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Acute pericarditis is a type of pericarditis usually lasting less than 6 weeks. It is by far the most common condition affecting the pericardium. Contents. [hide]. 1 Signs and symptoms; 2 Causes; 3 Pathophysiology; 4 Diagnosis; 5 Treatment; 6 Prognos

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Although photosynthesis is performed differently by different species, the process always begins when energy from light is absorbed by proteins called reaction centres that contain green chlorophyll pigments. In plants, these proteins are held inside

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Jump to Radiology - A pulmonary consolidation is a region of (normally compressible) lung tissue that has filled with liquid, a condition marked by induration of a normally aerated lung. It is considered a radiologic sign. Consolidation occurs throug

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Acute pericarditis - Wikipedia [PDF]
Acute pericarditis is a type of pericarditis usually lasting less than 6 weeks. It is by far the most common condition affecting the pericardium. Contents. [hide]. 1 Signs and symptoms; 2 Causes; 3 Pathophysiology; 4 Diagnosis; 5 Treatment; 6 Prognos

Pulmonary consolidation - Wikipedia [PDF]
Jump to Radiology - A pulmonary consolidation is a region of (normally compressible) lung tissue that has filled with liquid, a condition marked by induration of a normally aerated lung. It is considered a radiologic sign. Consolidation occurs throug

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