#paulofriere instagram - Picta [PDF]

Judul Buku: "Pendidikan Kaum Tertindas" Harga: 56.000 Penulis: Paulo Freire Penerjemah · Loncengbuku.situsbelanja.com. J

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Idea Transcript



Billy Fariman (/user/fariman.billy/1668018046) Gagasan ini mulai dirintis oleh PAULO FREIRE. Pendidikan seyogyanya tidak menciptakan robot di dalam diri manusia yang hanya melakukan pekerjaan dengan ruang menggagas ide dan kebebasannya dibatasi. . Pendidikan seharusnya menyadarkan setiap peserta didik menjadi pribadi yang bebas (merdeka) . Mencetak kesadaran yang muncul dari pribadi peserta didik dan bukan kesadaran naif yang bertumpu pada pemikiran “yauda la ikutin aja, darisananya uda gitu.” . Intinya membuat orang laen sadar bahwa mereka harus merdeka dan terbebas dari cetakan. . Ah... Semoga lembaga pendidikan yang kita punya sekarang ini tidak memaksakan kehendak mencetak robot ya. Oh iya, saya lupa kalau di tempat kita kan semuanya sudah conscientizacao ya? . . . Atau mungkin belum? #nyindir (/tag/nyindir) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #konsientisasi (/tag/konsientisasi) #newvocab (/tag/newvocab) #conscientizacao (/tag/conscientizacao) #pendidikan (/tag/pendidikan) #inspired (/tag/inspired) #hayolo (/tag/hayolo) #bagaimanasekolahmu (/tag/bagaimanasekolahmu) 1

¤ 73




Komunitas Dialektika Laris (/user/dialektikalaris.id/6050486157)


Banyak membaca buku adalah suatu kebanggan tersendiri. Wawasan yang luas akan didapatkan dari membaca buku. Pintar berbicara ketika diskusi dengan berbagai sumber / dasar. . Apa yang engkau cari selama ini? Pergulatanmu dengan berbagai kertas cuma sampai disitukah? ??? bagaimana mnurutmu, ada tambahan?? ____________________ jangan lupa ..... like & coment

Sekolah Kapitalisme Yang Licik

#pendidikan (/tag/pendidikan) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #mahasiswa (/tag/mahasiswa) #pelajar (/tag/pelajar) 1

¤ 38

Normal 22 days ago

3 days ago

Holly M. Crawford


(/user/tukubuku.yuk/6137277092) Judul : Pendidikan Sebagai Proses Penulis : Paulo Friere Penerbit : Pustaka Pelajar . Buku ini berisi surat-surat dari Paulo Friere dengan tulisan-tulisannya yang ideomatik . Harga : 55.000 . Pemesanan cek di bio ya... . . #likeforlike (/tag/likeforlike) #likeforfollow (/tag/likeforfollow) #bukujogja (/tag/bukujogja) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #buku (/tag/buku) #bukumurah (/tag/bukumurah) #instabookshop (/tag/instabookshop) #jualbukuonline (/tag/jualbukuonline) 2

¤ 20

Normal a month ago

(/user/hey_pook/17696771) Many moons ago, @nathaliesanchezart shared this quote by #PauloFriere (/tag/PauloFriere) with me: “Education is the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of our world.” I am grateful to have a space like the @aesjbookclub to explore, and push for, a beautiful transformation. It has been a great honor to collaborate with @maria.ruiz.arte and Nathi each month on readings and themes. Nathi, thank you for asking, “Who wants to start an Art Education & Social Justice Book Club with me,” for your leadership, and awesome pins! So, Happy 1st Year Anniversary, AE+SJ thought partners! I look forward to learning and transforming with you all in 2018. Image description 1: A hand holds a wooden pin that reads, Art Education + Social Justice Book Club. Image description 2: AE + SJ members pose for a group photo. #arteducationandsocialjusticebookclub (/tag/arteducationandsocialjusticebookclub) 6

¤ 67

Normal a month ago


Komunitas Dialektika Laris (/user/dialektikalaris.id/6050486157) "Bapak Pendidikan" ___________________ Orang yang tidak dapat mengenali dirinya sendiri sebagai makhluk fana sebagaimana manusia yang lain, akan memerlukan waktu yang masih lama untuk sampai pada titik perjumpaan ini (dialog). . Pada titik ini tidak ada lagi orang yang benar-benar bodoh atau orang yang benar-benar pintar, - - yang ada hanyalah orang-orang yang terus mencoba secara bersama-sama belajar lebih banyak dari apa yang sekarang mereka ketahui - bagaimana menut temen2??!!!! . #pendidikan (/tag/pendidikan) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #pendidikankaumtertindas (/tag/pendidikankaumtertindas) #pendidikanmasyarakat (/tag/pendidikanmasyarakat) #diskusilaris (/tag/diskusilaris) 1

¤ 32

Normal 2 months ago


Mocomi Kids (/user/mocomikids/4266377038) Education is freedom. - Paulo Freire . . #WorldFreedomDay (/tag/WorldFreedomDay) #FreedomDay (/tag/FreedomDay) #Freedom (/tag/Freedom) #Education (/tag/Education) #MocomiKids (/tag/MocomiKids) #KidsEducation (/tag/KidsEducation) #FunLearning (/tag/FunLearning) #PhilipRandolph (/tag/PhilipRandolph) #PauloFriere (/tag/PauloFriere) 0

¤ 11

Awal 1997, dunia pendidikan, terutama praktis pendidikan pembebasan telah kehilangan seorang pendekarnya. Paulo Freire, tokoh pendidikan pembebasan asal Brazil telah berpulang ke hadirat penciptanya. Ia pergi meninggalkan setumpuk karya, segudang jasa dan segugus gagasan di bidang pendidikan. Di Indonesia, nama Freire sangat terkenal di kalangan LSM. Model pendidikan partisipatif yang digunakan oleh LSM dalam aktivitas pengembangan masyarakat mengambil inspirasi dari praksis pendidikan pembebasan yang digagas Freire. Meskipun gagasan dan praksis pendidikannya banyak digandrungi oleh praktisi pendidikan di Dunia Ketiga, tapi banyak yang menganggap teori dan praksis Freire itu gagal. Anggapan ini erat kaitannya dengan posisi Freire sendiri yang tidak bisa didefinisikan dengan pasti. Sebagai intelektual, ia tidak bisa dikelompokkan sebagai intelektual organis atau intelektual institusional. Memang ia mengklaim sebagai orang radikal, tapi penekanannya pada kebebasan dan demokrasi menempatkan dirinya pada posisi intelektual liberal yang tentu saja berharap-harap dengan kelompok revolusioner. Teori pendidikannya pun tidak bisa ditempatkan dalam genre teori tradisional, modernis, maupun posmodernis. Karena begitu rumitnya posisi Freire, teori dan praksisnya bisa saja dianggap gagal oleh satu pihak, tapi dianggap sukses oleh pihak yang lain. Rumitnya posisi Freire ini akan semakin jelas terasakan dalam perbedaannya dengan para akademisi Universitas Nasional Meksiko (UNAM) mengenai pendidikan tinggi.



Kelakar Buku

Penulis : Paulo Friere Penerbit : Ircisod Tebal : xlviii + 256 halaman Harga Normal : Rp. 55.000 Harga diskon : Rp. 46.000 2

¤ 67

Normal a month ago


Kaum_Proletariat (/user/jurnal_kiri/3152618752) _________________________________________ tiadalah akhir suatu penindasan jika sistem pembebasan menggunakan sistem :_________________________________(1) guru mengajar, murid belajar; (2) guru tahu segalanya, murid tidak tahu apa-apa; (3) guru berpikir, murid dipikirkan; (4) guru bicara, murid mendengarkan; (5) guru mengatur, murid diatur; (6) guru memilih dan memaksakan pilihannya, murid menuruti; (7) guru bertindak, murid membayangkan bagaimana bertindak sesuai dengan tindakan gurunya; (8) guru memilih apa yang akan diajarkan, murid menyesuaikan diri; (9) guru mengacaukan wewenang ilmu pengetahuan dengan wewenang profesionalismenya, dan mempertentangkannya dengan kebebasan murid- murid; (10) guru adalah subyek proses belajar, murid obyeknya. Bagaimana kita bisa berdikari ?????? sumber : pendidikan kaum tertindas by á paulofriere #pendidikankaumtertindas (/tag/pendidikankaumtertindas) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #teachersdays (/tag/teachersdays) #hariguru (/tag/hariguru) 0

¤ 10

Normal 2 months ago

Normal 2 months ago


Nadia (/user/wanderingnads/3517138801) (/media/Baq_WNsHmhi)

seancummins007 (/media/BaP5M2cj8iL)

Toko Buku Online (/user/buku_ku.id/6212171002)

(/user/seancummins007/2206007622) #emmacocker (/tag/emmacocker) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #ntufineart (/tag/ntufineart) 1

¤ 40


3 months ago

Judul : Sekolah Kapitalisme Yang Licik Pengarang : Paulo Friere Harga : 40.000 Info dan pemesanan silahkan: Sms/Wa: 085339104838 Bisa request buku yg tdk ada di katalog Cek Instagram kami di @buku_ku.id #bukupolitik (/tag/bukupolitik) #bukusejarah (/tag/bukusejarah) #bukusosial (/tag/bukusosial) #bukunovel (/tag/bukunovel)#bukuagama (/tag/bukuagama)#bukukiri (/tag/bukukiri) #bukusastra (/tag/bukusastra) #bukupuisi (/tag/bukupuisi)#bukumurah (/tag/bukumurah) #bukuonline (/tag/bukuonline) #bukubekas (/tag/bukubekas) #bukubagus (/tag/bukubagus) #bukuterbaik (/tag/bukuterbaik) #bukupilihan (/tag/bukupilihan) #bestseller (/tag/bestseller) #tokobukuonline (/tag/tokobukuonline) #bukubagus (/tag/bukubagus) #bukuonline (/tag/bukuonline) #bukucerita (/tag/bukucerita) #bukuislami (/tag/bukuislami) #bukusekolah (/tag/bukusekolah) #bukukuliah (/tag/bukukuliah) #buku_ku (/tag/buku_ku) #bukujogja (/tag/bukujogja) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #sekolahkapitalismeyanglicik (/media/BZt_5P5A4Jm) (/tag/sekolahkapitalismeyanglicik) 0

¤ 5

Normal 3 months ago

Mickey (Michaela Lysiane)

(/user/mickey_baller22/2328515311) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #pedagogy (/tag/pedagogy) #oppressed (/tag/oppressed) 0

¤ 14

Normal 3 months ago

morning notes to self staying hopeful is something i struggle with when witnessing all of the awful things happening all over the world and in my own homeland. but i do believe hopefulness isn't just passive but also active; it is resisting the easy or lazy options of false binaries and hate, it's the ability to make new unimagined futures possible when pessimism and cynicism prevails. may we all hope for better realities for all have a blessed friday everyone . . . . . . . . . . #hope (/tag/hope) #hopefullness (/tag/hopefullness) #love (/tag/love) #amal (/tag/amal) #islam (/tag/islam) #jumuah (/tag/jumuah) #instagood (/tag/instagood) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #bellhooks (/tag/bellhooks) #teachingcommunity (/tag/teachingcommunity) 3

¤ 70

Normal 2 months ago


Chloe Robinson (/user/chlorojoflo/223039029) If you read nothing else this year, make your only book Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Friere. It's a dense but enlightening read. It sheds light on how a Western society works and how we can work together to dismantle the system and build a fairer society for us all. . . . #quote (/tag/quote) #quotestoliveby (/tag/quotestoliveby) #quoteoftheday (/tag/quoteoftheday) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #pedagogyoftheoppressed (/tag/pedagogyoftheoppressed) #patriarchy (/tag/patriarchy) #learning (/tag/learning) #bookstagram (/tag/bookstagram) #bookreccomendation (/tag/bookreccomendation)


Ann Sil Rosesª (/user/shiruvu_roses05/1462690856) Nadie libera a nadie Ni nadie se libera solo Los hombres y las mujeres se liberan en comunión #instamoment (/tag/instamoment) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) 0

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3 months ago

At R. De Escalada, Buenos Aires, Argentina (/location/R.-DeEscalada%2C-Buenos-Aires%2C-Argentina/527316409)


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Normal 3 months ago


Jess Shillingford (/user/educatingexpertslondon/5501391473) If you haven't read pedagogy of the oppressed, it's worth every minute. ¤ #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #BeTheExpert (/tag/BeTheExpert) #Educate2elevate (/tag/Educate2elevate) #LiteracyChallenge (/tag/LiteracyChallenge) 0

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Normal 4 months ago

(/media/BW-Oa7MA0ph) (/media/BX4UO2khflq)


Amanda Lee (/user/amandaleecoffey/35725287) #truth (/tag/truth) . . . . #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #pedagogyoftheoppressed (/tag/pedagogyoftheoppressed) 2

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(/user/esolzebra/4282834859) The jug and mug method of education I think perhaps this term was coined by Paolo Freire #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #jugandmug (/tag/jugandmug) #esol (/tag/esol) #ielts (/tag/ielts). #anglais (/tag/anglais) #ingles (/tag/ingles) #inglese (/tag/inglese) #angielski (/tag/angielski) #angielskie (/tag/angielskie) #englisch (/tag/englisch) #learnenglish (/tag/learnenglish) #education (/tag/education) #paulofreire (/tag/paulofreire) 0

¤ 12

Normal 6 months ago

Normal 5 months ago

At Downtown Brampton (/location/Downtown-Brampton/411842692)


Yuki Chavez (/user/yukiko91/5956177) Saturday afternoon reading: Teaching to Trangress. This little excerpt helps remind me to be grounded. It can be so hard to not operate from ego sometimes. #bellhooks (/tag/bellhooks) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #teachingtotransgress (/tag/teachingtotransgress) 3

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Bristol Socialist Book Club (/media/BVzGvUkAeN2)

6 months ago

(/user/bristol_socialist_book_club/567538468 6)

asdzaaproletariat (/user/asdzaaproletariat/4474997714) #decolonizeeducation (/tag/decolonizeeducation) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #decapitalizeeducation (/tag/decapitalizeeducation) 0

¤ 10

Normal 7 months ago


Işık Selin Orhuntaş (/user/birruyadanartakalan/477704216) #Repost (/tag/Repost) @ogrenmetasarimlari (@get_repost) #taptaze (/tag/taptaze) #bireğitim (/tag/bire%C4%9Fitim) #hadibasvur (/tag/hadibasvur) #yaraticivedahiledenegiticininegitimi (/tag/yaraticivedahiledenegiticininegitimi) #15 (/tag/15)-19temmuz #yaratici (/tag/yaratici) #yenilikçieğitim (/tag/yenilik%C3%A7ie%C4%9Fitim) #öğrenmesitilleri (/tag/%C3%B6%C4%9Frenmesitilleri) #deneyimselöğrenme (/tag/deneyimsel%C3%B6%C4%9Frenme) #oyuntabanliogrenme (/tag/oyuntabanliogrenme) #projetabanlıöğrenme (/tag/projetabanl%C4%B1%C3%B6%C4%9Frenme) #androgoji (/tag/androgoji) #pedagoji (/tag/pedagoji) #davidkolb (/tag/davidkolb) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #mariamontessori (/tag/mariamontessori) #jeanpieget (/tag/jeanpieget) #egitimteorisyenleri (/tag/egitimteorisyenleri) #interaktiföğrenme (/tag/interaktif%C3%B6%C4%9Frenme) #vedahafazlasibuegitimde (/tag/vedahafazlasibuegitimde) #ogretmenler (/media/BVEpB0TB0aF) (/tag/ogretmenler) #stk (/tag/stk) #ikyoneticileri (/tag/ikyoneticileri) #egitim (/tag/egitim) #sektoru (/tag/sektoru) #akademi (/tag/akademi) #http Sarahjane (/user/sjmc/646563733) (/tag/http)://www.ogrenmetasarimlari.com/yaraticive-dahil-eden-egitici-egitimi.pdf Sick of saying this. Hate oppressive and convoluted 0 ¤ 25 Normal 7 months ago texts that are simply compensating for poor At İstanbull (/location/%C4%B0stanbull/1316337621774290) research and writing... never use a big word where a small word will do.. me and my mate Orwell stand by it and of course my buddy Friere .. #PedagogyOfTheOppressed (/tag/PedagogyOfTheOppressed) #PauloFriere (/tag/PauloFriere) #Academia (/tag/Academia) #AcademicProblems (/tag/AcademicProblems) 2

¤ 5


Öğrenme Tasarımları (/user/ogrenmetasarimlari/2749118099) #taptaze (/tag/taptaze) #bireğitim (/tag/bire%C4%9Fitim) #hadibasvur (/tag/hadibasvur) #yaraticivedahiledenegiticininegitimi (/tag/yaraticivedahiledenegiticininegitimi) #15 (/tag/15)-19temmuz #yaratici (/tag/yaratici) #yenilikçieğitim (/tag/yenilik%C3%A7ie%C4%9Fitim) #öğrenmesitilleri (/tag/%C3%B6%C4%9Frenmesitilleri) #deneyimselöğrenme (/tag/deneyimsel%C3%B6%C4%9Frenme) #oyuntabanliogrenme (/tag/oyuntabanliogrenme) #projetabanlıöğrenme (/tag/projetabanl%C4%B1%C3%B6%C4%9Frenme) #androgoji (/tag/androgoji) #pedagoji (/tag/pedagoji) #davidkolb (/tag/davidkolb) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #mariamontessori (/tag/mariamontessori) #jeanpieget (/tag/jeanpieget) #egitimteorisyenleri (/tag/egitimteorisyenleri) #interaktiföğrenme (/tag/interaktif%C3%B6%C4%9Frenme) #vedahafazlasibuegitimde (/tag/vedahafazlasibuegitimde) #ogretmenler (/tag/ogretmenler) #stk (/tag/stk) #ikyoneticileri (/tag/ikyoneticileri) #egitim (/tag/egitim) #sektoru (/tag/sektoru) #akademi (/tag/akademi) #http (/tag/http)://www.ogrenmetasarimlari.com/yaraticive-dahil-eden-egitici-egitimi.pdf 1

¤ 50

Normal 7 months ago



Normal 7 months ago

(/user/loncengbuku/2343793354) Judul Buku: "Pendidikan Kaum Tertindas" Harga: 56.000 Penulis: Paulo Freire Penerjemah: Tim Redaksi Asosiasi Pemandu Latihan LP3ES Penyunting Terjemahan: Imam Ahmad Penerbit: LP3ES Tebal Halaman: 221 . #yogyakarta (/tag/yogyakarta) #lfl (/tag/lfl) #fff (/tag/fff) #membaca (/tag/membaca) #indonesiaku (/tag/indonesiaku) #marimembaca (/tag/marimembaca) #pendidikankaumtertindas (/tag/pendidikankaumtertindas) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #education (/tag/education) 2

¤ 330

Normal 8 months ago


Nina (/user/ninabird1987/42790809)

"Pride makes us artificial & humility makes us real" #thomasmerton (/tag/thomasmerton) "Humility is one of the most important qualities, which you must have, because...if you make people realise that you are not threat to them, then people will embrace you." #nelsonmandela (/tag/nelsonmandela) "Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service, and character." #williamarthurward (/tag/williamarthurward) "Being humble means recognising we are not on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others." #gordonbhinckley (/tag/gordonbhinckley) "Dialogue cannot exist without humility." #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) "What is humility but truthfulness? There is no real difference." #walterhilton (/tag/walterhilton) #humility (/tag/humility) #cslewis (/tag/cslewis) 0

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chelsea balzer (/user/chelsea_balzer/1135249024) I hope you're making time for yourself, they said. Self care is really important, they said. ___ #gradschool (/tag/gradschool) #coffee (/tag/coffee) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #bellhooks (/tag/bellhooks) #homework (/tag/homework) #helpme (/tag/helpme) 3

¤ 20


At Fuel America (/location/Fuel-America/29034571)


A few pictures of my students over the years. Teaching on the college level has been very rewarding. Teaching is my passion and purpose. It's a great feeling when former students tell me how much they've learned in my courses. #mentor (/tag/mentor) #teacher (/tag/teacher) #teacherlife (/tag/teacherlife) #teacherday (/tag/teacherday) #teachers (/tag/teachers) #education (/tag/education) #educator (/tag/educator) #educatorlife (/tag/educatorlife) #educators (/tag/educators) #inspiration (/tag/inspiration) #inspirationalquotes (/tag/inspirationalquotes) #literature (/tag/literature) #writing (/tag/writing) #college (/tag/college) #highered (/tag/highered) #highereducation (/tag/highereducation) #student (/tag/student) #students (/tag/students) #university (/tag/university) #books (/tag/books) #learning (/tag/learning) #knowledge (/tag/knowledge) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #passion (/tag/passion) #purpose (/tag/purpose) #motivation (/tag/motivation) #inspire (/tag/inspire) #teachingtotransgress (/tag/teachingtotransgress) 5

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Jeremy Wiles (/user/weareohsoblessed/256359745) Happiness is a habit. Stay committed. And share the variety of your beautiful journey #OHSOblessed (/tag/OHSOblessed) #OHSOlove (/tag/OHSOlove) #smile (/tag/smile) #fisherman (/tag/fisherman) #Ohsoparadise (/tag/Ohsoparadise) #radicallove (/tag/radicallove) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #liberationtheology (/tag/liberationtheology) #Godislove (/tag/Godislove) ¤ 14


Normal 10 months ago

6 months ago

At Firewood (/location/Firewood/200919530386591)


MRCC (/user/maconsumers/5382720570) UPDATE: MRCC LAUNCHES PUBLIC EDUCATION EDUCATION CAMPAIGN ON SAFE AND RESPONSIBLE MARIJUANA CONSUMPTION: Consume Responsibly Massachusetts • Last week, Weed Week @weedweeknews featured MRCC's Cambridge 5K Cannabis Freedom Run. With the support of our constituents, MRCC,has kicked off the first public educational marijuana campaign in the state: Consume Responsibly Massachusetts. • Currently bills like Bill S.1071, push for education. However, funding for these bills rely on recreational sales tax; which is not expected to be generated until 2018. People are already consuming, responsible businesses and communities can’t afford to wait. Consume Responsibly MA helps people understand the new adult-use marijuana law via digital material and print. Please visit ConsumeResponsiblyMassachusetts.com for more information. • MRCC recognizes the societal benefits provided by access to safe, high quality marijuana products, education, and the need for an equitable market where medium and small sized businesses can thrive. We pledge to continue to address legislators at the state and local level to ensure that these public standards are upheld. • Link in BIO: Consume Responsibly Massachusetts • #ConsumeResponsiblMassachusetts (/tag/ConsumeResponsiblMassachusetts) #Educate (/tag/Educate) #PauloFriere (/tag/PauloFriere) #Grassachusetts (/tag/Grassachusetts) #Health (/tag/Health) #Wealth (/tag/Wealth) #LegalizedMassachusetts (/tag/LegalizedMassachusetts) #10ozPrivateLimit (/tag/10ozPrivateLimit) #LegalPossession (/tag/LegalPossession) #MAKnowYourLaws (/tag/MAKnowYourLaws) #MassPurpLaws (/tag/MassPurpLaws) #DankLimit (/tag/DankLimit) #LoudLaws (/tag/LoudLaws) #MassMjAdvocacy (/tag/MassMjAdvocacy) #Boston (/tag/Boston) #Local (/tag/Local) #Quality (/tag/Quality) #Normalize (/tag/Normalize) #Community (/tag/Community) #THC (/tag/THC) #invest (/tag/invest) #Massachusetts (/tag/Massachusetts) #Papaya (/tag/Papaya) #CannabisCommunity (/tag/CannabisCommunity) #Love (/tag/Love) #UrbanGrowing (/tag/UrbanGrowing) #UrbanFarming (/tag/UrbanFarming) #Grower (/tag/Grower) #Coffee (/tag/Coffee) #BeastCoast (/tag/BeastCoast) ¤ 21

Normal 7 months ago

At Massachusetts (/location/Massachusetts/297176915)


John Faulk / Fireside Coaching (/user/johns_instaworld/3888519021) Pole Star // #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #pedagogy (/tag/pedagogy) #criticalpedagogy (/tag/criticalpedagogy) #dialectic (/tag/dialectic) #chomsky (/tag/chomsky) #henrygiroux (/tag/henrygiroux) #visionary (/tag/visionary) #easter (/tag/easter) #weekend (/tag/weekend) #coach (/tag/coach) #coaching (/tag/coaching) #empowerment (/tag/empowerment) #women (/tag/women) #children (/tag/children) #nextgeneration (/tag/nextgeneration) #sd (/tag/sd) #standanddeliver (/tag/standanddeliver) #outside_the_box (/tag/outside_the_box) #nextlevel (/tag/nextlevel) #picoftheday (/tag/picoftheday) #instago (/tag/instago) #igberlin (/tag/igberlin) #germany (/tag/germany) #spark (/tag/spark) #community (/tag/community) #love (/tag/love) #healthy (/tag/healthy) #society (/tag/society) (/media/BQ4alUHl8w8) #debate (/tag/debate) 2


¤ 4

9 months ago



#BSBC (/tag/BSBC) #Bristol (/tag/Bristol) #bookclub (/tag/bookclub) #socialism (/tag/socialism) #socialisminaction (/tag/socialisminaction) #tagsforlikes (/tag/tagsforlikes) #f4f (/tag/f4f) #followforfollow (/tag/followforfollow) #flashesofdelight (/tag/flashesofdelight) #thatsdarling (/tag/thatsdarling) #thedarlingmovement (/tag/thedarlingmovement) #thehappynow (/tag/thehappynow) #pursuepretty (/tag/pursuepretty) #livecolorfully (/tag/livecolorfully) #liveauthentic (/tag/liveauthentic) #nothingisordinary (/tag/nothingisordinary) #theogramgang (/tag/theogramgang) #livethelittlethings (/tag/livethelittlethings) #nothingisordinary (/tag/nothingisordinary) #creativehappylife (/tag/creativehappylife) #creativityfound (/tag/creativityfound) #calledtobecreative (/tag/calledtobecreative) #visualscollective (/tag/visualscollective)


9 months ago


First book is #PedagogyoftheOppressed (/tag/PedagogyoftheOppressed) by #PauloFriere (/tag/PauloFriere) as suggested by @addyadelaine Hi Addy! Free to download if you have access to a computer or should be available in all good libraries! Discussion groups are meeting on 6th and 8th reply to the meetup (link in bio) to confirm your attendance

¤ 25

X-Pro II

9 months ago

Seminary Co-op Bookstores

(/user/seminarycoopbookstores/1518493780) #readingiscritical (/tag/readingiscritical) 23: a list of books that "explore how and where we learn, and the intense contradictions in schooling and education" and quite a bit more (at the link in our profile), from activist, teacher, scholar, and host of our "Fresh Ayers" series, Bill Ayers. Catch Bill tomorrow at 6pm at @57thstreetbooks in conversation with author Thomas M. Grace on his book "Kent State: Death and Dissent in the Long Sixties." 5

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Normal a year ago

At The Seminary Co-op Bookstores (/location/The-Seminary-Co-opBookstores/4339592)


Normal 10 months ago

Lindsey Lee Alvarezzo (/user/street_savant/3009102262)


Jamie Bonnell (/user/redpajamas/1528936719) #paulofriere (/tag/paulofriere) #erichfromm (/tag/erichfromm) #womensmarch (/tag/womensmarch) #wmphx (/tag/wmphx) 7

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Normal a year ago

#Selfcare (/tag/Selfcare) in the #Morning (/tag/Morning) Self #care (/tag/care) everyday. #Tea (/tag/Tea) #juice (/tag/juice) #Feminist (/tag/Feminist) #tribe (/tag/tribe) #GloriaAnzaldua (/tag/GloriaAnzaldua) #CherrieMoraga (/tag/CherrieMoraga) #Bridge (/tag/Bridge) Called my #Back (/tag/Back) #chimamandangoziadichie (/tag/chimamandangoziadichie) #weshouldallbefeminists (/tag/weshouldallbefeminists) #AudreLorde (/tag/AudreLorde) #Sister (/tag/Sister) #Outsider (/tag/Outsider) #PauloFriere (/tag/PauloFriere) #pedagogyoftheoppressed (/tag/pedagogyoftheoppressed) what are Ü reading on #rainydays (/tag/rainydays) ? 7

¤ 64

Lo-fi a year ago

At Hollywood (/location/Hollywood/255561330)

(/tag/paulofriere?next=AQAAT9Kxz96cq6NtjFf1X6xGKQGsLD9DQrahqqMH3GALZqWztZHPQ0-dVah1Jno_WdeeNtoavmSGXXJp8kjqbXh7wbCWRmqpZWSUarIVp7eUOuZO2JEVEsVI4xuzTyU2EM) © Thepicta

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