sekolah: Februari 2012 [PDF]

Feb 21, 2012 - Cu (tembaga); 52 cm; l (liter); Rp350,00. 10. Tanda titik tidak dipakai pada akhir judul yang merupakan k

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sekolah Kamis, 23 Februari 2012



Tanda Titik (.) Arsip Blog

1. Tanda titik dipakai pada akhir kalimat yang bukan pertanyaan atau seruan. Contoh: Saya suka makan nasi. Apabila dilanjutkan dengan kalimat baru, harus diberi jarak satu ketukan.

2014 (1) t 2012 (89) Maret (3)

2. Tanda titik dipakai pada akhir singkatan nama orang. Contoh:


Irwan S. Gatot


George W. Bush Apabila nama itu ditulis lengkap, tanda titik tidak dipergunakan. Contoh: Anthony Tumiwa

Inilah Best 100 football club in the world

3. Tanda titik dipakai pada akhir singkatan gelar, jabatan, pangkat, dan sapaan. Contoh:


Dr. (doktor) S.E. (sarjana ekonomi)


Kol. (kolonel) Bpk. (bapak)


4. Tanda titik dipakai pada singkatan kata atau ungkapan yang sudah sangat umum. Pada singkatan yang terdiri atas tiga huruf atau lebih hanya dipakai satu tanda titik. Contoh:

RAHASIA DIBALIK TSUNAMI DI ACEH Perusahaan Raksasa dibalik Konspirasi Rahasia

dll. (dan lain-lain) dsb. (dan sebagainya)

Surat Saddam Hussein: Para Penguasa Arab Termasuk ...

tgl. (tanggal)

Ayat-Ayat Hitam Zionis Yahudi

hlm. (halaman)

Ketika Tokoh Syiah Mengungkapkan Rahasianya

5. Tanda titik dipakai untuk memisahkan angka jam, menit, dan detik yang menunjukkan waktu atau jangka waktu. Contoh:

Kol. (Purn) Herman Ibrahim: Pendiri Bangsa ini ada... HAM: Alat Propaganda dan Penjajahan Barat

Pukul 7.10.12 (pukul 7 lewat 10 menit 12 detik) 0.20.30 jam (20 menit, 30 detik)

Kejanggalan Bom Bali 1

6. Tanda titik dipakai untuk memisahkan bilangan ribuan atau kelipatannya. Contoh: Kota kecil itu berpenduduk 51.156 orang.

10 Hal Yang Dipercayai Mempunyai Tujuan Illuminati...

7. Tanda titik tidak dipakai untuk memisahkan bilangan ribuan atau kelipatannya yang tidak menunjukkan jumlah. Contoh:

Peringatan Seorang Pemberontak Illuminati Kebohongan Di Balik Fosil MANUSIA PURBA

Nama Ivan terdapat pada halaman 1210 dan dicetak tebal.

Keajaiban Air

Nomor Giro 033983 telah saya berikan kepada Mamat.

Hikmah Rasulullah SAW Melarang Ummatnya Makan dan ...

8. Tanda titik tidak dipakai dalam singkatan nama resmi lembaga pemerintah dan ketatanegaraan, badan atau organisasi, serta nama dokumen resmi maupun di dalam akronim yang sudah diterima oleh masyarakat. Contoh:

Masihkah Anda Sombong Setelah Melihat Gambar ini?

SMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas)


PT (Perseroan Terbatas)

Bom Bali dan Politik Adu Domba

WHO (World Health Organization)


DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat)

UUD (Undang-Undang Dasar)

Osama Sudah Lama Meninggal, AS Bohong

SIM (Surat Izin Mengemudi) Bappenas (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional)

Bom Bali dan Politik Adu Domba

rapim (rapat pimpinan)

Koalisi Kebenaran 11 September

9. Tanda titik tidak dipakai dalam singkatan lambang kimia, satuan ukuran, takaran, timbangan, dan mata uang. contoh:

Konspirasi Bom JW.Marriot Italia Bongkar Konspirasi Besar Mossad-CIA Dalam P...

Cu (tembaga)

Tragedi 11 September 2001, di Mata Seorang Amerika...

52 cm

10 Konspirasi Terbesar di Dunia

l (liter)

Amerika dan Sekutunya, IMF dan Bank Dunia adalah T...


Fire Demon muncul setelah Ritual Korban Bakaran di...

10. Tanda titik tidak dipakai pada akhir judul yang merupakan kepala karangan, atau kepala ilustrasi, tabel, dan sebagainya. contoh:

WTC DIREKAYASA – Komunikasi Rahasia dari Film Holl...

Latar Belakang Pembentukan

Menantang Tuhan: Menara Babel dibangun kembali

Sistem Acara Lihat Pula

Tanda Koma (,)

Disney dan Pesan Seks tersembunyi


Antikristus Dajjal sudah DATANG Black Eye Peas-Meet Me Halfway dan “Pencerahan Spi...

1. Tanda koma dipakai di antara unsur-unsur dalam suatu pemerincian atau pembilangan. Contoh: Saya menjual baju, celana, dan topi. Contoh penggunaan yang salah: Saya membeli udang, kepiting dan ikan.

Infiltrasi Illuminati pada K-Pop: Narsha dan SHINe...

2. Tanda koma dipakai untuk memisahkan kalimat setara yang satu dari kalimat setara yang berikutnya, yang didahului oleh kata seperti, tetapi, dan melainkan. Contoh: Saya bergabung dengan Wikipedia, tetapi tidak aktif.

SIAPA DAJJAL? Lord of The Rings, Antikristus Dajjal dan Akhir Ja...

3a. Tanda koma dipakai untuk memisahkan anak kalimat dari induk kalimat apabila anak kalimat tersebut mendahului induk kalimatnya. Contoh:

Pesan dan simbol 666 dalam manga NARUTO Illuminati – SPONGEBOB dan Simbol ANTIKRISTUS DAJJ...

Kalau hari hujan, saya tidak akan datang. Karena sibuk, ia lupa akan janjinya.

Antikristus Dajjal sudah DATANG

3b. Tanda koma tidak dipakai untuk memisahkan anak kalimat dari induk kalimat apabila anak kalimat tersebut mengiringi induk kalimat. Contoh: Saya tidak akan datang kalau hari hujan.

Illuminati-Pemuja Antikristus Dajjal pada Industri... Beyonce menjadi pemuja Antikristus Beyonce menjadi...

4. Tanda koma dipakai di belakang kata atau ungkapan penghubung antara kalimat yang terdapat pada awal kalimat. Termasuk di dalamnya oleh karena itu, jadi, lagi pula, meskipun begitu, akan tetapi. Contoh:

Bukti ANTIKRISTUS (Kristen) = DAJJAL (Islam) = Sim... Siapa Sebenarnya Latta & Uzza Yang Patungnya Menja...

Oleh karena itu, kamu harus datang.


Jadi, saya tidak jadi datang. 5. Tanda koma dipakai di belakang kata-kata seperti o, ya, wah, aduh, kasihan, yang terdapat pada awal kalimat. contoh:

Mantan Penasihat Presiden Amerika Yang Terpesona O... SIAPA YG PERTAMA ALLAH CIPTAKAN ???

O, begitu.

Islam Dalam Ramalan Jayabaya

Wah, bukan main.

Jadwal Liga Super Indonesia 2011-2012

6. Tanda koma dipakai untuk memisahkan petikan langsung dari bagian lain dalam kalimat. Contoh: Kata adik, "Saya sedih sekali".

Indonesia VS Malaysia

7. Tanda koma dipakai di antara (i) nama dan alamat, (ii) bagian-bagian alamat, (iii) tempat dan tanggal, dan (iv) nama tempat dan wilayah atau negeri yang ditulis berurutan. Contoh:

SURAT AL-FATIHAH Bukti-bukti Kebenaran Al Qur'an Perbandingan Agama Yahudi, Kristen, dan Islam

Medan, 18 Juni 1984 Medan, Indonesia.

MUI: 10 (Sepuluh) Kriteria Aliran Sesat

8. Tanda koma dipakai untuk menceraikan bagian nama yang dibalik susunannya dalam daftar pustaka. Contoh: Lanin, Ivan, 1999. Cara Penggunaan Wikipedia. Jilid 5 dan 6. Jakarta: PT Wikipedia Indonesia.

Keajaiban Al Qur’an dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Keajaiban Al Qur’an dan Ilmu Pengetahuan

9. Tanda koma dipakai di antara bagian-bagian dalam catatan kaki. Contoh: I. Gatot, Bahasa Indonesia untuk Wikipedia. (Bandung: UP Indonesia, 1990), hlm. 22.

Alasan kenapa non muslim berpindah keyakinan

10. Tanda koma dipakai di antara nama orang dan gelar akademik yang mengikutinya untuk membedakannya dari singkatan nama diri, keluarga, atau marga. contoh: Rinto Jiang, S.E.

Mukjizat Al Quran : Besi Berasal dari luar angkasa...

11. Tanda koma dipakai di muka angka persepuluhan atau di antara rupiah dan sen yang dinyatakan dengan angka. Contoh:


Al-Qur’an dan Temuan Ilmiah

Manfaat Wudhu dan Shalat bagi kesehatan

33,5 m

Korelasi (Munasabah) Antara Ayat dengan Ayat, Sura...

Rp10,50 12. Tanda koma dipakai untuk mengapit keterangan tambahan yang sifatnya tidak membatasi. Contoh: pengurus Wikipedia favorit saya, Borgx, pandai sekali.

Tahukah anda Mengenai Islam….??!

13. Tanda koma dipakai untuk menghindari salah baca di belakang keterangan yang terdapat pada awal kalimat. Contoh: Dalam pembinaan dan pengembangan bahasa, kita memerlukan sikap yang bersungguhsungguh. Bandingkan dengan: Kita memerlukan sikap yang bersungguh-sungguh dalam pembinaan dan pengembangan bahasa.

KESALAHPAHAMAN WAKTU SHALAT SUBUH Yahudi Merahasiakan Temuan Masjid Ayyubi Calendar Masehi Para Pembantu Israel

14. Tanda koma tidak dipakai untuk memisahkan petikan langsung dari bagian lain yang mengiringinya dalam kalimat jika petikan langsung itu berakhir dengan tanda tanya atau tanda seru. contoh: "Di mana Rex tinggal?" tanya Stepheen.

Tanda Titik Koma (;)




1. Tanda titik koma dapat dipakai untuk memisahkan bagian-bagian kalimat yang sejenis dan setara. Contoh: Malam makin larut; kami belum selesai juga.


2. Tanda titik koma dapat dipakai untuk memisahkan kalimat yang setara di dalam suatu kalimat majemuk sebagai pengganti kata penghubung. Contoh: Ayah mengurus tanamannya di kebun; ibu sibuk bekerja di dapur; adik menghafalkan nama-nama pahlawan nasional; saya sendiri asyik mendengarkan siaran pilihan pendengar.

Tanda Titik Dua (:)

Perbandingan Hukum Kompilasi Islam dengan Hukum Is... BERITA ACARA PENGEMBANGAN KTSP



1. Tanda titik dua dipakai pada akhir suatu pernyataan lengkap bila diikuti rangkaian atau pemerian. Contoh:


Kita sekarang memerlukan perabotan rumah tangga: kursi, meja, dan lemari.


Fakultas itu mempunyai dua jurusan: Ekonomi Umum dan Ekonomi Perusahaan.


2. Tanda titik dua dipakai sesudah kata atau ungkapan yang memerlukan pemerian. Contoh: Ketua : Borgx Wakil Ketua : Hayabuse Sekretaris : Ivan Lanin Wakil Sekretaris : Irwan Gatot Bendahara : Rinto Jiang Wakil bendahara : Rex


Mengenai Saya

3. Tanda titik dua dipakai dalam teks drama sesudah kata yang menunjukkan pelaku dalam percakapan. Contoh: Borgx : "Jangan lupa perbaiki halaman bantuan Wikipedia!" Rex : "Siap, Boss!"

CICANTAYAN Assalamu'alaikumWr.Wb. blog ini kami susun guna menyimpan data-data kami, sekaligus mempersilakan bagi pengunjung untuk mengunjungi blog ini. namun keberadaan blog ini tentang isi di dalamnya tentunya banyak sekali kekurangan nya, maka dari itu kami sangat mengharapkan kritik dan saran serta masukan untuk lebih baiknya blog ini, karena kami menyadari bahwa kami masih berada dalam tahap belajar

4. Tanda titik dua dipakai (i) di antara jilid atau nomor dan halaman, (ii) di antara bab dan ayat dalam kitab-kitab suci, atau (iii) di antara judul dan anak judul suatu karangan. Contoh: (i) Tempo, I (1971), 34:7 (ii) Surah Yasin:9 (iii) Karangan Ali Hakim, Pendidikan Seumur Hidup: Sebuah Studi, sudah terbit. 5. Tanda titik dua dipakai untuk menandakan nisbah (angka banding). Contoh: Nisbah siswa laki-laki terhadap perempuan ialah 2:1. 6. Tanda titik dua tidak dipakai kalau rangkaian atau pemerian itu merupakan pelengkap yang mengakhiri pernyataan. Contoh: Kita memerlukan kursi, meja, dan lemari.

Tanda Hubung (-)

Lihat profil lengkapku


1. Tanda hubung menyambung unsur-unsur kata ulang. Contoh: anak-anak, berulang-ulang, kemerah-merahan Tanda ulang singkatan (seperti pangkat 2) hanya digunakan pada tulisan cepat dan notula, dan tidak dipakai pada teks karangan. 2. Tanda hubung menyambung huruf kata yang dieja satu-satu dan bagian-bagian tanggal. Contoh: p-e-n-g-u-r-u-s 8-4-1973 3. Tanda hubung dapat dipakai untuk memperjelas hubungan bagian-bagian ungkapan. Bandingkan: ber-evolusi dengan be-revolusi dua puluh lima-ribuan (20×5000) dengan dua-puluh-lima-ribuan (1×25000). Istri-perwira yang ramah dengan istri perwira-yang ramah 4. Tanda hubung dipakai untuk merangkaikan (a) se- dengan kata berikutnya yang dimulai dengan huruf kapital; (b) ke- dengan angka, (c) angka dengan -an, (d) singkatan berhuruf kapital dengan imbuhan atau kata, dan (e) nama jabatan rangkap. Contoh: se-Indonesia hadiah ke-2 tahun 50-an ber-SMA KTP-nya nomor 11111 sinar-X Menteri-Sekretaris Negara 5. Tanda hubung dipakai untuk merangkaikan unsur bahasa Indonesia dengan unsur bahasa asing. Contoh: di-charter pen-tackle-an

Tanda Pisah (–, —)


1a. Tanda pisah em (—) membatasi penyisipan kata atau kalimat yang memberikan penjelasan khusus di luar bangun kalimat. Contoh: Wikipedia Indonesia—saya harapkan—akan menjadi Wikipedia terbesar. 1b. Tanda pisah em (—) menegaskan adanya posisi atau keterangan yang lain sehingga kalimat menjadi lebih tegas. Contoh: Rangkaian penemuan ini—evolusi, teori kenisbian, dan kini juga pembelahan atom—telah mengubah konsepsi kita tentang alam semesta. 2a. Tanda pisah en (–) dipakai di antara dua bilangan atau tanggal yang berarti sampai dengan atau di antara dua nama kota yang berarti 'ke', atau 'sampai'. Contoh: 1919–1921 Medan–Jakarta 10–13 Desember 1999 2b. Tanda pisah en (–) tidak dipakai bersama perkataan dari dan antara, atau bersama tanda kurang (−). Contoh: dari halaman 45 sampai 65, bukan dari halaman 45–65 antara tahun 1492 dan 1499, bukan antara tahun 1492–1499 −4 sampai −6 °C, bukan −4–−6 °C

Tanda Elipsis (...)


1. Tanda elipsis dipakai dalam kalimat yang terputus-putus, misalnya untuk menuliskan naskah drama. Contoh: Kalau begitu ... ya, marilah kita bergerak. 2. Tanda elipsis menunjukkan bahwa dalam suatu kalimat atau naskah ada bagian yang dihilangkan, misalnya dalam kutipan langsung. Contoh: Sebab-sebab kemerosotan ... akan diteliti lebih lanjut. Jika bagian yang dihilangkan mengakhiri sebuah kalimat, perlu dipakai empat buah titik; tiga buah untuk menandai penghilangan teks dan satu untuk menandai akhir kalimat. Contoh: Dalam tulisan, tanda baca harus digunakan dengan hati-hati ....

Tanda Tanya (?)


1. Tanda tanya dipakai pada akhir tanya. Contoh: Kapan ia berangkat? Saudara tahu, bukan? Penggunaan kalimat tanya tidak lazim dalam tulisan ilmiah. 2. Tanda tanya dipakai di dalam tanda kurung untuk menyatakan bagian kalimat yang disangsikan atau yang kurang dapat dibuktikan kebenarannya. Contoh: Ia dilahirkan pada tahun 1683 (?). Uangnya sebanyak 10 juta rupiah (?) hilang.

Tanda Seru (!)


Tanda seru dipakai sesudah ungkapan atau pernyataan yang berupa seruan atau perintah yang menggambarkan kesungguhan, ketidakpercayaan, ataupun rasa emosi yang kuat. Contoh: Alangkah mengerikannya peristiwa itu! Bersihkan meja itu sekarang juga! Sampai hati ia membuang anaknya! Merdeka! Oleh karena itu, penggunaan tanda seru umumnya tidak digunakan di dalam tulisan ilmiah atau ensiklopedia. Hindari penggunaannya kecuali dalam kutipan atau transkripsi drama.

Tanda Kurung ((...))


1. Tanda kurung mengapit keterangan atau penjelasan. Contoh: Bagian Keuangan menyusun anggaran tahunan kantor yang kemudian dibahas dalam RUPS (Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham) secara berkala. 2. Tanda kurung mengapit keterangan atau penjelasan yang bukan bagian integral pokok pembicaraan. Contoh: Satelit Palapa (pernyataan sumpah yang dikemukakan Gajah Mada) membentuk sistem satelit domestik di Indonesia. Pertumbuhan penjualan tahun ini (lihat Tabel 9) menunjukkan adanya perkembangan baru dalam pasaran dalam negeri. 3. Tanda kurung mengapit huruf atau kata yang kehadirannya di dalam teks dapat dihilangkan. Contoh: Kata cocaine diserap ke dalam bahasa Indonesia menjadi kokain(a) Pembalap itu berasal dari (kota) Medan. 4. Tanda kurung mengapit angka atau huruf yang memerinci satu urutan keterangan. Contoh: Bauran Pemasaran menyangkut masalah (a) produk, (b) harga, (c) tempat, dan (c) promosi. Hindari penggunaan dua pasang atau lebih tanda kurung yang berturut-turut. Ganti tanda kurung dengan koma, atau tulis ulang kalimatnya. Contoh: Tidak tepat: Nikifor Grigoriev (c. 1885–1919) (dikenal juga sebagai Matviy Hryhoriyiv) merupakan seorang pemimpin Ukraina. Tepat: Nikifor Grigoriev (c. 1885–1919), dikenal juga sebagai Matviy Hryhoriyiv, merupakan seorang pemimpin Ukraina. Tepat: Nikifor Grigoriev (c. 1885–1919) merupakan seorang pemimpin Ukraina. Dia juga dikenal sebagai Matviy Hryhoriyiv.

Tanda Kurung Siku ([...])


1. Tanda kurung siku mengapit huruf, kata, atau kelompok kata sebagai koreksi atau tambahan pada kalimat atau bagian kalimat yang ditulis orang lain. Tanda itu menyatakan bahwa kesalahan atau kekurangan itu memang terdapat di dalam naskah asli. Contoh: Sang Sapurba men[d]engar bunyi gemerisik. 2. Tanda kurung siku mengapit keterangan dalam kalimat penjelas yang sudah bertanda kurung. Contoh: Persamaan kedua proses ini (perbedaannya dibicarakan di dalam Bab II [lihat halaman 35– 38]) perlu dibentangkan di sini.

Tanda Petik ("...")


1. Tanda petik mengapit petikan langsung yang berasal dari pembicaraan dan naskah atau bahan tertulis lain. Contoh: "Saya belum siap," kata Mira, "tunggu sebentar!" Pasal 36 UUD 1945 berbunyi, "Bahasa negara ialah Bahasa Indonesia." 2. Tanda petik mengapit judul syair, karangan, atau bab buku yang dipakai dalam kalimat. Contoh: Bacalah "Bola Lampu" dalam buku Dari Suatu Masa, dari Suatu Tempat. Karangan Andi Hakim Nasoetion yang berjudul "Rapor dan Nilai Prestasi di SMA" diterbitkan dalam Tempo. Sajak "Berdiri Aku" terdapat pada halaman 5 buku itu. 3. Tanda petik mengapit istilah ilmiah yang kurang dikenal atau kata yang mempunyai arti khusus. Contoh: Pekerjaan itu dilaksanakan dengan cara "coba dan ralat" saja. Ia bercelana panjang yang di kalangan remaja dikenal dengan nama "cutbrai". 4. Tanda petik penutup mengikuti tanda baca yang mengakhiri petikan langsung. Contoh: Kata Tono, "Saya juga minta satu." 5. Tanda baca penutup kalimat atau bagian kalimat ditempatkan di belakang tanda petik yang mengapit kata atau ungkapan yang dipakai dengan arti khusus pada ujung kalimat atau bagian kalimat. Contoh: Karena warna kulitnya, Budi mendapat julukan "Si Hitam". Bang Komar sering disebut "pahlawan"; ia sendiri tidak tahu sebabnya.

Tanda Petik Tunggal ('...')


1. Tanda petik tunggal mengapit petikan yang tersusun di dalam petikan lain. Contoh: Tanya Basri, "Kau dengar bunyi 'kring-kring' tadi?" "Waktu kubuka pintu depan, kudengar teriak anakku, 'Ibu, Bapak pulang', dan rasa letihku lenyap seketika," ujar Pak Hamdan. 2. Tanda petik tunggal mengapit makna, terjemahan, atau penjelasan kata atau ungkapan asing. Contoh: feed-back 'balikan'

Tanda Garis Miring (/)


1. Tanda garis miring dipakai di dalam nomor surat dan nomor pada alamat dan penandaan masa satu tahun yang terbagi dalam dua tahun takwim.

Contoh: No. 7/PK/1973 Jalan Kramat III/10 tahun anggaran 1985/1986 2. Tanda garis miring dipakai sebagai pengganti kata tiap, per atau sebagai tanda bagi dalam pecahan dan rumus matematika. Contoh: harganya Rp125,00/lembar (harganya Rp125,00 tiap lembar) kecepatannya 20 m/s (kecepatannya 20 meter per detik) 7/8 atau 7⁄8 x n/n! Tanda garis miring sebaiknya tidak dipakai untuk menuliskan tanda aritmetika dasar dalam prosa. Gunakan tanda bagi ÷ . Contoh: 10 ÷ 2 = 5. Di dalam rumus matematika yang lebih rumit, tanda garis miring atau garis pembagi dapat dipakai. Contoh:


3. Tanda garis miring sebaiknya tidak dipakai sebagai pengganti kata atau.

Tanda Penyingkat (Apostrof)(') Tanda penyingkat menunjukkan penghilangan bagian kata atau bagian angka tahun. Contoh: Ali 'kan kusurati. ('kan = akan) Malam 'lah tiba. ('lah = telah) 1 Januari '88 ('88 = 1988) Sebaiknya bentuk ini tidak dipakai dalam teks prosa biasa Diposting oleh CICANTAYAN di 17.18

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Huruf kapital atau huruf besar dipakai sebagai huruf pertama kata pada awal kalimat. Dia mengantuk. Apa maksudnya? Kita harus bekerja keras. Pekerjaan itu belum selesai. Huruf kapital dipakai sebagai huruf pertama petikan langsung. Adik bertanya, "Kapan kita pulang?" Bapak menasihatkan, "Berhati-hatilah, Nak!" "Kemarin engkau terlambat," katanya. "Besok pagi," kata Ibu, "dia akan berangkat." Huruf kapital dipakai sebagai huruf pertama dalam ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan nama Tuhan dan kitab suci, termasuk kata ganti untuk Tuhan. Allah, Yang Mahakuasa, Yang Maha Pengasih, Alkitab, Quran, Weda, Islam, Kristen. Tuhan akan menunjukkan jalan yang benar kepada hamba-Nya. Bimbinglah hamba-Mu, ya Tuhan, ke jalan yang Engkau beri rahmat. Huruf kapital dipakai sebagai huruf pertama nama gelar kehormatan, keturunan, dan keagamaan yang diikuti nama orang. Mahaputra Yamin Sultan Hasanuddin Haji Agus Salim Imam Syafii Nabi Ibrahim Huruf kapital tidak dipakai sebagai huruf pertama nama gelar, kehormatan, keturunan, dan keagamaan yang tidak diikuti nama orang. Dia baru saja diangkat menjadi sultan. Tahun ini ia pergi naik haji. Huruf kapital dipakai sebagai huruf pertama unsur nama jabatan dan pangkat yang diikuti nama orang atau yang dipakai sebagai pengganti nama orang tertentu, nama instansi, atau nama tempat. Wakil Presiden Adam Malik Perdana Menteri Nehru Profesor Supomo Laksamana Muda Udara Husen Sastranegara Sekretaris Jenderal Departemen Pertanian Gubernur Irian Jaya Huruf kapital tidak dipakai sebagai huruf pertama nama jabatan dan pangkat yang tidak diikuti nama orang, atau nama tempat. Siapa gubernur yang baru dilantik itu? Kemarin Brigadir Jenderal Ahmad dilantik menjadi mayor jenderal. Huruf kapital dipakai sebagai huruf pertama unsur-unsur nama orang. Amir Hamzah Dewi Sartika Wage Rudolf Supratman Halim Perdanakusumah Ampere Huruf kapital tidak dipakai sebagai huruf pertama nama orang yang digunakan sebagai nama sejenis atau satuan ukuran. mesin diesel 10 volt 5 ampere Huruf kapital sebagai huruf pertama nama bangsa, suku, dan bahasa. bangsa Indonesia suku Sunda bahasa Inggris Huruf kapital tidak dipakai sebagai huruf pertama nama bangsa, suku bangsa, dan bahasa yang dipakai sebagai bentuk dasar kata turunan. mengindonesiakan kata asing keinggris-inggrisan Huruf kapital dipakai sebagai huruf pertama nama tahun, bulan, hari, hari raya, dan peristiwa sejarah. bulan Agustus hari Natal bulan Maulid Perang Candu hari Galungan tahun Hijriah hari Jumat tarikh Masehi hari Lebaran Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia Huruf kapital tidak dipakai sebagai huruf pertama peristiwa sejarah yang tidak dipakai sebagai nama. Soekarno dan Hatta memproklamasikan kemerdekaan bangsanya. Perlombaan senjata membawa risiko pecahnya perang dunia. Huruf kapital dipakai sebagai huruf pertama nama geografi. Asia Tenggara Kali Brantas Banyuwangi Lembah Baliem Bukit Barisan Ngarai Sianok Cirebon Pegunungan Jayawijaya Danau Toba Selat Lombok Daratan Tinggi Dieng Tanjung Harapan Gunung Semeru Teluk Benggala Jalan Diponegoro Terusan Suez Jazirah Arab Huruf kapital tidak dipakai sebagai huruf pertama istilah geografi yang tidak menjadi unsur nama diri. berlayar ke teluk mandi di kali menyeberangi selat pergi ke arah tenggara Huruf kapital tidak dipakai sebagai huruf pertama nama geografi yang digunakan sebagai nama jenis. garam inggris gula jawa kacang bogor pisang ambon Huruf kapital dipakai sebagai huruf pertama semua unsur nama negara, lembaga pemerintahan dan ketatanegaraan, serta nama dokumen resmi kecuali kata seperti dan. Republik Indonesia Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Badan Kesejahteraan Ibu dan Anak Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia, Nomor 57, Tahun 1972 Huruf kapital tidak dipakai sebagai huruf pertama kata yang bukan nama resmi negara, lembaga pemerintah dan ketatanegaraan, badan, serta nama dokumen resmi. menjadi sebuah republik beberapa badan hukum kerja sama antara pemerintah dan rakyat menurut undang-undang yang berlaku Huruf kapital dipakai sebagai huruf pertama setiap unsur bentuk ulang sempurna yang terdapat pada nama badan, lembaga pemerintah dan ketatanegaraan, serta dokumen resmi. Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa Yayasan Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia Rancangan Undang-Undang Kepegawaian Huruf kapital dipakai sebagai huruf pertama semua kata (termasuk semua unsur kata ulang sempurna) di dalam nama buku, majalah, surat kabar, dan judul karangan kecuali kata seperti di, ke, dari, dan, yang, dan untuk yang tidak terletak pada posisi awal. Saya telah membaca buku Dari Ave Maria ke Jalan Lain ke Roma. Bacalah majalah Bahasa dan Sastra. Dia adalah agen surat kabar Sinar Pembangunan. Ia menyelesaikan makalah "Asas-Asas Hukum Perdata". Huruf kapital dipakai sebagai huruf pertama unsur singkatan nama gelar, pangkat, dan sapaan. Dr. doktor M.A. master of arts S.H. sarjana hukum S.S. sarjana sastra Prof. profesor Tn. tuan Ny. nyonya Sdr. saudara Huruf kapital dipakai sebagai huruf pertama kata penunjuk hubungan kekerabatan seperti bapak, ibu, saudara, kakak, adik, dan paman yang dipakai dalam penyapaan dan pengacuan. "Kapan Bapak berangkat?" tanya Harto. Adik bertanya, "Itu apa, Bu?" Surat Saudara sudah saya terima. "Silakan duduk, Dik!" kata Ucok. Besok Paman akan datang. Mereka pergi ke rumah Pak Camat. Para ibu mengunjungi Ibu Hasan. Huruf kapital tidak dipakai sebagai huruf pertama kata penunjuk hubungan kekerabatan yang tidak dipakai dalam pengacuan atau penyapaan. Kita harus menghormati bapak dan ibu kita. Semua kakak dan adik saya sudah berkeluarga. Huruf kapital dipakai sebagai huruf pertama kata ganti Anda. Sudahkah Anda tahu? Surat Anda telah kami terima.

Diposting oleh CICANTAYAN di 17.07

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Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Inilah Best 100 football club in the world Inilah hal yang menggembirakan soal sepak bola di Indonesia. Di situs mencatat hasil polling Best 100 football club in the world. hasil polling sementara hingga tanggal 21 Februari 2012. menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa klub teratas asal Indonesia menempati 100 best football (soccer) club in the world. yang paling mengejutkan adalah Persib Bandung yang menempati peringkat ke 1. Persebaya Surabaya, Arema Indonesia dan Persija Jakarta menempati urutan masing-masing ke 8, 12, dan 19. Sementara Sriwijaya FC menempati urutan ke 34. Persib Bandung berada diatas tim-tim besar Eropa seperti Real Madrid, Barcelona, AC Milan, Manchester United, dan tim-tim besar lainnya. Untuk lebih jelas nya, inilah data-data best football (soccer) club in the world, yang saya copy dari situs tapi kita harus ingat, ini bukan prestasi bidang piala atau tim terbaik yang dinilai oleh juri, melainkan hanya polling dari para pembaca.

Best Football (Soccer) Clubs in the World Don't agree with the list? Vote for an existing item you think should be ranked higher or if you are a logged in, add a new item for others to vote on or create your own version of this list.



Persib Bandung (Indonesia)

+595 PERSIB not just a football club, but PERSIB flesh and blood has become a tradition that the West Java &

Bandung send down from the grandfather, grandmother, parents and children. Persib will always be in our hearts no matter what happens we will always support PERSIB.

+367 I like Persib, because Persib is club football is very popular and has the greatest fans in Indonesia, including

my family and I are fanatical supporters persib.

Persib well known in foreign countries, as they often do friendly matches with clubs from abroad, such as AC Milan, Ajax, PSV, Sampdoria and other clubs and Persib never escape until Champion Asia League quarterfinals in 1995. +72

Persib is the best team of the world, Persib. Persib has been be domestic league champions without any foreign players and foreign coach. On LCA, Persib get to the quarter-finals. This is a phenomenal achievement and the highest for the club from southeast Asia. And of course Persib have the best club management in Indonesia, without a penny of government funds. Persib also supported by millions of fanatic fans

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Galatasaray (Turkey)

Galatasaray is the best team in turkey gs have the uef cup so that's mean Galatasaray is the only team that owns uef cup in turkey Galatasaray is famous team in turkey even in all countries well I'm fan of gs galatasaray is my team so gs is the best team ever in this world Galatasaray been vs Barcelona & arsenal & real madrid & Manchester united & even more teams


Galatasaray is the best team because it has the most fanatic supporters in the world. UltrAslan is its Holigan (Very Very Fanatic) supporter of Galatasary. In 2000-2001 That Galatasaray won UEFA and Super cup its supporter had supported the team that much that the rivals were scared of them they had no chance.


You must be the lion's home, @TT Arena. When you go there, you know what I'm talking' about.


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Fenerbahçe (Turkey)

Fenerbahce is just awesome ok to learn more go on W. Fenerbahce. Com or just go on W. Superfb. Com They have all the information you need to know about Fenerbahce!


Fenerbahce is awesome! One of the best teams in the world! Wins every game never loses! Plus they are way way better then Galatasaray I don't know why it writes that Galatasaray is 2nd in here Fenerbahce is obviously better!



The biggest sport club of Turkey is Fenerbahce... Fenerbahce is Champions League team. Fenerbahce has 55000-capacity wonderful stadium where 2009 UEFA Final match will play in this stadium... Zico, Roberto Carlos, Alex, Kezman, Appiah, Lugano, Anelka, Ortega...

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4 +64


Manchester United (England)

A historic team known all over the world. Most people can name more united players than they can distant relatives. With the current era under sir Alex being seamlessly never ending they have every right to claim themselves the best football team in the world. No other club is hated by all fans of all teams outside of it.


Man utd is the greatest football club in the whole world judging from their performance so far in England and abroad. With 19 title to their credit I think they worth it.


THE BEST no one else compares throughout history Man United has been the top English football club in the world with a close second of Arsenal or Chelsea

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Barcelona (Spain)

I think this is one of the best club in the world. And I must say this is the first time I've heard of Persib Bandung.

Barca is 10 times better than any English club. After all, they play football.. Not golf..!


barcelona are the best they have players like messi, villa, xavi, inesta, puyol, pique, fabregas and they have won so many trophies over the past three years the list is 3 la liga titles in a row 1 copa the rey 3 supercopa de espana 2 champions league 1 uefa super cup 1 world culb cup and this is only the three past three seasons and In 2009, Barcelona became the first club in Spain to win the treble consisting of La Liga, Copa del Rey, and the Champions League. That same year, it also became the first football club ever to win six out of six competitions in a single year, thus completing the sextuple, comprising the aforementioned treble and the Spanish Super Cup, UEFA Super Cup and FIFA Club World Cup. so don't be ignorant and vote for fc barcelona as the best club in the world

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6 +68 +51



Real Madrid (Spain)

Real Madrid is the best club in world. 6th place is not fair. I didn't even heard name persib before. My name is shahrukh and think real madrid is the best club in the world. Be case real madrid had the youngest footballers. And c. Ronaldo is also there . It should be at 1st it has glorious past present and future. It has beaten barcelona and greatest team of world. And it has ronaldo, kaka and many more

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7 +47


Liverpool (England)

simple... just the spirit of the club and fans makes me always want to support them, wheter they far away and we from indonesia just watch the match on tv. but our spirit we'll always walk with them. You Never Walk Alone! greetings from indonesia


League cups - 7(lfc)-4(manu, che)-2(ars) Fa cups - 11(manu)-10(ars)-7(lfc)-6(che) Uefa'n'europa - 3(lfc)-0(ars, manu, che) Epl - 18(lfc, manu) -13(ars) -4(che) Champ league - 5(lfc)-3(manu)-0(ars, che) LFC 3RD IN EUROPE AND 6TH IN WORLD RANKINGS in winning NO OF INTERNATIONAL CUPS (THE NEXT ENG CLUB BEING MAN U AT RANK 19TH in the world). Hope this is enough!


The amount of titles thy won prove their might in football and they are a talented club in history.

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8 +27


Persebaya Surabaya (Indonesia)

We love crot, go green crot in mouth from Surabaya, heroes city


We have best young Asian player so far.. Andik Vermansyah! I'm sure this name will become bigger and bigger! Watch out for anyone, He is still on junior team right now but we believe in him!


I`m BOLO " BOnek wonocoLO ". Keep support my PERSEBAYA 1927 until the end. S1NYAL! WANI! BONEK VIKING is One Heart.

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Arsenal (England)


Arsenal are the answer if you ask "what teams can make the difference for the player or even the fans to look the football game"


Eat Sleep live Arsenal football club! We are the best! Come on Arteta! Good riddens Fabergas and Nari you loss


Arsenal is by far the best football club ever... My blood bleed's for arsenal forever... Till I die I'll scream for Arsenal as loud as I can... :)

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10 +32




Chelsea (England)

Blues are an unstoppable team and whats with the first 4 choices Lol people putting and voting for teams I've never heard before Blue is the colour, football is the game We're all together and winning is our aim So cheer us on through the sun and rain because Chelsea, Chelsea is our name. Here at the Bridge, whether rain or fine We can shine all the time Home or away, come and see us play You're welcome any day Blue is the colour, football is the game We're all together and winning is our aim So cheer us on through the sun and rain because Chelsea, Chelsea is our name Come to the Shed and we'll welcome you Wear your blue and see us through Sing loud and clear until the game is done Sing Chelsea everyone Blue is the colour, football is the game We're all together and winning is our aim So cheer us on through the sun and rain because Chelsea, Chelsea is our name. Blue is the colour, football is the game We're all together and winning is our aim So cheer us on through the sun and rain because Chelsea, Chelsea is our name. Chelsea are best and fastest growing brand in world football. Chelsea are unstoppable and have two best strikers in Torres and Drogba.

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11 +15 +12



AC Milan (Italy)

Milan have won more trophys than any other football team in the world. Should be number 1! This is the best football forever, this team have a lot of championship, and this team have a lot of good players such as van basten, sheva, kaka, pato, etc. I hope my favorite team will win a lot of championship next year. FORZA MILAN! ac Milan has all the best players and almost every soccer player dreams of joining it first one is kaka second nasri third tevez fourth crsitiano Ronaldo only if Jose mironiouh would come to ac Milan which he will if he wants to win titles

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12 +1



Arema Indonesia (Indonesia)

Arema always tries to be better and better. But big clubs always have many haters. No matter what, I'll always love arema Arema The Crazy Lion, I will support Arema Forever. Singo Edan in my Heart... Sasaji


Arema Be good team, We are Aremania always support you, SALAM SATU JIWA

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13 +1



Club Atletico Penarol (Uruguay)

Peniarol The best club in the world! Uruguay Forever! We are the champions we ruled the world Cup 2010 we are better than any other country in the world! We have better values better soccer players and Forlan is the best not messi! Viva Uruguay! Won 3 world championships, deafeating nothing less than real madrid, and is the greatest south american club in history manya93 Club Atletico Peñarol is a traditional football team in Montevideo, Uruguay. It's a three-time World Champion football club, five-time Copa Libertadores de America Champion. It was founded on September 28, 1891 as Central Uruguay Railway Cricket Club by british railway workers in the Peñarol suburb of Montevideo. Peñarol is named after its home neighborhood, in Montevideo, Uruguay, which in turn, takes its name from the city of Pinerolo in Italy. Peñarol's colors are, yellow and black, derive from the colors used in railway signs and barriers. Allie22

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14 +7




Besiktas (Istanbul)

It's not just being a supporter it's a way of life:) And for most Besiktas supporters it's not about winning or losing but how you won or lost and the way the team played with soul and passion. No Glory hunters here. Besiktas till I die. Fenevbahce wishes they had our soul then maybe they won't be so scared when they play us. 1903 First football club of Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic. Maybe its not the best football team of all world but our hearts world champion is Besiktas. Besiktas fans are the best supporters of the world ( Carsi ). Our Legend players are LES FERDINAND, STEFAN KUNTZ, KLEBERSON, RICARDINHO, CAREW, RONNY JOHNSEN, H. ALMEIDA, SIMAO SABROSA, GUTI AND QUARESSMA QUARESSMA ALLEY ALLEEY ALLEY the best team in turkey. has the best fun in the world. the oldest team of turkey

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15 +3



Guadalajara (Mexico)

Best soccer team in the World, with the most Mexican soccer players. I am a chiva de Corazon. Please vote if you are a chiva de Corazon forever. Go Chivas! I'm a Chivas RojiBlanko 100 n I'm so proud their on the top ten... I also appreciate the americanista sayn he's proud to see chivas on here... I hav respect for America as well... =) gomezjoker


Go Chivas and Mexicans. Mexico is the best their is. We are number one in the world. Viva Mexico

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16 +6


Juventus (Italy)



Juve Always in My Heart And My soul Forza Juve Until Die,


forza juve 1897 PER SEMPRE... my heart... my soul... is black ^^ white... bianconnero.pungkyardianto

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17 +13



FC Bayern Munich (Germany)

Its the best team ever and they have the best players with robben, ribery, schweinsteiger, müller, lahm and gomez :) Great team with the best players from Germany richie4life


Best team of Germany ever. Best Scorer in European Cups of all time (Gerd Mueller). Great team, great stadium, great supporters.

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Inter (Italy)


as far as I know, this is the team with the most harmony, friendliness among the players and the officials. Very nice atmosphere there


The team of my Heart for the last 45 years. 3 Champion league titles, 3 world titles, 2 UEFA cups, 18 scudetti, 6 Italian Cups, only Italia team to win the Triplete.


I'm always love inter even in this season having a bad start. Inter is in my heart ever and forever!

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19 -12

1 international cups and 9 leagues for persija jakarta in Indonesian history, the best team in Indonesian history, who has the most supporters overseas sharing with aremania, from jak seoul. North Korea and north Jakarta PALGENGII!

20 -1





CA Independiente (Argentina)

Independiente is the REAL Trophies' King. Argentina's national pride. 1st. Club in south America to have a stadium made of concrete. 7 Libertadores Cup Winner (This cup is the South American Champions League). The King of Cups The National Pride The Libertadores de America The Bochini club Simply the best

21 +9


Persija Jakarta (Indonesia)


SL Benfica (Portugal)

Benfica is simply the best. With Eusebio and Bella Gutman Benfica won 2 Champions Leagues by beating Barcelona 3-2 and Di Stefano´s Real Madrid by 5-3. Benfica has more titles then the major part of the other europen clubs and also has many european and intercontinental finals. His stadium is one of the most beautiful and one of the biggest in europe and the world. Dispite Oporto´s dominance in the last few years Benfica has over 6 million fans in Portugal and many more around the world. Last time Benfica played on Paris against PSG there were more Benfica supporters then PSG supporters, amazing! Only the biggest club on the planet is able to do something like that! Simply the Best! "Benfica will always be a top club, it as the most massive associate fan base of the world (which is an official guinness record), it has won the Champions League 2 times and as been second place team in Champions by 5 times also, also won the Intercontinental Cup 2 times.. In the Portuguese League, it has a history of 32 league titles, 23 times in second place and won the Portuguese Cup 24 times... It really is a top club, without any doubt! " Benfica will always be a top club, it as the most massive associate fan base of the world (which is an official guinness record), it has won the Champions League 2 times and as been second place team in Champions by 5 times also, also won the Intercontinental Cup 2 times.. in the Portuguese League, it has a history of 32 league titles, 23 times in second place and won the Portuguese Cup 24 times... It really is a top club, without any doubt!

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22 +1


Celtic (Scotland)

Anyone who really knows their football, the origins of the modern, which of course lie in England and Scotland and at the heart of those roots were charity to the poor, and helping working class communities. Well no club personifies this more than Celtic. An Irish marist priest called Brother Walfrid founded them in 1888 to raise money for the poor Catholic Irish and native protestant Scottish in the east end of Glasgow. Today fans from both those communities have honoured this great man by making them the biggest and most distributed "genuine" fan base in the world. True fans that love the club for the right reasons and not for what it might win at the end of a season. I write this as an English Arsenal fan by the way, which I hope is as big as honour as I can give this great club north of the border. Hail Hail! They have by far the supporters in the world. As the famous Jock Stein once said "Football is nothing without the fans". The best supported team in scotland, FIRST team in uk to win the european cup outside latin america, FIRST team in scotland to win nine in a row, BIGGEST ever win in a british final,1957,7-1, against ha-ha, rangers! A club formed on charitable foundations for the good of ALL, catholics and protestants. CELTIC while on their way to the uefa cup final(V PORTO) with 80-120,000 fans had NOT ONE ARREST and won the fair play award from fifa, the sports governing body. After the road to seville(see the video! ) supporters from villareal and seville formed CELTIC supporters clubs as they had never experienced such passion and integrity after defeat whilst partying with the opposing fans, on the flipside, our rivals(tax rangers, oops, tax dodgers, went to manchester and rioted, almost killing one of manchesters finest police officers, FACT! YOU, LL NEVER WALK ALONE! HAIL HAIL!

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23 +7 +4



Fc Porto (Portugal)

FC Port is the XXI century with more titles in the world Best team of Portugal and one of the best Europeen Teams in this past years. In 2003 whey won the Uefa Cup (Now, Europa League) and one Year after the Uefa Champions League. In 2011 they have won the Europa League again, being one of the greatest teams in the world. I've been a Porto fan since I first saw them play! I know they recently lost to Barcelona but if you watch the game closely you'll see that Porto should have won and what a great team they are!

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America (Mexico)


This team is better than guadalagada and the rest of Mexico teams we should be #1


It is better than any other team out ther. I think it is cool. There are the tuff. It is a very amazing team.


ITs an amazing team!... we have the best goal keeper... Memo Ochoa... were the #1.. yeay we're going to the finals... we got our faith with the logo on the heart... we love you America!

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Rangers F.C (Scotland)


Worlds most successful club with 54 league titles and over 100 in total. First british club to reach a european final 1961 cup winners cup vs Fiorentina


In terms of trophies wow it is the Glasgow Rangers, well in excess of 100 overall (many of them important too! ). Yay! thetopten Gers are the best nikica jelavic davis and lafferty ar pure class 54 AND COUNTING!

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26 +3


PAOK (Greece)

PAOK's fans are just as fanatic as the infamous fans of Boca Juniors and River Plate. Just for the incredible fan support for an otherwise not so important club, I vote it the best. RigasUT


paok re... the best fans in greece with distance from the others... Great Club, has the best fans in world football. Superb Atmosphere in their home ground, only if you have been at a match at the Toumba Stadium in Salonika will you realize what football passion is about. P.A.O.K Salonika rules

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27 +8




Sao Paulo F.C. (Brazil)

no doubts about it... Barcelona knows it, Milan knows it, Liverpool knows it... everybody knows! Chupa curinthia! Sao Paulo has beaten all the best clubs in the world, such as Barcelona, Milan and recently Liverpool. It's 5 times Brazilian champion giving absolutely no chances for anyone. Bring any team in the world and they are up to the challenge!! This teams is sick they even beat liverpool

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Club Atlético Boca Juniors (Argentina)


why number 28? boca juniors have to be in number 1, we have the best fans ever and we used to have the best football player ever diego armando maradonna {: so you people don't now anything about it!


The King of the World: 18 International championships... Real, Barca, AC Milan, Man U... beat that! Till you do so, Boca is the best OF HISTORY.


One of the best clubs of history, Diego Maradona, Batistuta, Riquelme, a lot of great players have played in La Bombonera, fantastic Stadium. VIVA BOCA JUNIORS!

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29 +6

+3 +3


Ajax (Amsterdam)

AFCAJAX! THE BEST TEAM IN THE WORLD! 1 out of 5 teams in the world who won all the prices there is! Milan Milan Who is Milan! 30 times winner of the Dutch 1st Division! Ajax where Legends Are Bourne! Like Cruijf, Davids, Van Basten, Seedorf, De Boer, Sneijder, Van der Vaart, Van der Sar, Bergkamp, Kluivert.. And Many MORE! Where Johan Cruyff shows up will end up as a winner, even this year while beïng rank 4 at halftime. The Dutch RULE, up yours Liverpool, try winning 3 European Cups on the trot, Ajax are easily Top 10 material... if you hate LIverpool clap your hands (I hear lots of clapping)

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Al-Ahly FC (Egypt)


The best team in Egypt, they have won the African Champions League more than any other team.


Al-Ahly needs to be at least one of the top five teams. They won the Egyptian cup 36 times!


simply, the greATest in africa and middle east. and great history 1907 asho707

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Tottenham Hotspurs (England)


life long tottenham fan and everyone loves em i mean look at all the players theve had: robinson, klinnsman!(legend) etc.


The spurs are the greatest! White Hart Lane is my favorite place to be! My club in Belgium is AA Gent, within 5 years they will win their first title! They already won the cup 3 times!


Best footballing side in the premier for over three seasons. Best team in london. Enough-said

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32 +3


A.S. Roma (Italy)

the italy cup 2007 winner



Flamengo (Brazil)

Mengo! 40 millon fans around the world! My favorite soccer team ever. The biggest quantity of supporters in the world! Flamengo, greatest fans in the world! Courage, love and passion, this is Mengo! 40 million Brazilians love this time -1

Once you are Flamengo always Flamengo, Flamengo always will I be. The king of Brazil just win just win just win once you are Flamengo Flamengo eternally. Founded 1895 Flamengo is a winner of 15 olimpics sports beyound soccer. Swimming, Basketball, Volleyball and so on. I'm veru proud to support Flamengo.

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Sriwijaya F.C (Indonesia)


it is the young team, but they have won many titles. they are so famous, either in INDONESIA and in ASIA..


SFC is the best team football Indonesia. The first team double winners in history football Indonesian...


Sriwijiya Winner Liga Indonesia 2007, Piala Dji Sam Soe 2007,2008 Sriwijaya Winner Piala Community Shield 2010, Inter Islan Cup 2010 Forza Sriwijaya

35 +1


Panathinaikos FC (Greece)

Faithfull for a century, 100 years Panathinaikos! vagster


The Historical team of Athens The best greek club and one of the best in the world. Who putted the Turkish teams in first positions? Fenerbche and Galatasaray are nothing at all. Tottenham and Real Madrid are two of the best teams also. i-love-rock-n-roll

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Newcastle United (England)


Best free kickers ever like Robert, Solano and shearer.


great atmosphere very loyal I am a newcaslte fans probalblies not the best but righ tup there :P


Ha Way the Geordie's best team ever supports worldwide by true fans

37 +5

+4 +2


Gresik United FC (Indonesia)

SUPORTER IS ULTRAS GRESIK NO ANARKIS NO RASISCM ALANGKAH INDAHNYA BERSATU the best supporter in the world.. alangkah indahnya bersatu! forza gresik united.. no anarkis no racism! we are ultras, we are gresik united.. Now and forever... kami disini menantikan piala kemenangan

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Cruz Azul (Mexico)

I know Cruz Azul is probably not the best soccer team but I've bee "azul" since I was born. I gave my vote to Cruz Azul because to honor my dad.

39 +11


Persipura Jayapura (Indonesia)

Melanesian-Papuan players have that 'black' thing, the swing, the control, the spirit to win, simply genetically better in control of the ball, balance and body than the Asian-Indonesians (mukrat) from Java and other parts of Indonesia. Persipura the club is a amazing, persipura = barcelona Persipura is amazing player in indonesia very good Go PERSIPURA GO INDONESIA! GREAT INDONESIAN FOOTBALL



Red Star Belgrade (Serbia)

The greatest football club from Eastern Europe- RED STAR BELGRADE WITH TE BEST FANS IN THE WORLD- DELIJE SEVER! Simply the best! RED STAR! The fans are supporting the club even though the club hasn't achieved any significant result since the European Champions Cup win in 1991. BEST FANS ON THE WORLD! Partizanovac sam ali evo moj glas dajem ovde Zvezdi.

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Steaua Bucuresti (Romania)

First Eastern European club to get a major trophy (the Champions League winner of 1986)



Leeds United (England)


for their history the 73/74 title winning side is one of the best in english football history at a time when the league was far more competitive than today


How are teams from Scotland and Sudan above the mighty Leeds. Should easily be in the top ten even if they are in League 1. Have the most amount of fans easily!


Poor ol' leeds they used to be so good. they have had a rough few years i wish em well to try getting back to the top flight. they do have history so its very correct they should be on this list.

More comments about Leeds United (England)


Selangor FC (Malaysia)



Lyon (France)






Aris F.C. (Greece)

The best and most fanatic fans in the world.Can see them in youtube (ARIS fans) -2

Best fans ever! Ofc everyone writes about the team he supports but honestly these fans are the best! No doubt about it! Aris' fans are the real deal!



River Plate (Argentina)

Best team ever! They are the best team in the Argentina's football soccer history, although they are passing by a bad time right now I am sure they will pass over it.

47 +6


Manchester City (England)

Hey, are now top of premier league they beat manchester united which are pretty good they also beat loads of other pretty good teams. That's why they are at the top of the premier league right now. City is the most improved team. The biggest rivalry in England football is Manchester united and Manchester city. They have some of the worlds best players with different nationalities.



Everton (England)

Everton FC are great because they haven't sold their souls to satan like other clubs and yet are a massive club! Dixie Dean had 60 goals in a season! Nobody wanted to mess with BIG Duncan Ferguson! It doesn't matter if you call them "The Toffees" "The Blues" "The School of Science" or "The People's Club" they represent what is pure about Englsh football! COYB! -1

Biggest history in English football Joeyp

49 +4


West Ham United (England)

definitely don't forget their history they won the world cup darkkier


Best team ever... Literally won the world cup R.I.P bobby moore legend

50 +1


FC Schalke 04 (Germany)

Schalke 04, have been so brave to make it to the champion league semi-final, what a nice brave team and I think Schalke should be just outside the top ten from this great performance and by the way, they beat Inter 52 away for god sake. Not many clubs out there with more passionate fans and a bigger tradition...

51 +5


VfB Stuttgart (Germany)

VfB Stuttgart is probably the best German football club in South Germany after Bayern Munich, they have won the German Meisterschaft 5 times and the DFB-Pokal for 3 times. Once they beat Manchester United 2:1 in 2003. They have a great stadium with 61.000 seats. They also almost beat overrated Barcelona 2 years ago in the Champions League. This is the best club ever in my life. Lets support this club so you know how the supporter mean by

52 +3


Zenit St. Petersburg (Russia)

Champion's League will be ours!!! In the world's best city can exist only the best football team! Even without Ars_shavin.



Hamburg (Germany)

HAMBURG MEINE PERLE I love you more than anything else ) Hamburg ist schwarz weiß blau

54 +1



Kelantan F.A. (Malaysia)

Kelantan F.A. is one of the best club in Malaysia. In terms of their player, their fans, their skills, yes they are the best among the best. Whether they win the game or lose it, their fans are always there, giving their support and courage to their warriors. this club has the greatest fanatic fans... their players also give full commitment in every game... this is the best club ever in my life. lets support this club so you know how the suppoter mean by

55 +2


Melbourne Victory (Australia)

VICTORY TIL I DIE. 2007, 2009 premiers. Most successful A-League team in history. Sydney FC= Scum FC


this team is the best they are all good players they are the 2nd team to win the aussie cup they are champions

56 +1


Cruzeiro (Brazil)

The best team from Brazil and is calling "Barcelona from America". Cruzeiro rocks always! My team, love so much! But we need get better! The best team from Brazil, the best from MINAS GERAIS and the biggest fans!


The best Team in one year regioal cup cup of Brazil and Championship of Brazil



Boca Juniors (Argentina)

Boca Juniors is one of the best teams in America, Without doubt, the best team of south america, barely equal with Sao Pablo and Corintians. Boca should be further more in this list. this is the best team in the world for its small organization. Vamos BOCA Best soccer team in Argentina. Won copa libertadores



Club Pachuca (Mexico)

man just look at all the titles they acomplished in less than a year. This team is the best. pachuca is winning every league that they have been qualified for even beating chivas pachucafan

59 -4

-4 -7

USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USAUSA USA USA USA USA. Gotta show national pride man cmon Guys seriously? Barcelona? Manchester United? Please they couldn't even handle the Sounders. USA!... USA!... USA! Yeah, I know these guys suck but our country doesn't. C'mon, why doesn't anyone support their own country anymore? GO USA!

60 +1


Seattle Sounders FC (USA)


Nepal Police Club (Nepal)

dedicated players, with the support of the dedicated follower makes this club one of the best football club in the country. Lob it.....! Jai Nepal...! Jai Cangrazz...! Bir Gorkhas..!

61 -1


Sydney F.C. (Australia)

Sydney fc are the most amazing football team. I don't think theyre the best in the world, but theyre by far the best in the a-league. I can't wait to see them win another championship like they did against melbourne in march 2010. Most amazing penalties, and by far my favourite football team ever. ilovesydneyfc


Sydney FC are the home of football with stars like Juninho coming who knows we may be the best in the world.


Sydney fc are incredible, they are in a different league to barca and utd. They have incredible talent and would beat Barcelona 10-0


Litex Lovech (Bulgaria)



Maung Bandung (Indonesia)



the greatest football club in south east asia... maung bandung, west java indonesia, more than a club but one of proud I'm my city... bandung... go persib... bravo... hidup maung bandung

64 +1

The worlds most historic football club... Founder members of the football league... European champions 1982... Come on you lions..!

65 +2


Aston Villa (England)


Zamalek FC (Egypt)

the best players in africa played in zamalek like hassan shehata, hossam hassan, hazem emam, amr zaki and more


Persijap Jepara (Indonesia)



S.L. Benfica (Portugal)



Persitas Tasikmalaya (Indonesia)



PSPS Pekanbaru (Indonesia)



PSPS Pekanbaru (Pekanbaru Football Association and its surroundings) is a football club pride city of Pekanbaru, Riau. The team is now playing in the ISL are currently known with SUPER LEAGUE. Cage PSPS is Kaharuddin Nasution Stadium, otherwise known as the Stadium Rumbai, because it is situated in the area Rumbai, Pekanbaru. PSPS coach seats today (summer 2007) is held by H. Abdurrahman Gurning. This team has a nickname Askar Philosopher, according to nickname the city of Pekanbaru, City of Sorcerer. Their fanatical supporters called Asykar Theking, Ultras 1955 & Hangtuah Mania Tengkuaiyd



Accra Hearts of Oak (Ghana)

it is the best club in GHANA. And also the oldest club in the country. Even though the team team is facing some difficulties recently but I strongly believe that Accra Hearts Of Oak is one of the best teams in AFRICA ^^ the world at large. I think this club has a lot of history and passionate supporters. -1

Most Passionate and resilient fans on earth


Paris SG (France)



Split (Croatia)



fastest, most agressive, smartest team in the league! the checkers will lead you all the way!!

73 +1


Persepolis (Iran)

this team have the most supporters in iran. they are always red like liverpool fc. Persepolis has Most supporter in Iran and I can tell even in Asia. People call Persepolis : RED ARMY in Asia Behrad


Manang Marsyandi (Nepal)



Nottingham Forest (England)



nottingham f should be bout 15th we were untouchable won european cup 3 times fa cup twice lots more


European Champions for threes years, enough said.



CSKA Sofia (Bulgaria)

Three semi-final in Europe... ne6tastnika





CFR Cluj (Romania)



Colo-Colo (Chile)


The best of the world! Great Albo! teby_95

80 “


Werder Bremen (Germany)

theres a long list of big teams they defeated. eg. chelsea and madrid. Diego is unbelievable AresRed

81 +5


Persikabo Bogor (Indonesia)

Persikabo Bogor is a professional football club based in the Stadium Persikabo, Bogor Regency. West Java, Indonesia arie

82 +1



Accrington Stanley FC (England)

The atmosphere you get at home games is phenomenal! I am proud to call myself an Accrington Stanley supporter and one day we will make it to the top of the Premier League! Known as the "club that wouldn't die" Accrington Stanley have a unique place in football history thanks to their famous name which is known worldwide. Synomonous of the typical sporting underdog, Acccringtons rise from bankruptcy in 1962 to regaining their place in the football League in 2006 has touched the hearts of many who thought that the romance of football had dissapeard. Not the biggest club in the world, or the one with the modst trophies, but this little club in Lancashire is held in a soft spot by many and emphasises truly what the beautiful game is all about.


3 Star Club (Nepal)



Trabzonspor (Turkey)



U.N.A.M (Mexico)


I think this is one of the clubs with a regulated offensive and deffensive so this makes them one of the top of Mexico's teams -1


86 +1



Derby County (England)

Derby have no money and lose a hell of a lot of matches but when it comes to match day, Pride Park is always filled to the last seat! Got to be in top 50s! DLF for a team with no money weve beaten all the top clubs



S.S. Lazio (Italy)

I like your team very much becub your team work hard and played professionally. Wish good luck, Sakana


Persikab Kabupaten Bandung (Indonesia)



Adelaide United (Australia)


They are the best side in Australia(its is actually true, the are the best club in Australia)


Chicago Fire (USA)



Millonarios (Colombia)



Millonarios has over 7 millions fans and is by far the best team in colombia and for me is the best team to have ever been norn this soccer club was born in 1946 I am colombian my grandpa was a fan my dad is a fan and my whole family is a fan of this great futbol club and my children and their children will be millonarios fans I love this team with all my hear I am only 17 years old but I know what millonarios is and the definition of this beutiful tean is perfection I will always be a fan in the good times and bad times Millos was once named best team in the world by Fifa... Is 13 times champs in Colombia. Beat Real Madrid at a friendly championship cup game. Has the best fans in the world. Where ever they play you will see a fan. Won the Copa Merconorte.


FC Kln (Germany)



Cienciano del Cuzco (Peru)




SSC Napoli (Italy)



Deportivo la Caruna (Spain)



Norwich City (England)



this club is the champion of the sudamericane cup 2003

Norwich city top of league 1 ei ei o up the football league we go


Mansfield Town (England)



Bristol City (Engand)



Al-Merreikh (Sudan)


this team has proven champions many times

100 “


Cardiff City (Wales)

One of the most feared firms in britain

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