up, and then they drove up to a big house with a white picked fence. Max didn't make it inside. He got naked right there on the lawn. He didn't want to show it but he needed that big famous Bravo Delta cock in his mouth so bad he could barely even walk! It's all he could think about on the way there. And now that he was about to finally get it he didn't want to waste anymore time. He started sucking on that monster dick like it was the only reason he was alive. He was so good at and it made Bravo want to give it a try too. So he threw the little fucker on the ground, grabbed his big thick 8 incher, and shoved it all the way down his throat. Want to know what happens next? I'll let you see for yourself. Format: mp4 Duration: 12:49 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2917kbps Audio: 125kbps

File size: 286.0 MB

Dunk these Nuts! (2012) Posted: 31 May 2012 12:07 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012 Genres: Anal Nobody wants a face full of balls, especially when there is frosting on them. This week's submission is full of face-to-ball action, cock cleaning and a little pig squealing. I'll tell you what, these frats are getting more and more creative every day. These poor pledges had to stand trial and go through what ever their brothers would come up with. Some even ended up with a face full of glaze. Enjoy! Format: mp4 Duration: 30:09 Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3511kbps Audio: 93kbps

File size: 797.4 MB

Prowler Pt II Posted: 31 May 2012 12:07 PM PDT

Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Hardcore Video language: English Stunned and bewildered, Maia still isn't quite sure what's happening. She's led to the bedroom where she's tossed on the bed. Once on her back, the rough fucking resumes. Our Prowler needs a rest though, this B and E stuff is exhausting. He brandishes a vibrator and smashes it against her clit. Try as she might, Maia is no match for this ceep and the lunatic has his way. After he has had his fill, he secures her to the bed. And just as suddenly as he appeared, the Prowler is gone... Format: lavfpref Duration: 26:15 Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 975kbps Audio: 46kbps

File size: 197.0 MB

Axl & Nick Gunner Posted: 31 May 2012 12:07 PM PDT

Year: 2012 Country: United States Genre: Anal, Oral Sex, Muscules, Rimmingm BlowJob, Big Dick, Cumshots Time: 00:39:33 Description: I know many of you have been waiting on today's scene to happen just as much as I have and it's finally here. Nick Gunner and Axl get their chance to tangle and what a beautiful match made in porn heaven it turned out to be. The energy and chemistry was there from the very start as they kicked the scene off with some sensual lip-locking, tongue-tangling kissing that lets you know right away that they are both happy to be there. Not many people have the ability to show enthusiasm for what they're doing like these two. Put them together and you've got enough passion hot enough to set the bed on fire.

File size: 594.8 MB

Hand Solo Posted: 31 May 2012 12:06 PM PDT

Year: 2012 Country: USA Genre: Stud, Solo, Masturbation, Muscular, Tattoo Time: 00:22:04 Description: It's a quiet afternoon, and Rod Daily's hectic schedule has finally slowed down and offered him a moment to himself. Decked in stars and stripes, he strips down and reclines back in a chair, and then he realizes that you are watching. Normally he might be a little put off by this but you seem ok, and so he decides to put on a show for you. Rocking up onto his knees, he extends his dick out to show it to you in all of its magnificent glory. Notice how much harder it's getting since he saw you watching him? Working it up now and bending over so you can see his supple round ass, you can tell he is ready to bust, but he holds off just a little longer just to tease you just a little more before he finally brings this private party to a splattering end. Parting is such sweet, sticky sorrow ...

File size: 308.5 MB

The Big Breast Slave 15 DVDRip Posted: 31 May 2012 12:06 PM PDT

Shibari is an ancient Japanese bondage technique involving intricate rope bondage. See it demonstrated on this beautiful young Japanese girl. Rope bondage, suspension, humiliation and more!

File size: 482.3 MB

Young Shavers # 3 (2006/DVDRip) Posted: 31 May 2012 12:06 PM PDT

Release Year: 2006 Studio: FilmCo Productions / Totally Tasteless Video Cast: Breeann, Eva, Katrina, Nikkita Genres: all girls, amateur, barely legal, fetish, shaving pussy, masturbation, dildo, solo, bathroom Video language: English Barely legal and shaving already? What would mama say? These teens shave themselves bare for your pleasure. Enjoy! Format: asf Duration: 2:00:41 Video: 480x360, Windows Media Video 9, 1220kbps Audio: 31kbps

File size: 1.1 GB

Asian babes's Asa Akira and Tia Ling Posted: 31 May 2012 12:05 PM PDT

Cast: Eva Angelina, Asa Akira, Tia Ling Genres: Anal, Cum swapping Video language: English Asian babes's Asa Akira and Tia Ling share a stud for fucking Format: lavfpref Duration: 54:48 Video: 640x480, AVC (H.264), 496kbps Audio: 65kbps

File size: 228.9 MB

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